Stepdaughter: Spanked and Fucked

[ Mf, inc, fath, dau, reluc ]

Published: 18-Jul-2013

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

The moment the garage door began to close, its low rumble groaning throughout the house, I knew what was coming. So did Candace, my fourteen-year-old stepdaughter.

I didn't know exactly when it would arrive, or exactly what the trigger would be, but as soon as my wife - Candace's mother - pulled out of the garage on a Saturday morning, hauling her craft jewelry to yet another distant flea market or art fair, the inexorable countdown would begin. It had become to us a Law of Nature.

Another apparent immutable was the unspoken rule that Candace and I each faithfully observed, right up until the very "moment" itself. Until that instant, we each behaved as the affectionate - but normal - parent and child we were the other six days of the week, just as though my wife were right there in the room with us.

Right up until the "moment", that is.


"Hey, Robert."

"Hiya, Hon. Sleep well?"

"Yeah. Is that toast?"

"Yep. I made it for you. I already ate."


She sat down and began to spread jelly over the toast, while I savored my second cup of coffee. I wondered whether I would get any yard work done today. It all depended on the adorable little eighth-grader sitting across the table from me, looking just as innocent and carefree as one might expect.

A girl her age has little in her life to engender a crinkled brow; nothing more serious than, say, an overdue sentence-diagramming assignment for her English class, or fleeting angst over whether whichever boy she currently "loved" had even noticed her. Candace is no exception, and although she isn't my daughter by blood, it delights me to watch her grow up and grow through each stage in her young journey toward adulthood.

Candace is, as I mentioned, fourteen years old, and on this particular morning her honey-brown hair was pulled back in a ponytail. She was still in her pajamas - flannel pink, with a button-front top and full-legged bottoms, covered with little white "Hello-Kitty" icons. This comfy outfit mostly disguised her blossoming young form.

Per our unspoken rules, I awaited her initiative, which could come right away or well into the day. Maybe she had homework planned first thing; or maybe she and her little clique of junior-high heartbreakers were heading to the mall this morning. If so, the "moment" would not come for some time.

Well, if I was given the opportunity, I'd head over to the Home Depot and pick up a few bags of lawn fertilizer, then I'd...

"This toast is burnt!"

So much for that. This week's pretext: burnt toast.

"You burnt the toast. I knew I should have made my own. You suck at cooking." Mind you, we both knew the toast was not burnt.

"Candace, I don't like your tone. If you don't like your toast, make your own, or have something else. But I will not tolerate you speaking to me that way."

Her face flushed pink, her big hazel eyes widened, her pupils dilated, and I could see the cute little nostrils of her button nose flaring with her quickening breath. The "moment" had arrived, and the yard work was definitely going to suffer a delay.

"You're not the boss of me!" Her voice quavered. "You're not my real dad. I don't have to listen to you!"

"You don't think so? You're not too old for a spanking, young lady. Don't make me treat you like a little girl."

"You wouldn't dare!"

I pushed my sturdy wooden chair back from the kitchen table, as Candace calmly arose from her own seat and cleared the table of her toast plate and my coffee cup, leaving it completely bare. She placed the dishes in the sink with aplomb totally at odds with the text and tone of our interchange. I enjoyed the gliding undulation of the rounded, adolescent buns beneath her flannel PJ bottoms as she performed this task with complete composure.

Then she casually took a position standing to my right.

"You would never spank me. I'm a teenager now."

"Try me."

She draped herself over my lap with practiced ease, her palms on the floor to my left, and her tip-toes on the floor to my right. Her pelvis was balanced perfectly across my lap, her rounded bottom elevated defiantly. The flannel stretched across her bubble buns in this position, pulling taut across this blessed canvas six or seven "Hello-Kitty" cartoons at various angles in a fetching kitsch-art display. The seam of her PJ bottoms was perfectly aligned - it split and defined her eighth-grade asscrack.

"Look, I'll cooperate completely. See, I'm not even resisting. But there is no way you're going to spank me, is there?"

"You know so much, Candace, you must be right." With my left hand, I reached across her youthful form and took hold of her tight waist, just above her right hip. In my own plaid pajama bottoms, my growing prick struggled into a standing position, moving and adjusting within the garment under its own power, to come upright. I pulled my young stepdaughter towards me across my lap, wedging my ready rod in between my own abdomen and her lightly padded left hip.

"Go ahead. I dare you. I dare you to spank me, you - OWWW! That hurt!"

I bet it did - my own hand was stinging. I had brought it down hard across both buns, dead center. She wriggled in my lap a bit, which felt very nice as it served to roll my prick between our bodies.

Drawing my arm back, I swung again, this time bringing my open palm in "sidearm," to strike across the bottom curve of her ass. I love that part of her little rump - when she is standing, it is the portion that curves back under her shelf-like profile. For such a petite girl, Candace is blessed with quite an out-thrust rear; I imagine that if she walked nude under an equatorial sun, this part of her anatomy would spend the entire day in complete, protected shade.

My resounding swat, unlike the rays of this hypothetical sun, was unhindered in its advance, and so it did succeed in causing her under-bottom some pain. This elicited another yowl from Candace, and it propelled her forward in my lap. Well, to be precise, first it propelled her buttcheeks forward, and six or seven "Hello-Kitties" jerked at once towards her waistband, before the shock wave propagated through her body to translate into the forward motion of her entire eighty-eight pound mass. Since, naturally, momentum is always conserved, as her body swung forward, her cute bottom swung back, and a short-lived but quite delicious oscillation ensued. Unwilling to allow this delectable motion to cease, I provided it renewed and repeated impetus.

After three or four more swats, I paused. The tip of my cock was tenting my pajama bottoms, turtle-heading up from between her young body and my own, not-so-young one. A wet stain was forming in the plaid flannel, from the unashamed flow of my pre-cum.

"Okay, Robert, okay. So you can spank me. I get it. But you have no right to do more than that. You can't pull down my pajamas, and spank me in my underwear. You wouldn't dare try that."

As she said this, she was already rocking from her left hipbone to her right hipbone and back again, repeatedly, to allow me to inch her "Hello Kitty" pajama bottoms out from under her as I drew them down over her adolescent hips. With this assistance I soon had them bunched around her young calves, without her ever leaving her perch across my lap.

The display before me was exquisite. Her up-thrust buttocks were now encased in a pair of white cotton panties. Part of me was disappointed that they weren't her most innocent, schoolgirl pair. She had worn those last Saturday. On the other hand, this pair - only slightly more worldly - did a better job of lifting and separating her sweet young globes, and the leg holes rose a little more daringly to display the bare flesh of her under-bottom. The material was slightly ribbed, and it wedged even more profoundly into her crevice than her PJs had. Yummy.

Since her ritual challenge had already been voiced, I simply proceeded with the next phase.

With now only one layer of fabric between my hand and her ass, the effects of each blow were more pronounced. Her butt jiggled more freely, my hand felt the yielding flex of her glutes more distinctly, the sound of each contact rang out more clearly, and my prickhead oozed pre-cum more profusely. I also strayed off the panty-covered portions repeatedly, to directly strike the naked flesh of her lower buns and upper thighs, which turned warm and rosy in response.

Again, after several spankings in this state, I paused. While we each caught our breath, my hand traced down along her ass-groove, drifting between her thighs and into her crotch. She spread her legs a bit, as much as the pajama bottoms now hobbling her ankles would allow, which presented me with even more accommodating access to her underage sex than her wide, adolescent pubic arch had already afforded.

Her puffy labia slid about under my fingertips, their oily convolutions moistening the gusset of the interposing panties delightfully. A pheromone-laden fragrance wafted up from this region, firing both my spirit and my loins even further, if you can imagine that. Society said "no;" her hormones said "yes."

"Well, okay, so what?" Her voice was decidedly husky now, and she sounded a little out of breath. "You've shown me that you can spank me in my panties. I can't argue with that. But you would never spank my bare butt. You wouldn't dare try that!"

This time, she didn't even wait for me, but reached back and skinned her own panties down over her rump and hips. I withdrew my hand from her crotch in order to allow this, and once she had the offending article down around her thighs, I took over and slid them the rest of the way along her coltish young legs to join the pink PJ bottoms around her ankles. I resisted the temptation to reach my hand back into her gap and drive my fingers immediately up her exposed channel. Instead, I cupped her far buttock.

I have learned something about eighth-graders' asses, in contrast to those of some older subjects. If perchance an eighth-grader's ass appears to be perfect when seen in jeans - or in pajama bottoms - or in lightly ribbed white cotton panties, for that matter - then that eighth-grader's ass is guaranteed to be also quite perfect in its bare, fully exposed form.

Case in point:

The blushing peach before my eyes was, without question, exception, or reservation, simply perfect.

Candace's schoolgirl ass was alabaster pure, alabaster smooth, and - except for the splotches of inflamed pink engendered by my firm stepfatherly attentions - alabaster pale.

It was firm, taut, and rounded in a pleasing curve that might have served as the idealized, Platonic "form" for the nubile feminine. Each globe moved, rippled, and flexed on its own, but together they enjoyed perfect symmetry of shape, and flawless concert of action.

A fine, nearly transparent dusting of tiny, downy white hairs quivered across its heart-shaped surface. Confronted with this beauty, I had to respond.

So I proceeded to beat it, soundly.

With one swift blow, I set that perfection in motion before my avid gaze, the object of my devotion now being completely unobscured by clothing.

A second blow mesmerized me with how quickly it produced an angry red blush in the approximate shape of my hand.

A third, struck outward against her far buttock, spread her crack and demonstrated its sweet depth and flawlessness.

This inspired a fourth in the same direction, slightly lower down, to encourage her crinkled anus to peek out momentarily.

Numbers five and six treated the near bun to similar blows, for her identical twins begged for equal treatment.

Seven elicited a serious yelp.

Eight was delivered with even more force, under the "I'll give you something to cry about" theory of parental discipline!

And the final two delivered the coda: a resounding blow across the lower buttock, upper thigh area of first her near, and then her far, limb.

I was breathing hard, not only with lust, but with the exertion. I had just beaten that underage tush ten ways from Sunday, as hard as I could.

Candace was also panting, both from the stimulation and in an effort to overcome the sniffling that her very real tears were causing.

My stepdaughter's ass was a bright red, and shivering, when she again spread her immature thighs as wide as her constrained ankles would allow. I slid my hand down between them and felt the slick snail's trail of her quim, as it slobbered fuck oil all over itself.

I stroked the pudgy, pouting outer lips a few times, and used her concupiscence to tuft out a few of her sparse pubic hairs playfully, before finally condescending to digitally enter her overwrought vagina.

I slid my middle finger into her very slowly, not out of concern for her comfort - she was hot and ready - but for my own enjoyment. Her scalding box gripped at the invader along every millimeter of its deliberate intrusion.

"Oh, that's so bad. You can't fingerfuck me. That's way over the line. You're not supposed to touch me like this. Mmmmm ... and I know I said that you have no right to spank me, because you're not my real daddy. But this is still creepy - incest and stuff - don't think you can molest me, either, just 'cause you're not my real dad-DEEE!"

That last yelp arose from my decision, at that moment, to none-too-gently shove a second and third finger simultaneously into her junior-miss hole.

"Oooh, stop that. You have to stop!" While she proclaimed this, her exquisite rump rose and fell in time with my penetrations, in order to ensure that each thrust of my fingers delved as deeply as possible. My hand was soaked.

After a few enjoyable minutes of this, I pulled three sopping wet fingers from her eager little hole, and helped her to arise from across my lap into a standing position. While she stepped out of the pajama bottoms and underpants entangling her feet, she continued to jabber. I took the opportunity to remain seated and lick my fingers.

"Even if you were my real dad, and maybe had the right to spank me, you still couldn't molest me. I know you were just fingering me, so maybe you could say you were checking me for health, or somethin', but you can't do more than that, understood? So don't even try."

She hoisted herself up onto the kitchen table, sitting on the edge facing me. I scooted my chair forward, and she laid herself back on the dinette, putting a hand behind each knee and pulling her legs to her chest. Her cuntlet rolled up, front and center.

I leaned in and blew lightly across her immature puss.

"Eww! That's gross. Don't even think of using your mouth!"

She pulled her knees a bit further apart. This made a lovely presentation.

Her pudenda was swollen, a darker contrast to the pale, framing young thighs. A few sparse hairs, soaked and dark, sprouted here and there from scattered patches along her outer labia, and grew in only slightly greater density atop her mons. After my three-finger workout, her inner labia were blossomed out, slick and red, and her wee mating hole winked at me.

When I blew lightly across her flower again, her hips almost leapt off the table.

"C'mon! Quit teasing me!"

"What do you mean by that?" I asked archly, suspecting that she was about to break from her "script."

"Um, I mean, stop teasing me by blowing on me. Get your mouth away from me, you pervert. Don't you dare put your mouth on me!"

"Ah, well, we'll see about that. Obviously, you still don't understand who's the parent here, and who's the child. Just for that..." I opened my slobbering maw - already salivating in excess, due to a textbook case of Pavlovian conditioning - and engulfed the entire compass of her pouting puss.

An "Oh God!" escaped her lips as I drew my flattened tongue up through her groove, pressing it firmly into her flesh to spread and split her fat fucklips and to apply as many of my taste buds as possible to the native source of her nectar.

She assisted in this effort by rocking her youthful loins up into my face. By wagging my tongue slightly from left to right, I quickly coated it with her creamy offering. It was delicious, of course, both sweet and sour, both bitter and salty, both yummy and YUMMY. Candace shuddered, and released the hand holds on her smooth legs in order to wrap her calves around my shoulders and to grab the back of my head with both hands.

Next I swabbed my tongue up and down, really emphasizing the furrow of her juvenile cunt. She whimpered at this, hunched her hips down, and tugged at my head, trying to get her not-inexperienced young clit into contact with the wriggling worm. Not so fast, little girl!

Instead of allowing this, I took firm hold of her young hips with botyh hands, controlling her movement easily with a thumb pressed firmly across each protruding hipbone. Then I flexed and de-flattened my tongue - turning it now into a stiff, nearly cylindrical spear of salivating flesh - so that when I dipped my face a bit lower I could use it to pierce her leaking honeyhole. I drove my tongue deep into her channel, and was rewarded; rewarded with a gasp from her schoolgirl throat, with a buttery adolescent discharge from within, and with a precocious vaginal spasm gripping along my entire lingual length. What a pretty little precursor to her imminent climax!

"Please..." she mewled. I continued to tongue-fuck her.

"Up higher..." Her hips were gyrating so energetically now that I had to apply real effort to hold onto her bucking pelvis.

"Dad-DEEE!" Now that was worth some kind of prize, don't you think? I relented, and honored Candace's need.

Semi-reluctantly, I withdrew my pointed tongue from within her breakfast nook and pursed my mouth to fasten, finally, upon her begging bead. By now, the inflamed clit had swollen to the size of a gumdrop, so it was easy to grasp its impudence in my sucking lips while also poking at it with the tip of my squishy-firm tongue. Candace went bananas, making plenty of noise, but nothing intelligible - just the "coos and oohs" of an in-heat mammalian female.

I understand that the French term for orgasm means "little death"; the fourteen-year old certainly had me in a "little death grip," pressing my mouth firmly onto her clit. I had little choice but to go the flow at this point, as if I didn't love it, so I reapplied myself to suckling vigorously on her sugar-sweet clitoral nubbin.

My adolescent "captor" was soon rewarded, as the ransom she demanded was delivered, quite willingly, through the countless clitoral nerve-tips embedded - and practically vibrating - within my worshipful mouth.

"oh-Oh-OH - yes-Yes-YES - don't stop - Don't Stop - DON'T STOP - oh god - Oh God - OH GOD" and other such fuck-prattle rang through the kitchen in an accelerating tempo and a growing amplitude. My fourteen-year-old stepdaughter convulsed on the dinette as her first full orgasm of the day ran its course through her petite body. I held on for my own pleasure, lapping up yet another course of schoolgirl butterscotch, fresh from the source.

I snacked on this helping while Candace recovered from her climax, but my prick was beginning to make its impatience known to me. Somehow during the wrestling session that had just passed for cunnilingus, it had managed to free itself, poking its weeping head up past my pajama waistband to periscope about in the fresh air. Very well, I had my own "Robert's Rules of Order" - "The chair recognizes the member from Hebephile's Crotch."

I gently lifted Candace's draping legs off of my shoulders, and stood, pressing her knees back up towards her chest where she dutifully took hold of them, pulling them against her pajama top.

Her cute face was now thoroughly flushed, of course, and her eyes were half-lidded in her animal bliss, so it took her a moment to respond as I pulled my cock the rest of the way out over my waistband, balls and all, and began dragging its tip through her now-soupy cleft. But then she remembered herself.

"You have to stop now. You spanked me, even though you've got no right to. You're not even my real dad. But then you went way too far. You ate me. You can't do that. Even if you were my real dad - especially if you were my real dad -- you couldn't do that. It's incest and everything..."

I should break in here, although the little eighth grader's chatter continued without pause, to mention that while she was rehearsing these charges, she was also gyrating her pelvis, playing along in a slutty little game of cat-and-mouse, wherein I would tease her cuntal mouth with the flared crown of my manhood, and she would try to snatch it up with her agile young snapper. She kept her knees up against her chest by means of nothing but her well-toned tummy muscles, so that she could reach down with both hands to grasp the table edge, for leverage. I would tease and bait, and when she though the moment right, she's twist, swerve, or thrust her pelvis in an effort to "suck me in."

At some moments during this game, when I allowed her to "score," or when the right corkscrew hip motion on her part would catch me off guard, her velvety cuntmouth would settle over my cock-knob and we would spend a few moments fractionally mated, my plum-swollen glans soaking blissfully within her overheating atrium, and adding its own seeping pre-seminal lubrication to her own abundant provision.

To continue the game, however, I would then force myself to withdraw, in order to start another round. Often, her adorable lunges would miss their mark, and my shaft would slide lengthwise, either upwards through her gully to buffet and scrape across her still-sensitive clit, or downward through her buttcrease to wedge delightfully between young, spank-heated buns. When either of these delicious "errs" would occur, we would enjoy the resultant configuration itself for several moments before "resetting" to play yet again.

So, although Candace continued in her diatribe unabated, her speech was oddly punctuated whenever she attempted to ensnare my penis with her cuntlet, or whenever she paused mid-thought to take pleasure in her success - or even in her failure. We now rejoin young Candace, as she continues to compare and contrast my rights, privileges, and authorities with those of her "real dad" - a man she has never met, incidentally.

" ... and so even my real dad - who you are NOT! - so even my real dad has NO RIGHT to put his mouth on my privates. But now you're really crazy! You keep trying to put your disgusting ol' thingy INSIDE ME. I keep trying to dodge it, but you keep getting it in! I'm warning you, next time you get that gross tip in my little pee-pee, don't you DARE push it all the way in like you're trying to fuck me or anything. You wouldn't dare do that -"

(A near miss, low, drove my cockhead towards her browneye, between silky smooth buttcheeks)

"-- ohhh ... ok, anyway you wouldn't dare do that, 'cause I'm only fourteen, and 'cause I'm -"

(Another miss, this one too high, which gave me smooth glide lengthwise through her sweet itchy-ditchy)

"--umph... 'cause I'm only an eighth grade schoolgirl, and 'specially 'cause you're not even my real -"



This last exclamation accompanied my long cock as it finally slid into the full depths of her underage loins, barreling forward until it collided with her firm cervix and settled into its rightful place, in unchallenged possession, buried between her squirming young hips.

Her vaginal sleeve rippled up and down my length, and for once Candace was speechless, as I pressed her knees even further back into her apple-sized titties and began to slowly stroke in and out of her belly.

In this pose, Candace's chin pressed against her upper chest, her pearly white uppers bit into her lower lip, and her eyes once again widened and dilated. She was indeed gorgeous, and she had the loveliest, most nymph-like face. As I repeatedly, but unhurriedly, bottomed out in her sweet hole, her brow crinkled in sexual concentration - a brow whose crinkling, we have already observed, would be more commonly and properly limited to the eighth-grade concerns of grammar homework and schoolgirl crushes.

But this morning, it crinkled in response to the crushing thrusts of my penetration, and it puzzled over the more fundamental grammar of our mating genitals. I started to pick up the pace, sliding in and out of her responsive box with delicious ease. Seeing that she had retaken a firm grip on her own knees, and that she was keeping her crotch elevated to my liking all by herself, I was able to reach between her spread shins to unbutton the Hello Kitty pajama top and expose her cupcake-sized breasts to view. Her pink nipples were stiff, of course, so I took one in each hand, holding them lightly between thumb and forefinger, and started to fuck even faster.

I needed only one thing more from her before I could finish my own pleasure, and I knew how to get it at this point. I pinched both of her pebbly nipples, hard, and gave them a half twist, all while continuing to drive my hips into her remorselessly. As expected, my fourteen-year-old stepdaughter came, hard, around my relentlessly pistoning shaft.

Her eyes squeezed shut, her teeth gritted, her throat groaned, and her pussy convulsed as the adolescent schoolgirl climaxed dramatically around her own stepfather's deeply hammering prick.

And that stepdaddy was close behind! I felt my prostrate explode and my balls tighten as I drove myself as deep as I could to erupt ECSTATICALLY within her very center. I felt my semen blasting, jetting into her undefended schoolgirl womb where, if I were most erotically lucky - and most pragmatically cursed - it might plant itself in incestuous bastardy. I hoped so. I hoped not. Fuck, I didn't know, it was just so hot, and right then both my penis and my soul felt absolutely wonderful.


Several hours later, we lay cuddling, spoons style, in Candace's full-sized Princess bed - complete with canopy and stuffed unicorns, I might add - as her quickly recuperating vagina tried, though a sequence of squeezes and shifts, to nurse the semi-somnolent prick within it back to life for a fourth frenzied mating. Indications from my genitals were that she was going to be successful in this endeavor. She spoke, quietly.

"Do you remember?"


"Do you remember the first time we did this? The real time?"

"How could I forget?" How could I, indeed? On that first time, it hadn't been a script. It had been completely real. I remembered that Saturday morning - Candace had been thirteen, in seventh grade. She had sassed me for real, and had pushed me too far. I really had spanked her, and she had practically dared me to try to spank her bare ass.

At the time, she had had no idea what she was doing. She was just being a bratty little kid who really thought she could call the shots while her mom was away. As a good parent, I was obligated to give her the just desserts of her challenge, so I had pulled her PJs down and had gone to town. But I hadn't stopped there, as you must realize. My face was soon buried in her crotch -- her pubis was completely hairless back then -- and was quickly bringing her to her first stepdaddy orgasm.

And then I had taken her girlhood, over her cries and her tears, but by the time I was ready to ejaculate into her pubescent belly for the first time ever, she was no longer crying, except perhaps in pleasure. Yes, I remembered that first time.

"D'ya remember what I said, after?"

"Sure do, Honey. You apologized."

"Yeah. I said, 'I'm sorry for sassing you. Please don't tell mom I was naughty, ok? And please don't tell her you had to spank me - and stuff.'"

"Yep, I remember that well."

"So I guess I hafta again."

"Yep, that's how we do it, every time."

"Ok. I'm sorry."

"What are you sorry for?"

"I'm sorry about the toast."


"I'm sorry you had to put me over your knee and spank me."


"I'm sorry I forced you to pull down my PJs and spank me in my undies."


"I'm sorry you had to take down my undies and spank my bare bottom. Oh, and fingerfuck me. I'm sorry for that, too."


"I'm sorry you had to eat my pussy until I came in your mouth, right there on the kitchen table."


"I'm sorry you had to fuck me, and to make me come again, and that I made you come deep inside me, and maybe even made you get me pregnant."

"Is that all?"

"No. I'm sorry I made you fuck me again, the second time, bent over the armchair in the family room, while I pretended to watch SpongeBob on TV."

"Yes, that was very naughty. Anything more?"

"Yes, I'm sorry I made you carry me up to my room, with your dick still poking around inside me, just so I could get you to fuck me a third time, in my own bed."

"Yes, you are incorrigible. Well, you are forgiven, and I won't tell your mom how naughty you've been. Speaking of which, she only went to Springfield today, so she'll be home pretty soon. We need to get cleaned up, and I should probably make it look like I got some yard work done today."

"Oh, there's one more thing that I'm sorry about."

"What's that?"

"I'm sorry, but I don't think you're going to get any yard work done. Because I think you're going to fuck me again."

"I doubt that very much - what makes you think so?" Of course, my prick gave the lie to my denial. It was already stiff, yet again, and sliding a few millimeters at a time, gently back and forth, within my stepdaughter's jelly sheath.

"Because I want you to, and you do whatever I want. You have to give me whatever I want. D'ya know why?"

"Why do I have to give you whatever you want?" I asked, my thrusts already gaining both speed and depth.

"Because, as far as I'm concerned, you are my real daddy."

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


Fantastic story. Look forward to hearing more! You made my panties wet


Great story. Well written and kept me hard through the entire thing. Great job!


OMG!!!! Nice story, got me so wet. What a naughty little girl she is.


Nice story. Love the spanking scenarios. I think these girls often need a good slapping, but a carefully thought out one, not just a beating. The spank has to be measured and erotic, almost choreographed. I love your Candace character but wish she was 10 or 11, because they talk too 'porn-like' when they are teens and have to shave. I did like her 'convulsing on the dinette'!


Rock solid...she deserved every inch of it!


jesus these are well written. easily in the top 1% of the stories on this site. fantastic.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.