Published: 23-Jan-2013
Word Count:
I was a twenty-three year old ex-Marine adrift in Kyoto Japan. I had no ambitions and no goals in life, and for a year or so, I wanted it that way. I knew I should go home and get that college education that Uncle Sam would help pay for, but a part of me craved the elusive subtlety of the Floating World.
I had a girlfriend back home. I met her during one of my visits home between deployments. I fucked her on the second date. Because of the harsh training and primal life of a Marine, I became rather brutal and uncaring when I fucked. I'm not sure why, but I noticed that my fucking was not love making, but a much more primitive animal kind of action. I only cared about unloading my balls, and I fucked as hard and rough as I could. Still, Ally claimed she loved me and so I didn't think twice about mauling her nice big tits with my hands and chewing on her fat nipples. I knew something was missing in our relationship, but it didn't seem to phase me.
Anyway, I had no great hurry to get back to my permanent cunt. I had no intentions of marrying her, and the good time girls in Kyoto satisfied my dick. If I sound crude, please excuse me, but I am attempting to give you an idea of my mind set during this period.
I adored Kyoto. It was like something out of a historic film. The ancient walled castle, the pagodas, the narrow streets, and the low, shadowy homes and shops that still maintained sliding paper screens for doors. I prowled those narrow streets searching for cheap saki bars and young teen cunt at night, and during the day, I lolled in the sun on grassy hillsides.
It was in a wood beamed, low ceilinged restaurant that I first saw Noriko. She struck me at once as the most unusual creature I had ever encountered. She was eleven years old and quite tiny. She floated more than walked, encased in a purple kimono covered with large silver flowers. Her child's face was encased in a helmet of shiny black hair, and her soft little lips were decorated with two dots of red lip gloss. Here child's eyes were highlighted with black eye liner, and the touch of rouge on her little girl cheeks make her look like a living porcelain doll. As she served me, her child eyes flashed, openly flirting. I had never encountered a girl so young emitting such a sexual allure.
I am not a child fucker. I am not a pervert. I would never even think of touching a cunt under fifteen. Like most young, fit dudes, I do enjoy plowing a high school cheer leader. Ally was seventeen the first time I fucked her. There is a certain pleasure in shoving your dick into a fresh, young, puffy lipped pussy, but even a horny, well-hung ex-Marine draws the line. If she had been fourteen, I might have considered it. A nice smooth skinned fourteen year old Japanese twat with freshly budding titties might be fun. But not a girl of eleven. I learned her age from another waitress at the bar, who made a knowing face when I asked if to say, "Oh, American in your tight jeans and tee shirt, I know you want to fuck the brains out of little Noriko." That was her name, Noriko. And while, as I say, I maintained no interest in her sexually, I was entranced with her as a strange exotic and somewhat erotic creature. The way she moved. The way she tiled her head, the way she flirted, pouting her lips and flashing her eyes.
Needless to say, I made the restaurant my 'hang-out." I became captive to Noriko's charm, and I remember so clearly, the first time she actually waited on me. I was like a blushing schoolboy on his first date. I spoke halting Japanese, but Noriko spoke excellent English, yet another fascinating discovery.
The days turned into weeks, and I became Noriko's devoted fan. And from fan to emotional slave. I thought about her all the time. I spent more and more of my time at the restaurant, drinking tea or sake, reading and playing around on my lap top, waiting for little Noriko to show up for work. She had an endless variety of colorful kimonos, each one making her even more alluring. And all of this, I insisted to myself, in a totally unisexual way.
And then the night when Noriko sat with me at my little wooden table, and we chatted as friends more than customer and waitress. She told me she was an orphan and lived alone. The nice man and women who ran the restaurant helped support her when she had arrived in Koyto, friendless and without family. Now, she made lots of tips because of her "charm," and she could afford her own room.
Two days later, Noriko invited me up to see her room. I was so nervous, I could feel my legs turn to jelly. I stuttered and stumbled, just a kid in the thrall of some exotic goddess. And she was only eleven. I had had no thoughts of her body under those kimonos...or had I? I now try to think of when the moment when the relationship took it's destructive turn.
Was it when she served me food and drink in her tiny immaculate apartment? Was it when she danced for me, some ancient floating dance done with a fan? Was it when she invited me to spend the night, sleeping on my own tatami across the room? Delight became torture as I slept on the matt on the floor and was allowed to look at her, but not think or insinuate anything sexual. Had she planned the light in the room? She changed into her sleeping robe behind a large white screen, but the light from the small kitchen turned the screen into a screen for a shadow play. I saw her undress in silhouette form , a black shadow against the white screen. I saw her naked form, the shape of her round little ass, and her flat chest...she was only eleven after all. Was that when my mind first turned to wondering what her hairless little pussy must look like? Was that when I became pervert and captive? But, I hasten to warn you, my future was not to be as lover of a little girl, oh no, she had something much more devious in mind.
When we talked, she asked me about every detail of my life back home. She asked me about the girls I had made love to. One day, she asked me if I had ever had sex with another man, and I told her that while I was not particularly prejudiced against gays, I was repulsed by the whole idea. I spend more and more days at her apartment and more and more nights. Eventually it became clear that I had moved in. I also started to do various chores for Noriko, I pressed her kimonos, I did the dishes, I cleaned the room. She slept and bathed and listened to music and went to work.
I should mention that when she bathed, she allowed me to glimpse more and more of her pre-teen body. She often left the sliding paper door to the bathroom open very slightly, knowing that I might try to catch a glimpse of her pale eleven year old body. And I did. I saw the smooth pale curve of her young ass, I saw a puffy brown nipple on a still flat chest, I saw the fat lips on either side of a still hairless cunt slit. I saw all of this only briefly, and it became an obsession with me.
And she saw me when I bathed, Japanese style, soaping and washing myself before I stepped into the tub, She would stand in the open door and stare at my naked body. I was for some reason hugely embarrassed. I am an in great shape, dude. Let me tell you that. Nothing to be shy about. In fact, I usually love showing the chicks my well toned body and my big dick. It makes the cunts all hot to taste my pecker and feel it in their twats. And I have to admit that I enjoyed strutting around the gym locker room bare assed. I always enjoyed being naked in the barracks shower room. I liked the look of envy in the eyes of the other marines. I knew my dick was larger than most of theirs, kind of like the dick on a black dude. I have a fat, full one that hangs thick even when flaccid, and large low hanging balls.
But still....BUT STILL, to have an eleven year old girl looking at me, freaked me out. One day when I came out of the shower, a towel wrapped around my waist, my body looking golden and smooth and well muscled, I found that my clothing was missing.
"I want you to dress, Japanese style," she said simply, holding out a kimono for me to put on. It was a filmy, silky thing, designed for a girl not a man.
"I can't wear this, Noriko, I'll feel stupid." I know I sounded like an American famboy, which is what I am.
"If you want to stay here with me, you must wear it." There it was! That was the first ultimatum. That was the first order, subtle as it was.
And what had happened to me? What was this spell she cast over me? I didn't even hesitate. I reached out for the kimono. "But where is my underwear? I can't wear this without any underwear." I smiled, trying to make a joke of it, noticing that all of my clothing was missing.
"In my home, you don't need underwear," she said with her seductive little smile. Was she hitting on me? Was this some kind of prelude to sex? My big handsome dumb face must have registered total confusion, for Noriko giggled and put one hand over her mouth. I put on the female kimono, closed and tied the sash, and dropped the towel. My big dick made a large limp in the front of the silk robe. And to be honest I guess it was somewhat thickened by the erotic tension of the situation. The kimono clung to my body. It fitted quite tightly over my ass slabs, and it gaped open in front showing lots of my pec muscle. If I didn't keep tugging it around the waist, it would gape and show my dangling dick and scrotum.
"Noriko, It's too small. Can't I get a proper kimono?" I grinned, trying to make a joke of it.
"I think it is perfect," she responded, giggling again. And so I became a prisoner of the apartment, with no clothing except the small silk kimono. In a few days, I got used to it. I did my best to hide my frequent erections. There was no proper place or chance to jerk off in the apartment, and so my balls became heavier and more achy. I tried to masturbate in the bathroom, but she kept opening the sliding screen door. I told her I could not go to the toilet with her watching, but she did not relent. I tried to jerk off when she was at work, but I somehow felt awkward doing it on the sly in her apartment. I did manage it a few times, and then I had to find something to clean it up with.
And then one day, after my bath, I found that the sash on the kimono was missing. I could no longer close the silk robe. "Noriko, where is the sash?"
She tilted her cute head and smiled. "I removed it. I like you with the kimono open." She said simply. It was pretty clear, she wanted to stare at my dick. From that point on, she made me sit to eat with the kimono wide open and my legs spread, so she could openly eye my fuckmeat. She looked at it openly. She started to ask me about it. She asked me if all Americans had such large dicks. She asked me for all the names we call it in English, Cock, pecker, prick, dick, schlong, wiener, fucker, etc. Al of this made my fuckmeat thicken and elongate. I tried to cover it, but Noriko insisted that I let her watch me erect. I realized I was putty in her hands. She had me completely under her control.
One day, she ordered me to play with it for her. She had allowed me to watch her bathe through the slightly opened door. I had watched her wash her young pussy, and my dick threw a tremendous boner. It started to leak pre-fuck. I was so totally embarrassed, I didn't know what to do. But I was hypnotized. After she came from the bath, draped in her own peach colored kimono, she lounged on a tatami and asked me to stand in front of her and play with my dick. AN ELEVEN YEAR OLD JAPANESE GIRL WAS ASKING AN AMERICAN EX-MARINE TO MASTURBATE IN FRONT OF HER.
And God forgive me, I did it. I stood there pumping my fucker and fingering my balls while she watched. I wanted to cry. That's the only way I can describe it. I wanted to cry. I came very close to cumming, long strings of pre-fuck hanging from my cockhead to the floor. Then she ordered me to stop. ORDERED! Her thin little voice took on another quality. She kind of snapped the order to me. I stood there, hands at my side, my drooling dick throbbing and twitching, my balls raising and lowering. She told me not to shoot. She told me if she ever found out I shot my load in her apartment, she would throw me out. Suddenly being expelled from her apartment, from her world, from her presence, seemed the most horrible possibility in the world. I'd sooner die than be rejected by her. I stood there stupidly, my fucker stiff and leaking while she sipped tea and smiled at me. From then on, ten to fifteen times a day, she would demand that I stand before her and masturbate my dick...but never to orgasm. She always stopped me short. When she was at work, I thought about sneaking a jerk off, but the fear that somehow she would find out and kick me out stalled my efforts.
She now allowed me to stand in the bathroom and masturbate while she bathed. I could clearly see her pre-teen pussy. I got so close to cumming, I cried and begged her to let me unload my balls, but she sternly refused.
The next day, she ordered me to go outside to the market and get some vegetables. I asked her for my clothing, hungry at the chance to get out of the apartment even if for only a few minutes. She wrinkled her nose and told me that I would go to the market in my kimono. My mouth hung open in disbelief. I blinked my eyes to clear my head. "You must be making a joke..." I said, but I could see from the look in her eyes, that she was not. It was a mischievous, yet controlling glint.
"You will go in your kimono, to show your devotion to me." How could a tiny female child wield so much control? And what was her power over me?
"Noriko, listen to reason, I can't go out like this...I'll be arrested."
She giggled. "Of course you can. Many men and women go about Kyoto in kimonos. It is tradition."
"But Noriko, I can't close it, and I have no underwear on."
"Silly, stupid American Soldier," she laughed. "I won't let you get arrested. In Japan, when they go out in public, Japanese men wear a fundoshi under their kimonos. I have a special kind for you to wear. " She tossed me a red pouch, so small it would hardly fit over my rather large prick and balls. It was like some kind of porno posing pouch. I will never know where she got it. BUT I GOT IT...THE IDEA THAT IS. I was to go out on the public streets wearing a girls tiny open kimono and a fucking obscene dick and balls pouch. I just stood there shaking my head.
Here eyes grew cold. "Then leave and never come back. I thought you loved me." LOVE? That word? How had that word crept into our discourse? Did I love her? Would I do this for her? Would any man do such a terribly humiliating thing for a little girl?
She gave me flip flops to wear for my feet. And I went out like this, clutching the flimsy kimono around my tall muscular body. Hundreds of people stared at me. Japanese are too polite to laugh openly, but heads turned and hands covered laughing mouths. Teenage boys were more open in their mocking of me. They did point and call me names..."Dirty American faggot..." and things like that. I don't think I ever felt so low in my whole life. I bowed my head to avoid eye contact. I shuffled in the flip flops toward the open air market. Some rough male workers on a truck called me a "Dirty Pig." And I felt like a pig. The fucking pouch barely contained my dick and balls. Adults turned the faces of their children away.
This horrible incident became a daily experience. Noriko always seemed to require something that caused me to have to go out. The pouches day it was a small net pouch through which my fuckmeat and sack could clearly be seen. I did this to please serve her. It felt so right serving this tiny Japanese child. It felt as if my life suddenly had the meaning it had lacked. I can't explain why. My cock seemed to be permanently swollen. Day after day she forced me to masturbate almost but not quite to the point of shooting my load. Some days, she made me masturbate just before sending me out on an errand so my dick was swollen and wet when I went onto the streets.
I am sure many people concluded that I was some kind of idiot...some American who had lost his mind, a pathetic outcast more to be pitied than scorned. But a group of teenage male bullies didn't feel that way. They gathered to watch me and mock me. They stuck out a foot to trip me. They tugged at my kimono to reveal more of my naked body. They taunted me and asked me if I wanted to suck their dicks. They asked me if I took dick up the ass. One day, they as they shoved me from boy to boy, my kimono tore. Upon my returning to the apartment, Noriko was furious. I had never before seen her truly angry. She told me that the kimono was one of the few things she had from her mother and father, and I would be punished for being so careless. I cried like a little boy and told her it was not my fault. But she would not relent.
She beat my naked ass with a birch rod. She made me bend over and stick my naked ass out toward her. She beat it hard, causing red slash marks to appear. I begged her to stop. Then she ordered me to spread my ass cheeks so that she could whip me in the ass crack itself. It was horrible, not only because of the pain but because I felt as if I had somehow let her down. Afterward, as if to forgive me and calm me down, she allowed me to kneel naked in front of her and lick her pussy.
That's right. I got to lick her eleven-year old cunt lips. ONCE. Just once. One swipe of my tongue up her cunt crack. I never tasted anything so delicious in my whole life. A few days later, I got to taste something else. I spend the days in-between begging her to let me lick her pussy. I told her I would do anything for another taste of that sweet pre-teen cunt. I had been reduced from healthy normal American male to animal...plaything...toy.
Coming home from one of my errands one day, I discovered that Norkio had a guest, the manager of the restaurant, Mr. Yohama. He was a handsome fit male in his middle forties. He too dressed in the traditional Kimono. He greeted me with seeming respect, bowing and showing no hint of sarcasm as he stared at me in my filmy silk robe and net dick sack.
Noriko put one soft smooth pale hand to my cheek and looked into my eyes. "You told me, you would do anything for me," she cooed. "I want you to suck Mr. Yohama's dick." That was the moment my world stopped cold and my life took a drastic turn. First, I refused, saying I was not queer and the idea made me sick. From somewhere she produced that birch rod and she shipped me about the shoulders and chest, screaming at me to leave her apartment forever. I had never seen her so violent. Her sweet little girl face twisted into a mask of pure evil. I sobbed while Mr. Yohama stood hands folded in front of himself, like a statue.
I crawled across the floor and kissed Noriko's tiny eleven year old toes, begging her to test me in some other way, pleading with her not to make me do this disgusting thing.
"You will suck Mr. Yohama's dick if you want to stay with me." Mr. Yohama opened his kimono to reveal a thick nest of black prick hair, a stubby thick cock and a long bag of medium sized nuts. His legs were covered with black wiry hair. I crawled over to him and raised my face to his cock. He looked down at me, and a look of utter disgust now covered his handsome face. He spit down into my face.
"Stick out your tongue and lick his cockhead!" Noriko commanded. My limbs trembled so badly; I feared they could not support me. I stuck out my tongue and gagged before I even got close to the dick head. His cockhead was very pink with a wide pisshole. It was not fully erect. I touched my tongue to the dickhead and it twitched and quivered in response. "Pretend it is my pussy and lick it." Noriko said in her sweet little girl voice. I licked the dick head. Do you know how difficult it is to admit that to you? I, who had thought of myself as a macho Marine cunt fucking stud, licked a man's dick. And worse, I licked his balls at her command. I took each sweaty nut in my mouth, gagging at the salty taste. I sucked on the growing dick shaft. I sucked and sucked... knowing that eventually the prick would spit, and I must swallow. I knew Noriko would not allow me to spit it out. And swallow I DID. Although right after, I crawled to the bathroom to puke.
The second time I did not puke. That's right. A few days later he returned, and I had to suck him again...and swallow. This time I also had to lick his hairy armpits. As a treat, after he was gone, Noriko allowed me to play with my dick and lick her pussy. Each day, she allowed me more swipes of my tongue along her sweet eleven year old cunt slit. She promised me that if I was a real good boy and obeyed her, she would let me stick my tongue into her cunt. It was all I thought about.
Soon, Mr. Yohama came every day to get his dick sucked and I became used to the humiliation of the act. And then came the day, when Noriko made me lick his feet. He fucked his toes in and out of my mouth. And then the day when she ordered me to lick his ass! He never gave the orders. They came from her. I licked his full muscular ass cheeks, but that was not what Noriko had in mind. She had Mr. Yohama spread his ass globes with his hands and ordered me to lick the asshole itself. How could I have come to this? What kind of slug was I? All because of this little girl. This bitch!!!!! I wanted to leave her. I wanted to get out. I wanted to get back to my old self-esteem and my life, but I could not. She held me in thrall. Unless you have ever been held in thrall, you cannot understand. In the thrall of a child!
I ate Mr. Yohama's ass. I licked and sucked on his asshole while Noriko observed and gave pointers "Make your tongue pointy...stick it deep into the asshole." I tried to pretend it was Noriko's tender pre-teen ass I was licking and sucking, but it was difficult because Mr. Yohama's hole was covered in black hair. You can't know how happy I was to go back to sucking his dick and swallowing his cum.
Two days later, we were visited by three teenage boys. Noriko informed me that I would lick and suck the boys' asses and suck their dicks." The boys who were about fourteen or fifteen seemed more nervous than I was. Noriko made me masturbate my self hard before I was allowed to lick their show my respect for them. And the frightening thing was, I did have a kind of respect for them. After all, they were fourteen year old Japanese school boys who were about to get their asses licked by an adult American ex-marine. I developed a kind of ability to shut my mind when I did these things for Noriko. I plunged my face into the musky asses of the sweaty boys, dreaming of licking Noriko's cunt. I thought be perhaps being able to lick her ass, she had teased that it was a possibility, if I was a good boy. I worked diligently on three teenage boy asses. Then I licked their healthy young scrotums and finally I sucked their dicks.
My reward was to get to stick my tongue into Noriko's cunt for five seconds. She gave me a gift of a rubber dildo and watched me in the evenings as I slowly worked it into my asshole for her. Eventually I got it all the way in, and from then on, I slept with it in my ass. Then I was instructed to keep it up my ass all day as well.
Did I know things had gotten way out of hand? Of course I did. Did I have nay! The dildo was replaced by a larger one. And a still larger one. I now had nine inches of dildo up my ass most of the time. Noriko put metal clamps on my nipples. To be fair to her, she did allow me to stick my tongue up her asshole, and I was now allowed to lap her cunt for ten minutes or more.
She brought a parade of men and boys through the apartment for me to suck off. Five to ten men and boys each and every day. I figured out that she was charging them and making quite a little bundle of money. I had to tongue bathe them and suck on their asses. I had to worship their dicks and balls.
It was on a Friday night when a Japanese college student pissed in my mouth. Noriko was thrilled with the idea, and after that, she always encouraged the men I sucked off to piss in my mouth. Foamy, rank, strong tasting bitter piss sloshed around in my stomach. I became a living toilet. My reward...Noriko pissed in my mouth. I was allowed to place my mouth on her soft puffy cunt lips as she took a pee right into my mouth. After that, she would always piss into a glass and have me drink it while masturbating my dick. Except for a few uncontrolled orgasms for which I was severely punished, I had not shot a load in two months. I don't know where the nasty cunt got them from, but she fed me Viagra, so I was even more constantly on edge. I felt I was losing my mind. I sucked dick now, while she was at work. Guys just walked in, dropped their pants, and I crawled over and licked and sucked. They called me every disgusting name in the book. 'Pig!" "Male Cunt," "Fuckface" you name it.
It was on a Wednesday evening when a muscular, close cropped, broken nosed thug with a huge dick fucked my ass. Even though I had been well prepared by the dildos, the pain was excruciating. Noriko clapped her hands in glee, as the giant slammed his dick brutally into my raw asshole. After that, I was fucked as much as I sucked. I was ass fucked ten to fifteen times a day. On my hands and knees, on my back, sitting and bouncing on them. I got ass fucked while I sucked another dick. It seemed like every school boy in the city dropped in with his buddies for a suck and a fuck. I drank their piss and allowed them to beat me with their birch rods. I cleaned their shitty dicks after they fucked my ass. My reward? I got to lick and suck Noriko's ass. I got to sleep at night with her legs wrapped around my head and my tongue up her little girl cunt.
The games got sicker, and my mind became addled. One handsome twenty-five year old Japanese shoved rice up his asshole and then shit it into my mouth. Twenty school boys jerked off into a glass beaker, and Noriko had me drink it. My food was white rice over which Noriko would squat and piss. I hated it, and I loved it! I craved it. I needed it. I was almost smothered beneath the mountainous ass cheeks of a sumo wrestler. A thin, reedy, wasted looking man brought in a large dog, and I was ordered to suck the dog's dick and lick it's balls. Then some kind of cloth mittens were put on the dog's paws to prevent scratching, and the dog was helped to mount me and fuck me in the ass. I was dog fucked several times each week by m any different breeds of dogs.
Noriko also delighted in giving me pain. She increased the strength of the clips she applied to my nipples. She also put clips on my dickhead. She took to sticking pins through my tits and into my dick and balls...telling me that if I was a good boy, I could suck her cunt. She got heavy weights from a nearby health club and made me drag the weights across the apartment by my ball sack. My asshole was stretched and even ripped a bit from the endless array of dicks fucking it. Imagine getting fucked ten to fifteen times every single day. And each Jap wanted a really good fuck. If I came up short, I was not allowed to lick my angel's cunt that night.
Some of the men and boys became regulars, and I began to look forward to certain dicks as opposed to others. Some of the college boys became my favorites. I actually started to enjoy licking their armpits, feet and asses. One really handsome young college kid fist fucked me. I was sure I would die as he rammed his hand up into my bowels. He called me "Arrogant American Asshole." His name is Ito and I pretty much worship him.
And then, shortly after the first time Noriko used me as a full toilet, having me eat her waste, She threw me out. She found another American...a nineteen year old tourist. I was literally dumped onto the street wearing only my kimono. I had no place to go and no money. I was destitute and destroyed mentally and physically. I sobbed until I passed out over the loss of my little Angel Noriko. I watched her take the cute American tourist up to her apartment.
After an almost mindless week, I found myself at Ito's door. He lived there with five other college students. I threw myself upon his mercy, telling him I had no where to go and didn't even have my passport. He told me he and is roommates would take me in, if I would become the total sex slave to them. Of course, I agreed.
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