Published: 19-Jul-2013
Word Count:
I can't wait! Today is my eighth birthday, and my friends and I have just had the most awesomest party ever! We had a bouncy castle, a barbecue, loads of games and now dad is helping put up a tent in the back garden so we can have a camp-out tonight!
I'm Jennifer Riley. As I said, I've just gone eight years old. I'm quite small for my age, and no matter what I eat I stay really skinny. I have red-brown hair which is styled into what mum says is a 'pixie cut'. Basically it's really short. My two best friends are Danielle, who is mega-tall and has blond hair down to her knees, and Megan, who is about as tall as me but with really really black hair. She's a little plump too, and when Davey Thomas called her a fat pig at school, she chased him and sat on him and made him make pig noises!
Danielle, Megan and I are staying out tonight - we have loads of snacks, drinks and games - and basically having a girly night. It's early August, the weather is beautiful, and it's half-past-eight in the evening. Dad has gotten the tent up, and he and Mum are off out for dinner. We promise to call them if there is an emergency, and we are left to our own devices in the back garden.
Dani picked up the Frisbee and tossed it to Megan. Soon, all three of us were happily leaping about, laughing at brilliant catches and awful misses. Even though it was half past eight at night it was still very warm. Megan stopped and looked at us both.
"You ok for me to take my top off?" she asked. "I'm sweating buckets here!"
"Sure," Dani said. It wasn't as if we hadn't seen her without her top on before - we all changed together when we went swimming every couple of weeks. Megan lifted her top over her head and tossed her t-shirt next to the tent.
"You know what?" Dani said, "I think she has the right idea."
"Dani, you're only wearing a dress!" I said. "You can't play Frisbee in your pants!"
"I see no reason why not," she replied, and pulled her dress off, throwing it on top of Megan's t-shirt, standing on the grass in nothing but trainers and her thin pink cotton knickers.
"Why didn't I think of that?" Megan cried, and dropped her shorts. She had no underwear on.
"Megan!" I cried, "You're naked!"
"Shout it a little louder, I don't think all of the town heard you," Megan replied sarcastically, "Come on, your turn. We may as well make it naked Frisbee!"
"No way!" I said. To my left Dani was pulling her knickers down and kicking off her trainers. Within seconds both of my best friends were standing naked on the grass in front of me. I could see the bit between Dani's legs where her privates were. Megan's was slightly hidden by her belly but just visible. I found it hard to take my eyes off them.
"Come on, Jenny," Dani said. "Don't make Meg sit on you while I strip you. Get them off!"
I looked from one to the other, and finally resigned myself to the fact that I had no choice. I lifted my top off, and pulled my shorts down, kicking them over my bare feet.
"And the rest!" Megan said, "Get your foo-foo out!"
I sighed, shook my head, and worked my fingers under the sides of my plain white knickers. I pushed them down my legs and stood naked in front of my naked friends, my hands covering my vagina.
"Come on, you can't catch with your hands there," Dani said, and threw the Frisbee right at me. I raised my hands instinctively, and caught it, but as I did so, I stumbled backwards and fell, landing on my bum.
Megan's eyes were quite wide. "Your thingy looks a lot different than mine," she said, walking over to me and offering a hand. I closed my legs quickly, took her hand gladly and she pulled me up from the warm grass.
"I thought they all looked the same," I said honestly. I'd never even seen mine properly, let alone anyone else's.
"My cousin Alison and I compared ours a month ago," Dani said proudly. "Hers is way different than mine. It's all wrinkly and folded."
"We should compare!" Megan said excitedly. "Come on, Dani, sit down next to me and Jenny can see for herself!"
And with no warning, Dani and Megan sat down in front of me and opened their legs wide. I stood open-mouthed as my eight-year-old friends showed me their vaginas.
"Well?" Megan said.
"Well, what?" I said, trying not to look between their legs. Girls were meant to look between boys' legs and boys between girls' legs. I'd never seen between boys' legs, but mum said they had something different. She'd smirked when she said that.
"Does my thingy look different that Dani's?" Megan said wobbling her legs wider open. I couldn't help but look at it.
Between her legs was a really thin crease that led from a few inches below her bellybutton and continued to become the crack of her bum. At the top of the crease was the smallest of protrusions.
I looked between Dani's legs, and to my surprise, it was different. She had similar sides to her vagina, but in the middle, instead of a thin slit like Megan, there was a fold of skin sticking out of them at the top half, and the bottom half was slightly open and really pink. I could also see her bumhole.
"They are different," I said, kneeling down with my legs beneath me. "I always thought they were all the same."
"That means yours will be different too," Dani said. "Come on, we showed you ours, you show us yours!"
"Do I have to?" I asked quietly.
"Yes!" Megan said, "It's only fair!"
I sighed, and sat back on the grass, and threw my legs open as wide as I could...
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