Published: 14-Jan-2013
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My upbringing was fairly normal until my parents split-up when I was 7. My mother married another guy called David and he was a nice guy but he had a strange dark side that he wanted to share with me, more and more. He was always asking if I could keep a secret for ages before ever touching me at all.
By the time I was 8 years old I was already beginning to blossom. I enjoyed outdoor activities and keeping fit and I developed an attraction for bird-watching.
I wanted to visit them in their home environment and my mother and step-dad often helped me by taking me bush-walking in the mountains.
Sometimes we would spend hours in the hills just walking around and stuff and we truly enjoyed being outdoors.
I was never allowed to go bushwalking on my own, and when mum had her car accident she no longer went walking, as the pain was too great.
Over time I wanted to keep walking and visit our favorite places in the hills and my mother knew this and allowed David to take me walking so long as we had a third party as well.
I quickly arranged for my friends to come walking with us, sometimes, one or two at a time. Mum was happy with this arrangement and slowly accepted us going out together as normal.
Just so I could go walking, I would lie to mum if no others were coming and really it would be just David and I and off we would go into the mountains.
On these occasions, David would like to hold hands with me and when we rested he would pull up my top and explore my young breasts, all covered in stretch marks from developing so quickly and he enjoyed sucking and biting them.
As this arrangement developed I slowly allowed him hurt me more and he would ask me to 'be quite' as he would bite me under my clothes line.
I always stopped David from going under my skirt and he agreed not to do so. But I could tell he getting very turned on but I found I could control him by yelling at him and changing the tone in my voice. At these times I would run back to the car and he would follow and stop any further action and I never told mum about any of these episodes.
Just after my 9th birthday we joined a bird watching club, and I thought this would bring an end to David's behavior. The manager of the bird club was a middle age guy called Trevor.He was tall and very solid and about 45 or so. He would lead the walking party into the hills and he was a very strong and commanding type of man. When ever anyone said anything it was always wrong and he spoke very loudly in front of the everyone, and showed that he was in change.
During the rest stops Trevor would sometimes speak to David in secret, whispering stuff and smiling and looking at me, and I thought nothing of it. However, following these secret discussion Trevor would always look at me diferently.
On a lovely Autumn day, we arrived early at the meeting point and only Trevour was there. He said he was going to lead us up to a new place where the owls roost and so I become very excited and keen.
After about 2 klms into the walk we veered into some thick scrub and we followed a new path for about 1 klm and then we came to a clearing and Trevor decided we should rest. As I sat down on the ground David and Trevor just stared at me, and so I offered them water. David said that 'its not water we want Melissa' and Trevor came next to me and told me to stand up.
As I did so, the smiles were all gone, and Trevor pulled the band from my long brown hair and I shook my hair free. I looked at David expecting him to disapprove of this personal action, but he just watched and lit a cigarette, I didn't even know he smoked?
Trevor held me by the shoulders and looked down and deep into my eyes and said 'your really a young woman now and I know about you and David as I have watched you through the trees. I know you like to have a mans' hands on you Melissa and that you get scared to go all the way. Isn't that right Melissa?"
Dave I think we should go home now I said.
I turned very red and felt strange all over, and Trevor spoke very loudly at me again, 'Isn't that right Melissa? Huh Tell me. LOOK AT ME GIRL AND TELL ME thats not true!'
I looked at him and whispered 'yes its true', as David watched Trevor yelling at me. '
'Say it louder so I can hear you' he said.
'Yes' I said more loudly. But I always stopped him. David I want to go home now I said. Take me home now!
Trevor was even more angry now and said 'Your body is screaming to be enjoyed, you know that don't you? Your ready now, you know that to don't you. Huh. Tell me!'.
I said nothing and felt very weak and strange as Trevour came closer and felt how floopy my arms were and he told David to unpack the bag.
Now your not running away today Melissa as he held my arm firmly.
David proceeded to unfold the equipment in the bag. There were 4 large timber stakes that he proceeded to hammer into the earth and then he tied a canvas tarp to that stakes on the ground. Trevor began to touch my breasts through my bush shirt as we watched as David worked and he said 'we're all going to have some fun here today Melissa and your going to let it all happen because you want it to happen. Isn't that right?' he yelled staring down at me with that cruel look. I just stared at him as he pulled my hair until I said yes.
Then Trevor said, "Well since you already know what little Melissa looks like under that shirt David you can come over here and take it off for us, he said.
As David came over I said to him 'Dad tell him I'm a virgin and that this is just not on' But he proceeded to unbutton and remove my thick heavy shirt and as he did so revealed my training bra.
David told me to lift my arms so he could pull the training bra over my head and I did as I was told.
Now you take off your shoes and socks Trevor said calmly to me. I began to cry as David said its ok and I did as I was instructed, Now your skirt! Trevor said!, and I unbuttoned the front and it fell to the ground. As I stood their in my panties Trevor told me to walk onto the trap and lie down.
As I did there was a sick feeling in the pit my stomach as I did what he said and layed down in a curled up position.
It was then that the humiliation was to begin.
'Your being a good girl now Melissa and no more of that negative attitude ok? Its just David and you and me here today and no-one-else. As I lay on the ground Trevor whispered to David, shes' a hot little vixen David'....
Then he started again. "Now, just to be sure you dont change your attuide I want you to let David tie your hands to the stakes holding the tarp. He seemed very nice while I was cooperating and it so easy to just do as he said, that I held my arms out so David could tie them to the stakes.
My hands were tied very tight to the stakes, and my arms were streteched out so far that I could hardly raise my shoulders at all.
Your enjoying this I can tell Trevor said. When David completed tieing my hands to the stakes Trevor said "Melissa your Step-dad wants me to break you in cause he can't do the job himself, isn't that right David?"
Yes David said.
Now come over here David and remove you daughters pants for me as well! He yelled.
I tried not to look as I heard David approaching. He told me to raise my hips and as I did he removed my cotten panties and hung them on a branch nearby. I was now completely naked and tied, and my young body felt incredibly exposed to the desires of these two older men.
As Trevor stood over me he said "Good, now undo my pants and show your lovely daughter how big my cock really is. David undid Trevor's belt and helped him step out of his heavy cotten trouser. David then removed Trevors underpants and exposed him completely. Trevor then removed his other clothes and footwear and stood before me.
I had never seen a man's penis before and I was shocked at the size of his enormous tool. Trevor came closer and It was dripping as he approached me, and he said that my time had come.
David has also removed his pants and was playing with his much smaller cock.
Help me David I called out as he pulled his cock very fast and Trevor tried to spread my legs
wide and back, but I closed them again just as quickly.
Tell her you want this to happen to her David! Tell her that you asked me to fuck your step-daughter!
And David said Yes, Melissa I want Trevor to fuck you, I asked him if he would fuck you and I'm giving you to him....Please Trevor Fuck my step-daughter, please he called out.
It was then that I felt completely submissive to Trevor and I went into a daze as he commented about how wet I was. She's all dripping and wet Dave, and she knows it and wants it.
Tell me you want my cock sweetie, tell me to tke your virginity and I will he said. He began rubbing the tip of his enormous cock up and down my slit, and I was becoming ever more submissive to his desires. Your still a little girl down there arn't you?, as he commented about the light downy cover of blond hair that covered my genitals. But you want to be a big girl don't you?
"YES" I got out in the softest sweetest voice I could muster, and he made a noise that went mmmmmmmmm.........
Tell me more he said.....
Daddy's giving me to you sir, I said. as I slowly opened my legs for him, oh I know that, but are you giving yourself to me he said I was silent for a while and he asked again...... are you giving yourself to me?
Yes I said. as he continued to rub my clit with his pole.
Thats my good girl. I want you to call me master now Melissa. Do you understand?
Yes Master I said.
Tell Master what you have for him.
Master I give you my virgin body for your darkest desiress I said , words that came from deep within me as I began to rub my hips back in his direction.
Trevor then aligned himself against me and I felt myself stretching as he began to force his enormous cock into me. David was really beating off as I moaned in response to the pain, and as Trevor pulled back, he said 'she really is a virgin, dave this will be good, we'll train this little girl well! I'll make he a lover of sex itself.
He pushed again and I felt my hymen give in to the enormous force entering my body, and I yelled and screamed as he kept pushing his tool deep up inside my young virgin womb. I yelled loudly into the open country and it seemed strange as nature herself watched on as my virgnity was taken before all!
Lets See how far you can stretch he said and he began to withdraw and I felt like he was taking a piece of me with him. He pushed back in again as I felt a trickle of warmth flow over my bottom and he pushed in again seeking to open up new parts of my body.
I was quickly becoming lost in the experience, as Trevor began to move in out of me more freely and I was beginning to make my own never heard of sounds as my legs offered no resisance and happily adjusted to every position that Trevor abopted.
Trevor yelled at David to come closer and told him that he is going to cum in his daughters cunt.
I felt absolutely helpless as these men discussed me and fucked me wild at the some time. I felt my own strangeness overtaking me as Trevor cock felt even bigger then before and I yelled and squealed in bliss and David's cock began to eject cum on my face and hair.
Then I felt Trevor's cock squirting inside me and I knew what was happening. He pumped and pumed into me exhausting every last drop of his cum into me before rolling off.
I lay there totally exhausted, legs splayed and my small breasts all bruised from the biting and sucking.
As I began to move my legs Trevor told me to stay still as he wanted David to suck the cum from my body. I was feeling sick by all the action and talk as david crawled between my legs and began to lick and suck at the red and swollen area between my legs.
When he was finished David moved up to put his cock in me and TRevor stopped him. NO! he called out. Your my little girl minder, I don't want you having sex with her. Is that understood?
David replied Yes and stood back.
I stayed still until he was finished and then he told david to untie me so I could get dressed. When we arrived home my mother saw how distressed I was and asked what happen?
David jumped in and said that we were chased by some wild dogs and that Melissa tripped and fell.
I simply agreed and I left to have a shower and went straight to bed.
As soon as my mother went to the shops David phoned up Trevor as he had been instructed and put me on. Trevor thanked me for the day and asked me if I liked being fucked by her new Master? He yelled again when I didn't answer, and I whispered yes. Good he said I'm going to get your father to bring here tomorrow morning instead of school, and your going to meet some good friends of mine who like playing with little girls like you.
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