Photo Hunting

[ Mg, pedo, oral, cons, rom ]

Published: 18-Jan-2013

Word Count: 7441

Author's Profile

show Story Summary
This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

As Eric watched the sleeping beauty lying beside him, he began to think about how this wonderful and exciting relationship had started just earlier that day and what fantastic day it had turned out to be.

It was summer in 1992. Eric Phelps was twenty-two years old and fresh out of a grueling four years of college. He had done the impossible and was feeling mighty. Eric had finished with two bachelor's degrees - graphic design and photography. It was both lucky and smart that the two majors had so many classes in common and that both his advisor and two of his instructors had gone to bat for him to the Dean of the College of Arts. Now it was over and Eric was looking forward to having his first summer off in four years before tackling a master's degree in creative writing. Glutton for punishment, he knew.

For all that Eric was born in the city, he grew up in the county. He still lived with his parents in the unassuming brick ranch house he'd lived in since 1979. In that small community, there was no finite number of friends, relatives, in-laws, outlaws, and friends of relatives, busybodies and just generally nosy people. And they were all somehow related or married and divorced and remarried so many times that they might as well be related. And there were the bullies that were their children. It was a confrontation with these bullies that eventually led to one of the closest, best relationships Eric would ever have.

Eric had known the young couple across the road for a while. He had met them when they moved their doublewide trailer onto the property three years before and they seemed to be just normal, working folks. Phillip worked in construction and his wife, Danielle, worked in a bank. They had two girls, six-year-old Emily and nine-year-old April. Eric hadn't really spent a great deal of time with the family in that three years but in that summer of 1992 he realized that the little red-haired April had grown up.

It had been only a week since his last day of class until the fall semester and Eric was having a difficult time adjusting to not being busy, not having too much to do and not enough time in which to do it all. In short, he was bored and somewhat stir crazy. The university at which he'd spent almost every moment for the last four years was in a medium but still busy southern city and was within distance driving distance to the beach and larger cities. If he wasn't in class or studying in his room or in the library, Eric tried to spend time getting out with friends or going on photo hunts.

Now, back in the country town where he'd grown up, he wasn't even relatively close to those diversions. Oh, sure, he could go for walks in the woods. He'd already done so, re-familiarizing himself with his favorite childhood haunts; three times. Eric looked his small bedroom over again. Small, he thought to himself, laughing. Even as small as it was, it was still larger than his dorm room. And having a double bed made it even better. He'd rearranged the furniture in his room twice and was considering putting it back the way it was the first time.

He looked at himself in the square mirror on the dark paneled wall. Eric wasn't bad looking; just not super model great, kind of average. He had longish auburn hair that came to just below his ears on the sides and to his nose in the front. The back was just below his collar. He'd been letting it grow for the first time in years; the last time it had gotten to nearly twelve inches from the nape of his neck. Eric looked into his own brown eyes to the one-day's stubble on his chin. Should I let the beard grow, he wondered. Nah. It didn't grow well even at twenty-two years old.

Eric tugged a grey t-shirt over his husky, broad chest and shoulders and sat on the blue bedspread to pull on his denim shorts. He briefly considered his brown sandals before opting for his plain white sneakers. Eric stood up to his five foot seven height and grabbed his Canon EOS Elan, his sunglasses and left his room. On his way through the house he paused briefly to write a note for his parents, who were both at work, to let them know he'd gone hunting. His dad, a draftsman, would laugh at this concept. Eric hunting? That would be the day. His mom, an office manager for a law firm, would chide his dad.

Eric closed the door behind him, not bothering to lock it. Nobody locked doors out here. They all knew each other so the suspect pool would be limited in the event of burglary. Eric started up the long gravel driveway to the mailbox at the road. A white board fence lined the driveway to the road. Eric immediately regretted wearing grey. It was barely ten in the morning but already hot as a furnace. And it was just May. Wait until August, Eric told himself.

Beyond the fence to the right and were more pine trees than one could hope to count. These extended all the way around the house and made up the woods that Eric often explored. Directly in front of the house up to the road was empty yard, about three acres of it. The whole property was about twenty acres with a three-acre pond to the left of the house.

As Eric approached the road he saw movement to his right. He looked in that direction and through the trees saw someone on a bicycle pedaling furiously, rapidly approaching the point where the driveway ended at the road. As he got closer, he realized that it was young April. And right behind her was two boys, also riding hard on their bicycles.

By now, Eric had reached the road but stopped before crossing to allow the three kids to zip by. Then something happened that made Eric's blood boil. Eric had assumed that the three youngsters were riding together but the leading boy suddenly gained on April and rammed his front tire into her back tire.

April was scared. She knew what would happen if they caught her. They had beaten her up before, telling her that if she told it would be worse. She hadn't told but they were after her again anyway. She tried desperately to keep her balance from the collision. She had been riding hard for nearly fifteen minutes and simply had no more energy. As her tormenter collided with her again, she lost her balance and the bicycle fell over, taking its rider with it. April couldn't get her hands down in time to catch herself and hit the grassy embankment next to the pea gravel road flat on her right side, sliding just a couple of feet before stopping. She lay there for a moment as the pain seared down her arm and leg, stunned from the fall.

The two boys sped past but wheeled around and came back to stop just a few feet from April. They jumped off their bikes, letting them fall in the road. April slowly pulled herself free of her bike to pause on all fours before trying to stand up. She was scraped down her right arm and leg, both bare and she tears streaming down her face. But before she could stand up, the boys were right by her. April almost stopped breathing from fear. She was in pain and very afraid. She saw the bikes speed passed then come back. April felt lost and didn't want to stand up; just wanted the world to go away.

"Look at the cry baby," the older, bigger of the dark-haired boys jeered. Eric realized it was Luke James and his younger brother, Austin. Luke was about twelve years old, heavy set with tan-darkened skin.

"Cry little baby," sneered the little, younger one, Austin. Austin was about nine and looked like a thin version of his brother.

This all happened right in front of Eric and happened so fast he had barely registered what was going on. April hadn't stood up yet and, as he watched, Luke walked up and kicked her in the stomach. April fell over with a wailing cry, pain erupting from her midsection. Before Eric realized he'd done it, he crossed the road in a rush, grabbed Luke from behind by the hair with both hands and threw him sideways back across the road, heedless of any potential on-coming traffic. Fortunately, there wasn't any. Eric's camera whirled precariously on its respective strap.

Luke went sprawling onto his hands and rolled over onto his back on the hot tar and pea gravel road. Austin immediately came to his brother's defense, not seeming to realize just how much difference in size and age there was between him and Eric. Austin charged Eric who simply sidestepped him, putting a foot out to trip him. Austin hit the road, hands first. Now both boys were getting up to have a go at Eric.

Eric decided to stop this before it went much further. As Luke came closer, Eric swung out with his right fist to connect with Luke's left cheekbone, right below his eye. In the same movement, he swung with his left fist to hit Austin on the right side of his jawbone. Both boys staggered back, too stunned to react much, both starting to tear up.

"You hit me!" Austin cried.

"I'll beat you cross-eyed if you ever do anything like this again!" Eric growled, pointing to where April now stood holding her stomach.

"I'm gonna have a black eye!" sobbed Luke.

"You'll have more that that I ever catch you bothering April again!"

"We're gonna tell our dad!" bawled Luke.

"Go ahead," said Eric daringly. "And while you're at it, tell him all of it because if you don't, I will when he comes to ask me about it. Better yet, I'll tell him for you. I'm sure he'll love to hear how two boys ganged up on one little girl. What do you think he'll have to say about that?"

The boys just stood there, not really sure what to think or say.

"Go on, get out of here!" Eric waved them away.

The boys hurriedly picked up their bicycles, hopped on and peddled furiously back down the road. Now Eric turned to April who was still standing, still holding her stomach. He knelt in the grass in front of her.

"Are you okay?" he asked kindly, looking into her emerald green eyes, taken aback at the intense color.

April had stopped crying and nodded, long red hair falling in her face. She let Eric turn her gently to look at her right arm and down to her leg. She knew Eric, had known him since her parents had moved here. April didn't really like it here. She'd lived in the country all her life but this place was mean.

April's fair complexion did nothing to hide the scrapes on her arm and leg. She was wearing a yellow tank top and denim shorts, both now somewhat dirty and the shorts were ripped a bit on the seam.

"Those look like they sting a bit," Eric said, indicating her scrapes. "Is your mom home?" Eric asked, looking toward the driveway that led to the trailer. Not seeing a car, Eric assumed no one was home.

"No," said April plainly. "She and my dad are both at work," April confirmed.

"Where's your sister?" Eric asked, concerned that April had left her on her own.

"With my grandma," April answered.

"So you're by yourself?"

"Uh-huh, mom knows I can take care of myself," April said proudly.

"And a fine job you were doing there," Eric said, winking at April and grinning.

April smiled and Eric's heart skipped a beat. What a beautiful girl, he though.

"Tell you what. Why don't we go inside and get you cleaned up. Then if you're feeling up to it, you can come photo hunting with me."

April hesitated a moment then said; "I need to leave a note for my mom."

"Sure," said Eric. "And when she or your dad gets home, I'll help you tell them what happened."

April liked that idea. Eric always took her places when he was home and would take her picture. She liked their walks in the woods. Eric never treats me like a kid, she thought, watching him out of the corner of her eye, thinking how cute he was.

They reached the trailer and went inside, the warm trailer still cooler than the hot summer day. It was hot but wait until August, Eric thought. April turned on the lights in the living room then went down the short hallway to the small bathroom that she and her sister shared while Eric set his camera down on the breakfast bar in the kitchen. The girls each had their own bedroom in the somewhat spacious doublewide but there were only two bathrooms, one of which was the master.

Eric followed April and watched as she opened the medicine cabinet behind the wall mirror. She got out the rubbing alcohol, the hydrogen peroxide and a box of band-aids.

Very grown up, Eric thought, as he noticed the shape of her chest when she had reached up. Eric started as he caught himself staring at the bare skin he could see under her arm and inside the arm of her tank top. Eric shook his head, breaking himself out of the spell. Good god, she's only twelve, he thought. What are you thinking? Yet, he couldn't rid the image out of his head.

April had opened a cabinet below the sink to find a bag of cotton balls and was trying unsuccessfully to open the bag. Eric took the bag, pulled lock-back knife out of his pocket and opened the bag. He reached passed April to the towel bar inside the tub/shower unit to grab a washcloth. As he reached over her head, he caught her scent faintly. Eric inhaled deeply the warm summery smell coming from April's hair. Eric, again, made himself stop and concentrate on the task at hand. He ran the washcloth in the sink for a moment.

"Sit on the toilet," Eric suggested, motioning for April to sit on the closed toilet.

April sat, thinking to herself how nice it was to have Eric that close. She just couldn't figure out why. It just seemed right.

"This might sting a bit," said Eric as he began to gently wipe the scrapes on April's arm.

April winced at the touch and jumped a bit.

"Sorry," said Eric as he knelt to examine her leg. Eric decided that she had very nice, well-shaped, if somewhat pale legs. He wondered if she'd started shaving yet, not having any idea at what age girls started that.

Eric bathed the scrapes on her calf, then knee, then thigh. He took the bottle of alcohol and cotton ball, capped the bottle with the ball, and then shook the bottle a couple times.

"This is gonna be cold," he said, looking into April's eyes again. He patted the scrapes with the moistened cotton ball, marveling at how soft and smooth the skin of her leg was, how well muscled. All that bike riding, Eric guessed.

April felt Eric touch her thigh and a jolt went right to her crotch. Her eyes widened a bit as she felt herself start to get a bit wet. April was no stranger to what was going on. She'd played with herself occasionally, starting when she was about ten, but this was something new. She'd never been excited by someone else's touch. Eric threw the cotton ball away and asked for Neosporin, passing on the peroxide. He applied the salve and a couple of band-aids to cover the worst of the scrapes, then finished on her arm in much the same way.

"Now then. How's that?"

April stood up and moved around some. "Okay," she said, shrugging.

"Feel like going hunting?" Eric asked.

"Sure." April brightened considerably.

They stopped in the kitchen long enough for April to write a note for her mom and for Eric to pick up his camera. They walked back out into the gloriously sunny, hot June day and headed back across the road. Eric stopped to check the mail, which he had not done for being interrupted. The box was empty so they continued up Eric's driveway and passed the house out into the heavily pine tree populated woods.

Eric knew this area and had photographed it many times at different times of the year. With so many pine trees, there was almost never any real change of colors like in other parts of the country. They continued their trek before coming to an old water mill. Eric hadn't been here in quite some time, not having even walked back this far since he'd finished class. The condition of the old mill had worsened, the roof having mostly fallen in, several boards missing from the walls. The water wheel hadn't actually worked forever. There was only a trickle from the creek it sat in splashing over the paddles anyway.

Eric motioned for April to stay outside while he investigated inside. It was dark in the corners but sunlight filtered in through holes in the roof and there was pine straw deep on the floors. The mill works was a wreck; the stone on the floor in relatively good shape but the one attached to the water wheel was broken into three big pieces beside it. Eric looked around a bit for signs of snakes or ants and decided it passed inspection.

"Come on it, April," he called. "Let's get some pictures in here."

"Okay," she said, curious as to why anybody would want to come to this old place. She'd been here before with Eric on one of his photo hunts and he'd taken her picture here before. Eric had April strike different poses on the old millstones, feeling himself getting aroused by the sight of this gorgeous young girl lying on the stones or sitting demurely.

She's got a really nice ass, he thought to himself.

April was a little worried about lying on the moss-covered stone. It was cold and a little damp. As she lay on her stomach, head propped in her hands, she realized she had a direct view of Eric's crotch. She could see the outline of the bulge in his shorts and knew he had a hard on.

Oh my god, she thought to herself. He's excited over me. April had seen pictures of men naked before in her dad's hidden magazines. The pictures were mostly of women but every now and then they'd be posed with a man.

I wonder if that's what Eric looks like, she thought. Suddenly she had an idea. April sat up, interrupting Eric's shot.

Eric looked up quizzically from the camera, lowering it. "Something wrong?" he asked.

"Eric," April started shyly. "Have you ever taken a picture of somebody when ... they ... were ... naked?" she asked, the last three words progressively quieter, not meeting Eric's eyes when she asked.

Eric wasn't sure what she'd asked but could tell she was a little uncomfortable asking. He sat down on the old stone beside her. "I'm sorry?" he said. "I didn't get that."

April fidgeted, now wishing she hadn't said anything. "Well, I just wondered if you'd ever taken somebody's picture when they were ... you know ... had no clothes on." April blushed furiously.

Eric cocked his head, curious.

"Um, yeah," he said, not sure where this conversation was going. "I've done nudes."

April looked up, a little wide-eyed. "You have?" she smiled kind of one sided.

"Yeah. I don't do it often and I don't think that many people look good nude but if they're willing to pay for it, I'll shoot them nude."

Before she realized she'd said it, April blurted out: "would you shoot me nude?"

Eric sat back a bit and knew he gave April a stunned look, himself quite stunned. He didn't trust himself to speak for a moment but knew if he didn't say anything for much longer the already uncomfortable quiet would become unbearable. Eric's tongue moved around the inside of his mouth, looking for moisture while he considered his answer.

"Um, April, you're a beautiful young girl," he started sincerely, "but you're only twelve years old. I could get into serious trouble for photographing you nude."

"I won't tell," April protested, interrupting.

"I didn't say I wouldn't do it," Eric continued. "I was going to say you can't tell anyone," he smiled. "You sure you want to?"

April thought about how it had felt when Eric had touched her leg and the sight of his erection through his shorts. Am I really going to do this, she asked herself? What will happen next, she wondered?

"Yeah," she said quietly, looking Eric in the eyes.

"Okay," said Eric, hardly believing he'd said it. He should not be encouraging a twelve year old to pose nude. But at least out here on one was likely to walk in on them.

"But any time you want to stop, just say so."

"Okay," said April, standing from the millstone and starting to take off her tank top.

Eric stopped her, his hands covering hers at the hem of her shirt.

"Wait," he said, "let's do this slowly," he suggested. He put her in a suggestive pose and had her look at the camera seductively. She posed with her hands at the hem of her shirt, and then with it pulled up under her arms, then twirling it in one hand before posing in her plain white bra.

April was a bit nervous at first, having come down from her initial high of excitement at the prospect of being shot nude. Once she had her shirt off, twirling it in her hand, she discovered she was having fun. Eric made it fun for her with the poses and faces she made for the camera, keeping her laughing.

Eric was pleased to see he was right about the brief glimpse he'd gotten of April's chest earlier. The plain white bra covered her medium-apple sized breasts and Eric was getting excited, getting hard again. He had April pose in her bra and shorts, taking pictures from behind and beside her while having her hold her shorts just below her sweet little cheeks, then at her knees and then standing with her shorts at her ankles.

April kicked her shorts off and found this slow strip tease while having her picture taken too was turning her on. She flirted and pouted for the camera and felt herself getting wet, her little nipples getting hard under her bra.

Eric had snapped off several pictures and had to change film a couple of times, wondering where on Earth he could get these developed. He almost held his breath as April looked shyly at the camera as she reached behind her to unhook her bra.

April was having some trouble with the hooks but wasn't sure about asking Eric for help. Eric noticed her predicament and offered to assist.

"Here," he said, walking to where she stood against the mill wall. "Let me help." April jumped at his touch as he expertly unhooked her bra. Eric let the back of his fingers gently run up April's spine, feeling her tremble, feeling his cock harden to almost painful.

Eric stepped back to the camera but as he did, April asked quietly, shyly, "could I take some pictures of you?"

Eric thought about it for a moment. This was an expensive camera and he never let anyone else near it.

"Sure," he said, swallowing nervously. "Let's finish your set then I'll pose for you, if you want."

April smiled wider that he'd ever seen, her eyes sparkling. That was exactly what she wanted.

Eric took more pictures as April slowly came out of her bra, then panties to finally stand fully nude before the stone. Eric admired her pale skin that stretched smoothly over her slender legs and round little bottom. She had just the faintest bit of peach fuzz above her delicate little slit.

April was definitely natural redhead and he had pictures to prove it. He was definitely excited to see the bit of moisture on her slit.

"Your turn," April said in an almost husky voice. Eric heard the desire in her voice, wondering what she would taste like.

Stop it, he told himself, but he knew that was no good. He was nearly too far-gone. Eric and April traded places an April surprised him by going straight to camera rather than stopping to put her clothes on. He slowly pulled his T-shirt off, exposing his own pale hairless chest then pulled off his denim shorts to stand in just his white briefs, his excitement showing.

"Are you sure you want to see this?" he asked April as he started to pull down his underwear.

April nodded slowly, not trusting herself to speak. She was working on autopilot, her palms sweating, her heart hammering, her face enflamed, her girlhood aching. If she didn't jill off soon, she felt she might explode.

Eric slowly took off his briefs as April snapped off several shots and heard April's in-take of breath when he stood up to reveal his cock standing out straight in front of him. April felt her eyes go wide at the sight of Eric in all his glory. He wasn't too tall, being only about a head taller than she and not a jock, all muscle. But he was gorgeous and what made her cunt start weeping again was the sight of the hairless cut cock that jutted out at her. That was something she hadn't seen in the pictures of men she'd seen before. They'd been all hairy down there and here was Eric hairless as a newborn.

"You don't have any hair," April said in almost flat voice, the moisture having gone out her mouth.

"I shave it," Eric said hoarsely. He had gotten so excited by this point that he desperately needed to get off soon. "Would you like to pose together?" Eric asked, thinking with the little head.

April trembled all over before asking, "how?"

"I can set the timer to wait a few seconds while we get in position then set it to take either one shot at a time or several. I just have to reset it between shots."

"Okay," April said brightly, as she almost skipped to the stone. Eric went to the camera and set the timer for twenty seconds and ten shots. It would then have to be reset. He crossed back to April and had them pose close but apart, sitting facing each other on the stone.

As the camera captured them, Eric sat closer to April and put an arm around her waist, then caressed her face with his fingers. He ran his fingers through her hair and before he could stop himself, drew her face closer to kiss her soft, pink lips.

April was positively shaking as Eric let his fingers trail across her cheek to run back through her hair. Her heart pounded as she felt the gentle but insistent pull that brought their lips together. As their lips touched, April felt her whole body go weak and almost fell off the stone. She'd never been kissed before and then she felt Eric's hands on her face, pulling them apart.

"I have to reset the timer," he said almost regretfully. He went quickly to the camera to reset the timer then went just as quickly back to April. As he sat, he immediately went back for another kiss, this time catching her upper lip gently in his teeth then pushing his tongue inside her mouth.

April's mind was in a whirl, never having been here before either. She felt Eric's teeth on her lip, then his tongue inside her mouth and gentle suction on her tongue. It was kind of weird but it also just felt right.

Eric let his left hand trail down to April's face, then neck and shoulders to gently caress her right breast, feeling her already hardened nipple tighten up even more. April felt Eric's warm hand cup her breast and moaned softly into their kiss. On my god, she though, that feels nice.

Eric broke the kiss to leave a trail of kisses down her jaw to her ear lobe, then down her neck. At this point he stopped to run back to reset the timer, leaving April panting a bit. April almost protested out loud at the abrupt cessation of Eric's gentle nibbling. Each time his lips touched her neck she swore she felt sparks.

Eric ran back to her to start immediately where he'd left off, April turning to receive him in a hug, her arms around him, her fingers running through his longish hair and down his back as he continued kissing her chest. Eric moved his hand from April's breast to let his fingers caress the inside of her right thigh. As his fingers slowly, gently trailed up the inside of her thigh Eric brought his tongue down on the nipple of April's right breast, then closed his lips over it, gently sucking.

April threw her head back, arching her back, pushing her breast into Eric's mouth. She heard the low moan escape from her throat as Eric's lips closed over her nipple, her whole breast swelling, feeling a warm sensation wash through her body. Yet the feeling of his fingers on her thigh had her almost shaking.

Eric stopped nursing April's nipple and looked up into her eyes.

"I need to reset the timer. Sorry," he said sincerely. "Why don't you lie down? I know it's pine stray but it's got to be more comfortable than this hard stone."

April was slow to get up, feeling somewhat weak from the euphoria of Eric's gentle attention but she forced herself to stand, then kneel and slowly lie down on her back in the sticky pine straw. Eric, as quickly as he could, reset the timer and adjusted the camera angle, the rushed to lie down, facing April on his left side.

As he began gently trailing his fingers down her neck, Eric looked into April's bright green eyes.

"Remember, any time you want to stop, please say so. I don't want to do anything you're not comfortable doing."

April smiled and sat up on an elbow, placed a hand behind Eric's head and pulled him close to kiss him, pushing her tongue inside his mouth. There is no way I'm stopping now, she thought to herself, even as nervous as she was.

Eric continued his gently caress down April's stomach and to the top of her thighs. He broke their kiss and lay April back so as to have better access to her medium apple size breasts and between her milky white thighs. As he kissed her nipple and around her breast he gently stroked her around her slit, feeling the peach fuzz that sparsely covered her mound, felt her wetness, marveling at just how wet she was.

This girl is ready, he though to himself.

April felt his touch on her mound and softly whispered, "yes," her eyes closed, her breath coming in short pants now. She felt his fingers slip inside her slit to open her up for access to her little bud. She wasn't even sure what to call that part of her body; she only knew that it felt nice to play with. And after this long afternoon of excitement kindled and denied, the feeling of Eric's fingers as he gently massaged her there had her coming almost immediately. She'd felt it building the minute he'd started caressing her mound and now it as almost here, the wave that would always wash over her as her orgasm took control of her body and mind.

Eric knew April was almost there. He could feel her heart beating in her chest as he kissed her breasts. He didn't want to come just yet as he had something special in mind for her. Eric sat up from kissing April's breasts and moved to kneel between her outstretched legs, stopping his gentle massage of her girlhood.

April hadn't even realized she'd spread her legs until Eric was looking down at her, kneeling in the pine straw.

"Not the camera again?" she asked, in almost pleading almost mourning voice.

Actually he'd forgotten the camera but now stood up and went to reset the timer, wondering how many shots he'd missed. I need someone with a video camera, he thought, wondering where he could rent one. And who could I trust to film us?

Eric came back to April to kneel between her legs again, April now getting nervous again, wondering is he going to do it? Is he going to put his thing inside me? Her fears evaporated as he began kissing her breasts again, then began leaving a trail of butterfly kisses down her stomach and continued to the top of her thighs and on to start kissing and gently biting inside her thighs. Each gentle nip had April quivering, little sparks lighting inside her belly and as he got closer to her slit the little sparks going off inside there. Then he kissed her slit.

April suddenly sat up on her elbows, eyes wide mouth open in surprise. Eric felt her sit up but only looked up into her eyes before smiling gently then, using two fingers to spread open her lips, lowered his mouth to gently kiss her clit. April took in a deep breath as she watched Eric kiss her most private place, felt his lips on her little bud and felt the warmth that started there and quickly spread out into her belly and filled her breasts. The touch was like an electric shock and April laid back in the pine straw, crying out: "Oh - my - god!" in a soft, hoarse voice.

Eric felt the texture of April's clit on his tongue as he gently flicked it back and forth and whirling it around, tasting the sweet moisture that poured from her cunt. The aroma was one that was at once familiar but different. He'd eaten pussy before but not from someone so young. The smell wasn't as musty as from the older, experienced girls he'd played with before.

April had clutched hands full of pine straw as she felt on-coming wave again. It washed over her again and she lost sense of time and place and suddenly it hit her. With increasing louder pants that turned into grunts, then turned into a squeal as her orgasm hit her full force. April felt like she was going to push her head through the wood floor of the old mill and her arms swept back and forth like someone trying to fly as she sought purchase on anything she could find, finding nothing but pine straw. Eric felt April's orgasm building but continued his gentle lapping, now carefully easing a finger into her tiny hole, working it slowly in a turning motion while easing it in and out, a little deeper at a time until it was in up to his third knuckle. He then started the process again with a second finger, marveling at how wet April was and how easily his finger moved inside her, being excessively careful all the same.

He now slowed down his lapping to finish by kissing her just above her slit. He looked up at April as he changed position. She laid with her eyes still closed, still riding her on her climax, chest almost heaving. Slowly she opened her eyes as she came down and smiled at Eric a smile of pure bliss.

Eric smiled back and said quietly, "April, I think you know what I want to do now. Just so you understand, I want to put this," he held his stiff cock for a second, " inside you here," he said, slipping a finger inside her hole. "You don't have to. You can say no and we'll get dressed and do some more photo hunting."

April smiled her little lopsided smile and said, "I want to do it." Then nervously asked: "Will it hurt?"

Eric considered his answer then said, "a bit. It may feel like somebody pinched you inside, at least that's what I was told." He didn't tell her it was a previous girlfriend whom herself hadn't been a virgin when they where dating. "And you will bleed just a bit," he said, fully confiding the details of loosing one's virginity.

April lay still for a moment, not quite holding her breath. She could say no, he'd told her she could. But there he was, waiting eagerly, wanting her. That was a unique feeling, to have this college-age guy waiting to touch her in such an intimate and special way.

"Okay," she barely whispered.

Eric smiled and leaned down to kiss her and in the same motion began maneuvering his cock up to her virgin cunt. Eric felt a spark tingle through him as the tip of his cockhead touched April's wet pussy. He sat up and carefully rubbed himself against her to get some of her moisture on himself. Then he began pushing in, a little at a time, working it slowly, watching April's face for any sign of discomfort.

April lay perfectly still, if a little tense. She felt Eric touch when he kissed her and closed her eyes. She felt her own heart fluttering in her chest as she felt the pressure of Eric's cock began to push inside her.

Eric had worked his cock inside April's pussy about an inch and half, maybe two inches when he felt it brush something inside her. April felt it as well and twitched at the mild discomfort. Eric knew this part would hurt a bit and felt he'd done as much as possible to ease the pain of breaking April's hymen. With infinite care he pulled back out of April's pussy to the point of just his cockhead inside her. Then slowly but in one motion he pushed back inside her not stopping until he'd pushed through her hymen. Eric felt the thin membrane rupture and was covering April's face with kisses when she suddenly jumped almost sitting up, hissing through her teeth in an intake of breath, her face wrinkled in pain.

"Shh, it's okay," Eric whispered soothingly. "That's it. It's all over. It'll never hurt again. Just this once, just the first time. It should stop pretty quickly and then start to feel nice again." He had, as he spoke, pulled back out only to push in again, causing April to twitch as his cock passed through the torn membrane again.

April felt her hymen break at it did feel very much like someone had pinched her inside - hard. She involuntarily almost sat up as the pain hit her, taking a sharp breath in. "OW!!" she exclaimed, not crying as Eric kissed her face, soothing her. And as he'd promised, the pain began to subside after a moment, then it was numb for a moment and finally began to feel nice as Eric worked slowly in and out, his eyes never off her face. That was the nicest part.

But I'm doing it! I'm having sex! No, she told herself. She looked back into Eric's eyes. There was a look there that seemed to go beyond the casual adult-child friendship they'd maintained. He cared for her. He was being careful and tender. She wasn't just having sex. He's making love to me. At this realization, April's heart swelled and she smiled.

Eric was worried about hurting April but he had wanted to do this. He had to admit it to himself that he hadn't truly protested much to himself about touching a child like this. He'd known April since she was nine years old and now realized he'd been captivated since then. Dear god, he thought desperately, I've fallen in love with her. Yes, he confirmed this was something he'd wanted for a while; it just took a long time for the realization to come and to admit it to himself.

Eric saw the smile on April's face and the look in her eyes and knew she felt the same. This young girl had fallen in love with him. He was making love to this beautiful young girl. He bent down and kissed her again, saying to her, "would you like to be my girlfriend?"

April's heart flew and she couldn't speak as she nodded "yes."

"It'll have to be our secret," Eric said. "I could go to jail for what we're doing. I want to be free to make love to you so we can't tell anyone. You will be my secret girlfriend," he grinned mischievously.

April liked and disliked this idea. She wanted to be Eric's girlfriend, wanted him to be her boyfriend but she wanted to tell that little snot Amanda that she had a grown up boyfriend. Eric was telling her that she couldn't tell. It wasn't fair! Maybe just Amanda... Nobody would believer her anyway.

Eric, until now, had been building a tremendous orgasm. Now it was upon him, his balls felt swollen with the long delayed release, his cock near to bursting with impatience, his trusts became faster and a bit harder as he felt it building. He'd been hard, and then soft, and then hard again so many times today that he was desperate to come.

April felt Eric pushing faster and hard and all memory of pain fled. This felt better than his slow gentle thrusting. Eric knew he had a problem. He desperately needed to come but he couldn't let it go inside April. Love her as he did, he could not make her pregnant. He thought about asking her to try sucking him but decided this experience was probably enough for today. Let's do this one thing at a time. Let her experience lovemaking slowly and not overwhelm her.

Suddenly his own body made the decision for him. He pulled out and sat back on his ankles, grabbing his cock in his right hand, pumping hard but slowly, his sperm shooting out to land harmlessly in the pine straw, his head thrown back, eyes closed tight as the wave of euphoria over-took him, a low groan escaping from his throat. April felt him suddenly leave her and briefly wondered if she'd done something wrong. Then she sat up on her elbows and watched as Eric came, his fist working his cock, this thick white ropey stuff oozing out. She wasn't quite sure what to make of this but watched as Eric let go of his cock then slowly took a breath and shook himself out of his trancelike state.

Eric sat back against the stone and patted the ground next to him, indicating April should sit next to him. April had a difficult time making her body understand what she wanted it to do but finally succeeded in moving over to sit, cuddled up next to Eric, seeing for the first time the small blood stains in the pine straw, knowing that made it official: she was no longer a virgin.

As she laid her head on his shoulder, she felt sleep stealing up on her. Why am I so sleepy, but before she could answer, she drifted off.

Eric watched his beautiful secret girlfriend sleep in the pine straw after he'd gently laid her down to spoon her, combing her hair with his fingers. He kissed her on the head then slowly stood up to walk to the long-forgotten camera. There had been many shots missed, he thought regretfully. Including the look on her face when she lost her virginity. That was lost forever. Eric wondered if he'd gotten the shot of her face when she had orgasm.

Must rent video camera for next time, he smiled to himself. But for now, Eric peered through the viewfinder, adjusted the lens, focusing on April's sleeping form and took one last shot.

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Nice story. Is there another part coming? I liked how he was thoughtful enough to pull out, enhanced the realism for me.


nice story ..

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