Published: 5-Jan-2013
Word Count:
My dad died several years ago. In our family, he was somehow elevated as a leader of all of us, even though technically it should have been his father who received that honor, seeing as he was still alive. But no...my dad was the guy. Everyone in the entire extended family just adored him. So when he passed away, the funeral was massive, with relatives from all corners of the country coming to pay their respects.
My mother loved it. Her enormous home (dad was a successful exec with a large corporation and had money) was filled to bursting with family, even if some of them weren't all that well known. When it was all over and the family had gone back home, we decided to have an annual reunion on the date of my dad's passing to sort of honor him while continuing to bring everyone together. It was a smashing success, and while not every family made the pilgrimage every year, most did, or made it when they could. My cousin Madison and her mom and dad made the trip every other year. Come to think of it, Maddie was a distant cousin, but there was a meandering connection somewhere on the tree. She had sort of latched onto me when she was eight with a little-girl crush, and we all thought that was cute. And then when she was ten she hid from me and couldn't look at me without blushing, and that was cute too. This year she would be twelve, and I figured by now her attraction would have been eclipsed by some boy at school or whatever teen heartthrob was getting face time on television and I would be a distant memory.
Maddie was cute, but was just a little kid and I wasn't into little kids - really didn't pay them any attention at all. I had a girlfriend at the time who had keyed in to Madison's crush-like behavior, otherwise I probably wouldn't have had a clue. A few months ago, I sent that girlfriend packing when she gave me a "honey-do" list one morning. I had owned my home for years and she had been staying with me for about six months, so she thought it would be okay to leave me a list of chores to do around the house on my day off. It wasn't.
So when Maddie arrived at mom's on Friday afternoon, one of the first questions she asked me was where my girlfriend was. When I told her we had broken up, she smiled. This was a bit unnerving, because Madison had experienced a magnificent growth spurt at some point in the last two years. She was tall. She was still just twelve, but she had to be over five feet. So she wasn't embarrassingly tall or anything; I guess I'm just saying she stood out in a crowd of other kids her age. But truth be told, she would still stand out in any crowd. Madison had become beautiful. She had long, dark brown hair and gorgeous ice blue eyes. She was truly stunning.
Now, noticing a relative's facial features is one thing. I could live with myself for noticing I have a cousin who happens to be pretty. No big deal. But on this particular weekend with this particular relative, I found myself stealing glances are Maddie's body, and I hated myself for it. Not only because she's a relative but because she was TWELVE. I mean, what the fuck was wrong with me? She had little boobs but she still definitely had them. She had a small waist with a flat tummy, clearly obvious because of the form-fitting shirt she was wearing (nothing sexy, just what girls wear these days). But she had an ass...oh did she have an ass on her. Even in the modest length khaki shorts she arrived in on the first day of the reunion I could tell she had a fine, fine butt under there. Damn, what the fuck was wrong with me? If I was going to continue staring at her like this, I'd have to get darker sunglasses for this weekend, that was for sure, or I was going to get busted. I could just picture it:
"Hey, did you hear about David?" (I'm David, by the way.)
"No, what happened?"
"Oh, he spent the entire family reunion eye-fucking Madison!"
"Madison? You mean his cousin Madison?? That's disgusting. Wait a minute...isn't she like thirteen?"
"Twelve! And you should have seen him! He was looking at her like he was a starving dog and she was a steak."
You get the idea. I already felt like every grown woman in the place got one look at Madison and then spent the rest of the weekend watching me. They probably weren't, but I was so caught off guard by my sudden attraction to a twelve year old, my paranoia knew no bounds. Every time I so much as glanced at her I felt conspicuous.
Now, mom had a large pool and a lake and woods and all sorts of various other attractions on her large estate, so the kids (and there were lots of them) loved coming there. It was like going to summer camp for them. We generally had a full weekend of various activities planned, and on Saturday afternoons, it became a tradition to have war games. It started out years ago as Capture The Flag by my dad, who played the game all the time when he was a boy, and still loved it. He actually took it somewhat seriously (on the strategic side, I mean), but after his passing it had devolved into a simple two-teamed shootout in the woods. One year we tried paintball but not only was it messy, a few people got hurt. So we didn't do that again, and stuck with pretend weaponry, which worked just fine for our purposes of just getting out and being active. Everyone was welcome to participate, and while some took it seriously and had full camouflage and really nice fake guns, you could play along with just a stick you found on the ground if you wanted. Deaths were done on the honor system, and if you were "killed" you had to go back to the house for five or ten minutes before rejoining the war effort. There was lots of good food (or, for the adults, more beer) in the house, so victims rarely complained.
I almost skipped it this year. Not everyone played, so those conscientious objectors among us generally hung out by the pool, which sounded much better to me this year. I don't know...maybe I was getting too old for it. It was mostly kids playing anymore anyway, but at twenty-eight I was still considered a kid by the kids. But I found out Madison was playing and she was wearing a cute little skirt that made her legs look like they were a mile long, and suddenly I just had to be wherever she was going to be.
Not that I could just follow her around like a puppy, mind you. I had to be coy about it since apparently every female member of the family was now watching me at all times even if it was only my imagination. So I played it cool and kept my sunglasses on.
But Maddie ended up hanging out with some cousins her own age, and I ended up on my own, so I found an open area and camped out above it in the woods like a would-be sniper, prone on the ground, my chin resting on the hoodie I'd brought along (the only camouflage I owned, but it was soon too hot to wear), watching and waiting. When a hapless victim would wander in front of me, I'd yell out that they were dead and after giving up finding me in my well-hidden spot they'd trudge back to the house for a while. I was probably going to head back soon myself; I was in need of a few more beers if I was going to keep killing my loved ones. I was debating this very action when I felt the gun press against the back of my skull.
"Don't...move!" said a voice behind me. A girl's voice. I hadn't even heard her approach. I turned to look who it was and was rewarded with a flash of pain. She had struck me with her gun!
"Ow! Fuck!" I yelled. It wasn't a violent blow or anything, just a little attention-getter on the noggin, but it had stung.
"I said don't move!!! You're my prisoner! Hands behind your back!" she demanded. Now I was pretty sure it was Madison, but since I hadn't spent much time talking to her, I didn't know her voice all that well. I started to get up when I felt a shoe on my back, pushing me back down.
"You don't listen very well, do you?" the voice said. Now I was sure it was her. I think.
"Since when do we take prisoners in this game?" I asked. "Shouldn't you just shoot me?"
"Stop talking, prisoner! And put your hands behind your back like I said!" she demanded.
As much as I'd love to be taken prisoner by this girl (and by that I mean in my own depraved way, not in the way she was doing this, which was innocent, I'm sure), I needed to take a leak and if she wanted me to be her prisoner I'd gladly play along after I'd done so. I moved once more to get up and this time she nailed me between the shoulder blades with her knee, driving me back down to the ground. She was tenacious, I'd give her that.
"Maddie, I need to--"
"Stay down!" she ordered. And with that she slid her knee across my back, straddling my shoulders and pinning me to the ground. She couldn't have weighed more than 80 or so pounds, so I wasn't exactly pinned but she obviously meant business so I figured I'd see where this was going.
"Okay, okay, you win - I'm staying down." I said.
"And put your hands behind your back." she said.
"Yes ma'am." I said, putting my hands behind the small of my back. "This okay?" I asked.
"Now keep em there and don't move." she ordered.
"Okay so now I'm your prisoner. Now what?" I asked. I had some ideas of things we could do, but I kept those to myself. God, what had gotten into me?
"I haven't decided yet. I'll think of something." she said.
"Well, while you're thinking, is it okay if I get up just for a minute? I have to pee." I explained, moving my hands and starting to get up a third time.
"NO!!!" and she rapped me on the head again, but not as hard this time. "And put your hands back where they were!" she demanded. She stood up and took my wrists and put them flat on my back. "You don't listen very well." she scolded. "You need to keep your hands behind your back."
At this point she did something I'll never forget: with my hands palms-up behind my back, Maddie, still straddling me, sat down on my hands. I suddenly found myself with my hands filled with the soft fat flesh of her young pussy. She had underwear on (actually it felt like the spongy fabric of a swimsuit, which made more sense, given the circumstances) under her miniskirt, but still, I could clearly feel the lines of her cunt and the heat...oh the incredible heat...of her crotch. I froze, speechless.
"Now don't you move a muscle." she ordered. Oh, believe me, I wasn't going anywhere.
My brain was trying desperately to process this new turn of events. While her sitting on me like this may have seemed like an overtly sexual act on the one hand (pardon the pun), it could very easily have been a completely innocent act on the other. Kids do dumb things, after all. Nothing she had said prior to this had led me to believe this was anything but the latter, so for me to make the wrong response at this point could have very dire consequences indeed. Well, when in doubt, ask.
"Maddie, what are you doing?" I asked.
"You're my prisoner." she said.
"Yes, I know that. I mean why are you sitting on me?"
"Because you keep moving." she explained simply. Well that was no help. I didn't want to press the issue for fear I'd embarrass her and she'd get off me, so I shut up.
With my hands still filled with Madison's groin, I was struggling to keep my composure. Part of me was shocked that she was doing this, yet I couldn't deny that despite the fact that I had the size and authority to stop this at any moment, I had obviously chosen not to. That part of me was both thrilled and horrified. And what's more, my cock was stiffening at a very uncomfortable angle. I would have to move soon, but feared the possibility that she would get up. If she would just say something one way or the other to let me know just what the fuck she was thinking, I'd know how to proceed. But she stayed there, her crotch roasting on my hands, silent.
My erection was starting to become painful and was only getting worse. I hated to admit it, but I had to move or I'd break the damn thing.
"Maddie, I need to move. I know I'm your prisoner so I'll stay like this (was this me reassuring her or begging for it to continue?), but I'm really uncomfortable. Just get up for a second okay? You can sit back down on me after." Please sit on me after...oh god I hope I didn't just fuck this up.
With a sigh of disgust, Maddie stood up and got off me and was standing behind me where I still couldn't see her. I adjusted my engorged cock and moved it to a more comfortable position before laying back down prone just as Maddie had left me. I even placed my hands as they were so Maddie wouldn't have to ask (or worse, not ask).
"Now don't move, prisoner." Maddie said. "And no more talking!" she added as she stood over me. I was hoping she'd sit back down on my hands again. I still didn't know what her intentions were, but I knew that feeling her bathing suit as it hugged the cleft of her little girl pussy like that was incredibly erotic. I had decided that I was going to do something this time even if Maddie didn't send me an overt signal. I had decided that even if she just continued to sit there with her hot pussy pressed into my palms, I was going to make some motion...maybe a finger pressed deeper into the material of her bikini or just some slight motion, some rhythmic movement that, if she took offense, could be explained away as just me moving around; nothing sexual. Yes that would work...if only she would sit back down!!! Why did I ask her to move?!? Why???
While I was silently cursing my stupidity, Madison was still standing over me. I couldn't force the issue and tell her to sit back down. I couldn't turn to look at her. I really couldn't even talk to her. She had made that quite clear.
After what seemed like an hour, I once again felt the muzzle of Maddie's pistol at the back of my skull. She spoke to me then...her voice barely above a whisper, saying, "You're my prisoner...you're my prisoner." Yes, we established that already...why is she still saying it?
I could sense motion as Maddie centered herself over me and started to sit back down. I felt myself smiling in anticipation of executing my plan. I'd give her some time to give me some sort of sign, and if she didn't, well then I'd take things into my own hands, literally.
As Madison sat back down on my hands I knew immediately that I had received the signal I needed. There really was no mistaking it. You see, while I had been adjusting myself, she had taken her bikini bottoms completely off and I was now feeling the soft, warm skin of her hairless pussy directly on my hands. I bristled; I couldn't help it - this was so unexpected (not unwelcome, of course, just unexpected) that I couldn't help but be shocked. I know Maddie sensed it. As if anticipating a comment from me, she repeated her command from earlier, "No talking. You're my prisoner."
She would get no argument from me. I didn't speak, and didn't move either. Well, not much. Maddie was straddling both my hands and I really needed to get one under her pussy more than both. Two would be awkward. So I moved a little in order to get more of my right hand into the situation. Maddie didn't resist. She lifted her butt for a second to get readjusted and I was ready to move right into position. When she settled back down I had four fingers of my right hand neatly cupping her pussy and my left hand was just along for the ride; more or less on her left groin. From this angle I could press my fingertips up into her cunt a little the next time she moved.
But she didn't move at all. She stayed like that for a few minutes. It was really almost weird, to be perfectly honest. Once or twice I tried to help things along by increasing the pressure from my fingers or by moving a little and she'd instantly tell me not to move. So I stopped moving, which was tortuous in itself. I mean, here I had this flawless vagina mashed against my hand and I could do nothing at all with it.
It took about five minutes of Madison sitting still astride my back, her perfect little pussy nestled atop my lucky fingertips before she started moving. At first it was just the occasional movement, like she was getting comfortable. Maybe she was just testing me to see what I'd do, but she was really the arbiter of that. Every time I had tried to contribute she would make me stop. I had to be perfectly still and perfectly silent. This was nuts. One thing for sure: her future husband was going to have his work cut out for him. This girl had issues.
Eventually Maddie started moving more. In a few minutes her motions had gone from the occasional comfort adjustment to a controlled rubbing. I was starting to be able to hear her breathing more heavily as she masturbated herself on my fingers. She set her gun down on the ground next to me and put both hands on my back to steady herself as she worked. Although she was very quiet while humping me, I did occasionally hear the occasional wimper escape her lips. I threw caution to the wind and curled my middle finger up ever so slightly. Earlier such an action would have been immediately shut down, but now she seemed to appreciate the added stimulation, her movements becoming more urgent.
As my fingertip just barely penetrated the inner folds of her pussy, I could clearly feel how wet she was. A small, but very obvious rush of fluid leaked onto my fingers, making them even more slippery as she fucked them. She turned up the speed a little more, hunching down on my fingertips as her hips pumped rapidly, her ragged breaths becoming deeper.
I knew she was getting close to orgasm when she dug her nails into my back where she was holding herself up. Her whole body grew taut and her legs squeezed against my ribs tightly. After three or four more pumps, each followed by a shuddering breath, she fell forward and collapsed on my back, breathing rapidly still but slowing to normal. Her hands ran underneath me to my chest as she held me as she came down from her orgasm.
With her laying flat against me, I curled my fingertips up to keep in contact with her cunt, still feeling her wetness. I rubbed gently and she didn't protest, but nuzzled against me, her cheek against my shoulder blades. She stayed like that for a few minutes and still I didn't speak.
I grew more adventurous and started pushing a bit more with my middle finger, trying to penetrate her as she laid across me, her legs spread wide. On about the third push, Maddie stiffened and lifted herself off my back before standing up and ruining my fun.
"Don't move!" she commanded. I stayed put.
I heard Maddie rustling around behind me down near my feet and I heard the snap of elastic as she obviously put her bikini back on (to my profound disappointment). I kept my position as ordered. Once again I felt the muzzle of her toy gun in the back of my skull, her other hand steadying herself on my back, then her whispering into my ear, "Count to 100 and then you can get up, prisoner."
With that, Madison stood up and went bounding through the woods and back to my mother's house. I made it about five seconds before I brought my right hand to my nose and smelled her sex on my fingers to make sure I didn't imagine the whole thing. I could pick only a very distant trace of feminine muskiness, but that was about it. I still wasn't sure I believed it; it was so surreal and bizarre. I sat there for a few minutes, recounting the experience. Eventually my still-full bladder brought me back to reality and I had to get up to take a whiz.
I was covered in leaves and twigs so I brushed myself off and gathered up my hoodie before heading back. It was getting close to dinner time anyway, and the walk gave me time to think.
Back at the house, most of the kids had adjourned to the pool after the game. Madison was again with her girlfriends, and was splashing around happily. She paid me no attention whatsoever, despite the fact that I walked right by her and her other cousins in the pool. Her bikini was a pink and white striped number that was form-fitting and tight, but not overly sexual - just what you'd expect at a family gathering.
But she didn't even look at me, which was bizarre. Hell, the whole damn thing was bizarre. A hot girl (my own blood relative, mind) of twelve years old forces (I know...I wasn't forced, but in her mind I was - and at gunpoint no less!) an older man to lay on the ground while she masturbates herself against him without so much as a conversation before or after...that's fucking weird in my book. Exceedingly hot - I get that - but weird nonetheless. The utter lunacy of the whole thing is what kept me wondering if it had really happened at all. I could no longer smell her scent on my fingers, so I started to have my doubts. I began to wonder if it was even Madison. I was (at the time) confident in my recognition of her voice, but now that was in question. And Maddie was wearing a skirt, which my...hell, what would I even call this person?...an attacker? molester? captor?...was also wearing. Could it have been some other relative and I wanted so badly for it to be Madison that I blinded myself to other possibilities? Nothing was certain anymore.
Real or imagined, the events of that afternoon changed me. That morning, I was outgoing and my normal self, happy to see and interact with all my distant relatives. Afterward, I was pensive and withdrawn. I felt like I had a dirty secret, and that everyone in the family could see it on my face. Normally at dinner I'd have been telling stories about my dad and keeping the whole clan smiling and laughing, but now I sat apart from the group as I ate. I could do nothing but replay the now-suspect events of that afternoon in my head. I managed to catch Maddie's eye every once in a while, but all I got from her was a normal smile, like I was just anyone. With no feedback from her, I started to think I had fallen asleep out there in the woods and dreamed the whole thing. But it seemed so real, I started to feel like my sanity was slipping away.
As night approached and my self-doubt finally won over, I withdrew completely. Many of my closest relatives recognized that something was wrong, but I couldn't exactly open up about this. For all I knew, nothing even happened, but even if that was the case, I still had one hell of a sexual fantasy that still required explanation. So talking about it was out of the question. Instead, I had a few glasses of wine in the hopes that sleep would come quickly. I was facing new revelations about myself that I'd never had to look at before: At a minimum I was having sexual fantasies about a twelve year old girl, so I felt like a disgusting pedophile. Add to that the fact that we were related, so I felt like an incestuous redneck. And if my supposed fantasy had actually happened, now I'm a child molester. Yeah yeah, she's the one that did it, but did I stop it? No, and I had the power to. I wanted it to happen...prayed for it to happen. What court in any country would see me as the victim?
And Muslim countries don't count.
In my self-hatred I started to hit the wine a little too hard. Alcohol always flowed freely at our reunions (and every other family gathering, if you must know), so there was no shortage of adult beverages. Dad had a full bar in the house, and an impressively stocked wine room that would have left the most well-traveled sommelier drooling in anticipation. When I became fed up with trying to keep up appearances with my family, I chose a bottle of Gigondas and, after retrieving an appropriate glass and a wine key, retired to my room. As I said earlier, I have my own home, but I still have my old room at mom's. It's no longer a kid's room, though. Gone is the old twin bed with cartoon sheets. It's more like a den now, with a large television and a sofa bed. I parked myself there and started watching a movie. Or tried to.
I could only think of Madison. My hot little cousin and her utterly sexy little body. Even at twelve she was dripping with sexuality, so I could only imagine how insanely hot she was going to be in a few years when she developed curves. I guess it was a good sign I was trying to imagine her as being older. Maybe there was hope for me after all. Or maybe this was me trying to talk a good game - the fact was I hadn't stopped staring at her since she arrived at mom's this weekend, and while part of me still thinks it was real, I had a very hot fantasy about her earlier this afternoon. And right now, with the wine doing its work, I wanted nothing more than to get up and see what Maddie was up to. I didn't know where in the house she'd end up sleeping that night (the kids slept in random spots in the house, and sometimes camped outside in tents so she could have been anywhere), but I wanted desperately to go to her. Had she sent me any signal this evening, any sign whatsoever that this afternoon really happened, I'd surely have done so. But with me still doubting everything I thought I knew about myself and this day, I stayed in my room and drank my wine alone. I had nearly finished the bottle when I decided I just needed to try and get some sleep. I brushed my teeth, stripped down to boxers and threw a pillow and blanket on the couch. In my drunken state, pulling out the bed seemed like too much work at that point, and the couch was comfortable. With a long day behind me and all the wine I'd consumed, I fell asleep quickly.
Naturally my dreams wandered to Maddie.
I imagined Maddie the first day she arrived, in her little beige shorts and ultra-white sneakers, gorgeous tanned legs. In my dreams she greeted me differently, looking up at me seductively, wrapping her arms around my neck to pull me to her as she kissed me expertly, our tongues finding one another, the taste of her strawberry lip gloss, the light scent of citrus in her hair, the heat of her body, the beating of her heart in her small chest as it pressed tightly against mine. We kissed like lovers for long minutes, right there in front of the whole family, including her parents, who smiled approvingly as I groped their only child, squeezing her perfect ass in my hand, my fingers snaking lower, finding the hotness of her pussy from the back, and Maddie opening her legs to improve my access.
Still falling further in my dream, Maddie this afternoon in the woods, making me her prisoner. In my dream she had a real gun. This time she made me roll onto my back.
"You're still my prisoner - no talking." she ordered.
"Okay Maddie." I replied.
"HUSH! No talking!" she reminded me angrily. I nodded in reply.
It was dark in the woods this time, but I could smell the leaves on the ground around me as I lay there. Maddie touched my cock, which was somehow exposed in my dream. She wrapped her small hot hand around it and squeezed it. She gave a few tentative and awkward pumps before releasing it. I groaned in pleasure and protest.
"Quiet!" she admonished; her voice barely a whisper.
I heard Maddie moving around next to me, but couldn't see what she was doing in the moonless darkness of the silent woods. I wanted to reach for her, but she had a gun, and would not approve.
"I'm taking my panties off." she explained in a whisper as if she could hear me wondering about her actions. Perhaps I only imagined she said it. Regardless I knew I was forbidden from replying In my dream this seemed the most normal thing in the world. I waited patiently, my eyes closed, listening to her sounds and her breathing as she got undressed.
Maddie pulled my camouflage hoodie from behind my head, leaving me flat on the soft leaves. She straddled me again, this time setting her naked pussy on my mouth. I instinctively drew my tongue the length of her bald slit. Her scent filled my senses, a heady mix of feminine muskiness, the distant, acrid scent of pee, and the distinctive scent of the pool - she must have been swimming earlier, I thought to myself. I flattened my tongue as I tasted her, licking the full length of her cunt before pressing firmly into her little button at the top of her slit. She tasted heavenly, and many times I narrowed my tongue to fuck her as deeply as I could with it, trying to taste the deepest parts of her pussy as she ground herself against me. With her legs pressed against my ears it was eerily quiet, but occasionally I could her a soft moan escape her lips as I worked to pleasure my captor.
When she had had enough, Maddie lifted herself off me and once again wrapped a hand around my engorged dick. She ran her tongue along its length once before amateurishly pressing her tongue into my pee hole. She then straightened herself and straddled my hips. With my cock still in her hand, she guided the tip to her vagina and rubbed it the length of her cunt several times. I could feel her spreading her wetness around with the head of my cock. She held me at her center for what seemed like a few minutes, pushing herself down onto me before giving up and letting my cock drop unceremoniously against my stomach. She lowered herself further against my rock hard dick, spreading her fat pussy lips with its length. Once she had settled on a good spot, she masturbated herself against me, just as she had earlier, only this time using my cock instead of my fingers. I wasn't complaining. It felt incredible.
It took several minutes of this before I realized I was awake and in my room, and Maddie was really there with me, really doing what I thought I had only been dreaming. I was in a wonderful agony, with Maddie fucking against me with silent abandon, not caring if she was hurting me (which she was, which is why I woke up), just using me to pleasure herself, grinding her pussy along the length of my cock. As her movements became more urgent, I extricated my hands from under her legs and held her hips. She stiffened when I touched her, but quickly let it go, so focused was she on what she was doing. I could tell she was getting close, and so was I. The pain was intense; I still had my boxers on and she had apparently fished my apparatus out of the open fly, but now parts of me were still horribly pinched by the unyielding material. At the same time, her sopping wet pussy was rapidly bringing me closer to orgasm as she slid herself my full length over and over again. I wasn't going to stop her this time; I was too close myself. I'd live with the pain.
Growing bolder, I slid my hands up her thin waist and up to her chest. My touch confirmed that her breasts were smaller in reality than what her training bra was advertising. She had just small swellings, but very puffy nipples which stiffened under my hands. She moaned approvingly when my hands squeezed her tiny boobs. I smiled in the darkness, glorifying in the feel of her small body.
Maddie's orgasm hit at about the same moment I roughly pinched both her nipples and she let out a small yelp of pain. Her whole body arched back and she brought her hands up to hold mine against her tits, which I was still squeezing tightly. When she started hunching herself against me even harder, both intensifying the pain and the pleasure I was feeling, my own orgasm slammed into me, wracking my entire body under Maddie's tiny frame. Instinctively I dropped my hands to her hips to guide her motions as we traded roles and I now masturbated against her. I would love to have come inside her, but realized that she had tried to get me in her pussy already while I was still hovering in sleep. How glorious it would have been to wake up with my cock buried in her tight pussy, but it was not to be.
Instead when I came I fired scalding torrents of semen onto my own stomach, where Maddie had my cock pinned under her weight. Once the pleasurable feelings had subsided, the pain from my boxers became unbearable and I had to move Maddie to make yet another adjustment. It helped a little, but I was still in a great deal of pain. I didn't care. Maddie was still sitting astride my cock, her rapid breath slowing with each passing minute, my hands still on her hips, hers on my chest.
As my senses returned and the weight of the situation pressed into my consciousness, I began to feel terribly guilty. Now I knew that this afternoon really had happened, and that this event had also really just happened. I was grateful for having my sanity restored, but now I had a real problem. Maddie. She was now quiet. My room was completely black, but I could just barely make out her form as she sat there on top of me, probably looking right at me there in the dark, staring into my soul, judging me, her lecherous, incestuous cousin.
"Maddie, I-"
"Shh! NO TALKING!" Maddie whisper-yelled at me in the dark. "You're still my prisoner."
I have to admit I didn't expect that. I guess I figured that after what had just happened, we could, you know, maybe have a brief conversation. But for whatever reason, Maddie kept me silent. Maybe talking would make it real, or make it sexual. If I'm her prisoner, maybe we're just playing a game in her mind and what we've done is part of that game and therefore not bad. I don't know - I'm not a psychologist. But Maddie would not allow me to speak as she sat there with her still-wet pussy wedged open against my softening penis. I was her prisoner, and apparently prisoners were not allowed to speak.
Moments later, Maddie stood up and in the darkness I could see her small form pulling a nightgown over her head. She felt blindly for my face in the dark, and once she had it, she leaned in and kissed my cheek before slipping out of my room. I grabbed some tissues from the table in front of the sofa and cleaned up the mess we'd made. I stood up and stumbled into the bathroom, not nearly as drunk as I had been a little while ago. In the light of the bathroom I examined my cock and found that, thanks to the boxers pinching against me, I had a lovely red welt on the side of my shaft. Basically a rug burn from the cloth of my shorts. A nice memento that hurt like having your cock branded. Moo. I took a much-needed piss, got a drink of water and went back to bed, happier than I'd ever been.
I woke up early, thanks to an incredibly unimportant text message from one of my idiot friends back home. Once I'm up I'm up, so I sat there on the couch replaying my eventful Saturday in the early quiet of the house. Soon everyone would be up and having breakfast or getting ready for their trips back home. Sitting there for a moment, I noticed at my feet that Madison had left her panties on the floor before leaving me. I picked them up and looked at them. The text on the front proclaimed in sparkly letters that it was Tuesday.
The night had done nothing to quell the pain of the burn on my dick, so I washed gingerly when I showered, but I emerged refreshed, with no trace of the hangover I had every reason to expect. I got dressed and went out to help with breakfast for the family members who had longer distances to travel and needed to leave early. Unfortunately Maddie would be among them, and when I entered the kitchen, there she was, freshly showered and impeccably dressed, not a hair out of place, smiling and talking to those around her. She was so lovely. She looked at me once and smiled before looking away quickly.
With my uncle nearly finished with the several pounds of bacon he'd been working on at the griddle, I made a huge batch of scrambled eggs (my specialty) and set them on the table in front of everyone. Spoons appeared as people helped themselves. Maddie took a large helping and some bacon too. I worked on dishes as my mom socialized; there'd be plenty of time to eat later. These initial waves of travelers needed to get on their way and mom needed to say her goodbyes.
A stack of dirty dishes was set down next to me, and I looked up to see who had delivered them. It was Maddie.
"May I speak?" I asked with a smile.
Maddie laughed but blushed furiously. "Yes of course, silly."
"Well I wasn't sure." I said as I continued with the dishes. A pause..."Maddie, are we okay? I didn't get to talk to you about anything and -"
"Yes, we're perfect!" she said with a lovely smile before returning to her mom and dad at the table. I guess that would have to do. I didn't even get a chance to tell her she'd left her Tuesdays in my room.
I helped people load up cars for their trips back home. I'd be flying back later that afternoon. When everyone was packed up and the final goodbyes were playing out, Maddie hugged me tightly, perhaps a second longer than normal, but she said nothing. Her hair smelled clean and beautiful - that citrusy scent from before. Wonderful.
With their daughter safely ensconced in the back seat, Maddie's dad and mom started to pull away, when their car suddenly stopped. Maddie's window rolled down and she motioned me to her. I jogged over and she indicated to get closer. I leaned into the car and she whispered in my ear, "Don't forget, you're still my prisoner." she said, with the most serious face I'd ever seen on a kid - no hint that she was joking or just teasing. She said nothing else but that. Then without a trace of a smile and without breaking eye contact, she simply rolled up the window and the car pulled away, and I stood there watching it, wondering what the hell just happened to me.
Hopefully you will write more adventures of these two for people to enjoy.
Job well done.
This story, which has no planned sequel, was more about the psychological effect Madison has on David as she uses him, leaving him very different than he was before her arrival just days earlier. He went from being confident and brash to being property (willingly so). She does not remain unchanged either, going from being shy and hiding herself from David at ten to dominating him sexually at twelve.
The story does end abruptly for David, but this was a weekend reunion, and that's how these things go. :)
Thank you so much for the kind words. There is another Marli story currently in the works. It's long, but I'm waiting until it's finished before releasing it. I hate that I published Marli and Me in four parts and would change it to one if I could, so I'm not going to put any more stories out piecemeal like that again. Look for it next week or the week after.
Also, there are several more shoots and saplings I'm currently tending. We shall see how they grow. Stay tuned. :)
Thank you again.
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