Double Fun With Twins

[ ff, mm, mf, oral, first, preteen ]

Published: 25-Jul-2013

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Mom told my brother and I to go outside so she could have some peace and quiet for a change. My twin brother and I begged her to let us stay and finish our video game but she stood firm. Jack and I shut off our game, gave mom a cold glare then headed out the door. She told us to be home by 5:30 for dinner.

"So now what do we do Joey?" Jack asked as we sat on the front step.

"Heck, I don't know, what do you want to do?" I answered.

"Lets go over and see if Becky and Barb are home."

Becky and Barb are twins too and are in our 6th grade class. We are the only sets of twins in the school so we kind of hang out together sometimes. Jack and I are 11 already but Beck and Barb are still 10 but only for another month. I nodded my head at my brother telling him that sounded okay by me. We started down the sidewalk. They lived in the next block. We walked in silence until we were in front of their house.

"Hey Joey, do you think we could get them to show us their boobs?"

I stopped dead in my tracks looking at my brother. I asked him what the heck brought that comment on. He said he has been thinking of seeing them naked for a while and wondered if there was any chance of getting them to show us. I told him that I knew that they were real close but I didn't know how much they knew about sex and that stuff.

"Just forget it for now." I told him as we headed for the front door.

Becky answered the doorbell smiling sweetly when she saw us on the porch. She held the door open inviting us inside. Barb was standing in the hallway smiling too.

"What's up?" Becky asked.

"Mom kicked us out of the house for the afternoon and we were bored." Jack explained.

"We're bored too but can't go anywhere until mom and dad get home from work." Barb replied.

"Are we allowed in?" I asked.

"Oh sure, mom and dad like you a lot." Becky giggled as she shut the door.

"So what do you want to do?" Barb asked.

"Lets go down to the rec room." Becky suggested.

They led us down to the basement where they had a room fixed up with a TV, couch, chair and a ping pong table. We picked up the paddles and began to play doubles. The girls were good and whooped us two straight games. They said they wanted to rest a little bit. They plopped down on the couch. Becky patted the spot next to her for me to sit and Barb did the same to Joey. The four of us sat close to each other on the couch talking about school and our other friends.

"Did you hear that Billy and Suzie went to the movies last Friday? She told me that he tried to feel her boobs." Becky told us giggling as she spoke.

"Did he get to feel them?" Jack asked.

"She said that he got one good feel before she got scared and made him stop." She said laughing loudly now.

"Wow, how lucky can a guy get." Jack said softly.

"What do you mean?" Barb asked.

"He got to feel a real boob." Jack said blushing a little.

"It's no big deal, I touch mine all the time and its nothing special." She laughed.

"She's right, I've touched hers and its no big thing." Becky said still giggling.

"Wait, you mean you guys mess around with each other?" I said in surprise.

"Once in awhile, don't you guys do it?" She asked seriously.

"No way, we're not gay." Jack said quickly.

"Well, we're not either but sometimes it feels good when someone else touches you." Barb said.

"Do you guys even play with yourselves yet?" Becky asked.

"Sure." we both answered at the same time. "Just not in the same room." Jack added.

"So just what do you girls do together?" I asked curiously.

"Promise not to tell a soul?" Becky asked.

Jack and I both held up our hands and swore that we wouldn't say a word to anybody. Barb told us that they play with each other and make each other feel good. Becky said that sometimes they even lick each others pussys.

"No way, now you're just pulling our legs." I said giggling.

"No we're not. It feels real good when you get licked down there." Barb said looking very seriously.

"Well I don't believe you." Jack said flatly. "Prove it by showing us."

"Yeah, right." Becky told him.

"I'll tell you what." Barb chimed in "If we do it for you with each other then you have to do it with each other for us."

"No way." Jack and I said in unison.

"Okay, no problem." Barb said.

"Want to play some more ping pong?" Becky said changing the subject immediately.

"Come on Barb, I'll show you my chest if you show me yours." Jack bargained.

"Nope, you know our conditions." She said firmly. "You two do it together or its nothing."

I looked at Jack shaking my head. I said that we should just play another game of ping pong. We played several games before we headed for home again. Just before we left their house they reminded us that if we wanted to see them do it to each other we had to do it too.

"What else will we do?" Jack said with a smile at the door.

"Oh I think we can do lots of things." Becky giggled.

I stood there with my mouth hanging open. I couldn't believe that these two girls just told us that they would be willing to do stuff with us if Jack and I did it together.

"Think about it boys, it might be fun." Barb said laughing as she slowly closed the doors.

Jack and I headed for home walking slowly. He asked me if I thought they were really serious. I told him that I thought they were. He gave me a funny look then asked if I would consider it.

"Huh, are you serious?" I said in shock.

"Hey come on, you jack off, I jack off so what's wrong with doing it with each other?" He reasoned.

"Well for one thing, did you forget the licking part?"

"Oh yeah, well, I'd be willing if you would be. At least we would be able to see real boobs and pussy too."

"So your telling me that you would suck my cock just to see some pussy?" I asked him not sure if he was serious or not.

"I guess so, come on Joey, how bad can it be?"

We walked a ways in silence as we both tried to wrap our mind around what we were thinking about. Jack asked me if I had ever tasted my cum. I looked at him and he said that he tastes his all the time. I admitted that I did too sometimes. He reasoned that since we were twins his would probably taste just like mine.

"You know what, I just decided, I'll do it, I'll suck your cock so I can see their pussys." Jack said as he stopped on the sidewalk to face me.

I looked at my brother. My mind was spinning. I wanted to see boobs and pussy too but wasn't sure about sucking his cock. He told he that he would even suck mine first if I would agree to do it. I felt my dick begin to get hard at the thought of my brother's lips around my cock. We stood on the sidewalk in front of our house staring at each other. He looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Come on Joey, we might even get to fuck them." he smiled.

"Man, I don't know, sucking cock, if anyone found out we would be done at school."

"Who is going to tell?" he said.

"Yeah and what if we do decide to do it then the girls don't do it for us?" I told him. "They could spread it all over school."

"That's easy to find out, follow me." my brother said leading the way into the house.

We saw mom sleeping on the sofa as I followed my twin brother into the kitchen. He picked up the phone and called Becky. I listened as he told her that we were considering their offer but that we wanted them to go first if we did it. He broke out in a huge grin as he listened to her answer. I guessed what her reply was when he told her that we would come over the next day after lunch.

"Why did you tell her that, I haven't said for sure I would do it?" I told him sternly.

"Come on Joey. Think of the girls naked. Becky said they would even suck our cocks too." Jack whispered so mom wouldn't wake up.

"Really, you're not just saying that to get me to do it?"

"No but there is a condition, we have to swallow our cum." he said. "But that's no big deal, we both said we've tasted our own anyway."

"I need to think about it." I told him as I left him standing in the kitchen.

I went to our bedroom which we shared and flopped down on my bed. My mind was whirling. I really wanted to see a naked girl up close and have her suck my cock but knowing I had to suck my brothers cock put a damper on that. As I was trying to sort all this out I suddenly realized that my cock was rock hard. Just as I noticed that my brother walked into the room. He closed the door behind him then sat on the edge of my bed.

"Joey, I won't try to force you to do something you are not comfortable with. Just consider it."

"I have Jack, I guess we can try it and if we don't like it we can just stop and nobody would be the wiser."

"Really, you mean it. This is going to be so cool. We will be able to see real boobs and real pussy's."

"Yeah but we can't do this with mom and dad home, so tomorrow won't work."

No sooner did the words come out of my mouth our mom knocked on the door. Jack let her in and she told us how dad had called and told her that they were invited out for dinner tonight. Jack and I looked at each other and busted out laughing.

"Now what is so darn funny about that." mom wanted to know.

"Nothing mom, we were just talking about how you and dad never go out anymore." Jack lied perfectly.

"Well we are tonight. You boys know the rules, no friends over and stay in the house." Mom reminded us.

"We know mom." I assured her. "There's a movie that we were going to watch anyway."

"Okay, I have to get ready. You dad will be home in about 20 minutes to pick me up. He said he would stop and get a pizza for you boys for supper."

She walked out of the room humming happily. Jack turned looking at me with a huge grin on his face. He said that this is working out perfectly for our plan. I smiled nervously back at him. He was always the braver of one and willing to try about anything. We just hung out in our room until dad came home. We didn't want mom to hear any part of our conversation of what we were going to do after they left. Jack and I ate the entire pizza before they even left the house. Dad kept rushing mom but she didn't want to hear any part of that. Jack and I laughed as they bickered back and forth good naturedly.

"Finally, I didn't think they would ever leave." Jack said when the door closed behind mom and dad.

We heard the car pull out of the driveway and down the street. He turned to me and asked if I was ready. I nodded my head slowly. I told him that we needed to take a shower first so we were clean down there. He suggested that we shower together. I looked at him wondering if he was serious or joking.

"Hey it will get us used to touching each other. I'll wash you and then you wash me." he told me.

"I guess that makes sense."

We went to our room to get ready. Jack was already shedding his clothes when I got there. By the time I took my shirt off he was completely naked. I looked at my brother standing there naked and it was like looking in a mirror. His frame was just like mine. His hair was the same color and length as mine. His body was hairless just like mine. He told me to stop checking him out and get out of my clothes. I laughed as I began to shed my clothes. We walked naked to the hallway bathroom. I turned the shower on as Jack grabbed two towels from the linen closet. I stepped into the spray of water followed closely by my twin brother. There wasn't much room in the shower so our bodies were pressed together.

Jack grabbed the soap and began to wash my shoulders and back. He told me to relax. He rubbed my back down to my butt cheeks. I jumped a little when his finger ran down the crack of my ass. his soapy hands moved to my front. His fingers washed over my chest circling my nipples as he washed me. I couldn't help the small moan that escaped my lips. I held my breath as his hands moved down toward my now hard cock. He moved his hands over my hard cock and my nut sack. Another moan left my lips. I closed my eyes enjoying the feeling of his hand on my stiff rod.

"Oh Jesus, AAAAWWWWWW my God." I groaned when he wrapped his hand around my stiff dick for the first time.

"See it's not so bad is it?" he whispered in my ear.

He gave my cock a few strokes then told me it was my turn to wash him. I moved around so he was in front and I was in back. I did the same thing to him as he did to me. He moaned just like I did when I washed his chest and touched his nipples. I thought he would fall down when I grabbed his cock.

"OOOHHHH this is better than I imagined." he moaned as I stroked his cock a few times.

"That's enough I think." I told him as I reached and shut the water off.

He got out first taking a towel. He handed it to me as I stepped from the tub. We dried off quickly then headed back to our room. He asked me who's bed I wanted to use. I laughed asking what difference it made. He laughed with me saying it didn't. I said he was just a little nervous. I told him I was more than nervous, I was scared. He turned to me hugging me saying that if we didn't like doing this we could always stop. I nodded my head then told him to use my bed. He pulled me over to my bed. We both sat on the edge looking at each other.

"What do we do Jack?" I asked with a shaky voice.

"If we do something with Becky and Barb, we probably will have to kiss them. I guess we should practice kissing." Jack said.

"That's so gay." I told him.

"Just close you eyes and pretend its Becky." He said as he pulled me closer.

I felt his warm breath on my face as he drew nearer. I couldn't close my eyes as he suggested, I wanted to see everything. Our lips met in a quick kiss. It was horrible. He pulled back saying that we needed to lick our lips and relax a little. We both licked our lips and tried again. This time it was much better. His soft lips on mine made my 11 year old cock twitch and grow even bigger.

"Wow that was much better. I felt pretty good." He muttered when we separated.

He pulled me to him again and we kissed longer this time. I felt his tongue run around my lips. I heard about this kind of kissing and parted my lips a little. His tongue slid into my mouth exploring all around. I moved my tongue to his and we played with each others. When we finally pulled apart we were both panting with excitement.

"Wow, I never knew it would be like that, my dick is so hard." I told my twin brother.

"Lay down on the bed and I'll do it to you first." Jack told me as I moved up on the bed.

My heart was pounding in anticipation. I knew what we were about to do was wrong but the chance to see Becky and Barb naked was too much to pass up. I put two pillows under my head so I could see what Jack was about to do. Jack looked serious as he watched me get into position. I spread my legs a little letting him know that I was as ready as I could get. He crawled on top of me supporting himself with his forearms. His face was right above mine. I could feel his breath on my face as he smiled down at me. His stiff cock was laying on top of mine. I watched as he lowered himself down until our lips met once again. His tongue snaked into my mouth searching out my tongue. We kissed for several minutes until we had to come up for air. He kissed my lips quickly before he began to kiss down my neck. He kissed, nipped and licked his way down to my hairless chest.

"AAAAAAWWWWWW Jack." I sighed loudly when he sucked one of my nipples into his mouth.

He moved his mouth to my other nipple and sucked that one too. I never knew that a guy could feel good by having his nipples sucked on. I was almost disappointed when he began to kiss his way down my stomach. I held my breath as he got closer to my hard 11 year old dick. I moaned softly as he when he wrapped his fingers around my member.

"Well, are you ready Joey?" he asked.

"Heck yeah, are you?" I replied.

He looked at my cock then up at me. I could tell he was nervous and maybe even scared but I knew that he would never admit it. I watched as he licked his lips before he opened his mouth. His mouth went over the head of my cock. I felt the heat of his breath on my cock just before he closed his lips around me. The feeling was unbelievable. He began to suck and lick my cock as his head moved up and down on my shaft.

"Holy shit Jack, OOOOHHHHHH God, OOHHHHH suck it, AAAAAWWWW it feels so good, don't stop." I cried out.

I could feel my balls begin to pull up in their sack telling me it wasn't going to be long before I unloaded my cum. I grabbed my brother's head in my hands to be sure he didn't move. I pushed my hips up forcing more of my cock into his mouth. I told him that I was close to cumming. That information seem to make him suck harder and faster on my dick.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH, OOOOHHHHH God, I'm cumming Jack, I'm cumming. AAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWW take it Jack, take all my hot cum in your mouth, Oh yeah swallow my cum, drink it all." I screamed out as my hot sticky cum filled my twin brothers mouth.

Jack closed his lips tightly around my spurting cock so he wouldn't lose any of my load. I could feel each time he swallowed a load of my seed. His mouth slowly moved up and down my cock milking me with his lips.

"Enough, Jesus Jack that's enough." I cried out as I pushed his head away from my now soft cock.

Jack moved up so he could kiss me again. I felt his tongue push into my mouth followed by some of my left over cum. I quickly swallowed it using my tongue to clean his mouth of every drop of my sperm. I pulled my lips from his and asked him what it was like.

"It was cool Joey. Your cock had no taste and it was so soft but hard underneath and your cum was as tasty as mine." He chuckled. "I would do it again in a heartbeat."

"Well, I guess its my turn now." I told him as I rolled him over onto his back.

He repositioned himself to get comfortable. I moved over the top of him and kissed his lips again. We swapped spit for several minutes while I built up the courage to move down his body. I sucked his hairless tits making him groan out just like I did when he sucked mine. As I nibbled on his nipple I moved my hand down to his stiff dick. I began to stroke his hardness as I sucked his tits.

"OOHHH Joey, OOHHHH yeah that feels nice." He groaned out.

I moved away from his chest and began to kiss my way down to his cock. I moved between his legs so I could see what I was doing. I let go of his cock so I could check it out closer. It looked just like mine. He had no hair yet and there was just a hint of a curve to his cock. He moaned softly when I took it in my hands again. He was right about it being so soft but hard underneath. I took a deep breath then lowered my mouth over his cock.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHH, Oh Joey, OOOHHHH God I never felt anything so good as this." he moaned.

I began to move my lips up and down his stiff shaft as I licked all around his cock head. I used my free hands to hold his balls. I gently rolled them around in my hand as I sucked his preteen cock.

"Oh shit Joey, I'm going to cum. OOHHHH God don't stop, take it all, swallow my cum Joey." he grunted loudly.

I felt his cock swell a little just before my mouth filled with his hot sticky cum. I didn't even think about it, I just swallowed after each spurt of his cock. His hips jerked up with each spurt of cum. I swallowed most of his slimy cum, saving just the last spurt so I could share with him.

"Enough, that's enough Joey." he groaned almost painfully.

I gave his softening cock one last suck before letting it fall from my lips. I quickly moved up so I could share his cum with him. I told him to open his mouth. I opened mine and let the cum dribble into his mouth. When the last of it dripped into Jack's mouth I put my lips on his and shoved my tongue into his mouth. We kissed until there was no trace of cum left in my mouth.

"Wow, that was so cool." I told my twin brother.

"Yeah it was, I need something to drink then we should do it again."

"Okay by me." I told him.

Jack told me that he would go get us each a can of soda. While I was waiting for him to come back I thought about what we just did. The feeling of his lips and tongue on my cock was fantastic. The memory of the feel of his cock in my mouth soon had my dick growing hard again. I could almost taste my brother's thick, salty cum. By the time Jack came back with the soda, I was as hard as a rock once again.

"Wow, you're hard again so soon." He laughed as he came back into the room and saw my cock standing straight up.

"I couldn't help it, I was thinking about what we just did and my dick grew." I laughed with him.

Jack climbed up on the bed handing me a can of soda. We talked about what we just did as we sipped our sodas. By the time we finished our drinks, Jack's cock was as hard as mine.

"Let's do it again." I told my twin brother.

"I'm ready Joey. Lets do each other at the same time." he suggested.

We set out empty cans on the bedside table then Jack turned his body around. In a matter of seconds his cock was dangling in front of my lips. I sighed happily when his lips wrapped around my hard cock. I opened my mouth sucking his hard dick into my mouth. I pulled his hips down so more of his cock slid into my mouth. The feeling of his lips and tongue on my cock combined with the feeling of his cock in my mouth was unbelievable.

Jack was humping my face faster and faster. I could tell that he was getting close to cumming. My own cock was just about ready to unload its load of cum. I felt Jack groan, sending wonderful vibrations through my dick. He pushed his hips down hard making me take his whole cock into my mouth. I wanted to gag but it happened so fast that the tip of his cock went down my throat. I quickly pulled it back out just as he began to flood my mouth with his hot sticky cum. I savored the taste of his salty load. I sucked and licked the head of his cock as he shot spurt after spurt into my mouth. I rolled his cum around my tongue before swallowing it. Just as he finished cumming I erupted in his mouth. Jack swallowed every drop of my cum until I was totally spent and limp. We cleaned each other's cocks with out tongues before we separated.

"That was better than the first time." I told him.

"No kidding, you got my whole dick in your mouth."

"I know, it actually went into my throat."

"Wow really, it felt great. Next time I'll try to do that to you." Jack said.

"I'm pooped, I need to take a break." I said with a grin on my face.

"Me too. I never did it twice so close together like that." Jack told me.

"I haven't either, but if we can do this all the time I'd be willing to try."

I told my brother that we should just take a shower and call it quits for the night so we are rested for tomorrow. Jack agreed with me. We showered together but all the soaping we did to each other we both remained limp. We laughed at the state of our dicks and laughed at the thought that we wore them out permanently. I heard the phone ringing when I got out of the shower. I ran to answer it. It was mom telling me that they would be later than they said and Jack and I should just lock up and go to bed by 11. I told her that we were really tired and would be in bed before then. She said good night to me telling me to say it to Jack too. I told Jack what was said and he agreed with the part about going to bed early.

Jack made sure the kitchen was picked up as I walked around making sure the doors were all locked. I suggested we go back to our room and mess around on the computer for a while.

"Lets get on a porn site so we can see what to do with Becky and Barb tomorrow." Jack said as he logged on.

He googled the word porn and began to click on some of the sites. He settled on He clicked on a few of the videos showing men licking girls between their legs. We both watched in silence thinking what it must be like to lick a pussy. I could feel my cock begin to grow again already. I glanced over at Jack and saw that he was repositioning his dick in his shorts.

"Jeez, I'm hard again." I giggled.

"Yeah, me too." he laughed.

"Check this one out." He said as he clicked on a video showing a woman with a dick in her mouth and one in her pussy.

We watched as both guys pumped their cocks in her. They both shot their cum at the same time. We saw some cum leaking out around the corners of her mouth. When the other guy pulled his dick out of her pussy we saw his cum ooze out of her hole.

"Joey, lets suck each other again. I'm really hard."

"Heck yeah, I need to cum again." I told him as I pulled him over to the bed.

We began to strip off each other's clothes. Jack pulled my head to his kissing me hard and with a lot of tongue action. It didn't take long before we were completely naked again. He asked me how l wanted to do it. I said I didn't care as long as he sucked my cock.

"I want to see if I can do it like you did before, you know, take all of you cock in my mouth."

I rolled onto my back spreading my legs wide for my twin brother. I grabbed my cock waving it at him. He smiled at me as he crawled between my legs. He took my cock in his hands asking me how I did it. I told him that I don't really know how. I explained that I was sucking on his cock and he pushed down and it just went all the way in.

"Well, I'm still going to try to figure it out because it felt so good when you did it to me."

He lowered his mouth to my raging cock taking just the head of it into his mouth. His tongue worked all around my dick head, teasing the underside of the crown which made me moan out loudly. He started to let more of my cock slide into his mouth. I looked down and saw that he had some more to go before I would be all in. I heard him gag then quickly pull my cock out. He licked his lips and took me right back into his mouth. He pushed down again and again he gagged. I suggested that he try to swallow as he pushed my dick in. He nodded his head then pushed my cock back into his mouth. I felt him swallow as he pushed his face down on my dick. This time I felt his nose hit my body so I knew that my cock was all the way in his mouth.

"OOOHHHHH Jack, you did it, you got my whole cock in your mouth."

He pulled my cock out of his mouth telling me that I had actually went into his throat. I told him that he did too. I told him that when he shot his cum the first blast went right down my throat. He told me he wanted to try doing that too. He wrapped his lips around my stiff 11 year old cock and pushed down. I groaned when I felt the tightness of his throat. I could feel his throat muscles work on my cock as he swallowed.

"Oh Jesus Jack, you keep that up and I won't last long." I groaned.

He pulled my dick from his throat and bobbed his head up and down my shaft. I took his head in my hands and guided his lips along my shaft. I began to hump my hips up to his face. He took a deep breath and took me in his throat once more.

"AAAAAHHHHHHH, OOOHHHHH God Jack I'm cumming, OOOOHHHH don't stop."

He kept my cock buried all the way as I fired the first blast of my cum right down his throat. The second blast went down his throat too before he pulled back a little letting the rest pool in his mouth. He waited until I was totally drained before he moved up with is face above mine. He opened his mouth showing me all my cum puddled on his tongue. He bent his head as I opened my mouth. My cum began to flow from his mouth to mine. This was so nasty but so cool too. When his mouth was empty he put his slimy lips on mine pushing his tongue into my mouth. We pushed my cum back and forth before we each swallowed our share of it. We cleaned each other's mouths with our tongues before we finally broke the kiss.

"Wow that was so nasty." I laughed.

"I know but it was soooooo much fun." He laughed with me.

"Turn around and let me suck your cock now." I told my twin brother.

"Can I lay on my back, I'm really tired?"

"No problem, just hurry up so I can taste that cum of yours."

He moved into position spreading his legs wide for me. I got down on my belly between his legs sucking his hard dick between my lips. I swirled my tongue around his cock as I pushed all of into my mouth. I heard Jack groan softly as I felt it going in my throat. He humped his hips up at my face trying to get even more of his cock in my throat. His fingers grabbed my hair and held my tightly on his throbbing dick.

"Holy cow Joey, OOOOHHHH suck me, suck my cum out of my cock." He moaned.

I swallowed like he did when he sucked me so my throat muscles worked on his cock.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWW, I'm cumming Joey, I'm cumming, suck me, suck my hot cum out." he cried out.

I didn't taste the first blast of his slimy cum because it went straight down my throat. I pulled my face up a little so the rest of his load filled my mouth. I cleaned his cock with my tongue before moving up to share his load of hot sticky cum. I didn't mess around, I just placed my lips on his and used my tongue to push his cum into his mouth. Back and forth his load went. Finally we swallowed our share of it and made sure each other's mouth was free of any trace of cum. I kissed my brother one last time before rolling off of him.

"It just keeps getting better." Jack said happily.

"No kidding, if I knew it was like this I would have done it a long time ago."

"I think I'm done for the night Joey, I'm going to bed."

"Me to Jack." I said as I kissed him one last time before going to my own bed.

I don't even remember putting my head on the pillow. I don't think I moved a bit the whole night. I woke in the morning with sunlight streaming through the window. I glanced over at Jack seeing that he was still asleep. I did notice that his cock was semi hard. I could hear mom in the kitchen so I decided to get up. Jack woke up as I was getting dressed.

"Hey brother."

"Morning, mom is up or I would take care of this." I said as I grabbed his semi hard cock.

"I promise to be quiet if you suck it." he smiled.

"Heck no, can you imagine what would happen if mom walked in, besides we should save our cum for Becky and Barb, that's what we did all this for."

"Yeah your right." He said as he stood up to get dressed.

We walked into the kitchen together. Mom smiled at us asking what we wanted for breakfast. We both said cereal which she got for us. As we ate mom asked what our plans were for the day. We told her that we were going to spend the day over at Becky and Barb's. We put our dishes in the dishwasher when we were done with breakfast.

"We're heading over there now mom, see you later." I told her.

"Be home by suppertime."

"We will." Jack yelled as we walked out the door.

My brother and I headed down the street. Jack punched my arm whispering to me that in a little while we will be looking at a real pussy. I could feel my dick begin to stir in my shorts. I told him to shut up or I'll have a big problem in my pants. He laughed saying that he was getting hard too just thinking about what was to come.

I rang the doorbell when we reached their front porch. Becky was the one that opened the door.

"Hi guys, come on in." she said opening the door wider to allow us in.

She led us into the family room where Barb was on the computer. She laughed when she told us that their parents made them put the computer in this room so they could monitor us using it but then they leave us alone all day. We all laughed at that. I was surprised to see that she was looking at tube8 just like we were last night.

"You boys are a little early aren't you?" Barb said smiling sweetly at us.

"It's okay isn't it?" I asked nervously. "We thought we could hang out with you guys if its okay."

"Heck yeah, we get lonesome too you know." Becky giggled.

"What do you want to do?" Barb asked.

"You know, we want to do what we talked about yesterday." Jack said bluntly.

"I suppose we can do that but you know what the rules were?"

"Yeah we know, and we did it last night with each other." He told them.

"Really?" Becky said looking at me.

I nodded my head telling her that we did it three times. She whispered something to her sister. They both looked at us before Barb spoke.

"Okay, Becky and I will do it first but we all have to be naked."

"Cool." Jack said excitedly.

"Since we are going to do it first, you guys should be the first to strip." Becky told us.

Jack was already taking his shirt off. I slowly began to peel my shirt off too.

"Wait a minute, I think we should go down to the rec room to mess around." Barb told us.

"Good idea, let me make sure the doors are locked." Becky added.

Jack and I grabbed our shirts off the floor and followed Barb to the rec room. Barb told us to wait until Becky got down here before we continued taking our clothes off. We didn't have to wait long before Becky came down the steps.

"Okay, everything is locked so now you can continue." She giggled as she sat on the couch next to Barb.

Jack kicked off his flip-flops then hooked his fingers in his shorts. I stood watching my twin brother as he slowly pulled his shorts down to his ankles then kicked them off his feet. He stood there with his boxers tenting out in front. Becky and Barb stared at the bulge with their eyes wide and mouths hanging open. Jack turned his back to the girls then slowly pulled his underwear down. He stepped out of them wiggling his 11 year old ass at Becky and Barb. Slowly he turned around so they could gaze upon his hard preteen cock.

"Wow, cool, can I touch it?" Barb asked.

Jack turned toward me telling me to hurry up. I shucked my clothes as fast as I could. We both stood in front of the couch with our hard cocks pointing right at the girls.

"Your turn now." Jack told them.

"Wait, can we touch them first?" Becky asked.

I nodded my head telling her that she could touch me if she wanted. I watched as her small hand moved to my stiff cock. A small groan escaped my lips as Becky wrapped her hand around my hardness. I looked over and saw Barb doing the exact same thing to Jack.

"That's enough." Jack said as he pulled away. "You'll make us cum too fast."

The girls giggled as they sat back. I told them that it was there turn to strip. They stood us so we could sit down on the couch. Becky grabbed Barb by the shoulders and turned her so they were facing each other. Becky pulled her twin sister to her kissing her passionately on the lips. Jack and I could see their tongues going at it as they kissed. The pulled each others tops off. Neither on was wearing a bra so Jack and I got our very first look at a set of real boobs. Becky's hands moved to her sisters chest and began to rub her tiny tits. As far as I could see there wasn't much there just a puffy nipple but it still made my dick get even harder. The pulled each others shorts down along with their panties. I couldn't believe it, my brother and I were now looking at two beautiful girls completely naked. They slowly sunk to the floor. Barb was on the bottom with Becky on top. As they kissed their hands were roaming all over each others bodies.

"What do you want us to do? We can do it to each other at the same time or take turns." Becky asked as she stopped kissing her sister.

I looked at Jack and he told her that they should take turns. He told me that way we could see better. Becky went back to kissing her sister again. Jack and I watched intently as she kissed her way down to her sisters nearly flat chest. She sucked and nibbled on her puffy nipples. Barb arched her chest up groaning with each little bite Becky gave her. Becky hand moved down to her sister's pussy as she sucked on her little tits. jack and I got down on the floor so we could see better. Jack sat on her left side and I was on her right. Becky smiled at us telling us to look at Barb's pussy. She used her hands to spread her twin sister's pussy open so we could see everything.

"See how wet she is already, that means she is excited." Becky explained "And this bump on top of her slit is her clit, that makes us feel real good."

Jack and I moved closer so we could get a better look We both saw the moisture that was on her hairless 10 year old pussy. I could smell an odor that I had never smelled before. Becky told us that we could touch her pussy and feel her pussy juice if we wanted. I touched her pussy running my finger through her moisture. I brought my finger up to my nose and sniffed it. I now knew that the odor that I smelled before was her pussy juice.

"Lick your finger Joey, it tastes really good." Becky told me.

Jack had his finger under his nose and was watching to see what I do. I moved my finger to my lips. I pushed the wet finger into my mouth sucking all of Barb's cunt juice from my finger. Jack followed suit and sucked his finger dry too.

"You're right Becky, that tasted great." I told her with a huge smile on my face.

"I know, that's why we like to lick each other." She said right before she buried her face in her sister's preteen pussy.

"OOOHHHH Becky, lick me, lick my pussy." Barb moaned.

Becky really began to lick her sister's pussy. Her tongue went from the bottom of her slit to the top. She would use her tongue to lick Barb's clit making her sister cry out in pleasure.

Jack and I sat in silence watching the twins. As Becky sucked and licked her sister's pussy she moved her body so her pussy was over her sister's face. She lowered herself down so her sister could lick her pussy at the same time.

"This is so cool." Jack uttered.

I nodded my head in agreement. The two girls continued to lick and suck each other. Barb was the first to cum. She let out a long loud groan and her legs stiffened out. Jack and I both heard the noise Becky made as she slurped up all her sister's pussy juice. What she did next really surprised me. Jack and I couldn't believe it when Becky slid a finger all the way into Barb's hairless pussy.

"OOOHHHH God Becky, OOOHHHHHH push it all the way in, AAAHHH yeah, yeah like that. OOOHHHHHH in and out, push it in and out." Barb begged.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH I'm cumming, OOOOHHHHH I'm cumming again." She screamed as her body stiffened out again.

Becky lapped up all the cunt juice that she could. She pulled her finger out of her sister licking it clean. As soon as Barb recovered she began to lick and suck Becky's slit. Becky was looking at me as her sister pushed her tongue into pussy.

"AAAWWWWWW yeah Barb, stick your tongue all the way in, OOHHHHHHHH yeah lick it deep." She moaned.

Barb used her fingers to spread her twin sister's preteen pussy open as her tongue pushed in and out of it. Becky was humping her face as she neared her orgasm.

Barb moved her lips to Becky's clit and slowly slid a finger deep into her sister's pussy. Becky let out a long low moan as Barb kept sucking her clit.

"OOOOHHHHH Barb, I'm cumming, OOOHHHH God I'm cumming, eat me, eat me sis, lick my pussy." She yelled as her small body arched and she slammed her pussy mound into her sister's face.

Jack and I watched in amazement as Becky shuddered through a huge cum. When she rolled away from her sister, Barb's face was soaked with her cunt juice. Becky moved up and began to lick all her juices from her sister's face. When Barb's face was clean they kissed a few minutes then turned towards us telling us it was our turn.

I asked them how they wanted us to do it. Becky said she wanted Jack to suck me off and show them the cum in his mouth before he swallowed. She then told me that she wanted me to suck Jack but they wanted to see him squirt his cum. I told them it was okay with me if it was okay with Jack. He just nodded his head. Becky told Jack they wanted him to do me first. I got on the floor where they just were. I spread my legs apart giving my brother room to get between them.

Jack moved between my outstretched legs lying on his stomach. He wrapped his hand around my rock hard cock giving it a few strokes. Barb asked what the clear stuff that was coming out of my cock. Jack explained about precum and what it was for. Thank God for the internet, that's how we learned all about this stuff. I told Jack to wait a minute. I scooted back so I could lean against the couch. This put me in a position so I could watch what my twin brother was doing. I told him to go ahead and get started.

Becky and Barb moved next to me watching Jack's every move. He bent his head down taking the tip of my cock into his mouth. I let out a soft groan as his tongue began to work all around the head of my dick.

"Oh jeez, suck me Jack, show them how you take it all in your mouth." I grunted.

"Oh my God, look Becky it's all the way in. See how his throat looks." Barb whispered loudly.

"Wow, look, I see his throat bulging out. Holy shit." Becky swore in amazement.

I think Jack left my cock in his throat a little longer because he had an audience watching him. He pulled my cock out of his throat leaving just the head in his mouth. I felt his tongue working all around it. I grabbed him by the hair and began to move his face up and down my hard preteen cock.

"AAAAAWWWWW suck me Jack, suck my hard cock, show them how you make me cum." I moaned to my brother.

His head bobbed faster up and down. I could feel my balls begin to tighten up in the sack. I looked at Becky and Barb and saw them staring wide eyed at my brother as he sucked my cock.

"Don't stop Jack, OOOOHHHHH God don't stop." I cried. "Oh shit I'm cumming, OOOHHHH I'm cumming."

I began to flood my twin brother's mouth with my hot sticky cum. He kept the head of my cock between his lips as I shot several strong spurts of my cum into his mouth. When he let my now soft cock fall from his lips he opened his mouth showing all of us the pearly colored cum that filled his mouth. With all of us watching him, he closed his mouth and swallowed my entire load in one big gulp. He then bent down and cleaned my cock with his tongue.

"Wow, that was way cool." Becky said.

"What does that stuff taste like?" Barb wanted to know.

"It's kind of sticky and salty but not too bad." Jack told them as he licked his lips.

Okay Joey, your turn and don't forget, we want to watch it spurt." Becky reminded me.

Jack changed places with me. He leaned against the couch spreading his legs for me. I moved between my brother's legs looking at his stiff preteen cock. I held his dick in my hand slowly jacking him off. The girls giggled when they saw the precum ooze out of his pee hole.

"Do you guys ever kiss or anything?" Becky asked.

"Sure, all the time when we do it." I said as I moved up and put my lips on Jack's. I made sure that they could see my tongue as it slipped into his mouth. We kissed for the girls giving them a good show. I pulled on Jack's nipple with my finger making him moan out loudly.

"Do boys feel good when someone plays with their boobs?" Barb asked.

"Heck yeah." Jack groaned as I twisted his nipple.

I kissed each of his nipples sucking them before I moved downward towards his stiff cock. Jack's dick was leaking precum like crazy. I sucked his hardness in my mouth cleaning the clear liquid off his cock with my tongue.

"Can you take all of it like he did?" Becky asked as I sucked by brothers dick.

I took all of his cock into my mouth letting the head slip into my throat. I heard Barb gasp as my throat muscles worked on his stiffness.

"Look at his throat, its bulging out just like Jack's did." Barb stated.

I pulled his dick from my throat. I could sense that he was getting close to cumming. I ran my tongue around the underside of his cock head. He humped his hips up to my face trying to get me to suck more of him into my mouth.

"Jesus Joey, suck me, suck my cock. OOOHHHHHH suck me." he groaned.

"Remember we want to see him squirt his stuff." Becky reminded me.

I bobbed my head on his shaft sucking and licking as I went. I knew he was going to cum when I felt his dick begin to swell even bigger. I pulled him from my mouth and began to pump his cock with my hand.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH, I'm cumming, OOOHHHH God I'm cumming." He screeched.

The first blast shot out of his cock about two feet in the air before I splattered on his belly. I aimed his cock toward his chest and the second blast hit his chin. The third on landed just below his left nipple. The fourth on his belly and the rest just oozed out over my hand. Jack begged me to stop after a few minutes. I removed my hand licking my fingers clean of his cum. I told the girls that they should try a little to see if they like it.

Barb was the first to pick up a finger full and suck it into her mouth. Becky watched with interest to see her sister's reaction. When she smacked her lips, smiled and dipped her fingers in for another taste Becky ran one of her fingers through a puddle of cum. She tasted Jack's cum and broke out in a huge smile. They both cleaned Jack's torso while I cleaned his cock with my tongue.

"Wow that was way cool." Becky said when Jack was totally cleaned.

"It sure was." Barb agreed.

"Now what do you want to do?" Jack asked when he recovered from his cum.

"I want to try to lick Becky." I blurted out then blushed brightly.

"Hey, don't be embarrassed, I want you to lick me while I suck you." She told me smiling broadly.

"I guess that leaves the two of us to figure out what to do." Barb giggled at Jack.

"Heck, I know what I want to do with you." he giggled back at her.

"Yeah me too, I want to suck you while you lick my pussy." Barb told Jack.

"Girls on top." I laughed as I pulled Becky over to me.

My cock was already getting hard just from the thought of licking Becky's bald little 10 year old pussy. I pulled her on top of me kissing her lips for the first time. I was surprised how much softer they were than my brother's. Her tongue pushed into my mouth exploring all around. I sucked on her tongue noticing how much smaller and softer it was than Jacks. I liked what I did with Jack but doing it with Becky was 100 times better. My hand moved down to her flat chest pulling and teasing her puffy nipples with my fingers.

"AAAAAWWWWWWW, that's nice Joey, you can pinch them harder if you want." she moaned.

"Move up and I'll suck them for you." I told her.

Becky moved up so that her puffy little nipples were right over my mouth. She lowered her chest down touching my lips with her nipples. I opened my mouth sucking one of her soft nips into my mouth. I used my tongue to circle all around her nipple. She pulled my head tight against her chest as I sucked harder on her tiny tit.

"Suck 'em Joey, suck my little titties." Becky groaned softly.

I sucked on each of her little nipples for several minutes before I asked her to turn around so I could taste her pussy.

"Joey, I don't know how to do it to you." she whispered softly.

"You saw what I did to Jack, just put it in your mouth and suck. Move your mouth up and down on it and you will do fine." I told her.

"Tell me if I'm doing it wrong okay?"

"I promise." I told her.

She swung her legs over my head. I looked up at her hairless pussy. I could see a little moisture along her slit. I could smell her pussy as it hovered over my face. I felt her small hand on my cock as she explored my hard on. I reached for her hips and pulled her pussy to my lips. I tasted her cunt juice for the first time and new that I was hooked on it. It was almost like sugar water. I pushed my tongue into her hot tight hole making her squirm on my face. I felt a warmth around my cock and knew that she just put my cock in her preteen mouth. I groaned softly into her pussy as she sucked on my hardness. Becky and I both used our tongues to make each other feel good.

"OOOOHHHHH Joey, OOOHHHH God don't stop, OOHHHHHH lick me, lick my pussy, AAAAAHHHHHHHH." she cried out as my cock fell from her mouth.

"I don't think I can do you when I'm so close to cumming." She told me as she wiggled her pussy on my face.

I didn't answer her because I wasn't about to pull my tongue from her great pussy. She stood up, pulling her cunt from my lips. I was about to protest but before I could say anything she turned so she was facing me then sat back down on my face. She took my hand and put it on her small flat chest.

"Make me cum Joey, make me cum then I'll do it for you." She panted as she wiggled her pussy on my face.

I buried my tongue up her pussy hole, licking all her juices that were flowing from her. I could feel her pussy grabbing at my tongue as I pushed it in deeper.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH I'm cumming Joey, OOOOHHHHH jeez I'm cumming don't stop." she begged.

Suddenly my mouth was filled with her sweet cunt juice. Her pussy held my tongue tightly as she cried out in joy. She ground her pussy on my face as she shuddered through a massive orgasm. I swallowed every drop of her sweet cunt juice and licked for more.

"Oh God Joey that's enough." she groaned loudly as she rolled off of me.

"Did I do okay?" I wanted to know.

She didn't answer by speaking, she answered by shoving her tongue into my mouth. We kissed until we heard Jack yell that he was cumming. Becky turned to watch her twin sister take my brother's load into her mouth. She did a great job of not losing a drop of his cum as she swallowed several times to get it all down her throat. She let his soft cock fall from her mouth when Jack was done unloading his balls. Barb licked her lips telling him that his cum tasted great. Jack couldn't talk with his tongue pushed all the way into Barb's preteen pussy.

"I think I need to make you feel good now Joey." Becky said as she turned to look at me.

Becky moved between my legs taking my still hard cock in her hand. She pumped it a few times with her fist then put the head of it in her mouth. She licked around the head teasing my pee hole with the tip of her tongue. She licked the underside of the head then slowly pushed more of it into her mouth.

"AAAAAAAAAWWWWWWW yeah Becky, Oh that feels good." I moaned softly to her.

She gagged when she tried to put too much of my cock in her mouth. I told her that she didn't have to do what Jack does. She didn't answer but she pushed down again taking me into her throat.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHH, God Becky you did it, you took me all in." I groaned.

"Huh, I want to see her do that." Barb said.

Becky pushed down again taking me into her throat. When Barb saw her sister do that she shrieked to Jack that she was cumming. As Becky sucked my cock I watched my twin brother suck down Barb's cunt juices. Barb humped Jack's face pulling his face tight against her pussy as it convulsed.

I turned my attention back to what Becky was doing with my stiff dick. Becky would suck my cock head a few times then take me all the way in. She may be new at this but she sure learned fast. I held her head in my hands as she bobbed on my hard cock.

"Suck me Becky, OOOHHH Suck me, I'm almost ready to cum. don't stop."

She took her hand and began to gently roll my balls around in the palm of her hand. I was feel so good when she shocked me. I felt her finger slide up my butt crack. Suddenly she was rubbing her finger on my butt hole. I never had anyone touch me there before. I jumped a little when she touched it for the first time. She didn't push her finger in but just circled my hole with her finger tip. She pushed a little but not hard. I was beginning to like the feel of her finger back there. My cock was throbbing and getting close to shooting my cum.

"OOOHHHHHH Jesus, OOOHHHHHH my God, OOOOHHHHHHH." I cried out when her finger entered my ass hole for the first time.

"Holy Cow Joey, she has her finger in your butt hole." Jack said in shock.

"I know Jack, I know, and it feels unbelievable." I groaned as she pushed more of her finger up my ass.

"We do that to each other all the time." Barb told Jack. "It feels really good.

"Will you do that to me next time so I can see what it feels like."

Barb nodded her head as the both watched as Becky pushed the rest of her finger into my puckered ass hole. I let out a long loud moan when she wiggled her finger deep inside of me.

"AAAAHHHHHH God Becky, OOOHHHHHHHH I'm going to cum, OOOOHHHHHHHH here it comes, AAWWWWW take it all Becky, take all my hot cum." I screamed as my back arched off the floor and my stiff cock began to fill her preteen mouth.

Becky sucked, wiggled her finger in my ass all at the same time. I thought I was going to die. I never felt this good before as I spurted more cum than I ever had. Becky swallowed constantly to get it all down without losing any of it. She cleaned my cock with her tongue then slowly pulled her finger out of my ass. I was exhausted but still had the energy to pull her up to me and kiss her sticky lips.

"That was so good, thank you, thank you." I panted.

"I'm hungry." Barb announced. "Lets get something to eat then we can do it again."

Becky told her to go make some sandwiches. Her sister didn't argue and Jack said he would go help. Becky and I laid on the floor holding each other. She would give me a quick kiss every little bit.

"I liked doing that Joey." She told me softly.

"I liked doing it to you too." I answered back.

"Joey, would you put your dick in me next time?"

" mean.......fuck you?" I stammered.

"Yeah, I want you to be my first one." she whispered as she kissed me quickly on the lips.

"Oh wow, sure, I'd love to do that if you're really sure."

"I'm sure Joey, I want you to fuck me and make me feel good that way."

My cock began to get stiff again at the mention of actually fucking a girl. She giggled telling me that my dick must like the idea. I laughed with her saying that my dick had a mind of its own sometimes.

Barb and Jack asked what we were laughing at as they walked back down the stairs with the sandwiches. Becky whispered not to say anything about what we were going to do.

"Nothing, just joking about how much I shot into her mouth."

That lie made us both laugh again making it even more convincing to our twins. We ate every sandwich that Barb and Jack made. Thankfully they remembered to bring down some soda's to wash them down with.

"I'm ready Jack to do it again, are you?" Barb asked with a smile.

"Heck yeah." he said as he pulled her to him kissing her lovingly.

"Are you ready Joey?" Becky whispered.

"Huh-huh, you bet I am."

I kissed her hard pulling her on top of me. We kissed for a few minutes then I told her that we should lick each other so we can get each other real wet. She moved around so her pussy was over my face and hers was over my cock. I pulled her hips down to my lips and she lowered her head to my stiff cock.

Becky's hot mouth engulfed my preteen dick making it feel like my cock was in a tight fitting toaster. Her tongue swirled around the head of my dick a few times before she pushed more of my cock in.

"Oh Jesus Becky, OOOOHHHHH God suck me, suck my cock."

I moaned that out just before I plunged my tongue into her hairless 10 year old pussy. She pushed her pussy harder down on my face as I used my tongue to tickled her pussy deep inside.

She let my cock slip from her mouth after several minutes. She turned around kissing me hard and pushing her tongue into my mouth. She asked softly if I was ready to do it now. I assured her that I was.

Becky swung her legs over mine sitting on my cock. She lifted herself up taking my cock in her hand. She placed the tip at her tight hot cunt hole and began to rub it all around. I cold feel the heat of her pussy on my dick. I looked at Becky as she put it at her opening and began to push herself down on my hardness. I grunted as my stiff cock began to bend painfully. She lifted herself back up slightly making an adjustment to her position. Becky tried again to push my dick into her small tight cunt hole.

"OH." she gasped as the head of my cock suddenly popped into her tight hole.

"Oh my God, you two are doing it." I heard Barb shriek.

"Cool Joey, how does it feel?" Jack asked me.

"Incredible." was all I could get out.

"OOOHHHHH Joey, it feels so big inside of me." Becky groaned.

"You're so tight and hot Becky."

Barb and Jack moved closer to watch us as Becky waited to get use to the feeling of my dick in her pussy. Becky's cunt was so hot and tight that I thought I would shoot my cum right away. Luckily I calmed down enough to hold off on that for the present time.

"Oh Joey, OOOHHHHHH so good." she sighed. "I'm going to try to get more of you in."

She pushed down on my cock making more of my stiff dick slip into her hot velvety tunnel. She stopped again panting hard. I looked down to where we were joined and saw that half of my cock was buried in her 10 year old pussy. My cock twitched making both of us moan out loud.

"What's it feel like Joey?" Jack wanted to know.

"Heaven, it's pure heaven Jack. It is so hot and tight." I said honestly.

"Does it feel good Becky?" Barb asked her twin sister.

"Does it ever, it feels so big, hot and hard." Becky answered.

Becky let out a loud "oof" when she pushed all the way down and pushed the rest of my preteen dick into her pussy.

"Holy shit, look Barb its all the way in her." I heard Jack say.

"Come on Jack, I want to try that too." Barb told my brother as she pulled him toward her.

"Are you okay Becky?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, this feels soooooo good."

I grabbed her by the hips and lifted her up making my dick move inside of her. I let her down slowly sinking my cock back into her pussy.

"AAAAHHHHHHH, Oh my God, that was incredible." She groaned.

She lifted her hips without my help and lowered herself back down with a grunt. Becky began to move up and down going higher each time. In a matter of a few minutes she was pulling herself up so just the tip of my dick was left inside then she would drop suddenly forcing my entire length back into her cunt.

"Oh yeah Becky, OOHHHH God keep doing that." I groaned as I began to play with her tiny tits.

"AAAWWWW Joey, OOOHHHHH pinch my nipples Joey, pinch them harder." She cried out.

I was pulling and twisting both of her nipples as she bounced up and down on my stiff pole. She was grunting loudly each time my cock slid all the way in. Her pussy gripped my cock tightly as it slid into her.

"I........Oh Joey.........I'm..........I'm...........AAAAAAHHHHH.......... ...I'm Joey, I'm cumming." Her stammer turned into a scream.

She slammed down hard on my cock holding me deep in her preteen pussy. Her cunt muscles began to spasm around my throbbing cock. I gritted my teeth trying to hold back a little longer.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH damn, I'm cumming Becky, I can't wait, I'm cumming." I cried out.

My cum shot out of my cock flooding her young preteen pussy. Becky ground her hips down on mine as I filled he 10 year old love hole with my hot sticky cum.

"I feel it Joey, I feel each spurt of you cum." Becky moaned.

She fell forward keeping my cock in her pussy. I kissed her lips shoving my tongue into her mouth immediately. We kissed enjoying the after glow of our orgasms. When our breathing returned to normal we realized that Jack and Barb were fucking hard and fast. We turned our heads to watch them making sure my cock stayed buried in her pussy.

"I'm cumming Jack, fuck me, don't stop, I'm cumming." Barb yelled.

"Me too, I'm cumming too, OOOHHHHHH shit, take my cum in your pussy." He grunted.

We all stayed where the way we were. Becky was the first to suggest we get up and clean ourselves. I didn't really want to pull my dick out of her pussy but agreed that we needed to clean ourselves up a little.

"Wait, I have an idea." Jack said.

We all looked at Jack. "I'll lick Becky clean, Joey can lick Barb clean and they each can suck us clean."

I'm game is everyone else is." I chimed in.

"Okay by m.e" Becky jumped in.

"Yeah okay by me too." Barb said making it unanimous.

Jack and I pulled our cocks out of the girls at the same time. I quickly moved over to Barb and buried my face into her wet sticky crotch. I heard Becky groan out so I knew that Jack was licking her clean. I stuck my tongue all the way into Barb's preteen pussy lapping up all my brother's slimy cum that I could find. Her taste was very similar to her sister's. I swung my legs around so she could suck my cock clean for me. I sighed happily when her lips circled around my now hardening cock. I was getting hard filling her mouth with my cock. Her tongue circled around my cock head teasing my pee hole. I wiggled my tongue inside her pussy as she squeezed her legs tighter trapping my head.

'Lick me Joey, lick my pussy, make me cum again." She begged.

Jack must have pumped a gallon of cum into Barb's pussy. His cum was flowing from her hole as I wiggled my tongue in her. Barb grabbed my head pulling it hard against her preteen pussy as she cried out another big orgasm.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH Joey, OOOOOOOOHHHHHH God lick me, lick my pussy." She shrieked.

I buried my tongue as far as I could into her cunt. She sucked harder on my cock as her pussy spasmed around my tongue. I couldn't believe it but my cock was rock hard and on the verge of filling Barb's mouth with a load of hot sticky cum.

"Oh shit Barb, AAAAHHHHHHH I'm almost there, don't stop, suck my cock, swallow my hot cum." I groaned as she slid my cock in and out of her mouth.

"AAAAAAWWWWWWWW, here it comes." I grunted out. "Take it Barb, take it all."

My cock sprayed cum into her mouth like a hose. I couldn't believe I had that much cum built up already from the last time I unloaded my cum. Barb sucked my cock dry licking every trace of cum from my dick. When I moved up to kiss her she shoved her tongue deep into my mouth. As we kissed I heard Becky cry out as she creamed Jack's face with her cunt juice. It was followed in less than a minute by Jack grunting as he filled her mouth with a load of his slimy cum.

Jack and I reluctantly sat up. I looked at both girls lying on the floor and admired their young preteen bodies. They looked almost identical but for some reason I felt closer to Becky than I did to Barb. Jack liked Barb better so it worked out perfectly. We sat naked talking about the fun we had today.

We got together every chance we got. As the years went by we began to date openly. Now that we are all out of college, Jack and I asked them to marry us. We are planning a double wedding with a double honeymoon. The possibilities are endless.


Let me know what you think of this story or any of my other ones. I always like to hear from readers.

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