Grandpa Jack And The Twins Take A Road Trip, Part 2

[ inc, gMg, Mf, MF, Fb, Fm, grand/dau, fath/dau, moth/son, bro/sis, orgy ]

by Seamus

Published: 14-Jan-2013

Word Count:

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show Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Chapter Six

"How old is Aunt Rebecca anyway?" Carrie asked. She was getting dressed in Grandpa Jack's bedroom while the bus rumbled on down the road.

"She's a year and a little bit younger than Joanne," Candy told her daughter, " and Joanne's a year younger and a couple of month's younger than me, so Rebecca's just turned the big three-oh." In spite of herself, she grinned at the thought.


"And baby sister Tracy is going to be spring," Candy added, in the interests of completeness.

Carrie nodded. She was thinking. "So...Grandpa Jack and Grandma Jeanie had all four of you in just...five years?"

" was actually a little longer than that, the ages don't match up exactly to the years...but almost. Mom used to say she felt like she was getting pregnant right about the time she got over having one baby and having another one...wayyyyy too soon."

"Didn't they have the pill back then?" Carrie asked. She giggled. "Or didn't they know what was causing it?"

"You don't think your GRANDFATHER knew what was 'causing' little babies?" Candy remarked, brushing a long stroke down the back of Carrie's hair.

"Just kidding," Carrie replied unrepentantly. "But isn't that a lot of kids in just that many years?"

"Totally! Mom told me one time that she thought she got pregnant with me the very first time she and Daddy made love, and she was so fertile that every time he got in bed with her she got pregnant all over again...not really, you understand...that's just the way she felt."

"Yeah...I'll bet." Carrie thought about it for a moment. "Mom? You think if Grandpa Jack and Grandma had a' stayed married, she would have kept on popping out kids every year like that?"

Candy had never thought about it. "Hmmmm...well...four of us girls just about wore her out, so I'd say her body would have eventually broken down with that kind of strain," she said at last. "And then, she had to have a hysterectomy...and that stopped her from...what did you say?...poppin' out kids every year?" She laughed. "The things you say sometimes!"

Carrie laughed with her mother. "And Grandma went crazy after she had her hysterectomy?"

"Well, you know she didn't go 'crazy' like in insane, sugar, but I think she thought she wasn't a whole woman afterward," Candy remarked. "She's better now."

"Grandpa Jack won't even talk about her nowadays," Carrie remarked, changing the subject.

Candy considered the comment. "Honey, your Grandpa was awful hurt back then...I thought we were going to lose him for a while."

"He's better now, right?"

"Muuuuuuch better," Candy replied. She lifted Carrie's bra a little and helped adjust it.

"You know, honey?" she remarked. "The way you girls are growing, I think you and your sister are going to have to go to a B-cup...maybe right after Christmas...?"

"Really?" Carrie was thrilled. "You're not just saying that?"

"Cross my heart!" Candy told her.

"I gotta go tell 'Licia!" Carrie's voice faded as she trotted toward the front of the motor home.

* * *

Rebecca's family absorbed the visiting twins, their parents and Grandpa Jack into their home with very little fuss. Becky had planned everything out.

Ten-year-old Dwight was moved into his twelve-year-old brother, Bryan's room so the twins could sleep in his room. Alicia and Carrie weren't exactly used to sleeping on bunk beds but they could be flexible.

Brett and Candy...Rebecca kept calling her Candace, and no one explained to her why 'Candace' sometimes didn't react when that name was called...were set up in the guest room on the second floor.

Grandpa Jack parked the motor home deep in the long driveway near the detached garage and told the computer to level the bus lengthwise and laterally. So, Grandpa Jack was ready to sleep in his king-sized bed in the bus again. This time, he made Candy agree that if he was going to be 'surprised' late one night, she'd give him the high sign early on.

Rebecca's girls, fourteen-year-old Bobbi Jo, thirteen-year-old Judy, and nine-year-old Faye took to Candy's twin twelve-year-olds immediately. The twin's unconsciously sophisticated air made them comfortable companions even for Bobbi Jo, who was growing through one of THOSE stages where no one not already in her circle was quiet up to her standards.

Young Faye, the baby of the family, thought the twins were worldly, smart and totally cool. She attached herself to them from the start. An hour after they got there, she was begging them to show her how they did their makeup 'cause her mom probably wouldn't mind how the twins used scant amounts of makeup for such wonderful results.

Rebecca's ten and twelve-year-old sons thought the twins were gorgeous...absolutely gorgeous! They didn't come right out and say it, but the twins...and their parents, plus Grandpa Jack...quickly noticed the boys hanging around all the time, and the boys kept surreptitiously readjusting their pants.

The one surprise was Rebecca's brother-in-law, who occupied the room above the garage. It had been converted into a tiny apartment for Travis who was separated from his wife and kids. By court order, he only got to see his two little girls on alternating weekends.

Travis was an active, perpetually grinning thirty-year-old. He was very much aware his big brother...Rebecca's husband, Kirby...was doing him a HUGE favor letting him live above the garage. Six years Kirby's junior, Travis made huge efforts to be useful around the house, lending a hand without being asked, taking care of the yard and such things...even babysitting when Kirby and Rebecca needed one. After a year-and-a-half of Travis living there, Rebecca's kids, and she herself, thought of him as one of the family.

* * *

Brett noticed tents in the boys' pants when they were near either one of the twins and he saw that Rebecca's youngest girl...young Faye...noticed the same thing. The nine-year-old saw an opportunity when she thought no one was watching and she teased her brother, Dwight, by backing up to him and putting her butt right in his crotch.

Brett wasn't in her line of sight, he was off to the side and being very still. He THOUGHT he saw her little hands go behind her and MAYBE she fondled Dwight--just a little bit, and only for a second or two. But the shadows where they were, were SO dark.

Later, when he thought about what he'd seen, he wasn't so sure. Maybe he was just wishing, and interpreting innocent movements from an unrealistic perspective. He sighed, and kept quiet.

Grandpa Jack was a master at the game of girl watching. He'd always been able to see more with his peripheral vision than most people saw looking straight ahead. So it was that he was able to see thirty-year-old Travis cup thirteen-year-old Judy's butt cheeks in his big hands and knead them slowly for just a moment. Neither of them saw Grandpa Jack sitting on the sofa over there, watching TV.

Rebecca saw Travis and Judy messing around though. She made a detour over to the man to have a few quiet, very emphatic words with him before coming to sit with Grandpa Jack. She wasn't sure her father had seen or not. Probably not, she concluded, when it turned out Grandpa Jack had been resting his eyes behind his eyelids instead of watching TV.

For his part, Grandpa Jack didn't know if his daughter, Rebecca was keeping things quiet to avoid a confrontation in front of her older sister and father, or not. It SHOULD have brought out a serious chewing-out for Travis...abusing his niece's trust like he had, but Becky didn't seem THAT upset. And Judy wasn't unhappy at all.

Grandpa Jack didn't have the chance to talk with Candy and Brett compare notes, so the moment passed.

* * *

Carrie knelt and pushed her shoes under the hanging bottom of the bedspread that hid the space under Dwight's bed...sweeping the coverlet up and onto the mattress so she could see better. The black space there was just as dusty as any other little boy's in America, but there were no cobwebs, and no critters.

At the last moment, just before she got raised her head up, she caught the glint of something shiny back under the headboard. It didn't seem to be a couple of beady eyes looking back at her, and that was a very good sign in her estimation.

Reaching in, she pulled out an old VHS cassette. It had been standing on end, flush against the outside leg of the headboard...hidden there? It was Carrie's first thought that someone had put it there deliberately, so it wouldn't be seen?

Carrie's silence and quick, furtive movement to snatch the cassette and come back up with it alerted her sister that something was happening.

"Someone forgot they hid that under there, huh?" Alicia asked, watching Carrie blow the dust off the cassette. Carrie shrugged.

"What's it say," Alicia asked, referring to the label. She came and sat on Dwight's bed beside Carrie. She already had the spare on in the boy's room ready to sleep on.

"Just 'Dwight and Faye' and the number '3', Carrie replied. "What's that all about, huh?" She looked around the small bedroom. Dwight had a VCR sitting on his bureau. She glanced at Alicia, who just nodded, her eyes lit by an excited glow. Alicia liked mysteries...and solving them.

Alicia closed the door so they wouldn't be disturbed while Carrie turned on the power on the TV and VCR, inserted the cassette and touched the play button. They sat on the edge of the lower bunk and looked expectantly at the TV.

The screen stayed black an uncomfortably long time, but a point of light grew and expanded to a view of a bathtub, and the two toddlers who occupied it. The twins recognized Dwight and his little sister, Faye as they'd looked at, perhaps four and three years old. Two little tykes, taking a bath together.

The twins' posture relaxed, they straightened up from watching closely. Just another family, 'Awwwww, aren't they cute?' kind of thing. They'd seen a DVD of themselves at three that looked remarkable the same.

"Hey, big guy...whatcha doing there?" It was Rebecca's bantering voice. She sounded cheerful and maybe a little proud of her 'big guy' in the tub.

"Playin' wit' Faye," young Dwight answered without looking up at the camera.

The twins' attention was abruptly captured again. They could see Dwight's hands were under water, between his sister's chubby thighs and he was looking down intently at what he was doing.

"What are you playing with?" Rebecca asked.

"Her pussy," young Dwight replied matter-of-factly. The word was as clear as it could be.

The twin's eyes widened. Carrie instinctively turned the volume down. Alicia got to her feet and walked to the door and locked it. That video of the twins in the tub at three years old hadn't included anything like that bit of information.

"Faye, you like what your big brother is doin'?" Rebecca asked in an amused tone.

Faye looked into the lens and nodded, smiling broadly.

"Why don't you guys stand up?" Rebecca suggested slyly.

The toddlers did as their mother asked. He had to let go of Faye's pussy while they rose, but Dwight's fingers went right back to rubbing Faye's tiny slit once they were standing.

Faye giggled a little, wiggling her plump little hips and backing away when the sensations grew too intense. She laughed and came back for more.

"Faye?" Rebecca asked to get the little girl's attention. The young Faye looked directly into the camera. "Can you suck your big brother's prick?"

Faye nodded and plopped down in the water on her knees in front of her brother. She got down on all fours, leaned in and opened wide to capture Dwight's little sausage of a penis in her mouth. Dwight was thoroughly delighted and grinned up at the camera.

"!!" Alicia breathed. She stood, dropped her shorts and panties and kicked them away. Her fingers were rubbing her clit in no time. Carrie wasn't a second behind.

"That's so pretty!" Rebecca exclaimed on the VHS tape. "Pretty girl...." She cheered her toddler daughter on. The little girl let Dwight's little prick fall from her mouth while she played to the camera, smiling a silly grin and rocking her head from side to side.

Dwight wasn't nearly so pleased. He stood there for a moment, then his face began to cloud up.

"Dwight?" Rebecca asked.

"Want Mommy to suck you?"

Dwight's expression instantly cleared up and he nodded vigorously.

The camera trembled while a younger, naked, version of Aunt Rebecca made her way past it and into camera view. Rebecca got into the tub between the two toddlers, sitting cross-legged so she could sit facing out the side of the tub. She grinned at the camera.

The two toddlers put their hands all over Rebecca's breasts, deftly twirling her nipples and playing happily with their mother's soft flesh. The two children dropped to their knees in the water and each sucked a nipple into their mouth while Rebecca smiled beatifically at the camera.

"Having a good time, honey?"

The twins gasped, though it shouldn't have been a surprise. Rebecca's husband, Kirby, had a distinctive voice...and if Rebecca was being this brazen, surely Kirby was in the picture, so to speak.

Rebecca nodded brightly, caressing the two toddlers' little butts. Her fingers slid smoothly underneath to touch Dwight's little link sausage of a penis and Faye's plump slit. The kids wiggled their hips to show their appreciation.

"Let's suck Dwight's penis, okay, Faye?" Rebecca prompted. Faye crawled over her mother's lap and sat on her mom's thigh. She grabbed Dwight's small dick and pulled it close enough to put inside her lips and, judging from the way her cheeks hollowed out, she was enthusiastically sucking Dwight's penis.

"My turn...." Rebecca sang out. Faye leaned away and Rebecca bent over to let Dwight guide his penis into his mother's mouth. Rebecca began bobbing her head and slathering his cock with what were clearly very satisfying strokes for the little boy.

The sound of someone moving down the hallway sent the twins scrambling. Carrie stopped the VCR, cutting off the sound and picture while Alicia trotted to the door and put her back against it to make sure no one could come in, lock or no lock. Whoever it was went slowly on by. There was no sign anyone had heard anything. The two girls looked at each other, wide-eyed and...thoroughly aroused.

"We are NOT going to waste another three days not doing anything and not being able to play with Aunt Rebecca and Uncle Kirby, and...everyone," Alicia said fiercely. "Not like at Aunt Joanne's."

Carrie nodded. "Right!" A small frown came over her face. "So what do we do now? Mom and Dad and all them are gone to dinner."

Alicia stood for a moment, her top still on--her heels were still on, but everything else was fully exposed. She grinned and stripped off her top and stepped out of her shoes. In seconds she was stark naked, barefooted, and stroking her pussy again.

"We'll do what we do best, sister dear," Alicia remarked. "Find some boys...and some girls...and start fuckin'!!"

"All right!" Carrie agreed happily. "Where they all at, you think?" She stripped and was ready for action. "Mom and Dad...and Grandpa Jack...are going to be soooo jealous," she concluded.

* * *

After fifteen minutes in the bathroom to freshen up, and prepare their bodies for whatever sex presented itself, the twins minced their way down the hall, naked and looking for company. They were carrying the dildoes they'd sneaked into the house for late night relief. Now the dildoes were toys that might be useful in the coming encounter. If necessary, they had more toys out in the bus.

They stopped at the first door they came to; it was where Dwight and Bryan should have been. When they knocked, there was no answer--not even a rustle of movement behind the door. The girls had thought it was the best place to start. No luck.

A few yards down the hallway was Bobbi Jo's room. No one was there either. Two strikes.

There wasn't anyone home in Judy or Faye's rooms either.

"Well, THAT sucks!" Carrie observed. "All set for a fuck party and no one to party with! Where the heck is everyone?"

Alicia shrugged. They went back to their temporary bedroom for Alicia's cell phone, then padded down the stairs, careful to stay away from the windows, though they did look like the blinds and curtains did a fine job of blocking vision from outside. No one was downstairs either. The living room was empty, the master bedroom and guest quarters...the kitchen was too, and the linoleum was cold against the soles of their bare feet.

They stood there uncertainly for a moment, with no idea what to do next. Alicia noticed something from the corner of her eye. Lights were on above the separate garage. She cut the lights in the kitchen to see better.

"There!" Alicia said excitedly. "Where...Travis lives!" she said, pointing at the window.

Carrie looked out the window dubiously. Then a shadow moved across the dim light from one of the windows.

"Grandpa Jack's bus!" Alicia suggested. The cameras, surveillance equipment and computers in there would be perfect for a surreptitious reconnaissance.

"Can anybody see us?" Carrie asked uncertainly. She lifted a blind, looking down the driveway toward the street and wondering if they'd be okay. She didn't mind being seen nude, but she didn't want to bring down the cops on them.

"It's really dark out there--and there's a shadow that goes from the roof all the way over Grandpa Jack's bus," Alicia decided. "And the bus has our fingerprints...and we can open it really quick...."

"You just want to be naked outside where people can see you," Carrie accused her sister.

Alicia snorted. "And you DON'T?"

She turned and opened the outside door, knowing Carrie would be right behind her. For a moment, the two girls stood in the soft summer night letting the breeze caress their bare skin, waiting for their eyes to adjust. Even this was deliciously naughty. The exhibitionistic girls loved it.

They looked to the right, down the side of the house. But they couldn't even SEE the front sidewalk from where they were so they couldn't BE seen, and the bus door really was deep in the shadows. A car passing by wouldn't even have a second to find and recognize the girls as being naked, not that there were any cars passing by.

Suddenly confident, the two stepped out and ambled to the locked motor home's door. They were inside as quickly as they had anticipated, and powering up the main computer console seconds later. The first thing they did when it came up was to dial up the polarization to full block. Now no one could see the girls in the bus even if they were standing at one of the windows.

"Sooooo," Alicia murmured to herself, "let's see what we got here...." She selected the passenger-side top front camera and worked the joystick around to look at all the windows up in Travis' apartment.

"THERE!" Carrie cried, pointing at the right-most window. Someone had made a mistake; the blinds weren't completely down on the windowsill. There was a narrow ribbon of light shining through.

Alicia narrowed the focus of the camera, zooming in rapidly. The little strip of light wasn't much. Someone just looking from the bus to the building couldn't have seen a thing...but the HD camera's height above the ground and its ability to zoom in made all things possible. Her fingers left the joystick. She was using the keyboard to move the camera back and forth in tiny increments. In seconds, the camera view was that of someone peeking inside from a few inches away.

"Ahhhhhhhhh," the twins sighed together. Bodies were moving back and forth up there in the apartment above the garage...nude bodies...naked YOUNG bodies...and a hard-bodied older male.

"So what's the plan?" Carrie asked while Alicia shut the system down.

"Go up and join them," Alicia replied.

"Just like that, nothin'?"

"Sister, dear," Alicia said, sweeping a hand from shoulder down the length of her body, "who's gonna keep us out when we got bodies like this?"

"Good point," like Grandpa Jack says," Carrie commented. "Okay, let's do it!"

They made their way into the garage through the side door. The kids up there had left it unlocked...a mistake the twins didn't make. Once in the garage, they found the inside stairs easily. A lot of light was leaking around the partially closed door up the steep staircase, making it easy for the twins to navigate through the obstacle course of lawn mowers, sports gear, and other debris. The stairs were solid; they didn't creak at all as Alicia and Carrie mounted them.

No one noticed them when they pushed open the door leading into the apartment...not at first. They were too busy. The twins could see Travis' bare backside, the muscles in his butt cheeks clinching and relaxing in a quick rhythm as he fucked a naked fourteen-year-old Bobbi Jo stretched out on the dining room table.

Twelve-year-old Bryan was taking nine-year-old Faye doggy style on the floor, fucking her strongly and clearly pleasing the younger girl immensely. Ten-year-old Dwight was pumping his dick into his thirteen-year-old sister, Judy's cunt in the missionary position over on the single couch in the small room.

Judy was the first to notice them. Her head was rolling from side to side in her passionate excitement, and she caught sight of the two naked girls standing in the doorway with sly grins on their faces. An alarmed expression spread across Judy's features and then the fact that Alicia and Carrie were nude sank in.

Judy smiled mischievously. She stifled a grunt as a little orgasm washed over her. She opened her eyes and smiled again.

"HI CARRIE!" she called out suddenly. "HI, 'LICIA!

If she had tazed her brothers and sisters, and Travis, they wouldn't have convulsed any more violently. Travis whipped his cock out of Bobbi Jo so quickly she shrieked. It couldn't have been comfortable, and Bryan did the same thing with Faye...she wailed a protest at the sudden emptiness in her cunt. Judy kept Dwight inside her by locking her ankles in the small of his back. He couldn't have gotten away if his life depended on it.

"Oh God," Travis said thickly. His sick expression said he just KNEW he was ass deep in alligators at feeding time. He was the only adult in the group. They others would be disciplined and made unhappy. HE was next in line for solitary confinement at the state prison and he was never coming home.

Carrie and Alicia giggled and stepped inside. Carrie locked the door tightly behind her. Alicia trotted across the room to tug the venetian blinds a betraying inch down to the windowsill.

The naked twelve-year-olds put their hands on their hips and stared down the six incestuous fuckers. It was Judy who spoiled the effect.

"They're NAKED, guys!" she said disgustedly. "Whatta ya think? They're here to BUST us?!!"

The room full of kids relaxed. Travis' knees suddenly wouldn't hold him, and he collapsed onto a dining room chair. "Jesus!" he exclaimed.

The twins found seats on the carpet, Carrie near Bryan and Faye, Alicia closer to Travis. They made no attempt to cover themselves up. Their privates were on display, and they were smiling broadly.

Carrie smiled at everyone around the quiet room. "SO!" she said with completely unnecessary force.

It made everyone jump.

Travis resumed mopping his forehead with napkins off the dining room table--he'd only quit for a few seconds.

"Havin' a little family suck and fuck, and you didn't invite 'Licia and me, huh?" Carrie continued. "Don't you LIKE fucking cousins?"


"We didn't know you things with us," little Faye said carefully. She smiled tentatively to Carrie when Carrie turned to face her.

"We SAW you...." Carrie told the baby of the family.

Faye was confused. Her eyes flicked to the door, then to the window with the faulty venetian blind.

"No," Carrie said, "...I mean on the VCR up in Dwight's room...we found a cassette under Dwight's bed," she explained.

"With me on it?" Faye asked.

" and Dwight in the bathtub when you were just about...maybe three or four."

"Bath!" Judy said suddenly. She rolled off the sofa and trotted to the bathroom door. A second later, a shower was running.

Across the room, Dwight's face turned ashen. He knew what tape they were talking about, though he'd forgotten all about it until that moment.

"DWIGHT!!!" Bobbi Jo said in a hard tone. "You just wait 'til Mom and Dad get home! You were supposed to make sure there wasn't anything left out!!"

"It was way up under the headboard," Carrie explained reasonably. "It was so dusty, we could tell it had been there a long time," she added. She leaned back against the unoccupied easy chair and stretched her long legs out in front of her. Drawing her knees up halfway, she let them flop to the side, spreading her pussy lips for all to see. It drew everyone's attention. When she inserted the dildo she'd brought a careful two inches inside, the whole room sighed.

"He was STILL...." Bobbi Jo wasn't in a mood to let it go.

"It was from last Christmas...I mean I was watchin' it last Christmas Eve," Dwight explained. "I had to hide it real fast when Terrance came over and...I guess I forgot about it."

"You STILL--"

"And YOU were supposed to take a break from screwing while your grandpa and your aunt's family were here instead of showing up at my door naked and horny an hour ago," Travis interjected, silencing Bobbi Jo instantly. She had the good grace to look guilty.

"So...everybody makes mistakes," Alicia contributed. "You all should really make sure all the doors are locked and the window shades pulled down and stuff like that, you know. Nex' time it might not be just lil' ol' me and Carrie," she said, waggling a reproving forefinger at them.

"That's totally correct," Travis said. "And I should be double-checking too," he added. He looked around the small efficiency apartment. "We will next time, right kids?" Everyone nodded.

Thirteen-year-old Judy opened the bathroom door, letting out a cloud of steamy hot air. "Your turn, Dwight," she said casually. Glad to escape further criticism, Dwight moved quick and had the bathroom door closed before anyone could say anything.

"All fresh and ready for more playin'?" Alicia asked.

"Oh, yeaaaaaaaaaaah," Judy drawled. She grinned. "All douched and squeaky clean and everything."

"My kind of girl," Alicia said appreciatively.

"Travis...honey," Bobbi Jo said to get Travis' attention. When he looked around at her, she added, "Baby, you left me kinda...."

"He DID do that, didn't he?" Alicia quipped. The kids all chuckled.

"You like to fuck...all spread out on the table like that?" Alicia asked the fourteen-year-old girl. She was clearly interested. "Isn't it kinda hard on your back and your butt?"

Bobbi Jo stared at her brazen cousin. "Uh...yeah...but when I do, I'm on exactly the right level for Trav to fuck me really, really deep," she said in a satisfied voice.

"Yeah, I can see that," Alicia replied. She giggled. "Yeah, it does make everything match up just right, doesn't it? One time me and Carrie were camping with Grandpa Jack and we did it on a picnic table, but we had...well, no we didn't, did we, Carrie? It was just on that red and white colored plastic table cloth, wasn't it?"

"Grandpa Jack knows you fucked on a picnic table?" Judy asked interestedly.

"It was Grandpa Jack doin' the fuckin'!" Carrie said with a grin. The room stilled again.

"Your grandpa had sex with you?" Travis asked quietly.

"And still does!" Carrie answered. "He's one heck of a fuck, I'm here to tell ya," she continued. "He's got a big cock, but he can keep it from getting too big until he's inside ya and then when he pumps it in and outta ya, it stretches your you-know-what...naturally," she boasted.

"Do your parents know...?" Judy asked.

"Oh sure," Alicia answered. "An Mom's biggest kick is to get it on with Grandpa while we all watch," she said.

"Cool...," Bryan breathed. "Does your mom...?"

"With boys? Oh yeah!" Carrie replied.

"And grownup guys Uncle Grady...or Travis," Alicia added with a wide grin.

It took a moment.

"AUNT JOANNE'S Uncle Grady--I mean Aunt Joanne's husband?" Bobbi Jo said disbelievingly.

"Honey," Alicia said, "Aunt Joanne's whole family does it...and we're hoping they'll move to where we why don't you guys come too?"

No one had anything to say.

Alicia got to her feet, winding about like a spring uncoiling. When she finished, she was facing Travis.

"Come on, sugar," she said in a seductive voice, "I have to send a text message, then I'll help you finish up fucking Bobbi Jo and then...I'm gonna need about six inches of your big ol' cock stuffed up my cunt," she told him.

Travis had been hardening since the twins had opened the subject of their grandfather fucking them on a picnic table. Now his penis snapped fully erect.

Alicia spied something on an end table. " you have a problem with nasty girls and rude fingers and...?"

Travis figured it out when she pointed at the two latex gloves lying there. "Ya sure...?"

"Trust me, honey," Alicia said convincingly. The thirty-year-old man nodded, but not exactly enthusiastically. "I'll be gentle," Alicia grinned.

Moments later, Travis had his cock driving steadily back into the suffering teenage girl lying on the table. She badly needed him to finish her off.

Her text message sent, Alicia opened the latex glove, inserted her fingers and pulled the latex down over her hand. Plastering her body against Travis's left rear, she rubbed her steamy pussy lips against his thigh and raked her sharp-pointed nipples across his back and side.

When Travis and Bobbi Jo were going at it hard and fast, she deftly inserted her latex-covered middle finger into Travis' rectum and moved it around, finding his prostate gland in seconds. She massaged the organ efficiently, helping Travis spew huge gobs of scalding white cum into Bobbi Jo's vagina, which pushed Bobbi Jo over the top.

She screamed her way through a series of orgasms that fired one right after the other. Every time she thought she was finished, Travis triggered another one, which in turn, was usually brought about by something Alicia did with her 'rude' middle finger.

"What d'you wanta do?" Faye asked, almost plaintively. She was rubbing madly at her pussy, clearly needing some quick relief.

Dwight came out of the bathroom still using a towel to dry off.

"Don't bother dryin' off, honey," Carrie said. "Just gonna get wet all over again," she advised the ten-year-old. She tapped a front tooth with the fingernail on her right forefinger. "How 'bout this? it okay if you fuck Judy?

They nodded. It was, in fact, 'their turn' to have sex with each other, but Carrie didn't know they were that organized.

"An' then...can I eat your cute little pussy, Faye?" Carrie asked.

The nine-year-old nodded happily. "I like it when people lick me," she confided.

"Cool," Carrie said. "And that leaves you, sugar," she said to Dwight. "Would you mind fucking your hottie cousin up the ass with that beautiful cock of yours?"

Dwight stared, hardly daring to believe he'd heard right. He turned, rushed back into the bathroom and came running back with a big squeeze bottle of lubricant.

"We had an enema just a little while ago, right after we found the video," Carrie explained to an interested Faye, "so I'm all clean and everything." She dropped her voice two octaves.

"And I'm REALLY, REALLY ready for a good butt-fuckin' " she confided to Faye, her eyes twinkling.

The little girl giggled at her. Fay liked her cousins really much.

In a few more minutes, Carrie's butt hole was fully lubricated and her anus nicely dilated. If Dwight had a bigger cock, she would have liked a little longer...and maybe the use of successively fatter buttplugs to open her up, but the ten-year-old boy's penis was just the right size so the process could be speeded up.

In a little while, Dwight's young ball sack was smacking against Carrie's groin while she groaned into Faye's spread pussy lips. Travis' fully descended nuts were filling with more cum to spray a gusher inside Alicia when that twin replaced Bobbi Jo on the table.

Bobbi Jo was still right there, balancing on the precariously overloaded table, and squatting over Alicia's mouth while Alicia sucked Travis' cum out of the teenager.

And then they all found new combinations and positions.

* * *

Candy's smartphone chimed out a signal that a text message had arrived. Frowning, she took the phone out of her skirt pocket--she wasn't carrying a purse here in the restaurant. Grandpa Jack had made it clear he was going to take care of this, since it had been his craving for some good barbeque that generated the trip to this out-of-the-way place in the first place. It was an 'adults only' adventure trip, but only because the kids thought barbeque was sooooooo too much a thing of the 90's for words. The kids were fine being left with Travis, who didn't like barbeque even a little bit.

And now Candy's cell phone was vibrating all over itself and the twins usually wouldn't text her after just saying goodnight an hour ago. She flipped her cell open and tapped the view key. It was from Alicia, which was better than one from Carrie. Alicia knew her mother didn't know the latest texting slang and made allowances.

'Found VHS with Dwite+Faye+AuntBecky playing hard/whole family
plays/Trav 2/C & me playin hard with kids like last nite at Ant

For a wonder, it was perfectly decipherable, and Candy's cunt was suddenly awash with juices. She shifted in her seat.

'Playing hard' was a phrase Old Jim Velasquez contributed to the campground society's lexicon to describe kids fucking other kids or adults. So the first part of the message meant an old VHS tape had been laying around showing Dwight, Faye, AND their mother, having sex. VERY cool!

Candy swallowed hard.

'Whole family plays' meant Rebecca and her whole family, plus her brother-in-law, were involved in family sex. Candy's quim had never dampened this quick, and it was soooo hot already.

The last night at Aunt Joanne's had been a no-holds-barred orgy that lasted for hours. It was obvious Alicia and Carrie hadn't waited for the adults to come home to provide guidance. They were already having sex with Rebecca's kids...and Rebecca's brother-in-law too. The meaning of 'hurry' was obvious.

Candy typed, "Hurrying," and sent the message, knowing nothing else was needed. She looked around at the table, smiling so wide she thought her face would split. Looking beyond the table, she could see the weeknight had brought a poor night's business to the restaurant. They were off to themselves in a nice, private corner and no one around them.

Abruptly, Candy was reminded of Grandpa Jack's account of what had happened at that restaurant at the crossroads where they dropped off the twins for their summer with Grandpa Jack. It hadn't been THAT long ago. Candy felt the tingling in her cunt begin to mount higher.

She retrieved Alicia's message and passed her smartphone to her husband. Brett's eyes widened by several orders of magnitude. "I'll be damned," he commented.

Candy passed her cell to her father, whose reaction was muted. Grandpa Jack was schooled in keeping a poker face in place. On the other hand, his eyes suddenly glittered with a lusty fire from deep inside.

"Something we shouldn't know about?" Kirby, Rebecca's husband asked, a little irritated he and Rebecca were included out.

Candy wet her lips. She glanced at her father and then her husband. "Oh no, just a cute message from Alicia," she said. "She says they're...playing...with your kids, and having a ball," she added. If she hadn't been searching for it, she'd have never noticed Rebecca's eyes squint just the tiniest little bit.

Her sister's and Kirby's faces had gone a little stiff. Hah! So they used the term 'play' to describe family sex too. She grinned broadly at her sister.

"Did we ever tell you when everyone started calling me 'Candy', by any chance. She asked innocently.

"Uh, no," Rebecca replied. "In fact I was under the impression that you though it was a...trashy, kinda slutty name," she replied. She was a little nettled, and she didn't know why her sister was changing the subject.

Candy didn't give Rebecca any time to retract what she'd said. "Ohhhhhh, I DO...I SOOOOO do!" she said slowly, letting a sultry note come into her voice. She giggled girlishly. "It's totally trashy, and very...very slutty."

Rebecca looked askance at her. Candy plowed on.

"I AMMMMMMMMMM a slut, Becky," Candy said into the short silence. She glanced at Grandpa Jack and Brett, who were thoroughly enjoying the byplay. "What else would you call a woman who just loves getting fucked by her very own Daddy, hmmmmmm, Becky?"

Becky's mouth gaped. She turned to look at her and Candace's...Candy's father. He only smiled and nodded genially.

" 'Tis true," he said gently. "She's slutty as hell...and her pussy's probably churning right now," he added.

Disbelievingly, Becky turned back to her sister, trying to absorb it all. Her sister was admitting to....

"And Alicia tells me she and Carrie found an old tape of Dwight and little Faye having sex...AND...the twins are having sex right this minute with all your kids...and Travis too. Hmmmm, just how does Travis fit into all this?" Candy whispered.

Kirby chuckled. "Very well, actually!" He grinned. "We'll fill you in later, okay?"

"Secret's out, sugar," he remarked when Rebecca turned to him in surprise. "At least among your sister and her family. No hiding anymore," he said in a satisfied tone. "It's kind a' invigorating, ya know?" He eyed Candy's braless breasts and didn't turn away until a more pressing item occurred to him.

Turning in his chair, Kirby hollared, "WAITRESS!!" He scribbled into his other palm to ask for the check.

They over-tipped their waitress enough so she was beaming as they walked out the door with 'doggy bags' in hand. The five family members weren't running, but they sure were "pickin' 'em up and puttin' 'em down" on the way out to Kirby's pickup. Instead of letting Becky get in alongside her husband in front, Grandpa Jack guided his daughter into the back seat where Brett was already waiting.

Becky giggled like a schoolgirl, getting into the mood of the new agenda and scooted in, with her brother-in-law and father on either side of her. She was breathless. Before the courtesy lights went off, Grandpa Jack and Brett could see a flush climbing her cheeks. The pulse was already pounding in her neck.

A minute later, before they actually pulled out of the parking lot, Grandpa Jack remarked in mock exasperation, "Dang, Kirby...why do you let her wear panties for, huh? Candy hasn't worn panties since the night BEFORE I fucked her for the first time."

It was silent for a moment except for Becky's quick moan and her pants. "I won't wear any after tonight, Daddy...if you fuck a nasty cum slut daughter," she moaned. Her father and brother-in-law were already mauling her.

"Would NOW soon enough for a nasty daddy-fuck?" Grandpa Jack asked.

It was totally rhetorical. Becky couldn't possibly have answered, what with her daddy's cock spearing her cunt and her brother-in-law's cock filling her mouth.

* * *

Becky walked unsteadily up the sidewalk from the front driveway to the main entrance to her home. The front door was open, but the foyer's lights were off, as was the porch light. Which was good, because the disheveled wife and mother of five wouldn't have passed any of the neighbors' inspections.

Her baby daughter, Faye, was waiting for her in the dimness of the entranceway when the woman unsteadily closed the door. She flicked on the light.

"Hi, Mommy." The naked young girl greeted her mother with a joyful look on her face and a happy note in her voice. Faye took in her mother's appearance.

"How come your blouse isn't buttoned...and why are you carrying your panties, Mom?" Faye asked interestedly.

"I'm not allowed to wear panties anymore when we go out," Becky replied absentmindedly, "like your Aunt Candy," she added. A confused look crossed her features...and your Uncle Brett is REALLY quick at getting a girl's top and her bra off," she told the little girl.

"What happened?" the little girl asked mischievously. With her mother's blouse still undone, showing the inner slopes of her big breasts off to good advantage. Becky hadn't noticed but the hem of her skirt had gotten tucked up under the skirt's waistband, exposing the whole of her right leg, ass, and hip. Becky'd walked like that all the way from where her husband had dropped her off on the driveway.

Having been included in her parent's sex games since she was a toddler, Faye had a pretty good idea of what came next in her mother's story. She was grinning broadly.

" know how big your Daddy's pickup is in the back seat?" Becky asked, not really needing an answer. Her daughter had been there many a time. "Well...somehow we were just out of the parking lot and all of a sudden, I didn't have my top or my bra on anymore.

"Your grandfather and Uncle Brett pulled my panties off...and all of a sudden, Grandpa Jack was fucking me from behind and your uncle was fucking my mouth...and I don't know what all happened from then on," she told her young daughter.

"Sounds like fun, Mommy," Faye teased. She was grinning and already rubbing her little slit with her right hand.

Becky considered the idea, then smiled contentedly. "It waaaaaaas," she purred.

"Where was Daddy?" Faye asked.

"Aunt Candy was bending over the center console thingy in the front seat, sucking your father's cock," Becky reported.

"Where's he at now?"

"Well...." Becky wasn't exactly sure. "I THINK your aunt Candy hopped up on the hood when Daddy pulled the truck all the way in the back...and your Daddy is eatin' her pussy like it's goin' out of style."

"Isn't that kind of...weird...all you grownups fucking and sucking like that, Mom? Shouldn't there be some kids playin' with you too?"

Becky blinked. She didn't know how to respond.

When Faye pressed her face into Becky's groin and slurped up some of the fluids leaking out of her well-fucked pussy, the mother's post-coital trance began to fade. Things snapped into focus.

"They sure should!" Becky remarked, answering Faye's question. She bent to kiss the child.

"You got cummy lips, Mom," Faye told her.

Becky licked her lips. "I do, don't I? Tastes good, huh?"

"Uh-huh," Faye agreed. "And Grandpa Jack's cum comin' outta your pussy tastes good too!"

"Mmmmm." Becky bent down and dipped a finger in her own pussy, carrying the goop scooped out up to her lips. "Yeah...and I taste really good too!" she observed. "Wanta go help Mommy take a shower?"

"I just took one...," Faye answered, not really enthused.

"I'll let you suck Grandpa Jack's cum out of my pussy...."

"Okay," Faye said agreeably. She took her mother's hand and pulled her up the stairs to the big master bedroom's bathroom.

* * *

Fourteen-year-old Bobbi Jo was panting and groaning; she was on hands and knees on the living room carpet while Grandpa Jack plowed his cock into her doggy style. A few hours ago, her grandfather had been an amiable, largely-unknown guy with a twinkle in his eye. Now Grandpa Jack was a powerful male animal fucking her hard, fast, and deep. Bobbi Jo knew exactly which of those grandfathers she preferred.

She moaned piteously, throwing her head back and staring sightlessly at the ceiling when Grandpa Jack stopped driving his cock into her but he was only doing it so Bobbi Jo's nine-year-old sister, Faye could lap her pussy lips from underneath Bobbi Jo's body. Faye was licking right where Bobbi Jo's outer labia bulged around Grandpa Jack's prick.

"UNNGGGG!" Bobbi Jo grunted. She panted hard. She got a little respite when Faye transferred her attentions to Grandpa Jack's balls, tonguing her grandfather's ballsac industriously, capturing one testicle in a soft hand and massaging it gently.

When Faye switched balls, it was Grandpa Jack who grunted.

Faye was in a sixty-nine position with her sister, Bobbi Jo, but Faye's body wasn't long enough for them to line their groins up with each others mouths. Instead, Bobbi Jo was leaning on her left hand, and rubbing at Faye's clit with her right.

"Bobbi Jo!" Faye whined. "Do it right...there!" she commanded, moving Bobbi Jo's fingers minutely.

"Ooooooommmmmmmmmmgggggggggggghhhhhhhhhh," Faye groaned. "Soooooo gooooooooooood...." She returned to licking at Bobbi Jo's slit and Grandpa Jack's cock.

When Grandpa Jack resumed driving his cock into Bobbi Jo's churning cunt, she let her upper body slump down again, bent down and took her brother, Dwight's, small penis in her mouth. She did the best she could to hold contact with his cock while being battered so wonderfully from behind by Fay and Grandpa Jack.

Dwight was sitting on the carpet, his legs spread wide around Faye's lower feet while Bobbi Jo sucked his prick. He had both hands planted firmly on the floor behind him and his head was titled back at a sharp angle so he could lick Alicia's pussy. Dwight's upper body was just right for the twin hottie to straddle his face for some enthusiastic tongue work to her outer labia.

Behind Alicia, Travis was busy ramming his cock up her ass. Balanced precariously, Alicia was depending on Travis to hold her up. If he didn't, she'd collapse at the waist, fall slowly foreward, and probably smother ten-year-old Dwight on the way down.

"Annnnggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!" Alicia whimpered, barely able stay on her feet--what with Travis skewering her ass so wonderfully and Dwight licking so vigorously at her pussy. Every time Travis rammed his cock deep in her bowels, the sensitive nerves around Alicia's butt-hole were frictioned into life and they sent powerful vibrations cruising around the girl's body.

When Travis paused to renew the lubrication, Alicia couldn't help but wiggle her heart-shaped little ass around in unsteady circles as her ass-hole searched for his cock, desperately needing him back inside her. Travis impaled her again, pushing into her rectum with a long, steady push that slid his prick deep into the young girl.

Travis' ass-hole was itself being a teaching aid. Rebecca was showing her daughter, Judy, how to insert a latex covered, well-lubed finger into a man's butt and massage his prostate gland from inside. Every so often, the little girl's lube covered palm or thumb would rub across the man's perineum, increasing the intensity of the sexual pleasure he was feeling by a whole new order of magnitude.

Just for fun, Alicia's mother was standing in front of her with Alicia's pointy breasts in her hands. Candy thumbed Alicia's nipples from time to time, squeezing and massaging Alicia's the entirety of the young girl's boobs at other times.

When she wasn't gasping for air, Alicia reciprocated by taking her mother's big breasts into her mouth and sucking Candy's nipples.

"Oooooooommmmmmmmmmm," Candy crooned. "Ohhhhhhhhhhh, honey, get it back, sugar...get it back...."

It wasn't Alicia's fault she'd lost her mother's teat. Candy was half-bent over so twelve-year-old Bryan could fuck his Aunt Candy from behind, and that made it difficult for Alicia to keep either one of her mother's nipples between her lips. Candy's body jerked when Bryan's dick probed a place he hadn't reached till now and the flinch had yanked her breast out of her daughter's mouth.

"Oh-my-GODDDDDD!" Grandpa Jack moaned when Faye opened her mouth wide and enveloped one of his balls again. He froze, his cock deep in Bobbi Jo's scorching vagina. Bobbi Jo's cunt was griping his cock, writhing and constricting around his hard-on.

When he could move again, he pulled out slowly. Bobbi Jo's body wouldn't let him yank his cock back far enough so he could plunge in deeper than he'd been before. Grandpa Jack powered forward, then reset his hands on Bobbi Joe's hips and used them for leverage to reclaim possession of his penis.

"UNGH! UNGH! UNGH! UNGH! UNGH! UNGH!!!" Bobbi Jo's world was contracting around her. All there was in her universe was her pussy, her mouth, and an incredible tingling heat threatening to engulf her whole being.

Faye had moved Bobbi Jo's hand off her pussy a couple of minutes ago; the hip-squirming, twisting, wriggling little cum Faye got, courtesy of her sister's fingers, would last her for a little while. Then Faye would find some other way to get off.

Now Bobbi Jo was free to concentrate on sucking Dwight's little cock and she could revel in every stroke her grandfather drilled into her steaming cunt. She panted hard, not able to keep Dwight's prick in her mouth all the time; her breath was too labored for that, but she did the best she could.

Dwight wasn't complaining. Being sucked by his big sister while he licked his twelve-year-old cousin's pussy lips was just about heaven as far as he was concerned.

* * *

Bryan took in a deep breath; it hissed between clinched teeth. Fucking his hot MILF of an aunt's cunt had the adrenaline flooding through his system and his hips were moving faster than he'd ever been able to push them before. His lungs couldn't keep up with his body's demand for air. He was up on his tiptoes, doing everything he could to push just one more millimeter of cock into Aunt Candy.

Then...Bryan's body took over. He shuddered. He felt his balls tighten. Muscles in his groin sent a scalding torrent of pearly-white cum upward, coursing through his cock and out the slit in the end of it, gushing into Aunt Candy's vagina and splashing against her cunt walls.

"ANNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Bryan howled, slamming his groin tight against Aunt Candy's soft/firm butt cheeks and holding her tight. He wriggled his butt around, pushing, shoving, working hard. Another gob of boy-cum sprayed out the end of his cock.


He bucked hard, convulsively; he trembled, he strained every muscle in his body to shoot a final spewing into his aunt's cunt...and then he was finished...completely spent. There was no more strength in his body; his knees were jello, threatening to collapse.

Bryan slumped away from his Aunt Candy's body, collapsing bonelessly to the living room rug in slow motion, no longer able to stand. He made it, sitting on his rump for a second before he lay back, stretching out on the solid floor and letting it support him while he gasped for breath. His fingers twitched every once in a while; his legs jerked spasmodically when an aftershock rambled through his body. He lay there, supremely happy and content.

* * *

Candy Winston, feeling Bryan erupt inside her, was whipped into her own climax. While Bryan was still with her, she rolled her hips around in a tight circle to maximize the friction of his cock against her pussy lips. The tingly, throbbing heat overwhelmed her. It rose so swiftly, her face wore a look of wonder.

Candy took her hands off Alicia's breasts, afraid that, in her frenzy, she'd squeeze too hard and hurt her daughter. Half a second later, with Bryan caving in behind her, Candy plunged the fingers of her right hand into the steaming cauldron of her pussy to seek out her clitoris. Mashing it between her fingertips, Candy hunched over, her body shuddering violently.

She jackknifed at the waist, unable to stand erect anymore. She stuffed fingers from her left hand under her right, ramming them deep and whipping them all around to give her just that tiny bit more pulsating sensation to put her over the top.


Almost doubled over, Candy let her knees give way, taking her body softly down until she landed on her buttocks. She straightened her legs in front of her and caved backwards until she was laying flat out, her fingers still working busily in her cunt.

"AAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" Candy wailed. She arched her back, her bare feet pushing frantically at the floor.

"HUNH!! HUNH!! HUNH!! HUNH!! HUNH!!" she grunted, her abdomen convulsing with each sound. "AAAANNNNNNNNNNNGGGGG!!"

Candy's body relaxed. Muscles that had been super taut with the effort to push her orgasm into high, grew slack and unresponsive. She lay there, her breasts heaving on a chest trying to pump more oxygen into her system.

* * *

Alicia, under assault from Travis' cock probing deep from behind into her ass and from Dwight's tongue stabbing at her clit from below was a twelve-year-old mass of frenzy. Nerve endings fired frantically all around her butt hole, at the top of her pussy slit, and from her tender nipples. It all slammed Alicia into sensory overdrive. Her hands took over when her mother's dropped away. Alicia's fingers molded her cupcake-sized boobies, squeezing and kneading the firm breast flesh, tweaking her nipples between thumbs and forefingers.

Tortured beyond her ability to resist, Alicia's body began quaking. Her legs wobbled uncontrollably.

* * *

A moment later, Travis sent a scalding hot torrent of pearly-white cum jetting into the Alicia's bowels.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" Alicia's scream reverberated all through the room, but everyone was intent on their on bodies and paid no attention.

Travis' cum had been on the way for a long time; he held off as long as he could, but just the stimulation of butt-fucking one young girl while an even younger one did nasty things to his own ass was abruptly far too much to ignore.

His hips bucked again, slamming his groin against Alicia's beautiful ass-globes once more and sending another gob of jism spewing deep inside her, making Alicia scream again.

"ONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH," Travis groaned. Lightheaded, he stumbled backward, his cock coming out of Alicia's bowels with a wet PLOP! Travis tottered to the stairwell and sank down on the bottom step.

* * *

Alicia ground her pussy lips all over Dwight's face. His nose rubbed hard at her clitoris. It felt so good, she did it again. Dwight's tongue was stabbing deep, his lips were working feverishly against her pussy lips, and Alicia was the recipient of all his efforts.


She collapsed, bending far over to her right to the side until she caught herself on her right hand. Exhausted, she sank to the carpet and lay there, breathing hard. She was jolted every now and again when an aftershock rippled up her abdomen from her cunt all the way up to her super-sensitized nipples...and back down again.

* * *

Ten-year-old Dwight was left with a face drenched and shiny with Alicia's pussy honey. For the first time in many minutes, he could relax from the uncomfortable position he'd assumed to lick his blonde cousin's twat. He looked around dazedly, his mind blasted by the delight of giving Alicia oral pleasure and getting the same from his sister.

Reminded of what his sister was doing for him, Dwight's eyes snapped down to watch his fingerling penis plunging deep between Bobbi Jo's pink lips and sliding back out again.


Exerting himself on his cousin's behalf had distracted him. It had let his body enjoy the sucking Bobbi Jo was giving him for a few minutes longer than he would have been able otherwise. But the sight of his cock's obscene passage into and out of his big sister's mouth sent him over the edge.


Dwight couldn't hold it any longer. His hips jerked upward and rammed his groin into Bobbi Jo's face. Dwight's hands locked on the back of his sister's head, holding her mouth on him while a fountain of boy-cum jetted down Bobbi Jo's throat.

Bobbi Joe gamely held on and let Dwight mouth-fuck her. His cock was not that long...he was only ten-years-old, after all...and she could still breathe through her nose. While Dwight fucked her face, she was being driven almost mad with the feelings Grandpa Jack's cock was generating in her cunt.

Dwight's hands dropped off Bobbi Jo's head; his hips sagged back to the floor. He lay there, the wind whistling through his teeth.

* * *

Bobbi Jo surrendered to the tsunami of orgiastic pleasure that had finally mounted too high to be ignored any longer.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!" she sobbed. "GrandpaJack,GrandpaJackGrandpaJack!!" she whimpered.

Her grandfather's cock plunged deep inside her...was held there by her vagina muscles. She felt Grandpa Jack's blistering hot cum jet out of his cock to drown the bottom of her cunt with cream. It splattered, washing back along Grandpa Jack's prick shaft and coating her vagina walls.


Another eruption of her grandfather's cum squeezed some of their fluids out onto her pussy lips. As he pumped his cock in and out faster and faster, the mixture of Grandpa Jack's cream and her cunt sap was whipped into a froth.




Bobbi Joe wailed her ecstasy at the ceiling. Clamping down hard on Grandpa Jack's cock, she milked creamy gouts of incestuous jism from his balls to soak her cunt and pussy lips.

She wilted, no longer able to support her upper body on her elbows. Her face drifted slowly to the carpet; she half-rolled as she slumped, coming down on her side and resting there.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," she sighed. Her eyes closed. Her hands dove down to cup her ravaged pussy, to glory in the sticky wetness her fingers found there.

"Oh God, Grandpa Jack!" she breathed.

"Grandpa Jack fucked me...," she sighed dazedly.

* * *

Grandpa Jack felt the magma-hot cum rising from a suddenly tight scrotum. The lava rose quickly, though he tried to clamp muscles down tight on the canals through which it passed.

It rose anyway, defying all his attempts to delay and delight in the sensations of his cock moving, sliding, gliding into and around his granddaughter's sizzling, clamping vagina. It was an effort doomed to failure.


Grandpa Jack roared all the way through his first eruption spewing into Bobbi Jo's already-drenched cunt. His hips jerked spasmodically, ramming him hard into the bottom of Bobbi Jo's vagina and then wrenching his prick right back out again.

He thrust himself inward; another gush of incestuous spunk erupted from his cock to spray her tight sheath. His hips whipped in, then out...again and then again, making a pearly-white froth of his and Bobbi Jo's cum where penis and labia met.


Grandpa Jack's body surged again, embedding his glans once again at the bottom of Bobbi Jo's cunt. He felt his body spasm, shooting another glob of sperm-laden semen into Bobbi Jo.

He shuddered, straining to push the tip of his penis just a little deeper. Another spurt of grandfather-cum flooded into Bobbi Jo's body. Grandpa Jack held himself stiffly, quivering faintly with strain, while his balls tried to pump just one more droplet of cum up and into Bobbi Jo.

But it was over. There was nothing left to give his granddaughter.

Grandpa Jack toppled backward onto his heels and caught himself with his hands on the floor as Bobbi Jo fell off to the side. Grateful to the gods of incestual sex that he wasn't going to collapse forward over Bobbi Jo and crush her, Grandpa Jack ducked his shoulder and rolled his body down beside her. There he waited for his body to recover.

Everywhere, there were the sounds of weary incest-fuckers trying just to breathe. The musky, pheromone-rich aroma of male and female body fluids slowly drying on their bodies filled the room, promising an early resumption of the incestuous rut.

* * *

Kirby shut off the three digital video cameras one after another after they'd recorded the action through the point where everyone collapsed on the living room rug. His fingers were trembling faintly from the rush he'd just gotten, watching the debauched daisy chain that had unfolded in his living room.

"Well!!" Kirby breathed. "That's gonna make one hell of a movie to watch on family night, huh?" he said cheerfully.

* * *

Grandpa Jack sat at the kitchen table, nibbling at the remains of an interrupted dinner. He'd gotten most of the rack of barbequed babyback ribs taken care of at the restaurant before their abrupt departure, and now he was interested in a little desert.

"Whatcha doin' Grandpa?" nine-year-old Faye asked, coming up beside her grandfather. The smooth skin of her upper arm rubbed against his as she snuggled close.

"Eatin' some puddin'," he answered.

Faye was a slim sprite of a girl. She'd grown four inches over the winter and early spring and she was still in the process of filling out again. Small walnut-sized boobies tipped with tiny, hard little nipples sprouted defiantly from her chest. Grandpa Jack leaned over to capture one in his mouth and suck the little BB into higher erection. Faye's breath hissed between her teeth at the unexpected surge of feeling. Her breath sighed back out when he did the same for her other boobie.

He transferred the spoon to his left hand so he could stroke the girl's silky smooth back and the perfectly rounded globes of her little-girl bubble butt. The girl-child spread her legs so Grandpa Jack could caress her inner thighs all the way down and around to the back of her knees.

"Mmmmm...that feels good," Faye told him, wriggling with the pleasure of his touch.

He grinned at his granddaughter fondly.

He spooned another gob of banana pudding into his mouth while Faye rubbed her sharp-pointed boobies against his right arm.

"Can I have some?" Faye asked.

Grandpa Jack nodded and put a spoonful of the velvety smooth desert upside-down in her mouth and watched as her pretty, pink little tongue squeegeed the pudding off and down her throat. Grandpa Jack smiled a little broader. He dipped a finger in the pudding and slipped it into her mouth. She obligingly sucked his finger dry and held her mouth open in a lewd 'O' while she waited.

Faye sucked three finger loads of creamy banana pudding down before Grandpa Jack turned in his straight-back chair and faced her directly. She hadn't known her grandfather was so strong, but he lifted her easily and deposited her on the table in front of his chair. Her hip brushed against the pint container of banana pudding.

Grandpa Jack's reactions were fast enough that he caught the tilting jug before it could begin to spill its contents all over the table. Setting it to the side, Grandpa Jack leaned back in his chair and lifted young Faye's right leg over his body over to his other side, centering his young granddaughter in front of him with her legs splayed wide. Her pussy smiled openly at Grandpa Jack.

He spread banana cream pudding liberally over Faye's pussy lips with the spoon, ducked his head between her slim thighs and leisurely began licking it all off. In no time, her grandfather's smooth-raspy tongue had the little girl moaning and grinding her body around in little circles on the table.

Little-girl juices dribbling out of her immature cunt and thinned-out banana pudding combined into a sticky puddle under Faye's butt. She felt it, and held things up for a minute to scoop up some on a small forefinger and pop into her mouth. She grinned broadly. When Grandpa Jack intercepted the next fingerful and guided it into his own mouth, the girl's eyes burned with an excited joy.

Grandpa Jack spooned more pudding onto Faye's pussy. Putting the container aside, he piled the now-warm banana cream on her puffy outer labia into a nice, thick frosting. It didn't take much; she was still a very young girl and her slit wasn't that long from top to bottom.

When he began pressing pudding inside her pussy lips, Faye's eyes widened. She scooted her butt up to the very edge of the table, parked her heels on the tabletop and pooched her groin out as far as she could. Her slit was as wide as it could possibly get.

Grandpa Jack continued working the creamy pudding into the young girl's pussy, even putting a new spoonful at the top of her slit and working it down with his forefinger. Then, he began slurping up and down her sensitive outer lips, gulping down quantities of pudding and girl juices...and driving the little girl wild. His tongue dove deep in her slit, scooping out more cream. He did it again and again.

Crooning tunelessly, the little girl braced her hands on the tabletop behind her and humped her young groin up into her grandfather's face. Panting hard and whimpering piteously, she ground her cunt against Grandpa Jack's mouth. She humped her groin up and down against his mouth and chin at a frenzied pace for a long moment...and then froze with her face screwed up in a mask of intense concentration.

She jerked twice, held herself with her back arched backward for a moment, smiled weakly at her grandfather, and then collapsed bonelessly forward until her forehead rested on Grandpa Jack's shoulder. There she rested, mumbling incomprehensible words of appreciation in his ear.

* * *

When she regained a little of her strength, Faye pushed her upper body erect and looked into Grandpa Jack's smiling eyes. She kissed his lips, tasting the mixture of her own sweet juices and banana pudding and coming back for more.

"Grandpa," she said earnestly, "I think that's the funest pussy eatin' I ever got."

Grandpa Jack stroked her still sensitive slit from top to bottom, and stuck his fingers in his mouth. "Mmmmmm," he said, grinning. "Finger lickin' good!!"

Faye giggled and kissed her grandfather some more. She straightened up, her attention caught by sound from the living room. Her mother was laughing uproariously and that gave the youngster an idea. She smirked at Grandpa Jack. Bracing herself and throwing her right leg over his head, she scooted off the table to land on his right side. She captured the container with what pudding remained in her left hand.

"Come on, Grandpa," she said, "I'll bet my MOM wants some banana pudding!" she told him, smiling toothily.

When the nine-year-old led her grandfather into the living room by his cock, Kirby rotated all three of his cameras around to focus on the kitchen doorway. He had two remote controls in his hands and got two centered on the impromptu parade. He dropped one to bring the third camera into alignment and centered it on the glistening sheen of a mixture of juices dribbling down Faye's thighs. It was incredibly sensual...well worth saving for other home movie nights.

Faye marched up to her mother. Becky was resting, sitting with her feet tucked under her and watching Carrie impale herself on Becky's husband's cock an inch at a time over in the recliner.

Carrie was facing the center of the room so everyone could see her Uncle Kirby's fat prick disappearing ever so slowly up her pussy. Every so often, she gave out a heartfelt groan as his cock touched a sensitive place.

"Mommy, would you like some special banana cream pudding?" the shameless little wanton asked her mother.

"I would!" Becky said, having a pretty good idea what was about to happen.

Obligingly, Faye held the container up to Grandpa Jack's cock. She plunged it deep into the container and handed him back out. Holding his iron-hard penis along the shaft near the base, she pulled him close to her mother until Becky, bending over, could touch her lips to the pudding covered glans.

"Okay, Grandpa," Faye encouraged, "...fuck my Mommy's mouth."

The obscene words pushed Grandpa Jack beyond arousal into urgent need. When Becky's mouth opened wide, Grandpa Jack thrust his hips forward until Faye's fingers touched Becky's lips.

The mother of five raunchy children tightened her lips around her father's shaft and let him pull out, scooping all the pudding off into her mouth. She swallowed quickly, took the next thrust of his cock easily, and held her head still, snaking her tongue all around the head and shaft. Then Faye pulled her grandfather's penis from between her mother's soft lips.

Faye led her grandfather all around the room, to all the girls, inviting them to taste the banana pudding delivered by Faye's special spoon. Grandpa Jack figured Faye intended to let every one of the women and girls in on the game, so he held on to the frayed edges of his self-control, vowing to himself to do that until he couldn't any longer.

When it was Carrie's turn, she scooted a little forward on Kirby's lap, braced herself with her hands on her Uncle Kirby's knees, and took her grandfather into her mouth. Kirby's hands were under Carrie's haunches, helping her rise and fall on his cock. Every so often, he would slide his hands out and up the sides of her hips, circling them around to fondle her cupcake-sized titties. Squeezing them and tweaking her nipples was making Carrie's eyes roll around deliriously. Every time his fingers slid up the underswell of her breasts, he made Carrie whimper.

"Hey! I was kinda getting in to that," Carrie protested when Faye tugged Grandpa Jack's prick out of her mouth.

"No problem!" Travis exclaimed. He vaulted up from an easy chair and moved quickly in front of Carrie. He fisted his cock and guided it between Carrie's willing lips and began to slowly--more carefully than her grandfather had--stroke in and out. Of course, Grandpa Jack's cock had explored Carrie's mouth and throat many times. Travis had not.

The container of pudding was empty. Faye had scooped up the last of it to give herself a final taste. She grinned up at her grandfather.

It was too much. Her little fist was expertly masturbating him while she slurped off the last of the pudding and sucked on the very tip of the head of his cock.

"Baby...," he said to warn her, but she knew very well what was coming. It was what she'd intended. Sitting on her sister Bobbi Jo's knee, she bent over just a little and opened her mouth wide so her Grandpa had a fine target.

Grandpa Jack felt the hot cum rising like molten rock from his groin and up the length of his penis. He couldn't stop it. A pearl-white jet of thick cum shot into her mouth, coating Faye's teeth and gums with his incestuous seed.

Faye giggled. It sounded like she was gargling her grandfather's spermy cream, and that set Grandpa Jack off again. A second fountain of cum wasn't so well aimed as the first. It sprayed out to coat the little girl's lips and splashed on her nose. She closed her eyes and held up her face for Grandpa Jack to cover with his cum, and he did his best. Another slimy eruption of grandfatherly semen, and he was done for the moment.

Still giggling, the child leaned back against her sister's breast and proceeded to scoop fingerfuls of the slowly cooling gunk off her face. Bobbi Jo swung Faye's body a little to the side so she could help, quickly taking full tongue loads of her grandfather's cum between her lips and swallowing them.

Watching the nasty duo gave Grandpa Jack the strength to spray a final fountain of over the two sisters. Then he collapsed to the carpet and lay on his back, breathing hard.

A muscle twitched every once in a while but that was all.

* * *

Candy Winston lay full length on the sofa with her daughter Alicia's tongue licking steadily, kissing, sucking, tonguing and pleasuring the hole she'd come out twelve years ago. Candy kept rolling from side to side, unable to keep still under the onslaught.

Alicia was standing, sorta...bent over the arm of the sofa by Bryan and being fucked slowly up her cunt. Hers was a difficult task; balancing carefully over the arm so she could reach her mother's cunt, but not leaning so far as to pull away from the twelve-year-old boy and interrupt the pounding cadence of his cock slamming into her from behind.

At the other end of the couch, Judy was riding her Aunt Candy's tongue, grinding her pussy lips into Candy's mouth. Under her belly, Judy was on the sofa arm opposite the one Alicia was bent over, but Judy was bending over her end from the interior of the sofa. Her elbows were firmly entrenched on the sofa arm and her head held high so she could suck her father's cock.

Kirby was sliding his prick in and out between his thirteen-year-old daughter's pretty lips. He enjoyed both the sight of the young girl's lewd mouth loving his penis and the tactile sensation of her sucking mouth. There was nothing quite like having a daughter suck the cum out of her father's balls and take it down her throat.

Bryan came first. He bellowed as Alicia's vagina clamped down and milked the cum out of him. He slammed his groin into hers, propelling her forward and onto the couch. She slid up along her mother's body until her face was nestling just below Candy's big breasts.

The motion set Candy off, and she sucked a little stronger on Judy's clitty. Judy came hard, spilling her honey into her aunt's mouth and let her take an extra length of her father's cock down her tight, volcanically hot throat, and his body began to jerk as he spewed incestuous cum inside her sweet lips.

Pushing Judy's ass out of the way, Alicia slid up on her mother's body until their pubic mounds pressed upon each other. Frantically, Alicia ground her pussy against her mother's for several minutes until the friction made the powder keg in her groin went off in a staccato, rippling rhythm. The five slumped down on the floor or couch, their chests heaving and their minds reeling.

* * *

"Package for Candace Winston," the young man in brown shorts and shirt announced when Bobbi Jo answered the door. It had taken a moment, she hadn't had on any clothes when the doorbell rang so unexpectedly. No one else did either.


"Coming...! I'm coming," Candy called.

The uniformed young man smirked at Candy when she got to the door, and it irritated her. Yeah, she was dressed in only a long T-shirt dress, as was Bobbi Jo, but that wasn't any of this yokel's business...and the guy couldn't POSSIBLY tell she didn't have panties on underneath.

Besides, she'd been taking Kirby's cock up her ass when the door chimes had interrupted everything. Now they'd have to start everything all over again. It made her cross.

"WHAT'RE YOU LOOKING AT?" she snapped, talking fast and hard when the boy's eyes didn't leave the swells in her T-shirt fast enough.

"Uh...Candace Winston?" the young man said quickly, startled and embarrassed at having been caught staring at her boobs.

"Yes!" Candy said impatiently.

"Overnight package for you ma'am. Sign here, please," he said. "Thank you," he said three seconds later, taking the electronic tool back and turning quickly to beat a fast retreat.

"Nasty little boy!" Candy remarked just before the door slammed shut. She was pretty sure he hadn't gone far enough to not hear the ridicule.

"What in the world is that?" Grandpa Jack asked curiously when Candy walked back into the living room. Before even looking at the package, Candy yanked off the T-shirt and kicked off the flip-flops she'd slipped on when she'd been called to the door.

"It's from Joanne," she said with surprise, looking at the shipping label. "Now what in the world...?" She tore in to the small package, discovering a cell phone and a DVD disk enveloped in several layers of bubble wrap with a sticky note taped to the front of the thing. The phone was clearly a cheapie, another one of those anonymous, no-frills, cell phones sold in convenience stores everywhere. The yellow colored sticky said simply:

'Call me-urgent'

It gave a number that Candy didn't recognize; it certainly wasn't Joanne's.

"What do you think it could be?" she asked the room at large after reading the note again, aloud this time.

"Good security move," Grandpa Jack commented. "Prepaid cell phones...untraceable for the most part...if Joanne used cash when she bought it, there won't be any paper trail either."

"So what does Joanne have to say that is so secret," Candy remarked irritatedly.

She was still unhappy about her interrupted butt-fucking. "KIRBY," she said, more sharply than she'd intended. She softened her tone immediately. "You know, lover, you COULD be lubing me up again and that beautiful penis of yours too...if you want to...and if you'll hand me that purple buttplug, I'll put it in now so I won't close up too much...." Kirby responded enthusiastically.

A moment later, Candy had her titties cushioned on a sofa arm and her knees on the sofa seat cushions while Kirby applied generous amounts of lubricant around her anus, and pushed more inside the muscular opening using the purple buttplug. She was soon sighing happily, in a much better mood than she'd been before the buttplug had been inserted.

"Would now be a good time to call Joanne and find out what the heck?" Grandpa Jack asked dryly.

"Yeah, I think so," Candy replied without rancor. She was much happier now she was about to get Kirby's dick back in her butt hole. "Daddy, if it was something super, super important and needed to be done yesterday...she'd have called yesterday and found some way to get whatever it is bothering her across to me. I know my sister, Daddy."

"So, call already," Becky remarked, grinning. She set a plate of sandwiches on the coffee table and Grandpa Jack grabbed one to go with his coffee.

Candy shrugged and punched in the numbers from the note. "Candy?" was the first word she heard.

"Did you send a strange cell phone out to anyone else," Candy asked facetiously.

"No," Joanne said tightly. "Have you put the DVD in the computer?"

"No, we need to do that?"

"Yeah, and I have to give you a password," Joanne replied.

"Daddy, Joanne says you need to put this in a computer," Candy relayed to her father. It wasn't quite what Joanne had said, but it sufficed.

Grandpa Jack took the disk without a word and walked to the computer in the little 'parlor' area where Kirby and Rebecca had one of their computers. When he clicked on the single file on the disk, an immediate log in screen for a secure file system came Joanne knew he had because they'd talked about it during an interlude of a full day's activities. Grandpa Jack had put the software on Kirby's computer yesterday.

"Okay, what's the password?" he called out.

Joanne rattled it off, Candy relayed it, and Grandpa Jack typed it in. What came up was a series of poor quality photographs...small ones. Pictures of a young girl, naked and playing with herself, and then masturbating with a set of brilliantly colored dildos. There were pictures of two naked boys...and then the boys and the girl together...and then a picture with one naked boy with the girl in a bedroom somewhere.

"We caught Stacey sexting her best friend, Wendy." Joanne explained. "That's WENDY in the pictures."

"Cute pussy," Grandpa Jack murmured. 'What did Stacey send this Wendy?' he wondered to himself. Now was not the time.

"Who are the boys?" Grandpa Jack asked.

"Two of Wendy's brothers!" Joanne replied.

"Hmmmmmmmmm," Grandpa Jack said musingly. "You know...Stacy said something when I went upstairs to get her the night of our first party...down in the basement? She said something about Wendy telling her how to suck cock, or something like that." He paused. "I didn't think it was anything but girl talking about naughty things to a girlfriend when Stacey said it. Guess I should have asked a couple of questions, huh?" he asked ruefully.

"Well...anyway...what are we supposed to be looking at that's got you in such a lather?" Grandpa Jack asked. He'd taken the phone from Candy's limp fingers when Kirby reinserted his cock into Candy's rectum.

"Look at the last one, Dad," Joanne said. He did and this time he saw it.

"Ahhhhhh, some grownup actually took the picture, eh? Reckon he didn't know anyone could see him in the wall mirror...or did he?"

"Dad, that's PHILLIP...Wendy's FATHER...and Grady's business partner!"

"AHHHHHHHHH-AHHHHHHHH" Grandpa Jack said, dropping an octave in the middle of the word. "Now tell me THAT isn't interesting as all get out!!" he asked of no one in particular.

"That's not all!" Joanne said. " darling daughter, Stacey, sent Wendy an email with a still photo from that danged web cam she set up in the showed me and Curtis walking buck naked down the hall," Joanne said, sounding as if she were almost in tears.

'So that was what Stacey sexted to Wendy' Grandpa Jack thought. 'So was she braggin' on her brother, or her mother?'

"Well," Grandpa Jack said aloud, "'s from behind, though, isn't it? I remember Stacey showing us the scene and I don't remember any frontal shots. I mean, all the picture can show would be your and your son's butts, right? What with her room being at the end of that hallway and all...."

"Yeah, it was...and it was at night, but Daddy, you can see it's me and my son, and we CLEARLY don't have a stitch on."

"Uh-huh," Grandpa Jack replied, unperturbed. "But, honey, all you have to say is that Curtis got sick--he was out of his head with fever or something--and threw up all over the both of you and you decided it was more important to get him to the bathroom...or somewhere else he could be taken care of...or something like that. You could say you decided, perhaps incorrectly, that stripping the fouled clothes off seemed more important than propriety and so on and so on," he explained.

There was a short silence while Joanne looked at the still photo.

"We're holding hands in the picture...but that's no problem. He was sick and I was guiding him-cool! That'll work, sure.... Thank you Daddy, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!" The relief in her voice was obvious.

"Not a problem, oh darling daughter of mine," Grandpa Jack replied. "Wish you'd included a copy of that still photo here on the DVD though. I'd love to have one...for posterity, you know," he said slyly.

"Daddy! You're so...nasty," Joanne chuckled. She paused. "And yes, Daddy, I got it! Very...witty...of you."

"Reason number sixty-nine-sixty-nine why you love me, isn't it?" he asked.

" doesn't hurt!" she laughed. She paused. "Daddy, what was that?"

"Oh, that would be your sister Candy getting butt fucked by her brother-in-law, Kirby," Grandpa Jack replied.

Joanne gasped.

"You mean to tell me you've managed to seduce my little sister and her husband too? ALREADY??"

"Nah...your sister Becky and her family have been at it since even before even the twins and I got going with this family sex stuff," Grandpa Jack said.

"Ohmigod," Joanne said. Then she said wistfully, "sure wish I'd known."

"Me too," Grandpa Jack agreed. "So what are you going to do about Wendy and her brother and her mirror image father, hmmmm?"

"Daddy, I haven't given that any thought at all," she confessed. "I was so concerned about Stacey sending her friend something that could come back on us that I never considered anything else."

"Well, it's true young Stacey needs to have it explained to her that she doesn't EVER do anything like that again. Anything that goes out of your house that isn't being carried in someone's sweaty little hand, can be intercepted and used against you guys."

"She's absolutely clear on that issue now, Dad," Joanne assured him.

"Good. Now what are you going to do about Wendy's father who you have in a photo taking kiddy porn pictures of his young daughter...a very cute and sexy young daughter, I might the act of doing his son?"

"What do you think, Daddy? What should we do?" Joanne asked.

"Well...let's look at it this way, sugar. You have a picture of Wendy having sex with her brother...and apparently, the pic was made using Wendy's her father. Dad OBVIOUSLY knows about it and, if he wanted to keep it from ever getting out into the public, he'd have deleted it off Wendy's phone...or, better yet, he wouldn't have taken the picture to begin with.

"Instead...let's cut to the chase, here...Wendy sent the image to Stacey. Okay...sexting is a thing kids do. The cops would have a hard time making anything of it, if that was all there was to it. Frankly, you've told me the guy in the mirror is...ah...Phillip, you said?...but it's so fuzzy, he could be the man in the moon for all I could testify to.

"Now...Phillip is probably thinking if Stacey just holds on to the pic and doesn't do anything with it, then there's no harm, no foul. It all goes away without ever having to be discussed. He's pretty sure you're not going to call the cops, too many reasons, professionally and socially not too.

"On the other hand, Mr. Phillip is probably thinking that IF Stacey does share it with her Mom and Dad, there should be some kind of response, right? If you look at it that way, what Phillip has done is make an offer...a proposal, as it were, to you and Grady. He's letting you see what his family is doing; he's wondering about your family; and he's going out on a limb suggesting the partnership be 'expanded' a little. Worst case scenario, if you DO call the cops, he's got some plausible deniability...the fuzzy pic and having a minor do the first contact.

"So...he's punted the ball over to you and Grady, and he's probably on pins and needles, wondering what the reply is going to be.

"That...sounds a lot like Phil," she said. "In the business, he goes out on a limb a lot, Grady says, but he almost always has a fallback plan."

There was a long pause. "Joanne?" Grandpa Jack said into the receiver.

"Just thinking, Daddy."

Another, shorter pause.

"Joanne, honey...are you naked now, by any chance?" Grandpa Jack asked with a grin Joanne couldn't see.

"Maybeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...," she drawled mischievously. "And maybe I have my favorite dildo in my pussy too," she added. She laughed. "You're rubbing off on me, Daddy,"

"I wish I was 'rubbing' ON you," he returned, chuckling. "So anyway, what're you going to do...about Phil and his family, I mean."

"Nasty Daddy!" Joanne shot back, laughing. "And yes, that IS a good reason why I love you!" She giggled.

"I know what you're telling me...but I don't know what to do about it," she continued.

"Tell me about him," Grandpa Jack suggested.

"Well, they're Mormons, but I'm not sure how much a practicing Mormon family they are," Joanne said speculatively. "He's four years older than Grady, and his wife Tammy is a year younger than Phil. They have nine kids, and Tammy's little sister lives with them with her daughter...she has ever since her divorce. Ahhhhh...Phil and Tammie are a nice looking couple and they have nice kids...all of them blond and cute as the can see how cute Wendy and her brother are.

"Yeah, that matches the description of all the young girls I've ever seen in Utah," Grandpa Jack commented. "All the families out there seem to run to blonde girls...." Grandpa Jack had to jerk his mind away from an assortment of fond memories.

"Well, anyway...what else?" Joanne continued. "Well, Phil and Grady work well together, equal partners in the business. Tammy stops by the office all the time...she doesn't look like she's had nine kids, by the way...tall and got legs all the way up to HERE...nice tits, too, Daddy, you'd like them really much...and her girls are just like her. Does any of this help, Dad?

"Their kids call Grady, 'Uncle' Grady and I'm 'Aunt Joanne'. We spend a lot of time with them know...when my Daddy visits and starts the whole danged family to sucking and fucking each other twenty-four, seven.

"Oh...I just remembered. When Stacey sent Wendy the picture of me and Curtis, Wendy sent back an email that said she thought I was sexy...and Curtis was...'scrumptious'...was the word she used.

"Let me ask you this," Grandpa Jack said, then paused as another idea struck him. He switched gears, discarding his first thought. "Ahhhhhhhhhh...Joanne, has Stacey answered that last email from Wendy?"

"Nope, I wouldn't let her," Joanne said.

"Happened yesterday?"

"Uh-huh, yesterday afternoon."

"Well, Phillip and family are probably biting their fingernails off, right about now, wondering what the delay is."

Grandpa Jack paused. "Are you up for ending the...ominous silence from the Joanne and Grady household?"

"I think so, yes," Joanne replied. "Grady had just about the same comment you had about cute little Wendy, by the way."

"Of course!" Grandpa Jack replied. "I'm his role model, am I not?" He grinned into space.

The rude noise that came from the throw-away cell phone was left to stand on its own.

"Hmmmmmmmm...well, anyway, is Stacey there?"

"Yep. She's grounded, by the way, 'til she dies of old age--her words...."

"Yeah, well, old age is a...oh, never mind...not funny anyway. Ahhhhh, I wouldn't interfere for the world, Sugar, but how would you feel about commuting Stacey's sentence to time served and getting her to email Wendy again, under your supervision?"

"If it'll do some good, sure, Dad," Joanne replied. "Of course, certain young ladies are going to get their little butts lit UP, the next time they try something like this!!" The last was clearly meant for Stacey to hear, so she could better understand where the boundaries were.

"Okay," Grandpa Jack said, as noncommittally as he could manage. "What we need to do is get some kind of response to Wendy's...or actually, Phillip's...ah, question...and it needs to move the issue along a little.

"So if you could have Stacey...ahhhhhh...compliment?...Wendy on being able to have sex with her brother...something like that? And then ask Wendy if she has any pictures of her mother like the one Stacey sent of you to Wendy. Something to that effect. Have Stacey use her own words, of course."

A mumbled conversation took place in the background.

"And call me and tell me what Wendy/Tammy/Phillip, et al, has to say in return, okay?"

"Okay, I hope you know what you're doing."

"Me too," Grandpa Jack replied, but Joanne had already killed the connection.

* * *

It was only ten minutes later when she called back. Just time enough for Grandpa Jack to relieve himself, refill his coffee cup, and otherwise prepare for a long conference by phone.

"DADDY? Guess what!! Wendy sent Stacey a picture of her mom with one of Wendy's older brothers walking down a hall, naked." Joanne sounded excited.

"They messed up if they...Tammy and Phil, that is...were trying to keep plausible deniability, didn't they?"

"Yeah...that's what I thought, Daddy. It's the same...ah, me an' Curtis--Tammy's middle son is on her right side--they're holding hands, walking away from the camera, and they're naked...just like me and Curtis were. THAT couldn't be accidental. AND, Daddy...there's a clock on the wall--I've seen it a hundred times on their upstairs landing--and the time on it is only THREE minutes before we got the picture!!" Joanne said triumphantly.

"There ya go," Grandpa Jack said. "You've got a family practicing the family does...and Becky's too...and they're trying to make a first contact with you guys."

"Me too, Daddy...I think so too," Joanne said excitedly. She paused. "Have you fucked Rebecca yet, Daddy?"

"Oh yeah...," he said, "...first night we were here, actually."


"In the back seat of their pickup on the way home from a restaurant, while Brett fucked her mouth...she NEEDED a good fuckin' right then and there," Grandpa Jack told Joanne.

"Damn, I wish I'd been there," Joanne whispered wistfully.

"Well, we're ALL going to have to get together somehow, sugar," he replied.

"Yeah, definitely!" A pause. "Listen, Daddy," she said. "I'm going to let you go and I'm going to call Grady at the office and tell him what we figured out, okay?"

"Okay...I hope he has one of these special phones too."

"He does," Joanne assured him. "Love you, Daddy...bye!" And she was off.

Grandpa Jack grinned. He could hear the anticipation and eagerness in his daughter's voice.

Chapter Seven

"They got it on with them THAT soon?"

"Uh-huh," Grandpa Jack said. "Grady came home for a late lunch, printed both of the 'Naked Butts--Woman With Boy' photos, plus the one of Wendy with her brother...and when he went back to work, he walked in to Phil's office with them in a folder.

He started out by telling Phil it looked like they had something in common and showed him the pictures. Then he came out and said he really wanted to see Phil's girl, Wendy, person and laying flat out on a bed ready for fuckin'...and so on and so forth. Apparently, Phil was already smiling like a Cheshire cat when Grady walked in. Evidently, Tammy had already called.

"Anyway...Phil and Grady left the office. Grady went home, and half an hour later, he and Joanne, and all the kids showed up on Phil and Tammy's doorstep--and when the door closed, no one came out for the rest of the week."

The bus was parked in a rest area on the Interstate while they ate lunch. The conversation had turned naturally to the most recent crisis in their family's lives. The door was locked, the polarized windows were all at maximum, and everyone was naked. That was the new normal for the Winstons and Grandpa Jack. Lunch was consumed and they were relaxing before getting on the road again.

"Nice!" Brett said admiringly. "And Phil and Grady are REALLY going to start working on moving their whole company close to us?"

"Be down there next week to 'reconnoiter the situation', from what Joanne said," Grandpa Jack replied contentedly. "I made the calls, got them a foot in the door on a couple business addresses and a small factory location--the rest is up to them." Grandpa Jack shrugged. "It'll be a good move for them...better tax situation, lower supply costs, lower cost of living in the area. The employees they have now should appreciate that, if they're willing to pull their roots up and move too."

"Phil's family is okay with the idea of moving?" Brett asked interestedly.

"I gather Joanne's family and they are already kinda 'best friends forever' with each other," Grandpa Jack replied. "And this new bond just reinforces that."

Brett nodded. That would do it, for sure.

Candy laughed. "And think about this, Daddy. If Joanne moves back, you're going to have two of your daughters back with you," she teased. She paused, her eyes lighting up.

"Daddy, what would you do if all four of your daughters...all FIVE of your daughters, countin' Sandy...what would you do if all five of us got together, naked, horny, and hot as firecrackers and wanted you to fuck us all at one time?"

Grandpa Jack's penis didn't so much harden, as SNAP to full erectness. His eyes filled with instant lust.

"Wow! Grandpa LIKES that idea, Mom," Alicia said, laughing. " do you know Aunt Tracy and her family are in the 'lifestyle', huh?

Candy shrugged. "I just wanted to see what Daddy would say." she replied, smiling broadly.

"He hasn't SAID anything," Carrie observed, grinning.

"No, but we know what he thinks don't we?"

Grandpa Jack stood. Pointing imperiously at the rear of the bus, toward the bedroom back there, he was silent.

Candy rose and began padding barefoot in that direction. "I think I'm about to get royally fucked...maybe twice," she called merrily to the trio still eating. "Good thing it's your turn to drive, Brett," she added.

"You girls play nice with your father, okay?"

* * *

Tracy and her husband, Stewart (Stew) Carson, lived in an nice development far enough off the Interstate not to be bothered with road noise, but close enough for a quick get-on when they wanted to travel.

Not only that, the Carsons lived on a cul-de-sac that had only two other completed up-scale homes on it. They were widely separated by multiple vacant lots between the houses too, so privacy was not an issue.

There was a barred gate leading into the community, but it had opened easily when Grandpa Jack called Tracy. He heard a buzzing sound over the phone connection when the gate first started moving, so he knew how entry was controlled. Presumably, every resident...all three of them...could open the gate from a control panel installed in the house.

Grandpa Jack whistled in appreciation as they drove up. The house was huge, and clearly built for a successful executive. Tracy had said they'd gotten it for a song because of the miserable condition of the new home market. And that also explained why only three of the seventeen lots on the circular avenue had ever been sold and houses actually built on them.

Grandpa Jack and the Winstons made a new agreement with each other to deal with the upcoming visit. Essentially, the old one--hands off, be nice and don't even THINK about sex--was dead. Two of Grandpa Jack's daughters they'd visited, and two of Grandpa Jack's daughter's families turned out to be ready and willing participants in the family sex thing.

Now...the Winstons and Grandpa Jack were going to play things cool. They weren't going to try for an overtly seduction of Tracy's family but they weren't going to ignore any overtures either.

The question in everyone's mind was a question whether all of Grandpa Jack's daughters were family fucking already...or whether they needed just a nudge to plunge into the 'new lifestyle'. Three daughters so far--three success stories. Couldn't avoid reading something into that, could they?

Just in case, the crew in the bus agreed the twins would make any necessary approaches if there seemed to be an opening--twelve-year-olds can't be prosecuted as adults.

Grandpa Jack rang the doorbell on his fourth daughter's front door, glancing at the Winston's grouped behind him. Tracy Carson and her husband had four children of her own, and they had adopted three others.

When the door opened, all seven children, along with Tracy and her husband were standing there...wearing nothing on but wide grins. Tracy stepped out onto the porch and wrapped her arms around her father's neck.

"Hi, Daddy," she cooed. "Wanta fuck?"

"HA!" Alicia crowed. "No lost time HERE, by golly!" she said happily. "Hi, Cuz," she said, going up to the biggest of the boys and grasping his already turgid penis. "I'm Alicia. Have pussy, will fuck!"

Everyone laughed at the stunned expression on Grandpa Jack's face.

"Come in, come in," Tracy said, waving them inside. She pressed her nude body against her Dad. Grandpa Jack shook hands with Tracy's husband, Stewart, behind Tracy's naked body and touched fists with the boys...and thought he made some contact with his hands with all the girls...but he wasn't sure.

"You guys need anything beyond snacks and drinks and stuff?" she asked, not directing it at any one in particular. "No? Good! 'Cause I ain't gonna cook anything soon. I'm going to make my big ol' daddikins fuck his baby girl right in the middle of the family room so everyone can see," she said firmly. "Come along, Daddy," she said, leading him by the hand through the living room, down a short flight of stairs, and into a spacious room at the back of the house.

"Daddy is wearing too many clothes," Tracy remarked.

She scooted around in front of Grandpa Jack and got busy unbuttoning his shirt and sliding it off his back. Someone...he suspected it was Sara, Tracy's thirteen-year-old daughter...wrapped her arms around his waist and expertly unbuckled his belt.

Grandpa Jack instinctively tried to save his pants from falling, but they were yanked out of his fingers and all the way down. Another someone lifted each foot in turn to pull off his socks and half boots...and then he was stripped naked. He vaguely noticed his pants and shirt being hung on a peg near the door. There were a series of pegs...for others to hang their clothing when they entered...?

His prick was suddenly engulfed by the hot wetness of Tracy's mouth. She was on both knees, smiling up at him around his penis, her eyes bright and mischievous. She waved up at his startled eyes. It wasn't more than two minutes since the front door opened...but...his burgeoning cock showed Grandpa Jack was recovering fast, and his slow smile confirmed it.

"MOM!! We can't SEE!" one of the girls yelled from the back of the group. Grandpa Jack had been stopped right in the doorway, blocking everyone else's progress and what his daughter was doing wasn't visible to those in back.

Tracy got to her feet, grinning wide, and pulled her father on into the room by his cock. She stepped to his side so he could survey the room from inside. The huge, overstuffed ottoman in the center of the room was a leather-covered thing, maybe eight feet on a side. Squatting there like the proverbial immovable object, the legless ottoman dominated the it was clearly intended to do.

Grandpa Jack was impressed. Tracy and Stewart were giving a new meaning to the phrase 'family room' because this room was perfectly set up for family sex. Sexually explicit pictures of the children hung from the walls, pictures of them having sex with each other and with their parents. Everyone sported broad smiles in all the portraits.

The floor was strewn with cushions and pillows and his feet sank into a carpet that felt inches deep. Besides the huge ottoman, there were pieces of comfortable-looking, overstuffed furniture scattered all around; they looked like islands in a sea of thick carpeting. A wet bar was anchored in the far corner of the room with a few barstools attending, and to his left, he could see through an open door into a large bathroom/shower room.

"Like our little playground, Daddy?" Tracy chuckled. She was against his right side, facing him and humping his upper thigh slowly, without being much aware of what she was doing. She was making his thigh wet with her flowing juices.

Grandpa Jack had his right arm around her shoulder and back. Gradually, his hand slipped down her back until it settled on her butt cheek. He was kneading, stroking, massaging just as reflexively as she was fondling him.

While her father looked around the room, Tracy looked at her father. She planted a kiss on his right man-nipple, teasing it and making it harder and more pointed. Raking the backs of her fingernails over his pectorals, she cooed, happy with the way his muscles tensed in reaction.

Her hand drifted south, stroking his underbelly and then grasped the shaft of his cock like a workwoman grabbing a hammer. She slid her fist down its length until her thumb touched his glans. Slowly, she pulled her hand back, teasing her daddy's foreskin down over the head.

"Yeah," Grandpa Jack replied to her question. "I like...very much!" He smiled down at his sexy daughter, his baby. At twenty-nine, Tracy was built much like her sisters...big breasted but built slender, with beautifully sculpted thighs and calves, and well-turned ankles that had captured many a man's glance, even when she was a child.

Tracy's black hair hung down to her shoulders, framing a fresh, pretty face with flashing eyes that challenged a man and promised much. She could have passed for a girl considerably younger than she was, much less a mother with four children of her own.

"Getting a lot of decorating ideas, too," Grandpa Jack added, waving at the portrait photographs of the whole family engaged in taboo acts. "I guess the neighbors don't get invited back here...or do they?" he asked, just to be sure. He grinned.

"Hmmmmmm...," Tracy said meditatively. "Well...not yet anyway," she finally answered.

"How come you said that, Mom?"

Grandpa Jack looked up. It was Tracy's oldest boy, Parker, who asked the question. He held out his hand to Grandpa Jack for a shake.

"Hadn't thought much about it, but...oh, I don't know...the Stocktons down the block. Sometimes I think they're up to us...maybe."

"Really," Parker's eyes lit up. "You mean Rose Stockton might...?"

"No, I don't mean anything," Tracy shot back. "Forget I said it. This is family business, remember, Parker?"

"Yes, ma'am," Parker mumbled. "I know." He wandered away, glancing at the twins who had completed stripping and wondering whether it was the one on the right or the one on the left who'd said she was Alicia a few minutes ago. He wasn't entirely sure it mattered--both were smiling a warm, nasty little smile at him.

Tracy led Grandpa Jack to the ottoman, smiling a sultry smile at him. She sat down, pulled him in close and, without any preliminaries, took her standing father's cock between her lips and began bobbing her head up and down. One hand steadied his shaft and the other was busy stroking that sensitive space between his asshole and the base of his prick.

"ANNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHH," Grandpa Jack's head snapped back. He grunted with the shear pleasure of his daughter doing her best to jam the bulbous head all the way down her throat. When his eyes came down again, he saw Candy grinning impishly at him.

"You knew all about this, didn't you?" he accused.

Candy stepped around Stewart to come closer, dragging Tracy's husband behind her. "I DID!" she said without a single note of apology in her voice. "Becky told me her and Tracy had told each other what they were doing with their kids some time ago--told me just before we left...said she was gonna call Tracy and let her know what was coming her way.

"You'll be happy to know all four of us girls now own untraceable cell phones. Aren't you proud of us, Daddy?"

He ignored the question. "Could 'a let me in on it," he complained. "Becky or you could a' said something." Grandpa Jack sounded a little sulky.

"And miss that 'deer in the headlights' expression on your face when you saw Tracy and the whole crew stark naked? No way!"

Grandpa Jack reflected for a moment. Tracy wasn't making it easy to think. "I'll remember that, you know. There will come a time when I'm finalizing my will...I SHALL remember!" he threatened.

Candy stuck out her tongue and blew a raspberry. "Daddy, in three minutes, you won't remember your birthday," she said. She laughed.

"Stew," she said to her escort. "If I was to park my ass on one of those barstools, you think you could shove your dick about a foot deep in my puss?"

"Let's measure!" Stew replied with a grin. He and Candy walked toward the wet bar, trotting the last few steps.

Grandpa Jack's penis was suddenly cool as Tracy pulled off him.

"Time for little Tracy to get a fuck from her daddy," she whispered to him. She let herself fall back and used her elbows to scoot across the ottoman until her head was nearly at the opposite side. Crooking her forefinger, she pulled her father onto the solid bit of leather furniture and then between her legs. "Take me, Daddy," she whimpered. "Please?"

Grandpa Jack crawled atop his youngest daughter and settled his knees on the surface, locking lips with Tracy for a long lover's kiss. The young woman writhed beneath her father, eager for him to possess her and use her as long as he wanted.

Pushing off her with his left hand, he fisted his penis in his right and nudged the swollen head of his cock to his daughter's slit and stroking a slow caress all along the length of her outer labia.

She groaned, reveling in the taboo touch to her sex. She almost came right then, barely managing to hold back the spiraling orgasm she knew was building fast. She'd waited all day, trying to keep her hands off her pussy, just so she'd be ready to fuck her father for the first time ever.

Tracy rolled, twisting from side to side, and daddy's cock head rolled with her, smearing her juices over her hairless groin. Not trying for penetration, he rubbed the underside of his penis on her pussy lips and all around. Tracy moaned. Her entire body was fast becoming one big erogenous zone.

"Take my cock, honey," Grandpa Jack murmured in her ear. "Take my cock in your precious little hands and put it in you, sugar," he whispered. "Put me in you, honey."

She whimpered. Her father's innocently lewd words were stoking the fire in her belly. It had smoldered there for a long time, and now it would be quenched.

Tracy took her father's shaft in her hands, savoring the licentious act and prolonging it by jacking the foreskin back and forth along the stem for a moment. Craning her head forward, she looked down between their bodies, watching as she introduced her father's glans through her inner lips...and to the entrance of her vagina. Gasping, she pulled at his penis with the thumb and forefingers of both hands, trying to guide and pull at the same time. She felt her father's groin coming down on top of hers.

His strong arms held his upper body off hers and let her see how she was being skewered by her own father's hard cock. It was a few inches in now.

She'd imagined how this would feel ever since she was a child and now it was oh, so real...only better than she'd imagined.

Grandpa Jack moaned as the head of his cock sank through his daughter's outer lips into her sweltering vagina. It was like plunging his penis into a velvety soft, very tight glove of molten lava.


He groaned again as his prick probed deeper. In a few seconds, he could feel the tip touching bottom, tapping her cervix gently. He backed slowly, relishing every millimeter's stimulation as he pulled out. When he thrust back in, he stabbed a little deeper...and then deeper as Tracy's vagina adjusted, stretching to take her father's whole cock inside her. Grandpa Jack adjusted his knees, scooching a bit closer to his daughter's butt for better leverage. He rammed forward, dropping his hips fast and hard to impel his cock deep in Tracy's drenched cunt.

Lying on her back on the surface of the ottoman, Tracy whimpered as her father drove his cock deeper inside her. She felt her body adjust to him. She'd known it would. She'd always known her pussy was for her father to fill with his hot, spermy cum. She gloried in the feel of him powering his cock into her, loving every movement he made. She gasped for air, hardly able to control her body even enough to suck air into her lungs. Tracy had to do something. Her body was betraying her; she'd wanted this first time to last for ages...but she would be cumming way too soon at this rate. She had to put it she talked.

"You don't know how long I've waited for this, Daddy," she breathed into his ear. "I've wanted you for so very long...."

"Me too, honey," he whispered. "I just didn't know it." He stopped to pant for a bit. He was beginning to lose control of his own body.

"Fuck me, Daddy," Tracy whimpered, betraying her own attempt to slow things down. The words kicked everything into another gear.

"Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!" she begged. "FUCK ME DADDY!!" she screamed. She wrapped her legs around his hips, squeezing and pulling him deeper inside her.

Grandpa Jack's ass muscles clinched and released with each stroke as he plowed again and again into his daughter's cunt. He rammed himself in again and again, driving deep and corkscrewing his cock around to increase both of their pleasures.

"AIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE," Tracy shrieked, tightening her legs around her father's body wrapped her arms around his neck, hauling his body down on top of hers. She didn't feel his weight, needing the touch of skin on skin too badly.

"DAAAA-DDDDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" she wailed, arching her back...throwing her pussy up into her father's groin...groaning...whipping her hips around in tight circles...her chin back so far the top of her head was almost on the ottoman...straining...straining...and then...and then...her belly rippled with the force of her vagina's contractions...she keened an unintelligible whine as the ecstasy burst over her...groaned deep in her throat...she began melting back to the leather ottoman...her body relaxing...her muscles unwinding...unknotting...her body settled...her legs fell away from her father's back to lay spraddled. She sighed a soft sigh and was still.

Grandpa Jack never had a chance to try any of the tried and true methods that staved off orgasms. His daughter's first convulsion and frenzied entreaties to fuck her set him off too.

His cum splashed out to splatter against the bottom of her cunt, and splash back along the walls. He pumped another spout into her willing vagina, groaning as she milked a third one from him. His body spasmed, the semen coming thick now.

His body had to force it through channels unintentionally tightened by an ecstasy that bordered on rapture. He spewed a fourth gob of incestuous cum deep into his youngest daughter while she shuddered and whipped her ass up at him to force his cock still deeper.

And then he was done...spent...drained as only a daughter can drain a peace.

After a long moment of heavy breathing stillness, Grandpa Jack pulled his softening penis out of his daughter's pussy and collapsed at his daughter's side, barely able to keep from crushing her under his weight. He laid there, one leg still over hers, while their bodies tried to recover.


Grandpa Jack raised his head slowly and looked dazedly around. He and his youngest daughter had drawn a crowd. Seemed like everyone was cheering and whistling. He saw Brett's brand new digital camcorder focused between Tracy's legs.

Grandpa Jack looked down to see what had gotten Brett's attention. Pearly-gray cream and his daughter's juices combined to make a milky stew dribbling from her slit. It was already making a gooey puddle under her ass. When Tracy realized what was happening, she dipped a finger into her pussy, scooping out a big gob and pop it in her mouth. She smiled as the laughter and cheers rang out again.

Tracy held her father's still oozing cock in one hand and patted it tenderly with the other. "Damn, Dad," she murmured, "If you could just bottle that magic in your dick, I could've had you with me all this time...."

* * *

After a long day of driving, and a free-for-all orgy that lasted from mid-afternoon to the wee hours of the morning, no one in the Carson household felt the urge to rise early the next morning. When Grandpa Jack finally got up, it was eleven o'clock, and he was hungry...but not for breakfast.

"Tracy, Stewart, I'm kidnapping the kids and going for pizza, okay?" he said, sticking his head in the master bedroom door.

"Okay," Tracy replied drowsily, "jus' promise not to bring 'em back 'til they grow up, okay?"

Grandpa Jack chuckled and turned away. The adult Winstons were up and snacking, but they weren't interested in going out for anything either, so Grandpa Jack plus all the grandkids piled into the motor home and set out. Their destination was one of those vast pizza places that had a zillion games scattered around the floor to keep kids of all ages occupied until they were exhausted...or grandpa's billfold was empty.

The twins gave the Carson kids the grand tour of the bus while Grandpa Jack started the big engine, did all the system checks, and got the thing rolling. Tracy's seven kids 'oohed' and 'ahhed', all properly impressed with the electronics, furnishings, and the view, both through the windows and the HD cameras mounted outside and in.

After Carrie explained the cruise control...and what she and Grandpa Jack had done up front while the cruise control was 'driving', there were more 'oohs' and 'ahhs' that were accompanied by a little envy. All of them could see the possibilities.

For the nine-mile trip, Alicia got a tray out and piled a dozen cans of soda on it, and went around to everyone asking, 'Coffee...tea...fresh pussy?' and pulling up the front of her short skirt with the last item. Since she asked Grandpa Jack first he was ready and set the control for the window polarization.

Everyone saw Grandpa Jack's right hand snake back from the steering wheel to stroke Carrie's leg from knee to crotch from time to time. The Carson kids responded to Alicia by groping her too, except for Parker, Tracy's oldest adopted son.

Parker got down on his knees, held Alicia's skirt up, and pressed his lips against her damp pussy and kissed it while she held the tray high, trying to balance and keep contact with Parker's sucking mouth at the same time. Alicia made a note to spend some more quality time with Parker when they got home.

It was a short trip, and an unexpectedly interesting one. But it came to a quick end when the bus rolled, swaying and rocking, into the uneven parking lot of the pizza joint.

Before leaving the coach, Grandpa Jack belatedly decided some things might need to be made clear. He pulled the privacy panel across the front of the living area so nothing anyone did would offend any of the vanilla citizens outside. He parked and set the bus' security for 'maximum' for after he and the kids made their exit.

Passing into the living room section, he held up a hand to get their attention. He paused. "What are Mom's and Dad's rules for being around folks who don't 'play' like we do?" he asked, looking at the Carson children.

Parker took the lead. "We don't talk about anything...I mean anything...about sex or what we do with each other or our private parts or that," he said. Some of his brothers and sisters chuckled.

"Absolutely," Grandpa Jack intoned solemnly. "Just a hint about what Vincent did to Chelsea last night...or Carrie did with Lloyd...or your Dad did to Alicia...and the next bus your Mom's and Dads take...and me, oh by the way...will be to a state prison...and we don't want that, do we?" He was answered with a busload of suddenly sober children. Grandpa Jack nodded. The point was made.

"Okay," he continued, eyeing the twins. "How many girls have panties and bras on?" he asked. "Show of hands?" he suggested. The Carson girls did, the Winstons did not.

"What do your parents say about that?" he asked, not to anyone specifically.

"Mom says we have to be 'sugar and spice and everything NICE'," eleven-year-old Mia said, parroting something Tracy must have drilled into them. "And the boys can't be crude little animals." From the red faces on the boys, there had to be a story there, but Grandpa Jack's mind was somewhere else.

The Winstons had one set of rules, the Carsons another. Grandpa Jack weighed his options. "Okay, ladies and gentlemen," he said. "Alicia and Carrie have some panties and bras back in the chest of drawers...but they aren't wearing anything under their tops and skirts right now, and you girls are...we gotta have a grandpa decision here so we're all on the same page."

He took a deep breath and pursed his lips. "Here's what we do," he said. "All the girls...take off your bras and panties and throw them in this bucket," he remarked, holding up a small trashcan.

"Boys, you're going to go commando!" The kids were bustling around happily and the bus was a madhouse for a few minutes.

" are the rules of being 'saucy and naughty' while pretending to be 'sugar and spice', kids," he said, grinning. "Skirts have to stay down where they're supposed to rolling up the waistbands, girls," he cautioned. "I know about that little trick already...and a few others besides," he added.

"Boys, your flies MUST stay zipped up high and tight...and no one gets to lift a skirt, unzip a zipper, rub anything of theirs on anybody else's body part, understood?" Everyone nodded. "No crude language, references to bodily functions or fluids, or anything else that might give someone even a HINT about what we're going to do when we get home, unless you're whispering it in MY ear, okay?"

"One time Mommy let me go in without panties," eight-year-old Chelsea remarked. "And Daddy touched my pussy when no one was looking," she concluded.

"Well, if your Daddy comes in, and he decides no one is looking, that's okay," Grandpa Jack said bluntly, "but for everyone else--all of us--fingers don't touch pussies, cocks, legs, bulges in pants, boobies hidden by blouses, or anything like that, clear?"

It was. They were getting restless.

"The only exception I can think of," Grandpa Jack said meditatively, " if everyone in the place is naked when we walk in and having sex in the middle of the floor."

It got an impatient chuckle--not a very rousing one though.

"Okay...everyone enjoy themselves...keep your cell phones turned on vibrate and answer me when I call you...and while you can't do anything here, it's gonna be fun knowing your cousins and brothers and sisters are naked under their clothes...and knowing what we'll all be doing naked when we get home."

With that, he pushed aside the privacy panel, activated the door mechanism and trotted down the steps before he got run over.

* * *

Pizza on a buffet bar in such places tends to resemble hot cardboard more than the pie it should be, so Grandpa Jack ordered a specially made one. The kids didn't care. Kids will eat anything that looks vaguely like a slice of pizza--whether it's hot, warm, or cold; fresh or three-days old. And, they'd consider themselves well fed if asked. Grandpa Jack shook his head and waited patiently.

A group of boys and girls came in the front doors, followed by a harried man and woman--obviously parents--and found themselves an empty table not too far from where Grandpa Jack sat. He watched them surreptitiously for a bit. The three girls were all blonde, leggy, and well-endowed. Even the smallest one, maybe seven, had clearly defined, tiny bumps under her T-shirt. Probably the bumps on the youngster's chest were mostly nipple...hard, erect, sensitive, wonderfully delicious nipple. Grandpa Jack's mouth watered at that thought. The boys were tall and looked to be just past puberty; they were solicitous of their sisters, and deferred to their parents, which was unusual enough to capture anyone's attention.

"Whatcha doin' Grandpa," a voice asked. It was Lloyd, Tracy's fifteen-year-old adopted son, not that she or Stewart made any distinction.

"Watchin' people come and go," Grandpa Jack answered truthfully. He leaned close to Lloyd's ear. "And wondering if those girls over there have as sweet a' pussies as your sisters," he said softly into Lloyd's ear.

Lloyd was a trifle startled and looked around before answering. Then he remembered what he'd watched Grandpa Jack doing to his mother and two of his sisters last night; he relaxed.

"Dad and me an' Parker wonder about that too," he whispered back. "That's the Stocktons," he said out loud. "They live kinda next door," he remarked...a little ways around the circle," he added, referring to the large circle the road made, curving back around on itself in the cul-de-sac. Lloyd returned the slender father's genial wave.

"Mr. Stockton owns a big car lot in town and he's got lots a' money," he added. "Mrs. Stockton has a store for girls' clothes and shoes--but it's just a little one."

"Mmmmm huh," Grandpa Jack replied speaking too softly for anyone else to hear. "Very interesting...."

The other Carsons and the Winston twins were all returning from the buffet tables and Grandpa Jack saw his special order pizza headed his way on a tray carried by cute teenaged waitress. He thanked her profusely. The kids all watched to see if Grandpa Jack would pat her ass or something.

The father from that family was approaching. Grandpa Jack sighed. He'd have to be nice and proper for a while.

"Hi, Gordon Stockton, Stockton Motors," the man said, introducing himself and holding out his hand. Grandpa Jack stood politely and reached across the table to shake the man's hand.

"Jack Cartwright, Purveyor Of Arcane Knowledge...and grandfather to this mob of smart-alecky kids," Grandpa Jack replied, smiling. Carrie made a comment to her sister; the twins stuck out their tongues at Grandpa Jack in perfect unison.

Knowing he'd been put in his place, politely though it'd been done, Gordon laughed at the joke, such as it was. His eye was caught by the twin girls' antics. In fact, he could hardly drag his eyes off the blonde cuties.

When Alicia and Carrie saw him noticing, they set out to raise his blood pressure a little. Eating pizza and other goodies suddenly involved lots of stretching moves, leaning to the side to reach something, coquettish eye batting and everything else they could think of.

With an effort, Gordon pulled his eyes back to Grandpa Jack and pointed at the table with his wife and kids, unnecessarily identifying them as his family. They waved when they saw their father was showing the old man who they were. The Stockton kids and their mother were not visibly impressed.

Grandpa Jack grinned a hello at them anyway.

Gordon's two older girls were stretching their long legs out under the table, and that was something Grandpa Jack really did appreciate. He let his eyes stay on their bare legs just as long as Gordon's stayed on the twins' upper chests.

Mr. Stockton and Grandpa Jack talked for a minute, and then Grandpa Jack gestured at his cooling pizza, saying he probably should get busy before it froze or something. Mr. Stockton chuckled and shook hands again, giving Grandpa Jack his card and inviting him down to his dealership anytime.

And then he did something that surprised Grandpa Jack. Instead of leaving immediately, he touched thirteen-year-old Colette's shoulder and leaned close to ask her to tell her mom and dad he said hello. He gave her shoulder a quick squeeze and turned away to return to his table.

Grandpa Jack wouldn't have noticed it if he wasn't a confirmed girl watcher himself...a professional girl watcher, in his estimation. Anyway, when Mr. Stockton leaned to talk to Colette, his eyes flicked down Colette's scoop-neck peasant blouse to check out Colette's young breasts. He had his eyes back up by the time Colette turned her head to reply.

Colette didn't notice, but Mr. Stockton had definitely ogled the girl's unbound titties, and he hadn't batted an eye when he saw she didn't have a bra on. That took some self-control...and practice.

Grandpa Jack was impressed. He couldn't have done much better himself. What startled Grandpa Jack even more was that a few seconds after he went back to his table, this Mr. Stockton evidently told his wife what he'd seen, because her head snapped around to look at the young teenaged girl. Mrs. Stockton smiled, and that really attracted Grandpa Jack's attention.

'How truly interesting!' he thought to himself. He chewed his way through two slices of pizza while he considered the matter, never once looking at the Stockton family.

"Honey," he said to Sara, sitting on his other side. "Would you do me a favor?"

"Sure, Grandpa," she answered quickly. "Whatcha want?"

He put his hand on her cheek so she couldn't turn and look at the Stocktons, surprising the young girl more than a little, but she held still. It was the kind of thing a grandfather could get by with...for a second or two. "Keep your head still and don't around at anyone, okay, sweetie? I'm testing something, okay?" Grandpa Jack told his granddaughter. His hand dropped back to his lap.

Sara took half a second to absorb what her grandfather had said. She lowered her voice. "Okay," she replied, her eyes sparkling with a sudden excitement.

"I'm going to bend over in a minute or two," Grandpa Jack said softly, "and whisper in your ear again while I look down your blouse," he whispered. He couldn't help but laugh at Sara's expression.

Even Sara's family did NOT talk this way in public. She giggled and nodded.

"And when I talk really, really softly in your ear, you bend over...move your shoulders forward a little, like you're showing me a little more of what I want to see, okay?" he instructed. "And when you do, you put your hand out on my thigh...not high up, you know--keep it clean...but then you squeeze...just a little, okay? And then you straighten up and eat your pizza while I check things out yonder, okay?"

"Who're you checking out, Grandpa," Sara whispered.

"The Stocktons," Grandpa Jack replied. "Like your Mom said, there's something about them...and we're going to find out, okay?"

Sara nodded, suppressing her curiosity and animation; she and Grandpa Jack were doing something a naughty and it was so delectable. She couldn't help smiling.

In a moment, Grandpa Jack leaned over and whispered a suggestion that every guy in the restaurant was going to eat Sara's pussy before she finished her pizza.

Wide-eyed and a little flushed, thirteen-year-old Sara hunched her shoulders forward a scant millimeter or two to give Grandpa Jack a really fine view down her v-necked blouse. Her small hand slapped at his thigh, then settled and squeezed just a bit. It was very well done.

And then, Grandpa Jack watched the Stockton's table while he focused his eyes on his own pizza.

Gordon Stockton snapped to attention, sitting ramrod straight in his chair, and unabashedly staring at Grandpa Jack and his granddaughter. A small frown creased his forehead; he was clearly thinking hard about something. Then his face cleared. But he kept a close watch on Grandpa Jack.

"Sara?" Grandpa Jack asked his granddaughter.

"Do it again?" Sara asked quietly.

"Nah, they took the bait already," he replied. "Just wonderin', how would you get a boy you liked to look at your legs?" he asked.

"If the boys were my brothers," she whispered, "I'd tell them they could fuck my pussy in a minute or two, and they wouldn't be able to take their eyes off me...or my legs," she replied softly.

Grandpa Jack chuckled. "And if they weren't your brothers--and if you were in, say...oh, I don't know...a pizza place?"

"Well," she said, thinking. "I could drop my napkin or something and stretch my leg out while I bend over to pick it up," she remarked. "I can make my skirt ride up...a long way."

She thought for a moment. "You want them to see my pussy?" she asked, her level of excitement so high, she was quivering.

"No," Grandpa Jack replied, "just lots of that long, scrumptious, creamy, silky smooth thigh of yours, okay?"

She did as she'd said she could, and Grandpa Jack watched the Stockton table without appearing to.

Mr. Stockton of Stockton Motors eyes locked again on Sara so quickly, they must have clicked in their sockets. When her napkin was safely in her hand again, and Sara had straightened back up, Gordon Stockton took a deep breath and whispered in his wife's ear again.

Any man would look when Sara exposed as much leg as she must have done, Grandpa Jack thought musingly, but Gordon and his wife must have a VERY special relationship to comment to his wife about such a thing...twice! And both times--more furtively this time--Mrs. Stockton had turned to look also.

Sara and the others wandered away to use up the 'credit cards' powered by Grandpa Jack's money on silly games instead of eating more pizza at the moment. Before she'd left though, Sara had dropped another napkin and had a most difficult time snagging it this time. Gordon, and his wife noticed. Their heads were close together.

Nine-year-old Vincent came back to sit for a minute and consume another couple slices of cold pizza and half a glass of soda.

"Wanta do something naughty?" Grandpa Jack asked in the boy's ear.

"Here?" young Vincent replied, shocked. "To who?" he asked interestedly, adjusting quickly. "Saucy and naughty?"

"Well...not THAT naughty--just some naughty 'teasing'," Grandpa Jack explained to the boy. "Here's what I want you to do when you get ready to go play more games...."

A little later, the young boy got up and made his way back toward the games and then, wonder of wonders, he saw Mr. and Mrs. Stockton sitting there eating pizza. It would be impolite for him not to greet the Carson's neighbors, so he made a detour.

He shook Mr. Stockton's hand, saying hello...and then gave Mrs. Stockton a close she wasn't expecting. And then he stood there for a while longer, talking to Mrs. Stockton and asking if her daughter Annette was going to play soccer this summer the same league?...with the same team?...and anything else he could to keep her talking for a little while.

Grandpa Jack had told the boy he wanted Vincent to think about Mrs. Stockton's big breasts. He should think of how they would feel if he could get his dick between them and fuck her tits 'til he came all over her pretty face!

It worked. Vincent's young-boy hard-on began ballooning in his pants...and he made no effort to hide it. Then suddenly, he ended the conversation and turned away, stepping off smartly in the direction of the best games.

Mrs. Stockton had tried not to look down at Vincent's crotch, but she hadn't been able to help herself. The bulge had been right against her upper arm for the longest time, so she'd known young Vincent had a hard-on. She hadn't made a single move to pull away from the hard-on....

Mrs. Stockton and her husband bumped heads in their eagerness to convene another impromptu conference. Mrs. Stockton's legs rubbed together, then did a fast little dance under the table. She didn't even notice.

Grandpa Jack grinned to himself while he savored his next slice of meat-piled-high-and-deep pizza. He'd also watched as Mrs. Stockton licked her lips and tossed a glance at Vincent's disappearing backside. THEN she'd taken the time to confer with her husband. Her expression had been startled, but that'd cleared quickly, to be replaced by an anticipatory smile.

Sooooo...both of the Stockton adults were open, at least somewhat, to overtures from youngsters. VERY interesting! He wondered if the Stocktons had an inkling their reactions were being assessed....

It was ten minutes later, give or take, before Grandpa Jack made his way past the Stocktons to the buffet bar to cruise the desert section. He nodded on his way past, but he accompanied it with a knowing smile...almost a smirk.

The Stocktons were hypersensitive to things going on with Grandpa Jack and all his crew now. They were going to read volumes into everything he did, or said...or didn't say. Grandpa Jack's arching eyebrows and smartass grin told Mr. and Mrs. Stockton, 'Yep, you're right...whatcha gonna do about it'? With some peach cobbler in a small dish, and soft freeze ice cream on top, Grandpa Jack made his way back to his table.

The Stocktons were rejoined by what looked like their oldest daughter, a lovely young woman--about fifteen or so, Grandpa Jack judged, but maybe older. Her figure was excellent, for a young teenager going on twenty-five. The swell of her breasts made pretty hillocks in her T-shirt, and her tanned thighs and calves were complimented by slender, well-shaped ankles...but her face looked soooo young, as if she were only twelve.

Gordon Stockton leaned close and said something in her ear. The girl was startled and she clearly said, 'Huh?' to her father. Grandpa Jack didn't read lips, but he could read that much.

When the girl slumped low in her chair, her eyes on her father and seemingly having a spirited, albeit whispered, conversation with him, Grandpa Jack watched as she stretched her long legs out, and then brought her feet in to tuck them under her chair. She sat still for only a second or two with her knees well apart, but it was long enough.

Grandpa Jack brought the spoonful of cobbler up close to his eyes so he could study its contents carefully. He'd seen girls flash their panties many times before, and this was one of the nicest flashes ever.

The girl's bright-blue panties showed a clear indentation of a lovely little camel toe, right in the middle. A minute later, the girl got up and strolled back into the game room, but not before she threw a fast glance his way.

Neither the teenage girl or her parents ever saw Grandpa Jack's reaction. But after a minute or two, after chewing several more bites of cobbler, Grandpa Jack looked over at the Stocktons, he caught Mr. Stockton's eyes, and he smiled a secret little grin. Then his eyes moved on. He never looked their way again.

"How's everyone doing?" Grandpa Jack asked Alicia, a while later--it seemed like Grandpa Jack had been here all day, but it was probably no more than an hour and a half or so. "Almost everyone's card is out of money and they're watching Vinnie ride the motorcycle game," she replied, munching on a slice of pizza.

She got up and went to get an ice cream cone. She sat back down beside him. "Sara said you had her do some stuff?" she murmured.

"Flirty things," Grandpa Jack replied in a low voice. He grinned. "Remember when you girls teased a whole table full of boys at the hamburger place back home that time?"

Alicia straightened up. She was interested now. "Uh-huh," she replied carefully. She and Carrie had shown more than a little leg to a half-dozen teenage boys that night. The boys had reacted every time either of the twins moved a leg or took a pose, nudging each other and whispering. By the end of the evening, the boys'd worked themselves up into quite a lather. It had all been in vain though. When Grandpa Jack whisked the twins out and into the pickup, the boys all had hangdog expressions on their faces. Really fun night! Probably the boys' girlfriends received a lot of attention afterward.

Grandpa Jack leaned close to his granddaughter. "When we get all ready to leave...."

* * *

Grandpa Jack watched from a place near the doorway. When Alicia scrambled under the table, looking for a trinket, her skirt rode up high on her leg. In fact, her bare ass was exposed for a second's worth of wriggling, before she got herself rearranged.

The girls standing beside the table on either side of Alicia were there to cut off the view from anywhere except the table Grandpa Jack WANTED to see. No one looked in the Stockton's direction, except Grandpa Jack.

Then Alicia left, sauntering slowly to the front door.

Grandpa Jack's fallback position, of course was that the silly girl was wearing a just couldn't be seen from the Stockton's viewpoint...and she was just too young to really know how to keep her skirt down. Alicia would have thong panties in hand from the time from the time she boarded the bus in a few seconds 'til she walked into the Carson's castle.

Gordon Stockton saw. A business end of cattle prod applied to his balls wouldn't have provoked a more immediate reaction. He started to swing around to alert his wife, but it was too late for Mrs. Stockton to see anything. Gordon turned back to watch Alicia's hip-swinging walk to the door.

Just before his eyes would have met Stockton's gaze, Grandpa Jack turned away, and adjusted his cap. He was beaming at the sign containing the menu. Then he followed Alicia out of the restaurant.

* * *

He told everyone all about it on the way home. The kids crowded up near the front of the motor home, quiet while they listened...and then they burst into excited speculation.

"See...what I did was play a little game with our Mr. Stockton," Grandpa Jack explained. "He was watching you girls like a hawk and I wondered what he'd do if Sara showed him a little leg, and I think his pulse rate went up about thirty beats when she did. When he noticed she had her hand on my thigh, it went up another twenty, at least."

The children laughed. Sara giggled hardest as she gave them a supplemental explanation of exactly what she did.

"I saw the two of them talking it over, which is kind of unusual," Grandpa Jack commented, "unless one of them was ready to run over and raise he...heck about that dear child exposing herself that way," he said in a falsetto.

"And then...and THEN" he continued when the chuckles died down, "...Vincent went up and hugged Mrs. Stockton's tits--yeah, he really did...well, okay, He hugged Mrs. Stockton--and she almost had a cow when she felt the hard-on in his pants bumping against her arm." The busload of children laughed delightedly.

"Anyway," Grandpa Jack said, "she didn't bat an eye...except she looked mighty interested, Vinnie. She looked like she was starving, and you were the Thanksgiving turkey."

Grandpa Jack got an appreciative laugh.

"And THEN," he told them, "Mr. Stockton's daughter come sit down at the table and spread her legs and give me a BEAUTIFUL view of her panties up under her skirt."

There was a moment of silence.

"You saw Rosie Stockton's panties?" Parker asked, awed.

"With a cute little camel toe just smilin' and winkin' at me!" Grandpa Jack replied, smiling.

"We gotta hang out more," Parker said feelingly. "I don't know anyone who's seen her panties!"

"Well, I signalled that I saw it all...," Grandpa Jack said, turning into the development where the Carsons lived, " reacting to something else in my field of vision," he continued. "But they knew exactly what I was ignoring what Rose'd shown me, I called attention to the fact that I actually HAD seen it," he told them.

"Were you ever in the army?" Lloyd asked with interest. "You sound like a general or something."

"Nope," Grandpa Jack replied. "But you haven't heard the best part yet. When we got ready to leave, I asked 'Licia to show off a little bare ass to them...and Mr. Stockton almost hurt himself jerking himself upright in his chair," he reported.

The bus broke out in laughter. All of them could see the scene in their mind's eye because Grandpa Jack had jerked upright in his seat to illustrate what'd happened.

"And then, on the way out, I let Alicia walk past me...and I was just turning around to follow her and I grinned like a big ol' dummy," Grandpa Jack said.

"So Mr. Stockton knows I saw him looking at 'Licia...and because he saw me smiling, he knows I didn't mind him looking at her bare ass," Grandpa Jack said. The motor home was silent.

"And NOW, the ball's in their court," he concluded.

The bus rolled to a gentle stop at the curb outside the Carson's home.

"What's gonna happen, Grandpa," Vinnie asked curiously. "Does that mean we're going to party hard with the Stocktons now?"

"Don't know," Grandpa Jack remarked reflectively. "Don't know YET! We'll just have to wait while they process everything they saw. And then they'll have to make a decision whether to answer the...uh...the challenge or not. We'll see...."

He frowned. There was a strange car parked in front of his daughter's house. He'd been looking forward to last night's little orgy continuing forthwith, but apparently that was not to be.

"It might mean we get to play with them, or it might not," Grandpa Jack told them. "See--it's kind a' like playin' poker. I played a card, letting him Mr. Stockton see Sara show off a little leg...they let me see up Rosie's skirt after Vinnie showed Mrs. Stockton how aroused he was...and I ended this part of the game by letting them see Alicia's ass, for which, by the way, dear granddaughters and grandson, I thank you very much," he told them.

"Uh...Grandpa," Parker said, "Mom just texted me to tell everyone that 'sugar and spice' rules have to be followed in the house...we got company."

"I was afraid of that," Grandpa Jack said. "Well, we'll just have to sit around and wait them out, won't we?"

Parker replied uncertainly, "Well, I guess...." He shot a glance at the car in the driveway. He was confused .... and disappointed.

* * *

As he walked between the bus and the back door into Tracy's kitchen domain, Grandpa Jack chastised himself, figuratively smacking himself around and back again. When he looked at it dispassionately, his attitude wasn't a good one. He was far too eager to reignite the sexual revelry from the night before, just 'cause his blood was up from playing a chess match with the largely unknown Mr. Stockton? 'Awfully selfish,' he thought to himself, 'awfully'!

His daughter and her family had a right to balance their family-sex reality with a 'normal' relationship with other people. For the sake of that balance, he was going to be especially nice to whoever was visiting his daughter, no matter who it was or why they were here.

He had a smile on his face when he walked in. It stayed there...effortlessly. The petite young woman sitting at the kitchen table with Tracy and Candy was exceptionally attractive and had an impish little grin on her face when she looked up at Grandpa Jack.

"Hi!" He grinned at the woman for a second, then transferred his attention to the counter beside the stove. When he got there, he poured himself a cup of hot coffee.

In the short walk, Grandpa Jack took in as much as he could. She was short, no more than five-three...maybe a skosh more...slender, with pert breasts making conical tents at the top of in the lavender knit wrap-around dress she wore. Attractive wire rim glasses framed, rather than hid, bright blue eyes that twinkled merrily. Her brunette hair was caught up in a ponytail and she looked like she was about fourteen and a half.

As Grandpa Jack turned back around to face the kitchen table where the woman and Tracy sat, he caught a glimpse of several inches of exquisite thighs--and shapely calves too--below the demure dress' bottom hem. Delicate ankles and small feet completed a very nice package, in Grandpa Jack's humble opinion.

Her slim fingers showed no sign a ring had ever been on any of them.

"Dad, this is Sabrina Fletcher," Tracy said by way of introduction, "Sabrina, my father, Jack."

"Sabrina," Grandpa Jack said, smiling. "That's a really lovely name," he remarked. For the first time, he openly scrutinized her. "One of my top ten names of all time, AND it fits you beautifully," he said candidly. "My compliments to your parents," he added, taking his first swallow of coffee.

"Why, thank you...I think," Sabrina said in a soft contralto. She grinned.

"Hey, what about 'Tracy'," his daughter demanded, feigning indignation.

"One of my top FOUR names of all time," Grandpa Jack countered quick and smoothly. He bent to kiss his daughter on the top of her head. "...Or you wouldn't have it," he continued smoothly.

The two women glanced at each other.

"Oh, he's GOOOOD!" Sabrina remarked admiringly to Tracy.

" 'Tis easy," Grandpa Jack said easily, "when all you have to do is speak the truth," he said, pulling out a chair and sitting down next to his daughter. He took Tracy's hand in his and raised it to his lips for an affectionate kiss. He held her hand comfortably, platonically, for a while before releasing it. Tracy's pulse rate was strangely high.

The women and Grandpa Jack chatted, passing from topic to topic effortlessly while children migrated into the kitchen, looked around, and left again. Every once in a while, Brett or Stewart passed through and paused to converse for a while.

Grandpa Jack met Sabrina's children--there were four.

"You got pregnant for the first time at three? Or was it four years old?" he commented with a smile when he learned the oldest was already eleven and a half. "My goodness!" he said.

"I don't THINK so!" Sabrina said, laughing unreservedly.

"Daddy, Sabrina's only a year younger than I am," Tracy said, laughing along with her friend.

"My compliments to your parents again," he told the young woman. "What beautiful genes they've passed on to you." He meant it as a sincere compliment, and she was pleased. She looked down into her own coffee cup.

Grandpa Jack changed the subject. " did you ladies meet?" he asked.

Not for the first time, Sabrina shot him a calculating glance. She paused, then looked over to Tracy and grinned. She shooed her son, Jerry, and Tracy's Vincent out of the kitchen. At the sink, Stewart paused. He'd just come inside from mowing the lawn.

"Actually, Dad," Tracy said amusedly, "Stew and I met Sabrina and her...late husband, met at party," she said. "Sabrina spent the evening with Stewart...and I had the...dubious pleasure of...doing the same with her husband," Tracy remarked frankly. She grinned at her father.

He didn't let his surprise show. "Honey, I didn't know you were involved in 'the lifestyle'," he said, smiling back at her.

"Well...YOU were!" Tracy shot back. "Mom already told me!" she told him.

"Indeed we were...I wasn't keepin' it a secret," Grandpa Jack said. He hesitated, glancing at Sabrina before he continued. She was watching interestedly, but she clearly wasn't shocked.

"Actually," Grandpa Jack said smoothly, chuckling a little, "your mother and I were 'swapping' BEFORE we were married. We began in a little...ahhhhh, call it a club, in high school and got an 'early start', you might say."

"The hussy!" Tracy remarked, giggling. "She didn't tell me THAT!"

"It was her idea, actually!" Grandpa Jack said succinctly. "After we were married a few years, she decided SHE liked having other guys, but she didn't like me being with other GIRLS. Then she cut it all off...well...she didn't cut IT it off, but sometimes I thing that's just 'cause she didn't think of it...anyway, she stopped our swinging...did she mention that?" he asked, interested in what his ex-wife may have told Tracy.

"Yes, she did...she said that happened right after I was born," Tracy responded smoothly. "Said it was her worst mistake, getting an attitude like that."

"She did? The wicked witch of the west actually admitted she made a mistake??!!" Grandpa Jack said, thoroughly astonished.

"DAD! Don't talk about Mom that way," Tracy said, laughing in spite of herself. "She always talks about you in she was still awfully fond of you. When she was here last winter, she was asking about you...if you were okay, where you lived, were you happy...?"

Grandpa Jack thought about it for a moment. "Where I live, eh? Well...," he said, reflectively, "...I guess that accounts for the Ninja assassin who tried to send me to the happy hunting ground last January," he remarked. "I was wondering who I'd pissed off," he added.

Stewart, who'd come in to freshen his coffee, had to turn around quickly and spew what remained of his coffee into the sink so he could laugh. Tracy slapped at Grandpa Jack's arm.

"DADDYYYYYYYYYYY!!" she said reprovingly. Then she had to grin. "Be nice!" she told him. She frowned. "Besides, isn't that mixing your metaphors or somethin'?"

"So sue me!" Grandpa Jack retorted. "SHE sure as hell did!!!"

Stewart's second swig of coffee sprayed down the sink too. He looked down resignedly at his coffee-soaked shirtfront.

After a while, the conversation went on to other areas. Turned out Sabrina's husband had been something of a brute, and a man who couldn't abide the hassle of simply getting to work every day.

But he wasn't born independently wealthy, so he sought other options. He was caught selling auto parts out the back door at his last job, was convicted, and died in a gang riot his third year into a nine-year sentence. Sabrina had already divorced him by then though.

Sabrina, Grandpa Jack learned, was the well-regarded manager of a local, very successful, restaurant. She had a small house on a side street she kept neat as a pin. She was smart, had gotten her GED after leaving high school pregnant, and dearly loved her children.

"Well, my goodness," Tracy commented, getting up from the table. "Look at the time." She hesitated. "Are you sure I can't get you to stay for supper?" she asked Sabrina in a voice that wasn't quite right.

Sabrina didn't move.

"Ahhhhh," Grandpa Jack said, smiling. " we pass? "

Tracy and Sabrina's lips turned down.

"What gave it away?" Tracy asked, disappointed.

"Your kids, my dear Tracy," Grandpa Jack replied, "have been wandering in and out of the kitchen, looking at the young and beautiful Sabrina and I could tell they were confused why we were just sitting here talking. Also...Sabrina's children the whole house...and that would seem to include Stew's wonderful, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, raunchy, happy fornicating, family playroom. Too many kids have been disappearing in that direction and not coming back...."

"Now CANDY'S kids accepted the fact that Sabrina was someone who wasn't in our 'special' crowd, at first...but yours were whispering in each other's ears. Then Candy's kids got irritated and frustrated too. Someone must've clued them in.

"Ergo...something else was going on and I kinda figured it was Sabrina deciding on whether to join in the games while the Winstons and I were visiting or not"

Grandpa Jack arched his eyebrows at Sabrina. "So...I repeat, do we--or is it just 'I' pass?"

Sabrina's pretty lips curved in a smile. She stood and undid the sash to her wrap-around knit, shrugged it off her shoulders, and tossed it to her friend. Under the soft fabric, Sabrina was naked.

"Well, I'd LOVE to stay for dinner...and the party, Tracy, if it's all right...," she said slowly. Then she grinned broadly. She straddled Grandpa Jack's lap and pressed a perky little tittie to Grandpa Jack's mouth. He opened his lips and began tonguing the hard little nipple.

After a bit, Sabrina sighed. "Grandpa you think it's okay for 'wittle' girls with big ol' glasses to get fucked silly?"

"I certainly DO!" Grandpa Jack said enthusiastically. He took the other nipple between his teeth and nibbled delicately at it.

Sabrina's small hands clamped themselves to his shoulders. She pushed herself off Grandpa Jack's lap with a tiny tremble and began unbuckling Grandpa Jack's belt.

"YIPPPEEEEE!!!" eight-year-old Chelsea yelled. She was in the process of making a skidding U-turn on the linoleum so she could race back out of the kitchen she'd just run into.


* * *

" 'Aunt Sabrina', huh?" Grandpa Jack said wryly a few hours later. A fine steak dinner was finished and a desert of homemade ice cream rested easy in his belly.

He was sitting still, but now he was in a Lazy Boy in the sexually oriented family room. The girl on his lap had changed from a youthful mother, Sabrina, to Tracy's eleven-year-old daughter Mia.

Young Mia was facing away from him and had Grandpa Jack's penis trapped four inches deep in her pussy and she was happily controlling all the action. Leaning over and bracing her hands on his knees, she was busy working her grandfather's prick a little deeper, her immature hips were rising and falling regularly...and faster with each stroke.

He looked at Sabrina, who was absentmindedly fondling nine-year-old Vincent's penis and balls. The boy had just received a blowjob that made his eyes roll back in his head and his cock wasn't sure if it wanted to come out and play just yet. His body was in the process of deciding it did.

"Didn't even get to tell ya about the Stocktons," Grandpa Jack said to the room at large.

"What about the Stocktons?" Tracy asked, a little sharply. The Stocktons were a sore point with her. Tracy was sitting on the deep carpet with her back against the big ottoman and playing with Sabrina's baby daughter, Vanessa. The six-year-old was lying on Tracy's lap, bottom side up, and Tracy was sliding a buttplug no thicker than a baby's pacifier in and out of Vanessa's ass-hole. The little girl was giggling and churning her hips like a runaway cement mixer.

"Ahhhhh...," Grandpa Jack said distractedly. Mia smacked her butt down on Grandpa Jack's lap with an audible slap, impaling herself a little deeper on his cock.

"Onnnnggggghhhh, that's good Mia, honey," Grandpa Jack moaned. He tried to recollect what he was talking about.

"Oh...I played a very enjoyable little game of brinkmanship with Mr. Stockton," Grandpa Jack said cheerfully. "I let him see some interesting parts of Sara and Alicia...and he let me see a nice camel toe on his oldest daughter," he replied.

"Carefully, ya understand," he added quickly. "Very carefully...careful little flirty kind of things," he said.

Tracy looked at Sara firmly.

"Grandpa told me to!" Sara said quickly in her own defense.

"Just a couple inches more thigh than she was already showing off," Grandpa Jack said coolly. "And Vincent kinda let the lovely and sexy Mrs. Stockton that he had a little hard-on."

"Little?" Vinnie protested.

" 'Littler' than the one you have right now poking up at 'Aunt Sabrina'," Grandpa Jack retorted with a grin.

"Oh! Yeaaaahhhh," Vinnie said, satisfied.

"Hard to criticize a boy for getting a hard-on, what with Mrs. Stockton's tits on display like they were," Grandpa Jack remarked. "Even the sex police couldn't manufacture a problem with Vincent, for just reacting to what she was showin' off," Grandpa Jack said contentedly.

"And I let Mr. Stockton see a little ass," Alicia said proudly. "But he can't tell you I didn't have on a thong," she added sweetly, looking at her Aunt Tracy, then shifted her gaze to her own mother.

"You know how all the girls are so into thongs in our school, right, mom? Young girls WILL wear them, no matter how hard a mother tries, right?" She sighed expressively.

"That's a fact!" Candy agreed. She was more accepting of Grandpa Jack's independent judgment in such matters.

"Daddy DOES do a good job of supervising...uh...flirty situations," Candy told her sister. "He's got a good head for angles and knowing who can see what and then he decides how much anyone should see," she said.

She grinned.

"One time last winter, Daddy had me spread my knees just a couple inches at a time in a restaurant...I don't wear panties when we all go out anymore, ya know. And we could all tell it was only one guy in the whole room who could see anything, 'cause his eyes got big as saucers," Candy remarked, smiling. "And that night, Brett and Daddy double-teamed me for HOURS," she added, her eyes losing their focus as she remembered. She sighed.

"I AM good, aren't I?!" Grandpa Jack asked, with considerable satisfaction.

"Daddy!" Tracy said. "You keep my girls and boys out of trouble, you HEAR?" She was emphatic, but not nearly as concerned as she'd been before.

"I will, honey," Grandpa Jack assured her. He was quiet for a while, his eyes losing focus again as Mia moved around.

"Anyway, as I was saying," he said, "we played this little game with your Mr. Stockton and his wife, and it ended up with his oldest daughter givin' me a nice little panty shot," he told everyone. "And then we trumped him when 'Licia showed him her butt--and it was a lovely, absolutely PERFECT little butt if I may say so," he said in an aside to Alicia.

"Well...of course!" the twelve-year-old practicing exhibitionist said innocently while grinning nastily.

"Soooo, now what?" Tracy asked. "Was Rose cooperating, or was he making her or what?"

"She wasn't a bit shy about exposing herself...well, exposing what she had beneath her panties," Grandpa Jack replied. He thought for a moment. "No...I didn't get the idea she had to be forced...she didn't mind at all. And...for what it's worth...she did it really stealthy, and only after her dad had checked all around."

"So, you think they may be doing family sex like us?" Tracy demanded.

"The signs are's promising, I think," Grandpa Jack replied. "So hard to say for sure...and maybe this's as far as they want to take it...or maybe they don't want to play outside the family...or something. But whatever...we're covered...plausible deniability and all that. The next move is up to them."

"If it was me, I'd have followed you out the door and asked if Alicia was making a promise or just cock teasin'," Stewart suggested. "Maybe not in those exact words, but something like it."

"And if he had," Grandpa Jack replied, "...I'd have been properly incensed! I'd have told him in no uncertain terms that my hot, sexy, wanton little granddaughter would NEVER cock tease!!" It got a little chuckle from almost everyone. "Well, not without bein' ready to spread her legs after the teasin' is over with, anyway," Grandpa Jack added. He grinned.

"But Mr. Gordon Stockton didn't do that. He was pretty shook up when 'Licia flashed her perfectly rounded little butt though. I think he's on FIRE right about now and he's going to do something about it pretty soon...and so is his wife, if I read the signs right."

"So, how'll we know?" Parker asked from the couch nearest the door.

"Well, I think it'll be something real clear," Grandpa Jack said. "Maybe he trots his whole family over here, strips 'em naked, and tells them to all find someone to fuck...while he makes a bee line for 'Licia or Carrie. Then we'll know."

Grandpa Jack smiled when the room full of kids began stirring excitedly. "Or maybe it'll something a little more subtle...."

"When?" Tracy asked.

"Dunno," her father replied. "Can't rush things like this."

* * *

'When' wasn't EVEN twenty-four hours later. Grandpa Jack spotted fresh-faced young Rose Stockton from a long way off. She was trotting down the sidewalk toward the Carsons in mid-morning...sidling along and peering at every bush around to make sure no one was there...looking around guiltily--in short, doing everything a person trying to avoid notice should never do. Grandpa Jack'd set the security program to 'motion sensitive' mode, so the teenager was picked up the instant she unmasked herself by moving beyond the cover of a tree grove.

Rose was dressed in spike heels and a short skirt that didn't begin to cover her ass-cheeks when she bent over to adjust one of her high heels. Her tube top wasn't even ATTEMPTING to conceal the bounce and jiggle of her breasts.

Grandpa Jack marked her as 'no threat' in the surveillance software and told the computer to keep her locked and centered in the screen. She marched determinedly down the sidewalk, coming on steadily in the warm morning sun.

Grandpa Jack tapped the touch screen and the computer made a handshake with the remote repeater in the Carson's house. The cable connecting the bus with the house was unremarkable; it looked like an electrical connection so the huge RV wouldn't have to run on battery power.

"Looks like Mr. Stockton is making his move," Grandpa Jack said when Alicia answered the buzzer. "Ask Aunt Tracy if it's okay for me to handle this, would you?"

"It's your ballgame, Daddy," Tracy replied directly. Apparently she was standing right there. "Ahhhhhh, can you turn on your inside cameras like Carrie told us we can watch?"

"Good idea," he said, "will do!" He cut the connection and brought up the appropriate menu on the computer screen to toggle the inside cameras and mikes on. They would transmit everything going on inside the bus to the house in full, living, HD color.

Watching her come up the walk behind the darkened windows, he could see the teenager becoming less sure of herself by the step. Grandpa Jack could see she was unsteady on the spike heels she was wearing. He grinned. Teenagers don't get that many chances to wear 'fuck me' heels. On the other hand, her charms were becoming even more enticing the closer she came.

Grandpa Jack reduced the windscreen polarization so she could see him clearly in the big captain's chair. He pretended to be working on something, but glanced up to wave at her. Rose stopped for a second, then came on, and when she drew abreast of the bus, she looked carefully inside the open door.

"Hi," Grandpa Jack said to the teenager. "What's up?"

"Nuthin'," the girl replied automatically. "My name's Rose," she told him. She took a deep breath, which did wonders for her blouse...and Grandpa Jack's libido.

He smiled. "I'm Grandpa Jack," he answered. "Come on up."

"I was at the pizzeria yesterday," she explained in a very young girl's voice when she climbed the steps.

Grandpa Jack had been forewarned about her unusually childish voice and didn't react. Actually her voice matched her looks. Grandpa Jack knew she was fifteen but she looked no more than ten or eleven in the face. Her body, though....

"I remember you very well," Grandpa Jack replied warmly. "You're very pretty," he added, "and so are your panties," he added.

The teenager didn't say anything for a moment while she studied Grandpa Jack, noting his strong shoulders, flat belly, and lively eyes smiling at her. Still standing, she looked back into the bus' plush interior.

"Can anyone see in?" she asked nervously.

The decision point had arrived. Grandpa Jack tapped the virtual toggle on the computer screen to polarize all the windows.

"Not now," he said. "Light just reflects off the surface outside now, like those mirror sunglasses they sell." He carefully forgot to mention the HD cameras scattered about WERE transmitting her image inside to screens in the house.

Rose looked at the rear of the bus again, took a few steps down that way, and came back to put her hand on his shoulder. "I like it that you liked my panties," she said clumsily. Grandpa Jack didn't take any notice.

Rose frowned. "Is it alright if we close the door?" she asked. Her answer was a pneumatic hiss as the door shut tight when Grandpa Jack touched the computer screen again.

She looked impressed.

"I'm not wearing any panties today," she half-blurted out.

"My granddaughters...and all of my daughters...never wear panties when we go out," Grandpa Jack returned, "as your father saw yesterday?"

The tall blonde girl nodded. "He saw!" she confirmed. "He's sure it was on purpose," she added.

"It was," Grandpa Jack told her softly, smiling. "Did your Dad say if it's okay to show me you're not wearing panties today?" he asked softly.

"Yes," she answered simply. "He said I should show you, if you said the girl showed off on purpose, or if you wanted to see...."

Rose was grinning now, far more relaxed than she'd been. She was on more familiar ground now, dealing with a male who wanted her sexually--every boy in school wanted to see her pussy and fuck her.

She undid a catch on the skirt and let it fall. For a moment, she stood there, posing. A moderately tall girl who wore her long blonde hair straight and split down the middle to fall to her shoulders, she was exceptionally attractive and she knew it. Her hips already had a provocative curve that blended down to molded thighs and calves, and trim ankles below.

"May I see your breasts?" Grandpa Jack asked.

She nodded and pushed the tube top down over her waist and hips, easing it down her legs until it settled on the floor of the bus.

"They're beautiful," Grandpa Jack told her, smiling. They were. Pear-shaped, with reddish-brown aureoles that seemed blistered and swollen, they perched high on her chest, jiggling delightfully with every move she made. Her coral nipples were already erect, begging for some immediate attention.

"Turn around?"

She did, and carefully bent over and spread her legs a bit. Her pretty outer labia peeked out at Grandpa Jack and he could see the young girl was already a little wet. Either the walk had brought forth the moisture, or she was enjoying her impromptu strip tease. He was betting on the latter; she was grinning happily and relaxing more each passing moment.

Grandpa Jack reached out his right hand and carefully inserted his fingers under her crotch and massaged the sweet place over her clitty. Then he gently pried her pussy lips apart with his left hand and his thumb began plumbing her depths. The girl sighed and spread her feet a little more.

"Back up a step...," he whispered, "...a little more?"

He leaned forward on his captain's chair, then knelt on the carpeted floor. Kissing and nipping at the beautifully rounded globes of her butt-cheeks, Grandpa Jack continued his assault on the young girl's body by stabbing his tongue as far as it would go into her pussy. She moaned.

"Did you have sex with your dad this morning?" Grandpa Jack asked her softly.

She shook her head. "No," she said. "He wanted me to be...fresh for you if you things turned out...if you wanted to...."

"I understand," Grandpa Jack replied, nodding. His real question had been whether she and her father had sex regularly. And that had been adequately, if strangely, answered by the way she answered. There WERE showers for afterward, for Pete's sake.

"Your mom looked like she wanted to eat my grandson right where he stood yesterday," he suggested. His thumb was sunk in her heated depths up to the last knuckle.

"Yeah," Rose whimpered after a moment. "She was wild for sex when she got home. She locked the door and pulled my baby brother into the family room and had him do her without even taking her skirt off," Rose told him.

He stood and brought Rose up from her bent-over position, taking the nude teenager in his arms and kissing her, flicking his tongue at hers, twining with it when she offered. He took her right breast in his left hand and squeezed gently, molding it in his hand before he bent low to take it in his mouth. He ran his tongue all around the aureole, wetting the sensitive tissue before sucking her nipple, using his teeth to gently nip at the blood-engorged bud.

"Take my clothes off," he murmured in her ear.

Obediently, she went to her knees and tugged off his sandals, then unbelted his cargo shorts and let them fall. She reached for underwear, then noticed he had none. She smiled to herself and took his cock in her hand instead. She masturbated him gently, working the skin up and down while holding her face up for his kisses. In a moment, she pulled his T-shirt up and off his back, tossing it on the driver's seat. Closing the distance, mashing her breasts against his chest, she moaned deep in her throat and humped on his hard-on.

"Did your dad like seeing my granddaughter's butt yesterday?" Grandpa Jack asked the young girl, accompanying the question with kisses for her stiff nipples, alternating between her breasts.

"Yeah...yes," she answered, as if from a distance. "He wants to have sex with her soooo bad," she whispered.

"That was my granddaughter, Alicia," Grandpa Jack told her. "She only turned twelve in the spring," he said softly. "Does your daddy like twelve-year-old girls?"

"Uhhhh," she groaned. He was twirling her left nipple between his right thumb and forefinger while he sucked on the right one; then he switched.

"Yeah," she whimpered. "He loves he going to get her?"

"I think there's a real good chance of that happening," Grandpa Jack replied. "So long as he's a good he doesn't hurt you and your sisters when he fucks you?"

"No," Rose responded, "...he's real gentle and good with all us kids."

"I've been fucking my twelve-year-old granddaughter for...four years now," Grandpa Jack said softly. "How long has your father been doing it with you?"

"Since I was eleven," the aroused young woman told him.

"And you're...?"

"Fifteen," she said faintly.

"So we all discovered fucking and sucking amongst our families right about the same time; isn't that interesting?" Grandpa Jack grinned. "Kind of like karma is working for us, huh?"

"Huh?" Rose was in no condition to discuss karma, fate, or even families fucking families. She needed a cock stuffed up her torrid little box. She squirmed around desperately.

"Do you want me to fuck you, fifteen-year-old Rose?" Grandpa Jack asked her gently, urging her back and to the side to the closest couch.

"God, yes," she moaned. "I need you so bad."

He bent her over, touching her hands down to the arm of the sofa nearest the front of the bus to brace herself, and was within an inch of skewering her pussy with his burgeoning cock, when she suddenly jerked away.

"Dang it!" she said. "I've got to call my cell...." She started for the pile of her clothing.

Grandpa Jack held her locked in place with his hands on her hips. They were close to the living area's wall mounted electronics control panel. When she didn't move, entranced by what he was doing, Grandpa Jack slapped at the touch screen.

"Yes, darling?" the computer responded in the sexy woman's voice Grandpa Jack had programmed in.

Rose giggled

"Analyze anomalous cell phone connections in bus," Grandpa Jack directed.

"One anomaly detected," the computer shot back.

"Clone function; clone anomaly--ident 'Rosie's Cell Phone'--System save--Folder ident, Anomalous Communication Devices!"

"Sub-routine complete! 'Rosie's Cell Phone' saved to folder Anomalous Communication Devices."

"Activate 'Rosie's Cell Phone'...Respond to anomalous voice input, one time only," Grandpa Jack commanded.

A faint buzz filled the room.

"Speak the numbers slowly and distinctly," Grandpa Jack whispered in the girl's ear, "...and then just speak normally, sugar." He bent her forward, positioned himself behind her and guided his cock into her drenched pussy.

Rose pronounced the numbers well enough for the system to understand, and a connection was made almost instantly.

Her father answered on the first ring. "Rosie?" He was clearly anxious.

"Yes, Daddy," she answered in a strangled voice. She held her breath while Grandpa Jack rammed his cock deeper inside.

"Rose? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Daddy," she said with an effort. "Everything is really, really fine," she drawled, wriggling her hips and getting Grandpa Jack firmly seated inside her steaming cunt. She paused for a second, relishing the wet friction of Grandpa Jack's penis rubbing the walls of her vagina, massaging and stroking, seeking out places she loved to be touched.

Rose cleared her throat and tried to concentrate. "Uhhhh...Daddy? They're just like us, Daddy," she said.

"Are you sure, honey," Rose's dad said dubiously.

"I'm SURE, Dad!" she replied emphatically.

"Baby, we have to be so careful--"

Rose lost patience with her father.

"DADDY! Listen to me. Grandpa Jack is fucking me RIGHT NOW!!! NOW DO YOU UNDERSTAND!!??" she yelled.

A shocked silence was her only reply

"Tell him the twelve-year-old girl whose butt he saw yesterday is in the Carson's house right now and she's probably naked, just waiting for a nice man to fuck her," Grandpa Jack murmured in Rose's ear.

He looked to his right, down to the wall that divided the living area from the bedroom and gave the camera there a thumbs-up signal. He grinned happily.

On a screen near the driver's station captain's chair, a message flashed up from Alicia, saying he should turn on the HD TVs in the bus. The cameras they'd set up in the Carson's living room were alive and ready to send, she said.

It didn't take a second. Grandpa Jack reached out and tapped a virtual key.

"Dad?" Rose choked out.

She was having difficulty handling all the sensory inputs she was being subjected to. She caught sight of the flat screen TV descending from the ceiling at the edge of her peripheral vision. She turned her body more toward the rear of the bus and sucked in her breath at what she saw on the screen.

She knew the young girl centered in the scene was the one her father had seen yesterday with this man waved enthusiastically...and she was totally nude...except there were two of them! Dad hadn't said anything about twins and she hadn't noticed.

Rose Stockton groaned gutturally. A blond, handsome, and very naked Parker Carson was standing between the twins with an arm around each of them and smiling happily out at her. The twins each had a hand on his already-erect prick.

"Dad...," she said firmly. "Listen to me. The girl you saw yesterday...well she's in the Carson's house right now and she's stark naked, Daddy, and so is her twin sister...and if you want to fuck...uh...uh...ONE of her, better get down here QUICK before someone else does! Everyone needs to get here NOW!" she said.

The connection was broken from the other end. After six seconds with no audio input, the motor home's computer cut off the cellular access.

Grandpa Jack chuckled. "Daddy's moving too fast to talk now, huh?"

"Yeah, they'll be here in a minute, " Rose said, setting her feet and pooching out her ass a little bit more so Grandpa Jack could go in a little deeper. "Fuck me, please, Grandpa Jack?"

"What is it you want me to do? I didn't quite hear you," he said, thrusting slowly into the girl's oven-like cunt.

"Fuck me," she replied. She pushed her butt back into his thrust impatiently.

"Who's fucking you?" he asked, raising his voice.

"YOU ARE!" she wailed, bucking hard, throwing her head around and desperately trying to get him moving faster. "FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK MEEEEEEEE!"

She was facing the rear of the bus, leaning over to brace herself on the back end of the full-length sofa against the side wall. "Put your left hand on the back of the couch," Grandpa Jack told her. "Now, put your left knee up on the, keep your high heels on...there ya go," he said approvingly.

He cupped her right ass-cheek in his hand and helped her raise her butt a little higher. He knew this would expose her even more to a couple of cameras mounted in the driver's cab, the one mounted low on the console--it was only eighteen inches off the floor--should have an exciting view. For the moment, Rose's drooling pussy was on display to the whole world...well, the world who had access to the encrypted feed from the bus into the Carson residence anyway. He mugged for the cameras, smiling broadly.

"Your neighbors are watching you get fucked!" he said to the straining girl. "See them?" He nodded his head at the HD screen on the back wall.

"WOW!" he cried in mock concern. "You see Parker hammering his cock into one of the twins? My God! That only leaves one for Daddy!! He better get here fast!!"

Rose watched the boy she had designs on slamming it into one of the blonde temptresses grinning so wantonly on the TV screen.

"FUCK ME!" she screamed, flailing around as if she was possessed.

"WHO DO YOU WANT TO FUCK YOU??" Grandpa Jack bellowed.

"YOU!!" she wailed.

"WHO AM I?" he roared.

"GRANDPA JACK!!" she screamed.


* * *

"You're a nasty, dirty old man!" Rose drawled lazily, "making me do like that." She was lying where she'd fallen in the throes of an orgasm that risen quickly and totally overwhelmed her.

Rose had the rear arm of the sofa under her hips now, and her legs were dangling off the rear end of the couch; her toes were just touching the carpet. Her face was on the seat of the sofa itself.

Only young females could get into such a position and be comfortable. On the bright side, her young, hairless pussy was thrust upward into exciting prominence. Grandpa Jack thought if he turned the temperature down a few degrees, he'd be able to see steam rising from young Rose's volcano-like cunt.

"Guilty as charged," Grandpa Jack replied cheerfully. He walked from the computer station back to the sofa's rear arm and bent over to kiss the fifteen-year-old girl's lips. She had to crane her face up to meet him. "And you loved every second of this nasty, dirty ol' man's dick fuckin' you!" he remarked.

Rose sighed. A teenager's first reaction is to deny anything an adult asserts, but some things could be disavowed, and some things couldn't. As Grandpa Jack had told her repeatedly, everyone in the house had seen her being fucked by the older man.

"Yeah...," she agreed languorously, stretching her arms above her head and wriggling her hips a little. She could get used to fucking in front of strangers. It added a little zing to it. She looked over her shoulder at the flat screen. There was a LOT of fucking going on in the house. She turned back to Grandpa Jack.

"You sure don't look like a grandpa," she observed, looking back at his muscular frame, flat belly...and his still hard penis bobbing and probing the air in front of him with every step.

"I have four grown daughters and a whole passel a' grandkids who beg to differ," he laughed.

"You have sex with all a' the girls?" she asked curiously.

"Absolutely!" Grandpa Jack replied cheerfully. "As often as possible."

"And nobody, Mrs. Carson's husband doesn't care if you do her?"

"Nah," Grandpa Jack said. "He's too busy fucking one of his nieces...the twins...or his daughters," he said, grinning. "Or maybe he's doin' that cute Sabrina Fletcher," he added.

"Mizzus Fletcher from the Steak and Quail?" Rose asked, her eyes wide and staring.

"Or one of her daughters, maybe," Grandpa Jack remarked.

Rose dropped her head back to the sofa cushion and swiveled her upper body around to watch the increasingly hot orgy inside the Carson's. She saw the afore mentioned Sabrina Fletcher, moving from one side to accost a young boy with a hard-on and fall to her knees to take the youngsters cock in her mouth.

"Dang!" the teenager breathed. "I never knew she...."

"Hot little firecracker too," Grandpa Jack commented. "She says her grandparents were gypsies who came from Persia."

"Gypsies?" Rose mouthed. It brought images of dark nights, whirling dancers around a campfire, and erotic adventure, to her mind. She was impressed.

"My turn for a question," Grandpa Jack said. He walked to the sofa and stepped up behind the teenager.


"Was this the first time you ever had sex with a grown man...besides your father?" he asked.

"Uh-huh," she answered, looking over at him.

Grandpa Jack nodded. "Ya know there are two grownup men in the house yonder who're going to want to fuck that hot pussy of yours, right?"

"Yeah?" she asked interestedly. "Today? I mean after you already did it to me?"

"Well...maybe after you take a shower and douche," Grandpa Jack replied.

Rose's eyes clouded. "I didn't bring...."

"Not a problem," Grandpa Jack said. "Plenty in my bathroom here in the bus, and there's tons of it inside the house too," he assured her.

Rose nodded. She eyed his cock. "Are we going to do it again?" she asked curiously, smiling invitingly.

"I was just thinking about that," Grandpa Jack remarked, "what with your beautiful little pussy stickin' up in the air like that and looking soooo fine," he grinned. He positioned himself in front of the girl, both hands on her thighs.

"What do you think? You want to?" he asked.

When she nodded and wriggled her hips on the sofa arm, Grandpa Jack fisted his cock and guided it between her swollen outer labia and blood-reddened inner lips while the young girl watched raptly in a second HD widescreen. Grandpa Jack had keyed this one to an interior living room camera and Rose was watching her own fucking.

Grandpa Jack's cummy semen still covered her pussy lips and her own juices made for a slick, smooth entry. He drove forward steadily, pushing the head of his cock down at a gradual, but unrelenting pace. Rose groaned luxuriously, loving the feeling of Grandpa Jack's manhood jam itself deep in her vagina.

Someone knocked, rapping hard on the metal door.

"Damn it to...dang it!" Grandpa Jack said, hauling back the curse he almost uttered. He'd turned off surveillance when Rose stepped up in the bus and he'd forgotten to turn it back on.

He slowly withdrew from the teenager's cunt and she mewled in protest. When he was completely outside Rose's bald pussy lips, Grandpa Jack turned to slap at the closest screen and bring up the security program.

"That's my mom," Rose said, identifying the attractive woman outside. She suppressed a couple of pants. "We could lock the door and not pay her any attention," Rose said hopefully.

"OR," Grandpa Jack said thoughtfully, "we could invite her to the party."

Rose whimpered a protest. Sharing was not one of her strong points.

The computer indicated movement in another sector. Grandpa Jack touched a virtual key to accept the visual and the computer divided the screen vertically to show both cameras' views. Grandpa Jack could see MISTER Stockton and a group of young ones at the Carson's front door.

All of them were flatly ignoring Mrs. Stockton who was knocking insistently at Grandpa Jack's bus door. When Tracy answered her front door, stark naked, Mr. Stockton actually took a step back. The two boys' jaws dropped precipitously.

Grandpa Jack grinned. Had to hand it to his youngest daughter. She knew how to start every party off with a bang.

Grandpa Jack touched the screen, removing the screen showing the view immediately outside his door with a quick swipe and chose a menu option to return to a wrap-around surveillance scheme--front, rear, and both sides. He wasn't going to make the same mistake twice.

"Why, hello, Mrs. Stockton," Grandpa Jack said, speaking through the outside intercom pickup. "What brings you to this neck o' the woods?" he asked politely.

Rose giggled, watching the confusion on her mother's face grow with each one of the words Grandpa Jack spoke. Messing with their mom's mind is a favorite teen pastime and Rose was still marginally peeved that she hadn't gotten fucked again yet.

" my daughter in there?" Mrs. Stockton asked hesitantly.

"Why, yes she is, Marilyn...may I call you Marilyn...but Rosie is so freshly fucked, you know, she can't come out to play. That IS why you sent her down here, isn't it?" Grandpa Jack said, throwing words at the woman just for the fun of it.

Rose snickered faintly, slapping her hand over her mouth to keep from laughing out loud at the appalled look on her mother's face. Clearly, Marilyn wasn't used to such talk from a total stranger.

"Yes...uh...I mean...." She gave up. "Yes, call me Marilyn." She looked up and down the street. "Yes, Rose came down to see if she," she said, hedging a little.

That wasn't what Grandpa Jack had asked her, but he let it pass.

"May I come in?" she asked, more composedly than before.

"Well, Marilyn, you I said...Rose is soooo freshly fucked...and you have waaaaaay too many clothes on...I'm just not sure you should come in," Grandpa Jack told the woman.

"I have too many clothes on?" Marilyn Stockton asked incredulously. She had on a scanty little tube top, it was nothing more than a green elastic band around her chest at breast level. Beneath she wore a tiny plaid skirt that ended where her butt-cheeks began. And black high heels. Must be a family thing, Grandpa Jack thought.

"Well...I see that, sugar," Grandpa Jack replied, "but your daughter and me are STARK naked and Rose has her's soooo pretty...her pussy is about eight inches higher than her head, bent over the end of the couch like she is, and I was just about to fuck her again, ya know, right when you walked up."

Rose DID laugh out loud this time.

Marilyn's face was a study in repressed frustration. She didn't know why this old fart was giving her a hard time and she wasn't the least accustomed to speaking to the blank side of a motor home.

"So, if you'll just get naked, Marilyn, honey...then we'll know you're ready to come in," Grandpa Jack said smoothly.

Now she knew what the point had been all along. She looked down the street toward a connecting avenue, then looked up as far as she could see around the cul-de-sac. She couldn't even see HER house around the circle, much less the Murphy's house half-way around the circle from where she was now. There was this big motor home, and a woody park area too, between her and the Murphys.


"Marilyn, sugar, you walked all the way here from your house," Grandpa Jack remarked. "You must have 'cause I don't see a car here...and baby, you most certainly would have been arrested wearing that getup if there was anyone around," he concluded wryly.

Marilyn heard the laughter in his voice. The teasing took effect...she grinned and relaxed. She hadn't even realized she was stressed.

"Okay, smart ass," she said. "One naked mama comin' up!"

She undid the insignificant little skirt and let it fall to the sidewalk, yanked the tube top down to her waist and shimmied it down her hips and legs to land atop the skirt.

"The heels are fine...." Grandpa Jack suggested quickly when she made a move to take them off. He liked the way they sculpted her calves...and it was sexy having a naked woman in high heels prancing around.

Marilyn Stockton, naked and exposed to her neighbors, had their been any, and to any casual passerby, turned around in a tight circle to show Grandpa Jack her nakedness.

"NOW?" she asked, almost demandingly.

"I think that'll do just fine," Grandpa Jack said in a satisfied voice. "You can leave your clothes right there," he said. He lowered his voice to a rumble. "You won't need them anymore, I assure you." Marilyn made a cute little curtsy...the first naked curtsy Grandpa Jack had ever seen. He touched the screen, activating a command to open the front door.

When the tall blonde negotiated the steps, she peered all around, taking stock of the motor home's lavish furnishings, the HD televisions displaying the ongoing orgy in the Carson home and the sex show her daughter was putting on. She nodded approvingly. "We need one of these...I never knew that before...but Gordon's gonna buy one real soon," she commented, grinning.

"And now I see how my daughter's...pussy could be above her head," she said smoothly, hardly pausing at the naughty word. She'd never said anything like that to a strange male...but she'd never stood outside on the sidewalk in the neighborhood smiling and naked either.

The woman put her hands on her hips, spread her feet, and asked, "so what's next...Mr. Grandpa Jack?" she asked.

"Well, first, on behalf of men and boys everywhere," Grandpa Jack remarked, "may I say how grateful we are for women who take the time to make their pretty pussies bald and smooth as a baby's butt," he told her. He put his hands together in a gesture of supplication and bowed slightly while she chuckled.

He came back up and looked the woman over. She was tall, big-breasted, and had gorgeous legs. She wasn't ENTIRELY comfortable in her nakedness in front of a stranger, but she was getting there.

" I said, I was just about to fuck your young daughter's hot pussy," Grandpa Jack replied, smiling lasciviously, "...but...we can make this a bigger party," he said, gesturing at the flat screen TV.

"I'll be damned," Marilyn Stockton muttered, watching as the naked figure of her husband strode across a room on the screen and approached the young girl who'd been in the pizzeria yesterday. When the girl nodded and took Gordon's cock in her hand and led him aside to a cushioned futon, Marilyn was a little stunned. "Nobody wasting any time, huh?"

Grandpa Jack shrugged. "Alicia's been having intercourse for almost four years, my dear lady, and her parents agree she can have sex with anyone at one of them parties...we go to," he explained. "And I understand your husband is hot for her," he added.

"Yeah...he IS that," Marilyn said dryly. "We weren't even finished with breakfast and he almost pushed us out of the house...made us almost run all the way up here, he was so damn horny."

Grandpa Jack laughed. "And I'm glad he did," he said, eyeing Marilyn's body. " time?"

Marilyn tore her eyes off the TV and came back to Grandpa Jack, taking a second look at his athletic body and hard prick. "Can I say what I want?" she asked.

"Ask!" Grandpa Jack replied succinctly, smiling. "...And ye shall...receive!" he added.

Marilyn moistened her lips. "Gordon doesn't like anal sex," she explained slowly.

"Ohhhh," Grandpa Jack said, understanding immediately. "Ahhhh, would Madame care to be butt-fucked?" he asked, impudently.

She blushed pinkly. "Yes, 'Madame' would," she replied faintly. Rose giggled.

"An excellent choice," Grandpa Jack said in a mock complimentary voice. "And I have JUST the sauce in my cupboard...ah, Madame, why would you think this would be a 'bring your own bottle' establishment?" Grandpa Jack asked, pretending indignation and parking his hands on his hips.

Marilyn grinned sheepishly, laughing at Grandpa Jack's antics. She'd been holding the tube in her closed hand all the while.

With his hands on his hips, Grandpa Jack worked a couple of groin muscles that most men didn't know they had to make the head of his cock bob up and down. "I am distressed," he moaned piteously, striking a pose with his finger in the air.

"I am incensed!" he declared. "I am...ah heck...I'm AROUSED...that Madame would be so ready to have her anus stretched and take gobs of Grandpa Jack's cum up her butt," he ended.

'Madame' and Rose giggled like schoolgirls. Rose sat up, swiveled around on the sofa and slumped down--all teenagers do that without thinking. This time it was exactly the right move. Her pussy was right at the edge of the couch.

"And now for the main course," Grandpa Jack suggested after Marilyn's ass-hole and his cock were greasy with the lubricant. He turned her around. "Madame may begin to eat my cum out of her lovely daughter's cunt...."

* * *

Grandpa Jack looked around the Carson's family-sex room and was well pleased with himself. He'd detected a 'something' in the way the Stockton family acted at the pizzeria, made an overture to them, and he'd been rewarded when the Stocktons eagerly integrated themselves into family sharing with the other three families in the Carson residence.

Marilyn Stockton had ended last night with a wild, three-way scramble with her fourteen-year-old son, Glen, wildly fucking her ass, while Tracy's sons, Parker and Lloyd took care of her cunt and mouth. Exhausted, she'd fallen asleep where she lay on the carpet when they finished and slept there the rest of the night.

THIS evening, she was alternately masturbating and sucking the penises of Tracy's nine-year-old son, Vincent, Sabrina's ten-year-old son, Jerry, and her own nine-year-old Josh. Marilyn was sitting on one of the myriad of pillows and cushions scattered all around just to get her butt off the floor, while the boys she was fellating stood on low stools, only a few inches high, so their young cocks were at mouth level without Marilyn needing to bend over very much.

She sucked nine-year-old Vincent's penis for a few moments while fondling young Jerry's and Josh's penises or their balls; then she changed and did another boy for a while. Clearly she intended this to be a long session of fellatio and fondling. From the look on her face, she was in seventh heaven.

Over by the big settee, Gordon Stockton was ass-fucking Carrie. He'd been told in no uncertain terms that lots of girls were sensitive enough back there to have an orgasm and when in Rome, he was expected to be a Roman.

He asked if she didn't mean in Greek...but Carrie hadn't been amused. Actually, Gordon hadn't taken much convincing. He was grinning down at the heart-shaped ass of the blonde twin and thrusting in and out of her rectum with gusto.

"I think they're fitting in pretty well, don't you think?" he asked Tracy, who was sitting beside him on the vast sofa, idly masturbating him while Candy massaged his balls from the other side. "Little-boy bukkake...or is it bukkake-light?...goin' on in one corner and we got that butt-fucking thing goin' on in the other. All kinds a' hot sex in between--life is good, huh?"

"Uh-huh," Tracy replied. " 'Course, it's not real difficult to 'fit in' with something that has feeling good as its primary goal."

"True...true," Grandpa Jack mused. "Funny how they got started, huh? Did ya hear Marilyn talkin' about that?"

"I did," Candy said. "Young Rosie catches daddy Gordon with his pants down, cock in hand and ogling her sister one evening when her cunt is itchin', she threatens to call the cops on him if he doesn't take her right then and there. Mom catches Rosie sucking daddy off a couple months later, takes her oldest son in her mouth to pay dad back...and awaaaaaay they go," she said amusedly.

"Yeah...maybe not the best way to start with each other, but...." Grandpa Jack shifted his body restlessly. "What if the...uh...root cause of what they did, particularly Marilyn's response...was inside them all along, ya know?...what if it was something they were all inclined to do already and all they needed was some kind of cathartic event to bring it all out in the open?"

His daughters considered the idea.

"You mean like an incest gene?" Candy suggested. "Or a gene that's hard coded for women and men to include their young in sex? But how would that explain a mix of families like we have at home and here?"

"Dunno," Grandpa Jack replied. He chuckled. "Maybe it's more like a fever than a gene...a virus some folks get, huh?" They laughed together.

"But anyway, the Stocktons sure slipped into this lifestyle remarkably easy after the initial...ah...incident? And the retribution...according to what they're telling us.

"Then came yesterday's events; they worked their way up to the next step--sharing themselves with other families--without any angst at all. Curious, don't you think?"

"They just couldn't help it after a couple of your granddaughters exposed naughty parts of themselves, eh? It was inevitable? " Tracy asked, smiling. She'd meant it to be facetious, but her expression quickly changed. She mulled the question over in her mind.

"What DID make you think they were fooling around, Daddy?" she asked.

"I'm not entirely sure," he confessed. It bothered him too.

"I think it was something in the way they walked in together, sat down, and interacted with each other. There wasn't any...separation...among them. The boys and girls weren't like other families with kids who came in. Instead of pushing and elbowing each other, throwing annoyed looks and mean frowns at each other and such...all the Stockton kids were all REALLY comfortable with each other and their parents. And all of them were a little more touchy-feely, ya know...and all of them looked totally confident...'cause maybe they'd seen each other naked and had sex with each other...?

"OH...and they didn't look around at other kids very much...didn't have much interest. Why? Maybe 'cause all those other kids hadn't yet been introduced to sex--they were amateurs?"

"You'll have to show me some time at a restaurant or something," Candy remarked.

" what in the world is Stew doing?" Grandpa Jack remarked, distracted by his son-in-law preparing to do something at a fixture on the back wall Grandpa Jack had assumed was a fuse box. Strange place for it, but.... He left the women and sauntered over to Stew's side.

"Whatcha up to?" he asked Stewart.

"Settin' up the stage for the girls," Stew replied enigmatically. Looking around to make sure everyone was clear, he thumbed a control. Grandpa Jack heard a strong hum and the top six inches of the ottoman--essentially the deeply cushioned surface of the piece of furniture--rose into the air. A platform underneath the cushion was thus revealed. It had a four-inch thick pole in the center that served also as a pneumatic ram pushing the ottoman-top upward.

At the same time, panels in the ceiling overhead moved aside and short lengths of steel bars came down out of the erstwhile solid ceiling plaster. Stew's sons, Parker and Lloyd were waiting with stepladders. When the top of the ottoman stopped rising, only inches short of the ceiling, the boys climbed on the stepladders and pushed unseen protrusions into female connectors at the top of the ottoman's four corners. There was an audible click as they locked into place. The top of the ottoman was thoroughly secured in the 'up' position. Colored lights flashed on.

The cushioned ottoman was thus transformed into a stripper's stage, complete with a pole in the center for the 'strippers' to play off of. Grandpa Jack looked around. The Carson girls and their mother were conspicuously absent, and he could hear the sound of bare feet as a pack of Carsons climbed the hardwood stairs.

Parker climbed onto the stage and fumbled with what looked like a metal sleeve around the top of the pole, twisting it around ninety-degrees before allowing it to snap back up. At the same time, Stewart snapped a red cap down onto the remote control switch so it wouldn't be accidentally triggered. He touched another knob and turned it through several settings and the lights changed from steady floods through strobes, softer glows, and then back to colored lights.

He looked expectantly at the far corner of the room and a spotlight came on. The joystick on the remote unit pushed the circle of light around and the white light cycled through the primary colors and returned to white, then shut off.

Stew looked at a surprised, and much impressed, Grandpa Jack. "Little girls of all ages love to dance and show off," Stew remarked.

"And...a nice stage will do the trick," Grandpa Jack replied. "That is so cool!" he added.

Grandpa Jack shot a look at his twin granddaughters. "I hope you guys are taking notes!" They pantomimed writing furiously, and he grinned.

Parker and Lloyd weren't finished. A hidden door to a utility storage room was opened and the boys began hauling out equipment and depositing the pieces around the room.

One of the things they rolled out looked for all the world like a thirty-five gallon drum...with a saddle on top and pedals mounted on the sides. No, Grandpa Jack decided. It was more like a twenty-gallon drum but it did have a cushioned saddle and pedals.

Padded as the seat was, it would easily fit between all but the tiniest of young girl riders. Grandpa Jack bent over and gave the foot pedals a spin and watched as two short and not-very-thick plastic phalluses rose and fell in rhythm with the rotation of the pedals.

"If they want, the girls can take off the ass fucker or the pussy prod or disable the thrusting and retracting function for either one so they stay full up or down in any position," Parker said, showing his grandfather how easy it was to tap the touch screen controls.

"Or they can mount bigger or smaller dildos," he said. "The faster they pedal, the faster those go up and down...," Parker explained. "And when they can't pedal any more, they...get off," he said with a grin.

Grandpa Jack grinned back. "What's this?" Grandpa Jack asked, pointing to a height-adjustable platform on the front of the 'bike'.

"That's so a guy can stand up there in front of the girl," Parker said. "Sometimes we have a rule that the girls can't use these unless they suck a guy's dick at the same time, 'cause SOMETIMES girls get too involved with pedaling and don't remember there are other people present," he continued. He wasn't looking directly at any of his sisters when he said it, but more than one winced.

"Sounds like a good rule to me," Grandpa Jack commented. He turned to watch two head-high lengths of black-painted plywood being fastened together, secured into support legs and set up along one wall. The four-inch circular holes cut into the plywood made it clear this was the Carson version of a glory wall.

Against another wall, they set up an X-shaped contraption painted fire-engine red. It had thick leather straps for wrists mounted high and others for ankles mounted low on the X. The length of the arms that formed the X was variable...and Grandpa Jack had this figured out too. It was 'cause little girls come in all sizes. It was obviously a contraption for the girl, or woman, who wanted to have an illusion she was being held and fucked against her will.

Grandpa Jack examined the wrist and ankle straps and found THEY weren't adjustable at all. The stiff cuffs to 'restrain' a girl's wrists were so big even a full-grown woman would have to hold on tight after inserting her hands through them. Actually, they were there so a captive could hang on tight. Grandpa Jack glanced at his twin granddaughters who were paying close attention to everything going on.

"Notes!" he called out to them, his right hand 'scribbling' notes in his left palm. "Lots and lots of notes!"

The Carson women came clattering down from the second floor with their feet encased in tall high heels; Colette wore platform heels for better stability. Sara and Colette jumped on the stage and began prancing around with their hands on their hips, smiling and giggling.

Thirteen-year-old Harmonie Stockton and her seven-year-old sister, Annette, turned as one, frowns on their faces, to confront their mother. Before they could voice any complaints, she nodded.

"I know. We didn't bring yours. We'll have to go get them...well, you need new ones, don't you Annette?" The little girl nodded emphatically.

Marilyn got up and turned uncertainly around. "Are my clothes still out by the motor home?" she asked Grandpa Jack.

"I picked them up and tossed them inside...didn't want them to get rained on or something," he replied.

"I need them to go home and get the girls some high heels," Marilyn explained. "And get a new pair for Annette out of the store's overflow," she added.

"You have a shoe store?" Grandpa Jack asked interestedly.

"No, a woman's boutique," she explained. "We specialize in...small sizes," she added

He thought for a second. "Aaaaaahhhhhh, makes it easy to get 'fuck me' spike high heels for little girls, eh? I seeeeeee, said the blind man!"

Marilyn nodded. "You'd be surprised to learn how small some of those clothes for...oh, say...Vietnamese women actually are," Marilyn grinned. "And how well prepared we are to support those Vietnamese women...and those growing teenage Vietnamese girls too, should any Vietnamese girls ever find their way to the high plains here...."

"Very interestinggggggggg," Grandpa Jack remarked, pursing his lips.

Marilyn hesitated. And then the absurdity of concealing what she was thinking struck her. Within a couple of yards of where she stood six young girls were fucking equally young boys or grown men. "What is even MORE interesting," Marilyn said carefully, "is how well we're doing selling...Vietnamese-size outfits and heels to folks out here...." She grinned naughtily.

"Ooooooooo, now THAT is just super interesting!" Grandpa Jack replied, thinking of the possibilities. He laughed. "We could use one of those stores down where we live, couldn't we girls?" He caught Alicia's eyes again. "You're still taking notes, right?"

Alicia rolled her eyes. "Grandpa Jack, you're going to remember THAT without any notes at all...I can tell just looking at you!"

Grandpa Jack grinned. "You're probably right, honey, I suspect that WILL be on my mind all the way back home." He chuckled.

"Soooooo," he said, turning back to Marilyn, let's go get those girls some high heels," he said. "Got your keys?"

"I need to get my clothes," she insisted.

"No you don't," Grandpa Jack replied. "You look just fine the way you are!" he retorted. "It's dusk the time we walk to your house, it'll be even darker. The Murphy's across the way are gone, 'cause the bus notified me when it detected a vehicle going toward the exit from there. It's warm outside, the gate out at the entrance is closed, and I'm coming with you...nekkid as the day I was born too," he told her. "Nobody's gonna see, 'cept me." He did his best to leer suggestively, then gave it up for a wide grin.

"I'm ready! Let's go!" Harmonie, Marilyn's thirteen-year-old, said jumping into the anteroom to slide into a pair of flip-flops.

So the five of them sauntered casually down the sidewalk to the Stockton's house, Carrie and Grandpa Jack walked comfortably, Marilyn and Harmonie, not so much...not at first anyway.

Grandpa Jack had carefully inserted butt plugs in their nether orifices, and it took a little while to get used to them. Seven-year-old Annette was hoisted upside-down up to Grandpa Jack's face where she wrapped her slim legs around his head. He proceeded to lick her little pussy while Carrie led a pussy-blinded Grandpa Jack down the his cock.

Thirteen-year-old Harmonie was the recipient of a quick fuck in the Stockton's living room. The freckle-faced little redhead knelt eagerly on the sofa, her arms on the backrest and knees on the sofa cushions. Her hen's egg-sized boobies scrapped the fabric of the cushion and made her tiny nipples diamond hard.

When they went back to the Carson's, they had to bring the Stockton's SUV because they had so many examples of erotic little-girl fashions they wanted to show to everyone. Seven-year-old Annette had her window down and her upper body out the window.

Puffing out her chest with her little puffies on full display, she yelled, "LOOK AT MEEEEE!!" to the world the whole way back to the Carson's.

* * *

When they got back to the Carson's, Harmonie and Annette raced for the stage, dragging their mother with them. It happened to be fortunately empty at the moment or someone might have gotten hurt.

Donning their extra-high heels, they began a slow bump and grind that quickly brought several interested boys to the area of the stage. Harmonie knew some dance steps and gave the boys and men a nice version of a stripper's bump-and-grind routine. Seven-year-old Annette just wriggled and rolled her hips around as best she could. She got just as much applause for her efforts as did her more-practiced sister.

Carrie actually bumped Grandpa Jack aside doorway to get inside. She'd made a detour on the way back to get her own set of high heels from the bus. Alicia already had retrieved hers. She was over in the corner of the room, undulating sensuously in front of a throng of thoroughly enthralled male admirers. Carrie made a beeline for Alicia's side and the pair of them danced wildly for the guys.

Grandpa Jack looked around happily at all the carnal goings on in the Carson's playroom.

Rose Stockton was being helped off the homemade sex machine. Her shaky legs and drawn features said she'd had her turn and then some on the pedals...and her cum-smeared lips said she'd taken care of several boys and men while she pedaled. Eight-year-old Penny Fletcher was waiting impatiently while her mother adjusted the pedal height before getting climbing aboard. It looked like nine-year-old Josh Stockton was going to be the first to be sucked by Penny. Both youngsters looked eager for their adventure to begin.

His attention was grabbed by a young girl doing a back bend, right in front of him. Tracy's thirteen-year-old daughter, Colette, was demonstrating the gymnastic exercise to Sabrina's eleven-year-old Lynette.

Colette's back was arched over backward in an impossible curve. Only her feet, and her hands (somehow reversed from their normal direction) were on the ground. It was a position Grandpa Jack couldn't have gotten into with pulleys and winches...even when he'd been the girl's age.

Of greater interest to Grandpa Jack was Colette's already protuberant young pubic mound thrust up into even greater prominence, and in Grandpa Jack's opinion--deliciously so. Grandpa Jack stopped dead in his tracks and licked his lips, watching Colette and Lynette. Colette's mons veneris wasn't REALLY steaming, of course. That was his imagination at work. But a four-course dinner wouldn't have seemed any yummier than Colette's gorgeous young pussy.

Grandpa Jack dropped on his butt, slid his legs under Colette's body and butt-walked forward another couple of inches so he could sit cross-legged under her. Grandpa Jack bent forward, cupped his hands under Colette's beautiful ass globes, and began to feast.

Colette felt someone moving around near her feet, and hands were touching her, but she thought it was Lynette. When a mouth descended over her whole mound, Colette squealed. "Who's THAT?" she demanded. Lynette giggled.

"Mmmmmmmmm," Grandpa Jack growled. There was enough rumble transferred from his vocal chords to his lips for the vibrations for Colette to gasp.

Colette forgot she cared who it was. "Do that again!" Colette demanded.

Wrapping his lips around her prepuce and touching the tip of his tongue to the tiny bud of her clit, Grandpa Jack did as she wanted. "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!"

The assault was making Colette weak. Lynette saw Colette's body starting to quake and she hauled a padded cushion from the wall to put under Colette's back.

"Move, Grandpa Jack," Lynette commanded.

With her body draped over a bench, and her feet solidly on the floor and the top of her head brushing the carpeting on the other side, Colette's groin was still completely exposed and vulnerable. Grandpa Jack's tongue dove deep between her ruby-red inner lips and made a wet, raspy circle around the entrance to her vagina.

The thirteen-year-old nymphette's feet drummed silently on the thick carpet. She squeezed her thighs together to hold Grandpa Jack's mouth firmly fixed on her outer labia, then involuntarily threw her legs wide to open herself up so he could shove his tongue even deeper.

In a few minutes, Colette was panting for breath and writhing in Grandpa Jack's loving hands. Abruptly, she jerked her feet off the floor, clamping her thighs around Grandpa Jack's head, this time to stay. The young girl's face showed her intense pleasure...and she relaxed, her whole body becoming limp in his grasp.

Grandpa Jack backed off a tad, watching the young girl. She was breathing harshly, seemingly having trouble dragging air in. He decided it probably was because of the extended time she'd been doing the back bend--it had to be hard to breath in that position. Grandpa Jack grabbed her wrists and gently hauled her onto her feet...which made her dizzy.

"Ohhhhhh," she moaned. She clearly couldn't navigate the family room to a place where she could rest.

Grandpa Jack picked her up in both arms, pausing to smile at Lynette. "Let's go over there," he suggested, pointing with his chin at a massive beanbag not occupied at the moment. Lynette nodded enthusiastically. Her fingers hadn't stopped tweaking her clitty button since Grandpa Jack started in on Colette. Her fingers were still busy between her legs.

"Are you going to put your thingy in me?" Colette asked as Grandpa Jack laid her down. Her slender thighs spread wide in anticipation as Grandpa Jack lay down at her left side.

Grandpa Jack leaned over and touched the tip of his tongue to her left nipple. The young girl sucked in her breath and her knees jackknifed upward.

Grandpa Jack grinned at her. "Honey, if I put anything in you right now, while you're still coming down, it would feel like I was jamming it in with a sandpaper wrapper right now." Colette's face showed her disappointment.

"We can just wait a while," Grandpa Jack promised. "But meanwhile," he added, looking around to his other side at Sabrina's eleven-year-old daughter, "we can see if we can make Lynette laugh so hard she cries like a little baby!!"

There was a second of silence. Grandpa Jack had heard Lynette was so ticklish that she would come perilously close to doing exactly that.

Lynette's eyes took on a mischievous glint; they flicked around looking for possible avenues of escape. She leaped to her feet and twirled around to run...but Grandpa Jack snaked his arm around her waist and pulled her back down onto the mattress. With her head pillowed on Colette's left thigh, Grandpa Jack began to tickle the little girl in all the usual places and some that were not.

She screamed. Everyone glanced around to see if someone was being slaughtered, but some already knew the shrieks were ones she gave vent to in the early stages of being tormented with tickling fingers. When Grandpa Jack's tickles morphed into sex play, the child really didn't know, but she didn't need to in order to love what he did to her.

A few minutes into tickling her, Grandpa Jack's right forefinger was probing the bottom of her pretty little slit while his tongue lapped industriously at the fleshy hood over her clitty. The eleven-year-old's shrieks of laughter turned to groans and her hips began to hump up into Grandpa Jack's greedy mouth.

He teased the little spike of her clit out of its hiding place so he could attack it with his tongue. He sucked at it while stabbing his forefinger under his chin and into her steaming cunny all the way to the base knuckle.

"Oh Gawwwwd," Lynette gasped, "tongue fuck me, Grandpa Jack...tongue fuck me!!"

No sooner asked than rewarded! Slipping his finger out of the way, Grandpa Jack shifted down to the opening to her cunt and began stabbing as deep into the velvety channel as he could. He caught her hands in his and held them tightly. The girl bucked her pussy up at Grandpa Jack, wanting...needing more contact and he obliged, slathering all around her vaginal opening and turning right back to deep tongue stabs.

Her cum wasn't very long in coming. Her flesh was far too sensitive and this was her first sex for the evening. Lynette arched her back, bridging, to push her groin into Grandpa Jack's mouth. She held the position for a long, breathless moment and then she relaxed slowly, surrendering to the ecstasy. She groaned once...twice...and her body shuddered delicately. Her chest heaving, Lynette lay there, awash in the ebbing tide of her orgasm.

"I didn't know you were going to do that!" Lynette said finally. She was grinning broadly.

"It's really good when it's a surprise, isn't it?" Grandpa Jack smiled.

"Mmmmmmm," Lynette moaned by way of agreement. She sighed contentedly.

"BUT WAIT!" Grandpa Jack cried out dramatically, holding his right forefinger up in the air. "If you...cum right now, we'll DOUBLE the offer for you. You can get...not one, but two little girls to make even happier than they are, fucking them out a' their sweet little minds!"

"Grandpa? Who are you talking to?" Colette asked uncertainly.

"Himself!" Grandpa Jack's daughter, Candy interjected, walking by without stopping. "Don't worry 'bout it honey," she said. A mixture of pearly grey male cum and her own honey was dribbling down the inside of her leg. "Grandpa kinda rambles on from time to time, but it don't mean nothin'. Just grab on to his cock and he won't talk any more," she added, stepping into the big shower room.

"Hmmphhhhh!" Grandpa Jack snorted. "I'll have you know--Colette reached out and took his burgeoning cock in her small hands--mmmmmmmm...that feels soooo good--what was I sayin'?"

Colette and Lynette giggled.

"But...," Grandpa Jack said, grinning, "...if you can move around and touch cocks and stuff like that, you're ready for a little 'cock in the pussy' fun, Missy Colette," he told the grinning girl.

"Well, it's about--EEEEEEK!!!" Colette squealed as Grandpa Jack dumped her over on her face. "HELLLLLLP!!" she cried.

Grandpa Jack slipped a hand under her lower belly and lifted the middle of her body to insert a thick cushion under her.

"Oh, I see," Colette remarked to absolutely no one. "Gonna fuck me from behind, huh? That's a goooood grandpa. I like it that way...," she said approvingly. "When are you--unghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," she sighed as Grandpa Jack's cock pushed through her puffy outer labia and began driving slowly inside.

Colette grabbed some handfuls of beanbag and held on tightly. When Grandpa Jack eased back, her cunt followed him, refusing to give up the smallest length of the prick held prisoner deep in her sex. "More!" she coaxed. "I'm a big girl now, Grandpa," she added.

Grandpa Jack drove his cock inward, steadily and carefully, waiting to bottom out inside the thirteen-year-old. When he did, he was surprisingly deep in her young cunt. With his knees keeping hers well apart, and with the cushion under her hips, Grandpa Jack's cock was at exactly the right height to shove his cock deep into the youngster's cunny. And he did, sawing in and out in a regular tempo that quickly had the little girl whimpering and mewling like a newborn kitten. When she came, it was in a series of staccato little orgasms, like a string of firecracker bursts that left her limp and exhausted on the cushion.

"Me now, Grandpa Jack?" Lynette asked eagerly. When he smiled and nodded, she impulsively threw her bare arms around his neck and kissed him lustily. Her little body was writhing already, impatient for the impaling.

Another cushion, this time under Lynette's butt and her sunny side up, a little knee-walking, a little splaying of her knees...and Grandpa Jack introduced the big knob of his glans into her outer lips and pressed slowly deeper.

"I like it when I can see your nasty ol' prick stabbin' in me," Lynette panted.

Grandpa Jack nodded. "One of my top ten all time favorite ways to fuck a little girl," he said, and grinned naughtily down at her.

He was nearly upright on his knees as he fucked his way into the small girl's volcano-like cunt mound, so his hands were free to roam over Lynette's body, massaging, kneading, stroking, and fondling every square inch of her flesh.

The skin sensitivity that made her so ticklish worked in her favor. Grandpa Jack's knowing hands caressed every responsive square inch of her front and then over again.

He stopped humping her little body for a moment and bent almost double to capture a golf ball-sized boobie in his mouth and suck the tiny nipple into greater erection and hardness. Lynette lay there quivering, hardly daring to breathe while erotic ripples journeyed from her small boobies down to her blood-engorged inner labia and back again.

Grandpa Jack didn't do it for long. The eleven-year-old couldn't TAKE it for long. He pulled his upper body back up, reached for the young girl's ankles and deposited them on his shoulders to rest there while he plowed his cock again and again into her young quim.

He watched, unable to take his eyes off the woman-child's pussy as he fucked into her. He needed to watch so he would know how much of his cock he could stuff in her...but he was also utterly fascinated by the sight of her outer labia as they obscenely sucked inward with his in-stroke. Then those same puffy lips clung to his withdrawing shaft as if refusing to let him go.

A red flush began to spread over little Lynette's upper chest and neck. She whimpered piteously. Her hands cupped her young breasts. She tweaked her nipples with her own fingers, pinching at the hard nipples. Her fingers swept down to touch near her clit...only to be yanked away them away when the feelings got too near the threshold of pain for her to endure. Her hips wriggled at the top of Grandpa Jack's withdrawal, instinctively making his big glans swirl around her vulvae and excite the hypersensitive nerve endings there.

Then, as Grandpa Jack plunged deep with yet another smooth in-thrust, eleven-year-old Lynette's body was slammed into an all-consuming, totally adult orgasm.

When Grandpa Jack's pearly-white cum splashed onto her vagina walls, she convulsed and writhed about on the mattress, keening a high-pitched whine that went on and on...'til she collapsed bonelessly to the mattress and lay still.

Grandpa Jack fell beside her, just missing her small body--he was sure he'd have crushed her if he had landed atop her. They lay there, gasping and moaning, hoping they could recover in time for...oh...Christmas, but they weren't at all sure.

When they could, the trio of incestuous fuckers dragged themselves to the showers and washed the sweat and their juices off under the hot streams of water. When they were done, they retired to an empty futon. Grandpa Jack lay on his back, enfolded the young girls in his arms...and they all slipped into a deep, satiated nap.

* * *

"Ahhhhhh, thanks, baby," Grandpa Jack said when Tracy handed him the tall tumbler of iced tea. He drank deeply, looking around the room. He was parched after his marathon fuck and suck with Colette and Lynette.

The room was filled with nude people, but not everyone was engaged in some sort of sex. A few of the younger girls were off over there, playing with their dolls and having a fine time. Maybe they were playing house, 'cause a couple of boys kept coming over....

Ahhhhhhh...that was it. The girls were teaching their babies how to suck cock. They would suck on the boys' fingerlings for a moment, then hold their baby dolls up to the boys' pricks and encourage them to open their mouths wide and to not bite--

Over on the stage, his granddaughters Alicia and Carrie were on the stage, performing with dildos that had suction cups on the bottom so they could be fastened in place on a smooth surface. The dildoes weren't the thickest, nor the longest, but the intensely lewd dance of their cunnies sliding up, down, and around the dildoes to a techno beat was drawing a crowd of boys closer. The twins turned to present their backs to their audience, still squatting--never rising off the fake phalluses. They had dildoes in their hands too and they pantomimed sucking on them while they fucked the ones on the stage floor. Their asses worked like pistons, pumping like a metronome up and down on the dildoes.

Three other girls wandered closer; the twins handed them dildoes and suddenly there were FIVE naked young girls cavorting lewdly over and on the penetrating dildoes. Alicia steadied herself, her pussy still rising and falling on her dildo, and bent precariously over to suck Parker Carson's dick into her mouth. The rest of the family room's occupants put a rest period behind and the revelry began all over again.

* * *

"Soooooo," Grandpa Jack asked an exhausted Alicia, "still taking notes so I can build a house with all rooms we deserve to have?" he asked. She nodded sleepily, pillowing her head on her grandfather's thigh.

"I thought you said you were going to live in the bus from now on?" Tracy asked from her position, cuddled against Grandpa Jack's other side and sipping from his replenished iced tea from time to time.

"I was, but y'all have wrecked THAT idea," Grandpa Jack said calmly. "How can I come up here and see all this and even HOPE to live my life in a motor home?" he asked rhetorically. He waved his hand over the room, encompassing the lighted stage cum-giant Ottoman, the expansive shower room, the sex machines against the wall, and the floor covered with sofas, futons, mattresses, beanbags, and cushions. "Y'all have ruined me for life!" he declared dramatically, a long-suffering look coming over his face. "Pitiful!" he added.

"We gotta have Aunt Tracy and Uncle Stew move down by where we live," Alicia said sleepily.

"I second that," Grandpa Jack said amusedly. "You might as well build houses back home as up here," he told Stewart, sitting nearby with a little blond-headed girl nuzzling his penis.

Stew glanced at his wife. "Okay...ya talked me into it," he drawled.

Dead silence.

"Yeah, really," Tracy said brightly.

She grinned at the startled looks she was getting from her father and big sister. "Stew and I talked about it last night. We got that money from Stew's grandmother's will," she explained, "so we can deal with startin' up a new contracting company without worrying whether we'll be able to eat every day or not and Stew has some plans he never sold to his parent company here.

"Actually, we were really and truly considering moving somewhere more 'human friendly' anyway. The taxes here are horrendous and we don't like the school district...lots a' things."

"You mean're going to move down by us?" Alicia demanded, her sleepiness forgotten.

"Your grandfather is such a smooth talker...conned us right into it. You heard what he said to Stew a minute ago," Tracy said, smiling.

Alicia snorted and looked at her aunt. "It's fun fuckin' him too!" she said loyally. She was pretty sure her aunt's move didn't have much to do with taxes.

"That too," Tracy said serenely.

Grandpa Jack watched the Stocktons. Marilyn and Gordon had overheard the conversation and were whispering furiously to each other. Marilyn made a gesture inviting her husband to look at all the naked young girls sprawled all over the room. Then she glanced at the naked young boys closely attending the naked young girls and sighed expressively.

Grandpa Jack cocked his head to one side. Gordon had proven to be a standup guy, after a somewhat pompous beginning with Grandpa Jack.

"There's a TOYOTA dealership down the road a bit from us," Grandpa Jack said suddenly. "I happen to KNOW there's a partnership for sale there, for the right man...," he remarked loudly.

Stewart Stockton scrambled to his feet and made his way between scattered bodies. "Tell me!" he begged.

Grandpa Jack glanced at the wall clock. "Got your phone handy?" he asked casually.

Stewart trotted to the cloakroom and came back even quicker with a smartphone.

Grandpa Jack gave him a phone number, reciting it from memory. "Tell the man who answers I suggested you call...and be sure to talk percentages, stock options and such," Grandpa Jack told Stewart. "The guy is a shark if you let him smell blood in the water!"

A connection was made, and Stewart began talking. He wandered away as he talked, winding up a few minutes later beside his wife. After a while, Stewart's face broke out in a smile that threatened to split his face.

"Daddy knows where every skeleton is buried, in every closet, in every little 'burg from when he was a county commissioner," Candy remarked.

"How 'bout it, Daddy?" Tracy asked. "You know where all the bodies are, huh?"

"Certainly not...yet!" Grandpa Jack replied and took a sip of his tea. "Besides...some of the bodies aren't buried yet...," he added speculatively.

The adults chuckled appreciatively, but also a little uncertainly. They weren't quite sure just how much Grandpa Jack was kidding.

"You remember that restaurant up the street from where we lived when you were small?" he asked Tracy suddenly, changing the subject. " 'Free's' ? "

"Uh-huh," she answered. "We used to eat there every time you didn't want to cook us kids supper," she said, smiling. "It was a nice place."

"I own it now," Grandpa Jack told her.


Grandpa Jack studied the dregs of his tea in the tumbler. "Trouble is," he said slowly, "It's just breakin' a good month." He took a drink and crushed a piece of ice with his teeth. "I really need me a workin' partner who could bring in the expertise I lack in that game...someone who knows all the tricks food workers use to bilk hapless owners out of their just deserts...and how to find good deals on supplies, new menu items...things like that." He drank again. "Y'all don't know anyone who can do things like that, do you?"

Sabrina Fletcher surged to her feet and stalked over to confront Grandpa Jack, her hands on her naked hips and her face screwed up in a scowl.

"If you're just talkin' to hear your head rattle, tell me now!!" she demanded fiercely. Her smallish tits danced delightfully in front of Grandpa Jack's eyes. They were still perfectly shaped after four children early in her life. Her chest was heaving with emotion.

She moved her hips delightfully and a beautifully sculpted leg stepped a pace closer. The matching one came up beside it. Her feet settled far enough apart that her lovely pussy was completely exposed, not that she was trying to draw attention to it. It was just the way she walked...and Grandpa Jack loved it.

Grandpa Jack smiled gently.

"I really DO need what I said...but also--I don't want to meet you and then not ever see you again when we leave," he said levelly, looking the vivacious woman in the eyes.

Sabrina swallowed hard, then straddled Grandpa Jack's lap and wrapped her arms around his neck, planting kisses all over his face and crying.

"I'll be a partner?" she asked, to make sure. "Fifty-fifty?"

Grandpa Jack shook his head. "Fifty-five, forty-five" he said, slapping his chest when he gave the lower percentage, to make sure she understood. "You bring your know-how to the partnership and you're going to do all the work. I bring my money is all, and I'm gonna just be banking my share of the profits and come to dinner every once in a while," he said. "I wouldn't deserve the biggest share," he added. "And...I'm only in the restaurant business until I make my investment, and maybe a little more for my trouble, back. Then we talk about buying me out," he said quietly.

Sabrina buried her face in the hollow of his neck. When her children came slowly creeping closer, wondering why mommy was crying, she explained what was happening. They were less impressed with the partnership than the fact they would be moving to where there were lots of new 'special' friends to do.

* * *

Grandpa Jack turned the steering wheel slightly and goosed the powerful engine gently. The bus glided away from the curb in front of Tracy's home. Everyone was outside and waving as Grandpa Jack plus Candy and her family, began the trip home.

"Good visit! REALLY, REALLY good trip...DAMN GOOD!" Grandpa Jack declared, making sure no one could see the moistness in his eyes hidden by the dark sunglasses. "Good folks...good times!" he added.

"And they'll be coming home," Candy said from the front passenger seat. "We'll have them with us from now on," she said contentedly. "All we have to do is figure out how to get Rebecca down there and you'll have all your daughters back home with you, Daddy," she observed

"Workin' on it!" Grandpa Jack remarked with emphasis. He hesitated. "Kirby was a cop at one the service and then for the city when he got out," Grandpa Jack said. "I'm wondering if maybe he might could run a private security company that just happens to need some professional staffing, what ya think?"

Candy was silent while she considered. "He talks about being a cop all the time, but he can't because he blew out his knee so bad," she said speculatively. "Could be he'll see private investigating as an opportunity...," she concluded. She smiled at the windshield.

"Yeah...we'll have to see," Grandpa Jack said, navigating the big motor home around the curving boulevard that led back to the main road. He wasn't so very happy to leave, so he was driving more slowly than he otherwise would have.

"Could be Travis will be gettin' some good news pretty soon," Grandpa Jack offered.


"Well...turns out lawyers do a lot of 'networking'," Grandpa Jack remarked. Turns out, they network with lawyers all over the place...not just with other lawyers they think can help them in the immediate neighborhood. Turns out some lawyers are even networked way up by where Kirby and Rebecca live."

He let the conversation lay fallow for a moment while he tapped out some corrections for the on-board GPS tracking. He was driving very slowly, not his norm at all.

"Turns out...a lawyer back home knows a guy, who has a sister-in-law who works as a county clerk where Kirby and Rebecca are, real close when people come and go...and turns out--"

"DADDY!!" Candy said warningly.

"--turns out Travis' ex-wife is sleepin' with the judge who decided their case...and she was at the time the judgment was made," Grandpa Jack said, a dark expression on his face. Divorced himself, he didn't like other guys getting beaten up in the court system.

"Oh, myyyyyyyy," Candy breathed.

"Also turns out the place where Travis' ex works is goin' into receivership and a...uh...'potential investor'...demanded a surprise audit. TURNS OUT, Travis' ex is going to be charged with diverting funds to her personal account any day now," Grandpa Jack continued, guiding the bus around a house cat who was refusing to yield right of way on the street.

"Turns out him a 'friend of the court'...suggested to the judge he should review the divorce case, and come up with a solution where Travis has sole custody," Grandpa Jack said darkly.

"And then judge-dude is going to resign and never bother anyone ever again!" The last was delivered viciously.

"Daddy...," Candy breathed. She undid her seatbelt, crossed behind the big console and caught her father around the neck for an impromptu hug. "You're so...."

"Well...sometimes things just turn out the way we want them to," Grandpa Jack said embarrassedly. "Just turns out that way...."

"I'm going to call Becky!" Candy exclaimed, returning to her position, riding shotgun for Daddy.

"They'll be hearing officially anytime now," Grandpa Jack protested. He smiled out at the world beyond the bus' windshield.

Candy made the call; Grandpa Jack could hear excited shrieks all the way over where he was behind the wheel. He grinned when Candy ended the call and sighed contentedly.

A sudden shriek from a few feet behind them made Grandpa Jack jam on the brakes, stopping the big vehicle in only a few yards. Grandpa Jack wondered where the emergency was--he couldn't see anything in front, and there was nothing coming up behind or approaching from the side, so it must be inside the coach. The exterior surveillance system hadn't sounded a warning at all.

"What the hell is going on?" Grandpa Jack demanded, searching the console for a flashing red warning and then stared up at his rearview mirror camera.

"Grandpa Jack!" Carrie said excitedly. "Come look at what we saw!" she ordered.

Sighing resignedly, Grandpa Jack guided the bus to the curb and parked. They'd almost made it out of the housing development's gate. Grandpa Jack grumbled a little while he set the parking brake, shook off his seatbelt, and swiveled the seat around.

"What is it?" he asked when he got back to the technology center a pace and a half into the interior of the motor home.

"Look at this," Alicia said, bringing down the big flat screen HD at the back of the coach. She called up a recorded camera image and sent it to the widescreen.

It was from the top-mounted, right rear surveillance camera and showed them moving slowly past the large home Tracy had told them was the residence of the Murphy family. In real time, Grandpa Jack had hardly glanced at it as they passed.

"THERE!" Carrie said emphatically. Alicia stopped the replay, and they all saw it.

The camera had locked on what seemed to be the living room picture window. The computer's motion sensitive surveillance system had sensed an anomaly inconsistent with the bus' forward motion. It had flashed a notification to the control center in the living area where Alicia was monitoring...because she was already bored.

Recording was automatic; input from the camera system had been saved. The first captured images showed just a couple of young faces popping up over a couch in the Murphy's window and peering out at the passing motor home.

But when they apparently decided the bus was past, the two figures rose higher and were revealed as a baby-faced young teenage girl and a boy whose resemblance was obvious. More interesting, they were both naked, and then the boy reached around his sister to cup her right breast.

"STOP!" Grandpa Jack said quickly. "Computer!"

"Yes, darling?"

"Sharpen focus...," Grandpa Jack said, moving the center of the frame a little to the right, trying to see into the shadows. "Enhance...."

The computer flipped through a few filters until 'she' found one that muted the sun's glare off the big window even better. Another few incremental adjustments, and the shadow Grandpa Jack thought he'd seen was revealed.

Behind the two naked kids, a naked mom figure was grinning nastily. She'd been caught striding forward unconcernedly toward the incestuous pair with a dildo or vibrator in her right hand.

"Well, isn't that...," Grandpa Jack breathed.

"INTERESTING!!" Alicia and Carrie shouted in unison.

Grandpa Jack sniffed scornfully, not deigning to reply more directly.

"What'r the odds. All three of the families in this neighborhood are into family sex...and none of them know, or rather, KNEW, that the others were doing each other."

He paused and frowned. "Did I screw that up?"

"Doesn't matter," Carrie said. "We know what you mean. What are we gonna do about it?"

"Print that last image for me, would you sugar?" Grandpa Jack ordered the computer. " Tracy and tell her to have someone meet us outside on a quick stop-and-drop, okay?"

He trotted back to his seat and rotated it back into position for manual operation. He released the parking brake and gave the engine some gas. By the time they were again in front of his daughter's home, the image had been printed and conveyed up front.

"!" Tracy said, when she saw the still print. She'd come running out when Candy called so unexpectedly. "That's...."

"That's a hottie about to get fucked with a brother-dick or her mother's vibrator...or both!" Grandpa Jack said, cutting her off.

"And now the 'sitiation' is in your lap," he said. "You make the decision...and let us know what you come up with," he added. He smiled at her as Tracy distractedly made her way down the bus steps and stood on the sidewalk.

As they drove away, they could see Tracy walking determinedly to the front door. She disappeared inside.

Four hours later, Candy's throw-away phone rang. She answered it and had a lengthy conversation with someone. She started grinning almost immediately.

She turned to Grandpa Jack.

"Sooooo, the Murphys want to know what kind 'a openings you know about for guys who run television stations?" she asked interestedly.

Grandpa Jack pursed his lips. "Well, as a matter of fact...hmmmmmmm...tell 'em I'll make a call or two and we'll get back to 'em," Grandpa Jack promised.

He smiled contentedly.



The Grandpa Jack And The Twins series (in order):

  • Grandpa Jack And The Twins Hook Up
  • Grandpa Jack And The Twins Go Camping
  • Grandpa Jack And The Twins...And Mommies And Daddies
  • Grandpa Jack And The Twins Take A Road Trip

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What a lovely horny story of 'very young love' especially with the mother having her son finger fucking her 3 year old daughter and then sucking his lovely young cock.


I have enjoyed all your stories and can not wait till the next one comes. I hope that Sabrina and her family are more involved.


I really enjoy all your stories, except Kids On The Bus(not my favorite). I'm really looking forward to the next release. Hope it's soon!

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