Published: 14-Jan-2013
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I was petrified when I awoke the next morning. I could remember what happened to me on the bird walk, but I felt removed from it somehow, and confused as to why I didn't stop it or tell my mother. As I got out of bed and looked into the mirror I appeared to be OK, sure my long brown hair needed a brush, and my blue eyes needed a wash, but I thought I looked normal. I tried not to think about Trevor and David, and I was so mad at David for setting me up that I could just scream! But I decided to block it all out and stop there ever being a repeat of that awful day.
But I had to think of my mother, she worked hard and loved David and I don't think she could handle another divorce again. Although david wasn't tall by any standards he was compared to my mother, whose small size 8 frame appeared to be the envy of many of her friends.
As I dressed for school I put on my pleted green skirt, white buttoned blouse and blaser, knee high white socks, shoes and hat. I looked in the mirror and thought how pretty I looked, though not quite as tall as the other girls in my class, I was maturing faster then they and so I was very happy with my appearence.
I felt completely normal as I walked down for breakfast and received 'Good Morning' calls from Mum and David. When mum turned around, David quickly looked at me with an informative look that made me recall yeaterdays bush-walk.
Mum was still concerned about me and asked if I was Ok, and I suggested that I was. Half way through breakfast mum informed me that David had volunteered to drive me to school and I realised where this was headed. I asked mum if she could drive me as I wanted her to talk to my teacher, Miss Caroline, about my participation in the drama club. When she agreed, David was furious and I just smiled and we left David in his rage and went to school.
I enjoyed a pleasent day at school, and when I arrived home, mum was there to met me as well and was already preparing dinner.
Mum whispered to me that her and David were going to have a special night, which I knew ment that they would be watching videos and making love in bed all night long. Which I though was great as it may help quell davids dark desires and plans that he may have for me.
I went to my room as requested by mum at about 8pm and completed my homework and I put on my black satin summer PJs ready for bed. I could hear the muffled sounds of the videos coming from my parents bedroom as I switched off the light and went to bed.
About an hour later I heard a noise outside my window. I remained in my bed and it sounded like a very light tap on the glass. I thought it was my dad at first doing stuff outside but then recalled they had gone to bed. I slowly got out of bed and moved towards the light tapping noise behind the curtains, and when I looked I was astonished to see Trevor there, all dressed in black, making eye contact with me through the window and screen.
For what seemed like ages there was no speech, only staring as I realised what he had come for. Then he silently mouthed the word 'OPEN' through the window, and the pit in my stomach began to enflame with the feeling of sick. I couldn't move, I was frozen and scared with fear as he repeated the mouthing gesture over and over again.
I don't know if I was cold because I was still wearing my summer PJs or if the sight of him was causing it, but I was felling very cold and alone. I felt like my mother was beyond reach, in the arms of someone who wanted more to happen to me. I couldn't break eye contact with him and he seemed to be getting into my head. Open, Open, Open was all he mouthed and I felt my arm slowly lifting to unlock the window and I couldn't stop myself.
Very slowly I unlocked the window and opened it about 2 inches, and he just repeated the same over and over until I slid back the window fully open and let the cold night autumn air fill my room.
"Unlock the screen," he whispered, and I proceeded to release the catch that would remove the only barrier between Trevor and myself. Without saying any more he leaned in through the window and picked me up in his arms and he proceeded to carry me away down the side of the house.
As we passed the outside of my parents bedroom all was quiet and he carried me down to the front of the house and waited behind the hedge. "SHhhhhhhhhhhh...." was all he quietly whispered as he stared at me in his arms.
Shortly a car slowed down in front of the house and stopped and David got out and opened the rear door. I was so confused as Trevor walked towards the car and put me in the back seat and closed the door. David got in the other side and held my hand, smiled very gently and said this is what we all want.
Trevor drove the car and we proceeded to head out past the high school and out on the western road out of town.
"Please take me home," I finally got out, in a voice that begged a response.....
"I trusted you Melissa," said Trevor in a calm voice, "and you let me down darling, didn't you?"
"Please, please," I said. "I don't wont to do this anymore........"
"Oh I think you do Melissa," Trevor said, "you opened your window and screen and allowed me to take you away like that? What sort of girls do that Melissa? Heh? What sort of girls let strange men take them away in the night?"
I was so confused, how come David was there? where was my mum? Was she in on this too? I was totally lost in my wild imagination.
As we crossed the railway line heading out of town we turned right into an old farm-house and stopped out the front. There were 2 other vehicles parked in the front and Trevor walked off into the house.
A few minutes later, David coerced me to go into the house but I was very scared. When we got inside there appeared to be no-one else around and David put on a video and told me to take a seat. Just relax he said its not as bad you think.....
As the video came on it was as I suspected a porn film of older men with young girls and it looked sort of home made. I didn't watch and just sat there as David soaked it all up. After a while there was a flashing light through the kitchen and David stopped the video and walked me out through the kitchen to the shed out the back out the house.
As we entered the shed I noticef a large steel frame, the type that I had seen used by weightlifters without the weights.
Trevor came and took my hand from David who moved back near the wall.
"Do you know why I brought you here tonight Melissa?" Trevor said.
I decided to stay quiet as I thought it was best.
"I brought you here to reinforce your sexual training from sundays busk walk? You haven't forgotten about that already have you? You surrended yourself to me Melissa, remember, there was no force used and you wanted it to happen....isn't that right? And get that band out of your hair!"
I pulled the band from my hair and shock my hair free and it lay genty on my black satin night top.
"Good girl," he said, "your starting to remember....."
"You know Melissa to reinforce your training I have to take you further then last time sweetie," he said in a really soft voice, "so you learn to know whats to be expected from your Master."
When I heard that word I was taken right back to the clearing in the woods where I was staked out and enjoyed by Trevor while dad watched.
I knew a dark part of me allowed that to happen and Trevor was making contact with that part of me again.
"But you didn't do as Master said do you? I told you to go to school with your dad and you tricked him, didn't you? So now I had to bring you here myself! You know I must punish you for disobeying me don't you? Look at me when I talk to you! Go and stand over there by the frame."
I walked over to the steel frame and David came out of the dark and stood beside me.
"David I think its appropriate if you tie your daughter up to the frame so that I may punish her." David proceeded to tie a rope around each wrist and then passed the other end up over the top of the frame and then pulled them down tight so that my arms were stretched high in the air, my heals just off the ground and I groaned at the pressure on my arms.
TRevor went to the side of the shed and produced a stockwhip and cracked the whip 2-3 times to convey the intent. I went completely limp as Trevor stood behind me. He reached into my pants and felt the moisture of my genitals and rightly concluded that he was again in contact with that submissive part of me.
"Now to punish you." Trevor folded the whip in half and brought the first lash down high on my back and I cried out very loudly into the closed shed. The second lash he brought down on my ass and again I squeeled out a new cry. "Are you going to do as I say from now on Melissa?"
"YYYYes I got out through tears..."
"Good," he said. "You can now take her down David."
As Trevor walked off into the dark he lit a lamp in the far corner of the shed that illuminated a barn door resting on hay bales.
When I was released Trevor told me to 'come over here' and I went straight to him. "Now your my good little girl again he said."
"I want you to meet Bruno and my dad Marshall." And these two older guy came out of the dark where they had been watching my punishment. Look at my friends and say hello Melissa.
"Hello" I said, as I looked at 2 men like my grand-dad. Marshall was as tall as Trevor and Bruno was a bit shorter and very solid.
"She looks pretty in that black Trevor," Marshall said.
"And of course you know Melissa's dad David. Come over here David and lets see you." With that david came over.
"Now I don't think we have to tie you anymore do we Melissa?"
"No" I said.
"Good. Now stand up on the barn door for us all, so we can see all of you."
I did as he said and a man stood at each side of the door.
"Why don't you ask Melissa if she would like to remove her clothes for us," Trevor said to Marshall?
"How about it Melissa? We heard about your fun in the bush last sunday?"
I didn't have an option, and I began to cry again as I lifted my top.
"MELISSA" trevor said, and I stopped crying and removed my top.
"That's my good girl, see we're all friendly here and no one's being awful to you ok?"
"OK" I said.
"Bruno your turn."
"Hows about takin off them pretty panties of your's Melissa," Bruno said in thick accent I couldn't identify.
As I lowered my pants they all began to make sounds like I was a really good girl.....
Trevor now told Marchall to undress and after he was naked I was made to look at his genitals. He cock was soft and only a little hard, and the rest began to undress and follow his lead.
"Now as you can see Melissa," Trevor said, "my dads cock is not yet hard so we're going to show you how to make it hard."
"David come over here and teach your daughter how to suck cock." I couldn't believe what I was seeing. My own step-father was down on all four's licking and slurping on Marshall's cock.
"Isn't he a good dad Trevor said. Do you think you can do that Melissa? Why do come over here and start on me!" I got down on all fours and walked towards Trevor. As I closed my eyes and held my head up and mouth open I felt the tip of his cock enter my mouth. I stretched my jaws wide open to fit the head in and licked it as he wanted.
I was really shocked when I felt someone licking my genitals and I opened my eyes to see Bruno slurping around on my rear end and I felt very weak.
"Oh heck she's so wet down here guys we shouldn't make her wait any longer."
The sounds began to fade out and I rolled over onto my back on the door as they convinced themselves that I wanted this as much as them.
Bruno asked 'will she talk' and Trevor asked will you talk Melissa?
I was rolling on my back as Marchall was now licking my genitals and I was a-blur to what was being said.
"I don't think so" said Trevor, "we fucked her up good on sunday and took he back to mummy and she was quiet."
Thats good enough for me said Bruno. With that Trevor pulled his dad off and told me to stand. As I did he pulled me around and began to finger me. He took my own juices and rubbed them up into my ass as the other men continued talking to me. "How old are you Melissa?" they kept asking.
Trevor then pulled me into him and I felt the tip of his cock open my ass. I groned out loud, deep and strong as the other men edged Trevor on. He began to move it in deeper and out and then deeper again and finally he settled when I was hopelessly impaled on his pole. He took my weight and lifted me off the door and swung me around to face the others and held me under my arms. I felt completely at his mercy.
He then told his dad that she was now ready for fucking. With Trevor's cock in my ass he walked towards his dad and positioned me so that his dad could have easy access to my vagina.
The other 2 watched as Marshall worked his big cock up into me and began biting me all over my chest and I moaned and groaned over and over.....
The two then began to work me, first one, pulling and pushing while the other held me, and then the other, over and over...
After a short time I began to spasm all over and I didn't know what was going on, I started to dance on their cocks and move about flaying my legs to increase the pain and humiliation that I was feeling. I was ready to do anything and they knew it....
Marshall began his release and called out loudly to announce the fact as I felt his spray eject up deep inside me. Trevor then began to fuck me faster and he also climaxed shortly thereafter.
Marshall pulled out and then Tevor returned me to the barn door and I flooped down in exhaustion.
Bruno then grabbed my legs and pulled me until my knees were hanging over the side of the door. I was still way high from Marshall and Trevors' attention and happily allowed Bruno's cock to find it's home as I layed back and played with my hair, singing a crazy tune...... lah lah lah...
As Bruno began to adjust himself into me Trevor started on David,
"We're breakin your little girl tonight dave aren't we?" Trevor said....Heh?
"You like watching your little girl being done by all these men?"
David just watched in the dark as Bruno again began to get those high squeeling sounds out of me again.
"We're fucking you little girl from now on Dave and your going to help us each time. Isn't that right?"
"Yes" came a voice from the dark, and as I looked over my shoulder Dave was pulling himself and staring at Bruno on top of me.
Bruno then began to slap my face, once, twice, and then again, and I just looked at Trevor as he smiled and watched as Bruno continued until he came himself in a roar that he made known across the room.
When he was finished I was told to take my clothes into the bathroom, have a shower and get dressed.
When I came out Marshall and Bruno were gone and Trevor drove dave and I home. It was now 2am and I was way tired and ready for sleep.
When we got home mum was still asleep from the sleeping pill that Dave had slipped her.
Trevor then tongue kissed me very deep and I realised that my submissive side was taking over.
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