"Oh, sure, let me just check my schedule. Hold on," Harry said to the client on the phone.
He drew his finger down an imaginary planner page while making sounds that would make the person on the other end feel as though an effort is actually being made to accommodate their needs.
"Geez, I'm sorry Mr. Flanagan but I have nothing until the week after. Can you do the 15th?" Harry asked. "Ok then, I'll put you down for . . ."
There was a sound of a car door opening and shutting followed by some young voices coming through the window of this early Friday evening in August.
"Just a moment Mr. Flanagan" Harry spoke slowly, his thoughts interrupted.
Peering out the window, he spied a silver SUV. Harry moved swiftly to the front door and saw two young girls walking up the walkway with what appeared to be sleeping bags and suit cases. He recognized these young ladies as his daughter's friends; Lacy and Lynne. He strode out the door past the girls without even glancing their way.
He called to the driver, "Hey Marly, what's up?"
"Didn't Jane tell you? I need to drop the girls off for the weekend. I got called away and had no one else to watch them," the attractive blond yelled. Lacy was Marly's daughter and Lynne was a family friend. Ordinarily, Debbie, Harry's daughter, and these two were inseparable.
Harry walked up to the vehicle and said, "Marly, I'm all alone this weekend. Debbie and her mom are off to see her sister. What am I supposed to do with them?"
Marly looked at Harry and laughed. "Harry, you've got a daughter, just feed them and you'll never know they're there."
"Yeah, but . . ." Harry started.
Marly looked at him waiting for him to finish a sentence that had no end, then spoke herself, "Something wrong Harry?"
"Look, Marly. I'm sorry. But I've got some work to do and having a couple teenage girls in the house is going to be distracting. Can't you find someone else? Please?" he begged.
"Harry, I am down to my last option here. If I don't make this seminar, my chances of getting a promotion are out the window. Then I'll probably have to move in here because we won't be able to afford our home anymore," she said with a pout that seemed somehow sincere but playful at the same time.
"Shit," Harry ran his hands through his hair."
"Harry," Marly comforted him, "they're going to be glued to their phones all weekend long. Seriously, you will never know they're here."
"Oh, alright. But I'm going to have to speak to Jane first. Give me second ok?"
"Sure, but could you hurry I've got to make a train," Marly said while checking her face in the visor mirror.
Harry trotted back inside, finding the girls already in front of the TV and texting away. He grabbed the phone and started to dial when he realized that he still had a client on the line.
"Oh, Mr. Flanagan, sorry. So, 9am on the 15th?" Harry asked. "Great, see you then." He hung up and started to dial his wife's cell.
"Jane, what's going on here? Marly pulled up with the girls and said they're staying the weekend?" Harry was pacing and the girls noticed from the other room and giggled.
"What's the problem Harry? Just feed them and they'll be fine," Jane said supportively enough, but annoyed by her husband's whining.
"Yeah, that's what Marly said. How come you didn't mention this to me?" he asked sulking.
"I did. You kept yeah-yeahing me while I was giving you the rundown of my weekend," she spoke in an emphasized whisper. "I also left the information on the note on the fridge. What more would you have liked me to do?"
Harry just stood there for a moment running his hands through his hair leaving dead air for his wife to absorb. She knew this wasn't easy for him and gave him the moment he needed to sort it out in his head.
"Alright, what else can I do? Just feed them, right?" he asked, still slightly perturbed.
"That's all Harry," she replied in a loving voice.
"Yeah. Got it. Thanks," he said less aggravated but still not pleased at the situation.
"Ok. Love you and see you Sunday night," Jane said sweetly and hung up.
"Love you, too," Harry said even though she wasn't there.
He went back to the door and waved at Marly. "Ok!"
"Thanks, Harry. I really appreciate it," she yelled back and took off down the road.
Harry mumbled under his breath and shut the door. He put a smile on and turned to the girls who never looked up from their phones.
"Alright then," he said to himself and went into the den to watch some TV of his own. About fifteen minutes later he drifted off and woke up a couple hours later just in time to find the girls hunting for something in the cabinets and refrigerator.
"Can I get you girls something for dinner?" he asked.
"Nah, we'll just have some cereal," Lacy said holding up two boxes and trying to decide between them.
"How about if I order you some pizza?" Harry offered, knowing he'd better at least try to feed them something other than cereal.
The girls looked at each other and Lynne said, "Cool."
"What do you want?"
"Vegetarian for me," Lacy said.
"I'll take a Hawaiian," Lynne said.
"Ok. I'll call it in."
After supper, the girls watched a couple movies and then went to their friend's room to settle in.
"Debbie's got such a cool room," Lynne said throwing her bags on the floor.
"I know, right?" Lacy replied. "And not to mention this bed. What fourteen year old needs a king-size bed?" she laughed.
They both looked at each other and then jumped on the bed. Lacy picked up the remote from the end table on her side and turned on the TV. Flipping around proved useless as there was nothing on at this time of night that would interest teenage girls.
Then as she was just about to shut off the TV a commercial ended and a show resumed. A man and a woman were kissing, which was nothing new to the girls except that they weren't wearing any clothes.
"OhmyGod," Lacy stifled a yelp.
"Quick, turn it down or Debbie's dad's gonna hear," Lynne whispered nearly grabbing the remote from Lacy.
"Debbie never mentioned she had porn before," Lacy continued talking as quietly as possible.
"She probably doesn't even know," Lynne said.
As the movie played out before them, the man had his hands on the woman's breasts, which were huge by these girl's standards and she was playing with the guy's penis.
"Wow!" Lacy exclaimed and threw her hand over her mouth.
"Shhhh!" Lynne scolded. "You want Mr. Wood to hear you?"
Lacy laughed.
"What?" Lynne asked creeping to the door and listening for Debbie's dad.
"Wood," was all Lacy had to say and both the girls started laughing uncontrollably.
When they regained their composure, they started watching the movie with more interest. Neither girl had ever seen a penis before nor the situation the actors were in. Just then, the woman got on her knees and took the man's erection into her mouth. The girls looked at each other and pretended to stick their fingers down their throats. At this point another woman came into the room and by the look on the man's face, it was probably his wife. There was some yelling and she threw something across the room that smashed against the wall. The man went to her, apparently to try to explain and eventually got her to calm down. The other woman had moved closer to them and put her hand on the wife's shoulder. The wife turned and hugged her. This confused the girls too much so they shut off the TV, brushed their teeth and crawled into bed.
The next morning, the girls arose and went downstairs to grab some breakfast. And while cereal would have made a perfect meal, cold pizza was more to their liking. They took it into the living room and turned on the TV.
"Be careful," Lacy started, "you never know what you might get."
The girls chuckled as Mr. Wood came into the room.
"What's so funny?" he asked running his fingers through his hair.
"Nothing," the girls chimed at the same time and chucked some more.
"Good. Nothing is good. I'm going down to the store for a paper. You girls need anything?" he asked as he put on his sneakers.
"We're good," Lacy replied.
"Ok. I'll be about a half hour or so. I've gotta run over to the office for a couple minutes after that." He left and the girls looked at each other. Knowing what each was thinking, they put their pizzas down and ran up the stairs and turned on the TV. Before them was a scene at a pool where a younger girl, about eighteen the two thought, was rubbing suntan lotion on a redhead girl who was totally naked.
"Mmmm. Your hands feel so nice Maya," the redhead said.
By the look on the girl's face, she seemed uncomfortable performing this task.
"Can you get my butt? I burn awfully there."
"Yes Miss Stacy," the girl replied.
She applied the lotion on the woman's cheeks and rubbed. The woman moaned.
"Boring," Lacy said. "I don't know what all the fuss is about sex."
"No kidding," Lynne agreed. But, just then Miss Stacy flipped over and exposed her front. The girls stared.
"Why doesn't she have any hair down there?" Lynne asked. "I mean, I'm only fourteen and I have some.
"I heard some girls do that. It's Brazilian or something," Lacy replied, proud that she knew something relative to sex.
"Get the fronts of my legs, would ya hon?" Miss Stacy asked.
"Yes, miss."
Maya rubbed Miss Stacy's ankles, calves and thighs just below her sex and stopped.
"Keep going honey. Do you think the sun is going to overlook the rest of me?" she asked smiling.
"But, miss . . . I," Maya blushed and turned her head embarrassed.
Miss Stacy took Maya's hand and placed it on her vagina. Maya pulled back but Miss Stacy held her firm.
"What's the matter? So modest?" Miss Stacy smiled coyly.
The girls just stared at the screen. Lacy turned and looked at Lynne who seemed enrapt with the movie. She glanced at her friend who was dressed in pajamas like she was; a button-down shit and short bottoms. She could see through the buttons and caught a glimpse of her budding breast. Her hand slowly went to her own breast in an attempt to judge which of theirs was larger. Lynne jumped at something on the TV and Lacy turned in time to see the redhead using Maya's hand to rub her private area. Miss Stacy's lips were spreading under the motion of their hands and her clitoris peeked out. Miss Stacy began to moan.
"They're lesbians?" Lynne asked.
"I don't think Maya is. Miss Stacy on the other hand . . ." Lacy went on, "seems to have other ideas."
At that moment the girls heard Mr. Wood pull in. They shut off the TV quickly and went downstairs to resume their breakfast.
When he came in he was on his cell and went directly to the den sputtering to someone about the estimate being too high and could they cut back on some of the extravagance.
Lynne whispered to Lacy, "Let's see if we can get that channel down here."
"Are you crazy? If Debbie's dad comes in we'll be so busted!" Lacy cried.
"Don't worry, I'll keep the volume real low. He won't know," Lynne replied. She switched to the channel they had been watching in Debbie's room but it was blocked here in the living room.
"Rats," she whined. We're gonna have to go back up to Debbie's room if we want to watch some more."
"You want to watch more?" Lacy asked, curious.
"Well, don't you?" Lynne pleaded.
"I guess. It's just kinda weird," Lacy said looking down, not really knowing how to respond.
They finished their pizza and went back up to the bedroom to continue watching what was turning out to be something very exciting.
When they turned on the TV, the movie they had been watching was over and another was in progress. And there was no mistaking what was going on here. A man stood behind a woman who was bending over another woman kneeling on a bed in front of her. He was thrusting against her butt while she had her head against this other woman's back side. Every once in a while they could see the man's penis and assumed they must be fucking. Neither girls had ever seen a single act of sex until last night and here they were viewing it all.
"What is she . . .?" Lacy began to ask. Then a close up on the action showed the woman's tongue licking the other woman's vagina.
"Ewww!" Lynne cried. "That's disgusting."
"No kidding," Lacy agreed. "Turn it off!"
"No wait," Lynne said. "Let's just watch. I mean this is all new to us and maybe there's more that's not so bad."
"Oh, alright," Lacy agreed. She was secretly glad. She didn't want her friend to know she actually liked what she was seeing. She would be surprised to know that Lynne felt the same way.
The man took his penis out of the woman in front of him and then placed it in the woman on the bed. This offered a much better view and the girls could see it going in and out. The other woman got on the bed in front of the one now getting fucked and spread her legs. The woman getting fucked bent her head down and began licking her. Lacy found her hand going to her crotch and touching herself without even thinking about it. After a couple seconds, she let loose a soft moan and Lynne heard her.
She looked over to see her friend touching herself and said, "Perv!" She laughed and threw a pillow at Lacy.
Lacy blushed and turned away. Lynne shut off the TV and grabbed her friend's arm gently.
"I'm only kidding; don't be such a baby," Lynne comforted.
Lacy couldn't face her friend. She was mortified.
"I do it sometimes," Lynne offered.
Lacy spun around, mouth agape, "You do?"
"Yeah, but if you tell anyone . . ." Lynne started to say.
"No . . . I never would," Lacy assured her. "What do you do?"
"Touch myself silly," Lynne replied.
"You do? Why?" Lacy began asking but figured she already knew.
Lynne just looked at her with her head tilted and asked, "Why do you think?"
"It's just that, I . . . I never have. Until now that is."
"Really? Well you oughta. It can feel really good," Lynne offered.
"How did you know to do it?" Lacy asked.
"Actually, I was riding my bike one day," Lynne began, "and I guess I was rubbing against the seat without knowing what I was doing. I thought I peed myself. When I got home I checked and I hadn't. I touched myself a couple times to see if it was something else and it started to feel good. I've been doing it almost every day since."
"Seriously? How come you never said anything?" Lacy asked, a little put out by her friend's holding back on the girl talk.
"I thought you might think I was a freak I guess. I was gonna, but then every time the chance came up I chickened out. Sorry."
"What exactly do you do?" Lacy asked, now very curious.
"Really? You want me to tell you how to touch yourself? Lynne replied.
Lacy blushed again, but didn't turn away. "Is there any special way that you do it?"
"Ok, I can't describe it to you so I'm gonna show you what I do, ok?" Lynne asked hoping Lacy wouldn't just jump up and run out on her.
"Wow, this is weird. Will it make us lesbians?" Lacy asked.
Lynne laughed and said, "No silly. I'm not gonna touch you. Now watch."
Lynne peeled her pajama bottoms off and lied back on the bed. Lacy looked at her friend's naked body and gasped.
"What?" Lynne asked starting to feel slightly self conscious.
"I don't know. You're really pretty. Wow that wasn't weird, huh?" Lacy laughed in spite of herself.
"Ok perv. If you've had enough, let me know," Lynne said as she started to pull her bottoms back on.
"I'm sorry," Lacy said and placed her hand on her friend's to stop her from putting her pajamas back on. "Please . . . I want to know."
"Ok. Now pay attention," Lynne said as she placed a hand over her mound. "First I start by just rubbing like this." She placed her hand over her lips and pressed and rubbed. Then she took her fingers and spread the lips of her vagina and rubbed the little nub between them. Lacy started breathing heavy. Just seeing her friend there doing that made her crotch wet; just like Lynne had described. Lynne was also breathing heavy. "You try," she told Lacy.
"Well, maybe I'll do it when I'm alone," she began, but Lynne cut her off.
"Oh no. You're gonna do it too. I promise you'll thank me," Lynne prodded.
"Oh, alright," and Lacy pulled her shorts down and lied next to her friend.
"Just do what I do," Lynne instructed.
Lacy started working herself as she was told and started to feel something happening. She began moaning. Lynne continued to masturbate and came within a few seconds. She turned on her side to watch Lacy.
"What are you doing?" Lacy asked, embarrassed that she was being watched.
"Just making sure you're doing it right," she replied. "Here," she grabbed hold of Lacy's hand and made circular motions. Lacy pulled her hand back but Lynne put it back and continued her instruction.
"Feel this part?" She placed her own finger on Lacy's little nub. "It's your clitoris. Touching this will make you feel great, but only if you do it right," Lynne said with an air of knowledge.
Lacy jumped a little at the touch of her friend. She could see what all the rage was now. This felt awesome. And it felt even better that her friend was doing it for her. Apparently, Lynne saw the expression on Lacy's face and knew just what she was thinking.
"Listen, you're my best friend and I will do this for you so you know exactly what I'm talking about ok? But, you'll have to do it for me so we're even. Got it?" Lynne seemed in control of the situation and this made Lacy feel better about it.
They lied next to each other and rubbed until they both came.
Out in the hallway, Harry had been walking by when he heard the girls talking. He wasn't sure of the words because they were whispering, but when he looked in the door, which was open a crack, he saw all he needed to see. He quietly crept back downstairs and back to the den. He switched on the monitors to the house's security system and tuned into his daughter's room. There they were, lying on the bed touching each other.
"What the?" Harry muttered to himself. He turned up the sound and listened in.
"You see, doesn't it feel good?" Lynne asked Lacy.
"Oh yes!" Lacy cried. "I want to do it again."
"You can do it any time now that you know how," Lynne replied.
Lacy's hand went to her friend's crotch and she said, "No, I want us to do it again."
Harry flipped off the monitor and ran his hand through his hair. What was he going to do? Did he have to do anything? He knew that kids experimented with sex when they were young.
"Maybe I should call Jane and let her know," he began talking out loud to himself. Then hearing his own voice he resorted back to thinking it over in his head.
"Ah, it's no big deal. They're alone upstairs and so long as they stay there I won't know," he tried to convince himself.
He switched the monitor back on and started watching again. They were back at it. Moaning and groaning. He was watching them for a couple minutes when he realized that he was sporting an erection.
"Ah shit! This isn't good." He reached into his sweats and grabbed himself and began stroking. "I'm going to Hell."
After a couple minutes they all came together; the girls upstairs and Harry from his little hideaway.
"It's Saturday morning and I've got another thirty six hours until this is over. I guess my weekend won't be so bad after all."
He went into the shower off the den and cleaned himself up. The girls came downstairs and yelled for him.
"Mr. Wood?" Lacy called.
Harry came out of the den, toweling his hair off. "What's up girls?"
"Can we swim?" she asked pointing out the kitchen sliding doors at the pool.
"I don't know, can you?" he replied jokingly.
The girls looked at each other and giggled. Lynne said, "Very funny. Yes we can swim."
"Then have at it. Do I need to watch you? I mean, should I watch?" he asked genuinely concerned for their safety, after all they were his responsibility this weekend.
"We're good. We both have certificates and past a junior lifeguard test," Lacy offered.
"Ok then. I'll be here if you need me."
The girls went and put on their bathing suits then ran out and jumped in the pool. Harry stood by the kitchen window watching them for a few minutes only to make sure they weren't B-S'ing him about being able to swim. The last thing he needed was to explain to Marly that he had lost the girls on his watch.
After about an hour, the girls emerged from the pool and sat on the lounge chairs to dry off. The day was quite warm and they were relaxing comfortably. Harry had resumed his position at the window but the girls had their backs to him. He wanted to catch them in their bikinis but it looked like he'd have to wait a little longer. Then he got an idea. He went and laid down on the couch in the living room. He pulled his sweats low down on his hips and pretended to be asleep when they came in. At first they were a little boisterous, but when they saw him sleeping on the couch they quieted down.
"Shhh," Lacy whispered.
"Look," Lynne whispered back.
"At the front of his sweats," Lynne replied.
There, before them, was a bulge that could only be Mr. Wood's erection.
"Let's see if we can get a closer look," Lynne said as she crept toward him. Lacy went to grab her arm to stop her but couldn't in time.
Lynne signaled for Lacy to come over and see what she was seeing. Half of his manhood was peeking out of his pants. Lacy pulled on Lynne's arm to get her moving but only succeeded in missing again and almost falling right on top of the man.
"Look at it, it's so big!" Lynne whispered.
Lacy just stared. She was a bit uncomfortable, but there was no mistaking the curiosity that she held.
Lynne crept dangerously close and Harry moved so that a little more of him poked out. The girls could see almost all of it now. Lynne stepped back quickly and banged the coffee table and gave out a little yelp. He didn't wake up. She got on her knees while Lacy just stood there, dreading the moment when he'd awaken. He'd probably tell their mom and it would be all over. Then she got a grip and realized that this isn't how it would go at all. The kid was never to blame in situations like this. Then that didn't make her feel any better because she liked Debbie's dad; a little dorky, but nonetheless a good guy. She kneeled next to Lynne to get a better look. It was apparent that Mr. Wood wasn't waking up. Just then his hand flopped off the couch and landed between Lynne's legs. She kneeled absolutely still. His hand seemed to have a mind of its own as it moved up a little until it was lightly touching against her crotch. Lynne looked at Lacy who crossed her arms with an 'I told you so" look on her face. Just then his hand came back up and rested on his member so they could barely see it anymore. The girls got up and moved back from the couch.
"That was close," Lynne whispered as they exited the living room.
"That's what you get for trying something that stupid," Lacy scolded. "What would've happened if he woke up, huh?" She was serious and trying to get her friend to understand that it could have turned out worse than getting accidentally felt up.
"He wouldn't have," Lynne replied, but she was the one blushing now. She knew it could have been a lot worse than having his hand brush against her. But how much worse she thought? Had she actually liked his hand there?
Lacy looked at her. "What are you thinking now?"
"Well, I know you're gonna think I'm the perv now but, I liked it. It was exciting," she confessed. "I think if he had had his hand there another second I would've cum."
"Cum?" Lacy asked.
"That's what they call it when you feel that way when you touch yourself," Lynne explained.
"Oh," Lacy felt stupid for not knowing as much as her friend.
"Let's go upstairs. I want to go again."
Lacy just looked at her friend and followed.
Lynne took off her bathing suit and lay on the bed. "Can you lie next to me?" she asked Lacy.
"Sure," Lacy replied, still not totally over the episode downstairs.
Lacy lied down next to her friend. "Can you take off your bathing suit, too?" she asked, a bit embarrassed.
Lacy did so without saying a word. Lynne moved so that she could place her left leg over Lacy's and began moving her fingers about so that she could achieve another orgasm. No matter how upset Lacy had been with Lynne she could help but touch herself, too. The next thing, they were holding each other and helping each other and moaning.
Harry resumed his position at the monitors in the den watching these nubile nymphs. He pulled his erect member out of his sweats for the second time that day and stroked. He turned up the volume and tried to time his fun with theirs. It was almost another threesome but the girls took another minute or two longer. No problem there. This was just the beginning. He planned that he would pretend to fall asleep on the couch tonight. He knew the girls would come down for a snack and then he would have his fun.
They had pizza again for supper and then retired to Debbie's room to watch some TV when they saw that Mr. Wood had taken up residence on the couch in the living room watching sports. At about eight o'clock, he popped in an adult video and then pretended to fall asleep. This time however, he only had on boxer shorts that rode even lower than his sweats.
The girls came downstairs about fifteen minutes later and saw him there and what he had been watching. There was a bottle of wine on the table and Lynne picked it up.
"Empty," she mouthed.
Lacy shrugged, not quite getting it. Lynne folded her hands and placed her cheek on them indicating he was sleeping and probably wouldn't wake up any time soon after drinking a whole bottle. Lacy's face seemed to light up in understanding in the TV-lit room. They looked and saw his erection again.
Lynne stepped forward and Lacy placed a hand on her arm. Lynne looked at her and Lacy nodded. Lynne kneeled in front of Mr. Wood and looked at Lacy.. Lacy looked on realizing she was becoming wet in her crotch.
"I want to touch it," Lynne mouthed to Lacy.
Lacy's jaw dropped. "You can't!" she whispered emphatically.
Slowly, Lynne reached and gently rubbed the back of her hand on the shaft. It twitched a little and she drew back reflexively. Then she turned her hand over and placed it on his member again. Her fingers curled around it and she gave it a little squeeze. Harry moaned and for the second time that day his hand fell into her lap. Lacy placed her hands over her mouth as if to stifle a scream and watched on in some odd combination of excitement and what, she didn't know. Lynne spread her legs ever so slightly to allow his hand to brush closer to her sex. She hadn't planned as much but it seemed natural enough. As if that wasn't enough, to Lacy's horror she leaned in closer to his penis.
Lacy reached out and placed a firm hand on her friend's shoulder. Lynne turned around with a sly look on her face and wiggled her tongue at Lacy. She couldn't take anymore. Lacy plunged a hand down her pajama shorts and started rubbing herself. Meanwhile, Lynne moved in and placed her tongue on the meat stick. She brought the top part into her mouth and it disappeared. She had moved as close as she could without climbing on top of the man and his hand was touching her young mound. She moved her pajama leg aside and moved his hand so it was touching her full on. His fingers twitched and she moaned. Lacy finally drew up the nerve to join. She kneeled down next to Lynne and placed her hand on the hard length of his member while Lynne continued to lick and suck it.
Then it happened. Harry woke up.
To be continued . . .
That Guy
Right: I lied down.
I laid her down.
Wrong: I laid down. (Means you laid something [not yourself] down)
I lied her down.
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