Published: 20-Jul-2013
Word Count:
"So we're doing Tuesday afternoon, from four till seven? Okay. I'll get my studio all setup. So how old did you say she was again? Wait, I'll call you back tonight so we can discuss particulars. I can't really talk now. Okay, talk to you later. Bye."
The reason he hung up the phone was because a young girl was approaching him. He had been keeping his eye on her as she slowly made her way around the pond towards him, curiously inspecting things like only a child could. She approached him cautiously, looking at the camera placed on the bench next to him.
"Are you interested in my camera?" He asked.
"It looks cool." The girl replied.
"It is. You can use it to take some pictures if you like. Just look through the lens or on the little screen and press the big button here." He pointed towards the button at the top of the camera.
It was one of his old digital ones, so he was happy to let the girl use it without fear of it being broken. He often used this camera when he came here to take pictures. It was a small quiet pond where he spent a lot of his childhood before moving away. It had changed a lot since back then, the surrounding areas were quite overgrown and there had been a fair bit of construction work done in the past 10 years. There were a lot of houses in the area but you'd only ever see a few people walking dogs and the occasional jogger around.
"I'm Marc." He said as he watched the girl tentatively pick up the camera and take her first picture. "And you?" He asked.
"Chloe." The girl replied.
"It's nice to meet you Chloe." He smiled at the girl.
The man admired her as she bent down, trying to get better angles as she took another picture. He guessed she was around 9 or 10 years old. As the girl took another picture Marc continued to study her, from her clothes which consisted of a pair of tight jeans and a pink t-shirt, to her sandy blonde hair that came down just past her shoulders.
"Do you like taking pictures?" He asked the girl.
"Yeah, it's fun."
"I know. And I'm really lucky because it's my job to take pictures. Do you want to see what I take pictures of?"
"Okay." The girl answered.
"Hand me the camera." Chloe handed the camera to the man. He then pointed it at her and quickly took a picture. After noticing a confused look on the girls face he explained.
"I take pictures of people. Mostly models." He smiled hoping his confession would interest the girl.
"Stand back and I'll show you." Chloe took a few steps back towards the pond, then after adjusting a few settings on his camera he took another picture.
"Come look." He sat back down on the bench as Chloe moved closer. "See. You look good. Are you sure you've never modelled before?" He joked while showing the girl the picture he just took.
"Cool." It was the first time he seen her smile. He could see she was impressed with the picture. The pond in the background and the sun reflecting on it actually made the picture a lot better than Marc expected it to be.
"You'd make a pretty good model Chloe."
"Really?" She seemed excited at the prospect but wasn't sure if he was being serious or just being nice to her.
"Yes, of course. Come and look at these pictures." He took his phone out of his pocket as Chloe who had been standing very close to him sat down. Marc then loaded up some pictures of models he guessed to be the same age as her.
"See, you're just as pretty as these girls, if not prettier." He said as he swiped his finger across the screen showing her another picture. As Chloe looked through them she became envious of all the fancy dresses and clothes that they wore.
"Looks pretty cool huh? Those girls get to wear all those nice clothes and they get paid for doing it." Marc wanted Chloe to really entertain the idea of modelling, and she was. The comment about getting paid really perked up her interest, only in her mind there was one sticking point.
"I could try it but..." Chloe stopped in her tracks.
"But what?" Marc asked.
"Well... My parents would never let me." There was a look of disappointment on the girls face.
"It's okay. You don't have to tell your parents. A lot of the parents of my models don't know they do it, that way they get to keep all the money for themselves." Marc preferred the parents not to be involved; it made things a lot easier.
He could see Chloe pondering the decision, betraying her parents wasn't something new to her but this seemed like a rather big step. There was a part of her that knew it was wrong, but something inside the girl really wanted to do this. Marc felt like she could use more information about the process.
"I'll tell you what. If you're interested we can do what I call an audition shoot. I'll take a lot of pictures of you wearing different outfits and in different poses, then if you like modelling and you're good enough you can decide if you want to do it again."
"Good enough?" Chloe wasn't sure what he meant.
"Yeah. Well you're very beautiful, but you need to be able to follow directions during the shoot. And you need to be comfortable in front of the camera, and the photographer. Because you've never modelled before I'll have to put you in some of the poses and make sure all your outfits are perfect. I'm sure you'll be good enough though, you seem pretty smart for your age."
Chloe smiled, enjoying the compliments from the man. Even though it seemed wrong, the thought of all the outfits and the money seemed really appealing; it also seemed like a really glamorous job. She then made the decision.
"Okay." She said nervously.
"Okay, you'll do the audition shoot?" Marc wanted to make sure she really wanted to do this.
"Yeah. It sounds fun." The girl smiled at the man.
"Okay then. What time do you have to be home?" He hoped he'd have plenty of time with the girl.
"I have to be home for five."
Marc checked his watch, it was almost 2 o'clock. "Okay, we've got plenty of time. We best head off now, and I'll make sure you're back here before half past four." Marc stood up and picked up his camera. Chloe looked at him confused; he never mentioned anything about going somewhere before.
"I've got my own photo studio; we can't take the pictures here. I don't have any of my camera equipment, plus all the outfits for you to wear are at the studio. Don't worry it's only a 10 minute drive." He gave the girl a reassuring smile.
Chloe now felt very nervous, she didn't expect to go anywhere with the man. He did seem very genuine and nice; there was something about him that made her feel comfortable. But still the whole situation felt wrong.
"C'mon." Marc headed towards a small gap in the surrounding bushes. As Chloe approached he made sure there was no one around who could see him leave with the girl.
He guided her through the small gap to a rundown car park that was on the other side. Chloe didn't even know there was a car park there. It was only big enough to fit three or four cars since it was so overgrown and there was a thin road leading out of it. She watched as Marc took out his keys and disabled the alarm of his car.
He then opened the passenger side door for the girl; she admired how fancy his car was as she approached. He noticed there was a sense of trepidation coming from Chloe, she'd been very quiet and he thought she was about to back out of the situation. He felt like the best way to get her into his car was to give her the opportunity to back out.
"It's okay Chloe." She looked at the man with a slightly frightened look in her eyes. "You seem nervous; you don't have to come with me if you don't want to, no one is going to force you. But you've got nothing to worry about with me, I'm very good at my job and I think you'll have loads of fun modelling. But it is entirely your decision."
Knowing that she could just walk away if she wanted too made her relax a little more. The thought of going somewhere with the man was scary but she felt like she was being stupid because he'd done nothing to scare her so far, so she forced a smile towards him and climbed into his passenger seat. Marc closed the passenger door then got into the car.
"Are you okay?" He smiled at the girl, trying to make her feel more relaxed. Chloe replied with a nod.
"You should shuffle down in your seat, just so no one sees you. We have to keep this a secret; we don't want your parents to find out."
Chloe slid down in her seat as Marc turned on the engine and pulled away. She turned and studied the man as they drove down the thin road away from the pond. He was quite fat, not obese but she could see he was carrying quite a bit of extra weight, he also looked quite young. Chloe was curious about how old he was, she thought about asking before Marc broke the silence.
"So when we get to my studio we'll have to fill out a modelling form before we can get started."
"Okay." Chloe was starting to feel a little more relaxed around the man.
"Just remember not to be shy or nervous. And to follow instructions, that way we can get some really good pictures."
It didn't take long for them to arrive at their destination. Marc pulled his car into the garage before using the electric remote to close the door behind them.
"Where are we?" Chloe was wondering how far away from home she was.
"We're at my house. This is where my studio is." Marc climbed out of the car and opened the passenger door for Chloe. As she stepped out she felt butterflies in her stomach. Being in a strange man's home was making her feel very nervous.
"This is where I do a lot of my photo shoots, having a home studio is a lot cheaper than renting somewhere. I'll show you, it's pretty cool." Marc led the girl out of the back door of the garage into the garden. He then pulled his keys out and began to open the door to his studio. Once open he ushered the young girl inside.
After the lights flickered on illuminating the studio, Chloe began to study her surroundings. There was a big stage in the middle of the floor, it was only about a foot in height but it seemed as wide as her bedroom. Behind the stage there was a big white backdrop that came around the sides a little, and there were big lights in front and above it. There was also a camera on a tripod pointing directly at the stage.
As Chloe continued to look around now feeling a lot more comfortable after seeing how professional the studio was, Marc walked over to the far side of the studio and sat down at a desk that had a fancy computer on it.
"This is where I look at and edit all the pictures. And those are some of the clothes you'll be wearing." He pointed at a clothes rail to the other side of the room.
Marc said. "We don't have a lot of time, so are you ready to get started?"
"Yes." Chloe was starting to get giddy with excitement.
"Okay then, first I need to ask you some questions so we can fill in this modelling form then we'll begin."
There wasn't really a modelling form; Marc just created one to find out information about girls who he got to model for him. Chloe moved next to the man's desk, there wasn't another chair so she just stood there and looked over the form. The questions were pretty basic even for someone as young as Chloe.
He handed the girl a pencil. "You fill out the form and I'll pull up a few pictures to give you an example of some poses." Chloe began filling out the form while Marc selected a few photos for the girl to view.
"All done." Chloe said smiling as she handed the form to Marc.
He took the sheet and began to read the information back to the girl. "Okay. Your name is Chloe Robinson, you're nine years old and you'll be ten on August 10th. You're four foot five and you weight around seventy pounds."
"Yep." Chloe nodded and smiled.
He handed the form back to her. "Okay then, just sign the bottom and we're done."
She quickly wrote her name at the bottom of the form; Marc could tell she was excited to begin modelling. He moved his chair back from his desk making more room for Chloe; he motioned for her to come and look at the pictures on the screen. Then he moved in closer and placed his hand on the small of the girls back.
"Flick through these pictures so you get an idea of some poses." He then began gently caressing the girls back.
"Wow these are really pretty." She was impressed with the quality of the photos.
The more she flicked through the pictures the more revealing they became. There was a girl who looked about her age wearing a string bikini, and after flicking through a few more pictures she was taken aback by a girl wearing sexy underwear.
"Will I have to wear that?" She pointed to the girl on the screen who was wearing black thigh high stockings and a matching lacy G-string.
"You can if you want. Underwear models get a lot more jobs than regular models. Plus no one around here will see the pictures so it's fine with the girls. I bet you'd look really good wearing what that girl has on. You can try it if you like."
The thought of wearing clothes that revealing excited Chloe yet scared her a little at the same time. As she studied the picture on the screen she felt Marc's hand move around to her side rubbing over her hips. His touch was making her feel at ease while she wondered what she'd look like wearing underwear like that.
"How about we just start with a couple of dresses, then we can move onto other things." Marc stood and walked over to a clothes rail with Chloe following. He took a short red dress from the rail for her to wear.
"We don't have a dressing room so our models always change out here, will that be a problem for you?" There was a look of confusion and uncertainty on the girls face so he explained further. "It makes things a lot quicker, and a lot of the time the models need help getting dressed so I can make sure their clothes are all perfect. Is that okay with you? You're not shy are you?" He jokingly asked.
The girl then shyly shook her head hoping that Marc wouldn't notice her nervousness. She'd never been naked in front of anyone since she was really little, and worried about his reaction to her undeveloped body.
"Let's get you into this dress then." Marc knelt down in front of the girl then reached out and pulled the bottom of her t-shirt upwards, Chloe instinctively lifted her arms. She was unsure as to why he was helping her undress but she was afraid to say anything. As the t-shirt came off over her head Marc took a quick glance at her chest and noticed she'd yet to start developing. He was glad she wasn't wearing a bra because it made things a little easier for him.
"Kick off your shoes." Chloe did as asked and slipped her trainers off kicking them to the side.
Marc then reached out and undid the button at the top of her jeans, Chloe was about to tell him to stop because she wasn't quite sure about this. When she agreed to model she didn't think she'd have a grown man undressing her. Marc sensed her nervousness but continued anyway, he felt that if she wanted him to stop she'd say something. He wasn't about to do anything the girl would be uncomfortable with out of fear for his own safety.
The zipper then came down on her jeans; Marc could feel her trembling as he put his hands on her waist to pull them down. Part of him wanted to stop, knowing the little girl was scared or nervous, but he felt that the quicker she became comfortable getting undressed the better. So he continued by tugging her jeans down past her waist, exposing her pink cotton panties. He took a second to admire her before pulling her jeans down to her ankles; he then placed his hand on her waist as he helped her step out of them. Chloe felt a little funny when Marc put his hand on her waist, the feeling of a man's big hand touching her bare skin was something she wasn't used to.
He then glanced up at the girl admiring her small slim body and the feeling of her smooth skin that was now being gently caressed by his hand. He then took the red dress and pulled it over the girls head before tugging it down around the rest of her body. Chloe ran her hands across her belly, feeling how tight the dress was against her skin. Then after he zipped up the back of the dress Marc helped the girl into a pair of fancy red shoes.
"Perfect!" He smiled at her as he ran his hands over the dress as if to smooth it out. He then took her hand and helped her onto the centre of the stage.
"Just smile at the camera and relax." Chloe mustered a smile towards the camera as Marc snapped some pictures of the girl.
"Try to remember some of the poses you seen in the pictures before and copy those."
Chloe began to get more comfortable as she kept posing. The smile the girl had forced towards the camera had fast become a real one. She found herself becoming more relaxed and comfortable in her surroundings and was glad that it was turning out to be as fun as she'd hoped it would be. Marc could tell she was beginning to enjoy it and felt it would be best to allow her to get more comfortable before he got her to model the underwear.
"You're doing really good Chloe, you sure you've never done this before?" Marc joked. "Just a couple more shots then we'll get you into another dress." A big smile came across her face as he complimented her.
He then led her off the stage and back to the clothes rail. After taking off her shoes he unzipped the back of her dress and pulled it over her head. This time Chloe didn't feel as shy as she stood in front of the man in only her panties. Marc took a black dress from the rail.
"You have to step into this one." He said.
As he helped her into the dress he let his hands run up her small slender legs, not enough to scare her but enough to feel how firm they were. The straps of the dress then came up over Chloe's shoulders, it was longer than the last one she'd wore but it was backless so she was showing a lot more skin. For some reason the fact that her back was showing made her feel sexy. After putting on a pair of flat shoes Marc once again guided her to the stage and began taking pictures.
Chloe repeated most of the poses from the previous shoot but every so often Marc would help put her in certain positions or move her to change the angle of the shot. It felt funny to the girl, having a grown man touch her body especially when he put his hands on her bum or her lower belly. It wasn't long before Chloe began to enjoy the attention from both the camera and the man, now that she was feeling a lot more relaxed she noticed that she was getting an excited feeling in her tummy.
"Okay Chloe, let's get you changed into another outfit. We'll do a couple more photo shoots then I'll have to get you back home." Marc wanted to make sure she was home with plenty of time to spare. This time instead of guiding her to the side to change Marc grabbed a box and stepped onto the stage next to Chloe.
"It makes things go easier if you change here." Marc said after placing the box down and kneeling beside her. He took her shoes off before reaching up and pulling the straps of her dress over her shoulders. He then slid his hands down the girl's young body along with the dress before helping her step out of it.
"What am I going to wear for this one?" Chloe had become more vocal now that she had gotten comfortable around the man. Her semi nakedness was no longer a problem.
"This." Marc took the top off the box next to the girl unveiling a black thong, a small bra and some stockings. Chloe recognized the outfit from the picture she'd look at earlier.
"We'll need to take your panties off so you can change into this. Is that okay?" Marc wanted to make sure the girl was more than comfortable, but Chloe wasn't sure.
"Do you want me to do it?" He looked up at the girl smiling as he placed his hand on the side of her leg. "It's okay if you don't want to. This is a big girl's outfit so it's okay if you think you're too young."
"No, I'll wear it." Chloe surprised herself but she really did want to wear it. She'd never worn anything like that before and wanted to know what it was like.
"Okay then." Marc's hand then slid up her leg a little to the side of her panties. He reached out with his other hand and began tugging her panties down from either side. Chloe began to get a really nervous feeling in her tummy as she felt the man slowly pull her panties down. It wasn't a bad feeling though; it was like a good nervous feeling.
Marc continued to pull the girl's underwear down past her waist. As he exposed more and more of her pussy he was glad to see that she was still hairless. After pulling her panties all the way down and helping her step out of them he admired the small crack between her legs.
"You okay?" Marc asked wanting to make sure he wasn't forcing Chloe to do anything she didn't want to do.
"Yes." The smile on her face put him at ease. Even though she was nervous and a little shy at being naked in front of the man, it was also exciting to her.
"Good." Marc smiled back at her. "Let's start with the stockings." His plan was to keep her pussy uncovered for as long as he could to allow her to get comfortable being naked around him. He then took the pair of thigh-high stockings from the box and unravelled them.
"You'll have to hold onto me to keep your balance while I put these on you." Chloe giggled and placed her hands on Marc's head and shoulder as she lifted her feet allowing him to put the stockings on. Once they were over her feet and bunched up around her ankles Marc put his hands on her waist and had her take a step back so he could pull them up.
He began to pull them up over her calf and past her knee stopping occasionally to smooth them out. Chloe quite liked the way the material felt against her skin and was beginning to enjoy the feeling of Marc's hands running up and down her small legs.
"Open your legs a little Chloe, so we can get them all the way up." She did as instructed and took a step out till her legs were almost a couple of feet apart. Marc could now admire the girl up close. He could tell she was quite athletic by the firmness of her legs and how slim her body was.
Chloe felt very exposed with her legs open so wide, the nervous feeling in her tummy just seemed to get stronger but for some reason it was a feeling she enjoyed. She also enjoyed the feeling of Marc's hand running up the inside of her thigh as he pulled one of the stockings all the way up. His hand then brushed against her pussy as he smoothed out the stockings. Once it was smoothed out he ran his hands from the bottom of her ankle all the way up her leg till his hand was touching her pussy. This time he let his hand linger there for a few seconds longer than was necessary.
"Now let's do the other leg." He looked up smiling at her then repeated the process on her left leg. When his hand touched her pussy this time she wanted to squirm around but instead held still. Once again Marc slid his hand all the way up her leg to make sure the stocking was smoothed out and again let it linger on the girl's pussy.
Chloe was really beginning to like the attention from the man, the palm of his hand was cupping the inside of her left thigh and the side of his fingers were against her pussy. She couldn't understand why she was getting the tingling feeling in her pussy and butterflies in her stomach. She really wanted to wriggle her hips around but resisted, worried about what Marc would say if she did.
"You want to put the bra on next?" He was still holding his hand against her thigh and pussy as his other hand ran up and down the side of her leg.
"Yes." Chloe's voice had now become quiet.
Before removing his hand from her thigh Marc gave it squeeze forcing the side of his finger to rub against the girl's pussy. Then as he pulled his hand away he made sure to slide his finger along the girl's soft crack. Marc felt a slight dampness on the side of his finger that made him smile and once his hand was no longer touching her pussy he noticed Chloe's hips wiggled for a second.
Marc then picked up the bra and pulled it over her head. It was almost like a training bra but a lot fancier. Both Chloe and Marc knew she didn't need a bra but it was part of the outfit, and asking her to pose topless wasn't part of the plan just yet. As he adjusted the bra he let his hands roam around the girl's upper body, brushing against her nipples.
"Okay, now for the bottoms." Marc picked up the black lacy G-string and had Chloe step into it. He pulled it up to her waist before he began adjusting it.
Chloe was surprised at how it felt against her; she'd never worn anything like this before and was a little surprised at how comfortable it was. The fabric at the front fit snugly over her pussy and the string at the back ran right up her bum crack. Marc was adjusting the front of the girls' underwear, brushing his fingers over her pussy as he went. He then turned her around to adjust her from the back. She giggled as she felt his big hand running over her bum cheeks.
"Bend over a little bit Chloe, so I can make sure it's on properly." Marc instructed her. As she leaned forward Marc ran his hands around her bum cheeks before tugging the back of the G-string to make sure it was firmly in place.
"Okay all done. We should put you in some high heels as well; it will make your bum look a lot firmer." His hand was still caressing the young girl's cheeks, feeling them all over.
"Okay." Chloe sounded excited at the idea of wearing a pair of heels. Marc stepped off the stage and opened a small shoe box pulling out a black pair of high-heels before returning to Chloe and helping her step into them. They were a little big but not so big that it looked silly.
Once Chloe was ready Marc stepped back and admired how sexy she looked before picking up his camera. They began with the regular poses that she was already familiar with. Then Marc asked her if she could do some sexy poses.
"What do you mean?" She wasn't sure what constituted as sexy.
"I'll show you." Marc put his camera down and got on the stage with Chloe.
"Run your hands all over your body like this." Marc stood behind the girl and began running his hands all over her tummy and chest. "Then maybe pull your panties down a little like this." He then slid his thumbs into the waistband of her G-string. Chloe could feel his big belly pressing against her back as his hands roamed all over her body. Once again she began to get the tingly feeling in her pussy as his hands moved closer and closer to it.
Chloe picked it up pretty quickly and began running her hands all over her small body, occasionally slipping them into her G-string pulling it down a little. She wasn't sure if it was the clothes she was wearing or the feeling from earlier when Marc touched her pussy but she was getting really excited. She was so excited that small damp patch in the front of her underwear was becoming quite noticeable to the camera.
"Okay, we're all done with this shoot. Do you want to do one more before you leave?" Marc asked.
"Yes!" Chloe was beginning to love being in front of the camera.
"Good. Take off your shoes then come over to the computer and I'll show you what type of pictures we're going to take." Marc had now put his camera down and took a seat at his desk. He then watched as Chloe slipped off her high-heels and came over till she was standing next to him.
"Take a look at these pictures and tell me what you think." He loaded up a picture of a young girl who was lying naked on a bedspread, Because of the angle she was at you couldn't really see anything but it was clear to Chloe that the girl was naked.
"She's not wearing anything is she?" Chloe asked.
"No, but because of the angle she's at you can't see anything." Marc looked at the girl. "Would you want to try some poses like that? Here flick through and look at some more. Some are quite revealing but the girls enjoy the nude shoots." Marc then slid his chair back so Chloe could stand in front of him and flick through the pictures.
As Chloe flicked through the pictures Marc slid his left hand around her waist and began massaging her tummy. He then moved a little closer to the girl and placed his right hand on the side of her bum. The girl enjoyed the feeling of the man's hands wandering around her body. Marc's left hand kept moving further down towards the top of her panties as he continued to massage her while explaining each picture to the girl.
"Would you like to try it?" Chloe's hips were now wriggling a little from the man's touch, his hand now touching the top of the G-string she was wearing.
"Yes." She whispered.
Marc then hugged her from behind. "Good girl. I'll undress you then while you keep looking at the pictures. The girls start to get more daring and show off more of their bodies." She felt his big belly push into her back as he held her close for a few seconds.
He then pulled back and began undressing her, first pulling the bra over her head. Once it was off he let his hands roam over her chest rubbing her nipples as he caressed her bare skin. Chloe was beginning to get really excited, both from the man's touch but also from looking at the pictures of the naked girls who were now exposing their pussies to the camera.
Marc then ran his hands up the girls legs and began tugging the G-string down around her waist. After she stepped out of it he picked it up and noticed the wet patch. Glad that Chloe was getting excited Marc decided to leave her stockings on for now.
"That's better isn't it?" Marc ran his hands over the girls bum before reaching around her and once again rubbing her lower belly with his big hand.
"Yes." Chloe felt herself squirm a little under his touch. She secretly hoped he would move his hand further down and touch her between the legs again. She continued looking at the pictures on the computer, admiring a naked girl who was on all fours with her bum in the air. The girl's pussy was completely exposed to the camera, and the sight only made Chloe wriggle around a little more.
"Alright, we better get some pictures taken then get you back." Marc was glad the girl was enjoying his touch; he knew he'd have to rush the next shoot as they were running out of time. Chloe was also disappointed that she would soon be leaving.
This time Marc took the almost naked nine-year old by the hand and led her onto the centre of the stage. He then picked up his camera and took a few shots of the girl just standing there naked.
"Just pose like the girls you just seen in the pictures. Do whatever feels comfortable to you. You can lay down on the stage if you like."
Chloe began copying the poses of the girls she'd just looked at, at first she covered her private parts a little but then became more daring and started to expose herself to the camera. Marc moved around taking pictures of the girl from all angles, capturing her beauty as her inhibitions slowly slipped away.
"Let me help you with a couple of poses." Marc stepped onto the stage and had Chloe get onto her hands and knees. "Remember the picture of the girl in this pose?" Marc asked.
Chloe didn't answer; instead she arched her back a little. After taking a few more shots Marc sat down next to the girl.
"Open your legs a little." Chloe, still on her hands and knees tried to move her knees apart. One of Marc's hands was on the girls bum and the other was being used to help open her legs a little wider. Once they were spread he helped her arch her back even more.
Chloe's pussy was now completely exposed and open to the man, as he ran his hand across her bum he took a closer look. It was clear that she was getting very wet, her lips now moist with her own juices. Marc then stepped back and began getting more pictures including some close-ups of the girl's pussy.
"Okay, now lay on your back and we'll get one more pose then we're almost done for the day." He instructed the girl.
Chloe lay down on her back with her legs together unsure of the exact pose Marc wanted her to get in. He then stepped on the stage and sat down in front of her.
"Bend your knees and we'll take these stockings off." Chloe then pulled her heels towards her bum causing her knees to bend.
Marc reached out and pulled the stocking off one of Chloe's legs. When he put her foot down he placed it about a foot away from the other. Then after removing the stocking from the other leg he did the same thing, placing her foot down so her legs were now spread. He then took a few more shots before instructing Chloe to move her knees wider apart. She was now propped up on her elbows looking at the camera nervously as she spread her legs.
"Good girl." Marc said as he took one last shot of the naked preteen. He then helped her to her feet before kneeling down in front of her.
"You did so well." He said pulling her in for a friendly hug. "I think you're going to make a great model." His hands were still on her naked body.
"Wow, really?" Chloe was giddy at the compliment.
"Yes." Marc's right hand then slid up the inside of the girl's thigh. It caused her to giggle when he rested it on her pussy. "And it seems like you really enjoyed it." He then gave Chloe's pussy a little rub that forced her to spread her legs a little more inviting him to continue.
"Okay, I want to show you something before I take you home." She was a little disappointed when Marc stopped rubbing her pussy. He then took her by the hand and led her over to his computer.
After taking a seat at his desk Marc motioned for Chloe to stand in front of him so she could see the computer, he then reached out and pressed play.
"Why don't you sit on my knee while we watch this for a little while?" Marc put his hands on Chloe's waist and pulled her up so she was sitting on the end of his knees. The girl was well aware that she was still naked, but by now she'd become used to it, and she liked the way it made her feel.
The video began and a ten year old girl came into the middle of the shot wearing only a bra and panties. She then began to rub her hands all over her body and as the girl on the screen slid her own hands up under her bra Chloe felt Marc's hands slide up to her chest.
"Sit back a bit so you can get more comfortable." Marc then pulled the girl back towards him.
Chloe leaned back against his big belly as the man's hands wrapped around her waist, her legs were now resting on the outside of his meaning he had full access to her pussy. By now the girl on the screen had removed her bra and was pinching and rubbing on her own nipples. Chloe moaned a little, as Marc's hands continued to rub over her hips and tummy, she felt herself wriggle against him.
"Are you okay Chloe?" Marc wanted to make sure the girl was comfortable with what was happening.
"Yes." She whispered softly, wiggling a little more.
"Good." He wrapped his arms around the girl giving her a little hug from behind as they both watched the semi naked on the screen girl slide down her panties. She then began to rub herself between the legs. By now Marc's fingers were just above Chloe's pussy rubbing in a circular motion.
"Do you ever rub yourself like that Chloe?" He asked.
"No." Her voice was very quiet.
"Do you want me to show you how to do it?" He was now whispering in her ear. "It feels really good." Chloe didn't reply her eyes were fixed to the computer watching as the girl slid her own finger into her pussy.
Marc then moved his right hand down so his fingers were touching the girls clit, he continued rubbing in a circular motion. "You can tell me to stop if you don't like it." He whispered as he moved his hand around a little more. "Do you want me to stop?"
"No." She moaned.
Marc then moved his legs apart causing Chloe's to spread even wider as his hand slid further down over her pussy. He could feel her wetness as he slid his finger down between her pussy lips and back up to her clit. He continued to slowly and gently massage her pussy for a few minutes as they both watched the girl on the computer screen who was now laying on her back with her finger buried deep into her own pussy.
"It feels good doesn't it?" Chloe replied to his question with only a moan.
Marc then slipped his left hand down to her pussy and used it to rub the girl's now swollen clit. He could hear Chloe's breathing get heavier and her moans get a little louder, at this point both her pussy and Marc's fingers were very wet. The small girl then let out a gasp as she felt the man's big finger against the entrance to her pussy. After teasing her for a minute Marc pushed the tip of his index finger into the girl's tight wet pussy.
"Unngh." Chloe let out a soft grunt as she felt the man's finger penetrate her for the first time. The sensation of it caused little shock waves throughout her body. She felt herself wiggle her hips around against the man's hands. She couldn't believe that something could feel so good; she compared it to scratching an itch, but this felt way better.
Marc continued massaging her clit with his left hand while the index finger of his right invaded her a little further. As his finger slid in past his first knuckle the little girl began to squirm around even more. She could feel his big finger as he wriggled it around a little inside her pussy. Chloe then watched as the girl on the computer screen began to buck her hips against her own hand, moaning loudly as her legs straightened. The sound of the girl moaning coming from the quiet computer speakers only made Chloe more excited.
Then the video on the computer suddenly ended, she had no idea that the girl on the screen just had an orgasm, or how good that felt. And as much as Marc wanted to make Chloe feel the same way he knew they were short on time and that he should get her back home.
"We best be getting you home." Marc said as he pulled his finger from the girl's tight pussy.
Chloe was disappointed when he took his finger out of her; she really wanted to keep feeling this way. Marc then lifted her up off his knee so she was standing in front of him. For some reason her legs felt a little wobbly and she found herself holding onto Marc's knees to keep her balance.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes." Chloe turned her head and smiled back at the man.
"Good. Did you like the way that felt?" He asked.
"Yeah, it was really good." She was excited and hoped that it was a feeling she could experience again.
"Well you can feel that way anytime you want. It's one of the perks of being a good model." Marc smiled as he turned the girl around so she was facing him. "If you want to feel like that then you can rub yourself when you're at home. Just do it the same way I did, you can even slide your fingers all the way in because yours are much smaller than mine. But you'll have to do it when you're in bed alone, or in the bath, so you keep it a secret. " Marc's hand then reached out and ran between her pussy lips. "And don't worry if you get really wet down there, if you do it means you really like it. Feel how wet it is."
Marc then took Chloe's hand and guided it to her own pussy. She was amazed at how wet she actually was, she could tell she was earlier but didn't realize just how much.
"It feels nice doesn't it?" Chloe nodded as she continued to rub her pussy.
"Well we'd better get you dressed and back home before anyone misses you." He then led the girl over to where her clothes were.
Once again Marc helped dress Chloe, she was becoming more used to having him dress and undress her. She wondered if she'd be able to come back and model for him again. After helping her into her clothes Marc led the girl out of his studio and into his garage.
"Would you want to come back and model for me again?" Marc asked as he opened the car door and watched the girl climb inside.
A big smile came across her face. "Yes!" She almost squealed.
"Good, because you did really well Chloe, even better than some girls who've been doing this a long time." He said after climbing into his car. Chloe beamed at his compliment, she was so excited that she'd get to come back and model again.
"I wasn't sure if you'd be able to follow instructions, you seemed pretty nervous when we started. But you did really well; you're such a natural in front of the camera. Maybe next time we'll do a video shoot like the one we just watched, would you like that?"
"Yes." Chloe was excited at the thought but also felt nervous about it.
"Good. And remember you can't tell your parents about you being a model, or any of your friends. It's a special secret between the two of us, no one else can know. Now slide down so no one sees you."
"Okay." Chloe then slid down in her seat so she was out of sight.
"So when would you want to come back and do some more modelling?" Marc asked.
"Dunno." She actually wanted to stay and continue modelling but didn't tell him that.
"Well could you get away next weekend? Maybe we could do another shoot then?"
"Yes. I'll just tell my parents I'm going out again." Chloe beamed delighted that she'd be able to model again so soon.
As they drove Marc made small talking asking her about her family and school life. It wasn't long before they were back at the small car park behind the pond.
"So when should I pick you up next weekend? Any day is good for me."
"Umm. 11 o'clock on Sunday?" Chloe knew she'd be able to get away for most of Sunday, and she wanted to spend as much time as she could being a model.
"Okay, so I'll pick you up here at 11am. Will you definitely be here?" He asked.
"Yes. But I have to be home by 5 again."
"That's okay. I'll make sure you're back in time, don't worry. I don't want you getting in any trouble. Or anyone finding out about what you're doing. So remember that it's a secret."
"I know. I won't tell anyone." Chloe giggled as Marc reached over her and opened the door.
"I'll see you next week then. And don't forget to rub yourself." He laughed smiling at the girl as he gave her a friendly hug. As he did he placed some money into her hand. Chloe had been having so much fun modelling that she completely forgot that she was being paid to do it.
"Okay. Bye." Chloe smiled back giggling before hopping out of the car and heading towards the cut that led to the pond with her money in hand.
As Marc pulled away Chloe was standing there with a smile on her face waving at him. He smiled and waved back at the girl as he drove away. Both of them were looking forward to next weekend.
James Robert
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