Grandpa Jack And The Twins Take A Road Trip, Part 1

[ inc, fath/dau, moth/son, cous/cous, bro/sis, orgy, group ]

by Seamus

Published: 6-Jan-2013

Word Count:

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show Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Chapter One

The big motor home RV swept majestically down the highway. At forty-five feet long, eight and a half feet wide, it had a presence sufficient to garner respect from everyone--even truckers who encountered Grandpa Jack's newest toy. They told him so on the CB.

It was early summer again, and the kids were out of school. The twins and Grandpa were a year older...but that just meant the twins were hotter, sexier, more experienced twelve-year-olds. And another year meant nothing to Grandpa Jack. Grandpa Jack was Grandpa Jack.

Grandpa Jack called his new toy the 'bus', rather than name it anything pretentious. The vehicle itself was ostentatious enough for anyone in Grandpa Jack's mind. This was the shakedown cruise for the 'bus', the first time he'd taken it on the road for an extended drive. The excuse for the drive was to visit Grandpa Jack's three daughters who didn't live close enough for regular visits. So far, the bus was living up to the boasts the conversion guys had made about it. The enhancements added after it was delivered to Grandpa Jack, things the conversion business didn't know anything about, were working just fine too.

* * *

A deep 'bong' came from the dashboard warning system. Grandpa Jack's RV was being overtaken by a big eighteen-wheeler. The sixth generation ground radar said so. Then Grandpa Jack could see it, just cresting a rise a few miles behind him.

He tapped the zoom control for the rear-mounted miniaturized HD camera he had tasked with 'rear view' duties at the moment. There was a big, bright red tractor hauling a dark painted trailer hauling ass down the road in the same direction Grandpa Jack was driving.

It didn't matter who the trucker was or who he was hauling for. What DID matter was the relatively high vantage point of the trucker's seat, and his ability to see, however vaguely, into Grandpa Jack's motor home--well, that was a personal danger to his family.

Grandpa Jack sighed and tapped a control that closed a panel curtaining off the driving area from the rest of the vehicle. This was necessary, because if that random trucker coming up behind happened to see what his twin granddaughters and their parents were doing behind those polarized windows back there, Grandpa Jack, his daughter, and son-in-law would spend the rest of their natural lives in the darkest prison the state could find.

* * *

"Want some company, Grandpa Jack?" Carrie asked peeking around the privacy panel. The truck had long since passed the RV and disappeared in the far distance ahead of the bus. The trucker hadn't seen a thing and hadn't passed on any comments on the CB. The on-board computers, set to key in on certain words, monitored all the CB channels, side band, police band, cell phone frequencies, and military bands too. He'd have known if the truck driver, or anyone else, uttered a peep about Grandpa Jack's RV.

"You bet, honey, come on up" he answered. Before opening the sliding panel, the twelve-year-old girl glanced up at a flat screen in the living area that was acting at the moment as a repeater for the smaller primary on Grandpa Jack's dashboard.

Grandpa Jack had his cameras set to find traffic in front of and behind the big RV at the moment. There wasn't a vehicle visible for miles in either direction, especially trucks.

Carrie slid the panel open wide. Comfortably naked, she slipped up beside her grandfather and stood, exposing herself to anyone on the four-lane highway...had there been anyone to see.

Grandpa Jack stroked the touch screen through to the display he wanted and increased the polarization of the windshield. The new setting was dark enough so no one could see clearly inside, but those inside could see out perfectly. The advanced polarizing equipment wouldn't pass formal vehicle inspections, of course, but Grandpa Jack wasn't about to let any state official look at the windshield when this setting was engaged.

"Mom and 'Licia are riding Dad's cock and his tongue," she explained, sliding out the auxiliary jump seat from the console to sit beside her favorite-est granddad in the whole world.

"You next?" Grandpa Jack asked.

Carrie shook her head. "For later. I wanted to come up here with you right now," she replied. She grinned nastily. "Wanta do something with me?" she asked.

"Sure!" Grandpa Jack shot back. "Whatcha have in mind?"

"How 'bout a good...nasty...Interstate Highway fuckety fuck!!?" she said, grinning. "Put on the cruise control, okay?"

Grandpa Jack nodded and smiled back at her. Carrie stowed the auxiliary table Grandpa Jack had open on the side of the center console and sidled up to Grandpa Jack's big captain's chair. She wrapped her bare arms around his neck for a quick hug, then unbuttoned his shirt and stroked the part of his chest and abdomen she could reach.

Centering the big motor home in the slow lane, and slowing slightly, Grandpa Jack tapped the master control that engaged the cruise control he'd had specially designed and installed, thinking of moments precisely like this. It had been prohibitively expensive, but it'd already proved its worth.

"Cruising speed and direction of travel set...engine performance...nominal...GPS coordinates...set...exterior surveillance cameras...traffic mode...selected," a warm woman's voice said from the dashboard. "Lane following LADAR...engaged. Have a fucking wonderful day, Grandpa Jack."

The message wasn't a factory setting...Grandpa Jack had had to pay extra for the ability to insert his own messages into the software, and even more to pay for the actress with the bedroom voice to say those words. He'd required the busty young actress to record the lines naked, with a dildo in both her cunt and ass, so she'd have no difficulty putting just the right intonation into each word. The girl had been a little shy at first, but she'd adapted very quickly. After she spent the night with Grandpa Jack, he put her on his list of contacts--never could tell when one might need to reach out and touch someone in the entertainment business.

The deliciously sexy voice cracked him up every time he heard one of the special messages. They made Carrie giggle delightedly too.

Taking his hands off the steering wheel, Grandpa Jack waited a moment, watching the road and seeing the wheel make tiny movements to maneuver the huge RV down the center of the number two lane. The LADAR acquired the white line to the right, the edge of the far shoulder on the other side of the highway, the dotted center line over there; measured the width of the median strip and monitored vegetation, animal life, and debris in that median; analyzed the altitude above sea level; determined if the slope of advance was rising, falling, or remaining unchanged; checked for road signs, obstructions, and possible potholes; noted the plant life flowing past on the sides of the road; watched for road kill on the pavement; searched for live animals within running distance of the road; determined necessary course corrections for any obstacle in the chosen lane; monitored the atmospheric temperature and pressure; compared observed weather phenomena with weather station data and forecasts; checked tire pressure in all wheels three times every second; detected the current load balance in the bus and made chassis adjustments as necessary; monitored a dozen hidden HD cameras mounted outside and twice as many equally well-hidden inside; compared the current estimated position with GPS data downloaded second by second from satellite; and scores of other things Grandpa Jack didn't care too much about.

Grandpa Jack bragged that with the high-performance computers and solid state hard drives in his under-floor server farm, he had more computing power aboard the bus than NASA had available to launch and recover space shuttles. It wasn't quite true, but it was close. The ride always got smoother when the cruise control software took over.

Grandpa Jack stood in the small free space just to the right of his captain's chair, watching the road and letting his eyes roam the computer screens showing various virtual gauges and dials spread around the dashboard control center. All this was new enough to Grandpa Jack, that he wanted to monitor things for a bit.

Carrie had Grandpa Jack's shirt off quickly, and unbuttoned his cargo shorts in less time than it takes to tell. They fell around his ankles. Already barefoot, he stepped out of them and was suddenly standing naked in the forward cab of his motor home while it rushed down the highway at sixty-five miles an hour.

"Computer, dear?" Grandpa Jack said to the air.

"Yes, darling?" the sexy computer voice replied immediately.

Grandpa Jack fairly wriggled with pleasure. "Camera zone--Interior, bedroom...display on monitor ident, alpha-prime!"

The computer flashed a split view of the rear bedroom onto Grandpa Jack's console. There were six cameras in what was nominally Grandpa Jack's bedroom and they all had good angles of the action on the wide bed.

"Select Camera Four," Grandpa Jack ordered, "...display monitor ident, passenger side!"

The computer sent the view from camera four in the bedroom to the heads up display on the passenger side of the windshield. Grandpa Jack and Carrie could see every raunchy hardcore moment of the action where Carrie's sister, mother, and father were fucking and sucking themselves into a coma back there.

"Camera Zone--Driver's Station," Grandpa Jack said, "...display monitor ident, Bedroom!" And now, anyone interested in the back bedroom could watch the action Grandpa Jack and Carrie were about to initiate.

Twelve-year-old Carrie put the top of her thighs against the center console, steadied herself and dropped her elbows onto the. It was uncomfortable in this position for her to do it, but she tilted her head as far back as she could and gazed at the passenger-side main monitor where she could see her mother galloping hard on her husband's cock and Carrie's twin sister urgently rubbing her pussy all over her father's face.

Carrie giggled. If the world out there only knew what was doing in here....

Wiggling her pretty little ass, Carrie looked over her shoulder at her grandfather. "I'm ready, Grandpa," she said, smiling pertly.

Grandpa Jack shuffled up behind the leggy blonde, green-eyed, wanton young girl. He was still watching the road ahead, more for fun than anything else. His hands searched under his granddaughter's body for her satin-smooth young pussy and massaging the plump outer lips for a long moment. Carrie was already wet and her body easily accepted his probing finger...and then did the same for two probing fingers....

"I used a dildo to make me ready," Carrie explained, trembling just a little--more from the effects of her own excitement than anything else. "You don't have to get me all wet or make my pussy hole stretch any, Grandpa," she told him.

"See the car over on the other side of the median?" Grandpa Jack asked the young girl as he hefted his already steel-hard cock. Carrie raised her face up again to the view outside the windshield. She nodded.

"See them watching you while your granddad fucks your hot little pussy? See them?" Carrie nodded again, her eyes glued to the windshield of the approaching sedan. The car's driver couldn't actually see a thing, but it was a nice fantasy.

Grandpa Jack pressed his hard-on into Carrie's young slit, paused for a moment, then stabbed slowly inward.

The naked sprite gasped, and grabbed onto the sides of the console as her grandfather rammed deep into her steaming sheath. She groaned happily, still watching the unsuspecting carload of travelers and wondering what they'd do if only they could see. Her grandfather sank his cock deep inside the young girl's vagina. She set her feet a little more apart and thrust her ass back and up to meet her grandfather's plunge.

"Fuck me, Grandpa," she demanded hoarsely. "Fuck me hard while they watch!" she ordered. "Oh God, Grandpa, do me hard! "FUCK-FUCK-FUCK-FUCK-FUCKKKKKK!" she screamed at the car over there across the bar ditch.


It was a short fuck. Carrie had come up to the front of the motor home within an ace of cumming already. She hadn't realized it at the time, but her body was just not going to be able to hold her climax off for long after watching the lewd scene in the bedroom for a while, masturbating with a favorite dildo, and then having Grandpa Jack fuck her doggy style.

When she came, she squealed and whipped her ass around in circles, then froze for a long instant.


Her knees were suddenly too weak to hold her. They gave way, spilling the nude girl down beside the console in front of her grandfather. She panted for a while, unable to do anything else.

"Sorry, Grandpa," she apologized. "I jus' couldn't stop it...."

"I know," Grandpa Jack replied cheerfully. "Good one, huh?"

Carrie nodded blissfully. When her eyes were capable of focusing again, they fastened on her grandfather's still-hard penis. He was still standing, watching the road while the cruise control software steered the motor home down the road.

"Suckee suckee?" Carrie proposed with a nasty grin.

"Absolutely!" Grandpa Jack replied.

Gathering herself, Carrie pulled a cushion from a storage cabinet and set it down in front of Grandpa Jack--then knelt between his wide-spread wide legs. Grandpa Jack's knees flexed every so often, for balance as the motor home traveled over a stretch of small heaves and dips in the road.

The vehicle's movements made the bulbous head of Grandpa Jack's prick dance in front of young Carrie's face and she smiled. She settled herself on her knees and raised her body a little. Capturing his cock in her right hand, she steadied her body with her left hand on the back of Grandpa Jack's seat. Guiding him into her mouth, she took in a deep breath...and did what she could to swallow the big cock whole.

"OH FUCK!!" Grandpa Jack groaned. His head snapped back for a moment before he could bring it back down to scan the road ahead. Carrie giggled around the circumference of the turnip-shaped head before sinking Grandpa Jack's cock down her throat a second time. Grandpa Jack moaned again, almost whimpering at the pure pleasure of feeling his cock slide deep into his granddaughter's gullet.

She held him there, soaking his prick with hot saliva and working her tongue around as best she could. It wasn't very much, but the motion of her trying sent new waves of ecstasy coursing through Grandpa Jack's body. She let his cock slide out, making a trough of her tongue and sliding it around the underside of his penis all the while.

"Anybody watching?" she asked.

Grandpa Jack's eyes snapped over to the far side of the road.

"Car coming...," he panted. He slaved the forward-looking HD cameras to the monitor mounted above the console, made some adjustments, hit the targeting tab, and magnified the view.

"Cougar...nah, younger, and she's not bad looking AT ALL...," he said gutturally, barely able to speak. Carrie had tried to swallow him again and had let his cock slide out just enough to let her tongue start tickling that sensitive little V on the underside of his cock head.

"Anyone else?" Carrie asked. Grandpa Jack grabbed the remote and zoomed in while Carrie probed the slit on the end of his cock, seemingly trying to push her tongue inside.

"Nah," Grandpa Jack said, moved the camera. Once locked on, it kept a focus on the targeted image, or portion thereof. The image steadied. "No...oh, wait...yeah...." he corrected himself. "Two...three other people," he gasped. He looked closer. There were only a few seconds....

"Two girls in the back...," he whispered just loud enough for Carrie to hear. "Ahhhhngh," he groaned. Carrie was doing her best to wrap her tongue around his cockhead. He looked closer. " you and Alicia," he whimpered. "An'...and a boy--young'd like him lots--in the front with the MILF. He dialed up the zoom again.

"Oh my GOSH!" he whispered. "The girls are asleep in back and the boy's got his hand on the MILF's right tittie," he grunted. "He's playing with her nipple...he's SUCKING on it!!"

Carrie let Grandpa Jack's penis slither out of her mouth as she glanced up at the HD monitor, just to see if Grandpa Jack was making things up. She reached over to tap a couple of manual keys on the input keyboard and transferred that camera's feed to the passenger-side monitor. Grandpa Jack wasn't kidding at all.

"Oh God...," Grandpa Jack groaned. "Honey, I can't hold it...."

Carrie wasn't in the least disturbed. "You know what I think, Grandpa Jack?" she asked. She hardly paused. "I think you ought to cum all over those two cutie pie's faces in the back seat over there," she told her grandfather solemnly. "When they wake up, they'll be soooo surprised don't you think? And soooo happy to have your cream all over them...?"

"CUM ALL OVER THEIR FACES!!" Carrie screamed suddenly at her grandfather while the car slipped out of the view of the forward cameras. The side-looking cameras held focus momentarily, then the rear mounted ones...but it was no fun watching the car's rear end disappear in the distance.

Grandpa Jack sprayed his granddaughter's young face with a flood of pearly-white semen. Carrie held his cock so that a big splash of cum splashed on her forehead to dribble down her nose. Holding his cockhead against her right cheek, she felt him squirt another big gob there. She rubbed the end of his cock right across her pink lips and onto her left cheek so she could get some there too.

Grandpa Jack responded to his granddaughter's obscenities by spewing again, this time all over Carrie's upper chest. She rubbed his cock all around her cupcake-sized boobies, making sure her nipples were soaked in the obscene deluge and pumping her fist around Grandpa Jack's cock to see if he had any more. Beyond a little oozing, she was disappointed to see that he was utterly drained.

Grandpa Jack collapsed on his captain's chair, rotated it ninety degrees inside the vehicle, and contemplated his cum-soaked granddaughter. "My Lord, Carrie," he whispered. "You really are a godsend for an old man...."

The naked young girl smiled, leering up at her grandfather lasciviously. She giggled, the innocent sound seemed incongruous coming from her semen-smeared lips. A thought occurred to her.

"Where are those people going?" she asked. She jumped up and pressed a thoroughly slimed cheek to the side window. "You think we can catch up to them?" she asked. The sedan had disappeared from sight over the other side of a hill.

"I don't think so, honey," Grandpa Jack replied faintly, still recovering. "By the time we got to a turn-around and got back on the road to go in their direction, they'd be long gone."

"Yeah...," Carrie said glumly, agreeing with her grandfather's assessment.

"But they sure helped you cum like a fire hose, huh, Grandpa?" she said, recovering. She sat down in her grandfather's lap.

"They did that," he agreed, watching Carrie squeegee off a forefinger's load of cum off her left breast and pop it into her mouth. She opened her mouth wide to show him her tongue spreading the clump of cum all around her teeth and gums. She did the same with her right breast and began working on her cheeks. Grandpa Jack felt a little surge in his groin. He'd thought himself done for a while, but the innocently lewd young girl was bringing him back.

"Hey!" he complained when Carrie jumped up from his lap. "Where ya going?" he asked.

Carrie giggled. "Well...Daddy DID promise me an ass fuckin' when he was through with Alicia and Mom," she said. "I want to look at the road out the back while Daddy is fuckin' my butt and see if I can't find another mommy and some kids," she added.

"Oh...," Grandpa Jack replied, more than a little disappointed.

"Hmmmmm," a soft voice said from behind him. "So you don't think a little-girl blowjob is going to last you 'til we get to Joanne's, eh?"

Candace...who had gone by the nickname 'Candy' since she'd started having sex with her father, daughters...and all other comers...kissed her father's lips when he turned his head around to face her. Candy, as naked as her young daughter, turned the captain's chair with her dad in it around and hefted her left breast, offering the nipple for him to suck on for a moment.

"I don't see how I COULD last that long," Grandpa Jack said, quite honestly, when he came up for air.

"Well...we'll just have to see what we can do about that, won't we?" Candy said placidly. She bent over and sucked Grandpa Jack's burgeoning penis between her lips and quickly brought him back to full hardness. Rising, she turned around to push her asscheeks into her father's face. Obligingly, he kissed and gently nipped at the wonderfully rounded globes, making her sigh happily.

"You're so good to me, Daddy," she cooed. She leaned over, settling her butt on his lap. Rising a little, and reaching beneath herself, she took his cock in her hand and made a trough of her fingers to guide it into her cunt. He couldn't thrust very much, but he did what he could to seat his cock deep in his first-born daughter's hot cunt. Candy did the rest.

She began rising and falling on his cock, tensing her leg muscles and pushing herself up in the air with hands braced on the arms of the captain's chair...then releasing her body to jam his cock high up in her volcano-like vagina. She did it again, and again, and kept on going.

She was able to hold off her climax for quite a while, since she could distract herself watching the road and world outside. Her Dad was behind her in the chair, unable to see anything but the smooth skin of her naked back. When she felt Daddy's cum finally erupting deep inside her, she was ready to cum too. The hot magma drenched the walls of her vagina, forcing her to explode too. For a long moment, the two incestuous lovers jerked and shuddered together in the captain's chair, puppets dancing to an unheard cacophony.

"Soooo...," a mischievous voice intruded when the two subsided a little. "When do I get my turn at some highway fuckin'?" Alicia asked naughtily.

Grandpa Jack looked around to see his other granddaughter standing at his shoulder, her groin pooched forward and her right forefinger massaging an already reddened nubbin of a clit.

Candy giggled. Carefully, she rose, extricating her father's penis from her cum-saturated cunt. She turned around, slid the cushion Carrie had used over to where she was, and knelt there. "I won't be too long," she promised her other daughter, "just doin' a little cleanup, okay?"

Candy set to work cleaning off her father's cock with her tongue, taking lots of time to show him how much of their combined juices she was swallowing. She took a special care to suck his balls into her mouth and massage them with her tongue until he sighed out loud.

"Now what wasn't too long, was it?" Candy said smiling. "Grandpa's all yours...for a while," she said, as her other twelve-year-old daughter moved in.

Chapter Two

"Alright," Grandpa Jack said, wanting to restate the agreement they'd all made before departing home. The almost non-stop sex on the three-day road trip had been anticipated for that phase of the trip. But now, they were arriving in the city where Grandpa Jack's second-oldest daughter and her family lived. They'd be at Hamilton's in a few minutes.

"So, we're all agreed," Grandpa Jack continued, "no fucking, no sucking, no grab ass, no weird looks, nothing while we're here, right? We wait 'til we can get alone and secure, right? RIGHT?"

A chorus of half-hearted assents came from his granddaughters sitting behind him.

"But Grandpa Jack," Alicia complained. "Aunt Joanna is a hot looking babe...don't you think? And Julie? Don't you think she's a hottie, Grandpa Jack?" she said coaxingly. "And Stacey too," she added, naming both her girl cousins in the house just up ahead.

"An' I just KNOW Uncle Grady would be somethin' ELSE in the sack!" she said emphatically. Her eyes went distant at the thought of her muscular uncle.

"No...we don't think so," Candy said emphatically. "We aren't going to think about it at all, young lady.

"We've been fucking and sucking with the Pearsons and everyone...and now all of Old Jim's family...and I think we can get along for a while just being normal!"

"Normal?" the twins whined. "Who wants to be NORMAL?"

It was quiet in the motor home. The unnecessarily powerful diesel engine growled low as they went around a curve and started up a long hill. Grandpa Jack's number two daughter and her family lived up there in the foothills, only a few minutes away.

Their parents, Brett and Candace, looked at each other and shrugged. The agreement was in place, but nobody liked it...kind a' like the treaty that ended World War I....

* * *

Meeting the Hamiltons, Joanne and her husband Grady and all their children, went well right from the start. The value of the no-sex agreement was soon clear. Heck, family bonds of any kind, of all kinds, were important.

The twins quickly formed close attachments to their cousins Julie, fourteen and a half, and Stacey, who was twelve. Alicia and Carrie eyed their cousin Curtis from a distance, occasionally licking their lips and casting pleading looks at their parents, but there were no 'incidents' that might have happened if the twins were left to their own devices.

Joanne was a happy bundle of energy, and always had been. The grin on her face was the same one she'd worn since she was a baby. Lively and even mischievous at times, she was the literal 'life of the party,' and wanted everyone else to enjoy the same elation she felt every day. She and Candace had always been close, born only fourteen months apart, and they quickly bonded again.

Grandpa Jack had to count on his fingers...Candace was thirty-two, Joanne was thirty-one right now. Neither looked her age, and neither was acting like a thirty-something gal. If laughing and giggling in whispered conversations was any indication, they were little more than juveniles.

Grandpa Jack looked carefully at his two oldest daughters, comparing and contrasting. Both had jet-black hair. Joanne had dyed hers red at one time, but it was back to its normal shade. Grandpa Jack's ex-wife, their mother had had the same raven colored hair--'score one for the wicked witch of the west', Grandpa Jack thought, somethin' that was good about her.

Where Candy wore hers shoulder-length, Joanne's was cropped below her jawline and cut to follow the shape of her head. They both had their mother's dark eyes.

Grandpa Jack's daughters were about five-feet, five-inches, or thereabouts. There wasn't an ounce's difference in their big breasts--and neither set of jiggling boobs could actually be contained in a bra. Thoughtfully, neither woman was actually wearing a brassiere just now. Grandpa Jack appreciated that a lot.

Their strong, sculpted thighs and calves, trim ankles, and heart-shaped asses could make a strong man drool, and regularly did. His daughters' bodies made Grandpa Jack sweat bullets whenever he let his thoughts dwell on them. The girls didn't seem to have any idea what they were doing to their dad when they bent over like that. Well, Candy did know, but that didn't explain all the sly looks he kept getting from her....

On the third day, Joanne's husband, Grady, had to go out of town on a business trip. It would only be the one night, and he apologized for at least an hour because he did have to leave. He was concerned his father-in-law would think Grady was being rude. By the time he left, he'd apologized so many times, Grandpa Jack was almost happy to see him go, just to have a little peace.

* * *

Feeling a little guilty about the way Grady's apologies wore on him, Grandpa Jack volunteered to drive Grady to the airport for the redeye flight in Grady's own car, enduring twenty more minutes of apologies, and enjoying twenty more minutes of blissful silence on the way back to Joanne's. It was wonderful, and when he got back, the house was dark. Everyone had apparently gone to bed.

Joanne's house wasn't the roomiest in the world, and they just didn't have enough room for five guests. So Grandpa Jack slept in his motor home's comfortable bedroom. Twice, he was joined out there by one or more of Candace's family--the bus would sleep everyone comfortably, if it came to that--but they were careful to honor the proprieties, just in case.

After dropping Grady off, Grandpa Jack climbed the steps up into the RV's cab humming a contented little tune. He made his way back to the king-sized bed at the rear in its tiny bedroom. He was going to turn on the wall-mounted flat screen in the bedroom and play some video from the trip up here. It wasn't as good as having Candy or her daughters in bed with him, but it would do in a pinch.

He didn't bother turning on the lights. He knew every turn and sharp corner in the motor home and could navigate quite well in pitch blackness. When he made his way to the bedroom, he heard someone move in the darkness.

Someone slipped off the bed and came toward him slowly, unthreateningly. She...from the first touch, it was abundantly clear this was a big-breasted woman in front of him...wound her arms around Grandpa Jack's neck and pressed her body against his. She pressed her naked body against his....

"I thought we agreed," he murmured into Candy's ear, nuzzling her neck and planting butterfly kisses over her shoulders. "Weren't we going to hold off for as long as we were here?" he asked.

His breath caught in his throat when Candy expertly unzipped his fly and delivered his penis into the night. Her smooth hands manipulated his cock, her fingers coaxing the foreskin over the head of his cock and stroking his shaft gently. Without saying a word in her defense, Candy knelt and took her father into her mouth for a long, slurping exploration of his prick and the egg-sized balls in their sack.

Grandpa Jack's half-hearted protest disappeared. His breath quickened, his pulse started pounding. He pulled his T-shirt over his head while Candy stripped his pants off and yanked his shoes and socks off. He was naked in seconds.

Still in darkness, Candy shuffled backwards until the back of her knees touched the edge of the bed. She sat and scooted her ass backward on the satin sheets, still grasping her father's cock and using her handhold to haul him forward on top of her. She sighed heavily.

Bracing the bottom of her feet strongly on the mattress, she pulled her knees up and let them fall to the sides, opening her body up for her father's incestuous assault. Candy moaned when she felt Grandpa Jack's cockhead touch her already wettened outer labia. Adjusting her lower body, she pulled her father into her vagina, groaning with every inch deeper he plunged.

Grandpa Jack parked his knees so they almost touched Candy's ass cheeks. With his body half erect instead of laying atop his daughter, he braced his hands near Candy's shoulders. Grandpa Jack drove inward until he felt Candy's soft labia touching the smooth skin of his groin.

He rotated his hips around in a tight circle, and then back in the opposite direction, drove forward again...until he was rewarded with the sensation of bottoming out in his daughter's cunt. He could feel her cervix, and heard her sudden gasp. In a moment, her body had adjusted, and there was room.

Grandpa Jack rammed his cock as deep as he could. He was balls-deep in his hot-bodied daughter and he loved fucking her. Her sheath was furnace-hot and drenched in the sticky-slick honey her vagina produced for him.

In only seconds, he worked up to a strong rhythm that was pounding his big cock as deep inside Candy as he'd ever been. He loved having sex with the young girls participating in the lifestyle, but sometimes a man just needed to slam it to a full-grown woman without the need to be very careful.

Moments later, the two incestuous sex partners came hard. Little cries of passion and ecstasy echoed around the small bedroom. Sweaty and exhausted, Grandpa Jack fell off to the side and lay on his back beside Candy, waiting for his breath to come back to him and his blood pressure to ease.

"ThankyouDaddy!" Candy said in a cheerful, singsong voice in the darkness.

Grandpa Jack grinned at the dark ceiling. And then the grin faded. That phrase was one his daughter had used from the time she'd learned to talk...and how to twist her father around her little finger. hadn't been CANDY who'd used those words.

Grandpa Jack reached to turn on a small table lamp on the headboard.

"Hi, Daddy," Joanne cooed. "Surprise!" she said, giggling at the expression on his face.

* * *

Not a minute later, while Grandpa Jack was still trying to adjust to the idea that he'd now fucked TWO of his daughters, he heard someone opening the main door and felt a rocking motion. Grandpa Jack had locked the door behind him, but all the Winstons' fingerprints were on file for the security system.

When Candy walked into the back bedroom where he and Joanne waited, she was already as nude as her father and sister, having discarded her nightgown and robe in the living room. "Hi, Daddy," Candy greeted him. "Hi, Sis," she said, bending low to kiss Joanne on the lips.

She inspected the sheets before going around and slipping down onto the bed on her father's other side. "You guys made the wet spot," she said matter-of-factly to her sister, "you lay in it."

She grinned. "I don't mind usually, but we're going to have to have a little talk with our darling Daddy, huh?"

"Well, only if he won't get his thing hard again and fuck me again," Joanne replied. She giggled. She fluffed the pillows against the headboard and lay back, her legs spread a little, not hiding her outer labia from her father's gaze. Scooping a little fluid from her soaked pussy lips, she wet her right nipple and pinched it lightly, rubbing it between thumb and forefinger. "Mmmmm, see how hard my nipple gets, Daddy? You can kiss it if you want to, Daddy." She smiled mischievously into her father's shocked face.

Grandpa Jack was recuperating though. Candy and Joanne had always been close, they were a lot alike physically, and not so very different in temperament. He looked from one side to the other for a long moment, half-wondering when the other shoe was going to fall. He lay back, his left palm settling over Joanne's slippery outer lips and his right over Candy's.

"He's over it!" Candy declared. She laughed. Using her own hand to press her father's middle finger into her pussy, she wiggled her hips around, cuddling a little tighter against her him.

"Daddy, dear...," Candy said seductively, "did you ever know that the slut on the other side of you and I did some awfully nasty, naughty things with each other when we were young? Hmmmm, did you, Daddy?"

He did not, but his mind was instantly filled with a vision of the two doing a hot sixty-nine. He didn't know they actually did that, but the image was a fiery one. He licked his lips.

"No," he said hoarsely. "What did you do...?"

Candy giggled. She was holding the hardening stem of her father's cock in her hand. She waggled the head around obscenely, inviting Joanne's attention.

"We did pretty much everything," Joanne assured her father. Her hand dove under her sister's to cup Grandpa Jack's rapidly filling balls.

"Well, everything that two horny girls can do alone," she added. "We didn't do boys together," she said thoughtfully, "or do the same boy together, 'cause we didn't want to get pregnant." She shifted around on the bed.

"We're not scared of boys now," she said, giggling. She kissed the head of her father's cock when her sister obligingly held him still and straight up.

"Are we?" she asked Candy. Her sister shook her head. "Huh-uh," Candy replied. "Not a bit." The conversation failed for a while; the girls were busy working their father's dick back to the consistency of a length of rebar, and it didn't take long.

"Know what I wanta do?" Candy asked breathlessly. The other two looked at her expectantly. "I want to eat Daddy's cum outta you, while Daddy fucks me doggy style," Candy explained. "His cum tastes soooo good, and I remember that you do too," Candy added, "soooo...."

The incestuous trio scrambled around, adjusting their positions a couple of times, finally winding up with Joanne spread obscenely across the sheets--Grandpa Jack appreciated the lewd sight a LOT.

Candy was between her sister's legs, bending over and tonguing her sister's labia with Grandpa Jack behind her sliding his cock into Candy's cunt and thrusting more strongly and faster with every passing moment.

Having already cum once, Grandpa Jack could hold his orgasm back for a long while. Candy came almost at once, squealing an enraptured scream into Joanne's cunt, and Grandpa Jack slowed his tempo for a while, but he didn't stop. A few minutes later, he was ramming his cock into Candy's vagina with renewed energy, forcing her body to climb a new slope to another climax.

This time Candy had no breath for a scream. Her face lay on Joanne's lower belly, shuddering and trembling her way through her second orgasm in ten minutes. Joanne absent-mindedly patted Candy's cheek as waves of sensation rippled up and down her own abdomen. She whimpered when Candy blew out a long breath, the touch of the air too intense for her super-sensitized skin.

"Oh, Daddy...," Joanne whispered. "Where have you BEEN??"

* * *

After the girls gigglingly shared Grandpa Jack's cock for a long blowjob that had his guts tied up in knots for an eternity, Joanne began gathering her nightgown and slippers together. She'd stored them in Grandpa Jack's closet when she came out to the motor home to surprise her father.

"About time we sneaked back in, Sis," Joanne remarked smelling her fingers and grinning at the odor of a man and two women's juices all over them. "I'm gonna need TWO showers to get all this off me!"

"God, this was fun," she added. She sat back down on the edge of the bed. "I never did anything with anyone else since I've been married to Grady," she said moodily. "I'm not sorry about doing this, Daddy, but I'm going to have to make it up to Grady somehow." Her face grew fretful.

"Well, it's kind of special, you know?" Candy offered. "Doing it with your Daddy? Like it's outside all the normal rules, kinda...."

"I don't know...," Joanne replied, her lips twisting. "Well, we'll figure something out, right?" she said, standing.

"Coming, Sis?"

When Candy didn't move from where she lay beside Grandpa Jack, Joanne looked at her questioningly. She cocked her head to one side, with some memories suddenly blossoming in her mind. It finally struck her. Daddy hadn't been shocked to find a woman in his bed waiting for him. He'd only been surprised it was Joanne, not Candy! She cocked her head to the side. And there'd been other clues, if only she hadn't been too consumed with lust to hear what Candy'd been saying.

"OH-MY-GOD!! You two have been doing this, for how long?" she said, her face still. She wasn't quite shocked--but she'd thought she and her sister had concocted a single evening's raunchy entertainment on the spur of the moment. Candy hadn't SAID that was so, but she'd never what Joanne now knew Candy and their father were doing on a regular basis.

Joanne sat heavily on the bed, adjusting to the new information. A thought struck her. "Your husband--knows?" she asked, her voice a little shrill in her disbelief.

Candy nodded soberly, watching Joanne for signs she wasn't going to take this well. Joanne's hands twisted in her lap.

"Candace," Joanne asked slowly. Grandpa Jack wondered what this return to a name Joanne hadn't used all night really meant. Could be a bad sign...or nothing.

"Candace," Joanne began again, "where's Brett tonight...I mean, where's he at right NOW?" she insisted.

"Probably still balls deep inside Alicia or Carrie," Candy replied steadily. She used her hands to boost herself higher on the pillows beneath her head. Grandpa Jack remained motionless, afraid any movement he made would create a crisis.

"When and I...made the decision to come out here, Brett and I figured the agreement Grandpa Jack and all of us made not to have sex while we were here was a dead issue," she added. Joanne fixed her attention on only one part of what Candy said.

"Ohmigod!" she whispered into the silence. "Your husband is actually...having sex with your daughters? Oh my sweet Jesus"

"You mean like you and I were just doing, sister, dear? Like fucking OUR daddy??" Candy asked dryly, getting a little nettled. "We fucked and sucked OUR daddy--Alicia and Carrie are fucking and sucking THEIR daddy," she remarked.

"You kinda see a little symmetry, there, sister, dear?"

Joanne had the good grace to blush, but she wasn't through yet. "But they're only children. We're all grown up and...."

"Bull shit," Candy shot back, finally annoyed enough to resort to stronger language. "Honey child," she said scathingly, "I'm damn sure you remember when we were kids, you told me one night when we were too horny to sleep that you'd just LOVE it if Daddy came into our room and climbed into bed with us, don't you!"

Joanne flushed a deeper shade of pink.

"Remember?" Candy continued. "You said you wanted his big ol' cock shoved in so deep in your mouth that he'd touch your tonsils...REMEMBER, little sister?"

The redness rose from Joanne's neck to engulf her ears and threatened her forehead.

"Really?" Grandpa Jack said interestedly. "When did all this happen?" Joanne's face was completely red now.

"We were...well, I was twelve and Joanne was almost eleven," Candy answered. She'd had to think about it for a moment. Memories were flighty things sometimes.

"REALLY!!" Grandpa Jack exclaimed. "Hmmmm...." he added, settling back with a thoughtful expression on his face. "You guys were that...uh...mature that you were thinking of those things way back then, huh?" he asked.

"Before that!" Candy answered shortly.

"Ahhhh...," was all Grandpa Jack could say. His mind was filled with all sorts of images, some of them repressed, and some of them not.

"Before you were eleven and twelve, eh?" he said musingly. He was silent for a moment. "Ten?" There was no response. "Eight, maybe?" he asked interestedly.

"I think it was around then...or maybe sooner," Joanne whispered. She was trying to treat this as a normal conversation, one in which she had nothing to hide, and it was forcing out information she hadn't actually meant to reveal.

"Seven or eight!" Grandpa Jack said with satisfaction. "So it wasn't so unusual that Alicia and Carrie wanted to get it on with me when they were that age, was it?" he asked rhetorically.

Joanne gasped again. Candy looked annoyed. Joanne's responses were getting a little old.

"Oh my...," Joanne said, almost under her breath. She looked at Grandpa Jack reproachfully. "You have sex with those sweet little girls??" she accused.

"Damn right he does," Candy said vigorously. "And does a good job of it too," she added. "Just like he fucked two sweet girls named Candy and Joanne...not more'n a few minutes ago," she continued, spreading the irony deep.

"Alicia and Carrie haven't been so happy in their LIVES, as they have since we all have been having sex!!" Candy looked defiantly at her sister. "And with our FRIENDS too!!"

Grandpa Jack wasn't that comfortable with Candy's last statement. He didn't think Joanne was ready for the news about the families who gathered at his campground on a regular basis. Candy was conveniently forgetting how she'd repressed the same urges for taboo sex until the intervention her 'adopted' sister helped plan.

Joanne looked at her hands in her lap. They were trying to hold each other but couldn't seem to find a handle. Her body tensed. She paid no attention to the memory that she'd begun wondering about sex when she was seven. She forgot she'd just fucked her father, and then had sex again, with her big sister, in the same bed.

Joanne glared fiercely into her father's eyes.

"You came here to fuck my little girls too!" she said, clearly outraged. She stood up angrily. "I got news for ya, buster. Not MY girls!!" she cried. The room was silent for a long moment.

"Actually, we agreed amongst all of us," Grandpa Jack said in what he hoped was a calm voice, pitching it low. "We agreed we wouldn't have any sexual contact while we were here," he continued. "Until I fucked you a little while ago, I assumed everything was going to be strictly platonic and above board," he added.

"I didn't know you were going to get in my bed, naked and so horny your cunt was already dripping, and then fuck my brains out...AND let your big sister eat my cum outta your cunt," he said wryly.

Joanna's face paled when she understood her father and her sister's daughter's undercover relationship, but it reddened again. She couldn't refute a word her father said. She HAD been horny, she HAD wanted her father's cock inside her...and she HAD wanted it all those years ago too. She looked down at her lap in confusion, still wringing her hands.

"Would you PLEASE stop that?" Candy ordered. "You're going to sprain a finger or something if you don't," she added. She let a mischievous frown cross her face. "Can you sprain a finger?" she asked Grandpa Jack.

Grandpa Jack shrugged. His face said he didn't have a clue.

Candy chuckled...and surprisingly, Joanne joined in. She made her intertwining fingers lay still.

"I guess it's not so bad," she admitted. "They surely don't seem to be...abused or anything," she continued.

"But my girls, and Curtis...they really aren't like Alicia and Carrie are," she said.

"Who said anything about Curtis?" Candy asked slyly. "Did you say 'Curtis', Daddy?...'I' didn't say 'Curtis'...I think I'd know if I said anything about wanting to see if Curtis would like some Aunt Candy pussy. I'd know that, wouldn't I, Daddy?"

Joanne was clearly startled. "Well,"

Joanne didn't see her father grinning. Candy was a pretty fair country psychologist...AND she'd argue with a stump 'til the cows came home....

Candy shook her head. "Nope! Never said his name," she said confidently. She looked at her sister. "So...we know it must be that Curtis is on YOUR mind, sister, dear...don't we, hmmmmmmmmm?" she asked roguishly.

Joanne's face flamed.

"Maybe a little?" Candy continued.

For the first time in several long minutes, she reached for Grandpa Jack's cock and began slowly jacking it up and down. "It wouldn't be as big as Daddy's is," Candy said speculatively. "But he's pretty husky for a thirteen-year-old boy. Probably has a nice cock for a boy, hmmmmmm?" she asked.

Joanne couldn't have spoken if a simple phrase would've guaranteed her all the gold in Fort Knox.

"Well?" Candy asked. "Is Curtis' weenie kind of like a short Slim Jim, honey?" she asked Joanne. "Or more like a Tootsie Roll...or maybe a little fatter?" she asked. Grandpa Jack's cock was standing tall and hard under Candy's ministrations. "But not as fat as Daddy's, right?"

Joanne nodded distantly. It didn't seem she was actually thinking of Candy's question, but....

Candy pounced!.

"HAH!" she squealed triumphantly. "You HAVE been checking him out!!" she exclaimed.

Joanne's face set new records for redness...and panic.

"No," she said, "I haven't," she said forcefully. But then her native sense of fairness intruded. She swallowed hard. " accident," she offered.

Candy sneered cheerfully. "Accidentally on purpose!" she said dismissively. She waited only a second. "Soooo, longer than a Slim Jim? Fatter than a Tootsie Roll?" she asked interestedly.

Grandpa Jack stayed silent. Ideas and attitudes were changing here tonight. He was quietly surprised the direction things were taking, and how they'd gotten to where they were.

"Uh-huh," Joanne whispered softly.

"Uh-huh...what?" Candy asked stridently. "Can't hear you, Sis," she said.

Joanne nodded. "Uh-huh," she repeated faintly, redness sliding like mercury in a thermometer up the side of her face again.

"What 'Uh-huh' did you mean?" Candy demanded relentlessly. "Fatter than a Tootsie Roll?"

Joanne nodded after a second. Then nodded more strongly. "Bigger...thicker...yes," she ventured.

"Now we're gettin' somewhere...," Candy growled, her eyes flashing with renewed lust. Her hands massaged Grandpa Jack's cock and gently fondled his ball sack. She bent over and kissed the tip of her father's penis.

Joanne's eyes were drawn to the sight. She licked her lips. For the first time in a long while, her hands were really quiet in her lap. Both Candy and Grandpa Jack could see Joanne's nipples were hardening again. Her face was still flushed, but it was from excitement, not embarrassment now.

"Honey," Candy said to her sister, "you won't BELIEVE how tasty a young teenage boy's cock is 'til you've had one in your mouth. They're so smooth and tender and they want it soooooooo much," she continued enthusiastically. "And they're hard ALL the time," she added.

"Ahhhh...," Joanne tried to find a way to ask delicately. Candy didn't have any sons, so....


"We'll fill you in later," Candy told her sister lightly. "But honey, right now, even with you covered with Daddy's cum and my pussy juice, I can smell how hot you're getting, just sittin' there," she said. "Before you leave, you really need a nice, big, hard ol' daddy-cock inside you again," she offered invitingly.

"Don't you think so, Daddy?" she asked.

"Absolutely!" Grandpa Jack responded. His left hand reached out, tugging at Joanne's light robe, and the underlying nightgown. They didn't have to do much coaxing.

In seconds, Joanne was naked again. She threw a leg over her father's body and guided his hard-on inside her slimy cunt for another round of incestuous fucking.

With Candy nibbling at her nipples and stroking her body, it wasn't long before Joanne was cumming hard on her daddy's cock. Then the sisters changed places and did it again with Daddy's cock inside Candy.

* * *

It was in the inky darkness just before dawn that Candy and Joanne sneaked back into the house, careful not to awaken any of Joanne's children as they tiptoed by their rooms. A few minutes after they'd successfully navigated their way to their bedrooms, Candy had to walk her naked, cum-smeared, and thoroughly exhausted daughters back to the room Joanne had set aside for them. They'd still been in bed with their father. The girls and their father had fallen asleep after a marathon, but desperately quiet, sex session. Brett had satisfied both girls while their mother and aunt had serviced Grandpa Jack outside in the motor home.

Candy hoped the girls had thoroughly washed their father's cum off their bodies and faces before they tumbled into their own beds, but when she reflected on the issue just before dropping into a deep sleep herself, she didn't really care much if they did or not. If Joanne's kids noticed, and knew what the scummy film all over was the twins' bodies, it would probably just speed up events a little bit.

She could say that because somewhere in the overnight hours filled with sex between the two grown sisters and their father, she knew Joanne had come around to the idea of Joanne's children and husband being included in the new lifestyle her sister had introduced her to.

Chapter Three

No one got up early the next morning. If left to their own devices, kids on their summer break will naturally sleep until hunger wakes them, of course. And today, all the adults were too worn out to care the time for brunch, much less breakfast, had come and gone.

Grandpa Jack was actually the first up and, noting the time and the fact that neither of his daughters was awake and fixing some vittles, he called for some Chinese delivery and settled down to watch TV for a while. His lips curled into a happy smile every time he thought about the night before.

Thirteen-year-old Curtis was the first to notice something had changed. Still yawning, Curtis was about to enter the upstairs hallway bathroom when his mother walked up behind him.

"Mornin' sugar," Joanne said, casually wrapping her arms around her son's body from behind and hugging him tight. Curtis was shirtless, so he clearly felt his mother's big breasts squash against his back. Shocked, Curtis didn't move a muscle, even when his mother fastened the top button on his jeans and buckled his belt for him, as she'd done for him when he was a toddler.

"Got to remember we have guests, honey," Joanne murmured in Curtis' ear. "Don't want to seem too eager to 'Licia and Carrie, right?" She traced a line of little kisses down Curtis' left neck and shoulder, leaving her hands where they'd ended up after threading his belt through its buckle.

She gently pulled Curtis' body back against hers and slipped her hands a couple of inches down the front of his legs. Mom'd NEVER done that before. Heck, she'd never done any of this before.

"Grandpa Jack ordered us some Chinese takeout and it just got here," Joanna said. "Get washed up and come on down while it's still hot, okay?" she said. With a highly unusual pat to his butt cheeks with both hands...or was it a squeeze? She slipped around her son and strode off down the hallway.

Dumbfounded, Curtis turned in a half-circle, moving his whole body instead of just his head, to watch her. His jaw dropped when mom caught his eye and winked at him before bouncing happily down the stairs.

The young teen boy looked down at his belly, where his mother's hands had been only moments earlier. He thought he could still feel the warmth where they'd slid from his belt down lower.

He knew his posture was silly. Standing there in the deserted hallway, looking down at himself. On the other hand, he'd awakened with a hard-on, he'd put his pants on with a hard-on, and he'd made his way to the bathroom with a hard-on, and now his hard-on was even bigger and stronger than ever, thanks to Mom!

There was a tap on his right shoulder. He straightened as quickly as he could and turned in that direction.

"Standing there LOOKIN' at it? Seriously, Curt?" his big sister Julie asked derisively.

Curtis tried to defend himself, but no words came to mind.

Julie used his disorientation to slip around him on the other side and was even now shutting the bathroom door in his face. But just before the door closed completely, Curtis had the satisfaction of seeing his older sister's eyes widen in surprise when her gaze drifted down to the crotch of his blue jeans.

It made him feel better during the long wait for her to come out.

* * *

Joanne's husband got home in the early afternoon. The seminar he'd been scheduled folded up after multiple cancellations from other potential participants and he'd caught an earlier flight. His abrupt appearance caught Joanne by surprise, and her self-confidence drained away almost as quickly as did the blood from her face when he came in the front door unannounced. She recovered enough to be able to interact with him for a while, but it was only a show.

"Honey, you need anything at the mall?" Joanne asked nervously. Her husband was unpacking the few items he'd taken in the overnight case. Joanne sat down...fell down on the edge of the bed, her hands nervously working in her lap.

Her posture was correct--back straight, head up, shoulders back--but the fact that it was so perfect told a story. That she was licking her lips, trying to moisten them enough to say something was another clue.

"Soooo...what'd y'all do last night?" Grady asked casually. He was studiously not watching his wife, but his peripheral vision was good enough that he saw her entire flinch.

"Hmmmm?" he asked, reinforcing his question. He gazed at his hand as it put his favorite cufflinks back in their place on the top of the bureau while watching Joanne from the corner of his vision.

"My sister," Joanne began huskily, her hands clinched tight. "My sister...I...we...we drank some wine...and talked...we drank some wine...."

"You said that," Grady remarked casually. "Drank some wine, eh? Did Candace remember you can't hold your liquor worth a darn," he said in a smiling voice. He turned to put his handkerchiefs in the top bureau drawer.

"What else did ya do?"

Joanne's knuckles were white. "We...well...honey, you know I love you to sister...we did...we drank some wine...and we...." She couldn't finish.

Grady had turned around now, looking at his wife curiously. "You and your sister...what, honey?"

"We...Grady, honey, I told you about me and my sister...when we were young...remember?"

He had to think. They'd been married a little less than fourteen years--Joanne hadn't wanted to be married with her belly pushing out a long way in front of her with her first baby--so it took him a while to do even a perfunctory scan in his mind of the things Joanne had told him about her sister. His eyes widened.

"Oh...OHHHH," he breathed into the silence of the bedroom. "Well...I'll be damned," he said.

Joanne looked up for the first time in a couple of minutes. She knew her husband, or thought she did. He didn't sound even vaguely upset. More like he was just marveling at the idea.

"So, you and Candace got a little tipsy and thing led to another...and y'all did some more 'experimenting' huh?" Grady's eyes weren't quite focused on his wife as his mind supplied more than a few images of a naked Candace and his wife at play.

"Uhhhh," he ventured. "Don't want you to take this the wrong way, hon," he said, "but did you take any pictures or anything?" His voice was hopeful.

"GRADY!!" Joanne said, utterly shocked at her husband's question...and at the attitude behind it. She'd never suspected....

"Okay, okay," Grady said placatingly. His hands waved off the question. The grin on his face didn't die though. He turned back to the nearly empty suitcase.

"You aren't mad at me?" Joanne asked in a strangled voice.

"Nah," Grady answered shortly. He toyed with the idea of being 'upset' she hadn't taken any pics again but he discarded the impulse. Joanne was still distressed by something and it behooved Grady to find out what it was before he made any more jokes.

"Ya know?" Grady remarked, "I'm only surprised that it took this long for you and your sister to...reconnect? it were," he told her. He thought another moment, retrieved his shaving kit and marched it into their bathroom.

"I guess I'm only shocked that you didn't do something with your dad, seeing as how you girls were all by yourself and all."

The dead silence from the bedroom was a palpable force in the two rooms. Grady cocked his head to one side when Joanne didn't reply immediately, turned back and peeked around the doorway at his wife. His wife was sitting forlornly on the edge of the bed and twisting her fingers about each other.

"Honey?" Grady asked.

Joanne burst into tears that rolled down her cheeks. Bawling, she threw herself face down on the bed.

Grady sat down beside her on the bed, and began stroking his wife's back and shoulders.

"I'm so sorry," Joanne whimpered, when her sobs subsided enough to speak. "I'm soooo very sorry, Grady. I did something terrible with my father," she admitted.

"Hmmmm...?" Grady said, to encourage more. His hands never stopped massaging his wife's back.

"I had...I...we had some wine...I had...." She couldn't finish.

"...Some hot, sweaty, monkey sex with your father...?" Grady asked helpfully.

Joanne froze. Put that way, it should have sounded like an indictment from an angry husband. What the mental image drawn by Grady's words REALLY did was evoke something fiery and awfully, awfully satisfying in her cunt. She fought the impulse down.

"I...I," Joanne tried to speak. She summoned all her will power and made a final push. "YES!" she forced out.

"Yes, Candy teased me and dared me...and was all dark and he thought it was Candy...and then Candy came in...and.... Oh God, can you ever forgive me, darling. I promise...."

Grady didn't say anything for a space.



"Will you forgive me? there any chance...for us?" Joanne said hesitantly.

"Hmmmm...? Oh sure, honey, Grady said absentmindedly. He saw an opening to lower the stress level here. "You're forgiven...but honey, every cell phone in the family can take pictures. I really think you could have at least taken SOME...."

Joanne's body convulsed. She turned face up to stare at her husband.

"God DAMN IT, Grady!" she hissed through clinched teeth. "There aren't any fuckin' pictures! Are you LISTENING to what I'm telling you?!!"

Her husband was smiling...STILL.

It infuriated Joanne. It pissed her off even more when Grady rolled on top of her upper body and captured one of her wrists in each hand. She struggled for a moment, but Grady was much too strong for her to escape if he didn't want her to.

"Ready to listen, honey?" Grady asked calmly. Since she only glared and stopped trying to get away, he assumed she was. "Look...sugar...we've been married for a long time and we were together for a while before that, right? He smiled tenderly down at her.

"Honey, I've ALWAYS known the quickest way to get you hotter'n a two-dollar pistol was to just whisper in your ear...." He leaned close to her ear.

"Who's your Daddy?" he growled suggestively.

Joanne swallowed hard. Even here and now, when she was trying to confess, Grady's question stirred something inside her again, something hot and gooey and thrilling.

That didn't keep her from staring daggers at Grady though. "What are you saying, Grady?" she asked acidly.

Grady chuckled, not intimidated by Joanne's frostiness. "I'm saying...dear've had the hots for your father since before we were married...and probably a long time before, if I had to guess...and I always knew it!"

He paused to gauge his wife's reaction. "I'm only a little shocked that you never did it...screwed him...before now," he said cheerfully. "I THOUGHT I gave you enough opportunity last time he came to visit," he remarked. He let go of her hands and leaned on his elbow, looking down at her. "Guess it wasn't the right time, huh?"

Joanne relaxed back on the bed and covered her eyes with a forearm to blot out the world while she thought.

"You're really not mad?" she asked at length.

"Nope," he replied. "Well...maybe a little," he corrected himself. He waited.

"A little?" Joanne asked.

"Yeah...well, you COULD have taken a few pictures or used the new digital camcorder, ya know? I mean...we GOT it for special occasions, right?"

"You sonofabitch!" Joanne said caustically. But she was smiling underneath her forearm. "Nex' time I'll do nothing BUT take pictures, if that's what you want," she told him.

"That's my girl!" Grady said approvingly.

Joanne pulled him down on top of her and they kissed. Grady hadn't said a word about this thing never happening again, or else; in fact, he seemed to accept that there would be a next time.

"Soooo," Grady said thoughtfully. "Ya think Candace only likes daddies...or could she be convinced...?" It was a test.

Joanne stiffened, then relaxed. She took a couple of deep breaths. A life without inhibitions took a little to get used to.

"Yes, dear husband," she said, "CANDY, not Candace, will fuck your brains out," she told him.

"Cool!" Grady said approvingly. A thought occurred to him. "But where's Brett in all this?"

Joanne watched him, a little pensively. She remembered her reactions to certain things last night. Grady had already surprised her this afternoon.

"Well...I...well, first off, he's okay with it." Joanne said first.

"Very cool," Grady said enthusiastically. "Open marriages and like that, huh?"

"Ahhhh...yeah, something like that," Joanne said hesitantly.

"Mmmmm?" Grady asked, hearing the reservation in her voice.


Husband and wife turned into pillars of salt for a second. No, they weren't cumming, but give them a minute or two....

They didn't immediately recognize Candy's voice, breaking in as it did so abruptly into their conversation, but after a second.... Joanne rose from the bed and began straightening her hair and smoothing her blouse and shorts. Grady watched approvingly. He'd already noticed his wife's braless titties and he liked the sway and bounce very much.

"I'LL BE OUT IN A SEC," Joanne called. "I gotta go," she told her husband in a lower voice. "We'll talk more when I get back, okay?" she said, gathering up her purse and slipping on some sandals. She made her way to the door and opened it. Just before shutting it behind her to give Grady some privacy, she hesitated. She stuck her head back around the door.

"Grady, honey," she said quietly.

"Hmmmm?" he said. He was laying back on the bed, thinking warm thoughts about his wife and sister-in-law.

"About Brett?" Joanne asked.

"Mmmmm huh?"

"Well, sugar...while Candy and I were monkey sex with our Daddy...?"

Grady smiled and waited.

"Brett...was having hot monkey sex with HIS two daughters," Joanne concluded, closing the door before a stunned Grady could ask any questions.

She walked quickly down the hall to where her sister and her own children waited in the living room.

"Jesus...H...Christ!!" Grady breathed in a disbelieving voice back in the bedroom he shared with Joanne.

* * *

Grady's cell phone rang a few minutes later. He fumbled it out of its holster on his belt.

"Honey," Joanne said brightly into his ear, when he finally answered." Background noise told Grady his wife was outside. A car door closed.

"Hmmmm?" Grady answered, still dazed by his wife's revelation about his brother-in-law and the two sexy twins...a term he hadn't actually used, even in his mind, to describe the young girls.

"I had a minute with Brett on the way out, honey, and he and his girls decided they aren't going to the mall with us, okay? They'll be staying there with you...." She paused. "Grady? GRADY? Are you there, honey?" Joanne asked.

"Yeah," he answered hoarsely. "I'm here."

"Is that okay with you?" Joanne asked.

Grady sensed the hidden message in her question. He knew his answer long before his cautious side let him speak.

"Yeah...I'm okay with it," he said gutturally.

"Well...okay then," Joanne said after a short pause. The hidden message had been understood, and answered. She found she was okay with 'it' also.

"Grady?" she said before he could hang up.


Joanne's voice quieted. Evidently some nearby ears weren't cleared for what she was about to say.

"Grady...honey," she said merrily, "don't forget to take some pictures, okay?"

* * *

Grady was still sitting on the edge of his and his wife's bed when there was knock at the door. He tensed. He'd been pretty sure what was coming but....

"Yes?" he called out in a surprisingly steady voice.

"Grady?" his brother-in-law answered. "All right if we come in?" Brett asked in a calm tone.

It took Grady two tries. "Sure," he croaked, at last.

The door opened leisurely, agonizingly slow in its progress. Grady tried to breathe but his throat was too tight.

Around the edge of the door stepped a blonde vision of pubescent the form of a stark naked Alicia Winston. An equally nude Carrie followed her, or maybe it was Carrie first and Alicia second...Grady didn't know. The girls had their hair up in long corn rows that hung down to brush their shoulders a la Bo Derek for their trip to the mall, but the effect they knew they'd have caused on passersby there worked just as well on their uncle here.

Their cupcake sized young breasts were capped with hard ruby-colored nipples poking holes in the air. They jiggled just the teensiest little bit with each step the girls took. Their hands were comfortably at their sides; they had nothing to hide. They girls loved exposing themselves.

They walked gracefully, side by side toward their Uncle Grady. Their bodies flowed so smoothly...their smooth skin was a light shade of tan all over. There was only a faint curvature from their waist over their hips. He could see the gently flexing of firm muscles in creamy thighs as they minced their way toward him. A stray thought wafted its way through his mind; if Bo was a ten, either one of these girls was a twelve or a twenty, or maybe a zillion.

"Oh my God!" Grady whispered to himself.

"You like, Uncle Grady?" Alicia, or was it Carrie, asked softly, smiling. Her eyes dropped to the building bulge in his pants. "Oh, you do!" she cooed seductively.

They reached him as he sat on the bed. Each grabbing an arm, they pulled him to his feet and, without words, began stripping his clothes off. It took only seconds. They stepped back, looking behind them at the doorway.

"Soooo," their father asked, "which one of these slutty little angels do you want first, Grady?"

Grady could only stare. He was naked now, and so was Brett. How'd he miss that when his brother-in-law came in? It wasn't that Grady hadn't seen a nude man before. There were plenty of dangling penises in the locker room at the gym, but nobody there had a hard-on...and Brett was clearly as hard as a rock. His prick was standing out proudly...but Grady realized his was too.

How could it be otherwise in the presence of the young girls. What had Brett called them? Slutty angels. The girls showed no dismay at the lewdness. They smiled mischievously, happy to be the sluts their father said they were. Grady pointed with his right hand helplessly, not knowing how to answer.

"Okay, Alicia, it is," Brett said enthusiastically. "A fine choice, may I say," he said facetiously, plainly not intimidated at all by the unusual circumstances.

"Yes," Grady said hoarsely. "Alicia."

Alicia slipped up to Grady again, standing on her tiptoes to kiss her uncle's lips. Her right hand slipped down his belly. She got a grasp on his burgeoning hard-on, holding it like one holds a hand tool. She gently jacked his cock, holding the kiss and deepening it.

She thrust her tongue deep into her uncle's mouth, search out and then dueling with Grady's tongue, flicking at it and curling back to entice him to return the favor. Grady was quickly getting over the idea that having sex with such a young girl might be wrong.

He cupped Alicia's right breast and gently squeezed, massaging and molding it in his hand. Her small nipples hardened under his touch. He bent low to suck the lovely pencil-eraser sized nubbin into his mouth, wetting it thoroughly before twirling it between thumb and forefinger.

Alicia sucked in her breath and began masturbating Grady more vigorously. She looked back at her father. "He's gettin' the hang of it, Daddy," she said reassuringly.

Her father grinned. He looked Grady dead in the eyes. "Hot little slut, isn't she?" he asked Grady and winked lewdly.

Brett was standing behind Carrie and had his arms wrapped around her. Both hands were cupping Carrie's young boobies and twirling them between thumbs and forefingers. Carrie' nipples were standing up hard and proud. Carrie's hands were behind her, obviously fondling her father. Brett's hips were beginning to unconsciously buck slowly back and forth under her ministrations.

"How do you want to do me for the first time, Uncle Grady?" Alicia cooed into Grady's ear. Somehow she'd dragged his head down almost to her level. She nipped at his earlobe and kissed her way down his neck to the hollow of his shoulder.

Grady gestured helplessly.

"That's okay," Alicia said, understanding his quandary. "Jus' you lay back and I'll take care of ever'thing, okay, Uncle Grady?" She was addressing him as "Uncle" as often as she could, because she knew it made the sex that much hotter and nastier...and Alicia loved hot, nasty sex.

She licked her lips in anticipation and pressed Grady back until the back of his knees touched the edge of the bed. She kept the pressure on, following her uncle down as he lay back on the bed. She knee-walked her way up his thighs until his cock was near her pretty pussy lips. Grady tried to say something; he never knew what. He never got it out because Alicia leaned low to resume the lover's kiss they'd broken a few heartbeats ago.

"Jus' relax, Uncle Grady," Alicia said quietly. "I'll show you how, okay?"

Grady was a little shocked at her words. He was a full-grown man, and she was only a child...and then he understood. He didn't know a thing about having sex with a pre-teen.

"Carrie and me were playing with ourselves in our room," Alicia whispered in Grady's ear. She pinched his nipples, smiling at the moan she got from her uncle. "We were supposed to be getting ready to go to the mall, but we were all ready," she continued. "So we stuck our dildoes in our, little cunts," she murmured in a sultry tone.

She was rubbing the head of her uncle's dick against her sopping outer labia.

"An' that was a GOOD thing," she added. " 'Cause it stretched our lil' cunnies just enough so big guys like you and my daddy could fuck us 'til we cum all over ourselves, huh?"

Grady could barely breathe. Between the ultra pleasurable sensations of his cock slipping up and down the little girl's slit, the accompanying lascivious dialogue was about to drive him crazy.

"Don't tease too much, Alicia," Brett cautioned his daughter. "You're not going to get all of Uncle Grady's cum in your vagina if you don't be careful."

Grady groaned. The young girl's father was giving her tips on how to fuck her uncle.

"I won't mess up, Daddy," Alicia said in a reassuring voice. "Uncle Grady is going to fuck my 'widdle' pussy just fine, aren't you Uncle Grady?" She asked.

Grady groaned again. He looked up at the sexually excited pre-teen and then away. He wondered if counting to a thousand would help him with his control.

The bed moved under his body. Grady looked up to see young Carrie had crawled up on the bed on her hands and knees beside Alicia.

Her father was behind her, with his feet planted on the bedroom carpet. Carrie looked down between her legs, reached a hand back to spread her outer pussy lips...and then her father's cock rammed inside her baby cunt.

Carrie grunted and threw her head up. Her eyes were closed and a distressed look was already covering her features. She wriggled her hips, adjusted her knees on the bedspread, and crouched a little lower. Her daddy's cock was seated solidly in her vagina and with his big hands holding her hips firmly, he began a slow thrust and withdrawing movement that made the bed rock and sway.

Distracted, amazed by what he was watching, Grady was surprised when Alicia's puffy outer lips parted and his cock began delving deep inside his niece. She grinned at him when he looked up at her disbelievingly. "Do you like that, Uncle Grady?" she crooned softly, knowing the answer by the look of ecstatic strain on his face.

She let her leg muscles relax a little more and the full-grown man's hard cock sank another inch inside her. She grinned again, relaxed...and this time, she didn't stop until she felt the head of his cock bottom out.

She reached down between their bodies and made a judgment of how much of her uncle remained outside her body. "Very nice, Uncle Grady," she said approvingly.

"I only have to keep my hand there so you don't get too deep and hurt something up there inside me," she told him, matter-of-factly.

"It's something you always have to do when you fuck a little girl like me," she said, deliberately using a small child's voice.

She rose, let her body sink again, rose...and started a steady rhythm of falling and rising that had Grady moaning in seconds.

"Come on, Daddy," Carrie told her father. "Let me get...." She crawled forward a little and turned so her body was almost at right angles to her uncle's. Brett pulled out completely when Carrie started moving, then crawled up on the bed himself. He pushed pillows out of his way until he could again center himself behind his daughter, mounting her with a strong surge.

Carrie squealed, clinching her teeth, transforming her face into a rictus of pleasure. "Do it again, Daddy," she begged.

Brett began throwing his hips forward more strenuously.

"He's got his hand between his belly and Carrie's pussy just like where I have my hand," Alicia murmured into Grady's ear. "You just can't see it 'cause Carrie's ass is in the way," she added.

Carrie groaned with the joy her father was giving her, taking a hand off the bed's surface every so often to caress her own breasts or pinch her nipples. She whimpered with every one of Brett's thrusts now. She opened her eyes and fixed her gaze on her uncle's penis sliding wetly in and out of her twin sister.

She crawled forward a little, disconcerting her father, who had a good tempo going, fucking deep into his little girl. When Carrie stopped, her nose was almost touching her sister's thigh. She looked up at Alicia's tense face.

Divining Carrie's intent, Alicia leaned back on her uncle's cock, opening up more space between her and her uncle's body. Carrie promptly pressed her face in, finding the upper limit of her sister's slit and slapping a raspy tongue out to caress the little nubbin of a clit peeking out of its fleshy hiding place.

Alicia groaned aloud, losing her cadence of rising and falling for the first time. She held still for a moment, savoring the sensation of her sister's tongue on her outer labia and her uncle's cock in her twat at the same time. Unconsciously, Grady was thrusting upward as best he could, not lengthy strokes, but they were effective.

Grady saw what the sisters were doing and it was all over for him. Cum began gushing out of his penis and splashing against the vagina walls that gripped him tightly. His orgasm triggered Alicia's and her cunt clamped down on her uncle's cock. Her abdomen muscles rippled; sensations flowed up her belly and back for a long moment.

"FASTER, DADDY, FASTER!!!" Carrie screamed, exhorting her father to pump faster into her cunt. He did--he couldn't have done otherwise to save his life--and he quickly filled the little girl's vagina full of hot daddy-cum.

The four incestuous fuckers rocked back and forth across the bed, cumming hard and reveling in the rapture of their orgasms. When their climaxes began to subside, the foursome lay back, trying to get their wind and some strength back.

* * *

"That was good," Alicia said placidly. She giggled happily. Her uncle's penis was slowly softening inside her. Even though she was clamping it as hard as she could, it was still going down, a little bit more all the time. But whenever she closed down on it, her uncle grunted, and she giggled.

"Eat your cum out of me, Daddy," Carrie asked, her voice nasty and hot. She was recovering nicely and ready for more sex action.

"Sure...," Brett drawled, and hauled Carries slender legs around until her butt was at the edge of the bed. He knelt in front of her, pressing her legs over his shoulders and began servicing his young daughter orally.

Grady could do no less and in seconds, both pre-teen temptresses were lying side by side with the men's tongues driving the girls up the slope to new orgasms.

They were soon wailing and holding the guys' mouths tight against their straining pussy lips. However much they threshed around, they made sure that their Daddy's and Uncle's mouths never lost their nasty contact.

When the two girls were again lying quietly on the bed. Brett stood up, gazing down at the little girls with their lewdly spread legs and exposed puffy slits. The girls looked back expectantly.

"Oh God!" Grady groaned. "This is the most...intense...!"

There was a short silence. Brett and his daughters shared a quick glance.

"Well, ACTUALLY, Uncle Grady," Alicia said quietly, "there's one thing even hotter."

Grady looked at the two lovely temptresses who were so ready to give the grown men sex, sex, and more sex. He couldn't imagine....

"JESUS CHRIST!!" he exclaimed. He stared at the nymphette he'd just fucked and eaten. "You don't mean?"

The two girls nodded energetically, grinning. "ALL God's little hotties deserve to be fucked and eaten...ever' day!" Carrie said, smiling at Grady. "By their Daddy...."

Grady's cock hardened another order of magnitude at his niece's words. "I...I...I don't know how I'm gonna do...." he began. He didn't have a clue what to say next.

"That's okay, Uncle Grady," Alicia said, reaching up to pat his hand consolingly. "We'll figure something' you can practice on us girls 'til we do, okay?" She fingered her slit with a nasty forefinger, pointing the way for her uncle to do his practicing.

But Brett had other ideas for his daughter's time. He looked at Grady and arched his eyebrows inquiringly. "Wanta switch?" he asked Grady.

Grady was startled, but he recovered quickly. He looked down at the young girl who'd given him his first little-girl fuck and smiled. "I...sure, why not?" he said agreeably.

The two men exchanged positions and in minutes were atop the young girls, fucking their young cunts strongly. The room was filled with the odor of their sex and the wet, smacking sounds of enthusiastic sex, and various grunts and groans.

Grady never got around to taking pictures of the incestuous fucking any more than his wife had the night before.

Chapter Four

Saturday, Joanne's kids were all home at the same time. Curtis wasn't nearly as enthusiastic about hanging with his buddies the past few days so staying home was no burden for him. With two girl cousins flirting with him every chance they got, and his aunt and mom lavishing lots of attention on him--touching, squeezing, and almost fondling sometimes--Curtis was in seventh heaven.

Stacey canceled a sleepover with a girlfriend so she could stay home with the visitors. Julie had had a date with a long-standing boyfriend on Friday night, but she'd come home mad enough to spit nails. She hadn't been willing to listen to the boy's entreaties at the door either. Something about promising he'd try harder...but Julie would have none of it. She said they were through, told him to go away and that she didn't want to see him ever again.

* * *

The families started out in the pool, and stayed pretty much right there, it was so pleasant. Grady put some hamburgers and hotdogs on to broil and then put them in covered dishes so everyone could eat when they got hungry. He had steaks and chicken for supper.

The girls modeled their new bikinis--the new suits had been the reason for the trip two days earlier to the mall. Stacey and Julie had been astounded their mother would let them buy such scanty string bikinis from the store's left-over summer stock. She hadn't been at all willing in the spring.

The Hamilton girls were also amazed that their mom, and Aunt Candy--she didn't like being called Aunt Candace anymore--had new, very skimpy bikinis too to dazzle the eyes of the men folk.

To Joanne's daughter's surprise, their Daddy was very appreciative of the new standard in swim wear. Even Curtis said he liked their outfits and told all the girls and women so without being gross or nasty about it.

Stacey and Julie liked the attention. They liked it a lot.

And the guys liked what they saw in Julie and Stacy. At fourteen and a half, Julie hadn't gained her full height, but she wasn't that far from it. She was already taller than the mothers of two of her classmates, for instance.

Her close cropped auburn hair surrounded a pretty face with a cute up-turned nose that was only lightly freckled. Her breasts were 'really nice' the estimation of her boy classmates, and her male relatives around the pool too.

Big for her size, they were already fine handfuls for all but the biggest of hands. Her meaty thighs and calves were, perhaps, a little thicker than a New York model's, but her body had to be sturdy to support the big breasts she was going to have later in life.

Stacey, on the other hand, aroused excitement with her long, shapely legs and by being slender and graceful to a fault. She glided, rather than walked. Quiet and reserved around adults, she had an unexpectedly big influence among her school friends. Red hair hung to her shoulders and framed a face where calm self-assurance dominated...but there was a hint of mischievousness too.

Boobies the size of halved lemons perched high on her chest. They danced almost imperceptibly as she minced primly around the pool.

Eventually, a game developed in the pool where the adult males were all supporting nubile young girls on their shoulders while the girls bopped each other about the head and shoulders with foam 'noodles' and accompanied their efforts with shrill squeals and yells. It was a good thing the yard was surrounded by a ten-foot tall privacy fence, and they were lucky the family next door were gone this month, or someone would surely have come to find out who was being ax-murdered.

But it was all fun. Julie liked getting up on Grandpa Jack's broad shoulders, and her dad's too. Heck she liked all the men who swam between her legs and set themselves to push her up on their shoulders. It felt really good. She knew her boobs were bouncing and even bounced out of her bikini top a couple of times.

But no one said anything, and Julie grew a little casual about it herself. One time, she held Uncle Brett's eyes with hers as she tucked her left boob back in its insufficient hiding place. All he did was grin and give her a thumbs-up.

And then, another time when Grandpa Jack swam between her legs and rose up into her crotch, Julie's eyes got as big as saucers. Grandpa Jack let Julie settle kinda on the back of his neck underwater and then rotated his body over to rub his face from side to side against her pussy mound.

The rubbing transferred a powerful wave of passion itself directly to Julie's cunt. The second time it happened, she wasn't so startled...and she enjoyed it a lot more.

When Uncle Brett did it a time or two, she was ready and waiting. She didn't exactly moan out loud, but it was close.

* * *

Though he didn't know it, Joanne had been waiting for her son to come inside for a good fifteen minutes. She had a plan for young Curtis; one that she hoped would open up new vistas for the whole family.

She'd gotten a blow-by-blow account about Grady's sex with her nieces from her husband...Brett AND Grady...and it lit a fire inside her that wasn't going to be extinguished.

That night, Grandpa Jack got behind her, fucking her doggy-style while Candy sucked Grady's cock. There were plenty of sparks to go around. When they went to bed, Joanne made Grady screw her every way they knew how and experimented with a couple they'd only heard about.

Now it was Joanne's turn to do something her sister had only told her about.

Curtis was surprised to find his mother in the upstairs bathroom. Usually she used the one in her and dad's bedroom, but today she was spreading new suntan lotion all across her tummy in this restroom.

Curtis'd only wandered inside the house because he was getting bored. All the girls wanted to get cozy with the grown men, and he couldn't compete in the sports they were playing...he just wasn't tall enough for the girls to sit on his shoulders in the deep end.

"Mmmmmmm...wanta help Mommy out, honey?"

Curtis nodded. His mother was a hot MILF, as boys talked to each other about such things where adults couldn't overhear. Literally, a MILF...a mother he'd like to fuck.

Her big breasts filled the little triangles of her new bikini to overflowing. He could almost see the arc of an aureole at the top of the left triangle. The bottom to her bikini began a LOT lower on her belly than had her old suit--and ended sooner--but Curtis didn't see any hair down there, though he didn't dare look long enough to make sure. Mom's body was fine, fine, fine, he thought. She didn't look like she'd had three kids, for sure...'course, she'd had a lot of time since Stacey was born to get back in shape....

"Spread me?" Joanne asked casually.

"Huh?" His attention wandered down to his mother's thighs when she asked the sudden question. Curtis started when he realized what he was doing. He looked up.

His mother was holding out the squeeze bottle of lotion. She turned around when her son accepted the bottle and sat down on the toilet lid so he could reach all of her back comfortably. Curtis took as long as he could, working the creamy lotion well into the skin on his mother's smooth back.

"Now the front," Mom told him. Curtis stared, not EVEN believing his luck. His mother was letting him do her front too. He filled his palm with lotion and started to work on her shoulders and upper chest before she changed her mind.

"Oh...I guess you need me to get these out of your way," Curtis' mother said casually. She undid the neck strap and let the little fabric triangles on the point of her breasts fall away.

Curtis sucked in his breath and froze, staring disbelievingly.

"It's okay, honey," Joanne said softly, not wanting to scare him off. She took his hands in hers and squirted another gob of lotion into his right palm. She put his hand on her left breast. "Go ahead, sugar...rub it in real good, sweetheart." And he did. He didn't know exactly how he got his hand moving, but he did.

"Mmmmm, that feels so good, Curtis, honey," she cooed. Her hands were on the points of Curtis' hips, holding him, urging him closer. "You like my boobies?" she asked softly, not wanting to scare her young teenage son.

He nodded. Joanne needn't have worried. Curtis had no intention of ending this moment until he absolutely had to. He didn't know much about what was happening with his mother, but he knew HE wasn't going to end it.

"Pinch them a little bit," Joanne urged, putting his forefingers on her already blood-infused nipples. The juices were flowing in her pussy. She wondered if Curtis could smell the distinct odor of aroused woman. She groaned a little, deep in the back of her throat.

"You can do it a little harder," she urged. This time she couldn't hold back a low moan. She made the decision. Curtis was cooperating fully and even anticipated an intimate touch or two before his mother could direct him. His eyes were lit with an unholy passion that said he wasn't about to back away.

"You remember on the Fourth of July?" she quietly asked the boy. He looked her in the eyes for the first time in minutes. "When I saw you in the bathroom, by mistake?" Joanne continued. Curtis nodded, his throat tightening up.

"You know what I really, really wanted to do that time?"

"No," Curtis said huskily.

He did remember the event VERY well though. His mother had come barging into this same bathroom, catching him just coming out of the shower. He'd been jacking off, as he usually did in the shower; he'd sprayed the inside of the shower curtain and rinsed it off...but his hard-on hadn't gone down and it was jutting out in front of him.

He was caught, one foot in and one foot out of the tub, unable to cover up or do anything but hold on to the towel rack and the curtain to keep from slipping. His mother had stared, transfixed by the sight of his hard penis. He'd braced himself, thinking a stern scolding was in store.

But his mom'd stepped back and quietly closed the door. She'd never said a thing about it; his father hadn't said anything too him either and he'd guessed the incident was closed, but now...?

"What I really wanted to do for my big guy was this," Joanne said softly. Leaving his hands on her breasts, she undid the tie at his waistband and began tugging the swimsuit slowly down.

Curtis was sure his heart had stopped. He unconsciously kept on squeezing and stroking his mother's titties, his eyes locked to hers, for as long as he could touch them.

When he didn't make a move to bolt, Joanne kept a steady pressure in her attempt to drop her son's swimsuit. In a moment, it was a bright pool of orange and blue around Curtis' ankles. She bent low and urged him back a step...out of his trunks. His hands lost contact with her breasts and Curtis regretted that.

Squatting so she could hold his eyes with hers, Joanne moved her head forward to engulf her boy's penis, slathering it with her wet tongue and snaking her tongue around and around the whole circumference and back again. Reaching beneath her son's prick, Joanne gathered his ball sac in her right hand and gently massaged it.

Curtis was surprised. He thrust forward, making his mother's nose squash up against his lower belly. The sensation of the sensitive underside of his cockhead sliding along his mother's tongue was indescribable.

Instinctively, he pulled back sharply. "Oh, I'm sorry," he blurted. His mother shook her head, smiling.

"You liked that, huh?" she asked. "It's okay, you can do it again," she said. Her right hand stroked his ball sac again. Her left was suddenly behind his right buttock, pressing him forward to sink his cock into his mother's mouth again.

He let it happen, groaned, and then did it again himself. His mother's hand was squeezing, molding, and working his butt cheek around. She switched. Her right hand went behind him to stroke and urge him to deeper plunges into her mouth.

It couldn't go on for long. The pleasure was too much. "Mommy," Curtis bleated urgently, "I can't hold it," he whimpered.

"You don't have to honey," Joanne said soothingly, coming up for air. "Cum for Mommy...cum for me, baby," she pleaded.

That did it! Curtis sprayed the inside of his mother's mouth with hot boy-cum, his body jerking spasmodically. He watched her swallow the gob down, smiling all the while and clearly enjoying what she was doing. For the first time, Curtis felt it was alright to let the mammoth grin he'd been suppressing finally come out.

"Was that a good one?" a voice asked.

Too tired to be concerned, Curtis turned to see a grinning Aunt Candy standing in the doorway. Curtis nodded, not scared any longer. It was all good.

"Great," Aunt Candy said happily. She offered Curtis a hand. He clung to it, hoping his knees wouldn't collapse under him.

"Guess what?" she said to him.

He shook his head, too tired to make any guesses.

Aunt Candy leaned close to his ear. "Now it's MY turn," she said in a stage whisper. Abruptly, Curtis wasn't tired any more. He straightened to his full five feet, three inches, and stood tall before his sexy aunt and mother.

Candy made sure she had his attention. With a thumb and forefinger, she pulled at one of the strings holding her bikini bottoms in place. Then she did the other one. Spreading her feet, she let the bikini bottoms drop to the bathroom floor. She reached behind her and undid the top, untied her bottoms and then she was standing stark naked in front of the young boy.

Curtis turned to throw his mother a disbelieving look, only to find her just as naked. He swallowed hard. He didn't know there was such a thing as heaven on earth...'til now.

"Come," Aunt Candy suggested, taking Curtis by the hand. "Let's go show you how to fuck your Aunt Candy, okay?"

It was more than okay with Curtis. He gave his mother a hand and pulled her along.

The bedroom door closed firmly behind the incestuous trio.

* * *

Out in the pool, Julie was holding on tight to her grandfather's side. In fact, her groin was grinding against his upper thigh...and she KNEW he knew it. He'd been holding himself quite still while she surreptitiously ground herself against him, not showing any sign of what was happening to the others playing in the pool.

Julie was a happier fourteen-year-old than she'd been in a long time. Her her ex-boyfriend...was a wimp, too scared to do anything she needed. But her grandfather, he of the strong muscles and sexy smile, now HE was a real man.

Grandpa Jack's hand sneaked down the back of her bikini bottoms. She didn't even pretend to want him to stop fondling her ass cheeks. When his hand snaked around to the front of her bottoms, she had to work hard to make pretend to everyone else in the pool that nothing was happening. If it wasn't for that darned Stacey coming round....

Twelve-year-old Stacey HAD been wondering what her older sister was doing with Grandpa Jack. She thought she knew, but Julie was too quick. Everything was always okay when Stacey worked her way around the circumference of the pool to where they were.

And THEN, Julie swam over to Uncle Brett and started talking to HIM. Stacey was furious. Stacey had been beside Uncle Brett earlier and she didn't think Uncle Brett knew what that pressure between his leg and her crotch was all about. And now Julie was there...the ho!!

For spite, Stacey wound her legs around Grandpa Jack's body and hugged him close. She was amazed to find Grandpa Jack more than receptive to letting her rub herself against him.

She was concentrating on her body's feelings when she felt a movement. She looked up to find Grandpa Jack smiling down at her. When he winked, Stacy laughed. "I love you Grandpa," she whispered, so no one would know what they were doing.

She looked around. Her bitch of a sister was totally occupied with Uncle Brett...maybe they really were talking, who knew? She glanced over at her girl cousins. Daddy had one clinging to each arm down at the very deepest end of the pool, where the sun reflecting off the water hid all their bodies. No one was watching her and Grandpa Jack. No one could tell what they were doing. Stacy took Grandpa Jack's right hand and placed it very carefully between her thighs.

* * *

Curtis was sleeping soundly. His hands were cupped protectively around his balls and he was smiling. He'd gone to bed early, hoping against hope that his mother or Aunt Candy would join him, somehow. He dropped off to sleep before anything happened. When he woke, he was fully recuperated from the afternoon's exertions. Someone was jostling his arm.

"Curtis, honey?" It was his mother. His eyes opened.

Mom was here, she was naked and everything was right with Curtis' world. He reached for his mother.

Joanne grinned as she let him pull her down atop his young body for a series of lusty kisses. Though she thought she was ready for it, prepared to resist a temptation to let Curtis do what he wanted, Joanne surprised herself at how quick her body responded to her son's lover's kisses and roaming hands.

Breathlessly, she pulled herself away. "Whoa, tiger," she said softly. "We little later, okay." She lay down, nestling her head onto her randy son's shoulder.

"Why? What's wrong?" Curtis demanded in a loud whisper. He REALLY wanted his mother to let him....

"Nothing's wrong," Joanne quickly assured her son.

"Then what?" Curtis asked.

Joanne's hand encircled Curtis' burgeoning young hard-on through the slit in his pajamas. "Well," she said coyly, "would you like to come to the party?" she asked.

"Huh?" Curtis shot back. "What party?"

"The one we're having downstairs in the basement," his mother answered, squeezing his cock gently and beginning to masturbate him. It made it hard...difficult...for him to think.

"We can have a party up here," Curtis whispered reasonably.

"Aunt Candy's at the party," Joanne remarked, moving her head to her son's belly. She delivered his hardening young prick through the front of his pajama bottoms. She ducked down. Her tongue snaked out and the tip touched her son's cockhead, licking up the little drop of pre-cum that was collecting there.

Curtis groaned, not able to see what his mother was doing in the darkness of his bedroom, but very much able to feel and enjoy it. "Aunt Candy?" he asked, fighting to keep his wits about him. It wasn't easy. Mom's tongue was wrapped around the head of his cock and her fingers around the shaft low down by his balls.

"Mmmmm huh," Joanne confirmed. "And...."

"And...what?" Curtis asked when he could manage to spit the words out.

"And...your cousins." Joanne continued to lick at her little boy's cock. His hand, which had been trying to push her head lower so she could swallow his cock like this afternoon, were suddenly still.

"Alicia and Carrie...and Aunt Candy?" he asked, confused. Mom sucking his cock and maybe a naked Aunt Candy down in the basement where no one could hear them...AND his two sexy cousins? God!

"They want to taste you too," Joanne told her son. His body tensed, as he finally understood. If anything, his penis grew a little more in length and girth. Joanne chuckled in the darkness.

"Alicia and Carrie and me and you?" Curtis demanded.

"And Uncle Brett, and Grandpa Jack...and your father...they're all there too," Joanne admitted. "Alicia and Carrie REALLY want to be...a lot closer to you," she said quickly.

"Dad knows about me and you...this afternoon?"


"An' he's not mad or anything?"

"Huh-uh," Joanne replied, licking the underside of Curtis' cockhead in that V-shaped area that was so very sensitive. "And neither is Uncle Brett about Aunt Candy either, sweety," she added.

Curtis hadn't even THOUGHT about Uncle Brett. But apparently no one was mad, Mom was sucking his cock again, and Aunt Candy was down in the basement...and the twins--they were a couple of years younger than he was but hot, hot, hot!!

"What kind of party is it?" he said finally.

"Why, I thought you'd have figured that out by now," Joanne said with a grin. "It's a good, old-fashioned suck and fuck!" she told the thirteen-year-old.

He lay still a second longer and then gently disengaged his mother's mouth from his cock and pushed her off him. He crawled out of bed, not at all shy about bumping against his nude mother. He stopped.

"I'm not going to need these, am I?" he asked motioning to his pajamas.

"Nope," his mother said succinctly.

He pulled the top over his head while his mother pushed his cock back through the opening to the bottoms. Hooking her thumbs in the waistband, she pushed them down and Curtis stepped out of them. The clothing lay there on his bedroom floor while the naked mother and son made their way on tiptoes down the hall. It wouldn't do to wake up his sisters.

* * *

"Hey, there he is," chortled Uncle Brett when the nude, incestuous duo appeared at the bottom of the stairs and walked hand in hand into the center of the room. "The man of the hour," Uncle Brett avowed.

"Hiiiiiii, Curtis," Alicia and Carrie chorused.

Curtis stared, not knowing where to look first. The twins were naked; they spread their legs when they saw he was looking, smiling into his eyes. Aunt Candy was lying on her side on the sofa, gently working a plastic dildo in and out of her...out of her ass. Astounded, Curtis couldn't take his eyes off his aunt. Obligingly, she turned her body a little so he could see better. He was amazed. He'd heard about ass-fucking, but he'd never expected to ACTUALLY....

"Hey, Curtis?" Uncle Brett asked conversationally. "We're wondering if you can help us out here," he said.

Curtis turned to stare at Uncle Brett, not comprehending at all. One of the twins uncoiled her body off the loveseat and strolled over to Curtis.

"What?" Curtis asked, his attention split. When the girl knelt in front of him, Curtis spread his feet a little more. The pre-teen sex goddess smiled up at him and wrapped her fingers around the shaft of his cock. It hadn't softened a bit in the trip downstairs. Just off the top of his head, Curtis couldn't remember when it last had been soft. The girl bent her head and kissed the top of his prick.

"It's about your sisters," Grandpa Jack said, bringing Curtis back around.

"What about 'em?" Curtis asked, but he actually understood clearly. The twins...his sisters...everybody, naked and having sex with each other. What a vision!! "Oh, yeah," he said, to show the grownups he wasn't stupid.

"Sure," Uncle Bret said quietly. "We want them to be able to join in like you," he explained.

"But we're just not sure," Curtis' father interjected. Curtis faced him, still not entirely sure his dad wasn't going to do something to him about fucking his mom's mouth this afternoon.

"We're not sure how to broach this...that is...introduce them to what we're doing," Grandpa Jack continued. "We thought they were ready this afternoon," he said. "You weren't there, but your big sister was rubbing her crotch all over me...and Stacey was doing the same with your Uncle Brett--then they switched...but when your mom and Aunt Candy came back out after fucking you, they didn't seem to want to have anything to do with us."

Curtis started when Grandpa Jack mentioned Curtis' fucking with the two grown women, but no one seemed to have a problem with what Grandpa Jack had said. Curtis needed to be sure.

"I only put my thing in Mom's mouth," he said in a low voice. "I didn't...fuck her really," he said tentatively.

"You will," Uncle Brett said tranquilly. He grinned at Curtis. "And your Aunt Candy, too...again!" he grinned wider. "And if you think my daughters are going to let the grownup women be the only ones to fuck you, you're sadly mistaken, my lad."

Curtis smiled back at his uncle and relaxed completely. It was good to be down here with the adults, and not having to hide anything. The blonde vixen was still playing with his cock, but she wasn't sucking him just yet. He needed to retain the power of speech for a little while longer.

"So did you ask them?" he asked aloud.

"Naw," his father said, hoisting the other twin onto his lap. Curtis hadn't even noticed when she moved to his father's side.

"It's kinda hard to ask one's daughters who turned cold like that all of a sudden, why it was they were happy humping their grandfather and uncle...and then they weren't."

Curtis watched with jaw gaping as the twin spread her legs, dropping them down the sides of Grady's shins. Spread wide, the girl worked herself atop Curtis' father's hard cock and settled the head between her puffy outer labia.

In a second or two, two inches of Grady's cock had disappeared inside the young girl's obscenely bulging pussy. Working steadily, she squirmed around on Curtis' father's lap, getting another couple of inches inside her while the older man pushed upward as best he could. The pre-teen girl sighed and leaned back against Grady's chest and relaxed. Curtis' dad began a slow, steady fucking that both of them clearly were enjoying.

"Just had to show off, huh, Carrie?" Grandpa Jack asked amusedly.

Now, at least Curtis knew who was sucking gently at his cock. Alicia smiled up at him.

"Anyway," Grandpa Jack continued. "We were wondering if you knew something about your sisters that would give us a clue. We don't really know what we're looking for here."

Curtis chortled, making his belly vibrate. Alicia looked up at him, laughing. His laugh had pulled his cock from between her pretty lips.

"What?" Joanna asked, wiggling around on the loveseat near the fireplace. "Damn it," she exploded. "Candy, throw me one of those fake dicks," she commanded. She inserted the device in her cunt, pushing it in with one smooth motion. Curtis sucked in a breath and blew it out again.

"What, honey?" Curtis' mother repeated. "What do you know?"

"Ahhhh," Curtis said, stalling until he remembered where he been headed. "Oh...I heard Julie telling Stacey that if her boyfriend didn't get the message tomorrow--that was night before last...she went out with him last night--she was going to have to start humping doorknobs in the house!" Curtis said. The whole room chuckled.

"And she SAW me standing there...," Curtis continued, "she didn't even try to be quiet when she was talkin' to Stacey," he finished.

"Well...that's something," Uncle Brett ventured. "Isn't it?" he asked uncertainly, looking around at the other adults.

"Well, she didn't get anything from her boyfriend when they went out," Curtis snickered. "She came upstairs last night really, really mad and--" He checked what he was about to say, then remembered where he was and what everyone was doing. "...and I saw her getting her vibrator out from under her mattress," Curtis said.

"Julie has a vibrator?" his mother said incredulously. She thought she knew her daughter. Curtis nodded emphatically. "Why...the little sneak!" his mother said dreamily. She was working the dildo in and out of her pussy with considerable speed and force.

Everyone laughed.

"Hmmmm...anything else?" Grandpa Jack asked.

Curtis thought hard. "Well...yesterday morning when Mom was being sexy with me--everyone smiled--Julie looked down and saw how Mom had got me all hard," he told the group. "And she didn't say anything about 'gross' or 'nasty boy' or anything, like she usually does," Curtis concluded.

The room was quiet while the adults absorbed that piece of information.

Carrie giggled. Alicia joined in after a moment. Curtis' cock had been too deep in her hot mouth for her to laugh immediately.

"Oh, don't you see?" Carrie said, laughing now at the adults' expressions. "The girl's so hot for some cock, she can't hardly stand it," she explained. "And...this is the biggie...she's not going to worry if that cock is attached to little brother...or her grandpa, either!!"

They thought about it for a moment. "Alicia," Grandpa Jack said quietly. "A little fluffing for the man of the moment, if you please...."

Grandpa Jack got up and paced over to where Curtis' mother was laying on the loveseat. "Scooch up a little, honey," he said. Joanne obliged, her face a mask of lust and happiness.

Grandpa Jack worked his way down behind his daughter and the incestuous pairing squirmed against each other for a long moment. Finally, Joanna was lying on her side. She threw her right leg back over her father's body and, reaching between her spread legs, caught up her father's cock and guided it into her steaming cunt. She sighed. Grandpa Jack stroked in, thrusting strongly and then pulled back...only to ram his cock back into Curtis' mother.

Curtis didn't quite know what to do.

Alicia helped make up his mind. She made a face as she let Curtis' cock slip out of her throat and out completely. She began licking her saliva and his pre-cum off the shaft of his cock.

Curtis looked down at her, ready to protest, and then it dawned on him.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhh," he breathed. "You think she'll let me...?"

"We do think," Grandpa Jack replied, nodding wisely...or maybe it was just stray body movements from the exertions he was making fucking Curtis' mother.

* * *

"Julie," Curtis hissed into the darkness of his older sister's bedroom. "Julie!!" he whispered louder. There was a vague stirring. "JULIE!" The stage whisper brought her out of her sleep, fighting her sheets for a moment before she woke up.

"WHAT?" Julie asked, thoroughly unhappy to be awake.

"Can I talk to you?" Curtis asked reasonably.

"No! Go away!!" Julie snapped back, pulling her pillow over her head.

Curtis spied something on his sister's nightstand. He turned on the lamp to make sure. "You leave your vibrator out in the open like that?" Curtis said, improvising.

Julie was silent. Her eyes had locked shut when the light came on but they opened now. Her left hand snaked out from under the sheet to snag the device and drag it back to safety. She didn't say anything.

"I know Kenny didn't do anything for you the other night," Curtis said softly. "The wuss," he added.

Curtis thought he might have heard a muffled chortle.

"If I had a girlfriend like you," Curtis ventured, "I'd never let her go home without...satisfying her a bunch of times every day," he said.

"I know you saw how hard I get sometimes," he said quietly. The offer was on the table. There was nothing else he could do.

Julie mumbled something, shifted her legs under the sheet and back again. She muttered something else completely unintelligible. Curtis waited, wondering if that was the right thing to do or not.

Julie threw the sheet off her body and put the vibrator on the nightstand. She looked balefully at her younger brother, but her legs were spread and her panties had a distinct wet spot in the crotch. "Come here, Junior," Julie whispered softly. "If you EVER say anything about this to ANYONE, I'm gonna kill you!!"

"Well...I sure don't wanna be dead--so I guess I'll keep my mouth shut," Curtis remarked. He almost chuckled. He wasn't sure how Julie would react so he choked it back.

While his sister watched, Curtis dropped the bottoms of his pajamas--the only thing he had on--and he'd had to retrieve that from his bedroom floor--and marched to the side of her bed. His young hard-on preceded him, jutting hard and strong from his hairless groin and seeming to point right at her.

All of a sudden, Julie didn't feel so in control. Her mouth was suddenly terribly dry. But she was awfully, awfully horny.

"Can I eat your pussy?" Curtis asked, confident now.

Julie braced her feet on the bed and lifted her ass to slide her panties off over her hips and down her slender legs. She spread her knees wide and used the fingers from both hands to spread her labia wide. She grinned at Curtis' quick breath.

"Take off your top, Sis?" Curtis asked softly.

Julie considered the request for only a moment. Shrugging, she tugged the old T-shirt off and exposed a pair of pretty, apple-sized breasts to her brother's eager gaze. She eyed her younger brother's bobbing cock as he climbed on the bed.

"You really have a nice one," she told Curtis softly. Every ounce of the sibling rivalry she'd have sworn this morning was a major part of their lives, slipped effortlessly away.

She turned her bedside lamp up another notch...but it was too bright. She turned it back down and then draped her T-shirt over the top of the lamp, turning the room into a soft twilight. It was dim enough for comfort, bright enough the brother and sister could see everything.

"Mmmmm...." Curtis hummed happily onto his sister's outer lips. Julie gasped; her heart skipped a beat. She hadn't expected the sudden wave of pleasure from her sopping pussy. She made a mental note that little brother could have access to her room anytime he wanted a little...something.

Only Julie's gasps and pants, the rustle of sheets and bedsprings broke the quiet in the room as she rolled her ass around on the bed in response to her brother's pussy licking. He wasn't expert, but her need was great and he was plenty good enough. Little gasps kept escaping Julie's lips when Curtis' tongue or his lips touched an especially nice place.

"Want me to put my thing in you?" Curtis asked, breaking Julie's steady progress toward a fine orgasm. It took her a moment to adjust. She cleared her throat.

"Oh GOD, YES!" she said in a strangled voice. "Do it!" she demanded.

She didn't have to worry about him cumming inside her. Mom had put her on the pill when her boobies first began growing. 'Smart Mom, 'cause little Julie is gonna be gettin' real close to brother Curtis' she thought to herself.

"Can we do it with me behind you?" Curtis suggested, thinking of the way Grandpa Jack had been fucking his mother downstairs a few minutes ago.

"As long as you're sticking your dick in my pussy, I don't CARE where you do it from," Julie snapped impatiently. "Just put it in me, Curtis!" While she was talking, she jerked her body off the mattress, whirled upside-down, and settled back on her knees and elbows, facing away from her brother.

With her rounded ass jutting up so high in the air, Curtis knee-walked up to his sister's behind. He stroked the firm globes for a long moment and then put his hand under her to massage her soft outer lips. Julie squirmed for a second, stopping when a stray move let her brother's finger slip into her slit and probe deeper. She sighed.

"Now...put it in me, please, honey," she whispered to her brother. "Fuck hell out of me," she added.

Lust had clouded her mind all afternoon and evening long. The little orgasm she got humping on Uncle Brett's hand was fine, but it had only served to whet her appetite.

"Fuck me good, little brother," Julie whimpered.

Having been instructed how to insert his cock into a pussy this afternoon by Aunt Candy, Curtis was confident enough to slide his boy hard-on between Julie's honey-soaked outer labia. He knew where to press in. Julie was tighter than Aunt Candy, but everything was in the same place.

He was balls-deep in his big sister's vagina in only a few strokes. He began to use long, slow, thrusts coupled with quick withdrawals.

Julie moaned contentedly. She'd needed a good fucking for days now. She couldn't fix her attention on anything. Visions of a nice cock sliding in and out of her cunt had taken over her life for the last week.

Her passions took her on wings of pleasure, climbing higher and higher. Julie panted, gasping for breath. Pushing back against her brother's ramming, the pair of them quickly found a satisfying rhythm that had them both climbing fast toward a mutual orgasm. In the heat of their fuck, Julie never heard her bedroom door open again.

"Julie?" Curtis asked quietly.

"Huh?" she replied dreamily. She couldn't focus her eyes anymore. There was a dazed, vacant expression on her face.

"Ya think you can take care of two men at the same time?" Curtis asked softly, bending over his sister's beautiful ass to fondle and squeeze her breasts while he slowly fucked in and out of her.

She gasped. Hot, tingly sensations were assaulting her from three different directions. It was hard to think.

"Can you?" Curtis insisted, stopping his rhythmic fucking for a moment.

"Huh? Oh, sure," Julie replied distantly. She had no idea why her brother was asking this. But she knew the juices in her cunt were rolling hot tonight. Yeah, she could take any number of men...and love every minute of it.

"Can you take care of me?" a quiet voice asked. Julie raised her head to look blearily in front of her. Dazed and bemused, she recognized a naked Uncle Brett standing beside the bed. The lust-driven teenager couldn't stop what she was doing--actually, it never occurred to her to stop. Impulsively, she reached out and took his cock in her left hand.

"Can you take me in your mouth," Uncle Brett asked.

Julie nodded dumbly and scooted closer. Her brother followed her across the mattress. When Uncle Brett put his knees against the bed, Julie only had to tilt her head back a little and Uncle Brett could fuck her mouth easily.

"Fuck me!" Julie pleaded. "Both a' you, fuck me!" she demanded.

They did. In minutes, cum was splashing deep in her cunt and into her mouth. Dazedly, she pulled her lips off Uncle Brett's penis...but it was only to swallow some of the salty cream he'd sprayed inside. Curtis fell away after he filled her pussy with his own incestuous cum, but that was after an orgasm sent waves of intense pleasure washing all through Julie's body.

Exhausted, the fourteen-year-old slumped back down on the bed, managing to turn over on her back in the process. Uncle Brett was still there. Impulsively, Julie reached out and took hold of his slimy penis. She worked her hand up and down his shaft. He'd thought he would be down for the count for a while, but Julie's instinctive ministrations were going to bring him back in record time.

"Mmmmm," said a low, amused voice. "Was that a good one honey?" Julie's mother asked her.

"Hi, Mommy," a bemused Julie greeted her nude mother. In Julie's lascivious little dreamy world, it was just fine for her mother to ask if her orgasm given her by her little brother and uncle was a good one. "It was great!" she said.

"Do you mind if I eat Curtis' cum out of your cunt?"

"Sure!" Julie replied. Sounded like a good deal to her. The lust-haze was persisting long enough for her to let her libido do the talking. She spread her legs wide to let her mother crawl between them on the bed. "Eat me good, Mommy," she admonished her mother, lying back to enjoy whatever came next.

"I will," Joanne promised. She looked around. "Hey, Brett, honey?" she said.

"Yeah, sugar puss?"

"Would you mind shoving that cock of yours up in my cunt and fucking me dizzy?" she asked politely.

"Not at all," Brett replied with perfect aplomb. He was on the bed in an instant, lining up behind his sister-in-law and then driving his cock into her vagina with one long thrust. Joanne groaned in sheer delight.

"Well, okay then," Joanne said in a strangled voice. "Time for me to eat my beautiful daughter's pussy," she said distantly. A red veil of lust was falling over her, concealing everything and everyone.

Julie giggled. "Mommy's eatin' my pussy," she told her bedroom walls bemusedly. This was one hell of a dream.

She knew she wasn't dreaming when her mother's tongue wrapped around her clit and sucked and sucked and made Julie scream into a pillow she grabbed up. She bucked her hips wildly all around the mattress.

* * *

Mother and daughter cuddled together on the damp sheets, alone for the moment.

"'re okay with this family sex thing?" Joanne asked softly, tweaking her daughter's still hard, still sensitive left nipple with a rude forefinger.

"Oh...I think so," Julie replied in a sultry voice. "Sex with my brother, my uncle, grandfather, you, cousins too, right?" she asked. "Is that everybody--did I leave anyone out?"

"Sisters, aunts...them too," Joanne corrected her.

"Right, sisters and aunts too...and some special friends when we go visit Grandpa Jack...," Julie said lazily. "Oh yeah...I'm TOTALLY down for this!" she said, a happiness in her voice her mother hadn't heard in a long while.

"Adjusting pretty darn well, young lady," Joanne commented approvingly.

Julie thought about it. Her right hand slipped over her mother's hipbone, stroked down the inside hollow, and beyond. Her fingers touched her mother's prominent pubic mound and slipped into her mom's slit. Rewarded with a sudden hiss, Julie grinned at the ceiling.

"Wasn't so much a shock," she explained to her mother. "Was more like a relief, like it was the end to a really bad dream," she said after contemplating the ready acceptance of her brother's cock in her cunt and her uncle's cock in her mouth. It HAD all been easy.

"Good...really good, honey." Joanne roused herself. "Well let's get up and get moving then. The party's downstairs," she said, "and we both need a shower and a good douching," she added. She paused.

"You've never had an enema, right honey?" she asked her oldest daughter.

"I don't think so--oh, heck no, I haven't. I'd know if I had, wouldn't I?" Julie responded, walking on her tiptoes down the hallway. She wasn't used to being naked in a place that had been a very public place just hours before.

"Well, there's this tube with a nozzle, you see," Joanne remarked, and you stick it up your butt and let warm, soapy water from a rubber bag run up inside you...."

"What?" Julie blurted.

"Well, honey, sooner or later some of those perverts we're hanging around with now are gonna wanta butt-fuck you, and it's best to know how to be clean in advance."

Joanne took a couple more steps. She giggled like a schoolgirl.

"I'm SOOOO one nasty, perverted, mommy, huh?" She giggled again. "And it's all soooo much fun."

Hand in hand the naked mother and daughter pranced down the hall to the master bedroom.

* * *

Freshly showered, with her first cleansing enema behind her, Julie stood near enough to her grandfather for her pointy young nipples to graze his lower chest. Experimenting, she found that Grandpa Jack didn't mind his cock being held by a granddaughter. Seconds later, she closed the distance completely and plastered her nude body against his side. She began to rub her groin against him, relishing the gradually increasing little tingle in her pussy that announced the beginning of another sexual arousal tonight.

"Remember I was doing this in the pool this afternoon, Grandpa?" she asked mischievously, her eyes hot and daring.

"Oh yeah," Grandpa Jack replied. He chuckled. "Remember when I did this?" He cupped Julie's left ass-cheek in his right hand and his fingers slid underneath, one finger winding up in her wet slit. Then he shifted his hand around to her front and worked a finger between the folds of her puffy outer labia.

"Mmmmm," Julie sighed. "Uh-huh."

Grandpa Jack took his finger out and licked it off, to Julie's complete amazement. "And then," Grandpa Jack told the fourteen-year-old, "you left me so fast to go over to your Uncle Brett I got friction burns, even in the water...and then you left him high and dry too.

"You and Stacey both were going for it big time...and then all of a sudden you all got out of the pool and we didn't know WHAT you girls were thinking, young lady. What's up with that?" he demanded. He didn't want to say 'cock tease' but the word hung in the air anyway.

"I saw Mom coming outside and I thought she'd catch us and raise hell," Julie protested. She blushed, remembering just minutes ago, her mother was on her knees with her mouth covering Julie's pussy, sucking her brother Curtis' cum out of her.

"Mom was sucking my cock and Aunt Candy was lettin' me fuck her in Mom's bedroom while y'all were swimming," Curtis volunteered.

Taken aback momentarily, Julie's jaw dropped and she stared at her brother, then her mother. It took a bit before she remembered it was fine to have sex with mom, and it was okay to talk about it too. "Well...I didn't know that!!" she declared, exasperatedly.

Grady came to Julie's other side and kissed her cheek. Impulsively, and almost imperceptibly, Julie pulled away from Grandpa Jack and settled her nude body against her equally naked father. As she did, Grandpa Jack grinned and toned down his explorations of her young body, in deference to his son-in-law.

"It's okay, honey," Grady consoled his oldest daughter. "We were just wondering why...that's all." He cupped her right breast, and bent to kiss it almost reverently. It was so beautifully shaped, he couldn't resist.

Julie closed her eyes and enjoyed the touch, and the whole sexual atmosphere. Her father on one side, her grandfather on the other...both of them touching her, exciting her. "If somehow I coulda known, maybe we could have been...doin' stuff before supper, ya know?" Everyone nodded.

"Well, probably not," Uncle Brett interjected. "There's still the matter of Stacey...and what we're going to do about her." He scratched his head irritatedly. "I just don't understand about her," he blurted. "Dang it! She was humping my leg like a bitch Chihuahua or something, then Grandpa Jack says she was pushing her pussy into his hand...and then...poof!" He snapped his fingers. "Just like that she's gone too!"

"Well, she and I BOTH thought something bad was going to happen if Mom came outside," she said defensively. "If someone had just SAID something, everything would be all good!" she reiterated. She wasn't letting that go.

"The lady has a good point," Grandpa Jack acknowledged. "But, Julie, in our defense--how could we have known?"

Julie stared incredulously at her grandfather. "Grandpa, do you REALLY think two girls let themselves be groped and fondled and then grind their pussies into some guys hand if they don't know what's what?? Do you REALLY think they're not ready to fuck you or suck you or something??"

The room was completely still while the four adults considered what the teenager had said.

"Well...another good point," Grandpa Jack remarked, cocking his head to one side. He glanced at Julie's annoyed face, at Curtis', and at the rest of the family. "Soooo, we messed up by not taking you girls up on your...invitation, as it were...and...once the moment passed with us guys not doing anything much...y'all pulled back 'cause Mom might come out and give you guys hell for being such sluts...that about it?"

"I LIKE being a slut!" Alicia said with a lascivious grin directed at her girl cousin.

"Me too!" Carrie said a moment behind.

Julie looked at them, wrinkled her nose and grinned broadly. She was holding her father's penis in one hand and her grandfather's in her other. "Yeah, I think me too!" she laughed.

Her faced turned serious and she took a minute to absorb what her grandfather had said, then nodded. "Grandpa, I think...kinda that was why...yeah." Fourteen-year-old's weren't supposed to be able to analyze emotions, inhibitions and intentions very clearly so it wasn't a surprise she was stumbling.

Grandpa Jack nodded thoughtfully. "Where we made our mistake was not taking your girls up on their offer; we didn't RECOGNIZE it as an offer." Grandpa Jack looked down at his cock in Julie's hand and smiled. " 'Course, horizons are expanding rapidly, now...huh, Julie?"

The young girl grinned back.

"So...what do we do now," Uncle Brett asked. It was a good question. Had the moment passed for young Stacey forever? It was possible. "How do we get her involved too?

Julie stared at the assembled adults disbelievingly. "You're kidding, right? Dang it, Curtis saw me talking about my boyfriend not fucking me, on Friday. Do you really think I'd talk to her about something that serious if she wasn't thinking some of the same things?"

"Did you ever think of ASKING Stacey if she wants to party naked?" she asked scornfully.

* * *

Twelve-year-old Stacey was an enigma to Grandpa Jack, as she was to almost everyone who knew her. Smart and quick to learn anything she wanted to, she was a pretty redhead whose body was slender and graceful. Grandpa Jack loved her hands. They were beautifully shaped with long, elegantly shaped fingers. She was tall and leggy for her age, the apple of her father's eye.

Grandpa Jack, barefoot, almost tiptoed upstairs and down to the end of the hall to Stacey's room. He had on a T-shirt and cargo shorts--just in case. Stopping at Stacey's door for a brief moment, he listened...for what he didn't know. He knocked on the child's door.

"Come in," a childish voice said. Evidently, young Stacey was awake and alert. Grandpa Jack pushed open the door and stepped inside. He didn't bother closing the door--there was no need, considering what everyone else was doing downstairs. If he wound up in court for what he was about to suggest to Stacey, he'd be able to say she invited him in and he hadn't separated her from the family. Might cut a century or two off his sentence, he thought.

Stepping inside, Grandpa Jack turned half right and walked to Stacey's twin bed. The slender girl was in her twin bed, but showed no sign of having been asleep. Visible in the soft light from a lamp on her nightstand, Grandpa Jack could see the sheet covering everything below Stacey's shoulders...but her shoulders were bare. Her arms lay alongside her body outside the sheet. She looked up at her grandfather as he approached with a cute smile on her lips. Her grin broadened.

"I THOUGHT it would be you, Grandpa Jack," the little girl quipped.

"Hmmmm? You thought it would be me? What, honey?" he asked, confused, but grateful for a delay.

Stacey grin morphed into a more mischievous one. She sat up, the sheet dropped...and exposed perfect little cones of breasts sitting high on her slender chest. She was clearly naked, at least to the waist. Grandpa Jack's jaw dropped, but Stacey paid no attention.

"First, she said, ticking off her first point with her right forefinger tapping her left one, I came inside yesterday after I let you play with my cootchie in the pool," she said unperturbedly, "and Mom and Dad's bedroom smelled like it does when they do sex if Dad gets an afternoon off...BUT there wasn't anyone around but Curtis and Aunt Candy...and they were acting like they'd just got their body parts together...soooo...." She giggled.

She touched her left middle finger. "And you let me an' Julie rub our kitties up against you...and Uncle Brett too...and you didn't say a WORD. She tapped her left ring finger with her right forefinger. "Alicia and Carrie...don't say they did...I KNOW they didn't have their bottoms on when they were playing with my Daddy in the pool, did they?"

Grandpa Jack nodded. He cleared his throat. "Ahhhhhh, no, I don't think they did right then."

"I knew that," Stacey said in a satisfied tone. "Was he playing with their cootchies," she asked curiously.

"Had a finger deep in both each of their pussies," Grandpa Jack said, nodding slowly.

"Yeah, I thought so," she remarked. "Do they always do...are they always so slutty?" she asked interestedly.

"Well...yeah," Grandpa Jack admitted. "They don't think being slutty is a bad thing," he added quickly.

"Me neither," Stacey observed calmly. She grinned naughtily.

"Well...," she said, touching her little finger to make another point, "...then I saw Mom and Curtis walking down the hall NAKED a while ago," she said. "And a while later I saw Mom and JULIE walking down the hall to mom's room and they ran the shower and then they went downstairs...and THEY were naked too!" she said emphatically. The last point was made on her left thumb, that being the only digit remaining.

"Web cam," she said shortly when Grandpa Jack looked at the door confusedly. "Just put it on the floor...cover most of it with something like a T-shirt, and nobody sees it," she explained. "I can see EVERYTHING!"

"Very cool," Grandpa Jack said, smiling.

The young girl glowed at the tone of fond admiration in Grandpa Jack's voice. Then her red-headedness took over for a moment.

"Ever'body sneakin' down the hall all naked and stuff and you all think I'm not gonna know what's happenin'?" she scoffed. Then she giggled. "I knew someone was going to come upstairs for me," she avowed. "I jus' didn't know when...or who."

She looked her grandfather up and down, not missing the bulge in his shorts. She grinned and licked suddenly dry lips. "I'm glad it was you," she said softly and she smiled a licentious little smile twelve-year-old girls aren't supposed to know how to do.

There was a short silence. Grandpa Jack wondered what to do next, but he needn't have bothered. Stacey was still very much in charge.

"Can I play with that?" Stacey demanded, pointing a slender finger at Grandpa Jack's crotch. She clearly had some knowledge about what such a protuberance meant.

Grandpa Jack nodded.

"Grandpa, you have too much clothes on," she scolded. "Mommy and Curtis and Julie were all naked...and I am too...don't you think you should be"

He looked at his young granddaughter. "I think you're right," he said, and unbuttoned his shorts. They fell to the floor, revealing his hard penis standing out from his groin, seeming to bob and weave in the air, pointing at the young girl.

Stacey never saw his T-shirt being tossed aside. She sucked in her breath and stared, thoroughly enthralled with her first live cock.

"I didn't know they were so pretty," she said at last, sighing happily.

Grandpa Jack laughed. "Well...'pretty' isn't a term usually applied to a man's hard-on...but I'm glad you like it."

"I'll call it whatever I want," Stacey said pertly, "and it is...nice. I thought they had hair and stuff all over them and on your belly too."

"Yeah...that happens," Grandpa Jack agreed. "Unless a guy shaves all the hair off...or has it removed permanently, like I have," he told the inquisitive girl.

"How do you get it done 'permanently' ?" she asked.

"Well the short answer is a laser," he told her. "But honey, there's lots of things that we can talk about...tomorrow and after that, right?"

"Okay, Grandpa," Stacey said agreeably. "I still say it's pretty," she sniffed. "It is."

"Okay," Grandpa Jack said agreeably. "And now...?"

Stacey got the point. She smiled, perhaps a little nervously. Taking the edge of the sheet and blanket in her left hand, she swept them off her body and tucked them into the space between her mattress and the wall.

She was stark naked beneath the covers. She spread her slender thighs, arched her back to raise her ass off the bed. She wriggled her hips and pumped them up and down for her grandfather. Stacey was tall for her age, slim as a reed and leggy. Naked, she was a vision of late pre-teen sexiness.

Grandpa Jack was thoroughly entranced by her innocent sexuality. He grinned into her eyes, letting her see his approval, and the pre-teen girl visibly relaxed. She settled back down on the bed.

"You like me, Grandpa?" she whispered. Shyly, she swept a hand down her belly to stop at the top of her puffy slit. Pressing lightly, her outer labia parted just enough to show a glistening of little-girl juices.

"Absolutely," Grandpa Jack replied, nodding happily. "You look...delicious!" he declared.

The young girl swallowed and licked her lips. Her left hand moved and attracted Grandpa Jack's attention to three plastic devices of different lengths and thicknesses that had been laying beneath the sheets with her. Stacey picked one up...made sure Grandpa Jack knew what it was...adjusted her body...and deftly inserted the short dildo between her pretty outer labia, pushing it deeper almost instantly.

"See me put my fake dickie thing in me, Grandpa?" the little girl asked softly. She worked the plastic phallus around a little, plunging it in and then pulling it back until it was nearly wholly out of her body.

Grandpa Jack nodded. He couldn't have turned away from the lewd show his granddaughter was putting on for anything.

Stacey grinned and pulled the dildo all the way out. Holding her grandfather's eyes with hers, she put the dildo between her lips and sucked it for a moment. Sticking her pink tongue out, she licked the dildo dry of the fluids she just wet it with...and then she pushed almost the entire length of the dildo into her mouth. All Grandpa Jack could see was the base of the dildo, flush with her soft lips. When she retrieved the fake penis from her mouth, it was wet with her saliva, but she paid it no more attention, dropping it beside her in the bed and picking up another one.

"This one is fatter," Stacey explained to Grandpa Jack. "It's so my cootchie will stretch out a little bit more," she said. She worked it in, steadily pressing it deeper after pushing it inside her outer lips. She grinned up at her grandfather when he took his cock in hand and began masturbating. She enjoyed the show he was giving her and she was warmed, knowing that he was doing it because of her own lewd acts.

She took up the third dildo and inserted it carefully. Sliding it in was both easier and more difficult. Easier, because her vagina was secreting little-girl juices in ever more abundant quantities, but harder because this was the thickest in her collection. She smiled up at Grandpa Jack, thrusting her immature hips up at him while she fucked the phallus in and out of her tender cunt. A light flush covered her upper chest now. Her breath wasn't as regular as it had been.

"Honey...," Grandpa Jack said hoarsely, "how long have you been playing with...?" His off hand moved expressively to include all the plastic dildoes...and her pussy too.

"I been playing with my fingers in my cootchie since I was in first grade," Stacey replied calmly. "An' when I was eight, Mom threw away the middle thingie 'cause she didn't want it anymore...but I found it in the trash and cleaned it up and stuff, and I got this big one from Wendy...she's my best friend at school...and I love all a' them," she remarked.

"I only started doing this, this summer," she said. Never stopping moving the largest of the dildoes in and out with her right hand, she picked up the most slender of the three with her left hand. She drew her knees up to her shoulders, her neck stretching so she could see between her legs; she carefully inserted the dildo into her pink, puckered butt hole. "It's like two guys doing me," she explained to her grandfather as he watched, his attention fixed on the girl's ministrations.

Abruptly, Stacey pulled the dildoes out of her ass and cunt, setting them aside. She swung her legs off the bed and leaned forward to examine Grandpa Jack's cock in minute detail. He held himself still, letting the child do whatever she wanted to.

"Don't you sometimes have to move this back behind the fat head?" Stacey asked interestedly.

"It's called 'foreskin' Grandpa Jack told her softly, doing his best to hang on to his composure, "and it 'always' has to be moved back...retracted...but I already did that while I was playing with it," he told her. "And the head is called the 'glans," he added.

Stacey nodded and resumed her inspection of the first live penis she'd ever seen. In a moment, she kissed the mushroom-shaped crown, her tongue slithered along the little slit in the head, and she took as much of the head into her mouth as she could. Her fingers marked the place on the shaft where her lips had been and she let Grandpa Jack's penis slip out of her mouth to check.

She smiled approvingly and popped her grandfather's cock back in. Bobbing her head up and down, she treated Grandpa Jack to a fine blowjob, slathering her tongue all around the head and paying very close attention to the sensitive V, under the glans.

Clearing his throat, Grandpa Jack explained, "That, that you're touching right now, sugar...Unghhh...yeah's called the frenum...or some folks call it the frenulum." Grandpa Jack grunted at the sheer pleasure of the tip of the little girl's tongue exploring the underside of his cock. "And it's really, really sensitive, sweetie," he concluded earnestly.

Stacey let his prick slip out of her mouth. She leaned back a little to look her grandfather in the eyes. "You like what I'm doing for you, Grandpa Jack?" she asked innocently.

"God, yes!" her grandfather assured her.

"I thought you'd like it," Stacey said seriously. "Wendy told me guys like that really much...." Her voice trailed off at the end.

Grandpa Jack smiled back. "But now, it's time for me to taste that pretty pussy of yours," he told her. Taking the girl by her bare shoulders, Grandpa Jack pressed her back onto the bed and knelt on the floor in front of her.

Stacey grinned in anticipation. She arranged herself so that she was laying across the width of her twin bed. That way, her 'cootchie' was right at the edge of the bed, her legs were dangling comfortably over the side, and her head was supported by the wall behind her bed so she could see everything Grandpa Jack was going to do to her without straining. A nervous giggle sneaked out.

Grandpa Jack touched his tongue to the lowest part of the twelve-year-old's puffy slit, making the young girl shiver. He glanced up to see Stacey's bright eyes watching him intently. He smiled and turned his attention back to her pussy.

He worked his tongue between her already slickened outer labia and pushed upward, dividing her pussy with his thick tongue. He was rewarded with the sound of a huge breath being sucked through Stacey's teeth. Spreading her lips apart a little with his hands, he licked a slow stroke up the left side and back down the right...then he reversed course and went up the right side...and back down again...and did it all over again.

"Uuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," Stacey moaned softly. Grandpa Jack grinned. He was back in charge for the moment.

Gently spreading her lips a little wider, he set the tip of his tongue against the little fleshy cover over her clitoris and set about teasing the little nubbin out. In a minute, it was exposed and he was moving his tongue all around and over it.

Stacey's young hips began rocking from side to side, and then up and down; meeting the slathering strokes her grandfather was applying to her outer labia and the opening to her quim. She was panting hoarsely, loving what her grandfather was doing. Her knees rose and hovered in mid-air; her slim thighs clamped Grandpa Jack's head between them. Her fingers twined themselves in the locks of his hair, pulling slightly as she urged him to keep on driving her out of her mind. Stacey moaned aloud, whimpering as Grandpa Jack's mouth covered almost all of her pussy, trying to suck all the juices out of her vagina sometimes and other times using his tongue to spear as deep as he could into her virginal cunt.

Grandpa Jack gradually slowed his pace, licking more gently, then barely touching the little-girl's sensitive skin, then not at all. He drew back, wiping his sopping face and chin.

"What?" Stacey asked thickly. Then she understood. "Are you gonna put your thing in me now, Grandpa?" she asked expectantly. She groaned as a stray impulse of sexual pleasure shot through her body like a streak of lightning.

Grandpa Jack sat back on his heels. "It's time, don't you think," he asked the girl child gently.

Stacey's answer was to whip her body around on the twin bed so she was laying lengthwise again. She stretched out her legs, spreading them wide to show her grandfather her puffed-up pussy lips and the ruby red interior between them. "Now, Grandpa," she said, reaching up to him, pulling on his arm to bring him down on top of her.

He was a little dubious. He was way too heavy to lay on her...most of the young girls he'd fucked this summer wanted to ride him, rather than the other way around. But, if that's what she wanted.

Stacey moaned up into her grandfather's face, her hands fluttering, not knowing what to do, but always trying for more contact. She drew up her knees a little, letting them fall away to each side...her left knee was propped against the wall, and her right one flopped down on the surface of the narrow bed.

Grandpa Jack climbed on the bed between Stacey's slender thighs, shuffling close until he had his knees right up under her ass-cheeks. He pushed the tip of his cock down, just touching Stacey's outer labia. Then he stroked it up and down her slit, making the young girl sigh. She pushed her hips up off the bed, wanting the sensation to continue.

Supporting his upper body with his left arm, Grandpa Jack wetted his right forefinger in Stacey's pussy honey and pressed his fingertip to the tip of Stacey's left breast. He coated the aureole and nipple liberally, then rocked his body back enough to be able to bend low and capture her tiny nipple and suck gently. Stacey's body jerked and her hands flew to the back of Grandpa Jack's head to hold his mouth firmly against her boobie.

His finger dipped again in her young pussy, gathered more juices, and he moistened her right breast. Moving his head firmly, he moved his lips the short distance over to her right nipple and sucked and teased this one into diamond-hardness too.

Young Stacey groaned aloud. She whispered entreaties for her grandfather to keep going, do it again, do it harder...she had no idea what she was saying and it was mostly unintelligible anyway.

Grandpa Jack pulled back, sitting back on his haunches before moving forward again. This time, he braced his hands on either side of Stacey's slender shoulders. He swayed his body forward, settling his lower body a little, so the tip of his glans was just touching the girl's lower slit.

"Honey," Grandpa Jack said softly. "You just take my cock like you do your plastic ones and pull it into you just as slow as you want, okay?

The girl nodded. Her head came up off the pillow, her chin touched her breastbone and she grabbed her grandfather's cock in both hands, slowly pulling him into her. She whimpered, panted hard, and pulled more.

"Just like one of your dildoes, sugar," Grandpa Jack whispered, pushing his hips forward a little to take up the slack. He watched the little girl's pussy lips bulge obscenely as his cock was sucked inside her belly. Grandfather and granddaughter moaned almost in unison and they chuckled, both of them needing a little pause.

The little bit of humor relaxed Stacy, made her even more ready than she already was. Grandpa Jack's cock sank another two inches inside her. She could feel her vagina expanding, making more room for her grandfather's spearing prick. It was thicker than her thickest dildo, but not much.

She'd gotten that dildo because it was really fat. It'd taken her a long time before she could get it all in but the little pains, discomfort, and the many nights of working it into her cunt had all been worth it. Wendy was going to get a great big kiss the next time Stacey saw her for letting her have the thick thing.

With a few more moments work, Grandpa Jack bottomed out in the young girl's vagina and he pulled back slightly. "Put your hand right here," he whispered to the young girl, wrapping the fingers of her right hand around his shaft right to mark the limit he could plunge inside Stacey's immature cunt. "If I go too deep, it'll hurt, sugar," he said. "Just like if you pushed one of your dildoes in too deep, okay?" He was certain she'd done that at least once.

"Doesn't feel like my dildos," Stacy murmured.

"Is that a good thing?" Grandpa Jack asked teasingly.

"Oh yeahhhhhhhhh," Stacey whispered lazily. She was completely relaxed, trusting her grandfather to teach her all the things she'd been wanting to learn for so long now.

He started slow, getting used to the distance his hips should move to drive his penis just exactly the right depth inside young Stacey. When he found his stride, and the entrance to her cunt stretched just a tiny bit more, he increased the tempo, and even got a little deeper.

The incestuous couple adjusted their bodies, accommodating the movements of each other and finding out new things about the other's needs every second. Stacey wrapped her legs around her grandfather's waist. This way she had better leverage to ram her cunt back up to meet his downward thrust. Her fist wrapped around his cock kept him from bruising or ripping anything inside, but gradually it really became unnecessary. Grandpa Jack had fucked a number of very young girls now, and plunging to just the right depth was pretty much automatic.

He watched his cock slide down inside between her swollen pussy lips, feeling every inch of it as it sank into the wet volcanic heat of her vagina, marveling the young girl could take so much of him.

Stacey watched her outer labia bulge outward as her very own grandfather rammed his rod deep inside her. She could feel him inside her; she could feel the fullness he brought to her vagina, and she could feel where the movement of his manhood stimulated things around her pussy too. Stacey was in seventh heaven, loving every move Grandpa Jack made, and learning to move her body so he would love what she did.

The sensations each felt were pushing them up an ever-tighter spiral. It couldn't last very long. They'd used their mouths to drive each other almost crazy before the fuck had begun.

Abruptly, Stacey felt a familiar fire spreading in her lower belly, but it was more consuming this time. The pleasure ratcheted even higher. The twelve-year-old gasped. Her hands clutched at Grandpa Jack's shoulders, her right hand abandoned its job...but it wasn't important now.

Grandpa Jack was sawing in and out in short strokes now; unable to control enough of his lower body to even TRY for longer, slower ones.

"Grandpa! GRANDPA!!" Stacey wailed. "GRANDPAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!"

Her legs hammered at his buttocks for a moment, then locked into place. She strained, trying to pull him tighter with her heels. She rocked her body back and forth, trying to breath...and then she froze in place, her head thrown back, straining...straining...straining...until there was no strength in her body. She fell back to the surface of her bed like a puppet with its strings cut. She lay there, spent and exhausted, but very, very happy.

Grandpa Jack felt Stacey's cunt rippling all around his cock, clamping and releasing in a wild rhythm she couldn't control. His own orgasm broke through all his resolve to last just that little bit longer.

He sprayed the inside of the little girl's body with his milky white cream, his hips jerking as she milked the incestuous semen right out of him. He bucked, stroking quickly, and then shot the last of his jism inside the girl...and then he was done.

Breathing hard, his muscles pushed to their last, he collapsed beside his granddaughter, nearly falling off the narrow twin bed. He caught himself at the last moment and settled down beside her. There was just barely enough room for the two of them on the twin bed.

"Was that good, Grandpa?" she asked.

"Absolutely perfect!" he replied.

Stacey cuddled tightly against her grandfather, pillowing her head on his shoulder and throwing her left leg over his thigh.

"Me too," she sighed.

* * *

Grandpa Jack carried the willowy, slender girl in his arms down into the basement like a new bride. "Say hello to the best prepared virgin for a fuck...EVER!!" he called out.

Everyone cheered. The noise was okay. The windows were all painted over and sound didn't carry outside the solid foundations.

Even though it was two o'clock in the morning, the basement party was still going strong. Stacey looked around the room, standing beside her grandfather with her hands on her immature hips.

Stacey's mother was on all fours over there with Stacey's brother fucking her enthusiastically from behind, grinning madly at no one and everyone. Uncle Brett was behind Julie and he was fucking...Stacey had to move to one side to see better...Uncle Brett was fucking Julie up the ass. Evidently Julie liked it 'cause she was throwing her head from side to side, squinting her eyes real tight, and her face looking like she was layin' an egg...and she was squealing all the while like a stuck pig.

Stacey grinned. She saw her daddy was balls-deep in Aunt Candy's ass too. Evidently butt-fuckin' was on the agenda tonight...along with some other stuff going on, 'cause Aunt Candy was eatin' Carrie or Alicia's pussy, whichever twin it was, making the girl wail and thrash about like she was almost coming apart.

The other twin walked up to Stacey and wrapped her arms around her cousin in a more than warm embrace. "I'm soooo glad you're ready to party with us," she told Stacey. She bent to kiss each of Stacey's proud buds. "Those are very pretty!"

"Thank you," Stacey said automatically. "Okay...who ARE you?" Stacey asked point blank.

"Oh...I'm Carrie," the naked sprit confided. "You know how many people can tell us apart?" she asked Stacey. She didn't wait for an answer. She pointed her forefinger at Grandpa Jack and giggled. "And mom can...and daddy sometimes...that's all."

"Cool...and WHAT is that?" Stacey inquired.

"A strap-on harness," Carrie explained airily. "It's so one girl can fuck another one when all the guys get busy, or too tired," she added. "It has a little spring gadget attached to a little dildo on the inside...she pulled the harness away from her groin to show Stacey what she, like every time you push the big dildo inside a girl, it pushes this little dildo up inside you. It's SO much fun."

"Ummmmm...okay...," Stacey replied.

"So...wanta fuck?" Carrie asked brightly.

Stacey's sensibilities were jarred by the forthright invitation. She took a minute, looking around at all the sex going on in the basement family room. All this was making a little tingle begin all over again inside her. She thought her grandpa had taken care of all that a little while ago.

"Sure!" she said to Carrie. Why the heck not?

"Tight!" Carrie exclaimed. "Hey, is it all right if Grandpa Jack fucks me while I do you with this?" She slapped at the strap-on's six-inch dildo dancing in the air.

"Uh, sure," Stacey replied. Grandpa Jack had already fucked her upstairs.

"Ummmm, good!" Carrie remarked. "Everybody but me got a good butt-fucking kick a little while ago. I didn't get my turn yet," she said. She looked at Stacey. "You want me to fuck your ass with this fella, or...?"

"No, just in my pussy," Stacey forced out, faintly.

"You sure?" Carrie demanded, producing a big tube of KY from where it had been tucked, unseen, behind the harness belt. "It takes a while to figure out how to like butt-fuckin' but once you do, it's really cool!"

"," Stacey said. "I think I want my daddy to...butt-fuck me the first time," she said.

"Good choice," Carrie said warmly. "He did my sister a while ago and she wanted to do it all over again with him right after." She looked around.

"How about right over there? All fours okay with is with me. I LOVE to get fucked doggy style...and Grandpa Jack does it better'n anybody, believe me...."

Stacey nodded, and soon they had themselves arranged. In another minute, Stacey was on hands and spread knees while Carrie's strap-on cock slid in and out of Stacey's pussy. Grandpa Jack, his cock all lubed up and hard as a statue, was ramming his cock deeper into Carrie's butt with every stroke.

And then there was no more need for talking. The party continued through the rest of the night and even beyond a sumptuous early breakfast.

An hour later, with the food in their bellies making them lethargic, the partiers all crashed. Everyone slept together on air mattresses on the basement floor, in the arms of whoever they coupled with last.

And when the afternoon came, the party started all over again.

Chapter Five

"THAT was great!" Alicia opined, lying flat of her back on Grandpa Jack's king-sized motor home bed. Her head was propped up on a thick pillow; her legs stretched lengthwise down the bed. Her mother was lying next to her on her belly and facing away in a classic sixty-nine arrangement.

Grandpa Jack was laying face up at right angles to them, his head pillowed on Candy's beautifully rounded ass. He wasn't real sure how he'd wound up with his head propped up his daughter's firm/soft butt cheek, but he was glad he had.

They were all three naked. Their bodies shifted from time to time as Brett, up front driving the bus for right now, guided the big motor home through curves, up and down the hills, and around imaginary obstructions...just 'cause he could.

It hadn't been until Grandpa Jack started calling the motor home, a bus that Brett relaxed and started taking turns driving. He'd been scared to death he was going to do something wrong when it was a big, expensive, rolling 'home away from home'.

"What, dear?" Candy asked. "Doin' a sixty-nine with me over you while Daddy fucked me?"

Alicia didn't reply soon enough.

"It WAS fun eatin' your pussy honey," Candy reflected, filling the silence. "Did much of my cunt juice drip out of me while your grandfather fucked me?"

"Sure!...and his CUM too! It was good," Alicia said in a satisfied tone. There was another short silence.

"What I mean is, visiting with Aunt Joanne and everybody...and then helping them find out they really wanted to be fucking each other just like us," she observed.

"We coulda been doing it with each other EARLIER if we'd a' just known," she said dryly, but...we decided to be all nicey nice." The last part was delivered, perhaps a tad scornfully.

"Well, we didn't know, honey," Alicia's mother remarked drowsily. She had a tendency to doze off when she was really comfortable and had just been fucked.

"You think Uncle Grady will get to move his business to where we they could be with us and we could share ALL the time?" Alicia asked in a speculative tone.

"Dunno," Grandpa Jack answered slowly. "I made some calls for him. I frontloaded a couple land owners, a guy who works for the mayor, folks like that...that Grady would be calling soon. The rest is up to him."

"I hope they can," Alicia said wistfully.

"Depends a lot on Grady's partner," Grandpa Jack interjected. "He's got to want to move too, though I'm pretty sure they'd both benefit from a better tax structure, lower labor costs and stuff like that."

"You think his partner and his partner's family will want to move?" Candy asked, wondering if that would be a factor.

Her father shrugged his shoulders. She felt the motion on her thighs.

"Would either family, and maybe the families of their employees want to move? Hard to tell. Big step...even Joanne and the kids might not be willing."

There was a short silence.

"Grandpa, Julie and Stacey and Curtis wanted to come live with us NOW!" Alicia argued. "They LOVE sex and they really want more."

"Well...I hear ya," Grandpa Jack mused. "The more sex you get, the more you want...that's true. We'll just have to see."

"We coulda all gotten more if we only knew they wanted to," Alicia remarked a little crossly. "Curtis has the CUTEST cock...." She had returned to her original complaint.

"Alicia...." Candy said forbiddingly.

No one said anything.

"You know...?" Alicia wondered aloud.

"Alicia!" warned Candy. Even stark naked, daughter-pussy eating, happy sixty-nining, nephew screwing, Daddy fucking, and brother-in-law sexing MILFs are MOTHERS at times.

"No, different subject," Alicia shot back. "I was gonna say that it's really great having sex with Ol' Jim and all the Velasquezes...did I say that right? Velasquezes? Uh...Velas...ah, the heck with it, you know who I mean. Well anyway with all the Velasquez family and everybody...but the nastiest, hottest, best-est sex in the whole world is with just family, don't you think?" she said.

Her mother and grandfather considered the question.

"I don't mean just us here," Alicia mused, "family like Aunt Joanna and all her family too."

"UNGH!" Grandpa Jack grunted.

"What, Daddy?" Candy asked without opening her eyes.

"That was me," Carrie admitted. She'd come in unannounced, the faint road noise had drowned out any noise her bare feet might have made on the thick carpet. That was okay...but she'd grabbed Grandpa Jack's cock before he knew anyone was there.

"Okay, play nice," Candy said hazily.

"I think you're right, 'Licia," Carrie commented. "About family and fucking like that."

"Got MY vote, I know that," said Grandpa Jack in a soft voice. He was still resting, though with Carrie masturbating him and gently kneading his ball sack, it was becoming more difficult. "But fucking other folks at the camp, and parties and such...that has its place too...its not like we have to do just one or the other, right?"

"Yeah," Alicia sighed contentedly. The conversation was fading fast.

"Uh, Carrie? You can come's straight now," Brett said, his voice coming from the intercom near the bedroom door. Brett didn't fully trust the guidance software to make sharp corners or stuff like that yet, but sometimes the pressure in his groin overrode his too cautious mindset.

Carrie leapt to her feet. "COMING DADDY," she yelled, not bothering to thumb the speaker button. She sprang to the door and was gone before anyone could say anything.

"You two are taking your pills every day...when you're supposed to, I mean...right?" Candy asked Alicia in her 'mother' voice. It had been on her mind for the past few days.

"Oh yeah," Alicia replied. "Not to worry...we take them with our vitamins."

"K...." Candy rolled over and looked at the clock. It was still early afternoon, and they were far from where they were going to stop for the night. She stared at the ceiling for a minute. Her daddy's head was on her thigh now, only inches from her hairless pussy.

"Ahhhhh," Candy said, "uh...anyone up for round two or anything? With Carrie screamin' like a wild woman, I'm all awake now."

The pause was short.

" 'I' could go another round," Grandpa Jack observed. "You ready?" he asked Alicia.

"For you, Grandpa, any time you want it," the young girl said nastily.

"Cool, I'll take you up on that," he quipped.

Alicia giggled.

They were both serious, and they both knew it.

"So...I'll be down this time?" Candy suggested. "And you can eat me while Daddy fucks your pussy?"

"Sure!" Alicia agreed, standing and waiting for her mother to get positioned on the bed. In seconds, Alicia's cunt was filled with her grandfather's hard manhood and she was slurping away at her mother's already cum-filled cunt. Nothing was said, or needed to be said, for the next thirty-five miles or so.

* * *

The next night, Grandpa Jack put the satellite phone back in its charger in the small cabinet where they stored all the communications gear and closed the door. The system was set so a loud ringing tone announced any calls over the intercom.

"That was Old Jim?" Brett asked, knowing the answer from the one-sided conversation he'd just heard. He was using the inquiry to really ask why the patriarch of the Velasquez extended clan had called.

"Yeah," Grandpa Jack answered. He shrugged, his forehead furrowed with a faint, confused frown. "He just wanted to stay in touch, I guess. Didn't say much. Just wondered how the trip was going, if we were on schedule...some silly questions about the new showers we're gonna put in over the winter. Maybe Nadine kicked him out a' the house for smokin' inside or something and he doesn't know what to do with himself 'til she cools down."

"What ARE you going to do with the showers?" Brett asked, straightening up and putting down his coffee cup.

"Well...what I envision is...several--I don't know how many yet, I keep changing my mind--maybe a dozen more? Anyway...X-number...of BIG new shower stalls...PARTY-SIZED shower stalls--all in the same building, and all built around a central...uh...kind of a courtyard thing, ya know? And all of them will be clear, so anyone can see--except they'll have polarized glass like here in the bus, 'cause everyone needs some privacy some times ya know."

He paused when a new idea occurred to him. "Ya know, we really should have some Jacuzzis, and some hot tubs and stuff like that out there too, huh?" he said thoughtfully. "Places to lie around and get all warm and wet and horny.... Jacuzzis and hot tubs in the courtyard? Hmmmmmm, how's that sound?

"Sounds good to me," Candy threw in from in front of the cabinets where she was putting up the dishes. Grandpa Jack had cooked, Brett had washed, and it was Candy's chore to dry and put everything up. That was sum of the adults' chores for this evening.

"Naked hot tubs?" Alicia called from the computer station. She was watching the outside world through the exterior cameras, zooming in on feeding deer and a family of raccoons once. She was also practicing locking the software on a random vehicle and following it around the huge sweeping curve the road made on the other side of the valley.

The highway was a good five miles away, masked by trees most of the time so she had to tell the computer to estimate progress based on estimated speeds and known road conditions...then stay locked on when the vehicle came back into sight.

Mostly, she was just playing.

"Honey, your grandfather doesn't know about other kind of hot tub," Candy chided her daughter. She chuckled.

" only get in warm, frothy, water to do a certain number of things," Grandpa Jack observed, "...and none of them require any clothes!"

They laughed.

"What about 'naked hot tubs'?" Carrie asked, coming from the motor home's shower, still drying her hair. She was naked as were all the rest of them. The door was locked, and double-checked, for the night, the polarized windows tuned so that nothing could be seen inside the big RV motor home. Everything was secure. The National Park Service campground was empty anyway...the woman park ranger at the entrance said that was the rule rather than the exception these days.

"Just your grandfather thinking of new ways to get everyone in the mood for fucking, honey," Candy replied offhandedly. "Something new for him to spend his money on out at the campground...."

"Hey, Grandpa!" Alicia called, "I think you'll be interested in this," she said. "Three new campers just pulled in and they all parking together up under those big trees where you said the next-best slots were."

Grandpa Jack didn't move. He was comfortable; he had his evening coffee sitting on the end table next to his recliner; and he didn't intend to move for information that nebulous.

"Naked women and kids?" he called back. "...with 'Fuck Me Right NOW!' signs around their necks?"

There was a pause. "Well, they're not naked...yet."

Grandpa Jack looked around for a moment, pondering the possibilities and pursing his lips. But he couldn't resist. Everyone gave in to the urge; they all formed up behind Alicia's computer chair within a second of each other.

The newly arriving campers were chock full of people. Three adult guys, four adult women and a big group of kids...teens, all the way down to a couple of toddlers.

"Zoom in a little, sugar puss," Grandpa Jack drawled. "Put it on the big screen, okay?"

Alicia tapped a couple computer keys to make that happen. She selected the miniaturized, but powerful, HD camera mounted on the top-front of the bus to survey that distant campsite and used the joystick control to swing it right on target.

While Alicia stayed at the controls, the peanut gallery stepped back, almost in unison, into the living room section of the bus to watch on the widescreen. What distinguished the group of newcomers was, as Alicia had said, they weren't QUITE nude.

The women and girls all had on bikini bottoms or short shorts and they had their blouses or T's gathered up and tied beneath some healthy bosoms. A couple of girls had T's tied up like that so as to expose some very appealing midriffs, even when the young girl was too young to have boobies to really tie anything under.

The guys were trim and athletic looking. Tall and uniformly dark of hair, they wore swimsuits or shorts that weren't the typical loose fitting, long-legged, baggies young guys usually wore.

And there was plenty of grab-ass going on too. Those folks were quickly setting up camp...twilight was coming fast...but the guys were taking time out to snatch quick feels whenever a girl or one of the women wandered near. Butt cheeks were stroked, breasts were cupped, and kisses exchanged.

The females, from the oldest to the youngest, didn't seem to have any problems at all with what was happening. In fact, they were initiating contact themselves, slipping their hands beneath shorts waistlines and fondling happily. In general, everyone seemed to be having one heck of a lewdly good time.

And NO ONE was taking notice of Grandpa Jack's big bus. It was only parked out in plain sight.

The only time the fun and games slowed was when they began carrying trays, bowls, and pots of already cooked food out of the campers to the picnic tables. When they finished, there were outdoor chairs aplenty, lots of food and drink spread out, lanterns set on posts here and there...a very comfortable outdoor party setting.

"Don't they know we can SEE them?" Carrie asked wonderingly. One of the middle-teen girls was being helped out of her T-shirt. She made the guy who relieved her of her top fold it and take it to one of the campers and put it inside.

"In his defense," Grandpa Jack opined, "that young lady should NEVER wear anything above the waist," Grandpa Jack avowed. "Zoom in a little, 'Licia," he called out to his granddaughter. "Mmmmmm, those nipples look like gumdrops jus' waiting to be nibbled on," he said.

Brett mumbled his agreement.

"Maybe they think we're asleep or something?" Candy guessed. "The dark window polarization fooled them?

"Awful early for thinking someone's safely asleep," Grandpa Jack said. "And they haven't really investigated us at all."

"Goodness...look at that guy back over there," Candy ordered, pointing to the right side of the screen. "If that isn't a six-pack belly muscle there, I don't know what is," she declared.

"Mmmmmm, right back at ya, Grandpa Jack! Those guys should never be allowed to wear anything above the waist either!"

"Ohmigod, he dropped his shorts," Carrie squealed. There was a short silence. "NICE cock!" she added.

"He's a smoothie too!" her sister chimed in. "See that? No hair on that fat little thingie at ALL...and none in his crotch either, by golly." She used the joystick to swing the camera around and incrementally zoomed out and back in. "Heck, no one has a hair on them, below the neck, anyway," Alicia said in a low voice.

None of Grandpa Jack's family were sitting down. Everyone was standing in front of the high-resolution widescreen. They probably could have seen just as well from the chairs and sofa in the living area, but they didn't have the patience to just sit.

"Hmmmmm, who's that with a finger up my pussy?" Candy asked. She was standing between and in front of her husband and her father.

"That would be me," Grandpa Jack replied calmly.

"Just wanted to know," his daughter replied, "but you better be ready to finish what you start, Daddy dear."

Grandpa Jack didn't bother to reply. Candy knew perfectly well he would finish anything he started.

They were quiet for a bit, watching intently while they began some grab-ass games of their own, as Grandpa Jack called them. Over the summer, they'd become avid voyeurs in addition to even more avid exhibitionists, loving to watch and be watched...preferably both at the same time.

"Cut in some light enhancement, honey," Grandpa Jack told Alicia. She did. It improved the vision by a couple of orders of magnitude.

Strangely, the folks over there were still ignoring the presence of the big motor home, not even looking over occasionally to see if anyone was watching.

It was true there was no one else in the park. The older woman, the uniformed national park ranger, had said it was that way all over...the economy, she thought. And the two-lane federal highway across the valley took a longgggggg loop around the wooded area where the campground stood, and the nearest point of that road was a long, long way off...but cars COULD still be seen racing God knew where at high speed. It was highly unlikely one of the car's occupants could see anything down here. They were going too fast, and human beings were just dots at this distance...CARS were just dots at this distance.

Dang, one of the grown men, and one of the grown women were walking right out in the open in the middle of the park road. One of the toddlers, a little girl, was with them. They were all three naked. They stopped, the woman leaned down to speak into the toddler's ear. The little one, apparently obedient to her mother's instructions, leaned back on her mother's leg and began fingering her own slit.


Everyone in the motor home jumped. Grandpa Jack snatched his finger out of Candy's pussy hole and she yelped.

It was the damned satellite phone again.

Grandpa Jack swore for a minute, something he rarely did...and only when provoked.

"Put it on speaker too, would you honey?" he asked Alicia.

Alicia obligingly touched the control that shunted the satellite audio feed to the motor home's intercom system. Abruptly, the little noises of the outdoors, along with kids laughing, little shrieks and yells and such came from the sound system.

"Hello?" Grandpa Jack said, answering the phone call.

"Hi, do I have the honor of speaking to Grandpa Jack?" a deep, pleasant male voice asked. Grandpa Jack frowned. He'd thought he would be hearing Ol' Jim Velasquez wanting to talk again.

"Speaking!" Grandpa Jack replied.

"Hi, I'm Galen McFadden," the voice said. He paused. "We've never met, but my mother is Nadine Velasquez's niece!" He waited for a reaction.

Alicia zoomed in tight on the trio standing on the park road again, then only on the man; he had his hand pressed against his ear.

The man waved the thing in his hand at the motor home, looking directly at the RV, and grinned. He pulled the phone back down to his ear and began speaking.

"Hello?" Mr. Galen McFadden asked.

"Nadine Velasquez?" Candy said unbelievingly.

"None other!" the voice said cheerfully. "Uh, her niece--my mother--was the park ranger you met this afternoon...she's not, uh...feeling well at this time o' the month, but she's got the gate closed and locked and NOBODY better try gettin' by her!" he remarked. He paused.

"Ahhhhh...was that Candy, by any chance?" he asked.

"Uh-huh," she replied.

"Candy, I've heard some REALLY good things about you. You still have that rainbow tattoo on your right shoulder blade?" the man asked. The group looked at each other. The multi-colored tattoo was small and positioned so it couldn't be seen except in a bikini...or if she was nude, of course. No one knew about it. No one outside their family and the friends in the select crowd from Grandpa Jack's campground, anyway.

"Heard good things about you too, girls," he added. He paused. "Miss Carrie?"

Carrie looked started for a moment. "Yeah?" she said dubiously.

"Sugar, do you remember when my Great-Uncle call him 'Old Jim', I hear...tricked you and wrote something on your...belly...and told you it was permanent and would never come off?"

"Yeah...?" she said.

"And all the boys did what the tattoo said?" the voice continued.

"Yeahhhhh," Carrie replied dreamily. The question had instantly called up a happy memory from Grandpa Jack's campground where every boy in the Velasquez extended family had inserted a tongue into her pussy, as the tattoo instructed....

There was the sound of cheerful laughter.

"Enough bona fides for ya, Grandpa Jack?" the man asked.

"Oh, you had ME at 'Nadine' !!" Grandpa Jack replied and sniffed wisely.

The laughter over the phone link and in the motor home was loud and fun-loving.

"Well...then you better get your collective asses moving!" Galen said forcefully. "We're havin' a party over here and you're the guests of honor!"

"On the way!" Grandpa Jack said shortly, leaning over Alicia's bare shoulder to cut the connection

* * *

Grandpa Jack ended the night lying with his head propped up on a stack of pillows with big-breasted, thirteen-year-old Yvonne, and her younger cousin, Cyndi, who was six. Yvonne was Cyndi's normal baby sitter and that had been a major factor in Cyndi's parents allowing her to spend the night with Grandpa Jack in his motor home.

"See, Cyndi?" Yvonne asked. "You can lick all around the head and all the guys like that, even if you can't take it all in your mouth."

Little Cyndi nodded, and tilted Grandpa Jack's cock up so she could lick the underside. Yvonne had showed her the frenum earlier and Cyndi remembered her lessons well.

"And don't forget to hold Grandpa Jack's balls in your hand, baby," Yvonne continued. "Just be really gentle, okay?"

"I 'member," Cyndi said. She giggled. "They're really soft," she said before licking one long stroke up from Grandpa Jack's ball sack all the way up to the tip of his glans.

Grandpa Jack sucked in an appreciative breath of air.

"Grandpa Jack likes that, it again," Yvonne laughed. The little girl did as she was told. Three more times, and Grandpa Jack was about to climb the walls.

"Oh geeze," Grandpa Jack said at last. "Let's do something else, okay?"

"You don't like me licking your naughty cock?" Cyndi asked innocently.

"I LOVE it," Grandpa Jack avowed. "But how about I lick you for a while, huh?

"Okay!" Cyndi replied instantly. She stood beside Grandpa Jack on the bed, balancing carefully and waiting to be told how this was going to happen.

"Sit right here on my chest," Grandpa Jack told the little girl, slapping his upper chest, "and you can put your knees on each side...right by my head, okay?" When Grandpa Jack lay flat on the bed, she stood and straddled his head. The little one instinctively stopped at that point, happily posing for Grandpa Jack before settling down on his wide chest.

"Where'd you learn guys like to look at your little pussy slit?" Grandpa Jack asked smilingly.

"My Daddy told me," Cyndi said succinctly. She didn't think it was any big deal. So what if Daddy liked to look at her childishly puffy labia.

She scooted her butt up his chest until her immature slit was touching his lips. He kissed her childish outer labia from top to bottom, not that it was that great a distance. He was grinning all the while.

Behind little Cyndi, he held his erect cock vertically...and waggled it around to call attention to it. He felt Yvonne moving on the bed, felt her set her feet on either side of his hips and then her hands were around Cyndi on Grandpa Jack's shoulders, bracing her while she squatted down on the cock he was holding still for her.

"Mmmmmmm," Yvonne groaned as she impaled herself on the full-grown man's cock.

Inch by inch, Grandpa Jack's penis was engulfed in a heated, wet sheath. He groaned himself...into Cyndi's pussy, making her giggle delightedly.

"Do it again!" she demanded and he did, stopping only to begin lapping the small girl's pussy up and down before darting his tongue between puffy labia slickened with little-girl honey. It was Cyndi's turn to moan a little. It caught her by surprise and she giggled again.

The dark-haired young teen began rising and falling on Grandpa Jack's cock, plunging his penis deep inside her cunt, then letting it slide out again. The trio kept at it, finding an instinctive rhythm that suited all three of them. When he could no longer hold off, Grandpa Jack coated the inside of thirteen-year-old Yvonne's cunt with pearly white cum while she screamed her way through a hard-won orgasm. Little Cyndi danced on Grandpa Jack's tongue on the way to a very mature little climax of her own.

"Thank you, Grandpa Jack," Cyndi said sleepily, patting his shoulder from where she lay beside the grown man. "You eat pussy really good."

"Thank you, honey," Grandpa Jack told her, but she was already asleep. Yvonne settled down on Grandpa Jack's other side, but it was clear she wasn't ready to sleep.

"Grandpa Jack?" she asked at last.


"You asleep?"

"Nope," he replied. "I'm just bein' happy lying here with two hot, sexy little girls," he told her.

She giggled, happy the older male was impressed with her sexuality. Grandpa Jack had learned Yvonne was penetrated for the first time when she was her insistence...and she'd been fucking ever since. Her fingers were winding around on his chest, drawing unseen designs all around.

"Grandpa Jack?"


"You think we could do somethin' else, you an' me?"

"Whatcha got in mind?"

"I saw some KY on the table when we came in," she said tentatively, "and Mommy had me do an enema 'for we came out think we could...?"

He made her wait. "Last one in the living room's a smelly ol' used condom!" he said challengingly and rolled off the bed over Yvonne's body. She squealed tried to rise herself. He pushed her back down on the soft mattress and raced for the living room area. Young Cyndi didn't move a muscle.

When a laughing Yvonne caught up, Grandpa Jack had the bottle of lubricant open and a gob poured in his right palm, ready to begin lubricating her puckered little hole. She plopped down on all fours, letting her shoulders and upper chest slump to the floor while she thrust her bottom up in the air and waited for him to get to the task. It didn't take long. The girl was experienced with anal sex and knew how to relax and let his intruding finger do its job.

When they were both lubed up and ready, his big cock slowly sank into her bowels and he began fucking in and out. He reached under her and fondled her young breasts, and tweaked her little clitty. When she came, it was a hard one and she couldn't bear to stay still. At one point, he had to shuffle along on his knees behind a crawling Yvonne--she wasn't aware she was moving until Grandpa Jack mentioned it later.

When he was finished, a thin stream of cum dripped out of the young girl's butt, and down the inside of her slender thighs when she stood. They showered together in the motor home's shower stall, where Yvonne washed herself and Grandpa Jack thoroughly. Then she knelt in front of him and sucked his balls dry to thank him for the great butt-fucking while warm water streamed over her head and shoulders.

When they got back to the bed, they slept as hard as young Cyndi was already doing.

The lay-over at the national park lasted another three days, but Grandpa Jack knew they could make up time. They didn't need to tour the big city with all it's museums, nor the National Monument that was too hot and dusty anyway. So there was a lot of slack to fill up with naked partying. On their last evening, Nadine Velasquez' cousin was finished with her time of the month and she came by to visit--naked....

THE END, Grandpa Jack And The Twins Take A Road Trip, PART I

Stay tuned for PART II

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Well Seamus old boy, you've done us proud again! Great story, this family just keeps getting hornier, well done mate.


Another great story in this very hot series. It takes a good author for me to keep my interest in long stories like this, and you do the episodes very well, keeping the action going.


Great story.

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