The Sting

[ MM/g, mast, oral, spank, nc ]

by Nap


Published: 17-Jan-2013

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This story is a fantasy for adults only. The author utterly condemns any form of actual abuse - physical, sexual, psychological and emotional - to any person of any age.

"So what did Mr Simpson do then, Jillian?"

"He put his hand up my dress."

"Where exactly?"

"Between my legs. At the top."

"And then what?"

"He touched me on my panties. At the front. Over where I- you know-over where you do a wee-wee."

What happened next?"

"He sort of rubbed me."

"How did you feel about that?"

"It felt funny-sort of nasty and nice."

"What do you mean exactly."

"Well, I didn't like him touching me there 'cos it's private, but it was sort of ticklish and gave me a nice feeling in my tummy."

"I see. Then what?"

"The front of my panties got wet. Like I'd done a wee-wee-but I hadn't. Honest!"

"I'm sure you hadn't. What did Mr Simpson do then?"

"He told me I was a good girl and he was going to give me a nice feeling. And then he put his hand under the front of my panties and touched me on my private bit."

"I see. And what did you think of that?

"I didn't like it cos people aren't supposed to touch there except your mummy when she washes you."

"And Mr Simpson wasn't your mummy."

"(Giggles) No!"

"And he wasn't washing you."

"(Giggles) No!"

"So what did he do?"

"He sort of stroked my thing-you know-the slit bit."

"And how did you feel about that?"

"(Mumbles) I liked it."

"Speak up please."

"I liked it!"

"I see. What happened next?"

"He carried on rubbing me there and a near where the wee-wee comes out."

"And did you like that?"


"You need to speak, Jillian, not just nod your head."


"Yes you liked it?"


"OK. Then what?"

"Then I got this really nice feeling-sort of warm all over. Like the sea."

"The sea?"

"Like the waves. And then it was like when you go on a really good ride at the fair and your tummy turns upside down and your heart beats fast and you sort of can't hardly breathe."

"What happened after that?"

"Well, I felt sort of tired, but Mr Simpson said I had to give him a nice feeling in return."

So what happened?"

"He opened the front of his trousers and took out his boy thingy. But it wasn't like the boy thingies I've seen when my little cousins visit cos it was much bigger and sort of hard and stuck up instead of down. I suppose it was a man thingy."

"I see. Then what?"

"He told me to hold it with my hands and when I did he put his hands on top of mine and moved them up and down."

"What did you think about that?"

"It was OK. It felt a bit funny. Like it wasn't part of him. Like an animal. It kept sort of jumping."

"And you kept on doing that?"

"Mmm. Then it suddenly began really jumping and I thought I'd hurt it because Mr Simpson was sort of yelling. And then this stuff came out of it. But it wasn't wee-wee cos it was sort of thick and white. A bit like milk. It went straight up. Like a fountain."

"And then what?"

"Mr Simpson was pleased so I don't think I can have hurt him. And he told me what a good girl I was and dabbed at some of the messy stuff with a tissue. And then he said that as I'd made him make the mess I had to clean some of it myself and I thought he meant with a tissue, but he wanted me to wash his thingy with my spit. He said I had to lick the white stuff up and then suck the rest of it clean."

"And did you?"

"Yes. But it wasn't really like milk cos it smelt funny and tasted sort of salty. Even after I'd cleaned it all off him he told me to carry on sucking and licking."

"Did you like that?"

I didn't mind, except when his thingy went towards the back of my mouth and thought I was going to gag."

"But you didn't?"

"No. Mr Simpson said he was sorry and that I only had to do the top bit so that was OK. Then it started jumping again and squirted some more of the white stuff in my mouth, but not as much as last time and I swallowed almost all of it only spilled a little bit and Mr Simpson said I was a good girl."

"What happened after that?"

"Mr Simpson told me not to say anything to anyone and that it would be our special secret. And then he gave me fifty p and I went home.

* * *

"Fifty pence!" Mike said. "He wasn't exactly generous, was he?"

"Typical bloody lawyer," Bob agreed. "But he definitely abused her and we've got it on tape."

"So now what?"

"Well, I should think a copy of this arriving on his desk should make him sweat. Then we'll put the squeeze on. It'll cost him a lot more than fifty pence!"

"You bet! We'll milk even harder than little Jillian did!"

"Yes. But there's a question. What are we going to do about her?"

"Well she'll be our back up witness if push come to shove, surely?"

"Perhaps. But what if she tells someone else meantime? This is only worth money while it stays a secret."

"Yeah. We don't want her blabber-mouthing."

"Exactly. So I think I shall have to persuade her not to."

* * *

The little fair-haired girl looked earnestly up at the tall man. "But it did happen. Honest."

Bob looked back at Jillian. She was a pretty little thing. Not only was this necessary, but it was also going to be a considerable pleasure. "I don't believe you. I think you made it all up just to be nasty to Mr Simpson."

"I didn't. He did do those things."

"And you? You did those things to him.

"Yes. I mean, no. I mean he made me."

"You don't know what you mean because you made it up."

"I didn't. I mean-"

"You are dirty a little liar!"

"I' m not, honest! I didn't mean-"

"Be quiet! You are a bad girl, and you know what happens to bad girls, don't you? What would your mummy do if she knew you had made up such disgusting stories?"

"Oh please don't tell-"

"You'd be punished wouldn't you?"




"Very well. If you promise never to tell such bad lies again, I'll spank you myself and then Mummy needn't know-OK?"

"Yes. Yes please. I promise. Please don't tell."

Bob was amused. He had managed to get this child so confused she was begging him to spank her rather than tell her mother she had been molested. "OK," he said, "but because you've been such a very bad girl it is going to have to be a very bad spanking."

Jillian nodded miserably, her bright blue eyes wide with fear.

"OK. Now first I'm going to take all your clothes off so I can get at you properly."

"Oh please-don't undress me! Please don't!"

"All right, I'll just tell your mummy about what you did."

"No! No, please take my things off and spank me."

Bob enjoyed denuding the little girl. There was not much to her: just the typical solid, shapeless little torso, small arms and legs, tiny plump bottom and bald slit. Not much of interest unless you liked that sort of thing-which Bob most definitely did. After he had undressed her, Bob brought out the ping-pong paddle he had fetched along. Poor little Jillian's eyes popped at the sight of this implement and twin tears trickled down her cheeks in apprehension of agony to come. Bob smiled and put the naked little girl across his knees. He began by spanking her soundly with his hand. This went on for a long time while his small victim wriggled and cried. Then Bob got to work with the paddle. Now Jillian really howled as the flat rubberised blade slammed repeatedly against her tiny cheeks. The redness darkened to a painful purple, but Bob carried on, making a proper job of it. In the end he released the wailing child who was now so dazed with pain that all she could do was collapse on the bed into a nightmare filled sleep.

* * *

"Jillian will have plenty of bruises for a good few days yet," Bob told Mike. "She'll not be wanting to sit down much, I'll bet!"

"What about her mother?"

"She's away until the weekend; that's why I'm doing my 'good neighbour' act. Jillian's bum should be a bit better by then. She won't say anything-she'll be too frightened of a repeat performance! The kid showers herself so there's not much chance of her mum seeing, but I'll prime Jillian to say she bumped downstairs on her bottom if she does."

"It's all sewn up then," Mike said happily.

"Ye-s," Bob hesitantly agreed.

"What! What's wrong? Mike demanded anxiously.

"Nothing," Bob reassured him. "Nothing wrong at all. Only it has occurred to me that now that Jillian is scared stiff of telling anyone she has been molested we could get away with anything with her."

"Abuse her, you mean?" Mike said, his eyes lighting up. "Like sexually?"

"Yes," said Bob.

So they did.

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'So they did.' ... Go on. Otherwise, nice story

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