
[ Mgg(10,8), cons, oral, anal, solo, sis, les ]

by Alex

Published: 28-Jan-2013

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Note to readers: While readable, this story does not exactly stand on its own. You may find yourself asking questions about the characters. I posted here a four-part series called Marli and Me, and Deena is Marli's younger sister. So you if you're left in need of an explanation of how Alex and Marli are so advanced in their relationship, or why there's no physical description of her, it's because all of that was covered in the previous stories. I urge you to read them before you read Deena, if you want to know more about Marli. Or after, if you wish.

Chapter 1

Hi,'s Tina...Marli's mom?

"Hi Tina, how are you?" I said, hiding the panic I was feeling...did Marli blab??

"Oh I'm fine thanks, but in a bit of a spot." she said.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Well, my son is away with his dad, my oldest daughter is at camp for the weekend, and I just got called to work tonight. We keep hearing rumors that layoffs might be possible so if I say no I might be asking for trouble down the line. So I was wondering if your daughter could have Marli and Deena to sleep over tonight"

"Tina, I'm so sorry...I don't have _____ tonight; she's with her mom and they're off on some trip for the weekend."

"Oh no...really??? Well, shit..." she said, sounding completely deflated.

I told her, "Look, you keep trying people if you want...I'm not doing anything tonight and was going to be at home anyway. You're not going to ruin my evening if you need me to watch them for you, but I understand it might be a bit unusual without _____ here. If you can't find anyone else I'd be happy to watch both of them tonight. Call me if you get to the end of your list." I said.

I fully expected Tina to find someone else. I knew she was desperate but I still figured she'd find some relative to help her out. Even in a bind like this, turning them over to a single guy whose daughter was away was ludicrous.

When my phone rang half an hour later with her Caller ID I about pissed myself.

"Guess who!" said Tina, trying to be funny. "Look, Alex...I just don't have anyone else to call..."

"Honestly, don't worry about it. I was just going to putter around the house alone anyway; the company will be nice. You think Deena will be okay? She's never met me..." I reminded her.

"She'll be fine. Marli raved about you so Deena already has high expectations." laughed Tina.

"Haha, well if you think it'll be okay I'd be happy to take them. What time?"

"Well it's four now...I need to take a nap before my shift, which starts at midnight. I can bring them over on my way to work...say 11:30ish?"

"Don't be silly. Bring them now if you want. I'll order a pizza and you won't have to worry about feeding them and can get more sleep." I said.

"Oh my gosh you're the best. We'll be right over." she replied.

Chapter 2

Tina soon arrived with Marli and Deena. I must admit I was a bit nervous about Deena, Marli's eight year old little sister. I had never met her and didn't know if she'd be okay with me. Marli can rave all she wants to about me, but at eight years old, kids just do not like to sleep away from home, especially away from a parent. My own daughter had been eight once, and every time she tried to do a sleepover somewhere I invariably got a call at 3 am begging me to come pick her up. This could get dicey.

"Why hello there Deena! It's nice to meet you!" I said, smiling as warmly as possible. Deena came up to about chin height on Marli. She still had a little baby fat, but was still adorable. She had dark brown hair which hung straight to her shoulders and a cute little fat butt. She was pretty, but not nearly as lovely as Marli. If Marli was a ten, Deena was about a seven.

Marli had already walked past me into the house like she owned the place, but Deena was still holding her mom's hand, watching me carefully.

"She'll be fine with you." Tina offered. "If she gets out of line or has any problems, have Marli handle it. Deena absolutely worships her and does whatever she says. I swear, Marli has more control over Deena than I do."

"Okay, Marli's the boss. Got it." I said. "Anything else?"

"I brought a few movies she likes," she said, "and she has some toys and a blanket in her bag."

"She'll be fine." I assured her. "We'll have fun."

Tina said her goodbyes to Deena. Marli was already in the house. When Deena finally let go of her mom and walked in and I closed the door behind her, the first thing she said was, "Oh my gosh...your house is huge!!!" It really isn't, but I'm sure to her it was. Her family was fairly poor.

"Why thank you," I said, smiling, "Tell you go right ahead and explore all you want. When you get done come down to the kitchen. It's right through there." I said, pointing.

Enjoying her new autonomy, Deena smiled brightly, revealing two missing teeth. "Okay!" she said before running off to see what she trouble she could get into. She was cute, and I watched her butt as she ran up the stairs.

I padded into the kitchen to see if I could find Marli.

Marli slid across the wood floor to me, wrapping her arms around my waist, pulling me close. Embracing her, my hands sliding down to squeeze her perfect little butt, I hugged her briefly before taking her head in my hands and kissing her. I could hear Deena thumping around upstairs.

"I missed you." I said as I broke my kiss from Marli. It had only been a couple of weeks but I'd swear she'd grown since I last saw her. "Still love me?" I asked with a smile. A vigorous nod from Marli.

"And who said you could get more beautiful?" I added. At this Marli blushed and giggled. I'm such a honeydripper.

"I wish Deena didn't have to be here." Marli said, pouting.

"Well she is, so we might as well accept it. Besides, we'll have fun. Once she goes to sleep you and I can go to bed, and then, who knows?" I said with a wink. Marli just smiled and shrugged her shoulders cutely.

"Oh, and by the way," Marli said, "remember the last time I was here? I left without wearing any panties since I thought I would be nice and give them to you." she said.

"And I still have them! So what's wrong?" I asked.

"My stupid mom took us clothes shopping right after she picked me up!

The possibilities dawned on me. "Yikes. Did she find out?" I asked.

"Yes she found out! We were almost done and she had me change right in front of her. It was so embarrassing." she pouted.

"Was she mad?"

"No, she laughed at me. And then she bought me like twenty new pairs because she thought I had run out or something. But when we got home she told my brother and sister and they made fun of me. They called me Commando. I didn't know what it meant until my mom told me." she said, frowning.

"Aww, poor baby." I said, pulling her close. "Tell you can leave your panties on all night tonight."

Marli punched my arm. "I don't like you." she said, trying not to smile.

Since the girls were getting here so early, I decided that instead of ordering pizzas and taking the easy route, we'd make them from scratch. That would kill some time and maybe hold Deena's interest. As a single dad, I'd long ago taken it upon myself to learn my way around a kitchen, so homemade pizza was a frequent occurrence at our house. As such, _____ and I always kept supplies on hand and I wouldn't need to run out to the store.

I made the dough and Marli helped. I never missed a chance to grab her ass as she kneaded, or to rub her nonexistent boobies under her little tank top or slip my hand down the front of her shorts. A few weeks ago, such actions would have sent her screaming and running out the front door. Now we were like a couple. It was heavenly.

With the dough made and rising, Deena joined us from the basement. She had gotten bored with the top floor and had gone downstairs to raise additional hell. There really wasn't much she could get in to, but that didn't stop her from trying, and with her mom gone, being sneaky felt good to her. When she joined us, she was already bored.

"What is there to do?" she said with melodramatic irritation. Ahh, eight year I've missed them.

"You could watch a movie." I offered. "We're gonna make pizzas a little later, and you can make your own whole pizza then, but for now, we've just made the dough and it needs to rise." I explained. Then I told her where the movies were.

"nkay." said Deena, and with that she went off to check out what we had. While she busied herself with that, Marli went to _____'s room to raid her closet again.

She returned wearing a brand-new-looking beige miniskirt and a teal polo shirt. I was so glad my daughter never wore these clothes. Marli just looked delectable in them. Of course, I think she looks delectable in anything she wears; I'm somewhat biased.

"Wow, nice!" I said. "That looks terrific on you." Always complement the wearer, not the clothes - thanks mom.

Marli beamed, and twirled once, my little would-be model.

Deena got one look at Marli's new duds and raced into the kitchen. "Where'd you get those?! You got a dress? I want one too!" she shouted.

"It's not a dress, it's a skirt. And it belongs to _____. She never wears this stuff so I do." Marli explained.

"I want one!" Deena insisted.

"She's my friend, dummy, not yours. And besides, they probably wouldn't even fit you."

A pout from Deena caused me to intervene. I wanted her to be happy here so there'd be no problems later, say, at 3am. "Marli, maybe you and Deena could look together in _____'s room and find something for her to wear." I pleaded.

A roll of the eyes, a sigh of disgust..."Fine! Come on." said Marli, with a happy Deena in tow. About half an hour later, Marli came downstairs with no Deena in sight.

"Well?" I asked.

Everything _____ had in her closet was huge on her, but she just had to have a dress, so I did the best I could. It looks stupid, but don't tell her that. Okay Deena!" Marli yelled to her sister.

I could hardly wait to see what they'd found.

When Deena finally rounded the corner, I realized what Marli meant. My ex had bought my daughter a yellow nightie many years ago when she was five or six (I was amazed _____ still had it, considering she'd probably only worn it one time). Back then it was to my daughter's knees, but on Deena it was much, much shorter. It had a teddy bear on the chest, and the bear was sleeping peacefully. Above the bear's head was a puffy little cloud representing the bear's dream. Apparently, this bear was dreaming about a rainbow.

"Deena you look just beautiful. And so grown up! That dress looks lovely on you." I gushed.

Deena seemed very happy with her discovery, and smiled with delight at my praise, sticking her tongue out at Marli, who just looked at me as if to say don't encourage her.

"So who's ready to make pizza? I asked. Two hands went up immediately. When Deena raised hers, a brief flash of light blue panties accompanied the gesture. It was gone in an instant, but in that flash my mind had registered it permanently.

Chapter 3

After the pizzas were made, and eaten, and the kitchen had been restored to its former glory, I poured myself a glass of wine and headed to the couch to watch the movie Deena had chosen. The girls joined me; Deena on the floor with a pillow and Marli next to me, but a little farther away from me than was customary. Because of Deena I'm sure.

The movie had just started when I had an idea. I stood up abruptly and took Marli by the hand. "Deena we'll be back in just one sec...just need to borrow your sis for a bit."

"nkay" she said, paying us no attention.

I dragged Marli to the foyer, and led her up the staircase one step so her face would be even with mine. She got the idea immediately and wrapped her arms around my neck, pressing her mouth to mine. She had become such a good kisser.

I slid my hands slowly up her bare legs, her soft skin electric under my touch. My hands reached under her skirt, squeezing her ass while she continued to kiss me. She sounded her approval at my touch. My hands slid further up, to the tops of her panties, which I grasped firmly, breaking our kiss as I yanked them all the way to her ankles in one swift motion.

Marli stepped out of them automatically, purely out of habit. "What are y-"

I interrupted her. "Okay now let's go watch the movie, I said with a devilish grin, tucking the little panties into my pocket as I walked back to where Deena was. Marli was still frozen in place for a moment on the steps but came in soon after, sitting down next to me again.

After a moment's thought, Marli retrieved a blanket from the bin where we kept them. She spread it over her legs as she sat down. It was only a second before my hands were under the blanket, touching the smooth skin of her thighs, which parted slightly at my touch.

I gently fondled her legs, not rushing northward under her skirt, just enjoying the feel of her young skin in my hands as we sat close together, watching the movie.

About thirty minutes into the movie, Marli slid her hand over to my side, finding my erection straining at the material of my shorts. I desperately wanted her to free my member, but it wouldn't do to have Marli giving me a handjob with her sister five feet away in the same room. But she did manage to undo my pants and slide her hand into my shorts, her warm hand finding my cock and squeezing it.

At the same time, my own hand was sliding up toward her nether regions. Her legs instantly responded, opening further to my touch, inviting me in. I cupped her small pussy with my hand, slowly working my fingertips toward her slit. She scooted forward a bit to improve my access. With one finger I delicately traced the line of her pussy over and over again. Marli's breathing grew more insistent, but she kept her noise level in check, not wanting to alert Deena, who was so close.

While Marli continued slowly massaging my cock, which was still confined by my shorts, I continued my assault on her vagina. I grew bolder, sliding a fingertip lower and deeper into her opening, finding her slightly wet. A firmer push was met with a gasp by Marli, whose eyes were now closed as I slowly masturbated her. She was becoming wetter, her slippery arousal coating my fingertips. She scooted forward a little more, but deeper access was still impossible due to the awkward angle, so I couldn't penetrate her any further.

With a sigh of exasperation, Marli abruptly grabbed my arm, taking my hand away from her pussy before standing up. She smoothed out her skirt and picked up the blanket, then laid on the couch next to me, her feet pointing away from me, her head near my lap. I offered her one of the sofa pillows for her head; something I would not have done if Deena had not been there, but we had to keep up appearances. I already thought it was pushing things that Marli was so close to me, but she didn't seem concerned.

When she was settled and covered by the blanket, she laid her head on the pillow on my lap. With her lying on her left side, I had rested my right hand on her shoulder. A mistake. Marli grabbed my wrist and moved it behind her. I got the hint of what she wanted me to do. I slid my hand under the blanket, lifting her skirt up in the back. I briefly fondled her small bottom before sliding my hand down to her pussy again. She slid her top leg forward, opening her cleft to me. I resumed teasing her pussy hole with my fingertip.

At this angle and with the stupid pillow on my lap, Marli no longer had any access to my rock hard dick, which throbbed with resentment beneath her head.

But thanks to her efforts I did have better access to her pussy, so I obliged her by fingering her now-sopping-wet little cunt. Her breathing was becoming ragged and a little too loud. In addition, her pussy was so wet as I fingerfucked her, anyone in the room could hear the squelching noises when I pushed into her. With my free hand I aimed the remote at the television and turned it up louder. Deena was engrossed and thankfully wasn't paying any attention to what was going on right behind her.

At this point, Marli reached around her back and put her hand over mine as my middle finger was lodged deep in her pussy. She slowly pulled my finger out, and I thought our fun was over for now. Maybe she had had an orgasm and I didn't notice. Once my finger was out, she placed my fingertip at her tiny rosebud and looked up at me, lust in her eyes. The message was clear enough. With my finger still liberally coated with Marli's slippery cream, I pressed into her asshole, much more easily than I had on previous occasions. A few seconds later I was buried all the way in her scalding hot rectum, and Marli's eyes closed with satisfaction. Two weeks ago when we had a whole weekend together, Marli had discovered that she absolutely loved having her butt played with.

Marli then took her hand off mine and brought it back around in front of her. I could once again hear the wet sounds of her pussy, but this time they weren't caused by me. Marli was obviously rubbing herself. She thrust her ass back at my hand sharply, willing me to move, so I slowly slid my finger back out of her butt almost to the tip before burying it to the hilt again. Marli was melting right in front of me as I concentrated on her face. Every time I'd drive my finger into her, her face would contort in raw pleasure. I could tell it was killing her to remain silent in front of her sister. She looked like she was stifling a scream as she bit down hard on her lower lip.

A few minutes later Marli opened her eyes and looked at me before flashing me the peace sign. I looked at her with confusion until she flashed it again, but this time bringing the two fingers together. I raised my eyebrows as if to say Are you sure? and she nodded her head slowly. With that I moved my hand down and inserted my ring finger deep into her pussy. I felt her hand there rubbing, but she moved for me. With my dry finger now properly lubricated, I returned to her ass and pressed against her asshole first with my middle finger, which was accepted easily, then joining it with my second finger. The last time Marli and I had been together, I had managed to get both fingers in her butt, but we used massage oil that time. This time it was just pussy juice doing the job, so I proceeded slowly, until soon I had both my middle and ring fingers as far they could go in her tight little sphincter. I could feel the muscles squeezing me spasmodically as Marli grew accustomed to the invasion her tiny butt was undergoing. I kept my hand still as her muscles relaxed, but I could tell by the continuing sounds of wetness coming from under the blanket that Marli was still working on her pussy.

After a long minute, Marli once again looked at me and nodded, so I slowly moved my fingers out of her before sliding them back in again. Marli bit her lower lip again as I pressed into her, and I could tell she was uncomfortable, so I stopped. She shook her head vigorously when I stopped moving, so I continued pressing, until I had sunk them their entire length into her ass.

On the fourth push, just as I had my fingers as deep into her butt as they would go, I could hear the wet sounds of Marli's rubbing speed up, suddenly three times faster than a moment ago. I knew she was close, so even though I had no more length to give, I pushed harder and moved my fingers around in small circles inside Marli's rectum. I could see her gritting her teeth as she willed herself over the edge of her orgasm. It was obvious when it hit her; her face changed and flushed, and she bit her lip hard as she grunted repeatedly, trying so hard to be quiet but still loud enough for anyone to hear. At the same time, her asshole spasmed wildly around my fingers and her hips thrust back against my hand uncontrollably. I kept my hand pressed tightly against her ass, keeping my fingers deep in her butt while she came. As the waves continued, she rolled her reddened face downward into the pillow. Close to her as I was, I could hear her moaning into it, but with the TV up loud and Deena engrossed in her cartoon, I was the only one who could.

Once her ass had stopped squeezing and her breathing slowed, I started to withdraw my fingers, but once again Marli stopped me. She signaled that she just wanted to catch her breath, so I stayed put for a few more minutes, watching her. She was now focusing on the movie, getting herself calmed down, my fingers still buried deep in her asshole while she watched the television. Soon she looked up at me and crossed her eyes, as if to tell me she had a really big orgasm that time. Yeah, hello! I could tell!

Marli started to roll up to a more vertical position and I slid my fingers out of her. She leaned in close to my ear and whispered, "" which made me happy, lustful and jealous all at the same time. My own cock was still straining at the fabric of my boxers. I managed to smile weakly at her as she stood up, setting the blanket on my lap.

"I need to use the bathroom." she announced, before practically skipping out of the room, humming happily.

Her trance broken, Deena watched her sister leave, then turned toward me. "What can we doooo?" she whined, the boredom in her voice obvious.

I reached under the blanket and got my erection sorted out and zipped up, stealing a worried glance at my fingers, which looked remarkably clean, despite where they'd just been.

"Well, your movie isn't over yet. Don't you like it anymore?" I asked.

"I've seen this one. I'm bored." she whined.

"Well I don't know what to tell you, sweetheart." I said, hoping Marli would get back soon and handle this.

Deena playfully kicked at my shins through the blanket, smiling at me.

"Ouch! You're gonna get it!" I warned sarcastically.

Deena then reached up and yanked the blanket off me, giggling. Thank goodness I'd zipped up.

"Gimme that back! I'm cold!" I cried.

"Or what?" she said, raising her eyebrows playfully.

"Or this." I replied, and I joined her on the floor, grabbing her ankles and tickling her feet. She kicked wildly as she tried to escape, and I could see her panties hugged her little cunt tightly, a furrow now clearly visible as she struggled.

Deena screamed, "No don't!! I'm ticklish!!!"

"I can tell!" I replied. Rolling to my knees I slid her toward me on the carpet, her dress sliding up revealing a cute little potbelly. I knelt over her and straddled her hips, tickling her underarms, causing her to scream and laugh even more. Thankfully my erection had subsided now that I had to pay attention to Deena.

"Stop it!!!" she begged.

"Or what?" I said, playing back at her.

"Or this!" she replied, taking my wrists in her hands. Her held her tongue between her teeth as she struggled against me. Clearly she was working hard to beat me, so I let her. I rolled to one side and she started tickling me, eventually straddling me as she tickled. I'm not all that ticklish, so I had to fake it a little, but I didn't mind. I was now really glad I'd lost my boner as she sat back on my groin to tickle me.

"Ha!" she yelled triumphantly. I kept grabbing her hands and stopping her, moving her hands away from my armpits and from my neck, the one place I actually am ticklish. Once she discovered this, she slid up and knelt across my shoulders to try and pin my arms down. So basically, she was sitting on my chest. She tried to pull her dress down to hide her undies but it was impossible. I couldn't help but look.

"Hey! No looking!" she scolded.

"Deena, I can't help it when it's right in my face." I explained.

"But it's not in your face." she corrected.

"Whatever. You know exactly what I --"

"NOW it's in your face!" she yelled, and slid her butt off my chest to straddle my open mouth. Her tightly pantied mound pressed down against my face and she started giggling. I could smell her little cunt as she held it there, the sour, but not entirely unpleasant smell of urine, and the distant, musky scent of her little girl's pussy. I was immediately hard again as I breathed her in deeply, my eyes closing as the lust fogged my brain. Deena thought this was hilarious and was giggling uncontrollably.

I exhaled then. Not the standard exhalation, mind you, but one of those open mouth, bottom-of-the-lungs, deep exhalations that expresses all the heat from one's innards. With Deena's little crotch snuggled against my open mouth, she received all of it, and as soon as that feeling fought past her giggling and into her consciousness, she became instantly aware of the overwhelming hotness in her pussy. And then she stopped laughing, her face contorting just a little as she realized how it was making her feel. My eyes opened and she was looking at me, concentrating, but not moving. With this little girl's cunt suddenly in my mouth, the smells from her crotch overwhelming my senses, I ceased thinking objectively, rationally. I didn't care that Marli had only been gone for a few minutes and would return at any moment. I didn't contemplate that what I was about to do next might send Deena into a panic, running for her sister to call her mother, then later, the police. I didn't care about anything in that moment. I only reacted. With Deena's little eight year old pussy tight against my open mouth, I pushed my tongue firmly into the gusset of her panties, knowing it would probably end very badly for me. I pressed hard against the strained material, which absorbed every bit of moisture from my tongue.

Deena continued to watch me for a second as she realized what I was doing, taking this from a silly game to something much more. She watched for just a moment and then slid to one side, to her knee, and I thought the fun was over.

Instead she grabbed the crotch of her panties and pulled it aside before returning her pussy to my mouth. Knowing Marli would be back any second, I didn't waste time. I brought my hands around to her hips, holding her steady as I licked her vulva broadly, dragging my flat tongue softly the length of her tiny slit, then with my tongue in more of a hard point, pressing just inside her slit. Her acrid taste lighting up my brain. Deena continued to watch me, but was now smiling broadly, showing me her missing teeth.

"Marli was right!" she said simply, before standing up and snapping her panties back as they were, pulling her dress down as she sat on the couch and watched what was left of the movie. I watched her, stared at the back of her head as I tried to comprehend what she'd just said.

Chapter 4

To describe the feelings I had after that moment would be difficult. Naturally the erection I had was only a vague and very distant memory. But physically, I felt as though I suddenly had gallons of ice water in my intestines; the clenching, twisting sickness in my insides left me feeling as I might either vomit or shit myself at any moment. Here I was worried about Marli telling my daughter, maybe telling her older sister, maybe her mom. It never occurred to me that she might tell Deena.

I wasn't sure I could, but I tried to stand up. My head was spinning and my legs felt weak. If she told Deena, who else did she tell? I wondered to myself. Oh shit this is not good. This is definitely not good.

I managed to get to my feet and collect myself just as I heard the bathroom door open around the corner. Marli had only been in there for a few minutes, but a lot had happened in those few minutes. A lot.

"Oh my god, what's wrong?" Marli asked. I must have looked the same way I felt.

I had no words. I stared at Marli, not seeing her, before regaining my senses, at which point I took her by the hand and led her to the kitchen. In sight of Deena but out of earshot.

I sat Marli on one of the stools and took a drink of water, instantly regretting it. My stomach was in knots.

Taking a deep breath, "You told Deena?!?"

"Huh?" she said, quizzically.

I related the story of what happened while she was gone (leaving out, of course, just how much I had enjoyed it), and what Deena had said afterward.

Marli giggled quietly. "She said she was going to do that. I didn't believe her."

"You knew?" I asked, incredulous.

"Well no, she says she'll do lots of things. Doesn't mean she'll do them. I thought she'd forget." she explained calmly.

"But why did you tell her?" I asked, trying to keep my composure as I did the mental math of just how many years I might serve.

"I had to." she said.

Again, no words. I'm pretty sure there was no requirement for this. I'd get a ruling later.

"What? Why???"

"Do you remember I told you about when I caught Cara?" Marli asked.

"Of course." I said. Marli was referring to the time she'd caught her older sister Cara masturbating, and her sister proceeded to give her an education on the topic.

"Well the same thing happened to me a few days ago. Deena walked in on me in the bathroom and I was in the bathtub...doing stuff." she said, blushing.

"And you told her about us?" I said, panicking.

"Well not right away. She asked what I was doing. And later it sort of slipped out. But don't worry. She'll never tell anyone." she said.

"Honey, I appreciate that you think you can trust your sister, but she is eight years old. You're ten and you just told someone accidentally." I reminded her.

"I'll be eleven next week!" she said brightly, missing the point entirely. I decided to drop it and move on. Nobody of importance had been told, and getting freaked out and angry at Marli would be counterproductive.

"Oh that's right! You'll have to have a sleepover with _____ so we can celebrate." I said, grinning wickedly. "So what did your sister catch you doing?" I asked innocently.

"When mommy took us shopping, she let us pick out a bunch of stuff and I got a new brush." she said.

I stood there, blinking, wondering if she'd heard my question correctly. The non sequitur threw me. "Huh?"

"Remember? I told you I use a brush...when" she said, urging me to get the hint.

"Oh!! Yes of course I remember!" I exclaimed. Marli had caught Cara fucking herself with the handle of a hairbrush. In turn, after Cara 'showed her the ropes' so to speak, Marli had taken to doing the same. In fact, Cara had taken Marli's virginity with a brush, much to my disappointment.

"So when mommy took us shopping, I picked one out to play with." she explained. "And I was playing with it in the tub and stupid Deena came running in without knocking and saw me. I had gotten it all the way in, too!" she said proudly. "I want to try that tonight."

The word "that" was a game-changer. I gulped for air, my head spinning. "Wait, are you saying you had the brush in your butt?!" I asked, making sure I was still whispering.

"Of course, silly. I told you I wanted to try it. So when my mom offered to buy me a new brush I picked one out that I could use for practice." she said nonchalantly. As I mentioned earlier, during our weekend together, I had come to learn that Marli had a thing for having her butt played with. Early on, I had explained to her that some women could experience orgasm anally. I wasn't sure if that was even true or not; my college girlfriend told me she could, but I was skeptical because my ex told me there was no way. So when I couldn't get my dick into Marli's pussy because it was too tight, I gave her the oral and anal options, just hoping for some relief as my balls had already raced past blue and were rapidly closing in on violet. She had chosen oral (and did a fine job at it, I might add!), but apparently the anal idea had awakened something in her. Over the weekend I continued to pay attention to her asshole, and she enjoyed it immensely, even doing it to herself once while she sucked me off in the shower. She had told me that weekend that she wanted me to fuck her in the ass (well, not in those words, of course) the next time we were together, but I didn't think much of it at the time. Apparently she was serious, and had begun preparing for it on her own in advance.

"For practice?" I said dumbly. I had heard her just fine; I just wanted her to continue.

"Uh huh." she said, nodding. "I got one with a bigger handle than my other one. And I got it all the way in." she said again.

"And Deena caught you?" I asked.

Marli frowned. "Yes. I was in the shower so I could use some of this slippery stuff my mom keeps in the bathroom, but I forgot to lock the door. Stupid Deena." she said.

"What did she say?"

"She asked what I was doing cuz I still had the dang thing in there; I couldn't hide it. So I ended up telling her about Cara putting a brush in her vagina, and how I did too sometimes. She asked why and I said because it feels good. She asked if it felt good to have the brush in my butt like I did, and I told her it felt really good to me, but not everyone likes it." she explained.

"And then what?" I asked, hoping for more.

"Then she wanted to try it, but I said she was too little to use the brush. But I showed her how she could rub the outside and it feels nice." she said. "She tried it for a little while but had to pee."

"Is that when you told her about us?" I asked.

"No, after she peed she went outside to play cuz she had friends over." she said.

"So when did you tell her?" I asked, enjoying the cute story but really needing her to get to the point.

"When we were going to sleep that night. She got in bed with me so we could whisper and asked about it again. She asked if I did it a lot, and she asked if she should start doing it. I told her she could if she wanted, but only in private. So she started doing it then and I did too. And then I told her it feels really good when someone puts their mouth down there and licks, because I was thinking of when you did that to me." she said, smiling.

"I'm glad you liked it." I said. "Then what happened?"

"She got all weirded out because she thought it was dirty, but I told her no, it feels great and I told her about the fally feeling (Marli's term for orgasm) you can have. She asked if anyone had done that to me and I said yes. She asked if it was Cara and I said no, so she asked who it was. I didn't know what to tell her and she wouldn't leave me alone about it, so I said if I told her, she couldn't tell anyone else ever, and she said she wouldn't, so I told her about you. Then when she found out she was coming here tonight she said she was gonna ask you to do that to her, but I thought she'd be too embarrassed." she said.

"Well she didn't exactly ask." I said, with mock indignance.

Marli laughed. "Was she gross?" she asked, wrinkling her nose.

"No. She didn't taste as good as you do, but it was okay. Why?"

"Just wondering." said Marli, obviously not wishing to go further.

"Listen, sweetheart," I said, taking Marli's face in my hands and pulling her close. "I love you, but we can't talk to anyone about anything we do, or we'll never see each other again, okay?"

Her eyes wet, Marli nodded. I kissed her to let her know it was okay. It wasn't okay, and I was terrified, but she would never understand that.

She smiled appreciatively and we went to the living room to join Deena.

I sat on the couch and Deena pulled Marli to her, whispering in her ear. I apparently was the topic of conversation, as both girls kept stopping and looking at me, sometimes giggling. She was probably telling Marli that she'd done what she said she would. I wasn't worried; I knew Marli would tell me everything later.

I sat on the couch while the girls snuggled under a blanket together on the floor watching television.

Chapter 5

"Took her long enough." Marli whispered, referring to Deena, who'd finally fallen asleep. Marli bundled her up so she'd be warm.

"Will she stay asleep?" I asked.

"I don't know." Marli said dubiously.

"Well then we'd better get moving!" I said. Despite the earlier setbacks, I was still desperately horny after witnessing Marli's masturbation session on the sofa.

"Pervert." said Marli, smiling broadly. I smacked her on the butt as she walked past me.

Marli headed upstairs while I locked up the house and turned off most of the lights, keeping Deena in mind should she wake up. Then I went upstairs to join Marli.

I found a short trail of clothes on my bedroom floor, and my lovely little girlfriend, covers pulled to her nose, clearly smiling happily at me.

"Aww, I wanted to unwrap my present." I said, pouting. Marli giggled.

I locked the bedroom door and added most of my clothes to Marli's. I left my shorts on as I climbed into bed, causing Marli to cluck with disapproval.

"I wanna see." she protested.

Standing back up, I slid my boxers down and stepped out of them. Marli's smile broadened further, and she pulled the sheets all the way over her head, giggling.

I joined her then, and pulled her close to me, her lithe body so tiny next to mine. I slid my hand down her back and cupped her small bottom, kneading the soft, perfect flesh with my fingers. Marli wrapped her arms around my neck as she expertly pressed her soft mouth into mine. Two weeks ago Marli had no idea how to kiss as a lover; now she was a seasoned pro. As her tongue found mine, my engorged cock somehow found a new level of hardness and I groaned into her mouth as she held me tightly.

Removing one hand from my neck, Marli took my penis in her small hand, and guided it between her thighs as she closed them around it, holding it snugly against her little cunt. She moaned at the contact. It took all my will power not to just start humping madly into the gap between her legs. Marli reached around behind herself to touch my cockhead where it poked out between her legs and she touched me softly, stroking the tip of my dick with her fingertips, smearing my precum around my shaft as she gently thrust her hips against mine. She broke our kiss putting her face in my chest and whimpering softly as she hunched against my cock. Soon the wetness from her arousal joined my precum, making her crotch wonderfully slippery as she squeezed me tightly, milking me.

As her speed picked up, I could tell she was nearing orgasm. I badly wanted to let her finish, but there was no way I could hold off my own explosive release. I waited as long as I could, hoping she would win the race, but I was just too close. I had to stop. She groaned in frustration when I pushed her hips backward, removing my cock from between her legs.

"I was so close." she said, panting, looking almost irritated.

"So was I, that's why I stopped." I explained.

"Can we do it now?" she asked pleadingly.

"I need to wait a bit." I said. "I'll cum too fast now."

"I don't care!" she said.

"It won't be long. Promise." I said.

Marli was clearly frustrated. Not angry, but definitely not happy. I didn't want to just masturbate myself against her, nice as it felt. I wanted to fuck her again.

"I'm sorry Marli. I'll make it up to you."

I kissed Marli's neck and flat chest as I made my way down her body. She moaned softly as I kissed past her tummy and to the top of her mons, noticing that she had started to add a few sparse hairs to the nearly invisible downy fuzz on her pussy. I thought of saying something about it but dismissed the idea as I slid my tongue down to her vagina and pressed it into her clit, causing her to gasp. I slid my tongue further down her swollen slit, tasting the tangy wetness of her arousal mixed with something new: my precum. I licked deep into her sex, pressing my tongue into her little pussy hole, which was now leaking copious amounts of fluid, which I lapped up eagerly. I ran my tongue north again, encircling her clit tightly and sucking it between my lips, causing Marli to gasp and moan. She grabbed my hair above my ears and pulled my mouth hard into her cunt as she hunched herself against my lips, and I sucked her clit even harder.

I brought my middle finger to her opening and lubricated it with her wetness before steadily plunging it as deep as it would go. Marli was a sight; her head was rolling back and forth, eyes open, then closed, then staring blindly as she neared her orgasm. Suddenly she pulled my face away from her sopping pussy.

"I want you inside me." she said, staring into my eyes longingly.

She didn't need to tell me twice. I quickly kissed my way back up her chest, stopping briefly to kiss her. Her intensity increased when she tasted herself on my lips. I smiled inwardly. Marli had tasted herself once before but had downplayed her feelings about it. Now her actions betrayed her; it seemed to drive her crazy, and she kissed me for a long time before letting me go.

Marli was on her back, looking up at me, her knees only just spread wide enough to remain in contact with my hips. She hooked her legs around mine as I placed the head of my cock at her wet opening, pausing briefly before I pushed into her. When Marli and I first tried to have sex, she suffered a great deal of pain because she was so tight. Even with my very average-sized penis, it was a struggle. But we got through it and had no further problems. Seeing the head of my dick pressing against her made me feel like I was massive. Her pussy (and body!) looked impossibly small from this perspective, and I wondered how I'd ever gotten the thing all the way into her before without damaging something important. I took my cock and ran it up and down the length of her slit, mixing her wetness with my precum, painting her young cunt with our combined arousal. I knew Marli loved the feeling of this, and each time as I slid away from her clit and down to her little fuck hole, I pressed a little deeper, but at most only an inch or so. Finally I tired of teasing her (and myself) and pushed slowly but insistently inside her. Marli inhaled sharply, with an audible hiss, but I didn't stop. Her mouth opened wide as I pressed into her, stretching her little pussy with my engorged cock. I thrust forward, her face contorted in a mix of pleasure and pain. My balls came to rest against her skin just as the tip of my cock flattened against her cervix. I paused and stayed there, her tight little cunt filled completely. I could feel her muscles moving. Not yet strong enough to squeeze me, but very clearly rippling and reacting to the intrusion. I waited for her to become comfortable; her eyes, watering ever so slightly, never left mine. Her mouth still agape in seeming disbelief.

After a few moments, I started to retreat and Marli gasped again just as I began my outstroke. I pulled completely out of her, pausing at the top for half a second before driving back into her. Marli tried to keep quiet, but couldn't, and was now moaning loudly as a filled her again and again. I slowed down my strokes, not wanting either of us to cum too soon. I was already getting close.

"Why'd you...stop?" she panted.

"I don't want to cum yet. You feel so good I was really close and had to stop." I explained.

"Do you want to...try it...the other way?" she asked.

"Other way?"

"From behind me." she said hopefully. Apparently Marli didn't know the term doggy-style.

"Oh! Anything you want, sweetheart." I said, but stayed put, still buried in her, feeling the heat of her body against mine. "We can do it from behind."

"I mean I want to try it the other way." she said for clarification. "I've been practicing." she reminded me with a smile.

"Ahh, I see. Marli, are you asking me to buttfuck you?" I said teasingly.

Marli started laughing so hard she almost pushed me completely out of her. She covered her mouth with her hands as she giggled.

I withdrew a few inches before ramming my cock forcefully back into her. That stopped the giggling. She looked at me, dumbstruck, her mouth frozen where it was.

"Well, are you?" I asked, more insistently. A slow, dopey nod from Marli.

"So ask me." I told her.

"Will you?" she asked timidly.

"Will I what? You have to use the words." I reminded her.

"But I'm not allowed to say that word." she said.

"Sure you can. You'll see." and with that I pulled out of Marli completely, and rotated her to her knees. I reached over into my nightstand to retrieve the massage oil I kept there. I had used this on her before. My cock was already slippery with Marli's juices, but I slathered it in oil anyway. I didn't want to hurt her. Marli was face down, knees wide, her pussy and ass spread obscenely before me as she looked back over her shoulder at me, waiting. I bent down and licked around her tiny rosebud before plunging my tongue into it as far as it would go. The tangy muskiness of her little butthole was intoxicating. Marli turned her face down and began moaning, practically screaming into the pillow. This is something I would never have done with my ex (or any other woman I can think of, for that matter), but with Marli I functioned on a different level. I'd have done anything for her. Or to her.

Her tight little hole now lubricated with my saliva, I stood back up and began rubbing her butt with my thumb, taking some of the excess oil from my cock and depositing it on her asshole. Marli was in heaven; she very clearly loved having her ass played with, that much was certain. When I pushed my finger into her she stiffened, but instantly recovered and pushed back against me, willing me deeper. I entered much more easily now than I had before. Noticeably so.

"Gosh, you really have been practicing." I marveled. "Just how big is that brush?" I asked her.

She looked at her hands and made a ring with her thumb and forefinger and judged them before showing me. It looked to be well over an inch. Maybe an inch and half. Holy shit.

"How long is it?" I asked.

Marli had to prop herself up on her elbows to demonstrate the length of the handle, her fingertips about six inches apart. About the same length as me. Holy shit! I began to wonder to myself about the true motivations of hairbrush manufacturers.

"Really? And you got the whole thing in??" I asked, incredulous. A nod from Marli, proud of her accomplishment.

"How many times did you do this?" I asked, expecting an answer of two or three.

"Every day." Marli replied matter of factly. Like it was the most normal thing in the world. Of course I fuck myself in the ass every day with a hairbrush the size of a damned tree trunk, you ninny.

I stood there absorbing what she'd said, my eyes blinking slowly for a very long time before I remembered to breathe.

Marli looked back at me to see what I was doing. She was patient but still very horny and pushing insistently back against my finger, which was still in her ass.

Well it seemed Marli had found a hobby she enjoyed. That girl I dated in college had a major thing for the back door, but I thought she was an anomaly. My ex absolutely hated it, though I did talk her into it on a couple of occasions. And here was Marli, ten years old (almost eleven), buying a specific hairbrush (with her mom!) for the express purpose of preparing herself to be fucked in the ass by a grown man. I was lucky enough to be that man.

"So what do you want me to do?" I said, smiling wickedly as I removed my finger and centered myself behind her hips. I once again ran my dick the length of her slit, but this time I didn't stop at the bottom (now top, as she was on her knees) of her cleft, but kept moving north to her little butthole, pressing the well-oiled head of my cock against the puckered ring of flesh, spreading the lubrication around. Marli groaned into the pillow before looking over her shoulder at me.

"I can't." she said, pouting. "I'm not supposed to say that word."

"I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to be doing this, either, sweetie." I said, laughing.

The logic only took a moment to register. "Very funny." she said.

I continued to paint her tiny asshole with the massage oil, my precum now flowing copiously.

"Buttfuck me." she mumbled, barely whispering and facing away from me. She should know better than that.

"What honey? Did you say something?" I asked patronizingly.

This time she snapped her hair around, and looked over her shoulder right at me. "Buttfuck me, Alex." she demanded. "Buttfuck me."

I didn't even reply. I couldn't. The sheer hotness of the statement coming from her nearly caused me to have a stroke. Hell, maybe I did have one; time had seemed to slow down in that moment between breaking eye contact with her after her command and refocusing on pressing the tip of my impossibly hard dick into her ass, my shaft glistening with all the oil I'd applied to it.

As the head disappeared into the tiny ring, Marli gasped, but accepted me with little difficulty. I pulled her hips to me and up, to improve the angle as I entered her. Marli complied and let me move her as I needed.

I added just a bit more oil to the top of my dick as it slowly disappeared into her rectum. I was so glad her mom bought her that brush. Marli let out a gutteral groan as I filled her. I couldn't believe the amount of heat I was feeling in my cock. Her ass seemed to be twenty degrees hotter than her pussy. I steadily pressed forward, nearly at the base of my shaft, my hands on her waist, pulling her onto me.

Marli gathered the pillow to herself to rest her head on it. Her other hand reached underneath, and as my balls finally pressed against her pussy, I could feel her hand there, rubbing her pussy with broad strokes. I held her there, pressed hard into her ass as she writhed in my hands, clearly enjoying what we were doing. "Mmmmmmmnh." she said.

"It doesn't hurt?" I asked?

"Mmmm...not at all." she said dreamily, wriggling her butt, seemingly trying to get me deeper. I am really gonna have to thank her mom for getting her that brush...

We stayed like that for a minute, locked tightly together, before she started to pull away from me, signaling it was time to get down to business. I kept my hands on her tiny waist, not wanting her to pull completely off of me before I slowly slipped back into her. Her little asshole was stretched tightly around my cock, but thanks to all the oil (and Marli's hairbrush, apparently), she accommodated me like a champ, and I could start fucking her with full, deep strokes. Marli was in heaven, moaning into her pillow, sometimes stealing glances back at me as I fucked her harder, her hand still at work on her little cunt. Her breathing grew more and more ragged as we both got closer to orgasm. I was already close, but wanted to make sure she got there before me.

"Ungh...ungh...ungh" Marli grunted in time with my strokes, my balls slapping against her hand as she rubbed her pussy frantically. "I'"

A quiet knock on the door.

We froze. I held Marli tightly against me, impaled on my engorged cock, the muscles in her ass continuing to react, squeezing me, willing me to continue. She propped herself up on her hands.

Another knock, then a distant, small voice, "What are you guys doing?" Deena. She'd woken up.

"Nothing, Deena. Go back to bed." Marli said to the door, her voice quivering.

The doorknob rattled. "Why is the door locked?" asked Deena.

"We were just talking." said Marli. "You should go back to sleep."

"I'm not tired." replied Deena. "Can I come in?"

"Deena, you need to try to go back to sleep. I'll come check on you in a few minutes." Marli promised, frustration rising in her voice.

"I'm scared." said Deena. "I wanna be with you guys."

With my cock still in her butt, Marli slapped her face into her pillow and screamed with frustration. I patted her on the ass; our fun was over. She raised herself back up and I very slowly slipped myself out of her. Marli whimpered when I was all the way out, and her asshole, while definitely stretched, quickly recovered.

I turned on the television in my bedroom while Marli quickly pulled on her skirt and top. Then I gathered my clothes and headed into my bathroom before she opened the door to Deena. I'd get cleaned up and dressed before coming out. Hopefully Deena wouldn't overthink things and cause problems.

I could hear them talking in my room as I got myself sorted out. I considered for a moment just jacking off in bathroom but that wouldn't be fair to Marli. Even though she'd cum earlier, we were in this one together, so I elected to suffer with her.

Chapter 6

I found them both on my bed watching cartoons. As the TV was at the foot of the bed, Marli and Deena were lying prone on the bed facing it. I flopped down on the bed normally, which presented me with the vision of looking up two girls' skirts at the same time. I could clearly see Deena's blue panties wedged deep in her butt, but I couldn't see much from Marli, as her skirt was longer. Once she realized I was looking, however, she opened her legs for me, smiling over her shoulder but rolling her eyes in frustration at Deena's presence. I massaged her feet and legs as they were right by my chest the way we were situated. Marli's pussy and ass were still glistening from all the oil. Occasionally I'd reach up and touch her pussy or slip a finger inside her, just to tease her and make her miserable. With her sister right next to her, she couldn't make a sound.

Things started to change when I put two fingers in her. One was in her ass, the other was in her pussy, both still slick from the oil and her arousal. Marli buried her face in her pillow, but with her sister still wide awake right next to her, she had very few options and I was making her crazy. Marli closed her legs to me, ending my fun. She was obviously very frustrated and decided to rub her sister's back, apparently with the hope of getting her to fall asleep again.

As she continued to rub Deena's back with one hand, the little girl was clearly enjoying the massage from her older sister. It wasn't at all sexual; at least not at first, but Deena seemed to advance things a little, mainly by sliding herself a bit north just as her sister's hand was nearing her butt. It took a few minutes and several hints from her before Marli started moving slowly down Deena's back to her puffy little bubble butt. When she did, Deena moved abruptly upward, making the clearest signal imaginable that she approved of what her big sister was doing. While still not really paying attention (or acting like she wasn't), Marli kept rubbing her sister's bottom. Marli couldn't really see what was going on since she was focused on the TV, but I could. Deena had not only moved herself under her sister's hand, she had opened her legs to allow access to her crotch. Whether she did this consciously or not I could not tell.

Marli soon slid her hand a little further down while I watched from behind. Marli paused her hand where it was, but soon Deena opened her legs a little more and lifted her butt to her sister, which had the effect of guiding Marli's hand down toward to her pussy. Marli responded noncommittally, just lazily stroking the gusset of Deena's panties with her fingertips. Deena opened her legs even more. From my vantage point, it was obvious Deena was growing frustrated, tired of waiting for her sister to touch her pussy, but these things can't be rushed. Fortunately Marli was willing to continue the dance, and kept stroking her little sister.

Eventually Marli grew bolder, and started tracing her fingers at the elastic of Deena's panties where it met her inner thigh. Soon she had worked her fingertips under the material and was finally touching Deena's little cunt. Despite getting exactly what she had been wanting all along (at least from my perspective), Deena remained completely focused on the television, as if acknowledging what was happening might make it naughty.

But Deena's body told a different story. Once Marli's fingers had found her pussy, Deena opened her legs even further and turned slightly to improve Marli's access. I got to watch the whole thing, as Marli started running her finger in a long line up and down Deena's tiny slit. I couldn't see any detail, but it was clear what was going on behind the fabric. I rewarded Marli by fingering her pussy deeply, which was now wetter than I think I'd ever experienced. She was absolutely flooded, so she clearly loved what she was doing to Deena. Add another kink to the list.

Marli whispered something I couldn't hear into Deena's ear. All I heard from from Deena was, "What about him?" Marli replied, "He won't care; you made him do it to you earlier.".

"I don't want him to see." said Deena quietly.

"Okay, we don't have to." said Marli, dropping the issue.

They kept watching TV. Marli's hand was rested on Deena's back, but inanimate. Deena was growing increasingly impatient, and kept squirming beneath Marli's hand, willing it to move. Deena was getting frustrated, and started kicking the bed and making noises, trying to hint to Marli without expressly asking her to touch her. Marli waited a long time, but eventually resumed touching Deena's pussy, but now she only drew lines on the outside of Deena's little panties; she didn't venture further.

Deena had finally had enough. She rolled over and quickly took her panties off, looking briefly at me before rolling back next to her sister. She pulled her dress way down, but as soon as she rolled back over it slipped up and hid nothing, but she didn't seem to care. After Deena moved, Marli had put her hand under her chin as she watched TV, but not before smelling her fingers. Deena waited a long time before realizing Marli wasn't going to resume rubbing her without some intervention, so she finally asked her to rub her back again. Marli rubbed Deena's back lazily, even dragging down over her butt again, but she didn't touch her her pussy this time; she wasn't playing Deena's game. Deena was about ready to scream in frustration.

I had to give credit to Marli. She was playing her sister like a seasoned parent, making Deena realize she was not in charge of the situation, making her realize that she had to play by Marli's rules. What Marli had whispered to Deena was obviously an offer to lick her pussy, but Deena had balked, not wanting me to see. So Marli left Deena hanging. Horny. At just eight years old, Deena had no concept of how to deal with sexual frustration; she'd simply never experienced it before. It was only a matter of time before she broke.

"Okay, fine." said Deena in a harsh whisper to Marli. More than loud enough for me to hear.

Marli was unmoved.

"I said you can do it." said Deena.

Marli the rock.

"Marli! I said it was okay!" whisper-yelled Deena.


"Please?" Deena pleaded.


"Please Marli? Please do it? Please?" said Deena, now begging.

"Okay fine. Roll over." commanded Marli.

Deena rolled onto her back and watched her sister while occasionally glancing at me. Marli moved between Deena's legs and pushed them apart. I was enthralled as I watched Marli sink her face into Deena's crotch; I could hear the wet sounds of Marli licking pussy for the first time in her life, as Deena watched her sister work. Occasionally I saw Deena twitch or jump when Marli would hit a good spot, and she was gritting her teeth as she moved her hips around under her sister's mouth. I could see Marli had slipped a hand under her skirt and was quietly masturbating as she licked her sister's cunt.

Deena started to breathe more and more heavily before taking a pillow and covering her own face. I could still hear her, whimpering into the pillow. I decided to take advantage of the situation and pulled my shorts down. I took Marli by the hips and she immediately complied, moving to her knees without breaking stride in her oral attack on Deena's little vagina. I pressed my cockhead against Marli's pussy but as wet as she was, there was no resistance and I was balls-deep in her cunt within seconds. Marli groaned into her sister's slit with resounding approval. I took Marli by the hips and began fucking her violently, unable to restrain myself, pounding relentlessly against her cervix. For her part, Marli kept one hand working on her own clit while bringing her other hand to her sister's slit to massage her tiny cunt hole. Deena wrapped her legs around Marli's head as she pulled her sister to her, instinctively willing her to fuck her more deeply with her finger, but Marli was mindful of Deena's hymen, and didn't penetrate her too far.

Deena took the pillow from her face to watch her sister eat her pussy, which is when she saw that I was now fucking her sister from behind like my life depended on it. I was too close to cumming to care what she saw or what she thought. She looked at me in horror but then looked down at Marli, happily slurping away at her cunt and moaning in approval as I fucked her hard. It was at that point that Deena's legs kicked out straight and she came, hard but quietly. I'd never have known she was cumming but for the fact that her feet were bent nearly in half as her toes curled almost painfully. The realization that Deena was orgasming was what triggered mine, and it slammed into me with a warm, urgent twisting sensation that took my entire body and forced every muscle to work against its opposite. As I fired my first wave of sperm against Marli's abused cervix, she joined me in orgasm, screaming uncontrollably into her sister's tiny cunt. My hands clamped down on Marli's hips, holding her tightly against me as my balls squeezed tightly, unloading, filling her tiny womb with my seed. I groaned loudly and found Deena staring at me intently, watching me with suspicion and curiosity as I angrily fucked her big sister, using her for my pleasure. She may have even hated me then.

It was when Deena saw Marli's face that she realized she was mistaken. When Marli finally found the willpower to remove her tongue from her little sister's cunt, Deena saw how happy she was. Marli was spent and satisfied and clearly exhausted by the evening and the buildup to the greatest orgasm in her young life, spurred by having her cunt filled to bursting with a hard cock while her mouth was filled with her sister's pussy. Marli looked right at her sister and just smiled with exhaustion, resting her cheek on Deena's prominent mons. She could see that Marli was happy. Blissfully so. Marli crawled up her sister, kissing her tummy and chest as she went, before collapsing on top of her, wrapping her arms around her neck. Marli kissed Deena on the mouth then -- just a quick kiss, but it was passionate and erotic and Deena could taste herself on her big sister's lips, causing her to recoil at the thought. Her resistance lasted only a moment, before they simply lay there together, holding one another; deep sleep just a moment away.

I watched them. First Deena, because I was terrified of her reaction, but within an instant I realized that I had her approval. Marli had, without speaking, told her that everything was good and right with the world and to let it go. Deena trusted her sister and did just that.

Deena and Marli held each other for a long time, legs intertwined, arms holding the other close, nuzzled against each other. Deena's little pussy still glistening with her sister's saliva; Marli's pussy dripping out the vast amounts of cum I'd just pumped into it. Both were unconscious within minutes, fast asleep.

I went to the bathroom to take a leak, and returned to find them as I'd left them. I turned off the lights and the TV, and situated the girls so that their heads were on pillows instead of at the foot of the bed. I cleaned up Marli, saving her the pain of my dried semen on her pussy in the morning. Wanting to have Marli next to me, I tried to pull them apart, but each time I did they would cleave to each other more tightly. I eventually gave up and settled in next to them with Deena between us. I put shorts on, but left the two girls as they were, with Marli in a skirt and Deena still in her dress, but neither wearing panties. I spread a blanket across the three of us and while I took the opportunity to gently explore Deena's pussy for my own edification as she lay there, comatose. But the sad fact was, I too was exhausted and quickly fell asleep.

Chapter 7

It wasn't the morning sunlight but a full bladder that woke me up the next morning. That, and the room felt like it had reached 120 degrees. Deena, the source of the heat, was pressed up against me, roasting me. Marli was wrapped around Deena, her hand holding the waistband to my shorts. I extricated myself from the girls and went to the bathroom to take an incredibly satisfying piss. I padded downstairs to start the coffee maker, then returned to the girls, finding them just as I left them. I decided to join them for a few more minutes of sleep while I waited for the coffee maker to finish.

Two hours later, I awoke to find Marli kissing me, Deena nowhere to be found.

"She's in the bathroom. Good morning." said Marli, with a rough voice.

"Good morning back." I said tentatively. "Everything okay?" Marli would know what I meant. I was asking if everything was going to be copacetic with her little sister. Last night had been quite an introduction for her.

"Oh, she'll be fine." Marli assured me. "She had fun." she said, smiling.

At that, Deena came out of the bathroom and jumped into bed with us. She quickly scurried under the covers and snuggled next to her sister, staring at me suspiciously, like she'd never seen me before. How the harsh light of day illuminates our regrets, eh Deena?

"Good morning princess!" I said, not wanting to make an issue of the previous evening. "Sleep well?"

"Uh huh." said Deena, unmoved. Apparently she's not a morning person, but I hoped her mood would improve.

I grabbed the remote and turned on the television. Spongebob.

Marli laid her head on my stomach to watch the show, and Deena rested her head on Marli's hip, but that was uncomfortable so Deena moved up to the pillow, Marli between us.

It didn't take long for Marli's hand to find its way into the leg hole of my shorts, grazing my sore, but semi-erect cock with her fingertips. I sighed when her hot hand wrapped itself around me.

In moments she had me fully erect as she masturbated me slowly and quietly. She slid her hand to the tip of my cock, touching the tip and finding a small amount of precum that had gathered there. She deftly removed her hand from my shorts and tasted her fingers. I watched her, but she never broke her gaze from the television.

I slid my hand up and down her back under the covers, eventually sliding all the way down to her butt, which I massaged gently. Occasionally I'd drag a fingertip through Marli's slit, causing her to shudder under my touch.

The girls laughed at something on TV and Deena readjusted herself to snuggle closer to her sister. The problem was, my hand was on Marli's ass and I was rubbing her pussy. Deena felt my hand there and put her hand on mine to see who it belonged to. She gave no reaction when she discovered me. She withdrew her hand so I kept working on Marli.

After a few minutes, I felt Deena's small hand on mine again. I froze, but she was obviously exploring what I was doing to her sister, to the point where her fingers came in contact with Marli's pussy. At that point I put my hand over Deena's, letting her explore on her own. She was kind of all over the place in her ministrations, so I took her hand in mine and pressed her fingers more firmly into the fat flesh of Marli's slowly dampening cunt.

Eventually Deena got things straight and settled into a slow rhythm on her sis. Marli was appreciative, but both girls kept their eyes fixed on the TV. I was more or less out of the picture now, except for Marli's slow massage still ongoing in my shorts. I stroked Deena's hair once, but she recoiled a bit, so I knew I couldn't put my hands in the more advanced locations.

Marli removed her hand from my cock and slipped it between her legs. From my vantage point next to her, the covers had fallen away enough to allow me to see Marli guiding her sister what to do. I could see that Deena had now inserted a finger into Marli's pussy and was slowly sliding it in and out. Satisfied, Marli returned her hand to my shorts. I slid my hand over her ribs and rubbed her flat chest, paying special attention to her tiny nipples, which hardened under the pads of my fingers. I pinched them gently, causing Marli to moan quietly with approval.

Taking care to hide her actions from her sister, who was still vegetative (or acting so) in front of the television, Marli slipped my cock into her mouth and ran her tongue in circles around the tip, licking up any precum she could find before sinking her mouth down on my rod as far as she could. I could feel her forcing her throat down, almost gagging herself - Marli's third little kink. Soon she just set her head back on my stomach, the tip of my dick in her mouth while her tongue wandered aimlessly around the head of my cock while her free hand lazily jacked my shaft up and down. Deena had stopped moving but still had her hand against Marli's crotch. Apparently she had lost interest.

Marli suddenly took her mouth off my cock and sat up, pulling my shorts over my throbbing erection.

"Deena, do you want to go downstairs and watch TV?" she asked hopefully.

"I wanna stay here." she replied. Understandable. She was in a strange house, after all.

"Just go downstairs for a little bit and we'll come right down, okay?" she pressed.

"I wanna stay with you guys." Deena whined.

Now looking at me, Marli said, "Should we go in the bathroom?"

"No, you stay here too!" cried Deena.

Marli sighed in frustration. I couldn't really say anything. Deena was resolute.

"Okay fine, but you sit up at the edge of the bed, okay?" Marli said, pointing to a spot.

"nkay" said Deena.

Once Deena was situated and back to her TV show, Marli climbed onto my legs. Leaving my shorts on, she opened the fly and removed my still rock hard cock from within. Sliding up to my lap, she bent forward and reached beneath her, guiding the tip of my cock to her pussy. She rested at the top for just a moment before starting a slow, steady slide down to the base as her wet pussy reluctantly accepted me. Once she reached the bottom, she stayed there for a few minutes before sliding up again, and starting a slow, relaxed fuck as she sat there, happily impaled on my swollen dick.

Marli was still wearing the skirt from yesterday, which was long enough to cover our activities, so even if Deena happened to look back, she would not have seen anything.

Soon, Marli increased the intensity of her fucking and her breathing grew louder. She was getting careless. I looked over at Deena, who was no longer watching her TV show, but was now watching Marli. Marli's eyes were closed as she fucked me, so she had no idea she was giving her sister a show. Deena, however, must have figured out what was going on, because her hand was between her legs and she was rubbing herself as she watched her big sister intently.

I debated letting Marli know that we were being watched, but Deena didn't seem too distressed, so I said nothing and just hung on for the ride. I put my hands on Marli's hips and looked at Deena. No reaction, she just kept rubbing herself, eyes riveted to Marli.

I closed my eyes as I enjoyed the feelings of Marli's tight pussy squeezing my cock as she hunched up and down on me. A moment later I felt movement at the side of my head, followed by a flash of darkness in my closed eyes. I opened them to find Deena just starting to lower herself down on my face, just as she'd done yesterday. This time, however, she was facing her sister, as she nuzzled her eight year old cunt down onto my mouth, her virginal scent filling my senses. Due to her positioning, my nose was placed firmly into the crack of her ass. While Deena managed to keep things fairly clean, as I inhaled her deeply, I could still definitely smell her butt. I would have expected otherwise, but it was heavenly. That scent, mixed with the taste of her young pussy, was incredible. I think the dirtiness of the whole thing was what was most erotic about it.

I took my hands from Marli's hips and moved them to Deena's. She was still wearing my daughter's nightgown, which was short enough that it had ridden up, covering just half her ass. I slid the garment up slightly so I could slide my hands up and down Deena's soft, perfect skin. She gave no protest, and I continued to lap at her pussy as her sister continued to grind up and down on my cock.

I have no idea whether or when Marli even noticed that her sister had joined us. If I opened my eyes, all I could see was Deena's ass riding my face. I slid her slightly downward, pushing her hips toward her sister, allowing me access to her tight butthole. I pressed the tip of my tongue to the tiny ring, licking around it before pushing into its center. Deena responded immediately; her breathing grew louder and she pushed back against my mouth, clearly signaling that she enjoyed it. I brought my hand around the front of her, venturing toward her vulva. The angle was difficult, but when I found her pussy she allowed me to touch her. I stroked her clit a few times, but my fingers were dry, and so would not have felt good to Deena.

I took a blind (literally) chance and hoped Marli had seen what I was trying to do to Deena. I lifted my hand to Marli, and was instantly rewarded with Marli's hot mouth quickly engulfing my fingers, lubricating them with her saliva. That's my girl. I returned them to Deena's tiny cunt.

I think it was the second or third stroke on Deena's hard little clit that did it. I felt her whole body stiffen, and immediately her asshole began spasming on my tongue as her hips fucked at the air. The realization that this little eight year old girl was orgasming on my mouth was more than enough to send me over the edge, and I began to come hard, my body tense and rigid. I took my hands off Deena and put them on Marli's hips, struggling to pull her farther down onto me, trying to get my cock deeper into her. Deena had settled backward after she came, and now I was being completely smothered by her ass covering my mouth and nose; I couldn't breathe at all, but was still coming, so I was powerless to move her. Looking back now, I don't think I wanted to move her. I was surprised to find the suffocation strangely pleasurable; the oxygen deprivation seemed to intensify and extend my orgasm, stretching it longer than any other I can remember before or since. When I finally returned to reality and could hear and see again, a simple tilt of the head gave me all the air I needed

When my head was clear, I was still semi-hard, still inside Marli. Deena's ass was still in my face, but she was now leaning toward her sister, and I could hear the occasional sounds of kissing. Knowing I wasn't going to be able to get hard again anytime soon, I killed some time by massaging Deena's butt while she and her sister kissed.

Deena was the first to move, hopping off my face while announcing to the room that she had to pee. With her gone, I looked up at Marli, who smiled down at me before laying down on my chest to kiss me. My dick slipped out of her, and any semen that hadn't already run out seeped onto my crotch as we kissed.

"Did you come? I asked, concerned. If she had, I missed it, thanks to Deena (not that I was complaining).

"Oh yeah, like five minutes before you did." she said. "I almost did again." she added.

"Aww, sorry baby." I said. "You okay with what happened with Deena?" I asked.

"Oh yeah," she said emphatically, adding, "as long as you don't like her better than me."

"Hmm...I'll keep you posted on that."

Marli play-punched me in the chest. "I don't like you."

"Let's get some breakfast - I'm starving." I said. Turns out having a threesome with two pre-teen girls really takes it out of you. Who knew?

Chapter 8

At breakfast, Marli and I were chatting away, but Deena was still sort of quiet.

"Everything okay, Princess?" I asked her.

She thought a moment, then asked me, "Are you gonna tell my mommy what I did?"

I nearly spit my coffee on her. She was worried about me telling?

"Oh, no, honey. I promise I'll never ever tell if you don't tell either, okay?"

This earned me a big smile from Deena. Maybe this was what was troubling her earlier. We finished our breakfast, Deena now happily part of the conversation.

"Okay, shower time!" I announced, clapping my hands to get everyone moving.

Groans from the peanut gallery.

"Deena, you first."

"She'll need help with the shampoo." Marli said.

I perked up, thinking I'd get to lather up a loli, but Deena dashed my hopes. "I want Marli to help me." she said before I could ask.

The girls showered in my daughter's bathroom while I showered in mine. I finished quickly and went downstairs. Deena came down and joined me, sitting next to me on the sofa, wet hair dripping. I turned on the television for her while I continued to read my paper.

A little after ten Tina called and let me know that she was on her way from work. It gave me about ten minutes, so I helped the girls gather their things so they'd be ready.

When Tina got there, she asked quietly asked about Deena, but when she came running into the foyer, Deena excitedly asked her mom if she could stay here again.

"Well there's your answer." I said to Tina. Turning to Deena, "And of course you can. Both of you can. Anytime you like." I said, meaning it more than anyone could possibly imagine.

"We made pizza, mommy!" she said excitedly. Oh yeah...I had forgotten about the pizza.

Tina thanked me profusely and I assured her I meant it when I said they could stay any time they wanted. I hoped she'd let them stay tonight too.

Deena and her mom started carrying stuff out to the car, while Marli dropped back a little, allowing her time to kiss me goodbye.

"You take it easy on your sister now, okay? Don't go forgetting about me." I said.

"Oh, don't worry. It'll just be practice." Marli said, grinning wickedly before joining her mom and sister in the car.

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Love this series. Glad to see you're still making stories about Marli.


What a beauuuuutiiiie of a story! Enjoyed every line, and I son't say that often. I mysteriouely missed out on the previous chapters, but I'll deffo make up for it. A sequel? I can't wait


I have read a lot of stories on this site but this is the very first one I have commented on... I LOVE this story... I love the man/little girlfriend type ones. Great job, can't wait to read more!


Stupendously hot, like Ashes this is the first story I've commented on and I hope you take this as the compliment it's intended to be. Thanks.

carolyn sue

honest the very best yet. love great incest good sexual loveing,hopeing more will be coming very soon,,

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