Published: 23-Jan-2013
Word Count:
The only lead Lars had was Takashi's name and the fact that he was a police cadet working with Richard Dickerson. But that was all the Special Services operative needed. He first visited the Tokyo Police Dept. and Takashi's chief, Mr. Oharu. It was not a long meeting. Mr. Oharu informed Lars that he was not authorized to give out any information about Takashi or the operation he was on. Lars hauled the fifty-six year old police man over his desk and threw him onto the floor. Mr. Oharu didn't even have time to call for help.
Lars rested one knee on Mr. Oharu's throat, cutting off all air and any sound. Then with his other hand he tore open Mr. Oharu's belt and trousers. He tugged them down, along with the police chief's underwear. The middle aged Japanese was stricken with sudden terror. Lars produced a flick knife with a serrated blade and placed it directly beneath Mr. Oharu's short stubby dick.
"I will only ask you once more to give me any and all information you have on Cadet Takashi and his work with Richard Dickerson. If you do not give me the answers I am seeking, I will cut off your dick. I will then leave by the window and repel down the side of the building to the street before your men can even come to your rescue. You will either bleed to death, or spend the rest of your life as a cunt."
Mr. Oharu who had a lovely wife and an even lovelier mistress told Lars everything he knew, which was not much. But Lars left with Takashi's address and some knowledge of the plot to bring down the porno ring.
The next night found him staked out in a noodle shop across the street from Takashi's apartment. Through the third floor window, he saw a young girl of about fifteen or sixteen being fucked over and over again by a good looking young Japanese guy. The dude seemed to enjoy having the window open, and he often fucked the girl right in front of it. Lars could see that the man was a rough fucker. He would go from cunt to asshole to mouth on the young bitch. He hung her half out of the window and slammed her ass. He had her kneel in front of the window and he pissed in her face and mouth. Lars wondered if they were lovers, and if the male was Takashi. His high powered binoculars showed him that he was not.
The young man fucking Oi was police cadet Toma. He could not get enough of the teenage twat. She took pain so well and still seemed so innocent and frail, in spite of all he did to her. He'd invited ten of his former school friends over to fuck her. They'd fucked her three holes at a time all night. He really gotten off pissing in her mouth. This was just the kind of girlfriend he wanted. He suspected he might be falling in love with her, as he felt the urge to perform dirtier and dirtier act upon her poor young body. He pinched her clit and tugged and twisted it. He snapped rubber bands around it. He also put rubber bands around her nipples. The more she cried, the more he fell in love with her. He was now fucking her four times a day. During the rest of the time, he made her fuck herself with bottles and dildos. She must have had dozens and dozens or orgasms, begging him to please allow her to rest her poor battered body and her poor bruised cunt. But Toma couldn't help himself. He longed to degrade her more and more. He made telephone calls trying to find someone who owned a dog that could fuck her. He really wanted to see that.
Lars wanted to know who was in Takashi's apartment and why. He saw various young men enter and fuck the girl, almost like she was a whore and the man was her pimp. Lars had to admit his prick stayed hard, watching the teen bitch take so much dick. Lars enjoyed the idea of young teenage girls taking cock. He was a firm believer that every bitch should be well fucked before she entered high school. That way, she would know how to service the boys on the sports teams. Lars had very simple views on sexuality. He was a pretty normal American male in that respect.
Lars decided that he had to go into the apartment and interrogate the young man and woman. Out of a kind of respect, he waited until Toma finished his current fuck. It was a great fuck, that Lars watched through his field glasses. Toma fucked the bitch in the mouth, then the cunt, then the ass, then the mouth again, then he shot off on the girl's face. It made Lars homesick for his wife. He loved to shoot off on his wife's face and then spoon it up and feed it to her. Lars knew he could not get into the apartment in the normal sense without causing quite a stir in the building. So he decided to go up the outside of the building. He would climb up. It didn't take him all, and dressed as he was in black military clothing, the lean young man was invisible.
He came in through the window. Oi who was cleaning Toma's dick with her mouth, saw him first. Her mouth stopped moving around the slimy prick, and Toma gave her a slap on the side of the head. Then he senses something and turned. When Toma saw the American commando all in black standing there with a Glock in his hand, he dove for his own automatic, which was lodged in his holster hanging on the back of a chair. Lars wanted to keep the young man alive for questioning, but he was given little choice, as Toma dove naked across the room, his right hand reaching out for the gun.
Lars spun and his Glock spat, sending one bullet through Toma's arm. He gun had a silencer on it, but it still made quite a noise. Silencers in real life don't really work as well as in the movies. Lars did not want to alert the entire neighborhood. Toma kept going toward his gun. The bleeding hole in his arm didn't seem to slow him down. His lean pale naked body was beautiful in the lamplight of the apartment. His black eyes flashed. His hand was four inches from the gun when Lars shot him again, this time through the head. Toma fell, dead weight, onto the tatami.
Oi sad very still. Her mouth hung open. Her pretty tits heaved up and down, nipples swollen. She did not know where to look or how to feel. She had no idea who this strange person was. He stood there, gun, hot in his hand, looking down at her.
"Do you speak English?" he asked.
"Hei...I mean yes." She answered. Now she felt cold, and her smooth pale oft fucked body broke out in goose bumps. "Please don't kill me."
"I won't kill you, if you tell me what I need to know. I will hurt you very badly, if you do not give me the answers I want. It seems to me, you'd better do as I ask. Where is Taksahi?"
She shook her head. "He left me here with Toma. "
"Is Takashi your boyfriend? Or Is Toma?" She reached for a kimono, but the gently kicked it aside, wanting to leave her naked and vulnerable.
"Takashi is...he threatened to arrest me unless I gave him and his friends sex. It became more and more complicated. Toma brought his friends over and they did very bad things to me."
"Where did Takashi go?" Lars knelt down next to the trembling girl.
"I don't know. I don't know anything."
He stood and began to remove his clothes. "I am going to fuck you. While I am fucking you, I am going to ask you to remember where Takashi went and what he was up to. He must have told you things...perhaps without meaning to. You need to remember. As I fuck you, I will help you remember by hurting you. I will start out very gentle, but I will soon get more and more violent. I can do things to you that will make what Toma did seem like romantic love. If you do not tell me what I want to know, I will cut off your clit. I will slice off your nipples. I do not want to do this. I do not want to hurt you at all. But you need to help me by remembering things. Okay?"
The girl tried to get up to run toward the door, but Lars who had his boots and socks off, stepped on her face with his bare foot. Not hard. He did not hurt her. His naked foot simply held her still. Then he moved his foot slowly to work his big toe into her mouth. "Start by cleaning my feet. As you lick and suck my toes, try to remember all you can abut Takashi. Something you think totally irrelevant may be just what I am looking for. Tell me everything, no matter how meaningless or trite. Tell me how big his dick was and how he fucked. Tell me about his phone calls. Tell me how his ass tasted, and what kinds of foods he liked. You're a girl who eats ass, aren't you? I can tell. I'm going to have you eat my ass before I go. Whether you are perfectly healthy or half dead when you eat it, is up to you.
"I don't' remember anything..." she tried to say, but here mouth was fucked by Lars' big toe. Lars was naked now and he scooped up some of Toma's blood to lube his dick. Lars felt no guilt. He didn't have time. He needed to save three American lives.
Takashi was a fucking mess. Takashi was a fucked mess. The straight young police cadet had been ass and mouth fucked more than a hundred times. His asshole and bowels were fucked up. Cum bubbled and ran from his hole at various times. It was stretched and raw. The ass lips were swollen and folded out. Takashi was sure he was ass ruined for life. He was so weak he could not walk. But his captors decided he needed fresh air. After all, a young man needs air. He can't be locked in a cell for days and days and continually fucked non-stop. Well, he can be, and he was. But still, Timor and Mr. Fundoshi felt that Takashi needed to be revived a bit for the next part of their game.
Mr. Fundoshi was a real shit. Today, naked except for a purple kimono on which were embroidered butterflies, he lounged on a huge cushion with a five year old boy nibbling on the head of his dick. The poor little guy was literally trapped by Fundoshi's fat. He didn't need shackles or bonds...he was weighted down by slabs of belly and thigh fat. The boy had been instructed to take the stinking dick head in his little mouth and gently suck. Mr. Fundoshi watched Takashi's outdoor adventure on a large television screen.
Mr. Fundoshi was so fat, he could not even see the little boy beneath him, but he could talk to him. "Suck harder, or you'll never see your father again. Use your tongue." There was nothing like a soft young mouth.
Outside, Takashi was dragged naked to a fenced in garden area and tied to several saplings. He was left standing as best he could spread-eagle. When he slumped The ropes held him up. He was too exhausted to even cry. Not that a police cadet should cry. But his once grandiose ideas of heroism were shot to hell.
Timor approached the naked young man with a box. In the box sere four hundred strong plastic clothes clips. Such things are often used as sex toys. But these were strong clips, and there were four hundred of them. Twenty minutes later, Takashi's body was covered with clip. His nipples, his dick, his balls, his ass lips, his lips, his tongue, his cheeks, his nose, his neck, his torso, every part of his smooth young body. The pain was mind-numbing. He begged Timor to remove the clips. He offered to suck dick. He offered to open his ass to more cock. He truly thought he would lose his mind. His screams filled the garden area.
Inside, Mr. Fundoshi laughed like a little child and bounced upon the body of the five year old, ordering him to suck harder. The best was still to come. When Takashi's body had grown numb from the clips, Timor picked up a short whip. He slashed the whip at the clips, ripping them from Takashi's body, leaving ugly red welts and some skin tears. With every stroke of the whip, five or six clips snapped off the young cop's flesh. When the clips were whipped off of his scrotum, he lost his voice from screaming in anguish. He felt as if his nuts were being ripped form his body. He howled around the clips on his tongue and lips. The whip snapped again and more clips tore loose from young male flesh.
Mr. Fundoshi turned to a young assistant. "I think he's almost ready for the Nectar." The thought of that caused him to unload a splat of sperm into the mouth of the little five year old. Fundoshi grunted. Two , three, four, spurts of fuck slop clogged the little mouth and throat. "Swallow, you fucking Cunt!" he shouted at the boy. The boy swallowed his first load of cum...there would be many many more in the weeks to come. This particular little boy would become a Bukkake Boy. The Japanese are very fond of Bukkake films starring boys and girls of all ages.
That gave Mr. Fundoshi an idea. "Lets arrange a bukkake session for our young Mr. Takashi. Let's have every boy in the Facility jerk off on his face. Let's see just how much fuck he can swallow. "
Was there any hope for Takashi? Was there any hope for his body, for his mind, for his soul?
Richard Dickerson stood in the middle of the Penthouse room masturbating his dick. Mr. Black lounged in a computer chair watching him. He wore two thousand dollar silk blend gray trousers and a very thin knit silver sweater. He was bare foot, as he usually was indoors. He studied Richard Dickerson curiously.
"You're a very good man. You have a nice thick handsome dick, and big balls. I have always admired Western balls. Something about the way they hang in the sack. I'm lucky, having had an American father in the sense that I have his balls. Are you feeling the two Viagra we fed you? I imagine you want to cum badly. But please don't you need to save your juice for your masturbation session with your sons. We're almost ready to start filming. They are just adjusting the lights."
Richard Dickerson, American Agent looked pathetic, standing there masturbating his penis. He didn't have much fight left in him. He had been forced to suck the humongous prick of Jamal, the black servant of Mr. Black over and over again. The man's prick was a throat raper, a gullet piercing fuckslab, a dick that could offer no pleasure, only torment and pain. Mr. Black's defense was that even poor Jamal deserved to have sex and needed to unload his nuts. Richard Dickerson's stomach sloshed with cum. His vocal chords were damaged. He spoke with a thick rasp...not that he spoke much. His only hope was of rescue of some sort. He had to keep his sons safe until then.
"Don't stop, keep pumping, Richard. We want to see your potential. Your balls looks so nice and full of fuck. Are you and your wife thinking of making any more babies? Do you think your sons will have dicks like yours? It's difficult to tell at ten and eleven. How do you feel about the prospect of taking Jamal's huge black elephant dick up your virgin asshole? " Richard didn't answer. "You really need to learn to answer my questions, Richard. If you don't do a really good job with this Educational film on Masturbation, Jamal will fuck your ass. And he may have to try to fuck your sons as well. But you know that will never work. So, let's not dwell on ugly things. Do you remember your lines for the film with your sons? Do you remember what we want you to do?"
Richard stood there pumping and nooded his head. " It's best for a father to teach his sons about sex. That is how it was meant to be. If we have Kinto or Jamal or someone like that teach your sons, they could end up corrupted or jaded. Yu can teach them in a good way. You can teach them how to masturbate properly. They are just reaching the age when they will begin to jerk off several times a day. Masturbation can be a most healthy thing. We have all kinds of warped ideas about it. And for boys to masturbate each other can be a fun and healthy experience. You should have spoken to your boys about sex a long time ago. Boys mature early nowadays. Boys are fucking girls in seventh and eighth grade. They have to be prepared. So your film will not only help your sons, but it may help other Dad's with their sons." Mr. Black smiled.
Richard's shoulders slumped a bit, but he kept on masturbating. Mr. Black leaned forward. "Do you or your wife every titillate your asshole during sex? "
"No!" Richard rasped. It was a small lie. Sometimes his wife did stick as finger in his asshole while they made love.
"There, you see, lack of information. Ass stimulation can be one of the great joys of sex. A man's asshole is extremely sensitive. Your sons' assholes are extremely sensitive. Don't' get upset, I haven't touched them. I am speaking in a general sense. Boys of your sons' ages have very sensitive assholes and rectums. They often feel a sexual kind of itch in there, even before they reach puberty. That is why a boy who has not yet reached puberty can still enjoy anal sex. Lots of little boys shove things up their assholes just for fun. But you see, most straight adult men never realize what wonderful sex aids their own asshole can be. Take your hand away from your dick for a moment. Oh, look at that. That is quite beautiful. That is quite a cunt fucker. I believe it is drooling strings of pre-fuck. I hope it does that in the film. My clients love a good drooling dick. I'll bet your wife loves the taste of your fuck slop."
Richard could stand no more. But he had no fight. Instead he dropped to his knees on the soft carpet and began to cry like a baby. Mr. Black watched him with interest. His own dick grew hard in his pants. Sobs wracked Richard's body. Then after a few minutes, he grew silent, head hanging, his chest wet with spent tears.
"Start pumping again, please. We should be going in to film any minute now. And the good news is, you get to see your sons!
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