Karla Bianchi: Finding Love In Unexpected Places

[ pedo, Mg(9), rom, slow, scat ]


Published: 14-Jan-2013

Word Count: 2588

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Schrodinger's cat? What is Schrodinger's cat, wondered Hideki Miyatsu, a 39 year old Japanese corporate executive as he sipped on his Johhnie Walker blue. Was it a Disney children's program? There are so many things that his lovely 9 year-old escort, the exotic half-Brazilian, half-Argentinian Karla Bianchi (9), mentioned in his presence that went way over his head.

It didn't matter, however, to the married father of two. Listening to the precocious young Karla, no matter whether she was going on and on about astronomy and her own theory of multiverses, or offering her own opinions as to why the gun culture is so different in the United States than in Japan, was worth every penny of the $8,000 he spent to enjoy her company every time he visited her in Las vegas.

To Hideki, Karla didn't just represent the fulfillment of a sexual fantasy; she was also a sympathetic ear who would listen to the problems he was going through in Japan, his life goals, his fears, his hobbies - in total she was his therapist, his friend, his sex partner, and yes he was sure, his true love.

Cruel fate, however, placed these two soulmates at the opposite ends of an ocean and separated their time on earth by 30 years. The only times he got to see Karla was one weekend per month during his business travels to Los Angeles. One week per month, Hikedi's multinational corporation in Tokyo would fly him to Los Angeles, CA. From Monday-Friday he would attend meetings, conferences, and conduct other business, and on weekends he would fly the 50 minute flight to Las Vegas so he could be with Karla.

Karla is a child pornography actress in the Jim Phillips kiddie porn empire. She is his most popular fetish actress, meaning that Karla makes a lot of illegal movies featuring her performing some extreme fetish acts, such as bestiality, watersports, and scat. Her other profession involves working as an escort in the Las Vegas area, primarily for Japanese high rollers who are there to gamble.

When not working however, Karla leads a dual life as an honors student with an IQ of 130. Her parents are both university professors who are tolerant of adult-child sex and greatly emphasize her life education. They do not spend any of her porn/escort money, instead saving it all for their daughter's future.

You can say that Karla lives a life of contrast. On one night she could be doing homework in her family's living room while her parents watch educational science programs or debate shows on television. That's where she picks up her vast wealth of knowledge, such as the science paradox/thought experiment Schrodinger's cat. Karla is also an animal lover (yes, that kind too, but I was referring to her volunteering at local pet shelters and rescue centers), environmentalist (she grows her own organic vegetables garden in the family's backyard and walks to school instead of being driven to reduce her carbon footprint that she leaves on Earth), and secular atheist (she believes the human race has progressed enough that we don't need to rely on Bronze-age fairy tales to guide our morality). Finally she is a vegetarian who did not go all the way to veganism because she wasn't sure whether drinking animal semen would count as breaking vegan rules.

On a different night though, would be the same, 9 year old Karla Bianchi who allows a half dozen drunk and naked Japanese businessmen to molest every inch of her naked body and urinate and defecate all over her. Both are two sides of the same grounded, down-to-earth little girl. Using an analogy, Karla Bianchi can perhaps be considered the kiddie porn version of adult porn actress Sasha Grey, a woman who performed a 12-man gangbang at the age of 18, but who also has interests in learning and philosophy.

So how does one procure the escort services of this sharp-as-a-whip, pint-sized kiddie fetish performer? Obviously one would need to know the right people who know the right people. Hideki Miyatsu is one such client. In order to enjoy her for the weekend, he would first book a penthouse suite in one of the many hotel resorts in Las Vegas and deliver a key card to his room to Karla's parents. Then, while he is gambling that night at the casino, Karla's mother or father will accompany her to the suite, leaving her there and returning to pick her up on Sunday. Karla cannot go to the suite alone, or walk in and out of the hotel unaccompanied by an adult who cannot pass off for her parents (for fears of raising suspicions), so her entire weekend must be spent in the suite, and she cannot travel outside with her clients for fear of the glances the mismatched couple will receive.

On this particular weekend, Hideki booked himself the penthouse suite at the Bellagio, and he and his underaged friend was watching the famed Bellagio fountains show through the large window of their room. The fake Eiffel tower of the Paris casino and resort loomed tall opposite their hotel room.

* * *

"Strawberries" - Karla said.

"Ribeye Steak at Caesar's palace" - replied Hideki.

"Cinnamom roll" - said Karla.

"French fries" - said Hideki.

"Greek-style salad" - she said.

"Salmon sashimi" - retorted Hideki.

"Penne pasta with olive oil and fresh tomatoes ... and that's it I think" - Karla listed, finally bringing an end to all the foods she consumed the previous day.

Hideki always wanted to know what the little girl ate the day before they met, because he enjoyed visualizing her eating her food, and imagining those items getting converted by her body and sent to her colon, ready to be pushed out into the waiting mouth of Hideki when it was time for her to defecate later that night. He also wanted her to know what his feces used to be before entering her little mouth.

"Hideki, I've waiting all day to show you something. Look - " she said, reaching into her bookbag and pulling out a hand-drawn sketching.

"Do you like it?" - she asked him.

The sketching showed a cartoon of a 5 year old little girl naked on her bathroom counter, using a digital camera she held in one hand to take a picture of her mirror reflection as her other hand held a small vibrator that was penetrating her tiny pussy. This picture was drawn in the style of LOLICON - a japanese animation genre. The little girl in the picture, consistent with lolicon, had huge buggy eyes and innocent expression.

"YOU DO THIS ALL BY YOURSELF? WOW KAH-RA (how he pronounced Karla), you so talented!" - exclaimed Hideki.

"I want you to have it. But since it's dangerous for you to take it to the airport, I'm gonna go home and scan it for you, then send you a picture of it. That way you can look at it from your computer in Japan!" - winked the little 9 year old.

"Thank you thank you thank you my little girl. You make me so happy." He gave her a huge hug and Karla felt very appreciated.

"Tell me how your family's doing. How is Mariko (his wife)? How are your kids Ichiro (15) and Hideo (12)? - Karla asked (note: the author apologizes that he doesn't know dick when it comes to Japanese names so he has to use those of professional athletes. Fuck me, right?)

"Ichiro and Hideo, they be bad. They not doing good at school. This worry me. And Mariko say she want to buy expensive dog for house, but my worry I will be only one feeding dog, cleaning up dog, taking care of dog. No good for me, no good." complained the near-middle aged man.

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that. Hopefully I can make you feel better tonight. What would you like to play? Sex? Do you want me to read you another story? I've been practicing playing that video game you loaned me last time and think I can beat you now!" - she teased.

"I'm sorry no sex tonight baby, Hideki had too much Johnnie Walker. But can you still be naked and I touch you, kiss you, lick you?" he asked, apologetically.

"MR. HIDEKI! SHAME ON YOU! You know you don't need my permission for that - OF COURSE you can silly!!!" - she teased him some more. "Okay, what else?"

"I like you to please be naked and stand in front of television. I turn to channel show science. I make TV mute. YOu be pretend teacher and stand there teach me about science, yes?" - he begged.

"OOOOh, sounds fun! I get to show off what I know AND practice my acting skills, LOL" - she laughed.

That was the thing about her Japanese clients. Renting her wasn't just about the sex for them. For the $8000 they wanted a diverse experience. They didn't see the money as paying for the sex but for her company, for her time. So they would ask her to watch pay-per-view movies with them in the hotel room, play video or board games, act out famous scenes from movies, just talk about whatever's on her mind in her cute, little American girl voice, do silly dances on the floor while naked, and just plain make them laugh and forget about their stressful business lives.

Karla had done all those things, and more, with Hideki who was one of her regulars. And though she found all her Japanese clients to be sweet and considerate, Hideki was more than that. She was sure that she had a schoolgirl crush at the least, and if there was more, that Hideki made her feel beautiful, loved, protected, and he can be riotously funny at times. She also found his shy, social awkwardness to be incredibly cute in a dorky kind of way. She realized she was into dorks, because she herself was one (though looked nothing like a stereotypical girl geek). She was much into reading fantasy fictions, and planned on asking her parents to take her to events like Dragon-Con. George R.R. Martin was one of her most favorite writers, and she wanted to attend one of these conventions dressed as Arya Stark.

But getting back to Hideki. She knew that he would never leave his wife, although he confesses to her that their sex life is non-existent and both are in a loveless marriage bound by duty to their respective families. Hideki still needed Mariko by his side because single men do not get promoted as well in Japanese corporate culture. They have to give off the appearance of responsible family men. The irony was that these Japanese corporations overwork their employees and cut off face time they have with their wives and children. But that's getting off the point.

She sensed signs that the feelings were mutual with him because he would never ask about any of her other weekends with different clients. Normally, other clients wanted to know every last detail of the nasty things she did with clients or on film. Hearing that she took an enema full of their urine or performed fellatio on a horse would turn them on greatly. But not Hideki. He wanted to focus on the here and now. He wanted to talk about just the two of them. He wanted to know about her goals and dreams, both big and small. And when they pleasured each other's bodies, their giving more than taking. It was about the tingling joys on her skin that he could give her; and she, to him. Perhaps she would know more for sure as she got older, but for now, with the vocabulary available in her lexicon, she was sure that the 39 year old Hideki was her soulmate. How love can reveal itself in the most unexpected of places.

* * *

2 hours later

Hideki Miyatsu lay naked on the floor of the luxury bathtub in his penthouse suite as his 9 year old lover squated over his face until her anus was within 3 inches of his mouth. With a look of determined concentration she grunted quietly and Hideki could see that her tiny anal rosebud began to stir and push out. Suddenly he could see the very tip of the brown iceberg poke its head beyond the child's o-ring, and with a second push about an inch of the turd exposed itself to the world, the majority of it still trapped in the dark, warm confines of the girl's rectum. He lifted his head to give the tip a slight lick, only to have the little girl tease him by reabsorbing a 1/4 inch of it back into her ass, making him miss his lick by a thread. Giggling at her own mischievousness, she pushed again, this time distending 2 inches of her shit out of her hole. Finally, when a full 3 inches was out, the weight of her feces caused the rest of it, another 1/2 inch or so, to join the world as well, and the poop escaped its old habitat and dropped straight into the Japanese man's mouth.

Hideki bit off and immediately ate half of Karla's offering, chewing the turd more than he really needed to before swallowing. Since his lover was on a healthy diet free of greasy fast-food, the consistency of her shit was perfect; not too hard, not too soft. He took the other half in his hands and smeared it on her buttcheeks as if applying lotion on a baby's rear end. He was in heaven.

When it was his turn to shit, Karla remained in her squat position while Hideki stood up and bent over in front of her face, his asshole 2 inches from her mouth. He had less control over his bowels than she, so when his turd came out it came in a violent eruption and hit her square on her mouth and nose. Much of it fell directly on the floor. When the last inch or so of it remained pinched inside his ass, he pushed out as hard as he could and the remainder of his turd emerged and finally found its intended target - Karla's open mouth. She accepted half of it into her mouth while keeping the other half inch outside of it.

Unable to speak while holding a piece of shit in her mouth, she used hand gestures to direct him to lie on the floor again. He did so, and when he did she stooped over his chest, and using the half inch of exposed shit on her mouth, proceeded to use it like a chalk and slowly trace a symbol on his chest. Little bits of his shit remained on his skin like crayon, so when Karla was finished with her outline, she bit and chewed, with some difficulty and gagging, his shit that was already in her mouth, and swallowed. Finally she directed Hideki to stand again and led him, holding hands, in front of the large mirror of the bathroom.

As Hideki saw his reflection in the mirror, and that of the girl child whose height only came up to the bottom of his chest, he could see that she traced a recognizable symbol on his chest and abdomen using his shit as the medium.

It was the universal symbol of a heart.

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


I like it - good innocent, normal, every-day feel to it. Sweet and really nice. I wish ........

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