Olivia - Pre-Teen Porn Star, Part 1

[ Mg, inc, rp ]

by TNT


Published: 4-Jan-2013

Word Count:

Author's Profile

show Story Summary
This is a fantasy; let's keep it that way.

"Smile," said the photographer.

Ten-year old Olivia Winter did so, an over the top beam that almost split her face. The photographer moved closer, snapping away from various angles. Satisfied he'd got a variety of shots of the angelic blonde's face he stepped back. Olivia briefly glanced over at her Mom, Chloe, the busty peroxide blonde looked bored, not that Olivia blamed her - by law her Mom had to sit in during the shoot, but apart from sitting there was nothing she needed to do.

The photographer raised his camera again, "Show us some pink."

Olivia took her party dress by the hem and lifted it up to her waist. She put on a shy look at the photographer snapped away, not that she was in any way shy about showing her smooth hairless slit in public, but the shoot called for her to appear virginal. "A little higher," the photographer called and Olivia pulled up her dress to her belly button, whilst giving her best innocent expression. As she was a pro it was damned good and only her various lovers and hopefully her soon to be growing army of fans would have known that she wasn't a first-time stripper. The photographer moved forward, clicking away, full body shots and then close ups, nodding in approval as she gave a shy look and moved her fingers down, so it looked like she was accidentally touching herself.

"Okay," said the photographer, "Let's take that dress higher and off. Slowly I want to catch it."

Olivia did as she was told, like the pro she was. The photographer snapped away as she slowly, gradually took her dress up, exposing her belly button, her smooth midriff and the tiny little bumps, no more than the size of fried eggs, that were her pre-teen boobs. "That's good," said the photographer as she took the dress off. He walked over and picked it up, before throwing it to one side so it was out of shot. "Look innocent," he smiled. Olivia posed, covering her pussy with one hand and her tiny nips with her arm. The photographer snapped away, moving around and taking her from every angle as she stood in her socks and neatly polished shoes. "Let the arm fall away, slowly at first, I want a gradual exposure of your choice bits."

Olivia expression was innocent as she slowly moved her hands and arms free so that the photographer could snap her nearly naked body unimpeded. He briefly brought his camera down, "That's good, Olivia," he said approvingly, "Now a bit more naughtiness, move your hand down to your pink and spread your hole."

This was the bit of the shoot Olivia liked the most, innocent was okay, but wanton was much more fun and much more like her. She kept moved her hand down and spread her tiny little tight hole between her fingers, so it was open and the wet insides could be seen. She kept her shy expression for a moment and then let it change, through surprise to pleasure to naughty nymphet. She moved her middle finger in, working it around and pushing at her warm flesh. "Good, that's it," said the photographer, "Work it harder, push that finger in." He snapped away taking photo after photo of the pre-teen in the most sexualised positions. He licked his lips, made hot by the sexy girl in front of him. He kept his professionalism though, "A bit deeper, put it all in."

Olivia's finger went in as far as it could, until the knuckles of the fingers on either side were pressing on her ten-year old hairless vulva. The man snapped away, a slight sheen of sweat visible on his brow, "That's good sweetie, you're looking like a princess; a very sexy princess."

Olivia smiled and moved her finger in and out. The lump under the photographer's pants was visible as he moved in to take a close up. He snapped away, taking in the hairless snatch and the finger in. Olivia moaned in pleasure as she fingered herself, it always felt so good she thought. The photographer nodded and snapped away, pictures of her pleasured face and her smooth slit. Then he stepped back, "Okay that's a wrap."


Not long after Olivia and her Mom were in the car. The pre-teen in her more normal wear of tight denims and spanglely T-shirt. She noisily chewed her gum as they drove through the town of Hollow's Green, probably the main centre of the child sex industry. Three years ago it had been a sleepy seaside town, with little to different from thousands of other small towns spread across America. But then child sex had been legalised; it was a coincidence that one of the early producers had set up in the place; it was near where he lived, there was a great beach for some scenes and rolling woods and beautiful scenery for other, plus cheap floor-space ever since the local mill had closed and left half a dozen empty warehouses in its wake. Producers, directors, studs and wannabe child stars flocked to the new palace of dreams, all wanting to make their mark and make their money. The town had rapidly expanded. At last count there were a dozen warehouses, each boasting four to twelve sound stages, pouring out over a hundred films a week from perhaps twenty or thirty different major studios and countless independent and amateur.

Driving down main street Chloe looked out. Most of the shops were there to cater for the new industry, sexy wear for pre-teens, cosmetic shops, costumiers and film rental. Interspersed between them were strip clubs where beautiful young girls stripped for the customers, Chloe had heard some of the really successful pre-teeners could earn a couple of thousand a night for a live show. She looked at her daughter, looking out the window and popping her gum; she had the looks the Mom knew, she also had the moves, but would she have the luck. She took another glance out the window as she turned off Main Street and down one of the side roads, here was the darker side, the girls who hadn't quiet made it and struggled to keep themselves and the parent (or parents) in bucks and were forced to sell themselves to the hundred of randy tourists who came to score some pre-teen Pussy.

Up on the hills were the palatial mansions of the stars, gleaming in the sun. Chloe looked at them with fervent desire that one day she'd be up their in one of them, sunning herself and sipping cool cocktails, living off Olivia's earnings. But for the moment the two of them were sharing a clapped out apartment, with one bed for Olivia and a couch for Chloe. The busty Mom was sure it would be worth it, her asshole of an ex-husband had laughed when she said she was taking Olivia to Hollow's Green, telling her it was the graveyard of dreams and whilst Olivia was a slut, there were thousands of them up there, all as pretty and dirty. Chloe had, not for the first time, told him to fuck off. She left her younger eight-year old daughter with him and headed off, Olivia and a suitcase in the car. She hadn't heard from the deadbeat asshole since, he was probably banging his daughter, he always had fucked anything with a hole; and if not her probably some other trailer trash pre-teen.

"Come on honey," she said and walked up the stairs to her apartment. She entered the room, slid under the door was an envelope. Chloe picked it up. It was addressed to her and Olivia and there was the official stamp of the US Bureau of Child Sex Licensing on the envelope. She turned to Olivia, suddenly nervous, what was in this envelope would show whether luck was on their side or not. She licked her lips as Olivia looked excitedly at her. She remembered the interview and hoped.


The man got up from behind his desk and gestured to some seats in front of it. Chloe and Olivia took one each as the man picked up a pad and pen and took a seat opposite them. He smiled in a friendly way, used to trying to put children and their Mom's at their ease, "Hello I'm Bob Martin, from US Bureau of Child Sex Licensing."

"Hello Mr Martin," said Chloe politely, tapping Olivia's chair leg lightly with her foot so her daughter followed her example."

"You can call me Bob," he said smiling in a fatherly fashion, "You know why you're here?" he asked, looking at Olivia.

"Yes," said Chloe.

Bob smiled at her, "I need to check Olivia knows, Ms Winter. I'll speak to you in a few minutes, but for now I just need to talk to Olivia." He looked at the pre-teen again and smiled, "So do you know why we are here?"

For a second Olivia was silent, and Chloe felt her stomach churn as she worried about the crashing down of her ambitions before they'd even got off the ground. But then Olivia gave a radiant smile, "Yes... Bob. You're here to see about giving me a licence."

"Good, a licence for what?"

"The child sex licence would allow me to have sex and be filmed and photographed, without it everyone involved in the making and distribution would be committing a Federal Crime, the cameramen, directors, producers, even the make-up Ladies could go to jail. Without it I'm only allowed to do solo."

"That's right," said Bob, he smiled and scribbled something on the pad, "Now we need to have a bit of a talk about you. I need to understand that this is something you want to and are not being forced. I'll be writing down some notes as we talk. You understand?"

Olivia nodded. Bob paused for a second, as the pre-teen wiggled in her seat and looked at him. He smiled reassuringly at her, "How old were you when you had your first sexual boyfriend?"


"And who was it?"

"My teacher."

Bob nodded understandingly, "That's quiet common. Can I ask who took the lead?"

"I guess we both did. I mean I saw him eyeing me and I made sure he knew I was available."

"When did you first have sex?"

Olivia scrunched up her face, thinking, "What do you mean by sex?"

"Anything. You tell me." Bob smiled kindly.

"Okay. I gave him head before our first date. I came into the classroom after school, undid his pants and sucked him off. That's how he knew I was available." Bob smiled and nodded, scribbling something in his book. Olivia waited until he looked up again before carrying on, "Then he took my virginity proper on our second date. He'd taken me to see a Disney and we went back to his place and had sex."

"Enjoy it?"

"Not so much the first time. I did the second time," Olivia said truthfully. She smiled, "I liked it more the more I did it."

"How long did this relationship last?"

"Three months."

"Why did it end?"

"I went into a different class and it seemed to have run its course. I guess I was a bit bored with it."

Bob nodded and smiled, "That's fine. As he was a teacher he'd have to had to log his sexual encounters with you in the School's sex-registry, each time and what you did. Do you know if he did?"

Olivia looked worried, "I don't know. I left all that to him."

"Don't worry, I'll check, it shouldn't be a problem. What was his name and the school?"

"Mr Matthew Post, Hamboro Elementary in Virginia."

"Okay. I'm going to ask you a few more questions now." He paused and waited as Olivia wiggled in her seat, trying to get comfortable, "So your first relationship was at eight. How many serious relationships have you had?"

"Serious," Olivia scrunched her face again as she thought, "Three."

"And non-serious? Flings, one-night stands?" Her face scrunched again and she looked worried. Bob smiled reassuringly, "Don't worry if you can't give me the exact number, a ballpark figure will be fine."

"I guess about twenty," she said nervously.

Bob smiled and nodded and wrote something on his pad, "So would you say you are experienced?"

"Yes," Olivia still sounded a little nervous.

"You enjoy sex?"

"Yes," she said a lot more confidently.

"Good," Bob said and wrote a few more things down, "Now I'm going to ask you a few questions about your experience." Olivia nodded and he continued, "I know you've done oral and vaginal intercourse, now what about manual masturbation of a man?" She looked at him in confusion and he smiled, "Jacking him off with your hand."

"Done that lots of time."

"Have you ever done it anally?"

"A few times, with my last boyfriend. I wasn't sure before, but I was thinking I was big enough to take it?"

"Did you enjoy it?"

"Yes," Olivia smiled at the memory.

"You'd do it again?"

"Yes, definitely."

"Have you ever had sex with more than one man at once?" he asked.

Olivia shook her head despondently, "No."

"Would you like too?"

"Yes, of course."

"What about with another woman or a girl about your age? Have you ever had sex with them?"

"No, sorry," she shook her head again.

"Don't apologise," Bob gave his kindly smile, "Would you like too?"

"I guess, I'd give it a go," she said.

Bob nodded and wrote something down. He looked up at her again, "Okay when a man cums, do you prefer him to cum in you or over you?"

"I don't really mind. I'm not bleeding yet and my Mom says once I am she'll put my on the pill so I'm not worried about pregnancy, but I know in the movies they prefer to cum over you, so the viewer can see the moneyshot."

Bob smiled and nodded, "That's right." He scribbled another thing in his pad, "Can I talk to your Mommy now?"

"Yes, okay," Olivia turned and looked at her Mom and Chloe straightened up her posture as Bob looked at her.

"I need to check you understand as well," he said.

"Of course," said Chloe.

"Federal law mandates that after tax at least 25% of your daughter's earnings go into a fund that she cannot touch until she's eighteen."

Chloe nodded, "I've got one set up. I've sent over the details to your office earlier today."

"Good. In addition no more than 25% percent can go in management fees. That can go direct to you as a parent or you pay the full amount to professional manager, or hire a manager for a lower cut and take a percent yourself, as long as it never exceeds 25%."

"I'm going to manage her direct at first," said Chloe.

Bob nodded, giving no clue whether he thought this was a good idea or not, "Finally you can use 25% on living expenses for yourself and your daughter, food, rent, gas, bills etc. There's a list which you can download if you're unsure."

"I'm pretty sure I do understand, but before I spend anything I'll check the list," Chloe responded.

"Finally, the remaining 25% is for Chloe to use. It can be for work purposes, clothes, promotional material or personal, vacations, toys, trips to Disney. She can even use it to bump her trust fund. Subject to her using it legally, so no alcohol or drugs or weapons, she can use it how she wants. You understand?"

"Yes," Chloe said.

"Good. You don't know how many Mom's see pre-teen porn actresses as a money maker."

"Really?" asked Chloe, trying to sound innocent.

"You'd be surprised," Bob grinned, "Now you understand that the law requires you to be on set whenever your daughter is being filmed or photographed?"

"I do," said Chloe, grateful the conversation had moved from gold-digging Moms.

"Just so you understand that your daughter makes the decisions about how far she goes. It doesn't matter if you want her to go further or you're worried that's she going too far, its her decision - though of course if she backs out once she's contracted to a film there's breach of contract, but that's a civil suit and not my worry. You understand?"

"Yes," said Chloe.

Bob nodded once more and stood up, indicating the conversation was at an end. He shook Chloe's hand and reached into a jar of lollies and pulled one out to give to Olivia. The ten-year old took it gratefully, unwrapping it straight away and popping it in her mouth. Bob smiled, "We'll be in touch in about a month. In the meantime Olivia can do solo, but nothing else."


Chloe stared at the envelope for a few moments. Beside her Olivia danced from foot to foot, nervous and excited both, "Open it Mommy, open it."

Chloe took a deep breath and opened it. She pulled out the folded piece of paper within and began to read.

"Dear Olivia Winter, cc Ms Chloe Winter,

"The US Bureau of Child Sex Licensing is pleased to award Olivia Marcia Winter a licence to perform and otherwise participate in the filming and distribution of pre-teenage pornography for one-year from the date of this letter. If you wish to renew after this period you must book an appointment at least one month before renewal is due.

"Restrictions: None

"You should bring a copy of this letter to all movies or shoots that you are participating in. It is the responsibility of the producer to ensure that a copy of this letter in kept on file.

"Defacement or tampering off this letter is a Federal Offence.

"In the event of loss or damage a replacement can be acquired from your local office of the US Bureau of Child Sex Licensing. A fee may be charged.

"Yours sincerely

"Bob Martin."

Chloe finished reading the letter and looked at her daughter. For a second Olivia just stood there, a smile slowly spreading across her face as she realised what the letter was saying. She gave a jump and cry of excitement, throwing her arms up in the air, "Yowee! I'm in the movies."


One of the things which Olivia had found different in moving to Hollow's Green was school. At her old school in Virgina Olivia was one of only three or four sexually active pre-teens and when at school even they dressed smartly, with long skirts and blouses and cardigans. But in Hollow's Green half the girls (and a couple of the boys) were in the business and it showed. The classrooms and corridors were filled with pre-teens in what her old school would have viewed as age inappropriate, tiny hot pants and cropped vests, tight denims and T-shirts which just covered tiny nipples. The pre-teeners often wore make-up, often bright and garish lip-sticks that made for great cock sucking lips. Olivia entered her class, Mr McAndrews looked up as she walked towards him. He was a hunky black man, aged in his mid-thirties, and in her old school she'd have definitely made a move. Here, he was already fucking nine year old Kirstie Schwimmer and even if he finished with her there were half a dozen girls who would jump into her place. "Olivia," he said in his deep voice.

"I've got to leave early today," Olivia handed him the note from her Mom.

He quickly scanned it, "You're filming? Your first?"

"Yes, sir," said Olivia.

"Put your hand up when you need to go and I'll let you out," said her teacher and turned back down to examine his register.

Olivia walked over to her seat. She was quickly joined by Lila Menzies, a long haired red-head with masses of freckles and a gap-tooth. Like many of her classmates the red-head was a porno star, she'd been in it for two years since she was eight. She smiled and took a seat next to Olivia, "I just heard you talking to Mr McAndews about doing first movie tonight."

"Yes," said Olivia. Though she'd had sex before and had been photographed naked, this was the first time she was going to be filmed having sex and she had to admit to being a bit nervous.

The red-head smiled, "I can remember my first. I was so scared I hardly ate a thing all day. But then I went on set and everyone was so nice and it went so well. Who are you doing it with?"

"Big Daddy Productions," said Olivia.

Lila nodded sagely, "They're a good company, they'll treat you right. I bet it's just straight sex for your first scene isn't it?"

Olivia nodded, looking surprised, "How did you know?"

"All the reputable companies start newbies with just straight sex. They've been burnt too many times with a new girl getting her licence, saying she's up for anal or a gang bang and then when's she on set breaking down in floods of tears and not wanting to go on. They could sue, but they hardly ever do, it looks bad for a producer to go after an eleven year old because she didn't want a ten inch black schlong in her shit hole."

"Oh, that makes sense," said Olivia, "but you get paid more for anal and that, don't you?"

"Yes, if you want to earn you're going to have to be adventurous," said Lila. She smiled and tapped Olivia's hand knowingly, "Don't worry, once you've been worked in the Producers will be asking for your butt in shoots and more..."

"So have you done many movies?"

"About forty over the last two years, mostly Mg, usually with anal, but I've done a few Fg and a couple of gg's, they're all fun. It's a great business," Lila smiled.

"Settle down class," said Mr McAndrews from the front of the class and Lila gave Olivia a quick 'good luck' and scooted to her seat.


For about the tenth time in five minutes Olivia asked, "Mommy, you've got my license?"

And as she had before each time Chloe replied, "It's in my purse."

Olivia was only stopped from asking an eleventh time by the car entering the parking lot. Chloe found a space and parked. She reached down and picked up her purse, pulling out the letter, "There," she said.

"I was just checking," said Olivia, a little sulkily.

Chloe got out of the car and popped the trunk to take out the bag of Olivia's things, some toys and books for when she got bored, a dildo for if she needed to ease herself open, some wipes and tissues and a hairbrush, toothbrush and toothpaste for her hygiene. Taking her daughter's hand she crossed the road and into the building opposite. The woman at the reception looked up as they entered and Chloe said, "Hello. Olivia Winters for Big Daddy Productions."

"Please take a seat, I'll just let them know you are here," the receptionist picked up a phone as she gestured at some seats.

After a few minutes a young woman in her mid-twenties came down, wearing an expensively tailored suit, "Hello I'm Susan Day. I'm the associate producer. You must be Olivia, and your Mom." She gave a friendly smile, "Please come upstairs to the office's and we'll just get the paperwork sorted."

She chattered inconsequentially, but cheerfully as she took them up on the lift to the floor where Big Daddy had a set and offices. She pointed at the set as they past, a few men still working on setting up the props and another few on the cameras and sound equipment. She took them into the office and a man stood up, he was a few years older than the woman and his expensive suit was a little more ill-fitting as if his girth had expanded quicker than his tailor could react. He gave a broad smile, "Luke Handler, Producer. Pleased to meet our new little starlet. I see great things for you Olivia, you've got that look."

Olivia blushed and muttered something, still nervous. Luke laughed, "You got the licence Ms Winter?"

"Here," said Chloe and handed him the letter from the Bureau. Luke took it and read it intently, before smiling and passing it to his assistant, "Susan, could you take copies of this and make sure all the crew have one and make sure we have a copy on file as well."

"Yes, Mr Handler," said Susan and left the room.

"She's very efficient," said Luke, "I don't know what I'd do without her." He smiled and looked at Olivia, sitting on the seat in front of him. He leaned over and gave her a friendly pat and smiled, she smiled back, feeling more confident. He picked up a couple of sheet of paper and passed it to her, "The script, that which it is. Memorise it when you're in make-up. I know this is your first movie, but don't worry, just relax and enjoy it. It's a pretty standard suck and fuck, girl meets man, girl suck at man and man pounds girl's pussy."

Olivia looked at the sheet. There wasn't much dialogue and it all seemed easy to remember and the directions of the sex was very broad, leaving it to the actor, the director and her. She nodded and smiled, "I'll be fine."

"Good, good, that's the spirit," Luke laughed. Then he straightened his tie and looked at her, "I'll be wanting Ralph to cum over your face for the money shot. That's not going to be a problem?"

"No, that's alright. I'm happy for him to cum where you want him to cum," replied Olivia.

The Producer nodded as Susan came back into the office. He stood up and smiled, "You better be running to make-up Olivia, get yourself even prettier than you are now. Susan will show you the way."

They were waiting for her in makeup and Olivia sat down. Susan pushed over a jar of lollipops and smiled, "Help yourself to a couple, a little bonus for our star." Olivia began to relax as the make-up woman began to put on the make-up, chatting and talking as she applied the eyeliner. Chloe took a seat and took out a magazine and was soon engrossed in reading it. Olivia talked to the make-up woman and sometimes to Susan as the twentysomething bustled in and out. The pre-teen began to get more and more excited, an excitement which increased when her co-star arrived and introduced himself, Ralph Quarvey, who'd been in the child-porn since it was legalised and before. He was a muscular man in his early fifties, his hair close cropped to hide his up-coming baldness. As the make-up girl accentuated his features he had pulled down his boxers and was pumping his eight inch dick to make it hard and ready. He and Olivia talked about the scene, the veteran putting her even more at ease. Soon they were joined by the director, who looked like so young he was just out of Film School, but his looks belied his experience, Colm Murray had been making child-porn for the last three years and had twice had movies nominated at the Child Sex Awards. The three of them discussed the movie, the shots and the positions they'd be doing. Both men listened politely to Olivia's suggestions and while most of them were rejected they explained why and what was the better way of doing it; it made the pre-teen feel a valued part of the team.

Soon they were ready to begin filming Chloe picked up her magazine and headed to the set. Olivia got into the tiny nightdress she be starting out in. It was almost see through, allowing her small nubs to be framed against the thin material and was so short that her pussy was exposed. She followed her Mom and the others to the set, where Luke and Susan and the technical team were already in place. Luke gave her a big thumbs up and Susan a cheery wave. Olivia smiled and waved back as Colm took his seat and after a short pause said, "Action."

Olivia took a deep breath and walked onto the set. The camera was following her as she walked, focussing on her bare pre-teen pussy as a trailer of what was to come. Ralph was lying under a quilt as she approached, she gave a little sob and she heard Col murmur, "Good, I like that."

Ralph pushed back the covers and sat up, just wearing a pair of boxers. He rubbed his eyes and patted the bed, "What is it darling?"

"I miss Mommy, Daddy," Olivia put emotion into the words, trying to feel the grief.

"So do I," said Ralph, "But pumpkin pie, she's gone and she's not coming back." He was flat, but he wasn't hired for his acting.

He patted the bed beside him and Olivia sat down, resting her head on his arm, nestling against the rippling muscle. The camera followed her hand down as it went to his boxers and rubbed the dick, "Daddy," she said in her best innocent, but with a hint of devilment voice, "You're stiff."

"I am," said Ralph. He straightened and gave a smile as the pre-teen slid her hand under his boxers and pulled out his thick manhood. "Mommy always helped get rid of my stiffness."

"Let me help, Daddy," said Olivia, running her hand up his prick.

"Good," said Colm, "Cut."

Ralph stood up and gave a wink to Olivia, "You're doing good, kid," he said and dropped his boxers to the floor. The make-up girl came over and whisked them out of shot as Colm got up and joined his two stars. He said, "That's a good start. Now when we start rolling again I want you to work on Ralph's dick Olivia. Don't start too greedy, you've never had a cock before, so start with a licking before you stuck."

"Yes," said Olivia.

She waited with Ralph as Colm went to give some further instructions to the technical crew before he went to sit down in his chair. "Action" he called again.

Olivia got down on her knees and began to lick at the huge shaft. Her tongue moving slowly and sexily round her co-star's member, down to his shaved balls and up to the tip, licking at the purple flesh of the head. Ralph gave a grunt of pleasure. From the corner of her eye Olivia could see one of the cameramen standing and recording all the action. The other one was behind her, filming Ralph's reaction and her head moving up and down his prick. She gave a little wiggle of her ass, hoping the cameraman picked up the little flourish.

"Suck it now Olivia," called out Colm.

Olivia opened her mouth and took the dick in her mouth. The thick meaty meal strained her jaw, but not too badly and she began to move up and down, pushing the cock into her cheek. Ralph lay back on the bed and groaned in pleasure as the pre-teen's head bobbed in his lap.

"Okay cut," called out Colm. He got out of his seat again and walked over to his two stars grinning broadly, "That was hot. I could feel my own cock hardening, Ralph you reactions were great, Olivia that was some of the most sexual sucking I've seen."

"I work with the tools I'm given," said Ralph, "And I've been given a damn good tool." He ruffled Olivia's hair and smiled.

The pre-teen gave a small blush, "I just wanted to do my best," she said.

"And it's showing, quality stuff," Colm enthused. "Now the next shot is pretty short. Olivia I want you to stop sucking Ralph, stand up and kiss him. Ralph after she's kissed you you should take off her nightwear. Clear?"

"Yes," they both said.

"Good," Colm smiled and walked over to give his cameramen their instructions.

Olivia stood talking to Ralph. He sat naked on the bed, slowly stroking his cock to keep it hard.

"Action," called Colm.

Olivia got down on her knees and took Ralph's cock in her mouth again. She moved down and then up, taking her mouth away. She got to her feet and leaned in close, her lips opening. One the cameraman was just over Ralph's shoulder filming her as she moved closer, the other over her shoulder filming at Ralph. They're mouths touched and opened, moving against each other. Olivia felt Ralph's tongue move into her mouth and for a moment she almost forgot she was on a porn film set and thought she was settling in with a new lover. "That's good, that's great," called out Colm bringing her back to the present. She moved her head back. Ralph took hold off her nightie and she raised her hands allowing it to pull it over her head and toss it the floor. For the first time she was naked in front of a crowd; sure she'd been naked in front of her lovers and individual snappers, but here she was naked in front of her Mom, the Director, her co-star, a make-up lady, four technical staff and two producers. It felt strangely exciting and liberating.

"Cut," called Colm. He looked at Olivia's body appreciatively as he walked over, both as a red-blooded man and as a Director who wanted to show the pre-teen to the best advantage in his movie. "That's hot stuff. Now you're both naked I want you to lie on the bed. Ralph, I want you to kiss and Olivia's little titty nubs, whilst fingering her pussy. Start with one finger and then move to two. Olivia, you're loving it. I want your reaction to be a girl who's getting it good and loving it."

Olivia lay on the bed, Ralph next to her. As soon as the Director called cut Ralph's head was on her tiny little nub, his mouth opening as he slurped and teased the nipple. Meanwhile his finger was slowly moving up and down her pussy. Olivia didn't need to act as someone loving it; she was. She moaned and twisted as her co-star fingered her, the cameramen filming her body bucking and her mouth opening as she grunted out in pleasure. "Good," called Colm, "Two fingers now."

Ralph added a second digit and Olivia jerked in pleasure as the man pushed his fingers up her pre-teen cunt, moving up and down and filling her with pleasure. She cried out in pleasure, as Ralph's mouth sucked in her teeny little boob easily fitting the tiny little mound in his mouth with room to spare.

"Cut," grinned Colm. "This is looking good. Ralph you want to lube yourself up and we'll go onto the fucking scenes."

"Okay," said the actor. He stood up and walked over to the make-up lady and together they liberally applied the gel. Olivia watched. She loved big cocks, but she had to admit she liked them a lot better when they were lubricated and even then they were tight in her small pre-teen pussy. Once Ralph's cock was dripping with lube he walked over to join Colm and Olivia.

Colm said, "I want to do three positions before the moneyshot. Missionary, then Olivia on top and finally Ralph doing you doggy style." The two actors nodded and Colm continued, "Olivia don't worry if it takes a few tries to get Ralph's big dong down your small hole, we won't start filming until he's into a rhythm."

"Thank you," said Olivia politely. She got onto the bed and spread her legs. Ralph moved on top her and gripped his slimy cock. The two of them started to get into position as Colm was talking to his camera operators. It was hard to get the big dick into her and Olivia's face twisted painfully as it entered the first few times and stretched her, but her pre-porn sexual experience paid off and it didn't take long for her and Ralph to get into a rhythm. She head Colm call out to 'action' and Ralph began to pound into her pre-teen body. She gasped in pleasure as his thick, meaty dong filled her. He moved up and down, faster and faster, pounding into so hard that she was filled with orgasms. Her heels drummed against the bed and her back arched in pleasure, she let out little moans and thrust her pelvis up to meet Ralph's thrusts. He moved quicker, pushing in as deep as he could, stretching her pussy painfully, but also making her cry with ecstasy.

"Cut," said Colm, "That was fantastic."

Ralph slapped on some more lube as Colm explained the next position. "Ralph I want you to lie back and Olivia I want you on top facing him. Really go for it, this is what you've discovered you've been wanting, your Daddy and now you've got it. Ralph you need to look at her; she's beautiful and she's sexy and she's riding your dick."

"Okay," the two stars chorused. Again they used the time when Colm was briefing his cameramen to get into position. Ralph lying back down and Olivia slowly lowering herself onto his erect schlong. It was easier than before, partly because she was now controlling the speed, but also because her little pre-teen slit was still stretched open.

"Action," called Colm and Olivia began to bounce up and down, taking the cock as deep into her pussy as she could without splitting herself. Ralph's hands gripped her sides, helping her keep balance and helping to lift her up as she sprung. As instructed he was looking at her face. She tossed her head back seductively, "Oh, Daddy, Daddy, I want your big dick." It was ad-libbing but Colm nodded in approval so Olivia carried on, "Daddy, you're so big, you're making me cum." She gasped and cried in pleasure as she pushed herself down on the huge whopper, spreading her pussy wide open.

She bounced up and down, spearing herself on the massive dick and revelling in its girth and length. Her naked body shone with sweat as the cameramen moved around filming her from different angles, her contorted face, her slender frame bouncing, her tiny twat filled with cock. And all the time she ad-libbed, "You're massive Daddy. Fuck your little baby girl. I'll be Mommy and you can fuck me." "Cut," called Colm. He stood up, smiling, "That was great Olivia, I really liked that. You're a natural, I don't think I've seen such class first-time performer in my career."

Olivia smiled at the compliment, "It just seemed the right thing to do."

"It was. It showed how much you were enjoying the dick. If people wanted silence they'd rent out Charlie Chaplin," said Colm, "Keep at it for the next scene as well."

Olivia nodded and Ralph gave her an encouraging pat on her head, "Great scene kid, Colm's right."

"Now for the final position," said Colm "Olivia I want you on your hands and knees, with Ralph fucking you doggy style from behind. Ralph I really want you to go for it. You've not had sex for weeks and now you're letting rip into the cutest pre-teen pussy you've ever seen, your daughter. Olivia, go for it as well, shriek and shout, show everyone how much your enjoying the fucking."

The two of them were soon in position. At first Ralph worked in slowly, letting Olivia get used to the new angle of the cock and for her pussy to spread to accommodate it. The Colm shouted action and Ralph began to pound hard, his cock spearing the tiny teen pussy brutally and making Olivia cum almost immediately. She shrieked in joy, "Fuck me Daddy, fuck me with your big dick Daddy." The older man grabbed her waist and thrust deep and hard into her tiny, but expanding pussy, spreading the lips and hole open. He slammed against her and Olivia's whole body rocked, "Oh, oh, oh, fuck me Daddy. I want you to fuck my little cunt with your big dong. Fuck me harder."

Ralph was doing so, slamming and hammering at her. Olivia could hear his grunt of passion as he filled her. She looked at the camera directly in front of her making sure, that her face showed sexual pleasure and she cried out again, "Oh Daddy, that's it fuck me."

"Cut," grinned Colm.

Ralph pulled his cock from Olivia's aching cunt as the Director came over to them, "It's the moneyshot. Olivia get on the floor on your hands and knees and look up. Ralph stand over her and you know the rest."

"Sure do," said the older man.

Olivia got onto her knees. Her naked body was covered with sweat and red from the exertion. "Action!" called Colm for the last time and Ralph moved next to her. He jerked at his dick, pumping hard. It didn't take long for a large globule of semen to shoot out and then another. They landed on Olivia's face and she laughed in excitement as the gooey cum splattered over her nose and cheeks and lips. Slowly it dripped down from her face and onto her nude chest.

"That's a wrap," called Colm.

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


Fantastic story. Please continue this, it has a lot of potential!

Dave Miyagi

Good start TNT, you have a great concept here. Kind of has a 'Dance Moms' aire to it, thats what I'll imagine anyway.

Ended kind of abruptly, would liked to had more of a description of that money shot and her/mom's/film companies post production reactions.

Watching for more, Olivia is a delight!


Really good story. I just hope you will keep mom in the picture. You have describe her reaction to watching her daughter doing porn. Maybe you could tell how she takes care of her after the shoot, cleans her up, cuddles her after a gangbang and so on.


Awesome story TNT. I hope there are more parts of this to come. The story had the desired effect on me......lol


Can't wait for her to do anal and more under her mother's watching eye. I love how you realistically describe the world of child porn business. I hope this is only the beginning to a long series.


Beautiful, can't wait to read more!!


I'd like to read about Chloe taking Olivia down the Darker side roads. Maybe Chloe gets in a car accident and lacks the funds to fix her car. The moneys not coming in from the film just yet. The bill for the cars more than they have and both Chloe and Olivia want an outfit from a popular new line of clothes.

this guy

Wow! Great story...


Nice story, liked the concept. I, too, felt it ended a bit abruptly, would have liked to seen a little more continuation to the wrap.


hello man, this is one of the most exciting story I have ever read ! thank you for it !

likeit raw

Just glad you didn't make him use a horrible condom,well done


wonderfully written, detail oriented, a cock stiffener!! MORE PLEASE!

The reviewing period for this story has ended.