Radar Ray

[ MMg, slow, oral, anal, creampie ]

by Magster


Published: 6-Jan-2013

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Constable Ray Harris, AKA "Radar Ray". That's what everyone calls me. In case you don't know, a Constable is a Peace Officer of some rinky-dink little town, in my case it happens to be the Town of West Adams. My job consists primarily of catching speeders. It's not hard to do, as we have what might be called a "speed trap". Our town is right on Route 23 and it drops from 55 to 40 right outside of town. I have this nice little billboard I set behind. It's not an ordinary billboard though, it has a hidden camera and radar gun built right in. I just park behind it and plug it in and catch people. Again, mostly it's speeders but sometimes I get lucky and get something else. Like last year, when I got a guy speeding and, on further investigation, nabbed one of the FBI's 10 most wanted, a serial child molester and child pornographer. We got a good bonus for that. Paid for this new car and the fancy billboard. The FBI even got most of the pictures the guy had with them...not counting the ones I kept for myself. I don't think the town knows I'm a pedophile, though.

Which leads me to last Friday evening.

It was 5:45 and I was 15 minutes from going off shift. I was sitting in my car using my personal laptop to check out some hot porn. I looked up at the other screen and saw a pickup truck approaching and checked the radar. 22 in a 40 zone. I also noticed the truck was weaving a little. I was thinking drunk driver until I saw what I at first thought was a dog sitting on the driver's lap. As I zoomed in, I saw it was a little girl, probably around five or six. She was sitting like she was driving, but I could see that her hands were below her and her eyes were closed. Her head was leaning back against the driver and she looked to be very content. I waited until they went past, then turned my lights on and pulled out behind them. They took a little while to pull over and, when they did, the little girl quickly scampered across and sat in the passenger seat. The man behind the wheel appeared to be fidgeting with something and reaching towards the floorboard. I thought about calling for State Police backup in case it was a gun but decided at the last minute that I was being paranoid. I did keep my hand on my holster as I approached the truck, however. The driver had already rolled his window down.

"Could you please keep your hands where I can see them, reach outside to open the door, and step out of the truck, sir?"

His hand came out and he opened the door and he climbed out. I thought I saw something come out of the vehicle when he did and made a mental note to check on that later. The little girl was still on the other side.

"Step to the back of the vehicle and put your hands on the tailgate."

Again, he did as he was told.

"Miss, if you could please get out of the vehicle as well."

She opened the door and headed back toward where I had the man standing. There was something out of place about her. Her skirt was a little disheveled and she had an unusual walk. As she walked towards me, I rethought my age estimate and figured her to be about seven. At first I thought she was white but realized she was a very light skinned black girl. He was much darker. I'm not racist, but in the South, you're more aware of these things.

"What's your name, Sir?"

"Marvin Brown, Officer...did I do something wrong?"

"Slowly take out your driver's license and hand it to me."

I checked the name on the license, it was Marvin Brown and he lived over in Adams, a much larger town about 5 miles east.

"And how about your license, Miss?"

She giggled. "I don't have a license...I'm only seven."

"Then what were you doing behind the wheel?"

"You...you...you saw that?"

"Yes sir. Would you mind explaining why you thought it was a good idea to have her out of her seatbelt and in your lap? You know that all children should be restrained."

I said the last part with a special emphasis and I looked to see if he caught on. He didn't give any indication that he did.


"Where are you coming from and where are you headed, sir?"

"I just picked my daughter up from my ex-wife and we're going home. I have visitation this weekend."

I looked at the girl. She was trembling something awful.

"What's your name, honey? Is this your Daddy?"

"M...M...Maggie and yes, that's my Daddy."

I turned back towards the man (I had never really taken my eyes off of him, just in case.)

"Sir, do you know it's illegal to drive with a small child sitting on your lap?"

"Yes, Officer."

"Please wait here while I check your vehicle."

"What are you checking for?"

"That, sir, is none of your business. I don't want to cuff you but I will if I have to."

He said nothing as I walked up to the driver's side door. Looking down on the ground, I saw a pair of little pink panties, just underneath the door. I had pulled someone over at about this same spot not 30 minutes before hand and they weren't there then. I thought about picking them up but instead just kicked them further under the truck. I looked back at the man and the girl and she was whispering something to him. I made like I was looking in the truck but snuck a peek out the back window. The girl ran her finger up her leg, then brought it up to her mouth. She did this three times. Then I thought I saw her had go under the back of her dress and again to her mouth, but I could have been wrong.

I looked inside the truck and saw that there were drops of something on the seat. I put my finger in one and rubbed it between my finger and my thumb. I knew right away that it was cum. I took out my cell phone and took a few shots (they couldn't see me) of the cum trail.

I returned to my car and got in. As I looked out the windshield at the little girl, I realized what was out of place. Her dress just barely covered her butt and I could see that she was not wearing any panties. The pink ones must have been hers and the substance she had licked off her leg had probably been the same cum that I found on the seat. She had been on his lap because he was fucking her.

My cock got hard immediately. I could see why he would be. She was a sexy little thing. I decided that I was going to use this incident to my advantage.

I walked back to the man and handed him his license.

"I'm not going to cite you for this, but be more careful in the future...all kinds of things could happen with her sitting in your lap. Y'all have a good day now."

I got back in my car and sat there waiting to see what they would do. After a few minutes they drove away. As they rounded the curve, I got out and retrieved the panties. I was about to give them a good whiff when a large truck drove by, blowing dust and stuff everywhere. I took the panties back to my car and sniffed them. They were definitely those of a little girl and smelled like they had been used that day.

About that time I saw their truck return. They saw I was still sitting there and pulled over on the other side. I stuffed the panties in my pocket and got out of my car and walked over to them.

"Is there a problem Mr. Brown?"

"Uh..umm, my daughter lost something so we thought we'd come back to look for it."

"What did she lose?" (as if I didn't know)

"Uh, Um, it was a.....teddy bear. A small, white teddy bear, She must have kicked it out when she got out. We'll just go look to see if we can find it.

"Well, a truck just passed through here and blew a bunch of stuff off the shoulder so it's probably down in the creek by now, but you're welcome to look. I have to get back to work."

I drove off and saw them frantically looking for the panties that were now in my pocket. I figure they looked for awhile then figured they had gotten blown off the road and left as the truck wasn't there when I drove by about 10 minutes later.

I pulled back in behind my billboard and turned the video on. I have a hidden (people tend to say more if they don't know they're being watched) camera in my grille. I got it to where I left to go look in the truck. You couldn't see me kick the panties under the truck but you could see and hear them pretty well. The little girl spoke first.

"Daddy, I didn't have time to pull my panties up and they came off when I moved. I think they're on the floor...what if he finds them?"

"Relax, I saw them and kicked them under the truck when I got out, we'll come back and get them later."

"You're so smart, Daddy...wait...he's looking at us."

"Try to act calm, Maggie. Everything is going to be OK."

"But what if he finds out we were....Uh oh, Daddy, I think your cum is running out my butt and down my leg."

"Dammit...I wish I hadn't have just cum in you right before we got pulled over...try to squeeze your cheeks together to hold it in.

I could see her clench her butt cheeks together.

"I can't Daddy, it's already running down my leg."

"Quick, he's not looking, scoop it up and eat it."

That is exactly what she did. It was just as erotic watching her eat his cum on the video as it had been in real time. And the video got a wonderful shot of her sticking her finger in her butt (I thought she had) and getting that cum too. So, not only did Mr. Brown like to fuck his little girl, but he apparently liked to fuck her in the ass. I wondered if he lets others fuck her too. I was determined to find out.

It took me about an hour to clock out, change my clothes (and vehicle) and drive over to his house in Adams (I have a good memory and got it from his license). I rang the doorbell and waited for an answer. When no one came, I rang it again and again. I could see the truck in the driveway so I knew they were home. Finally after about 20 rings, Marvin opened the door. He was dressed only in a bath robe.

"Mr. Brown."

"Constable, what...what...what brings you here?"

"I think you know the answer to that question...may I come in where it is more private?"

He opened the door and let me inside.

"First, you'll notice I'm in civilian clothes and my regular car. I do not have a badge or gun on me and, while I'm technically always a law enforcement officer, at this particular moment, I do not consider myself one. In addition, I have NO jurisdiction in this town...do you understand?"

"I think so."

"Good. It seems like we have a very interesting situation here. I'd like to show you something."

I took out the pair of pink panties and set them on the coffee table. His eyes got pretty wide at that. I then took out my cell phone and showed him pictures of the cum trail his daughter had left on the seat.

"I'm assuming you know what that is....I know I do."

Lastly, I showed him the video from my grill cam. As the video ended with them getting back in the truck (it caught a nice shot of her bare bottom as she climbed in), I waited for a response. It took a few seconds for him to say something.

"What now?"

"As I said, right now, I'm not here as a member of law enforcement. I'm here as a very horny guy who knows there's a hot, sexy little girl in the house. I was kinda hoping the three of us could have some fun."


"Like little girls? Love them. Their soft warm mouths, hot wet pussies, and, as I can see you like, their tight little assholes. So how about we go find your daughter?"

"And if I refuse?"

"This video, the pictures of the cum on the seat, and the panties will go a long way in getting you convicted of child molestation and being labeled a sex offender, which means probably never seeing Maggie again. I'll also see to it that your ex gets labeled as well and Maggie will end up in Foster Care. You have any idea what happens to little girls who are known to be sexually active when they're in Foster Care? It's not pretty. So, what's your choice?"

"I don't really see that I have one."

"So, where is Maggie?"

"She's in the bedroom."

"Were you fucking her?"

"As a matter of fact, yes, I was."

"In the ass again?"

"Nope, banging her hot little cunt this time. You should try it. It's quite hot and wet."

"Oh, I plan on trying it...and her mouth...and her ass. We're going to have quite a good time this weekend...unless you had other plans."

"Nope, this was gonna be a father-daughter fuckfest but you're welcome to join us if you'd like."

I took off my clothes and walked down the hall with him. We walked into the bedroom. Maggie was on her hands and knees, butt sticking up in the air. And what a sexy little butt it was too. Neither her dad nor I said anything as I walked up behind the little girl and drove my cock deep into her bald little pussy.

"Oh, Daddy, I love when you ram it into me. It makes my little cunny feel so full."

"I'm not Daddy, sweetheart." I replied.

She turned around to look first at me, then at her dad.

"Just go with it, Baby, I'll explain later."

Her cunt really was hot and wet and obviously well experienced as she took my eight inch shaft without any problem. I watched as her father moved around and dropped the robe to get a little oral action and saw why. His cock was at least 10, maybe 11 inches long and real thick. I didn't think she'd be able to take very much of it in her tiny little mouth but was surprised to see her swallow about half of it before she moved her mouth back up until just his head was in it. She started to bob up and down on his shaft and it was obvious she had sucked it lots of times.

"God, she's got a hot little cunt."

"You think that's nice, try her ass."

"Don't mind if I do."

On the next backstroke I pulled my cock completely out of her, then lined it up with her puckered little sphincter. It gave way immediately under the pressure of my cockhead so I knew that this hole too had seen a lot of her father's (and maybe others) cock.

"Daddy's gonna cum, Baby, get ready to swallow my hot semen."

I watched as she sucked him even more hungrily and heard her father moan as he released his load into her waiting mouth. She swallowed quickly and I could tell she was consuming his whole load, not wanting to miss a drop.

"That's it, Baby, suck my cock dry, get all of Daddy's hot little spermies down your throat."

Her hand was stroking the base of his cock, milking it dry.

"God, I'm gonna cum too." I exclaimed.

"Not in her butt, come up here and shoot it down her throat, that's what she likes...she is a cum drinking slut who loves to have hot cream shot down her throat...don't you, Baby?"

She had finished draining him by this time.

"Yes, Daddy, I love to eat cum...I want him to come fuck my face and cream in my mouth."

I was very close so I pulled my cock out of her asshole and moved around and shoved it into her mouth. She took almost the whole eight inches in (even though she knew where it had just been) and started to suck me dry. She did have a hot little mouth and really knew how to give head so I came within seconds.

"That's it, Maggie, drink my cum...swallow every fucking drop."

And that is exactly what she did. Afterwards she licked my deflating cock and sucked on my balls, before collapsing in the bed.

Her dad explained about my having the panties, cum trail pictures, and video of talking and explained what I had told him would happen if they didn't cooperate. He asked if it would be OK if I stayed for a while and have more fun with her. Knowing the alternative (jail for her dad and likely foster care for her), she quickly agreed.

"You're not going to arrest us, then?" she asked.

"No, I told you, today I'm not a cop...but there is one thing."

"What's that?" They both asked in unison,

"When I said I didn't bring my law enforcement stuff with me, I wasn't exactly truthful. I did bring one thing with me."

As I took out my handcuffs, the two of them both looked at me with lust in their eyes.

"Now, let Radar Ray show you a little discipline, young lady."

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Wonderful, another cum guzzling preteen slut.


Super hot.

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