Published: 27-Jan-2013
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"No! Noooo!! Noooooooo!!!" - squealed two little naked 8 year old girls from their upturned positions; one blonde, the other brunette. The blonde, Trisha (8), was being held by her ankles by a grown man while a second man pulled apart her slim buttcheeks, exposing her open butthole. Then a nude woman, who appears to be in her early 30s, enters the frame holding two shotglasses full of what looks to be hard liquor - Jack Daniels whiskey to be exact.
"Oh yes! Yes! Yes! Ready girls?" - she playfully asks, before pouring the entire liquor contents of one shotglass directly into the asshole of little Trisha.
"Bet you'll feel that pretty quick!" - yelled Jim Phillips from across the room.
Seconds later, the woman pours the other shot of liquor into the open asshole of the brunette, Kelly McClarry (8) - Trisha's underaged co-star in the kiddie porn flick "Adventures in the Grand Canyon."
Kelly's eyes roll to the back of her head as the strong 80 proof alcohol quickly bypasses her stomach and directly enters her bloodstream from her anus, reaching her brain that much faster.
"Mommy I feel sleepy ... and my head feels heavy .. and .." - the little girl attempts to get up on her own but is already feeling the influence of the strong alcohol, causing her half-cocked head to fall back on the floor. She is breathing heavily.
"You know what guys? My girl can party with the big boys; this isn't gonna be enough. Give her another shot!" - demands the nude woman.
"Are you sure?" asks a concerned sounding man in the room. "We don't wanna risk a trip to the emergency room, right Jim?"
"Hey, I'm her mother! I know what Kelly can and can't handle. C'mon, give it up!" With that, another shot of whiskey is poured into a glass by a man offscreen, and this time the woman, Kelly's biological mother Chastity, dumps it directly into little Kelly's narrow vaginal opening. The double shot of liquor is too much for her little body as Kelly enters into a blissful trance.
"Woohoo!!! Look guys, double shot girl!!!!!" - exclaims her proud mother who is pointing her finger above her daughter's exposed vagina to show off how much whiskey her body just "consumed."
Kelly is not reacting and appears to be drifting into alcohol-induced unconsciousness.
"Kel-ly! Kel-ly! Kel-ly! Kel-ly! Kel-ly!" - chant all the adults in encouragement, her mother along with them. Giggling at all the commotion while still in her upside down position is little Trisha, who is also feeling the effects of the anally-delivered whiskey, but with only one shot in her bloodstream not enough to lose consciousness.
After a minute, this drunk little blonde 3rd grader is helped to her feet and once fully upright, begins to stagger around the hotel room in a semi-disoriented state.
"Where's all your whiskey gone, Trish? How come it's not pouring out?" - asked one of the men.
Trisha turned around and stuck her skinny rump out directly in the face of the man, arching her back, grunting, and pushing out as if taking a shit. Nothing came out, liquid or solid, and all the man was treated to was an exposed shot of her tiny wrinkled dot of an asshole and the vertical slit of her pussy beneath, which together from his vantage point resembed the small letter i (i).
"I BUTTSWALLOWED IT! ALL GONE!" - answered the intoxicated preteen, grinning at the man and revealing the single missing tooth in her smile. "Heeeeheeeheeheehee. Buttswallow ... muttfollow ... marshmallow ...." mumbled this 8 year old, too drunk now to make any coherent sense and simply just impressed with any random rhyming words coming out of her mouth.
"She is fucking gone you guys. This blonde slut is WASTED!" - said another of the men as he laughed.
"So is her friend Kelly! She's not even moving, holy fuck, haha!" - said another.
Peering down at unconscious little Kelly, two of the men decide to pull a prank on her by grabbing colored sharpie markers and writing obscene messages on her nude skin. One of the men spells "cock whore" using a black marker on Kelly's forehead, while the other takes a red marker and draws a penis on her left cheek. Kelly's own mother decides to get in on the action, and picking up a blue marker, writes above her daughter's pussy mound - "only big men's dicks accepted." Finally the first man, after finishing writing on her forehead, writes something on the bottom of the little girl's naked thigh, and drawing an arrow extending from the message to her anus. The message reads "don't forget about me, this hole needs your attention too!" Finally the man who drew the penis on her cheek takes out a digital camera and snaps multiple shots of this completely passed out and vulnerable 8 year old with lewd graffiti writing all over her skin.
Treating her limp body like a doll, he places her arms and legs in awkward poses and continues to take pictures.
"Wait till she wakes up later and gets a look at these, HAHA" - he jokes.
Meanwhile, the other grown men in the room have their eyes trained on little Trisha, who was growing more intoxicated by the minute.
"Sing us a song Trisha!" - yells yet another of the men.
(Trisha puts on a serious face for a moment, pondering which song to best use to entertain her men. Then she erupts in song and dance)
"I threw a wish in the well
Don't ask me I'll never tell
I looked to you as it fell
And now you're in my way ..."
The naked child sings while holding a hairbrush given to her by Kelly's mother, substituting it for a microphone. Her skinny hips swivel to the imaginary tune of the pop song, "Call me maybe", by Carly Rae Jepsen.
"Hey I just met you, and this is crazy
But here's my number, so call me maybe
It's hard to look right, at you baaaaaaby
But here's my number, so call me maybe!"
As drunk as she was, Trisha still manages to get most of the lyrics right, and her sense of showmanship reveals when she makes exaggerated puppy dog eyes at the men while singing the word "baby" and pointing flirtatiously at Jim Phillips while singing "call me maybe." Jim Phillips knew without a doubt he had a new fresh kiddie porn star on his hands, especially after the footage of Trisha he captured in the past couple of days.
Presently the eight naked grown men and one naked woman, plus two naked and drunk preteens, were celebrating in their room at an Arizona hotel after returning from a late dinner. This was the official "wrap party" for this group of child pornographers, to celebrate the filming of the last scene of Trisha's movie earlier that day in which she performed fellatio on a donkey and drank his salty animal semen.
Moments earlier, before the girls took their unique alcohol shots, the cast and crew returned back to this hotel room following their film shoot. With their clothes completely removed and discarded in the corner, the adults drank cold beers and laughed at the naked little girls who were doing a spontaneous "comedy club" skit and telling elementary school jokes.
As an example, Trisha would ask - "Where should a 500 pound alien go?" and after everyone in the room sat quiet and stumped, Kelly shouts "On a diet!" The room would bust out laughing and the girls would high five each other for their cleverness. Then the girls switch roles with Kelly asking the joke and Trisha giving away the answer. "What do you call cheese that isn't yours?" - riddles Kelly. "Nacho cheese!" - reveals Trisha, and the two girls bust out laughing.
Also While telling their jokes, the girls made their rounds walking around the room where each man would take turns playfully pinching their barely-existent mosquito bite nipples, cupping their tiny apple bums, or stroking their hairless little slits.
The girls were accustomed to being touched by each man, as all have had sex of one type or another with each of the girls in various combinations during the past several days. Because the shared sex scenes made them feel more comfortable around the men, the children had no problems jumping on the men's laps, asking for piggy back rides, and other sorts of horseplay little girls engage in with their daddies (except most little girls wouldn't do them buck naked in front of their daddies or any other grown man).
The joke telling/touching game went on until Kelly's mother noted to the others that the little girls weren't taking part in any of the alcohol consumption. Kelly reminded her mother that she hated the taste of beer, to which Trisha agreed with her friend.
"Moooommmm, it tastes so gross. Grown ups are crazy for liking it. It's fizzy like a soda but not tasty at all!"
"Yeah, and wine's just as nasty." - added Trisha. "It tastes like rotten grape juice."
"And wouldn't you two beauties be an expert on the taste of grapes?" - remarked Kelly's mother, with a playful, knowing wink. The two girls giggled. The meaning of this side joke about grapes will shortly be revealed.
Chastity McClarry then told everyone in the room a story about how when she was a teenager, her and her girlfriends would sometimes sneak alcohol from their parents' liquor cabinets. In order to avoid the smell of liquor on their breath, the teen girls hatched a scheme by which they would dip their tampons into the liquor, then insert the liquor soaked tampons directly into their pussies. They managed to get drunk faster this way, as the alcohol did not have to linger in the stomach before getting absorbed by the body.
Chastity suggested that the little girls can participate in the drinking by taking liquor shots into their pussies or assholes, thereby avoiding the harsh alcohol taste that children didn't like.
The men were instantly turned on by this novel and perverted idea and told the girls that the night was a celebration, but because the two weren't drinking, it wasn't a proper celebration. Neither girl has ever taken alcohol this way before, but figuring it couldn't be any worse than sucking off a donkey or inserting their entire tongue up a man's unwashed asshole, they tentatively agreed to the idea and eagerly assumed their positions on the ground. When the bottle of liquor was brought out, each child screamed "no" only in a playful defiance.
As Trisha's lewd yet innocent song and dance routine was nearing the end, and Kelly was still passed out drunk by the foot of the bed, a rhythmic knock was heard at the door. The knock was specific - 3 knocks, then 2, then 1. Despite the fact that there were nine naked adults in the room serving alcohol to two naked 8 years olds, none in the room panicked because they knew exactly who it was. It was the mother of the lone male child co-star of the film, little Connor Jacobs (7), returning to the party with her son after performing some impromptu "surgery" on him upstairs in a different hotel room.
You see, earlier in the day one of the scenes called for a bunch of grapes to be shoved into Connor's ass so that he could shit them out one by one into the two girls' waiting mouths, who would then proceed to eat them. Unfortunately, some of the grapes were never recovered and the adults assumed they would just get passed with the boy's next bowel movement. When that time never came, his mother started to get worried and took her son upstairs after dinner so she could try to "fish" out the remaining grapes herself using her own methods.
Apparently successful, both mother and son now rejoined the cast and crew at the wrap party and both took no time in taking off their clothes and mixing in on the celebrations. Little Connor asked why Trisha was talking in slurred speech and the men answered by giving him his own dose of whiskey using their "special way."
"Hey Connor! Imagine if your mom never found those grapes! They'd be stuck inside your butt forever and rot and when you fart you'll be farting wine and everyone will call you wine farter, hahaha!!!" - Trisha teased.
"It's not funny Trisha! Mom had to use a long, skinny spoon to get them out because they were inside so deep. It hurt!" - said Connor.
"Awwww I'm just messin' with ya. Come here and dance with me! Disco!" - Trisha invited, doing a mock Saturday Night Fever disco dance.
Meanwhile Jim Phillips, who was aware of everything going on inside the hotel room, was not as active a party participant as the rest because while he kept one eye on the three children in front of him, his other eye was on his laptop, which was streaming live the games of the East Coast Piss Gokkun in Virginia (Round 1 of the Ms. Kiddie Fuck Princess Pageant). On his monitor was a different set of child porn stars (Julie, Jennifer, Melissa Rhodes, Katie Chapel), who were themselves busy being filmed getting pissed on into their open assholes by four men while another 100 or so men surrounded them to watch the nasty action unfold.
Phillips was tuning in to make sure that the East coast games played out to his exact specifications. Such was the busy, multi-tasking life of the world's most active kiddie porn producer.
* * *
(2 days ago)
"Ask to mouth? Like ask to kiss me?" - asked naked little Trisha.
"No honey. It's called 'ass-to-mouth', and it's real simple." - answered her grown male co-star.
To a young girl like Trisha with her 3rd grader's vocabulary, the porn sex-act known as ass-to-mouth came out sounding like "ask to mouth" to her ears, and the man whose erect 8 inch penis was mere inches from Trisha's face had to do a little explaining.
"Sweetie. You just keep your face next to Connor's butt, right here. I'm gonna keep fucking him in his butt like I've been doing it, ok? Now, every now and then I'm gonna take my dick out of his butt and put it in front of you, and your job is to suck it for awhile so your mouth cleans it and also your spit gets all over it, then I'm gonna shove it back into Connor for awhile, then back out to your mouth, and each time you just keep sucking my dick right after it comes out of Connor's butt, got it?"
"Sure." answered the polite 8 year old. "But you want me to even if there's Connor's poop on your dick?"
"Connor doesn't have any poop inside of him right now because he took an enema just like you, baby. And even if there was a little poop, remember what we said about acting? Acting is when you pretend, right honey? You're pretending that we're living in the wild west days, right? We're pretending you're going to visit your papa in California, right? You're pretending Connor's your little brother even though he's not, right? So if you see a little bit of his poop on my dick, a good actress pretends it's not there, or imagines that it's just some chocolate, and still sucks the dick clean. Got it?"
"Okay ... I will." replied Trisha, with ever the slightest hesitation. Even though Trisha has been game for any type of sex until this scene, there was still a lot of social conditioning in children who are taught since being toilet trained to associate the butt area as dirty and "yucky." Jim Phillips would have to re-condition her brain on this if Trisha is going to be the next of his big "all-stars." But given how enthusiastic she's been thus far in all the short-films she's allowed him to capture on tape, Phillips had a feeling this little girl will be eating shit like a champ sometime before her 9th birthday. Maybe he should get her in a scene together with Karla Bianchi, he thought. Karla could teach little girls a thing or two about shit-eating. He even had a tentative future title in mind: "Shit-eating slumber party, starring Karla and Trisha."
"Alright, Steve. Ass-to-mouth good to go?" - asked Jim Phillips.
"Yeah boss, she's down for it. I explained it real good." - Steve answered.
"Okay .... aaaaand ... ACTION!"
With that it was all quiet on the set once more as the man Steve continued pillaging little Connor's (7) boy asshole with his mighty 8 inch penis. Connor held his own legs up by holding them with his hands under his knees, while Trisha's head leaned against his left bottom thigh.
After about 10 strokes, Steve's cock plopped free from the boy's butthole and he presented the throbbing, glistening pound of meat directly at the face of little blonde Trisha. Trisha didn't miss a beat, and immediately took almost half of his stiff cock into her mouth and sucked it with such force that everything that was coating his cock (lube, pre-cum, Connor's anal juices) when it left Connor's butt ended up down Trisha's throat and into her belly.
More squeamish actresses might have first visually inspected the cock for any trace of feces before opening their mouths, or "cleaned" it with a few strokes using their own hands before inserting it orally. But not brave little Trisha. She took the cock directly ass-to-mouth as Steve exited Connor's butt and entered Trisha's mouth with one single motion. If there was anything foul on that dick, noone would ever know as it was already inside Trisha's tummy by now.
"Aaaaaaahhh fuck that feels good. Again, let's do it again Trisha."
Steve entered Connor's butt once more, and the little boy, although grimacing his face at each entry and exit of the thick adult penis, maintained his composure while the grown man's cock was sliding in and out of his 1st grade ass.
"Yeeeahhh, taste your brother's ass. Yeeeeeeahhhhhh" - grunted Steve in satisfaction as cock was offered to mouth once more, then back in ass, then back to mouth. This continued on for several more minutes, with Steve plunging his cock deep into the little boy for about 10 strokes, then instantly sticking the buttfucking meat into the wide open mouth of the preteen actress playing the little boy's sister. He would keep his dick inside her mouth to be sucked clean for about 10 seconds, before repeating the cycle again.
Back and forth the cock traveled, from one hole where excrements came out, to another hole where food went in. With each thrust into her mouth, Trisha's skilled tongue thoroughly cleaned the man's cock to the point where it could almost be considered germ free before it re-entered Connor's butt.
This intense ass-to-mouth scene was playing out outdoors in a remote area of the Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona. Jim Phillips placed "lookouts" at all corners to signal in case any wayward hikers came up their way, while assistants handling lighting and secondary cameras constantly moved around and adjusted their positions so as not to get within the main camera's frame. Phillips' own primary camera was 12 inches from the penis taking turns exiting one child's hole and entering another's.
Meanwhile, sitting against a shade drinking a diet coke was Kelly McClarry, who was not a part of this scene, as well as her mother Chastity, who along with Connor's mother Elise, were in charge of doing hair and make-up for the cast. Other cast members who were not a part of the present scene stood watching from a few feet away off camera, many eagerly stroking their cocks as the hot M-b-g sex scene played out. These men were eagerly anticipating fucking at least one of the three children during future scenes planned to be shot in upcoming days. Kelly's turn would come tomorrow during the filming of a MMMg where she would take on three adult cocks simultaneously, and a bgg on a different day during which she would have sex with Connor and Trisha (and play a little game with them called 'hide the grapes').
In the present scene, 7 year old Connor was fully naked except for a pair of child-sized frontier boots he wore on his feet. The little girl playing his "sister" in the movie, Trisha, was completely naked too except for a pretty little bonnet she wore on her head. The large man fucking the boy was costumed in the outfit of an 1800s Gold Rush prospector, complete with a long, fake grizzled beard, only by this point in the scene all his clothes had come off as well, save for his gold miner's hat.
The scene they were shooting was the first of this feature-length kiddie porn film. The general plot was that of an 1800s frontier woman (played by Connor's real mom Elise), who was traveling by ox-and-covered wagon with her young son (Connor) and daughter (Trisha) to meet up with her prospector husband in California, who went ahead of them to pan for gold. Sometime during their long trek, as the family was nearing the Grand Canyon, the mother falls ill to the "fever" and perishes, leaving the two children defenseless.
However, along comes a sweet but lonely prospector named Steve, who promises the children that he would take them the rest of the way to California if they could do a special favor for him. Steve lost his own children to illness, but before they died he had a special, "loving" relationship with them. If Connor and Trisha promised to do the things Steve used to do with his own kids (which included anal sex and shoving dead rattlesnakes into the children's pussy or ass), he promised he would take them to meet their papa in California. After several more adventures involving Steve and the siblings, such as the trio entering a wild west saloon (and meeting a child brothel prostitute played by Kelly), and the siblings getting gangfucked by a group of horse thieving outlaws, the movie climaxes with Trisha setting off on her own into the treacherous maze of the Grand Canyon, guided only by her donkey companion. To coax the stubborn donkey to move along, Trisha will perform oral sex on the beast's gigantic 20 inch member and collect its cum in a jar to drink when she runs out of food. The movie ends leaving viewers wondering if Trisha will be successful in finding her daddy and what other sexual adventures await her in her journey (thus setting up potential movie sequels, like "Trisha's adventures in the Gold Rush"). Trisha won the role of the main daughter character when she won a blowjob contest 6 weeks ago at a birthday party for another of Jim Phillips' kiddie porn stars, 9 year old Jennifer. Jennifer herself would be having an eventful night later this week when she participates in the first night of the Ms. Kiddie Fuck Princess Pageant back in Virginia.
"Okay ... good ... good .... and ... cut" - said director Jim Phillips.
Having enough footage now for the ass-to-mouth segment of the scene, the cast and crew readjusted their positions for the next segment - the brother and sister would be on hands and knees doggiestyle alongside each other while Steve alternates fucking both kids' assholes while using his fingers to fingerfuck the ass that is unoccupied by his cock.
Before filming resumed, the two moms, Chastity and Elise, stepped in real quick to pat dry some perspiration off the children's faces and reapply some makeup on the two young co-stars. Finally, fresh lubrication is applied on both the children's bottoms before the women exit the frame so that the children could get into position. Kelly is in the background watching the scene with a bemused expression on her face. One of the cast members not in the scene has her on his lap; both their jeans are down at their ankles and he has his rigid penis head poking out from between her legs.
Now filming from behind the two "siblings", Jim Phillips captures the two kids in his camera frame; one naked except for a pair of boots, the other naked except for a bonnet on her head. If not for Trisha's bonnet giving her away as the girl, the two children's exposed buttcheeks looked surprisingly similar, since both were skinny and white and absent of any adultlike features. The other obvious giveaway was of course Connor's little tiny 1 and a 1/2 inch boycock sticking out between his legs. His penis was so tiny that during an earlier segment, Steve had no problems engulfing the little boy's entire penis and ballsack into his mouth simultaneously. Also, to offer viewers the sheer contrast in the size of their organs, Steve also rubbed the little child's penis all over his enormous member, which measured almost 5 and a 1/2 times the length of the 1st grader's little prick. A tender moment featuring the head of the child's penis "kissing" the large uncircumsized head of the man's resembled a newborn baby dolphin kissing its full grown adult mother.
"And ... action!"
The dual anal penetrations begin. The large man is humped over his two miniscule co-stars, starting off first by buttfucking Trisha in the ass while his left hand was fingerfucking little Connor's butt. Despite the fresh application of sex lubrication, the children have to manage the initial pain and discomfort from the invading meat by holding each other's hands (Trisha's left and Connor's right) and squeezing each other's tight for moral support. The cameras captured it all; one focusing on the penis slipping in and out of the girl's anus, another filming the index and middle fingers of a man's large coarse hand fingering the little boy's only bottom sex hole, and a third capturing both kids' distressed facial expressions.
With her asshole plugged with male cock, little Trisha's perfectly vertical pussy slit shined below, peeking out from behind the man's saggy ballsack which kept slapping against her pussy with each of his forceful thrusts. Since the 8 year old's vagina was so immature, it lacked the beef curtains and other folds found on the labias of adult women, and instead stood as a single, beautiful, symmetrical cleft of flesh devoid of hair. A tiny rivulet of KY jelly had trickled down from her anal opening to deposit itself within the crevice of her slit.
Connor's immature cock looked just as adorable; a tiny circumsized mushroom head attached to a small ballsack whose inhabitants haven't developed yet. He must have been enjoying the finger-buttfucking on some level, because his little prick was fully erect to the best of its ability. Steve's other fingers were busy helping the little boy remain erect, as occasionally the cameras captured Steve's thumb flicking the little boy's cock back and forth, back and forth, providing it additional stimulation.
"Awwww fuck .... so tight! So fucking tight! Your asshole is choking my cock you pretty little girl .. it can't breathe, my dick can't breathe ...... AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!" - Steve cursed and groaned in uncontrollable euphoria.
"Now I'm gonna fuck your brother again. Are you just as tight, little boy? Huh? Yes you are, I just fucked you awhile ago. I remember how tight you were. But did my fat cock stretch out your ass?! Huh?! Let's find out!"
Steve proceeded to exit Trisha's ass and immediately pounded the butthole located two feet to her left.
"OOOOHHHH YEEEE-HAAAAA FUCK MEEEE boy you're just as tight as before!!!!! God I'm in heaven oh fuck yes fuck yes fuck yes!!!!!"
Without a single care for Connor's comfort, Steve lunged forward into the boy's ass with such force that Connor's chest slammed to the ground in front of him. This knocked the wind out of his lungs and the little 1st grader began wheezing and coughing and seemed on the verge of tears. Steve didn't care, and continued buttfucking the boy from this lower position, meanwhile not letting go of the girl's asshole whom he was fingerfucking with his right hand.
"D .. don't .. cr .. cry Connor ... we'll be to .. ge ..ther with .. papa .. soon." - Trisha said, finding it a bit difficult to say her scripted lines while two male fingers were fishhooked inside her butthole. She was impressively improvising her lines when comforting Connor not to cry, since the scene didn't anticipate that the son's character would be crying at this point. The second part of her line, about letting the man Steve do this to their bodies so they could reunite with their father, was however word-for-word part of the written script.
Back and forth this went; switching from Connor's butt to Trisha's, then from Trisha's butt to Connor's, again and again, and with each switch the little children's assholes began to expand and gape on their own. By the end of the 8th switch the two buttholes managed to remain completely open on their own, and during the brief moment that Steve's cock was in transit between one's ass and the other's, the camera was able to capture two pink rosebud rings with a black round center representing their exposed, open holes. Their holes were so inviting and beautiful that Jim Phillips almost wanted to take two flashlights and shine them into the children's open assholes to see how far deep their forbidden love tunnels went. He thought better of it though, since flashlights didn't exist in the 19th century.
"Mr. Steve ..?" Trisha turned her head back to ask, ".. is this really how your boy and girl who are in heaven right now loved you back when they were alive?"
"You bet little missy! Little Esther would sometimes let me do this to her two, three times a day! We were a happy family, and I was so missing them both, until you two darlings came along to help cheer up this old man." After that comment he took his fingers from out of Connor's ass while making a deliberate effort to scrape the walls of his rectum with his fingernails before shoving those same fingers inside Trisha's mouth to shut her up so he could continue her fucking.
"This sure is a different way to love your daddy Mr. Steve. We never thought folks used their bottoms to love each other. Back home in Oklahoma mama said these holes were only for going to the outhouse!" - said Connor.
"Maybe where you come from lad, but here out west in the desert this is how daddies and young'uns show their love. You both ... have .. lots .. to .. learn." - Steve answered while humping along. He seemed to have the most difficulty remembering his lines, as it was incredibly hard to recall his parts while the children's anal muscles were squeezing his cock to carnal pleasures never before reached.
Perhaps Steve was beginning to tire, or perhaps Jim Phillips directed him to accentuate the children's gapes, because towards the end of the anal segment he stopped spending 30-40 strokes penetrating one ass before switching to the next, and instead gave each child's ass one single long deep stabbing of his cock, before withdrawing and doing the same with the other's, before returning to the first, then the other's. This adjustment greatly increased the frequency of times his wide cock would stretch out their anal openings upon entry and exit, and the camera captured more lingering shots of their wide open gapes, now stretched out to the diameter of a U.S quarter coin.
One time Steve's cock missed Trisha's ass entirely and accidentally impaled her pussy, eliciting a surprised reaction on her face. All secondary cameras made sure to capture each child's facial reactions throughout the scene- be they joy, surprise, or discomfort. Lastly, a boom mike being held in the air just above the camera's frame managed to capture all the sounds that the children's mouths and bodies made, whether these sounds were their little moans, screams, or grunts, or the sound of leathery adult flesh repeatedly slapping against bare smooth child flesh. Jim Phillips knew that the sounds of child sex were just as important to record as all the nasty visuals!
"Oh my God I'm gonna cum my babies, your butts' so tight your daddy's gonna cum for you. Oh sweet heavens ..... I'm gonna cum soon .." - Steve cried while buttfucking Trisha and fingering Connor.
Suddenly his cock ripped out of Trisha's ass and he slapped her on her buttcheek, which was her cue that the all-important cumshot of the scene was coming. There were no re-takes with cumshots so both children knew it had to be filmed correctly the first try. They were pre-instructed while learning their script that the cum shot in this scene would involve Steve jizzing all over little Connor's erect prick and Trisha would be the clean up girl licking it all off her"brother's" penis.
With both children turned now facing him, Steve pushed Connor to the floor so he landed on his back. Connor kept his legs spread wide and Steve aimed his cocktip 3 inches above the little boy's mini-prick, his hole aligned straight with Connor's piss hole.
"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHWWWWWWWWWWWWW" - he screamed, as spurt after spurt of creamy white jizz began completely coating Connor's little erection, then his balls, and continuing to drench his inner thighs. When his spooge came out less as spurts and more as a weak dribble, Steve made his cocktip touch Connor's and rubbed penis head to penis head. Then he even used both his hands to pry open Connor's piss hole, and used his fingers to push in some of the semen inside Connor's urethra.
"You ever cum like that before little boy? Have you? Can your little 7 year old wee wee make milk like that?"
Of course the answer was 'no', for this little 1st grader's body won't produce semen for another 6 years.
"Show me your milk little boy, show me your cum .." - he urged Connor to squeeze the cum back out of his penis.
"Here, big sister, you come help him Trisha. Suck that little boy's cum out of his prick. Do it."
Trisha had sucked many a grown man's semen out of their penises but never a 7 year old kid's! It was quite funny, she thought, how Connor looked like he himself had just spurted all this semen. Trying to hold back a giggle the little girl put her lips over the young boy's cum coated cock and began to suck with all the force that she previously applied to Steve's penis. When the cum on his little dick was cleaned off, she tickle-licked his piss hole to encourage any sperm hiding inside his urethra to get on her tongue as well. This sensation must have been deeply pleasing to Connor, since he had a huge smile on his face during the cleanup blowjob unlike the agonizing grimace he had during Steve's buttfuck. Once finished, she opened her mouth at the camera to show that the jizz was all swallowed except for tiny strings of it stuck between the crevice of her teeth.
When no more cum remained on Connor's cock, inside or out, Trisha tilted her neck up to take in the far larger penis head of Steve into her mouth, and sucked out the remaining semen from Steve's urethra. Next, she consumed the jizz that fell on the boy's ballsack by placing his entire penis and balls into her mouth at once. It wasn't as easy to do as when Steve did it, since the man's mouth was much bigger than her's, but with a little effort she managed to fit it all in. In time all the semen on the boy's scrotum were likewise swallowed into his "sister's" sperm-greedy stomach.
Lastly, the little blonde cleaned off the remaining cum pooling on the boy's inner thighs, not by licking, but by forming an 'o' with her mouth and applying a suction much like a vacuum hose and vacuum-sucking the remaining cum off his skin and into her mouth. This pool of cum she didn't swallow however, but instead was kept in her mouth as she moved her head over her "brother's" until their two mouths were aligned 6 inches apart. After both kids' eyes looked off camera to some signal that was directed at them, they turned their eyes back toward each other and Trisha slowly opened her lips a crack, causing a drool of cum and saliva to ooze out of her mouth and into Connor's waiting, open mouth. Connor had tasted male semen before while starring in several of Jim Phillips' gay boylover genre films and so took it without protest. This "snowball" segment ended with her french-kissing the remainder of the cum off her tongue and onto Connor's. Finally she helped her "brother" to his feet and both near-naked children looked up and made direct eye contact with the camera which was pointed downward at them. To the viewers at home, this POV angle would help them feel like they were "Steve" and the children's eyes were gazing directly into their own.
"Did we do a good job pretending to be your little boy and girl, Mr. Steve? Is that what little Joseph and Esther used to do for you before they went to heaven?"
"Oh yes my babies, absolutely yes! In fact, I wondered for awhile if angels sent my little ones from heaven and put their souls in your bodies so they can be together with their daddy again!" - he said, giving both children a huge, naked bear hug.
"So now will you help us find papa by taking us to California?" - asked Trisha.
"Yes my darling, but not just yet. The Grand Canyon is a dangerous place, for both young'uns and grown ups. It's easy to get lost down there kids, and once you're lost, there's never coming back!"
"What should we do then, Mr. Steve?" - asked Connor with a concerned face.
"What we need to do lad is to go buy supplies. We need supplies! And a donkey! Good for you I know a small mining town up that way. The owner of the saloon there owes me a favor! He can help us, c'mon let's go!"
And with that, the three co-stars picked up their clothing and walked into the direction of the setting sun, with both near-naked children walking slightly hunched over in a "duck-walk" due to their anuses being sore from the rough extended buttsex they endured!
"And .... cut! PERFECT, ABSOLUTELY PERFECT SCENE!" - yelled director Jim Phillips triumphantly. The bystanders all erupted in applause; 8 year old Kelly clapping the loudest.
With the cameras off and the actors switching from their characters back to their real selves, Steve gave both children simultaneous high-fives for putting on one heck of a sexy performance. The children themselves, proud at how long they managed to take his dick up their ass and keep their composures, made measurements in the air using their two hands to speculate how many inches each felt that Steve's hard-on penetrated them.
One of Jim's assistants came around at that moment to ask Connor and Trisha to pose for him while he took still photos of the kids, mainly asking them to bend over while he focused on their raw genital areas, so that when the bluray of the movie was eventually sold one of the "extras" features would contain pictures of the children's "battle scars" - their freshly fucked holes. The children carried on their conversation even in mid-pose, calmly continuing on with their analysis of the completed scene. Connor complimented Trisha for how she licked his pee hole and how good that made him feel; Trisha told Connor he must have a very clean asshole because she couldn't smell or taste any shit on Steve's penis while she sucked it.
Chastity and Elise came up to the two tired "stars" with ice cold bottled water in hand, congratulating the boy and girl and offering them their refreshing reward for putting up with filming in 95 degree Arizona heat. Little Kelly came up too and offered her congratulations to her two co-stars, and asked for any tips for better handling anal for when her turn comes up tomorrow. The three kiddie porn children nonchalantly shared sex techniques with each other in the same casual manner that boy scouts and girl scouts shared camping tips! Since making sex films was so much a part of these kids' young lives, they didn't feel an ounce of shame or embarrassment standing outdoors naked and using exaggerated hand gestures to suggest to each other more comfortable ways for taking adult cock!
With the afternoon sun on its way going down, cast and crew put on their normal clothes, packed away their equipment, and destroyed any visible evidence that illegal sex filming had taken place at that location. Hours later when they re-emerged back near the public visitor's areas at the Grand Canyon, their outward appearances easily blended in with other tourists and families present at the park.
The three children were allowed to have their "non-kiddie-porn" moments of the trip by posing for photos at the major observation decks of the park looking into the canyon (family-safe pictures they intended to show off to school mates and others back home who have no ideas about the kids' secret lives). So when little 8 year olds Trisha and Kelly, both dressed in summer tank tops and denim daisy duke shorts, posed in plain view of other families nearby, no one could possibly guess that these two smiling, All-American looking children would be eating grapes that will be shit out of a 7 year old boy's asshole during their trip, or that the blonde little girl's asshole was still coated in KY jelly underneath her daisy dukes from the intense anal reaming she received just 2 hours ago!
After the kids had taken their share of non-porn photos and the entire cast and crew stopped off at the park visitor's center for souvenir t-shirts, cold drinks, and ice cream, they packed into their vans and exited the park, eager to return the next day to shoot Kelly's sex scene. The three children had to fight very hard to contain their laughter when a park ranger waved to them goodbye as they left, asking them if they had plenty of fun visiting the Grand Canyon.
"Yes sir, it was very ... interesting" - remarked Trisha coyly.
Utterly clueless about the little girl's double meaning, the nice ranger added: "I'm glad you liked it. You know kids, the Grand Canyon is one of the deepest canyons in the world."
With that, the three children turned to each other and laughed inwardly; the ranger's comment reminding them of what other "deep canyons" were explored earlier that day by their co-star Steve!
With their van speeding off onto the highway and the ranger no longer able to hear their conversation, all occupants finally let out their long-suppressed laughter, and Kelly topped things off with her own witty remark -
(Kelly, mimicking the ranger's voice) "... and tomorrow, please come back to explore the world-famous Kelly Canyon!"
Her comment elicited extended laughter from the men, women, and children alike. But more than just amusing some of the men, the ones who would be appearing in the scene with Kelly were already starting to sport eager, anticipatory hard-ons.
18 hours couldn't pass quickly enough for them, they all thought, before it was their turn at skewering the pretty brown-haired preteen seated next to them.
to be continued
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