Published: 20-Jul-2013
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I was still blurry eyed as I woke up to the sight of my sister Cassy's friend standing in front of us with a riding crop in one hand, and a video camera in her other.
"Sorry I'm late; I had to go with my mom to my Aunt's house yesterday. I hope you still have some fun left for me." Sarah said, smiling down at me like I was a piece of meat.
"Don't worry; there is always a place for you." Cassy said. "You did help me with all of this; I just hope you remembered everything." She continued with a wink to Sarah.
Help her with all this? Remember everything? What was my sister talking about?
I was starting to hyperventilate. I couldn't take my eyes off the video camera in my sister's friend’s hand. What were they going to do to me?
"I can't stay long, I have to work." Sarah said. "But I wanted to drop off the camera for you, and have a little fun before I go, if that's alright."
"You're coming back right?" Heather asked her.
"Oh yeah....And I will have a wonderful surprise for your little puppy." Sarah said giving me a look that made me feel very uncomfortable.
I was breathing in short fast breaths now. I was afraid of Sarah. I always have been for some reason. I never could put my finger on it, but she just scared me.
I started backing away from the trio, standing up as I did so.
Sarah looked at me as she addressed my sister. "Is your puppy supposed to be standing?"
I started whimpering and crying. "I...I...I've been...I've been good. W...Why are you still b...being mean to meeeee?" I sobbed.
I was still backing away from my sister when I backed right into Heather, who was standing right behind me. She grabbed both my skinny wrist with one hand and smacked me hard right between my legs.
I screamed at the pain that flooded my crotch, and before I knew what was happening, Cassy reached down and grabbed a pair of panties off the floor and shoved them into my mouth. Cassy grabbed my cheeks and stared at me with fury.
"You know the rules better than that! BITCHES DON'T TALK, THEY BARK!!" She shouted in my face. "AND... You don't stand unless I give you permission."
She raised her hand like she was going to smack me, and I cringed in fear. Sarah grabbed her arm before she could bring it down.
"Hey now, I can do better than that." She said with a grin. "Bring her out under the deck, and don't forget the camera."
Heather led me struggling out the back door. Sarah followed behind with a length of rope, swinging her riding crop happily through the air. My sister Cassy was last with the video camera in hand.
"Lay her down on the ground and hold her down tight." Sarah told Heather.
Heather laid me down on the ground and straddled my face.
"I know you can't lick me like you are, but at least you can smell my butt sweetie." Heather told me as she sat her ass down on my nose.
Sarah tied my feet together, as my sister caught it all on video. Heather grabbed my legs and lifted them into the air as Sarah took more rope and threw it over a support of the deck.
"Alright Heather, get off her and help me."
Heather stood up, leaving me gasping for air as I sudden felt myself being lifted upside down into the air. They took my hands and pulled them behind my back and tied them as well.
"MMMPPHHH!!!!!" Was all the noise I could make as this all happened.
I was squirming, and making muffled noises as they took a step back to examine my helplessness.
"Well now, I don't have much time right now, and you both seem to think she needs to be taught to behave, right?" Sarah asked the others.
"Hell yeah!" They both shouted in unison.
"Well little puppy, here is a good taste of what will come later." Sarah said to be.
She laid into my poor butt with her crop like she was beating a rug clean. I was screaming so loud through the gag that Heather ran over to cover my mouth.
After about 20 or so smacks, I was in so much pain, and fear that I started to pee myself. Being upside down, with my leg together, it was spurting up like a fountain, then down my body, over my budding breasts, and across my face. Some of it was even running into my mouth, soaking the panties stuffed in there.
Sarah and Heather were laughing at my plight, while my sister just kept on videotaping me.
Sarah stopped whipping me when her arm finally got tired. She had whipped my ass, tits, stomach, back, and even my little pussy.
I hung there sobbing from the beating I had just received at the hands of my sister’s friend Sarah. I felt dizzy from hanging upside down. Tears and pee running down my sore naked body.
"God I really need to get off." Sarah said as she removed her shorts, and pulled the panties out of my mouth.
She grabbed my hair, pulling me upwards between her legs.
"Get that tongue up there little bitch."
Sniffling, I did as I was told. She grinded against my face so hard that I was sure that she was going to rip my nose from my face.
"Oh god, she isn't half bad at this." Sarah announced to the others.
She came on my face moments later, thrashing, and pulling my face up hard to her pussy.
She didn't let my face go when she finished, instead, I felt her loosen her grip a bit, and her head lay against my hip.
"Aaaah" I heard her say as I felt her warm piss spray against my face.
I started gagging, and choking as her pee ran into my mouth and over my face.
As her stream tapered off, I felt another start up. Each one of them took a turn peeing on me, and when they finished, I felt a new sensation as ice cold water started running down my body starting from my toes.
I realized that while Cassy was finishing peeing on me, that Sarah had brought the hose to the top of the deck and turned it on so it would run slowly down me.
It was both refreshing on my whipped body, but at the same time, the icy water caused my whole body to tense up uncomfortably.
"Alright, I have to go and get ready for work. I'll be back at about 5 I think." Sarah said.
They all left to walk her out, leaving me hanging there.
After a while, my sister and Heather came back and untied me. I just laid down, sore and crying softly when Cassy ran into the house and came back with 'my collar and tail.'
After they put my things back on me, they told me to rest a bit, it was going to be a long night. Laughing, they tied a leash to my collar, then to a post on the deck. "Stay girl" Heather said to me as they walk back into the house laughing at me.
I fell asleep outside for a couple of hours when my sister came back with the dog dishes filled with food and water. I was so thirsty and hungry that I didn't even question what might be in there and just dug in.
After I finished eating, it went back to the usual routine, with the exception of me being videotaped the whole time. I was more embarrassed that there was a video being made of me doing this than of actually doing it.
I had to fetch, and do tricks all day. I even had to pee with my leg lifted while they got it all on tape. I had to service them both with my tongue, and if they decided, they would use there strapon's on me. By 5 o'clock when Sarah came back, I was already exhausted.
I was curled up on a doggie bed trying to rest when Sarah came in.
"Did you bring..." My sister started to ask, but was cut off.
"Of course. I wouldn't forget."
Cassy came over to me and attached the leash to my collar. "Come along puppy, time to have some more fun."
"Uuuhhh," I groaned. Hadn't I had enough yet?
I didn't want to face whatever Sarah might have had planned for me.
My sister dragged me through the house, and out the back door. My eyes shot open, and I stopped dead in my tracks. Every fiber in my being froze in fear when I saw the big black lab running around the back yard.
I got up on my feet to run, I didn't know what they really had planned for me, but I had a pretty good idea.
Cassy pulled hard on my collar as I got to my feet and started to run. I was pulled back hard, and fell on my ass.
"OOOWWWWW!!" I screamed. "PLEASE, PLEASE DON'T BRING ME OUT THERE WITH A DOG!!" I screamed and thrashed against the collar, trying my best to get my hands up to undo the leash.
"YOU STOP THIS MISBEHAVING RIGHT NOW!!" Cassy shouted at me. "You are a little puppy bitch, and Sarah here was kind enough to find you a handsome boyfriend."
I was frozen in fear. I now understood full well what was about to happen. I started sobbing like a baby, as my sister started to drag me along behind her.
"If you try to stand up or speak again, this morning will seem like a wonderful massage compared to what you will go through."
I crawled behind my sister to the middle of the yard. Heather had driven a spike into the ground that my sister tied my leash to. There I stood on my hands and knees, tied to a pole in the ground, a tail sticking out of my butt, waiting for a dog to come and fuck me... And I had no way to get out of this.
I was shaking in fear when I heard Sarah say, "Go get her boy, she is all yours."
A moment later I felt something wet at my pussy. It was sniffing me, and then I felt the dogs tongue start to lick at my slit. I gasped at the new sensation. The only time I have ever felt a tongue on me was Heather's, but this was so different. The dog's tongue was rougher, and faster, and seemed to cover my whole sex.
It wasn't long till I was squirming, and moaning, despite how disgusted I was by this revolting act I was forced into.
The dog must have been licking me for a good five minutes when I realized that I was enjoying the sensations...Even pushing my butt back at his tongue. It was at that moment that I felt him jump up on my back.
I could feel his thing pushing against me as I tried my best to scamper away from this intrusion, while all around me my sister and her friends were laughing.
With one great lunge forward, and a scream from me, he entered me.
I can say with all honesty that I have never felt anything like it. It was hard, hot, pulsing, and he rammed it into me fast and hard.
I was panting, crying, and felt like my insides were being punched over and over...But not in a bad way.
The dog fucked me hard and fast for a good 5 or 10 minutes before I felt something new. It felt like his penis was growing...Was that possible?
Soon it was stretching my insides till it felt like I had a softball shoved up in me! I started to panic, and groan in pain. Then I felt my insides fill with something hot.
"Ooo, I think he's coming." Sarah said to the others.
"She looks like she is in pain." My sister said with a little concern.
"Don't worry," Sarah told her, "that's just his knot, it won't do her any harm, but it's going to leave her stuck there like that for a good 15 minutes or so." She laughed.
"HAHA, how would you know Sarah, try it yourself have you?" Heather said making fun of her.
"My mom breeds dogs you dope." Sarah said angrily. "You can always be next, bitch."
That shut Heather up quick. I have a feeling that she was afraid of Sarah too. I have no doubt that this past week was planned by her now. The collar, the dog dishes, all the things my sister had got for a dog, it came from Sarah. The dog climbed off my back and stood ass to ass with me for a second before starting to try and walk away from me. His knot was still too big to come out, and he started dragging me back till my leash was pulled tight.
The leash was choking me from one side, while the dog was trying to my insides out (or at least that what it felt like) from the other.
"OOOOWWWWW!" I screamed through my chokes and sobs.
"OOPS, I better go stop this." Sarah said to no one in general.
She came over and stilled the dog from pulling me any further. The dog, happy to see his master, started wagging his tail all over the place. It was wagging so hard that it hit the tail in my butt back and forth, also making the plug in my butt push in and out in the process.
I moaned and cried deep hard sobs at the pain and pleasure mix. Sarah and the others noticed this as well and started laughing again.
Finally the dog slipped out of my sore and abused pussy, and I slumped to the ground and curled up in a ball, and fell asleep out there tied to a spike in the backyard.
I woke up some time later to the black lab licking my face. When I looked up, I saw my sister and her friends walking back outside.
"Time to wake up, its dinner time." Cassy said.
She untied me and led me back into the house. Sarah's dog rushed in in front of us, barking and yelping as he knew it was time to eat. I on the other hand, crawled in slowly with my head hanging down.
"I know Cassy was feeding you better than this, but a dog can eat what she is given. I would hurry up if I were you, Jack here will eat your dinner to if you are too slow." Sarah said, giggling a bit as she set the bowls down.
I looked up to my sister, pleading to her with my eyes. She just turned and sat down in a chair to watch. Heather kept the video camera on me, smiling to herself.
I crawled over to the dish, and bent down and took a mouthful of the disgusting food. I felt like vomiting, but was so hungry that I choked it done as best I could.
Jack finished his dinner and came over and stuck his nose in mine. I found myself growling at him, protecting my food like a dog would.
Jack left, and ran off somewhere as I finished the bowl of dog food. I started looking around for something to drink, when I heard the dog making sloppy drinking sounds. I turned around to see where the noise was coming from, and my heart sank again.
"Sorry, we only had the two dishes, but most dogs drink from the toilet." Sarah told me, grinning evilly at me.
"OH...Speaking of the toilet." Heather jumped in.
She ran into the bathroom, camera in hand. I heard the unmistakable sound of someone peeing, and then she came back out saying "It's all yours."
She never even flushed the toilet!
"Go on, it the only water you’re gonna get." Heather said.
I crawled into the bathroom, and up to the toilet. I looked down at the yellowish liquid in the bowl. A few tears fell down my cheeks and into the tainted water.
I have tasted pee over this last week, but to have someone making a movie of me doing these things had me more humiliated then I have ever been in my life.
"Maybe she needs a good sound whipping to get her to comply." Sarah said.
I stiffened when I heard Sarah slam her riding crop down on the table. I shoved my face into the bowl and drank down the acrid fluid. That was even more gross then it had ever been before. It was ice cold thanks to the water in the toilet. I sputtered and coughed as I tried to drink this horrid mix.
"If you ever want something to drink for the rest of the night, you can get it from the toilet." Heather told me, laughing.
Needless to say, I never went back to the toilet for anymore "water."
The rest of the night, I was spanked, fucked, forced to lick everyone, and even another round with the dog.
Yawning, my sister told everyone that it was time to get some sleep.
"Alright, but can we do something different with Lucy?" Sarah asked her.
I looked up at her in fear. Different? What else could they do to me?
Sarah reached into her pocket and pulled out a weird looking egg thing on a string. She also pulled out a small pair of panties out of her other pocket. I had no idea what she was planning on doing with these objects.
She pulled me to a standing position pulling out 'my tail', and started pulling the panties up my scrawny legs. They must have been at least two sizes too small. She stopped when they sat right below my crotch. She then put the egg thing right into the crotch of the panties, right above my clit and held them tightly there while she pulled the panties the rest of the way up.
With an evil grin to me, she grabbed hold of the sides of the little panties and gave a great pull upward, pulling the egg and the crotch of the panties into my sore pussy lips, lifting me off the ground in the process.
"GGGGAAAAAAWWWWWWW!!!!" I screamed in pain, as Sarah held me off the ground for a few seconds, which felt more like minutes.
When she set me down, I collapsed to my knees, clutching my crotch in pain. Sarah grabbed my hands before I could pull the fabric out of my pussy lips.
"Oh...I don't think so. Don't worry, you'll be having the time of your life in a minute, then it will be a long night of pain and pleasure. Hahaha." Sarah said.
She then took me over to the coffee table and put me on my knees in front of it, with my back to it, resting in the middle of the longest stretch of the table. She called Heather over to help her, and they together took each of my legs and pulled them till I was almost in the splits.
I started screaming again, so they shoved someone’s panties into my mouth again. They tied my legs like that to the table legs, keeping them as far apart as they would go.
The two psycho bitches then took my arms and pulled them back and under the table. This caused my body to almost fold in half backwards. It also caused that little bulb, and the panties to pull harder into my crotch.
They tied my arms to the same table legs as my ankles were tied to. My head was left to hang off the other side of the table. Tears now streaming down my face.
"Oh, one more thing." Heather said, as she grabbed a couple clothes pins and snapped them to my nipples.
I was screaming and thrashing in my bonds. I couldn't believe that my 15 year old sister would let these friends of hers do this to me. Or even that her friends could be that mean to anyone, let alone an 11 year old.
"Now we just..." Sarah said before being interrupted by my sister.
"Oh, do you mind if I have the honor of that?"
"Well she is your pain in the ass, so I don't see why not." Sarah laughed. "I need to get off... Heather, you’re the only other pussy licker here, why don't you come over here and give my slit some attention."
From my upside down position, I watched through tear covered eyes and Sarah laid back and Heather's head disappeared between her legs.
That was all I saw before my sisters black bush appeared above my face, as she pulled the panties out of my mouth.
"Now here is your treat for the evening." Cassy said as she clicked something on, and my whole pussy came alive with vibrations.
My whole body stiffened as my sister's bush came down. I could hear Sarah moaning, telling my sister to fuck my face, which she did... Hard!
My orgasm came first, with me bucking and pulling on my bonds as hard as I could. Sarah's came next, as I heard her screaming, and Heather's moans became muffled.
My sister seemed to take forever. She would grab my head and pull it tight to her pussy, and then she would slide forward and make me lick her butt, and then back again to her clit. She started to tense up, and let go of my head, just to grab tightly onto my tiny breasts and squeezed them hard as her juices flooded my mouth.
The vibrations in my pussy didn't stop. I was approaching a second orgasm when Heather announced that she still hadn't come yet.
"I have an idea," Sarah said, while the others listened to what she had to say.
"Heather needs an orgasm; Lucy is the only one that will give it to her. So, Lucy... If you can give Heather an orgasm before you have another one, we will untie you and you can go sleep in your room. If you don't, you will stay just as you are till we untie you in the morning."
Everyone gave "ooo's" and laughter to that idea, as Heather brought her hairless pussy to my lips.
Weakly, I lifted my head and started to lick her as best as I could, running my tongue up and down her bald pussy. I even stretched my tongue to her butt hole, but as long and hard as I tried to get her off, I failed.
"NNNOOOOOO!!!" I screamed as my orgasm hit me full force, forcing me to pull my bonds so tightly that I thought I might break the table legs.
As if waiting till I came, I finally felt Heather's grasp on my hair tighten, and she ground her pussy all over my face, covering me completely in her juices.
"Well, looks likes Lucy lost," Cassy said to the others. "See you in the morning, have fun." She said to me as they all left, leaving me tied to the table.
"NNOOO!! Please don't leave me like this!" I cried to them as they left the room, leaving me crying and orgasming for the rest of the night.
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