Published: 18-Jan-2013
Word Count:
A thirteenth birthday was supposed to be special, it was supposed to be the day when you metamorphosed from being a scrawny tween into a real teenager. For Chase it was just another number, for his reflection just beamed back the same pale underdeveloped boy that he was the night before. He was nothing special, he mused; he still had no hair around his dick or his balls and not even a hint of hair under his arms. He was, for all intents and purposes, still a boy. The only indication that he was even remotely near puberty was his ability to shoot real cum and not the clear dribble that most boys his age can barely manage.
His cock was a good size at three inches soft, and five inches hard, which was enough for him to get a good handful while he jerked himself to a spurting climax, which was often. He felt like he was in a permanent state of horniness and anything seemed to get his dick hard. It was often at the most inopportune times like when he was about to strip for gym and he'd have to painfully trap his cock in his waistband until it went down.
He got hard looking at himself in the mirror. He watched as his boyhood stretched and his blood inflated his cock to its full rigidity, peeking the cock-head out from its fleshy tube. His natural instinct was to grab the flesh tube jerk himself off to a blissful orgasm that spattered with mirror with flecks of white. He watched, satisfied as it dribbled down the glass. Eventually he grabbed a tissue and wiped away the evidence before showering, dressing and heading down to breakfast and taking a seat next to his younger sister.
"Oh hey. Happy Birthday." She smiled at Chase.
"Thanks," He said with a smile. "You working today?" "Thanks," He said with a smile. "You working today?"
"Afraid so," she pursed her lips. "I got you a present though." She beamed. "We're still struggling for money, but I think you'll like what I got you." She lifted up a small box from under the counter and placed it in front of him. "Go on, open it."
He pulled open the wrapping paper and extracted the box inside. It had a familiar red shield on it, and he instantly beamed as he quickly opened the box and the contents.
"Swiss Army Knife, Mom, it's amazing!" He said and gave his mom a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "It must have been so expensive."
"Don't ask." She winked and cleared away the rubbish. "I'm taking your sister down to Macey's while I'm at work, are you going out today?"
Chase nodded, "Spike wanted to see me about something, I'm meeting him at the old theatre."
"Oh Chase," He mom sighed. "I don't like you going over there, it's dangerous."
Chase pouted, "We're not going inside, it's just quiet there."
"You aren't doing drugs are you?" She said with concern.
"What? No, I don't go near that stuff." He made a disgusted face.
His mom nodded, happily placated. "Okay, wrap up warm, we're having more snow tonight."
Spike was a moron. He was a fifteen year old from one of the higher grades in school and he thought he was god's gift to women. In reality he was the sort of person you avoid because they have a habit of saying greeting you with 'dude' or calling everyone 'man' or possibly both. Chase spoke to him because he was the first person that had actually said two words to him when he moved to the area a few months ago.
He had called Chase a few days ago and said that he had a special gift to give to him now that he was a proper teenager. Chase was happy that he had been readily accepted by the older boy as it gave him certain privileges in school. No one messes with Chase or Spike will pound them into the New Year.
"Hey," A voice called to him from the end of the alley. "You Chase?"
"Uh yeah." He replied.
"This way then."
Chase followed the boy he recognised from school, but never really spoke to. He knew Spike though, they had seen them talking.
"In here." The boy said and held open a workman's store. Stepping inside he saw there wasn't much in there but a few broken tools an old lawnmower and Spike sitting on a crate.
"Hey dude," Spike smiled as he got up.
Chase smiled and waved at him as the other boy closed the door behind him. "Happy Birthday," The older boy said, "As I said last week, we have a present to give you."
"Cool," Chase grinned, wondering what they wold give him. Perhaps it was some weed, he had always been interested in what weed felt like to smoke.
He heard a click behind him and he turned to see the other boy holding a blade. He realised something was up, something not good. "What are you doing?" He asked with worry.
"Making sure you get your gifts." The boy said with a sneer.
Spike stepped up to him with a wicked grin on his face. "Take your gift." He told him.
"Take what?" He said looking for a way out. There was none.
"My cock, take out my cock and suck on it." Spike said, the smile going from his face.
Chase realised the ploy now. He had been played for the last few months and it was leading up to this. The friendship was fake and it was just to gain his trust to lead to this point.
"I'm not going to suck your cock, that's gay, I'm not gay." He objected.
"I don't give a shit if you are gay or not. You are going to suck me and then Billy there, or he'll chop your balls off and let you bleed to death." Spike spat at him.
"And I will, so get your lips around his cock faggot." Billy laughed as he waved the knife in front of Chase's face. "No way, you suck him off then, I'm not your bitch!" He almost shouted at the boy holding the blade. It was risky, but he called his bluff.
Billy seemed to recoil at his words and there was a moment of faltering as he was clearly working things over in his mind. He moved and Chase scrambled out of the way but he needn't have been worried. He wasn't Billy's target.
Billy dropped the blade and got down to his knees. He was opening Spike's pants and pulled his cock out. Spike just stood there in amazement at what Billy was doing. He had wrapped his lips around Spike's hard cock and was going at it like some crazed whore. "Shit, dude." Spike moaned as his body started to react to his friend sucking him off.
"Oh shit," Chase exclaimed and took the chance to pick up the dropped blade. He leaned in to watch the blow job happening up close. "Oh man, he really loves sucking cock." He laughed, suddenly all the threatening air had gone out the room.
Billy seemed to gain more gusto as he really started to go at Spike's cock who was getting more and more breathless until he grunted and tensed up firing his seed into Billy's throat. "Oh shit, oh shit," He panted.
Billy pulled off the softening cock and blinked. "Oh fuck," He said as he realised what he had done. "What did I just do?" "You blew me dude," Spike said his dick still dripping and hanging flaccid.
"Let me do it again," Billy said leaning forward.
"Whoa, give me a few minutes." Spike pushed his head away. "What's come over you?"
Billy looked surprised and guilty at the same time. "I don't know, but I just love sucking your dick, man."
Spike frowned at the other boy. "Dude that makes you a fag."
Billy immediately retorted, "No way, I'm not a fag." He looked quite disgusted at the thought. "He did it, he fucked with my mind, hypnosis or something. The freak" He glared at Chase. "I'm gonna fucking batter you."
He took three steps towards Chase before he ran out of the shed and pelted it all the way back home where he ran right up to his bedroom and jacked of furiously at the fresh memory at what had just happened.
After he had come down from a strong orgasm he lay flat on his bed, breathing heavily and thinking about what had happened. It was like everything he had wanted to happen, had happened; it was the perfect moment. He laughed into the air.
He grabbed himself some lunch as the snow started to fall outside in great big flakes and Christmas was just around the corner. It was never very festive at home as his mother always worked, but he liked to walk about the neighbourhood and the high street to look at all the lights. It would be really nice this year in the snow, like a postcard Christmas.
The next morning was a school day. He did his usual routine of getting up and checking for any new hairs, and all the usual routines before heading out to school. He wasn't driven to work, he walked as his school wasn't on his mom's route. His sisters was though so she went in the car while he had to put up with the snow, that already a foot deep and blowing in his eyes.
It was almost a relief to get to school as he was chilled through to the bone, but as he got into the school he found that the school was just as cold. The boiler had frozen and cracked overnight so there was no heating. It also seemed that half the teachers hadn't turned up due to the snow fall and all of the students who could get home safely were being sent home. This suited him, and he decided to turn around and head home, but fate had other things planned.
"Hey, freak." Came Billy's course voice as the teen's hand grabbed at his quilted jacket. "I want a word with you."
Before Chase could object he was dragged into a cupboard and pushed up against the wall. "What the fuck did you do to me?" "N-Nothing." He stammered.
"Until that day I was fine, but then..." He faltered. "I'm not a queer."
"Okay," He agreed, wanting this encounter to be over.
His expression softened and Chase could see the boy was desperate. "I don't think sucking Spike one time makes you a queer." Chase hoped it would keep the peace.
Billy scoffed. "Queers suck cock, Chase." He was no longer pushing Chase against the wall, but now stood in front of him, almost in tears.
"Look," Chase tried to make his voice sound empathetic. "So what, lots of people are queer." He shrugged. "It's just another type of person."
"It's always other people though, never me." Billy looked into his eyes, he was really worried.
Chase nodded compassionately, "I know, but I think being gay is more than just sucking a cock. You have to actually be attracted to the person and other boys too. If you are then you might be Bi and not exclusively gay. You like girls' right?"
"I don't know." He said through a breath.
This was one for the books.
"You like boys?" Chase inquired.
There was a pregnant pause before Billy spoke. "I like Spike."
Ah. Now Chase was realising his concerns. "You only sucked him off once."
Billy shook his head. "It's been five times. Ever since then, I had never even looked at a boy like that, tell me it wasn't you."
Chase's eyes bugged. "You sucked him off five times?"
"Shut the fuck up, Chase." Billy protested and looked about hoping none of the kids outside the cupboard heard their conversation. "You tell anyone about this and you are dead." He jabbed a finger at the smaller boy.
"I won't." He replied. He lied of course, he would divulge this gem of information to anyone worthy of listening. "Why tell me in the first place?"
Billy stopped and thought about this. He really didn't know why, the other boy was somehow easy to talk to. "I don't know, I just thought, since you were there you might be able to help."
"You fancy me too, don't you?" Chase grinned, trying to mock the older boy. He got a sadistic pleasure watching the boy squirm.
Billy's reaction wasn't what Chase had expected. The older boy instead nodded and Chase was stuck for what to say now.
"I am queer." Billy said with self-realisation, his head bowed sullenly.
"It's okay." Chase replied softly. "Be gay. You are respected enough in this school to be able to smack anyone down that dares speak against you."
He returned a nod. "You're right." He replied. "That way I might get more cock."
"Well," Chase braved. "There's a cock right here for you." He dipped his head indicating his own member. Billy's eyes went down and locked on his crotch. He watched as the boy licked his lips and went down onto his knees. He unbuttoned the smaller boy's pants and pulled out the smooth hairless and hardening cock. He looked at the boys cock for a moment as its cherry sized pink cock head emerged from its skin covering. He leaned in and gave it a swipe with his tongue, tasking his second cock. Deciding it was good enough, he slid the cock into his mouth and started sucking.
Chase was in heaven. Never before had he believed that having your cock sucked could have been so pleasurable. He was just getting into it when the cupboard door swung open and in stepped a science teacher who froze when he saw the two boys.
"What the..." Mr Plus stood there open mouthed. Billy pounced backwards off Chase's cock as he hurriedly tried to put it away, but it was still hard which made it difficult. "Chase, William." He looked at the two boys individually. "I'm going to get the principal." He turned to leave.
"Don't" Chase called to the man before he could step out the cupboard.
The teacher paused and turned slowly to face them. He nodded. "I won't, but what do you want me to do about it?" The teacher looked down his nose at him.
Chase had no idea, so he said the first thing that came to his mind. "Forget you ever saw us in here, and give us a free pass in science?"
The teacher nodded and left the cupboard, shutting them back in.
"We're screwed." Billy said, still on his knees. "But at least we're alone again." He turned to get at Chase's cock again.
"Woah." Chase sidestepped out the way. "We got caught, and you still want suck me off?"
Billy grinned his answer. "No," was Chase's reply. "Mr Plus is probably already on his way to the Principals office." Chase stepped away from the older boy and pulled open the door and looked about the corridor. "Looks like everyone has gone home." He stepped out into the quiet corridor.
They walked silently to the school doors when there was a clamping hand on their shoulders. "Boys." It was the principal. They were in trouble now.
"Mr Plus was lying!" Billy quickly spat out.
The Principal looked taken aback. "I've not spoken to him. What was he supposed to have accused you of?"
"Nothing, we've done nothing." Chase said. "We were just going home."
The man smiled and nodded. "Very well, get home before you get snowed in here!"
"Yes sir!" They chorused and left the building into what was quickly becoming a blizzard.
The town high street had a small café that was open, although not many people seemed willing to brave the snow to visit and they had an isolated cubicle all to themselves. Billy had brought Chase a hot chocolate as he had no money himself.
"Have you noticed that anything you suggest people actually do?" Billy said in between two slurps of his chocolate. Chase shrugged. "I don't think it's that. It's just coincidence."
"You told me to suck off Spike, and I did. You told me I love cock and I remember suddenly loving it more. You said I might be gay, and I believe you; and Mr Plus did exactly what you suggested, Principal Ericson too. You can't say all that is coincidence."
"Isolated instances, you can't make people do anything." Chase said as he warmed his hands on the hot waxed cup.
"Okay," Billy grinned. "We'll test it." He put his cup down. "Do exactly what I do after me."
Without waiting for Chase to respond he got up and strolled over to the counter where a woman in her early twenties was cleaning the surface. "Show him your tits!" he said to the woman.
She gave him a disgusted look. "Get lost you pervs."
Chase was glowing red with embarrassment as he came back. "Now you go ask."
"Don't be silly, she'll not..."
"Just go wuss."
"I'm not a wuss."
"Prove it!"
"I will."
"Do it then."
"I am!"
Chase got up sharply and stepped over to the woman at the counter and looked at him impatiently.
"Umm..." He said through blushed cheeks. "Can you show my friend, um, your boobs." He prepared himself for the rebuke or slap he was no doubt about to receive. Instead the woman lifted her top and her bra-clad breasts were on display to both boys in the café.
"Holy shit!" Billy laughed. "See it's true." He shook his head in disbelief. "Ask her for something else."
Chase was confused, had he actually made her do that. She seemed pretty pissed when Billy asked her. "Take off your bra and throw it in the sink." Chase said, not expecting her to fall for it again.
Sure enough the woman causally unfastened her bra and flung it in the sink. Chase's eyes went wide, not at the woman's bare chest, but at the possibility of the whole thing. He suddenly realised that if this was true he could influence anyone to do anything. It also meant that what he had told Billy to do was a result of his own suggestions.
Chase ran his hands through his hair. His mind was suitable blown and he staggered back to their little cubicle. "You made me love cock didn't you?" Billy said flatly to him.
Chase nodded. "You want me to undo it?" He wasn't sure if he could, but it was worth a try.
"Hell no," Came Billy's reply. "I don't ever want to not love it. But since you made me love it you have to help me."
"What do you mean?" He said with suspicion.
"Well you also made me fancy you, you can undo that for starters, as I know you don't fancy me." Billy pursed his lips.
"Just forget I even mentioned it." Chase grinned.
"Mentioned what?"
"That you fancied me."
Panic came over Billy's face. "How did you guess?"
Chase mentally slapped himself. He really needed to be careful, but this new epiphany was interesting. He could make people forget something just by telling them to.
"Just forget it." Chase told him. "Let's just go home, it's been a long day." The both got up from the table, but as they were about to leave he had a devious idea. "Oh Billy," He said and the boy looked over at him. "Tonight, shave off all your pubes and never wear underwear again. Meet you here after school tomorrow, or if there is no school, at ten."
Billy nodded as they left the café and went their separate ways.
He woke up with a raging erection that was so hard it nearly hurt. He stretched, climbed out of bed and admired his cock in the mirror. He placed his hands behind his back and pushed his groin out. It really looked sexy today. Despite being horny as hell, he decided to wait, as he was enjoying the feeling too much.
He was thirsty. He walked out of his room and down the stairs into the kitchen. He could hear his mother on the phone in the other room talking to someone. He poured himself a juice from the fridge and downed it in one gulp. His mother said goodbye to whoever was on the phone and walked back into the kitchen. "Chase is that you, that was... oh my word!" He stopped mid-sentence as she saw Chase butt naked in her kitchen with his penis sticking straight out from his body. "Are you okay?" She asked him.
"Yeah, why?"
"You aren't missing anything are you?" She nodded down at his groin.
Chase frowned, "No why?"
"Normal people put clothes on before coming down stairs." She told him.
He paused and thought. They do. He frowned. "But it feels normal." He mused. It felt more than normal, it felt exciting and erotic, but he didn't understand why. He just knew that it felt nice so this is what he should do. His mother stepped over to him with a concerned frown on her face. She grabbed his chin and turned his face to her. "Look at me."
He looked at her and she peered into his eyes.
"You've been compromised." She said and stepped back. "Have you been making people do things?" She asked. "By just asking them?"
He looked at her with worry and nodded.
Her hand covered her mouth and she sat down with worry over her face.
"What's wrong?" He asked quizzically.
She swallowed a lump in her throat. "It's happening again."
He waited for her to speak again. "Nothing, just..." She lost her words. "Just go put some clothes on." He nodded and walked out the room.
"School has been cancelled until a plough can clear the road." She said to him as he headed to the stairs. "I'm going to be out all day today so don't get up to too much mischief and your sister will be staying over at Macey's for a few days."
"Okay." He replied from the stairs. He sat on his bed as he heard his mother leave the house. He suddenly realised that his mother knew that he'd been making people do things, and she had reacted as if she had been expecting it. Why had he just walked away? Could she influence people as well? He had walked away when she asked him to, but she told him to get dressed, but here he was, still naked on the bed defying her and throughout the entire conversation he had remained hard as a rock.
He stood in front of his mirror again and flexed his dick and watched it bounce. He liked the way he could get it to slap against his belly and watch it bounce off. He also like the sensation it made in his ass as he clenched the muscle there. He had never associated that part of his body with pleasure before and it was normally something that he thought was icky. Now though it felt quite erotic.
He reached behind his balls and rubbed a finger against the crinkly skin and he was amazed at the pleasure he felt from just a simple touch. He could actually feel his dick pulse and a little bead of precum oozed out like it did when he got really horny and had been edging himself for a while. But this was instant.
He pressed his finger harder into the puckered ring and the feelings increased just as his finger popped inside his ass. He felt so dirty, yet so aroused that he swished his finger about until he felt a lump inside him and he pressed it. He ejaculated so hard that he heard it hit the mirror and it was quickly followed by four more pumps of his seed hitting the glass.
He pulled his finger out his ass with amazement. He had never realised that his ass could make him feel to horny that he could shoot without even touching his dick. He still felt horny though and his dick was still hard. He looked at the cum dribbling down the mirror and wondered what it tasted like. After all lots of women in porno eat it. Lots of men in gay porno also do, so it must be harmless and considered sexy. It did look really sexy and it came from a dick, a sexy dick that came from him. He leaned forward and dragged his tongue along the mirror, collecting the white sticky substance on his tongue and took it into his mouth.
It was slightly salty, but not overly so. It had a strange texture, like when you have a cold and you have lots of mucus in your mouth. He swallowed his own semen and felt it catch the back of his throat. It was a strange feeling that he liked. He felt empowered that he had tasted semen. He looked at his cock and rubbed of the last few drops with his thumb and licked it clean.
Chase was dressed and sitting in the café cubicle. He followed his own advice he gave Billy and not work underwear. It had made his unending erection quite blatant as it tented out his pants, but he didn't care. He wanted people to see his erection, he wanted people to see that he had a reason to be horny.
The café clicked open and Billy walked in. He quickly sat down on the opposite side of the cubicle to Chase. "Hey, you ordered anything?" He said to Chase.
"Not yet." He replied. "I want to talk to you first."
"Oh sure." Billy said scratching at his crotch. "What about?"
"I am your master, you are my slave." He said with devilish thoughts about what he could make him do. "You will never mention our activities to another person, ever."
"No never, Master." Billy nodded duly.
"Don't call me master unless we are alone." He glanced about. There was some other people on the far side of the Café eating breakfast, but otherwise it was clear. "When you are naked you call me Sir. Otherwise you call me Chase."
"Of course, Chase." Billy nodded.
Just then the café door opened again and a boy walked up to the counter and brought a coke. As he paid the lady he smiled at them as he headed back out the door.
"Hey, kid. I know you from school, where are you off to?" Chase waved a hand at him.
"Oh, me and my friends and going to catch the morning movie at the palace." He said pointing outside the café. They are heading inside now, but the prices are much cheaper for soda here."
"Skip the movie, you want to sit next to me." Chase instructed.
"Yeah," the kid said as he stepped over to the table and sat down next to Chase.
"What's your name?" Chase asked.
"Chris Stephens." He answered.
"How old are you Chris?"
The kid was cute with his short black hair and dimples. Chase had this urge to violate the kid, but his common sense told him that not here, not now.
Be discreet. "We're going to be best friends." He smiled at the kid who just beamed back. "Do you jerk off at home?"
The boy nodded.
"Good, then drink your soda and look normal, but with your right hand reach inside my pants and jerk me off." He ordered.
The boy cracked open the soda and started to drink. With his right hand he reached down and found that Chase's pants were already open and he snaked his hands in and found the boy flesh. The boy's hand started to massage the cock right there under the table in the café. It was incredibly erotic knowing that there was a couple just over the other side of the room finishing up their own breakfast as a nine year old boy was jerking off a thirteen year old boy right across from them.
It didn't take long for Chase to cum and he grunted into the table firing his load all over Chris' hand.
"Gather it all up on your hand." He instructed, "Then lick it off your fingers, it tastes good."
Sure enough the boy withdrew his cum covered fingers and licked them clean. It was so hot that Chase never even got a chance to go soft before he was aroused again. It wasn't enough, he needed more sex and he didn't think he was going to get it in a café.
"Billy, do you have internet access at home?" Chase asked him.
"Yes Chase." He replied.
"Good then I want you to research ass fucking tonight. While you are at it, I want you to stick something up your ass and take pictures of it on your phone and email them to me." He wrote down his email address on a napkin and gave it to Billy. "Now go and find Spike and suck him off as many times as he wants."
Billy nodded.
"Oh and before you go." Chase said as Billy was about to get up. "Anything that Chris wants you to do, you have to do it, as if you was obeying me."
"Yes Chase."
"Okay off you go."
Billy stood up and left the café leaving just Chris and Chase sat next to each other.
"He really has to do whatever I ask him to do?" Chris asked with a grin.
"Yeah, it's cool isn't it?" Chase grinned and rubbed the boy's cheek. He really was a pretty boy.
"What are you doing?" Chris asked eyeing up the hand rubbing on his cheek.
"I'm rubbing your cheek as I think you are very pretty." Chase smiled at the boy. He was starting to care less
about what he said as a simple command could fix any error.
"Boy's aren't pretty, they can be handsome or..."
"You are pretty." He told Chris.
"Yes, I am pretty." Chris replied and smiled back.
"Come on." He pushed the boy, indicating he needed to get out of the booth.
The got out of the booth and left the café, heading down the street away from the direction of the movie theatre.
"So, Chris," Chase started the conversation. "Have you ever seen another penis before?"
"I've seen my dad's before and some of the other boys at Scout camp." He replied walking alongside him.
"Scouts?" Chase asked, intrigued.
Chris nodded. "Adventure Scouts, every Tuesday nights, my dad is the leader there."
Chase nodded. "What ages go there?"
"There some boys there that are eight, and I think the older ones are fifteen, but not many of them. There are only eight boys there in all." He explained.
"That sounds cool, so you guys do activities and go camping and stuff?"
Chris nodded, "Yeah we sometimes go on trips in tents."
They had left the town centre and walked across a small industrial area before they entered an area of woodland. The snow on the floor made it eerily quiet. They spoke about the scouts while they walked deeper into the woods.
When they were sure they were out of sight Chase changed the subject. "Chris, hold my hand as we walk."
"Why?" He asked frowning.
"Because you are my boyfriend, it's what people in love do. We are in love." He explained.
"Oh okay." He replied as he curled his fingers around Chase's and they walked for a bit more.
"Do you think I'd be able to get into your scout troop?" He asked finally.
Chris pondered on this for a moment and then said, "Yes. There can only be eight boys, but one of them is leaving so you can be the eighth." That suited Chase.
They had walked into a group of evergreen trees and there wasn't much snow on the ground. It was time for Chase to do something he had never really had the chance to do.
"Face me and drop your pants and underwear." He told Chris.
The boy did exactly as he was told and now he could get a real good look at a boy without the fear of being spotted and ridiculed. He knelt down on the frozen forest floor and looked at the little dick on the boy. It was barely over an inch long and his balls were drawn right up in the cold weather.
"It's cold." Chris complained.
Chase opened his mouth wide and breathed warm air onto the boys cock and balls. He heard Chris laugh and made Chase smile. He reached up and peeled back the boys' foreskin and saw a shiny red head like his own, but much smaller. "Turn around and bend over, I want to look at your hole."
The younger boy turned around and bent over at the waist. His cheeks parted a little bit and Chase's hand pulled them apart the rest of the way. He had never seen anyone else asshole. He had never even seen his own and he had expected it to be dark and dirty, but this looked clean and soft. He blew on it and he watched it wink at him. He then poked his finger at the pucker and Chris winced saying it was too cold. It would take too long to warm his finger up so he did something else instead, something that was always going to be warm.
He pressed his tongue against the hole. Immediately he decided it was way hotter than using a finger. He could feel the heat from the boy warming his face and he just wanted to be closer to the boy. He felt a strong sexual urge and he started to lick at the hole and along the boys crease. The little kid started to coo and whinny in pleasure. He wondered if he could get his tongue inside like he had done with his finger in his own ass earlier in the day.
He started to press his tongue against the hole, but found it too restrictive so he tried to soften it up by spitting gobs of saliva onto the hole and massaging it in with his tongue. Eventually he felt his tongue sliding into the boy and he found the taste of the boy going from slight saltiness to a hint of earthiness. It wasn't unpleasant, it was in fact quite erotic as he flapped his tongue about inside the kids chute.
He heard a tapping sound and realised the kid was jerking off over the feeling of having his ass tongue-drilled. Reaching down he rubbed at his own clothed crotch and realised how turned on he was. He quickly climaxed through his pants before he could even pull his cock out as creamed his own pants. He felt the puckered ring clamp down on his tongue as Chris had how own orgasm. He could see the boy's whole body tense up and shake.
Not being able to support his weight while he was in orgasm, Chris fell to the floor, pulling the older boy's tongue from his ass. As he fell his phone clattered to the floor next to him.
"You okay?" Chase said grabbing the phone.
"Yeah, that was awesome what you did to my ass." He said with wonder from the floor. "It was much better than just jacking off alone." Chase grinned, he hadn't even made the kid say that. The kid was a keeper.
He flipped open Chris' phone and memorised his number. He didn't have his own phone, but maybe he could use his new skills to get himself one. He then used the camera to take some sexy photos of the boy on the ground with his pants around his ankles before he decided they were both getting too cold to continue and he pulled the boy up from the floor.
"Will your mom let you stay over at mine tonight?" Chase asked with a wonderful thought forming.
"No," Chris replied genuinely. "She doesn't know you and isn't going to let me stay at someone's house she doesn't know." He saw Chase's disappointment. "But if you join Scouts maybe she'll think about it for later."
Chase nodded, it was a fair enough statement and the kid was too young to get him to stand up to his mother ad he didn't want to turn the boy into a rebellious kid by having him defy his mother to go and sleep at a complete strangers house. Even Chase could see the logic in that. "You ever kissed another boy?" Chase asked him. He shook his head. "Kiss me, then. Like lovers do."
The smaller boy stepped up to Chase and parted his lips ever so slightly before leaning up and pressing them against Chase's. Chase returned the kiss by sticking his tongue into the boys mouth and licking along the boys own tongue. It was electric and so hot to actually kiss another boy.
The kissed for a bit longer until Chris ran out of breath and pulled away. "Wow, that was cool." Chris said again without Chase prompting him to.
They had kissed a few more times before they went their separate ways. Chase had a few things he needed to buy before he went home, well okay not 'buy' but more persuade the shop assistant to hand over the goods for free.
When he returned home he found his mother was there waiting for him. She gave him a warm hug and directed him into the kitchen where another man sat. This man looked official.
"Hello Chase." He said pushing his glasses onto further up his nose then offered the hand to shake. He shook the man's hand with worry. "Hi, who are you?"
"I'm Doctor Mason. Your mother asked me to just take a look at you and make sure you are okay." He said quietly and confidently.
"But I'm fine." He said worriedly and looked at his mother. "Mom, I'm fine."
"Then you won't mind if I take a look at you." Doctor Mason smiled warmly.
Chase nodded. "What do I have to do?"
The doctor shook his head. "Nothing, I just want to take a look into your eyes." He leaned in with a little instrument and shone it into his eyes. It took a moment of him peeing inside each eye before he leaned back and took a satisfied breath.
"Do you see it?" His mother said the doctor. "It was all over the back of his eyes, you could see it without your scope."
He nodded. "I see it, but it is very irregular." He handed the ophthalmoscope to his mother who peered inside it.
"It's different. Its smaller and less rounded." She commented with some scepticism.
Doctor Mason smiled and nodded. "It's a testament to how strong our boy is."
"What does it mean?" She asked. "He's going to be okay?"
Chase looked at his mother and then back at the doctor as he spoke.
"Well as usual, there is good news and bad news." There was a pregnant pause. "Good news is that his own Hyperborean genetics are fighting back and stopping the invasive Tele-personality Projection."
"What's the bad news?" Chase now asked.
"The ITP gets to work instantly changing the personality of the subject. A well packaged ITP can implant thoughts, desires and even self-terminate." He said.
"I don't want to die!" Chase swallowed a lump.
"You won't, at least from this. Your own native Hyperborean personality is destroying the ITP, but who knows what damage it has done. Although we do know what it 'could' have done."
"Which is?" prompted Chase.
"Well..." The doctor looked over at his mother.
She was relieved, but worried about how much of the Invasive Tele-personality Projection he had assimilated, but he needed to know why it was important. "Your father was hit by the same ITP, and we believe from the same person."
"It's his signature, hiding the ITP in the retinal cones where the body least expects it." Doctor Mason explained. "We don't know what this person looks like as it could have been anyone that has looked at you. We have been searching for him for a long long time."
"What happened to my father?" Chase asked. "Was he like me?"
"Worse," His mother said, "He didn't have the ability to fight back. He..." She choked on her tears.
"He went on a rampage, raping and killing many people; women, men, children." Doctor Mason took over. "He needed more and more sexual release until he died."
"Just like that?"
Both his mother and the Doctor looked uncomfortable. "It really was too much for him. You have to remember that before he was hit with the ITP he was a strong hyperborean, very powerful but you are the strongest we have ever seen, to fight off an ITP of that magnitude and not go crazy." "Sooo..." He assimilated the information. "What's a Hyperborean?"
"Us." He indicated to all three of them. "We are Hyperborean, we are a race of people who keep quiet about their ability to telepathically project a suggestion into a person's mind. There are few of us in left in the world but we keep in touch."
They talked at length some more about his father and the history of his people. It seemed they had a long history of successful businessmen that people seemed to just trust. His mother wasn't a particularly good projector, but she was a keeper of a potentially strong projector, her son. When he finally got upstairs he dropped one of the packages he got from the high street onto his bed. It was a phone; he was finally in the technological age.
He turned it on, get it set up and put it on charge for the night before climbing into bed.
He woke up the next day feeling quite rested and resolved. He jumped out of bed and peered out his window and grinned widely as he saw a fresh layer of snow had fallen overnight. No school today then.
He stopped by his mirror and looked at himself again. He still had an ever present hard on that just would not quit. He remembered the fun he had had with his ass the last time he looked in his mirror. This time he got on his back and started to push his finger into his ass. After a bit of manoeuvring he got his finger up to the second knuckle and he tried slipping in another, it was a bit tighter but he managed to slip the finger in alongside his other. With his other hand he jacked his cock off and closed his eyes to savour the sensations.
He spend a few minutes fingering his own ass as he felt his climax approaching and then he opened his eyes and nearly had a heart attack. His sister was stood right by his ass. She had seen everything and especially his two fingers up his own ass. She was looking inquisitively at him as he worked. He jumped up frustrated that he had a climax interrupted and was scared that his sister had come into his room silently and watched him. She was also buck naked.
"What were you doing, Chase?" She asked innocently.
"Nothing, go away, it was private." He said angrily and she marched away leaving Chase feeling humiliated and frustrated that he had been so far to the edge of cumming and had it ripped away from him.
He jumped in the shower and washed himself, but couldn't find the need to jerk himself off, despite him still being hard. When dried and dressed he grabbed his new phone before practically running out the house. He barely heard his mother calling for him and he crunched across the fresh snow and out down the street.
He headed towards his school for lack of a better place to go. It was near the high street anyway so they could always go for their usual morning café break. He grabbed his phone and punched in Chris's number he memorised yesterday.
"Chris Stephans." Came the answer on the phone.
"Hey sexy, come down to the café." He smiled into the phone.
"I can't, I might be able to later." He replied. "But my dad want's to meet you."
He suddenly felt very defensive. "About what?" Also his suggestion didn't work, but from what the doctor had said, eye contact had to be made for it to work.
"He wants to talk to you about Adventure Scouts, you're still coming tonight right?"
He had forgotten about that. "Oh yeah, I'm looking forward to it. When does you dad want to meet me?"
"Whenever you are free." He said.
"Okay, how about ten this morning, just tell me where."
"My house. Seven Wishburne Avenue, you know it?"
"Yeah!" He said surprised, it's only a few streets from mine."
"Great, see you at ten. Love ya!"
"Ten, yeah. Love you too." He said into the phone as Chris hung up. He had actually said 'Love ya.' It appeared that his suggestion had longer term benefits. Maybe he could do this ITP thing that the doctor was talking about too.
"How sweet, the little freak's in love."
Chase turned and saw Spike right there with Billy in tow. "Oh it's you." He said to Spike.
"You've really done a number on him." Spike said with hate. "You've fucked up my real friend and turned him into a faggot. I should beat the shit out of you."
"You won't though." He projected.
"No. I won't" Spike replied.
"But you will by me and Billy some drinks at the café. Come on." He turned and walked towards the café and they sat in their usual seats after Spike brought them, hot chocolates. Spike was blocked in by Billy while Chase sat in his former spot on his own.
Chase realised he didn't look at his emails, but his phone could do it for him. Bringing up his emails he saw an email with a number of images in. Sure enough as he opened them he saw Billy in numerous poses with a sharpie pen stuck up his ass. It was insurance, just in case things went wrong.
"Spike." He started another phase of corrupting these boys. "You, like Billy will become my personal slave. You will do anything you can to please me." He projected and saw Spike nod. Then he added something else so spice things up a bit. "You also love to drink piss, especially straight from the cock." He smiled at his own evil ideas. At least he wasn't raping them or murdering them.
"Billy," He projected at the other boy. "Where privacy and ease of access permits, you let Spike drink your piss." He adjusted his own dick as it was pressing hard against his pants. "Now tell me what you learned about anal sex."
Billy recounted various ways to have anal sex and how one should prepare the ass for fucking. Chase found himself getting turned on about stuffing objects into his ass, especially rubber dicks and things he could have up there without the need for someone to be dicking you. He pushed his mind back to the task at hand. "Okay them both of you must go and buy some lube, KY or something and keep your ass as lubed up as possible at all times because you two are hooked on fucking each other up the ass. You are also deeply in love and you hold hands everywhere you go together, you are both gay, but the slave deal still stands."
They both nodded as they held hands under the table. "You also are to take video of you fucking each other and deliver them to me. Now kiss your boyfriend passionately."
He watched as they both leaned in to each to each other and kissed like two hot lovers should. Chase pulled out his phone and snapped a few pictures of them, for insurance.
He would have loved to make one of them get under the table and suck him off, or each other, but he didn't want to risk it. Their kissing had already drawn the attention of a few other diners and to press further would be dangerous.
"Okay you two. Give me your phone numbers then go do what lovers do together." He said and they exchanged numbers, drank their drinks and left the café.
It was nearly ten and Chase was walking up the drive of number seven. He was just about tap on the door when it swung open energetically and there stood Chris as radiant as ever. "Hey sexy!" Chase greeted him.
"Shhh!" Chris grinned and held his finger to his lips. "My parents aren't to know." He stepped aside for Chase to enter.
The house was modest and warm. He went inside and Chris took his coat off him and hung it up. He really was the gentleman.
"Dad, Chase is here!" Chris called in to the house.
"Oh, okay." He heard footsteps coming down the stairs and a man in his forties held his hand out. "Great to meet you sport!" He shook the hand. "Good grip, so many flimsy boys out there."
He motioned for Chase to go into the living area where there was a great bit plasma TV and ample sofa space. He found a sofa and sat down opposite Mr Stephens. Chris came and sat own right next to Chase, his legs touching Chase's.
"Chris says you have expressed an interest in joining the Adventure Scouts."
"Yes sir."
"Why do you think you would make a good adventure scout?" He asked, sitting back in his seat and waited for the answer that would decide his fate.
"Because you think I'm resourceful," He projected, "skilful and not to mention sexy as hell for a boy. You would love me in the Adventure Scouts as I would have so much to teach the boys about being boys that I would be invaluable to the troop."
"Excellent response." He mused. "I don't think I need to hear any more. I would like to welcome you into the troop." He stood up and offered his hand to shake again. Chase stood and returned the shake.
"Also you think your son and I being lovers is truly a wonderful thing and you encourage us to be together sexually." He projected quietly.
"Oh it's wonderful. Look at you two." He beamed at his son and Chase. "You two are probably having lot of sex, if not..." He chuckled. "You should be."
"Should be what dear?" A feminine voice came from the living room doorway.
"Sex dear, Chris and Chase should be doing the dirty with each other by now."
"Jerry!" She said utterly disgusted at her husband.
"Oh it's fine Mrs Stephens." Chase said to her.
"Yes," She nodded, her expression changing to acceptance. "It is fine."
He turned to Chris. "Anyone else in the house?" He asked hoping that there would be no more surprises.
"No," he said. "Just me, mom and dad."
Chase smiled. "Mrs Stephens," He called and she looked over at him. "You think it's adorable that me and Chris have sex."
"Oh I do." She smiled over at him.
"Go into town and buy Chris some really slutty girls clothes while Mr Stephen's you go into the sex store and get some gay porn movies, butt plugs, dildo's and other stuff that adults use that boys don't know about as well as a nice expensive HD camera and lots of storage."
And Mr and Mrs Stephens left the house to go and do their 'chores' leaving Chris and Chase alone in the house on their own for a few hours. When they returned they entered the house and found both boys lying on the sofa naked and entangled in each other, lips locked and kissing each other deeply, they parted when they entered the living room. They cooed and sighed at the two lovebirds making out on the sofa. "Mrs Stephens, you want to go upstairs and leave us men alone to do whatever is it we want to do until we leave or come get you." Chase projected to her.
"I'll leave you boys to it." He beamed. "Just come and get me, if you need to." She disappeared up the stairs.
"Mr Stephens, take your clothes off and sit with us." Chase told him as he grabbed the bags and started to rifle through the contents and lay them out on the floor. He went through the clothing bag first.
"Chris, you are a real slut and will feel really sexy in these." He chuckled.
"I know, it makes me a hard to imagine it. Oh that's nice." Chris said as he spied a blue short skirt.
"Put them on." He said indicating to the clothes.
Chris grabbed at the various clothing and tried to figure out how they go on. A few moments later he was wearing the short blue skirt over blue mesh stockings and on top he was wearing a plaid shirt that was tied in a knot rather than buttoned up.
"Don't you think your son looks so sexy in that outfit?" He asked Mr Stephens.
"Yes, very much so." His dad said as his dick started to grow. It was a good sized one and about nine inches long when had got to full size. There was an ugly bush on his crotch that Chase made a mental note to get him to remove it.
Chase grabbed he second bag and emptied it into the floor. It was filled with items from the sex shop. He watched as various items he hadn't even imagined flopped and bounced onto the floor. Dildo's, butt plugs and beads all joined together on a string together with a bundle of DVD's and bottles of stuff.
"Chris, I need your help, massage some of this lube into my ass hole." He passed the boy dressed in girls clothes the bottle. Chris squirted some of the lube onto his fingers and as Chase leaned back his friends hands started to rub at his hole. It was way nicer to have someone else rubbing your hole than trying to bend over and do it yourself.
"Okay now push in your finger gently." He said after about ten minutes.
He felt one of Chris's fingers slide into him. He was expecting it to hurt, but it just slid all the way in.
"Stick another finger in." Chase said to his little boyfriend.
He slid in another finger and relished in the feeling of having his hole toyed with. It was so much easier with this lube stuff. "Oh yeah, stick another finger in."
This time the third finger was a bit more uncomfortable, but a few moments later he was feeling much better and it was starting to be enjoyable. "Push them around a bit, like they are fucking me."
Chris started pushing in and out and Chase winced.
"You need more lube inside you." Mr Stephens said, "Here look." He took the bottle and squirted a good dose inside Chase's ass. "Now Chris work those fingers in more." He was getting into the mood. "That's it, he's open wide enough to take a cock now."
He considered Chris's cock, but it was too small, not after three fingers. "Mr Stephens, put yours in me."
The man pulled out his son's fingers and lined up his cock to Chase's hole and slid it in before it had a chance to close properly. "Whoa, argh." He winced as the cock was slightly bigger than the three boy's fingers. He had a cock inside him, a real man sized cock. It was so hot. "Fuck me Mr Stephens, fuck my ass and cum in me."
The man started to fuck him slowly at first so he could get used to the cock, but eventually increased his tempo, fucking the boy properly with his whole dick sliding in and out of the thirteen year old. About fifteen minutes later the man grunted and fired his load into the boy. Chase felt his insides being splashed with mancum.
"Chris," He projected. "Come and suck on my freshly fucked ass."
The nine year old got down low and started to suck on the asshole. He heard the sucking of flesh turn into the slurping of liquid as he realised he was sucking on the cum of his own dad that was leaking out his ass.
"Mr Stephens, go and suck your sons ass, get it nice and wet."
Mr Stephens was soon slurping on his son's ass from under his skirt while Chris had finished sucking what he could from Chase's ass. Chase looked at across his stomach at him, his dads cum on his chin and lips. He looked simply perfect as his face was frame by Chase's hard cock that he had to reach and take a picture with his phone so he could remember it by later.
He got up and leaned in and kissed Chris on the lips tasting the cum that had been fired deep inside him barely minutes ago. "Your dad is going to fuck your ass every day from today because you need it, my little slut, and you love the taste of cum. You can't get enough." He kissed him again. "But you are still my boyfriend."
He looked over at Mr Stephens and projected a suggestion "You will fuck your son in the ass every day, with lots of lube so you don't hurt him, and using the camera I want you do document the process." He nodded to himself. "And buy a safe to store the video's in, giving me the spare key for it. While you are at it, give me a spare key for the house."
Throughout the afternoon the three indulged in all sorts of sex. Chase got fucked again and he watched Chris get fucked for the first time. It looked painful for the boy, but it seemed to vanish when Chase remembered from science class that pain was just it he head and he had told Chris that there was no pain. Chris had started to enjoy it then. He had also fired a few shots of cum himself onto his little boyfriend's face and hair and watched it dribble down his plaid shirt. Chase had actually had so much sex that day that he finally saw his erection subside.
He had to go home eventually and freshen up, but before he went he made sure that Chris didn't get changed or washed before he went to Adventure Scouts, he wanted the boy to smell and look like he'd been having sex.
As usual Chase's mom wasn't home so he changed, had a bit to eat and headed back to Chris's house in time for them to head to Scouts. As he went into the house his mom was in the kitchen tidying. "I hear you boys had fun this afternoon." She smiled at him. "Yeah." Chase nodded and smiled back. "You support it though."
"Oh yes, I do support male bonding, in all its forms." She smiled as Mr Stephens walked in.
"Ah Chase, just in time." He grabbed his car keys form a hook as Chris bounded over to him.
"Hey sexy." Chase pecked him on the lips, the smell of sex still on them. "You smell nice." He commented and reached up under his skirt and fondled his little dick.
"Come on boys, in the car." Mr Stephens said.
They got to the scout hut first, which was good as Chase didn't want any of the parents dropping off their kids to see the scummy boy in drag. He told Chris to wait in the boy's bathroom until he was called.
Eventually all the parents had gone and Mr Stephens called a pack meeting and all the scouts gathered at the front of the hut. "Okay boys we have a new member today and he is going to tell us a bit about himself." Mr Stephens addressed the seven boys. Chase stepped up onto the podium. "My name is Chase, and anything that goes on inside these walls must never, ever be revealed to a non-Adventure Scout. This goes to parents and brothers sisters, anyone that is not in this room now." He projected his mind out to everyone in the room. He needed a test though.
"Everyone put your hands on your dick."
Everyone scout put his hand on his dick as asked. He had them.
"Right, from now on, when your parents have left, you are to strip naked." He said and they nodded variously and agreed. "Now all of you strip and place your clothes neatly on the shelf over there." He pointed to a side board at the side of the room.
"Mr Stephens, go and fetch Chris." He told the leader as he went to fetch his son.
A few moments later the boys were all assembled in front of him, naked as the day they were born and Chris was stood by his side. He smiled at him and held his hand.
"Chris here," He pointed his free hand at his boyfriend. "He is my boyfriend and is very special to me." Chris smiled proudly. "I want the boys who can shoot sperm to come to the front."
Three boys came up to the front.
"Okay." He saw they all had pubic hair. He hated hair. "Mr Stephens, next week we show these boys how to remove their pubic hair." Chase took Chris by the hand and walked him down to the boys. He instructed the boy to get down on his knees and tilt his head back. He was going to get a wonderful gift.
"You three boys," he told the three that had come forward. "You are to masturbate and cum across Chris's face."
That left three other boys. Each of them had skin as smooth as silk, but the oldest there had a nice sized hard-on. He ordered the boy next to him to start sucking on the hard dick, which left one kid, the youngest and also the smallest dick. He stepped over to him.
"You are Mr Stephens lover and you want to please him by doing anything he says." He told the boy, then steered him over to Mr Stephens. "While you are both at scouts this boy is your bitch, you use him for sex and chores. He is prettier than any woman."
The man nodded and smiled at the boy, who returned the smile and he hugged the man.
He heard grunting and saw the three boys had finished cumming over Chris. His face was streaked with pearly white goo that made Chase excited that he reached over and pushed the slime about making sure it got everywhere. He then leaned in and kissed the boy deeply, tasting the cum that was plastered over his lips. He was so turned on.
All four boys were in Chris's bed, naked and entangled. Chris woke first and felt that desperate need to pee. He reached over and shook Spike who grunted groggily into consciousness. Chris stuck his dick in the older boy's mouth and let loose a stream of urine, sighing with pleasure as he emptied his bladder.
Chase then woke up and stretched. He grinned at his lover relieving himself in Spike's eager mouth and he leaned over and kissed the boy on the lips, tonguing the orifice passionately with his tongue. He tasted of last night's sex. He then peed into Spike's mouth after Chris had finished and climbed out of bed.
When Billy woke up he also peed into Spike's mouth while Chase drilled at Chris's hole with his fingers getting the previous night's cum all over them. He then sucked liked them clean savouring the flavour of cum and his lovers' ass.
All three boys ran down the hallway and right into Mr Stephens room, bursting in with excitement. Mr Stephens was already up and had eight-year-old Mitchel bouncing happily on his cock who was staying over after Chase convinced his parents that he needed to.
The man grunted and fired his load into the boy before pulling him off with a sloppy sucking sound and depositing him on the spare side of the bed next to him. Mrs Stephens had been convinced to take a short Christmas break to nice hot country and let her husband take care of things here. She was so grateful.
The five naked boys, and one man, all headed down the stairs to open the gifts that they had placed there for each other. As they got the doorway Mitchel up front stopped dead in his tracks as he saw the sight before him and every one piled into the back of him. It was not what they had left the tree looking like last night when they had all gone to bed.
"Santa has been!" Mitchel squealed and clapped his hands. "Santa has really been!"
The boys and Mr Stephens all wowed in amazement at the festive sight before them. The tree was all lit up and presents were scattered all around the tree. There was even a log fire crackling away in the hearth. It was quite magical.
Mr Stephens leaned in to Chase, "I know this is your doing, but how?"
He looked up at the man and gave a wink. "I was owed a favour from Santa." He grinned. "I think you have presents there too." He then said louder so everyone could hear. "Don't stand there gawping, let's open them."
The boy's moved forward like a wall of moving pink flesh until they all started to sift through the presents, calling out names and passing presents around. For that small, briefest of moments Chase saw that no matter how many cocks you've taken up your ass, Christmas is still a magical time and Chase was glad to have paid a part in keeping it magical for his boys as he stood back and watched four smooth pink asses wink at him as their owners reached for the presents.
"Chase!" Someone called out and a package was launched at him.
He reacted and grabbed the present out of the air, fumbling it slightly. He laughed and ripped open the small package. He pulled out a pack of small jelly hoops. "Cock rings!" He grinned.
"I thought you might like them." Chris grinned at him.
"I do sweetie!" he kissed his lover on the lips.
"Mr Stephens'." Billy shouted and passed over a soft package to the man who deftly caught it.
He read the label and saw it was from Mitchel. He smiled at the boy and opened the parcel, inside were a pair of briefs. "Fruit of the looms?" Mitchel grinned. "I wore them for three days and once after you fucked me, they have your cum stain in the back."
The man nodded and a smile drew across his face. He lifted the undies to his nose and breathed in deeply. "Oh that's just wonderful, I can smell you and sex." He closed his eyes and he brought the underwear right up to his nose.
Chris picked up a Parcel that was from Chase. Even before opening the package he hugged Chase. Then tore through the paper and he squealed in delight when he saw what was in there. "My own set of dongs!" He pulled the box open and looked at the flesh coloured dildos, inside there was some of every size and width all neatly packed in a velvet lined box. On the side of each dildo was Chris's name, but on the largest one was a sixteen inch dildo that had a series of etches on it that marked the length in inches.
"Can I try one now?" Chris asked giving his best puppy dog eyes.
"Oh go on then!" Chase pretended to cave in, but had actually hoped for this. "Pick one and let me get you ready."
Chris's ass was already loose from the previous night's fucking, but Chase was never the one to give up the chance to get close to his boyfriend. The hole was already looking more like a slit than an ass, but he liked the thought of Chris having an ass-pussy instead of an asshole. He lapped at the hole while Chris opened more presents.
A few hours later Chris's ass was stuffed with new dildo and was drinking down Chase's first load of the day. He had also got a load of sexy new outfits. Chase had also got him a remote control anal butt plug that he could make vibrate some distance away.
Billy has received some jewellery a whole bunch of new clothes, but the strangest thing of all was a cologne bottle filled with Spike's precum. Spike got an enema kit and a selection of sounds, as well as the obligatory clothes.
Mitchel got a replica moulding of Mr Stephen's dick as well some kiddy porn movies that Mr Stephens' had managed to get hold of. This had even surprised Chase.
Chase received the cockrings, but he had also received handcuffs, bondage rope and a pack of vibrating anal balls.
"Oh," Chase said out loud. "There's one more thing!" He walked over to the living room door and pulled the door open. On the other side was a naked man, covered with tattoos form his chest down. He had a red bow on his hard dick and he was carrying a tray of Eggnog.
"As everyone loves tattoo's I asked this nice man to help us at Christmas and do our tattoos this afternoon after he has finished with dinner." He grinned as the boys cheered.
Christmas dinner was interesting. Chris wouldn't eat his dinner unless Chase had ejaculated over it, which in turn Mitchel decided this was also a great idea and Mr Stephens' did the same to his dinner as did Spike for Billy. Although at the request of Spike, Billy just pissed in Spike's dinner and they all at until they were bursting form the effort of eating.
Mr Stephens sat in his chair while Mitchel straddled him, impaled himself on the man's hard cock and they both went to sleep. Chase and Chris also had a sleep, both of them curled up in one armchair, their asses both humming gently. Billy and Spike went out to help the tattooed man finish the dishes and ended up drinking his piss and being fucked by him. It was the perfect Christmas.
By the end of the day everyone in the house was tattooed. Chris was the most tattooed, with the exception of the tattooist himself. Chris had "Property of Chase" across the area above his dick, "Cum Slut" on the inside of one thigh, "Sissy Faggot" on the other, both in words about four inches long and almost in the crevice of his legs. On his back, right down low where his ass-crack started he had a picture of Chase's hard cock pointing down with the words "Boy Pussy" printed under it.
Everyone had the new scout troop emblem on their hips which was CCSB Explorers, the CC and SB were two symbols for male homosexuality. CC and SB being Chase and Chris, and Spike and Billy, which were going to form the basis of the new Explorer Scouts, using the same members as the last one but with Sasha Woodfield the Tattooist as a leader they could go beyond the eight member limit.
The rest of Christmas day was spent with Chris recovering from his tattoos, which wasn't too comfortable for him as he wanted to fuck all the time, but the tattoos healing meant it was awkward for him.
Eventually they healed and they had a great New-Year's eve party where Sasha Woodfield managed to get hold of some sexual performance enhancing drugs and they spent the New Year fucking and rutting until they couldn't stay awake any longer.
Sasha, as it turned out wasn't just a simple tattooist, He was the owner of a large popular fashion label, Woodfield. His small tattoo parlour in their town was just a hobby.
Chase had his tongue in Chris's mouth, rolling it around the new tongue stud that his lover had got. It was incredible when Chris sucked on his cock or stuck his tongue up his ass, it was amazing and all Chris's idea. He was no longer a becoming a full blown slut, the kid was already there, a full blown ten-year-old whore for the scout troop. Of course he was Chase's boy, and Chris knew it, he loved Chase dearly and they slept together nearly all the time in his newly decorated room. It was no longer the room of a boy. The action cartoon posters had been replaced with high quality internet printouts of hardcore porn of men taking enormous dildo's or even entire fists up their ass, or printouts of naked shota manga models. The walls had been painted purple and his shelves had been removed of action figures and replaced with dildo's and sex toys. Over the bed was a great bit mirror where anyone in the bed could get a good view of what was going on. On the far wall opposite the bed was a large plasma TV which was hooked up to the internet and webcam so their private web channel could record private webshows for paying customers, which gave an alternative income that was fronted by Sasha's tattooing business.
When two cops came knocking on the door, they were quickly convinced to join in the fun and ended up fucking Chris and Chase on the bed. Needless to say any avenue of police investigation was dropped.
While Chase hadn't been sleeping at home much recently, he still went home on the odd occasion to say hello and report that he wasn't getting any worse, but he hadn't got any better. He also had not yet found the person who had turned him into a crazed sex fiend, and to be honest, he didn't really want to. He was enjoying his life so much that he didn't want to be bothered with trying to bring someone to justice that had actually improved his life.
His mother, unbeknownst to him was busy working with the other Hyperborean people to try and find a way to reverse the effects of being compromised. It wasn't going well, although they had found ways to make people more resistant.
Chase pulled his tongue out of his boy's mouth and caressed his face as he lay on the sun lounger. The boy was looking more and more feminine as he got older. He currently had a head band pushing his longish hair back over his head showing more of his soft features to his lover.
"Ready?" Chase asked him sensually.
Chris nodded. "I'm ready."
Chase moved down the ten-year-old's body until he got to his filled boy-pussy. He pulled out the dildo and plopped it onto the floor. He watched the boy's ass twitch and spasm as it complained at the sudden loss of pressure. The hole was dark and inviting, Chase moved his lips towards the hole and licked at the opening, slipping his tongue in to get a taste of the boy's innards that he knew so well. But he wasn't here for that, he was here to fulfil Chris's ambition.
With a slicked up hand, he pushed three fingers into the hole with ease and managed to slip in the fourth fairly easily. He pushed his hand in further and found some resistance when he tried to fold his thumb in. He checked to make sure he was okay and he nodded his confirmation, so he pushed in a bit further, stretching the ring around the widest part of his hand.
Chase was worried for a moment that he thought Chris was crying, but he realised it was moaning with pleasure, or pain and pleasure, but either way Chris was really getting into this as he was pushing down in Chase's hand trying to open this ring a bit more.
Suddenly Chase's hand popped in past the muscle and he was in, his whole hand was inside this small framed ten-year-old. He wondered if anyone else had ever done this to someone so young before. He would never know.
He held his hand there for a moment letting Chris get used to it and then he started flexing his hand, exploring the silky smooth folds of his interior as the boy lay in the sun. He started to push his hand in further, sliding the boys ring up his arm, watching carefully for any reaction of displeasure, but the boy was loving it. His moans of delight were proof enough that Chris was in his element as Chase now found himself having to push his arm around a curve in his ass and slid in further. He was now up to the elbow. He dared not go any further.
Chase heard a movement off to one side and realised that Mr Stephens was filming the whole thing. It was quite bizarre to have a dad filming his ten year old son being fisted in the ass by his thirteen year old lover.
"Chase can I fuck you?" Sasha the tattooist said from behind him. Chase agreed and positioned himself so his own ass could be easily accessed. A blob of lube was rubbed up against his own well fucked ass and he quickly felt the cold steel of the tattooists Prince Albert piercing, a huge steel ring pressing against his own fleshy ring and then it popped in. The large flesh tube filling up Chase's own ass as he started his own rhythmic arm fucking of Chris, pulling his arm out to the wrist and sliding it back in again. Chase could actually see his flat stomach lifting and bulging where his arm pushed through is innards.
"Faster." Chris asked and Chase complied, moving his hand in and out of his ass a bit faster until Chase's hand actually popped out, but his momentum pushed his hand back into the hold with a pop. Chris almost exploded with pleasure. Chase did it again, pulling his hand free from the asshole and shoving it back in with some force. Chris grunted and moaned in pleasure as Chase punch-fucked his ass at the rate of about twice a second until Chris had an enormous orgasm and his body tensed up shaking like he was having some sort of fit. It was too much for Sasha and he fired his load into Chase who felt it splashing against his own insides before the cock was removed from his ass and Mr Stephen's slid his home, passing the camera over to Sasha. He didn't last long until he added his load to Chase's ass.
Chase pulled his hand out of Chris's ass and watched with delight as the boys hole hung open and slack. He reached over and grabbed a nice wide plug and slid it into the boys open ass, keeping it open and wide. He then moved back up the boy's body, jerking himself off until he exploded his balls over Chris' face with a generous load. He then slithered back down and put Chris's own cock into his ass. It was too lose for a fucking, of course but Chase could let the cum in his own ass dribble down the smaller boys cock and balls while Chase kissed Chris again, their faces sliding through cum as he played with his nipples.
After a brief bit of snuggling they decided to move inside in case the heat got to them. Inside the house the other naked scouts were draped over armchairs and each other.
"Did you do it?" One of the older scouts asked Chase.
"Yeah, up to the elbow." He grinned proudly.
"Way to go Chrissy." They all congratulated the boy who blushed, which was hot through a face smeared with cum.
"Okay boys," Mr Stephens placed his hands on their shoulders. "You need to go and get ready for our trip."
Chase and Chris had persuaded Chris's dad to get them the backstage passes for the Madison Square Garden live show of Super Sexy Tween Ethan Rhode.
Mr Stephens walked down the stairs of the plane first followed by Chase, who was dressed in black skinny jeans and a red/blue plaid shirt, followed by Chris. Chris wore white denim cut-off hot pants that were so short and tight that they barely hid his tattoos. It would also only take a slight caress of his ass to feel the hard lump of remote controlled dildo stuffed up there, or his front to realise that his hard cock was nearly poking out the top of the pants. He was hard because Chase had made sure to fire a load of his cum right into the panties he wore before Chris fastened them up. His dick and balls were sliding about his lovers cum, it was impossible to not get hard. He wore a loose soft pink top with 'I love boys' embroidered onto it in white. On his feet he wore soft rainbow socks under a pair of pink lo-tops. His face was done up to look pretty with eye liner, eye shadow and lipstick with a bit of blusher for colour. His hair was swept back and kept in place with hairband and to accessorise, he had pink nail varnish, a selection of coloured elasticated bands and pink tongue stud. To finish it all off he carried a small handbag with some of his personal effects inside.
Mr Stephens wore casual slacks and a shirt, but Sasha, being a person of wealth and style went for a muscle shirt that showed off his abs, pectorals and tattooed biceps, with torn jeans and hi-tops.
They all piled into a Limousine and drove to Madison Square Garden before piling out again into the entrance of the great garden itself. As usual Chase was prepared for meeting this celebrity and he walked right up to the front desk and asked where Ethan Rhode's dressing room was. She told him, naturally, and they all headed down a couple of corridors, only being challenged a few times, but Chase sorted them out with a few words and they marched on.
There were two huge guys in front of the Stars dressing room door.
"Sorry guys, no one disturbs Mr Rhode while he is preparing for a concert." The man on the right said.
"How big is your cock?" Chase asked him.
"Five, inches long." He replied.
"Oh." Chase said with disappointment and turned to the man on the left. "How big is your cock?"
"Eleven inches." The man said proudly.
Chase blinked. "Seriously? How wide?"
"Two and a half inches at its widest point."
Chase heard Chris gasp under his breath. "You'll do. Open this door and come in with us." He then turned to the guard with the smaller cock.
"You make sure that no one comes in here after us, until we come out." The guard nodded as the door was opened and they hurried in.
As Chase stepped in he saw the tween star quickly stuffing his cock back into his pants urgently. His face was flushed and it was obvious he was just beating off.
"It's okay to jerk off if it helps you to relax." Chase said to the boy who relaxed some.
"You shouldn't be in here." He said, his voice still unbroken.
"We're your personal guests." Chase told him. "And when you jerk off, you should always do it naked."
"Whoa guys." The guard who came in tried to stand in front of Chase. "This isn't right. I let you in, but..."
Chase interrupted him. "You have a secret crush on Ethan and you get aroused whenever you are in his presence. You will also let us do whatever we like while we are here."
The man stepped aside, an obvious bulge rising in his pants.
"And Ethan," Chase directed at the superstar. "You are..." He was about to say 'gay', but then noticed a magazine on the boy's dressing room table. It was a gay twink porn magazine currently opened on a centrefold of a young looking older teen with a hard cock. "...a cum hungry slut." He smiled. "Undress the guard, as you would a lover." He pointed.
He watched as the world famous pop star started to undress the large guard while caressing him sensually. Eventually the guard was stood there in white briefs that were tenting out enormously, the tip of his cock leaking into the white fabric. Chase made him lick and suck at the tented cock-head through the material as he went over to his dressing room table and grabbed a bottle of hand cream. He got both hands covered in the cream and walked over to Ethan and slid his right hand into the front of his hands and his left hand into the back of his pants. The star was already hard, his hairless cock was rock hard already as Chase fondled and massaged the boys cock and balls. With his other hand he slid his hand down the boys crack until he found the hole. He rubbed a generous amount of the hand cream into the boy's most private orifice then jabbed a finger into him. The boy gasped at the intrusion.
"Chrissy, take my pants off me." He asked his own lover who came over and started to undo his skinny jeans lower them. He spoke at Ethan, "Take the guards cock out and deep throat him." He then started to lick and kiss the boys neck as he watched the boy pull the briefs down and the biggest cock they had ever seen flopped out. He then watched as Ethan put the cockhead in his mouth, tasting the man's copious precum before sliding the entire cock into his mouth. The kid was a natural. Chase then shoved another finger up the boy's ass. The boy started to bob on the guards cock, sliding the monstrous cock in and out of his throat like a pro for a few minutes.
Chase, now naked form the waist down, pulled the boys own pants and underwear down as he walked behind him and stuck his own hard cock into the boys virgin ass. "Everyone except Chrissy strip naked." He said to the rest of them as he fucked into the boys ass, knowing that each thrust pushed the cock in his mouth further down his throat. "Chrissy, do the ususal."
Chris got down to Ethan's crotch and sucked the hard member into his mouth just as the guard was grunting his load deep into Ethan's throat. There was so much cum that Ethan had to pull back to breathe and the cum was still flying about, firing across his face, hair and shirt. The erotic scene caused Ethan to cum into Chris's mouth which in turn clenched down Chase's cock and he unloaded his balls into Ethan's ass.
Chris, with a mouth full of Ethan's load, moved up to his face and tongue kissed him, pushing his own load back into his mouth. Chase pulled out of Ethan's ass and ordered him to go down on Chrissy. He obliged but was shocked when he lowered Chris's pants that he had a shining wet cock there, still glistening in Chase's load he fired there earlier. Ethan dove on the cock, licking up the goo and Chris's cock in the process.
"Mr Stephens, please dump your load into this kid." He stepped aside and watched as Chris's dad lined up his cock. "Ethan, this might hurt you, but you are a masochist so the more pain you feel, the sexier you feel."
He watched as the cock was pushed into him. He yelled out in pain, but couldn't move as Chris had him held and was licking the cum from his face. Mr Stephens held his cock in him for a minute until he got used to it then started fucking him, pulling his cock out so just the tip was in, then pumping it back in till his balls slapped against the boys ass. He banged into the kid for about ten minutes until he grunted and fired a load of cum into him. Chase knew how much Chris's dad could unload in one go so the kid was probably saturated in cum buy now, but it was Sasha's turn with his pierced cock.
Sasha didn't waste any time, and shoved the cock up the boy's ass and ploughed right through Mr Stephens' load causing it to squelch and ooze cum. He went straight into a fuck-filled frenzy, hammering the boy's ass like he needed to get off desperately.
As Sasha banged his dick into the boy, he slapped the boys cheeks leaving them red raw in the process. By the time Sasha had unloaded his balls into the tween star his ass was verging on purple and his ass lips were puffy and red and leaking cum, but Chris was here to save the boy from any stage embarrassment. From his handbag he pulled out a nice veined rubber replica cock and he shoved it right up Ethan's bruised ass-pussy causing the boy to moan with delight.
Chase went right up to his ear, "Wear some tight pants to hold this rubber dick in you while you are on stage singing the best of your career." And sure enough they watched the star get ready for his show. Sasha, being the fashion expert here, used his own cum to style the boy's hair and flicked his nipples a few times to make them stand out before he put on his shirt and then his stage makeup.
The stars 'guests' dressed and left the dressing room and took up their first row positions in the massive crowds and applauded with them as he came out onto stage with a slight stagger. All the audience thought it was a part of the show, but they knew better, they knew the pounding his ass had taken as well as the dildo holding in the three loads of cum up his ass.
On the last song of the show, Chase flicked the switch and he saw Ethan stand up suddenly as the vibrating in his ass kicked in. His last song was a slow emotional one, which was his best yet. It's easy to show emotion when you have a dick vibrating in your ass as it feels so good you can't help but strain yourself against the sensations.
At the end of the show they followed him back into the dressing room where he pulled his pants down and straight away they could see that he had come a few times in his pants. Chris immediately went to the boys rear, pulling out the dildo and drinking up the cum flood that tried to escape while Chase started to lick the boy's crotch, getting up all of his spilt load and getting the boy hard gain. Chris was getting his tongue deep inside the boys wrecked asshole, licking out all the juices and making the boy moan.
There was a knock at the dressing room door.
"Who is it?" Ethan said as the boys paused their administrations on him.
"Honey, its mommy, daddy and Elisa." A female voice said from behind the door.
Chris stuffed the dildo back into the boy and Chase fastened his pants back up as they all tried to arrange hard cocks into inconspicuous positions as Ethan went over to the door and pulled it open.
"Great show," His mother kissed him as she walked in. "Oh new cologne, smells familiar." She was followed by a young girl of about nine and then his dad. "Hey sport," He dad greeted him. "Who's your friends?"
"Oh these are my friends," He told his dad. He then felt worried as he didn't know their names.
"Hi," Chase came to the rescue. "I'm Chase, this is Chrissy and his Dad Mr Stephens, along with my Uncle Sasha, who is a stylist who owns the fashion chain Woodfield's. We were just discussing a modelling deal with Ethan, who feels quite strongly about going into modelling as a second career."
"Do you dear?" His mother asked her son.
"Yes mom, I really want to, can I?" Ethan looked as excited as a boy at Christmas.
"Well you are already a heartthrob, and I really do like that magazine, so I think it would be a wonderful idea, Martin?" She passed the ultimate decision to her husband.
"You'll let him, won't you, sir." Chase pushed the thought home.
"Of course, it's a wonderful idea. I am certainly all for having a backup in case your voice plays up during puberty, but you were singing particularly well today, what did you do differently?"
Chase smiled. He wanted to tell him that he had a large cock shoved down his throat that stretched it open more than ever before, but he had a feeling his dad might not like that too much. At the moment.
"How many more shows do you have to do Ethan?" Sasha asked, clapping the Ethan on the shoulder.
"None," The boy replied. "This was my last one. The album is complete, the music video is done, so my summer is now free." He grinned. He was looking forward to the summer.
Chase beamed. "Well that's perfect. Ethan is going to spend the summer with us." He projected to everyone in the room. They all nodded in agreement. "Sasha can get him warmed up to modelling and we can all have lots of fun." Chase put his arm around Ethan and with his free hand he slipped it into his pocket and turned the vibrator on in the boy's ass.
"Ahh," Ethan began, but turned it into something less sexual. "That sounds great."
They all rode in Sasha's limousine back to Ethan's hotel Chase took Ethan's mom over to one side and he spoke softly to her before coming back to the main group in Ethan's suite as she headed to her own suite leaving her husband and daughter to enjoy the after show fun in the suite. The nine year old girl looked a bit worried at all these new faces so Chase placed his arm around her and spoke to her too. "Don't worry, we don't fuck girls, but you are going to let Ethan practice pussy and ass licking on you whenever he wants." Chase smiled. "Go back to your hotel room now and play with your pussy."
He faced Mr Rhode and pointed at him. "You on the other hand as going to strip naked, taker out the dildo from your son, stick it up your own ass, then stick your hard cock into his ass, as deep as it will go and fuck him."
A few minutes later everyone was naked and Ethan was bouncing up and down on his dad's dick while Chase took a few photo's for the album. Chris had his mouth full of his dad and his ass filled with Sasha so when chase finished with the camera he stepped over and kissed the boy star on the mouth using his tongue to explore all areas of the fucked boy while his hands rubbed at the stars hard cock.
Mr Rhode grunted and forced his dick in further as he came and Ethan grunted at the intrusion before Chase pulled him off the dick. "When Sasha cums and pulls out of Chris's ass you go in there and get your tongue deep in to suck out Sasha's cum."
Chase was glad to see Mr Rhode still hard, so he sat on the wet cock himself, sliding it deep inside himself.
"Holy shit!" Ethan exclaimed as he saw Chris's unplugged hole for the first time. It was less of a hole and more of a two inch wet slit. He could see the cum oozing out the slit as it dribbled down the girly boys balls. Following orders he lapped up the leaking cum and followed the trail back to its source. He buried his face in the well-used asshole and licked and sucked as much cum out of it as he could.
"Now stick your arm inside him and punch fuck him." Chase said while riding Ethan's dads cock.
Ethan pushed his hand into the loose asshole. The hole stretched open easily and his hand slipped inside the ten-year-old boy. He pulled it out again and watched the hole gape for a moment before it started to close and he shoved it back in again. He realised that the boy must be liking it as every time he pushed his hand in, he moaned in pleasure around Mr Stephens' cock in his mouth.
Just as he pushed his hand into Chris's ass as deep as it would go his dad came inside Chase. At the same time, the hotel suite door was smashed open and three police charged in. Two of them had guns, but the third one had a camera, and was immediately snapping away at the lurid scene. They got a good view of the superstars hand deep inside the ass of a smaller boy while he was sucking on his father. They also got a picture of Mr Rhode deep inside Chase, cum leaking around the sides of the cock.
Chase was momentarily stunned, but before he could regain his composure, someone else walked in the door, which shocked him even more.
"Hello Chase." His school principal grinned at him. "I see my little suggestion had an interesting effect on you." He rubbed at his chin. "I had expected it to kill you, like it killed your father, but you seem to have dodged its effects quite well and made it your own. I must say I'm quite impressed. Look at all the debauchery."
He stepped over to Ethan, who was starting to pull his hand out of Chris. "On no, don't stop on my account." He said and the boy stopped. "In fact, go the whole hog and put another hand inside, go on."
Ethan looked at the stretched boy and couldn't resist. His other hand came up and he slid it in alongside his other. Chris yelled out in pain, but Ethan couldn't stop as he stretched the boys ass further than it had ever gone before.
"Deeper." Chase's principal shouted and Ethan pushed his arms in deeper until Chris's ring was stretched so tight around Ethan's arms it was white and looked like it would just rip at any moment.
As he strode about the room he put his hand son Chase's shoulders and pushed him down on Mr Rhodes dick. "So you like to be fucked, do you?" He grinned insanely then he instructed every adult in the room to fuck Chase.
When Mr Stephens, Sasha and the three policemen had cum inside Chase he then got Chris to shove his fist inside Chase's ass while Ethan was still double fisting him. Ethan's arms were thin, but it was still the biggest thing Chase had ever had inside him. Chase was amazed that the pain wasn't as bad as he had expected, but as much as he couldn't persuade anyone to stop, it was as if he was powerless, he screwed his eyes up, genuinely frightened for the first time in a long time.
He heard a slurping sound as Ethan pulled his hands out of Chris's ass and then he himself felt suddenly empty as Chris pulled out of his ass. He opened his eyes looked down at Chris who was smiling at him.
He then looked about the room and saw their school Principal was lying on the floor, his tongue lolling out. Dead, he was dead.
"What?" Chase could barely speak.
"Come on." Chris offered his hand and pulled Chase up. "It's over." He said still holding the boys hand.
"What happened?" Chase finally asked.
"He made a mistake." Chris leaned his head on Chase's arm, being slightly shorter he couldn't rest it on his shoulder. "He thought you and him were the only Hyperborean people here."
Chase gasped and looked down at Chris's face. "You are... but everything that we did?"
"Was allowed by me." He grinned up at his lover. "You never really controlled me, but I loved putting ideas into your head." Chase's eyes went wide. "You had control over me?"
"Only a little bit. I thought you would have realised that, especially when I made the Principal make me fist you." Chris snickered.
"Oh." Chase blinked. "Now I know why you like it." He blushed. "But what about your ass?"
"Call it a fetish of mine. I realised I could hypnotise myself a certain bit, so I convinced myself that being fucked by bigger and bigger cocks was what I wanted in life, then cocks weren't enough, so with your help and persuasion I moved onto other things."
"You used me."
"You thought you were using me." Chris placed his hands on his hip. "And your idea to get me into girls' clothing was actually mine." He reached around and felt his ass. "So loose. I'll have to be plugged for the rest of my life." His face implied that this was not a bad thing. He stepped over to the fallen Principal. "He's dead. I got him so hyped up he had a heart attack."
Chris turned to the police officers. "When you came in here, all you saw were boys having a laugh and a joke and catching up on the concert events. The School Principal here was just another obsessed fan that fabricated evidence. He was so excited at seeing Ethan Rhode in the flesh that he had a heart attack and died. Now get dressed and remember what I said."
Chase was still dumbfounded. All along Chris had been playing him. He also didn't care that he had been played, it was Chris after all and the guilt he had for turning him into a sissy slut was gone, the boy was already that boy and had used him to get him there. It was perfect. So the only real people he knew he warped for sure was Billy and Spike, or at least only Billy.
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