Published: 18-Jul-2013
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It was still early the next morning when I woke up. At first I wondered who the hell left the curtains open and why my alarm clock was on the wrong side of the bed. Those thoughts were quickly followed by a wondering why my bedroom walls were light green instead of the dark blue walls I was used to see as I woke up. As I reconstructed the previous day a smile appeared on my face, I remembered the time spend with Emily and our two sexual encounters. My whole head exploded with thoughts and plans I was working on to maximize the time spend with my little goddess.
I could still feel the incredible sensation of having her pussy and then her mouth wrapped around my cock. As a matter of fact...
More and more senses in my body woke up and I realized I wasn't alone in this bedroom. Far from it, a small gentle suck told me my penis was hard as a rock and planted in something wet and willing.
I lifted the covers to get a look at my groin and two beautiful emerald green eyes greeted me. Emily lifted her head just enough to get my dick out of her mouth and she put her index finger in front of her lips.
"Shhh, good morning..." She whispered in a soft, sensual tone and without a second thought, she lowered her head back down and took as much of my cock in her mouth as she could.
Using this low point as a reference she moved her head up and down in a slow gentle motion. No rush, no hurry, just the best blowjob ever in already the best morning I've ever had.
My head fell back into the pillows as I just let the little minx have her way with me.
Emily was leaning on her elbows as she sucked my dick into her mouth and created a little pressure with her tongue as she moved back up. One hand grabbed the base of my cock and squeezed gently as her other hand slipped down her little body. Her nightgown was risen to the height of her little breasts and just like last night she wasn't wearing any panties. She started to rub her already hard nipple, a soft moan coating the tip of my cock with sensual vibrations. Emily didn't linger and moved on, placing two fingers on her little slit.
Even though this all happened under the covers, her head bobbing up and down as well as her cute butt swinging back and forth were unmistakable signs of Emily's sexual prowls.
She reduced the force of suction on my cock in favor of a quicker pace and I could see her butt all but launch at her busy fingers.
Her moaning got heavier, the extreme heat her almost naked body was giving off under the covers undeniable.
Emily made one strong sucking pass up my cock, the sensation translating directly into a spasm in my balls.
I lifted the covers and whispered: "Ready when you are honey."
Emily managed a nod and upped the tempo on my cock a little more.
I rested my head back and let the wave of pleasure just wash over me. The feeling grew bigger and bigger until the burning need in my nuts blasted me over the edge.
I unleashed a torrent of cum in Emily's mouth and she just held her head still, keeping her lips sealed around the tip of my cock. Her own body trembled, sending shocks through my dick as she experienced her self induced orgasm.
When we both came down from our high, Emily started by slowly swallowing all that she'd been given without releasing the grip on my cock. When her mouth was empty she continued with licking my dick clean and then gently tucked the bad boy back into my briefs. She gave my cock one more little kiss through the fabric and then moved her beautiful little body up into my waiting arms.
I held my love tight and whispered, "I love you baby, this is the best morning I've ever had in my entire life!"
"I just wanted to give you a little reminder of me for when you go to college today," Emily replied in a soft, caring tone and moved up for a kiss.
Our mouths locked and our tongues danced in a passionate embrace. I never ever wanted to let this thirteen year old angel go, but after a few minutes reality sank in and I managed to break free just long enough to get a little question out.
"Baby, what time is it?"
Emily dove right back into our kiss, but after a few seconds lifted her head to look at the clock. She let out a sigh of undeniable disappointment.
"Too late already,"
I threw the covers off us and guided Emily into an upright embrace with me.
"We better get dressed Em, before your parents get home."
Emily climbed off the bed, her nightgown sliding back down over her perfect body and cute bubble butt. She turned around and smiled as she felt the fabric slide down her body. '
"I'll see you downstairs, go easy on the breakfast for me okay. I already had a mouthful." Emily giggled as the last words excited her mouth and she scooted back to her room to get dressed.
I put my clothes on and went about waking the sisters. Knocking on the door and slowly opening it to let a hint of daylight seep through the crack.
"Girls? Are you awake?"
An almost inaudible grumble from one end of the room and a wondering higher pitched moan from the other were the unmistaken signs that these girls were not yet fully awake and in fact, weren't planning on being so for at least another hour.
"Breakfast in 30 minutes ladies. Be there or be square," I said in a soft voice and left, leaving the door slightly ajar. Getting the girls adjusted to that phenomenon called 'the sun'.
As I headed for the stairs a little noise drew my attention.
The vibrations shooting down my right leg were unmistakable. I dug the mobile out of my pocket and read: "You have 17 missed calls from: Thom."
I was quite puzzled. Thom was the drummer of my band and in general a keep to yourself kind of guy. It looks like I just oral sexed myself through a very important call.
Wasting no time I pressed the dial button, hoping that I wasn't too late for whatever he needed me for. What followed has got to have been the quickest pickup in recorded history. I swear if Thom picked his phone up any faster he would have answered it round the time I still had a nice load of baby makers in my balls.
"Ron thank god I reached you!" Thom sounded... off... Not worried, but his voice carried an earnest like I'd never heard before as he continued.
"You wont believe this man! I just got a call from Eliot, the manager of the ground zero concert hall!"
Thom sounded like a little girl the way he blasted off on his rant.
"You know, *swallow* You know who's playing there this Saturday right?!"
Thom came at me so fast I never had the chance to even register, let alone compute that question.
I finally got a word in. "Yes I knew that Thom, you got free tickets or something?"
"FUCK NO MAN! Much better than that!" My ears died a little that moment, that's how hard he pushed his voice through the poor little Samsung speaker.
"The supporting act just cancelled..." He let that comment hang for a WHOLE second.
"Need I say more Ron?!"
Somehow this still failed to register in my mind. More so by shock then any inability to comprehend the words leaving my friends mouth. I just slowly stammered,
"Are we going to play?"
The line went silent, "Goddammit Thom, don't do this to me!" I thought to myself.
"Yes." he finally confirmed and then added with a scary tone, "Band practice every night up till Saturday. Don't be late or I will personally kill you... with a spoon... just to stress my sincerity." And with that Thom hung up.
It's hard to describe the feelings I felt at that moment. It was like a fire had started in my stomach. The kindling's sparks fueling the flames and igniting all around. The heat traveled through my entire body till at last I exploded.
I just screamed, loud, probably waking up the neighbors two houses down.
I had all the girls around me in 5 seconds flat, bending over me as my legs had given way. Lissy and Kate wore their nightgowns and Emily was dressed in a red summer dress, her light brown hair still uncombed and only one sock on her feet.
I looked up, smiling. This alone relieved a large amount of tension in the girls as they synced up into a deep collective sigh as only sisters can do.
Kate, being the oldest sister at fourteen spoke first. "What is it Ron? Are you ok?"
Dazedly I answered: "I'm going to play the opening act for Machine head this Saturday."
Lissy looked quizzical, but her sisters jaws dropped in amazement. They knew full well what opportunity had presented itself for me.
Emily's face brightened the room as she smiled at me. "Wow, congratulations Ron!"
Kate just nodded and smiled. I looked over and as my mind drifted back to the plains of reality, I noticed something. She was in her nightgown... and bending over me... Her nice lemon sized breasts were in full view and jiggling a little with her swaying back and forth.
"Erm Kate?" I said while I nodded my head in the general direction of her cleavage.
Kate jumped up, her face red as a traffic light as she instinctively pulled up the front of her nightgown to cover her breasts. Not realizing this pulled the bottom of the shirt also higher and granting me a view of her black thong. The fabric was partially see through and I could make out a mostly hairless pussy with a very small patch of trimmed pubic hair starting at the top of her slit.
"Are you guys alright up there?" A worried voice flew up the stairs. It was the girl's mother who must have heard me scream as she got out of her car.
"We are all right!" Emily called back downstairs. "Ron is bit shaken up though haha!"
The tone in Emily's voice calmed her mother down and she replied by calling up the stairs. "Ok, I'll see you guys downstairs in a minute then. I do want to hear what that was though..."
"Yes mom," The girls called in unison.
Lissy and Kate went back to their room. Kate still looking very embarrassed and Emily went up to fetch her second sock and tidy up.
As I had nothing left to do, I walked downstairs and straight into the question full eyes of Emily's parents.
"I got a call..." I started, "I get to play with a world famous band this Saturday." I looked down as I confessed the last part, "I kinda lost it there for a second... Sorry for worrying you guys."
Emily's parents looked relieved, taking a deep breath as a smile managed to materialize on both their faces.
"Well that's very nice Ron," Karen started. "To be honest, Peter and I were hoping to enlist you this Saturday to take care of the girls," She looked over at her husband and he continued, guessing with ease what his wife wanted to convey. "This indeed sounds like a once in a lifetime kind of deal. So we'll keep to Sandra one more time. You already did us a great favor tonight and we're very thankful for it."
"No! No! No!" Kate yelled while running down the stairs. She had donned a white puffy shirt and a red skirt which seemed to have been put on in a hasty random fashion.
Peter and Karin looked bewildered as their daughter flew down the stairs.
"You can't leave us with her again! She is as boring as can be!"
"What's the matter with you?!" Karin asked, "You've never made such vocal comment against Sandra, let alone taken a tone like that!"
"I'm sorry," Kate started, "it's just that. Maybe we can compromise?" She looked over at me, a slight grin forming across her face. "If Ron can get a hold of some tickets... maybe he can still look out for us and perform his show at the same time."
"You are not very subtle to ask for free tickets Kate," I said with a grin and looked over at her parents, who looked like they were actually wanting me to answer the question.
"Well," I said scratching the back of my neck. "I could probably arrange some backstage access for friends and family. I also know pretty much everyone who works there, all students at my college. So everyone could keep an eye out for the girls. I would have to say that, yes, it would be possible to arrange this. But it's going to be a late night, I am a little concerned about eleven year old Lissy being able to stay up that long."
"Oh, she's used to late nights! Like on new years eve. She'll be no problem!" Kate quickly replied.
Karin looked at me, "Looks like you got a little freeloader on your hands here Ron. What do you say. If you don't want the extra burden I'll call Sandra and it'll be no problem. But if you're okay with it, it's okay with me for the girls to have a late night Saturday."
I gave it some thought and ended up agreeing with the proposal, "Ok, I'll arrange it. But mostly because Emily could learn a lot from what goes into preparing a performance and the chaos that comes beforehand when someone can't find a triple-a battery."
This made sense for Peter and Karen as they nodded their heads.
"Ok, I'll see if I can arrange access for three more guests." I said as I picked up my phone.
"No wait!" Kate yelled. "Make that four!"
I looked at her, urging to elaborate.
"Get one for Laura too!"
"Who's Laura?" I asked.
"She's my best friend, she'd kill me if she heard I got backstage access to your show and she never even got a ticket!"
I was still confused. "If she wanted to see Machine Head so bad, why didn't she just get a ticket before hand?"
"Not Machine head silly," Kate laughed. "She's crazy about your band! She goes to as many of your shows as she can!"
"Wait, is she about your age? Blond long hair? Wears black skirts and shirts and has big blue eyes?"
"Yes that's Laura!" Kate replied.
I knew full well who Laura was. Not by name, but that little vixen has caught my attention many a occasion. Not because I was out on a prowl or anything. Lets just say she's hard not to notice. Those black skirts I mentioned are very short. Her already nicely developing breasts were always displayed with an abundance of cleavage. But that girl always goes crazy during my shows and is gone by the time I come around to greet the fans. I never gave it a second thought before, but yes, I did know Laura.
"Four tickets it is then." I said.
"OH MY GOD!" Kate yelled, "I'm calling Laura RIGHT NOW!" and up she went to her room to get her phone.
I walked Emily's parents to the dinner table and as we set up for breakfast I spoke up. "I still think Kate isn't telling me something. I mean I can get her points, but they simply weren't ones I expected her to make."
Karin started to laugh.
"What?" I just asked.
"I understand completely actually," Karin smiled and continued. "Kate is quite right about Laura killing her if she doesn't arrange that backstage pass. You see, Laura comes over here all the time,"
"But I've never seen," I started but was cut off by Karin.
"Just let me finish Ron, you'll understand. Laura, despite her appearance is a very shy girl. She is meticulous about not being here when you come over to teach Emily. She thinks she does it inconspicuously, but I'm on to her. She has a mad crush on you my man. And is too shy to even look you in the eyes."
"Oh no," I thought. This could get complicated.
My look was caught by Karin and she just added, "don't worry, like I said, she's shy. You won't have to worry about a thing. I'd be surprised if she even accepts the backstage pass haha."
"So no prison time for you my friend." Peter just added sarcastically, flipping a page in the morning newspaper.
Okay, so now I was really worried...
After finishing breakfast and packing my things in the attic I went off to my apartment. Emily and I did get a little kiss in, but having the house full there was no way we could do anything more than that one, beautiful kiss.
On my way home I had called Thom to meet me in my apartment. I had already arranged for the four backstage passes to be ready for the girls, but if I played my cards right I would only need three.
I came home and dumped my guitar bag in the corner of the room with my practice amp. There was no use unpacking the bag as I was going to need it tonight at practice. Not long after I settled down behind my pc there was a knock on the door.
"Come in Thom," I yelled across the room.
Thom entered my apartment and dumped himself on my couch. He was a tall and skinny fellow, with short spiky dark hair.
"So, what you wanna talk about?" He asked, "But be warned, if it's not about Saturday I'm gonna deem the conversation as 'low priority' and I just might leave..."
"Oh it's about Saturday alright." I started as I loaded up a recording of one of our previous gigs. "And this is the point I want to make." I added.
One tap on the space bar and a video started, showing an overall picture of our formation. I stood on the left. Thom occupied the middle on a raised platform. Our rhythm guitarist, Jerome, stood on the right side of the podium. Behind him, tucked away between two amps you could see Mike our bassist and more on my side there was Patrick on keys.
"Do you remember this song we wrote together?" I started.
Thom looked and listened closely, but after a few seconds just shook his head no. "I know I'm playing 'Forever buried', but the guitar riffs don't match..."
"That's because I edited the audio of this song." I started, "I only did one thing though..."
Thom looked puzzled, "How the hell could you turn that brilliant intro into a garbled fuckfest with just one change?'
"Simple," I said as I opened up the old Cubase safe file. "I made this edit a while ago, but considering the importance of this Saturdays gig I needed to show you now."
Thom took a close look and immediately noticed the anomaly in the mix. "You pushed Jerome's guitar track up higher than everyone else's..."
He shook his head in disbelief. "Why the hell did you not tell us it was that bad? I can hardly hear a fucking thing behind my kit and everyone else prefers to only have bass and drums on their monitor. But the audience gets the full guitar mix to listen to!"
He slammed his fist on the table, "You're telling me that we've been feeding our fans this garbage?! I mean, how the hell do we even have fans!"
"Relax," I said as I poured Thom a coke and played a second video. "This is what the audience hears."
This audio track was insanely different, Thom recognized the brutal opening riff immediately.
Thom nodded in approval, "Okay, so you tell the audio techs to dial Jerome down in the final mix, but why didn't you just tell everyone Jerome sucks?"
I shook my head, "I'm sorry Thom, there are two reasons. First I never knew anyone who could play on our skill level, that also likes to play the same genre metal as we do. Plus Jerome's giant ego makes for a good stage presence. If I would kick him out, I'd lose action on stage and have no one to replace him."
I took a sip of my coke and confessed the third reason. "Plus dude, I'm a pussy with these things ok? Jerome would never even let himself get kicked out because his ego would force him to stay and keep on screaming till he got back in."
Thom nodded, he knew I was speaking the truth. "But come one man. If that shit leaks through even one speaker, we're never gonna get taken serious again."
I smiled, this was the moment I was waiting for. Seeing Thom's reaction, it was exactly what I'd hoped for. To be honest, there was a fourth reason I never mentioned this problem with anyone. In the back of my head I'd always been hoping to introduce Emily as a rhythm guitarist to the band. Jerome would be much easier to replace then someone who was actually any good. Now I would make my move.
"You know," I started, "You can guess I wouldn't have brought this up if I hadn't a solution at hand right?"
Thom looked up, his interest peaked.
"I have a student who can wipe the floor with Jerome, knows all the guitar tracks he should be playing and is really eager to play with us."
"Even so," Thom said looking depressed again, "Jerome simply wouldn't allow anyone to take his place. No matter how good your student is."
"Let me take care of that," I said patting Thom's back. "I have an idea. Just back me up tonight and this Saturday our audience will hear something they never heard from our band before."
"What's that?" Thom asked.
"Two guitars!"
We both started laughing and after a minute Thom put his arm around my shoulder and did a little one-armed bro hug. "Okay I got your back. I promise. But this dude you're bringing better be up to chops!"
"It's not a dude," I said.
"A woman? On guitar? Mmmm, rare"
I laughed and added, "Ermm, a girl actually."
"Jerome is going to kill us," Thom said a he made his retreat out the door.
"You promised Thom!" I jelled after him.
"Yeah yeah ok," was the last audible comment as Thom made his way out on the streets.
Everything was going as planned, I had my support in the band to try Emily out. Now I just needed to hurry and pick her up, there were a metric fuckton of preparations to make and just a few hours to make them.
I picked up the phone and dialed Emily's house number. Just two rings in, Emily's mother picked up the phone.
"Karin speaking, what's up Ron?"
"Hey Karin, this is going to sound as a strange request, but can I borrow Emily today? I've got an opportunity for her I don't think she'd want to miss."
Karin was a bright lady, with all the things going on she had a pretty good idea what this was about.
"So you think she's ready don't you?"
"As ready as she'll ever be, but we'll have to rehearse nonetheless." I replied while with one hand, logging on to my school's website.
"Okay, just let me know from time to time how you guys are doing okay? And I understand the performance is Saturday, so you have my permission to make it a late one if you have to ok?"
"Thanks Karin," I replied with a smile as I finished an e-mail for my teacher, calling in sick for the remainder of the week.
"Just keep an eye on her okay? It's just... well... mother feelings I guess."
"Don't worry Karin, I'll be a good chaperon."
"Thanks hun. She'll be ready in... Well if I tell her why you're coming over she'll probably be ready half an hour ago."
"Okay, thanks Karin, I'll be there in a couple of minutes."
Considering the places I needed to go, I chose to pick up my car keys and guitar bag. I made my way outside, getting blasted by the summer heat. Today was no different than the day before. A bright sun shone high in the sky and the birds were singing ballads to mother nature. In all a very nice day to be outside, unless... You park your car in an open car lot and let it simmer for a while.
My old black BMW coupe had been cooking in the sun all morning. It was so bad I could see the heat trails rising from the roof. I put my guitar in the trunk and opened the driver side door. The wave of heat that greeted me would have insta cooked a frozen turkey.
When the worst of the heat blast had resided I climbed in and drove off to Emily's house.
With all my windows rolled down I parked in front the house five minutes later. I got out and managed about one step to the front door before it slammed open and Emily burst out in her thin red summer dress and red sneakers.
"Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!" she screamed as she lunged herself into my arms.
The only way to stop us both from falling over was to turn her lunge into a graceful pirouette. As we turned I could see Emily's face glowing with happiness, her light brown hair waving in the wind. Turning us both around full circle I put my angel back down on her feet.
"Okay Emily," I started, "You'll need your guitar, pick and jack cord. We'll get everything else you need this afternoon."
Emily hopped around on her feet while pointing at the open door, I could see her mother holding the guitar bag already packed and ready.
"I did put some extra stuff in there, because you'll never know." Emily said a bit dreamingly.
She was still coming back down to earth from the news of joining my band and even though she still needed to earn the place, I had no doubt she'd kick Jerome's ass all over the studio.
I motioned for Emily to walk with me as I headed over to her mother.
"I do need to be honest," I started, "I've discussed this with the other founder of the band, Thom, but Emily does still need to earn her place." I turned to Emily. "More importantly, you have to knock the rhythm guitarist off his cushy throne."
Emily's eyes widened and I could see doubt fill every inch of her body.
I sighed and said in a strict but playful tone, "What's rule number 4?"
Emily thought for a second and answered in her best Yoda voice, "Mess up the best, do fear and stress. Relax, do and impress."
It was a stupid joke I came up with during the beginning of our training, but it seemed to fit the current need just fine as we both laughed and said goodbye to Emily's mother.
As we drove off Emily laid her hand on mine, which was resting on the stick shifter.
When she was sure we were out of hearing range she started rocking her head left to right while chanting: "I love you, I love you, I love you."
I smiled and turned my hand, grabbing hers and caressing her silky skin with my thumb.
"I love you too babe."
"Why the car?" Emily asked.
"Haha, okay so you show up tonight and kick Jerome's ass. He leaves, taking everything he owns with him... where are you going to play on?"
Emily though about that for a second.
"I have an amp," She said in all innocence, referring to her 20 watt training amp. "You'll just have to put a microphone in front of it or something."
I gave her little hand two small squeezes and said, "Don't worry Em, we're taking the car for a reason. You'll see."
It was a 20 minute drive to the other side of town where I had an acquaintance waiting for me. The drive was wonderful. Emily sat back in her seat, just looking at me with her dreamy eyes. The wind coming through the windows was blowing her little dress higher and higher, up to the point her panties came into view. Emily noticed me staring and also saw my boner that was getting bigger and bigger with every playful gush of wind past her summer dress.
Emily took a quick perimeter check and reached over, caressing the bulge in my pants while keeping an eye on the surroundings. After a few seconds she leaned back against her seat, facing me and looked at me with a devilish grin.
"To think that thing was in me two times yesterday." She said, pulling up her dress and sliding her hand along her panty covered slit.
"And then once again this morning," Emily added licking her lips. Her hand slipped under the elastic of her panties and she was now masturbating in full view of my lustful eyes. The fabric contorting each time she bend her fingers to slide them past her clit. Her mouth opened and she was now panting with deep heavy breaths.
"Emily please, this is torture!" I said, my dick literally aching against the denim prison.
"It feels just fine over here," Emily replied with a smile draped across her pretty face. She slipped one of her fingers into her already soaking wet pussy. "Come join me, please." She looked at me with pleading eyes, pulled her hand back out of her panties and she reached around to push the fabric to the side. The soaking wet prize now just one reach away from being taken by my very willing fingers.
I knew for a fact that if I reached out, this car was going to end up on the side of the road. I took the decision which was wisest. But goddamn I just wanted to pull her over my lap and... No... relax...
"Em, we got plenty of time for that tonight. remember? We are on a 'no curfew'. But we really gotta get to the store..."
Emily backed down a bit. "Okay, but tonight we're going to do something special ok?"
"Special as in how?" I asked.
Emily thought for a second, she had actually used the word for no reason in particular. "Well, I want to try something new again." She took another moment to think, but then her face turned completely red.
"Okay, what do you have in mind?" I asked amused.
"Erm. You remember last night?" She started, "What you did with your finger... When you were making love to me, you put a finger... down there, in my other hole..."
I loved how she was acting like a horny goddess just a minute ago but when she had to use the actual words for, sex, fucking, pussies and dicks her shy little girl side took over completely.
"You want me to do that again honey?" I asked.
"No... Can you try putting something bigger in this time?" Emily finally uttered.
I swear my dick made a partially successful jab at the steering wheel, trying to get me to pull over and fuck the brains out of my horny passenger. Thank god my mind was still operating at enough efficiency to keep the car going straight and make the final turn to our destination.
Emily's eyes grew wide and her jaw dropped as we pulled up to the big music store.
"We can't buy an amp! I don't have enough money for that!" She said almost in panic, probably wondering why I would even think that this was an actual option.
"Come with me," I simply said.
Emily, still confused, tried to formulate another question but I just interrupted her before she even got one word vocalized.
"Just trust me Em, it'll be fine, ok?"
Emily looked at me and I smiled at her. She could read in my perplection that I really did have it all under control.
She stepped out of the car and made a little hop in my direction as I locked up.
When I turned around Emily was facing me, smiling in anticipation. About fifteen meters behind her were a mother and her teenage son just leaving the store, both looking funny in our direction. My first reaction was a slight panic as I thought: "Did they see us in the car? No, that can't be, they just came out of the store."
I was perplexed by the stares Emily and I were getting. Emily saw me looking over her shoulder and turned around to see what had caught my attention. She made a little hop in her stance as she too saw the pair staring at us.
I finally saw what was going on now that Emily had turned around. I reached out, pulled the thin red dress out of Emily's panties and tucked it back down past her legs in one quick tug.
Emily turned bright red and looked down avoiding any more stares.
I rubbed my hand over her head and looked at the woman, raising my shoulders.
She just laughed and pushed her still staring son in the direction of their car. Looks like I managed to play that one out cool enough.
I padded Emily on her back, motioning her forward and we both entered the big store. This was only the third or fourth time Emily had come to this place. She still looked overwhelmed by the size of it all.
"Look!" She jelled with a big smile on her face and a little hop in her feet, as she pointed to a spot on the guitar wall.
"That's where my guitar was hanging when we went to pick one out!"
The store owner looked over from the counter and smiled as he saw the energetic kid hopping around.
"Knock yourself out kiddo," I said to Emily as I walked over to the older man behind the counter.
Emily dashed off, making a pass along the guitars on the wall.
"Well hello Ron, been a couple of weeks since you've been by. What can I do for you today?"
"Good afternoon Barry," I scratched behind my head, I always hated to do these things but today was a necessity. "I have some good and bad news for you. By the end of the day the debt you owe me will probably be paid in full, plus I'm here to get my little star student over there a proper amplifier."
Barry looked at me with narrow eyes, "I'm assuming the bad news is that those two pieces of 'good' news are related. Aren't they?"
He took a deep breath and looked at me.
I was sweating bullets, I never collected a debt of such magnitude before. About a year ago I produced a radio/tv commercial and theme song for the store. At the time Barry hadn't the money to spend on both the production and air time so I offered put it on a tab. The total time I spend on it would easily translate to well over two thousand Euros worth of production costs.
"You know I like you Ron, but there is one thing I really don't like."
I tensed my muscles, afraid Barry would lash out or something.
"You are too much of a softy to collect your debts my man. I was beginning to think you'd never ask me about whats rightfully yours. I can see in your eyes you really didn't even want to ask me!"
He reached over the counter and head locked me, "You gotta toughen up a little bud, or those nay payers are going to walk right over you when you get your own studio."
His action caused a few dazed looks and laughs across the store. "Lets get you hooked up, you can choose a new amp of course but I also have a couple good second hand cabinets at the back. If you pick one of those you should have some room for a couple accessories if you want."
"Let's start with the used ones." I said and looked around for Emily. She had already moved on and was looking through the amplifier section of the store.
In the back of the big hall was indeed a great selection of amps. I scanned the lot and one in particular got my attention.
"I see you managed to dig up another HD147." I said to Barry.
"Ah yes, the old HD. The first modeling amp that successfully shut up the tube fan boys."
"Barry, you don't have to pitch me a sales line. I bought one, remember?"
I looked over at Emily and whistled for her to come over. Her head popped up over a big marshall cabinet. She nodded and came over to where Barry and I were standing.
"Well Em, what do you think of this one?"
"It looks just like your Line6. Just more shiny."
"It was used in a studio," Barry started. "Never been on the road. Hasn't a scratch on her. Comes with the 412 cabinet it's sitting on. Plus I have the mark two short board that goes with it lying in the back, so you can easily access all the features of the amp."
"It's awesome..." Emily stuck out her tongue as she saw her reflection in the chrome finish.
"I'm going to be honest," Barry started. "If you pick this amplifier, I would still owe you about a grand... So if there's anything else you need?"
It didn't occur to me that I would actually have such a big budget for anything but an amp when I went to the store, so I needed a few second to consider the options. Emily and I already had quality 7-string guitars and I had a backup guitar just in case. She had all the cables she would need at home.
"I got it," I said smiling and turned to Emily. "Let's get you wireless."
"Good choice," Barry started, "I'm going to grab a couple things and meet you at the counter. I'll see you in a few minutes."
I could see Barry picking out the various cables that went with the HD, as well as looking up a dust cover for the head.
"What's this thing about a debt?" Emily asked me softly as we walked over to the counter.
"Barry owes me a favor, today I chose as the perfect time to collect."
Emily sighed and she took a slightly more comfortable stance.
"I'm sorry," she said, "I was just still worried about how I was going to pay for all this. Is It really okay with you? It's a lot of money..."
"Emily, for you I would do a lot more then just collect an old debt. Okay? If you were ever gone, I would go to the end of the world to get you back. No matter the cost."
Emily threw an arm around my waist and gave me a hug, pressing her head against my chest. I padded her shoulder and she let go again.
A voice trailed us from behind, "Oh you'd better be thankful!" Barry said smiling, looking at Emily while he pushed the HD147 on the wheeled cabinet to the counter. "Most people have to work for this kind of gear."
"Oh she's put in the hours alright." I said smiling. "She's ready to join me onstage. It's not really a good idea to go as a support act for Machine head with an 20 watt practice amplifier."
"Wow that's you guys?" Barry said in wonder. "I heard the support act cancelled but nobody told me you were the replacement. This I have to see." He looked over at Emily, "Oh how rude of me, I never even got your name sweetie."
"I'm Emily van der Hulst." Emily replied reaching out her hand.
Barry shook her hand firmly, "It's Barry, just in case the sign up front hadn't tipped you off."
"You guys have a couple of minutes right? I really want to see what your 'star student' is capable of."
Barry, not even waiting for a reply, hooked up the big amplifier and took an Ibanez off the wall.
And there she stood. Emily completely hooked up, ready to rock and looking at me. "What should I play?"
"We never got past the warm up songs yesterday," I started, "Give him a little Scar Symmetry. Illusionist."
"Oh I have that one on the PA." Barry said smiling as he dove behind his pc to accompany Emily with the track.
The way Barry was going on drew attention from a couple costumers as they started to group around the counter to look at what had gotten him so excited.
The song started to play over the big two thousand Watt PA system, a soft orchestral intro picked up in volume as Emily waited for her part to begin.
A few seconds into the intro she slid her finger past the neck to the seventeenth fret and kicked in the power chords of the song.
A few heads started nodding as Emily played along. She moved her hips from left to right in tempo with the song, her dress mimicking her motions in delay. She had a big smile on her face and I could see her mind counting away till the next section.
Then came the heavy chorus riff and jaws dropped. Emily waved her hair with the heavy rhythm and she had her feet slightly apart to get a firm stance for the head banging she did.
More and more people came to see what the fuss was all about. It didn't faze Emily whatsoever as she kept playing. A couple phones went up as people started to record this metal goddess in her little red summer dress, shredding the death metal song away.
I saw some boys on a first floor railing ogling my little princess. Better yet, by now all the customers in the store were looking at the performance Emily was giving.
She looked at me, her eyes trailed to the amp and then made an exaggerated motion to the ceiling. Emily really had been paying attention to all the stories I told her about live performance and communication with the tech guys.
I moved to the amplifier and turned the main volume up a few notches. From behind I looked at Emily and she made a clear up and down motion with her head. She was a natural.
The first solo came up. This one pretty tame, Emily like a fish in water played it through without breaking a sweat. I heard various 'Oh my god' comments being uttered in my vicinity.
A few seconds later the second solo came up. Emily decided to skip that one and kept to the rhythm track. I didn't blame her, that one was brutal. She made a very professional choice to keep the performance strong.
Her choice paid off. When a little later she ended the song the store went up in a screaming, applauding frenzy.
Emily looked around bedazzled. She couldn't believe she had done that. She smiled at me with dreamy eyes.
I gave her a suggestive bow.
Through the noise there was no way I could hear her, but her lips read something along the line of: "Oh, right." And she bowed before her audience.
This only raised the noise level in the store. To the point my ears actually started to hurt.
"Okay, Okay," Barry yelled, trying to calm the mob down. "If you want to see more, this metal queen is going to play in the support act for Machine head this weekend. Be there, or never be welcome I my shop again!"
As the crowd dissipated, I heard one of the younger boys say to a friend: "No way I'm missing this! That was awesome!"
The other boy replied in a softer tone: "And she's hot too! It couldn't get any better!"
"Sorry, she's taken." I smiled and thought to myself.
I rubbed my ears and turned to Barry.
"Right before I forget. Throw in some alpine earplugs while we're at it. Five in total. Mine are worn out plus Emily's sisters and friend are also going to be there. I don't think they have proper protection yet.
Barry picked out the various items still missing from behind the counter. His arms were full with the earplugs, two more speaker cables and a big box containing the Sennheiser wireless set.
Emily looked at Barry bedazzled, she probably still had trouble believing all that stuff was for her.
Barry had a funny look in his eyes as he looked at Emily. "To the pile?" He finally asked.
Emily's face exploded into a huge smile as she looked at the amplifier with already a ton of stuff on it. She threw her arms in the air and shouted: "To the pile!"
"To the pile!" Barry repeated and walked over to the amp and practically dumped the stuff on top.
"Alright kid, you have fun with this stuff, make an old man proud okay?" He said smiling as I started to push 'the pile' to my car.
All the way across the parking lot Emily was dancing and jumping around me. I loaded the stuff in my car and drove back home.
All in all it was about thirty minutes later when I had the stuff unloaded and hooked up in my living room.
"And that is how you should hook up your amp," I said as I took a step back to admire the full setup.
Emily was still walking around the beast, she looked at it like it could disappear any second in a puff of smoke. "I still can't believe this is mine..." She softly said.
I took one big step in her direction and picked her up. As I held her in a big embrace I kissed her. "This is never going to go away." I said.
Emily hugged me back and to my amazement started to cry.
"What's wrong baby?" I said and felt a stab in my stomach as a tear fell onto my arm.
"I'm sorry," Emily started, "I can't help it. I'm just so happy." A few more tears fell on my arm. These hurt me less, knowing they weren't representing pain or regret.
After a few minutes she raised her head from my shoulder, and I just laughed.
"What?!" Emily asked, still snickering a little bit.
"Baby your face is a mess!" I said laughing as I wiped the tears from her face. When most was gone is kissed her nose. "All better?"
Emily nodded, she launched her lips to mine, causing me to fall back, sitting down on the couch. I met her kiss with enthusiasm and laid my hands on her firm little ass.
She moaned in my mouth as she started to grind her pelvis into my groin. She took hold of her dress and lifted her butt for a split second. In one quick motion she undid herself of the garment.
Before me, on my lap, panting heavily was a sight to behold. My little Emily, naked except for white cotton panties and her red sneakers. She looked me in the eyes and waited for me to make my move.
"Still a little worked up by our ride in the car?" I said with a grin.
I leaned into her bare chest and sucked on her erect nipple. She arched her back and held my head tight as a moan escaped her mouth. My hand found her other breast and squeezed, playing around with the developing contour of her body.
I stood us both up and turned around sitting her down on my couch. Kneeling on the floor in front of her I grasped her panties and pulled them down her legs, past her red sneakers. Bending her knees apart I dove into my personal slice of heaven. Her bare pussy was already soaking wet and tasted like nothing else on this planet.
I could feel the sharp breaths Emily was taking all the way down by her pussy as I attacked her slit and licked around her little nub. Her legs clamped around my head on occasion while she held my head planted firm against her clit.
She threw her head back and saw something she had rather not have seen.
"Ron?" Emily started. "I just got a look at the clock. We only have two hours left before practice. I really wanted to make love to you right now..." Emily pulled my head up and looked me deep in the eyes. "Remember what you said yesterday? About making love, having sex and fucking?"
I licked up her little slit once more and nodded yes.
Emily gasped and continued: "Time to fuck."
I pulled my pants down and kicked them off. Emily spread her legs and I guided my cock to her waiting pussy. She was so wet I slit completely in with one thrust. Her pussy radiated with so much heat it actually took me by surprise as the glow enveloped my dick.
I started off with a quick rhythm, pulling out till the tip of my cock was only just inside her and slamming back in. Emily was panting heavily with every thrust.
I knew she was tight and I could still kind of feel it, but she was so wet it really didn't matter. The feeling of such a perfectly lubricated pussy is hard to describe. When pushing into Emily there was an incredible tight sensation around my cock that slid perfectly to the base of my cock and back to the tip again.
"Faster, yes, Faster," She said. "Just fuck me as hard as you can."
I grasped her by the hips and pulled her into my own thrusts. Emily fighting not to yell out as she experienced a couple small orgasms.
"Just... go... whenever you're ready," Emily gasped. "I think I'm... already on my second... right now."
I kept fucking faster and faster. The sight of Emily before me was magical. Her small tits were bouncing in rhythm of my thrusts into her hairless pussy. Her flustered face and closed eyes spoke volumes as she groaned and moaned with pleasure.
She spoke one word that somehow took me over the edge. A word that before that moment had never had any sexual meaning to me whatsoever. A simple word, but said by this goddess in moment of pure ecstasy, looking like she did, made it the most erotic word in the world at that moment.
And I lost it. I sprayed Emily's pussy full with my semen and hugged her close. While our bodies convulsed I managed to pick her up and sit myself down on the couch. Our bodies entangled and my dick still spraying deep inside her young body.
A minute passed before Emily leaned back on my lap, my semi hard dick still lodged deep in her well fucked pussy.
She looked me deep in the eyes and finally said: "Lets practice..."
We cleaned up with a washcloth and got clothed within minutes. I grabbed our guitars and hooked them up.
We worked together to create the perfect performance in as quick a time as possible, practicing a song Emily had already mastered almost completely and would be a sure fire hit amongst the band.
One hour later we had packed our stuff in the car and prepared to drive off.
"Everything checked, packed and ready to go?" I asked my passenger.
"Yes sir! Captain Ron!" Emily said saluting and leaned back in the seat.
We drove off, I knew we would arrive in the practice studio about half an hour early but that was okay. That would give us some time to set up Emily's gear and and check if the sound setup we made would hold up in a bigger room.
The practice studio was a refurbished barn next to Thom's house. A big building he used for recording and of course rehearsing with the band.
It was no surprise then that when I pulled up to Thom's house, a very powerful drum solo was seeping through the studio's insulated walls. Thom was already warming up.
We were the first to arrive, I looked over at Emily and her face was a big contorted mess.
"You'll do fine, don't worry. Now do you want to help me unload or am I doing all the lifting?"
Emily just nodded and got out the car. She opened the rear door and picked up our 2 guitar bags. I first grabbed just the amplifier head out the trunk and walked inside the studio with Emily .
Thom saw us come in and stopped playing. He stood up from behind his drum kit and walked over to Emily and me. "So this is the little protege." He said, holding his drumsticks in his left hand and sticking out his right. "Name's Thom."
Emily politely shook his hand and introduced herself, "I'm Emily." She said with a smile.
Thom looked at me, "Hey Ron, I got a call from Barry. He said he linked a video on his facebook that I would like to see. And I did."
He then turned back to Emily, "Damn girl, you can play. You already have my vote that's for sure!"
As Thom and Emily got acquainted I fetched the last gear out of the car and set Emily up in the studio.
Just as I plugged the last cable into the big cabinet Thom walked over to me, "Wow man, where did you find this girl? She's awesome!"
I tried to give a witty answer but Thom cut me off, as usual...
"Listen," He started, "I've send the video of Emily in the music store to everyone but Jerome, just to warm them up to the idea. I already kind of told them what to expect tonight and more importantly to trust our judgment."
He looked at Emily with a big grin, "So Emily, unless you suddenly decide to forget how to play like you did in Barry's shop... You are going to ROCK!"
"So everyone knows what to expect?" I checked.
Thom scratched behind his head and confessed, "Turns out Melvin and Mike already know how bad it is. They just never said anything because somehow the audience never notices. When I told them what the problem was the general reaction was: So it wasn't me that was fucking up?"
"Yeah," I said smiling, "Jerome has a way to slide his faults off to other people. We should have done this years ago man."
"I'm with you," Thom said holding up his drumsticks. "And I got your back too Emily, don't worry. Now how are we going to do this?"
While I plugged myself in and turned all the amps on I explained the plan to Thom.
"Jerome will not like and first not let himself get kicked out. So I'll make a deal with him. If he can play the song Emily and I are going to play. And somehow be better then Emily, he can stay."
Thom frowned, "Ow, that's risky... you sure about that one?"
Emily tapped a few buttons on her floorboard and replied, "Ron said Jerome is the only one in the band who can't play this song."
Thom looked like he lined up a couple songs in his head, not sure which one would fit the bill.
Emily started a gentle acoustic riff while smiling at the both of us.
Thom needed a few seconds to place the song but exploded in a grin when he recognized the music without a doubt, "You evil bastard! You are not even going to give J-man a single slice of a chance are you! Endless Sacrifice, by Dream Theater... Man that's cold"
Just then our bass player and vocalist came walking in. Mike and Melvin looked over at the three of us. Mike held up a backpack. "I brought beer and popcorn! This gun be good!"
A couple minutes later Patrick the keyboard player walked in too. He looked pissed, probably because of all this commotion right before an important gig. But he wasn't making a fuss and just set up his gear.
It wasn't long after that before we were all set up and ready to play.
"Well, now what?" Melvin asked.
Thom held up his phone. "Jerome is going to be late, I'm amazed he bothered to tell us this time though." He then looked at Emily. "Today I heard something that I poured my blood, sweat and tears into, get raped by a retarded monkey smashing some strings together."
With a little bow he added, "Emily, would you kindly restore my faith in the song 'Forever buried'?"
Emily nodded and turned up the volume of her guitar. She held a good eye on Thom, this intro was all about timing.
"I'll kick in at the main riff," I told Emily, "You got this."
Thom tapped his sticks four times and what followed almost made me tear up. I was so proud of Emily as she followed Thom with his heavy off-beat rhythm and occasional triplet fill thrown in to throw off the headbangers.
A few seconds in I slid my fingers down the neck of my guitar and started to play the main riff with Emily. Emily looked so cute playing this heavy music with us while still wearing her red dress and sneakers.
A few minutes later Emily and I let a high pitched harmonic ring out as the song came to an end.
Thom looked at the other band members. "What the hell guys, why weren't you playing?"
Melvin just shook his head, "Sorry but I have to ask. Where the hell did you find this girl? Emily you are amazing!"
Emily's face matched the color of her dress as she looked down. "Thanks," She softly replied.
Even Patrick looked to have calmed down a little bit.
Further introductions were going to have to wait because just then, the door to the studio swung open and a big muscular man walked in carrying a sturdy guitar flight case.
"Hey, have you guys seen the video of that little bitch claiming to be playing our spot this Saturday?"
Jerome turned to scan the room, his face looked like it was just getting a grasp of the one plus one is two rule as his eyes moved across the studio.
After a few very long seconds he finally made the observation that the 'bitch' was standing in the studio. On his spot.
"The FUCK is going on here?"
Being the instigator I immediately took responsibility, "This is all my idea Jerome."
His eyes focused on me and the look in his face made me consider it a miracle he didn't step up to me for a little one, two.
Realizing this reaction was exactly one of the reasons for him to leave I continued, "Listen, Emily standing here could've meant anything. I could even have brought her in to play just one song with us. However your reaction tells me you already know what's coming."
I put my guitar down on a stand and crossed my arms. "How many times have I taken you aside and told you to get your act together? To practice?"
Jerome lost it, "I hold this fucking group in one piece! Without me there would be nothing going on live! I always have to pick up the pieces when Mike fouls up on a bass line!"
Thom jumped up from his kit, "Oh no, you're not pinning this one down on anyone but yourself. That argument works only, if everyone you're talking to is fucking tone deaf. I can hear Mike just fine live. He damn near perfectly follows my beat."
Jerome's mind was spinning. It looked like he was now focusing on me, formulating an accusation that would kick me down.
I didn't give him the time, "And this is the argument that always follows. You've never taken responsibility for your playing, ever. Now this is the deal. We need the best guitarist on rhythm this Saturday."
I pointed to Emily, "That'll either be Emily over here," my finger moved across the room, "or you..."
Jerome smashed his guitar case down on a nearby table and pulled out his warlock guitar. "I can play anything that squirt can come up with." he said.
I smiled and picked up my guitar. "Good... if you can top this you're back in."
Emily started playing the acoustic intro. Slow pace, letting each individual string carry the chords on as long as possible.
Faces bloomed across the room as everyone recognized the Endless Sacrifice intro. We'd been planning to cover this song for a while. Guess who was oppressing that notion...
Thom was assisting Emily with the drum track. He had his eyes closed. This really was one of his favorite songs. Emily and I hadn't counted on anyone playing with us but a drum beat was very helpful.
Suddenly a high bass note accompanied Emily as Mike carried her acoustic lines with a deep trembling sound. The smile on his face told me he'd been waiting to finally play this cover with the group.
"Cold, lying in my bed. Staring into darkness..." Melvin picked up on the song too.
A piano sounded along the intro. I looked over at keys saw Patrick with a grin on his face.
The harmony of the group was already superior to anything we had ever accomplished. I looked over at Jerome and he still looked like there was no big deal. I don't think he realized we were going to play the whole song.
I turned up the volume on my guitar nearing the first heavy chord riff. Emily and I smashed a button on our pedals and went at it. Waving my hair around I walked over to her. She had spread her legs and was also banging her head. Looking only at the neck of her guitar when she needed to play the high pitched harmonic.
A few more heavy chords and we were back at the slow acoustic piece. I let Emily handle that one as I picked up second voice with Melvin during this part:
It saddens me to know,
The helplessness you feel,
Your light shines on my soul
While a thousand candles burn.
From here Emily and I played the acoustic piece together with a little distortion mixed in.
We kept playing all the way through the next heavy part. I looked over and saw Jerome getting nervous. If Emily got down what came next. He was in trouble."
Emily picked up the heavy riff all alone. Not till after a few beats did I jump in to accompany her.
Not only did she have the riff down. She was moving about with it. Walking over to Mike, swinging the guitar in his face. Mike followed by dropping an octave lower and trembling the floor with a stomach churning bass riff.
A little moment later Patrick exploded into an elaborate keyboard solo. Emily and I looked at each other. This was going to rock. The first guitar solo came up. Jerome looked at me, always jealous about me being able to pull that one off.
The solo started but Jerome looked puzzled. My hands were at my bass strings.
I looked over at Emily. She was so focused on the neck of her guitar as she shredded the first part of the solo completely through the roof.
I picked up halfway as she took over the rhythm track. Sweep picking the solo all over Jerome's jealous face.
Second solo came up, no holding back. Then came the two toned solo normally reserved for keyboard and guitar. I quickly gave Patrick a sharp glance. He understood what was coming.
Emily and I raced our fingers to the high position on the guitar necks and shredded the notes away in perfect harmony. I heard mike dropping a note, I looked over and saw his jaw pretty much on the floor.
A few more beats in, Thom got room for a little drum-break and blasted away a heavy riff.
The solo was done. I took a glance over where Jerome was standing but he was gone.
We all played the song through completely. Getting a nice few head banging pieces in before the end. All the more enjoyable now that I knew we succeeded.
The last heavy riff came up and hair swung around. One last ladder down the neck and it was over.
I think the next reaction summed everybody's feelings up quite nicely: Thom jumped up from behind his kit and all but ran to Emily, picking her up under her armpits and spinning her around. "Where the hell have you been all my life!" He jelled and put her back down. "That was awesome!"
The rest of the guys applauded with a big smile on their faces. Patrick who was the worst off when he came in just minutes ago had a grin on his face that looked like it would tear his mouth apart.
Emily donned a nervous smile and brushed her hair behind her left ear. "Do you mean that? You liked it?"
Thom took one step back, "Liked it? Emily you are in! People are going to love you!"
I scanned the room and saw everybody nodding in consensus. We did it.
We had a quick meeting of what the set list would look like, adding the Dream Theater cover in the middle and then went about rehearsing the entire list.
After four hours of practice we called it a night. Emily was keeping up nicely, although we would have to work on the little breaks we did live that weren't on the album.
"One beer to finish off?" Mike asked.
"I'll take that," Thom said while picking up the warm pack of brewskies. "I've got cold ones inside. I'll get some. Emily you up for one?"
"I've never had beer before... is it okay?" Emily said looking at me.
"Just take it easy okay?" I answered. "the first one can hit you hard if you're not careful."
Thom walked out the door onto the parking lot, heading to his house. The sound of a big thud and glass breaking was audible almost immediately. Followed by the furious voice of Thom: "That infantile SON OF A BITCH!"
We all hurried outside to see what was going on. Thom was looking at our cars. He left the spraying broken bottles of beer behind and took a few big steps towards our rides. All the side mirrors had been kicked in and I saw my beamer leaning strongly to one side.
Melvin was a car mechanic and immediately assessed the damage. "Guys relax," He quickly said. "Looks superficial to me, give me a second."
He walked over to the cars and started popping the mirrors back into place. The one mirror that had its glass lying on the ground was quickly assembled and put in place.
"What about my tires?" I asked him nervously.
Melvin approached my car and took a closer look. "He unscrewed the valves. Nothing permanent." Melvin rummaged around a little and in no time found the two little components on the driveway. He got a little electric compressor out his car and inflated my tires as far as the twelve volt pump could handle.
"Just get them on the proper pressure at the gas station down the road, they have a free pump." He said smiling. Melvin always liked being of help.
"Guys what now?" Thom asked. "Should we call the cops or something?"
I looked around, everyone was exhausted. This was the last thing anyone wanted to deal with right now.
"Look guys," I started. "Let's just leave it behind us. The way we just send Jerome packing wasn't the nicest way we could've dealt with it. He deserved one free punch. If it stays with this I say smile and move on."
Thom sighed deeply, "It's not so much my mirrors that piss me off. I have absolutely no desire anymore to knock back a cold one. Now that is unforgivable." Another deep sigh escaped his lips. "Okay, one free punch."
Emily suddenly caught herself unable to resist a powerful yawn. She inhaled as deep as she could, with her mouth open as far as she could muster. "aaaaawwww"
She rubbed her eyes and when she opened them we were all looking at her.
I laughed and said, "Okay guys, Em is right. Lets call it a night and meet back tomorrow to kick the biggest ass ever."
The collective sighs as everyone got in the cars was somewhat anticlimactic. But I knew lack of enthusiasm wasn't the cause.
After getting my tires properly inflated, Em and I were at my place in no time.
Emily rushed through the front door as I set the two guitar bags in the hall. She let herself fall down on my couch over an armrest. Lying flat down on the length of the comfy sofa.
"We did it!" She said while staring at the ceiling with wide open eyes.
"I'm so proud of you baby." I said as I walked over and looked at my little angel. "Want a drink?"
"Just water please," Emily said in the sweetest, soft voice imaginable.
"Two water coming up." I said smiling and walked over to the kitchen.
I felt a knob in my stomach as I tried to tell Emily something that I just realized.
"Listen Em, I'm just going to say this and hope you understand. I know we were planning to have a little fun tonight, but it's almost twelve 'o clock. If we do, there is no way I'll be able to explain the time to your mother. It's just too late."
Emily remained silent. I knew I had hurt her feelings. But getting caught was much worse than going one night without nookie.
"Em? I'm really sorry you know that right?" I walked back to the living room, carrying the two glasses of water. "Baby?"
I walked around the couch, Emily didn't move. When I reached the front of the sofa a pleasant warm feeling crept over me. Emily lay on her side, her legs slightly tugged in under her and her eyes were closed. She was out cold. It looked like she had managed to kick off one shoe and sleep got her right about then. The other shoe only half on her foot.
I picked up my mobile and snapped a picture of this sleeping beauty.
I send the picture to Emily's mother with the text: "Dead on arrival. Emily did great! She's in! Looks like the day took its toll though : )"
Just seconds after it being send my phone rang.
"Hi Karen, you got the picture I take it?"
"Hey Ron, yes I did. First off, congrats on getting Emily in. I know it means the world to her getting to play with her mentor. Now, I hope you're ready for some bad news..."
"Oh no, what is it?" I asked alarmed, preparing myself for what was coming.
"Did Emily fall asleep about a minute after coming in?"
"Yes she did actually." I frowned as I felt a flood of worry wash over me, "Does she have a medical condition I don't know about? What should I do? Call an ambulance?"
"What?! No! Ron relax!" Karin hastily replied.
I was confused, the thought Emily could be in trouble had shook me to the core, but if nothing was wrong why was there bad news?
"Listen," Karin started, "After a long day like this Emily tends to just pass out like that out of exhaustion. No biggy, just don't expect to be able to properly wake her up until somewhere the coming morning. And don't even try to move her. If you wake her up now... well you've never seen the cranky Emily and believe me you don't want to."
I looked over at the couch. "So, what now?"
"Emily looks like she lies just fine where she is. If you can sneak in a spare pillow and a blanket it's all good. Just drop her off tomorrow. I mean if that's okay with you. You can risk waking her and dropping her off, but do so at your own risk haha!"
"Erm no, I'll take your word for it. Hey Karin?"
"Yes Ron?"
"If Em's gonna spend the night here, it might be better off if we just stop by quickly tomorrow so she can clean up. There is still a lot to prepare for."
"As long as you promise not to snatch my little girl away." Karin said with a little giggle in her voice.
"Wouldn't dream of it Karin."
"Okay, and I wish you the best of luck not to wake the little misses Hyde..."
"Thanks, good night Karin."
"Good night Ron."
And there we were. Emily spending the night. Absolutely no curfew and no way to enjoy it with my beautiful young girlfriend. Lest ye awaken the beast.
"I need a shower," I sighed and walked over to my bedroom. From the closet I grabbed a spare pillow and thin pullover.
Walking back to Emily I raised her head with a gentle hand and slipped the pillow right under. I pulled off her deserted shoe and threw the blanket over her till her waist. Leaning in I gave her a little peck on the forehead. I could've sworn she smiled just when I did that. Before me really did lay an angel.
On my way to the bathroom I dimmed the lights in the room. I threw my sweaty clothes in the washer and jumped under the shower.
Fifteen minutes later as I stepped out the shower to dry off, a smell caught my attention. The bathroom was filled with a smoky aroma. It was hard to place at first but after a few moments I recognized a hint of lavender in the air.
I dried off quick, getting only the worst droplets off my body. Leaving the damp towel on the bathroom floor I opened the door and stepped out naked. Two candles were burning in the living room. Between the candles my little incense burner was lit and a small smoke trail filled the room with a relaxing lavender aroma.
On the couch it looked like Emily had wrapped herself completely in her blanket. I moved towards her, my hand stretched out. I was ready to take the little minx by surprise by pulling her blanket off without warning.
Just two more steps.
I grasped the blanket and pulled, throwing the thin cloth to the ground.
Under the blanket lay two big pillows, Emily's red summer dress stretched out over the length. But no Emily... Where her head should be, lay three things. A pair of red Halloween devil horns, a golden halo and a little note: "You choose, are you ready to crown your future queen?"
A seductive whistle came from behind me and I turned as fast as I could, however I could only make out a remnant of a shadow that vanished into my bedroom.
I grabbed the horns and halo and followed the little temptress.
The door eased open with an almost clichéd creak and yet another candle lit room greeted my eyes. Emily stood before the bed holding a thin fleece blanket in front of her. It was hiding all her beautiful nubile forms from my desiring eyes except for her face, which was adorned with a seductive yet nervous smile.
I stood and admired the inexhaustible beauty in just her face and enjoyed the feelings of desire as I felt myself wanting to know what was hidden behind the blanket.
"Have you made your choice?" Emily softly said.
"That depends, does choice come with options?" I asked, holding the horns in one hand and the halo in the other.
"If you make me an angel," Emily said smiling, "I will tell you I love you, I will hug you, and make love to you till we both are spend."
A grin appeared on her face, "If you make me a devil, I might say I love you. However I will most definitely lay you down on the bed and fuck you till you can't take any more. And even then I will go on."
My dick was already pointing at the ceiling just considering the options.
I made my choice, I stepped up to Emily and crowned my queen, my little angel.
Emily smiled, "I love you," and held up the cover a little more. "could you hold the blanket just a sec?"
Puzzled I took the fabric and held it up. Emily dove behind it, I could hear her rummaging around and the sound of garment being put on.
She stood up and took the blanket back in her hands.
Taking a few steps back she stood on the bed. In a slow motion she lowered the cloth past her arm. I could see just the hint of a white brassier strap on her shoulder.
She pulled the blanket back up and took a deep breath. While looking at me she lifted the shroud one last time and then threw it away to the side of the bed.
I almost had a heart attack from the sight before me. Emily's slim frame was being accentuated by the flickering candlelight in the room. The halo on her head glistened an golden aura that was only carried stronger by the candles. She wore a sexy white brassier, with decorative lace lining the edges of her developing breasts. To finish her angelic outfit she had on a revealing white thong. It covered the V from her crotch up, but was see through at all the places that actually mattered. Beyond that she wore only her smile, a garment that would suffice in any occasion.
I must've been gawking for a while now as Emily started to blush. "Do you like it?"
"When? Where... Baby you look amazing!" I finally uttered.
Emily stepped off the bed and slowly walked over towards me. If she looked amazing before, the way her body played with the candlelight when moving was almost supernatural.
When she had almost crossed the distance between us she stretched out her arms, the gesture waking me from my trance as I took my first step towards her.
We locked into an passionate embrace, I could do nothing more than hold on tight as my feelings for Emily burned fiercer and fiercer in every fabric of my being.
My hands explored her back, feeling bare, hot skin and occasional traces of her sexy lingerie.
Emily let go of me and pressed her lips against mine. Entangled in a passionate kiss she started to walk backwards towards the bed, my lips stuck to hers like a magnet.
When she reached the foot of the bed she sat down. Still kissing I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her further up, all the way till her head lay on my pillow.
My angel right where I wanted her, I explored the front of her body. My right hand moving down from caressing her face, to her slightly covered breast and further down past her slim belly.
Emily's hand slit down my frame and took hold of my throbbing cock. I had been so enthralled by her beauty that I needed that action to remind myself that I was in fact already naked.
Emily pulled back from my lips just far enough to utter a small but promising question, "Could you lie on your back?"
Offering no objection I let Emily slip out from under me as I laid myself down. She straddled me, sitting her thong covered pussy right down on my cock. The heat her sex generated saturating my dick.
I reached up and let my hands rest on the side of her bare belly as she started to gyrate her pelvis. The soft, already damp fabric of her nether garment massaging my rod.
A soft moan escaped Emily's lips as she laid her hands on my chest. She changed to a sliding motion from the base of my cock all the way to the tip.
Emily held still for a second, she looked me in the eyes and a sly smile crept up on her.
I couldn't help myself and found myself asking the question: "What's on your mind angel?"
Emily lifted her hips and slit the thong to one side of her pussy. grabbing my cock she lowered herself back down.
While she slid my cock into her tight pussy, she started to sing a passage from the Endless Sacrifice song.
"Over the distance, we try to make sense, of surviving together, while living apart."
She had me all the way inside her, pausing a little moment to savor the feeling.
With a lengthy inhale she slid back up the length of my cock, I could see the glistening love juices from her pussy coating my hard rod. When she exhaled she slowly relaxed her legs and slid back down.
As she made love to me in this slow sensual rhythm, she continue her singing.
"Striving for balance, we rise to the challenge, of staying connected, in spite of circumstance."
My hands trailed up from her belly and took hold of her soft little melons-to-be.
"All you've forsaken, and all that you've done, so that I could live out, this undying dream."
Her beautiful voice shook me to the core. I tried to rise up and kiss her, but she held me down just long enough to finish her little serenade.
"Won't be forgotten, or taken for granted, I'll always remember, your endless sacrifice."
And with that she let herself fall down into my ready arms, our lips connecting and our tongues dancing a forbidden tango.
I held my love tight, Emily's body felt so young and yet so perfect. Nothing in this world could have separated us at that point.
For what felt like an eternity we laid there, kissing and hugging like there was no tomorrow.
After some time Emily lifted her hips again, the stimulation of her pussy sliding up my cock pulled my mind back to the business at hand.
My fingers trailed down her back till my hands rested on her bare ass-cheeks. I squeezed and pushed her pelvis back down the length of my dick.
The moan escaping from Emily trailed past our kiss and reverberated all through my chest.
She slid her pussy back up in an eager pace. I squeezed her butt once more while pushing her down again.
Another moan echoed through my body and we kept it up, massaging my angel's insides with strong slow strokes.
I let my hands trail up her back and with one quick motion, unclipped her sexy bra.
Emily escaped our kiss and sat herself upright, still keeping the sensual thrusts going. She grabbed the garment and threw it to the side of the bed. Arching her back she reached up and started playing with her freed breasts.
Emily had started to sweat in this passion filled room. While she was playing with her breasts and sliding her pussy up and down my cock, the yellow candlelight reflected off the little droplets on her body. Her hair waving around, paired with the sensual motions of her pelvis.
I pulled myself up and at the same time pushed Emily down on her back. She let herself fall down on the bed, stretching her arms above her head.
With my penis buried completely inside her, I leaned in and sucked on her little nipple. A sharp inhale told me what Emily thought of this sudden stimuli.
My tongue slid across her erect nub and yet another sharp breath rewarded my ears. The inhale pushing her breast even stronger against my face.
I raised my head and blew against her wet areola, the sting of rapid cooling flesh taking Emily by surprise. Her pussy contracted around my cock and her whole body gave a quick jerk as she closed her eyes and threw her head back, taking a deep strong breath.
Emily looked me in the eyes, a naughty and pleased smile adorned her face. She opened her lips and uttered one sexy little word: "First."
While keeping my eyes locked on hers I pulled my cock out of her wet pussy. Emily looked up at me with disappointed eyes.
I smiled as I pushed my hips forward again, the head of my cock having no problem sliding all the way back into Emily's well lubricated canal.
"Oww yes!" She uttered in a deep exhale, arcing her back. The contortion her body made caused the halo to fall off her head and on the floor.
I moved my hips back again, this time I slid my hands past her sides, grabbing her thong on the way down. When my cock popped out of Emily's love canal, I pulled the sexy lingerie over her little butt. Emily assisted by pulling her legs together just long enough for me to get the garment off her.
The thong too, landed next to the bed. Emily spread her legs wide and I slid my cock back into her eager pussy.
This time I continued with a couple strong deep thrusts. Emily's vocalizations growing louder as she used her pelvis to greet my advances.
"Just... a... little... deeper," She sighed in between breaths.
I grabbed her legs and pushed them as far apart as I could without hurting her. With full weight behind my next thrust I slammed my cock home.
"Yes!" Emily almost screamed as I repeated the deep assault again and again. Forcing the full length of my cock into her still developing little opening. Yet it was welcoming my rod with copious amounts of her pussy juice and each muscle contraction massaging my dick made it clearer her pussy knew full well what it wanted.
Her little breasts were jiggling with each powerful thrust, and her face rocked from left to right trying to contain the powerful sensations that it received from her nether regions.
Em's breathing got deeper and heavier and in no time at all I felt her pussy contract around my cock as she locked her legs behind me.
"Second?" I asked with a grin on my face.
A shy smile greeted me as Emily nodded and tried to get her respiration back under control.
"You sure are easy to please, my little goddess. You had enough?"
Emily quickly shook her head, "No!"
"Good, because I'm not done with you yet." I said in a mock, strict tone.
I held out my hand, Emily grabbed it without question and I gently pulled her up straight. Without pause I motioned her further forward till she was on all fours, her head near the pillows of the bed.
An interested "Mmm" was all she uttered as I kneeled behind her cute little butt.
I lined my cock up with her pussy and slid in with one gentle push. Despite having come two times already, little Emily was still as wet as she could possibly be.
I put my hands on her girly hips and used my leverage to fuck this angel's pussy with strong and fast strokes. Her ass giving a satisfying slap every time I bottomed out inside her.
Grunts and moans filled the air as the heat that Emily's pussy emanated reached new highs. The walls of her tight canal milking me with every journey into the dark heavenly cavern.
Emily's exhalations became even louder and were in sync with my thrusts. I could feel in my hands that she was pushing back into me, increasing the force of our lovemaking even more.
I reached under her with both hands and cupped her breasts. Immediately I pulled Emily up while I myself leaned back a bit. In this slightly awkward position only our hips were able to keep up the lovemaking and Emily seemed to be in her element.
With the grace a seasoned belly dancer would find hard to match, she rotated her hips, caressing and massaging my cock while it remained almost completely inside her.
While dancing on my dick, she ran her hands through her hair, letting the soft strands wave around in the rhythm of our passionate dance.
Pulling myself forward I let us both return to our previous position, with my hands on her hips and Emily back on all fours I rammed my cock home. The complete contrast of the two sexual positions had taken a toll on her.
Em's breathing got heavier again, but this time I wasn't going to let her go that easily. I stopped with only the tip of my dick still in her pussy.
Emily made a few frustrated attempts to impale herself on my cock but the grip I had on her ass was too strong.
"Emily?" I started while caressing her little rosebud with my thumb, "Remember what you asked me in the car this afternoon?"
Her head shot up hearing my question. "I do," she said and added after a little pause, "Do you... Do you think it'll fit?"
Her hips were swinging left to right, trying to force a little movement of my cock inside her.
"Let's try it." She finally uttered, lowering her torso to the mattress and arching her butt even higher in the air.
I pushed the entire length of my cock in Emily's pussy, applying a nice fresh coat of lubricant. I pulled out and positioned myself a little higher on the bed, pointing my dick at her forbidden entrance.
As the tip of my manhood made contact, I saw Emily's hands grabbing hold of the bedspread.
I paused, "Baby, you sure you want to try it?"
Emily nodded her head, "I liked it yesterday... I know it can feel good... Very good. It's just, you know... You're big."
"Just relax honey, if at any point you want to stop let me know." I said and applied some pressure to her little sphincter.
With one hand, I reached around Emily and used my index finger to massage her little clit. The sensation made her relax and without any further effort I felt the head of my dick slip past her little barrier.
Emily took a deep breath and I pressed on into uncharted terrain. I made a push, one nudge and my extremely well lubricated cock slid into her ass about halfway.
Emily started screaming, her head buried into my pillows as her sphincter pressed tight around my cock.
"Baby you okay!?" I yelled.
Emily kept her head pressed tight into the pillow, dampening her scream. With all her strength she managed to lift her right hand, holding up three fingers.
I waited for her to come back from her high. It eventually took her about a minute to recover, but when she had, my little angel started to push her ass towards me.
I grabbed her butt-cheeks and pushed some more, getting my dick further inside bit by bit.
Whenever I gained some ground I pulled out a little and went back in with greater force. Slowly but surely we were increasing the length of the strokes.
About five minutes went by before I was sliding the full length of my cock in and out of her extremely tight little butt.
The tension on my cock was otherworldly, I was leaking enough pre-cum to slide in and out of my little angel without much effort. The true challenge was keeping this up. Her ass was sucking my cock, begging for a load of cum.
Emily was outside herself. Moaning and occasionally screaming in my pillows. I could see a saliva stain running down the fabric of the cushion. Not in my wildest dreams could I have imagined a girl this erotic and perfect.
Emily raised her head, in between thrust induced moans she managed to say, "I'm... gonna... cum..." She muffled away a scream and continued, "Last... one... I can't... ta... take.. Anymore!"
I put my hands on her hips, holding her tight. "Almost there baby, hang on."
With a good grip on her hips I slammed my cock in her ass. Fast and hard I fucked Emily, she dove her head into the pillows almost immediately, screaming end on end while pushing her butt to meet every single one of my thrusts.
She was so close to her fourth orgasm, I felt her sphincter tightening around my cock as I kept on pushing it through her back passage.
"Baby I'm coming!" I managed to grunt in between thrusts, my balls finally releasing a torrent of cum into Emily's bowels.
The spasms of my cock deep inside Emily's forbidden entrance finally pushed her over the edge... again.
Her fourth orgasm was unlike any of the ones she had before. She threw her head back, her hair sliced through the air slinging around tiny droplets of sweat. Her spine arched back as far as it would go. Every muscle in Emily's body spasmed and went rigid in a seeming random order.
My own pelvic contractions, which were supplying Emily with the wrongly delivered baby makers, synced up with the eager, demanding pulses her sphincter was sending through my cock.
Emily's chest started to expand and contract rapidly as she managed to get a grip on her breathing, resupplying her body with much needed oxygen that her spasms had been denying her.
Feeling the last spurts of cum leaving my dick, I lowered my body to engulf Emily. Wrapping my arms around her and lying us both on our sides, spooning my underage girlfriend as she regained control of her muscles one by one.
Emily remained silent, one hand managed the strength to rise up and hold mine.
"Em? You were never asleep were you?"
I immediately regretted my joking observation. Emily managed the strength to laugh a guilty, girly giggle, the muscle contraction tightening her hold on my now very sensitive dick.
Preventing any more contractual torture, I pulled my cock out past Emily's tightening sphincter.
She turned around within my embrace and we lay face to face, just admiring the dept of each other's eyes.
Not a word needed saying while we shared our afterglow and passed on our little muscle contractions as our bodies started to relax again.
Although I enjoyed this sensual moment I could see Emily's eyelids getting heavy. Our lovemaking had taken its toll, probably taking my love to the resting realm for real this time.
I gave my little angel one more kiss, right on the forehead, "It's okay baby, I know you're tired. Nothing can disturb us this night. Just lay with me in my bed until the morning sun pulls us both back from our intimate slumber."
There was no need for any more words as Emily smiled and snuggled up to me. I felt her breathing on my chest. It got slower with every exhale till after about five minutes I was sure she was sound asleep.
I pried myself loose just long enough to blow out the candles in the house and collect all of Emily's clothing next to the bed.
I slid back and held my sleeping beauty in my arms. I had almost joined Emily in Neverland when a loud buzzing sound pulled me back to the warm bedroom.
"Who the hell texts anyone at this hour?!" I though to myself as my arm lazily reached over to the nightstand, attempting to pick up the source of the blinking and buzzing annoyance.
When I finally had a grasp on the phone and had a chance to look at it I realized it was Emily's little communicator I had in my hands.
Curiosity is a temptress often hard to withstand I realized as I found myself unlocking it. This is what was send to Emily:
From: KateHi little sis!
Tell me, did your big, sexy hunk of a man like the selection we made? Devil or angel? God I wish I had a boyfriend I could be original like that with! Did he rip them off? Or was he more subtle with my underwear? Just asking to find out if I need to go shopping tomorrow.Love you and good night.
I couldn't resist, Kate was the only other person that knew about Emily and me, so what harm was there in a little fun...
I hit the reply button and typed away:
Hi Kate,Angel.
I loved the garments you two have picked out for me to enjoy. Don't worry I kept everything in one piece. Love to see you in them one day ;-) jk
What's the name of the store you bought these? I think Emily could use a little set of her own. I'm hooked.
Love and kisses from your big-brother-in-law-to-be.
Good night.
Ps. You really think I'm a big, sexy hunk of a man? ;-)
I swear that kid's fingers these days must have some sort of light speed button when it comes to replying to text messages. Within a minute I heard another buzz, again from the nightstand.
This time I picked up my own phone and saw a message from yet an unknown sender. Emily must have shared my mobile number with her sister just in case... Clever girl.
One swipe and a tap and the message was laid out to me:
From: unknownYou! You!
I'm going to get you back for that! And be careful, you might just enjoy it! ;-)
The name of the shop is 'Temptress'. Laura works there part-time. She'll be in tomorrow between one and four p.m. Technically she can't sell you anything but the owners use her to advise the younger customers what garments would be fitting.
I'll let her know you guys are coming over, she'll hook you up proper!
Naughty wink ;)
I didn't know how fast I needed to cut Kate off on that one, my hands raced on the touch screen keyboard.
Kate NO!You know the risks Emily and me are in having this relationship! Please don't tell Laura about us! As little people as possible can know!
My hands were sweating as I stared at the lifeless screen. Where Kate had been quick with the previous message the wait for this one seemed eternal.
The phone vibrated in my hand and my nervous finger tapped the screen.
Ron, I'm sorry I never got the chance to tell you...Laura already knows. It was her I was chatting with yesterday. We were talking about how to check if you really cared for Emily. The little 'test' I did was actually her idea.
Don't worry, she agrees you guys are a set made in heaven. Like I said, she'll hook you up. You did bum her out though. She had her sights set on you for ages!
Now onto the next important issue: SLEEP!!!!!
Night night Ron.
I put away both phones, laying them at rest on the nightstand. The things I just learned were in a way shocking. But strangely the sensation going through my mind was best described as freeing. Having people to share this secret with lifted a weight off my shoulders.
My mind at ease I finally drifted off to sleep, my own private angel in my arms already far gone. I joined Emily in the land of impossibilities and bold fantasies.
To be continued.
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