Published: 27-Jan-2013
Word Count:
I was really looking forward to spending some time alone with Megan-the cute five-year-old was such a hot little number. She had the dark hair and olive skin of her mother. By this time, she had lost her baby fat and was becoming a long, lanky little sex pot. The evening before, I had almost ripped the front out of my Levis when she had come out of the bath naked. My sister, Lori, had noticed and, later that night as she bounced up and down on my cock, she had said, "I bet you wish it was Megan here, huh?"
"You know I would," I responded as the cum was building behind my balls.
"What about Jana? She too young for you?"
"Oh"...I could leave some of this stuff on...her...too..." I grunted as I filled my sister's pussy.
The next day, Megan and Lori went shopping while Jana napped. About an hour later I heard the 14 month old moving around in her crib.
Before I even went into the room, I stripped off my clothes, leaving them laying in the living room as I headed up the stairs, my dick already bouncing down the hall ahead of me.
When I came into the nursery, Jana was standing in her crib, rocking it back and forth. The tortured piece of furniture creaked and squeaked, occasionally banging against the wall. When she saw me, Jana greeted me with a happy squeal and bounced up and down behind the bars. As she did this, she made "yoo yoo yoo" noises.
I crossed to her and was rewarded with a happy squeal as I picked her up and swung her around. I hugged her, clapping my hand on her butt and, sure enough, heavy diaper.
It was with growing excitement, as well as other things, that I lay the baby on the changing table. The tapes pulled away from the plastic and I drew in my breath at the site of her puffy little baby cunt lips.
She was just wet, which was fine with me--I've never been in to shit, I know some guys are. I did start by cleaning her with a baby wipe. Then I leaned down and playfully licked her navel. I was rewarded with a torrent of giggles. Next, I moved down and kissed her chubby little belly, just above her baby cunt. Again she giggled and laughed, kicking her fat little legs. Next I went lower and pushed my tongue along the length of her tiny slit, starting deep between her thighs and moving up to her belly. Jana squealed and giggled. I put my mouth over her mons and sucked gently, tonguing her through my pursed lips. She giggled a little more but was quieting down. I ran my hands up and down her sides and chest, massaging her torso as I massaged her tiny pussy with my tongue. Jana was getting really quiet.
Now she was beginning to move with me, her giggles had changed to a quiet cooing. She was looking down across her stomach at me making little "Wooo wooo, wooo," noises. She started to push her hips up to make her slit more accessible.
My cock was crying out for release but, unfortunately, there was no way I was going to be able to lick the lovely little snatch, massage her sides and chest, and stroke my cock. I straightened up and put a small squirt of baby oil in Jana's slit, then I started sliding my dick along it. Her pussy lips were parted and it was a marvel to see her pin-head size clit and tiny inner cunt lips with my cock head sliding over them.
I guess that this turned Megan on as much as it could turn on a fourteen-month-old as she continued to hump against my cock. I put her hands on the head and, as I humped against her, she started to bounce, sort of if I had been bouncing her on my knee.
Her tiny hands on my dick head, her tiny slit sliding along the bottom of my cock-it was just too much. My first load of jez actually hit the wall above the changing table, leaving a trail of white slime across the baby's stomach and shoulder. As I pumped more sperm, some sprayed across her face and throat, more on her chest and her stomach was covered. Her hands and tiny cunt were awash.
I think my grunting and groaning scared her a little, because she was looking at me with alarm. I smiled a big smile at her, "You're my wonderful baby girl!" I said in a high voice. I smeared my jez around on her stomach and into her cunt, "What a pretty little girl," I said.
Jana put her hand into a big glob of sperm and, as babies do, immediately put her hand in her mouth. She smeared the goo around her mouth and moved her lips and mouth, feeling the slimy stuff. I took my hand and, with my thumb and first finger spread, ran it up her belly, from her slit to her chest, collecting more sperm. Then I emptied the load into her mouth. She cooed and giggled more, blowing bubbles of semen. Obviously, she didn't mind the taste or feel of sperm in her mouth and, as I cleaned her up, I was planning to see if I could replace a bottle with my dick head-giving her a load of jez directly from the source.
Well, my story is a pedophile's dream. The circumstances of how all this came about are really not too important, just that I ended up looking after my two little nieces, aged 5 and 9, for a weeks stay at my ranch house in New Mexico. Megan, the oldest, was going into fourth grade while her little sister, Jana was just starting kindergarten.
So, here I was with two beautiful little girls, all to myself, in an isolated ranch house, 5 miles from the nearest paved road and 12 from the nearest neighbor. Behind the house, mountains rose up; the Juniper gave way to Lodge Pole pines. About 50 yards from the house, I had made a small lake by damming the run off from the mountain. I had bought the house and about 10 acres from a local rancher, as long as I allowed his cattle to graze around the place.
Jana and Megan came off the ATR at the Albuquerque airport, Megan holding Jana's hand as they made their way down the steps to the tarmac. A flight attendant walked with them the 100 feet to the door. Megan ran over to me and hugged me around the hips, "Hi Uncle Mark!" (My dick had been firm in anticipation of what was coming; now it jumped) The flight attendant turned them over to the gate agent. He checked my ID against some paperwork, then had me sign. Jana didn't know me, she had been in diapers the last time I had seen her. (I cherish the memory of one particular time changing her when she was about 14 months old. It had taken quite a few wipes to clean the enormous load I had shot across her belly, chest, and face.)
We collected their suitcases at the baggage claim, Megan insisted on trailing hers behind her as I carried Jana's. Megan also had a pink back pack. We made our way out to my truck after a stop at the bathroom and headed south.
The trip down I-25 to Socorro, then west on US-80 to Magdalena takes four hours. In Socorro we ate at the Big Boy. Megan asked questions about the big dish antennas at the VLA Radio Telescope as we drove across the Plains of St. Augustine while Jana slept and drooled, her head in my lap and my half stiff dick poking into her cheek. (I thought about turning her head so that her mouth would be against my cock, but I didn't want to do anything that might cause Megan to wonder.) It was dark when we reached my house.
As always, it was very quiet and very dark. Using a flash light I led the girls onto the porch and unlocked the door. Inside, I struck a match and lit the kerosene lamps.
"Wow, you use candles!" Megan exclaimed.
"Yes honey, I only have electricity when I start the generator. At night I use lamps and batteries.
Jana roamed around the room. She stared up at the elk buck which is mounted over the fireplace. Then she watched one of the lamps after I had lit it.
"Be careful honey," I said. "If you knock one of those over, it will burn the house down." I paused. "In fact, I don't want either of you touching the lamps, you might burn yourselves. I'll make sure that you have flash lights and battery lights in your room."
It was quite late, so, after a snack of cereal, I suggested that the girls get cleaned up and go to bed. I showed Megan the bathroom and lay towels out for them. "Can you help Jana with a bath?" I asked.
"Sure Uncle Mark, we have baths together all the time."
"Is that OK with you, Jana?"
Jana seemed to be a very quiet girl. She had short light blond hair and blue eyes. Megan, on the other hand, never seemed to stop talking. She had long chestnut hair which cascaded in curls down to the small of her back. Her eyes were hazel. While Jana had very fair skin and lots of freckles, Megan's was a lovely deeper brownish-pink and very clear. Both of the girls had the broad foreheads, smallish noses and wide fleshy lips of my sister.
As the two little nymphs headed for the bathroom, I went into my room and lit off my laptop. In anticipation of the visit, I had equipped the bathroom with two web cams; one gave an excellent view of the entire room, looking across to the tub, while the other was in the ventilation duct over the tub. There was a third camera in the girl's room. My dick was straining in my jeans as I waited for Windows to boot and load the camera software.
When the system came up, I was looking at a split screen display of the three views. I quickly closed the bedroom view.
In the bathroom, Jana was sitting on the toilet peeing. Megan had her back to the camera and was partially blocking the view of the room. As I watched, Megan pulled her shirt off over her head. Jana pulled a piece of paper off the roll and wiped, then climbed down off the toilet. I sucked in my breath at my first look at her fat little pussy lips and chubby thighs.
Megan had bent over, obviously pulling her pants down, then stood back up and walked over to Jana. She said something (I had no audio but could hear unintelligible voices through the wall) and Jana stepped aside. Then Megan turned around and, for an instant, I got a full frontal view of her slim body, flat chest and belly, slim thighs, and a long pussy crack with very little rise of her mons.
As she sat down on the toilet and peed, I worked my pants down over my knees to my ankles. The smooth wooden chair was a familiar feeling to my ass. I started stroking my enraged cock.
Megan wiped, then stood up and flushed the toilet. Next she turned her back to the camera and bent over, turning on the water. As the noise of the water hissing in the pipes started, I had an awesome view of her small ass with her pussy lips peeking out between her thighs.
She stood up and Jana stepped in. Now my eyes were drawn to the bathtub camera as the little blonde sat down facing the tap, the water splashed on her knees and calves.
Next, Megan got in and sat down; her longer legs reached down the tub and around her little sister. She leaned back and, again, I had a wonderful view of her as she stretched out. Now I wished I had a zoom lens on the camera.
The two girls relaxed as the water rose around them. After a couple of minutes Jana reached forward and turned off the water. Now I could hear their muffled voices. As they moved around in the water, burping noises were made by their asses as they slid along the porcelain.
Megan scooted back and made room for Jana to lie down. The little girl leaned back, her knees sharply bent and her head nestled between her sister's thighs. Oh God! How I wished it was my head between those slim nine-year-old thighs. With her knees up and her legs spread, I had a wonderful view of the five-year-old's puffy lips. Her clit ridge stuck up between them as they were pulled widely apart.
As her sister wetted her hair, I thought about the time, years ago, I had run my cock along that slit while the baby lay on the changing table and giggled. I was mad with anticipation of doing it again. Then I realized that I was no more than three feet from the girls, the bathroom was right on the other side of the wall! Here were these two beautiful pre- teen cherubs innocently taking a bath no more than a few inches from where I was watching them while madly masturbating. I was overwhelmed and a stream of my sperm shot over my keyboard and splattered on the screen of the laptop, covering the girls in the bathtub. A thick rope of goo lay across the touch pad and keys. My next shots were not so energetic, landing on the chair and the floor between my feet.
I laughed quietly as I wiped up the cum, being careful not to push any down between the keys, as I watched Megan lather up Jana's hair.
Now the water was full of suds, so the seeing was obscured by the bubbles, but I still enjoyed watching the children washing. When Megan lay back to wet and later rinse her hair, I got a couple of nice looks at her pussy and I wondered if it was large enough to take my cock. Later, I would freeze frame the shot and blow it up for a closer look.
The two girls faced each other and I could hear their voices but could not understand what they were saying. They played a short game of patty-cake, but then Megan reached around Jana and opened the drain. The water started gurgling through the pipes as the children stood up and stepped out. Again, I had some great views of their pre- pubescent bodies as they dried off.
Then there was some discussion and I realized that they had left their night clothes in their room. They wrapped themselves in the towels and I heard the door open. I switched to the camera in their room and was again pleased to get a really nice show as they dropped the towels on the floor while Megan dug in the suitcases and pulled out two nightgowns. I was flabbergasted and elated when I realized that neither of them pulled panties on before leaving the room.
I pulled up my pants and closed the viewer, leaving the desktop open with its artsy David Hamilton picture of three girls, maybe a ten-year-olds, sitting against a sand dune on the beach. All three of them are nude, one is playing a flute. Later, the screen saver of many young nudes would come on. As I left the room, I looked forward to editing the video and e-mailing it to some of my friends.
When I got out of the room, Jana was in the living room and Megan had gone back into the bathroom. She was standing in front of the mirror, brushing out her hair. Jana's was a mess also.
"Can I comb your hair?" I asked.
The five-year-old turned around from where she was staring up at the elk again. "Did you shoot him?"
I had bagged that elk on a trip to Montana about three years ago. It was my first elk hunt and the guide was disgusted that I had shot him in the middle of a big mud puddle. I had to go in, sinking to my knees, and drag the beast out. It was sleeting and cold. The story usually was good for a few laughs at the bar.
"No, I bought that at a store in Colorado," I lied.
The little girl stood for a moment thinking, then her face brightened and she walked over to me, "Ok." She went and sat down on the sofa.
I wasn't sure what she had agreed to, but I went back into the bathroom and asked Megan for a comb for Jana. She dug around in a cosmetics bag and came up with a large purple comb. I went back into the living room and sat down next to Jana.
"Can we watch TV?"
I hadn't really thought about starting the generator that night...but.
"Sure, honey. But I'll have to run outside and start the generator."
I'm sure she didn't understand. I decided that I would explain later. I got up and went outside to the generator house. The diesel cranked twice, then chugged to life. After it had stabilized, I engaged the clutch and the overhead light came on.
I went back into the house and turned on the satellite receiver and TV. It took about 30 seconds for the signal to acquire. I switched to the Cartoon Channel and sat down to watch Fred and Wilma. (Pebbles was always my favorite, I also have this fantasy of Wilma and Betty doing a 69 while Pebbles and Dino....then again, there's got to be a reason he's named "Bam-Bam") I sat back down next to the child and started to try to comb out her hair.
"Here, you stand in front of me," I said as I guided her off the sofa. Just as I had hoped, her night gown slid up and exposed her hip and some of her ass before falling back down to just above her knees. I positioned her in front of me and started pulling the knots out of her corn-silk hair. She seemed mesmerized by the TV; I don't think she noticed me working on her. I reached around her to comb out the front but I had to make her turn around and face me while I put in the part.
"I think you're a very pretty little girl," I said.
Jana smiled and looked embarrassed. "No I'm nawt," she said, drawing out the 'not'. At the same time, she folded her hands in front of her and sort of pushed them into her lap.
"Who told you that?" I asked. "You're a very pretty little girl."
She just giggled. I knew that it was time to change the conversation before she became too uncomfortable.
"I have some ice cream, do you want some?"
She stopped for a moment, then said, "Please?"
"Megan! Do you want some ice cream?" I called.
The nine-year-old came out into the room, finishing up brushing out her hair. "Sure."
The girls sat at the kitchen table while I dished up the Strawberry Cheesecake Ice Cream. I drank a beer while they ate, then I had them rinse the dishes. It was after 10 (11 their time), so I had them brush their teeth for bed.
They were going to be sharing a double, Megan pulled the covers down on her side and was careful to keep her gown down as she sat down and swung her legs into the bed. Jana, on the other hand, was not as careful and slid down on the bed, allowing her nightie to slide up over her waist as she lay her head on the pillow. My heart pounded as I looked at her uncovered little girl pubes, and my dick swelled. It took more discipline that you can imagine to pull the covers up over her and tuck her in. I kissed Jana on the forehead and squeezed Megan's shoulder before blowing out the lantern in their room. I told them I would leave the lantern in the bathroom lit, then left the door open.
When I got back to my room, I reviewed the tape of the girls in the bath and decided not to edit it. Since the generator was up, I had my internet link over the satellite, and I attached the file to a couple of e-mails to friends. After that, I went out and shut down everything. With the drone of the generator silenced, I again appreciated the quiet of the New Mexico mountains.
I put my favorite kiddy porn fuck flick on the DVD on my lap top and jerked off while thinking of the two wonderful preteens down the hall. Before I went to bed, I took a shower. Then, I went into their room, naked, and watched them sleeping. Jana was on her stomach with her thumb in her mouth, but Megan was on her back. I gently pulled down the covers and, as I had expected, her night gown hand ridden up almost to her chest. I stood next to the bed and admired her slim body in the low light from the hall. Again, for the third time that night, I jerked off, this time standing over the naked eight-year-old, but I couldn't cum. Later, in bed, I worked furiously before I shot just a couple of drops of jez into the sheets-I was completely emptied out.
The next morning, I woke up before the sun broke above the mountain across the valley. I went to the kitchen and lit the stove to make some coffee. That's what I miss most about living without electrical service-no automatic coffee makers. As the sky brightened, I waited for the coffee to perk. When I finally had a cup, I went out on the front porch and watched the sun rise.
The morning was still and there was a ground fog in the valley below. In the night, a couple of cattle had moved near the house and stood chewing near my truck. The coffee tasted great.
I reviewed my plans for the day. After breakfast, I would take the girls for a ride. Megan would use the pony I had borrowed from a friend while Jana and I would ride my elderly gelding together. I would sit her in front of me as we rode, that way I would have to have my arms around her a lot and would probably be able to cop a feel or two.
Then, after lunch, we would swim in the pond. Hopefully, they would accept the idea that we didn't need suits out here. That's when things would really start.
If things went well, I would get to fool around with one of them tonight. If things went really well, it would be Megan and, hopefully, in a few days, we'd be fucking.
Just thinking about the possibilities made my dick firm up. I was naked, as is my custom, and I thought about jerking off again but decided that I didn't want to risk being seen by the girls-at least not yet.
The sun was lighting the top of the mountain behind the house, and I was on my third cup of coffee, when I heard foot steps behind me. Jana came out and sat down on another chair.
"Good morning," I said.
"Good morning."
"Did you sleep well?"
We were quiet for a few moments, then she noticed the steers.
"Oooh, cows. Hello cowy," she said as she waved.
"Do you want some juice?" I asked. "I have some apple juice."
I got up and went into the kitchen. When I returned and gave her the glass she looked at me.
She looked up at me. "Why are you nakie?" she said through a giggle.
"Well, there's no one around here," I said.
She looked directly at my cock. Growing up with only her sister and mother, I may have been the first guy she had ever seen.
With a giggle she said, "What's that?"
"It's my penis." I paused. "All guys have them."
She giggled, "It looks like a ugly old turkey."
"We use it to pee," I said. "And other things."
"Boy's can pee standing up," she said.
"Yes," I said. "Do you want to see me pee?" Without waiting for a reply, I stepped to the railing and let fly off the porch. The little girl giggled as my piss splashed on the ground below.
"You're silly," she said.
I went back to my seat. There were some clouds in the distance and, as they moved, the porch was flooded with sunlight.
I leaned back in my chair, exposing as much of myself as I could to the warm sunlight.
"Ahh. The sun feels great," I said.
Jana looked me up and down.
"You should try it. Get a suntan."
The five-year-old slouched down in her chair.
"Silly." I said. "You can't get a tan with your nightie on."
The little one looked up at me, "You promise you won't tell?" she said.
"Sure." My heart was pounding in my throat.
The little girl pulled up her night gown and drew it over her head. It hit the floor next to her chair and she, again, slouched down, her legs spread to the warm sun. My dick swelled, bouncing with my pulse.
I knew that it was too soon to try anything, she had to be comfortable with me and being naked around me. Still, she was a beautiful sight with the sun lighting up her little body. I got up and went into the kitchen for another cup of coffee.
When I came back out, Jana was standing at the railing. She got right up to the edge, stood with her legs apart, bent her knees. I really didn't know what she was doing until she flared her hips and I saw the little stream of urine shoot off the porch. I started to laugh quietly to myself. As the stream died away the last drops splashed on the boards between her feet.
"Jana! What are you doing?!" Megan's voice came from behind us.
Jana turned around, "See Meg, I can pee off the porch just like Uncle Mark!"
Megan was standing in the doorway, speechless. She seemed not to know whether to angry or amused with her little sister. Then she looked at me. "Oh!." escaped her lips and she put her hands over her eyes. I could see her blushing from the shoulders up. Again I laughed.
Jana, unaware of her sister's embarrassment, ran over to her and pulled on her gown. "Megan, come look at the cows!"
"It's alright Megan," I said. "Around here we don't wear clothes all the time," I said.
Megan allowed herself to be pulled to the railing. As they went, I saw her take a side-long glance at me. She had a little smile. Now I knew it was only a matter of time before I popped the nine-year-old's cherry.
The two girls stood at the railing, the shorter one naked, the taller one in a flannel night gown that fell to just above her knees. They were little-girl knees, her legs were smooth and long, but not skinny.
The little one had very light skin. Her back was smooth and her ass was nicely rounded. The dimples which are in the small of so many women's back were missing, as where the slight concave areas on many asses. Her thighs still had some of their baby fat.
The girls walked down to the far end of the porch (it ran across the entire front of the house). There was some murmuring between the girl that I could not hear, and some giggling. Megan looked back at me a couple of times, I got the feeling they were talking about me. Then, much to my elation, Megan pulled her night gown up and over her head.
The poor picture quality of the web cam had not done her justice. Even at nine (almost ten) there was just the slightest beginning of swelling beneath her nipples. They were darker and larger than I had expected, a brownish-red aureoles, about the size of a nickel, around pea sized bumps. Her stomach was flat below her ribs, and quite muscular. Her navel was a vertical oval. Her thighs were slim but very firm looking and, between them, her slit was long and thin, just like the rest of her. Her wavy chestnut hair fell over her shoulders and down almost to her shoulder blades. While Jana was the picture of little-girl cuteness, a young girl but still a bit of a baby, Megan was at the other end, still a girl but....
"Uncle Mark, are the cows dangerous?" Megan called.
"No dear. If they don't like you, they will simply move away. Chances are, they'll come up to you and lick your hand."
The girls held hands and gingerly went down the four steps to the ground, then made there way out across the grass, stepping lightly.
Two of the younger heifers sauntered up to them, their ears forward and a curious look on there faces. Their shoulders were at about the height of Megan and they towered over Jana. I was impressed by the confidence of the girls. The first one sniffed at Megan while the other hung behind. Megan reached out and petted the cow on the side of the head. The roan cow nodded then bent her head down and sniffed at the top of Jana's head. Jana put her hand squarely in the middle of the cow's nose and was rewarded by a huge tongue licking her from the elbow to fingertips.
Jana squealed and giggled and the cow rose her head up, nodding again. Meanwhile, the other cow had come forward and, again, Jana was licked, this time on the thigh and hip. "She's tickling me!" Jana laughed.
At this point, Megan realized how much bigger the animals were than she and her sister and, taking the little girl's hand, they slowly backed away. The cows watched them, again with a curious puppy look. When they were about 10 feet away, the girls turned and ran, again laughing to the house and up the steps. Jana came bolting across the porch and launched herself into my lap, wrapping her arms around my neck and painfully landing one of her knees in my crotch.
"The cowy licked me!" she giggled.
"How did it feel?" I asked.
"Rough and sticky."
"Oh, I'm sure she really likes you. She probably thinks you're good enough to eat!" I said.
Jana's eyes got big. "She wouldn't eat me, would she?"
"No silly, cows eat grass, not little girls," I replied. "But I do!"
I lifted her up over my head and put my lips against her belly button and blew out, making a farting sound. Jana laughed and kicked. Then, I just couldn't help myself, I lifted her farther and did the same on her pussy. Again a laugh and wiggle as she pushed her hands down over her sex. "You're silly!" she said.
I lowered her down and, as I had hoped, her legs parted on either side of my hips and she straddled me. My semi-erect cock was pushing up against her kindergartner slit and ass. I held her there for a moment, savoring the feeling, then lifted her off and set her on the floor.
"I'll get you two some breakfast." I stood up, my cock was swollen and pointed down at the floor at a 45 degree angle. I took Jana's hand, Megan looked at my dick, then at my face with a wondering expression, then followed us through the door.
I made the children oatmeal and toast. They were both interested at the old style stove-top toaster. Megan asked how the refrigerator worked without electricity and I explained that it was propane, just like the stove and some of the lamps.
"Why don't you have electricity, Uncle Mark?" Jana asked.
"I live so far from the nearest power pole, just the wire to get electricity to the house would cost thousands of dollars."
"In the old days, no one had electricity," Megan added.
As I cleaned up the dishes, I explained my plans for the day to the girls (leaving out a few details). I wanted to take them up the mountain where there was a 100 mile view. I would pack a lunch and we would eat up there. Little girls have a thing for horses, I knew that there would be no objections.
About an hour later, I lifted Jana up onto my horse and then climbed up behind her. Megan was getting to know the pony, Flashlight. I knew she had had some riding lessons and, to my novice eye, she seemed to know what she was doing.
I put my arms around Jana and, holding the reins, we started off. The little girl leaned back against me, the breeze occasionally lifted her hair into my face. The old gelding sauntered along at a comfortable pace, rocking us back and forth.
After a few minutes, I asked Jana if she wanted to drive. I showed her how to hold the reins and how to tell the horse where to go. Then I put one arm around her and grabbed the saddle horn with the other. Megan was having a lot of fun exploring off the trail as we made our way up the side of the mountain.
Nonchalantly, I moved my hand down from the saddle horn into Jana's lap, she didn't seem to notice. When the horse jerked while stepping over some uneven ground, I used the opportunity to push my hand deeper, now cupping her pussy. It was a little uncomfortable, having the child sitting on my hand, squeezing it between her jeans and the hard leather of the saddle, and my swelling dick was also a little uncomfortable.
I pulled my hand out from under the child and pushed myself back, opening the space between us. It was difficult, but I managed to reposition my dick so it was up, then I slid back forward against the girl. Now my firm cock was against her ass and back. Again, I lifted her up a little and put my hand between her legs. Jana didn't seem to notice.
As we continued along, I started to gently squeeze Jana's snatch with the movements of the horse. Megan was in front of us, following the well worn track. Jana started breathing harder and I felt her tensing and relaxing her legs with my squeezing. My dick got rock hard against her butt.
It was good that my old horse knew the way so well, because the little girl soon lost all interest in driving. She was beginning to hump against my hand and was even leaning forward. I was amazed that she would be so unabashed about pleasuring herself, I think she really wasn't thinking about where she was and whose hand was in her crotch.
Next, she leaned way forward, putting her hands on the horse's shoulders and bent her knees, almost lifting herself off the saddle. She was humping up and down, moving her denim clad ass up and down my equally covered cock. The last thing I wanted to do was break her concentration, so I kept messaging her through her jeans to the rocking of the horse. She humped against my hand and broke the rhythm with a sharp intake of breath. At the same time, her movements overtook me and I spugged in my pants. I could feel the wetness of my sperm soaking my under shorts. The five-year-old pushed hard against my hand, then sank down, relaxing. She leaned back against me for a couple of minutes. I had taken my hand away and, again, held the reins. She turned and looked over her shoulder at me, I'm not sure what her expression said. Whether she knew what had happened or not, I do not know, I couldn't tell whether it was a "There, did you enjoy that?" or a "That was good," or a "What do you want?" I just looked down at her and smiled as if nothing had happened.
I calmed down over the next few minutes as the trail became progressively steeper. Eventually, we had to dismount and lead the horses up the trail. After walking about a half mile, we reached the top. The view was well over 100 miles, it was a beautifully clear day. After eating our lunch and exploring some, we headed back. After the steep section, we got back in the saddles.
With the horse moving down hill, I kept sliding forward and pushing Jana uncomfortably against the saddle horn. Unfortunately, I had to move her behind me. However, the feeling of her little arms around me, her body leaning up against my back, was wonderful. I just wished that she knew to reach down and take my cock in her little hands. I also knew that if I pushed her hands to me, it would scare her away.
After we got down into the valley, we got off for a potty break. The girls disappeared behind a tree while I watered some shrubbery. We drank some water, then resumed the trip. I could see that Megan was getting a little saddle weary.
Now, with us on level ground again, I had Jana sit in front of me. We moved along at a comfortable pace as she dozed. Megan had moved along ahead of us. The feeling of her little body against me was such a turn-on. Again, my dick hardened against her back side. I pushed my hand down again and, Oh my God, her pants were undone! I guess she hadn't gotten them buttoned up properly. When I pushed my hand down along her front, my hand slid over her cotton panties and inside her jeans.
Jana woke up when she felt my finger running along her slit outside her panties. I felt her stiffen and I held my hand still. Again, she turned around and looked up at me with that inscrutable expression. She turned back and, slowly, started to rock up and down on my hand.
I couldn't believe it! I had my hand in this lovely five-year- old's pants and she wanted it! I started rubbing her tiny pus through the thin panties. Blood was pounding in my ears as I moved my finger along her clit, a tiny hard nub under a thin vale soft fabric. I could feel the growing wetness as Jana's breath deepened. She was, by now, unabashedly humping my hand.
I took a chance and pulled my hand up, then slipped it under the elastic of her pantie's waistline. Her skin was amazingly smooth and soft. She lifted up to let me push my hand deep between her legs.
Her slit was wet with her preteen pussy juices. My finger slipped easily along the hairless crease and over her clit. I pushed my fingertip through the tiny inner lips and into her vagina. I pushed in only to my first knuckle until I pushed against her cherry. Then I pulled back and returned to her clit. The little girl was becoming more and more energetic, pushing hard against my hand and humping back and forth as she built toward her second orgasm of the day. As she humped, I let her slide along my finger. I flexed the tip and felt my finger slide into her, then she would pull back and my finger would slide out and over her clit. Again, she would hump forward, her breathing turning into small moans.
She broke her rhythm as she was overwhelmed. She humped hard, shoving forward and my finger slid deep inside her. I felt her cherry give and my finger went deep into the five-year-old. Jana cried out in pain and ecstasy with her ruptured virginity. She pulled back but I kept my finger inside her. She rocked faster and I felt the walls of her tiny preteen pussy spasming, squeezing down on my finger. She whimpered as she came, but it seemed she couldn't control her movements as she continued humping against me, moving my finger back and forth in her freshly opened and bloody pussy. She slowly came down from her climax.
She leaned back against me, she was drenched with sweat. A tear was moving down her cheek and I wiped it away. Her breathing slowed. I pulled my hand out, my finger was stained red. Again, she started to cry.
"Shush, shush, Jana. It's OK. You're just fine," I whispered in her ear.
Jana lifted up and looked down her front. "I'm bleeding," she said.
"It's stopped now and it'll never happen again. It will never hurt again."
"You promise," she said.
"Honey, I know. Now your sex is opened up. It won't hurt next time."
She sobbed a couple of times, smeared her nose against her palm.
We rode on in silence for a few minutes. "Did you cut me?"
"No honey. There's a little flap of skin in you down there. It broke when my finger went in side you. That happens the first time a girl has something inside her like that."
"Oh." She said.
We continued on. "Why did you put your finger inside my pe-pe?"
I was unsure about how much the child knew about sex, but my guess was very little.
"That opening is called your vagina and it leads up into your womb where babies grow. Rubbing there feels really good, that's why I rubbed you, I wanted to make you feel good. I didn't mean to put my finger inside you-that was an accident when you moved."
I paused for a couple of moments. "I'm sorry it hurt you."
Again, Jana turned around and looked at me. She turned back forward. "That's OK. It felt really good too."
"I'm glad you liked it. Next time, it won't hurt like that."
"It doesn't hurt any more."
We continued along back toward my house. Megan rejoined us. The day had gone from warm to hot. As we approached the house I suggested we swim in the lake. The idea was popular.
About 100 yards from the house, I turned the horse toward the lake. He spend up some, anticipating a drink of water.
"Uncle Mark, we need to get our suits," Megan called from behind me.
"Haven't you ever heard of skinny-dipping? I never wear a suit around here." I continued on.
"You swim nakie?" Jana asked.
"All the time, it's a lot of fun."
When we got to the lake, I climbed off the horse, then lifted Jana down. Megan stayed on her pony. Jana ran to the edge of the water and looked in.
"Go ahead honey," I called as I started to unfasten the saddle from my horse. "The water doesn't get deep until your way out."
"I'm scared."
"I'll be right there," I said. I finished loosening the saddle and lifted it off the horse, then I secured the reins so they wouldn't hang down and get caught on anything. I knew the old horse wouldn't go far, he would just hang around, maybe go into the paddocks.
"Megan, you have to tie that pony, she may run off."
Megan climbed down and walked her to a fence. I went to Jana and took her hand. "Do you want me to come in with you?"
I led her back from the water and started taking my clothes off. First my boots and socks, then my shirt. Jana just stood there and watched me. "Come on, strip," I said.
She slipped out of her shoes and sat down in the dirt to pull her socks off. Then she pulled the little pink sleeveless off over her head. Her skin was very white, her nipples were just pink nubs on her boyish chest. By this time, I was pulling my pants and briefs free of my legs. Jana was looking at me she pushed her pants down, luckily, she was so interested in looking at me that she didn't notice the dried blood on her panties or in her crotch. I decided that I had to get her in the water quick or she might become scared.
I picked her up, my arm under her ass, and put her on my hip. She wrapped her legs around me, her calf brushed over my cock. As I started walking toward the water, Megan walked up. She saw the blood on Jana's pants. She looked up at me with a shocked expression.
The water rose up my legs as I walked into the water. When it reached my balls, I stopped. "Are you ready to get wet?"
"Yeesss," Jana giggled.
I ducked down, submerging us both to the neck. Jana squealed. I stood back up and the water cascaded off of us, then I dropped us again into the water. This time, when I stood up, I held Jana out at arms length, her skin was shiny and slick with the water dripping down her naked torso and legs. All the dried blood had been washed away.
The water was just up to my dick, it floated out on the surface but Jana didn't seem to notice. "Come on, Megan, the water's warm!" Jana called to her sister.
Megan was standing at the edge with an uncertain look on her face. "Come on, honey, it feels really good. It'll wash all the horse smell off."
Megan didn't say anything. "Come on, Megan!" Jana called again.
The nine-year-old looked around uncertainly, then slipped out of the shoes, standing on one foot until she had each sock carefully stowed in it's shoe. Again she looked around, then pulled her tee shirt off over her head. Next she undid her belt and pants, again looking around carefully, she pulled her jeans down and off, folding them in the grass and putting her folded shirt on top. She started toward the water in her blue panties. My pulse had been speeding up as I watched the long, slim preteen strip and I was really disappointed when she started toward the shore with her real delights still covered.
"Tell your sister she's cheating," I whispered to Jana.
"You're cheating!" Jana yelled and laughed.
Megan stopped and looked at me, the water was around her ankles. "There's no one around here," I said.
"O-k," she said in a relenting voice. She walked back to her clothes and pulled her panties off, giving me an awesome view of her smooth ass as she bent over. She dropped them on the pile of clothes, then turned around and looked at me with a "There, do you like that?" sort of expression. I smiled at her as I again started bouncing the five-year-old up and down in the water. My dick was growing in the water and I had to keep my knees bent to avoid having it stick up above the surface. A dull ache began behind my balls.
The nine-year-old walked past us into the deeper water. She began to swim, a smooth overhand stroke. Her long ponytail waved in the water behind her. She swam across the lake, then swam back, stopping near us, stooped down in the water.
I carried Jana into shallower water and put her down (my dick had relaxed quite a bit), then went for a swim. The girls splashed each other and laughed a lot while I admired the wonderful show.
After about 20 minutes, I suggested we get out. I carried Jana on my hip and held Megan's hand as we walked back to the horses. We picked up our clothes and, still naked, walked to the house. Once inside, the girls went to their room and I went to mine. A couple of minutes later, we were all dressed again. We left Jana on the porch while Megan and I took the horses to the paddocks, fed them and made sure they had water. Back at the house, I suggested that the girls explore around the place while I made dinner.
After we finished the pizza, I cranked up the generator and turned on the TV. We watched for a little while and I started to teach Jana how to play checkers. Megan asked if she could use the computer to check her e-mail. I turned on the wireless router and brought her my laptop. She looked shocked when Windows finished booting and my David Hamilton desktop came up. She looked at me with a curious expression. A couple of minutes later, she asked if I had any games-she spent the next hours playing Frogger.
At about nine, I suggested that it was time for the girls to bathe and they went off to the tub. Again, I watched the two beautiful children washing each other's hair. This time they had remembered the night gowns. When they came out, I suggested desert. Tonight it would be milkshakes- except with a difference.
While the girls were in the bath I had considered my options. I knew that Jana would be too sore for anything, so tonight I would set my sites on Megan. Jana's milkshake had a small dose of powder out of a sleeping pill while Megan got about a quarter of a hit of Ecstasy. I watched as the girls downed the drugged chocolate, then sat back to see the results.
Both girls started to show signs of the drugs quickly. At first, Jana became even more giggly as Megan became relaxed and a little flushed. After only 20 minutes, Jana was yawning and I carried her to her bed. Before I tucked her in, I pulled her nightgown off and admired her. Looking closely at her pussy, it was red and the inner lips were a little swollen. I went back out to see how far I would get with her nine-year-old sister.
Megan was sitting, cross-legged, on the floor in front of the sofa watching TV. I sat down behind her with my legs on either side of her shoulders. I started massaging her shoulders and neck (something I do especially well, I am told). She started rocking back and forth with my ministrations and soon was stretching her neck and obviously enjoying it. I tried to work my hands through the neck hole of the night gown, but it was too tight. I reached around her and unbuttoned the three small blue buttons in the front, then I was able the reach more of her shoulders.
I continued working the soft muscles of the girl's neck and shoulders and she became more relaxed as I moved out toward the triceps. "Ummm, that feels nice," she said.
Again, the neckline of her gown stopped me from working her shoulders properly. I moved my hands forward, down the front and worked the top of her pecs with my fingertips, but again, the fabric was stretched and, if I tried to move farther, would cut uncomfortably into the nine-year-old.
"Here," I said. "Let me pull up on this some." I pulled up gently on the nightgown and Megan lifted up to allow some of the fabric to be loosened from where she was sitting on it.
Now I was able to get my hands completely inside the top of the gown and I slowly and very sensually massages her shoulders and neck. Megan leaned back against the sofa, the back of her neck was an inch from where my aching cock was straining to rip out of the cotton walking shorts I had on.
I started working my way forward again, forward and down her front. With my fingertips, I massaged the child's pectoral muscles, starting with the tendon which moves up and out over the shoulders, then the tendon which extends into the upper arm and makes the front of the arm pit. Next I moved laterally, across the muscles above the nipples to where the flat muscles connect to the solar plexus.
I worked down each side of her solar plexus with my fingertips, moving them in slow circles, feeling the supple tendons and muscles move underneath her smooth and soft skin.
My heart was pounding and my dick was about to rip the fly out of my shorts as I moved my fingers out to the child's nipples. When I first brushed them, Megan let out her breath. As I ran my fingers around the nickel-sized nipples, firm swellings above the hard muscles of her chest, she started to breathe more deeply.
"I'm not sure you're supposed to be doing this," she said in a dreamy voice.
"I'll stop if you want me to," I answered. I was surprised by the roughness of my voice.
Megan closed her eyes, her breath was coming in pants. I continued massaging the preteen's nipples. She leaned back against the sofa and lay her head back, looking up at me and pushing against my cock.
She opened her eyes, they were glassy, focused beyond me, her lips were parted as she panted. She brought her hands up and, through the flannel, grasped my hands. She held them, moving with me, directing my rubbing of her nipples.
After a minute or so, I regathered my wits and moved toward my goal. "Come here."
I pulled my hands away from her chest and out of her night gown. I put my hands under her arms and lifted the child up, sitting her on my right thigh. She looked at me, her face dreamy. I leaned to her and brushed her lips with mine. As I pulled away, she followed my lips. I looked at her, looking deep into her hazel eyes. She reached out and grabbed my collar, then pulled me back. This time, there wasn't a whole lot of gentleness or innocence to our kiss. Later Megan would tell me she learned to French during a game of Spin the Bottle. Our tongues were intertwined, I brought my hand back up to her chest and, again, rubbed her stiff nipples, but this time through the fabric of her gown. The feeling was incredibly erotic. My cock was pushing against her thigh.
I broke the kiss. "Here," I said. I pulled up on the white and blue flannel. Megan lifted up and the fabric pulled free of where she was sitting on it. I pulled it up and over her head. Her naked butt was against my thigh. Her red-brown nipples stood out from her almost olive colored skin.
I pulled my shirt off over my head. Then I put my hands on her nipples, again moving them in gentle circles with my fingertips. Megan let out a long breath. My plans had moved forward faster than I had ever anticipated. The drug had removed all of this gorgeous nine-year-old's inhibitions. I knew that she was mine for the taking, I could do anything I wanted and she would simply want more-at least tonight. I also knew that I could blow it terribly if I moved too fast, if I hurt her. Our time tonight would have to be an entirely pleasureful memory or she would not allow me to touch her again.
We kissed again and I moved my hand down from her chest to her thigh. I slowly ran my fingers between her legs and up toward her sex. She was sitting with her legs together, but, as my hand approached, she spread her thighs.
Her crotch was warm and moist, as I ran my finger along the top of her slit, I could feel the slickness of her little girl juices. We kissed again, then I gently pushed her back, she leaned onto the arm of the couch. This made her sex more open to me. She even slouched down so her ass was cradled between my thighs, and spread her legs farther.
"Please," she said softly, imploring me to continue.
I started fingering her soft, hairless pussy slit more deeply. She was wet but not as wet as a mature woman becomes. However, I knew that, as she became more used to this, she would get wetter over the next few days until, probably in three or four days, I would be able to take her with ease and our love making would be consummated.
She was breathing harder and harder, the breaths coming with my strokes of her stiff little clit. She was becoming flushed, her face was a deep color, as was her neck and chest. I slid my hand deeper and pushed my finger into the opening of her vagina. There was a short intake of breath as I pushed inside her. I was surprised that there was no hymen. (Later that week, she told me that about a year before, a horse had bucked her and she had hit the saddle horn very hard. She was actually hurt badly enough that she had been taken to the hospital because they feared a broken pubic bone. She said that her mother had explained why she had bled and also that she had been sore for weeks.)
I pushed my finger deep inside her, the entire length went in until I felt the marble sized cervix at the top. I started finger-fucking her in earnest, rubbing her clit with my thumb while I pushed my finger in and out of her. She seemed tight, but when I pushed a second finger inside her, she opened her eyes wide but didn't seem to be in pain.
Her orgasm overtook her suddenly, one moment she was rocking back and forth with my finger thrust, then, she convulsed in a sudden rapture, throwing her hips up and her head back. At the same time, she screamed, "AHHHHhhhh!" Her pussy clenched down on my fingers. She threw her legs out straight and convulsed again, again screaming in her orgasm. Every inch of her nine-year-old body was wet with sweat, her back was like a board, the muscles in her thighs and shoulders stood out like a body builders. The veins and tendons in her neck stood out. In 34 years, I had never seen such an intense, visceral climax. With every push inside her, she shuddered and groaned, the intensity of each spasm a little easier than the last.
Slowly, she came back down. Her eyes focused on me and she gave me a relaxed smile.
"Wow," I said, "seemed you enjoyed that."
"MMMmmmm, yeah," she said in an easy voice.
Lifting her up and putting her on the sofa next to me, I said, "It's my turn now."
I pushed my shorts down to my ankles and sat back down on the couch. The girl stared at my penis, standing straight up from my lap. "I've never seen one hard like that."
I pulled her up and took her hands, guiding them and wrapping them around my cock. Megan looked down at my dick head, sticking out from between her cupped hands.
"Stroke it, up and down, like this." I guided her little hands along the shaft.
I turned slightly to make it easier for her to move her arms up and down.
"Here, with your thumbs, rub the bottom of the head."
She continued stroking and I quickly started to feel the jez building behind my balls.
"Is the sperm going to come out?" she asked.
"Yeah." My voice was getting a little breathy as I built. "A little faster."
She quickened her pace. "Squeeze just a little bit."
The sensations from the hand job were overwhelming me and I leaned back against the arm of the sofa as I started to hump to meet her. She took her cue from my movements and stroked faster and harder as I humped.
"Here it comes." My voice was hoarse as semen boiled, my stomach was in knots, the muscles of my groin and thighs were spasming and I straightened out my legs.
Sperm flooded out of my dick, the first stream flying up and falling over Megan's hands. I pumped jez again and again, it ran down my dick and into the child's hands as she continued to stroke, her hands sliding easily with the new lube. After almost a minute of constant climax, I had to stop her.
"So that's what it looks like," she said, pulling her hands away. A long string of semen stretched out from the side of her hand to the head of my dick. She inspected the white goo on the back of her hands. "I thought there'd be little swimmy things."
"No, they're much too small to see."
She held her hand to her nose and sniffed. "Mommy says it's really slimy and kind of gross when a guy shoots it in your mouth."
I was a little shocked by hearing this from an nine-year-old. "Oh, but that's so good to do that," I said. "What else has your mommy told you?" I picked up my shorts and started wiping the semen off of her hands. "She says that if you swallow a man's...stuff, he'll do anything for you."
I exploded in laughter. "Well, she's probably right about that!" Megan giggled with me.
"Anything else?"
"Well...," she looked a little uncomfortable. "She's told me about you and her."
Now, that was a surprise. Lori and I were lovers when I was a teenager and she was ten or eleven. When my dad found out, there was hell to pay. Later, we were more discrete when I was at college and she was in high school.
"She said you were always very gentle and sweet. She said you always treated her like an angel."
I wasn't sure what to answer. "I love your mother very much," I said. "We were always best friends when we were growing up."
I leaned forward and kissed my niece. Again, our tongues danced. I broke the kiss looked into her face.
"I love you, Uncle Mark."
"I love you too, sweetheart," I said.
I pulled her back on to my lap and we kissed again, then I picked her up and carried her to my bedroom.
I sat her down on the edge of the bed, then pushed her down onto her back with her legs hanging over the edge. I leaned down on my elbow next to the child-goddess and kissed her. Her mouth was welcoming and, as we kissed, I again rubbed her nipples with my fingertips.
"Ohhh," she whispered past my ear as I kissed the side of her chin. I kissed her throat, then stuck the tip of my tongue out and ran it along the side of her wind pipe. I sucked gently at the turn of her neck and shoulder as I moved my hand down over her smooth belly. I love the feeling as I move my hand down from a little girl's navel, down across her smooth belly to the slight rise of her mons. I marvel at the feeling of the incredibly smooth and soft skin, no coarse hair, just soft lips and a damp slit between.
As I moved my finger along her slit, I started sucking her nipple, first the left, then the right. She started to rock her hips with my hand and she put her arms around my head, holding my mouth on her prepubescent breast. I put my mouth completely around her nipple on her flat chest and started moving the tip of my tongue over the erect nub as I pushed my index finger deep into her nine-year-old cunt. She groaned again and humped against my hand, throwing her own arms out. Then I felt her hand on my shoulder gently pushing me down.
I slowly moved south, kissing her ribs and across her upper abdomen. I stopped and French kissed her lovely navel, then swiveled around, kneeling on floor and kissing down her belly before I ran my tongue along her slit. When the tip of my tongue hit her clit, she jumped and shook. I started sucking her pussy in earnest, she had a mild womanly scent and she was nicely wet. She pulled her legs up, her knees high in the air and looked down at me as I fucked her with my tongue. When I put my mouth completely around her mons and, sucking gently, pushed my tongue up and down her slit, first tickling her clit, then pushing into her vagina, she put her hands on either side of my head and held me there as she threw her head back and screamed with orgasm. There was a sudden rush of preteen pussy juices into my mouth as she bucked hard and slammed my face into her crotch.
She was repeatedly rocked by orgasms, waves breaking over her little body, for minute after minute before she pushed me away, no longer able to sustain the energy. She was panting, hard, with quick breaths. Rivulettes of perspiration ran down her sides and forehead. Beads of sweat covered her upper lip, another drop of sweat ran from her collar bone up and over her shoulder. There was a damp outline of her shape on the sheet; it was downright wet on the edge of the bed where her ass was.
I stood up at her feet, my dick was standing out over her.
"Oh, God. I never thought....," she said between her pants.
I pulled her up to a sitting position, leaned down and kissed her deeply. I'm sure she got a taste of her own pussy. She pulled away and looked straight at my enraged dick, no more that a foot from her.
"It's your turn now."
I know my eyes glazed over as the beautiful fourth grader leaned forward and took the head of my dick into her mouth. My knees went weak as I watched her start to gently suck me, pushing forward and sliding my dick into her until I hit the back of her throat. Then she pulled back, taking me out and held my cock in front of her. She looked up at me.
"Remember what my mommy told me?"
Then she, again, pushed my dick into her mouth. She bobbed back and forth a few times, I was about to collapse.
"Darling, let me lay down," I said.
I pulled out of her and moved around, sitting on the bed. She never let go of my cock as I swung my legs onto the bed and she turned around to kneel next to me. Once I was settled, she pushed down on my cock, taking in to the back of her throat again. I was in heaven. I brushed back her chestnut hair so I could watch.
After about a minute, I said, "What has your mother told you?"
She looked at me, my dick still in her mouth, then pulled it out and licked the head. Then she bent down and kissed my balls. Next she took my right testicle into her mouth and sucked while she stroked my cock. She pulled my other nut into her mouth and moved them around with her tongue before licking the entire length of my cock. Again she sucked on my head, then she lifted up and arched her back and I watched, mesmerized, as she slowly pushed down, sliding me past the back of her mouth and down her throat, sliding my entire seven-inch dick down her throat until her nose hit my pubic bone. All I could do was groan, "Oh God."
She pulled back and continued bobbing while cupping my balls with her hand. I built fast and started humping into her face. She sensed my growing excitement and moved faster, once shoving me deep down her throat. When she pulled back I humped twice before blowing my sack into her mouth.
She clamped her lips around my cock and sucked hard, pulling my cum out. I fired again and again and felt her throat contracting as she swallowed the semen I was firing into her mouth. She kept sucking after I had finished and I had to pull her off.
She looked up at me a grinned. "Now you have to give me anything I want."
"Anything darling."
She looked thoughtful for a minute, then said, "Well, first, would you lick me again?"
I know I had the most shit-eating grin on my face as I knelt between that nine-year-old's thighs.
The next morning I woke up, as usual, a little before dawn. Megan was laying on top of me, snoring softly. My chest was wet with her drool. I carefully worked out from underneath her and got out of bed. She stayed asleep, laying on her stomach. She was a beautiful sight, a slim and smooth goddess, stretched out. I covered her up, she made some quiet noises and pulled the covers and tucked them under her chin, a smile played across her face.
I went into the kitchen and put water on for coffee, then went into the bathroom for the three 'S's. Twenty minutes later, with my coffee, I sat on the porch to watch the sun rise from behind the mountain, twelve miles away across the valley. It was going to be another beautiful day, a few wisps of cereus clouds were lit from underneath by the sun, the contrail of an airliner moved across the sky from west to east. A few birds were chippering in the trees behind the house and, about 300 yards away, down in the long grass towards the valley, two coyotes pranced by on their way to their den. In the distance, the growl of a truck could be heard as it moved along US 60 toward the Salt River Canyon and Tucson.
I contemplated my plans for today. I was going to take the girls into Socorro and do some shopping. We might go to a movie also. But, my real plans were for tonight. After the incredible time last night, I decided that tonight I had a pretty good chance of going all the way with Megan. In my mind's eye, I could see my cock moving in and out of her pussy as she writhed in orgasm. The idea of filling the little girl's womb with my spunk was too much and my dick was swelling. Without thinking, I started jacking off.
I leaned back in the chair and stretched out my legs as I stroked my dick. I dreamed about having Megan straddling me, bouncing up and down, her hands on my chest and shoulders, her hair falling down in a cool vale over us. I watched as she threw her head back, eyes closed, mouth open and groaned while her tight preteen pussy spasmed around my dick. As my imaginary Megan was rocked by her orgasm, I shot my load, a string of white jez exploded from my dick and plopped onto my chest. My second shot landed in large drops around my navel and just below my ribs.
"OOOoooo, What's that?" Jana's voice came from the doorway.
I was startled and, instinctively tried to cover my dick and spunk but quickly realized the stupidity of doing that. I turned my head and looked at her, then stroked a little more and finished the job. Jana stood wide-eyed and watched.
After I had stopped cumming I made a bit of a show of looked down at myself. "That's my semen," I said.
"Did you pee on yourself?"
"No, it's different stuff." I paused. "It shoots out of a man when he has a climax."
She looked a little puzzled.
"When you rub yourself between your legs, you feel a pressure in your tummy, then all of a sudden, it short of goes pop and it feels real good, doesn't it."
The kindergartner giggled and pressed her hands between her thighs in embarrassment. She knew what I was talking about.
"That feeling is a climax. When it happens to a man, he shoots out semen." I paused again, "it feels real good."
Jana walked closer and looked down at my jiz covered stomach. A string was stretching from the end of my dick to a white pool next to my navel.
"It's gooy!"
"Well, yes."
"Why do you do that?" she asked.
"It feels good."
I could see that I had not answered her question.
"Semen is what starts a baby growing in a woman's belly."
Jana got an incredulous look on her face. "Do you swallow it?"
I laughed for a moment. "No dear,....,well, yes, sometimes girls swallow it...., but, that doesn't start a baby growing. A man has to put his semen up inside here." (I pointed at her pussy)
An expression of understanding came over her face. "Oooh."
I decided it was time to quit the sex ed class and got up. "Do you want some juice?" I asked.
"Yes please."
I went into the kitchen and cleaned myself up, then returned with a glass of orange juice and another cup of coffee. On the way, I stopped off and looked at Megan, she hadn't moved.
Back out on the porch, Jana had sat down in one of the chairs, I handed her the glass, then sat down in the other.
"So, what do you want to do today?" I asked.
"I dono."
"I was thinking I would take you and Megan in to see a movie. What do you think of that."
"Can we see 'Finding Nemo?'"
"Nemo's this little orange fish and he looses his father and has to find him. And there's this really silly pelican and...the seagulls all say 'mine, mine...'"
She devolved into a string of giggles
"And there's this shark that doesn't want to eat other fish, and...." More giggles.
"We can see it if it's playing."
The sun had hit the peak behind us and the reflected light off of a rock face was lighting up the valley. About a quarter mile away, I spotted a buck sniffing around at the base of some trees.
"Do you see that deer?" I pointed.
"Where?" the little girl straightened up and peered down into the distance. "I don't see him."
I got up and went over to the five-year-old. I picked her up and sat down, then put her on my knee. I wrapped one of my arms around her and pointed with the other.
"Down there, near the trees," I whispered to her.
She looked down my arm and spotted the buck.
"OOooo, I've never seen a deer before."
She watched him intently. The buck walked around, inspecting the grove of trees carefully. I remembered that I had a set of binoculars on the window ledge. I leaned over and grabbed them, balancing the girl on my thigh. I held them up and saw the buck more closely. Eight points and out of range. If the girls weren't there, I'd have gone for my 306 and tried to sneak up on him.
"Let me see."
I pulled the glasses down and adjusted the oculars as close together as they would go, then held them up for the little girl.
"Hold them and move them around until you can see."
I slowly moved the glasses to point in what I judged to be the right direction. "Do you see him?"
"Well, search around. He's in some trees."
The child swayed some then tensed. "Ooh! I see him! I see him." The little girl bounced up and down in my lap-OH Boy.
She watched the buck for a few minutes until he wondered into a dense stand of trees and disappeared. Jana kept looking around with the glasses.
I leaned her back against me and took a sip of my coffee. She shifted her weight around. I took the opportunity to settle her squarely in my lap, facing away from me. I pulled my legs together and spread hers so her knees were outside my thighs. She leaned comfortably back against my stomach. We sat for several minutes as the kindergartner looked around the valley. I waited until I felt she was just beginning to loose interest. She put the glasses down and I gave her the glass of juice. She drank some.
"Did you like the deer?" I asked.
"He was pretty."
"He had big antlers, didn't he?"
"And a brown nose!" she said.
We sat silently.
"I love you, Jana," I said. I hugged her and kissed her on the side of the head.
She turned and gave me the inscrutable look again. I took the opportunity to lean down and give her a peck on the lips. She giggled.
I put my left hand on the side of her face, sort of gently holding it and looking at her, right into her blue eyes. I brought my right hand up to her crotch and gently massaged her entire vulva. Her eyes widened when she felt me fondling her sex, but she did not try to move away, in fact, she held very still.
I moved my middle finger between her lips and started to rub her tiny clit with the pad of my fingertip. Jana half closed her eyes and relaxed against me. I let her head go and she relaxed further.
In a small voice, she said, "That feels good."
My dick had come to attention and was sticking up between her thighs and was rubbing my knuckles. I moved my finger down and pushed just a little way into her vagina. There was a sharp intake of breath and she pulled her knees up-she was still sore.
"Stings," she said.
I carefully pulled my finger out and went back to rubbing her clit. I thought she was going to end it when I felt her hand on the back of mine, but, to my delight, instead she started directing my movements. She put her feet back down and started to hump against my hand. Very quickly, she came, shuddering and catching her breath, then she relaxed and let go of my hand. Her tiny pussy was slippery but not wet. She was breathing deeply.
I let her recover for a minute of so, then said, "Now you have to make me climax."
Without talking, I moved both her hands down and put them around my cock. Then I guided them, up and down the shaft. "Rub me like that, it feels really good."
"Will you shoot that....?"
"Yeah," my voice was husky. "It's just a little bit, and it feels real nice."
Without saying a word, she continued to stroke me. She had her hands like clam shells, on either side of my cock. She would move up and over the head, then push down, moving her hands about half way down my dick before starting back up. I've never produced much pre-cum, maybe a small drop at the most, so it was just her soft cool hands lightly moving along my shaft.
Jana was leaning forward quite a bit to reach, and when I pulled her back against me, she naturally pulled my dick up against her snatch. Her legs came up and she put her feet on my thighs, just above my knees, for better balance.
With my shaft against her slit, her strokes were soon accompanied with her slightly humping, rubbing her clit against my cock.
I repositioned her hands so she was holding my cock against her belly. Now I was sliding my cock along the child's slit and the soft skin of her stomach. When I would thrust forward, my head would move up just above her belly button. I put her hands so they made a tunnel for me to slide along in.
I was again getting really turned on as she hugged my dick and humped it also. Her breath was coming in gasps and she was leaned forward, pushing my cock hard against her slit. I rubbed her nipples, they were just be-be size bumps on her chest.
When she came, I went over the edge also and fired a small stream of sperm onto her chest and stomach. More of my white goo was smeared on her tiny hands with worn blue nail polish.
When she had finished she looked down at my cock. A thin string of jiz was strung between my dick head and a big drop of semen slowly ran down her stomach to her hip. She obviously didn't know what to do with the mess on her hands, chest, and stomach.
"That was wonderful, Dear," I said. Then, "here, let's get you cleaned up."
I picked her up and carried her into the kitchen and sat the five-year-old on the counter. Then, with some paper towel, I started wiping the semen off her hands.
"Good morning." A yawning and stretching Megan walked into the room.
We must have made quite a site. Jana's stomach and chest were wet and smeared with semen, a long drop was stretching down from my semi-erect dick toward the floor. Megan just stood there, open-mouthed and Jana looked from me to her sister, not knowing if she was in trouble or not.
I knew that I needed to break the discomfort of the girls.
"Good morning Megan. What do you want for breakfast?" I know it was lame, but I needed to change the subject. Megan turned around and left, I finished cleaning up Jana, then went after Megan. She was sitting in the living room. I sat down next to her (she was naked also) and hugged her.
"Come outside, it's a beautiful morning and, earlier, there was a deer out there."
I took her hand and led her outside. We looked for the deer but could not find him. Jana joined us and soon the conversation became a lively debate between the girls about what movie to see. The crisis had passed, I now had two beautiful preteen lovers. Tonight I would fuck Megan, then, tomorrow, I would introduce the video camera. I wondered if I could get them together....
The movie was surprisingly humorous. Whoever made it got the seagulls just right. Although Jana spent the entire movie sitting on my lap, I'm not stupid enough to attempt anything in a movie theatre full of giggling children and their parents.
After we left the movie, we ate at Taco Bell, then went to Wal Mart for groceries and other supplies. While roaming through the food isles, my cell phone beeped.
"Hi Mark, how are my girls behaving?" I recognized my sister.
"We're having a great time. How are you?"
"I'm fine. I'm missing my girls."
"Well, your loss is my gain. Do you want to talk to them?"
I didn't wait for a response, I handed the phone to Jana. "It's you mommy."
Jana took the phone and launched into the sort of confusing conversation that preschoolers have on the phone. I tuned them out as I planned a menu in my head and picked out the food I'd need. After about three minutes, Jana handed the phone to Megan. As she talked to her mom, she fell behind us. After a few minutes, Megan came up and handed me the phone.
"So, sounds like you've been getting along well with the girls," Laura said.
"They're wonderful, we're having a great time."
"Yeah, especially with Megan last night," she said.
My stomach turned, I didn't say anything. There was silence on the line for a while.
"Look, Mark. I know about you. Of course I do. I love you, you were always so sweet and gentle to me and I love you for it. I know you would never do anything the girls didn't want."
I stayed silent.
"Honey," she said, "I sent the girls knowing what might happen. Megan says you're very nice to her and she really liked last night."
"Yes," I said quietly. "I would never hurt her, she's so sweet."
"Have you done anything with Jana?"
"Mark. Please don't try to fuck her. She's too little."
"Of course," I said.
With a smile in her voice, she said, "I know you're too big, right?"
At this, I started to laugh. "I guess there are some drawbacks to being big. But, I'm really not that big."
"You were always big enough for me."
"Still am," I said in a boastful voice.
There was another silence on the line for a while.
"Is it alright if I come down for the weekend?"
My cock went from shriveled to swelling. "I'd love it."
"Yes, I'm sure you will." Then in a whisper, "So will I."
The rest of the conversation was enjoyable but trivial. She said she'd e-mail me the flight info and talked to both girls for a few seconds before signing off.
Before checking out, I blew $120 on games for the GameBoys. Then we stopped at a video store and rented some DVDs for the girls.
As had been arranged, on the trip back Megan sat in the middle while Jana sat in the booster in the right seat. It wasn't long before the little blonde was leaned back, mouth open and eyes closed.
It was quiet in the truck as we made our way up into the mountains in the twilight. Soon, the radio stations from Albuquerque were lost and I put on a CD. Megan leaned against me, hugging my arm. The country and western CD droned on. My anxiety and curiosity finally got the best of me.
"So, what did you and your mother talk about?"
"Oh, nothing."
"Come on," I said. "You used at least 20 of my free minutes." I paused for a few moments, it was tense in the truck. "Did you talk about me?"
Her voice was small, I could tell she was a tense also.
"Did you tell her about last night?" It was the first time either of us had mentioned our lovemaking the night before.
She whispered, "yes."
I was silent. I sensed that she had more to say. I was going to give her the time she needed.
"She said that you would be sweet and wouldn't do anything I didn't want."
I was again silent for a while before I answered. "You know, I love you and Jana more than anything. I don't have any kids, I want you to be my kids."
Again, we were quiet. "Do you remember your father?" I asked.
"Not really. Mommy says I was too young and I only think I remember him."
"What do you remember?"
"I remember one day when he came home. He was dressed in green clothes and had shiny things on him. He picked me up and hugged me."
"That would have to be one of your earliest memories. He died when you were three." Jon Phelps was a King County Sheriff. Some jerk-off had killed him during a traffic stop. At the time, Lora was pregnant with Jana. All the police had to go on was the bullet and some tire tracks. The case was still open.
We were quiet again, the VLA antennas came into view. "Do you feel bad about last night?" My heart was pounding in my throat.
"You made me feel real grown up." She paused for a few seconds. "You treat me like a grown-up."
"I think you're a beautiful young woman. You're really wonderful."
We fell back into silence and didn't talk any more until we got back to the cabin.
Jana woke up when I turned on to the dirt road. We reached the dark cabin and unloaded the groceries. I suggested the girls bathe while I got the food put away. As soon as the bathroom door was closed, I lit off the lap top and put the cameras in record mode. Then I went back to the kitchen.
There was a lot of splashing and giggling from the bathroom and, when there was a loud bang, I decided to intervene. I went into the room to find the girls, still in the tub, digging their way out from under the shower curtain. They had pulled the rod down.
They looked at me guiltily as I put the rod back up and told them to settle down. After I left, the giggling started up again. Then Jana called to me.
"Uncle Mark, come here."
I went to the doorway, the two nymphs were still sitting, facing each other, in the tub. Megan giggled.
"Do you want to take a bath with us?" Jana asked.
My dick swelled in my pants. "Gee, I'd love to girls, but that tub isn't big enough for all of us. When ya'll get out, I've got a special desert for you both."
I left the children giggling in the tub and went into the kitchen to make up a cocktail for both girls. I ground ice and Strawberry Margarita mix in a blender. Then I added a couple of shots of vodka and a few whole strawberries. Then I prepared three glasses with two scoops of strawberry ice cream and, in two, added half-hits of ecstasy.
The girls came giggling out of the bathroom, wrapped in towels. As they played at combing out each other's hair, they ate the strawberry shakes and watched TV. I went to take a quick shower.
When I returned, I beheld a truly beautiful site. The towels had been forgotten on the floor and both of the naked preteens were sitting on the sofa. The empty glasses explained the relaxed looks on their faces as they sat, mesmerized, watching the TV.
"Ok if I put on a movie?" I asked.
"Sure, what'cha got?" asked Megan. Jana seemed a little more out of it than her big sister.
"Have you ever seen "Show Girl's?"
"No, what's it about."
"It's about a girl who wants to be a dancer in Vegas."
I started the movie, then pushed the girls apart and sat down between them. I was naked also and, I'm sure, Megan noticed the swelling of my tool. She slouched down and hung her leg over my knee while Jana cuddled up under my arm and I put my hand around her soft ass.
As the movie progressed, I put my arm around Megan's shoulder and started to finger her nipples. She sighed against me and my cock started to lift out of my lap.
"Your thingy's started to stand up!" Jana giggled.
"Here, give it some help," I said. I pulled her hand to my cock and guided it up and down the shaft. Then Megan reached over and helped.
I was in heaven. Here I was, sitting between two preteen beauties, a fourth grader and a preschooler, having them vie for room to stroke my cock.
"He really likes it if you suck on it," Megan said to her little sister.
Jana looked up at me. "I'd love it if you would," I said.
She looked down at my cock.
"He'll give you anything you want if you let him squirt his stuff in your mouth."
"You're silly," Jana giggled as she kept up the hand job.
"Anything you want, darling," I said.
She looked back down at the head of my cock that was cradled between her little hands and chubby fingers. Then she leaned down and I felt her small lips sliding over the head. Her teeth scraped slightly as she took my bulb into her tiny mouth. Nothing more would fit.
"Work it in and out," Megan said. She put a hand on either side of her sisters' head and started pushing her up and down on my cock.
The feeling was tremendous. This was the youngest girl I hand ever had suck on my schlong and I was amazed at the feeling of her tiny, thin lips and tongue, the slight scraping of her little teeth was incredible.
I scooched down so I could watch her as she took my dick head into her mouth. She had her jaw as far open as it would go as she slid down on the bulb, then, as she pulled back, she would close her mouth, sliding her lips along until she was just kissing the tip, then she would slide forward, opening her mouth as she went, and take the head back into her.
Megan got up and knelt on the sofa next to me. She leaned over me and kissed me as she kept her hand wrapped around the shaft of my cock. Our tongues danced.
I ran my hand along Jana's back, sliding it up along her shoulders as she sucked me in, then sliding down to the small of her back when she pulled back. I could hear her breathing hard through her nose.
Semen was building up and I started humping to meet her. Meanwhile, with my other hand, I reached under Megan and up between her legs and started to stroke her pus. I also slid my other hand around Jana's butt and ran my finger along her slit. I was surprised to feel how moist she was and my index finger slid easily into her five-year-old cunt.
Jana moaned when she felt me push my finger inside her. Now she was taking me in both ends and, as I humped into her mouth, I pushed into her pussy.
My attention to Megan was beginning to get her turned on and she broke our kiss. She straightened up, "Finger me."
I pushed first one, then two fingers up in to her. She immediately started to bounce up and down on my hand, fucking herself.
The pressure was becoming too much. "I'm going to cum," I said. I looked down as her little mouth again engulfed my dick head. I fired my sack into the kindergartner's mouth. She grunted as my sperm flooded into her face and leaked around her little lips. She pulled back, her cum-dripping mouth open over my cock, just as I shot another stream of white goo into her face. Megan grabbed her head and shoved her down, pushing my cock into the back of her mouth as I fired another gob.
"Swallow it!" Megan hissed as she pumped her little sister's head up and down on me and I fired more jez into the little girls face and down her throat.
My sack was empty and I lifted Jana off of me. Her face was awash with my sperm. It was smeared around her mouth and across her cheek. A big glob of white was on the side of her nose and smeared up into her eye to her eyebrow.
She looked at her sister and, with a pouting expression, said, "You hurt me." As she talked, bubbles of cum popped between her lips.
I pulled her against me and hugged her. "You were wonderful," I said. I pressed my lips against hers in an exaggerated kiss. I pushed my tongue into her still cum filled mouth and smeared my own seed onto my lips and cheeks. Her eyes where wide open with surprise.
When she pulled away she was laughing again, "You're so silly Uncle Mark!"
"I just can't love my little nieces too much!" I said as I hugged her again.
Megan giggled too, then leaned up and kissed me, smearing some of my cum on her face. "Now you have to do anything she wants."
I looked at the five-year-old, "Well, what will it be?"
She smiled, "Can I have another strawberry shake?"
"Oh God!" Megan said in an exasperated tone.
"Sure, honey," I said as I lifted her off me and stood her on the floor. We walked to the kitchen and I sat her on the counter, then got a dish towel and wiped her face off. "Do you want one too, Megan?"
"Sure," she said, but her attention had been captured by the TV.
I made the shakes, this time with no additives. Jana started drinking hers rapidly, I think to wash the taste of the jez milkshake away. I went in and sat down next to Megan, handing her the drink.
She was still watching the movie. The scene where the girls are using ice cubes to make their nipples erect was on. Megan took her glass and rubbed it over one of her preteen nubs, then giggled.
"It works," she said.
"Yes, I'm sure it does," I replied.
Next she rubbed the cold glass against my cock. "Does it make that stick out too?"
I laughed. "No. Usually something warm will, though."
"Why are they doing that?" Jana asked.
"Because it looks sexy," I said.
Jana turned back to the movie.
I turned my attention to the older girl. "Hey, come here."
I turned her face to mine and kissed her. She returned the kiss and I felt her tongue against my lips. I opened my mouth and our tongues met. I reached across her and started rubbing her nipple as she let out a long breath. She took my hand, the other one was around her shoulder, and moved it down to her crotch. Then, with both her hands, she started stroking my cock.
I fingered her hairless nine-year-old slit, then pushed a finger into her smooth cunt. She slouched down and spread her legs farther. We where both breathing hard as we continued kissing, both turned toward each other on the sofa.
This went on for a couple of minutes, then I felt Jana crawling up on my hip from the other side. I broke the kiss and looked down. She was watching me finger-fuck her sister with the middle and ring finger of my right hand while Megan moved her hands up and down my rock hard cock.
"Are you going to put it in her like in the movie?" Jana asked.
I looked back at Megan.
"Yeah," she said breathlessly.
Without saying a word, I slid off the couch onto the floor and positioned myself between Megan's knees. She was very wet, her fourth grade pussy juices made her mons and the inside of her thighs glisten.
"Ok?" I asked.
The child nodded.
I put my cock against her crack and ran the head along it a couple of times. When it was against the opening to her vagina, the lips parted naturally and the tip of my dick head slid between them.
I reached down and, with my thumbs, spread the glorious pussy lips apart, opening her vagina, then I gently pushed. It was amazing how easily my cock slid into the beautiful nine-year-old. Megan let out a breathless "Ohhhh" as I took her virginity.
Over half of my cock slid into her before I reached the end. Megan looked at me, wide eyed and I started to slowly slide back and forth, all the time watching my cock move in and out of her. Jana was kneeling on the couch next to her sister and watched her getting fucked with wide eyes also.
Megan put her hands over her head and started to slowly hump to meet me. She closed her eyes and moved her head back as she started lifting her ass off the couch with my thrusts.
Her nipples were sticking up, little pink cones on her boyish chest. I leaned down and ran my tongue around one and she grunted, drawing a ragged breath. My jez was beginning to build as I straightened up to watch her. With every thrust, the fourth grader would first push her hips up to meet me. Then, like a wave, her movement would pass up her thin body, first her abdomen would rise just as her hips started down, then her chest, then her head would be pushed back exposing her throat.
As she would bring her chin down again, her hips would begin to rise to the next wave. At the same time, she made low groaning sounds. Her little girl pussy was incredibly tight and smooth, squeezing my cock but, at the same time, letting it slide easily in and out of her body.
She opened her eyes and looked at her sister, then reached out and pulled Jana's face down against her chest.
"She wants you to suck her nipples," I said.
Almost immediately, Megan let out a loud groan as her five-year-old sibling started sucking on her left nipple. I had my hands on Megan's thighs and watched as my dick moved in and out of her pus. Then I took Jana's hand and directed it to her sister's slit.
"Finger her there," I told the child. She looked up at me, then looked at how I was directing her finger to Megan's clit. She knew what I wanted and started moving her chubby index finger in circles around her sister's bud. Then she went back to sucking her nipples.
The touch of Jana's mouth and finger was like an electrocution to Megan. She started humping and shuddering violently. I felt her pussy clamp down on me as she exploded with orgasm. "OOOHhhh Goawd!" she moaned. This put me over the edge and I blew my semen deep into her tiny cunt. As I thrusted and spewed cum inside her, drops of my white goo oozed out around my cock. With a final thrust, I fired the last of my load against the entrance to her immature womb as Megan's shuddering subsided and her loud groans died away.
Jana sat up as Megan's eyes came back into focus. She was covered with sweat. Her pus was covered with my white semen and a little was smeared down the inside of her thighs. She was panting deeply. I pulled my cock back and let it slide out of her. It was followed by a stream of my cum which ran down into the crack of her ass.
"That was wonderful." She paused, still breathing deeply, "Thank you Mark." Imagine being thanked for fucking an nine-year-old.
Jana was looking at my cum and pussy soaked cock as it slowly sank. "Can you put it in me?" she asked.
"I'm sorry, honey, I think you're just too small."
She looked disappointed and pouty.
"Don't worry, I can make you feel almost as good-but give me a couple of minutes to catch my breath."
Megan sat up and looked down at her cum filled pussy. "You really filled me up," she said.
She put her hand over her slit, then pushed two of her fingers into her slit, pushing some of the leaking semen back inside her. "I could feel you shooting inside me. It feels warm and makes me feel full. I don't want it to leak out."
I wasn't sure what to say. "I'm happy that I made you feel good."
She was such a beautiful site. Her hair was wet at the roots from sweat, her body glowed warmly. Some of her hair was in strings across her shoulders and chest where it was clinging to her damp skin. Her pre-pubescent nipples still stuck slightly up from her flat chest.
"Can I take some pictures of you?" I asked.
"Sure!" She started to get up.
"No, stay there. I want pictures of you laying right there."
I went into my bedroom and grabbed my digital camera, Jana followed me.
Back in the living room, I took many frames of Megan, lying back on the couch as I had left her. Most showed her cum filled cunt, still covered with my seed. Again I had her push her fingers inside her and more of my jez oozed out around them. Then Jana asked if she could do the same.
Next came some incredible shots as the five-year-old pushed her fingers into her older sister's vagina. Soon, Megan was getting turned on again.
"In and out, Jana," she directed.
The little girl complied and started finger-fucking her sister. Megan then had Jana start sucking her nipples again as she humped against the little girl's hand. They slid onto the floor and Megan reached up and started fingering Jana. I got a couple of great shots, Jana on her knees, her ass in the air with two of Megan's fingers buried in her puss. Then Megan asked Jana to lick her.
The little five-year-old started cleaning the cum off her sisters pussy, licking my jez out of the cracks of Megan's cunt. I suggested they try a 69 and soon I had the most intense preteen lesbian scene going. I changed out my digital camera for my DVD recorder. The girl's sucked on each other's pussies for over 10 minutes before they both sank back, spent.
Megan fell asleep but Jana was wanting more. By this time, my dick was again at full attention. Without a word, she came over to me and started sucking me. I couldn't believe how quickly I had recovered and, after only a minute or two, I was ready to blow another load.
"Do you want me to fill you like I did your sister?" I asked.
The child nodded with my dick head still in her mouth.
I gently pushed her away. "Sit on the sofa."
She sat on the edge of the couch and leaned back into the same position her sister had been in when I fucked her. I stood over the five-year-old and pulled on my cock, feeling the pressure build. Then I knelt down and rubbed my dick head along her tiny slit, still stroking myself along the shaft.
Jana lay back and started to breathe harder, beginning to move toward another orgasm but, before she came, I went over the edge.
Just before I came, I pushed the tip of my dick against the opening to her vagina. The inner lips parted to the tip and my pee hole was perfectly positioned as I came, pushing my sperm up into her tiny body, filling her vagina with the little bit of semen I could produce, only a teaspoon or so. But, it was enough to fill a five-year-old's womb.
"Oh, that's nice and warm," she said as she felt me flood her vagina.
I sat down on my ass and watched as a drop of semen leaked out from between her tiny lips and ran along the inside of her thigh.
Jana put her fingers on her puss and scooped a small amount of my cum onto her fingertip. Then she put her hand to her mouth and licked it off.
"I love you, Uncle Mark."
"I love you too darling." I rolled onto my hands and knees, then leaned over her and kissed her. The child put her arms around my neck and I embraced her, picking her up. She lay her head on my shoulder and I felt her yawn. Megan was sound asleep on the floor.
I carried the preschooler into my bedroom and lay her down. Then I went back and got her sister who I put in my bed also. Next I went outside and shut down the generator, blew out the lights, then crawled in bed with the two sleeping girls. I went to sleep with Jana curled up, her head and back against my chest and stomach. I was reaching across her and had my arms around her sister who was facing me, one of her legs over my hip, one of her arms across my neck and shoulder.
I woke up to the sounds of a cow mooing just outside the house. The light bovine odor made it into the house, not really unpleasant. There was a breeze lifting the curtains- another day in paradise.
The girls were curled around each other. Jana had her thumb in her mouth, their legs were intertwined. Megan had her arms around her little sister.
I gently got out of the bed, not wanting to wake them. After a trip to the bathroom, I got my camera and took a few shots of the sleeping children. Then to the kitchen for coffee.
I went out onto the deck and watched, for the thousandth time, the sun rise behind the mountain. I drank my coffee as the herd of cattle moved down the drive toward the valley. The toilet flushed, then water ran in the bathroom. Megan came out, still naked, and sat down in the chair next to me.
"How ya doing this morning, love?"
The nine-year-old stretched and arched her back against the chair. "Ummm, I feel great."
"Did you sleep well?"
We were silent for a few minutes, I really didn't feel uncomfortable, I know that the night before had been a time to treasure.
"I love you, Megan," I said.
She looked down, "I love you too, Uncle Mark."
"Was last night what you wanted it to be?" I asked.
She looked up at me and smiled, "Oh yeah. Mommy had told me about it, but it was better!"
Hearing this, and looking at her, made my dick start to swell, again.
"Can we do it, now?" she asked.
I leaned across the gap between us and pulled the child out of her chair, then picked her up and sat her on my lap, facing me, with her legs spread. My cock rubbed between her lips. She put her arms around my neck and hugged me, then we kissed-a wet tongue lashing of the sexy kind. My dick pushed up against her pussy lips and ass crack.
"Here, let's get things better positioned." I lifted her and my cock sprang up between us, then I sat her back down. As we kissed, the nine-year-old started to hump against me, When she started her first heavy, ragged breaths, I felt a slipperiness against my cock where her lips were pushed apart.
We had only been going at it for a minute or two, but I could tell the sexy preteen was ready. I lifted her up and, as I lowered her, my cock head naturally pushed against the entrance to her pussy. Her feet were on the floor on either side of the low Adirondack chair, so she had control as she slowly lowered herself on my rod and slid my cock inside her for only the second time. As she felt me moving into her, she was looking up, over my head, eyes unfocused, mouth open, a soft "Ahhhhh...." escaping from her throat.
For my part, I watched as my cock first spread her smooth, hairless little-girl pussy lips, then, millimeter by millimeter, disappeared into her pussy. When about half of my cock was inside her, I hit the top, her pussy was just too small and too tight to take all of me.
Then she started to lift up, then lower down, fucking me in and out of her. She was unbelievably tight (I didn't remember her being so tight the night before). As she moved up and down my shaft, her breathing started to match.
Her flat chest with its nub nipples was even with my face and I started following one of them up and down with my tongue. Megan had her hands on my shoulders, putting much of her weight on them, as she lifted, then sank, moving me in and out of her nine-year-old cunny. She leaned forward against me, pushing my head against the back of the chair, laying her belly against my stomach. The twin ridges which ran down the center of her stomach were in the gap between my pecs. I helped move the child up and down by grasping her ass with both my hands.
As she built to orgasm, she wrapped her arms around my head and crushed my face against her boyish chest. With a shudder and a groan, she came, pushing hard against me, The wooden chair creaked as I humped up into her, putting most of our weight against the wide boards of the back. I emptied my sperm deep into her tight slot. Her pussy contracted around me, milking the semen out and swallowing it up into her immature womb.
She leaned against me, we were both breathing hard as Megan relaxed, still impaled on me. After a minute she lifted up and looked down at me.
"Good morning!" she said.
"Yes it is," I replied.
She stood up, her feet on either side of the chair, straddling my hips. A blob of my jiz dripped out from between her lips and fell on my thigh. She stepped back and sat down on the small table at the foot of my chair. She leaned back and displayed her cum filled pussy for me. She wiped her hand along her slit and came up with her hand covered with a mixture of our love.
"That's gooy!"
All I did was laugh quietly.
We were making breakfast when Jana came out of the bedroom, rubbing her eyes. We had omelets and tea (milk for Jana). It was while the girls were cleaning up (the site of the two naked preteens working in a kitchen is marvelous) that I checked my e-mail and learned that my sister had booked a flight to arrive the next day.
That morning, we spent cleaning the house and doing laundry. Then, while the girls explored around the place on my ATV, I changed the oil in the generator and cleaned up an old Buick sedan for the trip into Albuquerque the next day. Toward late afternoon, we all stripped down and swam in the lake. After just a few minutes, I came out and lay down on a blanket while I listened to the girls playing. I quickly fell asleep.
I'm sure I had only been asleep for only a few minutes when the soft giggling of the girls, quite close by, woke me. I barely opened my eyes to find Megan kneeling to my left and Jana to my right. Jana was leaning over my face and a couple of drops of water hit my chest and neck. I closed my eyes and feigned sleep.
The girls continued whispering and giggling. While I really didn't hear or see anything, I had the sense of one of them moving closer to me, then I felt a breath against my cock. Next I felt just the ends of some fine hair against my hips and pubes, then soft lips brushed the head of my cock. More movement and giggling. Next came the hair and lips again, but this time they sucked my flaccid, but quickly swelling, schlong through them into a small wet mouth. I opened my eyes to see the back of Jana's head with her short blond hair.
I opened my eyes, no longer trying to pretend that I was asleep. "Oh, honey, that's wonderful."
My dick was instantly rock hard, but Jana kept the side of her head on my belly. This allowed me to hump into her face. I was running my dick head in and out of the five- year-olds mouth, it felt wonderful.
I looked up at Megan. She seemed fascinated watching her kid sister give her uncle a blow job.
"Come here, sit on my face," I said.
Megan looked at me, I could tell she didn't understand.
"Kneel over me, I'll lick your pussy."
She got the idea and I soon had my head nestled between the fourth graders thighs, her silky smooth pussy lips pressed against my mouth, my tongue working back and forth along her slit.
Things built quickly. At some point, Jana straightened up and, grasping me, bobbed up and down on my head. Meanwhile, Megan's preteen pussy juices were coating my lips and tongue. She leaned forward, now on her hands and knees as I pushed my tongue into her snatch, then danced with her clit.
With a loud groan, Megan came. She pushed hard against me just as I pushed my tongue into her vagina, its convulsive movements pulling me in. I went over the edge and emptied my sack into Jana's mouth. I could feel her mouth squeezing down on me as she tried to swallow every drop.
Megan rolled off of me, laying on her side, panting. I looked down at Jana. White goo was smeared around her mouth. She looked at me with her mouth open. More semen filled the creases between her teeth and lips, a string of jez stretched from the roof of her mouth to her tongue.
I reached down and dragged her little thirty-five pound body up on top of me. As I leaned back down on my back, I pulled her face to me and kissed the five-year-old goddess. I pushed my tongue through her lips and licked the remainder of jez out of her face. Now I had my slimy cum smeared on my lips.
Jana pulled away, giggling. A thin string of cum extended between our lips.
"Lay down, honey. I'm going to make you cum now," I said.
Jana scrambled off me and sat down in the grass. She had her legs bent and her knees apart. She was leaning back on her hands. This was the most wonderful view of her fat pussy lips between her chubby little girl thighs. Her lips were pulled apart, reveling her baby clit and tiny inner lips, slightly apart.
The sight of her was such a turn-on, I dove at her, shoving my head between her legs. Jana gasped when my tongue slid along her slit, starting at her baby vagina and sliding over the hood of her clit, up to the meeting of her smooth pussy lips.
The pre-schooler's pussy juices were intoxicating. I gave her a tongue lashings of the sexy kind which soon had her groaning and uncontrollably humping to meet my oral thrusts. Jana pressed my head between her thighs when she came, squealing and shaking in ecstasy.
I sat up and wiped my chin, a shit eating grin on my face as I watched the five-year-old panting on the ground. Megan was still laying on the ground next to us, laying on her back and gently fingering herself, not jerking off in earnest, just prolonging the pleasure.
I stood up and walked out into the water, cooling off as I dove under and swam to the far side of the pond. When I turned to look at the children, they were still laying where I had left them. Megan was no longer rubbing herself, they both could have been asleep.
As the light dimmed, we made our way back to the house. I cooked chicken on the grill and we sat on the dark porch and ate, listening to the night sounds.
None of us put any clothes on during the entire evening and we all slept in a pile in my bed, cuddled around each other.
In the morning, Megan was out of bed when I woke up. Jana lay in the crook of my arm, slobbering across my elbow and forearm. One of the half ferrule cats which hang around the place was laying across my feet.
I gently moved out of bed so as not to upset either of them, then took a leak and brushed my teeth. I went out on the porch after starting the coffee. Megan was across the yard, standing waist deep in the pond. I watched her swimming for a few moments, then went and got a cup of coffee. I went down to the water's edge and sat down on the blanket we had left out over night. I was half way to the water when she saw me and waved.
She kept swimming back and forth, doing at least five laps before walking out of the water toward me. God, what a goddess rose out of the water before me. King Arthur never saw a Lady of the Lake like this one.
She walked up and stood a few feet from me. I could tell that she knew I was admiring her body, and I could tell that she liked it.
"Good morning," I said.
"Fuck me," she replied.
She sat down on the blanket next to me and reached over to me, taking my dick with both hands. She started stroking it with the skill of a twenty-dollar Bangkok whore.
I scrambled around and knelt between her feet, then went down on her. I don't think I will ever tire of licking preteen pussies. Their smoothness and lite scent and taste is enthralling. Soon her juices were flowing and she was ready to ride me. I rolled off her and lay down on my back next to her.
When I started to pull Megan on top of me, she said, "No. You on top this time."
I let her fall back on to her back, then climbed onto my hands and knees above her. Looking down, I guided my dick as best I could to her pussy. She bent her legs, her knees against my hips as I lightly pushed against her vaginal gateway. Her pussy easily opened and admitted my cock.
I was careful not to put my weight on the tiny girl as I fucked her missionary style. Megan wrapped her arms and legs around me and accepted my total physical domination as she thrusted her hips up to accept me. Soon we were both engulfed in an intense climax. As I pumped my morning seed into the little nine-year-old, she bit down on my collar bone while she was assaulted by her orgasm. I buried my face in her wet hair.
I rolled over, pulling her with me. She lay, shrunken on top of me, panting.
A shadow passed over us and I opened my eyes to see Jana, standing a few feet from us, watching.
"Hi honey," I said.
I waited for her to say anything more. After a pause, "What's for breakfast?"
The three of us walked, hand in hand, back to the house and I made a western omelet. Then we cleaned up the house and, at about 10, put on clothes and headed into town to meet the girl's mother.
Lori was still as beautiful as ever. She still weighed just over 100 pounds, 5'3". She had let her chestnut hair grow a little longer, it just reached her shoulders. She had the front in bangs which made a straight line across her wide forehead, just at the level of her eye brows. Megan took after her, in fact, if their difference in ages could be erased, they could be twins. Jana took after her father.
The girls ran up to her, I stood back and watched the reunion, then Lori hugged me and gave me a kiss.
"So, how have my girls been?" she asked.
"No complaints."
"I'll bet." She gave me a rye expression, softened with a little smile.
"Have you to been having fun?" she asked the girls.
Jana squealed back "Yeah!" but Megan was a little more reserved in her reaction.
We ate lunch at an Arby's, then went grocery shopping at Wal-Mart. Megan and Lori got off alone for quite a while during our time in the store. When we met up again at the checkout, everything seemed normal, no hurt feelings.
We headed out on I-25, later we had dinner at a road side greasy spoon, then started up the hill into the mountains. The girls were asleep in the back and Lori and I had talked ourselves out. The car was quiet and sleepy. As happens to me often, under the circumstances, I started to get a woody, my dick was straining against my jeans.
I was pleasantly surprised when Lori leaned over and, playfully, bit my cock through the denim. She started stroking me and I slouched down slightly. It wasn't long before I was freed from the cloth prison and my kid sister was bobbing.
Lori is an accomplished cocksucker. When she was a "tween" and I was a young adolescent, we had taught each other. She swallowed her first mouthful of my sperm when she was ten (I was fourteen). Since we were first lovers, we have always fucked and sucked when we were together. At first, when she was married, we stayed out of bed, but, when I visited Seattle a couple months after Megan was born, and Jon was out on patrol...
Laura massaged my balls with one hand while she grasped my cock with the other. She held my head in her mouth and twisted her neck from side to side, then shoved me way down her throat. For a few minutes, she held my cock straight up and licked it like an ice cream cone, only to plunge again.
I heard a giggle and looked in the mirror, both girls were watching us. Laura looked up. "Girls, take notes. I'll show you exactly how to suck your uncle's dick." Then she went back to work.
The children were leaning over the seat, watching their mother blowing me. The car was on cruise control and, luckily, this part of the road was straight. When I started to cum, Lori lifted up so her daughters could get a good view of my jez straying into her mouth and across her face.
Lori sat up, wiping my semen from around her mouth with the back of her hand. "It's been a long time, Mark, you taste just as sweet as ever." She leaned forward and we exchanged a gooey, open mouth, kiss.
From the back seat, Megan piped us. "Why don't we all get naked? It'd be fun to be driving along like that."
I looked at Lori. She gave me a devilish grin, then pulled her shirt off over her head. Next she reached behind her and unfastened her bra, freeing her small tits. She sat back down and struggled out of her jeans. I was pleased to see that she still kept the small patch of curls well trimmed. She had started doing that for me when she was 13. For having had two kids, her tummy was still remarkably flat, just a little softness and stretching around her navel.
In the rear view mirror, I could see clothes flying as shirts were pulled free of shoulders and hair, then knees pointed up as pants were worked over them.
"Here, I'll take the wheel while you strip," Lori said.
I checked my speed, then let her take over. It was a little slow pulling my clothes off while not hitting the wheel. At one point, my shoe hit the brake lightly and cut out the cruise control. The car slowed until I pushed "resume" and we sped back up to 65.
Jana asked if she could come forward and she crawled over the seat and sat between her mother and I. They cuddled up, meanwhile, Megan lay across the back, reading a book. I turned on the radio as we sped through the grass and juniper covered lands.
Jana and Lori were whispering some, then there was some giggling, but I really didn't pay it much attention until Jana leaned over and took my cock between her chubby little hands. Then, with out preamble, she leaned down and started to suck on my flaccid member. It didn't stay that way for long, I was almost instantly erect.
I guess that twisting and leaning over was a little uncomfortable for the preschooler, she was soon on her hands and knees on the bench seat, her head bobbing up and down on my shaft, her ass in her mothers face.
First, Lori smiled as she looked at the five-year-old ass, thrust up into her face, then she got an idea and with a smile, held up one finger. I couldn't see but it was obvious that Jana didn't mind the feeling of her mother's finger sliding into her pussy. She sort of sighed and flared her hips back.
I built slowly, after all, I had just had a blow job about 20 minutes earlier, and Jana came quickly, taking my dick out of her mouth and groaning as she pushed back against her mother's finger.
I felt a breath against my neck, then Megan's arms circled my shoulders as she leaned over the seat, reaching for my woody. As Jana came a second time, Megan ran the head of my cock in and out of her cupped hands. Jana sat up in her mother's lap, her legs spread for her mother.
For me, there was just one way to improve; "Megan, come here and sit on my lap." There are advantages to driving a big fat Buick.
The nine year old climbed over the seat, then started to slide onto my lap. "No, facing me."
She got the idea and, with a grin, we worked her onto my lap. She reached down between us and guided me into her tight pussy.
"Hey, you two really are fucking," Lori said.
We didn't answer as Megan started to raise then lower herself, working me in and out of her girl-cunt. I looked over her shoulder and tried to concentrate on steering as she became wetter and wetter.
A car passed, going in the other direction, I doubt the driver realized what he had seen. I looked in him in the mirror- no brake lights.
The first time Megan came, she leaned back against the wheel and honked the horn. We all broke out laughing but soon it was quiet again as Lori worked Jana back up to another orgasm and I felt the pressure build.
It took another couple of minutes before the three of us all came. The car behaved as I emptied my sack into Megan and Jana moaned and pushed her mother's two fingers into her, then it was quiet as we all calmed down. Megan lay against me, my cock still deep in her third-grade snatch.
"Ya know, y'all've had a great time, kind of left me out," Lori said.
With regret, I motioned for Megan to move. "Hey girls, move to the back, I need to service your mother."
I slowed the car and pulled onto the shoulder. If the trucker that passed had looked, he would have seen my ass sticking up as I licked my sister's lovely pussy to a screaming orgasm. At one time I came up for air to see that Jana was giving her big sister the same treatment in the back seat, undoubtedly sucking my cum out of Megan's cooch.
It was just dark when we arrived at my cabin. In the dim twilight, I showed Lori around the place, she walked knee deep into the pond, looked in on the horses, then we went into the house.
The girls were raiding the fridge, each eating a bowl of ice cream. When a blob fell of Jana's spoon into her lap, I volunteered to lick it off. There were a lot of giggles as I sat her on the counter and slurped up the molten strawberry cream. There were some deep breaths and sighs when I licked the dribble that had run down her slit.
But, it was bath time, and the two girls ran off to the bathroom and Lori asked if I had a shower in the master. I was left alone, so I lit off my laptop to watch the girls. When the system came up, I was very pleased. The tub was full and Jana was on her back with Megan kneeling between her knees giving her a head job. Of course, the camera angles didn't allow me to get a really good look at the action, but the scene was incredibly erotic.
Even though I had already cum three times that day, my dick rose in my hand as I stroked it to the show. I was so engrossed that I didn't notice the water in the shower stop running or Lori walk up behind me.
"Wow, nice show!" she said.
I looked up, "Yah. I put these web cams in before the girls arrived."
Lori leaned over me from behind and put her arms across my chest, then took my cock away, pushing my hands off. Megan was furiously fingering herself as she brought her little sister closer and closer. Then Lori stepped around me and sat down, easily guiding my cock into her.
"God, it's been so long, Mark," she said.
I nuzzled her hair and ear, watching the girls over her shoulder.
"Have they been doing that for long?" I asked.
Between her breaths, as she raised and lowered herself on my cock, Lori said, "I don't think so...." Then, "They're horny little ones, aren't they?"
I was quickly building, "They've kept me busy."
" Magen?"
"Aa....ah...couple of d...days ago."
Through the wall, we could hear Jana squeal as she came. The sound of her daughter's ecstasy brought Lori off and, soon after, I pumped my sperm (what little I could muster) into my sister's womb. She leaned forward, her arms on the desk, her face close to the screen. She was panting.
"I've always felt you're the best fuck I've ever had," she said.
"Your daughter's a close second," I said.
My cock was still deep in my little sister's cunt. "Don't bullshit me, I know that you live for fucking little girls."
"I mean, dear," I said, "when you were her age."
"We didn't fuck 'till I was ten."
I pulled her back against me and kissed the nap of her neck. Her hair was wet and smelled of shampoo. "What ever."
All four of us spent the night curled around each other in my bed. At one point, I came dimly awake to the feeling of some ones little hand stroking my cock, but when it didn't react, we both fell back asleep.
The next day, what was going to be our last one of the vacation, was very slow. We woke late and had breakfast on the veranda. Then we all went for a swim in the pond. Lori and I lay on a blanket in the sun as the girls splashed around. It wasn't long before Lori was on top, riding my cock. The thought that the girls, for just a few yards away, could see me sliding in and out of their mother, watch her enveloping me as I slid in all the way, watch us both building, the tension getting stronger as the crescendo approached, then see me lifting my ass off the blanket as I slammed my cock in and filled their mothers womb. I wondered if the girls realized that my sperm was flooding into the same place that they each had ridden, warm and secure.
We were laying together, still coupled when Jana came and lay down on top of her mother, nuzzling her neck. Then I felt Megan next to me, laying one of her arms and one of her legs across us.
She was positioned just right for me to turn my hand out and feel her pubs. She inhaled when I ran my finger along her slit, then pushed the end into her. With my other hand, I was pleased to discover, I was able to cup Jana's ass and, pushing her forward just a couple of inches, let me also finger her tiny hole.
Soon, both of the little girls were panting and humping, Lori and I were wrapped in a lovely blanket of ardorus children. I felt another hand on mine, the one that I was finger-fucking Megan with. At first I was a little confused, then I realized it was Lori. Her hand was on top, moving with mine as I petted her daughter. I lifted mine to make room for hers underneath, then guided Lori's hand over her daughter's snatch and her finger into her child's vagina. I moved my hand with hers, even pushing my finger into Megan also, so she had both of us inside her.
All this activity had brought me back to life, and I was also humping, sliding in and out of Lori. Jana slid off the side opposite her sister and, as things worked out, I fingered her to climax while Lori got her older child off. Both girls were panting in the afterglow when I pumped just a small squirt of jez into Lori's quivering snatch. We lay together like that for several minutes before we all went and rinsed off in the pond before going back up to the cabin for lunch.
That afternoon, I saddled the horses and, with Megan on an ATV, we showed Lori around the place. I must admit, it was the first time I had ever ridden a horse naked, and I found it a bit uncomfortable. The squeezing of my balls between the leather saddle Jana's sweet little ass brought the most remarkable combination of pleasure and pain. I was only able to muster a half hard on as I finger-fucked Jana to a groaning orgasm as we moved along the trail.
Lori was a bit big for the pony, so we only went a couple of miles before returning, the little beast was flagging under the weight of an adult. The sun was nearing the mountain tops as I barbecued some burgers. The apron I put on was the first clothes I had worn since arriving the night before.
Megan and I did the dishes while Jana and Lori sat out on the porch. When we were finished, I took two rum and cokes out for Lori and I, the girls got the coke without the rum. Jana was on Lori's lap, we sat in silence.
I was laying back, watching Jupiter rise above the mountain, when I heard a little squeak from Jana. I looked over and, although it was dark, I could see that Jana had her legs spread, her knees outside her mother's thighs, and her head nestled between Lori's tits. Lori had both her hands in Jana's crotch and was obviously rubbing her little girl, building her to a rapid climax. My own dick was just beginning to rise when Jana arched her back and caught her breath-it is amazing how quickly the five-year-old gets off.
She sank down, her breath slowing. Then she sat up and turned around, facing her mother.
"Mommy, please let Uncle Mark put his thing in me."
We were silent for a moment, then Lori said, "He might hurt you, honey, you're still pretty small."
"You wont hurt me, will you Uncle Mark?" she turned toward me.
I looked at Lori, just the thought of fucking the preschooler was enough to make me rock hard. "I'd love to try."
"You stay here," Lori said as she got up and led Jana inside, "I'll call you when we're ready."
I light went on inside and Megan asked, "Wont you hurt her a lot? I can barely get my fingers in her?"
In the darkness, I grinned, "We'll see."
Megan reached over and grasped my cock, stroking it gently. Next she knelt next to my chair and took me into her mouth.
I stroked the back of her head, "Watch that, darling, I may not have anything for your little sister."
"MMmmmm," the vibration moved through me like a gentle electric current. I marveled as I felt my cock again pushed against the back of her throat, then pushed harder.
"We're ready!" came Lori's voice from inside.
We stood up, but Megan didn't let go of my cock-she led me in by it.
Lori had put Jana up on the table. The little one was sitting, her ass at the edge, leaning back on her hands. She had her knees pulled up and spread apart. She was watching, and panting, as her mother pushed two fingers in and out of her tiny pussy. On the table, next to Jana, was a bottle of baby oil, her crotch, the insides of her thighs, and her mother's hand were glistening with the oil.
Megan led me over to her little sister who looked, first at my cock, then at my face with a wide-eyed, open mouthed expression. She was flushed, beads of sweat were on her forehead and upper lip. As her mother continued fingering her, she closed her eyes and humped, pulling her knees up to her shoulders and throwing her head back, another orgasm sweeping over her tiny frame.
Lori removed her hand from her daughter's genitals and brushed her wet blonde hair back. "Are you ready for your Uncle Mark?" she asked.
Jana looked at her mother, "Will it hurt?"
"It may, at first. If it hurts a lot, just tell me darling, Uncle Mark will stop."
The five-year-old looked at me, then at my cock and in a quiet voice said, "ok."
Lori picked up the bottle of oil and squirted some on the top of my dick, then she moved her hand up and down the shaft, spreading the slippery fluid.
"Ok, Mark. Go real slow."
I took a step forward and placed the head of my cock against the tiny slit. It looked like I would split the little girl in half. Megan went around behind her sister and, climbing up on the table, knelt behind her. She put her arms around her sibling and watched from over her shoulder. Then Lori reached down and, as best she could with all the slipperiness, spread Jana's lips apart, opening the gap.
I gently pushed against the child and her lips spread around the tip of my cock.
"Is it Ok?" Lori asked.
I pushed a little harder and Jana stiffened.
"Do you want me to stop?" I asked.
I pushed just a little more and, suddenly, the head of my cock disappeared inside her. I couldn't believe I was fucking a five-year-old!"
"Oh Mommy!" she sort of whimpered.
I held still.
"Is it Ok? Do you want him to stop?"
"It's ok, Mommy." Then she looked at me. "I love you, Uncle Mark."
I leaned forward, putting my hands on the edge of the table. "I love you too, Jana." I said as I started moving, just a little, back and forth.
I pulled back, pulling about half the head out of the child, then slowly pushed back in. Jana let out a sigh. On my second push, I was amazed that about a half inch of the shaft slid into her.
The little one was amazingly tight, it felt like I was pushing my cock into a tightly clamped fist. On the third push, the head and about an inch slid in before I reached the top. On my next push, Jana groaned.
That's when I lost some of my nervousness and started to feel what it was like. With my every thrust, Jana would rock and groan, a low voice from deep in her throat. I was now moving with regularity and smoothness, truly fucking my niece. Her groans changed to grunts. Then she looked straight at me, her face in shock and let out a low, guttural, "OOOHHHhhhh."
I felt her baby pussy spasm around my dick. I bucked and fired my sperm inside her. I shoved into her again, pumping more semen into the five-year-old's womb as waves of climax washed over her. Jez leaked out around my cock, filling in around her bright-red clit. My dick twitched as I emptied the last of my sperm into her.
We were both panting. My knees were weak. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her against me. Megan and Lori hugged us both as Jana continued to pant. We stayed that way for a couple of minutes, then I lay Jana back onto the table. Her ribs were still heaving.
I looked down. My cock was still inside her. Her cunt lips seemed impossibly stretched around my shaft. I pulled back and her pussy relinquished its hold. I slid out, a string of white goo stretched from my pee hole to her snatch for a second, then breaking.
Her whole mons was pinkish and her pussy lips, around the opening, were a nasty red. Lori looked down at her and gently pushed on one, there was a hiss of breath from Jana.
"OOoo, she's going to be bruised," Lori said.
She brushed a string of wet hair off of Jana's forehead. "Did he hurt you, darling?"
Jana sat up and hugged me, "Oh, Uncle Mark, I love you so much."
I pushed her head back and kissed her. "I love you too, honey." Then, after a pause, "Did it hurt?"
"A little at first, but then...."
Lori took Jana into the bath and washed the oil and semen off her in the tub, then tucked her into bed. She was asleep before I went in to kiss her forehead.
When I came out, Lori said, "Megan wants to screw you now, if you feel up to it."
Megan had assumed her sister's position on the table. Her crotch was wet with the baby oil and, as I watched, she pushed her index finger into her hairless cunt. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath as she then pushed a second finger inside her.
Lori came over and knelt in front of me. It is really something to watch a grade schooler masturbating while getting a blow job from her mother. I was really hard, really soon.
Lori stood up and led me, again by the dick, to her older daughter, then positioned my cock at the child's pussy. I pushed and slowly sank into her. Megan lay back on the table and watched my face as I watched my cock slide in and out of her. What a sight, the nine-year-old was splayed out on the table, opened completely for me. I hadn't noticed Lori leave but then heard the whine of the DVD recorder as she filmed her daughter getting fucked.
We both came at the same time, I shoved deep inside the child and blew my sperm. Lori zoomed in on her little girls cunt as it quivered and some semen oozed out around the edges, then pulled back to show her entirely as she lay panting.
We put the girls to bed together after cleaning to oil off the semi-conscious fourth grader. Then Lori and I cuddled together in my bed. There was no way I was going to be able to screw again that night. However, in the morning, as she lay on her stomach, still asleep, I knelt above her, then leaned forward over her. She woke up as I pushed my dick into her from behind. She flared her hips as I humped her from behind. I rolled over, pulling her on top of me, facing the ceiling. We had a crashing orgasm together as I squeezed her tits and fingered her cunt. Only when we had calmed down did we notice the two onlookers in the doorway.
Jana and Megan jumped into bed and soon they were both on their backs, legs spread, knees in the air. I licked and sucked Megan while Lori gently brought her littlest one off, being careful not to hurt her bruised pussy.
This was our last love making as their plane left early that afternoon. However, it was arranged that, in November, I would join them for Thanksgiving.
"Mommy, tell me about Uncle Mark and you."
I felt a little uncomfortable with this question from my nine-year-old, but, I had always been completely honest with my children. "Well, what do you want to know?"
"Did you it?"
I was quiet for a few moments, concentrating on my driving. " know we do. You watched us last night." I was quiet for a little while longer. "Your Uncle is always very sweet and gentle, wasn't he with you."
"Yesss," Megan said in a breathy voice. "He makes me feel....oh, just wonderful."
"Yes, he has always made my feel wonderful to, honey." I said.
We were quiet for a while longer.
"Tell me about when you were younger." Megan said.
"Ya know, it's really none of your business, but, I guess we are both Mark's lovers now, and we need to be honest with each other." I drove on for a while longer. I looked in the mirror and could see that Jana, my five-year-old, was also listening. I had been a little shocked when I watched, and helped, my brother take my baby's virginity, but I couldn't deny my daughters the wonder love of my brother-it was so precious to me, I had to share it with them.
"I was a little older than you, I was 10 and Mark was 15 the first time we made love. We had always been really close friends and, well, it just seemed natural."
"One night, your Grandparents were out square dancing, we were sitting on the couch watching television. I was leaning up against Mark. I don't remember exactly what we were watching but it was kind of romantic and kind of boring. At some point I looked up at him, he was looking down at me, and he just leaned down and kissed me. Just a little peck on the lips, well, maybe a little more than a peck, but nothing too much."
"I remember that my heart started to pound and a rush went completely through me, I think the same thing happened to Mark because, a few seconds later he kissed my head. I turned again and, this time, we really kissed. I was so, I don't know, I guess, excited...I really didn't know what I was feeling."
"I know, Mommy," Megan said. "It's sort need something, ya know?"
"I think your right, honey. All I know is that next I was on my knees next to him on the couch, I had my arms around his neck and we were kissing. Then I felt his tongue on my lips was all so natural. I had never French kissed before, I didn't even know what it was but...." We drove on for a little while longer.
"It felt so good to be cuddled up with Mark. I had always really loved him, he is such a nice, considerate, man. I don't remember him ever saying anything really mean to me, even when we would fight, he would never be nasty. He always respected me, paid attention to what I wanted. All the time we were growing up, he always let me tag along if I wanted. He taught me to ride a bike and how to fish. We used to fish a lot in a stream behind our house. If he was fishing with his friends, I was always allowed to come along."
"I remember once, oh I must have been about eight, he and some friends were playing football in the park and I, of course, was playing too. Well, somehow I got the ball, I was playing with a bunch of boys a lot bigger then I was, and went running down the field. Some boy hit me from the side and sent me flying. When I landed I hurt my wrist and came up crying. Mark came running over to me and looked at my wrist. After a few seconds he told me that it wasn't broken (I considered him an expert on every subject) and I'd be ok in a couple of minutes. Then he got up and walked over to the boy who had tackled me. He asked if I was alright but all Mark did was punch him in the face. He landed on his butt and I remember Mark standing over him, shaking his fist, yelling that I was only a little girl and he could have just grabbed me and stopped me. Then he came over to me and took me home."
"Well, to get back, I sat on his lap and we 'made out' for quite a while. Remembering it now, I could feel that he had a hard-on, but at that time, I didn't know anything about that sort of stuff. I do remember when he reached around and started moving his fingertips across one of my breasts. I was like you then, I really didn't have any, but I remember how it made me feel a tightness in my throat and a tingling down, well, you know."
"We kissed like that for a while, then we both jumped up when we heard the front door open. Now I know that Mom and Dad had no idea what we were doing but, of course, at that time I was sure they did."
"That night, after we had gone to bed, I couldn't sleep. I was still all tingly and I didn't know what to do. I didn't even know that I could take care of myself...ya know what I mean, Megan?"
"Yes mommy," Megan answered, kind of embarrassed.
"Well, I don't," came Jana's voice from the back.
"Haven't you ever rubbed yourself, you know...THERE?" Megan turned around.
Jana was quiet for a few seconds, then: "Oh."
I had to laugh to myself at this exchange. Then I got on with my story. "I couldn't sleep, so I got up to roam around the house and I saw light under Marks door. I knocked quietly and went in. He was reading a book. I closed the door, then went over and sat down on the bed next to him. We kissed some. I told him I was cold and could I get under the covers with him. When he lifted to blankets and sheets, I got just a glimpse of his leg and thigh. He was naked. I sat next to him and asked him what he was reading. He wouldn't show me, so we got into a tussle and, finally, I pulled his book away from him. Well, it wasn't really a book, it was a magazine, but small and thick, like Reader's Digest. It was called 'Penthouse Forum.'"
"I thumbed through it, there were a few ads and just a few pictures, you know, pictures of naked woman (I had expected that) but it was mostly writing. Mike watched me, I started reading one of the stories, it was a letter written by a woman named Jen and she was describing how she and her boyfriend made love."
"I knew about sex, but this was different. I didn't know a lot of the words, so I had to ask Mike. Well, at one point, I asked him some questions and I really didn't know what he meant, so he pulled the covers down and showed me. I had seen him naked many times, but I had never really looked close before. His penis was hard, and he only had a little hair around it then, he still isn't very hairy. Then he asked if he could look at me.
I pulled my nightgown up and took off my panties. I sat up and sort of looked down too, I wasn't too sure what was what down there. The story described all these things that I didn't know, even about myself. Well, Mike was kneeling on the bed, facing me and he asked if he could touch me. I said ok. Then her spread my lips, you know, apart and said, Oh, that must be your clitoris, and down there must be your vagina."
I couldn't see what he was talking about so I just said "yeah."
He looked up at me, "I've read stories where girls rub themselves there and it feels real good."
I was kind of embarrassed, "It sort of tickles."
He asked if he could touch me.
All I did was giggle a bit, I think I nodded. When he touched me, it was incredible. He rubbed his finger up and down me, it felt like little sparks were flying up into my tummy. The warmth built and built. Then, well, I remember grabbing his hand and pushing it against me as I had an orgasm."
"What's that?" came from the back seat. Megan scoffed at Jana's question.
"That's when you feel that real warm feeling spread over your belly when Mike was making love to you, honey," I said.
In the mirror, I saw Jana nod a little.
"Mike was scared, he thought he had hurt me. He hugged me and said, "Oh, I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"
I felt real relaxed, I told him he hadn't hurt me, that I felt real good. He said, "Ohhh..., you must have cum."
"Yeah, I guess so," I said. "It felt real good."
From the story, I knew that boys could cum too, and I knew that they would cum if you rubbed their penis'. So I asked Mike if he wanted to cum too.
He was sitting cross-legged, his penis was sticking up and all I did was grab it with both hands and start stroking it. I remember he got a far away, sort of glazed-eye look and started breathing harder. He leaned back on his hands but kept his legs crossed. I watched him, I was really kind of amused. He started thrusting, sort of lifting his butt off the bed to meet me. It was kind of funny, but I knew that if I laughed his feelings would be hurt, so I didn't.
He told me to go faster and I did. I was watching his face when I felt his penis twitching in my hands. I looked down just when he squirted his....stuff.... It flew up and hit my neck and shoulder. Mike groaned. I aimed him away, turning my head, but still watched as he shot more semen onto his chest and stomach. I never expected so much and for it to shoot so far. I was kind of grossed out but also curious.
In the story we had read, the girl talked about how she liked it when her boyfriend shot his stuff in her mouth. She said it tasted really good. So, well, I wanted to try. So I took some on my finger, there was a little drop sinking down my chest, and I licked it. It was real, well, you guys know, slimy, but it really didn't taste bad.
We giggled some, he wouldn't taste it, then he wiped up the mess with a tee shirt and we cuddled up together under the covers. It was so warm and comfortable and I remember thinking that I never wanted to sleep alone again. Later, he woke me up, the clock said it was 2:00 AM. He had to go to the bathroom, so did I. We giggled a little again about who could go first, but he let me go. It was fun sneaking down the hall naked and he stood while I peed. He had to go so bad he was dancing. Then I watched him pee. We giggled some more but, when we got back to his room, he said that I had to go to my room, we didn't want to get caught. I walked back down the hall, then turned around and ran up to him and kissed him. Then I went back to my room. I was in bed before I remembered that I had left my nightgown and panties.
That night must have been a Sunday, because I remember getting ready for school. There was knock on the door and it was Mike. He returned my nightgown and panties. We stood together at the bus stop, my bus came first, I waved at him through the back window as I drove off.
One day, probably during that week, I went into his room after I got home from school. Mom was busy chatting with a friend in the kitchen and I knew that Mike wouldn't be home for another hour. I looked for the Forum magazine and, sure enough, it was under his mattress. But there were some other magazines there too. They all had pictures of naked women in them, you know, the sort they sell behind the counters at Circle K, but there was one that had pictures of men and women doing 'it'. I think I learned more about sex in the five minutes I looked through that book than anything I have seen since.
My head was spinning that whole evening, I was so curious and, well, I can't really explain it, but I desperately wanted to experience the things I had seen. The men and women in the pictures were so pretty and they seemed to be so happy. I just wanted to see if it was true.
I was a little scared too. In some of the pictures the men were, well, it looked like it must hurt to have a man put...push it inside, you know. And some of the pictures were kind of gross too. I was really shocked by the pictures of a man pushing himself up a girl's butt. Well, I wasn't sure I wanted that!
After my parents had gone to bed, I snuck into Mike's room. It was dark and I could hear him breathing, he was asleep. I pulled my night cloths off and slid in next to him. He woke up and said, "Oh!" then he was quiet, then "Hi."
"I'll go back if you want," I said.
He put his arm around me, his hand brushed across my behind. "Oh, no, please stay."
I snuggled up to him and kissed his cheek. He turned his head and we kissed, then, without breaking the kiss, I crawled on top of him. He put his arms around me and we kissed more. I felt him get hard against my thigh. I reached down and put my hand inside his shorts around him. I really wanted to look at him.
"Can we turn on a light?"
"Ah, yeah." He reached around and clicked on the bed lamp.
I lifted up and looked down at him. He sort of giggled-I think he was kind of embarrassed. "Take your shorts off," I said. I remember how his penis bounced up and down as he pulled his underwear free and moved around in the bed, it was kind of funny to watch. Then he lay back on the bed, completely uncovered. His dick was pointed straight up along his belly. He had his hands on either side of him, I was sitting next to him.
I really didn't know what to do, so I just reached out with both hands and lifted his... looking at it. I don't know why, but I suddenly had the urge to feel what it felt like in my mouth, I had seen the pictures and in a couple of stories, girls had talked about how much they liked to suck on guys. So, I leaned down and started sucking.
Mike kind of groaned, I remember him saying, "Oh God," and stroking the back of my head. I really kind of liked doing this, he was so smooth and well, you know, both soft and hard at the same time. I sucked him in and out and looked at him. Mike had a glassy-eyed expression and started to breathe harder. I knew what I must have been doing to him.
After only a couple of minutes he put his head on my chin and lifted me off. "Lori, I'm going to cum," he said.
"It's OK," I said and leaned back down. He started to push into me, his leg muscles were really tight. I remember noticing that he had his toes pointed, that looked funny! He sort of groaned again and I remember that his penis started to twitch. Then, suddenly, my mouth was full. Instinctively, I knew what had happened and I closed my eyes and tried to swallow but I really couldn't because my mouth was too full. I remember feeling it spurt out around my lips. I pulled him out to close my mouth and swallow, at the same time I looked at him and he squirted more into my face. I took him back into my mouth and he squirted more, filling my mouth again. All I could do was suck and swallow all I could. I thought it was going to go on forever. It really didn't taste bad (it didn't taste good either), it was just real slimy. I remember that a few years later a girl friend of mine would describe it as "having a mouth full of snot."
After he had calmed down I lifted my chin and looked down at me. "God, that was wonderful, Lori," he said. I ran my hand over my face and looked at it, it was covered with his semen. I giggled, "Oh, you liked that!" Then I got an idea and I reached up and wiped my hand on his mouth. At first, I could see he didn't like it and was going to push my away but then he stopped and, as fast as the thoughts went through his mind, he smiled at me and said, "It's time for me to go down on you now."
I leaned back on the bed and Mike knelt between my knees. It was like I was being electrocuted when he started licking me. I really sort of lost it, I remember humping up into his face. At one point, he pushed a finger into me as he licked me and I just exploded. The tingles went up me, my nipples were, I don't know, sort of snapping and I even felt it in my arm pits and my throat. The rush went down the inside of my thighs to my knees. After it passed, I just lay on the bed, panting. I remember I was really wet down there and I was sweating.
Without thinking, I said, "Put it in me."
"Are you sure?"
I lifted my hips up and said, "Now, before I change my mind."
Mike put a couple of pillows under me, then I remember feeling him pushing against me. Suddenly, I was kind of scared. I couldn't see what he was doing, all I could see was his face. He was looking down. I felt him pulling my lips apart and him pushing against me. It hurt a little and I said "Ow." He looked at me, he looked like he was going to stop, but I said, "Hurry, please."
He looked back down, then pushed in. I remember feeling my hymen snapping and suddenly he was all the way in. It hurt and it felt so good. Mike leaned forward, putting his hands on either side of my shoulders, and started to push in and out. It didn't hurt anymore and I wrapped my legs around him as he rocked me back and forth. He started moving faster and faster as I built too. He sort of grunted and pushed really hard. I felt him twitching and then I could feel him filling me. It felt so smooth and warm and that made me start to cum. I remember I hugged him so hard that he told me later that I was crushing him.
After he lifted off me and I sat up, that's when we saw the blood. I started to cry and Mike just hugged me and rocked me. Later, we had to somehow throw that pillow away without Mom noticing.
From then on, we made love all the time, except when Dad sent Mike away for a while when he caught us."
"God, that must have been embarrassing," Megan said. I looked in the mirror, Jana was asleep.
"Well, girly, that's a story for another time."
Dave miyagi
Megan and little Jena are amazing. I Looked a little ahead on one line caught my eye 'I couldn't believe I was fucking a five-year-old!' -WOW.
Looking forward to more chapters!
Another writer
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