Bushido Babysitter, Part 1

[ fb(7), slow, voy, inter, solo, squirt, oral ]

by Orgium


Published: 15-Jul-2013

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Chapter 1

Carl gritted his teeth, his eyes almost but not quite shut as he squinted intently at the penis quivering in his hand. His weiner was throbbing and hot to the touch, a three-inch wonder that had been keeping him busy all that morning. As a matter of fact, Carl's penis had been the sole focus of his attention for about a month already. When the summer had started he had been a normal rambunctious 7-year-old boy, taking delight in running around in circles, waving sticks at imaginary bad guys, running laps around the house making police car noises, racing his Hot Wheels, and spinning around in circles until he got dizzy and landed on his face. But all that had changed when he had caught his mother in the shower.

Carl's mother had him young, the proud and healthy result of a sperm bank and her fear of commitment. A thoroughly good-natured if slightly hyperactive boy, Carl had been raised alone by his mother in relative bliss. They loved each other deeply, and had a very happy relationship. So it was nothing out of the ordinary a few days after school ended that Carl had marched into his mom's bedroom towards the adjoining bathroom, a question poised on his lips. These questions were common and varied. Whether Carl couldn't remember what drawer his favorite Batman T-shirt had been put in or where in the pantry the pretzels were, he would patter into the bathroom during his mother's morning shower, giggle as he knocked on the shower curtain and wait for his mom's face to peek out. She would then send him on his way with a soft answer and a playful tousle of his red hair, a shocking ginger contrast to her own gentle auburn.

For the day aforementioned, the question was where the Fruit Loops were, and Carl was tracing his familiar route to the bathroom when something stopped him; the bathroom door was almost shut. It was usually left open, so Mom could hear any and all hijinks in the house, but this time it was barely open a crack. Being a young boy, the almost-secrecy of the thing immediately set his curiosity burning. Creeping over on tip-toe, Carl silently peeked through the small crack in the door, and instantly got a shock.

The fern-leaf patterned shower curtain, usually shut, was flung wide open, leaving his mother standing naked in full view. Her back was too him, and her hands were coasting delicately down her arms. Mom had decided long-ago that the only way to be prepared for all a son could throw at her was to stay in shape, and resultantly her figure was stunning. Carl's eyes grew large as baseballs at the sight of her plump but taught ass, and his heart started to pound when she ran her hands sensually across her buttocks. She was obviously unaware of him, and began to tease and squeeze the flesh of her wet cheeks. Then with a soft sigh, she bent over and leaned against the shower wall, her luscious ass thrust out invitingly. Her cheeks parted slightly, and Carl got a full-on view of her full and pinkish pussy lips. Licking a thumb and forefinger, she buried one long finger inside her cunt, and quite deliberately slid her thumb into her small puckering anus. She let out a throaty moan of lusty delight as she fucked herself with her hand, totally oblivious to her son's gaze.

Carl was dumbstruck. The sight of his mother pleasuring herself was strange, but also weirdly exciting. With a start he realized that his pants suddenly felt tight and hot and, confused by the feeling, he gave his mother's ass one more admiring stare before turning and scurrying away to his room.

In the safety of his room Carl quickly discarded his clothes and stared at the shocking new discovery in his wall mirror. His dick had gotten stiff and stuck out before, usually when he was cold or really needed to pee, but this time was different. It felt way harder than it ever had before, and he could actually feel a dull throbbing feeling rippling along its childish length. Cautiously he put a hand around his penis. It was hot to the touch! The throbbing also intensified, it actually even hurt a little, but overall it still felt...good? Why, it actually felt pretty darn good!

And with that unintentional show from Mom, that day marked the beginning of Carl's sexual awakening. From that day forward, he had an erection pretty much constantly. The Hot Wheels and outside romps disappeared, and Carl instead devoted every second of his free time to making his weiner feel good. He would spend hours hidden in a part of the house or secluded in the yard with his pants down and his hand stroking. At night he'd rock himself to sleep by fervently humping his pillows, his mind and dreams filled with the image of his mom's big, beautiful butt bouncing in front of him.

Mom's ass also became a subject of focus to him. Clever for his years, he made it a point to not ask any questions while his mom was bathing, successfully lulling her into a false sense of security about her shower-time pleasures. Thusly she continued to keep the curtain open and the door cracked, giving her little baby boy a show, all the while convinced he was actually in the yard or at the other end of the house. After a few weeks, Carl was a certified voyeur, taking delight in pulling out his tiny little cock and rubbing as he basked in the glow of his mother's ass. And during the day, Carl suddenly became extremely helpful, lending a hand to anything he could, just waiting for her to bend over and pick something up so he could stare hungrily.

Trips to the store or to any public place became like a trip to the zoo to him, as he used his little-boy invisibility to peek unnoticed at every nice figure that passed. While boobs were also a sight to behold, Carl was still undoubtedly an ass-man, though likely the youngest one to live in that county. All the while Mom stood oblivious to the erotic feast being devoured by his eyes, though you have to admit it really wasn't anyone's fault except his own. How was she supposed to know what was going on when he was so damn good at hiding it?

A month passed, and Carl's life settled into a comfortable rhythm. Once he discovered the secret of masturbating and had successfully produced his first orgasm (An explosion of joy that was witnessed only by Carl and the seductive wink of Mom's bountiful booty), he turned again to regular summer time play, stopping to jerk off on an as-needed basis. Having noticed Carl's desire to be inside and alone rather often, Mom decided the temporary sullenness was a result of adjusting to the summer heat, and no crisis need be averted.

Carl finished his wank, drawing a shuddering breath as the familiar sharp tingle erupted in his dick head and spread back to his balls, like a vastly more enjoyable sneeze. Replacing his clothing, he skipped out of his room, mentally deciding to do his next one in the bath. (Mom had been rather put-out when Carl had firmly demanded that he be allowed to take his own baths, not wanting her to see his new favorite hobby, but had decided to humor him, provided she poked her head to confirm he actually got clean.)

Mom was on the phone when he entered the kitchen, and upon hearing the word "Zumba" immediately tuned out. Mom had taken to going out every three weeks or so for this big aerobic event at the town gym. During those times Carl had usually been baby-sat by the next-door neighbor's daughter Eunice, a nice but homely teen with a strange apple-juice habit. It was the same old thing: Eunice and he would play Super Smash Bros. until their thumbs hurt and then watch movies with dinner until bedtime at 9. Mom was home midnight. The evenings were few but quite entertaining.

"Carl honey, I have to tell you something." Mom's voice broke into his reverie. "There's been a slight change of plans tonight, babe. Eunice is having work done on her jaw and won't be able to babysit tonight."

"So does that mean you ain't going to the gym?"

Mom laughed a silky little laugh. "Of course not silly, it just means that we're going to have to use a different babysitter tonight. What would you think of having Wanda over?"

Carl was eminently thankful the dining table was hiding his crotch, because he had popped an instant woody at Wanda's name. Wanda was a Japanese-Korean teenager that worked as a gymnastics teacher at the gym. She would look after the younger boys and girls class while the hardened instructors attended to adult instruction. Carl had her for gymnastics that summer and had a massive (in a three-inch sense) boner for her. The thought of his second-favorite butt strutting around the house all evening was like a dream come true! His excitement must have shown in his voice, because when he said "That would be awesome Mom!" she laughed her tinkling laugh again.

"I know how much you like her and she's a very responsible girl, so I arranged for her to cover tonight. I'm sure you two will manage to have all kinds of fun."

Carl thought to himself that he'd have plenty of fun just jerking off knowing she was in the same house.

"Oh there was one other thing dear. The folks at my class are doing this research project this evening. It has to do with doing a lot of exercise at night instead of sleeping, so I'm not going to be home 'till quite early in the morning. Will you be alright if I'm not at the house for a night?"

"Are you kidding? I'll be super!"

Mom assumed a hurt expression. "Gosh, if you're that eager to get rid of me..."

Carl laughed and threw his arms about her waist, being careful as he hugged her to not let his erection poke her.

"Wanda will arrive at 5 tonight and I'll be leaving straight after. You know the drill from the last times right?"

Carl nodded his affirmation and went skipping out the door to the back yard. You just gotta love summer!

Chapter 2

At 5:00 clock on the button there was a polite knock at the door and Carl flew sprinting to answer it. Wanda stood straight and prim on the porch. She was taller than Carl certainly but short compared to grown-ups. Her jet-black hair flowed in a sleek curtain down her back, which she held very straight. Her regal Asian cheekbones and dark almond eyes gave her a majestic and exotic gaze that could look right through you. Her figure was full and gracefully curved, though not in an overripe way. Constant gymnastics made her movements graceful and her muscles ripple. Carl thought she was perhaps the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.

He flashed her an ecstatic boyish grin, and she smiled back at him warmly, running her long fingers through his tousled hair. Mom soon entered the scene, and the two exchanged hugs and hellos and the overall plan of action. Then with a kiss on the forehead and warm hug she departed, leaving Carl alone with the fantasy girl of his dreams.

Super Smash Bros. wasn't an option that night what with Eunice gone, but Wanda saved the day that evening with her Wii and Fitness Board. The house was filled with his wild giggles and her throaty chuckle as they played all manner of balancing games. When they could no longer stand up straight, it was time for dinner and a movie. The menu for that evening was sushi, and Carl was quite reluctant to eat a raw fish, but after watching Wanda deftly flip a chunk high in the air and catch it in her mouth, he ventured to try it. A few more acrobatic tosses and several dollops of ketchup and she managed to convince him he loved the stuff. The movie that night was The Emperor's New Groove, and all the laughs combined with the exercise actually made the little boy glad when it was time to take a bath.

Carl sighed contentedly as he soaked in his hot bubble bath. The night had been more fun than usual, and now that he was alone, he could finally relieve the pressure in his groin...

He was lying back, idly rubbing his dick under the water and picturing Wanda's pretty butt squeezed into her yoga pants when there was a knock on the door. Startled he quickly sat up in the bath with his legs crossed, hands planted firmly to hide his penis. A moment later Wanda walked, no, glided in and kneeled down next to the tub.

"Your mom said that you always have a proper bath on these nights."

That was somewhat true, although Eunice's version of giving Carl a bath was to sit on the commode seat and hand things to him while she drank apple juice and chatted about the movie. With an inward start he realized that as Wanda didn't know this, she was probably expecting him to receive a real bath...meaning she would have to TOUCH him!

Carl's dick strained under his hands. He was already rock-hard just thinking about Wanda and the thought of her tender hands actually rubbing him down was a bit more than he was used to. He counted his lucky stars that the bubble bath hid his lap from her.

"So shall we?" She said mildly, giving him a benign look.

Forcing himself to be casual, he said "Sure!" and flippantly brought the loofah up from under the water to hand it to her. His action caused a good sized splash of soapy water to douse the front of her shirt. With a giggle and a "whoops!" she looked down at her front, and then to Carl's shock began to pull her T-shirt off. Her breasts were about a B cup, held obediently in place by a sports bra.

"If the rest of the bath is going to have this much action I might need a mop!" She joked. She then grabbed the body wash, squirted some liberally into her palm, and reached for him in a business-like manner.

Chapter 3

That bath was the longest and most agonizing of Carl's life. Pushed to the fringe of ecstasy by her touching his naked body (in a sports bra no less!) and mortified she would make an issue of his boner, he had spent the duration in a kind of daze. Wanda made no issue about washing him, systematically scrubbing down every inch of him with the attitude of one washing a car and not a sexually precocious seven-year-old boy. She didn't even so much as change expression when she gave the length of his penis a scrub of the washcloth (Though truth be told, he had orgasmed when she touched him, biting his tongue to keep from crying out and terrified she had noticed either).

Finally, it was all over. Carl was pajamed, brushed, and in bed, and Wanda headed for the living room, saying if he needed anything she would be doing yoga. The second the door was shut and the hall light had gone out; Carl ripped his PJ's off and drove his throbbing weiner into his pillow as though he wanted to fuck the down out. Holy cow, that girl was HOT!

After several hours half dozing, one hand idly stroking his still semi-hard dick, Carl's inner voyeur woke up. He suddenly remembered the tight yoga pants Wanda was wearing, and decided that it would feel pretty good spying on her stretching while giving his woody and good work-out. He crept out of bed and made his stealthy way down the hall to the living room door. With one finger he pushed the door open a barest crack...

Carl's brain got another shock. Wanda's yoga pants lay in a heap with the rest of her clothes and her mat on the floor. Wanda herself was sitting back on the sofa, stark-naked! Her almond-eyes shut, her legs spread and her knees lifted up to her shoulders. With one hand she kneaded and pinched her nipples, two hard nubs jutting from her delicate breasts. Her other hand was buried deep in her vagina, three fingers fucking in and out and her thumb rubbing the little fleshy knob at the top of her lips. Her full lips parted slightly, with barely perceptible squeaks and gasps of lust bubbling out.

Dumbstruck Carl placed both hands on his crotch, his little dick fully hard. He was so amazed by what he saw that he couldn't even remember he was wearing jumpsuit PJ's and couldn't find his waistband. He massaged the bulge hard with both hands, his eyes glued to Wanda's delicious teen body. Wanda's finger-fucking grew harder and her gasps sharper, the sound of juices squelching in her pussy playing like a symphony. One-hand still rubbing his baby cock for all he was worth, Carl finally found the zipper at his neck and got his PJ's down to his knees. He got confused after that and ended up just leaving them bunched around his ankles, his three-inch child cock now pushing high into the air and throbbing like mad.

Wanda removed her hand, and then did something truly spectacular. Placing a hand under each thigh, she gave a jerk and hitched her legs high up and over her head. Crossing her ankles behind her head, she held her legs in place with her elbows, her hands each grabbing a handful of glorious 15-year-old ass. Her pussy and asshole were now mere inches from her face. Was she planning to...? Oh sweet jeepers she was!

Wanda lolled out her tongue and in an astonishing display began to ravenously eat herself out. Great gobs of pussy juice ran and mixed with her saliva as she tongue-fucked her own pussy and sucked on her swollen nub. Delicious sucking sounds wafted down to Carl's ears as he imagined those pretty little lips wrapped around his swollen little pecker. She reached a long finger and deftly wiggled it inside her cute puckered anus; Carl's hips begin to gyrate as he thought about feeling her little butthole nibble at his penis. He drooled into his hand and started to whimper under his breath at the hot, moistness on his dick as he stared at her naked and perfect body.

Then, just when Carl thought that this couldn't possibly escalate any farther, Wanda took her knob in her mouth and gently bit it. A high-pitched squeal, half-moan and half-scream rose from her throat, and the winking hole of her vagina suddenly spread itself wide open. Her anus winked too, both tender holes seeming to yawn, and then they slammed shut. A huge jerk shot through her body, then another, and another, as a stream of clear juice shot out of her pussy, into the air, and all over Wanda's body and face. Again and again her pussy gaped wide and then suddenly contracted, the pressure spraying her teenie juices and hot saliva like a geyser all over her pretty little face. Carl's mouth fell open, but then instantly twisted into a grimace as a sharp pain shot through his balls and out his dick, followed by the biggest orgasm he had ever felt. The tingly explosions were so hard his stomach churned a little, and a tiny squirt of clear liquid shot from his dick head. He suddenly felt dizzy, and staggered back onto his back.

Wanda let her legs fall, stretching out luxuriously as she panted. Her bangs were soaked with juice and hung in her face, and her naked figure gleamed with sweat and more pussy milk. She reached two fingers into her cunt and then started sucking on them, a content smile on her face.

Carl lay in bed, still dizzy from what he had seen. It was as if all his dreams had come true. Suddenly the door opened, and in the dark Carl could just make out Wanda walking in. He pretended to be asleep. Without saying anything, she walked over to his laundry hamper and dropped in...his PJ's?! Uh-oh. He had kicked them off in his mad rush to get back in bed. Did she know?

As Wanda strolled back out the door he suddenly caught a glimpse of gleaming ass strutting seductively away from him. She was still naked? What did it mean?

One thing was for sure, Eunice had better expect a hiatus from babysitting for a while!

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Great! Please write more, you write very well!


super hot! can't wait for the next one!


Wow! What a sight Wanda must have been for such a young boi! You have my full, undivided attention ...along with a nice hard cock! More ...PLEASE!


Really nice written story!


I can't wait to see what happens when Wanda has her horny 9 year old sister come with her!!!

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