Published: 17-Jul-2013
Word Count:
Author's Profile
I got married right out of college. I was still a young 21, having rushed through high school and then college at break-neck speed. But my senior year, I found her! Kristy and I hit it off very well together, so we got married a couple months after our graduation. I started a new job as a web programmer and Kristy started her job in accounting across town. We moved into a nice apartment complex and began saving our money for our eventual dream house and family.
About a year later Kristy informed me that she was pregnant. I was shocked. It wasn't in our plans to have a kid yet. She saw the fear in my eyes and whispered, "I'm going to need to to support me, Karl."
I snapped out of it and became the loving, doting father-to-be I needed to be.
It was about then that I met "her."
"She" was a lithe, young willowy girl that came around the corner. She had on white shorts that were extra short. She wore sandals thus her legs which were thin seemed to stretch endlessly from the ground up to the torso. She had a nice tan--not too dark, just lightly brown. And her light blonde hair cascaded full and wavy over her shoulders down to nearly her waist. Her blouse was pink, somewhat crenelated but gave no hint of womanly development. I guessed she might have been 10--or 12 at the outside--but only because her face seemed to be well beyond childish baby-fat stage. She was definitely a cute child.
She glanced up at me, smiled and then turned to go into the laundry room. A couple of days later I found out that she had just moved in with her mother and sibblings to an apartment on the otherside of the grassy quad from our apartment.
Several days later, I was outside at sunset, walking with my wife and this lovely blonde nyad was sitting on a step playing with a kitten.
"That is a cute kitten," my wife said. "It is yours?"
The girl looked up. "Yes. This is Sasha."
"That's a nice name," Kristy went on. "What your name?"
"Svetlana Morganova. We live over there," she turned and pointed.
"It's good to meet you, Svetlana. I'm Kristy and this is Karl."
"And you're going to be having a baby soon?"
Kristy laughed and I smiled. "Yes, it's becoming obvious."
"Well, I can help babysit when you need that," Svetlana offered.
"Well, how old are you, Svetlana?"
"I just turned thirteen."
(That surprised me. I really thought she was younger.)
"We'll keep that in mind," Kristy said. "Talk with you later."
Svetlana waved then made her kitty wave its paw.
As we walked away, Kristy said, "She seems like a responsible child. I'm going to have to get to know her and their family better."
I nodded.
"Is that all you have to say?" Kristy laughed.
"Pretty much. You summed it up pretty well."
"What were you thinking, Mr. Quiet-one?"
"Me? I'm still getting my head around being a daddy. For instance, if we have a little girl, will she have hair that would be as long as Svetlana's? And if so, then how do you brush it or wash it?"
Kristy laughed and held onto my arm. "You really do surprise me sometimes with what goes on in your head."
"It seems obvious to me," I replied.
The baby came in October: Tanya Sofia. The neighbors all took turns coming to visit, some brought little gifts and a few brought food.
About a week later, Svetlana appeared at our door and smiled. "Can I see your new baby?"
Kristy nodded and invited Svetlana in then motioned for her to sit on the couch. A few moments later Kristy reappeared with our baby girl and asked, "Would you want to hold her?"
Svetlana nodded energetically. "Please?"
Kristy gently placed the baby in the young girl's arms and watched as her face lit up with joy.
"She is so pretty!" Svetlana said. "What's her name?"
"Tanya Sofia," I replied.
"That could be a good Russian name," Svetlana answered. "Are you Russian?"
"No, not at all. Tanya is actually found throughout Northern European cultures and Sofia comes originally from Greek."
"Really? How'd you know that?"
"I studied it and looked it up."
Little Tanya Sofia started fussing and Svetlana placed her finger next to the baby's cheek. Tanya turned as though to nurse.
"She's hungry, isn't she?" the girl ask my wife.
Kristy nodded and bent to take the baby from her.
"Thank you for letting me hold her. Please do remember me if you need any baby sitting." And then she was gone.
"I like her," Kristy said as she started nursing Tanya. "She is a respectful youth."
"She also understood how to hold a baby as well as what clues a baby gives." I smiled at Kristy. "There. How about that for having a little more thought about it?"
"Come here and let me kiss you."
I readily obliged.
It was several days later that there was a knock on our door. I answered it and was surprised to see a very Slavic looking woman with four kids in tow. Svetlana stood next to her.
"Ha-low," she said. "I do hate botherink, but Sveta said we must meet new baby."
"Yes. Come in. My name is Karl Becker." I looked behind me. "And this is my wife, Kristy."
"Yes, pleased to meet you. I am Olga Morganova."
Introductions were made all around. Svetlana was the second oldest of six children. The oldest, Lyubov, was working at Burger King. But in order, the children were, Lyubov, 15; Svetlana, 13; Vadim, 11; Yevgeny, 10, Anya, 8; and Katyushka, 5.
Kristy showed the baby to our visitors and Olga said, "I tried to tell Sveta if you see one baby, you see all babbies. But," she stopped and smiled for the first time, "I was wrong. This baby cute."
"Thank you, Olga," I said.
"Svetlana has offered her services to be our baby sitter when the time comes," Kristy began.
"She is very good with young children," Olga chuckled and pointed to the rest of her family. "She had much practice. Besides, having little money can be good."
"Are you then a single mother?" Kristy asked.
Olga wrinkled her brow. "There is only one of me, yes?"
"I'm sorry. I mean, it's just you? No husband?"
"No husband. No. Threw bum out."
"I'm sorry," Kristy started.
"No, it was best. Now we okay. And glad to meet your baby."
I was intrigued by this point. I had Russian classes in college and minored in Russian history in addition to my computer major. "How long have you been in the United States?" I asked.
"Just since summer."
"It's always difficult settling into a new place without having to learn a new language too."
"Don't assume that you understand our difficulties," she stopped me short.
"No ne dumayte, chto ya glupii." (But don't think that I'm stupid.)
She stopped and her jaw dropped a little. Svetlana put her hand over her mouth to cover a smile.
"Tii znayesh kak govoriit pa-russkii?" (You know how to speak Russian?)
"Eto pravda. No pa-russkii yaziik moi--vrak moi!" (That's the truth. But in Russian, my tongue is my enemy.)
"Nu, eto drugoye." (Well, that's different.) She smiled again and extended her hand. "Perhaps I misread you. A pleasure. Blessings on your little one."
After I closed the door, Kristy came up to me and whispered, "I do believe you actually charmed her."
It was after Christmas that Svetlana began hanging around our apartment during the later afternoon, after school and before supper. At first she just hung around. Then Kristy suggested that she could either help or do homework. She started doing both. By the time I arrived home Svetlana would be at the dinner table with her books and Kristy would be taking care of the baby and starting dinner. And I was roped into helping her with her math and then her science.
It was around April that Kristy felt that she could leave baby Tanya alone for a few hours. Svetlana was called upon and her mother, Olga, agreed. Olga also whispered "Thank you for helping her school work."
"Our pleasure," Kristy quietly replied.
"Sveta has turned around grades in school. Very good now."
"I'm glad to hear," I interjected. "She mentioned that she likes math and science now."
"And that is surprise," Olga said. "She hated that before. Can you help Vadim and Yevgeny?"
"If they want to be helped," I replied. "I'm no magician."
"Okay, and you'll be back when?"
"Here's our cell phone number," Kristy explained, "and we should be back around eight o'clock."
We had a good time out even though Kristy kept thinking about the baby. We had a nice dinner and a lovely walk around the downtown, but Kristy was anxious to get back so we headed home a bit earlier than originally planned. I was thinking that could have happened so I had an extra dessert stored at home in the freezer.
But imagine our surprise when we opened up the front door and saw Svetlana on the couch, her shirt off and our baby nestled up against her tiny breast. I just stared, dumbfounded, trying to take it all in. On one hand shocked by the sight, but on the other hand absolutely spell-bound by how cute Svetlana's little tits looked.
Kristy let out a half shriek then rushed forward and snatched Tanya from the sitter. "What are you doing?"
Svetlana started crying and blubbered things like "I'm trying to calm her. She wouldn't take bottle!"
Kristy finally calmed down and sat next to Svetlana. "Okay, honey, let's start from the top. What happened?"
And Svetlana sat there, her shirt still off with her beautiful, tiny handfuls of barely-there tits displayed for all to see They weren't even been 'A' cups--merely small mounds capped with a medium size nipple each. I suddenly felt self-conscious and so did my Mr. Woody. I took my coat off and, as I held it in front of me, I coughed. Kristy looked up at me so I nodded at our half-naked sitter.
"Yes, and while you tell me what happened, Karl will take the baby to bed and you'll put your shirt back on. Okay?"
It was thirty or forty minutes later after Svetlana calmed down--and Kristy too--that my wife walked her back home and made sure that she was okay. After Kristy returned she whispered "You got a little bit of a show there, didn't you?"
"Yeah, but not the sort of show I was wanting." (I left it purposefully nebulous.) "But what happened?"
"It's a cultural thing, I guess. If the baby won't take a bottle, give 'em a boob. She doesn't have much in that department, but evidently Tanya tried it, especially after Svetlana covered her nipple with my milk."
"But that doesn't feed the baby," I said. "Right?"
"No. It just calms the baby down. Or it could."
"And you're okay with that?"
"It's a little weird. But I remember reading about it while I was pregnant." She gave me a hug. "But I never thought I'd have to deal with it up close and personal." She rubbed my crotch. "What's this I feel? Are you extra turned on by seeing a little tit tonight?"
"Little is right!" I quipped, hoping that I wasn't in gobs of trouble.
"Really turned on?" she pressed.
"Kristy, I'm a guy. What do you expect. We haven't exactly had our love making times as often now that the baby's been born. And then some strange tits show up in my living room looking all naked and whatnot."
"Well, let's take care of that, lover," she cooed. "I'm going to feed our little one, then I'm going to suck you dry and hope that you can pump me full of your love juice."
"Oh, baby!"
Sex was so good that night! But I kept imagining Svetlana's tiny tits beneath my fingers as I played with Kristy's ample, nursing breasts. And as I lick Kristy's pussy, I wondered what Svetlana's little pussy would be like, since her tits were so tiny. I spewed gobs of cream in Krsity's mouth then pumped her full of more baby-making juice. We fell asleep in the nude, my dick still semi-hard and craddled in her butt crack and my hands cupping her breasts.
Kristy and I picked up our love-making sessions after that. And that really did help keep my mind off of what Svetlana had under her clothes. Mostly.
The school year ended for Svetlana and her siblings near the first week in June which meant that they were all home more often. Olga was pretty good about seeing that her children had some place to go and that they were supervised most of the time. It's just that there were a lot of times--especially in the late afternoon or the weekends where they were free to hang out around the apartments. Most of it was good. It's just that we also had a pool so that meant if there was a willing adult there, Olga's children wanted to hang out in the pool too.
Kristy and I set up something with Olga so that either one or both of us would watch the pool--and her children--for an hour on certain days. We emphasized "one hour" and Olga reiterated that to her brood. And things worked out well. Even Vadim and Yevgeny were okay--in spite of my initial worries about rambunctuous boys.
Kristy was back at work part time and my boss let me telecommute so that I was able to watch our baby most of the time when Kristy was at work. There were a few times where we needed a sitter and Svetlana worked out well for most of those occasions.
But the problem really was the pool. Lyubov was hardly ever around, I guess she had work and other friends. Svetlana told us that there was probably a boyfriend too. But Olga's children didn't really have proper "traditional" swimming suits. The two boys wore short pants--that was okay. The two younger girls wore just their panties. On one hand they were only 8 and 5 years old, but on the other hand, this was a public place in the USA. And Svetlana wore a small tee-shirt and her panties. Kristy was watching them that first day and let it slide seeing that nothing was indecent. She also pointed out to me as I joined them after a half hour or so, that there were no other children in the pool at the moment so the potential troubles were at a minimum.
Potential troubles my foot! Each of the girls' panties were thin and soaking wet so there was little left to the imagination. Every time they climbed out of the pool, their panties sagged in the back showing a cute peek of a delightful crack and the tops of some very cute buns. Or they would hurry by with their panties scrunched up--either in their butt crack, as though they wore a thong; or tight in their pussy crack, showing a young camel-toe; or loose and floppy so that their pussy was completely visible in spite of their panties. And what's worse, Svetlana's tee-shirt was thin and tight and wet and clung to her skin like a second skin, emphasizing her small tits. And several times I saw her tits directly as the shirt rode up in the water--beautiful tiny cones with inviting nipples capping each.
I also saw Svetlana's pussy--not just in profile or through the thin fabric which was tantalizing enough. I saw her bare, uncovered pussy staring at my face. I decided that I had better spend my time in the water to hide the uncomfortable swelling that announced Mr. Woody was here and ready for fun and games. I had just swum underwater from one side of the pool to the other and surfaced at the deep end. Svetlana had suddenly appeared there. (I don't think she was there when I started my underwater trek.) But there she was.
"Hi." Her voice startled me as I broke the surface. But as I wiped my eyes and held onto the pool edge, the fact that her panties had parted completely to one side allowing her pussy to smile back at me in its vertical slit sort of way. There were no hairs along either side of that beautiful slit. There were only a few tufts of medium dark hairs at the top of her pussy mound. I looked beyond her and saw that Kristy sat facing us in the shade of the pool umbrella talking with the two younger girls who were cooing over baby Tanya.
"I think you're a little uncovered, Svetlana," I said in a low voice.
"It doesn't matter."
"Why not?" I asked.
"Not till you're a woman."
"You're pretty close."
"Svetlana," I said, coming up alongside the outside of her leg and nudging them closed. "You're nearly a woman. Only adults have hair showing up down there."
She looked at me as though she couldn't believe what I just said then she opened her legs again and looked closely at her equipment. Her face turned red and she slipped into the water and swam away. I was left with a raging hard cock and a nagging worry in my stomach that I had spoken too much. Svetlana avoided me for the next fifteen minutes or so. First she just swam, then she got out and dried off. She whispered something to my wife then retreated to her apartment. As we were getting everybody else out of the pool, she returned, properly dressed, and helped gather up her siblings.
As she herded them ahead of her, she hung back briefly and whispered to me, "I'm so sorry."
I put my hand on her shoulder. "I'm not mad at you; you know that?"
She nodded. "You won't tell Mamma, will you?"
"Not at all."
A look of relief washed over her face and she grabbed my hand from her shoulder and squeezed it tightly. "Thank you. I really didn't know."
"Know what?" I asked.
"That my pizda was showing."
I didn't hear her exact word and it was a slang term anyway, but I guessed what she meant. "Your pussy?" I whispered.
She turned a little red, nodded, gave an awkward smile then disappeared into the apartment with her siblings as Kristy and I retreated into ours.
As Kristy was changing little Tanya, she suddenly said, "I think that Olga's children need real swimsuits."
"I think you're right. What's your plan?"
"Let's take them shopping."
I thought about it for a few moments. We could definitely afford it, the children definitely needed it, but should I, a man, go shopping with a bunch of neighbor girls? "I think that would be nice," I finally said. "You could take the girls and I could watch Tanya."
"But Vadim and Yevgeny need suits also. You'd have to go help in that department."
"Are you sure?"
"Positive. Let me talk with Olga about it."
Turns out a bigger issue that what we had initially imagined. Ever go shopping with seven children and only one of your own? Ever go ANYWHERE with seven children? We didn't have a minivan so we decided to make it a walking adventure. It was just under two miles to the mall. We'd shop, catch a bite to eat then walk back. Simple. Right?
Surprisingly it was simple. Olga must have breathed fire and threatenings at her children if they were to misbehave. Seven children! Even Lyubov came. I guess that Olga saw a free hand out and wanted to cash in as best she could. Lyubov was helpful as was Svetlana for keeping the younger ones in tow and in line. Kristy pushed the stoller with Tanya and I had the job of holding Anya and Katyushka's hands.
I also watched Lyubov and Svetlana. They were as different as night and day. Where Svetlana had very long blonde hair, Lyubov's was barely shoulder length and dark brown. Where Svetlana was thin and had barely started developing, Lyubov was very womanly: very full hips, tighty and round; breasts that were at least a C or a D cup, lightly held by a lacy brasserie that was partly visible through her thin blouse and bounced beckoningly at each step. Where Svetlana was smallish, barely 5 foot 1 or 2, Lyubov was easily 5 foot 5 or 6. Lyubov was a fashion dresser: tight designer jeans and stylish shoes. Svetlana was a practical dresser: tennis shoes, short pants and a tee-shirt with a "I heart NY" design on the front. I guessed she might have picked it up at the thrift store. But I was also fascinated by how different they carried themselves and how different they sounded. I chalked it up to the older teen mind being less resilient to learning new languages. Or perhaps m ore rebellious and stuck remembering how good the old ways were.
At one point Vadim started crossing the street without looking. Lyubov shouted, "Vadim Ivanovich!" And Vadim immediately stopped and looked around. A car turned right in front of him. That was close! I also heard his patronymic name--that is, his father was Ivan. (In Russian and many Slavic languages children have a family name like Stetsenko or Morganov, as well as a given name--a first name--like Vadim or Lyubov. But they are also named by who their father is. If the father is Ivan, the son's patronymic name would be Ivanovich--son of Ivan--and the daughter would be Ivanovna--daughter of Ivan.)
Shopping went fairly easily. Seriously. Just hold up the swim trunks to the boys to size it then send them in to try it on, and then pick a pack of similarly sized underwear. For the young girls, Kristy herded them into the dressing room and came out ten minute later with giggling girls in cute suits.
Svetlana was holding Tanya but rushed over to her little sisters and hugged them. "You look wonderful!"
Even Lyubov smiled.
A few minutes later the younger girls were back in their street clothes still bouncing with excitement. At that point I paid for the loot that we picked up so far and Kristy took Lyubov and Svetlana to the junior girls section to pick out swimsuits and the like.
It was at that point that the only weird thing happened. I was standing outside the junior girl's section with the two boys and the two younger girls and the little baby. It must have set off warning bells for some old sales lady.
She came over and asked if everything was okay.
"Yes, ma'am! Just waiting for my wife."
She looked me over and asked, "Are these all yours?"
Kristy saw me being interrogated and came over. "You know that he's really super helpful," she said, catching the sales lady off-guard.
"I'm sorry, pardon?"
"This man, my husband, is super helpful," Kristy repeated. "He's watching these neighbor children while I help their older sisters get fitted for new swimsuits."
"The neighbor children?"
"Yes. Immigrant family. They're learning all about our customs."
"Oh, I see." And then she turned on her heels and left.
We stopped in the food court to have a late lunch, mid-afternoon snack. The children were very excited and very thankful. Even Lyubov made a point to quietly say "Thanks."
"So do you know what all I got?" Svetlana whispered to me.
"I'm assuming a swimsuit?"
She nodded. "A two piece!"
"Oh, I see." I didn't really know what I should say in response.
"And your wife helped us pick out underwear."
"Really?" I knew that she had; I just was playing along.
"Yes. But you can't see that."
"Of course not." Part of me was disappointed, but another part was relieved that I wasn't going to have to deal with that potential lawsuit.
As we walked home, the two youngest girls were tired and I carried first one, then the other to give them a break and to get them thinking about something else.
Lyubov walked beside me at one point and whispered, "You are a strange man, Mr. Karl."
I looked at her and waited.
"Strange, but in a good way."
"Pochemu?" I asked. ("Why?")
"And that's the other thing. You know about Russia and you are so nice to us. It's almost like you're trying to get something, but I don't think so."
"No, I'm not out to get something."
"I'm saying it all wrong. I don't mean you are--it's just almost like you were."
I nodded basically understanding what she meant.
"Why is it that you know so much? And about Rusiia?"
"I studied. I thought it was interesting."
"I hate school. Very boring. Especially history."
"Where were you born?" I asked.
"Poltava. Why?"
"That's, what, southeast of Kiev. Right?"
"Yes. Are you a walking map?"
"No I studied. And the thing about Kiev is that it has a long and important history. Did you know that it was in Kiev that the Russian State started? More than a thousand years ago? By a Scandanavian prince named 'Rus'?"
"And it was there that the Russian alphabet was invented by two Greek missionaries?"
"And you learned this in history?"
"Yes. Plus extra reading."
"You almost make it sound exciting."
"It really is."
We walked along quietly for a little longer before she said in a low voice, "I have to tell you what Mamma didn't. When she threw out our father, it was because he was messing around with Sveta. He tried to come on to me but I slapped him. That's when Mamma found out and threw him out."
"I didn't know."
"Of course, you didn't," she smiled. "And I have been watching you ever since Sveta told us about you. You are not like our father. You are not trying to come on to us. Thank you."
"You are welcome." And suddenly I felt very odd, knowing that I had been under the microscope and tested; but rather pleased that I passed the test. Lyubov took Katyushka from my arms and I picked up Anya. A little later we were home and Kristy presented all the new items to Olga whose eyes were wide with a little disbelief.
"Thank you, thank you," she kept repeating.
We left promising the little ones that the next day they would be able to model their new suits and try them out in the pool.
Later I told Kristy what Lyubov had said and she was quiet for some time. "Well, the experience must not have been permanently damaging."
"True. None of the children seem particularly messed up."
"And Svetlana is not put off by all men. She really enjoys your attention, Karl. Have you noticed that?"
"Yes. It's a little awkward at times."
"Bare with it. It's all part of how a young teen matures and gains confidence to talk with more adults."
"I'm glad you're here with me, Love," I said.
"I'm glad I'm here with you too!"
The summer wore on with its heat and its activities. The pool was a regular part of our week. Our little Tanya looked forward to splashing around in either Kristy's arms or in my arms whilst in the water. And I must say that I was looking forward to the pool time too. Not just because it was a nice break from the heat and a chance to relax after sitting at a computer most of the day. But primarily because i got to see so many girls and young women in swimsuits. The girls were not nearly as obscene as that first day when they wore only panties (or panties and a tee shirt), but they were still "sexy" for lack of a better term.
As Anya and Katyushka sat on the edge of the pool and kicked their legs, I could see the wet fabric outline their pussies very well. I also thought it odd that Katyushka's pussy seemed larger and more promanent than Anya's. Perhaps it was because Katyushka was so much thinner that a similar sized pussy with all its puffy padding would be much more noticeable. Or perhaps it was variability in shape and size. I also enjoyed looking at Svetlana's lovely developing form. Her dark red and black two piece accentuated her light brown skin very well. It was a modest two piece--showed no cleavage (she didn't have any anyway)--and it covered her buns better than the short, white short pants that she would wear around the complex. But as I sat holding Tanya or stood in the water with Tanya, I would occasionally be able to watch Svetlana closely: her tits were mere delicious nubs poking up from a very flat chest where ribs could still be seen; her pussy--both slit and puffy lips--were lovingly outlined by the fabric and displayed for me as she sat in a chair or on the edge of the pool. I thought of what it must feel like to cup my hand over her tender breasts or squeeze her lovely pussy lips.
Poolside, I was often on the verge of having a permanent Mr. Woody! Standing in the water or holding baby Tanya helped hide *THAT* evidence fairly well.
Just before school started again for the children, I came home late after several emergency fixes at work. As I shut my car door shut I heard a sob. I looked around but saw no one. I slowly walked toward our apartment and then heard the sob again. I walked around the corner and found Svetlana kneeling on the grass by the driveway and a dead cat on the pavement.
I dropped my briefcase and knelt beside her. "Oh, Tsveta," I whispered, hugging her shoulders. "What happened?"
She turned to me and burred her face in my shoulder.
"Is this Sasha?" I asked, stroking her hair.
She nodded and sobbed again.
"Tsveta, Tsveta," I whispered. "I am so sorry."
I held her close. My heart was nearly breaking for this girl and her loss. True, she was 14. True she had been through a lot already, but a loss is a loss and it's never pleasant. She cried and my shoulder grew damp from her tears. I was suddenly aware of her tits pressing into my chest, but I willed my thoughts elsewhere. Eventually, my legs were asleep and I had to move or risk permanent damage.
"Let's sit on the steps, okay?"
She nodded and we helped each other up to the nearest step. It was then that she told me that she had been looking for Sasha part of the afternoon and had only found him shortly before I found her.
"Tsveta, I think that Sasha needs a little box. He shouldn't stay out in the street."
The realization of a burial made her cry again, but she also nodded.
"Do you want to stay here or come with me to fetch a box?"
"Come with you."
And so she clung to me as I picked up my briefcase, walked to the apartment, told Kristy what had happened and looked in the closet for an old shoe box. Kristy brought an old hand towel and we laid Sasha in the box and placed the towel over his limp body. I closed the lid and began wondering how to dispose of the poor thing now.
"Tsveta, what are we going to do now?" I whispered.
She looked up at me and asked, "You're calling me 'Tsveta'? Not 'Sveta'?"
It was a subtle change. A non-Russian speaker probably wouldn't have noticed it. But I chose the change on purpose. Svet is Russian for 'light' and Svetlana could mean the little bright one. But Tsveta means colors. If I chose Tsvetii, it would have meant flowers.
"I did that on purpose. You bring so much joy to those around you, you are like a bright splash of colors." I stroked her hair again. She had such long, soft and golden hair! I traced its length from her head down to her--Sheesh! My hand was on her ass! I pulled back and continued, "I was toying with calling you 'Tsvetii' instead because you're also lovely like a bouquet of flowers."
She started crying again and held me close. Eventually she whispered, "I like that."
"I can call you 'Tsveta'?"
She nodded her head up and down. Kristy was holding our baby but then gave Svetlana a hug as the girl hugged me. I felt her tits press into my chest again and this time I just enjoyed their warmth. It was much later that we got permission from the managment to bury Sasha in a small plot out by the fire hydrant and electrical boxes. The ceremony was attended by most of Olga's family and ours.
Afterwards, Olga placed her hand on my shoulder and said, "You are so nice to our family. Thank you."
Kristy gave me a kiss and said, "That's just the way he is. That's why I married him."
Olga nodded then led her troupe back into their apartment.
The summer gave way to autumn and then to the grey skies heralding the encroaching days of winter. Tanya turned one and we had a small party for her--cake and ice cream and Olga's family came too.
As we sat around after cleaning up, Kristy said to me, "I'm thinking that I'd like to get Svetlana a little gift for Christmas."
I nodded. "And the others too?"
"I'll think of something. But Svetlana almost feels like she is part of our family like a niece or something."
I had to agree. Tsveta, as I took to calling her, was over at our place nearly every afternoon, helping with the baby or dinner or doing homework. Sometimes she had Anyna or Katyushka with her. But as soon as our dinner started, she would go back to her apartment to start dinner for her family since Olga came home usually after 7--often closer to 8. During this time we saw less and less of Lyubov, which meant that Tsveta was in charge of her siblings to some extent. True Vadim was now 12 and a half and was somewhat responsible, but nonetheless, it was a lot of responsibility for a teenage girl to shoulder. I think I know why she hung out with us so much--stable, quiet, and she could just be a girl without being "in charge"!
Christmas came and we had small little gifts for each in Olga's family. Kristy did a great job of picking out just the right item for each person. Even Lyubov was surprised and appreciative of the necklace. But I was not expecting the reaction that we got from Tsveta. She squealed and hugged Kristy then ran to me and hugged me and kissed my cheek. I positively tingled from her excitement and her tiny boobs pressing into my chest. Her scent lingered with me for hours afterwards.
Much later she came back over to our apartment just to say thanks again. And she reaffirmed her absolutely loving the necklace by hugging each of us and kissing me again on my cheek--this time her hands wrapped around the back of my neck and I felt my manhood reacting in unacceptable ways. I don't know if she knew what she was doing to me, but she had to have felt my stiff dick poking back at her stomach as her tits drilled into my chest.
But tragedy struck, cutting my very heart away. Kristy was coming home one late, rainy early February night and was killed almost instantly in an accident on the freeway. The police report said that a late model, black subcompact car clipped her rear end, sending her into a spin in front of a semi-truck which was trying to avoid another car.
I received the news from a phone call. I was worried already that Kristy was late and hadn't called. I was shell-shocked with the grave report that the police gave. I went into a detached state, turned off the stove, picked up little Tanya and headed out to Olga's apartment. She was just getting home from work.
"Olga, I need help. Kristy's been in an accident. Can you or Tsveta watch Tanya now?"
"Da, of course. How bad?"
I shook my head and she saw the tears threatening to cascade.
"Oh, Karl. I am so sorry. You have your phone?"
I nodded. "Thank you."
"Let us know."
"I will."
I wasn't pretty. It was the hardest thing I had ever done to that point. Identify the body. And then the paperwork started. And the reports and the insurance and the.... I got home late and made a quick call to Olga.
"It's me. I'm home now."
"If you want we can watch your Tanya all night."
"I really want to hold her now," I said, feeling the weight of this new reality crushing me.
"Sveta will be right over with her."
"Thank you, Olga. It means so much to me."
Svetalana, Tsveta moei -- my colors -- showed up not even two minutes later. She said nothing but stepped in, closed the door and handed Tanya to me. Tanya was mostly asleep but shifted, looked up at me and closed her eyes again. Then Tsveta enveloped me the best she could with her small arms and hugged me, placing her head on my shoulder next to Tanya's.
I was overwhelmed. I had to sit down. So I plopped on the floor next to the front door, still holding Tanya and Tsveta knelt next to me, holding me tightly and lightly stroke the hair on my temple. I was silent, but she eventually saw the rivers streaming down my cheeks. She tried brushing the tears away but gave up and just kissed my cheeks--first one side then the other.
"It's not the same, but it's my turn to comfort you," she whispered, her voice cracking with emotions.
That did it. I cried openly. Tanya thankfully slept but Tsveta moei--my dear Svetlana--held me and consoled me and stroked my hair and kissed my tears for at least ten minutes more.
Finally I realized how long she had been there. "You have to be getting home."
"I told Mamma that I'd help you get Tanya to bed."
"You are such a dear...." I began but couldn't find words to continue.
"Should I put her to bed now?"
I nodded.
Tsveta stood up and took Tanya from my arms then walked to the baby's room. I stayed on the floor for a few minutes more before I realized I had to pull myself together. As I walked down the hall to see how she was doing, Tsveta met me and hugged me again.
"She fast asleep."
"Thank you, Tsveta moei!"
"I like that," she whispered. "I will always be your splash of colors." She kissed my cheek then added, "I'll be by to check on you and Tanya tomorrow morning, okay?"
I nodded then saw her to the front door, where she turned and whispered, "I am here for you. We are all here for you. We can get through this together, okay?"
I kissed her forehead. I think it was the first time that I allowed myself to kiss her. As I released her from my embrace it struck me how loving and trusting this mere child was. And I resolved not to dishonor her or break her trust.
I slept fitfully, waking with a start several times throughout the night with the horror of Kristy's death clutching my heart. I suppose it was no surprise that I slept in. I vaguely remember hearing Tanya cooing to herself in her crib, but I ignored it and went back to sleep.
I awoke with a start some time later with Tanya's voice close by. "Oh now! how did she get out of her crib," I wondered and tried to turn over toward the sound. But I was wound up in the sheets and stuck facing the far wall. So I thrashed and eventually undid myself landing on my stomach. As I did, I heard Tanya's infectious giggling.
"Tanya," I said, even before I saw her. "How did you get out of your crib?"
Tanya giggled again and another voice answered, "I helped her."
Panic set in because I was naked under the sheets. I turned my head toward the voice but I knew who it was before I saw her. "Tsveta! How'd you get in?"
"The door was unlocked. I thought you were already up. I'm sorry."
"Give me a few more minutes and I'll be out. Okay?"
After they left and closed the door, I surveyed my backside. I was partially covered. I don't think anything "R rated" was exposed. A few minutes later I was dressed and out with Tsveta and Tanya.
"I'm sorry I came in on you, Mr. Karl," Tsveta began. She usually just called me Karl. I suppose that she was feeling rather bad and wanted not to push her luck or anything.
I sat down next to her at the table and caught her hand in mine. "I'm not mad, okay?"
She nodded. "I didn't mean to go into your room, it's just that Tanya hurried down the hall and pushed your door open. I caught her just as you were waking up."
"Well, I suppose that I shouldn't have been sleeping in, right?"
Tsveta shook her head. "You needed the sleep. And I can take care of Tanya today if you need me to."
"We'll see. I think I have a lot of phone calls to make. Say, don't you have school today?"
"No, we get it off for a holiday."
Oh, that's right. February and the dead presidents' celebrations--not that any student actually knew who these dudes were anyway.... End rant.
"Besides, Mr. Karl...."
"Please, it's just Karl."
She smiled self-consciously and looked down.
"What is it?" I asked.
"I guess it's nothing. It can wait."
"Are you sure?"
She nodded.
"Okay, I'm going to fix some breakfast for me and Tanya. You want anything?"
"I already had breakfast."
I glanced at the clock. Good grief! Already nine o'clock! "I suppose you have. Could you help by getting her into her high chair? I have to make two quick phone calls.
They were quick, but hard. I had to call Kristy's work and let them know the news, then I had to call my work and explain why I wasn't going to be in that day--or maybe the next several days. I sat facing the wall, cradling my cell phone in my hand after the last call. My mind was far away and rather numb. It was the only way that I could deal with things--be detatched and third person-esque.
Suddenly I felt Tsveta's hand on my shoulder. "I made you some scrambled eggs and toast. You want coffee too?"
I reached up and placed my hand on hers. My heart was near breaking again but Tsveta added a salve that kept me limping forward. "You are sweet. Thank you."
She kissed me lightly on the top of my head then served us breakfast. I ate and she fed Tanya. Having her there was a pleasant distraction--perhaps even necessary for all the tedious and painful calls I needed to make that day.
The funeral wasn't until the next Tuesday. It was a cold and almost rainy afternoon--the grey skies matched the mood very well. Many of our friends came and stories about Kristy were shared. Olga and her children also came and Tsveta hung on my arm most of the day. I was grateful for her support, but I did get a couple of strange looks. I told two co-workers that this was a dear friend and she had helped me and Kristy many, many times since the birth of Tanya. Tsveta quickly added that Kristy and Karl had helped her and her family many more times. It was enough to turn away the questioning looks. At least most of them. It was also explanation enough for my Dad and Kristy's parents. They also saw how well Tsveta interacted with Tanya and actually smiled as Tanya would laugh at Tsveta playing peek-a-boo.
After it was all over and we had retired to a small hall for a group meal, I was absolutely worn out. Emotionally I was drained and physically I was "pooped." We drove back home and Tsveta insisted on coming with me in my car. Olga and Lyubov both had cars by then so there was no *need* space-wise for her to come back with me, but somehow, I dreaded being left without her so I agreed.
She helped me bring Tanya in and get her ready for bed including a bath. "I think that will help settle her down, don't you think?"
I nodded and said, "I'm going to step outside just for a few minutes, Tsveta. Call me when Tanya's ready for bed."
I then stood outside for five minutes or more, watching the drizzle come down. I was under a small overhang so I sat on the porch step and continued watching as my mind spiraled downward into misery.
I was out there at least fifteen minutes or more when I heard a voice, "Rain matches your mood, da?"
I looked up and saw Olga. "It does."
"I came over to check on you. My little Sveta was telling me how you cried night Krsity died. She said it was just like when she cried when her kitty died." Olga paused and stepped closer under the overhang. "She told me today how much you hurt."
I nodded. "It's like I have a huge hole in my chest," I whispered.
"I understand. We all miss Kristy--and you miss her most. But don't give up on life. You have others who depend on you." She waited while I thought over her words. "People like your little Tanya. And Sveta."
"Svetalana depends on me?" I repeated.
"More than you know. You have been father to her. You have been like older brother. You have given her hope that there are men in world who do nice. You do sweet things, Karl." She leaned over and kissed my cheek. "Now get up and live for your Tanya. Live for Sveta. We will help heal your ache."
I stood up and thanked her.
"Get in there. Tanya needs you. And tell Sveta to hurry home when she's finished." She started to leave then turned around. "You really think she is like a splash of color?"
"More than that. Many, many bright colors of joy and happiness."
"Um-hum." She half smiled then left.
I eventually got into a new rhythm. Life was harder; life was a bit emptier; but life was starting to become fuller as I was the only parent for Tanya and as Tsveta moei spent more of her free time with me and Tanya.
During the spring, Olga confided to me tha she was very concerned about Lyubov. "She spend more time away from home."
"She is almost eighteen now, isn't she?" I asked.
"But it who she spend time with."
"Thugs. Bad boys. I don't like them." She looked hard at me then pleaded, "If you see her, can you talk with her? She has some respect for you."
"I'll do my best."
Turns out I didn't have a chance to talk with Lyubov. At least not before "the incident."
The "incident" started late in May one late evening. Almost eleven o'clock. My dear Tsveta had already gone home and I had put Tanya to bed. Then the phone rang. I could hardly understand what was being said as it was a rapid combination of English and Russian.
"Olga? Slow down. What?"
"Lyubov. Lyubov in hospital. Police there!"
Dang! Things got bad in a hurry. "You need me to do something?"
"Da! Watch children polzhalsta." (She said "please.")
"You want me over there?"
"Da! Oh, Karl, I am so scared and mad at same time!"
"Give me a couple of minutes and I'll bring little Tanya."
Olga met me at the door and gave me a hug. I could see how scared she was. Svetalana stood to one side biting her lower lip. Vadim and Yevgeny peered out from the far door down the hallway. I assumed that the two younger girls were still in their room.
"Dostvedanya," Olga said and quickly left. (Good-bye.)
After the door closed, Tsveta came over to me and said, "I'll make up the couch for you to sleep on. Tanya can sleep on these cushions on the floor."
Suddenly all the children came out and surrounded me. Everyone was talking all at once but finally I was able to find out more of what happened. Olga got a call from the police saying that Lyubov was involved in an accident. The driver of the car she was in was running from the police, speeding down the surface streets, then ran a red light and crashed into a van. There were fatalities. Lyubov was lucky to be alive. I held Anya and Katyushka on my lap and they snuggled into my shoulders. Tsveta held Tanya and leaned against my right side. The boys set on my other side and were strangely silent. It was like everyone was waiting for me to say something to make it all better.
"Well, your Mamma was worried about who Lyubov was hanging around with. I think that this shows that your Mamma knew what she was talking about. But now we can hope that Lyubov sees that she was hanging around the wrong people. Right?"
"I hope so," Anya whispered.
"Good luck," Vadim muttered. "Those guys never want to let you go."
"What guys?" I asked.
"It's like the Russian Mafia," Tsveta answered. "It's a bad gang. Probably running drugs and stealing cars. She's in really deep."
"Oh." I had nothing else to say.
Katyushka tugged on my sleeve then whispered, "I'm never going to hang around boys like that. I'd rather have a boy friend like you."
"Thank you, Miss Yekatarina."
Her mouth opened wide as did her eyes. "How'd you know what my real name?"
"It's easy. Katyushka is a short name for Yekatarina."
"You are so incredible," Tsveta laughed, hugging my arm tightly. "Are you sure that you are not Russian?"
"I'm not. But I am really tired. I think we all should go to sleep now. Okay?"
Vadim started to leave, but I said, "But first a handshake from the men of the house."
His younger sisters laughed. Vadim smiled and shook my hand followed by Yevgeny.
"And now a gentle hug from the young ladies of the house?"
The two girls smothered me with their hugs and even threw a kiss in for good measure. Then they ran down the hall to their room.
"And you too?" I asked Tsveta.
"I want to stay out here with you a little longer. I can make sure that Tanya really is asleep."
"Okay, Tsveta moei."
She smiled and kissed me. As she helped get a blanket and sheet for me, I asked her, "So was Poltava very much different that here?"
She was quiet for a long while, fussing with the cushions for Tanya. "In some ways it was the same. In other ways, very different."
"How was Lyubov?"
"Largely the same. She was always trying to be Miss Popular and hanging around odd people."
"I noticed that she always dressed in designer things."
Tsveta sighed and rolled her eyes. "Yes. Always." She laid Tanya down midst the cushions. Tanya grunted and rolled to one side as the blanket was spread over her. "I'll sit here and make sure that she really falls asleep."
I clicked the light off and lay down. Tsveta leaned back against the couch and leaned her head on me. I ran my fingers through her hair. "I think you have more on your mind than just making sure that the baby sleeps."
"My friend sees through me as though I were a shallow puddle."
I chuckled. "Where's that from?"
"I've been reading. You told me that I had to better myself."
I kissed the top of her head. "I did indeed, didn't I? So what else is on your mind?"
"I am worried about Lyubov."
"I understand."
"And I don't want to be like her at all."
"From what I've seen, you two are polar opposites!"
"Pravda!" (Truth!)
She laughed then said, "How?"
"She likes fashiom, you are much more practical. She has shorter hair, yours is as long as a beautiful summer day. Her hair is dark, yours is golden like the brightest flashes of gold."
"You almost make it sound poetic and beautiful."
I smiled then considered my next words. I didn't want to stoke the fires of love nor of lust. "I suppose it does sound a bit over the top. But I don't go around giving compliments unless they were deserved."
"Then what say you about how womanly Lyubov is?"
Well, that brings up a different flavor to the conversation. "Tsveta moei, you must remember that there is much more to being a woman than having a full figure or a fashionable outfit."
She was quiet for several minutes before she felt for my hand and held it close to her cheek. "Karl, you are so sweet and, what's that word that means a man protects a woman?"
"Yes. That."
I felt something wet on my hand. "Are you crying?"
"I was suddenly reminded of Kristy and I was overwhelmed with sorrow for you and Tanya."
That did it. It broke my heart again. "Come up here, Tsveta moei. Let me comfort you."
She quickly lay next to me and I embraced her, her back to my front, my face nestled into her hair. Tears stung my eyes and I felt her tears drop onto my arm. But the lateness of the night and the darkness of the room overwhelmed us both. We slept. I woke up with a start around 2am.
"Tsveta, you need to get to your bed."
"Radost moya." (My Joy.)
"Tsveta moei, I would hate to try to explain to Mamma why you are here in my bed."
"Ya tebya lyublyu." (I love you.)
"I love you too, my dear. But you must go before Mamma returns."
"Just a little longer, please?"
I relented in part because having her near was so comforting. It was also rather sexy. Holding her close to me was a great turn on. In fact she took my arm, which was resting on her shoulder, and held it closely, snuggling it in between her tiny breasts. I could feel the warmth and softness of her little tits through the thin material of her light camisole. She wore no bra at all so her delicate flesh was right there--separated only by the thinnest of fabric. I was a little embarrassed that Mr. Woody was returning, but I was happy that she really could feel it since I was quiet a bit taller than she was and her ass didn't reach down to my crotch. On the other hand it would be rather awkward to explain to Olga what was going on.
I had almost dropped off to sleep when the front door rattled with someone fiddling with the lock. In a flash, Tsveta was off the couch and positioned herself on the floor by Tanya's cushions.
The door opened slowly and Olga entered and glanced around. She didn't turn on a light but walked to the kitchen where a light did appear. Tsveta stood up and walked to the kitchen, but Olga saw her coming from the couch where I lay.
I heard her whisper in sharp Russian tones, "Svetlana Dannielovna, what are you doing over there?"
That was a stunning revelation to my ears. I had heard Lyubov call Vadim "Ivanovich" the son of Ivan. But here, Olga called her daughter Daniilovna, the daughter of Daniil. This was a weird revelation.
"Mamma, I was helping Tanya."
"Um, I see. Pochamu?" (Why?)
"The baby was grunting and I woke up. I wanted to help." There was a long silence before she continued, "And I'm scared for Lyubov. I couldn't sleep."
"Sveta, Sveta," Olga finally said, her tone softening. "I don't know what to do."
I decided to join the conversation in the kitchen then. Olga saw me and said, "I'm sorry we loud. You not sleep?"
"I got some sleep."
"Sveta wasn't bothering you was she?"
"Not in the least. But how is Lyubov?"
"She will live. Mnye stiidno." (I am ashamed.)
"You are ashamed? What happened?"
"Karl, you are good friend. I not tell just anyone. Lyubov v' bandye."
"Lyubov is in a gang?"
"Da. I feared this." She shook her head then sat down. "She hangs out with Sergei. He drove car tonight. Police tried to stop him but he didn't. His car run red light. He kill four."
"Oh, I'm so sorry. And how bad is Lyubov?"
"Broken bones, broken heart, other things. This is why I moved family out here away from Russian ghetto, But Lyubov determined to have ghetto."
"Why the broken heart, Mamma?" Tsveta asked.
"Lyubov is only one that lived in Sergei's car."
"And the police?" I asked. "Why were they after Sergei?"
"Drugs and guns."
"Did you get a chance to talk with Lyubov?" I asked.
"I held her hand. I felt her squeeze my hand. She didn't look at me; she only say,'So sorry, Mamma. So sorry for Karl. Karl, can you go talk to her? What does she mean?"
"Yes, I can go visit her. I'd like someone to go with me."
"Sveta can go with you. I must go to work--if I can stay awake."
I waited a little longer. This was unraveling like a bad soap opera.
"You look like you have question more?" Olga asked.
"Maybe it's none of my business. If so, tell me to shut up. But I was curious. It is Svetlana Dannielovna, but I heard Vadim Ivanovich. Which is it?"
Olga was quiet and Tsveta's eye grew wide before she looked away.
"You might as well know. My husband was Ivan. We had a baby--Lyubov--then he had to take a job in Siberia on oil pipeline. He was gone for two years. I was lonely. I met Daniel, British business man. One thing led to another and then Svetlana. He left and Ivan came back and we had rest of our children. Ivan took long time to get over Svetlana, but I also found out he had hanky-panky while he was away. We really loved each other, I think. Till I found out he hanky-panky with Sveta and Lyubov!"
I sat quietly and absorbed the new information. It certainly explained why Svetlana was so much different than her sisters. It also may have explained why her father--or, step-father--felt free to start using her. I reached across the table and held her hand. Tsveta reach over and placed her hand upon ours. I still didn't say anything but Olga finally nodded and stood up.
"Much to be done yet and sleep important first. Da?"
"Eto pravda, moya druga." (That's the truth, my friend.)
She hugged me and whispered, "Spasibo, Karl." (Thank you, Karl)
Tsveta hugged me tightly and I felt her tits burrow into my chest. I picked up Tanya then went back to my apartment and fell asleep with vague dreams and odd thoughts.
Needless to say, I awoke later than normal--it was only the voice of Tanya calling "Da-da, Da-da!" that finally pulled me back to reality. I rushed around getting ready, feeding the little one and then dropped her off at daycare. I had to be at work for a big presentation--I was just very glad that I was not the major presenter. I was absolutely wasted.
I left work as soon as I could, picked up Tanya then drove home, hoping to find Tsveta home from school already. Olga had left the hospital information and room number so I planned to visit before dinner. Tsveta was willing to go with me, but I could see that she was nervous and uneasy about the approaching visit. "Lyubov's been secretive and hiding stuff from us all," she explained. "I don't know what to think or to say."
"You'll find the right thing at the right time," I reassured her.
The nurse at the reception desk raised her eyebrow at me funny when I asked where Lyubov's room was. "She is under strict surveillance. Do you have ID?"
I produced my ID then said that Svetlana was her sister and did not have any driver's license yet.
"What about a school ID," she asked.
Tsveta nodded and fished it out of her pocket. The nurse made a copy of our ID then led us the the elevator and up to Lyubov's room. I figured it was going to be serious, but seeing the armed deputy sitting outside her closed door brought the seriousness closer to home.
The nurse handed the copies of our ID to the deputy who looked each over carefully then looked at each of us. "Your relation to the suspect?"
"Sister," I said pointing to Tsveta. "I am a close family friend."
"What about her?" he asked pointing at my daughter.
"This is my daughter. I have no one to leave her with since my wife died a few months ago."
"Besides," Tsveta put in, "Lyubov knows Tanya and it may bring a smile to her face."
The deputy smiled and nodded. "Okay. I'm sorry about your wife. You three can go in."
Inside the room a bandaged figure lay on the bed. Many tubes and wires ran from the body to monitors and IV drips stationed all around. I suddenly noted how sterile the room seemed and realized that it was because most hospital rooms that I've visited were always filled with flowers or cards from friends and family. The stark reality that Lyubov was so alone pressed down on me.
The head on the bed turned. Finally I could see the face. It was Lyubov, but her eyes were black and blue and partly swollen shut. She had bandages across her cheek and forehead. One arm lay on her stomach completely wrapped up except for her fingers.
I crossed over to her and lightly held those fingers. They flinched and I saw her looking up at me wondering. "Lyubov, I'm so sorry to see you like this. I heard broken bones?"
"Yes," she whispered. "Arm, leg. Everything messed up." She saw Tsveta then whispered, "Moya sestra? Mne ochen' zhal'." (My sister? I'm so sorry!) I could see tears welling up in her eyes.
Tsveta came and kissed Lyubov's cheek that was not bandaged then held a couple of the fingers on the exposed hand.
"So much is wrong. So much death. So much waste." Lyubov looked back at me and said, "I guess it is pay back to me for what happened to you."
"Ne ponimayu." (I don't understand.)
"Kristy's accident was caused by a small car that clipped her rear bumper. I know whose car. It was Sergei's. I was in the backseat with Valery when it happened. I turned around and saw the truck...." She stopped and started crying. My world was in danger of collapsing with the new revelations. I had to sit down so I pulled a chair up close to Lyubov's side and sat Tanya on my lap.
Finally Lyubov continued. "I didn't know who it was then. It was a day later that I found out. I tried to get Sergei to come clean and tell the police. He told me shut up and not say anything or he would do something to me or my family. He can't now. Now he's dead."
"Lyubov. Have you told this story to the police?"
She shook her head.
"I think you should. There's a deputy outside the door right now. Why don't you tell him and get it behind you. You didn't cause the accident. And I certainly don't hold you responsible for it."
"You forgive me?"
"Yes, I forgive you. But you have to make sure that you get out of that lifestyle. Stop being a gangsta."
Lyubov nodded with tears streaming down her cheeks.
"Shall I ask the deputy to come in now?" I asked.
Again she nodded.
I squeezed her fingers lightly then picked up Tanya and stepped out of the room. The deputy looked up surprised and I said in a low voice, "Lyubov has some other information that she wants to give as a statement. It involves an accident that might be a hit and run from a few months ago."
The deputy nodded and stood up.
"But I want to go down to the gift shop to get something for her room. Would that be okay?"
"Yes. But why?"
"It breaks my heart to see her so alone and without friends and family. She's only seventeen! Her room needs to have a little joy in it."
"Okay. Just knock on the door when you return and I'll let you in."
Maybe twenty minutes later I returned with Tanya and a medium size bouquet with a mylar balloon. Tanya was fascinated by the balloon. I knocked and the deputy opened the door then smiled.
"You know what she told me, don't you?" he asked.
"I do. She didn't cause the accident. She only withheld information and she was actually blackmailed into being silent."
"That's true. You have a big heart, Mr. Becker. I'll leave you to finish up your visit."
He stepped out and I turned to Lyubov. I saw Tsveta had been crying but now a huge smile spread over her face as she saw the gift I brought. Lyubov was silent except for little sobs.
"This is for you, Lyubov," I finally said. "Your room looked too dull and lifeless."
"Why?" she finally managed to say, the syllable coming out as a sob.
"Because I think the best way you could possibly pay back whatever debt you owe would be to get well and then reform your ways and start helping people--beginning with your Mamma."
Not much else happened outside of a lot of crying and gingerly hugging. As we turned to leave, Tanya pointed up at the balloon and said, "Ba? Ba?"
Lyubov laughed and said, "She wants balloon. Let her have it."
"Thank you, but I want you to have that one. It doesn't make sense for Tanya to have a balloon that says 'Get Well'!"
On the ride back, Tanya scooted all the way over next to me and whispered, "I can't believe how sweet you are. Lyubov was crying the whole time you were gone as she explained to the police what happened that night. She was also afraid that you just left the room and were too angry to come back in."
"I didn't think of that," I commented. "But I really want to see her turn her life around."
"And you aren't upset when you found out I had a different father?"
"That wasn't your fault. I think that you are a blessing to all of those around you. Maybe it wasn't the best thing that your Mamma did, but good is coming out of it. You have blessed me and Tanya. And I know that Kristy thought that you were almost family. That's why she got you that necklace."
Tsveta touched the pendant around her neck then buried her face in my shoulder. I could feel the growing wetness. I could also feel the growing warmth in my heart for this willowy sprig of a girl.
It was along toward August and I had a huge project that was coming due. I had to leave work to pick up Tanya since they wouldn't take her after 6pm. I cooked supper and played a little with her but she was out of sorts. Fussy and borderline inconsolable. I needed to get this project finished by the next morning so I knew I was in for an all nighter, but it was going to be a fight if Tanya had her way.
I phone Olga and asked if Tsveta could watch Tanya for the evening while I worked. She could go back home as soon as the baby was asleep. Olga was happy to oblige. And Tsveta moei was very happy to come spend time in my apartment.
It worked well. I was able to get started and had worked for at least an hour and a half when I realized that I wasn't hearing any baby noises. I thought perhaps that Tsveta had succeeded in putting Tanya to sleep so I quietly went down the hall to Tanya's room. No, there were quiet voices and giggles coming from the bathroom. "Ah, great idea!" I thought. "Give the baby a bath and calm her down for bed."
I opened the door and received an eyeful. Actually many eyefuls! Tsveta sat on the back edge of the tub, completely in the buff and held onto Tanya's hands as the toddler played with her toy cups and washcloth.
Tanya saw me and squealed. Tsveta saw me and slid down into the water. and pulled Tanya up and over herself to hide. But I already saw her beauty displayed: small tits that were maybe two inches wide sticking out about as far with dark pink areola and a soft nipple on each. It looked like she had tubes instead of tits. Her pussy was also visible briefly--just a tuft of hair across the top and several scraggly hairs on either side of beautiful pink lips which were decorated in the center by even pinker inner lips folded up on themselves like fleshy crepe paper.
"I'm sorry," I stammered, finally remembering good manners and looking away. "I wasn't expecting to see you in the buff like this."
"I forget sometimes that I'm not in my home," she began. "Mamma used to bathe the little ones like this. It allowed her to have a bath and it was bonding time for the babies. I used to bath my little sisters this way when they were much younger."
I was silent for a while and tried not to look at her. "Do you need anything now?" I finally asked.
"Well, since you're here and already have seen me, could you get a towel for me and Tanya?"
I pulled two off the shelf.
"And could you dry Tanya off?"
I took my daughter from Tsveta and tried not to stare at her wondrous little tits. As I dried Tanya off, Tsveta stepped out of the tub and treated me to an eye-level view of her pussy. She turned away from me and began toweling off. But that just gave me a great view of her compact little ass and when she put her legs together, she had a gap between her thighs that allowed me to still view her pussy all the way through from her butt crack. I was now sporting a major boner and Mr. Woody did not want to quit. It didn't help that I had on gym shorts and a tee shirt--everything was tenting out in awkwardness. So I held Tanya on my lap to hide my pole.
Tsveta looked at me and saw me concentrating on my daughter. Out of the corner of my eyes, I could see her studying me.
"It's a little embarrassing, isn't it?" she asked.
"You think?" I looked up and caught my breath again at her lithe form.
She wrapped her towel the rest of the way around her torso. "Karl," she began. "That night when you stayed with us? When Lyubov was in the hospital?"
"That's when I realized that I loved you more than words. And then when you did those nice things for her the next evening? I knew that you were the sort of man that I had always hoped that I might find someday."
I suddenly was very scared. Was she propositioning me? Was I about to be busted for sex with a minor? Olga would kill me--then resuscitate me only to kill me again!
She sat of the edge of the tub next to where I sat on the toilet seat lid. "What I'm saying is, I love you very much and I hope that someday we could marry. I almost ache inside wanting you to be closer."
Tanya played with my shirt and I struggled with what to say. "Tsveta moei, my dear Svetlana. I couldn't do anything to you. It would be wrong and it would break your Mamma's heart to know that I violated the trust that she placed in me."
She put her finger on my lips and smiled while shaking her head. "No, I'm not asking you for that. Yet. I am just saying that you should start thinking about marrying again and I don't think that you'll find anyone as ready and able to love you as I am."
I could not believe it. The prospects were delightful and scary! I must have had a slack-jawed, dumb look on my face because Tsveta laughed and added, "And the mere fact that you did everything you could to NOT use me only shows how much of a gentleman you are. I think that Mamma would consent."
"But, you're only fifteen."
She smiled. "And you're almost twenty-five?"
"You really think your Mamma would allow this?"
"I'm certain of it. You watch."
Suddenly she turned and began dressing quickly. She didn't have a bra and her panties were small, pink and frilly. I noted with pleasure how well the panties cupped her ass cheeks.
She saw me looking and smiled. "I see that you enjoy?" She slipped her shirt on over her head then pulled her short pants up and buttoned them. "Karl, don't think me completely naïve. I can tell that you enjoy me--maybe as much as I think I enjoy you. I felt you that night when we lay together on the couch. You were so gentle and careful not to impose on me even though I wanted you to do more. And," she paused and looked down at my lap, "I can see that you are enjoying things even now. No?"
"This is so sudden, Tsveta. I don't know what to think."
"Sleep on it. Think it through. I'll talk with Mamma." She leaned over and kissed my forehead then kissed Tanya.
I saw her to the door then put Tanya to bed. I was in a stupor, my mind buzzing with all the pros and cons of such a possibility. I suddenly thought of Kristy and wondered if I was denigrating her memory. Tanya fussed a little more then finally went to sleep. I went back to my computer and the project but I was NOT making much progress. I kept seeing Tsveta moei--both clothed and unclothed. I saw her face, I felt her long hair, I smelled her scent.
Suddenly there was a knock on the door. I glanced at the clock. It was only 9:30. I looked through the peek hole and was only slightly surprised to see Olga. My heart caught in my throat, though, as I wondered how angry she would be.
"Olga? Anything wrong?"
"Not yet, Karl. We must talk."
I let her in and motioned to the kitchen table. "Need something to drink?"
"Vodka?" She laughed. "No, I kidding." She sat down and sighed. "Karl, Karl, Karl. A Mamma's mind runs a thousand ways. She wants only best for children, da? And sometimes best is unexpected, nyet?"
I nodded, not really knowing which way the conversation would turn yet.
"So I've seen Sveta become more and more attached first to Kristy and you. And now even more attached to you. She has told me things with words and with little actions--oh, Mamma knows!" She put up her hand as if she were holding an imaginary argument with one of her children. "Karl, I saw so much bad that happened to her. I saw Ivan do things that should not be. But she recovered and you took trust of hers and made it grow. She grow. Trust grow. Together. And you not use her. You sweet, gentle. Like father she never really had. Now she tells me she wants to marry. Did you put ideas in her head?"
"No. Not at all."
"Of course, not. Didn't think so." She looked at me closely then slowly allowed a smiled to spread over her face. "How old you?"
"What say law in America?"
"I'd have to look that up, but I think that if you give your permission, the courts will be okay with it."
"What say you? Marry?"
"Olga, this is the first time that I've even thought about it. I don't know what to say."
"What says your ... " she pointed at her chest. "Serdtse?"
"My heart?" I repeated. "It says I don't want to do anything that would hurt Svetlana or you. And it also has a pulling that wants to be with her. She makes me happy."
"Karl, that's what I see when I look at you two. You are honest man. You are a special man. Her own step-father took advantage of her and used her. But she throw herself at you and you not use her." She stood up then placed a kiss on the top of my head. "I would be honored to call you moi ciin!" (my son).
"Let me think about it and ask what the law says, okay?"
"Okay. Spokoynoy nochi." (Good night.)
"Good night, Olga."
I did get the project done. I did not get any sleep. I did contact a lawyer who was knowledgeable about such things. He was rather surprised that there had been no sex between us yet. "Sometimes the courts want to pin blame on the older party and they'll look at sex with a minor to trip the whole thing up," he said. "So you're sure that you've had no sex?"
"I never had sex with her. She was molested by her stepfather but I don't know how far that went."
"You should ask. It will cloud the issue it her cherry's broken--even if you didn't do it." He thought for a few moments, "And you're certain that her mother is on board with this?"
"Absolutely. She already talked with me."
"This might be fairly easy. Let me know what you find out about the stepfather molesting and I'll work on getting the papers drawn up to submit."
I met Tsveta as she walked home and took her hand. "Shall we go for a little walk?"
We walked hand in hand to a small park a block away from our apartments. She sat on a swing and I pushed and she laughed and giggled. Several minutes later as she slowed down, I caught her and whispered, "Tsveta moei, your Mamma talked with me last night."
"I know."
"I've done some thinking about it and I think you're right. I do NOT want to risk losing you. I want you with me the rest of my life. You are a bright blessing, the colors of joy and excitement and wonder all wrapped up in a beautiful young girl. But if you're willing to love me, I want you as my wife. Will you be mine?"
Her face was radiant and her eyes overflowed with joy. She jumped up and latched onto my neck with her hands and my back with her legs as she smothered me with kisses. "Yes, yes, yes, a thousand times yes! Oh, can we get married tonight?"
"We need to do things right. I want the best for you and I want to honor your Mamma by doing it right."
"So we wait?"
"Da. But I am filled with so much joy now, Tsveta moei!"
"What next?" Her head was on my shoulder and she looked into my eyes.
"I started asking a lawyer how to go about marrying someone who isn't eighteen yet. He said that it was really important to keep sex out of the picture--just like we've been doing. But your stepfather did things to you? Did he have sex?"
Her face clouded over with the memory. "No. No sex. He was so, so, brutish. He just made me lick his nasty thing. It tasted horrible and he made me gag. He tried touching my tits and my pizda but I wouldn't let him. I fought him."
I held her close. "You've been through much, Tsveta moei."
"But you're here with me now."
"Ya zdes' dlya tebya." (I am here for you.)
She was still latched onto me and I was holding her, supporting her weight by holding under her dainty little ass. She shifted down and ground her crotch against my groin. The effect was immediate. She giggled and whispered, "Did I do that?"
"Yes, you did, young lady. And you're going to have to watch it so that there are no questions."
"I'll be good, Otyets."
She just called me "father"! This willowy lass who wants to marry me just called me "father"!
"Dochka, chto tii khochesh'?" (Little daughter, what do you want?)
"Ya khochu tebya." (I want you.)
"Let's go tell your Mamma."
Olga beamed brightly and Tsveta's siblings bounced around with excitement. Lyubov was still in juvenile hall but had recovered enough to walk around and receive visitors. She told me that the public defender working with her said that the DA was leaning toward dropping most of the charges and just putting her on probation. She and Tsveta shared some quality sister time together.
My lawyer got back to me and said that the courts were probably okay with it but they'd want to see a doctor's report on Svetlana. I figured that. My lawyer contacted me about a week later and said that there were no problems and the court had okayed the marriage. All we had to do now was set the date. Since Olga was old school Russian Orthodox, I thought having a Christmas wedding would be awesome. That way we could celebrate the Orthodox Christmas almost two weeks later on January 7th.
Olga was pleased as punch. Tsveta was excited and could hardly wait. "Can't we just get married and then have the ceremony later?"
"Good things come to those who wait."
"I can hardly wait, Lyubovnik" (Lover)
"Ya tozhe!" (Me too!)
Tsveta became a little minx or nymph. She certainly ramped up the sexual overtones and touching in the few months leading up to our wedding. I made it a point to have real dates with her: dinner out, or a movie, or a concert, or a nice hike in the hills.
We were out one September Saturday by a river in the nearby mountains. Olga and her younger daughters agreed to watch Tanya. As we hiked along the river, sometimes skipping rocks across the smooth surface of the occasional pond, she suddenly said, "I would really like to try skinny dipping."
"Someday we will."
"Why not now?"
"I don't want to do anything that would risk our coming together."
"So nothing like public nudity. Nothing public except hand holding and sweet kisses and hugs."
"Then I give you a heart-felt kiss, my love." And she planted a long kiss on my cheek while she pressed her tits into my chest. I felt my rod rising and she ground her hips seductively against Mr. Woody.
"Oh, Tsveta, the kiss was fine," I exclaimed. "The everything else has to be non-public."
"So we can do some things when we're alone?"
"Perhaps. I think tonight when we get back, you will need to take a bath before we go out to dinner."
"Oh, I think that I could take a bath," she said and winked.
I kissed her cheek and took her hand in mine. "You don't know how hard it is for me. Once I decided that we should marry, I wanted nothing more than to take you clothes off and spend the next week pleasuring you in every single way possible."
She giggled and blushed. Deeply.
Suddenly, I was really looking forward to going home.
We had a nice picnic and then a nice walk back. Tsveta held onto my hand or my arm nearly the whole way. Although she was a little quieter than normal.
The drive back was very quiet except for her snuggling close to me and occasionally sighing. I had my arm around her shoulder and my hand rested on her hip. This time I let it stay there. She took the cue and dropped her hand to my lap where she lightly traced the outline of my growing dick.
"Oh Tsveta, you are so hot and beautiful!"
"I am beautiful?"
"Very. And the proof is the rigid rod in my pants."
She laughed and continued tracing her fingers over my rod.
Soon we were home and I had her open up my apartment while I carried our stuff back inside. I made sure to lock the door and close all the curtains then I went to find my bride-to-be in the bathroom. She had started the water and had slipped out of her shirt and pants so she stood there wearing only her bra and dark blue brief-cut panties.
"You are the picture of beauty," I said.
"What?" She smiled. "Why do you like me? Is it my tiny tits?"
"That's part of it?"
"What if they grow big? Will you still think I'm beautiful?"
"Tsveta moei, I'm sure they will grow more, but so what? They are attached to you. That's what makes you beautiful! It's you!"
"My sunshine splash of color! I don't care whether your tits are the size of basket balls or the size of little cherries." I didn't bother explaining that I was growing more in love with the smaller size tits like cherry tomatoes or maybe kiwi fruit, but I would take whatever this sexy vixen would offer me.
"What if I get old and fat and floppy?"
"I'll be even older and you will always be young and sey to me."
She smiled and stepped closer to me. She hooked her fingers in my belt loops and tugged slightly. "Then I have found the perfect man for me. I am almost drunk with joy."
"Me too." So much for me being poetic then.
"Will you join me in the tub?" she said, her voice charged with emotion. "We can pretend we're skinny dipping."
"Uh, yeah!"
"You'll have to take these things off," she said, in a sultry voice as she tugged at my pants again.
"You take them off," I said, smiling.
Suddenly she took charge and undid my belt, then unbuttoned it and slipped it down. I helped her out by kicking my shoes off. I helped her as she pulled my shirt up and over my head. I now stood wearing only my underwear--which was tented badly--next to the most beautiful fifteen year old I had ever seen. She was still only in her bra and panties as she pulled me close to her and whispered, "Then you take my clothes off too, mister!"
I reached in front and undid the snap on her small bra then slowly released those tender morsels to my sight. I bent then gently kissed each one. I wanted to take each in my mouth and suck it, but I also wanted to make this last as long as possible. She shrugged her shoulders and the bra fell to the floor. I pulled her closer and placed my mouth on hers and kissed. This was the first time that we had gone this far. There was a real danger of quickly careening out of control, but we both wanted something more than hand holding. In a few moments I felt her tongue probing at my lips. I took it into my mouth and sucked it softly then pushed my tongue into her mouth and felt a thrill as she sucked on it. My hands were rubbing up and down on her back and her long, luxurious hair, her still covered ass cheeks.
We broke the kiss to come up for air and she whispered, "That was incredible. Does it get better?"
"Oh yes." And then I pulled on her panties. She helped me and soon she stood completely naked in front of me. My dick was straining for release.
Tsveta noticed the huge bulge in my underwear. "Is that what I think it is?"
"It is. Look what you've done to me," I whispered.
"Maybe I should help." And then she slid my underwear down allowing my six and a half inches of throbbing manhood to stand at attention, saluting her beauty. With my underwear around my ankles, she dropped to her knees and began kissing my dick head.
"Tsveta, you don't have to do that," I began, remembering her telling of how grotesque it was for her to be forced to lick her step-father's dick.
She looked up at me, her hand still holding my throbbing cock. "Karl, I want to. If you're thinking about what I've been through, don't. This is so much different than anything my step-father made me do. He forced himself on me and only used me. You--well, we--are giving ourselves to each other. Besides, you smell much nicer." She then licked the tip of my dick. I moaned. She then took the head into her mouth and her tongue was darting around the pee hole and the underside.
"Tsveta moei," I gasped. "I'm going to blow."
She mumbled something but kept sucking and licking so I repeated, "I'm going to squirt."
She nodded her head up and down but kept a tight hold on my dick in her mouth. I couldn't hold on. Blast after blast rocketed out. I grew light-headed from the rush and almost staggered. But she kept my dick head in her mouth and very little of my cum leaked out.
She finally took my cock out of her mouth, swallowed then licked the tip once again. "Now about that bath?"
"You are incredible."
"Show me," she whispered.
I pulled her to her feet and led her to the tub which was very full. I sat in first and guided her to sit on my lap with her back against my front. My dick was surprisingly still somewhat hard and pointed up between her legs. She felt it there and squeezed her legs tightly against my manhood. I immediately took to nibbling on her neck and ear lobes while massaging her small tits in my hands. Within a minute she was sighing and moaning.
After several minutes, I moved one hand down between her legs. She responded by opening her legs and draping one over the side of the tub. My fingers now had unimpeded access to her pussy. I resisted the urge to plunge straight into that inviting channel. Instead I traced the outside edges of her pussy lips, feeling the creases in her skin where leg joined to body, where pussy transitioned to butt. I felt each of her thinly grown pussy hairs and then I felt the spongy, fleshy ribbons of her inner lips. I squeezed the outer lips together and gently massaged starting at the lower end all the way up to the top. As I felt the hard bump of her clitoris being rubbed between her pussy lips, I heard her gasp then stiffen before spreading her legs wider and bucking her hips back toward my fingers.
It was time now. Slowly I ran my middle finger across the length of her pussy slit from bottom to top. It was under water so of course it was wet, but I felt an extra slipperiness coming from within her labial folds. Again and again I traced that line from bottom to top, pressing a little more, a little deeper each time. Soon, my finger was completely within her inner lips and I felt the opening of her vagina. I played a little at that beckoning tunnel before I concentrated on her clit. As I rubbed my finger in circles over that little nub, I rubbed one tit and its nipple in concert.
She moaned and leaned her head back against my shoulder and found my ear, took the lobe into her mouth and started sucking. Her pussy grew very slick; her hips bucked against my fingers. Suddenly she gasped and grew rigid and I felt her pussy quivering under my finger. I pressed my finger firmly against the length of her slit, allowing the tip of my finger to rest against the opening of her vagina. I cupped her one breast in my hand and kissed her neck again and again.
We stayed like that for several minutes, my dick rock hard again and pointing up along her inner thigh. She finally relaxed and sighed deeply then kissed my cheek.
"I would have never guessed it was anything like that," she whispered. "And that's not even really the whole thing, is it?"
"We've only just begun," I whispered, "and we have the rest of our lives to explore more and more."
She suddenly became aware of my rigid dick between her legs. "Oh, and look who wants to come play again!"
"So you're okay with oral sex?"
"As long as it's you," she smiled. "And I hope you're okay with it."
"Good, 'cause I'm going to wash you and then you're going to wash me and then I'm going to make you cum again."
"I could handle that," I replied.
We never made it out to dinner that night, settling for a snack or two in between lots of touching and licking and cumming. I delivered her back to her Mamma around 9pm and picked up Tanya. "Dinner tomorrow night for certain," I promised.
"Okay, Karl."
Olga looked back and forth between us then looked hard at her daughter. "No, Mamma," Tsveta said. "We aren't going that far till after we're really married. We've made that promise to each other and I don't want to dishonor you."
"Blagoslovi tebya, ditya moye," Olga said softly then kissed her daughter on the forehead. (Bless you, my child.) Then to me she said, "Tii khoroshiy chelovek. Spasibo." (You are a good man. Thank you.)
On one hand it was difficult to keep our petting from progressing. On the other, we had a couple of strong forces pushing back against us so we didn't go too far too quickly. First was the fear of what the courts or the legal system would do to me--even though we were already cleared to be married. Second was the fact that Tsveta had school and had responsibilities with her family. Third was Olga. There was something about the look in her eye that kept me in check and kept my dick out of her little girl's pussy.
It was shortly after that that Olga dropped a small bombshell in my lap. "You must know this, Karl. Sveta is actually younger than what you think."
"She's not fifteen?"
"Nyet. She only fourteen."
"What happened?"
"Bunch of mistakes. When we get passport, they start with wrong birth certificate. Then they copy the date wrong. Sveta not born June fourth. Actually born April sixth."
I thought about that and suddenly realized how easy it would be to misinterpret 6-4-year. To Eurpoeans, that would be the sixth day of the fourth month, that is, April. To Americans, that is the fourth day of the sixth month, that is, June. And then the year is wrong?
"So she's what, 14 months younger than what her papers say?"
"Da. But is no worry. 14 or 15. Still young. And still I give my blessings to you. You are a very good man, Karl. Perfect for her. And you are very lucky man. She is old soul. You know?"
I nodded. I thought I knew what she was saying.
"Old soul. She act much older than her age. More mature. There are no 14 year old boys or even 18 year old boys who are as mature as her. Da?"
"I agree." And it was a bit heady thinking that I was almost ready to dive into a young teen's pussy. Not even 15 years old! No wonder she looked small and not developed yet. Wow! And I was going to be privileged to witness her development--her most intimate details and features as they changed. Wow!
During this time, I helped Olga and Tsveta pick out a wedding dress. Yes, traditionally the bride's father picks up the tab, but there was no father there--plus, I had been acting like the father-figure for the family. I also chose a ring and slipped it on Tsveta's finger one early October evening right at sunset. The squeals of delight brought several neighbors out to see what was happening. Some were a little taken aback by the fact that I was going to marry a minor--others that I was marrying so soon after Kristy's death. But others were genuinely happy for us.
At my work, I brought up the fact that I was going to remarry and I got the obligatory congratulations and inquiries as to who my lucky girl was. They were more than a little surprised by the fact that my bride was still only in high school.
My cubicle mate, Jessie, was really quiet for most of the day after the announcement. I didn't push it but let her think through things. I certainly wasn't going to apologize for marrying someone young; but I was ready, when necessary, to defend our decision.
Mid afternoon, Jessie turned around in her chair and asked, "So what happened?"
"What do you mean?" I countered.
"I mean, it's less than a year after Kristy's accident and now you're hooking up with a minor?"
"Let me explain something. If you're thinking that I had hanky panky and this is to cover a pregnacy or that somehow this is a shotgun wedding, you're wrong. I have only acted in complete honor with Svetlana from the day we met till now. Second, Kristy herself felt that Tsveta was like a member of our family. Third, Tsveta actually asked me--I didn't proposition her; she asked me to marry her. Her Mamma then came and interogated me and said that she felt it was the best thing for both of us. Fourth, she loves me and I love her. Her Mamma says that she is an old soul--someone who is far more mature that her mere age alone would suggest. Fifth, she love my little daughter and my little daughter loves her. There is already a trust and bond there. Why would I go and try to find it elsewhere? It's already here?"
Jessie was silent for sometime before she quietly said, "I'm sorry for doubting you, Karl. It's just that our society frowns on May-December relations."
"I'm not that much older than she is."
"Really? How old are you?"
"Only 24."
"Get out. When'd you graduate from college?"
"I was barely 21."
"Okay. It makes sense to me." She shook her head. "I wish you the best."
"Thank you, Jessie."
"And I have your back here. I'll keep the others from talking smack."
I nodded, knowing just how petty interoffice gossip could become. "Thank you!"
"Say, if your Svetlana is in high school, would she want to come do a career day job-shadow sort of thing? I would be sure to shepherd her around and keep the potty mouths away."
"I'll ask."
Tsveta was eager and Olga thought it a good thing. The time was aranged for the first week in November and I helped her shop for some nice, professional clothes to wear. "Don't worry with the makeup thing," I suggested. "I don't want you looking like a painted lady because you already look stunning enough!"
That earned me a big kiss. "That one's for the compliment." She kissed me again. "And that one is for the new clothes!"
Tsveta thoroughly enjoyed her time there. She saw the web programming that Jessie and I did. ("Boring! Just kidding, Karl") But Jessie arranged to take her out to the production part of the plant where they manufactured medical equipment, and then to R&D where they did electronic testing as well as actual wet chemistry. She came back completely excited by the prospects and decided that she wanted to major in Biology or Chemistry and that working in a lab and testing things was so cool!
Jessie whispered to me as Tsveta stepped out to the lady's room that my bride had won the hearts of most of our colleagues. "She's such a sweet girl. And if she weren't so tiny, I'd believe that she was much older because of how she interacts with people and, Karl! She is really intellegent, you know that don't you?"
I nodded.
"Don't neglect her education."
"I'm not. I was excited to hear her starting to set some lofty education goals," I answered. "She is not going to stay stuck in the Russian ghetto with the Russian Mafia directing her life."
"Well, good." Jessie smiled then added, "You had convinced me about the rightness of your decision to marry and I tried to talk it up. I think that today has gone along very well toward shutting up most people's concern or idle gossip about what you are doing. She not only loves you Karl, she *LOVES* you! And she is articulate about how she fell in love with you. You are one very sweet man."
"Ya znayu!" (I know.)
"Sorry, sometimes when I think about Tsveta, I just start thinking in Russian. I just said, 'I know.'"
My parents were eventually supportive of the marriage. Kristy's parents were a little hesitant. It took a number of talks reminding them that they would have felt that way no matter who I was marrying since somehow it would feel like I was taking their granddaughter away from them.
"But I'm not," I explained. "You two are a very big part of Tanya's life and I want you to keep being a big part of it. Tanya now has two sets of grandparents and soon she'll have a new grandma. Perhaps Tanya will call Olga 'Babushka' or something."
For Thanksgiving, I insisted on helping Olga's family celebrate the American way with a big turkey and all the traditional dishes. I was busy in my kitchen and theirs, running back and forth between the two ovens and stoves. Tsveta was a great help. Kristy's parents actually accepted my invitation and came to join us for a huge family dinner. There were awkward silences at first, then Tsveta drew them into the conversation and by the end of the meal, I could tell that they had been won over.
Kristy's dad took me aside and said, "I completely understand why your'e doing this. And me and my wife are very happy that you're not leaving us out."
"Absolutely. You're part of our lives. We want you to stay that way."
"You have a wonderful bride there, Karl. She charmed my socks off tonight!"
Later after we cleaned up, I charmed more than her socks off. After Tanya was put to bed, I brought Tsveta into my bed and said, "I've been wanting to do this for weeks now."
"Chto, Lyubovnik?" (What, Lover?)
"Ya khochu s"yest' tebya!" (I want to eat you!)
Her eyes grew large and then she squealed. "Da, da, da! Pozhaluysta!" (Yes, yes, yes! Please!)
I helped her slip out of her clothes and marveled again at her small breasts. They were filling out and were wider than a few months before--no longer mere tubes but now small cones capped by small areolas and nipples that suddenly reminded me of ruby pink Hershey's kisses. I bent to lick and suck each into my mouth and Tsveta grabbed my head and gasped. But then I continued undressing her. She helped me by kicking off her shoes and then she stepped out of her pants and her panties. Her vulva was framed with a light dusting of light brown hairs on either side of her slit with a fuller tuft adorning the top. Her inner lips stuck out, especially near the top.
I laid her back on the bed, then quickly stripped out of my clothes. I pulled her legs apart and began kissing from the foot up to her crotch, then back down the other side to the other foot. I retraced my kisses and kissed around her navel and her hips bones before kissing closer and closer to her pussy. I stayed away from the crack, concentrating on the edge where her legs joined into her torso. Finally I began kissing across her outer pussy lips then over to the other side, then back again. Back and forth; back and forth. Each time lingering longer on her pussy, each time pressing deeper against that warm slit and the fire that radiated from within. Finally I starting licking around her pussy, along the edges near each leg, across the top, down near her ass, then finally I traced the crinkled line of her inner lips with my tongue from bottom to top.
"Oh, Karl," her voice was dark and rich with emotions.
I inhaled her scent and realized that my cock was throbbing and threatening to erupt just from eating her out. I moved so that my dick was not touching the sheets any more. At the same time, I drove my tongue deep into the inner folds of her inner pussy lips. She was crazy wet with desire. I kept licking back and forth from the bottom of her pussy to the nub of her clit. Her hands played back and forth over my head almost in response to what I was doing with my tongue. Finally I started circling my tongue around the little nubbins before I took it into my mouth and sucked.
Suddenly her legs clamped tightly around my head and I heard a muffled grunt like an animal in heat. Muffled only because her thighs plugged my ears. Her hands held on tightly to my head and I left my face planted in her pussy for a while longer as she rode the huge wave of her orgasm.
Finally she relaxed her grip on me and her legs flopped open. I scooted up to lie above her, still supporting most of my weight on my arms.
She kissed my lips, not repulsed by the taste of her nectar then said, "Udivitel'nyy!" (Amazing!)
"I told you there is so much more that we can explore."
"How about you? How can we explore so that you have a good time tonight?"
"I'm almost ready to shoot my load right now, that was so exciting!"
"You really enjoyed it?"
"I did, Tsveta moei. Why don't you do the same for me. I'll just lie down here and let you lick me silly!"
And then I got a blow job of my life. She began just like I did to her: kissing my legs from my feet to my crotch. Suddenly she slowly suck one testicle into her mouth. She was so gentle! My cock jumped in anticipation. Then just as slowly she let it out and sucked the other testicle in. She went back and forth several times on my balls like that before she started kissing up the length on my cock. Then she began licking the length of my cock from my balls up to the head. Oh, that felt good! Finally she put her mouth over the head and engulfed the head and maybe an inch or so past. Her tongue was working frantically along the underside of my dick and her hand had wrapped around the shaft. She kept sucking, licking and stroking me. I blasted a number of gobs of cum into her mouth and I saw colors at the same time. (Fitting that I saw colors as Tsveta sucked me. A little Russian language humor there.) My dick twitched several times more before laying still and sh rinking a bit.
Finally she let my dick plop out of her mouth and she scooted up on top of me to lay on me, her head nestled in the crook of my neck. "I'm really looking forward to the time when we don't have to say good night and leave each other at the other's door."
"Less than a month, my dear bride."
"Less than a month before I experience your dick deep inside of me where it belongs!"
We were married as planned on Christmas Day in a Russian Orthodox church. We had a lovely little honeymoon, but I don't think we remembered much of where we went--we spent a LOT of the time in our bed. I may write more later about some of our adventures and escapades, but I will say that the wait was worth it. We were married and no one could say that I was molesting her. She was my wife now and I was her husband. I finally slipped my throbbing rob deep into her tight virgin pussy--just like it was suppose to be. It was a tight fit and it bled quite a bit afterwards. But a bath together and rubbing it with aloe gel, then reapplying my dick to the insides of her tender twat was exactly what was needed--or at least, exactly what she wanted.
She finished high school a year and a half early, went to community college and then transferred to the local university where she is currently majoring in Chemistry. Watch out world. She's smart and she knows exactly what she wants. And she usually gets what she wants. I'm exhibit "A" in that regard. And happily, she's exactly what I want too! And soon, I think we'll have another little one or two running around keeping Tanya company.
Mr Big Stuff
Philip Spencer
old one
Peter Pan
At the end of Chapter 4: 'Bare with it. It's all part of how a young teen matures and gains confidence to talk with more adults.'
'Bare' is incorrect in that it means to uncover. The word you want is 'Bear' just like the word for the animal is spelled. The vicissitudes of English, right?
Tanya Writer
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