Olivia - Pre-Teen Porn Star, Part 2

[ Mg, facial ]

by TNT


Published: 6-Jan-2013

Word Count:

Author's Profile

show Story Summary
This is a fantasy; let's keep it that way

Olivia Winter turned and gave her Mom a wave as Chloe Winter pulled away from the kerb. Then she turned and walked towards the steps of the school. She yawned, after filming last night it had been after midnight by the time she'd showered, got dressed and got home. In a perfect world she'd have not had school the next day but the world wasn't perfect.

As she climbed the steps she saw Lila Menzies. The long haired redhead was wearing a tiny mini-skirt which just covered the top of her thighs and a tiny cropped vest, which didn't cover her pierced belly-button. The redhead saw her, waved, turned to say something to another girl and then skipped over, "Hi, how was your first movie?" she gave a gap-toothed smile

Olivia thought she'd seen something on Lila's back. She turned the other girl round, "Is that a tattoo?" she asked as tramp stamped on the redhead pre-teen's lower back was 'Daddy's Little Angel' in gothic letters.

Lila craned her head as if just noticing it, "No. We just stencilled it on. It'll wash out in a few days. Anyway that's changing the subject. How was the movie? Enjoy it?"

"Yes," said Olivia, "Everyone was so nice and kind, really putting me at my ease and complimenting me on my performance. It was really fun, and the sex was... the sex was great."

"It always is, that's why I love this biz," the freckled redhead said, "So who was your co-star?"

"Ralph Quarvey," said Olivia.

"I know him," said Lila excitedly, "We did this really great anal cream pie shoot together a few months ago. He is good, a really nice man and a great fuck."

"Yes," agreed Olivia, smiling as she remember.

"So have you got anything else lined up?" asked Lila as they entered the school.

"Not at the moment, but whilst I was waiting for the licence Mom got some photographers to do some solo shots and Mommy's using them to try and get me some work. It's a bit worrying, we were lucky to get last night's shoot and it was only luck someone dropped out and they needed someone at short notice."

"It can be a tough business to break into. There's lot of girls all competing for work. But I think you've got the looks, I'm sure you'll be fine," replied Lila.

"I hope so. I wouldn't want to have to leave and go back to boring old Virginia."

"It will. I know this business and you're perfect for it," said Lila. "You know what," she continued, "I'm going to be dancing at the Sapphire on Main Street tonight. You should come; it won't do you any harm to see how it works and the money to be made."

"Okay," said Olivia, "I'll ask my Mommy after school."


"Mmmnn, let's see. Nice figure, slender, not too well developed. Cute though. Nice pussy. I like the butt, not too big nor too bony," Mick Larson put down the photos and looked at the woman opposite him. She had a nice rack herself, he thought, it pushed at her too tight blouse and threatened to escape. She was sitting primly in her office suit, trailer trash trying to act businesslike he thought. He'd seen the type thousands of time before, coming into his office with pictures of their daughters and hoping to get the girl into one of his Movies, for money or fame or ambition or even in a few cases because they thought supporting their daughter's career as pre-teen porn star was the right thing to do. Less than half of them got any further, there were plenty of girls in this town. But some... He took another look at the portfolio of pictures on his desk. The girl was in various states of undress and in different poses, but what all had in common was a sensuality which made his dick stir. He looked up at the mother opposite him, "Your daughter; what's her name?"

"Olivia Winter," said Chloe.

Mick took another look at the girl; she had something that was for definite. Certainly she was worth trying out in a small role. He put down the portfolio, "You know the type of movies we make at 'In her face'?" he asked.

"You get lots of men to be blown and jacked by a girl and then they cum all over her face."

"Bukkake, yes," he pursed his hands together, "I normally have the main girl, who we concentrate on, but also a couple of others to help keep the guys hard and for little cameo shots. I'm doing a shoot Sunday afternoon, I've got Sandy Johanssen for the main role, but if Olivia is up for one of the cameos, I'll hire her."

"She will be, I'm sure," said her Mom.

Mick pulled out a standard contract and wrote in Olivia's name at the top. He handed it over to Chloe. The Mom looked down it as Mick said, "It's our normal pay and rates, pretty standard, you'll want to look at it and get Olivia to sign. I'm shooting on Sunday so I'll need a signature by tomorrow morning else I'll got get one of my regulars."

"She'll sign, Mr Larson," said Chloe, her eyes scanning down to the payment and deciding that 25% of that was better than a stick in the eye.

"In that case I hope to see you tomorrow," smiled Mick.


"You've signed the contract?" Chloe had parked the car in the lot, but wasn't letting her daughter out until she was sure.

"For the bukkake? Yes, Mommy. Have you looked at it?" asked Olivia unbuckling her seat belt and passing her Mom the signed piece of the paper.

Chloe took it greedily, "Yes dear," she lied, "It's all pretty standard." It was all filled with complicated legalese and she hadn't the skills or inclination to read it, much less understand it. She just hoped that Mick wasn't trying to pull a fast one with some clever lawyerly mumbo-jumbo. She quickly however changed the subject just in case her shortcomings as a manager became clear, she was charging the full 25% and she didn't want Olivia to think it might be better to get a proper manager instead. "I'll come round and pick you up about nine? If you wait outside the door here next to the bouncers I can stop in the lot."

"Okay Mommy," said Olivia. They were outside the back of Sapphire waiting for Lila. When she had been asked about letting her daughter go stripping Chloe had thought it was a good idea. Firstly, she'd heard there was good money to be made from doing some dancing every now and then and she wanted Olivia to see how it worked and perhaps pick up some sexy moves. But secondly, she had been able to get Olivia to agree to the bukkake movie in exchange - not that Olivia was likely to have turned it down, she was as keen on becoming a porn starlet as her Mom was.

"That's Lila," said Olivia pointing to a skinny redhead with long hair getting out of a sporty car. Olivia gave her Mom a perfunctory kiss and scrambled out.

"Hi Lila," she waved at her friend and Lila hurried over carrying a bag with her things.

"Hi Olivia. Glad you could come," she took her friend's hand and they skipped over to the back entrance where a big bouncer with muscles and a bald head was guarding the staff door against any over enthusiastic tourists. Lila smiled at him, "Hi Frank, I've got my show tonight. This is my friend Olivia, she's with me."

"Evening Miss Menzies, we've got a good crowd tonight. You always draw the punters." He opened the door and gestured the two girls in.

The pre-teen redhead walked down the corridor and knocked at a door, "Come in," said a male voice.

Inside was a man in shirtsleeves, with his tie partly undone. He looked up and smiled as Lila came in, "Hello Lila, you're a bit early."

"Hi Peter. This is my friend Olivia Winter. Olivia this is Peter Maronsky, he runs the club." Lila made the introductions, before turning back to Peter, "Olivia's new in the movies and I was just planning to give her a bit of look round before I got ready."

"Be my guest," said Peter. He reached to his desk and pulled out a card which he passed to Olivia, "If you want to swap movies for dancing and bit of escorting give me a call."

"Thanks," said Olivia, "But I'm going to stick to movies at the moment."

"I'm just going to show Olivia round," said Lila.

"Okay," smiled Peter, "I'd join you, but paperwork..." He sighed, "Sometimes I swear there's more regulation in child sex than banking."

"See you later," said Lila and closed the door. She carried on down the corridor, "He's a real sweetie. I dance here every couple of weeks, it brings in some extra bucks and gives my fans a chance to see me life in the nude. A lot of the girls do it, but don't follow his advice and become a dancer straight off; the pay's lousy unless you have some movies to up the rate."

"He said something about escorting as well," said Olivia.

"It's a sideline for a lot of the girls," explained Lila. "After their dances some rich customer might offer to buy them an ice-cream and some pop. If that's all it is they get a cut of the club's profit on the sale. But often the guys want more, they fancy fucking a cute pre-teen dancer. If the girl wants to take them away they can make their own arrangements, but there's some rooms upstairs which they can also use. The club takes a cut of that; it's still cheaper for the girls than renting out rooms on their own."

She carried on "I do it myself as well, just for tonight. Though unlike the girls who wander around making small-talk and having some ice-cream in the hope of a fuck; I'm guaranteed. The customers will be bidding for having sex with me after the last dance, the highest bidders gets me in the room upstairs for an hour of sweaty, pumping."

She stopped at a door with the words changing rooms on it and pushed it open. Inside were just under a dozen girls aged from about seven to twelve in various states of undress. Some were sitting at dressing tables putting on their make-up, others changing into their dancing clothes or putting them back on after finishing on stage. A couple were sitting cross-legged on the floor and playing a card game, shouting loudly as they snapped the cards. They looked up as Lila came in and dropped her bag on a seat next to a mirror with Lila written on it, "Girls, this is my friend Olivia - she's just coming to see what's what." Olivia smiled and nodded a greeting as Lila reeled off a list of names and introductions so fast that she didn't take any of it. That done she turned back to her friend, "This is the changing room, where we get ready."

There was a knock on the door and a middle-aged waitress put her head in, "Aria, Clara, Zoe and Michelle, you're on in five." She saw Lila was there, "Hello Lila, there's a few of your fans out tonight, your DVDs are selling well."

"DVDs?" asked Olivia.

"Yes," said Lila, "I've made up a few DVDs with scenes from my movies. The studios sell more than they would and get a cut, Sapphires gets a cut and I get a cut. They're on sale at the bar, as well as some photos and signed posters of me. It's what makes the money, not what I'm paid to dance. Now let me show you out there and get you settled and then I need to get ready."

She left her bag and led Olivia through to the public area. It was a large room with a main stage at the front and four smaller stages spread through the room. On the smaller stage there were individual girls dancing, their naked and semi-naked bodies jiggling and gyrating to the music. The main stage had six girls dancing, including two eight year old who were rubbing against each other and giggling as they touched each other's naked bodies and slits, to the delight of the crowd. Above the stage was banner with 'Lila Menzies, dancing at 7, 8, 9 and 10 tonite'. At the back of the room was a bar, men ordering drinks and snacks and Lila memorabilia. At the side was a door to the bedrooms and as Olivia watched a smiling ten-year old led a middle aged man in a suit through it and upstairs. The rest of the room was filled with table and chairs, the ones nearest the stage were filled with punters watching the girls (some with a sexy pre-teen dancer sitting on their knee and sharing an ice-cream), there was more space on the ones a bit further away and Lila led her friend over to one of them.

"Why don't you sit here and watch the shows? I can really recommend the Ice-cream Sundae, it is lovely," the redhead pre-teen said.

"Okay," said Olivia, sitting down, "See you later. I'll look out for you on stage."

She looked at the menu on the table, there were a dozen different flavours of ice-cream and soft-drinks, as well as some coffees for those who wanted something a little harder (as a pre-teen club it was forbidden from selling alcohol). But Lila was right, the Ice-cream Sundae looked mouth watering. She looked into her purse, her Mom had given her some money to buy something to eat at the club, but if she bought the Sundae she would only be able to afford a soft drink and no main meal. It did look yummy though. She raised her hand and fiftysomething waitress came over - unlike in adult strip clubs the waitresses and barstaff weren't there to be ogled over by men between dances and were typically older women looking for some extra money in the evening. Olivia pointed to the menu, "Can I have the Ice-Cream Sundae and a coke please."

"Coming right up dear," said the older woman.

It was lovely, the best ice-cream ever, thought Olivia. She had just finished the last off it as the dancers went off the main stage and a screen descended from the ceiling. On it came a very quick series of Lila scenes, each lasting a few seconds. First the pre-teen walking naked round a swimming pool looking all innocent. Then her on her knees sucking a cock in a man's bedroom, followed by her on her hands and knees getting fucked from behind by a muscular man on the beach. The next scene was of her sitting on her knees jacking off two men in a school gym. Then one of her in a little girl's bedroom doing reverse anal cowgirl. Then a slightly longer scene of her on her knees in a school classroom, smiling her famous gap-tooth smiled and rubbing away with her fingers globules of cum which were covering her pretty pre-teen face. She looked up at the camera and said, "I love sex." The scenes finished and a message flashed up on the screen. 'Exclusive Lila Menzies DVDs and memorabilia available at the bar'. The screen went up and over the loudspeaker came Peter's voice, "Now the girl you've all been waiting for, that ten-year old pre-teen sex bomb, Lila Menzies."

Lila walked onto the stage. She was wearing a short skirt and a tiny vest. The music began and she began to dance provocatively, thrusting and grinding at an invisible partner. After a few moments she took of her vest to reveal her tiny little nipples. The crowd hooted and cheered, though not as much as they did when she pulled down her shorts to show her perfect smooth pre-teen cunt. She carried on dancing, swaying and touching her body provocatively, sliding fingers over hairless cunt and moving her palms over her nipples. The crowd clapped and cheered as for the next fifteen minutes she titillated them with her moves, exposing her naked body to their rapt gazes. Then the music stopped and she picked up her clothes and headed backstage as another six girls came onto to take her place. Peter's voice came on the speaker again, "Lila will be back with us at eight. Meanwhile there are a selection of exclusive all-Lila, all-action DVDs available at the bar. And remember after the 10 o'clock dance Lila will be taking a lucky man to the rooms upstairs and she's told me she's in a mood for an ass-fucking, the current bid is $1500. Bidding stops at 10."

Olivia settled down and watched the dancers. She wasn't a lesbian, but seeing some of the girls dance did make her hot (especially the twelve year old and ten year old in the centre of the stage who were dancing in tang, kissing and fondling each other) and she hoped that her Mom would book her a gg or Fg scene so she could have a go. After a few minutes Lila appeared from back stage; she was 'dressed' if you could call a thong and a bikini top being dressed. She sat down with Olivia who got a few jealous look from the audience. The two girls ignored them, "Was I any good did you think?" asked Lila.

"I thought you were great," said Olivia.

"I'm always worry about the first dance; it's the one that gets me into the spirit and if |I don't dance well all these men who've paid to see me leave disappointed and don't buy my DVDs," said Lila.

"From where I was sitting they looked like they were loving you. I could see why, you were really pretty and sexy."

"Did you hear how high the bid was? It was my idea to get Peter to mention the ass-fucking, it should raise the bids and I like anal."

"So how much do you think you'll get?" asked Olivia.

"I've got as much as $10,000 once, but most times its about $3000, but I think I might get more tonight, plus about $1000 from DVDs and stuff and $500 from dancing. It's not bad for a nights work. And it keeps me in trim."

"It does," agreed Olivia. She hoped she would be as famous and be able to command the prices of her friend. It would be hard work, but worth it.

As if to confirm the work Lila gave a small sigh and stood up, "I'm going to walk the room, greet my adoring fans, sign a few autographs, sit on a few knees and allow a few gropes. It keeps everyone happy, especially those who don't win the bid. I'll be a bit busy so if I don't have a chance to see you later, I'll see you in school tomorrow."

She got up and headed over to a table to talk and flirt with the men on it.

Olivia sipped at her coke and carried on watching the dancers; with all her money gone she had to make it last all night.

"That looks nice," someone said behind her. Olivia looked from the stage to the person who had spoken, a good looking man in slacks and a polo shirt in his mid-forties. He was pointing at the remains of her Ice-Cream Sundae.

"It was," agreed Olivia, "Delicious."

"Would you recommend it?" he asked.

"I would," said Olivia.

"Would you like another one? My treat," the man asked.

"Yes please," said Olivia.

He sat down and gestured over a waitress, "Two Ice Cream Sundaes," he turned to Olivia, "Do you want a drink?"

"A coke."

"And two cokes," he added to the order.

"I'm Steven Hart," he smiled.

"Olivia Winter," she smiled back.

They talked. He was having a few days break from his job and family; his wife was relaxed about him going Hollow's Green he said on a 'don't ask, don't tell basis'. Olivia didn't know whether to believe him or not. But it didn't matter to her, his wife wasn't here and he wouldn't have been her first married man. She was pretty sure, even before the ice-cream and drinks arrived, she was going to have sex with him. Not just because he'd treated her, but also because he was funny and charming and whilst talking to her didn't let his eyes wander too much to the gyrating pre-teen dancer. And also because she was a hot and horny little pre-teen who was dying for a man's cock.

She had moved to Steve's lap, giggling as she let his hand go under her skirt and into her panties, stroking and playing with her smooth hairless pussy. She took the last scoop of ice-cream from the bowls and slid the spoon into his mouth. Steven took it and grinned, "Delicious."

She giggled, "It was. Do you have a room nearby?"

"Yes," he grinned.

"Do you want to fuck me?"


"Can I borrow your cell, so I can call my Mom?"


He reached into his jacket and brought out the phone giving it to the young girl. She took it and punched in the digits of her Mom's phone, thinking that it would be useful to have one of her own and perhaps she should get one with her future earnings. After a few moments her Mom answered, "Hi Mom," said Olivia, "I'm going to be late. I've met a guy in the club and I'm going to his motel to have sex with him... No, he's not in the business... Yes, I won't be too late back as it's a school night," she briefly put down the phone and turned to Steve, "My Mom wants to know whether you can give me a lift back." He nodded and Olivia turned back to the phone, "He can Mom. I'll be back home about ten or ten-thirty. Bye."

She gave the phone back to Steve and slid off his knee, "Shall we go?" she took his hand and pulled at him.

He nodded and stood up, holding her hand and walking through the crowd. Lila was chattering and giggling with a group of men, one of who was caressing her ass through her satin shorts. The redhead gave a small wave at her friend and mouthed 'have fun'. Olivia waved back and then allowed Steve to put his hand on her back and guide her from the club, to his car at the back of the lot.

It only took them five minutes to get back to the motel. It was barely decorated, just functional the bare minimum of furniture. But it had a bed and that was all Olivia wanted. She turned round to face Steve as soon as he closed the door and standing on tiptoes kissed him as he leant down. His hands massaged her ass through her denims as his mouth moved against her, his tongue sliding in and around. "You're so sexy," he said as they parted.

"And horny," she laughed, kicking off her shoes. She reached for her T-shirt and pulled it off over head, so that her tiny, scarcely developed, boobs were on show.

"So am I," said Steve. He pulled of his shirt to reveal his torso.

"Good," giggled the pre-teen. She reached down to and undid her denims, pulling the tight denims down and showing her panties. She slid her fingers under the elastic of her panties and watched as Steve pulled off his pants and boxers. His cock stood erect, at six inches it wasn't massive, but it would still be tight in her little pre-teen fuckhole. She giggled, "That looks ready."

"I am," said Steve. He watched as she pulled down her panties, they were one of her favourite pairs with a black pussy etched on the material covering a pink pussy underneath. He then stepped forward and picked her up, kissing her as he laid her on his bed and got on. The sexy pre-teen groaned as his mouth moved from her lips, down to kiss and suckle at her neck and finally down to her small nubs, sucking first one and then the other and bringing them into his mouth. At the same time his fingers pushed into her pink, pushing and opening the tiny hole and making her slick with lust.

"Oh, I'm ready, fuck me properly," moaned Olivia. Steve lifted his head and rolled her fully onto her back.

He grabbed his cock and moved on top of her, spreading her legs and pushing his dick into her, "I'm going to fuck that sweet cunnie raw," he gasped and began to plough down.

Olivia moaned and gasped as the dick punched down her hole. She could feel it spreading and expanding her pussy, the walls expanding to fit it, but not so much that it was loose. Up and down Steve moved, quicker and faster, his breath coming in grunts as he pounded down into the sweet pre-teen puss. Olivia's body bent and she cried out again and again in pleasure as she enjoyed the full length of his schlong slamming her.

"That's it baby. You're so tight," groaned Steve.

"Yes, big boy, fuck me harder. I want you to fuck me more," cried out Olivia. She clawed at his back and dragged him into her. Sweat covered her and him. The sound of his body hitting hers was loud as he moved hard and fast.

"Fuck," he gasped and shot his cum into her cunt. There was too much of it for the small hole to fill and it overflowed out over her small lips and in between her thighs.

He pulled out and collapsed on his back, looking at the clock, "I better get you home."


"Hi, can the two of you get on set now?" Mick Larson walked into the dressing room and speaking to Olivia and the other support girl, a twelve year old girl called Naomi Cross. The two girls looked at each other in surprise, whilst they were all ready, it seemed a little early to begin. Mick shrugged, "Sandy doesn't like her changing room mirror and wants to finish her make-up here and she doesn't like to share with bit-parts. The guys will be coming on set shortly, you might want to start them up." The two girls got up off the chairs and headed onto the set their Mom's following.

"Why doesn't she like sharing?" asked Olivia.

"Our Johanssen is a bit of a diva," said Naomi, "She's got that innocent looks guys like to see cum-dumped and her stuff sells. If you want to use her, and if you want to make the bucks, you do, well you go along with her divanish. Though..." Naomi gave a grimace as if a tooth was being pulled, "...if you'd seen her on set you'd know why. She's good, I've worked with her a few times."

Naomi was a pretty little blonde with short hair, cut in a bob, but as she was approaching thirteen her career in pre-teen was reaching its end. She might, if she was lucky, be able to move up to the teenage market, but there was no reason she'd have any more success than in pre-teen and her career would be as before, a lot of secondary roles in bukkake, with a few starring roles in cheap and quickly shot forgettables for websites; her income supplemented by some escorting and private stripping for bachelor parties and the like. Whilst it wasn't as bad a career as some of the pre-teens, in that she wasn't hanging round street corners waiting for a pick-up, it was a warning that for many the pre-teen porn industry weren't an automatic highway to fame and riches.

The two of them sat down in their robes and waited. After a few minutes the men started to come in from their changing rooms. They were all sorts, men barely out of their teens and those close to pensionable, fat, thin and in-between, long hair, short hair, bald. All of them were naked and ready to begin the bukkake session. Naomi turned to Olivia, "Shall we get started on the?"

Olivia stood up and slipped out of her robe to show her naked body, "Yes."

Naomi stood up and too got out of her robe, draping it over the back of her chair. She took hold off Olivia's hand and led across to the men; she gave a pretty smile, "I'm Naomi Cross and this is Olivia Winter. We're your fluffers for this movie."

"Bob," said a bald man with a paunch.

"Chris," said another, a leaner man with little hair.

Olivia and Naomi smiled and nodded as the men introduced themselves. At the same time they were moving round the guys reaching down and touching and stroking their dicks, tickling and caressing under their balls, making the men spring into erection. Olivia felt a rush of empowerment that just her naked touch could have such an impact. She and Naomi moved round stroking and tickling. After a few minutes Sandy and her Mom came in, she ignored everyone and just took her seat. A few minutes later Mick came in, glancing round the set before going over to speak to the two cameramen and then Sandy and her Mom. They remained in conversation for a few minutes as Olivia and Naomi got to their knees and began to lick and suck the cocks on offer, not long for each, just to keep them erect. As soon as they were done they moved onto the next one the man they'd just sucked took over himself, lightly jacking it to keep straight and erect.

"Okay, gather round," called Mick.

The men and three pre-teen girls stood up and moved over to him. The men continuing to stroke their cocks and keep them hard, two of the pre-teens quivering in excitement and the third, Sandy, looking bored as she shrugged out of her robe and gave it to her Mom to hang up.

Mick waited until they were all around him before he spoke, "Okay for those of you who haven't done a bukkake before we do them in one long shot. The star of this shoot is Sandy Johanssen, I think a lot of you know her as one of the best and cutest in the biz," Sandy looked around daring anyone to disagree before returning to study her painted nails. "We'll be focussing on her and she'll be sucking and jacking your cocks as the main event. But to help her we've got two fluffers, Naomi Cross - she's one of our favourites, a great girl, but also a new girl Olivia Winter, who's just starting, but, as I guess you're finding out, looks like she's going to be a fine addition to the shoot. They'll be supporting Sandy in making sure you don't flag. Also try not to cum to soon; at the end you'll all queue up and dump your cum over Sandy's face in sperm bath. Any questions?"

There weren't and the cast moved into position as Mick sat on a chair and shouted, "Let's roll!"

It was like a switch had been flicked, Sandy's bored and arrogant expression vanished and was replaced by a vibrant, lustful pout. She looked into the camera and the men behind it, "Come on boys, cum on my face." She dropped to her knees and the men began to surround her. Her hands and mouth were everywhere at once, jacking the nearest cocks and slurping the one in front of her passionately. The men groaned and shook as the pre-teen teased and tantalised with her moves, licked and lapped their balls, jacked and jerking the hard dicks. She moved from being a diva to a pre-teen porn pro, a little sex-fiend without pubes or tits, her long wavy dark hair, swishing round her shoulders and back as her head bobbed and her hands moved.

Olivia and Naomi were doing their bit as well, down on their knees on either side of the star they took cocks in their hands and mouths, sucking them and jerking them to keep them hard and erect. The men enjoyed it, but as soon as Sandy was finished with one of the guys in front of her, spitting him out or letting him go, she was calling for more and one of the guys would leave Olivia or Naomi (or themselves, because there wasn't enough hands and mouths for all the guys) and move to Sandy who'd take them in her mouth or hand and work them so hard, they were groaning and grunting. It was a miracle, or Sandy's professionalism, that none of them exploded over the brunette diva's pretty pre-teen face. The men would gasp and shudder, and then Sandy would let them go again and they'd relax and go to Olivia and Naomi to stroke and suck them more gently, keeping them erect, but not on the edge.

It was fun for Olivia. She'd given head lots of time, but it was a new challenge to do it so the guy didn't cum and too give it so many guys as well. And it was a real turn on doing in front of so many people and the camera's, even if she wasn't the main focus. She took the nearest cock into her mouth, smiling and teasing the guy with her tongue as her hands stroked at two other dicks on either side. They were hard and still soaked with the pre-teen saliva of Sandy, Olivia's hands slid up and down, drying the dicks with her palm, but keeping them erect.

"Ready guys, queue up and start pumping over Sandy's face," called Mick. The guys did they as they were asked, Olivia and Naomi positioning themselves beside it to make sure they were ready to blow.

Sandy lifted her face and began fiddling with her tiny pussy and brushing her hand over her small teats, "Cum on my face," she cried out, "Spurt your cum all over me."

The first man did, exploding his dick over her face and splattering her with his gooey load. It slid down her face, but before it could slide down her chin and onto her front another man was jerking off his prick; seconds later he dumped another blast of male spunk onto the pretty pre-teen. Sandy cried out in pleasure and licked some of the cum away, "More," she squealed as a third man deposited his load all over her forehead and down into her hair. White gooey cum dripped down her, covering her face and down her slender, thin front, like icing sugar on a sexy pre-teen cake. More and more men carried on, jerking their dicks and blasting their cum all over the little girl's face. Then it was the last one, an great explosion of cum which coated Sandy's face for the final time."

The cameraman moved in for a close-up and Olivia and Naomi moved again, getting into shot beside the star they began to lick the cum from her face with their tongues, greedily slurping in the salty white goo. Sandy sat smiling and grinning, like all her slutty desires had been fulfilled.

"That's a wrap," called Mick.

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Beautiful sequel. Loved the bukakke shoot. I hope you will continue on with the series. It has a lot of promise. This is what we're all dreaming about. If only...

The reviewing period for this story has ended.