Published: 21-Jul-2013
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Nine year old Miranda gazed at the bandanna emblazoned with images of her favorite rock group. It was amazing! She had to have it. But the twenty-five dollar price tag made it unlikely to happen. She was at the mall by herself with only eight dollars to her name. Even if her parents had been with her they would never shell out that much for such a whimsical item.
She pushed strands of long blond hair behind her ears and thought. What could she do to acquire it? Knitted brow and pursed lips attested to the high degree of concentration being put into coming up with a plan.
Eventually an idea came to her. It only took a few seconds to refine into a finished product. First, she went to a rack of blouses and selected one. Then she went back to the scarves, situated in a small alcove of the room, out of sight of store personnel. She took the coveted item and balled it up in her left hand hidden under the blouse which she had draped over her arm. Next she went to the change room area and asked the attendant if she could try on the blouse.
She was shown to a room, closed the door, and set to work. Undoing her belt and shorts she pulled them down to the floor. She pulled her panties down half way. Taking the scarf she folded it into a shape similar to a panty shield (an item she would not need for another couple of years). She fitted it into the crotch of her underwear with the faces of the three musicians upward. The idea of their faces pressed against her in such a personal area seemed naughty to her somehow, increasing the excitement.
Panties, shorts, and belt in place she exited the change room, put the blouse back on the rack and went to the exit feeling pretty smug about her heist. But just as she was about to go through the doors a hand settled on her shoulder from behind, effectively stopping her.
She turned to stone. All the color drained from her face. Her heart skipped a beat, and when she turned to face a big black man in a security guard's uniform, it felt like it quit beating all together.
"Would you come with me, please." It wasn't a question, and it didn't tolerate any other response than "yes", which she signified by nodding her head. Her mouth was too dry to verbalize an answer.
He led her through a nondescript door and down a long hallway. Descending some metal stairs, their footsteps echoed in the well like prisoners being led to a dungeon. At the bottom there was another door and another hallway, except this one was dark and narrow. Dim, naked light bulbs regularly showed their weak beams on gray cement block walls as they trudged onward. They passed numerous doors marked with various appellations pertaining to the operation and maintenance of a mall. The last door they came to was simply marked "Private".
He took his large ring of keys and fitted one to the lock, turning it. The loud click it made sounded to Miranda like the click of a lock in a penitentiary cell door; hollow, echoing, foreboding. Swinging it open he flicked a switch and the room illuminated.
"In here", he said.
Meekly, with the innocence of a child and the guilt of a criminal keeping her from saying a word, she entered.
The room was heavily furnished for its small size; a desk cluttered with papers, rolling desk chair, a computer and monitor, two plain metal chairs with plastic seats and backs, a large metal table, a video camera mounted on a tripod, a flash camera mounted on a tripod pointed toward a wall decorated with a height chart, a large wooden cabinet with a combination lock on the doors, a wooden stool, a two door standing locker, and a small wooden table with a video player and tv made up the inventory.
The man went to the video camera and pressed a button. On its top a small red light began flashing.
He told her to sit on the stool, which she did.
"What's your name," the man asked. His voice was deep and resonant. He adjusted something on the camera as he waited for her response.
"Miranda," she said in a voice almost inaudible, looking at the floor.
"Speak up!" he ordered and she jumped.
Breathing heavily with fright she answered, almost in tears, "Miranda", then added as an afterthought, "Sir."
"Do you know why you're here?" he asked in the tone of formality rather than interest.
"No, sir", she replied, hoping the lie was undetectable in her expression and voice. It wasn't.
"You took a scarf."
"No I didn't," she quickly replied.
"Stand up," he ordered. "I'll need to search you".
Miranda felt fairly confident her hiding place was unbreachable. She stood and put her arms out while he patted her down, but she wasn't prepared when his hands slid between her legs. The sensation was odd, rude. She didn't like it. This was her private place.
When he was done he backed away, studying her.
She stole glances at him, but for the most part her gaze was on the floor. She had the unmistakable look of a child who had done something wrong and knew it.
After a few minutes, he told her to remove her clothing.
"What? No," she whimpered.
Very slowly, for effect, he removed his belt, doubled it over in his hand and slapped it against the desk. It made such a loud crack she could not help but jump. "You'd better do as I say, Missy. You're in trouble enough already."
Miranda was so scared she almost peed right there. Slowly she tugged her shirt out of her shorts and pulled it up over her head. She laid it on the table behind her. Her skin was pale to begin with, but in the washed out light it appeared even more so. There were no beginnings yet of the development of breasts. Only two small pink nipples marked the spots where this phenomenon would occur when she entered puberty.
When she made no move to continue he barked, "Pants!"
She could feel tears starts to well in her eyes, but whether from embarrassment or fear of detection was not apparent to her. She undid her belt, unfastened the snap, and drew the zipper down. Kicking off her shoes she wriggled her hips out of her shorts, dragged them down, and stepped out of each leg.
She stood there, not moving. Her legs were skinny, hips narrow.
"You'd best be taking off them panties, too," he declared. "Cause I think you're hiding something".
"No," she replied, trying to be defiant; not succeeding. "It's not right. I'm a little girl and you're a grown man. You shouldn't be able to see" she stammered, not knowing how to phrase it delicately.
"Your what? Pussy? Cunt? Twat? Gash? Hole? Va-GI-na?" he mocked, crudely. "Get 'em off. Now."
His use of these epithets and the tone of his voice frightened her. She was not used to rough language from adults.
Knowing that all was about to be revealed she trembled. Her hands came slowly to the waistband of her Hello Kitty panties. She steeled herself to being laid bare as the lowly thief that she was. No other thoughts occurred to her. Shame was written in her face.
When the panties were half way down the guard made a snatch at them. "What's this," he asked, holding up the prize with smug arrogance.
"I dunno," she lied.
"Where did it come from?"
"I dunno." The tenor of her voice was unconvincing. She made a move to pull her panties back up, but he checked that.
"No. Take them off," he instructed.
"Why?" she asked with concern.
He smiled a big smile. His mouth full of glistening white teeth made a striking contrast to his dark brown skin, like a glass of milk surrounded by pure chocolate. But, the tone of his voice was anything but pure when he told her, "I think I'd better do a body cavity search."
Miranda wasn't sure what that was, but it didn't sound fun.
And, it wasn't.
She removed her panties. He came close and pried her mouth open with a huge hand and shining a small flashlight in it he peered inside.
"I'm gonna set you on the table," he said, placing his hands on her waist he lifted her effortlessly to the cold hard surface. He made her lie back, put her feet flat, with her legs bent and spread. Her pussy was almost hairless with just the faintest of pubic hairs beginning to sprout, fine as silk and golden in hue. He spread the lips with one hand and probed the tender pink hole. She gasped when he slid one massive finger just inside.
"Ow! That hurts" she complained.
"Be quiet" was the only response.
The hymen effectively stopped much progress. He toyed with the idea of "popping" it, but decided not to.
Next he made her get on her hands and knees, facing away from him. He spread her ass cheeks.
Being only nine she had very little inclination of what might actually be happening, thinking only of being caught stealing and what her parents would say. It wasn't until he placed his fingertip against her anus that the glimmer of personal fear began to develop. He pressed. She could feel the force of it slowly making its way inside her butt. She had had suppositories before, but this was much larger. She moaned with discomfort. He played with her ass hole, moving his finger in and out a few times. When he ceased he went back to the desk chair.
"Sit up," he said. She turned and sat on the edge of the table, her legs dangling toward the floor. She crossed her arms in front of her and hunched over a little in an attempt to cover up.
The guard stared at her for a long moment, then he said, "Stealing is a serious offense. You could get up to fifteen years in jail."
Frantic, she exclaimed, "I didn't mean to do it. I'm sorry. Please let me go."
"You didn't mean to do it!?" His voice was raised in disbelief. "You stuffed them in your panties next to your pussy! They didn't just fall in there!"
Miranda was scared out of her wits. She didn't want to go to jail. Her bottom lip began to quiver.
The guard looked unimpressed. "Tears won't help you."
She gazed at him, "What'll happen to me?" she asked, near tears.
"Look," he said. "I've already notified the Sheriff. They'll send somebody to pick you up and take you to jail. You'll be arraigned before a judge and they'll call your parents, who can probably get you out on bail. You'll need to get a lawyer. Then there'll be a trial. Of course, I will have to testify that I found the stolen article on you when I did a search. But, with any luck you might only get twelve years, and you could get out early on probation, say, in ten. So you'd be what, nineteen, twenty, when you got out?"
A slight nod of the head was all she could manage. Her mind was muddled with all he had just told her. She didn't want to go to jail. She didn't want the cops, a judge, or a jury. She didn't even want her parents to find out what a bad person she was.
They sat there for fifteen minutes; Miranda on the table and the guard in his chair. "Can I get dressed?" she asked.
"Absolutely not," he answered, gruffly.
A knock at the door caused her to jump.
The guard opened it to let in two police officers and two other men.
"What's going on?" said one of the policemen. The guard explained the situation. He told Miranda the other two men were the store manager and the assistant manager.
"Did you do a cavity search?" asked the other officer.
"Yeah, but go ahead and do another one, for official purposes."
They made Miranda lie back on the table again with her feet on its edge, then they took turns probing her vagina. She tried not to complain, but it hurt, and she murmured, "Ow!"
"Be quiet, thief", one officer snapped, "You're lucky I don't shove my whole fist in there." That was a very uncomfortable thought to Miranda.
The cops each grabbed an ankle, lifting her ass off the table, pushing her knees toward her chin. Then the four men in turn separated her butt cheeks and poked a finger inside.
They concluded she was hiding no more goods.
She was instructed to stand against the wall, facing forward, where a height chart ran up one side. On her it measured three feet ten inches. The flash camera was moved into position and a photo taken. Another with her turned to the right, one to the left, and one of her back view completed the set. Something about the flash seemed to accentuate that these were no ordinary pictures, but mug shots. She began to cry, silently, tears streaming down her face. But when they put her hands behind her back and fastened on a set of handcuffs she could hold back no longer. Her sobs became audible, the weeping of a frightened little girl.
They moved toward the door, ready to transport her to the waiting jail. She thought of how ashamed she would feel being led naked and handcuffed through the crowded mall. Everyone would know she was a criminal. There would be whispered remarks, pointing, and derisive laughter. Maybe some of her friends would see her, or, worse, her parent's friends.
Her breathing was short and quick. Her heartbeat hammered at her temples almost driving her mad. What could she do? She wished she had never seen that bandanna. Oh, she would do just about anything not to have this happen.
As if he had read her thoughts the guard spoke in an almost matter-of-fact manner, "Maybe there's another way."
"What are you talkin' about?" asked the manager.
"She should have the right to redeem herself. But, I don' know. It would take the agreement of all of us... and her." It was like he was dismissing it even before telling her what he had in mind, as something he knew wouldn't be accepted. But, she was desperate.
"What?" she asked. "Tell me," she begged. "I'll do anything."
The five men left her, handcuffed, in the room and stepped outside to confer for a few minutes. All the while Miranda was thinking, "Please, please let them agree".
When they reentered they told her they had reached a decision.The guard turned on the tv and popped a disk in the dvd player, at the same time telling her, "You might find this too disgusting, but it is the only thing that will keep you from going to jail."
The screen came to life with a naked woman surrounded by many naked men, their penises erect. The woman had one in her mouth moving her head up and down on the shaft while using her hand to pump it as well. After a few minutes the man took his penis from her mouth and squirted a thick milky liquid into it. The woman revealed her catch before swallowing, then opened her mouth to show it was gone. This act was repeated many times, till all the men had had a turn.
Miranda stared at the scene in disbelief. She never knew guy's things could do that. It WAS disgusting. But she didn't want to go to jail, and the woman didn't seem to mind it. The guard clicked off the tv. The sound startled her out of her reverie. She looked up; her big blue eyes told the tale of her fright.
"Well?" One of the cops was talking. "Here's the deal. You will suck each one of our cocks. We will cum in your mouth and you will swallow it. You will never tell anyone what happened here or we will present the tape to the authorities and have you arrested. Agreed?"
Miranda thought for a couple of seconds. She had no choice. Looking at the floor she nodded her head. She wasn't sure she could do it, but she had to try.
The handcuffs were removed and the other four men left one of the officers in the room with her. He undid his pants and slid them to the floor.
It was the first time Miranda had ever seen an adult male naked from the waist down. It was kinda scary. His legs were hairy and there was a big tuft of hair growing all around his "parts". She felt grossed out by the uneven sack under his thing; one side hung lower than the other and the skin was all wrinkly.
She sat in one of the chairs and he stroked himself to a hard on. It looked so much bigger in real life. Bringing it near her mouth he told her to open up. She took a deep breath and parted her lips. The man slid it in and began to move his hips. The shaft slid back and forth over her tongue.
The thought of what was happening almost made her sick. This was the thing he peed from.
She was confused about what, exactly, she should be doing. After a period of adjustment she discovered that using lip and tongue pressure he seemed to respond positively. It seemed like it took forever before he announced he was about to cum.
She knew from the video there would be a lot. She tried to ready herself for it, but it was more than she thought. There was a barely noticeable contracture of the muscles immediately preceding his ejaculation. She swallowed quickly, over and over again, trying to keep up with the flow. She choked and gagged, but none left her lips for fear it would disqualify her from their bargain. The taste was horrible; salty sweet. This was worse than she imagined.
He pulled his cock from her mouth and she wanted to throw up, but knew that would surely not be accepted. As he dressed she shuddered from head to toe from the repulsive act.
He left and the other cop entered. He was already hard, and his dick was bigger than the first. She was able to get her lips around it, but found if she took it too far in she gagged, so she concentrated on quick, short strokes. The amount of cum he spewed into her mouth was not great, but the force of it caused her to choke.
As she swallowed the last of it her tummy was already feeling full of the vile fluid.
The manager followed. His dick would be the smallest. Miranda was amazed by the wide variety of sizes and the amount they ejaculated. It was easier to swallow his load. She hoped she was getting used to it.
The assistant's penis was longer than his boss's and somewhat pointed at the end. This made it easier for Miranda to take it into her mouth. However the way he came into the room walked up to her was like he had something to prove. He put his hands behind her head and began pumping hard from the first. His thrusts were deep causing her to gag and slammed her face into his pubic hair.
Luckily he didn't take long and his load was small compared to the others. She swallowed it relatively easily, but her face was red from the physical abuse, and she gasped for breath from his dick repeatedly being rammed down her throat. She was almost in tears.
"One more, just one more," she thought. "I can do it".
The black guard came in last. Miranda was startled that the color of his cock was the same as his skin, deep brown. She had never thought of it before. It seemed logical, but it still amazed her.
The other thing that amazed her more was his size. He was by far longer and thicker than the others. This made her panic-stricken. She wasn't sure she would be able to handle it.
She dutifully opened her mouth as far as she could. She was barely able to accept the tip.
Grasping the shaft with both hands she worked it as she had seen the woman in the video. Every thrust compressed her tongue and spread her jaws until she thought they would split.
It took a while, and when he came she was over whelmed by the amount. He exploded into her mouth. She swallowed as quickly as she could, six, seven, eight times, but still some spurted out the sides of her mouth and rolled down her neck. She gasped and gagged.
She was afraid this would negate everything; that she would still end up going to jail. She decided when he was finished she would scoop it up with her fingers and suck it off from them. But he would not stop. Another surge inundated her mouth. More escaped, some landing in her lap seeping between her legs.
After a third ejaculation, with more landing in her lap, he was done and pulled out.
Miranda quickly scooped the cum from her face and neck, licking her fingers. Then she groped in her snatch collecting as much of the puddle as possible and sucking it into her mouth. It was so disgusting. She jumped off the chair and got on her knees, quickly bringing her face to the seat to suck up what had pooled there.
The guard chuckled at her actions. "Very thorough," he commented. "I like that."
He went to the locker as he redressed himself, retrieved a towel and tossed it to her. "Clean yourself up," he said. Then he went to the door and opened it for the others to enter.
The men all had smirks on their faces as they watched her. The guard gathered up her clothes and tossed them into the hallway.
"Get the hell out of here," he said, pushing her out the door, "and remember, you have the right to remain silent. Don't tell anyone about this. We have video proof of you trying to steal."
Miranda didn't hesitate. She dressed with all the speed could muster and ran down the hallway.
Inside the room they laughed as they listened to her dart through the metal doorway and heard her steps fade away up the stairs.
The guard removed the tape from the video machine. "Your idea of putting all that boy-band stuff in that little niche was genius," he said as he labeled the case he slipped the tape into.
The manager snickered, "Yeah, they just can't resist it".
One of the sheriffs said, "Well, we'd better get these uniforms back to the costume shop". The other agreed and they left.
The guard unlocked the cabinet and opened the doors. "That little cunt won't steal again for a while," he said, as he squeezed the case in between one labeled "Millicent" and one labeled "Misty". He added, "This one ought to bring a fortune."
Miranda left the mall with all due speed. She walked briskly toward her home. It had been a horrible day in the life of this little girl, filled with the rites of passage. She had been caught stealing, strip searched, and held naked for two and a half hours against her will. All her orifices had been poked and probed repeatedly. She had had mug shots taken, been handcuffed, and shown pornographic videos. Her pussy and asshole were sore. She had a sickly, full feeling in her stomach from having sucked the cocks of five adult males and drained and swallowed the contents of their nut sacks, even though she had never even seen an adult dick before, or knew what it could do.
The most important thing to her, though, was that she didn't get arrested or taken to jail and, so long as she never told anyone, no one would ever know. And she definitely had no intentions of ever mentioning it to a soul.
She smiled, thinking, "Whew!"
Bernd Lauert
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