[ profile ]
Charlotte's profile
I'm a dirty littl girl with a nasty imagination. All of my stories are infantophilic, nepiophilic and pedophilic in nature. My subjects can be as young as newborn and up.
Twila and Candy, Part 10 [ Mg(2)g(4), inter, oral, anal, ws ]
A Time Traveler's Tantalizing Tale [ g, m, timetr, 1st, cons, pedo, rape, inc, bro, sis, het, pett ] Reviews
Hamilcar IV:
Little Girls Cum First [ Mgi7, humor, poem, cons, pedo, creampie ]
Little Miss Pudd'n Pie [ Mg5, Fg5, humor, poem, pedo, 1st, inc, oral ] Reviews
The Abduction of Susan Hunter [ MMMMMMMg8, pedo, gangrape, bd, poem ] Reviews
[ profile ]
OhSoSweet's profile
Hi First time I've tried writing for the net. Hope you enjoy my stories & you take time to give feedback if you like what you read!!!!
The Secret, Part 6 [ Mg ] Reviews
Les Jeux Pédolympiques, Partie 13 [ Mf, mult ]
Les Jeux Pédolympiques, Partie 14 [ MFmf, mult, orgy, beast ]
Simple Simon:
Sex Slave Father, Part 6 [ Mmmb, group, anal, oral, teen, inc ] Reviews
Misty: I Don't Like Tammy [ Mg, Fg, ped, gangbang, rough, spank, anal, oral, cum ] Reviews
Olivia - Pre-Teen Porn Star, Part 1 [ Mg, inc, rp ] Reviews
captain jack mehoff:
[ profile ]
captain jack mehoff's profile
I love the sexiness and beauty of the female form at any age, but the young ones exude an innocence that is hard to resist. These stories live in my imagination only, but they are very sensual and sexy. None of them are about pain or rape or scat. They remain in a sensual, pleasurable word where all parties are consenting, willing participants.
The 5th Grade Harem, Part 1 [ Mf(10), pedo, loli, cons, harem, creampie ] Reviews
[ profile ]
monkamonk2001's profile
I write about gentle, consentual sex. Usually incest. No violence, no torture, no scat. Gently, my love; and tenderly....
Parker Family Christmas, 1957, Part 1 [ Mg, bro/sis, rom ] Reviews
A Purvversion:
Gina's Dad Gives In To His Lust [ Mf, inc, fath, dau ] Reviews
The Case Of The Budding Nympho [ f11, m6, Mg11, inc, bro, sis, oral, coer, pedo ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Alex's profile
As a writer, I strive for accuracy in my stories, with close attention to detail in both dialog and behavior. Therefore, you won't see six year olds begging to be fucked by total strangers in an airport bathroom, or nine year olds deep-throating ten inch cocks, because, awesome as that would be, it just doesn't ever happen in reality. As a result, I think my stories are, if nothing else, at least plausible. While taking nothing away from the fantasy-based fiction of other authors, I feel believability and realism are especially powerful in a genre such as ours.
Prisoner of War [ Mg(12), inc, coer, oral ] Reviews
Anonymous Harry:
[ profile ]
Anonymous Harry's profile
I'm just an old pervert with a prurient penchant for preteen fantasies. I write mostly about young sluts and cumwhore wannabees.
Coach Cunningham [ MFg, 1st, cons ] Reviews
[ profile ]
CLA-MIK's profile
This is my first posting on child erotica, I have been writing adult stories for a while and thought I would give this ago as I've been reading other peoples works here for sometime.
Hotel Fun [ Mg, ped, 1st ] Reviews
Chris Jorgenson:
Hot Tub Girls [ Mff, 1st, teen ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Damien's profile
I encourage feed back, so please leave some...good or bad
A Tale of a Traveling Man [ Mg, anal, oral, ped ] Reviews
Der Wintermamn:
[ profile ]
Der Wintermamn's profile
Hallo ich schreibe gerne Geschichtchen mit Hilfe meines Handys und einer aktiven Wörterbuch, ich hoffe euch gefallen die Geschichtchen.
Die Schönsten Winterzeiten, Teil 4 [ M29, g7, g10, 1st, pedo ] Reviews
[ profile ]
JerseyJ's profile
Author of stories about consensual sex between preteens/adults, teens/preteens, and preteens/preteens. I love little girls in a non-sexual romantic way, and hate to see them hurt.
Child Lovers' Parade [ Mg, nosex, pedo, rom ] Reviews
Looking For Eden:
My Niece, My Love: Fiona, Part 1 [ Mg, pedo, inc, oral, cons, rom ] Reviews
The Recliner [ f, fant, rom, 1st, cons, inc, fath/dau, spank ] Reviews
Mister Action:
Sandra: Alex, Eine Tolle Freundin, Teil 12 [ Mgg, pedo, lolita ] Reviews
One Year, Part 3 [ Mg, oral, mast, slow, rom, cons, lolita ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Ramrod's profile
I love incest, little girls, little boys, adultery, and rape.
Watching My Kids [ Mg, bg, inc, rape, voy ] Reviews
Slow Quill:
[ profile ]
Slow Quill's profile
A new and slow writer hence the name. I hope the stories I am working on will engage the audience using character development and woven plot lines. After enjoying the work of others for some time, I decided to throw my hat in the ring, maybe with some constructive critique it could be possible to produce a half indecent story.
A New Model Is Discovered, Part 50 [ g, fm, rom, fant, exhib, fetish, slow ] Reviews
[ profile ]
dreamruner's profile
Avid reader new to posting
Mary, Part 1 [ g, coer, drug ] Reviews
All Agog:
Camping Gets A Little Bit Better [ FFgg, cons ] Reviews
Earl DeVere:
[ profile ]
Earl DeVere's profile
All of my stories involve fantasy consensual fun sexual relations between adults and children. It is all fictional.
Progress Report #2: Dennie & Friends [ MF, Mggg(8,8,9) voy, exhib, mas ] Reviews
Erste Erfahrung Mit Kindern [ Mgg ] Reviews
Radar Ray [ MMg, slow, oral, anal, creampie ] Reviews
[ profile ]
OhSoSweet's profile
Hi First time I've tried writing for the net. Hope you enjoy my stories & you take time to give feedback if you like what you read!!!!
The Secret, Part 7 [ Mg ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Olivia1703's profile
Ich mag Phantasien mit Kindern zwischen 10 und 14 Jahren, ein Alter, in dem sie ihre eigene Sexualität entdecken und damit eine entsprechende Neugierde entwickeln. Meine 'Protagonisten' haben Spaß an der Sache und machen es freiwillig, müssen manchmal nur ein wenig ermutigt werden. Ich habe eine große Schwäche für 'dirty talk', was in meinen Geschichten deutlich zum Ausdruck kommt. Mir ist klar, dass das nicht jedermanns Geschmack ist. Dafür mag ich keine Geschichten mit Zwang und Schlägen und ähnlichem, sowie Sex mit Tieren.
Unfallfolgen, Teil 2 [ Mmm, oral, anal ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Renpet's profile
Suspend belief. Let imagination take flight. Let words beguile and delight.
Ants in Her Pants [ Mg10, fath/daut, inc, ped, cons, oral, 1st ] Reviews
Grandpa Jack And The Twins Take A Road Trip, Part 1 [ inc, fath/dau, moth/son, cous/cous, bro/sis, orgy, group ] Reviews
Penny And Her Dad, Part 2 [ MMg7, oral, disabled, pedo, cons, inc ]
[ profile ]
Sweetslover's profile
Single Man 30's recently coming to child erotica but enjoying it
Shee Na Child Bride, Part 1 [ g, fant ] Reviews
Olivia - Pre-Teen Porn Star, Part 2 [ Mg, facial ] Reviews
[ profile ]
dreamruner's profile
Avid reader new to posting
Mary, Part 2 [ g, coer, drug ] Reviews
Anonymous Harry:
[ profile ]
Anonymous Harry's profile
I'm just an old pervert with a prurient penchant for preteen fantasies. I write mostly about young sluts and cumwhore wannabees.
Kiddie Key Klub, Part 2 [ MFg, cons, drug, anal, 1st ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Blue_Goose's profile
Old but not worn. Got hung up on incest when my niece moved in with me. She's not a little girl, she was forty when we got together, but it has been a wonderful time.
My Name Is Roger Rubenstein [ M, g, pedo, inc, fath/dau, anal ] Reviews
Chris Jorgenson:
Jessi Sells Her Cherry [ Mf(13), 1st, teen, nc ] Reviews
Frederick Manning:
[ profile ]
Frederick Manning's profile
Australian poet and novelist.
Revenants Des Enfants [ poem ]
[ profile ]
Frenchie's profile
I'm a transplanted Cajun from New Orleans to California, single male over 60 years old and I've always enjoyed literature; especially, short stories. I studied 'Creative Writing' in college and was the only author, in the class, that the professor read a story that I had written, to the class. I have published stories on the Internet on various sites, such as ASSTR. I hope 'y'all' enjoy my writing as much as I enjoy writing and will let me know what you think.
Succubus - No More Sleepless Nights [ M(30), f(9), lolita, ped, fant, reluc, sex ] Reviews
Hymen Roth:
Tina Younger/Older: Julie and Jennifer - Sibling Rivalry, Part 1 [ pedo, sis, mult, gang, Mgggg, oral, anal, ws, beast ] Reviews
[ profile ]
OhSoSweet's profile
Hi First time I've tried writing for the net. Hope you enjoy my stories & you take time to give feedback if you like what you read!!!!
The Secret, Part 8 [ MMg ] Reviews
Ravens Dell:
[ profile ]
Ravens Dell's profile
Hello Readers. I am Ravens Dell. I love Little Girls. Here is my story.
My Love of Sophie, Part 1
[ profile ]
Sesame's profile
Children must be protected at all times, that doesn't mean we can't have a fantasy or two.
Annie and Terry Love Pee Play [ M/g6g8, ws, pedo ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Sweetslover's profile
Single Man 30's recently coming to child erotica but enjoying it
Shee Na Child Bride, Part 4 [ M, g10, g12, g13, pedo fant ]
Shee Na Child Bride, Part 5 [ M, g10, g12, g13, pedo, fant ] Reviews
Little Love Learns, Part 1 [ Mg, pedo ] Reviews
[ profile ]
dreamruner's profile
Avid reader new to posting
Mary, Part 3 [ g, coer, drug ]
A Purvversion:
Forbidden Candy Reviews
Anonymous Harry:
[ profile ]
Anonymous Harry's profile
I'm just an old pervert with a prurient penchant for preteen fantasies. I write mostly about young sluts and cumwhore wannabees.
Kiddie Key Klub, Part 3 [ MM, F, g, 1st, cuckold, creampie, cons, inc, rom ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Charlotte's profile
I'm a dirty littl girl with a nasty imagination. All of my stories are infantophilic, nepiophilic and pedophilic in nature. My subjects can be as young as newborn and up.
Twila and Candy, Part 11 [ Mg(2)g(4), inter ]
Twila and Candy, Part 12 [ Mgg, inter ]
[ profile ]
Frenchie's profile
I'm a transplanted Cajun from New Orleans to California, single male over 60 years old and I've always enjoyed literature; especially, short stories. I studied 'Creative Writing' in college and was the only author, in the class, that the professor read a story that I had written, to the class. I have published stories on the Internet on various sites, such as ASSTR. I hope 'y'all' enjoy my writing as much as I enjoy writing and will let me know what you think.
Swap Meat [ Mf(9), FF, les, ped, 1st, con, sex, rom ] Reviews
Hymen Roth:
Tina Younger/Older: Julie and Jennifer - Sibling Rivalry, Part 2 [ pedo, sis, Mgggg, gang, oral, anal, gokkun ]
Tina Younger/Older: The West Coast Girls [ pedo, inc, sis, orgy, swing, ws beast, slow ]
[ profile ]
JerseyJ's profile
Author of stories about consensual sex between preteens/adults, teens/preteens, and preteens/preteens. I love little girls in a non-sexual romantic way, and hate to see them hurt.
More Than a Friend, Part 1 [ bg, nosex, rom ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Olivia1703's profile
Ich mag Phantasien mit Kindern zwischen 10 und 14 Jahren, ein Alter, in dem sie ihre eigene Sexualität entdecken und damit eine entsprechende Neugierde entwickeln. Meine 'Protagonisten' haben Spaß an der Sache und machen es freiwillig, müssen manchmal nur ein wenig ermutigt werden. Ich habe eine große Schwäche für 'dirty talk', was in meinen Geschichten deutlich zum Ausdruck kommt. Mir ist klar, dass das nicht jedermanns Geschmack ist. Dafür mag ich keine Geschichten mit Zwang und Schlägen und ähnlichem, sowie Sex mit Tieren.
Unfallfolgen, Teil 3 [ Mmm, oral, anal ]
Simple Simon:
Katie, Mommy and Daddy [ MFg, oral, ped, inc ] Reviews
Little Love Learns, Part 2 [ Mg, pedo ] Reviews
[ profile ]
dreamruner's profile
Avid reader new to posting
Mary, Part 4 [ g, coer, drugs ]
Anonymous Harry:
[ profile ]
Anonymous Harry's profile
I'm just an old pervert with a prurient penchant for preteen fantasies. I write mostly about young sluts and cumwhore wannabees.
Kiddie Key Klub, Part 4 [ Mmg, cons, oral, anal ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Frenchie's profile
I'm a transplanted Cajun from New Orleans to California, single male over 60 years old and I've always enjoyed literature; especially, short stories. I studied 'Creative Writing' in college and was the only author, in the class, that the professor read a story that I had written, to the class. I have published stories on the Internet on various sites, such as ASSTR. I hope 'y'all' enjoy my writing as much as I enjoy writing and will let me know what you think.
Sitting The Angel, Part 1 [ Mf(9), ped, sex, con, 1st, rom ] Reviews
Hymen Roth:
Tina Younger/Older: The East Coast Girls [ pedo, mult, gang, Mg(11)g(10)g(9)g(8) ] Reviews
Tina Younger/Older: Julie and Jennifer - Sibling Rivalry, Part 3 [ pedo, mult, gang, Mg(11)g(10)g(9)g(8), ws ] Reviews
[ profile ]
JerseyJ's profile
Author of stories about consensual sex between preteens/adults, teens/preteens, and preteens/preteens. I love little girls in a non-sexual romantic way, and hate to see them hurt.
More Than a Friend, Part 2 [ bg, nosex, rom ] Reviews
All That Your Daddy Won't Do [ poem ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Sweetslover's profile
Single Man 30's recently coming to child erotica but enjoying it
My Child Brides Go Riding with Me Reviews
Little Love Learns, Part 3 [ Mg, pedo ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Writersblock's profile
Just a perverted guy loving anything sluttish... the more hardcore the better. FANTASY ONLY.
Returned A Slut, Part 1 [ M/f, mult, cons, slut ] Reviews
[ profile ]
dreamruner's profile
Avid reader new to posting
Mary, Part 5 [ g, coer, pedo ]
La Tata May, Parte 1 [ Fbg, nc, pedo ] Reviews
Chris Jorgenson:
Kelly's Nipples, Part 3 [ Mg(12), rough, anal ] Reviews
Hamilcar IV:
Danielle And Her Daddy [ Mg, Fg, cons, pedo, inc, mother, fath, dau, mild-spank ] Reviews
The Baby-Making Question [ MFg, cons, pedo, inc, grand, preg ] Reviews
Invitation From Six-Year-Old Flirt [ g6, pedo, mother, exhib, poem ]
Hymen Roth:
Tiffany and Tori: The Kessler Sisters Make a Movie in Africa, Part 1 [ pedo, sis, inc, les, inter, oral, Mg(10)g(9) ] Reviews
Tina Younger/Older: Julie and Jennifer - Sibling Rivalry, Part 4 [ pedo, Mgggg, ws, rom, slow ]
[ profile ]
JerseyJ's profile
Author of stories about consensual sex between preteens/adults, teens/preteens, and preteens/preteens. I love little girls in a non-sexual romantic way, and hate to see them hurt.
More Than a Friend, Part 3 [ bg, 1st, rom ] Reviews
Simple Simon:
Jamie [ Ff, teen, anal, oral, light bond, reluc, femdom ] Reviews
Sex Slave Father, Part 7 [ MF, Mm, teen, inc, oral, anal ]
[ profile ]
Sweetslover's profile
Single Man 30's recently coming to child erotica but enjoying it
All Good Things Must End [ M, g10, g12, g13, pedo, fant ]
A First For Both, Part 1 [ Mg, first, pedo ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Writersblock's profile
Just a perverted guy loving anything sluttish... the more hardcore the better. FANTASY ONLY.
Returned A Slut, Part 2 [ gang, pro, cons ]
captain jack mehoff:
[ profile ]
captain jack mehoff's profile
I love the sexiness and beauty of the female form at any age, but the young ones exude an innocence that is hard to resist. These stories live in my imagination only, but they are very sensual and sexy. None of them are about pain or rape or scat. They remain in a sensual, pleasurable word where all parties are consenting, willing participants.
The 5th Grade Harem, Part 2 [ Mg(10)g(10), g(10)g(10), lolita, cons, anal, creampie, harem ] Reviews
Watersports For A Boy, Part 1 [ ws, Mb9, public, gay ] Reviews
Kenya Beach Fun [ Mg, Mb ] Reviews
[ profile ]
dreamruner's profile
Avid reader new to posting
Mary, Part 6 [ g, coer, pedo ]
A Purvversion:
Mom Visits Grandma [ Mf, inc, fath/dau ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Charlotte's profile
I'm a dirty littl girl with a nasty imagination. All of my stories are infantophilic, nepiophilic and pedophilic in nature. My subjects can be as young as newborn and up.
Shayla, Part 8 [ Mg(2)F, inter, 1st, anal, ws, oral, toys, preg ]
Twila and Candy, Part 13 [ Mg(2)g(4), inter, ws, mast, virgin ]
Count of Montserrat:
[ profile ]
Count of Montserrat's profile
Like to write fantasy over broad ranges of eroticism except violence. Key interest in Fm, slow developing plots with explosive passion driven finishes. Like historical and society reference and mixing of classes, etc.
Patty's New Pet, Part 1 [ Fmm, best, cons, hist, het ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Damien's profile
I encourage feed back, so please leave some...good or bad
My Niece, Ava [ Mg, ped, inc, 1st, unc, niece, hj ] Reviews
Death Dependent:
[ profile ]
Death Dependent's profile
Hi I have been writing under various names for years. figured this would make a great place to show off some of my pieces which are a bit more than other sites can handle.
A Step In Any Direction, Part 4 [ Mf ]
Parenting Skills, Part 1 [ Mb, mult, pedo ] Reviews
Hymen Roth:
The East Coast Girls: Young, Full Of Cum, But Not Dumb!, Part 1 [ pedo, Mg(11)g(10)g(9)g(8), oral, beast ]
Tina Younger/Older: A Reference Guide To New Characters [ pedo, nosex ] Reviews
The Mystery of the Missing Molester, Part 1 [ humor, dad-dau, inc, pedo, fant ] Reviews
Caught On The Toilet [ Mg, dad/dau(6), inc ] Reviews
[ profile ]
OhSoSweet's profile
Hi First time I've tried writing for the net. Hope you enjoy my stories & you take time to give feedback if you like what you read!!!!
The Secret, Part 9 [ MMg ] Reviews
Rex Wilder:
Olle Och Gilbert, Del 1 [ Fb, bi ] Reviews
My Little Pony [ Mg(5) ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Sweetslover's profile
Single Man 30's recently coming to child erotica but enjoying it
Duplex Lovers, Part 1 [ M, g9, pedo, fant, sex ] Reviews
A First For Both, Part 2 [ Mg, pedo ] Reviews
Kiddie Fun In Kenya [ Mb, Mg, anal, ws ] Reviews
[ profile ]
englishperv's profile
I am a 44yo middle class guy and a 95% hetero kiddie-lover, which means I mostly like girls but have a little streak of boy-curiosity in me. This is reflected in my writing, which features mostly male-on-female sex, but may include some male-male 'diversions' from time to time.
I call myself kiddie-lover because I hesitate to use the word 'pedophile' as too many dumb-asses out there immediately think that means somebody 'active'. I, however, am a writer because this is the domain where a love/lust of under-18 can be lived out in harmless fantasy. To this end, I try to achieve a satisfying realism in my stories. I like to explore all degrees of pedophilia from loving to coaxing to coercian to outright force, but in moderation.
New Year Pedo Games [ pedo, MMMMg ] Reviews
Death Dependent:
[ profile ]
Death Dependent's profile
Hi I have been writing under various names for years. figured this would make a great place to show off some of my pieces which are a bit more than other sites can handle.
A Step In Any Direction, Part 5 [ Mf, Ff, oral, 1st ]
Edward Sandford Martin:
[ profile ]
Edward Sandford Martin's profile
Humorist, journalist, essayist, writer, editor. Born on Owasco Lake. He helped found the 'Harvard Lampoon' and the national humor magazine 'Life' (1883-1936).
A Girl Of Pompeii [ poem ] Reviews
Hamilcar IV:
A Risky Game [ MFf, pedo, blkm, coer, oral, creampie, preg, teach ] Reviews
Hymen Roth:
The Kiddie Fuck Princess Pageant: Semi-Finals, Part 1 [ Pedo, Mgggg, anal, toys, beast, slow ] Reviews
Dr. Karla Bianchi: Private Pediatrician to Kiddie Porn Stars, Part 1 [ pedo, Mg(7), size, scfi, scat, beast ]
Tina Younger/Older: The Jim Phillips Kiddie Porn Empire [ pedo, slow ] Reviews
[ profile ]
JerseyJ's profile
Author of stories about consensual sex between preteens/adults, teens/preteens, and preteens/preteens. I love little girls in a non-sexual romantic way, and hate to see them hurt.
More Than a Friend, Part 4 [ bg, mast, pedo, rom ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Olivia1703's profile
Ich mag Phantasien mit Kindern zwischen 10 und 14 Jahren, ein Alter, in dem sie ihre eigene Sexualität entdecken und damit eine entsprechende Neugierde entwickeln. Meine 'Protagonisten' haben Spaß an der Sache und machen es freiwillig, müssen manchmal nur ein wenig ermutigt werden. Ich habe eine große Schwäche für 'dirty talk', was in meinen Geschichten deutlich zum Ausdruck kommt. Mir ist klar, dass das nicht jedermanns Geschmack ist. Dafür mag ich keine Geschichten mit Zwang und Schlägen und ähnlichem, sowie Sex mit Tieren.
Unfallfolgen, Teil 4 [ Mmm, oral, anal ] Reviews
Soirée Pyjama [ MMMFFffg ] Reviews
Slow Quill:
[ profile ]
Slow Quill's profile
A new and slow writer hence the name. I hope the stories I am working on will engage the audience using character development and woven plot lines. After enjoying the work of others for some time, I decided to throw my hat in the ring, maybe with some constructive critique it could be possible to produce a half indecent story.
A New Model Is Discovered, Part 52 [ g, fm, ff, fant, rom, fetish, slow ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Sweetslover's profile
Single Man 30's recently coming to child erotica but enjoying it
Duplex Lovers, Part 2 [ Mg9, pedo, fant, sex ] Reviews
A Purvversion:
Emma Gets an 'F' [ Mg(12), inc, fath-dau ] Reviews
Andrew Marvell:
[ profile ]
Andrew Marvell's profile
English metaphysical poet and politician who sat in the House of Commons at various times between 1659 and 1678. As a metaphysical poet, he is associated with John Donne and George Herbert. He was a colleague and friend of John Milton. His poems include To His Coy Mistress, The Garden, An Horatian Ode upon Cromwell's Return from Ireland, The Mower's Song and the country house poem Upon Appleton House.
The Picture Of Little T.C. In A Prospect Of Flower [ poem ]
Young Love [ poem ] Reviews
Anonymous Harry:
[ profile ]
Anonymous Harry's profile
I'm just an old pervert with a prurient penchant for preteen fantasies. I write mostly about young sluts and cumwhore wannabees.
A Day In The Life Of Cindy Lou [ Mbg, cons, inc, oral, anal ] Reviews
[ profile ]
FrankMcCoy's profile
Frank McCoy is a man who started writing sex stories for his own enjoyment, and later started publishing them on the internet (in when he found out that other people were interested in reading them.
His stories mostly involve incest, (family members having sex) pedophilia, (young children having sex) pregnancy (yes, having babies) and quite often several other quirks as well. These stories (with a few notable exceptions) are usually completely consensual (That means that all parties involved want to do whatever they are doing.) and are basically love-stories. Even though most people might consider this 'abuse,' nobody (with the above noted exceptions) gets abused in his stories. If a little girl has sex, (gets fucked) it's because she wants to get fucked, and asks for it. This may be unrealistic; but these are stories, FANTASIES. They are not intended as examples of the real world, or suggestions of things to do.
Frank started out by publishing a complete novel, ('Her Father's Daughter') ostensibly written by a friend ('Tammy') who didn't want to be identified further. He has also published several stories that he claims are his own, besides those of the mysterious Tammy. Once he started publishing, several other people have asked him to publish some of their stories, in the same manner.
Objections [ pedo, inc, preteen, preg ]
Hymen Roth:
The Kiddie Fuck Princess Pageant: Semi-Finals, Part 2 [ pedo, gang, MMMMg(10), anal, g(10)g(11), les, rom ] Reviews
Karla Bianchi: Finding Love In Unexpected Places [ pedo, Mg(9), rom, slow, scat ] Reviews
Melissa Goes Bushwalking, Part 2 [ Mg, cuck, reluc, ped ] Reviews
Melissa Goes Bushwalking, Part 1 [ Mg, cuck, reluc, ped ] Reviews
Grandpa Jack And The Twins Take A Road Trip, Part 2 [ inc, gMg, Mf, MF, Fb, Fm, grand/dau, fath/dau, moth/son, bro/sis, orgy ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Sweetslover's profile
Single Man 30's recently coming to child erotica but enjoying it
Little Girl Lost and Found, Part 2 Reviews
Little Girl Lost and Found, Part 1 [ M, g9 ] Reviews
Zack McNaught:
[ profile ]
Zack McNaught's profile
Zack specialises in tales of intergenerational relationships where consent and a dose of reality are integral to the plot.
Alice [ Mg(11), mast, oral, intercourse, rom ] Reviews
The Unaccompanied Minor And The Airline Worker [ Mg(9), cons, rom, preg ] Reviews
[ profile ]
katieC's profile
I'm a girl who likes to write about what I know
Susie Gets Into The Movies, Part 1 [ MMmmggg ] Reviews
A Purvversion:
Plausible Deniability, Part 1 [ Mf, inc, grandfath/granddau, oral ] Reviews
[ profile ]
AmandaP's profile
We are four females who conspire to write under this common Nickname. For us, our writing an outlet that allows us to keep our minds, for we all write in real-life doing technical publications. This gives us a feel for life outside the publications field. We usually get together once a week to share ideals and check on the progress of our stories as we develop them.
Paying Mother Back [ Fmf, fant, humor, cons, trick, preg ]
Andrew McDiarmid:
Where The Moon Is Reviews
Lola [ poem ]
Chris Jorgenson:
Handjob Sweetie [ Mg(10) ] Reviews
The Sting [ MM/g, mast, oral, spank, nc ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Olivia1703's profile
Ich mag Phantasien mit Kindern zwischen 10 und 14 Jahren, ein Alter, in dem sie ihre eigene Sexualität entdecken und damit eine entsprechende Neugierde entwickeln. Meine 'Protagonisten' haben Spaß an der Sache und machen es freiwillig, müssen manchmal nur ein wenig ermutigt werden. Ich habe eine große Schwäche für 'dirty talk', was in meinen Geschichten deutlich zum Ausdruck kommt. Mir ist klar, dass das nicht jedermanns Geschmack ist. Dafür mag ich keine Geschichten mit Zwang und Schlägen und ähnlichem, sowie Sex mit Tieren.
Unfallfolgen, Teil 5 [ Mmm, oral, nal, ws ] Reviews
Rex Wilder:
Olle Och Gilbert, Del 6 [ M/F/b ]
Olle Och Gilbert, Del 5 [ M/F/b ] Reviews
[ profile ]
SexChild's profile
I love any stories that involve children between the ages of 8 and 13. Though I would never engage a child sexually.
Hot Bubblegum, Part 3 [ bF, pedo, 1st, cons, inc, mother/son, oral, anal, pett, toys, ws ] Reviews
Simple Simon:
Sex Slave Father, Part 8 [ FM, Fm, bond, oral, anal, inc ] Reviews
Misty: Good Bye Letter [ Mg, gangbang, bdsm, bond, cum, anal, oral ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Sweetslover's profile
Single Man 30's recently coming to child erotica but enjoying it
Little Girl Lost and Found, Part 4 [ M, g9, pedo, fant, sex ] Reviews
[ profile ]
FrankMcCoy's profile
Frank McCoy is a man who started writing sex stories for his own enjoyment, and later started publishing them on the internet (in when he found out that other people were interested in reading them.
His stories mostly involve incest, (family members having sex) pedophilia, (young children having sex) pregnancy (yes, having babies) and quite often several other quirks as well. These stories (with a few notable exceptions) are usually completely consensual (That means that all parties involved want to do whatever they are doing.) and are basically love-stories. Even though most people might consider this 'abuse,' nobody (with the above noted exceptions) gets abused in his stories. If a little girl has sex, (gets fucked) it's because she wants to get fucked, and asks for it. This may be unrealistic; but these are stories, FANTASIES. They are not intended as examples of the real world, or suggestions of things to do.
Frank started out by publishing a complete novel, ('Her Father's Daughter') ostensibly written by a friend ('Tammy') who didn't want to be identified further. He has also published several stories that he claims are his own, besides those of the mysterious Tammy. Once he started publishing, several other people have asked him to publish some of their stories, in the same manner.
Now Kids... [ pedo, inc ] Reviews
Leslie Schmidt:
[ profile ]
Leslie Schmidt's profile
My stories are about little girls and their loves (mostly). If you're looking for torture, sadomasochism, or anyone hurting little girls, you've come to the wrong place. Leslie Schmidt's stories:
Night Storms Reviews
The Happy Headmaster [ M/ggg, nc, cp, spank, humil, nosex ] Reviews
A Spanking [ poem ]
Rex Wilder:
Lilla Sandra, Del 1 [ M/F/g ] Reviews
Gulliga Bebisar [ M/F/g/b, pedo ] Reviews
Rod McKuen:
[ profile ]
Rod McKuen's profile
Rod McKuen is an American poet, songwriter, composer, and singer. He was one of the best-selling poets in the United States during the late 1960s. Throughout his career, McKuen produced a wide range of recordings, which included popular music, spoken word poetry, film soundtracks, and classical music.
Eleven [ poem ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Rolf's profile
My stories will have one common trait: a self-conscious female pre-teen character takes charges, an innocent male adult finds himself in meltdown. It could be you.
Theo Saß Auf Einer Lichtung [ Fggg(11), loli, nosex ] Reviews
[ profile ]
SexChild's profile
I love any stories that involve children between the ages of 8 and 13. Though I would never engage a child sexually.
Hot Bubblegum: Little Games, Part 1 [ bbg, 1st, cons, cous, exhib, voy, bi, oral, pett, inc, group ] Reviews
Hot Bubblegum, Part 4 [ Fb, 1st, cons, pedo, inc, mother, son, oral, solo, pett ] Reviews
Slow Quill:
[ profile ]
Slow Quill's profile
A new and slow writer hence the name. I hope the stories I am working on will engage the audience using character development and woven plot lines. After enjoying the work of others for some time, I decided to throw my hat in the ring, maybe with some constructive critique it could be possible to produce a half indecent story.
A New Model Is Discovered, Part 53 [ g, fm, fant, rom, fetish, slow ] Reviews
Tiny Plaything:
Bobbie Becomes A Model [ Mg, lolita ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Vander's profile
I write extreme stories about boys and their interactions with other boys and men. Expect a lot of juicy stuff from me.
Thirteen [ bmM, gay, toys, mc ]
Photo Hunting [ Mg, pedo, oral, cons, rom ] Reviews
A Purvversion:
When Fantasy Becomes Reality [ Mg12, inc, fath/dau ] Reviews
Waking Up To Reality [ Mf, uncle/niece, oral ] Reviews
Alex Hawk:
Curiosity [ mf, teen, inc, 1st ] Reviews
Bound Princess:
12-Year-Old Amber [ MFg, ws, spank, mast, pedo ] Reviews
12-Year-Old Kate [ M+F+/g, food, bond, mast, spank, pedo ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Familycuck's profile
Cuckold male who also is sexually aroused by young little smooth girls and boys.
Ellen's Perverted History [ pedo, M, b, F, inc ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Momus's profile
Nicholas Currie, more popularly known under the artist name Momus (after the Greek god of mockery), is a songwriter, blogger and former journalist for Wired. Many of his songs are literary and could be classified as postmodern.
The Guitar Lesson [ poem ] Reviews
Untitled [ poem ] Reviews
The Daddys And Daughters Club, Part 1 [ Mg, cons, inc, pedo ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Quiller's profile
Just a writer with exciting thoughts.
The Kidnap Games [ F/M/g, bond ] Reviews
[ profile ]
SexChild's profile
I love any stories that involve children between the ages of 8 and 13. Though I would never engage a child sexually.
Hot Bubblegum: Little Games, Part 2 [ Fb, gay, 1st, cons, pedo, inc, mother, son, oral, solo, pett ] Reviews
Simple Simon:
The Brennan Boys, Part 1 [ Mb, gang, oral, anal, inc, gay, reluc, bond ] Reviews
Slow [ Fm, teen, handjob, cum ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Sweetslover's profile
Single Man 30's recently coming to child erotica but enjoying it
Little Girl Lost and Found, Part 5 [ M, g12, pedo, fant ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Upgrayd's profile
30/m. Love reading stories like this, but I've acquired rather particular tastes over the years. Rather than try to find stories that cater to these tastes, I decided to try my hand at writing my own. I hope you enjoy!
Amanda and Her Daddy, Part 6 [ Mgg, Mg, dom, rough ] Reviews
captain jack mehoff:
[ profile ]
captain jack mehoff's profile
I love the sexiness and beauty of the female form at any age, but the young ones exude an innocence that is hard to resist. These stories live in my imagination only, but they are very sensual and sexy. None of them are about pain or rape or scat. They remain in a sensual, pleasurable word where all parties are consenting, willing participants.
The 5th-Grade Harem, Part 3 [ Mg, cons, lolita, oral, creampie ] Reviews
[ profile ]
englishperv's profile
I am a 44yo middle class guy and a 95% hetero kiddie-lover, which means I mostly like girls but have a little streak of boy-curiosity in me. This is reflected in my writing, which features mostly male-on-female sex, but may include some male-male 'diversions' from time to time.
I call myself kiddie-lover because I hesitate to use the word 'pedophile' as too many dumb-asses out there immediately think that means somebody 'active'. I, however, am a writer because this is the domain where a love/lust of under-18 can be lived out in harmless fantasy. To this end, I try to achieve a satisfying realism in my stories. I like to explore all degrees of pedophilia from loving to coaxing to coercian to outright force, but in moderation.
The Pedo Ring Series Summary of Episodes [ pedo, MMMMMMMMggggf ] Reviews
Enfance Précoce, Partie 1 [ mf, 1st, pedo ]
Enfance Précoce, Partie 2 [ mf, 1st, pedo ]
Alex Hawk:
Education [ Mm/f, ped, inc, 1st, mast ] Reviews
[ profile ]
FrankMcCoy's profile
Frank McCoy is a man who started writing sex stories for his own enjoyment, and later started publishing them on the internet (in when he found out that other people were interested in reading them.
His stories mostly involve incest, (family members having sex) pedophilia, (young children having sex) pregnancy (yes, having babies) and quite often several other quirks as well. These stories (with a few notable exceptions) are usually completely consensual (That means that all parties involved want to do whatever they are doing.) and are basically love-stories. Even though most people might consider this 'abuse,' nobody (with the above noted exceptions) gets abused in his stories. If a little girl has sex, (gets fucked) it's because she wants to get fucked, and asks for it. This may be unrealistic; but these are stories, FANTASIES. They are not intended as examples of the real world, or suggestions of things to do.
Frank started out by publishing a complete novel, ('Her Father's Daughter') ostensibly written by a friend ('Tammy') who didn't want to be identified further. He has also published several stories that he claims are his own, besides those of the mysterious Tammy. Once he started publishing, several other people have asked him to publish some of their stories, in the same manner.
It's Not Fair [ inc, pedo ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Frenchie's profile
I'm a transplanted Cajun from New Orleans to California, single male over 60 years old and I've always enjoyed literature; especially, short stories. I studied 'Creative Writing' in college and was the only author, in the class, that the professor read a story that I had written, to the class. I have published stories on the Internet on various sites, such as ASSTR. I hope 'y'all' enjoy my writing as much as I enjoy writing and will let me know what you think.
Sitting The Angel, Part 2 [ Mf(9), pedo, sex, con, anal, oral, rom ] Reviews
Harold Munro:
[ profile ]
Harold Munro's profile
British poet, the proprietor of the Poetry Bookshop in London which helped many famous poets bring their work before the public. His first collection of poetry was published in 1906. He founded a poetry magazine, The Poetry Review, which was to be very influential. In 1912, he founded the Poetry Bookshop in Bloomsbury, London
Child Of Dawn [ poem ]
Petits Jeux Entres Cousin Et Cousine [ inc, mg ]
Kostas Ouranis:
[ profile ]
Kostas Ouranis's profile
Acclaimed Greek poet, travel writer and journalist.
Girl Thirteen Years Old [ poem ] Reviews
Leslie Schmidt:
[ profile ]
Leslie Schmidt's profile
My stories are about little girls and their loves (mostly). If you're looking for torture, sadomasochism, or anyone hurting little girls, you've come to the wrong place. Leslie Schmidt's stories:
Onboard the Daisy Reviews
Baby Sitter: Boy Version [ bond, pedo ] Reviews
Baby Sitter: Girl Version [ bond, pedo ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Rolf's profile
My stories will have one common trait: a self-conscious female pre-teen character takes charges, an innocent male adult finds himself in meltdown. It could be you.
Theo Saß Auf Einer Lichtung, Teil 2 [ Mggg(11), loli, dad/dau ] Reviews
A First For Both, Part 3 [ Mg, pedo, love ] Reviews
[ profile ]
cats's profile
Love young incest and always, always looking for an able co writer of the sweetest taboo.
Tara: Slut, Model, Breadwinner, Part 6 [ inc, pedo ] Reviews
Boy Learns About Cottaging [ MM, MMb, ws, anal, oral, creampie ] Reviews
Alexis Dawn Murrell:
A Child's Dream [ poem ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Cobra's profile
Hi, I'm Cobra, I have written for, and still writing for the leslita website. Ever since I stumbled onto this one, I though that I give writing for this one a shot. This is the first story of many more to cum (pardon the pun). I hope you enjoy my first story submission for this site.
Mick And Karen, Inc: Maggie's First Time
[ profile ]
FrankMcCoy's profile
Frank McCoy is a man who started writing sex stories for his own enjoyment, and later started publishing them on the internet (in when he found out that other people were interested in reading them.
His stories mostly involve incest, (family members having sex) pedophilia, (young children having sex) pregnancy (yes, having babies) and quite often several other quirks as well. These stories (with a few notable exceptions) are usually completely consensual (That means that all parties involved want to do whatever they are doing.) and are basically love-stories. Even though most people might consider this 'abuse,' nobody (with the above noted exceptions) gets abused in his stories. If a little girl has sex, (gets fucked) it's because she wants to get fucked, and asks for it. This may be unrealistic; but these are stories, FANTASIES. They are not intended as examples of the real world, or suggestions of things to do.
Frank started out by publishing a complete novel, ('Her Father's Daughter') ostensibly written by a friend ('Tammy') who didn't want to be identified further. He has also published several stories that he claims are his own, besides those of the mysterious Tammy. Once he started publishing, several other people have asked him to publish some of their stories, in the same manner.
Nice Niece Nooky
Hymen Roth:
The Kiddie Fuck Princess Pageant: Semi-Finals, Part 3 [ pedo, MMMMg(10), anal, rough, humil, toys ] Reviews
Rex Wilder:
Lilla Sandra, Del 2 [ M/F/g ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Rolf's profile
My stories will have one common trait: a self-conscious female pre-teen character takes charges, an innocent male adult finds himself in meltdown. It could be you.
Theo Saß Auf Einer Lichtung, Teil 3 [ Mggg(11), loli, 1st, dad/dau ] Reviews
[ profile ]
SexChild's profile
I love any stories that involve children between the ages of 8 and 13. Though I would never engage a child sexually.
Hot Bubblegum: Little Games, Part 3 [ Fbb, b, pedo, inc, gay, mother, son, neph, 1st, cons, aunt, exhib, oral, solo, pett, voy ]
Tiny Plaything:
Bobbie Exposed, Part 1 [ MMg, lolita, cons ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Vander's profile
I write extreme stories about boys and their interactions with other boys and men. Expect a lot of juicy stuff from me.
Joey's Ordeal, Part 1 [ bgM, fist, gang ] Reviews
Zack McNaught:
[ profile ]
Zack McNaught's profile
Zack specialises in tales of intergenerational relationships where consent and a dose of reality are integral to the plot.
Mrs Dupree's Granddaughter [ Mg, intercourse ] Reviews
Deal [ Mg, voy, mast ] Reviews
[ profile ]
dale10's profile
Dale10 has been a leading author of perverse erotica for a dozen years.
Bangkok Negotiation [ M/b(15), MW/bg, oral, scat, humil, inc ] Reviews
[ profile ]
darkbolt's profile
just a nice guy writting some naughty stuff
Lesbian Sitter [ f/f, oral, mast, anal ] Reviews
[ profile ]
dreamruner's profile
Avid reader new to posting
Mary, Part 7 [ g, coer, inc, mult, oral ]
[ profile ]
englishperv's profile
I am a 44yo middle class guy and a 95% hetero kiddie-lover, which means I mostly like girls but have a little streak of boy-curiosity in me. This is reflected in my writing, which features mostly male-on-female sex, but may include some male-male 'diversions' from time to time.
I call myself kiddie-lover because I hesitate to use the word 'pedophile' as too many dumb-asses out there immediately think that means somebody 'active'. I, however, am a writer because this is the domain where a love/lust of under-18 can be lived out in harmless fantasy. To this end, I try to achieve a satisfying realism in my stories. I like to explore all degrees of pedophilia from loving to coaxing to coercian to outright force, but in moderation.
First Sexual Experiences For 9yo Elise [ pedo, MMg, 1st, pett, oral ] Reviews
[ profile ]
AdBur's profile
Just another lover of sensual stories featuring young girls.
Trouble Sleeping [ mf(13), bro/sis, pett ] Reviews
Chris Jorgenson:
Stacy's Stallion [ Mg(12), 1st ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Crimsonspanker's profile
I'm a 35 year old gay man. I love reading about and hearing about little boys get spanked and used.
Josh's Spanking [ Mb, pedo, fath/son, spank, toys, sad, inc ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Noodle2501's profile
I'm a writer who enjoys detail and all things sexual in stories. The imagination is a free world, to do in it what I please. I am new to this site but not to the craft. thanks in advance for reading.
Dark Secrets [ Mg(7), bg, oral, anal, creampie, cons, inc ] Reviews
[ profile ]
OhSoSweet's profile
Hi First time I've tried writing for the net. Hope you enjoy my stories & you take time to give feedback if you like what you read!!!!
The Secret, Part 11 [ MMFg ] Reviews
Rex Wilder:
Lilla Sandra, Del 3 [ M/F/g ]
Lilla Sandra, Del 5 [ M/g ] Reviews
Lilla Sandra, Del 4 [ M/g ]
[ profile ]
Rolf's profile
My stories will have one common trait: a self-conscious female pre-teen character takes charges, an innocent male adult finds himself in meltdown. It could be you.
Theo und Lara auf Urlaubsreise [ MMMMggg, dad/dau, ws, cons ]
Shadey Grey:
[ profile ]
Shadey Grey's profile
Please feel free to read more about me on my ASSTR Page or just see all of my stories:
The Visitor [ Mg, g(6), pedo, preteen, nc, oral, rom ] Reviews
[ profile ]
dale10's profile
Dale10 has been a leading author of perverse erotica for a dozen years.
The Facility, Part 13 [ m/b, m/f, rape, ws, inc, humil, scat ] Reviews
Noriko [ g/M, bM/M, slave, ws, oral, anal, humil ]
The Facility, Part 11 [ m/b, m/f, rape, ws, inc, humil, scat ]
The Facility, Part 12 [ m/b, m/f, rape, ws, inc, humil, scat ]
harriet hotter:
[ profile ]
harriet hotter's profile
the most twisted mind ever
The Life Of Little Cunt [ MFg, inc, S/M ] Reviews
[ profile ]
parTyperv36's profile
Experienced writer with lots of fantasies to share. What makes me hard will probably make you hard.
First Memory With a Baby [ Mb, inc ] Reviews
Pias Jul, Del 1 [ M/g(7), cons, oral, anal ] Reviews
Generalife, Part 2 [ MF, Mf, Mg, Mgg, MgMg, 1st, solo, toys, oral, anal, enem, creampie ] Reviews
Generalife, Part 3 [ MF, Mf, Mg, Mgg, MgMg, 1st, solo, toys, oral, anal, enem, creampie ] Reviews
Generalife, Part 1 [ MF, Mf, Mg, Mgg, MgMg, 1st, solo, toys, oral, anal, enem, creampie ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Biged0516's profile
more of a reader then a writer, love the nice stoies here
My Getaway [ gg, pedo, bi, voy ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Love2play's profile
Why do so many guys fantasize about having anal sex with little girls? Or a woman? Isn't that like..oh I don't know..closet gay? I am so tired of reading about that, in fact, I quit reading as soon as a story goes there. What's the appeal? If your gay, be gay. Leave women out of it. I love the female anatomy.
My Little Angels, Part 1 [ M/g(4), g(5), voy, play, oral, pedo, cons ] Reviews
Window Fun, Part 3 [ M/g(4), ped, cons ] Reviews
Rat Tails:
Outsourced From the Reformatory, Tale 1 [ fdom, b, spank, humil ] Reviews
Rex Wilder:
Lilla Sandra, Del 6 [ M/F/g ]
Simple Simon:
Katie's Mommy Sets Things Straight [ MFg, MF, oral ] Reviews
Katie Stories Glossary Reviews
[ profile ]
Sterling's profile
Me? I write erotic fiction. I have a 'standard' ASSTR account under the name of 'Sterling' but thought this audience might like some of my stories a lot.
Prescription: An Enthusiastic Fucking [ MF, Mf, Mg, mf, het, cons, rape, reluc, nc, 1st, oral, pedo, loli, SciFi ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Vander's profile
I write extreme stories about boys and their interactions with other boys and men. Expect a lot of juicy stuff from me.
Joey's Ordeal, Part 2 [ bgM, fist, toys, beast ] Reviews
[ profile ]
dale10's profile
Dale10 has been a leading author of perverse erotica for a dozen years.
The Facility, Part 14 [ M/bb, mas, inc, anal, humil, exhib, oral ] Reviews
[ profile ]
dreamruner's profile
Avid reader new to posting
The Luring Of Rose [ f, rape, 1st, multi, teen ] Reviews
Slow Business [ g, nosex, reluc, inc, aunt, niece, solo ] Reviews
kid charlemagne:
My Summer Vacation, Part 3 [ mff, 1st, teen, cons, het, oral ] Reviews
My Summer Vacation, Part 2 [ mf, 1st, teen, cons, het, oral, anal ] Reviews
[ profile ]
AdBur's profile
Just another lover of sensual stories featuring young girls.
The Girl Next Door [ Mf(13), pett, reluc ] Reviews
Alex Hawk:
Flirting [ mf, teens, inc, 1st ]
[ profile ]
Arachnophile's profile
I strive to achieve a balance between intense eroticism and tender emotion in describing the sex lives of willing underage girls. My readers can expect considerable character development in settings involving incest, lesbianism, inter-generational sex, and heterosexual activity.
Mandy & Amy, Part 1 [ f, g, cons, pedo, inc, fath, dau, sis, het, les ] Reviews
Count of Montserrat:
[ profile ]
Count of Montserrat's profile
Like to write fantasy over broad ranges of eroticism except violence. Key interest in Fm, slow developing plots with explosive passion driven finishes. Like historical and society reference and mixing of classes, etc.
Patty's New Pet, Part 2 [ Fmm, best, cons, hist, het ]
Dee Kuznietsov:
[ profile ]
Dee Kuznietsov's profile
An erotica writer for over a decade, now returning with old stories (previously published under a different penname) and hopefully some new ones at some point. Likes girls, pretty girls and young girls, but also some other stuff.
Adventures of Keep: Photo Session [ mf, nosex, lolita ] Reviews
[ profile ]
FrankMcCoy's profile
Frank McCoy is a man who started writing sex stories for his own enjoyment, and later started publishing them on the internet (in when he found out that other people were interested in reading them.
His stories mostly involve incest, (family members having sex) pedophilia, (young children having sex) pregnancy (yes, having babies) and quite often several other quirks as well. These stories (with a few notable exceptions) are usually completely consensual (That means that all parties involved want to do whatever they are doing.) and are basically love-stories. Even though most people might consider this 'abuse,' nobody (with the above noted exceptions) gets abused in his stories. If a little girl has sex, (gets fucked) it's because she wants to get fucked, and asks for it. This may be unrealistic; but these are stories, FANTASIES. They are not intended as examples of the real world, or suggestions of things to do.
Frank started out by publishing a complete novel, ('Her Father's Daughter') ostensibly written by a friend ('Tammy') who didn't want to be identified further. He has also published several stories that he claims are his own, besides those of the mysterious Tammy. Once he started publishing, several other people have asked him to publish some of their stories, in the same manner.
You Can Never Tell [ pedo, inc ] Reviews
Mr. B. Ondage:
Complete Bondage [ bbb, bond, nosex ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Olivia1703's profile
Ich mag Phantasien mit Kindern zwischen 10 und 14 Jahren, ein Alter, in dem sie ihre eigene Sexualität entdecken und damit eine entsprechende Neugierde entwickeln. Meine 'Protagonisten' haben Spaß an der Sache und machen es freiwillig, müssen manchmal nur ein wenig ermutigt werden. Ich habe eine große Schwäche für 'dirty talk', was in meinen Geschichten deutlich zum Ausdruck kommt. Mir ist klar, dass das nicht jedermanns Geschmack ist. Dafür mag ich keine Geschichten mit Zwang und Schlägen und ähnlichem, sowie Sex mit Tieren.
Konformation, Tail 1 [ ffgm, inc, cous ] Reviews
One Year, Part 4 [ Mg, rom, cons, mast, oral, lolita ]
Rex Wilder:
Lilla Sandra, Del 7 [ M/F/g ]
Slow Quill:
[ profile ]
Slow Quill's profile
A new and slow writer hence the name. I hope the stories I am working on will engage the audience using character development and woven plot lines. After enjoying the work of others for some time, I decided to throw my hat in the ring, maybe with some constructive critique it could be possible to produce a half indecent story.
A New Model Is Discovered, Part 54 [ g, fm, fant, rom, prost, fetish, slow ] Reviews
Vladimir Nabokov:
[ profile ]
Vladimir Nabokov's profile
Russian American novelist. Nabokov's first nine novels were in Russian. He then rose to international prominence as a writer of English prose.
Lilith [ poem ]
Because You Took Advantage [ poem ]
Wanted, Wanted: Dolores Haze [ poem ]
[ profile ]
cats's profile
Love young incest and always, always looking for an able co writer of the sweetest taboo.
Tara: Slut, Model, Breadwinner, Part 7 [ inc, pedo ]
[ profile ]
dale10's profile
Dale10 has been a leading author of perverse erotica for a dozen years.
My Sister's Boyfriend [ Mgg, oral, anal, humil ] Reviews
Alex Hawk:
Friends With Benefits [ mf, teens, exhib, 1st, oral, mast ] Reviews
[ profile ]
FrankMcCoy's profile
Frank McCoy is a man who started writing sex stories for his own enjoyment, and later started publishing them on the internet (in when he found out that other people were interested in reading them.
His stories mostly involve incest, (family members having sex) pedophilia, (young children having sex) pregnancy (yes, having babies) and quite often several other quirks as well. These stories (with a few notable exceptions) are usually completely consensual (That means that all parties involved want to do whatever they are doing.) and are basically love-stories. Even though most people might consider this 'abuse,' nobody (with the above noted exceptions) gets abused in his stories. If a little girl has sex, (gets fucked) it's because she wants to get fucked, and asks for it. This may be unrealistic; but these are stories, FANTASIES. They are not intended as examples of the real world, or suggestions of things to do.
Frank started out by publishing a complete novel, ('Her Father's Daughter') ostensibly written by a friend ('Tammy') who didn't want to be identified further. He has also published several stories that he claims are his own, besides those of the mysterious Tammy. Once he started publishing, several other people have asked him to publish some of their stories, in the same manner.
Nap Time [ pedo, inc ] Reviews
Hymen Roth:
Trisha: The Making of "Adventures in the Grand Canyon", Part 1 [ pedo, bi, Mb(7)g(8), anal, ATM ] Reviews
John Shaw Neilson:
[ profile ]
John Shaw Neilson's profile
Largely untrained and only basically educated, Neilson became known as one of Australia's finest lyric poets, who wrote a great deal about the natural world, and the beauty in it.
Schoolgirls Hastening [ poem ]
Leslie Schmidt:
[ profile ]
Leslie Schmidt's profile
My stories are about little girls and their loves (mostly). If you're looking for torture, sadomasochism, or anyone hurting little girls, you've come to the wrong place. Leslie Schmidt's stories:
Pedophile's Dream [ pedo, cons, preteen ] Reviews
Peter Rast:
Oh, Laura, Teil 6 [ Mg(9), sex, anal ] Reviews
Ravens Dell:
[ profile ]
Ravens Dell's profile
Hello Readers. I am Ravens Dell. I love Little Girls. Here is my story.
My Love of Sophie, Part 2 Reviews
Rex Wilder:
Lilla Sandra, Del 8 [ M/F/g ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Writersblock's profile
Just a perverted guy loving anything sluttish... the more hardcore the better. FANTASY ONLY.
Trixie The Slut [ M/g, MM/g, pro, inc ] Reviews
[ profile ]
AdBur's profile
Just another lover of sensual stories featuring young girls.
Emily Sleeps Over [ ff, pett, oral ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Alex's profile
As a writer, I strive for accuracy in my stories, with close attention to detail in both dialog and behavior. Therefore, you won't see six year olds begging to be fucked by total strangers in an airport bathroom, or nine year olds deep-throating ten inch cocks, because, awesome as that would be, it just doesn't ever happen in reality. As a result, I think my stories are, if nothing else, at least plausible. While taking nothing away from the fantasy-based fiction of other authors, I feel believability and realism are especially powerful in a genre such as ours.
Deena [ Mgg(10,8), cons, oral, anal, solo, sis, les ] Reviews
Alex Hawk:
Show Me [ bg, preteen, 1st, mast, true ] Reviews
Arthur Nortje:
[ profile ]
Arthur Nortje's profile
South African poet. His poems were published posthumously in the collections Dead Roots (1973) and Lonely Against the Light (1973). They deal extensively with his own personal alienation, being classified as coloured in apartheid South Africa, and his experiences of exile.
Slip of a Girl [ poem ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Blue_Goose's profile
Old but not worn. Got hung up on incest when my niece moved in with me. She's not a little girl, she was forty when we got together, but it has been a wonderful time.
The Ogre's Treasure [ fant, furry, F, f, M ]
[ profile ]
FrankMcCoy's profile
Frank McCoy is a man who started writing sex stories for his own enjoyment, and later started publishing them on the internet (in when he found out that other people were interested in reading them.
His stories mostly involve incest, (family members having sex) pedophilia, (young children having sex) pregnancy (yes, having babies) and quite often several other quirks as well. These stories (with a few notable exceptions) are usually completely consensual (That means that all parties involved want to do whatever they are doing.) and are basically love-stories. Even though most people might consider this 'abuse,' nobody (with the above noted exceptions) gets abused in his stories. If a little girl has sex, (gets fucked) it's because she wants to get fucked, and asks for it. This may be unrealistic; but these are stories, FANTASIES. They are not intended as examples of the real world, or suggestions of things to do.
Frank started out by publishing a complete novel, ('Her Father's Daughter') ostensibly written by a friend ('Tammy') who didn't want to be identified further. He has also published several stories that he claims are his own, besides those of the mysterious Tammy. Once he started publishing, several other people have asked him to publish some of their stories, in the same manner.
My Little Sisters [ pedo, inc, preteen ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Frenchie's profile
I'm a transplanted Cajun from New Orleans to California, single male over 60 years old and I've always enjoyed literature; especially, short stories. I studied 'Creative Writing' in college and was the only author, in the class, that the professor read a story that I had written, to the class. I have published stories on the Internet on various sites, such as ASSTR. I hope 'y'all' enjoy my writing as much as I enjoy writing and will let me know what you think.
Grandpa and Me [ Mg(7), pedo, sex, inc, con, 1st, oral, rom ] Reviews
Hymen Roth:
Julie and Jennifer: Incestuous Family Album, Part 1 [ pedo, inc, sis, MFg10g9, gggg, 1st ] Reviews
Pauline Stainer:
[ profile ]
Pauline Stainer's profile
Acclaimed English poet. Her determinedly neo-romantic poetry explores sacred myth, legend, history-in-landscape, and human feeling—and their connections to the 'inner landscapes' of the imaginative mind. Her choice of subject matter is perhaps partly a reaction to her growing up in the industrial city of Stoke-on-Trent. The compact vividness of her visual imagery is akin to that of the Anglo Saxon riddles, Symbolist poetry, or the work of García Lorca.
The Drawing [ poem ]
Rex Wilder:
Evas Gynekologbesök [ M/F/f ]
[ profile ]
SexChild's profile
I love any stories that involve children between the ages of 8 and 13. Though I would never engage a child sexually.
Hot Bubblegum: Alec's First Fuck, Part 1 [ Fbbg, 1st, cons, pedo, lolita, inc, mother, son, bro, sis, cous, aunt, neice, neph, gay, les, bi, group, orgy, exhib, creampie ] Reviews
Zack McNaught:
[ profile ]
Zack McNaught's profile
Zack specialises in tales of intergenerational relationships where consent and a dose of reality are integral to the plot.
Fame [ M/g, intercourse ] Reviews
Jessica [ M/g, mast ] Reviews
[ profile ]
dale10's profile
Dale10 has been a leading author of perverse erotica for a dozen years.
The Facility, Part 15 [ m/bbb, oral, anal, humil, bukkake ] Reviews
Alex Hawk:
Up the Creek [ mf, teens, inc, 1st ]
[ profile ]
Arachnophile's profile
I strive to achieve a balance between intense eroticism and tender emotion in describing the sex lives of willing underage girls. My readers can expect considerable character development in settings involving incest, lesbianism, inter-generational sex, and heterosexual activity.
Mandy & Amy, Part 2 [ f, pedo, sis, inc, cons, fath, dau, het, creampie ] Reviews
Parenting Skills, Part 2 [ MMb, pedo, inc, fath/son, d/s, Mdom, rough, humil ]
[ profile ]
FrankMcCoy's profile
Frank McCoy is a man who started writing sex stories for his own enjoyment, and later started publishing them on the internet (in when he found out that other people were interested in reading them.
His stories mostly involve incest, (family members having sex) pedophilia, (young children having sex) pregnancy (yes, having babies) and quite often several other quirks as well. These stories (with a few notable exceptions) are usually completely consensual (That means that all parties involved want to do whatever they are doing.) and are basically love-stories. Even though most people might consider this 'abuse,' nobody (with the above noted exceptions) gets abused in his stories. If a little girl has sex, (gets fucked) it's because she wants to get fucked, and asks for it. This may be unrealistic; but these are stories, FANTASIES. They are not intended as examples of the real world, or suggestions of things to do.
Frank started out by publishing a complete novel, ('Her Father's Daughter') ostensibly written by a friend ('Tammy') who didn't want to be identified further. He has also published several stories that he claims are his own, besides those of the mysterious Tammy. Once he started publishing, several other people have asked him to publish some of their stories, in the same manner.
My Family [ pedo, inc, fam ] Reviews
Kindernuttenservice [ Mg ] Reviews
Hakim Bey:
[ profile ]
Hakim Bey's profile
Peter Lamborn Wilson (born 1945) (pseudonym Hakim Bey), is an American anarchist political and cultural writer, essayist, and poet, known for first proposing the concept of the Temporary Autonomous Zone (TAZ), based, in part, on a historical review of pirate utopias. He has received criticism for writing for the NAMBLA Bulletin, a pedophile and pederasty advocacy organization in the United States that works to abolish age of consent laws criminalizing adult sexual involvement with minors.
Pedofiliac Finances [ poem ]
Hymen Roth:
Karla and Trisha: Slumber Party [ g9g8, food, scat, ws ] Reviews
Leslie Schmidt:
[ profile ]
Leslie Schmidt's profile
My stories are about little girls and their loves (mostly). If you're looking for torture, sadomasochism, or anyone hurting little girls, you've come to the wrong place. Leslie Schmidt's stories:
On the Interactions of Tweens and Teens [ pedo ]
Die Hochhauszwillinge [ Mg, pedo, 1st ] Reviews
[ profile ]
OhSoSweet's profile
Hi First time I've tried writing for the net. Hope you enjoy my stories & you take time to give feedback if you like what you read!!!!
The Secret, Part 12 [ MMFg ] Reviews
Patricia Kathleen Page:
[ profile ]
Patricia Kathleen Page's profile
Canadian poet and the author of over 30 published books of poetry, fiction, travel diaries, essays, children's books, and an autobiography.
Little Girls [ poem ]
Simple Simon:
The Brennan Boys, Part 2 [ Mmb, ped, incest, anal, oral, gay ]
The Brennan Boys, Part 3 [ Mmb, gay, anal, oral, cum, inc, gang ] Reviews
Speed [ Mg(3), oral ] Reviews
Storytime Sam:
Alien Ground Zero [ Scfi, mm, mb, bb, mult, con, reluc, coer, nc, mast, oral, anal, rim, fist, bd, first, humil, interr, mod, ws, tentacles, alien, caution ] Reviews
Vincenzo Cardarelli:
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Vincenzo Cardarelli's profile
Cardarelli was born in Corneto, Lazio, to a family of Marche origin. His studies were irregular and he tried different jobs. In 1906, when he had moved to Rome, he began his career as a journalist.
Adolescent [ poem ]
Pervertie Par L'amie De Ma Fille [ pedo, inc, les ]
[ profile ]
katieC's profile
I'm a girl who likes to write about what I know
Susie Gets Into The Movies, Part 3 [ MggmmMm ] Reviews
Ma Pauvre Fille
[ profile ]
Blue_Goose's profile
Old but not worn. Got hung up on incest when my niece moved in with me. She's not a little girl, she was forty when we got together, but it has been a wonderful time.
My Sister's Keeper [ rom, g, m, 1st, oral, losex ] Reviews
Chris Jorgenson:
Taking Advantage Of A Drunk Girl [ Mf(17) ] Reviews
[ profile ]
FrankMcCoy's profile
Frank McCoy is a man who started writing sex stories for his own enjoyment, and later started publishing them on the internet (in when he found out that other people were interested in reading them.
His stories mostly involve incest, (family members having sex) pedophilia, (young children having sex) pregnancy (yes, having babies) and quite often several other quirks as well. These stories (with a few notable exceptions) are usually completely consensual (That means that all parties involved want to do whatever they are doing.) and are basically love-stories. Even though most people might consider this 'abuse,' nobody (with the above noted exceptions) gets abused in his stories. If a little girl has sex, (gets fucked) it's because she wants to get fucked, and asks for it. This may be unrealistic; but these are stories, FANTASIES. They are not intended as examples of the real world, or suggestions of things to do.
Frank started out by publishing a complete novel, ('Her Father's Daughter') ostensibly written by a friend ('Tammy') who didn't want to be identified further. He has also published several stories that he claims are his own, besides those of the mysterious Tammy. Once he started publishing, several other people have asked him to publish some of their stories, in the same manner.
My Big Brother [ inc, pedo, fam, preteen ]
[ profile ]
Sweetslover's profile
Single Man 30's recently coming to child erotica but enjoying it
Helen Of Troy, Part 1 [ Mf11, lolita, sex ] Reviews
Vesna Parun:
[ profile ]
Vesna Parun's profile
Croatian poet schooled in Zlarin, Šibenik and Split. She studied Romance languages and philosophy at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb. From 1947 she was a free artist, writing poetry, essays, criticism and children's literature.
The Wheat
[ profile ]
dale10's profile
Dale10 has been a leading author of perverse erotica for a dozen years.
The Facility, Part 16 [ m/bbb, oral, anal, humil, mast, voy, food ]
kid charlemagne:
My Summer Vacation, Part 4 [ mff, 1st, teen, cons, het, oral, anal ] Reviews
this guy:
[ profile ]
this guy's profile
This guy has been reading and writing erotic stories since the mid 1990's.
The Pedo's Dream [ Mg(9), pdeo, cons, oral ]