Brody's Story

[ Mfg, lolita, inc, 1st, oral, rom ]

by Brody


Published: 27-Jul-2013

Word Count:

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show Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Chapter 1

I was almost 8 when my dad died suddenly in an auto accident. Mom and I figured out how to get along without him. We missed him big time, but we survived. Mom had a good friend, Janet, who would often watch me while Mom was at work.

When I was almost 12 and a half, Mom found some guy. She thought he was Mr. Right. But he turned out to be a Mr. Oh-No-All-Wrong. Cutting to the bottom line, Mom was engaged to him, found out that he was actually sleeping around with someone else and so threw the bum out. Turns out the "someone else" was Janet.

Boy! Did the sparks fly at that. And wouldn't you know it? Just like in a bad soap opera, both Mom and Janet were pregnant by the same Mr. Oh-No-All-Wrong.

Mom and Janet didn't speak till after the babies were born. By then, Mom figured that they both had been used and they both needed each other's help. So I had a new little sister, Celeste, when I was 13. Janet had a baby girl also named, Kristine. And so after a little bit, things settled in like they had been: Mom and Janet, helping each other out and watching the children -- only now it was three children to watch, and I didn't need as much supervision. But still it was nice to have someone home in the evenings -- whether it was Mom or Janet -- it was nice to have a warm meal and a friendly, caring face.

I even helped look after Celeste and Kristine. Even did diaper duty and bath times. No. Nothing like what you're thinking. Little poopy butts are a big turn off. Plus, I was more interested in what lay in the pants and panties of some of the girls at school. My goodness! Amber had big bazookas! And Jennifer Schultz had the cutest ass of anyone I had ever seen! (And she wore the tightest jeans that any human could have possibly worn -- any tighter and they would have split or they would have had to have been painted on!)

But all that crashed to a halt when I was 15. I remember walking from the living room, the two girls (about 2 years old) were on the floor playing with something and then the phone rang. Mom picked it up and gasped. I remember that gasp and my blood turning to ice. Janet had just been T-boned at an intersection by a pickup truck. She died instantly.

As soon as mom could, she started the legal papers to make sure that Kristine stayed with us and with her little sister, Celeste. The judge saw no problem with that -- especially since Janet had no close family. So now, I had two little sisters. Both age 2 and born 6 days apart. Oddly enough, I was related to one, but not the other. (Try explaining that one at a party sometime. No? You're right; don't bother.)

The girls grew up close to each other and rather attached to me. I eventually went to college and moved out west with an electrical engineering job. Oh, I made it back home in the mid-west at least once a year -- sometimes twice. But I was a young professional with barely two weeks of vacation time (if I saved it).

I will never forget the phone call I got early one weekday morning in late June. I hadn't left for work yet, but was within minutes of rushing out of the condo. It was Celeste, although I could barely hear what she was saying. Her voice was breaking up with sobs.

"What? What's up, Celeste?"

"Mom," she repeated. "Mom's in the hospital!"

Like a bad nightmare returning, all the memories of that rainy afternoon when Janet died came back, flooding my mind with emotions. "What happened?"

"She was backing out of the driveway and crashed. Krissie and I ran out but she was not responding. I called an ambulance. The doctors think it's a nurism."

"An aneurysm?"


"Where are you now?"

"Mrs. Browne went with us to the hospital."

"I will be there as soon as I can," I said.

Now I had to call work. Oh, geesh! How does anyone do this while being emotionally caught up like that? But I had a great resource at work. There was a lady in HR who knew the ropes of how to call the airlines and getting onboard and getting my vacation and personal leave all squared away.

And I arrived in Des Moines late that night. Then with an hour drive, I was at the hospital just before midnight. I had called ahead to let Mrs. Browne know that I was coming. The girls were slumped over each other on each other on a hospital couch. I sat next to Celeste and hugged her. Kristine looked up and fell across my lap and hugged me. No one said anything and I was a little afraid to ask.

Suddenly there was a touch on my shoulder. I looked up.

"I'm sorry that you had to come all this way under these circumstances, Matt," Mrs. Browne began, her eyes brimming with tears. "But your mom passed away."

We had many rounds of crying and hugging and sorrowful embracing. But after the dust had settled -- and there was a lot of legal papers to deal with -- I was the new, legal guardian of my two 12 year old sisters. Me! I was only 25 and now I had 2 near- teenage girls to take care of. Don't get me wrong: There was NEVER any doubt about me stepping up and taking responsibility. It's just that it was a lot of sudden responsibility. And I really recognized it. I should say that during this time the girls didn't not want to leave my side. Indeed they even crawled into bed with me -- Mom's big ol' queen-sized bed. Nothing sexual -- sheesh! We were far too emotional for anything like that -- yet.

But I was three weeks back in Iowa. My coworkers were really nice and donated hours to my account so I wasn't out too far at all. So after contacting a real estate agent and putting the old home on the market, me and the girls loaded up a U-Haul and said farewell to our home town then left for a cross country trip to California. The girls were excited about staying in motels and eating at restaurants. "And can we try an IHOP too?" Celeste asked.

Now I should say a word or two about the girls. Like I said, they were twelve, but as different as night and day. When I had last seen them the previous Christmas, they were only eleven -- "almost twelve!" Kristine had protested. They were only girls then. But here with me were two girls that stood on the cusp of puberty -- and one had done jumped over the edge! Both were taller than before, but Kristine had become very womanly -- or at least well on her way to being womanly!

She had medium blonde hair that came down the middle of her back, cut and styled with bangs in the front. Her eyes were emerald green; her lashes and eye brows were dark. Her tits had already expanded into what I guessed might have been an A cup at least. Definitely nice handfuls each -- rather like two good sized, fresh peaches hanging waiting to be plucked. Her hips had begun filling out into a nice rounded, womanly curved shape.

Celeste, on the other hand, was taller -- maybe around 5' 4" or 5' 5". She was a good 2 or 3 inches taller than Kristine. But where Kristine had suddenly rushed into puberty with stunning results, Celeste merely grew taller. She was stick straight, no curves, no womanly rounding, no visible tits. Her face was very sweet, set with blazing eyes of blue. Her hair was light blonde, not even shoulder length. She had no bangs.

We left our small Iowan town and made it almost all the way across Nebraska. We stayed at a Holiday Inn, had a lovely dinner at a steak house and went swimming in the pool. I needed the long soak in the pool after the nine hour drive. But I came face to face with just how beautiful my sisters -- now my charges -- were! Both wore one piece suits that were a bit small for them. Small and tight. Kristine's breasts threatened to explode out of their fabric confines. Celeste's suit merely showed her ribs -- each of her thin, lithe ribs -- and a hint of where her nipples were. Both girls' crotches were held snug by the fabric of their suits; so snugly that pussies were boldly outlined. Celeste's pussy seemed to be more strongly outlined with a deep cleft -- there was no hint of pussy bush around her lovely slit. Kristine's pussy had a deep furrow but was not nearly distinct. I was suddenly conscious of a stirring in my groin as ol' Woody wanted to go on another roundup! I took several long, focused swims back and forth across the pool before grabbing my towel and heading in.

I was in the shower when the girls came into the motel room. I suddenly remembered that they were both very comfortable about nudity around family. I'm guessing that it was because it was just Mom and the two girls -- no guys around so there's no need to hide anything. In the weeks after Mom's death, I was surprised several times by copious flashes of girlie flesh. I just knew that they were going to be coming into the bathroom at any moment. I quickly shut the water off and grabbed a towel just as they burst in.

"Hi, Matt," Celeste said, pulling her suit down.

My eyes more than glanced over her torso and saw that while she had no tits yet, her nipples were widening and were a little puffy.

Kristine was right behind her. "Man, with that A/C on it really freezes your suit!" she said with her boobs already hanging out of her top. Lovely! Gravity- defying! Perfect small peach-sized conical expressions of sweet, nearly womanliness! Each topped with nipples that were pebble hard because of the cool A/C.

"It's all yours," I said, motioning to the shower all the while holding onto the towel around my waist. "I'm beat so I'm going to head to bed."

I turned to leave, but not before seeing Celeste's absolutely bare pussy staring right back at me. I felt it staring! I also saw Kristine's bare ass cheeks as she slid her suit the rest of the way off. I was struck with how beautiful my sisters were. And how dangerous of a situation this might turn into.

As they turned the shower on, I quickly dried off in the main room and put on underwear, shorts and a tee shirt. Overkill for sleeping -- at least, that's how it felt to me. Prior to coming out to Iowa that time, I would sleep nude or with loose shorts only; but not with the girls -- and especially not after all I had seen (and thought!). And it was just as well I took extra precautions since the girls again wanted to hold me tightly as we drifted off to sleep. I couldn't believe that somehow I was turned on by two 12 and a half year old girls.

I woke up early the next morning. Or rather my bladder pushed me into a semi-conscious state. As I slowly came back into reality, I took stock of my situation: I was in the middle between two girls; I was on my back; my pecker was piss-hard and tenting my shorts ferociously; I really had to pee. I saw that Celeste, on the side closer to the bathroom, was on her tummy. I figured that would be safer to exit over her without waving my hard-on in her face. I pulled the covers back and almost audibly gasped. Her night shirt had risen up to reveal that she wore no panties. Dang! her buns were cute! Very boyish and narrow, but very cute!

I made it into the bathroom and had to sit and force my pecker into the toilet before it started draining.

It wasn't but a few minutes later that the door opened and Celeste slipped in. She rubbed her eyes and asked, "How far are we going to get today?"

"Don't know. Maybe Utah." I stood up and quickly zipped up.

She pulled her tee shirt up and just sat. Yep, I was right. No panties or nothing down there.

"I suppose that we won't die from T. B. or anything," she deadpanned.

"T. B.?"

"Yeah, tired butt!" She giggled at my reaction. "That's something that Mamma said after a long drive."

I nodded, my heart catching briefly at the mention of Mom. "Perhaps we should take a swim to make sure that we get our wiggles out before we drive again."

She smiled at my reference of another one of Mom's phrases. "I don't know if we'd be able to get Kristine up. She's not a morning person."

"I'm going for a brief swim," I said, grabbing my swim trunks. "It'll help wake me up. Then a good breakfast."

"Sounds good," she said, slipping her tee shirt off. Her chest was so flat. I didn't have a good clue about when girls were supposed to get tits and whatnot. I knew that there was a wide variety of timings, but I was amazed that she was so flat while her sister (a mere 6 days younger, mind you) was positively womanly in her figure.

I purposed not to look at her lest my woody go skyrocketing again.

"Yuck! It's cold and wet!" she exclaimed with a shiver.

"It's working. You're awake already."

"Should I just put Kristine's suit across her face now?" she asked with a glimmer in her eyes.

"Uh, no."

I went to where Kristine still slept and gently nudged her to wake her up. "We're going for a swim before breakfast. You want to come too?"

She open one eye and said, "I'm so sleepy I might drown."

"Come on out when you're ready," I said, giving her a light kiss on her forehead.

Kristine did join us for a brief swim. After cleaning up, we had a nice breakfast (not IHOP yet) then checked out of the motel. But not before I made sure to drain my bladder one last time.

I was standing at the toilet, letting the coffee finish percolating through me when Celeste barged in to use the sink. She stopped and stared at me then said, "That is so cool that you can stand up and do that. That must save a lot of time."

I nodded, flicked the last drop off my dick, then tucked it back in my pants.

"Oh, look at that!" she exclaimed. "You don't even have to take time to wipe. Just shake it off and you're on your way."

"And we should be on our way too," I said.

And then we were on the road before 8:30. Kristine said that was the earliest she had been up and going anywhere on a non-school day since Christmas morning when I was still living at home. That brought a smile to my face remembering how eagerly my little sisters would wake up on Christmas morning.

We stopped for lunch in Cheyenne. I made sure to walk around as well as eat a good meal. I noticed that both girls were really loving the fries and the soda. I reminded them about hours on the open road. "Got it covered, Matt. We just went to the little girl's room," Kristine said.

But it was some place between Laramie and Rawlins that Celeste started wiggling. "Matt, I really gotta go pee. Bad!"

"There's nothing around here," I pointed out.

"Then what do I do?" she bounced up and down on the bench seat.

"We can pull off and you can water the weeds."

Kristine laughed.

The U-Haul was barely stopped when Celeste had the door open and was out beside the truck. I stopped the engine and took a slow look around the truck. There was almost no one on the road. Shoot! Three cars would have been considered a Wyoming traffic jam! I double checked the lock on the back of the truck then came around the passenger side just to check on the girls. I was expecting that they would have been done or at least relatively covered. Boy, was I shocked!

There stood Celeste, her skirt hiked up and her legs spread part and her hips tipped and piss streaming out of her gash. But some also dribbled down along her leg, making her sandals a mess. Kristine looked to be having more success. She had her shorts and panties around her ankles and her piss was streaming out of her pussy lips which she had spread wide with her fingers. I could see that she had a nice start to a healthy bush across the top of her pussy. But a closer looked showed that her panties and shorts were tagged with her urine.

I didn't know what to say. But Celeste saw me before I said anything or even came closer. "Not exactly as easy as I had thought it would be."

"I'll get a towel," I replied.

In a few moments I was back alongside them and they were sponging themselves clean. And I found a skirt for Kristine. A little later, we were back on the road and I still hadn't really said much.

"Matt?" Celeste began. She was in the middle next to me. "I'm sorry. That was my idea and my fault."

"You planned this?"

"Yeah, but maybe not really well planned," she added.

"You're not mad, are you?" Kristine asked.

"Mad? No. Surprised? Yes. But I also have to caution you both. If you want to see if you can pee like a guy, that's okay. But not out in public. What you do in your own room with no one else around is fine, but out in public it can be interpreted wrong and could even get me in trouble."

They were both silent for several moments. "Sorry, Matt," Celeste finally said.

"Yeah, sorry, Matt," Kristine added. "We won't do that again."

I patted both of them on their legs and said, "I love you both. Very much."

Celeste leaned her head on me. I glanced down and saw that she had closed her eyes. The afternoon sun was coming in, warming the cab up. I turned the A/C on high. Kristine aimed the vent on her side toward her. I noticed that her skirt billowed up a little under the air flow.

After a half hour both girls were fast asleep. Celeste's legs were sprawled wide, her skirt riding high up on her thighs. Kristine's skirt had risen up some too giving me more of a view of her tanned and toned thighs. What was I getting into? I thought to myself. What was I going to do?

Chapter 2

We made it to Salt Lake City that night. And the girls got to eat at an IHOP the next morning. I pushed it hard the next day and arrived back in the Sacramento area late the next night. We were all so very tired. All we did was bring some mats and pillows and some clothes into the condo then crash for the night. That was Saturday night so we had all day Sunday to unload before I returned the U-Haul. And I had to be back at work that next morning. I was so pleased to see how much the girls had done by the time I arrived at home. They had rearranged the kitchen and used their own money to buy groceries to cook up a nice dinner.

"You're going to spoil me," I told them as I helped clean up.

"It would be our pleasure," Celeste said.

"You don't have a girlfriend now, do you?" Kristine asked.

"No. Not now."

"Why not?" Celeste asked.

"Just because," I replied. "Haven't found the right woman yet."

I also flinched inwardly recalling how I had just overheard a couple of coworkers talking about me at lunch. One said that by my taking responsibility for my two, near-teen sisters, I was basically off the marriageable market-place. "Now if they were cute little babies, that would be a babe magnet," the other agreed. "But no one wants to put up with the teen years if it's not their own kids." I really hoped that he was wrong.

I worked "9-80s" which meant 9 hour days Monday through Thursday, then 8 hours one Friday and the next Friday was off. This meant a three day weekend every other week. I planned a couple of good events around this with the girls. Since we lived in the foothills near Sacramento that meant that we had a large lake nearby. I had a friend at work that had let me use his speed boat before and he was happy to let me use it again to take the girls water skiing.

It was a beautiful Friday morning that promised to be rather warm. We were out on the Lake by ten. The girls were absolutely enthralled with the boat and the speed and being out on the Lake. After speeding around the Lake for a while, I suggested they try out the skis.

"So you have your swim suits on already?" I asked, knowing full well they had their suits on under their shorts and tee shirts.

They nodded and shed their outer clothes. That's when my eyes popped. They did not wear their one piece suits. No, they had on very skimpy bikinis. Kristine's was a dark red string bikini, her tits swelled and filled her top. Her bottom was a triangle over her pussy and a larger triangle over her butt. Celeste's was dark blue. The bottom was a triangle over her pussy. Her pussy lips were outlined obscenely by the cloth. Her top was flat, covered with small triangles over her non-existent tits.

I must have stared for several long moments before I finally gathered enough wits to say, "Bikinis? When you get those?"

"Mamma bought them for us," Kristine answered.

"She said that Kristine was old enough -- or at least developed enough," Celeste explained. "I protested that I was older so it wouldn't be fair if I wasn't allowed to have a bikini too."

"Don't worry," Kristine laughed, seeing my expression. "Mamma also told us to make sure that we were not with boys our age when we wear them."

"I'm relieved," I dead-panned. "Who wants to ski first?"

"I do," Kristine said.

She put the life jacket on and I tossed the skis into the water. She jumped into the water and came up shrieking. "Wow, it's cold!"

We laughed then I explained how to use the skis. I was going to give her a few practice runs. I figured that she would get up briefly then fall a few times. She gave me the thumbs up and I accelerated. The boat jumped forward and soon she was almost up. She tottered then tripped and fell forward. She came up sputtering and laughing. I brought the boat around and she caught the line to try it again.

"I'm going to hit it a little faster," I said. "You were almost up!"

Sure enough the next time was a charm and she WAS up. For about a half minute. Then she pitched forward and went down with a splash.

This time when I brought the boat around she didn't want the line. Instead she said, "The water took my bikini off!"

OH NO! I was quickly thinking what to do. She still had her shorts lying there in the boat.

"Did you lose them?" Celeste asked.

"Almost. They're hanging around my knees."

"You want to come back in now?" I asked.

"Yes. Let me pull these things back up."

"Do you want to try?" I asked Celeste.

She shook her head. "Maybe not right now."

Probably a good idea. She was so skinny that her bikini bottom fit loosely. If Kristine lost her bottoms, Celeste definitely would! So I suggested we find a quiet cove up one of the far arms of the Lake and just swim around. That worked fine. The girls loved splashing around in the Lake -- and splashing me.

We finally swung up on the boat again and realized that we were very hungry. I also realized that we had been out in the sun for a couple of hours.

"Hey, we better get some more sunscreen on," I said, toweling off.

"Would you help us, Matt?" Celeste asked. "I can never get my back."

"Or the back of your legs," Kristine put in. "Remember that bad burn you got last summer?"

"That was *bad*!" Celeste replied. "I could barely bend my knees it hurt so badly."

"Okay, then, I'll help you," I said, getting the sunscreen out.

Celeste lay down on the back bench and said, "I'm ready."

I began putting the sunscreen on. It was purely business at first. Cover every part of her back and the back of her legs so that she wouldn't burn. Then I began contemplating *what* part of her that I was touching and thinking about how pretty it was and how nice it felt under my fingers. The strap of her bikini top was merely a string. I easily moved it to one side and ran my hand underneath it. I felt each rib under her tan skin. I felt her vertebrae and traced her spine down to her.....Oh no! That's her ass under that thin piece of cloth. My hands skirted around and reapplied lotion to her back.

"Would you make sure that I'm covered all the way to my butt?" Celeste asked. "I don't want to get a burn right at a line where the bikini stops or moves around."

"Okay." I guess that meant that I had to apply more lotion down there too. I put more in my hands then rubbed it into her skin. I made sure to slip my lotion-covered fingers under the waistband of her bikini bottoms. My heart almost stopped as my fingers dipped, momentarily, into her butt crack. I also applied the lotion to the back of her legs and worked it into her thighs right next to where her bikini ended. Yes, I made sure to put some extra there underneath the elastic band. Again my fingers slipped into her butt crack. This time it was the deep forbidden zone near to the back door of her pussy. I was suddenly conscious of my dick tenting my suit.

"My turn," Kristine suddenly said, interrupting my thoughts.

She pushed at Celeste who slowly moved out of the way. Kristine then plopped down in front of me and presented her lovely back and back side for my viewing pleasure -- err, no, for sun screen application. I forced myself to think only of applying the lotion so she wouldn't burn. But that didn't last very long at all. Her skin felt so warm and soft under my fingers. I slipped my hands under her bikini strap and around each side. Her ribs were there, but not nearly as pronounced as Celeste's. She had a lot more womanly padding, softening her form and making her curve in delicate ways. I quickly tried to finish putting the sun screen on her back before I shot my load involuntarily in my shorts. It was hard. Yes, my dick -- but also focusing on the real job of being the nice older brother, loving daddy figure for these girls. I rubbed her shoulders and felt the soft skin slip away down toward her breasts. I quickly moved back away and added more lotion to the small of her small. She flinched slightly before I followed it with the palm of my hands smoothing the sun screen into her skin. I let my fingers slip under the waist band of her bikini bottom. Her ass cheeks were so full and delectable. My fingers lingered slightly along her ass crack. Then I squirted more lotion onto the back of each leg, working it into the back of her knees before massaging it further up her legs. I made sure to carefully work the lotion under the elastic of her leg openings. Her ass formed a deep cleft where it met her leg. Where her ass crack met the back of her pussy, my fingers felt an inviting heat and moistness.

"Well, I'm hungry now," I said, sitting back down. I pulled my towel over my lap to hide Mr. Woody and his antics.

We ate and laughed and it was good to hear my sisters enjoying themselves. After lunch the girls wanted to lay out and work on their tans. I told them that I wanted to be in the shade. I figured out a nice compromise. I moved the boat so that the back, where I would doze off, was in the shadows of the bank. But the bow was in full sun. Celeste and Kristine quickly spread their towels out on the bow. I sat back on the rear bench, then leaned back and closed my eyes. I was asleep soon afterwards.

I suddenly jerked awake and looked around. It had only been twenty or thirty minutes but my sisters were now sunbathing in the nude on the bow of the boat. NUDE! In broad daylight! They were on their tummies, their ass cheeks were there out in the open and their toned legs were spread just enough so.... Oh, sheesh!

"Hey!" I yelled. "That's not a good idea!"

They both looked up very shocked at me.

"Come on, girls. Get covered up!"

"But isn't this California?" Kristine asked.

"Yes, and you're nude and in public! That's still illegal!"

It was then that I noticed that they were only topless. They had their bikini bottoms on still, but they had tucked most of the cloth on the back side into their butt crack making it more of a thong than a bikini. But still!

The girls clamored off the bow and came back to sit near me. I was struck with several things all at once. First, they were just girls. Yes, Kristine had boobs, but they were little girl boobs, if that makes any sense. Their faces were still girl faces -- they hadn't matured and grown out of that cute, teeth a little too large for my face look yet. Second, they were cute. Very cute. The type of cute that I probably would have been interested in if they were in my class in junior high. Third, I was really attracted to how sexy their naked tits looked. Both girls had been in the sun and were warm enough that their nipples were relaxed and their areolas were wide. There was hardly a discernible rise from the areola to the nipple. True, Celeste's tits were non-existent, but her areolas were wide and softened. Kristine's were just beautiful and delectable, like ripe fruit waiting to be picked. Hers did not hang like older, more mature breasts usually do, but rather they stuck straight out like perfectly shaped cones topped with ruby Hershey kisses.

"I think I'm burned," Kristine said, looking at her shoulders.

"Matt would you rub some more lotion on us?" Celeste asked. "I don't want to burn."

Celeste was blonder and a bit fairer in skin color. She would definitely burn before Kristine.

"Okay, girls. Then cover up, okay?"

Celeste quickly lay down on the bench next to me. On her back. Her titless chest staring right up at me, begging me to rub my hands all over her. Dang! Did I say yes? Oops! I guess I did.

I knelt down beside her and squirted a big blop on her belly. She jumped then giggled. I worked it into her skin with both hands. Her skin felt so smooth and taut, each rib was defined, each hip bone stuck out prominently above her bikini bottom, each nipple pointed upwards, hoping and trying to grow taller.

"So water skiing is pretty much out of the question, isn't it?" she asked.

I rubbed more lotion onto her nipples and felt their tiny pokiness press back against my fingers.

"Maybe," I said slowly. I suddenly got a wild and randy idea. "Although there are other things we could try."

"What?" she sat up part way.

Kristine put her hand on my shoulder. "Really?"

Time to put my money where my mouth was. "Well, you could either where the shorts that you started out with," I started.

Kristine shook her head. Celeste wrinkled her nose and added, "You know how weird jean material feels while wet?"

"Or," I went on, "you could hang off the back of this raft."

"What would that do?" Kristine asked.

"Hear me out. It's not skiing, but it's a fast ride through the water hanging off the back of this raft."

"Would that pull our bottoms off faster?" Celeste asked.

"Not if you don't start out with your bottoms on in the first place!"

Both girls looked at me, then at each other. A huge smile spread across both of their faces. "That would be so cool!" Celeste finally said.

"And we'd be below water so no one else would know?"

"No one but you and me," I agreed.

"Yes!" Celeste said, pumping her fists. "But that means that I need sun screen everywhere!"

"Um, you're not going to be out there *THAT* long," I countered, immediately knowing what she was thinking.

"I'm blonde and fair. I don't want to burn," she argued, as she slipped her bikini bottoms right on off her lithe frame.

Good grief! Great Gatsby! Help! My 12 year old sister was completely naked, laying down face up on the bench in front of me AND SHE WANTED ME TO PUT MY HANDS ALL OVER HER! I couldn't say anything. I opened up Pandora's Box by suggesting it, and the girls had rushed in to take advantage of the opportunity. I slowly squirted some more lotion on my hands. My mouth was dry. I mechanically applied the lotion to her belly and further down across her mons veneris. Mechanical, maybe; but my mind was racing and my heart was pumping. My lips were dry and I could only think of how sexy it was that I was rubbing her bare -- not a hair on it -- pussy with my own hands and fingers! I tried to hurry so that I was not just out-and-out masturbating her, but I did linger around her supple pussy lips. They were so springy under my touch. I quickly moved on and put sun screen all over her legs and feet.

"Now the back side," she said flopping over.

From that angle she was no different than a boy her age. Her hips were narrow, her ass cheeks small and well-toned. I began rubbing the lotion onto her shoulders. I moved down her back and over her sides. I felt only ribs that led up to her tits would eventually be. My dick jumped and grew yet again within my shorts. Focus! Focus! I kept telling myself. Quickly I made it down her back; her spine was well defined just as her ribs were. Her ass sloped up and I paused to put more lotion on my hands before continuing. Such small cheeks and so tight and firm. I pressed in along her crack and felt her tiny rose bud under my finger.

I laughed. "The sun's not supposed to shine up there."

Kristine busted up. Celeste turned her head and said, "Oh, so *that's* what that saying means."

I used the little bit of humor to lighten things up and finish up Celeste's sun screening as quick as I could. I swallowed hard realizing that things would be even worse when it was Kristine's turn.

"Okay," I said, patting her rump. "Get your top on as well as a life vest."

I motioned to Kristine who already had everything off. Oh her tits were lovely! She lay face down on the bench and presented me with a very cute ass. That ass was fuller and rounder than her sister's. The crack was deeper. I bit my tongue to refocus my thoughts and began spreading lotion over her shoulders. Her frame was much more rounded and padded than Celeste's was. I could feel ribs under her skin, but I couldn't see them. As I followed the contour of her back around the sides, I had the delightful surprise of feeling her tits -- the puffy mounds that grew out of her front pushed to either side by laying on them.

I glanced to one side and saw Celeste just sitting there watching us. Sitting there with her bikini top and life vest but nothing else. Again I was flashed by her cute but bare pussy. "How do nudists do this?" I thought to myself. "Either their libido up and left them, or they hang out with others who are ugly?" I had no idea because at that moment, my dick was threatening to rip through my shorts and "carpe diem" as they say.

I finished up Kristine's back side, but not before delving my hands into her ass and tracing that beautiful line of her crack. Her crack was deeper and her cheeks fuller so I didn't feel bottom, as it were. I know I was close to her sphincter though since she flinched and tightened her muscles right at that point. Her thighs were fuller than Celeste's but they were not fat -- just more feminine.

"Front side?" I said, patting her ass cheeks.

She rolled over and I bit the sides of my cheeks to keep from leaning down and biting her tits. Geesh! I mean, WOW! Perky, pointing up, capped by perfect little nipples what's not to love in a breast like that? They were each so soft and supple under my gentle rubbing. She reacted with a small gasp when I pinched and rolled her nipples between my fingers. I found out she was suddenly very ticklish on her belly so I moved post haste to her groin region.

Her pussy mound was covered with a moderate spattering of curly hairs, the sides of her pussy lips were more sparsely covered. I noticed a sheen around the lower opening of her pussy and a clumping of white stuff. She was getting turned on! I poured more lotion in my hands then applied it to her pussy mound. To keep from pulling her hairs, I carefully followed their natural direction and worked it in along the creases between her legs and crotch. Her outer pussy lips were so full, almost as if they were becoming engorged by being turned on. I allowed myself a little diversion as I finished her pussy by pulling my hands up from her ass crack toward her mound along the crest of her pussy lips. One hand on each side. One finger from each hand trailed along in her slick crack, feeling every little fold and nuance of her inner lips that were hiding just below the surface.

I took a deep breath then finished putting the sun screen on her legs. "There you go! Top on, life vest on and then we'll have you two go one at a time so that you know how it works."

Ideally I needed another set of eyes, but for a raft pull, I felt comfortable with them both in the water and me watching constantly. But I wanted them to get comfortable with it before I tried that.

And they got the hang of it easily. First Celeste had a couple of wild rides, then Kristine. Finally I let them both try it out together. And while they were both over the side of the boat, I whipped my aching dick out of the confines of my shorts and tugged and pulled till it splattered white frothy cum all over my tee shirt. (I washed it out first chance I got.)

It was finally time to go pack it in. I had joined them in the water briefly just to cool off and to finish cooling off ol' Woody. I had the add bonus of watching their cute little rears climb up out of the water and disappear over the edge of the boat. My cock leaped forward in happy response. I thus had to wait a while before I climbed up and out.

We motored back to the dock, put the boat away and carried our stuff out. It was a bit of a walk back up to where we parked and I took the ice chest and the girls took the food basket and stuff. I caught myself again thinking just how cute they looked in their bikinis and sandals. They ran on ahead up a little path in between oak trees and brush. I reached the parking lot and was coming from around a tall stand of brush when I heard their voices. Not happy or excited voices -- rather scared and weirded out sort of voices.

"No, not interested!" That was Kristine's voice.

What in the world was going on? I spied them about twenty yards ahead of me and an older guy -- a bum, really -- was talking with them. I hurried over to them as quickly as lugging an ice chest would let me.

"Can I help you?" I asked loudly, inserting myself into the conversation.

"No, no," he said and backed away. "I was just asking if they needed help. That's all."

As he left, Kristine and Celeste both crowded next to me. Celeste actually shivered slightly in spite of the heat of the day. "That was weird!" she finally said under her breath.

"He was weird!" Kristine replied.

We were at my truck by that point. I set the ice chest in the back and asked, "What was that all about?"

"Matt, we were just walking along," Kristine began.

"We were talking about our tan lines," Celeste interrupted.

"I had just pointed at my bikini waist band when Weirdo asked if we needed any help." Kristine finished.

"We didn't know what he was talking about," Celeste went on, "So he said, 'I can help you look in there for whatever you've lost. I'm sure I could find it.' And then he started laughing all weird and everything."

I hugged both of them close to me and realized that this was the first time either of them had any unwanted sexual advance pushed onto them. It had to be strange and disconcerting. I glanced across the parking lot and saw a tall, healthy and thick stand of poison oak over by the path where we had come up.

"Girls?" I began. "How did you get up to the parking lot so much faster than I did?"

"Took a short cut," Celeste answered.

"Where?" I asked.

"Right up between those bushes," Kristine replied.

"Oh, no!" My fears were realized. "Those bushes are poison oak!" I had a case of poison oak the previous Spring. It was not fun. And my sisters had walked up by those bushes wearing only bikinis. They would die if they caught it that bad! Perhaps I was overplaying my fears but I really didn't want them to see them with a full blown case of poison oak.

I probably did overstate the seriousness -- and I was probably gruffer than I should have been. But I was scared for them. Those bushes of poison oak that they had walked next to and in between were towering huge bushes!

The girls were silent the whole ride home. Scared of what poison oak would do -- and most likely, scared of how serious I had become. By the time we arrived home, I also began to realize that they were also scared from the unwanted perv talking to them -- and then I turn up the scare factor with my poison oak alert.

"I'm sorry for making it sound so bad," I finally said. "Poison oak *can* be bad and I don't want you to experience that."

"What are we going to do?" Kristine said softly.

"I have some soap that cuts through the poison oak oils and does a good job of keeping you from getting a full blown case of it. And we're going to wash everything right away to keep from spreading it. So... on the way in, drop all your clothes and towels in the laundry room, then head for the bathtub. I'll get the soap."

It was a bit of a slow motion dash unloading the pickup and running upstairs. Once inside, the girls stripped and left their stuff by the washing machine. I dug around on the shelves till I found the special soap. I purchased it after my run in with poison oak. I heard the water running. I tossed all but my shorts in the washer then headed up to give the soap to the girls. I had every intention of dropping it off and leaving. Seriously. I mean, I had already pushed the envelope way too far that day with being the touchy- feely-while-they're-nude sort of guy.

I knock on their bathroom door, then opened it. The shower was running and they were in the shower, but not much was happening. The shower was a tub/shower sort of thing. It could be a tub, or turning the faucet, it could be a shower. Thus it had enough room for two to stand in the shower at once.

"Here's the soap," I said, handing it in to the closest girl.

Kristine took it but just looked at me. Celeste gave me a pitiful look too.

"The quicker you wash it off the better chance you have of not getting the itchies," I said.

"How?" Kristine said finally.

"Just scrub it hard," I answered.

"Do we have to touch it?" she whined.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I don't want to touch it and get it worse," she replied.

"I'm not touching her either," Celeste added.

"Come on," I pleaded. "You have to hurry."

The water kept splashing around and they looked at me with pitiful eyes. My heart melted again. They were only kids -- little girls, really. Only 12 years old and they'd been through a lot already: in addition to Mom dying, now a verbal sexual advance and a brush with poison oak and a brother who got overly gruff.

"It's been a rough afternoon," I said. "Do you need some help?"

Both girls nodded and I found myself again ready to rub down two nearly teenage girls' bodies. I was much more methodical about the process this time. I concentrated on their arms, shoulders and backs. Their tits, crotches and asses were covered with cloth -- scanty cloth, 'tis true -- but covered nonetheless. It still gave me a lot of time to see their beautiful bodies glistening in the shower water. After finishing one girl's upper body, I turned to clean the other. Quickly! I told myself. Must get the poison oak off. I also talked out loud my rationale for cleaning them quickly. Both girls were still rather quiet.

This whole time, I had been standing just outside the shower with the shower door partly open. I was at the back of the tub-shower so I soaped one girl up, scrubbed her skin with the soap and a washcloth then sent her in to rinse off.

Now it was time to scrub their hips and legs. I knelt down on a towel and began soaping up Kristine's hips. She turned and I was face-to-muff with her cute little pussy. My cock surged again in my shorts -- I had been real good up to that point. The water had matted her sparse bush and parted the hairs so that they went on either side of her pussy slit. As I scrubbed her thighs, she spread her legs along me room to wash in between her legs. That action opened up her outer pussy lips to reveal the wrinkly inner lips and the clitoral hood that seemed to point right at me, beckoning. My dick was quivering excitedly. I leaned against the side of the tub and found that it added to the stimulation. I re-focused and kept scrubbing. "Almost done," I told myself. I gently turned her around and now her butt stared right back at my face. She leaned against the shower wall as I pressed hard into her legs to finish scrubbing. I could see right into her butt crack -- the tiny anal ring, the back edge of her pussy where her inner lips spilled out. She had no dark hairs growing back there yet -- at least that I could see.

I patted her leg and said, "All done. Rinse off now."

She moved and Celeste took her place in front of me. Celeste turned so her pussy was pointed right at my face -- mere inches away. Her lovely, bare, not a bit of dark, wiry hair or bush on it pussy. And she had planted her feet so that her legs were wide apart. That caused her pussy lips to open up, revealing the slender inner lips and pointy clitoral hood. My dick spasmed with joy at the sight of such beauty. I pressed in hard against the tub edge to keep from shooting my load right there.

I tried hard to focus on soaping up the washcloth and scrubbing her thighs. But she lost her balance and stepped forward and caught her balance on my head and shoulder. That left her pussy right next to my face. Amidst the soap I smelled her scent. It was all I could do to keep from licking that wet slit right then and there. But then she straightened up, giggled and I continued scrubbing her legs.

I turned her to finish up the back side of her legs and caught my breath as she planted her legs apart and leaned against the shower wall. Her ass crack was wide open and her pussy was very visible from underneath. I was nearly losing it. My dick was a steel rod that quivered within my shorts. If I didn't press against the tub side, I would certainly spurt my cum. But pressing against the tub side added more pressure and stimulation in addition to the visual display.

I patted her hips and said with a very strained voice, "All done. You can rinse off now."

Celeste turned around, bent over and kissed my cheek. My dick unleashed torrents of cum. I tried to cover it by pretending to rinse out the washcloth, but I had no control over my voice and I sure didn't trust it enough to use it. And now I had a huge, growing wet spot on my front. The only thing I could do was scoop up some of the water and splash it all over Kristine then Celeste. It worked. They shrieked and laughed then splashed me back with a lot of water. I was soaked. The wet spot was covered.

"Wash your hair too," I finally said, standing up and grabbing the towel I was kneeling on.

I quickly left and went to my bathroom and pumped my still turgid dick till it spewed another load of white jism into the sink. "What had I gotten into?" I wondered as I began my own shower.

Chapter 3

Believe it or not, things did not progress out of control from that point. The girls were still somewhat free about parading around the condo in their underwear, but that was so much more cover than the nude display that they gave me. And gave me twice, up close, personal, with my hands all over their bodies. No, my dick was not always rock solid. It was usually semi-hard, and I got in the habit of wearing briefs that would hold my cock tight against my body instead of boxer shorts or something that would allow it to be loose and floppy and easily expanding into the "Tent of Mischief"!

The girls did enlist my help after their showers. They wanted me to brush and comb their hair "just like Mamma used to do." Oh, break my heart, will ya'? Seriously. So after their baths or showers, they would come out to the den, and sit in front of me, in between my legs, and I would brush their hair.

It was early on while I was combing Celeste's hair that she declared, "I should really let my hair grow longer."

"Why so, sis?" Kristine asked.

"Then Matt would have to spend longer brushing it."

That brought a laugh from both of them.

I only rolled my eyes. I did enjoy being with them. And since it was still summer and quite warm, they would come down wearing only their panties and a towel. Sometimes just a towel. The visual perks for this job were very, very rewarding!

"Say," Kristine suddenly said. "Matt is more than a brother to us, isn't he?"

Celeste nodded.

"But he's not really a father," Kristine went on. "But shouldn't he have a special title?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, wondering where this would end up.

"Oh, something like a brother plus a father," Kristine explained.

"Oh, like a Brather?" Celeste laughed.

"Or a Dather?"

"No, no, a Brody!" Celeste said, almost jumping up and down on the stool in front of me. She turned to look at me and said with a huge smile, "You're our Brody! Our brother and our daddy all rolled up in one."

"Yes!" Kristine agreed. "That's perfect!"

I thought about it for a few moments then smiled. "I like that. But does that make you my daugh-sters?"

"Eww, no!" they both wrinkled their noses and laughed.

Celeste turned back around, pressing her naked top into me, and gave me a big hug. "No, Brody, I'm your Celeste, and this is your Kristine. That's about as special as it gets."

Their school started up mid-August but we still had the Labor Day weekend to "go do something." So I took them out to a great swimming hole up on the American River. Very few people went there and it was a little bit of a drive. I was going to have the girls bring their one piece suits, but they pointed out that those were hopelessly small. I thought back to the drive across the country when I first saw them in those suits. Yep! They were poured in and the girls probably both had grown since that time.

We got to the wide spot on the road where I parked the truck. We picked up our small backpacks and began the hike down to the river. The swimming hole was another half mile or more further upstream. It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining brightly, the temperature was in the 90s and the water was cool since it had been a good snow pack from the previous winter. I warm the girls about how cold the water could be and promptly got splashed by Kristine.

We had walked in several hundred yards when I picked up a good sized stick and broke the tip off by jumping on it to make it a little smaller. Just right for a walking stick.

"Hey, could you make me one?" Celeste asked.

She handed a good sized branch to me and I placed it against a rock and tried to snap it to make it smaller. I just bounced off.

"Okay, I got it this time," I laughed and replaced the stick.

I took a running start then jumped on it with both feet. This may not have been my brightest moment. The stick did break, but I had a lot of momentum. As the stick broke, my foot kept on going and impelled itself on a piece of wood that was underneath it. I was only wearing tennis shoes so the sharp bit of wood easily went up through my instep. At the same time part of the stick that snapped twisted back and gouged the inner part of my thigh. That's right, boys and girls: I was only wearing short pants. I had a major laceration, a major, deep cut with a weird flap of skin hanging off at an awkward angle.

I crumpled over in pain and shock. Both girls ran over to me and I remember someone crying out, "Oh, Matt!" I was bleeding from the lacerations on my inner thigh as well as the impelled stick in my foot. I tried to take the stick out of my foot and nearly passed out from the pain.

"This isn't working," Celeste suddenly said.

I distinctly remember the tone in her voice changed and she just took charge. Just as well as I was starting to fade in and out.

"We have to get him up to the truck and then down to a hospital," she went on. "And I'd rather do it while he can still help us a little."

"How we gonna do that?" Kristine asked. I remember hearing the fear in her voice.

"One step at a time."

Somehow they got me back up the hill and then they laid me in the back of the pickup. I was still bleeding fairly strongly out of my foot. I remember the girls taking my knife and pealing my shoe and sock off my foot then wrapping it with strips of cloth. I had no idea at that time where the cloth came from. I just remember laying my head on Kristine's lap and her holding a drink for me. (You know how hard it is to drink while laying down?!) I was still bleeding from the lacerations on my thigh, but not as bad. Kristine applied a compress there and then I vaguely remember we started moving. I looked up at her and she whispered, "It'll be okay. Just close your eyes and save your strength." She was only wearing her bikini top. I was pretty sure she still had on her shorts, but why was her shirt off? I remember a couple of bad jerks and her leaning over me to hold me and her chest pressed down into my face. Her lovely, cushy, spring 12 year old tits -- covered only by thin fabric -- pressing into my face. I didn't mind really, but I remember thinking that somehow that was not the way that it was supposed to be. She sat back up and I gazed up at the underside of her boobs and her distinct cleavage before I drifted off to sleep again.

It was some time later that I felt a big bump and Kristine gasped. I started awake and realized that we were in motion. I couldn't imagine how so I grasped her arm and said in a sudden, alarmed voice, "The truck is moving!"

She patted my hand then wiped my cheek and forehead. "It's okay. I think we're almost there."

"Almost where?" I asked.

"At the hospital."

I couldn't make the calculations then. I was far too out of it. But that had to be a twenty or thirty minute drive up and out of the ravine up to the top and into Auburn and then to find the hospital. And I was still missing something from the puzzle, but I was too addled to figure out what. But who was driving the pickup?

"We're here," Kristine suddenly said.

I heard another voice yell, "Hey! We need a gurney over here stat!" The voice sounded very familiar. I tried to sit up, but Kristine held me tightly. Suddenly there were several nurses around me and I was lifted onto a gurney and wheeled into the emergency room.

About ten or fifteen minutes later as I was being prepped for surgery, the nurse asked me, "Your children out there did a good job of helping you."

"My sisters," I replied.

She looked at me funny then repeated, "Sisters?"

"Yes. Weren't there two of them?" I was suddenly worried that Celeste was left behind since I had only seen Kristine during the whole transit.

"There were two," she said strangely then hurriedly left the room.

A couple of minutes later she had returned with Celeste and Kristine in tow. Celeste wore a doctor's scrub-green top and a bit of an embarrassed look. Kristine looked relieved and pleased all at the same time. She too had a doctor's green scrub top.

"My apologies," the nurse said to me. "There were two. But I was confused since this one," she pointed at Celeste, "was shirtless and sitting in the driver's seat looking every bit as confident as a young teenage boy."

"Shirtless?" I asked.

"You needed bandages," Celeste replied.

"What about your bikini?"

"You needed a lot of bandages. We took what we had -- even Kristine's. Shoot, we even used your shirt too."

The nurse laughed then said, "That explains why that was wrapped around his leg!"

"Wait a moment," I said, just finally processing what the nurse said. "You were in the driver's seat?"

"Brody, there was no one else," Celeste answered. "I was tallest and I reached the pedals. I'm just glad that your truck wasn't stick."

"You drove me to the hospital?" I asked, hardly believing.

"Did a good job too," the nurse replied. "The pickup still looks in good condition."

I lay back and closed my eyes. I could not fathom how this 12 year old had navigated the pickup up those narrow roads and into the city streets. I also couldn't imagine how she would willingly go topless in public just because I needed bandages. I was hoping that she wasn't embarrassed by being thought a boy.

"Your sisters really saved your bacon," the nurse said, breaking through my thoughts. She turned to my sisters and said, "He'll be in surgery for a little while then you can come talk with him again."

I caught Celeste's hand. "Thank you."

She smiled. Kristine grasped my other hand and squeezed.

"And thank you too," I whispered.

The nurse placed something over my face and the next thing I remembered was waking up in a different room with Celeste and Kristine on either side of me. The doctor came in and told me just how lucky I was that I hadn't done much more damage than ripping my foot up, breaking a small bone in the instep but I had missed the major nerves and arteries in the foot as well as the major vessels in my thigh.

He was just starting to talk about the need for my staying overnight when the nurse who was in ER with me popped into the room. "Dr. Andersen," she said, "if I may, I'd like to point out that his two sister were the ones who brought him in and that they have no one to look out for them if he is to stay here overnight."

He looked over his glasses at my sisters then said, "You brought your brother in?"

"Yes, sir," Celeste replied. "I drove and she sat in the back keeping him secure."

"You drove him?" The doctor was obviously surprised.

"And not only that," the nurse put in, "did you see the impromptu bandages and braces that they had?"

"I am impressed," the doctor said. "Where did you learn first aid like that?"

"Our mom had us take a summer class last year," Kristine said.

"Really!" The doctor looked again at my charts then said to the nurse, "He probably could go home but he cannot drive. These don't look old enough to drive either."

"They're not," she agreed. "But a couple of the other nurses and I have a plan."

"A plan?" he chuckled. "Is that allowed?"

"Yes, because we're off our shifts now." She looked at me then said, "We are so impressed by what your sisters did for you that we want to help you out and make sure that you get back home and set up with the least amount of problems."

I looked at her and tried to say something.

"Don't worry about it. We'll take your truck home as well as the three of you. You'll be fine. Wouldn't you think, Dr. Andersen?"

"I was going to order an explanation of how to dress and care for the wounds, but if you and the other nurses were willing to show that," he paused then looked back and forth between me and my sisters. "Then, I would be happy to sign off on his release tonight."

It was still another hour before I was released, and it was only as I was being wheeled out to the nurse's car that I found out just how late it was -- after 10 pm! The nurse, a no-nonsense sort of late 40-ish woman, told us her name was Mary. Two of her colleagues had agreed to help out too. They ferried me, the girls and my pickup back to my condo, then help Kristine and Celeste set me up on the couch in the den. There was no way that I wanted to try climbing the stairs. They showed the girls how to change the bandages, what to watch out for and gave them explicit instructions that I was not to be left alone for the first couple of days. "No, young man -- not even when you go pee. We don't want you tipping over. Your pain meds are pretty strong."

I was to be off the strong pain meds after a day -- switching over to ibuprofen with the antibiotics. That meant that if the pain wasn't too bad, I could go to work by Wednesday.

"You're serious?" nurse Mary asked.

"Quite. I have next to no time off."

"What have you been doing with your life?" she laughed at me.

Celeste quickly stuck up for me, "He used it all up when Mamma died and he brought us out to California."

Mary was quiet for a few moments. "That puts a different spin on things. I think I understand why your sisters love you so much and have done so much for you already." She patted my shoulder and pulled the blanket over me. "Get some sleep. I think you're going to be just fine. You're in real good hands here."

Celeste sat next to me on the floor. "I'll take the first watch."

Mary smiled and nodded to the other nurses. Kristine showed them to the door. I was nearly asleep by the time Kristine came back. I remember Celeste asking Kristine to wait a few moments and she would go get her stuff for the night.

I heard voices a little later and figured it was Celeste and Kristine saying good night. Someone kissed my forehead. I looked up and saw Kristine.

"Good night, Brody. You really had us scared."

I reached out to pat her leg and found bare skin. I wasn't certain what part of her I had touched.

A moment later I felt a second kiss. I looked up and Celeste's face was inches away from mine. "I'm going to be sleeping right here next to you on the floor," she said. "If you need anything, just let me know."

"On the floor?" I weakly began. "That seems so wrong."

"Don't worry about me. The floor is carpeted and I have several layers of blankets. You're in more pain than I'll be."

She laid her head lightly across my chest and cradled my cheek in one of her hands. "I'm so glad that you're okay now. You looked real bad off for a while."

I smiled at her and placed one hand on her head. "You drove the truck the whole way?"

She gave a half laugh. "I did. Although I might have lost a few points as I was starting out."

"Did you hit anything?"

"No. Almost did. And went off the pavement several times."

"You did fine." I was quiet for a few moments then remembered to ask, "Were you embarrassed that the nurse thought you were a boy?"

"Maybe a little," she said softly. She rubbed my stubble lightly with her fingers.

"I don't think that they were expecting a 12 year old to come driving in and be shirtless. It made more sense in their minds to interpret it as a teenage boy -- not a girl.

"I will get tits, won't I?"

"Yes, you will, Celeste." I stroked her hair. "And even if you don't, you and Kristine will always be the cutest girls in my book!"

"Aw, Brody!" She reached up and gave me a big kiss. "You say the nicest things just as if you really were our daddy."

"Just the facts, ma'am."

A few minutes later I was asleep again. Sometime after that I vaguely remember a weight lifting from my chest as Celeste left for her spot on the floor. I slept soundly and dreamlessly, waking only when I changed positions and the pain of one of my wounds got to me.

Chapter 4

It was the next morning that the magnitude of my injuries came into sharper focus. I'm sure some of it was the pain meds wearing off, some of it was the day after ALWAYS is more painful, but some of it was the embarrassment of having to let one of the girls (or both) help me even to use the john. I had a walking boot on my bad foot -- the left -- and a crutch to help, but I still needed someone to spot me lest I get too tipsy.

"The nurse said that I have to stay with you," Celeste pointed out as I reached the downstairs toilet. I was standing there in a tee shirt and short pants. I suddenly became aware that I had no underwear on underneath. I stood there trying to think of what the best course of action was.

"Brody, it's not as though we don't know what you look like. And you've seen us too. So just deal with it and do your potty thing."

She was so matter-of-fact and take-charge when the situation required it. And there really was no alternative. I pulled my shorts down and winced at bending the wound. Then I sat on the toilet and looked up at Celeste. She stood there, leaning against the door frame.

"You know the reason why I hesitated?" I asked as the piss began streaming out.

She shook her head.

"Propriety," I answered. "What would others think and could I get in trouble because of this?"

"I don't think so," she replied. "It was pretty much the nurse's orders."

"Exactly. But if the nurse hadn't said that, then I might not have been as easily excused."

She watched me for a few moments then said, "All because it's so weird if a man does something with an under aged girl?"


"Weird." She helped me back to my feet then pulled my shorts up for me. The waistband caught on my scrotum and she nervously laughed. "I don't think that I've ever had something in the way of pulling up my pants before." She pulled it out over my equipment then fastened the button and zipped me up. "I think it would be easier if you had something like sweat shorts. We'll change you later."

"Maybe after I get a bath or something," I said.

"No baths for at least two weeks. Doctor's orders."

"Oh, right." That prospect really dampened my outlook.

"Sponge baths are okay. Kristine and I will figure out how to get you freshened up, okay?"

I leaned on her and hobbled with the crutch. "You're okay, you know that Celeste?"

"You are too, Brody. We'll get you well as soon as possible."

I was utterly worn out by the time I lay back on my couch-bed. Celeste took her job of not letting me out of her sight very seriously and waited until Kristine ambled downstairs before she ran for the bathroom to pee. I wasn't asleep, but it took too much energy to sit up. Kristine sat by me and held my hand. Celeste returned and filled her in on everything that had happened and announced that she was going to make some breakfast. "We'll go easy for you, Brody. A little toast and apple juice and we'll see how that settles."

I was so hungry, but I submitted to her food regime. Just as well. After the third piece of toast, my stomach began playing tricks on me. The girls insisted that I take a nap. When I woke up Kristine asked, "Feeling better?"

"Surprisingly, yes."

"Then maybe we should try a little sponge off and change your bandages. Celeste mentioned that you would be more comfortable in your sweat shorts."

I think I blushed.

"Don't worry about it, Brody. You need our help. We're here to help." She took my hand and squeeze it.

"Kristine, it's like I told Celeste. This is very weird and potentially very awkward because of what society thinks."

"I know. She told me. But you don't have to worry. We won't tell anyone."

"Thank you, dear. You will be sensitive and help me because this is so potentially awkward?"

She kiss my cheek then said, "Most certainly."

Celeste appeared with a basin, a towel and a washcloth as well as a change of clothes.

"Can we take this in steps?" I asked, feeling very apprehensive.

"Such as?" Kristine asked.

"Oh, I know. Just wash part at a time and then recover him. Right, Brody?" Celeste set the basin down next to the couch and left the towel draped over her shoulder.

"That might work," I agreed.

They helped me to a sitting position then eased my shirt off. So far it didn't seem too bad. Celeste carefully used one washcloth with a little soap then Kristine took the second one that was damp to finish rinsing me. They dried my top off and slipped a new shirt over me.

"I must admit, it feels good to be clean and in something that doesn't smell."

"Then you'll love the finished product," Celeste replied. "Let's take your shorts off."

Okay. Here was the moment of truth. What would Mr. Woody do? So far he was on his best behavior. So far he had not shown up at all. I leaned on Kristine as Celeste undid the button and zipper then slipped my shorts down. She was careful not to catch the waistband on any extraneous appendages nor on the bandages along my thigh. Now I was sitting in a tee shirt with my privates blowing in the breeze.

Kristine said, "We should change the bandage too."

Celeste nodded and began to pull the bandages off. That was painful. I *hate* the tape pulling on all my little hairs. I suppose the up side to it was that I was so focused on the bandage removal that I had no thought of sensuality at all.

I finally saw just how long and deep the gash was. "Wow," I muttered. "That's ugly!"

"It'll leave a cool scar that you'll be able to show someone someday," Kristine replied with a little laugh.

"I'll get the fresh bandage," Celeste said, quickly leaving the room. In a moment she was back with gauze and medicine and tape.

Kristine carefully wiped all around the sutures with the soapy washcloth then wiped with the fresh rinse. Celeste dabbed my thigh dry. The girls then turned their attention to rebandaging my wound and in short order I had a fresh bandage over the sutures. Then Celeste picked up the soapy washcloth and began wiping around my privates. Suddenly I felt awkward and weird.

"Be careful, dear," I whispered.

"I will," she replied softly.

First one side of my scrotum then the other. Then she lifted my dick in her hand and wrapped it in the washcloth and gently pulled it through. I could not believe the thoughts that were going through my head. Thoughts of "Wow, that feels great!" and "Oh, my goodness! She's touching my dick!" as well as "If only that was her vagina that my dick was rubbing against!" And yes, my dick did inflate. Not all the way, but enough that we both noticed it.

"Wow, it's changing!" she whispered.

"It does that. Sometimes without warning," I replied hardly willing to make eye contact with her.

"I saw it!" Kristine added. "It almost doubled in size while I was watching!"

"And the more you focus and touch it, the more it might respond. And that's not a good thing," I answered, seriously hoping that we could keep this thing legal.

Celeste nodded and quietly said, "Okay." Then she wiped my scrotum and the line leading to my ass. Kristine followed with her fresh water rinse. It was cool and help defuse the excitement that Mr. Woody thought he should be feeling. The girls quickly worked down my legs and carefully cleaned in between each toe. On the other foot, they carefully removed the bandages and for the first time I saw the damage that the stick did. Ugly, bruised, jagged sutures on my instep and a nice matching (albeit tinier) wound on the top of my foot. I grew a bit woozy just looking at it. Fortunately the girls were naturals when it came to nursing. The bandages were back on and my socks gently pulled up over the whole mess. They left the walking boot off for the time being.

"We need to clean the other side," Kristine said. "Could you lie face down now?"

That wasn't as potentially embarrassing so I readily leaned back then rolled over. Although rolling over did take quiet some effort.

They started at my toes and soles of my feet and slowly worked their way back up. It was delicious anticipation as they slowly approached my ass and then finally wiped within my ass crack and rinsed it with the second swipe. Mr. Woody totally approved of their technique and erupted in an ecstatic display of whoopee!

But the sponge bath was over.

"You can roll back over, Brody," Kristine said, gently pulling on my shoulders.

"What if I just stay here?" I replied.

"You need your shorts on," Celeste answered.

"Oh, fine." I started turning and they helped me. My thigh was still throbbing something horribly and very tender to the touch. That did take some of the turgor out of my cock.

Once on my back they saw my inflated dick but purposed not to say anything. I almost wished that they *had* spoken about it. It felt so weird having it all turgid and erect but the girls not saying anything.

After I was outfitted with new shorts, Celeste asked, "Do you want something more to eat? Or would you like to rest?"

"Both," I answered.

"We can do that," Kristine laughed. "I'll get a toasted cheese sandwich for you."

"That sounds so good!"

As Kristine went into the kitchen, Celeste whispered to me as placed her hand on my arm, "I'm sorry that we embarrassed you. It had to be done."

"I know," I replied. "But I wasn't embarrassed as much as weirded out."

"What do you mean?" She asked. "You thing was suddenly very rigid."

"I know. That's not embarrassment. Although I might be embarrassed because of it. That it just something that a guy's dick does. It gets stimulated and suddenly it inflates."

"Oh," she thought for a few moments then asked, "So sometimes it's all rigid like that when it is sexually excited?"

"Yes. And sometimes only when it is mechanically stimulated." I was in a hurry to explain.

After the sandwich, I rested well into the afternoon. Celeste and Kristine took turns watching over me. I was determined to get off the strong pain medicine since it really messed with my head and made me loopy.

Dinner for me was Jello and a baked potato. I begged for some of the girls' hamburgers and they let me have one after I proved that I wasn't going to get nauseous or anything. After dinner I still wasn't focusing all that well, but I knew that the girls needed a diversion -- shoot! I needed one too! I sent Kristine off around the block to pick up a video to watch. She returned a little later with "The Princess Bride." It actually held my attention and was fairly funny (perhaps due to the pain meds).

After it was over, Celeste said, "We should change your bandages one more time tonight."

I looked her in the eye and said, "As you wish."

Both girls' faces lit up in huge smiles at that. "And we love you too," Kristine answered, giving me a big hug.

"So, Brody," Celeste began as she started removing my bandages. "How are you supposed to know if it is 'True Love' or not?"

I chuckled. "That's just movie-talk."

"Mamma said that she and her first husband -- you know, your dad -- had it."

I thought about that for a few moments. "Yeah, I'll give you that. But the second one was decidedly not." That lay there like a dud for several awkward moments before I added, "The only thing good that came out of it was you two. And I mean it."

Kristine giggled and quoted the movie, "Anyone want a peanut?"

Celeste and I both laughed.

"That's what's so great about you, Brody," Celeste went on. "You know exactly what to say to make us feel good and accepted."

"I'm only saying what the truth is," I replied. "It's easier that way."

Both girls gave me a sweet, endearing kiss like a father might receive from his daughters. I was so happy that the girls were living with me. We needed each other. We really were the only family that any of us had left.

Now my accident was on my normal Friday off. This first day at home was a Saturday which meant that I still had Sunday and Labor Day Monday to recuperate. I drifted off to sleep and had strange dreams about work and trying to explain what happened and not being able to climb the stairs to my cubicle and the boss standing there with his finger tapping his wrist watch.

Suddenly I was awakened by Kristine gently shaking my shoulders. "Brody, are you okay?"


"You were moaning something awful. Are you okay?"

I thought about it for a moment then replied, "That was my dream. I guess I was having a bit of a nightmare."

"Want to tell me about it?" She pulled her blanket over her and leaned on my chest.

I smiled in the dark because that is something that Mom used to do anytime one of us had a bad dream. "Tell me about it," she would say. "Once you get it out so others can see it, it's not nearly as bad. Sometimes you can actually laugh at it."

"Yeah, maybe so." And as I explained my dream, I became very aware of her tits pressing against the side of my rib cage. And as I noticed that, my dick began to get a little happy too. Shoot in those loose sweat shorts I had on, there was LOTS of room for him to grow and be happy! I was suddenly wishing that I had a little more "alone time" so that I could let Mr. Woody go on a small date with Rosy Palm. This was going to be awkward if my randiness kept showing up.

I placed one hand over Kristine's back and lightly rubbed. Yikes! She had no bra on either. Not that she wore one often when at home but in my state of heightened sexual awareness, it was an additional excitement.

"How's your thigh doing?" she asked. I believe she meant to touch my hip and pat it as she referenced my wounds, but instead, she placed her hand right on my very erect dick. She hesitated, felt it again with a little squeeze then pulled her hand back. "Oh, my, I'm sorry," she giggled nervously.

"You did nothing wrong," I said, patting her back. "If you're going to be a nurse, you have to understand that your patient will have all sorts of reactions and physical states."

"So that thing just randomly gets hard?"

"Sometimes. Usually it is because of something."

"Like what?" She still had her head on my chest and her tits were still pressing into my ribs.

"You know the more common items such as sex or imagining something sexual or looking at something sexy."

"That wasn't happening *now* was it?" Her voice had an edge to it.

"Not at all. There are other things such as something rubbed up against it, or somehow it decides to get erect during a dream -- and the dream may have nothing to do with sex -- or like right now, I have to go pee, but squeezing my muscles to keep from peeing is very similar to the muscles that squeeze to make the dick inflate. That's why guys often will wake up in the morning with a hard dick."

"So you gotta go pee now?" She sat up.

"Yeah. But it's awkward since my dick is all hard, that means that I won't be able to take a leak until it deflates. So this may take some time."

"As you wish," she replied then kissed my cheek.

Chapter 5

I actually did heal. The nurse named Mary who helped drive us home that night stopped by on Sunday afternoon to check on me and the girls. She was very complimentary of how well the girls were nursing me back to health. "You may have found a possible career," she smiled.

Sunday night I walked upstairs and slept in my own bed. Both the girls made sure to sleep next to me. "So we can hear you if you need something," Celeste said. "Plus, we'll keep you from falling out of bed," Kristine added.

And they did block me in. I was hemmed in between two lovely 12 year old who both wore their normal night tee shirt and panties. The only thing keep me from having a permanent hard-on all night long was the dull ache in my foot and the occasional sharp stabs of pain as I turned wrong. But that's not to say that I didn't think about their bodies so near me through the night.

Well, I actually got back to work on Thursday of that next week. That meant only missing two days. I was able to make that up. The girls went off to school on Tuesday -- even though they both protested that I shouldn't be left alone yet. That didn't fly since the nurse on Sunday said I was doing very well. Plus I had a trip to my personal doctor to double check things. Boy! I'm glad I didn't have a clutch truck. And I was REALLY glad that it was my left foot that was bunged up.

Anyway, things started settling into a normal rhythm. The girls at school then going out for cross country in the afternoon. That was fine since I wasn't home till 6 most days. Both girls had good endurance, but Celeste seemed to be a natural runner: her long legs, thin frame and I guess no breast tissue swaying in another direction all added to her advantage.

It was my regular Friday off one day in late October. I was looking forward to going to one of their cross country meets the next day. The girls wouldn't be home for another hour, I thought when suddenly the door burst open and banged against the wall. This was followed by a slam and pounding footsteps and muffled sobs.

I jumped up not knowing what was happening when Celeste ran into the room and grabbed a hold of me hard. Her momentum carried us back and I sat down abruptly on the couch again. She collapsed on top of me. Any holding back of crying that she had been doing now disappeared. She sobbed and cried into my shoulder. I was pinned underneath her. Her knees were on either side of my lap and her crotch was firmly planted in my lap. I was very glad that my deep cut on my thigh was not slightly higher.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" I said, holding her tightly.

She was in her track uniform and had obviously run a good part of the way home. Her heart pounded in her chest and I felt it against mine. She had the smell of sweat about her, but it wasn't a strong, stinky, mature odor. It was obviously a work-out smell, but tinged with a certain youthfulness. I felt my tee shirt under her face growing more and more moist.

"Are you hurt?" I asked, figuring that yes or no questions might get me further.

She shook her head no.

"Are you in trouble?"

She nodded. My heart sunk. Both of the girls had shown no signs of disrespect. Their teachers thoroughly enjoyed them -- at least that's what was said on "Back To School" night.

"Why don't you tell me what happened," I said, brushing her hair out of her eyes.

She finally lifted her head. Her eyes were bloodshot and puffy from crying. Grim streaked with her tears stained her cheeks.

"It's all John Marshall's fault!" she finally got out then sobbed again.

I heard the door open and close again. Much more controlled this time.

"We're in the den, Kristine," I called out.

Kristine appeared, also wearing her track uniform and holding two backpacks. "I got your stuff, Sis."

Celeste nodded.

"Do you know what happened?" I asked Kristine.

She nodded and sat down next to us. "Has she told you everything yet?"

"Nothing really. She's been crying the whole time. Could you start from the beginning and fill me in?"

So Kristine began and told how they were at track practice when one of the older boys -- a ninth grader I suppose -- started picking on Celeste and making fun of the way she ran. "Which I don't get, since Celeste is always one of the faster ones out there!" Kristine commented. "Anyway, he was laughing and making snide remarks all practice, but just so that a few of his friends could hear, you know? And the coach didn't. And he was all like 'that kid can't run' and then me and Celeste heard it several times and Celeste actually improved her time around the track."

"How fast?" I asked.

"She did a mile in well under seven minutes."

"Very respectable!"

"Anyway, as we were running by he cuts loose with another zinger. 'He runs like a girl!' That got his friends all laughing. But Celeste turned and walked up to him and is all like 'What's that supposed to mean?' He said, 'You run like a girl, you big pussy.' Then Celeste said, "I am a girl you big dick head!' He's all surprised then said, 'No you aren't cause you don't have the bassoons hanging out here,' and then he reached out and put his hands on her chest."

"Oh, my," I couldn't imagine a more rude boy. I wanted to find him and teach him a lesson right then!

"But quick as a wink," Kristine went on, "Celeste just reacted. She slapped his face hard. Most people around the track heard the smack. Then she's all like 'If you ever touch me again I will deck you, you big over grown turd!' He didn't like being shown up like that so he started posturing and said, 'Oh yeah? You and what army?'" Kristine started laughing at this point. "This is really good. Seriously! I'm soooo glad she's my sister!" And she gave Celeste a big hug.

"What? What happened next?"

"Well, with him posturing like that and acting like he was pumping his fists trying to show how big and important he was, Celeste hauled off and decked him. I mean, he was, like, you know, about ready to try to throw a punch on her!"

"Decked him!?" I couldn't believe my ears!

Celeste smiled through the tears at that.

Kristine went on. "Yes! She hauled off and swung. Swung really hard. Caught him on his cheek. His head snapped around and he hit the ground. That's when Celeste yelled, 'Don't you ever do that again, you perv!' And then she started crying and sprinted home."

"Wow!" I had no idea what to say at that point.

"I stayed and told the coach everything that happened. I don't think that Celeste is in trouble even though she left practice without permission."

"Sound like I need to call the school?"

"Don't worry, coach is going to call here soon," Kristine said.

"So you're not in trouble," I said to Celeste who was still on my lap just as she was -- though not crying nor sobbing as much anymore.

"My troubles have only started," she whispered then buried her face back into my shoulder.

Right then the doorbell rang. Kristine ran off to see who it was. I gently lifted Celeste off my lap so that I could get up when Kristine led in a man and a woman.

I stood up.

"Brody?" Kristine said, "This is Coach Petersen and our principal, Ms. Houghston-Ross."

"Pleased to meet you both," I said, shaking their hands. "I think I know why you're here. I just was informed." I motioned to the other two chairs in the room than sat back down next to Celeste.

"Mr. Oliver," the coach began, "I am first of all glad to see that Celeste is okay. I suppose that Kristine filled you in on everything?"

I nodded.

"Mr. Oliver," the principal chimed in. "Let me assure you that we do not tolerate such behavior at our school nor at its functions."

"I agree," I said. "But right now, I see that there were at least two or more behaviors that you might be talking about. Which of those is it that we don't tolerate?"

Ms. Houghston-Ross looked at me then laughed. "Yes, you're quite right. I see where your daughters get their sharp wit."

I almost corrected her right then, but let it slide.

"What coach and I are talking about is the behavior of that boy, John Marshall."

I felt relieved. I was seriously hoping that they weren't going to fault Celeste for defending herself. "So who was he?" I asked. "And I'm assuming that he's off the team?"

"Actually, he was never on the team," Coach Petersen answered. "He was a student at our school last year but is at the high school now. I've also pulled the boys that he was hanging with. They should not have let him dis one of their team mates like that. It should have been stopped long before Celeste having to stop it like that."

"I've contacted the principal at the high school," Ms. Houghston-Ross continued. "He will be suspended."

"Although, I must say," the coach said with a smirk. "He has and is already suffering more biting punishment than a school could dish out." He looked at Celeste and winked. "We do not condone fisticuffs, but self-defense is essential. Mr. Marshall is now suffering the ignominy of being knocked out by a seventh grader girl."

Kristine quietly said, "Yes!"

"So, Mr. Oliver," the principal said. "We wanted to make sure that you knew that your daughter was completely justified in defending herself against his groping and she is welcome to participate in tomorrow's cross country meet."

"Thank you, ma'am. Just one small clarification. I am their brother. Our mom passed away and I have legal custody of them now."

"Oh, I'm sorry, please forgive my mistake."

"No worries," I said. "I would be honored if these two were my daughters -- just am I am very pleased that they are my sisters."

"Bravo," Coach said clapping. "They have only the nicest things to say about you."

Many other little pleasantries were exchanged along with information should we decide to press charges against that boy. It was after they left that things turned decidedly darker.

I gave Celeste another hug and asked, "Are you feeling better now?"

"Are you serious?" She pulled away from me and asked, "What's wrong with me?"

Uh-oh. Emotional time. And she wasn't even hormonal impacted with her period or anything. "What do you mean? I finally said. "There's nothing wrong with you."

She ripped her track team shirt off and pointed at her chest. "Nothing wrong? Are you blind? I don't have any boobs! I'm 12 almost 13 and I don't have any stinking tits or boobs!"

I did take a good look at her. While it was true that Celeste was basically flat-chested, her tits actually had grown since the summer when I had ample opportunity to gaze upon them and touch them. Her nipples were much softer looking and much wider and puffier. Under them were two tiny little mounds that had begun to swell.

"Celeste, you are growing. Your breasts are growing too."

"Not really. Ol' perverted Turd Head thought I was a boy." She stomped her foot. "It wasn't the first time and it sure won't be the last because now everyone at school will be making fun of me."

"Celeste," I said.

"I mean it. My career in junior high is toast."

Such drama! Such panache! Such an actress! "Celeste. Would you look at yourself!"

"I have been. Kansas has more ups and downs than I do."

"Shhh!" I said rather loudly. "Hush your drama now. I know that you're upset but would you take a look at what you do have. It is so beautiful."

Celeste was suddenly quiet. She stared at my face than down at her chest then back at me then finally down at her tits. "You're serious, aren't you?"

"Very serious, dear Celeste."

"Then why the hey does every boy go goo-goo over big tits?"

"First of all are you going to trust a junior high boy's sense of fashion and good taste?"

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Kristine nodding. Celeste even nodded and said, "Okay. Got me there."

"Second of all, I know that not every man in the world thinks that big tits is best. Look, there are as many tastes in tits as there are sizes of tits. Okay?"

Celeste deflated. All the fight went out of her. She started crying. I pulled her close to me. Great sobs shook her body. I let her snuggle close as I held her to me and ran my hands over her bare back.

"Who would ever love me?" she cried.

"I do. Kristine does."

"No, I mean love me like a boyfriend."

"Don't rush it, Celeste. Good things come at the right time. You'll find someone and he'll be the right someone. Don't go falling for someone who can only think of tits or ass or the like. There's a lot more that makes a relationship work."

Kristine came over by then and hugged Celeste so that Celeste was in the middle between us.

Celeste finally stopped crying as much then sniffled. "I don't know what's wrong with me. I've never acted like that before."

"You've never had anyone do that to you before either," Kristine whispered.

"I can't believe that you're so supportive," Celeste said, wiping her eyes. "I mean, I stink!"

"I do too," Kristine agreed.

"And yet, you and Brody are here hugging me and loving me. I should care a rat's back leg what anyone else cares."

I kissed her cheek. It was very wet and salty.

"And I should get a shower." She looked up at me. "Please don't leave me, Brody."

"I'm not going anywhere," I said, surprise at her pleading.

"I mean, stay with me even while I shower. Don't leave me. I don't want to be without you. I don't want to imagine that you are NOT there to protect me."

"You want me there while you shower?" I asked, a little dumbstruck.

"Yes. But you don't have to shower with me. I just want you with me in the same room."

"Kristine's gotta take a shower too." I protested.

"Not the same. I want a handsome male with brawn to defend me."

I looked at Kristine and wrinkled my brow.

"I think that's a good idea," Kristine said. "I'm okay with it."

So, it looked as though my mind was made up for me. We all went off to the upstairs bathroom. At first I just stood as they stripped and sat on the toilet for their duties. My dick was in a serious condition watching their cute, naked bodies. When I said serious, I mean that my dick was folded funny and caught in my underwear so that it actually hurt as it started becoming erect. As they briefly turned away from me, I quickly turned and adjust my growing member.

The girls were seriously cute. Beautiful in fact. Kristine had her shirt off and was slipping her sports bra off. Yes, her tits had grown a little since the summer. They were still perky, perfectly conical and definitely B-cup size. She slipped out of her shorts and took her panties off at the same time. What a lovely ass: not fat but round and womanly in a small sort of way. Her bush was still relatively thin but noticeable -- a lovely vee pointing the way to her pussy.

Celeste, Ah sweet Celeste. Delicate little nubs of nipples capped tiny, almost imperceptible mounds. Her pussy (from my vantage point) looked to be hair free still. Her face was so cute, so innocent, so girl-like beautiful. My blood almost started boiling again as I thought about that lunk-head who was making fun of Celeste and calling her a boy.

"Whachya thinking, Brody?" Kristine's voice brought me back.


"You were clenching your fists and had a far-away look."

"Oh, I was just thinking about what that kid did. I guess that I'm a little upset over it too."

She came over to me and kissed me. She kissed me just like a sister would kiss her brother, or a daughter her father. But she was buck naked. Her tits pressed hard into my abdomen and as she pressed her body into mine, I know that my dick was pressing back against her.

"You are so sweet, Brody," she said.

I patted her bare rump and said something to break the tension that I was feeling. "Celeste was right. Go get your shower."

"Hey!" she laughed then retreated to the shower.

I sat down on the closed toilet and watched. Clear glass doors on the bathtub shower made for a rather erotic display. Kristine soaped up and I thrilled as her tits moved and giggled and squished and molded to her hands as she washed around them. She did the same thing with her ass and suddenly I was imagining that it was *my* hands that were holding her flesh and causing it to move in all its supple wonderfulness. She was turned sideways to me as she washed in her crotch and pussy region. I was close to cumming as I imagined my hands running over her labia and through her little bush.

Celeste was waiting her turn under the shower and saw me watching. I hoped that it wasn't obvious that I was ogling and leering at them lecherously.

She waved. I waved back. It was good to see her happy. I just hoped that she would really rebound from this event and not let it weigh her down at school. She dipped her head under the shower then began shampooing her hair. I thought about what she said before -- that she would like to grow her hair longer. It already was some longer -- a little shaggy, perhaps. Maybe what she needed was a trip to a hair stylist to trim it up. She had such a cute, cherubic, round face. Very cute, very adorable, very innocent and girl-like. That kid must have been stupid or seriously blind if he thought Celeste was a boy.

"Brody?" I looked up. Celeste had poked her soapy head out of the shower. "You were looking a little angry there. You okay?"

"Yeah, I keep thinking about that guy, Turd Head."

Celeste laughed. "I'm going to refer to him from now on as T. H. Marshall." She giggled again. "You know, T. H. for Turd Head."

So they rinsed off and stepped out of the shower to dry off. I was in a world of beauty. So much absolutely beautiful girl skin there for my enjoyment and gazing upon. Nothing came of it. Oh, to be sure, when I was alone that night, I pounded my dick and came in bucketful's.

Celeste and Kristine did run in their meet the next day. Celeste came in second on her event and Kristine came in 4th, helping their team to come in second overall. Celeste posted her best time ever and actually set a school record for a 7th grade girl. I was pleased as punch. Celeste also realized that a lot of her classmates were very proud of her too. Not only for her good show in the race, but for standing up to the bully and decking him. She was not going to have to endure taunts and insults at school.

But little things started changing. Subtly with me, I mean. I still loved my sisters very much. But I started realizing that I was noticing them for just how cute and beautiful they were. I found myself sporting good sized erections from time to time -- not just the vaguely happy semi-erect dick.

Things came to a head (as it were) one night. It was just after Thanksgiving and I had gone to bed late after having a glass of wine. I was suddenly woken up by Celeste's very concerned voice asking if I was okay.

"What?" I couldn't make sense of what she was asking.

"Brody, you were moaning and calling out our names."

Holy bat wang, Batman! I suddenly remembered *WHAT* I was dreaming. I was fantasizing about sucking on Celeste's and Kristine's tits. And then I suddenly had that awkward feeling of feeling that I had spunked all over my shorts and sheets.

"I was what?" I asked.

"You called out my name and then Kristine's," she answered.

"That's funny," I explained. "I was dreaming about a couple of women at work. You remember me talking about Krista and Selena?"

"Yeah, but..."

"The names are close. Dreams are funny things. Either you misheard what I really said, or my dream was weirding out and my brain said the wrong name."

She shivered. "Can I get in bed with you?"

"Uh-uh. I got a problem." I threw the covers back. "I need to change the sheets."

"Why? Did you pee?"

"No, I had a wet dream."

She was silent trying to take in what I meant. There was a nightlight in the hallway that provided a silhouette. "What's that?"

"It's when a guy is sleeping and he dreams something sexy and then his dick becomes erect and stimulated enough so that he has an orgasm. I just shot a load of semen all over my sheets."

"Really! Can I see?"

I clicked the light on by my head board. We both blinked in the glare. I sat up rather chagrined at the episode but glad that I was able to explain away my calling out their names. (Did I really want to suck their tits?)

There was a huge wet spot on my shorts and a small one on the sheet. She reached out and touched a glop and rubbed it between her fingers then smelled it. She wrinkled her nose then said, "This stuff has sperm in it?"

I nodded.

"And could make babies?"

Again I nodded. "I need to change and wash off. Then could you help me with the sheets?"

I disappeared into my bathroom and reappeared a couple minutes later to find that Celeste already had the soiled sheets off and was unfolding a new set. In another couple of minutes the bed was back together and she climbed in with me.

"It's still cold and I want to talk," she whispered.


"Brody, you need a girl friend."

Her directness often surprised me.

"Why do you say that?"

"Well, I guess this wet dream is the latest example, isn't it? I mean, if you had a girlfriend and then a wife you wouldn't have wet dreams -- you would have your lady to do your, um, love stuff to. Right?"

"You have a point. But I'll have you know that I have asked Selena out on a date."

"Really?" She bounced up and down in the bed and clapped her hands a little. "When?"

"I'm taking her to a Christmas party in a week and a half."

"Okay, that's a good start." Celeste held me close and kissed my cheek. "I only want the best for you, dear Brody."

"I know."

And for some reason, I let her stay in bed with me the rest of the night. She was so warm and soft. I loved how my hand slipped over her side to fit into the small of her back right next to where her ass started sloping up. And I didn't even care that she had on low cut panties so that I could feel the start of her ass crack as I gently rubbed her back. And I didn't even care that Mr. Woody thought that he should come out to see what was going on. Why? Because I fell asleep very soon after that.

Chapter 6

The date that I had with Selena was a disaster. Oh, it started out fine. The party was a nice party -- lots of food and drink and a live band playing old fashion big band era music. Selena thought that I did a nice job of picking a fabulous spot. No, it turned into a disaster after she made some comments about my sisters.

"They're teenagers, aren't they?"

"Not quite," I answered.

"They will be soon enough. Nobody but a mother ever wants to deal with teenage girls. Trust me, your happy days are numbered."

"Really? I've known a number of teenage girls who are not that way."

She laughed. "It's all show. The real stuff is at home and they can turn into real bitches."

That galled me. "My sisters are not bitches." My voice was steel lined with resolve.

"Maybe. Maybe you just don't know. All girls are bitches deep inside."

I stared at her hardly believing that she had just said that. She saw the cold fury rising in my eyes. "You don't believe me?"

"I know that some do not hide it very deep inside at all." I let my words hang there like vipers hoping that somehow she would back down and apologize or say that there were exceptions.

Instead she laughed, "I do believe that I got under your skin."

"No. But you dared to insult my family."

"Well, look at that," she said casting a glance around the party, "Jeremy from accounting is here. Perhaps he can take me home since you are so miffed."

Jeremy did take her home and I left shortly after that.

Celeste met me at the door and saw the look on my face then said, "Not a good night?"

"Not really. Except I found out what a selfish piece of work she is."

"Then don't waste your time on her," she said, holding onto my arm. "And don't waste your emotions dwelling on her either. Move on to something positive."

I hugged her. "I think I found something positive right here."

"Come join us, we got popcorn and a movie!"

They were watching "Singing in the Rain" and Gene Kelly was just doing his famous dance in the rainy street.

"Do you ever feel like that?" Kristine asked.

"Not tonight," I replied.

"I'm sorry." She hit the pause button. "Wanna talk?"

"Not much to say. She started bad-mouthing you two even though she'd never met you."

"What?" Kristine exclaimed. "How rude!"

"Exactly. She basically said that all girls turn into something horrible as soon as they become teenagers." I couldn't bring myself to say "bitch."

"I'm assuming hers is firsthand experience?" Celeste asked.

"I'm thinking that you are correct. Her loss, our gain."

"And you have one more to try, don't you?"

Krista. Oh, yeah. I just found out that she had started seeing someone seriously. Some guy over in another engineering team. Rumor had that they were probably going to be moving in together -- marriage possibly too.

"Maybe not who you were thinking of," I said to Celeste. "That other girl started seeing someone else in a serious sort of relational way."

Kristine touched my arm and said, "Don't worry. You have the office party coming up, right?"

"True, but that's usually not a time for dates."

"But you get to explore and see other lovely women in a different setting," Celeste said with a fling of the hand. "It will be a chance to explore options."

"Laying it on pretty thick there, Celeste," I laughed.

I did go to the office party and talked with a few of the eligible young women, but in the engineering field there are 4 or 5 guys for every one eligible woman. Each of the women were surrounded with bachelors circling like buzzards over carrion.

I mentioned that very observation at one point and Amanda laughed. "I think you nailed it, Matt." She tugged on my arm and said, "Let's take a little walk."

We grabbed our coats and made our way outside. The sky was overcast with a hint of rain.

"With the wind and rain coming in at least it won't be foggy tomorrow morning," she commented.

Amanda worked in accounting. I didn't see much of her, but she had a bright smile and a cheery disposition.

"I just wanted to say that I've heard a little about you, Mr. Matt Oliver," she smiled broadly. "And I have to say that your sense of family and protection and honor is stunning."

I was really curious. "What exactly have you heard?"

"I heard about your little run in with Selena a couple of weeks ago. That cat wasn't expecting you to put up such resistance to her tongue-lashing."

"There was no way that I was going to let her paint my sisters as...."

"That's my point exactly. And I wanted to take the opportunity to thank you for putting her back down in her place. In fact, thank you from several of us at work. She's run rough-shod over a lot of people for a while. Believes that she can get away with it because she's a little vixen and knows how to pull some men's chains just right."

I bowed with a little hand flourish. "My honor, Lady Amanda."

She laughed and the sky seemed to brighten. "Matt, you almost make me want to break my cardinal rule."

"What's that?" Seriously not knowing what she was getting at.

"I don't date guys from work. I did it once -- when I was first out of college. Bad news. So I swore never to do it again. But you, Matt, you are like a fresh breeze blowing in off a summer lake. You tempt me good sir."

"So I take it you would refuse an invitation to dinner?"

"Regrettably, I would. But if you or I ever change jobs, I would reconsider it."

I was silent for a few moments. "I suppose that makes good sense and I wish you well with it."

"But you're wondering who you could date. Right?"

"You cut right to the chase, Amanda."

She smiled. "I have a couple of young women in mind."


"Let me get back to you." She grabbed my arm again and tugged me toward the party. "I would like another one of those shrimp dips. They were divine!"

I stayed around talking and chatting it up with others, greatly encouraged by what Amanda said. When I got home it was after midnight, but Celeste met me at the front door and asked, "So?" I told her the promising news and she clapped her hands and hugged me.

"I'm excited, Brody."

"If things progress, are you comfortable in having a step-mom of sorts?" I asked.

"We'll cross that bridge when we get there, okay?"

Amanda did deliver a couple of names the next week and I approached her first suggestion a couple of days later. Shelly was a recent college grad who worked in accounting. She was rather cute and Amanda told me not to be put off by her shy demeanor. Shelly *did* smile broadly when I asked her out to dinner.

"I know it's near Christmas," I began, "But we are both working till that Friday so I was wondering if you would like to go out to dinner maybe that Thursday?"

"That sounds nice," she replied. "Where to?"

I suggested a nice steak house and she thought that would be just grand. The date was nice too. No red warning flags, no obvious incompatibility signs. I suggested a nice post-Christmas dinner just before we went back to work. She said great. She wanted to stop by to meet the girls afterwards and I thought that was a good idea.

Boy did I get an earful when I returned later.

"She seemed rather mousey," Kristine said first.

"I don't know, Brody," Celeste said more diplomatically, "I would need to see more before I made up my mind."

"Hey," I said, "Don't shoot me, okay?"

Celeste laughed. "It does sound pretty severe, doesn't it? I mean we encouraged you to go dating and then we shoot down the first woman you bring around."

Shelly and I went out on a couple of more dates that January. She was a nice person. A sweet person. But I sensed that my sisters were not convinced she was that super special person just right for me. I suddenly realized that I had a tough set of critics to play for.

It was maybe the third week in January, a particularly cold and rainy night -- I even pulled on long sweat pants for my bed time. The rain beat down hard on the roof and we all turned in early. I think I may have been fighting off a the beginnings of a cold or something. I woke up a little late the next morning and heard Celeste calling my name from the hallway.

I stumbled out of bed and followed the voice. "What is it?"

I found her in the hall bathroom with Kristine. "Brody, Kristine just started her period."

Oh, boy! What a sight to wake up to. Kristine sat on the toilet, her bloodied panties were around her ankles and blood smeared down her legs. A weird, pungent odor filled the bathroom.

"No worries. Rinse off and soak the stains in cold water," I directed. "I'll get something from the store for you. Be back shortly."

I returned maybe twenty minutes later with pads and tampons. I had no idea what would work best. She decided that a pad would be best since she wasn't that sure about sticking something into her pussy. I helped her figure out how to attach the pad and position it. I was closer to a woman's period than I had ever been before. No, it's not sexy or appealing. It is something that I did to help my sister.

I asked if they wanted breakfast. Kristine said, "I'd just like to go back to sleep."

I thought about it. It was Friday and they were both caught up on all their school work. "You too, Celeste?"

She nodded.

"Then we all stay home today."

Kristine kissed me and retreated to her bed. Celeste and I headed downstairs. I asked her if she wanted something to eat but she shook her head no. I made a phone call in to work and then to their school to excuse their absences.

Celeste tugged my arm and said, "Let's just sit quietly on the couch."

In the den, the pitter-patter of the rain was more obvious as it hit the windows. I lit the gas log fire and pulled one of Mom's old blankets from behind the couch and wrapped it around us both. Celeste nestled into me with her head on my shoulder.

"I feel like I'm trying to fight a cold or something," I said at length.

"It's good that you stayed home then."

"What's your excuse?"

She giggled. "Sympathetic PMS?"

I laughed. "That's a new one to me."

She rubbed her hand on my chest then said, "Brody, you are the best."

"Why do you say that?"

"You are so kind and patient and understanding," she began. "I mean, I was seriously weirded out by all that blood on Kristine, but you just took a look and said, 'Oh, I got it covered -- just clean up. I'll get something for you.' You weren't flustered at all."

"If I were really on top of it, I would have already had those things bought and stored in your bathroom as well as explained to each of you how to use them. I guess that I'm not really a good mother."

"Oh, but you're the best Brody anyone could have asked for."

I kissed her head. "I'm glad you think so."

We were silent for several long minutes more. The thought of going back to sleep beckoned me but I didn't want to leave the couch. For one thing it was warmer there with the fire going and the blanket was already warmed up. And I didn't really want to leave Celeste either.

"I think I could fall back to sleep right now," I finally said.

"Then let's."

We both lay down and pulled the blanket over us. I was in my work slacks and polo shirt but Celeste was still in her night tee-shirt and thin flannel pajama bottoms. I lay on my side and hooked an arm over her. She cuddled her back into me and I felt the ever present semi-rigid dick rise a bit in response. She held onto my arm and tucked it in close to her almost- not-there breasts. Almost -- but I felt the little nubs. I should have moved my hand away, but I thought it would be okay since she placed it there and I wasn't actively feeling her up. Regardless, in a short while we were both asleep.

We were awakened by Kristine quietly crawling on top of the couch and resting face down on my side. I was now completely hemmed in by my sisters. It felt a bit claustrophobic. I started by slowly pushing Celeste off the couch. Kristine slid down to take her place and I gently pushed her over too.

"Hey! Not fair!" Celeste protested as her sister slumped on top of her.

"It's your sister's fault," I replied, swinging my legs so I could sit up. "I think that I'm getting hungry finally." I glanced at the clock on the VCR. "Yikes! It's almost 11 o'clock!" We were asleep for over three hours!

"That explains why I'm hungry," Kristine said.

"You feeling better?" Celeste asked.

"Yeah, somewhat. It really feels weird and everything."

"I wished that I had some important advice to pass on to you," I said. "But I'm failing you in that department. But what say you that we go to a mall and have our late breakfast-early lunch there."

"Yes!" Both girls exclaimed together. then hurried off to get ready.

When they reappeared it struck me that they had grown and were now a size or two bigger than their clothes were. Kristine's boobs were spilling over her small bra and with the tight tee shirt an ungainly bulge showed above her very obvious bra strap line. Even Celeste's clothes were too small. She had just been growing taller which left her tee shirts not quite reaching her waist and her pants' cuff rising above her shoes, but now she appeared to be thickening and starting to fill out in a feminine way. Her tight tee shirt left no doubt that her tits were there -- or at least her nipples were! Very cute and very pointy.

"Hey, girls," I said. "I think that we should make this into a 'go get some new clothes and underwear' sort of outing too."

"Really?" Celeste asked -- actually it was more of a shriek.

Kristine looked down at her front and said, "Yeah, sweaters and sweat shirts hide it most of the time, but...." She looked up and smiled. "But thank you for taking us!"

We went to the big mall in the downtown. It was way out of the area so there was little likelihood of running into someone they knew from school (or me from work). Plus there was a wide assortment of foods and shops. The rain had let up for a while but the air was still cold and the wind was biting. After a lunch (we each had something different and shared), we started walking toward the clothing stores.

"You need new underwear," I whispered. "Especially bras."

"There!" Celeste pointed. "That'll be the perfect place."

I followed her finger then blanched! Victoria Secrets! "No way! I will not go in there with you. That would be way too strange and people would be far too suspicious."

"But you said that..." Kristine said, tugging on my arm.

"We'll go to a department store and I'm hoping that there'll be some nice saleslady who'll help you."

"Why? Isn't it just the same thing?"

"No," I shook my head then continued in a whisper. "That store only has women's lingerie and it has a reputation of being 'sexy'! That's not where a dad -- or a brother -- takes his 12 year old sisters to get bras and panties."

"I'm sorry," Celeste said, taking my hand in hers. "Sometimes I forget how odd the rest of the world thinks."

Kristine grabbed my other hands and added, "I didn't mean to make you feel weird."

"It's okay," I answered. "Shall we?"

Then they forced me to skip with them while they sang, "We're off to see the wizard!" I noticed a few laughs and smiles from older folks and a couple of moms with toddlers. We were ignored by men and women in business suits. Although I did see one thirty-something woman glower at us.

In the department store, the girls led me to the young ladies' section and began looking at intimate apparel. Sure enough a sales lady approached us and asked if she could help. I could tell by her tone that she wasn't that sure what I was doing there with these young ladies or whether she should just call the cops straight away. So I told her our story in a nut shell about losing our mom and I was their guardian now.

Suddenly her demeanor changed and she gushed warmth. "I think that is very admirable. I know that you've come to the right place. They're in good hands here."

She set right to work measuring them then she took them in to be fitted. A little later she returned and said, "I have suggested these new bras for them -- good, basic, everyday sort of bras. Is there anything else?"

I suddenly had a little light go off in my head. Their birthdays were coming up in a couple of weeks. And there was a Valentine's Day dinner theater special event that was being advertised at work. I would take the girls to that for their birthdays as a special, "welcome to being a teenager" sort of event.

"Yes, there is something else," I said.

The girls watched me closely.

"They are into sports -- track specifically -- so they need a good sports bra. But we're also going to need a special dress for each and the correct bra to go with it."

"Oh, that sounds exciting," she said. "Anything in particular?"

"There's a Valentine's Day dinner theater that they don't know that they're going to yet."

Suddenly both girls emitted muffled shrieks of joy. Celeste clapped her hands then hugged me. Kristine just ran and almost tackled me over.

"I see someone just made a big impression," the sales lady said approvingly. "Girls, let's find some nice dress then we'll find the foundation that will support it."

It was almost an hour later and several hundred dollars invested that we emerged from the store with several packages and two VERY excited girls. They immediately wanted to go back home to try everything on. And I wanted to make a phone call or two to make sure that I could reserve three tickets for the show. That meant that I had to call work to get the phone number of the theater company.

My office mate took the call and gave me the info then asked, "Should I be quiet about this? A big secret?"

"Yeah, don't go talking it up, okay?" I replied.

And I got the tickets reserved -- everything was set for the three of us to go on Valentine's Day.


I turned around and saw two stunningly beautiful young ladies standing in the doorway. I gave a fox whistle and they blushed. Celeste's dress was a black lacy things with a high neck and medium sleeves. It had a half shawl sweater like thing that draped over the shoulders. And with whatever she was wearing underneath, her bodice was noticeably filled out. Kristine's dress was silky red, scooping neckline that showed off a bit of her cleavage and breasts which were pushed up by her new bra. Her bodice was very full. This dress also had an attachment that draped over the shoulders. Both dresses were elegantly long, below the knees.

"Very beautiful girls," I said. "Very beautiful!"

"Thank you," they said demurely.

Celeste twirled around and Kristine curtsied.

"You should see the things that that lady helped us pick out," Celeste suddenly said. "I mean, look at this!" She pointed down at the dress, but I could barely take my eyes off her breasts.

She saw me looking and blushed again. "I guess that I do have tits now. I've never felt so sexy in my whole life!"

"Me neither," Kristine exclaimed. "This bra thingy is strapless! And it is pushing my tits up and makes them looks twice as big!"

Suddenly, I was really looking forward to the Dinner Theater.

I had several more very vivid dreams where I was doing something sexy or sexual with my sisters -- usually both. And it almost always involved touching or licking or sucking on their tits. I suppose that it didn't go too far because I wasn't crying out in the middle of the night and I didn't wake up with semen covered sheets. Or at least Celeste didn't hear me or come wake me up.

The week before the Dinner Theater got a little dicey at work. Shelly was sorely disappointed that I wasn't taking *HER* out to the Valentine's Day event. "Those events are for boyfriends and girlfriends," she chided me. I was a little dumbfounded. We weren't exactly dating exclusively, plus she wanted a little time to go visit her mom down in San Diego. I guess that I must be at fault because I should have known that her "no" meant "yes, please." Dang! And she didn't even give me time to explain that I wasn't two-timing -- I was just taking my sisters out as an important 13th birthday present.

The night of the Dinner Theater finally came around. The girls were fairly vibrating with excitement and barely contained giddiness. When they stopped bouncing they looked so radiant and charming -- I was sure that I was going to have a lot of jealous looks that night! But when they were bouncing, they looked just like junior high girls dressed up for a fancy ball. Funny, huh! That's just what they were.

The event was convenient also because Celeste's birthday was on the 16th and Kristine's was on the 22nd. "Happy birthday, you two," I said as I opened the car door for them.

"Best birthday yet, Brody," Kristine said giving me a peck on the cheek.

Celeste caught my hand and squeezed as she waited for me to lock the car. She tried not to bounce, but she still vibrated!

The girls did turn heads as they entered and they were VERY much transfixed by the decorations and the place settings and the hor d'oeuvres and the drinks. ("No, no champagne, no wine!") They thoroughly enjoyed the theater part which was based on Shakespeare's "Much Ado about Nothing." During the first half hor d'oeuvres and salad were served. The girls ate lots of bread and rolls and downed many glasses of water.

Intermission happened along at just the right time. The girls were fairly brimming over with their water and excused themselves quickly. I took a quick trip to the men's room and noted that several people from work were present. I didn't feel an urge to rush over and talk with them so I ambled back to our table and waited for the girls.

"Oh, hi Matt!"

I looked up and saw Selena dragging her latest trophy toward me.

"So who did you bring tonight?" she gushed.

"I brought my sisters in honor of their birthday."

"How quaint!" she giggled. I noticed that she probably had been hitting the champagne or wine a little heavily. "So how old are they?"

"They'll be turning 13," I answered.

"Oh, yes," she cackled. "That's the magic age I told you about." She turned to her date. "John, this is Matt. He's one of the engineers that makes the little spinney things that go round and round on the circuit board."

John laughed then stuck out his hand. I took it and shook it. (I mean, good luck chap, hope you know what you're in for.) "Good to meet you, Matt."

"John works in the executive office under the VP."

"Ah, I see," I said. Then I thought, so she smoozing her way up the corporate ladder now.

Just then my sisters returned and sat down next to me.

"Gracious, me!" Selena exclaimed. I thought you said they were turning 13. These look more like 18 or 20!"

"Selena, these are my sisters, Celeste and Kristine."

Selena nodded and said, "Beautiful dresses, girls. Stunning even. Hope you have a great evening." Then she caught John by the arm and said, "Gotta go, ta-ta!"

Once she was out of ear shot, Celeste said, "I heard her taking about us turning a magical age?"

I shook my head. "It's what I told you about before. She believes that all girls turn into something hideous when they turn teenagers."

"She's weird," Kristine stated flatly. "And she smells weird."

"She's drunk," I pointed out.

"No excuse," Celeste said. "Alcohol merely relaxes inhibitions. It doesn't put anything new into your mind. So whatever stupid comes out is something that was already there."

I looked at her and marveled. "You are so wise beyond your years, Lady Celeste!"

She giggled then said, "That would be due to Mamma."

"Wise woman."


I looked around. Jeepers, it was Shelly!

"Hi, Shelly!" I waved. Then as she came closer I added, "You remember my sisters, don't you?"

Shelly looked a bit put out, but sucked it up a little when she saw who I was with. "Well, you didn't tell me that you were going to take your sisters out," she finally said. "It's nice to see you girls."

"I'm sorry, I guess I didn't have much of a chance to explain."

"So why was it so important that they go out to the Valentine's Day Dinner Theater?" she asked point blank. Wow! So much for subtle, huh!?

"It's their birthdays. They only turn 13 once in their life."

She looked around. "How many other 13 year olds do you see here?"

"Probably very few," I agreed. "But I'm not going to argue that point."

"Miss Shelly," Kristine suddenly said. "You asked to look around and I just did. I know that my sister would agree with me in this too. There is no one in this room who is sweeter, who is nicer, who would go out of his way to help someone than my brother, Matt. He dropped everything when Mamma died last year and he had to change his whole lifestyle to put up with a pair of 12 year olds under foot. So please do look around. You won't find many other 13 year olds here because they don't have a brother who cares as much for them as our Matt."

Shelly was completely taken aback. I was also really. Celeste smiled confidently then clapped.

"I'm sorry that you took me the wrong way," Shelly began. "It's just that there are certain things that are expected when dating. You'll understand that once you begin."

Celeste and Kristine just looked blankly at her.

The house lights dimmed twice. I held out my hand to her and said, "I do hope that you have a wonderful evening Shelly. We'll have to finish this conversation later."

As the second half began, and the main course was brought to our tables, Kristine leaned over and spoke just loud enough for Celeste and me to hear, "Wow! Another revelation tonight?"

Celeste replied, "Way too high maintenance. You'd have her in the repair shop every day."

I almost snorted a green bean at that comment.

There was a positive interaction after the theater was over. Krista and her date spotted us and said "Hello." She also made a point to appreciate how mature the girls were as well as complement them on their loving brother. Amanda was right behind us and clucked her approval. The girls glowed in their praise.

I whispered to Amanda, "I think I understand the wisdom of your dating rules."

She looked at me with a questioning eyebrow.

"I think I'm swearing off looking for dates at work. Way too loaded and potentially toxic."

She touched my arm and laughed. "So I have a little clean up in aisle five?"

"Go ahead," I replied. "If she's that touchy about me taking my sisters to the theater, I don't know what she'd be like in real life."

"Don't do anything rash, Matt. I'll see if it can be smoothed over."

"Thanks, Amanda. I wished there were more like you."

"There are," she smiled. "You just have to know where to look."

I drove the girl's home and even though it was nearly 11 pm they were talkative and full of questions and youthful joy at the wonder of being included in an adult event.

But Celeste was relatively philosophical about the evening. "I think I can understand why some women are still single."

"You, Lady Celeste, are coming up with the best lines for the night!"

Celeste was riding shotgun but squeezed Kristine in the middle to force a sort of group hug on the bench seat of my pickup. Kristine laughed.

As we got home, Kristine asked seriously, "So now you're really not dating anyone, are you?"

I set the parking brake and turned the engine off. "Seems like a few women tonight put the ke-bosh on that. It would take a real Hail Mary for Shelly to recover from tonight's little temper tantrum."

"Who'd she come with anyway?"

I shrugged. "More of life's little mysteries. The truth may be out there.... somewhere."

The girls ran up and got ready for bed. I decided to stay up, catching up on some reading that I needed to do. I gave me a chance to unwind as well as drink some wine which I did not do while at the dinner (designated driver and all). I was some pages into a journal when I felt a warm hand on my shoulders.

"Who could that be?" I asked.

She laughed. It was Celeste -- I should have known. "We haven't played that game in years!"

As she sat next to me, I smiled, recalling how my little sisters when they were barely in school thought it was so fun to try to make me guess (without looking) which one was which.

"You're smiling," she said.

"I'm recalling you two when you were barely six years old."

"I think I have always looked up to you, Brody." She gazed off to a distant wall. "The last thing that Mamma said to us was....." Her voice broke and she stopped. "A few moments later she tried again. "When Mamma had that aneurysm and crashed her car in the driveway, we both ran out to help her. She was unresponsive. As the paramedics arrived, Mamma woke up enough to recognize me and she said, 'Matt will help you. Don't lose him; he's a good man.'" She stopped and wiped tears from her eyes. "And that's the last thing that she said. To anyone."

She fell against me and breathed deeply, trying to control her emotions. I dropped my magazine and wrapped my arms around her. I had not heard all the details of Mamma's last day. And this was the first time that either girl had voluntarily talked about it. I was also wondering what triggered this memory at this juncture.

"Oh, Brody," she finally said, wiping her eyes. "Brody, Mamma was so right. You are a good man. I don't want to lose you. And I certainly don't want you to go out and hook up with some lesser hussy who doesn't realize just what a precious treasure you are!"

"I'm not going anywhere," I said. I couldn't think of what to say right then. It really felt like she was almost ask me to marry her -- almost, but not quite! I loved her; I loved her sister. But, dang! the wine was messing with my thinking. "Celeste, that's why I date. I want to find the right person. So far I've found out who I don't want. But I'm still here with you and for you. Okay?"

Celeste gave a forced laughed. "Yeah, I'm being emotional, aren't I?" She sat up and tugged on her night shirt. "You haven't seen what you bought us, have you?"

Suddenly her shirt was up over her head and she sat in her glorious bra and panties. Matching red bra and panties. Lacy red bra and panties. Her little tits were carefully covered in the delicate fabric that had a little bit of padding to make things stand out better. Her panties were so silky smooth that I easily saw the outline of her pussy. In the middle of her pussy cleft was a dark spot. Oh, geessh! She was getting wet? I racked my mind and then remembered that the pussy could and would naturally discharge fluids all the time. Being sexually turned on was only one explanation.

"Very pretty," I said, realizing that she was waiting for some response.

And then she pulled her night shirt down over her body, leaned forward a kissed me and whispered, "This has been the best birthday present ever. I love you!"

And then she was gone. My hard-on, however stayed.

Chapter 7

You would think after Celeste's little risqué, near strip-tease, I would have had a full-fledged wet dream that very night. Nope. Dreams are odd things though. It actually waited another 24 hours or so.

And wouldn't you know it, Celeste woke me up again, gently shaking my shoulder and saying, "Brody, you're sleep talking again."

I was awake in a moment. I was so afraid that somehow I had a wet dream or I had said something awkward in my sleep.

"You were calling our names again, Brody," Celeste whispered. Her face was close to mine. I could feel her breath on my cheek as she talked. In the faint light from the hall way, I could see that she had her robe on.

"What did I say?"

"You probably don't want to hear this," she giggled. "Can I jump in bed with you?" When I paused she added, "Or did you have a wet dream again?"

I shook my head then realized that she might not have seen that. "No, no wet dreams."

"Good." And then she pulled one side of the covers up sloughed her robe and jumped in with me.

That was when I realized that I was in trouble. She was completely naked! At least she had no tee shirt on -- I didn't dare feel around her ass to finish answering the question.

"Whoa, Celeste! Where are your clothes?"

"Brody, you were calling out for me and you said, quote, 'I want to suck your little titties,' end-quote. So the only way you could do that is if I have my shirt off. Right?"

Mind-popping logic!

"What I say in my sleep hardly counts," I protested.

"So what do you say now that you're awake?" she asked as she wrapped her arms around my neck and snuggled her warm, bare body against my shirtless body. Her tits pressed into my chest. "I can feel that you are already excited." Her hips had found my inflated cock and were gently rubbing it back and forth through the loose fabric of my shorts.

"Stop it, Celeste," I whispered sharply. "I'm about ready to shoot my load."

"Like a wet dream?" she giggled. "Isn't that the idea?"

"Oh, Celeste, you know that I love you," I began, finally responding and returning her embrace. "It's just that I would be in so much trouble if I were to do this. Big trouble. Jail!"

She kissed my lips and rubbed her nose back and forth on my nose. "Doesn't have to be. No one ever needs to know."

"But what about Kristine?"

"You don't think she doesn't know?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"We both want you, Brody."

I suddenly saw the previous half year in a new light. My sisters were trying to seduce me. They were working hard to make me hot for them. Dang! It was working.

"What do you mean that you want me?" I asked, hoping somehow that there was another explanation.

"I want to hold you, to touch you, to pleasure you," she began, "and I want you to do the same to me. I want to make love to you, Brody!"

The thought was staggering. The consequences were off the chart! I was contemplating a response -- something like, "Let's talk about this in the morning when I can think straight." But I was interrupted.

"What's going on?" It was Kristine standing in my doorway. Her form, back lit by the hall nightlight revealed that at least she still wore clothes at night.

"Brody was having another dream," Celeste explained.

"A wet one?" (I guess that they must have talked about my previous experience.)

"No, but he was calling out our names again."

"Brr!" Kristine said coming closer to the bed. "I am so cold. Are you in bed with him?"

"Yes. Come on in," Celeste invited. "He'll warm you up too."

Before I could think of what to say, Kristine made a bee-line for the bed and crawled in and snuggled on my other side. At least she wasn't naked, I consoled myself.

"Brody," Celeste said before I could formulate an argument. "I know this is all a new way of thinking and all, but we want you. We both want you. And I know that you want us too. The fact that you've had such great self-restraint shows what a sweet guy you are, but we both want the next step."

Kristine had latched herself onto me like a heat- seeking leech. One leg was thrown up over my torso and rested on my very rigid dick. One arms went underneath me and the other was over top of me where it intertwined with Celeste's arm. "You are soooo warm!" Kristine finally said. "And your little buddy is flaming hot!"

"I'm glad your hands aren't any colder," I said, not really knowing what to do, "else I would get frostbite!"

"I'm sorry, but you just gotta warm me up," Kristine replied.

"I'm not convinced yet," I finally said. "What's going to keep this from blowing up and me going to jail? Then where would you be?"

"They won't know," Celeste said. "It's that simple."

"I won't tell, Brody," Kristine whispered. "And we don't talk about things like this at school anyway."

We talked for maybe another half hour or so. My resistance was lessening, and the prospect of touching them again and shooting my load into and onto them grew stronger and stronger. Kristine's hands also grew warmer and warmer. and began to rub around my chest and belly. About the same time, Celeste began rubbing her hands around my body and moving her hips against my thighs.

"Girls, I guess if this is what you want...."

"Yes!" Celeste squealed.

"Oh, yes!" Kristine whispered into my ear.

Kristine then took my earlobe into her mouth and started sucking on it gently. At the same time, Celeste moved her hand below the waistband of my shorts and immediately found my throbbing dick. Kristine felt her sister's hand under her leg so she moved her leg off of me and mover *her* hand into my shorts to join Celeste's.

I suppose that there was no going back now.

"So girls," I continued. "We need to have a few base rules and a common understanding, okay."

Both agreed.

"First, and I can't emphasize this enough, no one can ever know about this. Not even a hint of this ever! Second, I am not forcing you and I don't want to force you; if you don't want to, then that's fine -- you can back out. Third, let's keep cussing and really strong words out of the picture. Mamma taught us that there's always a nicer way to say something so we shouldn't resort to gutter talk. Fourth, I don't want you to get pregnant."

"Ah, Brody!" Celeste said. "Never? I would love to have your baby!"

"Me too," Kristine added.

"Not while you're twelve."

"But, Brody, look at the time," Celeste said in a sing-songy fashion.

I glanced at my clock and saw it was almost 3 in the morning.

"It's after midnight," she went on, "it's my birthday and I'm 13 now!"

"And it's a school holiday," Kristine added, "so we can sleep in."

"Then the birthday girl gets her very own birthday orgasm," I said, throwing all caution to the wind.

I rolled over so I was on top of Celeste. Kristine slipped off but kept her hands on my back. I started kissing Celeste like I had never kissed her before. Passionate lip-locking and then deep tongue probing. At first, I think I surprised her and maybe briefly overwhelmed her. But after a few moments, she began to respond in kind and her tongue probed deep back into my mouth.

"Is this what you were wanting?" I asked.

"Yes! Don't stop!" she gasped.

I started kissing down her chin, her neck and shoulders. Her lithe form was so tantalizing -- there was nearly no body fat to hide anything. I felt her ribs beneath my kisses before I centered on her sternum. Each of my cheeks lightly grazed the edges of her little tits. I circled back around and engulfed one nipple completely in my mouth. She gasped and grasped my head with both of her hands.

"What happened?" Kristine asked.

Celeste struggled to answer. "He's.... sucking.... my.... TIT!"

Suddenly the light next to my bed went on and Kristine whispered, "Oh, wowzers!" She lay down next to us and pulled the blanket around her and watched in rapt amazement as I sucked her sister's tits. Celeste kept a tight hold on my head and moaned as I caught her little nipples gently between my teeth.

"Oh, Brody! Oh!" she whispered.

While I sucked on one tit, I gently rolled the other one between my fingers. She moaned but no intelligible words came.

I finally slid down and opened her legs up. Her pussy glimmered with a sheen of her excitement. Her inner lips were already very dark pink and extended past her outer lips. Her clitoral shaft stuck out waiting for my visit. I fell to licking her outer lips and discovered that she had a few wiry hairs along the top of her pussy and one or two along the sides. Her pussy was fragrant and her nectar began coating my chin. I had eaten pussy before, but never a young pussy. This smelled -- and tasted -- less aromatic, less complex, more fresh and younger. I reveled in the sensation!

I ran my tongue over the length of her slit and felt her folds deform under the pressure. I lightly licked several more times and she bucked her hips toward my face. I pulled her pussy wide apart with my hands and pressed my tongue as far as it would go into her folds. She pressed back hard. I grabbed her clit with my lips and began sucking all the while massaging her pussy lips with my fingers. Between my spit and her juices, she was dripping wet. Her hands found the top of my head and began tracing a small circle in my scalp. I felt her tense up as she rubbed my hair faster and faster. Dang! She was nearing a climax after only a few minutes!? What a hot little vixen! I increased the tempo of my sucking and rubbing and in a few moments she exploded: a deep grunt and a loud explosion of air coupled with both of her hands forcing my head into her pussy. I kept licking her clit then began slowing down. Her legs clamped tight around me so that I couldn't leave her gash even if I wanted to.

She finally relaxed and I looked up to see that she was spent. She was spread eagle and her tiny tits were capped with very erect nipples. Her eyes were half open and a huge smile adorned her lips.

Kristine was still watching us and her eyes were wide open in wonder. "What happened?" she finally asked.

"Best birthday present ever," Celeste whispered. "I don't know what that was, but, Brody, can you do that again?"

I had to laugh. She was so cute and funny. And sexy. And desirable!

"There's more," I softly said.

"What's that?" Celeste asked.

"I know I said I don't want to make you pregnant, but..."

"YES!" she squealed! "Yes! I want you inside me!"

"I'm taking a chance," I began.

"I haven't started my period," she pointed out.

"I know. But that doesn't mean much. But there's no way that I could pass up an opportunity to make love to my loving sister on her birthday!"

"Really?" she squeaked again.

"Show me how much you want it!" I chuckled.

She spread her legs as wide as possible, her knees almost flat on the bed and the heels of her feet touching almost next to her pussy. Then she took hold of her pussy with her two hands and gently tugging on each inner pussy lip so that it looked like a gaping tunnel forming right there -- sticking out from her crotch perhaps most of an inch.

"Oh, Celeste, you are so cute. Don't you think so?" I asked Kristine.

She nodded, still wide eyed. "Is that really going to fit in there?" she quietly asked.

"You'd be surprised," I replied. "And I can only think of one thing as cute as this." I looked at her and winked. "When you're ready, you'll get a nice birthday present too!"

She giggled and blushed a little.

I turned back to Celeste who lay there holding her pussy wide open. "Okay, babe, first time might not be all fun."

"But all the other times will be, right?"

"Probably so."

"Then put it in me. I want to feel you IN ME!" her voice was raw with emotion and lust.

I positioned myself above her and aimed my dick at her slit. It did look a little preposterous and obscene -- my huge dick pointing at her bald, virgin cunt. I wiped the head of my dick up and down in her very wet slit several times then positioned it in the mouth of her vagina.

She put her hand around my neck and whispered, "I've wanted to make love to you as long as I can remember."

"Really?" I asked. That revelation made my dick twitch.

"Uh-huh. When I was younger, I just wanted to marry you. Now I know what I want."

I kissed her lips tenderly. "And I know what I want too. I want to make love to the both of you for the rest of my life."

"Do it then, Brody!"

I pressed and the head slid in slightly. I pressed harder and her face screwed up in a painful grimace. I pressed even harder and she pushed back with her hips.

"It's not going...." she began.

Then her hymen tore and I plunged all the way into her tight vagina. It took my breath away. I tried to concentrate on not cumming. I finally opened my eyes and saw tears in hers.

I wiped the tears with my fingers and kissed her lips. She looked into my eyes and whispered, "It's not too bad now. In fact, I can't believe how wonderful it feels once you're inside me."

"Are you ready for me to make love?"

"Let me get used to this a little while longer," she whispered. "It feels so good. Oh, you're in me!" She reached over and grasped Kristine's hand and smiled, "You're totally going to love this."

Kristine squeezed her hand back in return. "I can't believe that his dick just disappear inside you."

"Watch," I said, slowly pulling my dick most of the way out.

"Don't leave me," Celeste said, her eyes pleading.

I slowly pushed my dick all the way back in and smiled as contentment filled Celeste's face.

"It really IS all the way in you," Kristine said in awe.

I then slowly pulled out and plunged back in, luxuriating in the velvety feel of her tight and slippery cunt. Back and forth -- I knew I couldn't hold out too long. We would play rough-rider at some other point later on. That moment, however, was just about feeling the just-turned-13-year-old pussy from the inside out and then blowing my load. Each time I bottomed out in her vagina, she grunted a little. She put her arms around me and finally realized that she could join the rhythm too. That's when I realized that I could not hold on any longer. I bottomed out one last time and spurted blast after blast deep into her cunny. Later, Kristine laughed when she told me that I grunted funny, went rigid and convulsed all the while with my mouth open like the letter "O."

Celeste rubbed my back and my neck and held me close to her so that I couldn't roll off. My dick, surprisingly enough, stayed erect for some time. Finally, my arms grew tired of propping myself up, keeping most of my weight off my sister.

"Kristine, could you go get a couple of towels?" I asked.

Good thing I did, as soon as I pulled out, gobs of spunk mixed with her blood spilled out of her pussy. We went to the bathroom and I gently washed her well- used pussy with a warm washcloth. Kristine was full of questions but Celeste would only say, "You'll see. It's wonderful!" I promised Kristine that it was her turn next, but we would have to sleep first. "A guy can't keep coming like that without resting up in between."

"We're going to sleep with you, aren't we?" she asked.

"Yes, and without clothes!"

I fell asleep with Celeste cuddled up to my backside, her arm draped over my chest. I was snuggled into Kristine's backside, my dick nestled into her butt crack and my hands cupping her tits. So far, I was not suffering any buyer's remorse! I slept hard and long. But me dreams were turbulent and troubling, torn between love (and lust) for my sisters and fear that someone would take them from me.

Chapter 8

I awoke with a familiar feeling around my dick. My engorged dick was still nestled in between Kristine's butt crack; my hands still cupped her nice sized tits. There was vague light from the outside which allowed me to survey the extra lumps in my bed. In dawn's gray light I thought about what had just happened a few hours before. "It was weird, it was scary, it was illegal" -- that was what one part of my mind tried to tell me. Another part merely replied, "It was fun and you enjoyed it; and you can't go back now."

Kristine sensed that I was awake finally and wiggled her butt back at me. "Morning, Brody!"

Celeste still held me tightly with her naked form wedged in against my backside and her hands around my chest. I suddenly found it very erotic that my naked butt was pressed up hard against her bare little crotch and all of its just-turned-13-years-old pussy. I finally agreed with the part of my mind that said there was no going back.

"I felt your dick jump just now," Kristine said. I could hear the smile in her voice.

"Little wonder," I replied, squeezing her tit. "Two very loving and sexy girls naked in my bed and begging me to play some more with them?"

"Are you ready to play then?" Kristine asked.

"I'm thinking that somehow I am still in a dream," I replied. "And I don't want to wake up."

"But we're here with you," Celeste said, massaging my shoulders.

"And I want my dreamy feeling now too," Kristine added.

"This is really happening?" I asked, starting to wonder if this was a good thing.

"Brody, it is and you have and it was so wonderful," Celeste whispered in my ear. "Now get in there and give my sister some of that incredible feeling too."

Kristine rolled over and wrapped her arms around my neck. "Brody, I know things have changed, but they've changed for the better. Do you remember what I told Shelly at the theater? How there was no one who cares as much as you do?" I nodded. "And you remember what Celeste said last night? How she has always wanted to marry you?" I nodded again. "It's true of me too. We used to pretend that you were our husband and that you'd be coming back to take us away to your castle someday. Brody?" She paused and ran her finger over my lips. "That day is today. You've taken us away to your castle and you've made us your special princesses. I want to be your queen too."

How she could do that, I had no idea. Just on the cusp of being 13 but possessing a command of words and ideas and emotions. I suppose that some of it was Mom's teaching and setting an example and making sure that they read lots and watched only a little TV. But mostly is was Kristine. And I loved her for it.

"As you wish," I whispered.

She immediately caught the reference to "The Princess Bride" and smiled broadly. I fell to kissing her lips. I was immediately struck by how different her lips were from Celeste's. Kristine's were fuller and the little indentation -- the frenulum -- on her lip was more pronounced. She began kissing me back with ardor. Celeste stayed nestled in behind me and rubbed my shoulders with her hands and kissed my neck and ear. My dick was growing. One free hand found her breast and gently squeezed and massaged its supple form. She gasped as I ran my fingers over her nipple and lightly pinch it between my fingers.

After several minutes of tongue wrestling, I moved to take one nipple in my mouth. I was now half on top of her and my dick was drilling into the bed under her hips. My free hand had her other breasts and was massaging it boldly.

"Oh, Matt!" Her voice was thick with sultry passion. "Oh, my dear Brody!" She articulated more words, but none of it was recognizable.

I let my hand drift away from her breast to explore the wide expanse of her flat belly. I let my forefinger rest in her navel briefly before pressing it lower. I felt the rise of her pubic bone and the small gathering of bush that adorned the top of her pussy. She anticipated my fingers arriving at her love-gate and thus opened her legs up wide. I rubbed her whole pussy mound with the palm of my hand. She was hot down there -- hot and quite wet.

I moved so that I was leaning over her body, over her crotch and began kissing the inside of her hips and thighs and legs. Her pussy lips were puffy and wet from her excitement. Her clitoris was swollen and poking up in ready anticipation. Her inner lips were parted so I could see part way into her vagina. I ran my tongue over the crease where her legs join her abdomen before running my tongue straight down the middle of her pussy gash. She moaned in reply. Her pussy smelled fuller and more rich in content than Celeste's. It's taste was stronger too. Not pungent, not overbearing, and not fully mature either -- but definitely not a little girl's odors by any means.

My dick was hanging between my legs and Celeste took it in her hands and gently squeezed it and kneaded it with her fingers. Suddenly there were extra fingers on my dick and massaging my balls. I glanced underneath me and saw Kristine's hand grasping my turgid rod and Celeste lightly touching my scrotum and ass crack -- even tickling my sphincter. The effect was delicious!

I returned to licking Kristine's gooey crack with abandon. I pulled her pussy wide with my fingers and dipped my tongue deep into her folds. Our juices mingled together and ran down her crack to her ass. I used one finger to trace her pussy slit down to her anus -- back and forth, making it slicker each pass. Her hips began rhythmically bucking in time with my sucking and my fingering of her ass crack. Her hand that was on my dick squeezed in and excited, but unsteady pattern. The more I sucked the more firm her squeezing of my dick became. Her other hand was on my head and twiddled and diddled in my hair as though she were somehow trying to convey to my tongue the exact speed and pressure that was necessary to make her clit explode. It worked. I heard a loud gasped and her hand squeezed my dick hard and long. Her other hand pressed into my scalp as hard as she could while her legs closed tightly around my head, shutting my ears from hearing anything more till she relaxed. I probably would have shot my load right then had her tugging been less tight -- it was almost painful how hard she pulled on me. (Oh the things we put up with to help our women folk, right?)

Celeste started rubbing my ass cheeks and pressing in between, letting her fingers trace over my anal sphincter and the back side of my balls. "You're going to make love to her, aren't you, Brody?" she whispered -- or nearly cooed -- her voice filled with electricity.

"I shouldn't," I began. I thought back....It had been three and a half weeks since she had her first period. But doctors are quick to point out that menses in young teens is inherently unpredictable. It would be a huge risk, but....

"Do you want me to come inside you?" I asked Kristine, cradling her head in my arms, my body lying in the valley between her breasts.

She kissed me softly on the lips and whispered, "Yes! Make me your queen!"

Dang! I just took a newly made 13 year old's cherry, now I was offered a 12 year old's too? Looks like I was getting the birthday presents.

"Okay, babe, you're my queen too."

I positioned myself so that my dick was at her pussy. She took the shaft and rubbed it back and forth in her wet cunt juices. That felt so hot! I pressed firmly against her vaginal opening. She looked in my eyes and smiled.

"I'm ready," she whispered then put her arms around my neck.

"So am I, Queen Kristine."

And then I pressed hard. My dick slipped in part way. Her eyes bulged and I saw her bite her lip. I backed out part way then pressed forward again. My dick went in further. It was odd. There was no tearing of a hymen -- just a stiff plowing through a very tight pussy. I repeated that several more times: back up, press forward. And each time I got further into her tight cunt. Finally my pubic hair smashed against her thin smattering of hair. She held me tightly and pressed her face into the crook of my neck.

"You are in me," she whispered. "I would have never believed how good this feels! I am full of my Brody!"

She sniffed and I pulled my face back to look. She had tears in her eyes.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"More than," she replied. "I am just... overwhelmed. Let me feel you in me more."

I knew what she meant. She wanted me to stay buried deep within her pussy before I started really making love.

Celeste had been lying next to us just watching. She suddenly reached over and kissed her sister on the cheek. "I'm so glad that you get to feel it too. It's like nothing else!"

Kristine nodded and squeezed Celeste's hand then kissed my lips. "Okay, lover. Time to ride the wild horses!"

Where she got those sayings, I have no idea! But I began thrusting. In and out. In and out. At first it was just long and deliberate strokes, purposing to rub along the top of her pussy to give her clit a little more attention. Finally I didn't care what was happening -- I just had to ride! Thrusting wildly now, I banged her and felt my balls slap against her butt. Each time I bottomed out I heard her wheeze and gasp. Her hips began matching my rhythm and soon she was hugging my back with her arms -- hugging, pawing, grasping, pulling me in closer to her body. Suddenly, I came. Powerful spurts seemed to threaten to launch rockets and grenades into her pussy. It felt like there was enough force to blast through to her other side. I lay still on her. Her tits pushed up into my chest and she held me quietly, not moving except for a little rocking motion with her hips. She also made a happy little quiet sort of hum as she breathed out. One hand finally stirred and be gan stroking my hair.

"Oh, Brody," she finally exclaimed. "Oh! Brody!"

"Now you both are my queens," I softly answered.

Celeste had moved and found a towel. "Need this?" she asked.

I pulled out at long last and along with globs of cum there were tinges of blood. I suppose that Kristine's cherry was either loose or mostly torn from prior experiences. We went into the master bath and showered together. Breakfast came late. We played with each other's bodies several more times that morning, but I refrained from full-blown vaginal sex until I had condoms. I would see about getting them on the pill later.

Celeste never had a period until she was 14 and a half. Kristine's next period showed up a few days later -- right before her birthday! "I'm sure glad you already gave me my present," she quipped.

A year later I changed jobs and we moved to the Silicon Valley where I purchased a very nice home on a secluded piece of land. At work, I just talk about work -- never mention home stuff. At home, it's like I'm married to two hot sexy teenagers; but when they're out at school, they are merely my sisters and I'm their guardian. So far, life's been good. Hard? Yeah, always watching your back and hoping that no one is trying to figure out what's going on. The girls do a good job of occasionally dating but never enough to get really close to some guy. Word around their school is they think most guys are dorks or infantile. "Most," they would say, "but not our Brody."

And I have it so fine.

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


What a great story!! I loved it!! Keep them coming.


Thanks so much for a great story! I just love the more romantic approach, so this one is exactly what I'm searching for.


wonderful, thoughtful, realistic, great details, semi-believeable happy ending.


I think I've found a new favorite author. This story has almost everything! Well done, Sir Brody. Well done!


I've never commented on a story before but I had to say that story was excellent didn't want it to end


That was the best story I've read on here. You make it so real, I was jealous of him for having that love. Thank you :)


I've enjoyed a few of these stories, but this one Is the best by far. You put a lot of work into it and made it both interesting and complex. I don't like abuse stories, so I avoid them.


Brody, Brody, Brody! What a guy! What a story! So romantic, so realistic, so sweet. Keep it up!

The reviewing period for this story has ended.