The Special Daycare, Part 1

[ Fff(16-28), ggggggg(2-4), slow, les, oral, exhib, loli, humour, cons ]

Published: 29-Jul-2013

Word Count:

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The content of the following work is entirely fictitious. Any similarities to any person, living or dead, are entirely coincidental. This is a work of fiction and none of the events portrayed in this piece, or any subsequent related piece, have ever occurred. The relevant copyright protection applies, and this work may not be used without my express permission.

Chapter One

Meredith Myers was very excited. It was her first day in her first job. O.K - it was only part-time as a chef at a nearby daycare centre, but it was money coming in at the end of the week, which she could use to go out with her friends and get drunk and high. They'd made it pretty clear that until she could pay her way, they couldn't keep subbing her beer and weed. It was up to her to provide. Plus, she wanted to save up for her own place.

Her alarm woke her at six o'clock one late July morning. She'd turned 16 ten days ago and had finished her exams a month before that; a month in which she'd spent most of her time being drunk, stoned, or a varying combination of both. Josh McCrory had tried convincing her to have sex, but she wasn't interested. Not that she didn't like boys; she was just more interested in getting fucked in a different kind of way.

She'd stayed sober the night before, mostly because she was afraid that turning up on the first day reeking of skunk and beer would not create the best impression. She got up, showered, tied her hair in a plait (much harder for the little kids to grab hold of), and put on her uniform. By seven o'clock she was out of the door, lighting up a cigarette on the way.

The weather was very pleasant as she walked the mile and a half from her parents' house to her new workplace. The interview had gone a lot better than she had expected. Mrs. Cosgrove had talked Meredith through what was expected of her, not really asking any questions. Given she had worn a quite short skirt and heavy make-up, she thought her first impression might not have been very professional-looking. Then again, it was cheap labour for an easy task.

Jessica, one of the carers who was almost eighteen, arrived at the same time as Meredith. Jessica unlocked the door and they both went in, Meredith turning on the kettle and making them both a coffee. Soon, Alice, the senior carer joined them, greeting Meredith warmly.

"Mrs. Cosgrove's not coming today or tomorrow," Alice said as she hung up her over-large handbag. "She's given me the itinerary, however, so we should be fine." Alice was in her late twenties, had short-cropped auburn hair, was average height and fairly slender. She wore a permanently serious look on her pinched and narrow face.

"I'm sure we can manage," Jessica said. "How many do we have in today?" Jessica had long black hair, tied in a bun, and was quite a bit taller than Alice. She was also quite slender top to bottom, without much of a chest to speak of. Her uniform didn't look very flattering on her.

"Only seven," Alice said, "youngest is two, oldest is four. Expected as much with the school holidays and what not. Sorry, Meredith, you're not going to be overly busy today, but I'm sure we can teach you how the rest of the place works, give you a bit of 'experience'."

Meredith thought she said the last word a little strangely, especially as Alice looked over her glasses to do so. She thought nothing of it and began preparing breakfast for seven toddlers. Soon the children were being dropped off by their flustered parents, desperate to get to work. Meredith could hear excited yelling as she balanced plates on her arms.

"O.K, guys, breakfast's ready!" she called as she walked through from the kitchen. Seven pairs of young eyes fastened themselves on to her. Each of them belonged to a little girl. Meredith smiled and put the plates down. "My name's Meredith, and I'm new here, but don't be afraid to ask me for anything!" she said with a smile.

"Are you going to play our special game later?" a small blond-haired girl of about three asked, her large blue eyes wide.

"I'm sorry, I'm new, I don't know what games you play here," Meredith replied, squatting down, "though I would be happy to play any game you want to once I've got everything cleaned up."

The blond girl smiled and reached for some of the strawberry-jam-toast. Meredith went back into the kitchen, and was halfway through clearing everything away when Alice came into the kitchen.

"Meredith, there's something Mrs. Cosgrove didn't mention to you when you had your interview," Alice said. "This is a bit of a different kind of daycare which has some very different rule. I know that Cassie just asked you about the special games we play here, and I'll be happy to fill you in once you're done in here."

Without another word, she turned on her heel and walked back into the main room. Meredith gave a small shrug to herself, finished off the little washing up there was, then went back to the main room with all the play areas and toys. As she walked through the door, she stopped still and stared.

Each and every one of the little girls was totally naked.

Chapter Two

Meredith kept staring for a few seconds until the voice of a little naked redheaded four-year-old broke her out of her stupor.

"Merry, why do you have clothes on?" she said, her fiery hair spilling over her flat white chest, just covering the small pinky-red splotches of her nipples.

"I... I..." Meredith stuttered, until Jessica came out of the small staff room. She, too, was totally naked. She had small bulges where normally a pair of breasts would have been, topped by a pair of puffy pink nipples. She was shaved smooth between her legs, and Meredith could see her folded cleft.

"I did mention that this was a special kind of daycare," Alice said from off to Meredith's left. Alice was also completely nude. Meredith was the only one in any clothes. The children were looking at her with smiles on their faces.

"We prefer to keep our children naked," Alice explained. She had a thin strip of pubic hair going from the top of her vagina, beneath which her labia hung down. Her breasts, barely more than a handful, still stood fairly pert, the markings of her recently-shed bra still visible on them.

"There's nothing wrong with the naked form, either male or female," Alice continued. "We prefer to keep our children in a natural state. To make it fair and much more acceptable for them we, too are naked. Our children are very well trained. We take them from age two up until four and a half.

"Once they reach school age, we gradually let them back into clothes around others. They are very educated about their bodies, which will be a great benefit to them once they are older. They will be less prudish about being nude around others, and will be more comfortable and confident sexually."

"But they're only toddlers!" Meredith exclaimed.

"Very educated and confident toddlers," Jessica interjected. "Today we have Cassie, Lily, Irin, Toni, Olivia, Rhiannon, Inez and Saffron. Toni, what do girls have between their legs?"

A small black girl of three stood up from her seat.

"Girls have a vagina," she announced proudly. "That's spelled V-A-G-I-N-A."

"Clever girl!" Jessica cooed, smiling and clapping a few times. "Now, Inez, what do boys have for their privates?"

A Spanish-looking toddler of four stood up. She was very tall for her age - almost four feet and very lithe. Her folded cleft was very pronounced, a strong, thin line standing out against the tanned skin.

"Boys have a penis," she said slowly. That's spelled P-E-N-U-S."

"Inez, that is wrong," Alice chided. "You know how to spell penis. You did it last week. You know what that means."

Inez nodded glumly and walked over to a red chair in the corner - the only red chair in the room, Meredith noticed. Alice followed her over, sat in the chair, and lay the naked three-year-old over her lap. She grabbed both of Inez's buttocks firmly, so that Meredith could see the small tanned privates and the little girl's anus.

"How many is it for bad spelling?" Alice asked.

"Once on each cheek," Inez said meekly, and quick as a flash, Alice delivered two spanks to the bare bottom. Inez winced once, then Alice took her off her lap and stood her up.

"Give me a hug," Alice said, and the three-year-old obeyed. "All friends?" Inez nodded, and Alice sent her to sit back down. She did so, and by the time her recently-spanked behind touched her blue seat, she was smiling again.

"It's 'I', not 'U'" Meredith heard the child whisper to the redhead next to her. "Silly me!"

"Next question," Alice said, "Who knows the most different words for a vagina?"

Five hands shot up, Inez and Toni keeping theirs down. Meredith presumed this was because they had already answered.

"Yes, Saffron," Alice said, pointing at the redhead who had spoken when Meredith had re-entered the room. The four-year-old stood up proudly and took a deep breath.

"Vagina, pussy, fanny, twat, cunt, slit, minge, muff, pokey, foo-foo," she rattled off in one breath, then smiled in only the way a proud preschooler could. "And boys penises are called willies, dicks, todgers, didges, knobs and cocks!"

"Saffron, you were only asked one question, not two," Jessica chided. "I was going to ask Lily that question next and now she can't. That means you have to spend an hour in the naughty chair. No getting out no matter what. Then you can say you're sorry and you can play some special games with us."

Saffron put out her bottom lip as she walked slowly over to the black chair. Meredith could see her back was very freckly, as was her bottom. She had the strangest thought occur to her.

She wondered if the four-year-old's vagina had freckles too.

Chapter Three

Alice turned to face sixteen-year-old Meredith, her small breasts and mostly shaven privates on show, as the naked four-year-old Saffron slunk off to sit in a large black chair next to the play area.

"Now, Meredith, you need to follow the correct dress-code," Alice said, "it is in your contract. Please feel free to use the staff room, and then we can get on and play games with the children."

Meredith could only nod, and walked slowly across the room, all eyes on her in her brand-new uniform. She closed the door to the small room behind her and shrugged the apron over her head. She could hear Jessica cheerily organising the six naked preschoolers who weren't in the naughty chair.

After kicking off her shoes, she shrugged off her shirt, her flat chest exposed. She had still not developed breasts, but her nipples stood out. She shrugged her trousers down, standing in only her knickers. One deep breath later, and she opened the door and went back into the room, her arms across her non-existent boobs.

"Very good Meredith," Alice said, sitting open-legged on a chair in the play area, six naked two-to-four-year-olds sat in front of her, another cross-legged in a chair. Meredith could see her open slit, which was a teardrop-shape; slightly open at the top near her clitoris, much more so near the bottom, surrounded by quite large labia. She looked to be quite wet inside. "You're still not following the proper guidelines though. Lose the underwear please."

"Go on Merry!" one of the two-year-olds said. "We want to see your foo-foo!"

With a deep breath, Meredith pulled her knickers down, and stood, naked, in front of the class, who stood up and started cheering. The black one called Toni ran over and gave her a hug, her infant cheek resting against the unruly brown pubic hair. Meredith almost squealed when the little girl planted a kiss on her pubic bone, and ran to sit down.

"Very good, Meredith," Alice said. "Now, come sit down next to me and we can read the children some stories."

Meredith dropped her hands to her sides, almost not believing what was going on, totally surprised that she was going along with it, and worried that she had got very stoned last night and this was all some skunk-induced dream. The plastic of the chair was cool on her buttocks and vagina. She crossed her legs and placed her hands on her lap.

"No, Merry!" the blond-haired Cassie squealed, "we're not allowed to sit like that! Open your legs like a good girl!"

Meredith could only gape at the request. She turned her head to the right to look at Alice, who simply nodded. Meredith looked back at Cassie, who was waiting expectantly.

"You do it like this, Merry!" Cassie said, and opened her short legs wide. Meredith's eyes were drawn towards a wrinkled, folded vagina, totally hairless, which was glistening a little at the bottom. The preschooler's small anus poked out underneath it, in between the ever-so-slightly chubby buttocks.

"Very good, Cassie!" Jessica cooed, and Cassie closed her legs. "Now, Olivia, do you know another way to show your foo-foo?"

A brunette two-year old nodded and got on her hands and knees. She lowered her head and raised her bottom, so all Meredith could see was a thin slit leading up to a puckered bumhole that was still a little dirty. A few seconds later she returned to a sitting position, smiling widely. Jessica ruffled her hair and walked over to Meredith, standing right in front of her.

Meredith could not only see the shaven vagina two feet from her face, but she could also smell a mixture of muskiness and lilac-scented soap. Jessica reached down, her nubs of breasts not even swinging with the motion and gravity, and placed her hands on Meredith's knees. Meredith was powerless as Jessica simultaneously pulled apart her legs and leaned in to kiss her.

Why Meredith opened her mouth and let the tongue creep into her mouth, she never knew. All she knew was she had a burning ache between her legs which could only be quieted by opening her legs. Jessica pushed her legs up so that she ended up with her knees near her shoulders and the soles of her feet on the edge of the chair, her hairy vagina exposed to the six preschoolers in front of her. The kiss was probing, sweet, and all too short. Jessica withdrew from Meredith's mouth and retreated to behind the children.

"We do that too!" said one of the two girls who Meredith didn't know the name of. Either Lily, Irin or Rhiannon, if her memory was correct. The two-year-old had black hair and was still a little chubby, with a slight Oriental look to her. From Meredith's viewpoint, the little girl's legs were obstructing the view between her thighs.

"That's right, Lily," Alice said, "but not until after storytime. Now, Meredith is new to our group, so I want all of you to go give her a special kiss."

Alice looked at Meredith and mouthed, 'Don't move!' as Toni got up first. The three-year-old black girl knelt in front of Meredith, and placed her lips against the hairy vagina, giving it a quick kiss. Meredith gasped as the preschooler's mouth puckered against her pussy. Cassie was next, pressing her face right in between the sixteen year old's legs with a 'mwah' sound.

Next came little Lily, barely able to reach over the edge of the chair. She leaned over and kept the lips on her face pressed against the ones between Meredith's legs for a good ten seconds, until Alice gave a soft 'ahem', and Lily walked away with a cheeky grin on her face. Inez walked up next, and when she kissed Merediths teenage vagina, she used her tongue briefly. Meredith moaned softly as the four-year-old took her mouth away. A three-year old with pure-white hair came forward next, and gave her snatch a quick kiss, and nervously skipped away. Meredith noticed a cute mole on her bottom.

"Come on, Rhiannon, don't be shy," Jessica said to the remaining four-year-old, who was nervously looking down at her feet, meaning the white-haired preschooler must have been Irin.

"Last time I did a special kiss Kelly wee-wee'd on me," Rhiannon said in a sultry voice. "It tasted yucky!"

"Kelly's not here today, and she is only two years old," Jessica said, kneeling down next to Rhiannon, whose short strawberry-blonde hair barely even reached past her ears, "Meredith's a lot older, and I'll bet she promises not to wee-wee on you!" Jessica cast a look at Meredith.

"I promise, sweetie," Meredith said, and held out a hand to the four-year-old. "If I do, you can make me eat dog bogies all day."

Rhiannon burst out laughing and sank to her knees. After ten seconds, the raucous laughter had dissipated into mere giggles, and she got up and walked over to Meredith, placing her face on the teenager's hairy crotch. Meredith reached out and softly grasped the back of Rhiannon's head, stroking it and pushing it gently into her genitals as Rhiannon moved her lips about. When she felt the preschooler move her head back, she relaxed her grip and stroked the side of her face, feeling her own pussy juices on one cheekbone.

"Well done everyone, and well done Meredith!" Alice said, and the little girls cheered again. "You all did really well, and I'm sure Meredith is very happy to be part of our special group now. You can teach her all of our super games later!"

Meredith smiled, and once the cheering died down she heard a whimpering from her right. As she looked over Alice's shoulder, she saw Saffron was crying.

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One of the girls should bring her 6-year-old brother for show and tell (and do!)


This is an interesting story setting. Hopefully in the next part Meredith has seen enough to undress herself and is willing to participate in the special games too.

I wonder if the parents know what is going on in the daycare or not. I'm not sure which way would be better for the storyline. Parents knowingly letting their children be sexualized by the staff is a hot thought, but the daycare doing that in secret from the parents is another possibility.


What a great opening storyline. This has a lot of potential,please keep writing, and let's see where this goes. there are so many possibilities

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