Published: 23-Jan-2013
Word Count:
Mr. Arthur(not his real name) was a well built handsome man of middle age. He always dressed impeccably in the finest suits shirts and ties. Because so much of his life was secret, few people saw him out of his "work uniform" of a well tailored conservative business suit. At the moment, as he sat in his office in Washington D.C. he was without trousers. They were folded neatly over the back of a chair. He was also without the usual silk boxers he wore. He was not, however, without his phone. He was deep in conversation with a certain well known Conservative Senator.
On the carpet in front of him, his male Secretary Cliff Jameson knelt and sucked Mr. Arthur's big dick. Cliff had been allowed to remove his suit jacket for the task. When I say Mr. Arthur had a big dick, I am not exaggerating. The accompanying photo will attest to that. But Cliff had learned how to manfully attend to it. He knew just how Mr. Arthur liked to be licked and tongue bathed and sucked. He had also learned how to administer to Mr. Arthur's large pendulous balls.
Cliff was twenty-four, married and had a two year old son. That's the way Mr. Arthur liked his cocksuckers. If a cocksucker was straight and married and had a kid, then Mr. Arthur was sure that the dick licker was really suffering for his job. Cliff knew that his advancement in the Agency depended on how well he sucked dick and how well he took it up the ass. His wife Marie know all about it as well. Often, she had to bathe his asshole at night to get the swelling of the ass lips down. You might think she would be horrified by her husband's "work duties" and indeed, at first she was. But she also appreciated the lifestyle they had, very impressive for such a young married couple. Cliff was paid very well for his duties, and he assured Marie that within a year, he would get a promotion and be out of Mr. Arthur's clutches.
There was a downside to the job in addition to having a humongous dick shoved up your ass and down your throat. Mr. Arthur also forbade Cliff to fuck Marie. That's right, poor young Cliff was forbidden from fucking his wife. Marie didn't mind much. She was not that into sex. Every since little Steven had been born, she had accepted but not been thrilled by Cliffs nightly demands for fucking or sucking. In fact, because she really didn't enjoy dick sucking, she was kind of happy with Mr. Arthur's orders.
Cliff was not at all happy. He was miserable. But he was doing it for his future and for his family. The huge dick leaked pre-cum all over the handsome secretary's face. Mr. Arthur wouldn't let him wash the cock slop off. He often made him go the whole rest of the day with his face glistening with dried pre-fuck and cum. He told Cliff he looked handsome that way.
However, at present, Mr. Arthur was not much enjoying the mouth on his dick. He was terribly upset by the phone conversation he was having with the Senator.
"He's one of my best men, and I am not going to leave him and his two sons in the hands of some porno pervert!" he shouted, his fuckmeat slapping Cliff in the face.
"I understand that there are powerful people who want the hunt for Mr. Black called off, but I also have a moral obligation to the people of the United States and especially to the children. If we don't fight this porno ring, we are helping to enable it. We're so close to nabbing the monster that... Yes, Yes, I know there are some who do not want him caught, some who benefit from his services. But that is just plain sick! I don't care how high up they are or if this does cost you and me both our jobs. I won't sacrifice Richard Dickerson and his sons for anybody's job, including my own. " He must have been getting an earful from the Senator, for he didn't speak for a very long time. The only audible sounds in the room came from Cliff's slurping on his dickhead.
Mr. Arthur slumped into his desk chair and lifted his fucker so that Cliff could suckle his big nuts. Cliff was ambitious, no doubt about that. There wasn't much he wouldn't do to advance in the Agency. Mr. Arthur intended to introduce his secretary to toilet games the following week.
"Senator, you can deal with Mr. Black however you and your cronies want, but I am sending someone in to pull Richard Dickerson out of there. No, Sir, I know a scandal of this kind would rock Washington. I won't send in a team of Seals or anything. I'm sending in one man. The best man I know, Lars Walker. He's a rogue, but if anyone can get Richard and his boys out alive, it's Lars. And if he can't, he'll make sure Mr. Black has no more influence on any of them. Yes, that's what I mean. If we can't help them get out, then we need to terminate them. Yes, the boys too, what choice do I have. By the way, Senator, this conversation never took place." He disconnected the call and sat thinking. He casually reached down and grabbed Cliff by the hair and pushed his face further into his scrotum.
He couldn't believe how morally degenerate the Senator and his friends were. He knew damned well that they paid Mr. Black for boys and films and sex shows. How could such a cancer ever be stopped when they were the very ones who fed it?
Mr. Arthur lifted one leg and hung it over the arm of his chair so that his asshole would be accessible to Cliff's expert tongue. While he got his rectum bathed, he mulled over the situation and then pushed a button to another secretary in the other room. "Alice, get Lars Walker on the phone for me!" If anybody could help Richard, it was Lars. Lars was Special Services, but he obeyed no one and never followed orders. He was allowed to be rogue because he was so fucking good at what he did. What he did usually involved killing.
Lars Walker was fucking his wife when he got the call. His muscular young ass rose and fell as he pumped his thick dick into his wife's warm tight pussy. It was amazing that she kept her cunt so tight considering how he stretched it with his dick. Lars was rough in everything he did. He lived hard. He gambled, he drank, and he fucked like each time was his last. And perhaps it was. Lars had distinguished himself in Afghanistan, Iraq, and in battles in lesser known outposts of action. He was only twenty-three, but he was feared and respected by almost everyone, both friends and enemies. He might be classified as being a bit bi-polar, for his actions were unpredictable. He was chewing on his wife's nipple when the phone rang. He often got carried away and gnawed at her titty flesh until the nipple bled. Irene had married Lars when she was seventeen and he was twenty, just before he went off to kill people. Sometimes he seemed to take his need for violence on her soft slender young body. She was a simple girl and loved him, but she would be the first to tell you she didn't understand him. No one did.
She tried to move to one side when the phone went off. "Lie still, Bitch!" he hissed at her, settling his big dick deep inside her. He called her Bitch and Cunt a lot. He seemed to enjoy that. When he had his Special Services buddies over for beer and football, he would call her Cunt in front of them. That humiliated her, but it also made her a bit proud that she belonged to him. She didn't like it when he made her suck his buddies off, but he told her that they were unmarried and so had no regular pussy, and the least he could do was offer his wife's mouth for them to fuck. After all, he and his buddies had killed together and that is a bond beyond even marriage.
So now, he sat astride her, his body lean and pale, tight muscled and wiry, his fuckmeat embedded in his wife's cunt. She preferred getting fucked in the pussy to getting fucked in the ass, but he seemed to enjoy doing both equally well. He was constantly horny, and when was home between missions, he needed to empty his balls three times a day.
Don't get the wrong impression, Lars could also be romantic. He'd sometimes bring her flowers or candy. He loved to stuff expensive chocolates up his asshole and have her eat them out.
"This better be good!" he barked into the phone. "I am in the middle of fucking my bitch!"
On the other end of the phone, Mr. Arthur heard Lars pounding his dickmeat into his grunting wife. Mr. Arthur had a kind of crush on Lars. Well, what self respecting closeted homosexual wouldn't have? Now Mr. Arthur shoved his big dick deeper into the face of Cliff his secretary and spoke of Mr. Black and Richard Dickerson and his sons and events in Tokyo spinning out of control.
Lars shot his load up into his wife's cunt. Then he pissed up her cunt as well. Then he got out his weapons and ammunition and packed his bag. An hour later, when the car came to take him to the airport, he was allowing his wife to suck his dick goodbye. He knew how much she'd miss his dick, and he felt sad for her. All the while he was in the Middle East, fucking teenage towelheads, poor Irene had to be content looking at his photos and dildoing her cunt. He'd given her a dildo about the same size and shape as his dick, but it was no where near as satisfying. He'd even considered briefly getting her a nice big dog to fuck her while he was gone, but he'd vetoed that. He also didn't want any of his buddies hanging around when he wasn't there, so she didn't even have any dick to suck. He felt bad that his way of life took him from her so often. He arched his back and shot his baby batter into her throat when he heard the car horn beep.
"So long, Bitch. I'll be back as soon as possible. Keep that cunt warm and juicy for me. "
"Goodbye Lars, please be safe!"
He smiled. "Safe is not part of my profession." He wiped a last dollop of cum off his dickhead and fed it to his wife, then tucked his prick away and turned and left. She savored the taste of his fuck slop as it slid down her tongue. It was a good marriage.
Takashi blinked his eyes, or tried to but found he was blind! It was the most terrifying moment of his life. Worse even than getting ass fucked over forty times. Yes, his ass was stretched and ripped and bleeding, and yes, the pain in his rectum and bowels was searing, and yes, he was probably ruined for life, but none of that was as terrible as being blind! He could not see! He lay on the concrete floor of a dungeon like room. He could feel the cold and the hardness, and he could smell the dank cellar like smell. But he could not see! Had they taken his eyes? Had they gouged out his eyeballs while he lay unconscious from all the ass and mouth fucking? No! He felt no pain in his eyes. Only the wrenching gnawing down deep in his guts and the burning in his rectum.
Perhaps his eyes were not damaged. He could not use his hands to feel, as they were shackled. He moved his nose and cheeks and felt a tightness. He felt a kind of tight sticky layer on his eyes. TAPED! They had put tape over his eyes to blind him. Takashi raised his God that he had not been permanently blinded. His body became cold and clammy in the after shock and the relief. He could recover from the ass fucking. He could recover from the mouth fucking. Yes, his tongue and lips were coated with cum and ass slime. Yes his asshole dripped and farted cum.
He rolled over onto his back, his young body wracked with pain. But he was alive! And he was not blind. He could, he would somehow escape. Or someone would come for him. The police. Or Richard Dickerson. Then Takashi was dragged by unseen hands onto his scraped naked knees. A collar had been placed around his neck, and he was held up by that. And then it began again. The wet head of an erect prick prodded his lips. At first he refused to suck, but a harsh kick to his nutsack got him licking the stinking dick. The wet, sticky prickhead forced its way between his lips. This one was large and meaty and had a very loose skin that moved back and forth with his sucking. It reminded him a bit of Richard's dick, except this one was not clean. Something prodded him at the ass. Hands held his ass cheeks apart. Something touched his raw raped asshole and he screamed around the dick fucking his face. He could smell and taste dick, but he could not see. And yet, it was only tape. HE WAS NOT BLIND.
Richard Dickerson did not hold out long. Being forced to watch on the television as his sons were fed the shitty ass water was too much for him. Naked Brian and Pete were forced to kneel and lick up the shitty water from dog dishes. Their naked young asses high in the air, their smooth slender little boy bodies bent over the dish like animals. They were sobbing horribly. They had been shown photos of Richard sucking the big black dick. Richard had not been able to make Jamal cum in ten minutes. His throat had been raped so badly that instead of a voice, he had only a rasp. He had not been able to make the huge dick spurt in ten minutes, so his sons had to drink shit water. The boys were shown photos of Richard and told that unless they drank the shit water, much worse would happen to their father. They were almost hysterical with fear. Sons and a father played against each other.
They lapped up the horrible drink and then puked onto the floor. Kinto gently told them that they would have to lick up their puke as well! Waste not want not. Richard screamed in anguish as he saw his sons put their innocent pale little faces to the floor and extend their little pink tongues to lick up puke and shit water.
"This is only the beginning, Richard Dickerson, unless you do all that we command!" Mr. Black sounded more like some ancient deity than a human. He wore black silk pajamas and was eating grapes, occasionally feeding some to a naked boy of twelve who knelt next to his chair.
"Please, please, don't hurt them. I'll do anything you want, only don't hurt my boys." His cock raped throat croaked and squeaked.
"If you don't want Jamal's huge fucker to split their tin pre-teen asses open, you will do as I say. This afternoon, we shall make a film. The film will be a gift to my long time trusted clients. It shall also be sent to your boss, Mr. Arthur. And perhaps to your wife as well. In the film, you will follow instructions. In the film, you will educate your sons. In the film, you will teach your ten and eleven year old sons, how to masturbate. You will pump your dick for them and show them how it is done. Then you will teach them to do it. And then you will have them masturbate your dick for you."
"My Sons? You want me to do that with my sons?" Richard was crying.
"Yes. It is the start of the sexual education you will give them. If you teach them everything we want, in the way that we want you to, then all three of you will be released. I give you m y word. And I have never broken my word. But before you are set free, as a lesson to those who would hinder me and my work, you will perform every known act of sexual perversion upon your two pre-teen sons. How much easier it would have been, had you simply fucked them in the ass when I asked you to. Now you see, things will become quite complicated and I'm afraid very nasty. Still, how you teach them is up to you, and I am quite sure, they will be better off in your hands than if I set Jamal loose on them. You are a good nine inches, Ricahrd Dickerson, but still, that is nothing compared with Jamal, as your throat knows. "
Mr. Black smiled at the sobbing Richard Dickerson, It was not a sarcastic smile in any way. It was benevolent. "Would you like a grape?"
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