The Peterson Family-Cousins & Sisters & Mothers, Oh My!

[ inc, Mgg, MFgf, multi, orgy, group, anal, oral ]

by Seamus

Published: 15-Jan-2013

Word Count:

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show Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Chapter One: Family Traditions

"Daddy, do we have to go? Why can't you just go see your cousin by yourself? They're soooo boring, Daddy. Can't we stay here with Aunt Meghan and Uncle Steve?"

The whining got old real quick. I'd heard the same questions a dozen times this morning already and I was losing my patience. Neither of my daughters thought they'd get a different answer at this point. They were just registering their continuing complaint to make sure I understood I'd 'owe' them something at a time and place to be determined.

", they're not...and no, you can't," I replied shortly, covering the whole complaint in one response. "I want you to know my favorite cousin in the whole world, AND her family," I added, "so we're going to go spend an afternoon with them!"

The pouting increased by several orders of magnitude and both girls turned and flounced away. It was going to be a difficult, albeit a relatively short, morning's drive to my cousin Charlotte's home up in the foothills of the tall western mountains.

Little vignettes of the drive out here from our home began replaying in my mind and I started to have misgivings. Perhaps...and then I had an inspiration. Give them something to occupy their attention and the trip would be that much shorter, or would be considered as such anyway.

"Get your panties off," I ordered curtly. THAT was a command they could deal with. They grinned.

I turned and walked out of the room. Before I went through the doorway, I looked back to see them looking brighter than at any moment since breakfast. They knew me. Taking off their panties, when they KNEW they were heading for a place where Dad and daughter sex was a no-no, meant ol' Dad was up to something.

Charlotte, my cousin, and her family were straight; we had no reason to suspect they were into family sex. But Dad was...what was he doing?

Seeing they weren't yet hiking up their short skirts to pull their panties off, I raised my eyebrows expressively. "Excuse ME??" I made it clear I was getting impatient.

"Now?" Lorrie asked uncertainly.

"NOW!!!" I confirmed.

They stood and their hands dove beneath their skirts. They quickly reemerged, yanking their own panties down. Across the room, Meghan's daughters and sons sat up and began to take notice.

I went up the stairs to my third floor bedroom and rummaged through the boxes of erotic toys we'd gotten at the adult book store out on the Interstate. What I was looking for was in the last box I expected to find them...of course. Too many people had been rummaging through them for any sort of order to be maintained. Gathering up what I needed, I trotted back downstairs to reenter the living room as quickly as I'd left it a moment earlier.

"OH...COOL!!" Lorrie said when she saw what I held in my hands. Her and her sister's faces were considerably more animated than they'd been earlier. From dreading the trip, they'd turned to speculating on how much fun they might have.

I tossed a pair of latex panties to each daughter. These were nothing like what they'd just taken off. In fact, that they were fabricated as "panties" was more incidental than anything else. What made them different, beyond the fact that the material was unusual in and of itself (especially for such young girls to wear), was these panties had a small pocket in the interior with a three-inch vibrator inside.

"Mmmmmmmm," Mandy commented as she pulled the panties up and carefully slid the vibrator inside her pussy. She wiggled her hips around a bit to seat the device more comfortably inside her. She looked at me expectantly for a moment, letting a small frown come over her features when I didn't toss the remote control in my hands across to her. Instead, I thumbed the button that activated the device buried inside her.

When Mandy gasped and her hips took on a life of their own, I smiled--perhaps the first time this morning I'd done so. She did too.

She was beginning to see the day might not be so terrible after all. If her Daddy was willing to bend the rules on clothing worn to "straight" events and stimulate her with a remote controlled vibrator all morning, the afternoon might be filled with Daddy's cock invading various holes. I could see she remembered a certain afternoon last week underneath a bridge. I recalled that very clearly myself and grinned more broadly in memory.

The second time I pushed the button, Lorrie had hers inside her puss too, and she joined her sister with an explosive little intake of breath and involuntary wriggling. They straightened, then squealed and jackknifed forward again when I pressed the magic button for a third, longer moment.

"DADEEEEEEEEEEEE!" they said in unison, pretending to scold me. They didn't mean it though.

I experimented with pressing the buttons on both remotes, but it didn't seem to have any greater effect. I was disappointed--I'd thought ding that might have double the effect of one. To console myself, I gave the girls a fourth buzz, just to watch them jump.

"Uncle Mikey..." little Shannon said speculatively. "Do you have...?"

I tossed her the third set of naughty panties. She didn't have anything on and there was little delay between pulling the elastic panties up her slender thighs and carefully inserting the vibrator in her 8-year-old cunt. Where the latex was tight for a grown woman and snug for an older girl like Mandy and Lorrie, the panties were loose on young Shannon. The vibrator held the panties in place more than the panties held the vibrator.

Enormously pleased with herself, Shannon pranced around the room, letting out little shrieks of real pleasure and pretended outraged shock when I touched the remote control a few more times. My daughters echoed her sentiments, of course. The sexual temperature in my sister's spacious living room rose by several degrees in as many minutes.

"Mommy...?" Shannon asked anxiously as she turned to Meghan. "Can I go with Uncle Mikey?" she asked. I hadn't gotten that far in my thinking but the young girl had quickly figured out how to extend and expand her pleasure. Funny how quickly they catch on.

Meghan gestured to me. "Ask your Uncle Mike," she said briefly. She'd figured out what was coming next long before I did.

"The more the merrier!" I replied, grinning.

"Go get something like the other girls have on," Meghan told her daughter. Shannon glanced at Mandy and Lorrie and tore out of the room in route to her second-floor bedroom. Her bare feet pounded a fast beat on the stairs as she raced upstairs. A moment later, Mandy and Lorrie responded to Shannon's excited entreaties for help by galloping up the staircase too. I dropped one of the remotes in my jacket pocket and strolled to the front door and waited in the foyer.

When they hadn't come down a whole three minutes later, I touched the remote control's switch for a second or two. The assertion on the packaging was that the device had a full thirty foot range and I'd been wondering if it was an exaggeration or not.

Apparently, it was the absolute truth. The mock screams drifted down the staircase to us in the living room and all three girls yelled assurances they were coming "in a minute." They were off by a little, but not terribly so.

* * *

Charlotte was my cousin, a strawberry blonde who'd played the lead in many a wet dream of mine when I was a youngster and a teenager--for me and all the other boys in the school. The only boys who didn't jack off thinking of her were recent transfers who hadn't met her yet. When I wasn't dreaming about having sex with my sister, I was dreaming of having sex with Charlotte.

Charlotte's mother was my mother's twin sister--her identical twin sister, Phoebe. My mother and Aunt Phoebe had been very, very close while they were growing up, as most twins are.

Charlotte and I hadn't been THAT close, though I'd surely wouldn't have minded, but she and Meghan were a little tighter.

Things people said through the years led us children to believe the twins had gone out almost exclusively on double-dates when they were old enough, not wanting to be apart even for that short a time. According to rumors, Patricia (my mother) and Phoebe had been inseparable right up to the time they were each a double wedding ceremony, of course. There was always a nasty suspicion that they'd spent their wedding nights together too...and I wondered about that too.

Be that as it may, Aunt Phoebe and Luke (her husband) began procreating as quickly as they could after their marriage. Charlotte was born a scant nine months later, give or take, as was my sister Meghan. A son they named Randall appeared two years afterward and another girl, Ruth Ann, sixteen months after that. I hadn't seen Aunt Phoebe--or my cousins, for that matter--since I'd last come to visit Meghan, about three and a half years earlier.

I dreaded seeing Aunt Phoebe. I'd hung out at Meghan's a couple of days longer than I really should have because of that dread. It wasn't that my aunt and I didn't get along. On the contrary, Aunt Phoebe was as sweet as they came and never had a cross word to say to anyone.

What it was...well, the woman was an exact 'copy' of my mother, and I hadn't ever really gotten over losing Mom and Dad. Whenever I saw Aunt Phoebe, all of the loss came rushing back. Such things must be suppressed though; the family didn't need to see my anguish.

By the time we got to Charlotte's house, the girls were all on a sexual high. The interior of the vehicle REEKED of little-girl pussy juices escaping past the edges of their latex panties and down their thighs. I was pretty keyed up too, particularly since the girls had insisted I take off my boxers before beginning the trip. Every time I buzzed them, whoever was riding shotgun squeezed my cock.

It was necessary for us to stop a few miles short of Charlotte's home for a quick walk around to adjust Dad's package and his trousers, the girls' skirts, and do a fast fumigation of the SUV's interior.

I didn't suggest they remove the latex panties and replace them with something more appropriate, though, and neither did they. Too much danged fun!

All four of us were keyed up and on edge when we got to Charlotte's house.

* * *

"MIKEY!" Charlotte half screamed when she opened the door. She threw the screen door wide on its protesting hinges and bounced down the steps to wrap her arms around my neck. I must have turned a nice shade of pink; I didn't remember her and me being that close when we were growing up. It was a nice hug though, and I was getting into the spirit of the thing when she finally let me go.

She let me go only to gather all three of the young girls into an embrace that didn't seem to end. It gave me time to study my cousin. In some respects, she hadn't changed much. She was still a cute, fresh-faced strawberry blonde, slender and willowy, and deceptively strong, if the recent hug was any example.

The calves and ankles visible under the almost knee-length housedress hinted that her long, beautifully sculpted legs that I'd been very much aware of in my youth hadn't deteriorated at all. I wondered why she wore such a long skirt.

When Charlotte ushered us inside, the girls all gave me knowing glances as they passed, clearly thinking the close embrace between me and Charlotte meant something more than it did. Come to think of it, considering what had happened over the last week at my sister's, what they were thinking wasn't as foolish as it might have been.

I snorted lightly and dropped my hand to my jacket pocket and thumbed the remote control to their vibrators for a quick jolt as we walked in.

None of the three had any time to prepare for the stimulation and they all three missed a step.

I was grinning to myself as I walked in behind Charlotte, my senses stretched out behind me so I would hear the three girls' reactions. My goal was to have one of them admit she was losing control and then have her do whatever she had to do to talk to me in private and beg me to stop.

I was concentrating so much on those three girls that I bumped into Charlotte's back when she stumbled on the threshold into the living room. I apologized as profusely as I knew how.

This wasn't the way to impress one's relatives and I needed to get myself together. I hadn't been able to detect any response from the three girls either. Bummer.

They knew me well enough to ANTICIPATE I'd take advantage of a moment like that!!?? That was intolerable. I'd have to do something about it. I hated being predictable.

In the living room, Charlotte gathered the few members of the family to her side who were actually home. Her ten-year-old son, Brady, shook my hand rather shyly and then backed away.

Charlotte was a trifle short with him and I could see he sensed it, but he didn't understand why.

Clearly, he figured it would be best to stay a distance away from his mother for the time being. He waved a 'Hi' at Mandy, Lorrie, and Shannon as they were presented to him in turn, but he didn't come close. He seemed to be a quiet boy, perhaps even a little shy.

Young Erin, cute and as cuddly as all the girls seemed to be in these parts, bounced into the room and threw herself into my arms, grinning and laughing all the way. The only time I'd ever seen the little girl, she was still an infant but she greeted me like an old friend...and perhaps I was.

The toddler was apparently born smiling and I found out she had a hug and a kiss ready for anyone willing to pick her up. I got several of each as I held the 4-year-old. I quickly figured out the tyke would never have learned to walk if I'd been around much during her infancy, because I could never have refused her uplifted arms anytime she held them up to me.

She was barefoot and dressed in a cool yellow summer dress with straps over each chubby shoulder. Little Erin was barely an inch over three feet but she was super cute, just as blonde as she could be, bubbly and energetic.

The young girl slipping around the doorway from the hall was a stranger to me but Charlotte quickly introduced us. This was Jeanette, and she was 10 years old last November. With her raven-black hair and green eyes, Jeanette was a vision in sultriness.

Tall for her age, slender and graceful, the pretty little girl's shorts exposed beautifully shaped legs and they show off a nicely rounded bottom too. The thin T-shirt covered, but did not conceal a pair of small, but sharply pointed little boobies poking holes in the fabric. She strode forward with a glide that struck me as totally sensual and hugged me without any sign of discomfort.

She was Charlotte's foster child, I learned. Charlotte was in the process of adopting the young girl. "Jeanette is Lakota...Sioux," Charlotte said. "We're so proud of her!"

Being Lakota explained the black hair and her tawny complexion, but it didn't explain the beautiful green eyes. On the other hand, I knew our family tree had other representatives from the Plains Indians as ancestors. The youngster had my full attention, whatever her heritage.

I thought she met my eyes with a frank look that recognized my evaluation of her sexuality...and matched it with one of her own. Instantly aroused, I was suddenly on edge and wondered when I would be able to break off the visit to return home, to get into one of the pussies of the young girls waiting for us back there.

The good-looking, older boy who followed Jeanette into the living room surprised me as much as Jeanette's appearance had. I hadn't expected anyone else to be there since I'd been told yesterday on the phone Charlotte's husband and other two daughters would be away until the late evening.

The newcomer was quickly introduced as Arthur--Art, as he corrected his foster mother quickly. Art was Jeanette's older brother, fourteen years old, tall for his age and lean as a wolf, one could clearly see the man he would someday become. His handshake was quick, but firm. I liked him immediately.

My daughters and my niece liked him too, using very different criteria, of course. I hadn't seen the looks they gave Brady but I realized the girls must have reacted to him also. All three girls showed a faint blush of excitement as they greeted Art and it deepened slightly as he gravely shook hands with each one.

I grinned to myself. With my hand already in my pocket, it was easy to gave all three a quick shot of vibrator-induced stimulus. The three young girls' eyes all glazed over for a split second as they fought to control their bodies. They glared at me but I only chortled, albeit silently and only to myself. I was back in control again.

Charlotte slipped on the throw rug and swung around to glare at it just as ferociously. Brady got caught in the crossfire somehow.

When he noticed his mother's unhappiness, his face immediately assumed a child's automatic look of protesting innocence at being accused of something he hadn't done. I'd seen that look on my daughters' faces many a time.

"I din' do anything!!" Brady declared.

Charlotte didn't want to say much in front of me and the girls but she was clearly irritated. "It's time you...put your toys away," Charlotte told her son. "All your your room," she remarked. "Now!" she added, her tone saying very plainly she didn't want any backtalk.

Brady had intended to voice some self-defense, but he smothered whatever he'd been about to say with some sotto voce grumbling on the way down the hall.

"Sorry," Charlotte said. "Sometimes that boy...." She smiled.

We were quickly ushered into the kitchen and invited to have a tall glass of ice tea and a big helping from the plate of fresh-baked cookies on the table. We sat and began to down the hot pieces of pastry and wash them down with quantities of the sweet caramel-colored liquid.

Brady came back from wherever he'd gone, to join Jeanette, Art, little Erin, and the rest of us. He showed no signs of discomfort at having been scolded, however slightly it had been.

I took the opportunity of his return to push a certain button on a certain remote control device every so often, just to let the girls know I was still there. They'd sequestered themselves with Charlotte's crew on the other side of the table and managed to find ways to get closer to the boys and chatting with all of the children as if they'd known them all their lives.

The eyes of three girls I'd brought with me lost their focus for an instant. Lorrie hiccupped in the middle of a sentence. None of my cousin's kids noticed my daughter's or Shannon's sudden flinches, but Charlotte herself seemed distracted, even frustrated by something.

"Brady, come with me," Charlotte abruptly ordered her son, dragging him out of the kitchen and down the hallway.

"But, Mom, I didn't...." wailed young Brady as he was marched away.

We couldn't hear what he hadn't done. They got far enough down the hall that their voices faded into unintelligible mutters. It made for an uncomfortable moment until Charlotte came back with her son in tow. Brady had the expression of a youngster totally vindicated by whatever plastered all over his face and Charlotte had a half-apologetic, half-baffled look on hers.

I didn't have a clue what was going on, but Mandy may have. She gave Charlotte several suspicious glances over the next few minutes. I was having too much fun to pay that much attention.

I gave my girls and Shannon a long shot of vibrator magic while I explained to Charlotte how I'd sold my company in the big city and how it came to be I could take vacations whenever I wanted.

I stopped when Charlotte closed her eyes and moaned faintly. She covered it with a quick cough, but I heard it clearly.

"Are you okay," I asked anxiously. There was a faint sheen of perspiration on my cousin's forehead and a strained look on her face.

"No...I mean, yes, I'm okay," Charlotte stammered. "I just...maybe it's a little warm in here," she explained, fanning her face with her hand. She got up and walked to the thermostat on the wall and adjusting it downward a little. She seemed to recover as the cool air began wafting out the vents in the ceiling.

I almost gave myself away as I pulled my hand out of my jacket pocket. The thought that I was being too cute by far had occurred to me and I'd decided I'd better stop torturing the girls I'd brought here.

Charlotte caught the motion and frowned slightly in concentration as I put my hand on the table. Her eyes suddenly narrowed in thought.

"I'm sorry, Brady," she said abruptly. "You can go get your toy and play with it, okay?"

Brady was perplexed. His face showed his confusion. He'd taken a couple of scoldings about some toy--I didn't know what--and now Charlotte was rescinding her admonitions about it?

I didn't know what was going on between them, but it made me slightly uncomfortable. One never likes to watch while other parents expressing disapproval and enforcing familial discipline first hand.

I let it slip from my mind as Brady left the room. I'd get by the next couple of hours of the visit, dealing with the slight embarrassment of watching something I'd rather not.

I wondered all the while if Charlotte's husband and other children would get home in time before my girls and I left. We'd not come here intending to stay very long anyway. I was looking forward to getting back to the fun and games at my sister's house.

When Brady came back, Charlotte whispered something in his ear and hugged him. Startled by something she said, Brady stared at her in confusion and then smiled lazily; he was a happy little boy again. He nodded at something unheard and glanced guardedly around the table, refusing to share the secret with anyone except his mom. I carefully didn't notice any of it.

Mandy did though. Her eyes were fixed on the little boy and his mother. I wanted to tell her not to be so nosy; it was rude...but there wasn't any way I could say anything without being obvious. When Brady left the room again, it was almost a relief.

Mandy, Lorrie, and Shannon suddenly jerked upright. Their eyes were huge in faces and they shared an unknown stress. I frowned, wondering if the cookies were too much for them on top of the early lunch we'd had at McDonalds on the way. Before I could ask, the three girls relaxed back into their chairs as quickly as they had stiffened.

"Brady?" Charlotte called.

"Okay, Mommy," the boy replied from somewhere out of sight.

The three young girls I'd brought to visit with my cousin abruptly folded forward at the waist and they grunted in unison. They glared fiercely at me. I suspect my face must have mirrored Brady's earlier appearance when he was accused by his mother of doing something.

When the girls' bodies relaxed again; so did their expressions. I would never, I decided, never, ever understand the female of the species. One way or another, it seemed us guys were always taking it in the neck. There were a few rewards for putting up with them though.

I had to stifle those thoughts. Going 'commando' in my cousin's house was clearly a mistake I wouldn't make again if there was any chance nubile young girls would be around.

Erin had established herself on my lap and was happily shoving cookies in her mouth. She'd have used both hands if her mother hadn't swatted at the second one. Erin, undisturbed by her mother's rebuke was moving around on my lap like a little worm on a hot rock.

I reached out for another cookie with my right hand and wrapped my left around my glass of tea. My arms were on either side of Erin's young body, helping to steady her there as well as being used to satisfy my hunger and thirst.

All three girls I brought with me let out little noises and they shuddered in unison. I glanced at them, perplexed. Though they tried to control themselves, they couldn't help it. Their spasms ended eventually.

Mandy's eyes widened when she saw I had both my hands in clear view above the tabletop. Her eyes whipped over to Charlotte who was smiling at nothing in particular on the wall over my head.

Charlotte cleared her throat softly and relaxed back into her chair. Charlotte's eyes dropped to look at me speculatively for a long moment. She thought long and hard about something...and then her posture eased significantly. Her smile broadened.

She stood, leaned over me for a second and bent to give me a warm hug. As she straightened, her right hand brushed my jacket and sent the lower part of my coat swinging. The remote control hidden there made an audible thump as it contacted a table leg.

I was afraid my secret had been discovered and I began to sweat, wondering how I'd explain this but Charlotte seemed not to notice. She straightened and smiled down at me, and then grinned at Mandy, making deep eye-to-eye contact for a long moment. The two shared something I could not fathom, but I passed it off as that female thing again. Hell, maybe they WERE all from Venus.

Charlotte left off the silent communication with my oldest daughter and motioned little Erin off my lap. Erin pouted. It was so cute I couldn't help but grin, but she obediently climbed down and padded over to her mother. I couldn't hear what Charlotte whispered in her youngest daughter's ear, but it startled Erin.

"Wha-?" Erin asked. She didn't do it in a whisper. Toddlers don't recognize the need for such things. "Is Uncle Mikey a spec...speshul unca?" she asked to make sure she understood what Charlotte had said.

I was amazed I could understand her so easily. She was clearly well taught by her parents. When Charlotte nodded, Erin swung around and planted both little hands on my thigh.

"Are you?" she demanded.

"What? Special?" I asked in confusion. Charlotte nodded to me over Erin's head.

"Well, I guess I must be," I said, completely clueless. I was confused as ever but I trusted Charlotte to know what she was doing.

Erin grinned up at me and turned around to her mother again, only to break into a dead run from a standing start, as only children can, and raced out of the kitchen and down the hall.

"Erin..." Charlotte called belatedly.

"I have to go..." Erin called back. A door banged against its stop and then thudded closed down there somewhere.

"Remember to wash after you..." Charlotte admonished her young daughter. I recognized the tone. I'd raised two young girls myself and had had to train them to wash up after using the toilet.

"I will," Erin replied from afar .. impatience in her little-girl's voice. She obviously thought Mom was too controlling. She didn't need to be reminded what to do.

She was, after all, four years old now.

I had to grin. I'd heard that tone of voice often enough myself.

Charlotte and I talked for a little while. She moved her chair closer and took my hand in hers. She was far more comfortable with the closeness than I was. I resolved to never leave home without boxer shorts on--maybe steel-reinforced briefs--ever again. It was too hard, too difficult, ignoring certain things about females without having the proper apparel.

Charlotte's hand tightened occasionally on mine. I thought it was interesting, and I had a sudden vision of her superimposed over a memory of my sister, Meghan, as Meghan had gotten on all fours in front of me for the first time just a few days ago. Though slighter than my sister, Charlotte was just as much a woman. I cursed the impulse I'd come without underwear on.

Erin came back into the kitchen and put a hand on my knee, looking up at her mother uncertainly.

"Did you wash?" Charlotte asked her softly. This time Erin nodded without protest. Charlotte smiled gently.

"Why don't you get up on Uncle Mike's lap ...," Charlotte invited her little girl, ", sit up on the table here," Charlotte amended her first suggestion, patting the table directly in front of me.

The barefoot toddler scrambled up on my lap and boosted herself onto the tabletop. She was grinning like a minx the whole time. Once she was situated to her satisfaction, she looked expectantly at Charlotte.

"Ask Uncle Mikey if he wants to see something really pretty," Charlotte prompted Erin. The young girl turned around to face me.

"Wanta see somethin' pretty?," the toddler inquired sweetly. I couldn't help but smile. I nodded and Erin grinned broadly.

"Brady?" I heard Charlotte say quietly. He'd crept back into the kitchen and was standing there with both his hands in his jeans pockets.

"Okay, Mommy," he answered.

When I turned back around to Erin, she grabbed the bottom of her dress in both chubby hands and lifted it above her waist. The little tyke was naked beneath the little summer dress now and I know my jaw must have dropped three inches. A split second after whipping her dress up, Erin spread her little legs, displaying a puffy little pussy that was absolute perfection.

I stared, shocked as Erin grinned happily at me. I vaguely noticed Mandy standing up to my left and wincing slightly. The long moment came to an end when Erin noticed I hadn't reacted as she expected.

"Don' you like my pussy?" she asked, perplexed. The words came out of her mouth as clear as a bell. Shocked beyond my ability to comprehend, I couldn't get a word out. I glanced at Charlotte, to find her gazing back at me with a strange look on her face. She winced, folding slightly at the waist before straightening again.

Mandy was supporting herself with a hand on my left shoulder and her grip tightened in several quick clinches that were almost painful. I began a protest.

"Mommy?" Erin said plaintively. I turned back to her.

"Honey, I..." That was all I got out.

I didn't know what to say next. I had a hazy idea of passing this bit of exhibitionism off as something many children experimented with. A couple of times in my life, when I visited families I knew, kids (not even in our club) would sometimes race through their parents living room when I visited. Not yet trained by society, they had no shame, and none was necessary. Mom and dad would laugh and say something about their "little nudist."

My mind did its best to thaw enough to act as if this was one of those times. I had to say something, and do it soon. Little Erin's voice was quivering a bit.

And then Mandy took over.

"Uncle Mikey LOVES your little pussy," she told Erin. She leaned down to kiss Erin's forehead and patted her chubby little thigh close to Erin's exposed pussy lips.

Stunned, I looked around at Mandy, wondering what kind of madness had suddenly afflicted my daughter. She was giving everything away....

"BUSTED!!!" Mandy said mischievously, grinning at me.

My shock turned to horror. My expression must have been very amusing because Mandy broke into a very genuine and very loud laughter. I tried to clear my suddenly constricted throat, but I was only partly successful.

When Mandy cut her laughter short and groaned aloud, pressing her hand to her groin, I might have moaned out loud. They said later that I did. But they may have just been embellishing what actually occurred. Women are like that.

"Daddy," Mandy said patiently. "Don't you see what Brady has?"

I looked. Brady had yanked something from his front pocket and was grinning gleefully at anyone who would meet his eyes. Every time he pushed something on the device, four women in the room groaned aloud. All three girls I'd brought with me had their hands under their skirts, openly massaging their pussies while the rest of us stared.

When Charlotte moved suddenly off to my right, I whipped around to watch her casually stand, contort herself to reach the buttons on the back of her dress, do a little shimmy, and let the dress drop fall around her ankles.

Under the dress, she was wearing the same latex panties, and the bulge told me they were equipped with the same small vibrator my girls had on. A pair of smallish, but beautifully shaped breasts jiggled in time with her movements. I was spellbound.

"That's enough, Brady," Charlotte said calmly. "Don't overdo it," she cautioned her son.

I swallowed. My body recovered quicker than my mind did. When I caught up, I found my fingers were already exploring little Erin's cute little pussy as she leaned back on the table to give me better access. A beatific little smile came over her face as I continued to fondle her. She clearly loved what I was doing, and a peek back at Charlotte told me there weren't any cops on the way.

I glanced around at Jeanette and her brother Art. They were shocked too; they were also recovering quickly. Jeanette looked at me, eye to eye, and a slow smile curved her soft lips. A pink little tongue slipped between her lips to wet them and her expression changed to that of a knowing temptress.

I knew that look. I'd seen it on my own daughters' faces often enough.

"Gotcha!" Charlotte said, grinning impishly at me. Her eyes were dancing with delight. Abruptly, I was in control of myself once more. I smiled back, then deliberately leaned forward to plant a slow kiss on Erin's cute little pussy. There was moisture there, and I knew it was because Erin had followed her mother's caution to "wash up" after using the bathroom.

Charlotte giggled. She looked over my head at my two daughters and my niece.

"Does he always look so silly when he doesn't catch on real quick?" Charlotte asked the girls.

"Usually!" Mandy assured her. She smiled sweetly back at me when I looked at her reproachfully. She sat back down and patted my arm consolingly...the little traitor.

"ALWAYS!" Lorrie chimed in. She didn't seem to suffer at all when I sniffed derisively in her direction.

"You have anything to say?" I asked Shannon, putting a mock ominous tone into what I said.

"Well..." she answered, trying to think of something witty to say. Eight-year-old girls don't have the maturity to do that quickly though.

"That's it," I growled, cutting off her search for the right words.

"Brady!" I called.

Charlotte's son looked at me in consternation for a moment. Then his eyes fastened on the remote control I was holding up in the air.

"Ready...aim...FIRE!" I said loudly and aimed my remote at my daughters and Shannon.

He was a sharp kid. When he saw me thumb the button that sent all four vibrators into sudden action, the look on his face changed to one of total glee. For the next few minutes, he and I punished the four women who'd disrespected me with several decades of vibrating hell.

They all tried to get the little devices out of their cunts but every time they did, Brady or I would send another pulse their way. They tended to lose their concentration when we did and they couldn't control their hands for long enough to extract the devices from their cunts.

It wasn't until all four were hanging limp in their chairs that I collected the remote control from Brady's hand and dropped both of them on the table. It took the females a while to recuperate.

"That was fun," I remarked to Brady. He was standing at my shoulder. We had a bond between us now. We had handled the womenfolk and paid them back...for whatever. The boy grinned happily at me.

He reached out to caress Erin's undeveloped little chest, stroking the prepubescent nipples gently enough. It was apparent he'd done it before. I hadn't even noticed the toddler had taken off her dress. Apparently she'd done it while I was busy "punishing" her mother and the three girls.

"No..." Erin said emphatically, "I want Uncle Mikey to!" she complained.

She pushed Brady's hand aside. Falling back into position, she spread her little legs again, plainly inviting me to attend to I did.

She lay flat on the table, contentedly smiling up at me and wiggling her immature hips around on the table whenever I found a particularly sensitive place. She hummed a little song that had no words while I stroked her naked body. After a while, she stopped and her body stiffened. She held my hand in place, slapping both of hers atop mine, and humped my fingers for a few seconds. When she relaxed, she lay there watching me with a thoroughly satisfied look on her immature features.

"Yeaaaaaaa," Charlotte cheered.

Everyone joined in.

"Erin had a good one," Charlotte added enthusiastically.

Erin smiled. She looked around at all of us, happy to be the center of attention. Strangely, no one else in the room had started any sex play while they watched me take care of the little girl.

"I got a good cl'max," Erin whispered sleepily. Her eyelids were barely open now.

Charlotte smiled and stood up to gather her daughter in her arms. She carried the little girl out of the room and down the hall without saying a word to any of us. There was a short, uncomfortable moment when the rest of us remaining in the kitchen didn't quite know what to do.

That ended when Charlotte came back stark naked. The panties were gone, but there was a glimmering of slickness around her pussy lips that showed what had happened with her while the panties were on. She picked up the dress she'd discarded when she showed us the latex panties she had on and tossed it atop the refrigerator where it would be out of the way.

"You guys sure have a lot of clothes on," Charlotte commented loudly. "You shy or something?" She held a smart phone in her hands and was busy punching in a text message with both thumbs. She pressed enter, waited a moment until an electronic chime sounded and opened up what was clearly a reply.

"Alan says 'cool' and he said if you four even TRY to leave before he gets home, I have to hogtie you," Charlotte explained, putting the phone in its assigned resting place up on the refrigerator beside her discarded clothing. "And I'll do it too," she declared turning to face me directly.

"But first, you and me are going to do something I used to finger fuck myself into a coma dreaming about when we were kids," Charlotte said with a wide grin.

"Stand up, big boy," she ordered me.

I barely had time to get a quick look at her smooth pussy before I stood up obediently. I knew where I was going to begin a close examination of my cousin's body when I had a chance. First things first though. For right now, I was going to follow her instructions to the letter.

"Mmmmmmmm, how convenient," she commented when she'd unbuckled my belt and unzipped my pants. "You always go visiting like this?" she asked as she stroked a suddenly burgeoning hard-on.

"Not always," I replied, speaking carefully. It was getting more difficult to concentrate as I stared down into my cousin's eyes. The lewd expression on her face told me she didn't care what my answer was. She was just trying to see if I still had enough self-control to talk intelligibly.

"Sometimes I don't wear anything at all...for days on end," I continued. Charlotte looked up inquisitively. Then it dawned on her. She looked at Shannon and my daughters.

"Oh! Of course!" she remarked. "Wow...hmmmmm..."

She looked around my thighs to find young Shannon already exploring Brady's small cock with her tongue. Mandy and Lorrie had managed to get out of their clothing in less time than it would seem possible and young Art had an armful of two hot young girls who knew exactly what they wanted and how to get it. He wasn't protesting a bit, possibly because Mandy's tongue was snaking into his mouth and teasing his with hot little flicks. He was seriously cooperating with whatever Mandy wanted to do.

Young Jeanette had stripped with the everyone else, but she was looking forlornly around the room, not quit sure what to do next. The lovely young nymphet noticed me smiling down at her and a triumphant smile crossed her lips. She knew when she'd made a conquest. She glided closer; her immature young hips naturally swayed provocatively, and I bent to kiss her soft lips.

When my fingers made contact with her right breast and I lightly pinched the already stiff little nipple, the young girl gasped with pleasure. Her titties weren't very large, nor big around. Little cupcakes were what came to mind. They barely rose an inch from her smooth chest, but they were evidently very sensitive. Her hips wriggled as I fondled them.

I took charge. It was time to get this show on the road.

"I think my cousin might just be pretty darn good at eating pussy," I said speculatively, looking at Jeanette and Charlotte in turn. Charlotte wasn't that happy with what I was clearly suggesting...largely, I guessed, because she thought she was going to be left out in favor of her young foster child. I corrected that impression quickly.

"Here, you get up on the table," I instructed Jeanette, patting the place where Erin had laid a short time earlier. "You," I told Charlotte, "give the young lady a good lickin' and I'm going to fuck you silly while you do it." I began maneuvering Charlotte into position but it was hardly necessary after that first second.

In less time than it takes to tell, Jeanette was moaning and her juices were flowing freely into Charlotte's greedy mouth. Charlotte had to get up on her toes and I needed to bend my knees to ram my cock up inside her furnace-like cunt, but we figured that out really fast. In moments, we'd found a rhythm we both liked and I was thrusting hard into her body.

Briefly, I found enough control left to allow a fleeting wish we'd connected when we were much younger. Charlotte had said something similar a few moments earlier. We hadn't though. All that was left was to do what we could to make up for lost time.

For the next little while, the only sounds were the obscene smack of naked body parts slapping against other naked parts, hoarse panting as young lovers raced each other to wracking orgasms and assorted moans and groans discharged in the course of receiving and giving intense pleasure. The air was filled with the pungent odor of aroused young women and girls. It drove the three males on when they would have given in to the climaxes they desperately needed, holding on just that short time longer to give the young girls and Charlotte what they deserved.

Short pauses were followed by more activity. My cock couldn't have gone down if I'd wanted it to. When Charlotte's body was rocked by a second orgasm in just minutes, she slumped bonelessly to a kitchen chair and folded over atop the table, incapable of doing anything more for the moment.

When she did, I shuffled closer to the young girl on the edge of the table. I spread her already open legs a little wider and took my cock in my right hand to stroke it up and down her little slit. Jeanette opened her eyes at the touch and reached between her legs to replace my fingers on my penis with her young ones.

She lifted her knees in the air, adjusted herself as she lay on the hard tabletop, and slowly inserted me inside a pussy that seemed to be at least the temperature of boiling water and tight as a vice. I thrust deeper...just a little...she was too young for me to be any rougher, but I was desperate.

Jeanette's little hips weaved a tight little pattern on the table's slick surface, spreading her juices all around. Those sensations combined with the ones from her pussy to set off a firestorm of arousal and made her whimper a little.

My cock slid a little deeper as her vagina opened wider. There was no cherry there to hamper my progress. The girl was no virgin. On the contrary, she was a woman in everything but name...and one who knew exactly what she needed from the male animal ramming himself inside her. She grunted as she pushed her groin up to meet my thrusts, loving the contact and wanting more.

I gave it to her, ramming deeper inside the young girl's cunt and adjusting to a slow pace that suited us both. I wasn't going to bottom out inside her, but I could see the youngster could take most of my cock. When the head of my cock touched her cervix, I looked down, measuring the length of my shaft still not in little Jeanette's body. It wasn't much.

I gave in to my need to increase the tempo of my plunges inside her. It seemed she needed it too. The inside of her thighs and calves were rubbing smoothly around my hips and buttocks. The sensation of her silky smooth skin stroking mine was incredible, but it couldn't last long. She and I were in the grip of something neither of us could control effectively. We fucked steadily, giving and receiving intense sexual satisfaction from the other.

Moments later, the young girl wrapped her legs as far around my waist as she could manage. She strained, rotating her hips around in tight circles and mashing her pussy lips on my groin. She left off doing that every time I plunged forward, humping back up at me so I'd drive even deeper.

Her butt-cheeks slipped on the table. She locked her ankles behind each of my hip bones and pulled me deeper into her. Her cervix had retracted now. I could fit more of my cock inside her...and she demanded I fill her up. No words were spoken; none were possible as the horny little wanton took her pleasure from me, and I from her.

We thrust at each other, melding our groins together with the heat of our bodies until it seemed neither of us could stand it any longer. I felt Jeanette begin to lose control of her body. Her cunt began to milk my cock as an approaching orgasm began to overcome her.

I began to drive my cock into her in a faster rhythm; almost all of it entered the young girl's obscenely stretched pussy lips now. I stared, spellbound by the sight of my manhood piercing her smooth body through those fat little labia and knowing the watching would bring me to a climax sooner.

I felt it coming. The semen in my balls was rising slowly. I resisted, using every trick my overburdened mind could think of to stave off cumming for just a little while longer. Clinching muscles I normally had no control of, I held it off for a time.

Jeanette was whipping her little ass harder up at me now, grinding her pussy hard against my groin for a split second before resuming the pounding beat she alone was controlling now. She groaned loudly; it was almost a cry of pain. Her abdomen rippled spasmodically as her orgasm began to overwhelm her senses.

Suddenly I couldn't hold back any longer. The hot fluid I'd tried desperately tried to contain abruptly became an irresistible force which took control of my lower body. My lower belly contracted almost painfully as I gave in to the need to cum. The muscles deep inside couldn't relax quickly enough. My hips thrust and withdrew without me consciously working them back and forth. I shoved my cock back in one final thrust, and couldn't pull back out.

Jeanette's tight young cunt held me captive; her legs were clamped tightly on my body as she strained to a powerful orgasm. Her cunt contracted rhythmically, forcing the white hot cum out of the narrow slit at the end of my cock. It spewed out with such force, I swear I felt it splash against the walls of her young cunt and wash back over my cock head. A second eruption, and then a third squirted inside the young girl. Jeanette was wailing, held captive in the grip of an orgasm that wracked her young body.

There was a fourth jet of creamy white semen; I felt it clearly, and then a fifth. My muscles were almost locked in place now. I couldn't move. Jeanette's velvet smooth vagina milked me of a sixth flow of slimy cum and then our bodies were finished with each other. We relaxed as best we could.

Jeanette settled back upon the table and my upper body fell on my elbows over her. I couldn't move for the moment. Hell, I could barely breathe. Jeanette wrapped her slender arms around my neck and burrowed her face in my shoulder. We stayed there a moment longer, each of us savoring what we had shared and doing our best to recover.

My penis, so recently hard enough to pound nails, grew thinner and became less rigid. By the time I could breathe again without gasping, my dick slipped easily out of Jeanette's girlish pussy lips. I felt, rather than saw, a gush of fluids...mine and hers...out of the little girl's slit. It was no longer plugged shut by the male animal's cock that had so recently ravaged her vagina and the juices flowed smoothly until they slowed to a slow oozing. The odor of sex permeated the air.

I raised myself, using my hands to brace my body over the table and giving Jeanette more room to breathe beneath me. Her legs fell away from my body to hang limply off the side of the table. She stared up at me with a curious expression, half awe at what we'd just done together and half curiosity. I crooked my head to one side inquisitively.

"Are you my 'Uncle Mikey' too...or what?" she asked impishly.

I couldn't answer for a long moment. The abrupt change in her, from a demanding sex partner to a child asking an innocent question threw me. I laughed. There was no other possible reaction.

"Honey," I said warmly, "I'm partial to 'Mike', not 'Mikey' but you can call me whatever you like," I told her. "I've pretty much given up trying to get the females in this family to agree with me," I finished. The grin I could feel on my lips felt like it was about to split my face wide open.

"Okay...Uncle...Mikey," Jeanette said. She was smiling as broadly as I was.

Chapter Two: Climbing The Family Tree

"It's really neat you letting the kids call you 'Uncle Mikey'," Charlotte said around a mouthful of potatoes.

We'd all spent the rest of the morning and most of the afternoon exploring new sex partners and changing those partners, merging into different combinations with each striking of the hour by the big grandfather's clock in the hall. When the sun began to fade, Charlotte set about fixing a huge country meal with all the fixin's.

The kids had already had their fill and now it was the adults' turn. Charlotte and I weren't alone though. Mandy was keeping us company, and helping reduce the pile of cookies Charlotte had baked this morning.

We, and the young people in the living room watching TV (or whatever they were doing), were all as naked as the day we were born. After you've fucked someone, it hardly seems appropriate to get all covered up again. It gets in the way too.

Besides, it's a lot of fun watching a naked woman cook a family dinner. It's more delicious, somehow.

"Well, I know all your kids are actually second cousins to me...I think...I get lost real fast trying to figure out second cousins, third cousins and stuff like that," I replied, swallowing the biscuit I'd had in my mouth when Charlotte spoke up. "But anyway, they're so much younger it just seems natural," I finished.

Charlotte smiled and pointed the chicken leg she was gnawing on at me.

"Actually, you know," she said while she inspected the leg for just a shred more meat on the bone, "you're more like a brother to me than a cousin."

I had no clue where this was going, so I gave myself a little time by pretending an overwhelming need to down some iced tea.

When I finished, I was ready. "Huh?"

Okay...I had nothing. So much for creating a delay and figuring out precisely what to say.

Charlotte grinned broadly. "Our moms are identical twins," she explained and then stopped as if that explained everything. I knew that already but the light still didn't dawn.

"Mom and Aunt Patricia had EXACTLY the same genes," she went on, "so it's like we had the same mother really," she added. "If an archeologist a thousand years from now does a forensic test on our bones, he'll assume we were half-brother and half-sister."

I thought about it. She was correct in what she said...but she was wrong...that couldn't be right...could it?

"No, no, no, dear cousin of mine," I replied when I worked my way past the smoke screen. "Those archeologists would be wrong, and you know it. The word 'cousin' defines a social relationship, not necessarily a familial one."

I thought I was pretty slick, having gotten to the core of the matter. Charlotte frowned prettily, and shoved out a lower lip in a cute little pout.

"So, I'm not going to be the heir to all your fortune," she asked blandly.

"Heiress," I corrected, "and you'll get your share and no more, Cousin Charlotte," I told her. This was a fun game--I knew she wasn't serious about inheriting. Still, she'd planted an idea in my brain that was even more fun.

"Howsomever," I went on, "if you're right, then I've fucked two of my sisters in the last week and I've only got one to go."

"Not to worry," Charlotte assured me with perfect aplomb. "Ruth Ann will be around this weekend and you can do her then."

She smiled a toothy grin at me, and I conceded defeat. She was much better at this than I was. Maybe, if I had more practice at discussing who in the family was having sex with whom....

"So, you think you and Alan and everyone might come up to Meghan's house for a big family "get-together" some time?" I asked. A thought struck me. "Uh...will Ruth Ann's husband? I mean...uh...?"

Charlotte patted my hand, very kindly I thought. She was being nice to her cousin, or brother, or whatever the hell I was.

"Gary doesn't mind a bit that Ruth Ann gets some of her urges taken care of by family," Charlotte promised. "Just so long as he gets some too," she added, "and all his girls and boys get some too...and like that."

"I see," I said. And I was beginning to. I was seeing a side of the family I hadn't realized existed before last week. I went a little a little further with all these brand new, and totally depraved ideas.

"What'd you expect?" she asked. "We're Petersons too, you know."

Like it was only us Petersons who did things like this? I had to bite my tongue to keep from telling her about the Family Adventure Club back home.

"And what about Randy?" I asked. Charlotte glanced up at me with an impish little grin on her face.

"I don't think you're his type," she answered, and laughed out loud at the dark look I sent her.

"Okay, okay," she relented. "LuAnn is still ten years younger than him, still a hottie, still a cheerleader type, and she still fucks like a mink," Charlotte said. "And so does her little sister who lives with her and Randy now...and little sister's three-year-old baby girl...and LuAnn's son...and her daughter to.... Have you met all of them?" Charlotte asked.

"I don't think so," I answered slowly, trying to absorb all of the relationships. "So, LuAnn has a little sister, huh?" I said aimlessly. "And she...?"

"Oh, hell, yeah," Charlotte said, smiling like a big cat observing a meal coming along.

"Big family," I muttered helplessly. "And...hmmmmm...there's a chance we might all...uh, meet up somewhere this weekend?" I asked.

Charlotte's face went blank. I'd heard something too, and...the kitchen door opened abruptly, and Charlotte's father walked in.

I gaped for a long moment, frozen in place and unable to move a single muscle. It's okay to talk about cousins and brothers and sisters, but Uncle Luke had just crashed the party, big time. Clearly, I was about to die.

Evidently the knowledge of my impending death showed in my expression as well as a total loss of color in my face. EVIDENTLY it was really, really amusing.

They sure laughed hard enough.

Charlotte finally took pity on me. She rose and turned to her father and wrapped her arms around his neck to plant a big wet one right on his lips. Uncle Luke had both hands full of Charlotte's ass cheeks and was massaging them like he'd been doing it all his life.

I snorted. He may very well have been doing just that.

Charlotte released her grip on Luke's neck and bent at the waist to kiss her father's cock. I hadn't even seen her unzip his pants, much less deliver his penis out through the zipper, but there it was...disappearing now into Charlotte's hungry mouth.

"Does that make everything all better? You see how things are?" Charlotte asked, allowing her dad's cock to drop out of her mouth. She plopped down on my lap and reached between her legs to find my prick and fondle it casually...right in front of her father. My mind was slowly catching up with events, but it was a slow process.

I should have known what was coming. I'd heard Charlotte talking to her Dad on the phone a couple hours earlier and had heard something about "see ya when I see ya" before she hung up, but I just hadn't correlated it all into a whole picture.

Okay, and it shouldn't have been such a big surprise for another reason. I mean, I was fucking my daughters, Charlotte was fucking her kids, but it just hadn't occurred to me Luke would be fucking his. I guess every generation thinks they are the ones doing all the innovative things in the world, right?

Waving companionably in my direction, Luke wandered past his daughter and went on into the living room.

"Uncle Luke!" I heard Shannon squeal. She came into view through the doorway, leaping from a pile of cushions and pillows in the corner to confront her uncle. Naked, she planted herself directly in front of the older man with her hands on her hips and her legs spread well apart.

"Hey, sugar," Uncle Luke greeted her.

"Uncle Luke?" Shannon asked breathlessly without bothering with any buildup. I was suddenly sure she'd been waiting for this moment all day.

"You remember when we used to lay down in that hammock," Shannon continued, "and I would get on top of you and rub together," she asked. Luke nodded.

Shannon's fingers had found her slit now. She stroked her sex for a moment, letting her Uncle Luke see her slide her forefinger inside. With her other hand, she was gently pinching the nipples on her small, strawberry-sized titties. She was gazing at Luke's rising cock as he watched her brazenly touch herself. Both were clearly arousing the other, and quickly too.

"I remember," Luke said softly.

"Uncle want to see what else I can do now?" Shannon inquired coyly.

"I do indeed," Luke assured the little girl. Without messing around with more words, he took Shannon's hand and escorted her over to the couch and began stripping as fast as he could unbutton buttons and unzip zippers and all such stuff. By the time he got his boxer shorts down and kicked off his feet, Shannon had latched on to his dick and stuffed as much of it as she could in her mouth. The hiss of air through Uncle Luke's clinched teeth told Charlotte and me Charlotte's father was going to be preoccupied for most of the evening, and most pleasurably so, it seemed.

I smiled for the first time in a while. I knew Shannon had a one-track mind once she was aroused and the only train on the track was one, two, or more orgasms. I glanced around at Charlotte, who was grinning as broadly as I was.

"So...," I said, chuckling, "you're a daddy's girl like Mandy and Lorrie, huh?" I shook my head. Charlotte nodded happily.

"Since day one," she assured me. She kissed me with more enthusiasm than I was expecting, and I responded in kind.

Having a lap full of naked girl cousin/sister at the kitchen table and watching an eight-year-old take her great-uncle's cock inside her in the space of a couple of minutes will do things to a man's libido...good things. Charlotte slipped a hand between her legs, lifted, and suddenly we were coupled together and looking for a way to move assorted parts enough to make another nice cousinly orgasm in the kitchen.

I held off long enough to ask, "So, all this was going on around here and Meghan and I didn't know a darn thing about it?" I demanded. "Where was I when you were being so nice to your Dad...and your brother...and who all?" She didn't have the chance to reply.

"I think I can answer that one, son," said a soft, warm voice. It hadn't dawned on me Uncle Luke didn't close the outside door behind him.

Okay, 'De Nile' IS a very real place and I was stuck squarely in mid-stream. I had been since Luke walked in the door, or maybe even since the half-overheard phone call a couple hours ago.

I know all that. But you'd think a man smart enough to set up a computer consulting firm would have twigged to all the implications by now.

I turned around. My mother was looking calmly back at me.

* * *

"MOM!!" Charlotte fussed, from on the floor where I'd dumped her in my haste to get away. "If you bent his thing when he jumped up, I'm going to be SOOOOO pissed!"

"Jesus H. Christ," I moaned irreverently.

Mom wasn't looking at me, not really, and she didn't reply immediately. Mom was watching my still hard, but rapidly deflating erection. Her expression was one of regret.

"Mom, you remember Mikey, right?" Charlotte asked dryly from where she'd been dumped on the kitchen floor.

"Hey, MIKEY! Help me up, butthead," Charlotte demanded. "You're the one who dropped me!"

"Mind your manners, dear," my Aunt Phoebe AKA, Charlotte's mother, said absently.

Her eyes finally came up and I could see her take stock of how I was doing.

"Oh, dear," she said to no one in particular. "We've given you such a shock, haven't we, Michael?" she asked. She turned to look at Charlotte down on the floor.

"I THINK the least you could have done was prepare him for meeting your father and me," Aunt Phoebe said indignantly. "What was in your mind, child?" she asked.

Charlotte stuck out her tongue at her mother. Grabbing my hand, she hauled herself up to put her arm around my waist. There we were, a pair of naked cousins, or brother and sister--hell, I didn't know who was what right then-and we standing side by side and our, HER mother...was looking right at us.

"And miss the look on his face?" Charlotte asked mischievously. "Not on your life," she finished with great relish.

"He does really have a nice cock, doesn't he, Mom?" she asked sweetly. "I finally got it in me...only took me TWENTY damned years, but I got it!"

"It IS a very nice cock," Aunt Phoebe replied. "Really nice, son," she added. She smiled happily at the two of us standing naked before her.

I wished for a second that it was manly to faint dead would have been a welcome refuge. But the moment passed and I started to pull out of it. Feeling around my butt to make sure the chair was still there, I sat back down.

"Better now?" Charlotte asked me. My evil cousin/sister was thoroughly enjoying my consternation.

I WAS recovering fast though. I figured she was still miffed about me taking charge this morning in the kitchen, when everyone got laid for the first time. It wasn't that she hadn't liked eating out her young foster daughter, but it had been me directing things.

Charlotte always liked being in charge, even as a child. I guess payback really is a bitch, especially when it comes from a total them more room to operate.

"Yes, thank you very much," I replied with as much composure as I could muster. "It was a little bit of a shock, you know," I muttered.

"It WAS," Aunt Phoebe said emphatically from my other side. "And you need to remember no one likes a smartass, Charlotte Marie," she added.

Charlotte sniffed, not in the least discouraged.

* * *

The three of us were lounging in a big, round futon set up in the corner of the living room. Uncle Luke and Shannon had finished the first of their couplings and were laying flat out on the floor recuperating. Their fucking had been energetic and unapologetically urgent. There'd been a lot of pent up energy there that evidently had waited a long time for release.

Mandy and Lorrie were with Charlotte's kids and everyone was doing something to someone else while we watched. My daughters, and Shannon, had taken the older generation's presence much better than I had, which irritated me no end.

"You asked where you were while all this was going on with Charlotte and her brother and sister and their Dad," Aunt Phoebe said suddenly. Apparently I had recovered enough to be shown more secrets of the family.

I nodded without trying to speak. I was able to look my aunt in the face now, but it hadn't come to me all at once. Fortunately, while Charlotte and I hadn't put any clothes back on, Aunt Phoebe hadn't undressed.

"Well," Aunt Phoebe said, "you were right here with Charlotte. You both and Meghan. I blinked.

"Okay...but I don't remember..." I started to say I didn't remember anything about being involved in family sex, but a hazy, poorly defined recollection of a very young girl sitting naked on Uncle Luke's lap did flash into my mind. It couldn't be Charlotte, or her sister Ruth Ann, because I wasn't old enough to have seen either of those two at the age of the girl I was remembering....

Building from nothing, another full-blown memory, in blazing technicolor came boring in.

"Ohhhhhh," I said, surprised. I thought about it for a bit. "I'll be darned," I murmured.

"Honey?" Aunt Phoebe asked. "You remember your mother and how close we were, right?" she continued. I nodded.

I'd heard they were never apart as children, and it actually continued well into their teenage years. Some said their wedding night--they were both married the same day, in the same ceremony--was the first night the two sisters had ever spent away from each other. Abruptly, I wondered if they'd actually been apart that night.

"Michael," the woman said softly, "your mom and I were exactly the same...what she did, I did...and what I thought was the right way to raise a family, she did understand?" I guessed, but held my tongue.

"Honey," Aunt Phoebe continued, "I've watched your mom take off your wet diaper, wash you up, and after making sure you weren't going to make like a fountain again and pee on her..."

"And then, son," Aunt Phoebe said quietly, "she would take your little nubbin in her mouth and suck it 'til you humped your little groin up into her face and grunted like a little boxer hit in the stomach."

I blinked. The odd allusion to a boxer diverted me for a second, then another wispy memory drifted through my mind, solidified and became firm.

I wasn't wearing a diaper, but I wasn't long past it...and Mom was sucking on my little dickie and making me feel real good. We were laughing. I reached out when she was through, when I was through, and grabbed for her bare breasts with my baby hands. Her tits were clearly bared for my pleasure as well as hers, and when I sucked on her nipples, Mom caught her breath and moaned happily.

We played like that often. I remembered it. I wondered where the memories had been hidden all these years.

I remembered that when I old enough to focus on a special task; Mom taught me to lick at her grown pussy until she groaned and flooded my little mouth with her juices. I remembered her pussy well. I spent a lot of time inspecting it.

Mom was as smooth down there as my preteen daughters were today...and I loved it so. I loved Mom so much...and then she wouldn't let me touch her any more. She wouldn't do things for me and wouldn't let me do things for her. We didn't even go around the house nude any more.

I frowned. I had no memory of why that had happened.

"Your father became ill," Aunt Phoebe said quietly, guessing from my facial expressions where I had gone and what I'd come up against. "He was what they call 'clinically depressed' these days," she continued softly. "He got worse and the doctors said he was drifting into paranoid schizophrenia.

He got so he would sit and watch your mom cook dinner to make sure she wasn't poisoning him. He was fighting the disease--watching your mom cook was the only way he could make himself believe she wasn't poisoning him, but it was a hard thing to see, son, really hard."

Aunt Phoebe drew back a little and dabbed at her eyes with a tissue I hadn't known she had in her hand. Women can do that, and make a tiny tissue last forever too. Don't ask me how.

"Patricia pulled back from the family way," Aunt Phoebe said, saying my mother's name for the first time this evening.

"She was afraid something we all said or did might set him off. Your Dad had already pulled away from all the Peterson family," Phoebe added. "He never said a word to anyone outside the family about how we were, though. Never said a word...I give him credit for that.

"He fought what was ailing him for so LONG, baby, and we thought he was WINNING, right there at the end. His doctor had gotten him on some meds that seemed to be working and he was happier than he'd been in a long while...even made a pass at me the last time he was over to the house."

Aunt Phoebe was quiet for a long moment, remembering how things had been, and how they might have been. The kids playing with each others' bodies had no idea of what was going on in the corner, though I knew I'd have to tell my daughters...some day.

"Then that damned big truck blew a front tire and jackknifed across the road," Aunt Phoebe said bitterly. "Took your Mom and Dad from us just when things were gettin' better."

She was silent then. I knew everything from that point onward. Well, not everything.

"Me and Lucas tried to see if you and Meghan wanted to come back to the family," Aunt Phoebe said softly. "But you didn't seem to want to have anything to do with me or Charlotte either one when you were living with us for that little while...and Meghan didn't we let you go live with your Great Uncle there at the house. Seemed the best thing to do."

Another set of memories clicked into focus. I recall Aunt Phoebe walking nude through the hallway to the bath and Charlotte 'accidentally' letting me see her towel slip, and letting me see her panties, and her breasts down the front of her blouse. But I hadn't been ready. It had been too soon.

I found a forgotten image of Meghan, half-dressed on Uncle Luke's lap...but she'd twisted away from him, not wanting his attentions, though I didn't remember any anger on her part, or mine. We'd known, Meghan and I, we could join in, or not...and we'd chosen not.

Our grief had been too much. It'd been too early.

I shook my head as I tried to come to grips with this. I had no sad memories of Aunt Phoebe and Uncle Luke... and none left about Mom and Dad...or my poor deceased wife. Somehow, all of this was tied all together and had been ready for me to resolve it all.

My wife, Leslie, and I had good years together. We'd started swinging before the girls were born, and continued it after they were weaned. We'd been...I was suddenly sure of it...we'd been working our way back to our family whose members loved and played the most taboo game there was.

When my girls and I began having sex, much of the grief fell away. I'd been coming home, though I hadn't known it...and so had the girls, and they'd been even more in the dark.

When Meghan and her family proved to be ready for a relationship like my daughters and I were engaged in, the grief lessened still more. With Charlotte this morning...and now my Aunt Phoebe, and Uncle Luke.

I glanced at him quickly. He was still lying on his back on the padded carpet while Shannon rubbed her pussy on his chin.

Mandy was fitting her Great Uncle's penis inside her. Life was going full speed ahead, with a 'damn the torpedoes' kind of attitude. There wasn't any room for the pain any longer. My losses dropped away, silently...softly...but emphatically. I felt as if a huge burden had been lifted off my shoulders.

I leaned my head back against the futon's frame and closed my eyes for a long while. Remembering, and dealing with long dead memories was hard work.

"You okay?" Charlotte asked softly.

I smiled without opening my eyelids.

"Yes, I am," I said in a voice that was strong, and showed its owner was at peace with the world, perhaps fully so for the first time since early childhood. "I'm fine," I said.

The two women had been patting my arms and body for a while, stroking and caressing me as they would have a sick child. With my body relaxing though, and me demonstrating I was coming out of my fugue, the women began to be less concerned with consoling me and their fingers began to explore me with something else entirely on the ladies' minds.

Another solid memory hit me. I smiled.

"Damn, Aunt Phoebe," I said slowly, "my Mom wasn't the only one who changed my diapers, was she?" I asked lightly. "I think I can remember you and her taking turns with me...a couple of times, don't I?"

"" Aunt Phoebe protested. There was a sparkle in her eyes though.

"And I think...hmmmmmm...I remember," I said slowly, "the only difference between you and my mother was you have a little, bitty birthmark right above your..."

Charlotte reached out, unzipped her mother's slacks on her side, pulled them down and then slipped her mother's panties down as Aunt Phoebe helpfully raised her hips off the futon...and I saw the tiny purple dot, a bare inch above and to the right of her slit. I saw it AGAIN, rather, because I'd seen it many times before.

I leaned over Aunt Phoebe and contorted my body so I could kiss the little birthmark once more, and then I did it again, loving the squirming I made her body do.

I laughed and touched my tongue to the top of her pussy slit. Aunt Phoebe gasped. I grinned and turned back around to look at her face. She was flushed and clearly excited.

I turned back to examine the secret place I'd been so familiar with as a toddler. And I was agreeable surprised. Aunt Phoebe's body was smooth as silk. There wasn't a hair in sight down there and no sign of stubble either. In fact, there was no indication she'd ever had any pubic hair at all, ever. That was nice. But it wasn't really surprising. None of the women I'd met and had sex with in the Adventure Club or up here had had any body hair. Somehow, I'd thought there would be on a woman my mother's age.

What was nicer was that her pussy lips might have been those of a little girl no older than Lorrie or Mandy. I was to learn later Aunt Phoebe had had a series of operations to acquire a pair of 'designer pussy' lips and tighten up her vagina too. Between that and plenty of light Kegels, Aunt Phoebe had a very young pussy indeed. Which was very cool, because Aunt Phoebe liked to keep her pussy busy!

"Michael?" Aunt Phoebe asked in a strained voice.


"Would it be all right if I got out of the rest of these clothes now?" she asked almost plaintively. Clearly she was suffering. I laughed.

"I'd be very disappointed if you didn't," I assured her. She leaned in for a quick kiss, then stood and began to shed her clothing fast.

"My panties were soaked!" Aunt Phoebe complained, feigning crossness, but I just chuckled.

"It wasn't me who made you wear panties," I retorted. "Actually, I don't remember you ever having any panties on when you came to visit us," I added.

She stopped wrestling with the clasp on her bra and looked down at me happily.

"We're going to get along JUST fine!" Aunt Phoebe said. "And you're right, I never did...and I won't again," she said firmly. She grinned.

Finishing with the bra and the pullover sweater she wore over it, she threw all her clothes in the opposite corner of the room. Seeing me watching, she posed for me, showing off her youthful body proudly...and she wasn't wrong.

My Aunt, and I knew my mother would have been just the same, was a tall woman, 5'7" or so, with dark brunette hair that hung to her shoulders, attractive features and flashing green eyes. Those breasts weren't as big as Meghan's, but not too much smaller. They swayed, bobbing with each movement, her cherry nipples hard and erect, waiting for a man's attention. I remembered the generous swell of my mother's hips and her long, shapely legs...and Aunt Phoebe still had them.

Surgeons restored her pussy lips to what they'd been before she had three babies but the rest of her was Aunt Phoebe's own hard work. It was she who had vowed to stay in shape and set about running every day and doing aerobics and exercises. Her belly was as flat as Charlotte's, but Charlotte had had kids too.

Charlotte's body showed no signs of birthing even one child either, much less four of them either. Heck, their bellies were as flat as my young daughters, their legs as trim and sculpted, their asses as tight and their breasts as firm.

Though Aunt Phoebe was a generation ahead of me, the generations were awfully close together. I knew Mom's birthday. Damn, it struck me Mom had only been sixteen when Meghan was born. 'I' was only twenty-nine, and only that advanced because my birthday was a couple of months ago. That meant my mother would have only been forty-eight or thereabouts was Aunt Phoebe.

I was a late bloomer in this family. I hadn't had my first child until I was eighteen!

I laughed aloud, making everyone in the living room stare at me for a moment. Their sex play recaptured their total attention after just moments though. They ignored me after that. I grinned happily.

Seeing I was recovering, Aunt Phoebe sauntered over to Mandy where she was riding Uncle Luke's hard cock.

"Hey, sugar," Aunt Phoebe said to my oldest daughter, "give your old Aunt Phoebe a kiss, okay?" Instead of kneeling, Aunt Phoebe spread her feet shoulder width apart and bent over at the waist to get her kiss from my daughter. It wasn't a kiss Great Aunts usually gave their grandnieces.

After a moment's hesitation, Mandy began to return her Great Aunt's deep kiss. I could see their tongues dueling for a while as Aunt Phoebe cupped my daughter's young titties. When she finished, Mandy's little nipples were hard as stone and poking a hole in the air.

Aunt Phoebe made her way to Lorrie and repeated the little show for my benefit. Lorrie was getting some oral attention from 10-year-old Brady. When Aunt Phoebe finished kissing her, Lorrie lifted her head and thrust an exploring tongue into Aunt Phoebe's crotch to show her great aunt how well she could give head.

By all appearances, my aunt was more than a little impressed with my young daughters. She came back to me and Charlotte with a nice flush covering her upper body and a glistening sheen of fluid beginning to make its way down her inner thigh.

"Honey...," Aunt Phoebe said to her daughter.

I reached up and fondled that pretty pussy of hers, making her body respond even more. When I carefully slid a finger inside to search around for her g-spot, she gasped and a little tremor shook her lower body.

"What, Mom?" Charlotte asked curiously. Charlotte was masturbating me and had reached under the futon a moment earlier and come up with a gold painted dildo that had already been inserted into her warm, very wet pussy.

"Honey," Phoebe repeated, trying to gather her thoughts, "would you make this man nice and hard with your mouth, please?" I think her request was more for letting me hear the perverted thrill of a woman talking that way to her daughter and, if so, it was effective. I liked women who talked dirty.

"Sure," Charlotte replied. She got up on her knees on the futon to face me directly. She leaned in to kiss me and our tongues twined around each other for a bit and we both got a little breathless. The dildo was moving in and out very steadily now.

"That wasn't quite what I had in mind," Phoebe said.

Charlotte shrugged and worked the dildo hard, sawing it back and forth at the top of her slit to make it contact her clit more directly.

"He's already hard, Mom," she protested.

"Maybe just that little bit more? Maybe if you used your mouth," Aunt Phoebe hinted.

I could see a strange glint in Charlotte's eyes.

"Okay," Charlotte said shortly. She kissed me once again on the lips. "Would you like to fuck my mother?" she asked sweetly.

The shock had its effect. My cock was instantly ready for action.

"Ahhhhhhh," Aunt Phoebe breathed. "Not exactly what I meant...but that'll do fine, Charlotte baby," Phoebe said in a soft, vague voice.

Aunt Phoebe stepped across my body and squatted down on me in the same movement. Holding the bulbous head of my cock against her pussy, she lowered her body an inch at a time. I sank inside her slowly, feeling the resistance of a vagina stretching itself to receive a male's sex inside it. Slipping deeper, I felt Aunt Phoebe's vagina walls grip me, then release me for even more penetration.

When she had all of me inside her, Aunt Phoebe adjusted her position. Settling me inside her, she got off the balls of her feet and put her knees down on the futon's mattress near my hip bones and supported herself with hands braced on my chest. Her hips began a back and forth motion, fucking me in a simple, but very effective rhythm. She grinned down at me and then stretched her length on top of my body. I could feel her pointed breasts as she dragged them across my lower chest. Rising, she bent in half to nibble lightly at my nipples, giggling at their enthusiastic response.

And then she raised her hips higher to allow me to thrust up at her. Liking the feeling, she held that position for a long while. She buried her head in the hollow of my throat.

"Fuck me hard, baby," she ordered. "Fuck me real good...son..." she said in a whisper meant for only me and her.

* * *

Aunt Phoebe's request had been answered, and quite well too, judging by the length of time it took her to recover after coming three times in little more than fifteen minutes. After the third one, she'd patted me on the shoulder and moved off me, sagging off to my left to lay on her back for a long while, gasping for breath.

Her daughter dropped her dildo and threw her right leg over my body to claim the position her mother had so recently left. Charlotte and I fucked ourselves into a gut-wrenching climax in a few minutes and then we just lay there trying to get our breath and strength back.

After a while, we all three adjourned to the shower to wash the accumulated fluids off us. Then, a quick snack; a tall glass of fresh, cold milk; and a slab of Charlotte's fantastic apple pie and we were all ready for another round...but no one seemed to be making any movements in that direction. When I saw everyone had had a shower and just seemed to be sitting around chatting and playing grab ass, I wondered....

"Oh!" I said, I thought to myself. Everyone looked at me. I had to think fast.

"Sorry," I said quickly. "I was just wondering when Alan and the kids were going to get home?" I asked, turning my head to Charlotte. I think I got away with it. No one called me a butthead, as this family was want to do when someone makes a bonehead play.

"Not too long," Charlotte answered. "They should be here by eight o'clock at the latest." The clock I could see through the kitchen door, high on the refrigerator, said it was seven thirty, so there wasn't long to wait.

I spent the time playing tickle games with four-year-old Erin. Her little pussy was as ticklish as anywhere else on her body. The faintest touch, or just blowing a puff of warm air on her tiny slit was enough to set her off. I was having a load of fun with my little cousin...or niece, depending on whether you accepted Charlotte's theories or not.

The giggles of the young toddler made everyone else that much more inclined to ticklishness and all the kids were soon goosing each other and having a fine time. Aunt Phoebe was suddenly in the middle of a squad of young people and she fled upstairs to take refuge in the bathroom. Uncle Luke didn't fair as well and he soon collapsed on the living room floor, almost unable to breathe.

We heard the car pull up the long driveway from the county road and park near the big barn. Car doors opened and were shut again, even before the sounds of the engine ceased. In the silence after the motor was shut off, we could hear the sounds of people running. Heavy shoes pounded up the steps and across the plank porch.

* * *

The screen door banged against the outside wall and the front door thrust abruptly open. Framed in the opening, young Carolyn, Charlotte's oldest daughter, stared around the room and then found me where I was lounging with her mother and grandmother. Fixing her eyes on me, the 12-year-old began marching across the carpet in my direction, shedding a piece of clothing with each step. Her heavy work boots were already loosened when she walked in and she kicked them into a pile of other footwear near the front door without finding it necessary to pause even an instant.

"I'd like to know why you couldn't come fuck us when you were here LAST time," the 12-year-old barked. "I wanted to do it with you SO bad I got cramps," she continued, "but you wouldn't even pat my butt." She was glaring at me. Her anger was apparent. "So now you come here when I'm not even around and...?"

She checked her words and looked around the room. She found her foster sister, naked and watching her sleepily.

"Yeah, right!" Carolyn growled. She shrugged off the straps on her bibbed overalls, tugging them down over her hips. A split-second later, she'd kicked them off to the side and was trying to get her panties off as she hopped even closer. I couldn't help but smile as she strode purposely toward me, unbuttoning her heavy-duty work shirt and throwing it after her blue jeans.

"Carolyn Elizabeth?" Charlotte said quietly.

The 12-year-old stopped short. Her fingers had worked the clasp undone on her bra and she was holding the cups wide, in preparation for sloughing it off. She was still for the moment and unconsciously posing for the males in the room, me among them.

Carolyn was one of THOSE girls. You've seen them. They're out there. They start budding at age three or thereabouts. By the time they're seven or eight, they have 'breasts', and figures that quickly followed suit.

The little blonde girl Carolyn had been at four noticed her 'boobies' were growing and by the time she was nine, she had beautifully shaped breasts perfectly sized for her young stature, an hour-glass figure and legs girls fifteen years older than she would have died for.

She hadn't noticed the attention it got her at first. When she did, and Charlotte's family orientation became part of Carolyn's everyday routine, Carolyn reacted with anger, and the anger was part of young Carolyn too. The girl had a fiery temper that got her into more trouble than a little bit.

She habitually wore clothing that disguised her figure and dissuaded boys from giving her any attention. Getting all her sexual needs taken care of at home, she disdained the interested glances boys had given her as young as six and seven, she hid herself behind uncomplimentary glasses that she didn't need and wore her was black as coal deliberately unkempt styles. Frowns and loud words completed her disguise.

It didn't always work. She screwed up one day and had to borrow shorts and a T-shirt from a friend for gym class. Her friend only had things to spare that were just a shade too tight for Carolyn. The doors leading into the gym were crowded with young men watching Carolyn's nubile figure closely as she ran, jumped, and exercised. After that day, Carolyn's attitude got even worse in her renewed and more vigorous efforts to get rid of the boys' unwanted attentions.

"Yes, ma'am?" Carolyn asked carefully. She stood still, knowing she'd transgressed one of her mother's long-standing rules.

"You've been working all day long at the Rendezvous," Charlotte said quietly. "And you smell like it," she told the young girl. "Second," Charlotte continued, " know better than to talk like that to Uncle Mike.

"I want you to apologize to your Uncle Mike and then get yourself upstairs and take a good shower, you hear?"

"But, Mom," Carolyn complained.

"But my ass," Charlotte interrupted.

Carolyn hung her head and her hands dropped, taking the bra with them. She dropped one end, and then recaptured it in front of her body where her fingers twisted the fabric into a tight knot.

"I'm sorry, Uncle Mike," she said in a low voice. Her features had become composed, but now her eyebrows arched a little. "UNCLE Mike?" she asked uncertainly.

"We'll tell you later," Charlotte replied. "Now pick up your clothes and take them with you."

Carolyn marched toward the bottom of the stairs with her discarding clothing dejectedly. Halfway up, she paused and looked nervously down at her mother.

"Mommy?" she asked carefully.

"Hmmmmm?" Charlotte answered.

"Can, uh, can Uncle Mike take a shower WITH me?" the pre-teen temptress asked hopefully. Charlotte hid her grin. Kids do NOT give up when there's something they want.

"You'll have to ask him," Charlotte told her daughter. Carolyn's expression lightened immediately.

"Uncle Mike...?" Carolyn began.

"I don't know," I replied blandly, pretending to examine the idea first. "What'll you give me?" I asked the 12-year-old.

She didn't know how to answer at first. Then she grinned broadly, happy for the first time since she'd walked in the door. She leaned over the banister.

"One really HOT, nasty fuck!" she declared.

I pretended to study the offer, sighing a couple of times and counting absolutely nothing on my fingers. Carolyn shifted her weight from one foot to the other impatiently.

"Okay," I said, winking at Charlotte.

I took two steps toward the stairs and then began running. I actually got past her before she could react and I made it to the second floor before she did. I didn't know where the bathroom was though, and a squealing Carolyn squeezed past me and into it before I could get there.

A few minutes later, Charlotte's daughter Caitlin peeked into the shower to make sure no one was going crazy and held her arms up for a hug and a kiss. The sturdy little 8-year-old was an armful; she demanded a hello kiss from her 'uncle' and wasn't willing to settle for a peck on the cheek either.

"I...," she said solemnly, "...need a shower too."

I laughed.

"Okay," I answered. "Two's company, three's a party in my house, especially our shower. How 'bout here?" I asked. It took her an instant, but she caught on quick.

"Us too," she said happily. She banged her heels against my thighs. "Put me down in the shower, Uncle Mike," she said. "Let's make a sex party."

I did as she ordered, and Carolyn wasn't as put out, nor surprised, as I thought she might be, considering her earlier crossness. She did want a quick fuck from me, but she didn't mind Caitlin's fingers exploring my balls while I rammed my cock deep into Carolyn's cunt until we both exploded.

Later, Caitlin got down on all fours in the tub to eat her older sister's pussy while I fucked Caitlin doggy style with the hot water spraying down on us.

By the time we were ready to go back downstairs, Carolyn's complaints about the last time I'd visited were considerably eased, and Caitlin was nearly asleep. We deposited the little girl in her bed on the way down.

It wasn't until the next day that Mandy pointed out I'd nailed the oldest girl in my sister's, and my other 'sister's' family in showers too. We wondered if Ripley had any stats on the subject, but we never looked it up.

I said it probably didn't count because I'd had sex first with Meghan's first born, but with Charlotte's youngest first. Mandy, the little snot, agreed with me that I'd probably screwed things up too bad to get the record for that 'event'. I just snorted dismissively to show my scorn for her criticism.

* * *

"So...Saturday's family reunion is going to be a...?" Meghan asked.

"A round-robin suck and fuck with all kinds of folks who are related to us," I replied cheerfully.

Charlotte filled me in on everything before I'd left her place to come back to Meghan and Steve's ranch and my imagination was working overtime to come up with insights into what was going to happen when the weekend came around.

Turned out, our coming up from the big city and Meghan desire to attend the every two year event had created some severe problems for the family reunion planners. Essentially, there was to have been 2 separate events, one the no-holds barred, nonstop orgy, and the other a very plain vanilla social event. That Meghan's and my families were now reacquiring our status in the family way meant they could cancel the vanilla thing and put all their resources into the other.

"You'd never have known most of the females coming to the city park to visit with you were those unlucky few on the rag this week and every male who buttonholed you to get business advice were guys taking a break from the sex," Charlotte had chortled, explaining how things had been planned.

"Now," she said, "we don't have to split up like that. If nothing else, those women can work on their mouth-to-cock resuscitation techniques," she'd giggled. "And the guys can pop another little blue capsule," she continued, laughing happily.

"Everything is SO much simpler now," Charlotte had proclaimed. "This is going to be SO much fun," she'd finished.

"I've got this funny little feeling in the pit of my stomach," Meghan told me.

"You mean, who are we going to find out about? Who are we going to be diddling in a couple more days? Who's uncle, grandma, young toddler are we going to be attached to at the crotch...something like that?" I asked. I'd had a little time to get used to this idea and Meghan was still trying to get her mind around it.

"Uh...yeah, something like that," Meghan admitted.

"I do know one thing," I said. "You're going to have the chance to go down on Aunt Phoebe," I told her. "And, sister dear, that's the closest you're going to get to getting it on with Mom," I said. "Trust me, Meghan. That's one hell of a mind-blowing thing!"

Her eyes grew big.

"Oh my GOD," she whispered. "You had sex with Aunt Phoebe?"

I nodded. "She spent the night with me," I answered. "It's cool sleeping with your aunt...or Mom," I answered, thinking of Phoebe's resemblance to our mother.

Then, I thought of the memories I'd recovered at Charlotte's.

"Well, more correctly, Aunt Phoebe AND Mom," I commented.

Meghan's eyes grew even bigger, and a spark of excitement flashed deep inside.

"Mom?" she asked in a husky voice. "And Dad?" I nodded.

"For a while, apparently," I replied. Meghan licked her lips and swallowed hard.

"I've always had a memory," she said slowly. "I thought it was a fantasy, but...."

I grinned at her. We talked late into the night and wound up 'spooning' with her back to my front and my cock tucked deep inside her hungry cunt while we explored our memories.

Chapter Three: We're Having A Party....

Saturday dawned warm, sunny, with only a few puffy clouds drifting around in a deep blue sky. It would be too warm in the late afternoon down here on the flatlands, but the private park up in the mountains would be cooler...actually, the forecast was for just about perfect weather.

So, Meghan and Steve's clan, along with my little family, drove down to Charlotte's on Friday, spent the night there and woke up for an early breakfast. We all slept well, and none of us had any sex because we didn't want to waste any of our 'energy' we might need on the weekend. It was a few hour's drive; we got to the little private park up in the low mountains where the combined family was going to have their no-holds-barred, suck and fuck reunion.

We checked in at the entrance...there was only one way into the valley, and it was the same way out...and after parking the cars in the designated area outside the small valley, we just got naked except for moccasins. I thought they were just the exact right footwear. They would provide protection from things on the ground...but they could be shed faster than one could think about doing it. These were made of a good grade of leather with a red-dyed fringe about the top of the foot opening. They looked good and wore well.

We walked in slowly. We were a tad early and there was no rush. As we walked, my cock was doing calisthenics, rising and falling again as attractive unclothed women and girls came into view and passed by. I looked at them and they looked at me looking at them. Every one of them smiled, some grinned, some hefted their breasts, or pointed their pussies in my direction by way of an invitation. I was pretty sure I'd just found the Garden Of Eden way up here in the mountains.

A bit taken aback by the scope of the whole thing, we wandered in and looked around for a while. Near the geographic center of the valley, a huge round tent had been erected. Since it was a warm day, the sides were all rolled up out of the way so the breeze could circulate through. This would be where lost kids were brought, information obtained, and...surprising me...where one could browse through a fairly large number of open-air shops and kiosks selling anything and everything to do with sexual activity.

So far, the rendezvous had the same atmosphere as many a gun show I'd been to. We wandered around looking at everything.

* * *

"Okay, Ladies and Gentlemen...Boys and Girls," the middle-aged man with the low, smooth voice said over the PA system in the big tent. He was up on a temporary wood platform that stood about 4 feet off the ground. "Come on in," he directed to one and all. "Let's get some of the preliminaries out of the way, shall we? Then we can get on with gettin' on with why we came here," he laughed.

"First, guys AND gals...'no' means 'No way in hell; get AWAY from me and leave me alone'," he said seriously. "And 'no' means nobody asks why not, nobody gets their feelings hurt, nobody does nobody who doesn't want to get done, RIGHT?" The crowd rumbled with a good-natured, affirmative answer. "Absolutely!" the man said emphatically.

"It's like this...Cousin Emily? You here darlin'?" he called out.

"Over here, Sam," a faint woman's voice replied. That was the first I'd heard the man's name, though almost everyone else seemed to know him.

"Cool," Sam replied. "Emily, is my dick gonna get into that cute little puss of yours this weekend, hon?" he asked.

"Not unless someone hacks it off your dead body and lets me play with it," Emily replied serenely.

The whole tent rocked with laughter.

"Nah...didn't think so," Sam responded without seeming to be bothered by the rejection in the least. "She don't have to tell me why not, right? And I won't bother the little little lady...asking whyfor or howcome or anything like that, right?" he challenged the tent full of naked males and females. Everyone laughed hard.

"Good," the man responded, working the crowd like a snake oil salesman in a traveling medicine show. "Second, you haven't seen any beer or any OTHER adult beverages for sale here, and you won't! Hot sex and alcohol do NOT mix. It ain't good for you, guys, and nobody wants to see any fights caused by the 'demon rum,' get it?" No one dissented, though it was a slightly less popular proclamation.

"And if anyone has been dumb enough to bring any 'contraband' substance,' into this here park, you best remember Bubba Denson is going to be roaming through the camp with his drug-sniffing German Shepard. Bubba will find you...and Bubba asked me to remind everyone of that accident he had two days ago.

"Y'all know about that?"

Most of the crowd, me included, clearly did not.

"Bubba had a little accident on Thursday afternoon involving his Johnson...and a man-hating zipper in a new pair of blue jeans," Sam told the crowd.

The tent roared.

"Bubba ain't in what you'd call a real good mood," Sam continued. "And Bubba said if Tiny alerts on you or your belongin's, he MIGHT do you a favor and let the dog go to work on you instead of him doing it!"

The laughter went on forever.

I remembered the young blond giant with the Sheriff's badge on his chest who was checking ID's and medical clearance reports at the gate blocking access to this valley. I, and apparently most of the people in the tent, decided they didn't want to ever cross the man. I shuddered at the thought of what he was enduring. I wanted to bend over and cover my penis with at least one arm....

* * *

After a few more do's and don'ts, Sam was finished haranguing the crowd and the throng of naked partygoers began to mix and match. Mandy and Lorrie didn't want to go off on their own just yet, so the three of us, with Meghan for company, began to walk down one of the pathways that meandered around the valley floor just to see what we could see.

It was very interesting, to say the least. Many of the small tents set up here and there were for people who wanted a little privacy, though we didn't know why they'd want any.

There were also a number of what we were told were 'specialty' tents. If you wanted to get some kind of unusual sex, there were family members who would sponsor a tent space set aside for that activity. We quickly found one almost immediately dedicated to the art of bukkake. Mandy and Lorrie decided they'd pass that by for the time being, though the proprietor did his best to convince them they should try it, 'just once.' My girls were accustomed to facials, but they'd never done bukkake yet.

There was a glory hole set up for the guys down the path a little. More than a few women and teenage girls were already ensconced behind the blind wall, waiting for the first cock to be thrust through. Many of the girls had shorts on, but were topless...but others were fully clothed.

A whispered explanation from a passerby made sense of it for us. These were women and girls whose periods were this week, and they didn't want to have vaginal sex until they were finished. They DID want to be part of the festivities, though, and they didn't mind giving blow jobs as a way of being included. From the way their faces were lit these young ladies and women were apparently looking forward to what they would be doing.

A short distance beyond, we glanced inside a tent reserved for mild bondage. A young woman was already 'chained' in place, bent backward so she was lying over a boulder padded with many layers of what looked like bearskin rugs.

"If you want to try this out," I told the girls, "I want to be here with you when you do...DO NOT do it without me being here to keep you from being hurt or something," I cautioned them.

"Daddy...I don't think you have to worry about that," Mandy replied.

She pointed. The young girl apparently securely held in place against the boulder had slipped a hand out of one of the hand restraints and was busily scratching an itch along her ribcage. A closer look revealed none of the restraints could be tightened and the 'captive' was able to get out of one or all simply and quickly. It was more a fantasy than anything else; just a place where the girls could pretend they had no choice except to do what they were told.

"Still...," I said.

"Don't worry, Dad," Lorrie said, patting my hand. "Mandy and me like being in charge WAY too much to want to try this." That was true, and I stopped worrying.

"Now THIS sure looks more like our style," Mandy remarked from the tent flap of the next specialty tent. Sure enough, a young girl in a dominatrix outfit...probably no more than 8-years-old...was already snapping a toy whip around the flanks of a young teenaged boy. Both were laughing loudly and pretending fear and ferocity by turns.

"What...ever!" I remarked sotto voce, as we wandered away. My daughters didn't REALLY want to explore that scene, but they'd feign it, just to mess with my mind.

Our self-guided tour was cut short when we met two teenage boys coming down the trail while we were going up. Mandy and Lorrie smiled, and the distance between my daughters and me was suddenly a vast gulf. The boys looked the girls (and Meghan too) over and liked what they saw.

The young'uns stopped as if by arrangement and there was a spontaneous conversation. Meghan and I sauntered a short way down the pathway before we stopped, not knowing if the girls would decide to come on with us, or whether....

"Daddy, we're going with Don and Nick down to the creek, okay?"

That settled that. Meghan and I continued on up the lane, climbing up where the trail led us up the slope of the shoulder of a vast mountain. We took our time, glancing into this tent or that as the fancy took us. Eventually, we came full circle back down to the main tent in the valley and walked around the outside circumference until we found huge display of the family tree. Every person known to the family was depicted here, with a naked photograph, if such existed, of the individual posted on the proper branch. More than a few folks, young and old were reviewing their history.

I was particularly interested to note that my and Meghan's roots seemed to flow in a direct chain from a small wagon train full of Petersons and some other families, who crossed the wide prairie to...well...not too far from where we were standing. That would have been sometime after the Civil War. In fact, it looked like our Dad had an ancestor by the name of Jeremiah Peterson while our mother was descended from one of the Peterson brothers. There was lineage coming in from other families on that same wagon train too. I wondered where I could find out more information about the Peterson wagon train.

"You two finding what you need?" a quiet woman's voice asked. I turned to find Aunt Phoebe right behind us, smiling at the two of us.

"I think so," I replied. "Just wondering what it was like back in those days."

"It was probably a LOT easier to organize," Aunt Phoebe responded quickly. My sister's twin was one of the prime movers in keeping the reunion, the Rendezvous, as a going concern.

"They didn't have to worry about maybe researching to find out if there was ANY scenario where they'd be under the glide path for a plane headed into a major airport, for instance," she said. "Or setting up security without the local constabulary having even an IDEA the security was there, much less have an idea what might be going on up here."

She sighed expressively. We all grinned.

Phoebe eyed both of us, cocking her head to one side. "Kids," she said quietly. It had been a long while since anyone had referred to me like that, but it was okay coming from Aunt Phoebe. I lifted my chin in question.

"Kids, I hope you don't mind me mentioning your Mom...," Meghan and I shook our heads. "...but I think there is a thing...there is something we should...explore...I guess is the word."

Meghan stiffened and my senses went on the alert too. Aunt Phoebe wet her lips with a nervous tongue. She turned around, took both our hands in hers, and led us under the trees to a shady place a little way off the path.

Kneeling in the soft grass, the woman who was the spitting image of our mother motioned us down beside her.

"There was something my sister wanted very badly to be able to do," she said. I had a feeling I knew what was coming. I wondered if Meghan did, and how she'd react.

"She was taken from us far too early," Aunt Phoebe continued, "...and your father too," she added. We nodded.

"Had she lived, she would have wanted you, Meghan, and you Michael, to be with her at the same time," Phoebe explained. "I still feel so close to Patricia...," Phoebe whispered. "There are times when I feel she's still with us. I feel like she's watching...and she's been waiting...." Phoebe looked off into the distance for a second, her eyes swimming with unshed tears.

"I was...hoping I could be with you like my sister would have," Phoebe began, but stopped. I turned to Meghan, wondering if she was up to this. Meghan glanced at me, but there was no discomfort in her eyes. She smiled and reached out to cup Phoebe's right breast in her hand.

In another few minutes, during which no words interrupted the emotional display, the three of us were quickly intertwined in a thoroughly hot fucking, sucking, pussy eatin' round robin. Phoebe got on all fours and I lined up behind her for our first tryst. I thrust smoothly into her cunt while she ate Meghan's pussy for all she was worth. After a while, the women changed places and I kept up a steady fucking. When we came, the three of us managed to explode within a few seconds of each other.

I've never examined what I felt while involved in that triangle, but I'm not entirely sure the three of us were alone. For sure, the orgasm we had seemed to be far more a bonding thing than I'd ever known before.

* * *

When we separated, we went in different directions. I was starved, not having eaten a full breakfast, and I went back down to the main tent in search of the source of some awfully yummy odors. Stopping by one of the portable showers, I cleaned up, and then found a stall selling the best smelling baby back ribs I'd ever met up with. I signed a chit agreeing to pay the required amount when next I had pants on with my checkbook handy, and carried a tray with a plate holding a big mound of ribs and little bowels with all the trimmings over to a picnic table and set in to devouring it all.

When I was done, I looked around for someone to bring in a wheelbarrow and haul me out to the tall grass where I could take a long nap. Lordy! Those ribs were good. Seeing no one with a wheelbarrow, I burped politely and wandered slowly away.

By the time I'd taken a short nap and refreshed myself, I was ready to see what else this little get-together had to offer. Any number of latecomers had arrived, been briefed, and were wandering around like me, wondering what to get into first.

I saw Mandy, walking with a group of giggling young girls circling what looked like a glory hole setup for the female of the species. Anonymous boys and men were behind an insubstantial wall with a sheet covering an eighteen-inch gap at the bottom. A girl who wished to take advantage of the service would stretch out on her back and scoot her lower body through the sheet-covered gap and then...receive.

Lorrie came striding along arm in arm with both the teenaged boys she and Mandy had been with earlier. Lorrie had a MOST satisfied expression on her face, and the boys had a dazed look on theirs. Clearly, Lorrie had made two firm conquests. I only wondered how long it would take until she found something else interesting to do, and if the boys would rebound quickly. From the amount of flirtatious glances the boys were getting from passing girls, I doubted they would suffer for very long.

As for me, I was strangely at peace with the world and in no hurry for another bout of sex. I felt oddly cleansed by the morning's coupling with Meghan and Aunt Phoebe and wondered if...somehow Meghan's and my mother had been there with us.

Phoebe had been awfully close to our mother. Would it have been too strange for her to have been channeling her twin sister, perhaps for even the briefest moment? I didn't worry about it. Everything about it was good, and I didn't have a single care about it.

Two small arms suddenly snaked around my right thigh and I stopped dead in my tracks. Looking around to find out who had captured me, I found a little towheaded girl looking up and giggling happily. She couldn't have been any older than Charlotte's daughter Erin, maybe three and a half...four maybe...but where Erin was a sturdy little thing, this naked little sprite was slender and far more fragile.

"I got you," she giggled.

"You got me?" I asked happily. "I think I got YOU," I told her. Bending over, I began tickling her and she was soon laughing so hard she couldn't hold on to my leg. She collapsed in the grass. When she scooted a short distance away, I held back, waiting to see if the play time was over or whether there was something else to come. The little blond sprite came back and took my hand in hers.

"Can we go play with my sisters and cousins?"

I looked around and found a tall blond young woman watching me with a big smile on her face. She waved and my captor waved back. We walked up the grassy slope to the crest of a low knoll, convoyed the last 20 yards or so by three more young girls a little older than the young girl who'd corralled me.

"Hi," I said, smiling at the young woman, a girl in her late teens by the look of her. "I'm Mike," I offered.

"I'm Valerie," she answered. She looked at me speculatively. "I saw you with my Mom's cousin Phoebe a while ago," she offered. "You're the Peterson we've been hearing about," she added.

It wasn't a question. Apparently I was a subject of conversation around here. Well...considering how many new discoveries I'd made over the past...well, year...and how torturous the journey had been the past couple of days, I guess I'd talk about me too. (Imagine! This city rube came all the way out here and FINALLY figured out what we'uns already knew about him and his family!!)

I'd probably get in a few chuckles at my expense, knowing me. I sighed, but I kept my thoughts to myself.

I nodded. "I'm Phoebe's nephew," I said. "So we're related, huh?"

Valerie nodded pleasantly. Having placed me in the family tree, she was completely satisfied. I was vouched for. "Of course," she remarked. "Most of us ARE...."

"Can we?" the little girl asked me again, tugging on my hand.

"What, honey?" I asked, bending down to her.

"PLAY!" she said happily. I doubted this girl ever frowned. She had to be the apple of her parents' eyes. I shrugged.

"Sure," I said. I looked at the teenaged girl.

"I won't get in the way," Valerie said quickly. "I'm just babysitting for their moms, if that's okay?" I cocked my head to one side, wondering what the heck was bothering her, and then I had it.

I looked her over. She was perhaps 5 feet and 4 inches tall, as blond as the rest of the group, and she had a figure most women would die to have. She carried her full breasts high on her chest. They jutted out proudly; her coral-colored nipples had been erect for some time and tipped slightly up at the tip. Her flat belly and gently curved hips gave birth to beautifully sculpted thighs and well-formed calves. Her shapely ankles and dainty feet were set firmly on the ground as she waited for me to say something. She had a light tan all over; if she had a single blemish, I sure couldn't find it. Her pussy was as bald as the toddlers she was babysitting. The girl was drop dead gorgeous and apparently was completely unaffected by it.

"I know I'm kind of older, but...,"

"My dear young lady," I said quietly, firmly. "If you even try to get away, I'm going to come after you with a big stick and drag you back," I avowed, startling her. " long as you don't mind being with us, of course," I said quickly, mindful of Sam's earlier policy statement.

Valerie flushed faintly. She looked away, then back. "You don't mind me being older than...," she asked to make sure we both understood.

"You're lovely," I said succinctly, "...and you always will be, even when you're old and gray. You'll NEVER be in the way, honey."

This time, Valerie flushed a bright pink, but it was one of pleasure, not embarrassment. She checked my rising cock, and smiled happily when she found it was hard and pointed directly at her.

"Are we going to play or not," the blond little girl still attached to my hand asked, as irritably as I suspected she ever got.

"Not until we get introduced," I told her cheerfully. "I'm Mike...who are you?"

"I'm Harmonie," she said shortly. "That's Morgan," she said, pointing out one of the other little girls. "That's Annie, that's Wendy, and that's...."

"Valerie," I finished for her. Harmonie nodded emphatically.

"NOW, can we play?" she asked. I nodded, grinning down at the single-minded toddler. She lay on her belly in the grass, her feet away from me, and lifted her lower legs up in the air.

"Pull me up!" she demanded. I shrugged. I didn't know what the game was but I could lift naked little girls up all day long, if that was the game we were playing. I pulled little Harmonie up by her ankles and lower legs. She was facing me and as she rose, she reached out to touch my erect manhood on her way up.

"Higher!" Harmonie said, so I lifted her up more. When her pretty little pussy came near, I hauled her ankles a little behind my head so that she was pretty much plastered against my upper body. I dropped my chin and planted a lingering kiss on the puffy lips. She giggled, squirming around in a frenzy as my tongue touched sensitive girl-flesh.

"Now let me down," she told me after a bit. I started to lower her to the ground.

"Not THAT far!!," Harmonie complained. "UP!"

Valerie's beautiful body was suddenly pressing against my side.

"I can help," she told me. "Lift her up 'til I say stop," she commanded. I pulled Harmonie's legs back up until suddenly I felt my cock engulfed in little girl child's mouth.

"Ahhhhhhhhh," I sighed, now understanding the correct height.

Valerie giggled and gripped my butt firmly. She squeezed, manipulating the muscle and stroking my backside slowly, sensuously. Her hand slipped lower, seeking entry between my thighs. I accommodated her, shifting my feet to almost shoulder width apart. Valerie knelt and cupped my scrotum from between my legs and began to fondle my tender nutsack.

All this time, young Harmonie was slathering her tongue all over the head of my cock and doing what she could to swallow the bulbous thing. It couldn't last long, but I was in seventh heaven, standing there with my cock being serviced by the toddler and my balls being molested by the teenager.

When my arms tired too much to hold the toddler up in the air any longer, we all slid down to the ground in a heap.

"Do you like your little pussy licked?" I asked a grinning Harmonie. She nodded vigorously. I got on my back, scooted around a bit so my head was uphill, and then I crooked my finger at the little girl.

"Come heeeeeeeeeeere," I ordered. I could feel my face almost splitting with a broad grin.

Harmonie crawled up the length of my body, rubbing and squirming around like a dervish, then put her pussy as close to my lips as she could manage. I laughed, and then I couldn't do that any longer because her pussy was pressing too tightly against my mouth. The youngster began rubbing her pussy against my lips and bumping her pubic mound against my nose. Her eagerness made me chuckle again...silently, by necessity...then I got to my task quickly. Clearly the young girl wanted something from me beyond amusement.

In seconds, my tongue was slathering a wet strip from the bottom of the little girl's slit through its whole length--it must have been at least a couple of inches from bottom to top. I grinned again. She was such a cute, happy little girl--I could hear her gurgling her pleasure while I licked.

Harmonie's tiny groin was soon wet from my saliva, but I quickly found she was also dribbling large amounts of sweet, little-girl honey from deep inside too. I lapped up all I could get and went back for more, darting my tongue between her tiny, puffy little pussy lips and making her petite body shudder with the pleasure of what I was doing to her.

I heard Valerie directing things and soon, a small girl on all fours was poised over each of my hands, waiting for me. The fourth little girl was already moving her lower body up and down the length of my cock and working her excitement up slowly.

It didn't take me long to divine what I could do with my hands. As if drawn by an irresistible magnetism, my palms were soon cupping two lovely bald groins and my middle fingers were soon flexed into soft hooks. They slipped slowly inside two small pussies and began to probe the small cunts opening up for me. The young girls had lowered their little bodies to the ground where they wriggled around, dancing on my fingers while they whimpered with pleasure and humped their groins into my hands.

It didn't take long. Children don't know how to stave off the rapture of an orgasm. In just a few minutes, Harmonie, Morgan, Annie, and Wendy were all moaning their way through girl-sized orgasms that shook their tiny bodies for a long while. And that left one.

* * *

The girls spent a few minutes cleaning me up, giggling as they licked my cock and fingers dry, ostentatiously swallowing each finger and squeegeeing the digits by tightening their lips all around and sucking hard. They laughed at each other's expression and at my reactions to the lewd sight of four small girls licking and sucking on my body. At an unseen signal, all four dove on my groin and licked up Annie's aromatic pussy juices from my cock and my balls. I lay back in the tall grass and gave myself up to more visual and sensory pleasure than I'd felt since first taking my daughters so many months ago, but I deliberately did not allow myself to cum.

"Girls?" I said to the four naked little pixies after they'd stopped working on my body and had gathered into a small group at my right side. They began lazily exploring their own bodies again, watching each other, and me to check my reaction, and giggling softly among themselves. While they don't have the ability to hold off climaxes, the young DO have incredible energy and they recover so very quickly.

They looked around at me, wondering what I wanted now. I grinned.

"We aren't done yet," I told them, and they were immediately interested. They smiled back and scooted their bodies closer. I rolled up on my right elbow and leaned over in their direction. The movement put my head on their level and virtually in the middle of a little pack of sexy cuties.

"Here's what we're gonna do now...," I said and began whispering from that point on. No one outside our little circle heard a word.

"What?" Valerie asked suspiciously. The four sexy little girls had turned around and were looking at her with big grins all over their faces. They looked back at me, licking their lips in anticipation. I nodded.

"GET 'ER!!" I yelled.

The four little ones scrambled to their feet and swarmed over their babysitter, bowling her over, and then climbing atop and around the beautiful teenager. She was soon laughing heartily as the girls teased and tickled her wherever they could capture a foot or find an opening to her ribs. I watched for a moment.

Inevitably, one child, then another, found an erotic zone on the teenaged girl's body and stroked, rather than tickled the older girl. In another moment, all four little girls were concentrating on fondling the teenager--of COURSE, it was what I suggested they do.

The whole puppy pile was only a yard away from me. Valerie's arousal created unmistakable aromas I couldn't have missed, even if I hadn't been waiting for them. Getting up on my knees, I knee-walked the distance between us and then spread the teenagers legs apart. Valerie felt my hands on her and splayed her thighs willingly. I crawled another couple of feet forward and leaned over the excited girls.

"Annie," I said. "I think Valerie's booby needs kissing, don't you?" I pointed to Valerie's right breast. The tiny little nymphet nodded vigorously and bent to her task, kissing and sucking at Valerie's nipple. Morgan, not needing any encouragement, sucked Valerie's left nipple into her mouth and began stroking Valerie's upper chest all the way down to the teenager's belly.

I watched thoughtfully for a small time. Valerie was clearly on a short fuse. Her libido was quickly fired and she was quickly engulfed in the rising heat of her own body. She began breathing heavier; her chest began to heave as she tried to push each breast deeper into the younger girls mouths. The other two girls were beginning to frown, feeling they were being left out.

"Wendy?" I asked. The little girl looked at me expectantly.

"I wonder if Valerie knows how to lick a little girl's pussy," I said. "What do you think?"

"She does," the little girl assured me, nodding emphatically. "OH!" she quipped when she got the point. She scrambled up and raced a short arc around Valerie's body where she squatted over Valerie's face.

"Eat me, Valerie!" Wendy demanded, wiggling around a little bit until Valerie's tongue found the cute little toddler's pussy.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm," Wendy crooned, surprising herself, and the rest of us, with the loudness of the comment.

We all laughed except for Valerie, whose mouth was again full of young-girl pussy. Valerie began lapping Wendy's tiny slit, making Wendy wriggle even more strongly. Without being urged, the two little girls attending to Valerie's young breasts had arranged their bodies so Valerie could finger fuck their little pussies as I had done earlier.

"What can I do," Harmonie asked plaintively.

I grinned and held up a finger in 'hang on a minute' gesture and crept closer to Valerie until I could push my knees under the teenager's thighs. There was nothing to put under her young ass, but with my knees wedged under her, her lower abdomen was raised several inches up in the air. Her groin was pooched up, offering a fine access to her wet cunt. Without telling Valerie what I was going to do, I guided the head of my cock between her sweet pussy lips and firmly pushed into her. I did it slowly enough not to cause distress, but I did it without pulling back a single time.

Valerie groaned deeply, but she pushed her groin up at me, wanting more rather than less cock.

I leaned back a little, putting my butt on my heels to open up a space between Valerie's and my bodies.

"Harmonie, can you lick Valerie right there?" I asked, pointing at the flesh over Valerie's clit. The little bud was already peeking out from its protective hood. "...While I fuck Valerie's hot cunt?" I continued.

Harmonie got the idea immediately and bent to her task from the side while I fucked the teenaged girl, driving my dick into the nearly full-grown woman. My right hand crept between Harmonie's young thighs and I stroked her tiny pussy from behind. Her breath was soon sobbing in her throat as she tried to balance her increasing pleasure against her purpose of increasing Valerie's bliss. My hand was quickly soaked with her little-girl juices.

In minutes, Valerie was hard put to control herself. Assaulted from every side, her young body was responding hard and she could feel a great orgasm rising up to consume her. Her small companions dropped away as they squealed their way through small climaxes of their own and after a while, it was only her and me still going strong.

And then I found out Valerie was a screamer and a girl who liked to direct the action...both at the highest volume she could manage.

"FUCK ME HARDER!" Valerie yelled, startling me a bit. I grinned, and began to ramming my cock faster inside her body. Each thrust was a strong, deep plunge into a velvet lined tunnel of hot woman-hood. "FUCK ME!" Valerie demanded. There was only one thing I could do.

"FUCK MY CUNT HARDER," Valerie screamed. She humped her lower body around, trying to get my penis deeper inside her and create some motion when I stopped briefly. I leaned back and took one of Valerie's ankles in each hand and pulled her ankles high in the air and let them drop over my shoulders. Her pubic mound was pushed up into greater prominence, exposed now to an even deeper assault.

"FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!" Valerie shrieked. So I did. I began to pound my cock deep into the beautiful teenager, ramming a hard-on I couldn't recall ever being more rigid, into Valerie's compliant cunt.

"SHOVE YOUR BEAUTIFUL COCK IN ME!" bawled the overwhelmed young woman. I redoubled my efforts, stabbing down into her super-heated vagina like a jack hammer.


I did what she asked. My hips were thrusting forward faster and faster, even as I tried for more depth with each stroke. Valerie's hands were beneath her thighs where she urged me on to even greater efforts by teasing my butt cheeks with her fingertips.


Her voice rose even higher in pitch and volume. Someone's hand cupped my scrotum from behind, startling me and making me loose my rhythm. I turned to find Charlotte's smiling face grinning back at me. I didn't have any idea when she'd found us, but then, I hadn't realized Valerie and I had attracted quite a crowd either.

"Give it to her," Charlotte urged me, gently massaging my balls in her hands and stroking the inside of my thighs. "Fuck her brains out," my cousin/sister added. I nodded and returned to making sure young Valerie would get the biggest orgasm she'd ever had.

Having lost a stroke, I did my best to find a faster pace, plowing my cock into Valerie's cunt ever more strongly. In a few moments, Valerie was groaning loudly with each stroke.

"HE'S FUCKING ME!" she shouted, not that the gathering group around us needed any hints. They laughed good naturedly. I couldn't see very well, but it seemed there were a lot of groping, fondling hands out there. I could feel some of them on my back. A breast was thrust between my lips and I sucked strongly. Another one was offered when the first was withdrawn.

A pair of huge tits appeared in front of me and I didn't have a clue who they belonged to. I DID know what to do with them though. Rearing back a little on my haunches, I palmed the big boobs in my hands and buried my face between them, kissing, sucking, and licking the aureoles and hard nipples like a famished, feral baby. My lower body was on auto pilot, driving my cock into the steaming cauldron that was Valerie's vagina.

When the tits disappeared, a tall pair of legs took their place. I craned my face upward between them, seeking a tasty pussy I knew had to be there.

A shriek from above confirmed I'd found it. The legs danced a little, but the woman's pussy lips never left my tongue.

Making a spear of my tongue, I shoved it deep and up to find her clit. I sucked, not taking the time to be gentle, forcing the eraser-sized organ to retreat quickly.

Not content with that, I teased it with my tongue, lapping at the fleshy hood, and I quickly coaxed it back out. I couldn't use my teeth to gently abuse it--I didn't have the control to chance it--but I could surround it with my lips and slather my tongue all around. In seconds, the woman attached to the crotch I was servicing was yelping and screaming through her own orgasm and she fell away.


I drove harder into Valerie's body, bottoming out with every ramming stroke now. I was a pile driver, slamming my cock down into the welcome heat of Valerie's vice-like cunt.

She continued her litany of crude words, some screamed into the sky, some whispered in my ear. She groaned loudly as she whipped her cunt around in tight circles, thrusting up at me to maintain contact when I withdrew to make another stroke. The beautiful young girl was quickly losing all control, and she didn't care. I was past caring myself.

Charlotte's hands had been replaced by some other woman's gentle touch, cupping my balls and fondling them as best they could with my urgent and hard-paced strokes in and out of Valerie's hot cunt.

An insistent finger probed my asshole, seeking my prostate to massage and stimulate me even more. I was no longer a civilized man having sex with a beautiful girl-woman. I was a primitive animal, consumed with sex and sensory overload.


"I CAN'T TAKE IT ANY LONGER," she screamed to the heavens.



She clamped her hands on the back of my arms and pulled me down on her. There was no time, or space, for any more other pussies or breasts for me to play with.


Valerie's hands tightened on my triceps. Squeezing more strongly than I would have thought possible, her fingernails threatened to dig out big chunks of flesh. I slowed, rearranged my body and began driving deep into her scorching, sopping cunt with wild abandon.

In seconds, the gorgeous teenager and I were there. I could feel the awful, wonderful tension rising quickly through my body. The cum spewed out of the head of my cock into Valerie's hungry cunt. I felt it splashing on the walls of her vagina and slapping back to wash over my prick head.

She felt it too. It drove her over the top, plunging her into her own orgasm. I was held captive by her strong hands and a cunt that clasped my cock and refused to let it out.

I pumped out another jet of creamy cum, making Valerie howl and hold me all the tighter. Her voice was a little weaker now. Her orgasm swept from up her abdomen in waves that reached the nipples grinding against her own thighs and then back down again. Driven to distraction by her rapturous climax, Valerie moaned, mouthing the nastiest words she knew to intensify her, and my, cumming.

She writhed, twisting her body from side to side, whipping her cunt up to me, seeking to draw my cock even deeper inside her. I felt a third eruption building and tried to slow it, but Valerie's clutching vagina held me securely and milked the cum out of me. I moaned in the ecstasy of the moment.

A fourth fountain of semen and secretions squirted from my penis into the teenager, and an almost painful fifth gush of cum surged out to join the rest of the sticky goo in Valerie's cunt. My hips jerked as Valerie relaxed slightly. The sudden release and the stimulation offered by the movement coaxed a sixth, runny stream to shoot inside her. I was finished, and so was she.

I did the best I could to avoid dropping my whole weight on Valerie and crushing her. I barely had enough control of my body to slide my cock out of her steaming cunt and do a rolling fall to her side. I rolled on my back and lay there gasping, my chest heaving. I felt a mouth around the head of my cock and I moaned in protest. It was too soon. I was still too sensitive. Whoever it was took pity on me and gave me some butterfly kisses up and down my shaft, gradually easing the stress and intensity.

When I again had control of my body, I struggled up on my elbows to find we had were the center of a fairly large concentration of family members. When they saw I, and then Valerie were both again conscious of our surroundings, many of them began clapping their hands and smiling broadly. Well, those who weren't sucking, fondling, or fucking in various combinations around us did anyway.

"Well, THAT was about as hot a fuck as I've EVER seen," a voice commented. I looked up to find Aunt Phoebe with her hands on her hips smiling down at me.

"Welcome to the best damn fucking bunch of families west of the Mississippi," she proclaimed. "We've missed you all these years," she added. She turned around and faced the crowd attracted by Valerie's screams.

"Y'all," Aunt Phoebe called, "...Mike Peterson!!" She gestured at me and the whole scene, the four exhausted little girls and the completely satiated teenager.

The crowd roared, clapping and yelling their affirmatives to the high heavens. I waved weakly. It was a long while before Valerie and I regained our strength.

Valerie and I were separated soon after that.

The teenager found she in much demand among the men and boys in the associated families. Her beauty and increasingly sensual attitude drew the males to her, where her lewd talk, active humping, and especially her screaming climaxes captivated the men and boys she was with. From withdrawn babysitter, Valerie became a most popular young woman...and that was as it should be for my distant cousin. We never did figure out how distant we were. We were family, and that was enough.

* * *

I was munching on a big turkey drumstick near sundown, still trying to divine all the various relationships diagrammed on the stylized "Family Tree" in the main tent. I had a replica of the big diagram from the main tent spread in front of me, devouring it with my eyes while I munched on the turkey.

Someone here probably knew everyone else and could tell me who begat who, and who did what to whom, but I got lost pretty quickly trying to trace relationships down over a couple or three branches. Seems like some of my "family" weren't all that much closer to me than any given stranger I could meet on a the big city street any day of the week. Which was good, if one were worried about the gene pool and creating children and stuff like that.

On the other hand a lot of these strangers were pretty close relatives. None of the lines of descent were straight lines; they kept combining, diverging to meet with other lines, and then recombining. It was clear cousins had often married cousins...usually second cousins, but not always...and brother-sister unions weren't unusual enough to comment on. I shook my head. It was giving me a headache.

My sister's husband wandered in and, seeing me, came and sat down across the table from me after he procured a turkey drumstick of his own. Steve glanced at the family tree diagram, upside down, and grinned. He leaned over and finally saw what he was looking for.

"That's my great-great-great...grandpa, many times removed," he said, smiling. He chewed on his turkey leg while I tried to gather up my lower jaw and get it back into place.

I looked down at the entry he had pointed at and read it aloud, "Caleb Struthers?"

Steve Morrison, my respected brother-in-law nodded his head, perfectly composed.

I looked at the box containing the Struthers name. Old Caleb had been married to an Indian girl by the name of 'Ehawee'...I didn't have a clue how that was to be pronounced.

"Well, I'll be damned...." I breathed. "Here I was thinking you married into this family thing, but you were part of the clan all along!"

"Oh yeah!" he said, munching down on his potato salad side order. "I TOLD ya that day in my office...when you were down in the barn with Meghan?...I was waitin' for YOU, not the other way around!"

I thought a moment. "You sorry sonuvabitch! You knew what was going on all along, didn't you?"

He nodded and flashed a quick grin. "After a bit, I did. Didn't know ALL the details like what the girls and Meghan have told me since, but yeah...I knew."

"After all the work we went to, 'convincing' you to join the ranks...," I sighed, "an' you were there already." I frowned. "So how come you're telling me now?"

He pointed at the family tree diagram. "Lots a' people already know, and you or Meghan would find out sooner or later."

"Meghan doesn't know?"

He shook his head. "Not're kinda the test I can see how I'm gonna break it to your sister."

It was a true quandary. My sister had a temper that ignited in an instant. She was just as quick to cool down, but sometimes one had to work to get the fire quenched. Steve finished his turkey, potato salad, AND corn-on-the-cob while I worked it over in my mind.

"Just tell her like it was," I suggested finally. "You knew about your family's involvement...and our family's too, but Meghan's and my father pulled away from the family. My dad got so he wouldn't allow any of it, right?

"And you knew that...and then Mom and Dad died, Meghan and I were badly torn up. We couldn't even bear to look Aunt Phoebe in the face. You stood by my sister, but it just wasn't the time to bring any of this up...and she and I pulled away even further--blocked memories, even. And then it never did get to be the right time, did it?"

He considered what I'd said. "Pretty much...think she'll understand?"

"I reckon," I replied. "Truth always comes through." I snorted. "Hell, if we hadn't come for a visit, y'all would still be beatin' yourselves to death, bein' horny all the time and not having an outlet, wouldn't you?"

"Probably," he sighed. He brightened. "But it was fun watching, all the same...Cuz," he said.

I blinked. "Cousin?"

He chuckled. "That diagram doesn't tell it all by a long shot," he said. "There's been so much intermarrying and makin' babies and such, all these 'lines' should really be corkscrews."

"My mom worked it out once...I never could...but the way she had it, you and me are third cousins...if ya close one eye and squint real hard with the other," he said.

Could a' knocked me over with a...well...anything.

"Damn," I whispered. "It must be in the genes!!!"

Chapter Four: Reproduction And Other Delights

"Can I touch you?" a soft voice asked from somewhere around my navel. I looked down to see a young girl, about ten, I guessed, with auburn hair and freckled nose looking up at me.

"You bet," I replied, smiling. "I LOVE having little girls touching me," I told her.

She grinned and latched on to my cock with both hands, bending slightly at the waist to kiss the tip and suck a little at the slit in the head.

Suddenly, I had no further interest in the drumstick and tossed it into a nearby trashcan. I had just about gnawed all the meat off anyway. Wiping my lips on the length of paper towel that was substituting for a napkin, I wadded it up and threw it into the trashcan too. Then I concentrated on the delicious feelings welling up from my cock.

"I saw you with the girl up on that little hill," the ten-year-old told me, abruptly removing her soft lips from my cock. I almost pouted. Her impromptu blowjob had been feeling REALLY good.

"Have you fucked anyone since you were up there?" she asked interestedly.

"No," I replied.

I'm sure the little girl caught the regretful note in my voice. I'd been exhausted for a long while after taking an unexpectedly passionate Valerie and it hadn't been until the past hour or so that my strength had come back. My dick had gotten hard several times, but the rest of my body had been weak. I was, however, very much ready to go for it now.

"I'm Courtney," the ten-year-old said.

"I'm Mike," I replied.

"I know," she said. "Everyone knows who you are," she continued matter-of-factly. "Would you like to meet my mom?" Courtney asked without pausing.

"Sure," I responded. Taking me by the hand, Courtney led me around the big tent and along a path to a tent I hadn't explored earlier. It was one of the 'specialty' tents, but what particular perversion it offered wasn't immediately evident.

"Mom," this is Mike!" Courtney said to the striking redhead laying on the air mattress. The collapsible contraption was thick enough to put the upper surface at the height of a real bed, and then some. The airbed was actually made up with fitted sheets and several pillows and looked very comfortable.

The woman smiled approvingly up at us and spread her legs slightly. Instead of having a bald pussy as most women here did, she had a small 'landing strip' above her slit. I was certain it was there to emphasize the fact that she was a natural redhead.

"I'm Grace," the woman said softly. I looked her over and then looked around to find out what this tent's theme was. Grace was one of those redheads--slender almost to the point of skinniness, with flawless skin and complexion, lovely legs...and mammoth, beautiful, succulent, soft, round, firm...did I say huge?...breasts. Grace's had yet to give into gravity. Though she lay quietly on her back, neither of them showed any sign of running to hide under her upper arms.

"Lovely," I said, by way of an overall compliment. I was careful to let a reverent tone take over my voice. She was due it.

Grace smiled again--she did that very well--and shifted her thighs a little more apart to give me an unobstructed view of her pussy. The rich pink inside of her pussy contrasted very appealingly with her alabaster skin. Her nipples, already large, grew ever-so-slightly more engorged with blood. They hardened, puckering up into more erect gumdrops inside their light tan aureoles.

"Okay, Mommy?" little Courtney asked her mother a little anxiously.

"Oh, I think so, yes," Grace purred.

Like a great cat, Grace transformed her posture from laying flat to sitting on her knees at the side of the bed nearest me with her feet barely brushing the tent floor. She gracefully lowered her head and took me into her mouth and swallowed five inches of me without any sign of strain or effort.

I gasped and nearly bent double. Courtney, who'd begun walking away, paused at the tent flap to look at her mother deep-throating me. She laughed merrily. She evidently thought it was a great show.

"I'm going to go find--" she told her mother.

"Okay, honey," Grace responded lazily. Her mouth engulfed me again and I never did ask who the ten-year-old was going to go find. Grace worked on me for a few more minutes before resting again. I was still standing, straining at times to keep my balance as the beautiful redhead sucked my cock with loving gentleness.

"So what's the specialty here?" I asked interestedly. Belatedly, it occurred to me I probably might get that settled before I got into something I didn't really intend.

"I haven't had sex in two months," Grace said quietly. "I've been waiting for this party for the longest time," she continued, "and I think I was waiting just for you, even though I didn't even know you, or even much about you," she finished.

I blinked. That this lovely woman hadn't had sex for two months was almost unbelievable.

"Your husband--," I began

"Is sterile," she answered, "as opposed to impotent," she continued, smiling up at me. She kissed my shaft from head all the way down to my crotch. Sterile....

"And I want another baby," Courtney told me, about the time my lips were beginning to form a question. "Yours!" she said quietly. Her lips circled themselves into a big "O" and she swallowed me whole again.

She certainly knew how to distract a man long enough to get over a big shock. When she gave my cock, and my mind, back to me, she looked at my prick approvingly and then tried to slip her pink tongue into that narrow slit in the end of my manhood. She didn't manage much depth, but she sure gave me more to think about. When she drew back, she looked down at the thick bulbous head approvingly and kissed it again.

"A baby?" I ground out before she could do anything more. My voice was hoarse with the strain and the question came out a little stronger than I actually intended. Grace looked up and grinned.

"Uh-huh," she answered. "And my husband approves--most emphatically, she added. "He loves children of all shapes, sizes, and description--she just can't make any with his own genes."

She kissed the tip of my cock and stroked my staff gently. "If you asked him, he would just hope you give me another daughter he can teach sex to," Grace finished. There was a rustle behind me.

"My older daughters have all seen me pregnant with their sisters and brothers," Grace explained.

The three naked young redheaded girls who'd just come in were undeniably hers. They all had that perfect pale, almost translucent complexion, and big titties for their size. Two of the girls carried youngsters, one of them a boy still in diapers and Courtney was right behind them leading two toddlers, a boy and a girl, by the hands into the tent. I was silent while I studied the situation.

The oldest girl, about fifteen or sixteen, put the baby boy she'd been carrying down on another air mattress and set about changing his diaper. The next oldest sister took the other baby--a slightly older girl--and began the same chore.

The two infants were too close in age to be born of the same mother. of the children was almost certainly the fifteen-year-old's baby. I moaned at the idea of impregnating a willing young girl. It'd never occurred to me before; now I was thoroughly intrigued by the concept.

Grace was gently sucking my cock again, giving me plenty of time to absorb the sights. She must have known what thoughts were running through my mind, but she clearly didn't mind.

When the oldest girl finished changing and cleaning the boy's privates, she smiled around at me and shifted the baby so I had a clear view of them both. She leaned forward and took the baby boy's little nubbin of a penis in her mouth and gently began sucking on it. The boy responded gleefully. His eyes sparkled and the gurgling laughter that came from his lips said everything. He loved what was being done to him.

At that moment, the second oldest girl caught my attention by moving a little on a third air mattress. When I glanced her way, she was licking the girl infant's pussy slit. The youngster couldn't have been more than eighteen-months-old, and was probably younger--but she was surely enjoying the older girl's attentions. Cooing happily, she kicked a leg in the air in glee and waved her arms around.

"Mike?" Grace said to bring my gaze back to her. "My girls and I want you to get us all pregnant," she said quietly.

"Well, except for Courtney," she added. "She's just a little too young for a comfortable pregnancy and we've decided she needs to wait a while...perhaps until the next Rendezvous," she informed me.

A smiling Courtney nodded her head.

"But that doesn't mean I can't practice," Courtney told me. She brought the tots up to me and introduced them as Claire and Dennis. Claire beamed a happy smile up to me and toddled forward to kiss at my prick. Obligingly, Grace released me and tugged me down on the airbed beside her.

Claire followed me down and planted a series of kisses, followed by a lingering slathering of the entire head of my cock.

I was really having trouble remembering to breathe through all of this.

Young Claire heard the little boy chuckling on the other bed and left to follow the sound of the boy's laughter to his side. The toddler and the infant lay side by side and kissed each other's private parts for as long as I watched them.

When Claire left, Courtney took the toddler's place, sucking my cock into her mouth while she masturbated herself. Overwhelmed, I watched the full-scale little orgy going on in front of me while being blown by the ten-year-old. I didn't even notice when Grace tucked her hand between my legs and began fondling my scrotum.

"So, how do you feel about getting a few gals preggers," Grace asked lightly. Courtney let my cock slide out of her mouth and she held me in her small hands while she waited for me to reply.

"I guess," I croaked. "I just--I just hadn't ever thought about it," I said, my voice under slightly better control. The girls laughed. "What, uh, what happens to the baby and what...?" Grace laughed gently.

"All the girls and boys here are half-brothers and sisters," she told me. "Their 'Daddy' is my husband and that's the way it will be for the child you give me," Grace said firmly. "Except for Jeannine's baby," she added. The oldest girl looked up and flashed me a grin.

"Baby Winston was conceived by one of her cousins and they're going to be married soon. The folks in the neighborhood think he's mine...for now...but WE all know better."

I blinked, absorbing the complex relationships in this one tent.

"And Gail's little girl, Tessa, is Gail's contribution to the family," Grace added. The second oldest girl, the one giving the baby girl's pussy such long, slow strokes with her tongue, smiled at me. "And Gail's daddy has already given Tessa her first taste of cum," Grace told me. "The little minx loved it," she finished.

I looked around at all the young girls, the girls' babies, and back around at Grace.

"You sure don't look like a grandmother," I remarked lightly, beginning to regain control. Grace smiled.

"My pussy doesn't feel like one either, honey," she returned. "So what do you think, Mikey?" she continued. "You want to get four horny gals with child?"

"Four?" I asked, counting noses. Courtney's third-oldest sister, a slim little auburn-haired beauty I hadn't seen come in walked over to me. Sliding her arms around my neck, she stood on tiptoes to kiss me, letting my tongue twine itself around hers for a bit before stepping back.

"Roxanne had her first period three months ago," Grace said proudly. "She's twelve-years-old and she thinks it's high time she got a baby started," Grace remarked. Roxanne smiled happily up into my face. There was nothing in her eyes that contradicted her mother's incredible words.

"Valerie said he came six times inside her," Courtney commented matter-of-factly.

All the girls perked up. The two girl-mothers left their babies on the mattresses and came gliding closer. It seemed every girl--or woman--in this family moved as gracefully as a cat.

I was damned near hypnotized by the sensuous stalking moves of the girls coming toward me. They offered their lips for thorough, hot kisses and hotter fondling.

"I HEARD!" Grace answered her youngest daughter. "I think Mikey's our man, don't you think, girls?" she asked. All three fecund daughters nodded, and crowded closer, rubbing their bodies against me, handling my cock and balls, and planting kisses all over my body.

"And his daughters say he can cum, and cum, and cum, and cum, and cum again," Courtney added.

"You talked to my daughters?" I asked. Courtney nodded from behind me. I felt her head move against my back. "Did they know why you were asking them?" I demanded. I felt Courtney shrug.

"I didn't tell them 'xactly why," she added. "But they're smart, huh?" she added.

We were silent for a long while. I didn't know what to say. My daughters and I had only discussed pregnancy as it applied to them, not in the context of me fathering more children. But there didn't seem to be a problem.

"Mikey?" Grace said to get my attention.

"Don't call me Mikey," I said distractedly, but there was no heat behind it. I was beginning to get comfortable with the nickname. The girls and Grace tittered.

"That's a yes?" Grace cooed in my ear. When she'd risen, I didn't know, but somehow she was there at my side, joining her girls in giving me a standing, all-over massage. I looked into her eyes and then looked all around, finding nothing in any of their expressions save a profound excitement.

"Who's first?" I asked, giving them my answer.

"Me!" Grace said happily. "Seniority hath its privileges, you know," she said as she slipped gracefully back onto her back on the bed.

The other girls stuck out their tongues and gave her a loud Bronx cheer.

"Come here, Mikey...Mike," Grace cooed.

She pulled her knees up and let them fall to the surface to expose her sex more clearly to my sight. She drew a long finger along her slit, just barely inside her outer labia, and brought it to her mouth. She swallowed her finger and sucked the fluid off.

I climbed onto the air mattresses and scrambled between her legs. She didn't want any preliminaries. The talk of babies and being pregnant was all the foreplay she needed, which was fine with me. I was in a mood. Leaning on one arm, I took her left hand and put it on my cock.

"Guide me into you," I told the horny woman. "And I'll put it in deep and when I come, you're going to have TWO more baby girls for your husband to fuck," I said, getting into the spirit of the game that excited this family of women the most.

The flare igniting deep in Grace's eyes told me it was just the right thing to say. She wrapped her fingers around my shaft and guided me into her already sopping wet vagina. I drilled my cock inside the redheaded wench, deep and hard. When I bottomed out on the first stroke, Grace grunted appreciatively. Her legs rose in the air; she locked her ankles in the small of my back and began to flex her leg muscles, half-kicking at me to thrust even further inside her. I did what I could. At the end, I was more than a little convinced I'd driven the head of my cock inside the fiery woman's womb, though I knew that wasn't really possible.

When we came, it was almost violent. We were both fighting to aim my spurting semen into the place where she hoped a baby--or twin babies if my boast came true--would soon be growing. We finished, groaning our relief as we lay side by side. The sweat glistened on our hides, for truly, we were no more than animals for that time we sought to impregnate her.

The girls sponged us both off and then put on a performance for me. The boys, baby and toddler, were given blow jobs that put them both on cloud nine. The girls formed a four-sided daisy chain and ate each other's pussies.

When Courtney gave them a signal, each girl twisted around until she faced her sister on the opposite side. They inserted dildos inside each other and worked them in and out, making a froth of the sweet juices their pussies began dribbling onto the tent's floor.

Courtney moved in front of Gail to change up the sequence of girls and they began again. After a few more cycles of cunt lapping, the dildos gave way to vibrators with different power settings. The buzzing plastic penises soon had all four girls writhing in wanton unison on the floor.

When the lewd sights had their effect and my cock began to rise precipitously into the air, young Roxie, the twelve-year-old came to where I lay and stretched out beside me. I was going to have her ride my cock cowgirl style, but she wouldn't have any of that.

"I want you to take me like you took my mother," Roxie told me insistently. "I want a baby," she said firmly, "so just you do it right," she said. With the edge off my excitement, I thought I could control my thrusts, so I did as the child demanded.

Rolling atop her, not putting any of my weight on the slight girl, I let her place me at the entrance to her pussy and had her pull me inside her. She had no difficulty seating me, thanks to the dildos and vibrators shoved up her cunt by her sisters earlier.

In moments, I was plunging my cock as deep as Roxie could take it and the young girl was urging me on to even greater efforts with her heels digging into my back just where her mother had locked hers. In one of the few sane moments I had to myself that night, I wondered if I was going to have to have my kidneys looked at when this was over, but in truth, the women were just trying to keep my cock deep inside their cunts where they'd have the best chance of conceiving.

And so it continued the whole night long. I took each of the women at least twice, planting my semen deep inside their super-heated vaginas, doing every thing I could to soak the entrance to their wombs with little swimmers.

* * *

In the early morning, I sat with Grace near the open tent flaps, drinking a cup of hot chocolate.

"You think....?" I asked.

"I know I did," Grace replied quietly. "I always know when a man starts a baby inside me," she said.

"Ahhhhh," was all I could get out. I didn't know what to say.

"Bennett will be a good father to them," Grace said quietly.

"I'm sure he will," I said. "And your daughters?" Grace laughed.

"Roxie and Gail are pretty sure you're going to have more children by them," she said. "Jeannine isn't so certain, but she wasn't with her first baby either," Grace told me.

"So what happens if all four of you wind up pregnant at the same time?" I asked.

"Well, we move to another city and start out as a family with me just having had quadruplets," Grace said happily. "We'll have lots and lots of babies around."

"Yeah, but what about doctors and hospitals and stuff like that," I asked.

"Oh, I didn't tell you? My husband is an obstetrician," she said. "And he's being an obstetrician this weekend, oh by the way. Before we knew we'd be coming here, he took on some patients who would be due this week. Some of you guys get so silly about getting girls pregnant while the husband watches." She shrugged. "But he's always there nine months later--we've pretty much got everything covered, don't you think?"

I had to agree. I got up to go, but paused at the entrance to the tent.

"I never heard what this tent is called," I said.

Grace laughed. "It's called the 'Maternity Ward' of course," she said.

I barked a quick laugh and left them there to finish their sleep. Maternity ward indeed. I smiled all the way down to one of the shower stalls.

When I went back by the spot later that afternoon, the tent was gone. Having gotten what they wanted, the women had packed up and left for home.

* * *

I found myself much in demand through the rest of the three-day reunion. Latecomers heard of Valerie and me, and then my experiences in the 'Maternity Ward', I guess. They sought me out, just to see who I was.

I had, I discovered, something of a reputation. Part of it was my name and from whom I descended. Whatever the reason, several women and their daughters found ways to entice me into round-robin sex sessions.

By Monday afternoon, I was ready to just sit back and watch the children playing in the stream and on the makeshift playground equipment brought into the little park for this special occasion.

I wasn't done, it turned out. Charlotte's younger sister, Ruth--Charlotte's sister-in-law, LuAnn, and LuAnn's baby sister...already a mother at sixteen...found me relaxing beside a sun-warmed pool in the riverbed and introduced themselves to me in the special way this family had.

At one point, all three of them were lined up on the bank with their bottoms high in the air waiting on me to fuck all three of them one by one. I managed it, but the last girl in line only received a thin, milky-white surge from me.

That didn't bother her that much. My cock had stayed hard much longer than it took to get her off, and that was all that mattered to her.

They were nice enough to give me a communal shower later on, soaping me up with their own bodies and rinsing me off thoroughly.

They turned me loose just before I began to feel like a faithful pet with a cock that rose and fell in time with their ministrations.

I walked slowly back to the car to meet my daughters.

* * *

We went back to Meghan's that Monday evening and I slept the night through with Meghan on one side of me and Shannon on the other. Mandy, Lorrie, and I left for our home in the big city bright and early Tuesday morning.

Since Charlotte and her crew, with her brother and sisters, were planning a visit the next weekend, it didn't appear my sister's family would suffer much from our absence. We almost stayed. It would be a fine mini-reunion.

For my daughters and me, we'd had weeks of intense sexual pleasure and we loved it. On the other hand, we'd been weeks away from home. We wanted our own things around us once more...and we knew we'd be back, soon.

The drive back home was a far more comfortable experience than the trip out. We shared our experiences, each trying to top the other in describing our sexual escapades, and the miles zipped by.

My smartphone sang out a happy jingle notifying me I'd just received a message from someone. Riding shotgun at the moment, Mandy brought up the message.

"It's Aunt Tabitha," Mandy said, surprised.

Tabitha was my deceased wife's sister. I instantly felt guilty, because I hadn't visited my sister-in-law and her family any more recently than I had my own sister's. I was way behind on the family unity thing.

"What's she say?" I asked, guiding the SUV around a series of developing potholes.

"She says, 'Sorry we couldn't get to the Rendezvous', Mandy read. She stopped, understanding exactly what Tabitha had NOT said. "Then she says, 'Did you forget we had people on the Peterson wagon train too?'," Mandy reported.

"Nothing else?" I asked, just to be exercising my vocal chords.

"That's all."

The three of us let a mile or two go by while we thought.

I cleared my throat. "Well...they live in western Arizona...essentially, we'd have to go to New Mexico and hang a right."

I let it hang in the air without adding anything to the statement for or against. Me? I was thinking that having my own 'stuff' around me could wait for another little while. I'd already made certain I could do the few responsibilities I had left with the company I'd built by logging into the server out of my home office...or just my laptop set up in a hot spot.

"Do we need to stop for gas?" Lorrie inquired.

"Or go to an ATM for more cash?" Mandy asked.

"Half a tank of gas still in the tank," I reported. "...lots of cash in the billfold, credit cards out the ying yang, and there's lots a' ATM's 'tween here and Arizona," I added. I settled myself behind the wheel and tapped the cruise control button. Today was going to be a longer drive than we'd thought when we started out.

"Honey," I said, "why don't you tell Aunt Tabitha we're bringing the Rendezvous to her."



  • The Peterson Family Saga:
  • A Path Less Traveled
  • Theory Of Relativity, Parts I and II
  • Cousins & Sisters & Mothers, Oh My!

Author's Note. "Cousins & Sisters & Mothers, Oh My!" is the last story. The planned continuation of the series will not be posted.

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


Fantasic series.


Epic story. The only downsize was when I found Out you aren't gonna post the continuation. I hope that u change your mind

Old Sarge

GR8 stories! Well written, good prose, and adamn good plot...

Hi and by

These are the best stories I've read please don't stop

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