Published: 19-Jul-2013
Word Count:
I lay back, and opened my legs really wide. There was a gentle warm breeze at that time of the evening, and I felt it crawl over my small bits.
"Wow," Dani said, "Your pussy is really pretty!"
"My what?" I asked. I had never thought my privates had looked like a cat.
"Your pussy, silly," Dani said. "That's what grown-ups call a vagina. I heard mum and dad talking about them. There's other names for them too." She was now right in front of me, totally naked, and staring between my legs. I felt kind of weird.
"What kind of names?" I asked. "And what does mine look like? I've never seen it before.."
Megan came over and knelt down next to Dani. "It's kind of a little like, well, it's kinda like a mix of mine and Megan's."
"Yeah, " Dani said. "It's kind of a thin line, but slightly open all the way down. You don't have that stickout thing like me, but you can see your little hole at the bottom. I'd say it's more of a fanny than a pussy."
"Are these the other names for it you mentioned?" I asked.
"They are," Dani said. "Fanny is like the same thing, only it means your bum in America. There's pussy - I don't know why it's called that. Must be a grown up thing. There's vagina, obviously..."
"I like the word 'vagina'," Megan said.
"We know," I replied, my legs aching a little bit, "as does everyone who was watching our Year Three Nativity play."
Megan giggled as Dani continued. "There's also cunt, which mum told dad off for saying while watching the football. He called the referee an effing one. Twat is another, as is minge. I have to say, I think pussy and vagina are the nicest."
"I think pussy and cunt are cool," Megan chipped in.
"You would," I replied. "I think vagina is nicest, though fanny is pleasant. My cousin Andrew once referred to it as "your little slit" when he saw me changing for swimming."
"Really?" Megan asked. "What did he say exactly?"
"Can I sit up first? My legs are aching."
Dani nodded, and they both pulled me into a sitting position. Dani motioned for me to continue with my story. "Well, we were on holiday last year, and me and mum and dad had gone with Auntie Jessica and Uncle Robert to a campsite in France, and Cousin Andrew came with us. He was sixteen the day before I was seven, and we went the day after my birthday.
"Anyway, we arrived at the campsite and me and Andrew said we wanted to hit the pool. Everyone was busy unpacking, so they threw us some towels and bathing gear and told us to be back in an hour. We went straight to the pool and I went to the girls changing room. I managed to get most of my stuff off but I was struggling with my shoes. They had buckles and mum had done them really tight that morning."
"Anyway, I had nothing on and had my feet on the edge of the table. Andrew came in while I was fiddling with my buckles. I was a little surprised but he said he'd got worried and thought something had happened to me. He knelt down in front of me and started undoing my shoes for me. Just before he stood up he looked between my legs and said, 'Your little slit is really, really cute.' Then he blew on it, stood up and went out into the pool."
"Wow," Megan said, her mouth slightly open.
"Did you see between his legs?" Dani asked.
"No," I replied truthfully, "I was concentrating on getting my swimming costume on. I was just glad he's helped me. Plus it was a really nice thing to say."
"I think he wanted to see your foo-foo," Megan said, "Mum said that's what most boys were interested in. I bet he wanted to do things to it with his bits."
"Ewww!" I squealed. "That's disgusting!"
"Apparently that's what vaginas are for," Dani said. Dani seemed to know everything. I swear her brain was twice as big as everyone else's. "Boys put their things inside them and apparently it feels really nice."
"I can't imagine it feels nice, having something in there," I said.
"Only one way to find out," Dani said, and pushed me on my back.
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