Published: 24-Jul-2013
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Of course, it is never that easy. I said that my long- lost daughter became my lover, but there was quite a bit more involved. After having a bit of heavy petting and oral sex, we fell asleep in each other's embrace that night in the sleeping bag.
I woke up the next morning and in the grey light of early dawn immediately began having misgivings over what we had done. Or sure, my dick was stick erect-- and growing--nestled in her butt crack and my hands were cupping her tiny beginner tits; but my mind was talking at me very loudly.
When Ginny finally woke up, she was playful and wanted to snuggle. I turned away and tried to think about what I should do. Ginny playfully turned over with me and placed her hands around me searching for my play toy.
"Ginny," I whispered. "You know how much I love you."
She kissed my ear and purred.
"I just found you. You just dropped into my life and now my world feels a little more complete. I don't ever want to lose you. And I don't ever want to hurt you."
"You aren't," she whispered into my ear.
"But others wouldn't see it that way. They would arrest me, take you away and lock me up in jail--never to see you again. I can't keep doing this. We can't."
"Daddy, no one would ever know."
"That's not really true. And besides, I gotta go pee now."
I slipped out of the sleeping bag and slipped into some clothes. The air was cool and I saw my breath in front of me. I hurried off to take care of business and almost had a heart attack when I realized how close another tent had set up late last night.
"And they almost certainly heard our grunting and moaning," I explained to Ginny. "We HAVE to break camp quickly and get out of here before they see how young you are.
Ginny's face grew pale. "I'll dress old and frumpy."
"That may help briefly. Let's get going. Breakfast is on the road. Later!"
I have never, ever packed up more quickly. It helped having a pickup to toss things in, I guess. And on the way out, Ginny stayed low in the seat. I didn't see anybody stirring at that tent so, after driving out of the camp ground, I started feeling a bit better.
"No one saw us, did they?" Ginny asked.
"No, but you saw their tent, right?"
She nodded. "It wasn't there when we went to bed, was it?"
"No. They came in quietly and set up late. I'm guessing that is why they aren't up yet."
"Do you think that they really heard us?"
"I would be surprised if they didn't!"
She sat quietly watching the narrow road ahead. I tried to anticipate what she was thinking, but I was filled with guilt and fear and a wave of relief at not being found out. I didn't want to experience that again.
"So do you understand what I mean now, Ginny?"
She nodded but said nothing. I glanced at her and noticed tears. She quickly looked away from me. The ride back to our apartment was clouded in silence and tension.
School started up for Ginny a week later. Our district had a modified schedule that meant students went back to school early August. But it also meant finishing the semester before Christmas, a long Christmas break and out for Summer before the end of May. I was glad that school started since it would give Ginny another focus. The week after our camping trip was very strained. She said she was okay, but it looked like the life was sucked out of her. I figured that it was a little like breaking up: it would take some time to get over it.
School did help. Also the new routine of junior high and helping out with cooking and chores around the apartment. Ginny was young for her class. I wasn't certain why she was put ahead; having a December 12th birthday in California usually would mean you would wait till the NEXT year to start in kindergarten.
Somehow Jamie (or Jamie's mom) had pushed Ginny ahead. I understood some of the problems she had been having were because she was younger, and because she was smaller and easily picked on. But she never was behind in figuring things out. She had a social sense and a sort of ESP for reading people's emotions and intents. She also developed into a pretty good student too.
Jamie would have been so pleased. Ginny was finally blossoming at school and succeeding. She even felt brave enough to try out for the holiday play. (Yeah, "holiday"--they were afraid of calling it a Christmas play even though it was a retelling of Dickens' "A Christmas Carol." Go figure, huh!)
So all through those early months of school there was nothing sexual going on. I worked hard to make sure that we talked and acted like father and daughters should. I insisted that she cover up and be modest even around the apartment. And, while there was some lingering tension and melancholy in her demeanor, generally she was pleasant to be around.
The play was the first week in December. I hadn't gone to any of the practices, but I made sure to be there for the opening night. She did well. In fact the whole cast did well. Quiet funny in places. But I couldn't take my eyes off of Ginny. Her costume was a Victorian dress--green with lots of white lace. Her long dark hair was curled in ringlets alongside of her face.
The dress had a bodice -- not that she filled it or anything, but there was a deep "vee" in the neckline (well, deep for a seventh grader!) that exposed a lot of skin. Her skin. Skin that was right next to her tiny tits. She looked stunning. It wasn't just a father's proud eye. I kept hoping that I could steal a glance and catch more of a look at her cleavage. Ha! What cleavage!? But I kept glancing and wishing to see more.
The play was over and there were refreshments for everyone. I could see how a number of the boys in the cast were doing the young boy thing that said they kinda liked her. The daddy in me wanted to take them out and punch their lights out. The romantic in me felt jealous over competing attention. I wrote it off to a normal dad-daughter thing. Daddy's were always a little jealous of their daughter's affection. Right?
We came home and that was that. I kissed Ginny goodnight and went to bed.
I woke up around midnight and heard a low groan coming from Ginny's room. I flung my covers back to go investigate and then it stopped. I was quiet and listened intently. I heard rain pattering on the roof and the window. The apartment was chilly so I lay back and pulled the covers over me.
Right then the groaning started again and sounded even more serious. I sprang quickly from my bed dressed only in loose fitting shorts made from cut-off sweat pants. I opened Ginny's door as I heard a loud grunt and exasperated sigh. "What in the world?" I thought to myself.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
She squeaked and sighed. It was pure exasperation.
My eyes surveyed the room in the dim light. She lay in the center of her futon, her covers were in disarray around her. Her legs were flopped open. Wide open. And she was a naked as the day she was born. At the same moment that I saw that her fingers were still in her pussy, the awkwardness of realizing that she had been frigging herself made me blush.
She still said nothing.
I apologized. "I heard the sounds and thought that you were in pain." I turned to leave.
"I was," she whispered. "And I still am."
I turned back around and waited.
"Daddy, will you help me?" she asked.
I sat beside her with my back against the wall. "What's wrong, Ginny?"
"Daddy, don't go making fun of me, but I can't get off!"
"Get off?" I knew what she meant, but I was astounded that she was so out in the open. I shouldn't have been since her pussy was still rather exposed and her legs were spread open, uncovered by her blankets. I shivered. It was cold.
"Yeah, I can't get an orgasm."
I grabbed her blanket and drew it up over her exposed body and my bare legs. "So you want to talk?"
"Okay." She scooted around and sat up next to me, pulling the blanket with her. I gratefully wrapped it around us both.
"Okay, why don't you start at the top. Most everybody masturbates, but not everybody gets off every single time. I understand that is especially true of young females."
"But I had a rip-roaring orgasm when you were eating me in the tent."
Oh, yeah: the tent experience! Mr. Woody thought about that and decided that he wanted to make his own tent right there too! I was at a loss for words.
"So I keep imagining how wonderful it was and I rub my pussy and I can feel something growing in me then it goes away and I don't have an orgasm." She paused and rubbed her nose. "I've been trying for the last hour and I was so close. So close!" She sniffled and rubbed her nose again.
I put my arms around her and pulled her so that she leaned into my shoulder. Under the blanket I could tell that she was buck naked. Her skin was soft under my touch and I noticed how her left tit touched my bare side. "She must be growing again," part of my brain mused.
"Ginny," I whispered as I kissed her hair. "Orgasms are not some sort of mechanical thing. Push this button and pull here and you get a whoopee feeling."
She giggled in between sniffles.
"Orgasms are the result of feelings and emotions and thoughts and reactions to the one you love. Yes, there are some who swear that they need to be rough in their sex to get off, but I don't know that it's best. I've found that the most tender of moments and sweetest of touches and the accumulation of dozens of little nice things are what will make for an incredible orgasm."
"But I was feeling it," she said. "I almost had it tonight. So I kept concentrating on that feeling and rubbing harder and harder and I almost came."
"But you didn't?"
"No," she sighed. "Instead my pussy feels raw and throbby."
I could only imagine!
She put her arms around me and I felt her tit press into my side. Oh, dang! This situation just got more risky--and risqué!
"Perhaps you better just give it up for tonight. Get some sleep and then if you feel like it later you can experiment by yourself to try something more tender and sweet."
"How the hey am I supposed to go to sleep when I'm feeling all hot and bothered and a little bit randy thrown in too?"
I know what I would do: just jack off and then go to sleep. But I've never have my equipment worn out and raw from over-trying.
"Could you just cuddle me?" she asked, burrowing her head in under my arm. "You are so warm!"
I had been lightly running my hand up and down the skin of her arm and over her shoulder. Her elbow was positively frigid. It occurred to me that she was still not quite 12. Her birthday was in a few days, but she was still a little girl. She was trying hard to be all grown up. She had taken on a lot of new responsibilities after Jamie passed away what with cooking and cleaning and other chores. But deep down inside, she was still a little girl who needed reassurances from her daddy.
"I'll hold you," I whispered. "We're both getting cold."
As if my words finally brought that to her mind, she shivered. We scooted and lay down on her futon. I pulled the blankets up over us both. She had curled up into a fetal position facing me. I was a little concerned about her knee being so close to my balls, but thought that position would be a lot safer than my dick snuggled into her butt crack! My hands were on her back. Her skin felt so soft but tight since she was hunched over like that.
I had every intention of holding her only till she was warm then getting up and going back to my bed. But I fell asleep probably before Ginny did. I awoke much later with my erect dick within my sweat shorts rubbing back and forth in the soft, warm confines of her butt crack. My hands were wrapped around her, one gently cupping her little tit. I was mortified! I stopped moving and just held real still.
I realized that I was not the one moving. Ginny was gently rocking her hips back and forth. The motion played my dick against her crack as well as my hand on her nipple. I suddenly realized how firm the nipple had become. I lay there for a minute or two letting her rock herself against me and my hand. I figured that one of her hands might have been busy between her legs too, but I thought if I played "asleep" I could let her have an orgasm and then I would not really be part of it.
The rocking slowed then stopped. She was still for some minutes before I heard her sniffling again.
"Ginny?" I whispered. "What's wrong?"
"I still can't get off!"
"Ginny. You're trying too hard. Just relax." And then the hand that was underneath her began rubbing her buried shoulder. The hand that was draped in front toyed with her breast. Dang! She was getting bigger tits. I had made such an effort to avoid looking that I had missed that these precious morsels were growing. My hand slowly traced around her upper breast, carefully avoiding the nipple before it dropped down to the lower breast, repeating the pattern.
I resolved to stay out of her cunt this time. But I had no willpower to leave her tits alone. They were so springy and soft under my touch. I should have stopped it right there, but I kept touching, touching, tracing my fingers over each soft mound, rubbing each nipple gently between my thumb and forefinger. My other hand kept massaging her shoulder.
Ginny made soft half-guttural moans as she rocked back and forth. Her hips kept pressing into my dick. My dick was engorged, covered only by the loose cloth of my shorts. My dick had worked its way partly out and the tip slipped back and forth over her ass cheeks, plowing back and forth in the grove of her crack. She ground her hips back hard against my dick trapping it against her rosebud anus. She stiffened and grabbed my hand against her breast. Her breath escaped slowly with first a hissing sound then with growing moan ending in a growl.
My dick was twitching but smashed against her anus. I felt it spasming violently as her body stiffened then twitched under the control of several more powerful orgasmic waves.
Finally she began to relax, but it wasn't a completely quiet relaxing. She had latched on to my hand that was smashed into her breast with a ferocious tenaciousness. She also began crying and sobbing. In the context of that, my dick began softening.
"Hey, hey, hey," I whispered. I messaged her shoulder.
"Daddy," she whispered through tears.
"It's okay, Ginny."
She kept repeating "Daddy," and hugging my arm.
"I'm still here. You keep repeating that," I said.
"I know. And it was because you were here."
She turned over and enveloped me in a full body hug. Her arms were around me as was one of her legs. She plastered her mouth against mine and started sucking on my lips. "This is what I want, Daddy," she whispered. "This is what we both need."
"Ginny," I said between mouthfuls of her lips. "I'm scared of what will happen."
"I'm not. I'm with you. That's all I need."
She began grinding her pussy into my dick. "Hold me tight, Daddy."
I held her tightly and went along for the ride. My dick was fully extended, poking out of my shorts rubbing back and forth across her slick slit. I was overcome with sensations and desire. It was luck or some still-working part of my parental brain that kept me from plunging my steel-hardened dick into her hot twat. She started bucking again and I was overwhelmed and spurted gobs and gobs of jism all over her crotch and belly. I groaned.
"Daddy!" she cried, her breath coming in gasps.
I just held her close and waited for my dick to shrink again. But it never shrank. It just stayed mostly rigid, slipping around in all the goo between us.
"Daddy! THAT was so good!" She began kissing my face again. "That was exactly what I needed."
I held her head against me and buried my face in her hair. I didn't know what I was going to do. I knew how strong these emotions were; but I also knew how strong public sentiment was against such things.
I think she sensed my conflict. "Daddy, it'll be okay. It's meant to be this way. You and me. This is what Mamma told me would be best for us both."
"Jamie?" I whispered. "Your Mamma said that?"
"She wanted you to take care of me and she wanted me to take care of you. Take care of you in every way from cooking to the bed."
"She didn't say to take me to bed, did she?"
"Basically. She said that I should be able to replace her and do everything that she used to do." She kissed my lips again then added, "And that includes give you as much pleasure as I can." She snuggled in closer and my dick squished into her pussy with all my jism in between. "And I think you had a little bit of pleasure tonight. Right? I sure did."
"Ginny, let's change the sheets before all this cum soaks into your mattress."
We pulled the sheets off and left them piled in a basket, cleaned up a bit then retreated to my bed. I figured why bother with getting dressed and just pulled the blanket over us both. She hugged me tightly and placed her head on my shoulder. I kissed her forehead again and felt my dick rise.
She felt it too and giggled. "I think this little guy likes it. I know I do too, but I'm so tired now."
And so, we fell asleep.
Morning came, but we slept right up till nearly noon. I almost never sleep that late. Period. Of course, I wasn't given to chasing young pussy like "Chester the Molester" either, but here I was in bed with my daughter. My naked not-quite-twelve-year-old daughter. And I was just as naked as she was. Her leg was thrown up and over my torso allowing my dick to rub along her inner thigh; and as it grew in excitement and length, it would just touch the soft folds of her tender cunt.
She saw that I was waking up so she kissed my lips long and luxuriously. "G'morning, Daddy!" Her smile was brighter and wider than I had seen it since before Jamie died.
Jamie! Did she really tell our daughter to take her place as lover? I thought back to what Jamie was telling me in the weeks before she passed away. Yeah, there were hints there of little Ginny being Jamie's replacement--although I didn't want to hear of it or talk about it further with Jamie. At that time it was too weird and too painful to think about life without Jamie.
But here I was without Jamie. But with Ginny, who in many respects was very much her mother's daughter: similar shaped face, same bright and impish eyes, similar curve of her lips when she smiled. She was younger than I had every known Jamie. I only met Jamie in ninth grade--she was 15 and I was just 14. But Ginny would be 12 in less than a week.
I closed my eyes and recalled what Jamie looked like when she first flashed her beautiful tits at me. She was 16 and had apple size tits topped with lovely nipples. Ginny, however, had next to no tits and more than four years to go till she was as mature as Jamie was. So why was I drawn to her lovely but immature form?
"Hey, sleepy-head," Ginny brought me back to the present and kissed me again. "Are you going to sleep all day?"
"Maybe. Something kept waking me up last night."
"I know. It was wonderful." She planted another kiss on my lips before going on. "And Daddy? I know what you're thinking: this ain't right, it could get you into big trouble and worse, but hear me out, okay?"
I nodded.
"We've already done this much. Twice! I don't think we can put the Genie back into the bottle."
She had a good point there.
"But we could make sure that what we do is only here in our home. No one else would ever need to know. Just you and me. I'm not talking to anyone about this."
"But what if you and some friend start talking boys and she starts talking about sex and doing it and all and wouldn't your response give you away?"
"Nope. I know how to play dumb. I had to all growing up, what with living with grandma and not having a dad around that I knew of--yet!" (She smiled broadly at me when she said, "yet!") "I so refused to be baited by my classmates."
"Wait a minute. I thought your mom told me that you decked some bullies."
She laughed. "That was different. They were pulling my hair and were about to dump my backpack into the commode. They totally had that coming to them."
"Yep! And I thought they were going to give me a swirly too."
"A swirly?"
"That's where they hold the victim upside down over the toilet and flush--swirling the hair around."
"Eww! Gross!"
"That's what I thought too. That's why I decked Anita. Bobby almost got it too but he and Sam ran."
"Oh, the things that you've had to deal with," I said softly, pulling her closer to me. "No dad; now no mom. No wonder you're all mixed up."
"Nope. I'm not mixed up. I know exactly what I want." She snuggled in and reached between my legs. "And this is exactly what I want. You. All of you."
My dick responded to her touch. "I can't say that I don't enjoy this," I finally agreed. "But you gotta understand this is viewed as so wrong by society."
"They don't need to know. And in a few years it won't matter anyway. I can marry you at least when I'm 18. You aren't listed on my birth certificate. Remember?"
"That's six years away," I pointed out.
"And six years of really good snuggling and intimate touching."
"Okay, Ginny. Let's try it. And let's have some ground rules for how this works. First, never mention anything about this to anyone. Second, we have to stay in our separate beds on school nights."
She started to protest over that point.
"But that's a lot more togetherness than would otherwise be possible."
She smiled and kissed me again.
"And third, we have to make sure that we're quiet with our sexuality."
"What do you mean?"
"You moaned like a banshee last night."
"Oh, sorry. Can we practice and I'll work on NOT making noises?"
How could I refuse that. Besides, since it was light now, I would actually get a chance to examine her body in detail. I pulled the covers back and started massaging her tits. Just like I felt the night before, they really were larger. They were as tall as an average apricot, cut in half, placed on her chest with a lovely nipple capping them both--but about as wide as a small apple. (Yes, food analogies are fitting given that I was going to eat her!) Her areolas were dark pink and not quite an inch across with a small nub of a nipple in the center. So tiny! Yet it was a powerful magnet that drew me to her. She was right: Can't put the Genie back in the bottle.
She giggled and squirmed as I traipsed my fingers lightly over her budding breasts, circling around and around but only occasionally touching the areola or nipple. She was thin. As she held her breath her skin grew tight around her chest and I saw her sternum and some of her ribs outlined. Yet she was not skinny or scrawny. She had a rounding to her frame, a gentle countering and curving that spoke of femininity and womanliness yet to come.
I grabbed one tit in my hand. There wasn't much there, but it was so soft, so springy and so alluring under my touch. I licked the nipple then engulfed the areola. She gasped. I swallowed the whole tit into my mouth and sucked and flicked my tongue across her nipple. She wiggled under my attack.
I started rubbing her belly. She had no extra fat there--just nice, soft skin that grew taut as she tightened her abs. I played in her belly button and she jumped. I guess she was a bit ticklish. I moved my hand down further toward her nether region.
I took my mouth off her tits and began following my fingers with kisses across her belly down to her legs. I noticed tiny hairs in a fine line from her belly button to her crotch. Her pussy was stunningly beautiful. No hair was visible at first. I licked along her outer lips down one side then back up along the other side. She shuddered and spread her legs wider. I pulled back to stare at the innocence, delicacy and grace. At that moment I noticed that there was a faint dusting of fine, downy hairs covered the crest of her labia and across the top of her pussy mound were a few dark hairs.
I raised my head to survey the beauty, captivated by the sheer awesomeness of the sight.
Ginny raised her head and asked, "What's wrong?"
"Nothing, Ginny. I am just taking in the sights like a tourist at the Grand Canyon. I've never seen anything more beautiful."
"Go on with you!" She laughed.
"I will. Ginny, look at this! I mean I am looking at this. This is pristine real estate. This is virgin forest. I am boldly going where no man has gone before!"
She giggled.
"This is acreage that is undeveloped. It is pristine. It is beautiful. I am stunned at how lovely it is."
"Daddy, you are so, so, so..."
"What?" I smiled.
"I don't know. You make me feel so wonderful. Now I want to see your pecker while you examine my pussy."
I scooted around in the bed and positioned my groin over her head as I stared into her crotch. Her legs were still close together, forcing her slit closed. The outer lips were full and puffy. The slit was deep because her outer lips were so puffy and along their length little pieces of her delicate inner lips poked out, wrinkly and moist. And across the top of her mound were a few dark strands of pubic hair. Along the length of each pussy lip, though, was completely bald.
I move her legs and she spread them wide, opening up her tender region to my gaze. As her legs parted, her slit opened and her inner lips popped into view-- prominently sticking out above the surrounding outer labia in the region of her clitoris. In the center of her pussy, the inner lips parted completely, opening so as to show the entrance to her vagina and the tiny little dimple of her piss hole.
As I moved in closer to her nether region, she wrapped her hands around my shaft. I moaned then buried my face in her slit. Her aroma was delicate--not the strong, pussy smell of a woman. I licked the entire length of that lovely crevice. I felt her shudder under my actions. She grab hold of my dick and tentatively pumped it back and forth as she placed the end in her mouth. Very amateurish, but so sensual! I almost came right then! I concentrated on licking her slit from one end to the other.
My hands found their way around to cup her ass cheeks, my fingers playing along her butt crack. I felt her push up against my face as I licked hard into her crack. Her pussy was streaming wet with her juices and my spit. I rubbed a finger up and down her butt crack- -her ass sphincter quivered under my light touch. I pressed firmer and licked harder around her clit. I felt the whole head of my dick engulfed by her lips. Her tongue flitted back and forth across its slit.
I found her clit and sucked it up into my lips, feverishly running my tongue back and forth across it. My finger lingered over her ass hole and pressed firmly against it. I felt the jism rising in my balls as my dick became even stiffer. She suddenly gasped and clamped her legs tightly around my head. One of her hands was still around my dick which was partly in her mouth. Her other hand had found my ass and suddenly grabbed an ass cheek and squeezed really hard.
I felt her pussy spasm and her anal sphincter paralleled the rhythm under my finger. I could hold out no longer. My jism boiled out of my dick and I know that she was flooded with white, sticky stuff from my loins. But I heard nothing since her legs were clamped so tightly around my ears.
Finally she relaxed and I felt her legs release my head. Her mouth let go of my dick even though she still held it loosely with one hand. Her other hand still held my ass cheek in a death grip, her finger pressing hard up against my ass hole.
I rolled off her and pulled her so that she turned on her side to face me.
"Oh, wow!" I whispered.
She coughed then gurgled, "Yeah!"
"Need to spit?" I asked.
She grunted then coughed. After a few moment she sheepishly said, "I don't think I'll ever get use to that taste."
I patted her hips and ass then said, "It's okay. Your touch was incredible!"
I had by this time scooted around so that we were lying side by side again. She had found a Kleenex and spit out my cum and wiped her face.
"I'm sorry, Daddy. I don't think I'm good at that."
"Oh, Ginny, baby!" I whispered and hugged her close to me. My dick stirred between us. "You're doing more than wonderfully. Did you enjoy what you felt when I was licking you?"
"Oh, yes!"
"And the proof was the big rush at the end, right?"
Her eyes were bright as she nodded vigorously.
"Same thing for me. It felt wonderful. Your touch was so sweet and sexy. And the proof was the big rush at the end. Only mine comes with a bonus cream filling."
She giggled.
"You see? That was the proof that you did well."
"So you really liked it?"
"Definitely, sweets!"
"Mamma said that she used to do that to you all the time."
"How much did your Mom talk about all we used to do?"
"A little before she found you again. Mostly generic stuff to explain how come you weren't around and that she still loved you." She paused. I even felt a little catch in my throat. "But after you guys were married and after she told me that she was dying, she told me a lot of the things that you did."
"Really!" I knew Jamie talked a bit with Ginny, but I really had no idea just how in depth their mother- daughter talks were.
"She told me that the best thing that ever happen to her was you and she was bound and determined to make sure that she did all that she could to make you feel good 'cause you certainly did that for her." Ginny snuggled in closer and moved her hips, rubbing on my semi-hard dick. "And your stepping up to help us, even though Mamma was sick, certainly prove grandma wrong. She thought you were a no-good louse."
I wanted to avoid thinking about Jamie's mom. "Well she's not here now. It's just you and me."
"And that's the way I want it to stay. I love you, Daddy!"
I couldn't argue with her logic. Nor could I argue with her lips which began passionately kissing mine again. It looked like my little vixen needed some more loving. Breakfast came very late that morning.
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