A Visit To The Doctor

[ MFgb, bond, med, humil, tort ]


Published: 29-Jul-2013

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Chapter 1

"But mummy, I don't want to go to the doctor, I'm scared!"

"Oh don't be ridiculous Jenny! What on earth is there to be scared about?"

Twelve year-old Jenny Winston wasn't able to answer that question. She just knew that she had butterflies in her tummy at the thought of seeing Dr Thomson at the clinic. Partly because she didn't know why she was visiting the doctor; she didn't feel ill, certainly. Partly also because she had the awful nagging feeling it was something to do with what her mother was talking about the other day - that she was "becoming a woman." She knew that this meant something to do with all her rude parts and it made her embarrassed because Dr Thomson was a man - quite a good looking man too and she didn't want to have to talk about rude stuff with him. Besides, she didn't want to become a woman anyway! Adults were boring and they never did anything fun. Why couldn't she stay how she was? How she was was just fine!

But her mother didn't seem to be remotely interested in her opinon and had already got into the car and started the engine.

"Come on Jenny! We'll be late! Get a move on!" she shouted from the open car door, "and don't forget to shut the front door properly!"

Jenny left the house and slammed the door so hard the glass rattled. She hated her mum sometimes. With as sullen and unhelpful an attitude as she could muster, she walked down the drive and plonked herself in the back seat of the car.

"Not sitting in the front with me?" he mother asked, in a vaguely offended tone. Jenny just grunted and the car started off towards town. It was a hot summer day and Jenny was wearing her favourite cut off jeans. They were a little tight and she found herself wriggling about on the seat to get comfortable. It was mainly between her legs where they were tightest, the denim always seemed to cut into her slit. She had never given this any thought before a few weeks ago when she had been going out to meet her friends wearing the same shorts and her father had expressed surprise that she was "going out dressed like that!" When she asked him what he meant, he just mumbled something she couldn't hear. But later that day she had asked her friend Vanessa, who had told her that boys had been looking at "between her legs" because the shorts were showing off the shape of her front bottom. She had been shocked at the thought, but now she found herself wearing them more and more; she wanted the boys to look. The car was now approaching the clinic and Jenny was getting the butterflies again. What would Dr Thomson want to do to her?

The car came to a halt on the gravel in front of the white featureless building.

"Come on, out you get young lady!" barked her mother, holding open the door and Jenny scampered out and followed her into the reception area. The grey haired receptionist looked stern, Jenny thought, as she looked up from her computer.

"Yes?" she asked, emotionlessly.

"Err...we've come to see Dr Thomson," Jenny's mother explained. The woman seemed unimpressed. She smiled in a false way, "And who is the patient?"

"Oh, sorry," Jenny's mother laughed, "she is. Jenny Winston."

"Age last birthday?"


"Go right through, the doctor's ready for you."

As they entered the doctor's office, Jenny was immediately aware of a smell of disinfextant or some medical sort of stuff and this made her even more apprehensive. She clutched her mother's arm as the doctor beckoned them both in.

"Ahh..Jenny. Hello," he said in a friendly way, "I haven't seen you since you were tiny." Jenny tried to smile back at him, but she noticed him looking at the front of her shorts and it made her uncomfortable. "My what a young woman you are becoming!" he added and Jenny flushed with embarrassment. "Take a seat, both of you. Please."

As they sat down, he turned to Jenny's mother.

"Now, Mrs Winston," he asked, "what seems to be the matter with this little darling here?" he glanced sideways at Jenny and grinned in a most creepy way, she thought. Jenny shuffled uneasily on her chair feeling the doctors eyes on her. She had thought him good looking when she saw him in town that time with her friends. But now she was rather afraid of him and hoped it would all be over soon.

"Well doctor, Jenny is becoming a woman now and I felt you should give her a good check over, of you know what I mean." As she said this, Jenny thought she saw a wink and a smile on her mother's face as if there was something she wasn't saying out loud.

"I see..." added the doctor, licking his lips. "Yes, a thorough checking over, eh?" he looked Jenny up and down, causing her to blush bright scarlet. "Yes, I think that would be an excellent idea. As you say, she is blossoming into quite a little stunner isn't she? I'll bet the boys can't keep their grubby little hands off you at school, can they my sweet?" At this, Jenny felt uncomfortably hot. She thought she might faint, but all she could do was look at the floor and hope the embarrassment would pass. To her horror, her mother just laughed at this comment.

"Ha ha, yes, indeed doctor! Now, I expect you'll want her undressed won't you?" Jenny was horrified, this was what she had been dreading.

"What?! No please mummy, I don't want to be bare! Please?" she begged. But her mother was already unbuttoning her blouse,

"Don't be silly dear, you know doctors have to examine you properly! Now stand up and let me get these shorts off, there's a good girl." Jenny felt weak and although she wanted to protest, she felt powerless in front of these two adults. They must know what was best, she thought, but it was just so embarrasing. She reluctantly stood up to let her mother remove her shorts and shirt. As she stood there in her knickers, her tiny voice found the words to say.

"Can you put me in one of those white dress things?" she pleaded.

"What ever for?" replied doctor Thomson, "how would I examine you then? No, my dear, you have to be completely bare. Now come along, we haven't got all day! Up you get on to my examining table." As Jenny reluctantly slipped off her knickers, she noticed he was rolling out a sheet of blue cloth or something on the doctors table. Wearing only her white ankle socks and trying to cover her genitals with her hands, she climbed up and lay on the table, her knees clasped tightly together. Her mother stood by her side and Jenny hoped she was going to stay right there. Now she was scared, embarrassed and getting a bit cold. To her great surprise, doctor Thomson now took hold of her slender wrists and was fastening them into two leather cuffs either side of her head. She wanted to resist, but once again, she felt powerless to act.

"What are you doing that for," she asked.

"Well now my child, we can't have you flailing about all over the place when I am trying to examine you. I know what little girls are like!" He smiled that awful, sick smile again and Jenny felt her heart beating quicker than before. "Now, Mrs Winston, can you just pop her legs into the stirrups please?" he said, indicating the two metal bars at the end of the table.

"Of course, doctor," she replied taking hold of Jenny's ankles and placing them each in one of the footrests at the end of the bars. The bars were still fairly close together and so Jenny could still keep her knees together; this was very important to her as she didn't want to feel any more exposed than she already was. But then doctor Thomson came up to that end of the table and started to strap Jenny's ankles in place with the same sort of leather straps and when he had finished he pulled the two stirrups wide apart to their fullest open position either side of the table. She tried to keep her legs closed as he did so, but it was impossible. He was stronger than her. She knew he could feel her trying to stop him but he just pulled harder. Now she felt totally helpless; her elbows were bent with her hands tied securely either side of her head and her feet were high up, secured also, with her legs held wide apart. The doctor could now see her exposed immature vulva and their was nothing she could do to stop him. She closed her eyes tightly as she could not bear to see him glaring right at her open private parts. She wanted to cry, but she knew it would make her mother cross. She just hoped it would soon be over. She could still hear doctor Thomson though, and what he was saying didn't sound like the kind of thing a doctor should say.

"Well Mrs Winston. I must congratulate you. Your daughter is a real cracker. Quite the finest little piece of hussy tail I've seen in a long time." Jenny didn't know what those words meant, but she was sure they weren't nice words.

"Why thank you doctor. I'm glad you think so," she heard her mother reply. "What will you do first?"

"Oh I usually start with some photos. People pay big money for this kind of material, you know." Doctor Thomson picked up a large digital camera and started taking full figure shots of the table and his little captive.

"Yes," Mrs Winston laughed, "I am sure they do! There are some jolly sick people out there!" At this, Jenny opened her eyes. She had to see for herself her mother's eveil looking smile as she said these words. Now the poor little girl was sure something was wrong. Her mother seemed to be in on something with doctor Thomson and she didn't like it at all. She couldn't exactly work it out in her young mind, but she didn't think doctors should be photographing bare little girls.

Chapter 2

Doctor Thomson snapped away with his camera as his little captive's eyes followed him circling her helpless body. Why didn't her mother help her? She couldn't be letting this happen, could she? Doctor Thomson then kneeled down between her open thighs and peered in close to the child's exposed vulva,

"Aah, what a beautiful sight!" he sighed, "such beauty. I must get some super close ups of this. Could you bring that medical lamp over here Mrs Winston, we need some more light on this." He indicated to his left where Mrs Winston fetched a large, high powered medical light on a stand.

"Certainly doctor," she replied, wheeling it over and directing its powerful flood onto her daughter's naked genitals. Doctor Thomson nodded his thanks but without taking his eyes of Jenny's tender girlmeat. He set his camera to "macro" to allow him to focus very close and then proceeded to snap picture after picture, going in closer and closer, until his entire viewfinder was filled with the most gorgeous sight. Jenny was suffering the most terrible pangs of embarrassment as she looked down between her splayed thighs to see doctor Thomson photographing her most private place. Even her mummy hadn't seen her front bottom up that close, she thought. But now, to her increased outrage, she saw that her mother was kneeling down for a look beside doctor Thomson.

"What do you think of your little girl, Mrs W?" he asked suggestively.

"Oh yes, very nice indeed." She grinned in reply.

Before them, between Jenny's widely spread thighs was a truly awesome sight. Above, her mound was lightly covered in wispy brown hairs which became more and more sparse lower down. Mrs Winston was intrigued to see just how incredibly fine these hairs were, not like her own. The pubic mound split into two firm, bulging labia which only had a few strands of hair each. Pouting between her pump labia was the pink, crinkly flesh of her small lips.

"But doctor," asked Mrs Winston, somewhat puzzled, "does she not have a clitoris?" Doctor Thomson laughed,

"Of course she does, my dear. But in a girl of such tender years, it is often hidden behind her rather plump labia majora."

"Is that her large lips, doctor?"

"Yes, that's correct Mrs Thomson. Here let me show you." Jenny didn't know what they were talking about, but she guessed it was doctor talk for her front bottom bits. She knew there were some different parts down there, but she had no idea what they were called or what they did. She did know that some of them felt good to touch when she was in bed alone, especially that part at the top, just inside the little slit thing. But she was rudely awakened from her temporary reverie by the feeling of doctor Thomson's fingers on her privates. He appeared to be pulling it open and she could feel the air chilling the inner parts.

"Now you see how the inner structures are revealed as I part the labia majora?" said doctor Thomson as he took hold of Jenny's large lips and pulled them open. There was a very faint moist sound as the delicate, pink petals of her small lips were exposed. As they parted, Mrs Thomson could see a few silvery strands hanging between them.

"What is that?" she asked, pointing to the threads.

"Oh that is just her vaginal secretions. Very common in young girls. They get very easily stimulated at that age," he explained.

"You mean she's turned on?" Mrs Thomson asked, sounding surprised.

"Oh yes, very probably," replied the doctor matter of factly, "in fact there is more evidence here. Looks like she has been turned on earlier today." He was pointing to some whitish flakes of a dried substance at the base of the child's vulva, towards the vaginal opening. At this, poor Jenny was subjected to new torments. While she didn't understand all the words, she was pretty sure that the doctor could tell she had been rubbing her front bottom in bed this morning while thinking about boys. She knew that some wet stuff sometimes came out, but she had no idea it would still be there to see. She had a feeling it was bad to touch herself - she had certainly never heard her friends talk about it - so she felt very guilty and embarrassed that the doctor was taking about it.

"You naughty little girl!" her mother scolded, fulfilling her worst fears, "have you been playing with your little cunt? Well... doctor Thomson has a way of punishing naughty, dirty little girls like you, don't you doctor Thomson?" she continued in a mock severe voice. The doctor replied in the same manner.

"Oh yes! We do indeed. And they are very hurty!" he said, stroking Jenny's young body with the back of his from her neck to her pubis, causing her to shiver uncontrollably. Finding her voice at last, Jenny managed.

"Please doctor Thomson, you won't hurt me will you? Mummy said it was just have me checked?"

"Hurt you? Well now, we'll just have to see, won't we? I think that depends on you my child. On how brave you are." He laughed and glanced across slyly to Mrs Thomson, who he noticed had her hand between her legs and a rather dreamy expression on her face. Jenny hoped so much it wouldn't hurt and that her mum would surely stop him if he did try to hurt her. But her confidence was short lived as she saw doctor Thomson wheel a small trolley towards her. On the top shelf of the trolley was a vast collection of bright shiny metal instruments. She didn't know what they were for, but they looked scary and nasty. She couldn't imagine how anything made of such hard looking metal could be used on her soft flesh without hurting her.

"Mummy, what are those things for on the tray? He's not going to use them to hurt me is he?" she pleaded, increasingly concerned. But her mother was disdainful.

"Well I have absolutely no idea. How should I know what he's going to do? But I sure hope you're not going to make a fuss! You are a pain when you're whining about something!" At this, Jenny's last hope of having her mother protect her faded away and hot tears rolled down her pretty cheeks.

"We may have some fun with those later, my dear. But first, I have a surprise visitor for you." The doctor opened the door and in walked a rather scruffy looking 13 year old boy with an excited leer on his face. He barged past the doctor and over to the examining table. To her absolute horror, Jenny recognised him immediately. "Say hello to Lance, Jenny. He has paid a lot of money to see you today, haven't you Lance?"

"Yeah!" grunted the youth, almost visibly salivating at the sight of poor Jenny's perfect, helpless body, "I fuckin' 'ave. A small fuckin' fortune!" Mrs Winston recognised him too - Lance Graham. A real nightmare of a child and a major headache for the school both he and Jenny attended. He had been excluded from school several times and had been in trouble with the police for violent offences on more than one occasion despite his tender age. She shuddered with delicious terror as he stood leering over her exposed daughter, rubbing his swelling crotch.

"Cool!" he grunted, "she's fuckin' hot with her clothes off. Nice tits on her. And that cunt's not bad neither! Did you say I can do what I want with her doctor?"

"Of course, Lance. That's why you're here. We shall leave you in peace for half an hour so you can be private to do whatever you'd like. You may get undressed if you wish - the door will be locked." He ushered Mrs Winston out of the office and into the adjoining room to view proceedings through a two-way mirror. Mrs Winston was clearly excited, but anxious too.

"You don't think he'll be too hard on her do you doctor? I mean he has a pretty terrible reputation at the school."

"No, I think he'll probably just want to make use of her to masturbate and then he'll lose interest. Boys like that have very poor impulse control. By the way, he jumped at the opportunity when I met him in the car park yesterday. He parted with a lot of cash to be here today - remind me to split it with you, by the way - Jenny is apparently the most fantasized about girl in school, he told me!" They both turned towards the two way mirror and as Doctor Thomson flicked the light switch, the room went dark and they had a full view of Lance and Jenny in the office next door.

Lance was muttering all sorts of obscenities which they could not easily make out, but which were easy to imagine. He mauled Jenny's body, affording it none of the respect it's pure, innocent beauty deserved. He grabbed her underdeveloped breast buds causing her to grimace with pain. Her cries were silenced by the glass as he took hold of her pale pink nipples, each sitting on a small raised areola in the centre of her small, milky white breasts. He clenched his teeth and pinched the nipples as hard as he could, squeezing the soft and tender flesh until it was quite white. Jenny's mouth opened wide and her back arched off the table as she screamed in pain. As he let go, Mrs Thomson could see the purplish bruises appearing on her daughter's punished breasts. Such cruel mistreatment of her defenceless daughter was making her very excited and as her right hand surreptitiously crept down to her crotch doctor Thompson caught what she was doing out of the corner of his eye,

"Pretty arousing, isn't it Mrs Winston?" he grinned. "If you need to relieve yourself, please feel free. I don't mind in the slightest."

"Oh..err..yes," laughed Mrs Winston, slightly embarrassed. "Yes, indeed. You see it reminds me of being abused by my step-father at her age. What goes around, comes around, they always say!" she laughed, as she continued to stimulate her inflamed genitals through her clothes.

"Indeed they do!" he replied, "and thank God for it too!" Now the young thug had turned his attention to poor Jenny's vulva. He knelt down between her creamy thighs and sniffed her crotch, almost touching her intimate flesh with his nose. He drew in whole lungfuls of the warm, slightly sour odour of the child's genitals and grinned in approval. Poor Jenny was meanwhile undergoing the most appalling torments of embarrassment and humiliation as this disgusting boy - who she and her friends took great care to avoid at school - was touching her all over. Her horror increased as he unzipped his jeans and his penis flopped out. She had never seen a penis before, certainly not in this erect state. He massaged it furiously as it sprang to attention. She didn't really know what to expect at this point. Her knowledge of sex was very thin and confused, but as he walked towards her head she had an awful feeling that something really gross and disgusting was about to happen. Her mother and doctor Thomson were meanwhile watching with mounting excitement next door.

"Ooh, that's a nice looking cock for a young boy," Mrs Winston cooed, "I wouldn't mind a bit of that myself!"

"Don't be disgusting, woman! He's only 13! What are you? Some kind of pervert?" He laughed in response. Just then, Lance started to wipe his penis across Jenny's pretty face causing her to roll her head from side to side to try and avoid it. He tried to force it into her mouth and even though she bravely clamped her jaws shut, the hard purple tip worked it's way inside her lips and rubbed against her teeth. She spat in disgust as she could taste the salty fragments of yellowish smegma crusted around the base of his glans. But it was the smell that made her retch. Unable to hold her breath any longer, she was forced to inhale. As her mouth was shut, it had to be through her nose which brought her a huge draft of the rancid, cheesy penis smell she had so far managed to remain completely innocent of. It was overpowering, making her guess that he hadn't had a bath in weeks. She was barely able to retain control of herself, but as she had only had a small breakfast, she could only retch painfully. The repulsive brute then returned to the far end of the table where he poked and prodded at the poor child's delicate vulva. Lance then got out his mobile phone and started snapping away picture after picture of her exposed sex.

"Ha ha, you little slut! Wait till I show these around school! They'll all want to look at your little kiddy cunt, bitch!" Jenny wept rivers of tears as he pulled and pinched the thin, pink petals of her labia and clitoris. He pushed his dry finger inside her, tugging cruelly at the thin membrane of her hymen. With a callous disregard for the cries of suffering of his pretty little victim he pushed his finger all the way inside her until his dirty, ragged fingernail scratched at her cervix causing her to yelp with pain and writhe about on the table, straining uselessly against her bonds. He pulled out his finger and tried to insert his penis, but her tiny vaginal opening was too tight for him. He pushed and pushed but only succeeded in bending his penis as her sphincter clenched against it and she howled with pain.

Frustrated, he returned to her head and proceeded to masturbate his young penis furiously, swearing abuse at her the whole time until he came to a shuddering climax and spewed his hot sperm over her pretty face, up her nose and in her mouth,

"Uhhnn....yes!...fuck!...take that, you fucking little bitch!...uhhhnnn...UUHHN!" he grunted. Spent, he fell back and stuffed his penis back in his jeans, unlocked the door and walked out of the office and back on to the street. Doctor Thomson and Mrs Winston returned to their helpless victim.

"He hey! How did you like that, my girl?" Jenny's mother mocked as she went over to the sobbing child, her face smeared with white rivulets of sperm. But the poor child's innocent trust for her mother prevented her from grasping the full realisty of the situation.

"Oh mummy, Mummy! I am so glad you're here again. While you were away, that horrid boy did awful things to me. Oh please run and catch him, don't let him do it again, will you mummy?" At this, both doctor Thomson and Jenny's mother howled with laughter at the ludicrous naivete of the poor girl.

"What is it, mummy? Please let me go now. I don't like it here. Please...."

Chapter 3

Jenny was beginning to think her mother couldn't hear her. She certainly didn't seem remotely interested in helping her and she wondered if she would be bound to the horrid doctor's table for ever. After that nasty boy had done things to her she felt ashamed and dirty. This horrid gooey stuff had come out of his willy and was all over her face. She could feel it gradually drying and making her skin feel tight. The doctor and her mummy had gone to have a cup of coffee, but they had not even let her get up. When they came in, finally, she tried to speak, but her mother talked over her,

"Ok Jenny, my girl, the doctor has decided it is time for you to be trained to experience orgasm. Do you know what that is?" she asked.

"N..no, mummy. I don't" answered Jenny. Her mother helpfully explained,

"Well, an orgasm, Jenny, is the peak of sensations you feel in your sex organs (your willy if you're a boy, or your front bottom if you're a girl." Jenny winced at this mention of such a rude thing in front of the doctor, but her mother continued, regardless. "You know when you touch yourself in a naughty place in bed? Come on, don't give me that look young lady! I know very well what you get up to!" Jenny blushed crimson at the revelation of her wickedness in front of a man, but she couldn't find the words to protest her innocence. Her mouth was dry. "Well," her mother continued, "if you carry on doing it for long enough and in the right place, the nice feelings in your tummy build up to a huge high point and suddenly let go. It's a bit like sneezing only much nicer. It's also what happens when a man puts his willy inside the lady's front bottom to make a baby."

"But, mummy, do I have to do that?" asked the confused child, her mind full of new, adult ideas.

"You don't have to do anything, my dear. Doctor Thomson has some special equipment that will do it for you. It will make you have lots and lots of orgasms to train your body how to feel it. To prepare you to be a woman. Not a little girl anymore.

"But mummy," protested Jenny, "I'm only 12. I don't need to be a woman do I? I don't want to have that done to me."

"Silence child!" barked the doctor, "you have no choice. That is why you are tied down. We shall do this to you whether you like it or not! Now, let's begin." With that, he pulled a chair up at the end of the table between the child's widely open thighs and sat down. Reaching for the medical instrument tray, he took two small clamps and carefully attached them to Jenny's labia minora, causing her to flinch and emit a small yelp of pain.

"Oww! Mummy. It's hurting!" she pleaded, but was ignored. Doctor Thomson then attached wires to each of the clamps and ran them over her thighs, attaching weights to the other end of the wire which had the effect of pulling the delicate petals of her pubescent sex apart to form a butterfly shape. The inner part of her vulva was now revealed, the tiny puckered hole of her urethra and below it, the entrance to her minute vagina, ringed by the thin membrane that was her hymen. The whole area was a glistening pink colour and a trickle of thick, milky fluid oozed from the vagina. Noticing this, doctor Thomson immediately turned to Jenny's mother,

"Look! I do believe the little slut's enjoying this!" he jeered. Mrs Winston leaned over for a closer look and smiled appreciatively at what she saw. Doctor Thomson then took another clip from the table and attached it to the hood of Jenny's clitoris, causing a louder yelp of pain from the pinioned child. This clip was pulled back with a wire and attached to the table via a small spring to keep it taut. The effect of this was to retract the child's clitoral hood fully and expose the tiny tip of her clitoris, which was a pleasing shade of purple pink. Mrs Winston was intrigued,

"Gosh!" she cried, "so that's what a little girl's clit looks like! How lovely and sweet it is. What are you going to do to it?"

"Well, you will see how the clamp has revealed the glans by applying traction to the prepuce. This is to make it easier for me to stimulate the clitoris directly for her orgasmic training. The stimulation will be electrical and requires two poles - a positive and a negative. If you would be so kind as to attach these to her nipples and then pass the negative leads to me, I shall take care of the placement of the positive pole." He handed Mrs Winston a pair of electrodes and she proceeded to go up to the other end of the table and carefully applied them to Jenny's nipples with the attached clamps. She then passed the ends of the black wires to doctor Thomson who plugged them into the control box of the electrical stimulator.

"What is that?" asked Mrs Winston pointing to the box.

"That, my dear, is an invention of my own. It is basically a signal generator capable of delivering a variety of electrical waveforms at adjustable frequency and voltage to a set of electrodes. The lower settings are used to induce orgasm, but the higher settings produce the most excruciating pain delivered, of course, into the most sensitive areas to which the electrodes are attached. You have just attached the negative pole to her nipples and I shall now complete the circuit." With that, he took another small clamp electrode from the instrument tray and attached it very carefully to the child's tiny clitoris, causing the small bead of flesh to blanch slightly as the blood was squeezed out of it. Jenny, gasped as he let the clamp shut on her most sensitive and delicate morsel. "Ooohh! Look at that!" exclaimed Mrs Winston, "ouch!" Doctor Thomson then reached over to the instrument tray and picked up a metal cylinder, rather like a cigar tube. It was divided along its length into two halves and there was a wire lead coming from it into the control box. He lubricated the cylinder with a little KY jelly and proceeded to insert it into the child's rectum until it was completely buried inside her. So deft and professional was his technique that Jenny barely had time to react to the cold metal invading her back passage.

"What does that do?" asked Mrs Winston. "A third electrode?"

"Not exactly," he replied. He then bent down to whisper in Mrs Winston's ear so that Jenny could not hear him, "No. This is a pressure sensor. As her excitement increases she will find her pelvic floor muscles contract rhythmically in response. This will cause her rectum to grip the sensor and that will send feedback into the controller to increase the intensity of stimulation. It's what we call positive feedback. It means that the pleasure increases towards orgasm, every rectal clench will massively increase the strength of the stimulus she receives. That in turn will excite her more and so on... It will spiral out of all control if she cannot restrain herself." He looked rather pleased with himself for creating such a fiendish device and Mrs Winston was clearly impressed,

"But can she stop the contractions herself?" she asked.

"Well, she can if she makes a great effort, but first she will have to make the connection in her mind between the contractions and the stimulus increasing. That is unlikely." He grinned wickedly at the prospect and reached over to the control box. "Ok, my beauty. Are you ready to roll?" Jenny was confused and frightened. The clamps on her breasts and clitoris were uncomfortable and she didn't understand what the doctor and her mother had been talking about. She just hoped it would all soon be finished and she could go home. That thing the doctor had pushed into her bottom felt very strange. It made her feel like she needed to go to the toilet for a number two.

"Ok," said Dr Thomson switching on the power, "let's start with a square wave shall we? Frequency of two per second and an intensity of eight volts." He made some adjustments and looked at Jenny. She remained still and her expression didn't change. "Hmm...I must be below the threshold. We'll increase the strength until we see a response," he continued as he slowly wound the voltage control round to the right. Suddenly, he saw Jenny's eyes widen and her mouth opened to take a gasp of breath. He smiled knowingly.

Jenny was taken by surprise at the feeling. It started very gently and was now rising. From her nipples and clitoris she could feel little tugging sensations and yet there was no one touching her. Just those wires attached to her personal areas. She was puzzled, but then noticed that the tugging seemed to be getting stronger until it turned into a soft, rhythmic throbbing in her delicate parts. To her surprise, it was starting to feel very nice, she thought. Like when she touched her front bottom in bed sometimes but stronger. Doctor Thomson and Mrs Winston were watching the little girl's face intently as she started to make little breathy panting sounds and her eyes rolled around in her head. She could feel her whole private parts warm up and a lovely tingling sensation in the lower part of her tummy. Just then she felt herself clench her bottom as if she was pinching off a poo and she could feel herself gripping the metal thing inside her. This in turn produced a sudden increase in sensation from her little nipples and clitoris and she couldn't help crying out,

"Uuhh....mummy!.....uhhh...hhhh.....aaahhh!" she panted, her head rolling from side to side. "What is happening to me...it's...uhhh...my front bottom....it's...uhhh...!" The deranged child was incoherent with pleasure as the electrical signals pulsed into her sensitive young pussy causing her hips to rise and fall in a lunging, ecstatic movement.

"Look at the little hussy go!" cried doctor Thomson, "she's absolutely loving it! And look here," he said, peering down between Jenny's legs at her gaping vulva which was now oozing copious amounts of milky fluid on to the table, "her little snatch is pouring out juice!" Looking at the amazing sight of her young daughter wracked with sexual pleasure, Mrs Thomson couldn't resist slipping her hand underneath her dress to massage her own dripping genitals as she seemed to ride the same waves of ecstasy. Doctor Thomson looked at the indicator LEDs on the control unit and was delighted to see that they were approaching maximum intensity. The unit was pumping out a huge square wave of 52V at a frequency of 10 per second into the girl's inflamed genitals. Each contraction of her tight little anal ring notched the system up still higher until finally the child reached a shattering orgasm, her hips lunging ever upwards as if she was thrusting her young clitoris against a lover,

"UUHHHNN....YES!!....UHHH....GOD!!...MY FRONT BOTTOM...YEEESSS!!" The effort of her pelvic floor to ride the overwhelming climax suddenly expelled the pressure sensor from her rectum and it landed on the table with a clatter. Doctor Thomson turned the dials back to zero and let the child relax, covered in a sweat, her face bright red with concentration. As he removed the electrode from her clitoris, he noticed it had swelled to about three times its previous size and was a dark, angry purple.

"Well, now young lady, it would seem that you enjoyed that?" Doctor Thomson asked with a lascivious gleam in his eye. Jenny, only just recovering her breath from her exertions.

"Oh..err...well, I don't...I mean..." she stammered, blushing once again at the dreadful embarrassment of it all. She knew something incredible had happened to her, and she had certainly enjoyed it. But she didn't think she should admit it because it was connected to her front bottom and so it must be dirty and bad. Besides, it wasn't the sort of thing a little girl should be doing in front of a grown up man. All of a sudden, despite the fact that she had just experienced the most intense burst of pleasure of her short life, she started to cry again.

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