Child Lovers' Parade

[ Mg, nosex, pedo, rom ]

by JerseyJ

Published: 5-Jan-2013

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

An elderly teacher chaperones his 10-year-old granddaughter and her adult boyfriend's date at a pride parade for child lovers. Meanwhile, he compares the sights to those in a past society where such couples were forbidden.(Mg, nosex, pedo, rom) "...and if an adult ever touches you in between the legs, what do you do?" I scanned the classroom, seeing a few hands raised. I picked a brunette. "Yes, Violet?"

"Get something and hit him hard in the testicles with it over and over again? And then run away?"

Some kids laughed at her answer.

"Correct, but keep in mind that there are many women out there who hurt kids. Does anyone have another suggestion?" I chose a boy. "Corey?"

"Run away and tell someone?"

"Tell someone like who?"

"Our parents?"

"Well... you can, but not always. Remember, most child molesters are family to the victim. It's best to call the police." I checked my watch. Just a few more seconds. I looked at my 6th grade students. "Now, who's ready for the C.L.P.?!"

Most of the students raised their hands and let out an ear-piercing cheer. As it died down, the bell rang, causing even more cheering. Booktabs were stuffed into pockets, and the students rushed out to join the dozens of kids in the hallway. Geez, fold the deskchairs in, why don't they?

I've been teaching for a long, long time. I've been a child lover for an even longer time. As far as reputation, school hasn't gotten much better since I was on the other side of the teacher's desk. But one subject that has greatly improved is sex ed. A few decades ago, the Board of Education finally woke up and decided to make a real effort to warn kids about molestation. In fact, my students recently finished a biography of a well-known victim.


A few minutes later, I was standing outside of my ancient 2071 Cadillac Ciel. Students poured out of the school and into their rides home. All excited about the half day of school and the reason for it: the Pedo Day festival. Soon, my granddaughter appeared among those students. I opened the silver passenger door and headed for my side. We said our greetings, and I drove away.

When I passed the first green light, the radio came to life. Mia fiddled with the playlist and stopped on America's latest overplayed song. It was sung by today's biggest group of preteen heartthrobs.

On Mia's left arm, near her shoulder, there was an armband with vertical navy blue, sky blue, pink, and purple stripes. The official colors of child-lovers. Any child wearing one had parental permission to date adults. So if an adult fell for someone wearing the armband, he/she could legally woo the child. As long as the child welcomed the affections, of course.

The social acceptance of child love has encouraged many to come out. Gradually, support for pedosexual rights got bigger and bigger. People from average joes to teachers, even some surprising celebrities and politicians came out. Statistically speaking, about 32% of adults have come out from under the bed. And that's where Pedo Day comes in.

The roads were even busier than usual. As were the sidewalks. Every child I saw was wearing the pedo colored armbands. Some were even dressed in costume for the parade. Mia and I would see them again soon enough.


I was just watching TV when I heard knocking on the door. I opened it to see a man wearing a black velvet jacket over a white shirt. His blond hair was combed back, and had short, spiky bangs. Green eyes met mine.

"Darren! How you been?"

"Can't complain," Darren replied, shaking my hand.

I let him in. "Mia's upstairs, getting ready."

Darren sat in the center of the white couch that half-circled the entire living room. I sat at the end furthest from the door and put my left arm on the armrest. We watched the flatscreen that was molded into the wall.

The Child Lovers' Pride March was being covered on TV. Now, the focus was on a preteen boy, a mid-teenaged girl, an adult man, and an elderly woman, all riding a float and waving at the crowds. The float was made to look like a miniature park, complete with faux grass, a sliding board, and a swingset. The adults were clad in children's school uniforms. The boy and girl wore a suit and tie, and a formal gown. A banner was above them that read "Love Has No Age Limit!"

Another float was shown. A giant hologram of a smiling, cartoony poodle was surrounded by equally happy puppies.

I heard my granddaughter coming downstairs. Darren looked at me, then turned in his seat to follow my gaze. He must have been pretty stunned, because he comically twisted the opposite way as if the girl's presence literally caught his eye and dragged it with her. I think I heard a gasp in there somewhere.

And who could blame him? Mia was wearing this white dress with a ruffled hem that ended at her knees. White stockings went down to white shoes. The V-shaped collar bared a gold chain necklace that Darren gave her for her last birthday. Her brown hair was cropped just enough to still look girlish.

Mouth open, Darren took her hands and stood/crouched just over her height. Keep in mind that Darren is 34 years old. Handsome enough to get any woman he wants, and a nice man to boot. Yet, here he is, practically melting before my granddaughter, who reached the double digit age just a few months ago.

"Mia, you look so beautiful tonight," he said. Sounded like he found the cure for cancer.

Mia took the compliment and just barely managed to keep her smile at a normal size. "You look really handsome, Darren." She kissed his nose.

"I'm ready when you crazy kids are," I told them.

"Shall we?" Darren said, holding an arm out. Mia took it and they headed for the door while I used the couch armrest controls to turn the lights and TV off.

Darren chirped his blue car and pressed another button to literally open the front and rear right doors. He helped Mia into the passenger side and closed her door, then went to his own, leaving this old man to get his own seat in the back.

"Ha-ha, I got the front seat," Mia teased me.

I sent a mocking laugh her way.


The three of us later stood among thousands of people from all over the region, watching the parade go by. At some point, a group of preteen and teen cheerleaders came by. Their belly shirts were purple and had a white collar. The skirts were navy blue, with a white hem. The letter "C" bordered the letter "L" on their shirts. The cheerleaders did all sorts of flips, and the older girls did some amazing, death-defying finishes. Of course, there were plenty of upskirts and bare legs. I looked at Darren to see him looking at me. We smiled in mutual appreciation of what we were looking at.

Mia, however, wasn't smiling. She flung Darren's arm in protest and frowned at him. I had to laugh when she folded her arms and pouted at the ground. Darren got on one knee and rubbed her shoulder. Then he whispered what I assume was an apology. Mia softened at his words and allowed him to kiss her lips. We proceeded to watch the parade.

Flying cars have yet to be mass produced, but these floats were literally floating. One projected a giant hologram of a man holding a girl's hands and swinging her round and round and round. God knows how many lawsuits would occur if that was real. On the side of that float was the message "Have Fun - But Not Too Much Fun!" A reference to the fact that it is still illegal to have sex with children.

The following float was made to look like a racecar bed. Men and women stood on top, surrounded by child-love flags. The message on the side was "Coming Out From Under the Bed." A pedosexual's equivalent of "coming out of the closet."

Another float was a hologram of a man on his knees, kissing a boy who could not have been more than 6 years old. Both of the giant figures embraced each other. The message was "Love is Love."

Another float was ridden by children dressed in traditionally adult clothes that were way too big on them. Like a boy dressed as a fireman with the sleeves going well past his hands and the hat tipping over every time he turned his head. And a little girl in a super long dress and long pearl necklace. This float was sponsored by Party City.


When the marching was over, the three of us marched over to where the festivities were. By now, Mia had her entire face painted to match her armband. We found a ride called the Gravitube. It was a large tube made of glass. Inside was a group of people standing around, waiting for something. Mia ran for the entrance, practically dragging Darren behind. I had to decline the invitation. Technology may have helped this 67-year-old look and feel 30, but it's not advanced enough to make one of those rides look promising. The couple got in just before the sliding doors closed.

Moments later, everyone inside was lifted into the air. Along with a dozen other people, they screamed as they went higher and higher. Everyone stopped ascending when the highest riders reached 50 feet, according to the sign.

Mia flapped her arms and glided to one side of the tube. She passed several other riders who were doing the same and put both feet on the glass wall. Then she sprung backwards, nearly hitting the people she had just passed. Darren was busy roaming the tube. He flew high and low, like a bird exploring a new world.

I turned away for a moment to take in my surroundings. It was a beautiful sight. Adults and children trading kisses, and dating out in the open. Freely expressing their love to the world.

Of course, no taboo loses all opposition just by becoming the norm. There are still a lot of people who are against pedophilia. But you'd have to be pretty darn gutsy to say it in public. Remember when it became punishable to say words like "nigger" and "faggot" in the wrong place? Let's just say now is the pedophobe's turn.

As I looked around, I saw a kissing booth a few yards away. A quick look at the Gravitube, and I strolled over to the booth. I stood behind the little blond girl who showed up before me.

The blond swiped a card through a slot and pressed some buttons. The 9-year-old girl behind the counter smiled and leaned forth with her lips puckered. Slowly, the blond leaned over and pressed her lips to the kisser's. They twisted and turned their heads. A hand reached out to stroke blond curls. Moans came from at least one of them. I looked back to see a small line of kids and one man behind me, all gawking at the action.

When that was over, the kisser smiled naughtily at her customer. "How did you like that?" she asked.

The blond backed into me with a dazed look on her face. She nodded, trying not to smile too hard. "It was... I... um, thank you!" The girl walked off, touching her lips.

I stepped forth.

"Hi, Mr. Garfield!" The kisser said, as if nothing was amiss.

"Hi, Lisa. New girlfriend, I presume?"

"Of course not," she giggled.

"I don't know," I teased. "Looked like you just rocked that girl's world."

"Too young for me. Besides, I'm not into the shy ones." I swiped my card and entered $112. Then I lowered myself to her level and kissed her lips. She opened her eyes and looked at me in both confusion and amusement. "Don't you want a French kiss?"

"Too young for me. Besides," I lifted my hand, "I'm married."

I headed for the Gravitube to see people leaving it. Darren and Mia met me at the archway entrance.

"Hey, Mr. Garfield, let's compete in a game," Darren suggested. "Let's see who can win your granddaughter something."

"You're on!"

We looked at the different games until Mia suggested one. The ring toss. I threw a green ring at a bottleneck. It bounced off and landed between a few bottles. Darren threw a red ring, which had the same fate. I threw another, too far. Darren threw another ring, which turned over in midair and impersonated Sonic the Hedgehog. I tossed my last ring, which hit several bottles and dropped in the middle. Darren's final ring bounced off some bottles and landed out of bounds.

"Let's play something else," Darren suggested. He continued when we were out of earshot. "That game was definitely rigged."

"Most likely," I agreed.

Mia put us in line for a game that seemed more fun: the dunk tank. At least it seemed fun until the line cleared enough for me to see who was in it. The game was called The Principal Dunk. And yes, the victimteer was the principal of my school. No wonder so many kids, teachers, and parents I knew were standing in this line.

"You can go first, Mr. Garfield," Darren offered, a little too happily. Sneaky little devil. You're not the one who has to see this man at work everyday!

What the heck? Mr. Kelly doesn't look too upset. And who could pass up an opportunity to do this to a boss? I threw my first ball a little too low. The second one was a direct hit that dropped my boss into a pool of water.

A bell rang and a nearby flatscreeen replayed the principal's fall in slow motion. I was then allowed to pick a prize from a display. I let Mia choose a huge, white teddy bear holding the child-love flag. What have I done?

Darren went next anyway. He hit the target on his first try. Mia selected an elephant with big, puppy dog eyes. This doll was about the size of her head. As the lucky chaperone, I had to carry both of the stuffed animals. All my two charges held was each other's hands.

"Let's ride the Ferris wheel next," Mia suggested.

While they did that, I went to the car to put Mia's toys away. I came back and watched the Ferris wheel finish.


Several rides and games later, we were at the concert. Mia and Darren had rushed to the dance floor like they were both kids. The umpteenth cover of "Little Bitty Pretty One" was been performed by some really famous guy name Bob Stremolin. The streets were flooded with people of all ages dancing to the music.

Little girls in school uniforms danced around the performer as he sang. Bob was using a headset, so his hands were free. And when the dance break came, he took full advantage. He joined the girls in their dance, twirling them, swinging and tossing them around like mad. I'm surprised the girls could and did actually keep up with him. When it was time to sing again, he took his place and resumed like nothing else happened. It was quite a show.

After that, a woman introduced the next act. A woman and a little boy appeared on stage. A slow song called "Pinky Swear" began. Like many of the other couples, my granddaughter stood on her date's feet and allowed him to lead.

I pinky swear I'll always be yours
Put it on my promise ring,
I'll never make you cry
Cross my heart and hope to die
Just promise you'll be mine, all mine

I pinky swear I'll always be yours
Put it on my promise ring,
I'll never make you cry
Cross my heart and hope to die
Just promise you'll be mine, all mine

Apparently tired of having to face Darren's navel, Mia stretched her arms up to him. The man scooped her up in an almost smooth motion. She wrapped her legs around his waist and arms around his neck. He innocently held her bottom. They must have somehow gotten comfortable, because he showed no signs of dropping her. The two continued the dance, staring at each other.


I stood up from the sidewalk when Mia and Darren headed my way. "Time to go home, Mia."


Darren grinned. "Grandpa's right, Mia. It's past your bedtime anyway." He brushed hair out of her painted face. "And you have school tomorrow." Mia seemed to have cheered up. He took her hand and led us to the car.

We took our usual seats. Although, I had company this time: a polar bear and a baby elephant.


Darren parked in the driveway. I got out and carried the stuffed animals to the house. Mia stayed in the car for a rather long goodbye kiss. Then she entered the house with a dazed look on her face. My granddaughter never looked so happy.

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


Now, that's the world I want to live in. Loving little girls. Not hurting them, just loving them, carresing and kissing them. Mmm.


Wow, a future worth waiting for...

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