More Than a Friend, Part 4

[ bg, mast, pedo, rom ]

by JerseyJ

Published: 13-Jan-2013

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

"I'll trade you a Dratini and my Arbok for your Kadabra," Sera said, holding out the cards. She was wearing a zipped-up, pink jacket with gray jeans and white sneakers. Her hood was on.

"No, thanks," I said. I was wearing my big green coat with blue jeans and brown boots. My hood was on, too. I felt uncomfable (uncomfortable) sitting on the ground while my coat was on, but it would be worse if I was squatting with it on.

Kadabra's my second favorite Pokemon, after Scyther. He stood in front of a black background with two spoons in his hands. Red spots were also behind him.

Putting him in back of my deck, I looked through my cards. Haven't gotten any new ones lately.

"How did it feel the other day when you guys had sex?" Greta asked. She wore a zipped, green jacket with blue jeans and white sneakers.

I wasn't too surprised that she knew. Greta, Sera, and Jan -- Jan was absent today -- are best friends, and they talk to each other all the time. But I wasn't mad. They both could keep secrets.

"We didn't have it all the way," I said.

"Yeah," continued Sera. "When Gabriel put his dick in, I started bleeding. We stopped after that."

"That was your cherry," said Greta.

"Cherry?" I repeated.

"Yeah. A cherry is something that girls have in their pussy that breaks when something goes in too far."

Girls have fruits in their pussies?

"Can I fix it?" Sera asked.

"No. It stays broken forever. But it shouldn't hurt as much next time you do it."

"So, me and Gabriel could do it again, and I won't bleed?" Sera sounded surprised.

"No." Greta shook her head.

Sera excitedly looked at me. Her Chinese eyes were open wide. "We should try it again while you're sleeping over."

"Cool." I looked at Greta. "Are you sure I won't hurt Sera again?"

"Yeah. I heard my sister talking about it."


"Thanks," Sera grinned.

We high-fived each other.

After school, I had to go home and get my stuff. It had been snowing since before we got out of school. My father drove me to Sera's, leaving when somebody buzzed me into the building. I went up to Sera's door and knocked. Her mother answered it.

"Hello, Gabriel," Sera's mother smiled. She wore a black sweater with black pants. "Sera's in her room. She's been talking about the sleepover all day."

I looked down so she wouldn't see me smile. Carrying the black strap of my black bag on my shoulder, I walked past her and opened Sera's door.

Sera was sitting on the edge of her bed, watching Dragonball Z. She was wearing a green sweater. When I closed her door, she grinned and walked up to me.

"I saw your dad's car drive up," she told me.

"Really?" I put my bag on the floor, by the sliding closet doors. Then I put my coat up so I was wearing my gray long-sleeve shirt.

Sera leaned in and kissed me on the mouth. I hugged her and put my tongue in her mouth. Our arms went around each other as she licked inside my mouth. She turned her head to one side while I turned my head to the other.

We stopped kissing and I looked at her. She has the cutest smile in the world.

"That's the coolest feeling ever," she said.

"Yeah," I whispered.

Then we sat on her bed.

"So," she grinned real big, "ready for a whole three days with me?!"

"Yeah. Your mother said you been talking about it all day."

Sera rolled her eyes and I knew what was coming.

"She's cra..."

Before she could say "zee", I put my hand over her mouth.

She laughed little drops of spit in my hand.

"Ugh!" I groaned with a smirk as I pulled my hand back. Then I rubbed the spit on her shoulder. Sera laughed harder and backed off. "Hey, I brought Pokemon Yellow," I told her when she stopped laughing.

"Ooh!" she squealed. "Let's have a Pokemon battle."

I went to look in my bag while she got up to get her Gameboy Color. When I found it, I sat next to her.

My Gameboy was sorta green, or kinda blue. I don't know. Sera's was one of those purple ones that you could see through.

I picked up the unplugged end of her Gameboy's link cable and plugged it in mine.

"I'm at the Pokemon Center in Celadon City."

"Hold up, I gotta dig outta Seafoam Island." I went to the Pokemon section of the menu and chose my level 36 Dugtrio, and then I picked "Dig" on the other menu. Ash did the spinning around thing and ended up at the Pewter City Pokemon Center. "Okay. I'm there. How many Pokemon should we use?"


"Aight." I went to Bill's PC and deposited my Charizard and my Moltres. "Ready."

"Ready to lose?" Sera said.

"No, are you?"

We began the Pokemon battle.

I started off with a level 51 Blastoise.

"Pikachu, I choose you!" said Sera.

Since it was my turn, I used my "Bubblebeam" attack.

It didn't take that much energy 'cause her Pikachu was level 53.

Sera's Pikachu used "Thunder".

Lucky for me, she missed.

I pulled out my Blastoise and replaced it with a level 39 Dugtrio. Then I made it "Dig".

Sera replaced her Pikachu with a level 49 Articuno,

When Dugtrio came back up, its "Dig" had no effect on Articuno 'cause that's a bird Pokemon.

When it was Sera's turn, she killed my Dugtrio with "Ice Beam". Cheat.

"One down, three to go," said Sera.

When the game was over, I won. I beat her last Pokemon, Rapidash, with my last Pokemon, Venusaur.

"Wanna play again?"

"Yeah. Let's use six Pokemon now."

And so we battled and battled, using diff'rent (different) numbers of Pokemon and diff'rent kinds of Pokemon.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

"Come in!" Sera said.

Jin opened the door.

"Time to eat, guys," he said, leaning into the room with one hand on the doorknob and the other on the outside wall.


Me and Sera followed him into the kitchen. When we reached the counter, we picked out some paper plates.

"Gabriel, do you eat fish sticks?" Sera's mom asked. She was standing in front of a white oven.

The oven had a black pot on top that had really little, white polkadots.

"Yeah," I said, following Sera to the table and sitting across from her.

Jin was sitting right next to me. He was wearing a dark green sweater with blue jeans.

"Macaroni and cheese?"




"Good. Sera hates broccoli."

I looked at Sera.

She made a funny face and nodded.

"Well, it is gross."

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

Sera's mother opened the black microwave door and pulled out a red bowl with smoke coming out. When she got a big see-through spoon, she came to us and scooped the macaroni and cheese on our plates. After that, she put some uliminim (aluminum) foil on the bowl and put it in the fridge.

Then she drained the water out of the broccoli pot and forked some of that on our plates. Except Sera's, of course!

When the fish sticks were ready, Sera's mother pulled the foil that held them out of the oven and put them on the table for us to dig in.

We all ate the dinner.

After dinner -- really, really good -- Sera went upstairs to get some games. They have something called "Family fun Friday night", according to Sera.

I was sitting in the living room with her parents.

A table had been moved from the corner of the room to the middle and four chairs were around it. The three of us were in the chairs.

"Gabriel, do you believe in magic?" Sera's mother asked.


"Would you like to see a magic trick?"


She stood up and pulled a nickel out of her pocket. Then she held it with two fingers.

"Now you see it." She put it in the palm of her left hand and put the other hand on top. Then she twisted both hands and separated them. "Now you don't."

The nickel was gone.

"Where did it go?" I asked, looking at both of her hands.

She reached into my shirt pocket and pulled out the nickel.

I looked at her surprisedly. The nickel teleported to my pocket?

"Could you do that again?"

She did the thing with her hands and made the nickel disappear again.

I looked into my shirt pocket. It wasn't there, so I stood and checked my pants pockets.

She stretched her arm so her hand could get behind my ear.


The nickel was in her hand.

"How did you do that?"

"It's magic," she smiled.

Sera came running downstairs with a bunch of games in her hands.

"I got Jumpin' Monkeys, Star Wars Monopoly, Scrabble, and Trouble. Whatcha think we should play first, Gabe?"

I looked at the names of the games. "Scrabble."

Sera put the stack of games on the floor and began to set Scrabble up on the table. She sat next to me and across from her mother.

We all set up our stuff and decided to go around the table; Jin first, then Sera's mother, then Sera, then me.

My letters read UDPNSE. I moved them around to make different words until I got a good one.

Jin put down U-N-O. The word went sideways.

Sera's mother put "C" and a "A" on top of Jin's "N".

Sera used her mother's "C" for her word, "Chat".

I picked "S", "P", "N" and "A" and put them in one hand. Then I put "S", "E", and "N" on top of Sera's "T".

Jin got some more letters from the silver bag and put them on his wooden thing. Then he put the letters "L", "O", and "V" by my "E".

"L-O-V-E, 'love'," he said. "As in, 'I think my daughter is in love'."

"Dad!" Sera whined with a smile.

Me and Sera smiled at each other and looked the other way.

The game was pretty fun. It went on until Sera's mom won. After that, we played Trouble and Jumpin' Monkeys. I won Trouble, maybe 'cause I got it at home, but Jumpin' Monkeys was new to me. Basically, we had to pick a color and fling our colored monkeys at a tree to make them hang on it by their tails. That was hard for me, but Sera won. Star Wars Monopoly could go on for so long that we skipped that. Then Sera suggested that we go to her room.

"Your parents are really cool, Sera," I told her as I got on my knees to find the zipper of my bag. "I wish my parents were like them." My parents are a lot more boring.

"Yeah," Sera said from behind me, "Fridays are pretty fun over here."

I unzipped my bag and moved my clothes around with both hands, looking for my toothbrush and thermals. When I found the red thermals, and then the green toothbrush, I pulled them out. Then I stood up and turned around.

My face got mad hot when I saw Sera stepping into gray pajama pants. With one foot in the air, she hopped backwards twice and we laughed when she almost fell down, but bumped into the dresser instead. Both feet on the floor, she pulled the pants up and past her white drawls (drawers). Then she took her shirt off and put it in a white hamper that was next to the closet. Without looking at me, she smiled while picking up the pajama shirt that was on the bed and putting it on.

"You could change clothes in here if you want," Sera shrugged like it was nothing, buttoning the top two buttons of her white shirt.

We saw each other's privates before. Why not?

I put my folded thermals on the floor and took my shirt off. Then I bent over to get my thermal shirt and put it on. Next, I unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans and stepped out of them, standing in my white underwear. I peeked up at Sera, who was calmly sitting on the bed and watching as I pulled my thermal pants up.

Wearing my sleeping clothes, I stuffed my other clothes in my bag and zipped it. Then I picked up my toothbrush, which was in a ziploc bag.

"Wanna brush teeth together?" I asked.

"Yeah." She slid out of bed and followed me to the bathroom.

Together, we put our toothbrushes under the sink water. Then she picked up the A-im (Aim) toothpaste and put some on our stuck-together brushes with one squeeze. She brushed with her yellow brush, and I used a blue brush with a picture of a bear on the handle.

"Luk," Sera mumbled.

With my brush in my mouth, I looked at her reflection. Then I turned my head for a better look.

Sera had a open mouth full of toothpaste and spit. Putting her lips together, she blew a really sloppy kiss at me. White drool spilled out and she caught it in her hand and flung it in the sink. It was kinda gross, but kinda funny.

I smiled and she laughed, getting drool all over her chin, and in the sink when she leaned over it.

Sera crawled into bed and moved all the way to the side. Picking up one end of the blanket, she stuck her bare feet inside and laid her head on the white pillow.

I got on the bed and scooted next to her. Then I reached over her to pull the blanket over me.

"I'm not sleepy yet," Sera told me, putting her elbow on the bed and standing her head on her fist so she could look at me.

"Me, neither," I said facing her while laying down. I peeked over her head and at the door. "So when do you think we can do it?"

"Dad doesn't work on weekends, and my mom doesn't work at all. We can't do it here unless they leave." She pouted.

"You sure you wanna do that?"

"Yeah." She nodded her head. "Don't you?"

"Yeah. *Sigh* "I just wouldn't want you to get hurt again."

She smiled real big. "Thanks. You're so kind." She rubbed my arm. "But Greta said it wouldn't hurt anymore. She said my cherry was gone."

"I guess."

Sera opened the blanket and looked down. "Can I...?" She pointed down at me.

I looked at what she was pointing to, then back at her, and nodded. "Could I touch yours?"

"Mmm-hmm." She put her hand in between my legs and rubbed the bottom of my balls through my thermal pants.

At almost the same time, I reached over and poked her pussy with a finger.

"Sssss!" My legs flinched. "Don't squeeze them too hard."

"Sorry." She did it gentlier (gentler). My balls rolled around in her hand. My dick started to get hard. I rubbed her pussy back and forth. "Mmmphh!"

"Shh!" I whispered. "Your parents might hear."

Sera nodded and opened her legs a bit. When my dick got as hard as could, she grabbed it.

I groaned.

"Shh!" warned Sera. "My parents might hear." Then she snickered at herself.

Sera carefully pinched the tip of my dick over and over with her fingertips. I don't know why, but that felt real good.

Then she wrapped her fingers around it and moved it up and down slowly.

Then I started feeling real, real good. I started breathing harder and my shoulders kept moving.

Sera worriedly looked at me and stopped touching me.

As soon as she did, that good feeling went away. I sighed in frustration.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"Yeah," I nodded. "Keep doing it. That felt good."

Sera went back to playing with my dick.

That weird feeling didn't take long to come back. When it did, it kept getting stronger and stronger. I started pushing my dick back and forth.

With a gasp, I flinched and started shaking. Sera let go of my dick and sat up.

"What's the matter?!" she whispered I didn't say anything, the feeling was too much for me to do anything but breathe. "I'll get my parents!"

She pulled her side of the blanket and started to get up, but I grabbed her arm. She stared at me until I calmed down.

"It's okay," I panted. "It's gone now, but that felt really good."

"It did?" She put her head in her hand and laid down to look at me.

"Yeah." I looked at her pussy. "Could I show you?"

"Did it hurt?"


"Okay," she said after thinking about it. I stuck a finger in between her legs and rubbed it back and forth. "That's nice..." Sera moaned and started feeling on my shoulder. Her hand slid down to my arm and rubbed that up and down. Then I moved my finger up and started rubbing her pussy in circles. "Uh, uh, uh..."

I looked at her.

She was looking at my hand, but looked at me when she saw me look at her. Then she leaned forth and kissed my lips.

I kissed her back and kept our lips there, but we didn't use our tongues. Her lips kept moving on and off as she breathed hard on me. I could smell and taste her toothpaste.

Soon, Sera grabbed my hand real hard and gasped, closing her eyes. Her legs squeezed by hand in between them. We stayed still for a long time and she let my hand go.

I pulled my arm back and she relaxed.

She blinked her eyes real fast and looked at me. Her face was red and she was breathing hard. "That did feel good," Sera whispered with a smile.

"Told ya." I kissed her lips and we tongue-kissed.

"What was that last part called?"

"I don't know."

"I can't wait 'til we can have real sex."

"Me, neither. It felt good when you touched my dick."

"Me, too."

"You don't have a dick." It was hard not to laugh at that.

Sera burst out laughing, kicking her feet up. "Goodnight," she said.


She stood on the bed and turned off the light that was on her side. Scooting over to me, she kissed me on the mouth. Then she hugged me. I hugged her back, and that's the last thing I remember.

It was early when I woke up the next day.

Oww! Last time I go to sleep with my arms wrapped around somebody.

I was still laying on my right side with the covers up to my neck. One arm was on top of Sera. My other arm was crushed under her, and it hurt!

Sera was facing me. One of her arms was beneath me. She snored quietly with her mouth open, and I could feel some of her breath on my face. *Sigh* She looked so cute, I had to kiss her. But first, I had to get her off me, and me off her.

I sat up a little bit and moved her arm out from under me. After putting her arm by her side, I laid back down and put her other arm there.

She made a sound like a pig, but kept her eyes closed.

Gently, I pushed her with my free hand and slowly pulled my arm out from under her. When it was out, I rubbed it up and down. It felt kinda cramped.

Sera's eyes opened up.

I smiled at her.

She blinked, sleepily shifting her eyes from side to side. Slowly, her eyes closed and I thought she was going back to sleep. Then her eyes opened again real slow. They stared at me for a long time before she sat up and looked down. And then she shook her head like a wet dog, and I laughed.

"Hi," she said, turning to me with a half of a smile.

"Hi," I said, giving her a good morning kiss on the lips. "You look really cute when you're asleep."

She smiled bigger with closed eyes, then leaned back and raised her arms. Balling her fists, she did the matrix and bent her knees. While doing that, she yawned and turned her head to the ceiling. When she finished yawning, she looked at me, wide awake.

"How do I look now?"

"Really, really, cute."

We kissed each other on the mouth.

"Let's get something to eat."

Wow! Mad food was on a big, white plate in the middle of the counter. Pancakes, bacon, and scrambled eggs were all over it. It smelled so good. Could the four of us eat all that?

Sera walked past me and got a paper plate from another counter. Then she grabbed the black spatula that was by the breakfast plate.

Jin and Sera's mother were sitting at the table with their breakfast.

"Help yourself to whatever you want, Gabriel," Jin said. He was wearing white pajamas with blue stripes going down.

"Thank you," I said to them, getting the spatula when Sera gave it to me.

"We could watch TV in my room," Sera told me as she carried her plate out of the kitchen.

Using the spatula, I picked up three dark brown pancakes that were yellow on the sides and some spots on top, and put them on the plate I was holding. Next, I scooped up some yellow eggs and put them beside my pancakes. Last, but not least, I put three dark red bacons on top of the eggs. After that, I put the spatula down and got the almost-empty bottle of syrup. I put syrup on top of everything until the bottle was empty. Then I threw the syrup in the black garbage can that was by the door.

I went into Sera's room and saw her on her knees in front of the bed

Sera was watching a Men In Black cartoon commercial on Kids WB. She smiled at me when I came in, and went back to eating her eggs.

I got on my knees, next to her and we watched Pokemon, Detention, Cat-and-Bunny-Warneroonie-Super-Looney-Big-Cartoonie *gasp* Show, and Sylvester & Tweety Mysteries.

"You could get in the tub first," Sera told me, "'cause you do kinda stink." I gave her a dirty look, which she grinned at. "I'll show you where to get the towel and rag."

She led me to the closet that was between her room and the bathroom. Then she gave me a white rag and a light blue towel.


I went into the bathroom and she followed me.

"Should I make the water warm for you?"

"Nah, I could do that."

I turned on the water and set it the way I like; hot, but not too hot.

Sera was still standing there, both us us watching the tub fill.

"Here." She opened the sink door and handed me a white bottle of Dove dish detergent.

I squirted soap into the tub until the suds came up. Then I gave the bottle back.

Sera was still in the bathroom with me.

"What?" I said over the waterfall.

"What, what?"

"Aren't you going back to your room?"

"Why?" She smiled.

"'Cause I'm gonna take a bath."

"I know." She shrugged. "And?"

"I'm about to get nak... I mean, I'm gonna take my clothes off." She laughed. "What if your parents come in?"

"They won't." She turned around as if to check.

"If they do, we'll get in trouble."

"No, we won't; you're not naked yet."

I looked in the tub. It was almost full enough.

"I'm 'bout to take my clothes off now."

"Go ahead." She stood against the wall where their towels were, watching me with a smile.

"Fine." I took one arm out of my sleeve. She just watched with her evil-looking smile. Then I took my other arm out and pulled the shirt up to my chest. The water got high enough, so I put my shirt back on and turned it off. Then I turned to see Sera still there. "Would you get the heck out already?!" I laughed.

Sera giggled and ran out of the room.


When me and Sera got our coats on, we went downstairs -- in a race, of course, which she won because of my big coat -- and outside.

It must've stopped snowing this morning. There was snow everywhere from the roofs of cars to the sidewalks. The buildings were too big for me to see their roofs. The sky was sort of dull, but it wasn't dark outside.

I looked at Sera and saw her bending over to make a snowball.

Not to be outdone, I did the same. I made a snowball, but it looked more like a snow-weird-shape.

When I stood up and turned around, a snowball hit me in the shoulder.

I threw mine and hit Sera in the elbow when she twisted around and covered her face in her hands.

Immediately, she got down and picked up some snow. She made a ball and threw it, but I moved aside and it hit a gray car that was behind me.

I threw some more snow and she stuck her hand out to block it. The snowball somehow rolled up Sera's arm and she caught it in both pink gloves. How the heck?

I laughed so hard that I leaned over a bit.

Sera laughed, too... just before she broke the snowball on the top of my head.

I scooped up some snow and tossed it at her with even bothering to ball it up.

She turned her hand and blocked her face with the back of her hand.

I ducked down to get some more snow. Next thing I knew, this girl tackled me to the ground.

For a girl, it was pretty strong tackle. Sera had hit me in my side and made me fall on my back before falling on top of me. The snowball I was making had fell out of my hands. We laughed out loud right there, our smokey breath getting mixed up.

If it was anybody else, I'd complain about how much my head hurt from the tackle, but it's kinda hard to feel pain with her so close to me. I'd like to have kissed her at that moment, but I could do that anytime. Right now was the time to get her for knocking me down.

Both of my arms were spread out. With both gloved hands, I picked up snow while she wasn't looking. Without warning, I rolled us over with all my strength and dropped the snow on her laughing-up-until-then face. I could have threw it in her face, but I didn't wanna hurt her.

I got off Sera and stood up.

She sat up and brushed the snow off her face. I wiped some off her hood and looked at her when her face was clean.

"We even now?" she asked. She didn't seem mad.

"Yeah, I guess."


All of a sudden, Sera pushed me onto some snow-covered grass. Before I could get up, she hit me in the head with a snowball that was in her pocket.

When it got too cold outside to keep playing, we went back into her building.

"We went to PathMark." was written on a piece of paper on her door.

"Cool," said Sera, "We got a place all to ourselves."


We went inside, and I followed her to her room.

We hung our wet coats on doors. Hers went on her bedroom door, mine went over the towel closet door.

I untied my sneakers and stepped out of them. My socks were soaked, so I took them off and balled them up, then put them next to my sneakers.

"Gabriel," Sera said.


"PathMark is pretty far from here, and it might be the only time my parents will leave us alone." Her face got red as she went on. "Could we try doing... it again?"

I looked down and tried not to smile. My ears sort of went up and my face got hot again. I nodded and looked at her.


She closed the door.

I pulled my wet jeans down and off. As I went for my gray sweater, I watched Sera undress.

Sera's blue sweater was already off. There weren't any titties on her chest. She had one sneaker off, and was using that foot to push the other sneaker off. Of course, she fell against the edge of the bed. With her sneakers off, she pulled her pants down and stepped out of them. Then she took her white panties off, and I got my first look at a all-naked girl.

"Hey, we match," said Sera as I got out of my white drawls (drawers).

"You look really nice, Sera," I blurted out with a smile.

We stood there looking at each other naked for a long time. She kept looking at my dick. I looked at her pussy.

My dick started moving by itself. It went up until it stuck out straight and really hard.

She got on her knees and looked closer at my dick. Gentily (gently), she held it between two fingers. Then she turned it one way and another. I think I actually got harder when she kept turning it like that. She looked at the sides first, then she picked it up and gentily (gently) slid a finger between my nuts.

"It's really, really stiff," she told me as she stood up. "You could touch me."

I ducked down so I could see her pussy better. I reached out and carefully touched the left side. It was kinda wet.

"You peed on yourself?"

"No. I don't know why my pussy does that. It's been doing that since you got nekkid (naked).

I shrugged and went back to looking at her. With two thumbs I touched both sides of her pussy and spread them a little.

"Does that hurt?"


I carefully opened them a bit wider.

"Does that hurt?"


I opened her pussy as wide as I could while looking at her face. It looked like it could really hurt, but Sera didn't flinch or anything.

The inside of her pussy was shiny and pink. It smelled really good. Kinda like candy, but no way am I gonna taste something that pee comes out of.

"How should we do it?" I asked while standing up. "Should I get on the floor?"

"Yeah. You lay down, and I'll get on top." I nodded and laid down. Sera took a deep breath and ducked over my lap. I flinched when she touched my dick and held it up. "Here goes."

She stood on her knees a little so my dick was right underneath her pussy. Slowly, she began to sit down on it.

My dick just kept going up until she was sitting on my lap. The inside of her pussy was really, really warm.

"Does it hurt?" As much as I didn't wanna stop, I really didn't wanna hurt Sera.

"No. It feels kinda full, but not painful."

I watched her cute face as she picked herself up a little bit and came back down. Sometimes she would smile at me, sometimes, she'd have a tired look on her face. I sat up a little and gave her a kiss.

"Uh, this feels good," I said when I laid back down.

Sera started moving faster.

She began to move more shakily on top of me. Her pussy got a lot tighter and squeezed my dick really hard.

All of a sudden, that weird feeling came to me. It became harder to breathe. I reached out and held her hands. And I moved up at her so we were sorta bouncing on each other.

"Uhh..." I stopped moving and took a deep breath.

"Mmmm..." Sera leaned her head back and stopped moving, too.

I was still stuck inside of her, so we began shaking together. When we stopped, her pussy untightened slowly and we relaxed.

Sera got off me and laid next to me.

My dick wasn't as hard anymore, so it laid down on my leg.

Me and Sera stayed on the floor trying to catch our breath.

Her face was pretty close to mine, I kissed her on the mouth.

One kiss wasn't enough, and we started tongue-kissing on the floor.

I can't believe this is the girl who, before Monday, was the best friend I was too nervous to tell I liked. Now, I'm at her house doing it with her.

I stopped kissing her and felt her sit up. When I opened my eyes, I saw her smiling at me.

She reached over and touched my dick.

It kinda tickled, kinda hurt, so I jumped.

"Sorry," she said.

"That okay." I said up and noticed that her pussy was sorta red. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. That last part was really cool."

"I felt it, too. Your pussy started squeezing my dick. Did my dick do anything like that?"

"I think it got a little harder."


"We should get dressed."

"Wanna have a Pokemon card battle?" I asked.


I helped her up and we got dressed in dry clothes.

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Lovely story!


Great story series! Hope there's more but this ended well if that's all :)

The reviewing period for this story has ended.