PZA Boy Stories

Paolo & Slammr

Hop Sing

A San Carlos Island story

Chapters 5-8

Chapter 5
Odd Behavior

Hop Sing woke up and found himself in the hospital again. He looked around, and saw a boy in the bed next to him. He was a slight build with blond hair, and there was something about him that made Hop Sing stare at him. He had a perfect face, even though there was a tube taped to his left cheek, that went up his nose. Hop Sing fidgeted in bed, which set off a small chime. Dr. Knox appeared from what must have been his office.

"Well, Hop, you slept through dinner. Hungry?" Knox asked.

"Yes, sir," he answered, looking inquiringly at the boy next to him.

"Oh, yes, he should be waking up in a bit," Knox assured him. "That's Sander, your other roomie. He's got 3; problems. Anyway, here's the story – you had a panic attack this morning, I sedated you, you scared Ben silly, and here you are. After you eat, I'll give you a sleeping pill and take you back to your room. Then we can start all over tomorrow. It'll be nicer for you, because Ben's got you a trainer set up."

"No!" Hop Sing whimpered, but Knox waved that off too.

"He's not going to have sex with you the first day," the doctor assured him, as Sander began to stir. "Well, look who's back among the living! I'll go get some more food."

"Not hungry," Sander complained, and Hop Sing noticed that he was restrained.

"Fine," Knox told him, hanging another bag and connecting it to Sander's nose tube. "You can just have another 3k calories up the nose, then. You are NOT going to starve yourself to death."

"I guess I could jump off a cliff," Sander grumbled, turning his head to look at Hop Sing. "Hi," was all he said.

"Hello, Sander, nice to meet you," Hop Sing smiled at him. By nature, Hop Sing was one of those boys who was automatically polite and sympathetic. He was sensitive, having been raised that way, and seeing Sander in the condition he was in bothered Hop Sing. What also bothered him was the fact that looking at Sander made him get an erection, which he didn't understand at all. That, and if he was going to be his roomie, he wanted to get to know Sander and not have him mad at him.

"Don't bother," Knox told Hop Sing, as the boy ate his dinner. "Sander hates everybody."

"No I don't," Sander protested, "Everybody hates me."

"NO ONE hates you, Sander," Knox argued, "You just don't realize how much everyone loves you."

"They love my ASS," Sander countered, "That's all they want."

"And what would I do with your ass?" Knox asked him, "Other than spank it, or put meds up it? You know better."

"Nobody loves me," Sander whined dismally. "I wish I was dead. I wish I could run away."

"How do you run away if you're dead?" Hop Sing asked, which cracked Knox up. Sander snorted.

"Hop," Knox then said, "I'm going to give you a sleeping pill now, but it's not the kind you're used to. It's a suppository, it goes up your butt. I know you don't like it," Knox assured him when Hop Sing gasped and shook his head, "But it works better. All your meds are rectal ones, here. Now, roll over. It won't hurt."

"Yeah, no pills," Sander complained, "Just shots and butt-bullets. You even get a headache, you get a butt-bullet."

Sure enough, it didn't hurt. It just felt funny and slimy.

"Don't relax, hold it in. I'll get a wheelchair and roll you back to your room. No enema in the morning, and you go straight to bed tonight. It's almost nine. I'd discharge Sander, too, but he'd probably jump off your balcony."

"Put a airbag down there then?" Hop Sing suggested, "Like in movies?" He then stood up and stretched, suddenly embarrassed that he was wearing a diaper. Knox removed it. Sander glanced over and snorted again.

"Intact," Sander grumbled. "Trainee. Poor kid. Jump off a cliff with me. You're better off. Least he got a diaper and not a tube."

"Why don't you find something else to bitch about?" Knox asked him.

"Sander, you can't kill yourself," Hop Sing told him tenderly, patting his hand. He didn't know why he was drawn to this pathetic boy, but he was. He wanted to comfort him, touch him, tell him everything was OK. Unfortunately, Sander noticed the boy's erection.

"See? The new kid ain't even hit puberty, and he gets hard looking at me! What did I tell you?" Sander pointed out. Hop Sing looked ashamed of himself.

"It's not like that," he offered. Sander looked away.

"I'll have you know, smartass, that Hop Sing's on the same chemical treatment to increase sexual appetite, just like ALL of you boys here! He can't help it. He'll be walking around with a hard-on all day, probably, from now on." Knox told him.

Hop Sing didn't like the sound of that. He knew he'd be humiliated, and everyone would be staring at him. After all, almost none of the island boys had a penis, much less a hard one sticking out all the time! It confused him when he realized that he'd probably be happier and fit in better if they WOULD cut if off.

Knox looked back at Sander. "He's not gonna let you off the hook, buddy," the doctor said, "I think you've got a new friend."

"That's just what I need," Sander grumbled.

"Everybody needs friends," Hop Sing told him sadly, "I miss all my friends already, and I won't see them again for two years. And if you jump off the cliff, what would Ben say? What would Chris say? What about your father? Everybody would cry?" Sander found his innocent sincerity so nauseating that he almost threw up. It just struck him the wrong way.

"My father doesn't care," Sander retorted. "All he did was come back here and fuck me after Ben had me neutered. That's all he wanted. That's all Ben wanted. That's all anyone wanted! And when you get a trainer tomorrow, that's ALL he'll want! To fuck you! He won't love you, so don't even make that same mistake that I did! No one loves you, kid, remember that! All they want is your ass!"

"That's a lie," Hop Sing snapped back at him, suddenly very angry for some reason. "Just 'cause your father was a bad man, doesn't mean mine is!"

"HE sold YOU," Sander retorted hotly, "Didn't he? Why else are you here in this hellhole?"

"Because my pay will save my family! My brothers won't be sold to the bad men for slaves, if I'm here!" Hop Sing snapped. "That's why I came! And my father's coming back for me! My mommy loves me, and they'll come visit me! In two years, they'll come get me! You watch!" Hop Sing cut loose on him, "Just 'cause you got dumped don't mean I will!" Hop Sing was so wound up that he was poking Sander's arm with his finger to make his point. Sander just gaped at him.

"You're so naive," Sander told him. "It's almost refreshing."

"Sander," Knox interrupted them, "I don't want to do this to you, but this is the deal. Ben's waited as long as he can. You're a bad example to the other boys if you don't work. You don't wanna work, so I'm gonna have to make you want to. I don't wanna see you sold to a brothel, Sander. If you think it's bad here, you wait until you see one of those places! I know you don't believe me, but I DO care about you. I care about every boy here, and you're more than just patients.

  "Ben's a mess over you, boy, and so am I, but you're too self-absorbed to realize it. Everyone gets a broken heart now and then, Sander, trust me. You get over it and move on. So," Knox went on, picking up a needle. Hop Sing flinched. Sander didn't. "I've been ordered to double your dosage of aphrodisiacs. Also, the slight hormone cocktail is being upped. So is the antidepressant dose. Mostly estrogenic compounds in here, but with this shot, and another suppository that's going to make your rectum itch up inside, you're going back to work. Oh," Knox held up a finger, "Your catheter is coming out, too, but you've already been treated with a little concoction of mine to cause swelling and inflammation of the prostate. I hate to use it, but we have no choice. So, if you have trouble peeing, come get me." He then injected Sander. "By tomorrow evening, you'll be sitting atop the flagpole if you don't get a client! Ben's orders."

Hop Sing yawned as Knox gave Sander his shots.

It was all too much, and Sander started to cry. Yawning again, Hop Sing wobbled. Knox caught him. But it wasn't Sander that Hop Sing saw in the bed, as the sedative went to work on him. It was Guo Jian, his brother. He was upset and crying because his best friend had moved away. Hop Sing shook his head to clear it. Guo Jian wasn't there, he couldn't come! Sander's crying because no one loved him, he thinks. But then it wasn't Sander that he saw; it was his eldest brother, and Hop Sing was scared of storms. "Can I sleep in your bed?" He was asking his brother. "If it makes you feel better," his brother was telling him. Hop Sing sat down on the edge of Sander's bed and laid a hand on his cheek, wiping his tears. He couldn't stand to see someone else suffering. He wanted to make him feel better.

"It's OK, brother," he assured him, "You can sleep in my bed tonight."

"What?" Sander asked, confused.

"He's hallucinating," Knox whispered in Sander's ear, "He thinks you're his little brother."

"This always makes me feel better," Hop Sing yawned again, a real head-splitter. He pulled back Sander's blanket and lay down beside him. Knox undid Sander's right arm, and Hop Sing cuddled up with him. Knox covered them as Hop Sing hugged Sander and kissed his cheek. "Don't worry, I won't let 'em 3; let 'em get you 3; it'll be 3; be 3; better in the morn 3; morning," He yawned again, snuggled up next to Sander, and then went to sleep. Sander wasn't sure what to do.

"I guess he's staying the night," Knox conceded. "Sander, you want me to move him?"

"No," Sander admitted, putting his hand on Hop Sing's chest and snuggling up to him as well. "He's right, it's kinda nice."

"In a nonsexual way?" Knox prodded him.

"Yeah," Sander admitted, not noticing that Knox had injected his IV to put him back to sleep too.

The next morning, Knox tossed both of them out of the hospital with orders to Sander's collar to keep a close eye on him. The computer answered him, but the voice came out of Hop Sing's gold collar. "GPS tracking, island details loaded. No access for Sander to dangerous areas," it said. "Recommend immediate recharge of Sander's collar," it added.

"Go get a battery recharge and then go eat," Knox warned Sander, "And NO, the tube stays in as a warning. Besides, you'll probably attract a client with a medical fetish that way." He then turned to Hop Sing. "Ben said to send you to his office after breakfast. Take Sander with you." When they'd left, Knox couldn't help but think that Sander was getting the best therapy he possibly could in the form of Hop Sing.

They did as they were told, and reported to Ben, who recharged Sander's collar to 100%. Then, on second thought, he replaced it with a brand new green one and logged it. Once again, the computer seemed to 'burp', but took it. Ben made a note to have maintenance look into it.

"Good news and bad news," Ben told the boys. "First, no trainer for Hop today. He's preoccupied. Second, Sander, you're going back to work. You're also taking Hop with you, as Knox tells me you two sort of bonded. Hop, your job for today is to keep Sander out of trouble. Can you do that?"

Hop Sing nodded happily. At least no one was going to try and have sex with HIM – yet.

"Another day in paradise," Sander complained, as they headed out to face the day. "Eat, fuck, eat, fuck, play, fuck, eat, fuck, bed. I can hardly wait," he grumbled, scratching at his ass. "Don't get your hopes up, kid, you noticed nobody gave us the time of day at breakfast?"

"They dunno what to say to you," Hop Sing told him, "They're scared for you. But I think you're OK."

Sander didn't know what to say. "Thanks for last night," he muttered.

They were just settling into chairs in the sun by the pool when a man with an accent in a flowery shirt came up to them. "Pardon me, where can I find Timmy?" He asked. Sander rolled his eyes. Hop Sing recognized him.

"Mr. Smith! Are you OK?" He asked sincerely.

"Just nerves, that wonderful doctor fixed it all up. Poor Timmy, I had to leave him at half the day, he thought I had a heart attack!" Smith said.

"Timmy is in the restroom near the office and is unbooked for the day," Hop Sing's collar replied helpfully. Sander looked at him.

"That collar of yours sure is mouthy," he pointed out. "That's not normal."

"Mr. Smith, Mr. Gunter Smith, report to Ben Toeber's office. Timmy, report to Ben's office, too, " the intercom shouted.

"That's funny?" Hop Sing pointed out.

"Not really. Ben's gonna give Smith a discount, make up his half day he lost, because Timmy almost killed him," Sander explained. "Then Timmy can get fucked all day today. Little slut, he'll love it."

Just then, a man floated over to the edge of the pool on a blowup raft. He just an unremarkable as Smith. "Excuse me, little boy?" He asked. Sander sat up. "Yes, sir? Can I help you?"

"Are you busy?" The man asked, "Or your little bald friend? Say, what's that on your face?" The naked swimmer asked. Sander saw that he was already erect.

"Uhhh, I had a little throat surgery, I can't eat, sir," Sander lied. "Liquid diet."

"Sander is available for work," Sander's collar responded. Hop Sing cringed. "Hop Sing is in training, and is not available for services, other than conversation," Hop Sing's collar added.

"So what, he watches us?" The guest asked.

"Yes, sir, that's training. He's brand new. Do you like it if someone watches, sir? I do!" Sander put on his act.

"Well, I guess," the man replied. "My name's Jones, Sander. Nice to meet you. Shall we?" He asked, holding out his arms. When he touched his ID card – which was worn like a necklace – to Sander's collar, it registered the sale and billed Jones accordingly, depositing a small percentage in Sander's account too.

"Yes, sir!" Sander nodded, smiling, as he jumped to him. Jones caught him. "Sir, I don't wanna be pushy, but 3; I haven't had a guest in a few days, and well, I'm really anxious, sir," Sander almost begged, looking pathetic. It wasn't a total lie – the suppository had his inner rectum itching so badly that he was about to go insane. As much as he didn't want to, Sander just HAD to fuck. Anyone. Paying client or not.

This time, as Hop Sing watched from a distance, it didn't bother him so bad. One of the older waiters, also a nullo, brought him a drink, too, and chatted for a bit while Jones and Sander fucked in the pool. To Hop Sing, it looked like they were trying to drown one another. He was also erect again, his little cock bobbing in time with his pulse. When they were done, Jones invited him to come swimming. Hop Sing's collar reminded Jones that sex was off limits, but that chaste play was fine. Nervously, Hop Sing joined them and actually had a good time until Jones wanted to fuck Sander again. It turned out that he made the young nullo cum, which didn't surprise Sander at all. He didn't really like it, but still, he knew he had to have it as his body had shivered in ecstasy. Still, Jones was the guest and he was happy. That was all that mattered. Jones ordered their lunch by the pool later on, and seemed pleased with his encounter. After lunch, he rubbed Hop Sing's head and left.

"That's not good," Sander commented.


"He isn't spending the rest of the day with me. He'll probably go complain, and I'll be in trouble!" Sander worried. "Was lunch good?" He hadn't eaten anything since he had to act the part.

" SANDER! Report to the hospital at once!" The intercom squawked.

"Great," Sander muttered

Much to his surprise, however, Mr. Jones was there waiting for him. Dr. Knox was not pleased. "This is a hospital, not a whorehouse!" He was saying. "I can't let you have the boy in a hospital bed!"

"I paid for it," Jones replied, as the boys came in. "Now, fix him up with all the gadgets you can, so I can fuck him again! I always fantasized about having sex with a sick boy, you know!"

Sander breathed a half-hearted sigh of relief, and did as his guest requested. Knox refused to let Hop Sing watch and sent him outside again, where he meet up with Chris over by the miniature golf course. Chris was wearing clothes, and Hop Sing almost didn't know him. He was dressed from head to toe in a beige tweed suit with knickers and a cap and dress shoes. "What are you supposed to be?" Hop Sing asked.

"I'm a 1920's golf caddy, and we're going to play golf," Chris said haughtily. "My client wanted it, so I went to wardrobe and got it. I don't ask why, but he'll probably fuck me by the 8th hole, it's a par 4. Sir!" Chris yelled, picking up a golf bag, "The main golf course is this way!" He waved to a garishly dressed man, who came on over and patted Hop Sing's head. He and Chris left a stunned Hop Sing just standing there watching.

"Some of these people are really weird," Hop Sing said to himself.

"Yes, they are," his collar spoke up, "But they can't hurt you there. You're safe on the island."

"Hello?" the boy asked it, trying to look down at it and pressing his chin into his chest. All he saw was his now-almost-constant erection.

"Hello?" the collar replied.

"Who's that in there?" Hop Sing tapped at his collar.

"The island security system, designed and written by Mr. Tsu Chung Shin. And stop poking me!"

"Sorry!" The boy offered, wondering about the gold collar that was locked permanently around his neck. What if it has a malfunction? He wondered.

"No damage," the collar said. "Hop Sing is supposed to be with Sander, but he is not?"

"The doctor made me leave when the man fucked Sander in the hospital," Hop Sing told it.

"Language!" The collar told him, "That's a bad word, Hop Sing!"

Hop Sing gasped. The collar sounded just like his father's tone of voice when he was upset. It made him feel sad. Unbeknownst to the boy, though, the collar transmitted this change in vital signs to the computer. "Don't feel bad, Hop Sing. Why don't you go get Sander and then go to the beach when he's done? Mr. Jones will want a nap after. He always does."

Hop Sing did as he was told, and met Sander near the pool again. He was walking funny. "Damn doctor and his horny-shots," Sander grumbled, "So, what have you been doing, Hop?"

"Talking to my collar," Hop Sing nodded seriously. "It talks like my father."


"Tell him," Hop Sing tapped his collar, but the gold device remained quiet. "It did! I promise! It talked to me like a person!"

"They don't work like that," Sander told him, just as someone came walking up. He didn't say a thing, just tapped Sander's collar.

"Sander if busy with appointments, booked solid for the rest of the day. San Carlos Island staff regrets any inconvenience, but reminds the guest that there are over 100 slave boys on the island to chose from! Have a nice day!" Sander's green collar said. "Sander, Hop Sing," it then added, as if an afterthought, "Report to the big rock on the beach, right away!"

"Oh well," the guest sighed, patting Hop Sing's head as he walked away.

"It lied!" Sander gasped in wonder. "I'm not booked! Jones released me, he's tired, and besides, he threw his back out! I'm free for now. Why did it do that? It NEVER does that!"

"Let's go to the beach," Hop Sing nodded, pleased that Sander almost believed him. "Told you," he added.

"Hop Sing never lies," the gold collar said, which made Sander jump.

They spent the rest of the day on the beach together, unmolested. Every time someone inquired of Sander, his collar lied to it. When they tired of swimming, they built sand sculptures. Then they buried each other in the sand. When their collars told them to report for dinner, they'd just been lying in the sun on the big rock for hours. A couple of times, Hop Sing thought he saw something sticking up out of the water, but Sander never did. He didn't mention it to anyone else, nor did he mention his oddly acting collar.


"It's your own fault," Chris was telling Timmy, as he – along with Hop Sing and Sander – rode the elevator up to their room that night. "What do you expect, after what you did, you little slut?" Chris laughed.

"I can hardly walk," Timmy moaned, which actually made Sander laugh.

"What kinda drugs they give you?" Chris asked Sander, "It's almost like somebody brought our friend back?"

Sander looked down at his feet. "I'm sorry I was mean to you," he offered, as they went on into their room. "I 3; I was hurt and, well, I took it out on everyone else."

"Yeah, you did," Timmy agreed, "But it's OK now!" He smiled.

"In case they didn't tell you, when they brainwashed Timmy," Sander told Hop Sing, "They used bleach. Then they put it in the dryer and shrunk it!"

They all laughed at that, until Timmy grimaced. "That's what you get for fucking the same guy all day long," Chris told him.

"But he's fun!" Timmy protested, "He really likes me, too. He wants me to come to Switzerland when my contract's up!"

"Timmy, they all say things like that," Sander pointed out, "Please don't get like I was when someone hurts you. They're all just lying!"

"No, really, he wouldn't tell me what it was, but we went to the gift shoppe and he bought me something! I saw him charge it!"

  They were still discussing it while they showered and settled in for the evening. Both Timmy and Chris were tired from their workday, and both turned in early. Oddly enough, Sander found that he was tired too. Unlike so many other recent nights, when he'd just wander his room or lay in bed awake, stewing, he found that he actually wanted to go to bed and sleep. He'd even eaten a good dinner, Doctor Knox had come and removed his tube, and it appeared that the old Sander was making a comeback. But when he got into his bed, unused for so long, it felt wrong. He looked up.

Sitting across from him, just looking out the window forlornly, was Hop Sing. Despite the fact that he had an erection again, he looked absolutely miserable. Every now and then he would touch it, but then jerk his hand away.

Sander felt something come up in his throat. They'd talked all day, he and Hop Sing, and with every passing word, Sander had envied him. He'd heard story after story about the brothers, his parents, his friends, his school 3; and how he so missed it all. But he'd also heard about Hop Sing knew that he was doing the right thing, as much as it hurt him, by agreeing to be a slave for Ben. His family was more important than just himself, he'd told Sander, more important than his boy parts. "So if they have to cut them off, they cut them off," he'd shrugged, as if he'd finally accepted the fact. He'd even refused Sander's repeated offers of a blow job, or a jerk off, saying he just couldn't do it.

And he even liked YOU, Sander chided himself. He must be something special, then.

Hop Sing sniffled, and one tear ran down his cheek.

And then, for the first time since Matti had hurt him, Sander felt something that wasn't rage or guilt, or anger.

He felt ashamed of himself, and it brought him to tears.

How long he cried into his pillow, he didn't know. It wasn't until a warm little hand touched his shoulder that he looked up to see Hop Sing standing there at his bedside. It looked like he'd been there for a while.

"You 3; you wanna sleep in my bed tonight, Sander?" He asked tentatively.

Sander just nodded, joining him, but saying nothing. How does he DO that? Sander wondered silently.

Hop Sing kissed him goodnight and hugged him tightly.

"I love you, Sander," he whispered in his ear. "You gotta have somebody love you. You wait, you'll see!"

Sander just sniffled in reply. Hop Sing was almost asleep when his collar vibrated softly. "You're such a good boy," it whispered to him, "Take care of your brother. It's your duty to him, now."

Hop Sing gasped at the collar's tone, and for one wild instant, he thought he was back home and listening to his father.

But he mentioned it to no one.

Everyone else was fast asleep – they hadn't heard it.   

Chapter 6
Hop Sing Gets a Trainer

Much to Hop Sing's relief, Ben delayed the assignment of a trainer for him indefinitely. He didn't say why, only that his best trainer was too busy, but that was fine by Hop Sing. He didn't want someone, even if it was an older boy, to teach him how to take a man's penis up his butt. He didn't want to have to worry about keeping himself clean for the clients, and hoping that they liked him. If he couldn't stand having the enema nozzle up his butt, how he could possibly live through having a man – or MEN – different ones, fuck him all day long like his friends did? It was bad enough that his friends were trying to teach him about keeping himself clean already, by making him take a morning enema with them. He hated that, despite the fact that it assured just WHEN his bowels would move. He didn't think he could ever learn to fuck. Hop Sing thought he'd rather die first, than be fucked up the ass all day for a living.

But wasn't that why he was there on the island? Wasn't that why they were going to cut his boy parts off one day? As Hop Sing thought about his brothers – his family – he always shuddered. He HAD to learn to do it. He'd come to think he wouldn't mind it if they cut his penis off; it was hard almost all the time now, and it made him feel funny. He wanted to touch it. Hell, his friends wanted to touch it. They kept offering to suck it, or to jerk him off before Ben cut it off! Hop Sing, having never had a penile orgasm before, didn't understand that. He knew his eldest brother liked it, liked it a LOT, but that didn't make sense to his eleven-year-old mind. If he played with his long enough, he just got twitchy and had to pee. That was it. And besides, the doctor told him not to, and the doctor took care of him. He even liked him. Doctor Ronnie Knox, a former island boy himself – but only castrated, not nullo'd – had told them all how much he cared about them when Sander had been trying to starve himself. And Hop Sing believed him. Somehow he just knew that Dr. Knox was a 'good guy' – and not like the bad men who wanted to steal him and his brothers because of the money that his father owed them.

But that wasn't the problem now.

Hop Sing had been sold to Ben, and his father paid. Hop Sing was being paid too, but in a trust fund. Until he was of age, and either went to college or left the island, he couldn't have his money. And the island was such a nice place that he really didn't want to leave it. He had everything there – well, everything but his family. But somehow, he was coming to think of Sander and the others as substitute brothers. Perhaps it was a failing in Hop Sing, that he saw 'into' people like that. When he looked at Sander, even though it made his little penis hard, he saw someone who was hurt so bad that he was near ruined – emotionally. Hop Sing knew that part of Sander, a large part, really, was holding back from him.

Sander seemed to be two different people, Hop Sing thought. When he was with him and his other friends, he could be nice and cheery and fun. He knew all about the island, and he always knew what to do when they got bored. He was a great swimmer, he knew how to surf, skin dive, free dive, even drive a golf cart.

One thing he did know how to do, too, that Hop Sing didn't, was fuck men.

And therein was the problem for the both of them.

Sander could do it, and look like he liked it. The men wanted him. He was beautiful. They told Hop Sing he was beautiful too, always rubbing his fuzzy head, and even kissing him sometimes. But other than that, as a yellow-boy, he was HANDS OFF. No one could fuck him. But they could fuck Sander.

And they did.

Every day.

A lot.

Afterwards, Hop Sing could plainly see, the other Sander emerged. The sullen, moody boy he'd first seen when he'd arrived. He didn't talk much after a fucking. He tended to snap in replies. Most times, he just stayed quiet. Sometimes he cried, even though he tried to hide it. At times like these, Hop Sing – who usually had to go along and watch – would tell him that it would be OK and someday he would be free. He tried to tell him it was OK to like it, too, although he was making that up. He was sure that HE could never like it. And whether Sander was being his quiet self, or his yelling and angry self, Hop Sing would always tell him that he loved him. He was like his brother, and brothers had to love each other.

Sander would usually tell him to "fuck off", but then afterwards, he'd apologize and cry and a little. Then Hop Sing would kiss him, sometimes even on the mouth, and tell him it was OK.

Then things would be fine until the next client came along and fucked Sander. Then they'd have to go through it all over again.

And it was beginning to wear on Hop Sing.

Yet he never said a thing. He just bottled it up. That was his nature. He'd rather hurt so bad that he thought he'd die, rather than turn around and hurt his friends. Besides, Sander was so hurt already that Hop Sing was afraid that the delicate friendship they shared might not survive his own rebuttals to Sander's words.

Hop Sing was also afraid that Sander wouldn't survive it at all, if he were to turn his back on him.

It had been a week now, and they'd had their official day off work and resumed business as usual. But how many of those seven nights that he'd been in the dorm with them – all of them? – had Sander wound up in his bed? It had started with Hop Sing's proposal, to comfort Sander. But the last few nights, it had been Sander who had sought him out. And he'd only said one thing each time:

"I just need somebody to hold me, Hop. Just hold me, nothing else."

And every night, Hop Sing told his friend that he loved him and kissed him goodnight.

But Sander didn't kiss him back.

Hop Sing knew why, and it made him sad.

Sander was broken.

Broken inside.

It wasn't like a bone that you could see and put in a cast to heal. It was something in his spirit that was broken, and Hop Sing wondered – hoped it wasn't – something so badly broken that it could never be fixed. And that was why he did what he did, every day, hoping he could help heal that wound.

And Sander was showing improvement. He went to work every day, but there was still a ways to go. This came to light one day when a client went to Ben Toeber and asked, "What's wrong with that blond boy I just fucked? Is he ill? Or is he on drugs that make him dumb?" Of course, the client had been talking about what Ben already knew – fucking Sander was like fucking a robot. He went through the motions, he even had his own orgasms, but there was no warmth, no love, in him. Clients wanted that. Some of them needed that. ALL of them expected that. Sander just fucked, or did as he was told. He didn't cuddle. He didn't pet. Most of the time, all he ever said to a client was 'goodbye' when they were finished – unlike Timmy, who usually put on such a show that it was embarrassing!

And Sander didn't make idle chatter about his clients and how happy he was to be with them.

Because Sander was NOT happy to be with them.

Deep inside, he still wanted to be with Matti.

But he and Matti had agreed that they had to wait, had to think, of what they could possibly do until Matti was done training his current project, a boy by the name of Peter. Matti had to succeed in teaching Peter to orgasm by having his ass fucked, and Matti gave him object lessons at least five times a day. If a boy couldn't orgasm by having his ass fucked, that didn't keep him from being nullified. It might put him on the list for castration only, but only sometimes. Orgasms for the boys were not a priority – priority was on the clients, who paid the money to be with the boys.

Nullified boys.

Boys who were slaves to their own modifications – their own design – by being nullos.

Being neutered boys who were 100% dependent upon their sex partners for their own orgasms.

It was the ultimate symbiosis.

Hop Sing knew that it would it be soon for this Peter-boy. He didn't know him, or Matti. They didn't hang out with Hop Sing and his gang, and that was fine by Hop Sing. He didn't want to know a trainer. And he didn't want to know about the nullification rites. No one would tell him about it, it was forbidden, and that was fine by him. He figured he'd find out soon enough, anyway, since he'd been told that he WOULD be there to watch Peter be nullified.

And that made him think of his own pending nullification.

Hop Sing just knew that they'd cut it ALL off. Sander and Timmy and Chris were sure they would, they said, because Hop Sing was so beautiful, and Chinese to boot. When he asked what that had to do with anything, they'd explained to him that there were a LOT of rich men in China who wanted Chinese boys on the island. There were only a few, and already, Hop Sing had gotten several offers. So had Ben. Some of them had even offered to buy Hop Sing, although the boy didn't know this. He only thought they were joking when they patted his head and kissed him and asked him how much he was worth. And they even bought him gifts, sometimes. They couldn't fuck him, but they could buy him things in the shoppes on the island. By the end of the first week in public, Hop Sing had already a gold bracelet, one for his ankle, a ring, and a remote control helicopter. Of course, he wasn't allowed to wear the jewelry out in public during work time. But that didn't matter. He gave the jewelry to his friends, and they all played with each others' toys.

But as each day passed, Hop Sing grew more worried. He had erections all the time now, even when he woke up. He caught himself touching it too much, and he was afraid of getting into trouble for it. He knew they were giving him drugs to make him horny, but that was supposed to make him want to take a man's penis up his butt, or to suck it, he thought. He didn't want to do either of those things. The thought of it made him almost gag. Every time he watched his friends do it, he wanted to run away and hide. Never mind the fact of what his childish logic told him about it not being fair that he was going to have his cut off, but the men didn't and could use theirs for sex.

Sex with him.



I have to learn, he told himself over and over again. He WOULD learn

An Dong, Guo Jian, and Jie Kang were counting on him. So was his mother.

And even though he was still hurt by him, when he thought he DID understand, Hop Sing knew he had to do it for his father as well.

For his whole family.

That was everything to him – family.

But just as Sander had warned him, Hop Sing was making attachments. He was growing very close to his roomies, and other boys they saw often as well. Pudge, the fat boy, was so funny that you had to like him. Ty, a black boy with no penis but who still had his balls, was one of Pudge's roomies who was just as comical. His hero, he'd said, was a black man from the 1990's named Murphy who was in a lot of old funny movies. Ty had them all on video, and they all had watched them. The one about the day care center, though, had given Hop Sing the shivers. Then there was Sean, a flaming-red headed Irish boy with an accent so thick that he was impossible to understand. Sean was the outgoing one, but like Timmy, he was a nullo'd slut. When the two of them got together, it was rumored that Dr. Knox got his electric heart paddles ready for the weaker clients.

It was just approaching the height of the busy season that summer when the boys were playing at the beach, collecting seashells on their day off next, when a plane flew over. Hop Sing still hadn't been assigned a trainer, but it was the scuttlebutt of the whole island that something was going down that night. Something big.

Sander figured it was a nullification – probably Peter's.

Hop Sing cringed at that thought. Even he was smart enough to figure out that if a nullification ceremony was to take place, it would free up a trainer. The boy would be cut only when he was ready to service clients, and if he was cut, his trainer was free.

And Hop Sing was way overdue.

"Let's go see the plane!" Timmy suggested.

When they arrived at the airfield, which was fenced off, they stood at the fence and watched. Chris, being ever resourceful, had brought the binoculars that some client had bought him. "Hop Sing! Look! It's a Chinese kid!" He gasped, shoving the binoculars at him. Hop Sing looked, and sure enough, a small Chinese boy dressed clothes that were little more than rags was being escorted off the plane by a security guard. But there was no one with him. Hop Sing lowered the binoculars and bit his lip. He'd seen kids like that on the news before – some homeless little waif who'd been in the wrong place at the wrong time.

"Ben wouldn't buy a stolen boy," Sander assured him, "He'd check it out."

"I hope," Hop Sing managed, as the boy, head down and shuffling his bare feet, walked in front of the guard.

It was obvious that he was already broken.

Then someone else climbed down from the plane.

It was Ben Toeber.

"Ben!" Chris yelled, "What's HE doing?"

Ben looked up, as the plane's engines had shut off and he'd heard Chris. He waved, then spoke to the guard. Moments later, a golf cart with two guards came for the boys and took them into the airport. They weren't off limits; after all, lots of boys liked to watch planes come and go and it was allowed – so long as they stayed OUTSIDE the fence.

When they arrived in the receiving room that Hop Sing remembered all too well, only he was asked to go further with Ben. In the next small room, he saw the boy, who stood still and looking down at his feet.

His clothes, what there were of them, were clean but ragged. His black hair was long and straight, hiding his ears and almost his eyes. He looked to be about nine or ten, small, and rail thin. He didn't hesitate when the guard ordered him to undress. He tossed the clothes in a trash can, though, as Ben produced a pair of small sandals and a red collar. The boy covered his genitals in shame.

"Lǚ Dòngbīn, head up," Ben said. Hop Sing wondered that anyone would have the nerve to name a boy after one of the Eight Immortals in Chinese common lore. The boy certainly didn't look like a divinity to him. Ben then snapped the red collar around his neck. The computer registered him, and much to Hop Sing's surprise, his own collar vibrated softly. The boy didn't move. "I think we'll call you 'Lewie'," Ben told the new boy. "You'll like it here, I'm sure. Lewie, meet Hop Sing!"

Lewie looked up, and for the first time, his eyes brightened.

"Hello," Hop Sing smiled at him, and before he knew it, Lewie was upon him and chattering away in a dialect that Hop Sing had a hard time catching at all. He didn't cry though.

"One of my contacts found him, literally, wandering the streets in a small town south of Hong Kong, way south," Ben explained. "He was almost starved to death, sick 3; hell, I've got a fortune in him already. No one knows who he is." Hop Sing didn't ask just WHY Ben knew people in remote southern China.

"They all gone," Lewie finally said, nodding. "Me ten," he offered, "You?"

"He's ten, sir?" Hop Sing asked, wondering at his size. "I'm eleven," Hop Sing added.

"Live here?"


"Me too?"

"You too," Ben interrupted them, offering Lewie the sandals.

"Nice! Thanks!" He chirped, putting them on. He didn't mention clothing. He just smiled at Hop Sing. Obviously, if one Chinese boy was there naked, to greet him, then it must be OK!

Lewie held Hop Sing's hand as they went out, but then noticed that he had his usual erection again. Lewie laughed at him. His own genitals were so small that they were almost more suited to a baby. The other boys looked amazed.

"You adopting?" Chris asked Hop Sing, "Bit early in life, no?" Ben laughed.

"No, Chris, he's all mine," Ben smiled at him. It was a smile that Sander recognized. It was a smile that drove the happy, open Sander back inside of the cold, hateful one.

Hop Sing shook his head, and together, they all rode back to Ben's office. It was very unusual, Sander told them, to be let in to see an arrival. Lewie just sat on Hop Sing's lap and gaped at everything. "I wonder if he knows?" Sander whispered to Hop Sing, who shrugged. But deep inside, something told him that Lewie had had a hard life already, and more than likely, being a neutered sex slave wouldn't bother him at all, so long as he felt safe and had food and a dry place to sleep. It pained him, and he wanted to cry to think that some children were forced to live like that. But is he better off here? Hop Sing wondered, suddenly feeling very confused again.

"Now boys, I'm just going to go and check Lewie in. And I'll remind you all, keep tonight free. We're having a special party tonight, and everyone has to come!"

"Sir?" They all asked.

"Why, didn't I tell you? It's Peter's birthday!" Ben announced.

"Is it really Peter's birthday?" Hop Sing asked, after Ben had left. That caused the other boys to laugh – except for Sander. He didn't even smile. He didn't say a thing.

"Not his birthday-birthday," said Timmy.

"Actually, it is his birthday," said Chris, laughing as if at a joke, the punch line of which only he knew. "Today is the first day of his new life – the life of a nullo. Tonight he gets cut. I hear Matti's going to do it."

Hop Sing suddenly felt sick at his stomach. Seeing another boy nullified wasn't something that he wanted to see. He preferred to go to his own nullification – certain that it was going to happen – being ignorant of what it was like. He realized that he hadn't asked the other boys about it – what it was like to be nullified – to have your dick and balls cut off – probably because he hadn't wanted to know. It was as if pretending that he didn't know about it would make it not happen to him.

Now, he was certain it was going to happen, that he would at least lose something. Since he'd been on the island, he hadn't seen any boy wearing a green collar – slaves available for sex – that still had both their dick and balls, all his 'boy parts', as the other boys called them. Most had smooth crotches, no dick or balls. A few had dicks, but no balls. Even fewer – like Ty – had balls but no dick.

He wasn't certain which he'd prefer, since it was going to happen anyway. In any case, he wouldn't have any choice in the matter. Ben would decide. "Oh, you'll be nullified," Timmy had assured him in a conversation they'd had before. "Most boys are. The only ones that keep their balls are the older boys, ready for puberty. Clients like to see them shoot cream from their pee holes."

"They e-ejaculate?" Hop Sing asked, "even without a penis?"

"Sure," Timmy said. "All you need to shoot is balls, and a dick up your ass. That'll do it every time."

"You have orgasms. Do you shoot?" Everyone called Timmy a little slut. He liked to get fucked. Hop Sing had seen him fucked by a client. If Timmy hadn't enjoyed it, he was a superb actor.

"Oh, I climax, but they're pretty dry orgasms. A couple little drops at most, clear stuff, not cream. The stuff they give you here makes you horny, lets you climax – hell, it makes you need to climax – but it doesn't push you into puberty. It's some modified kind of testosterone or something. It just acts on those receptors in the brain that make you horny. You should know. Your dick is hard all the time now. Aren't you horny?"

Hop Sing supposed that he was. It was all he could do to keep his hands off his penis. It seemed to beg to be stroked. But Doctor Knox had told him not to. "Yes," Hop Sing admitted, "I guess so."

"They why don't you let me do something about it?" said Timmy. "I'll suck your dick, or you can fuck me. You don't have much of a dick, and I like them big – the bigger the better – but still it might be fun."

"Yeah, there's no rule against US having sex, well, what we CAN do, with each other," Chris added. "It'd be fun, c'mon?"

But Hop Sing hadn't let him. He didn't want to like sex, even though he knew he should learn to like it. No matter how much of his boy parts were going to get cut off, he was sure to get fucked. That's why he was on the island. That's why he was a slave – to get fucked 3;

And to save his family.


Hop Sing felt physically ill by the time for Peter's nullification was to begin. That's what it was going to be – a total nullification – the whole package cut off. Matti, Peter's trainer, was going to completely neuter him, cutting off both his penis and testicles. Although Sander didn't seem to want to be there any more than he did, Chris and Timmy were enjoying themselves. They stood and cheered when Matti led Peter onto the stage set in the middle of the arena. Sander didn't even look up. He stared down at the floor. The place brought back painful memories for him.

"Does it hurt?" Hop Sing asked Sander, who only nodded.

But Timmy had overheard him. "Hell yes, it hurts," he said.

"Don't they give you anything?" asked Hop Sing, "You know 3; to deaden the pain?" All this time, he'd assumed that Dr. Knox would do it in the hospital, just like real surgery – he'd be knocked out and sleep through it and wake up when it was over.

But now Hop Sing was seeing different.

Some day HE would be the one in the arena.

"Nope," said Timmy.

"Why not?" asked Hop Sing, unable to believe it.

"The clients want to hear you scream. They want to know that it hurts to have your boy parts cut off. But it doesn't hurt long. You'll see. Right after Matti cuts Peter's boy parts off, he'll splash some liquid on him that'll take away the pain and stop the bleeding. One minute you think you're going to die, then the next you don't feel a thing. Then they take you to the hospital and the doc'll fix you up so no one can tell you ever had any boy parts. Tell him, Sander," he said, "Matti cut off yours."

But Sander didn't say anything. He continued to stare at the floor. Hop Sing knew that look too well already.

Matti kissed Peter, then strapped him to a table on the stage in the middle of the arena. He held up a small knife, showing it to the crowd. They cheered.

He bent over, gathering Peter's boy parts in one hand.

"Tonight, you become a nullo, Petey," Matti announced, more to the crowd than to Peter. "Your boy parts will be cut off, and you'll be a nullo for the rest of your life. They can't be reattached. From this night forward, you will be smooth and beautiful, the envy of all intact boys, and the desire of men worldwide." It was obvious that Matti had rehearsed his speech. It was making Sander shiver. "Do you WANT to go through with this, Petey?" Matti asked.

"Yes!" Peter said, without hesitation. It was clear that Matti had convinced him, as was his duty as a trainer.

"Then ask for it," Matti replied.

"Cut me, Matti! Please cut me! I don't wanna be a boy anymore!" Peter cried.

Hop Sing wasn't sure if he was lying or not. Peter seemed sincere in his desire to be cut. Then Hop Sing's collar vibrated, ever so softly, and said, "He probably does. He's been brainwashed. Your friend Sander hasn't, though. You mustn't be, either. You must remember why you are there." But no one else heard it. Only Hop Sing.

Peter placed the knife just under Peter's genitals. The boy was rock hard and his cock was twitching.

Then Matti pulled up on the blade.

Just like that. It was over. Peter screamed, a scream that Hop Sing would have never expected could come from a boy's throat. It was a hideous sound, a wail of horrible pain, and one that Hop Sing would remember for the rest of his life. Matti held something up, showing it to the crowd. On the giant holoscreens, Hop Sing saw that Matti held Peter's penis and testicles in his hand. Blood poured from Peter's groin.

But not for long.

Matti poured some liquid on Peter's groin. The flow of blood stopped. Peter stopped screaming. On the holoscreen, Hop Sing could see him first look down at his groin, and then up at Matti's hand – the one that held his severed dick and balls. Peter was no longer a boy. From that moment on, he would be a nullo.

Peter would be dependent on his sexual partner(s), for the rest of his life, if he wanted to feel pleasure.

Around the arena, clients and boys were engaging in sex. It seemed as though everyone in the arena was fucking, excited beyond restraint by the scene they had just witnessed. Two men, come to the arena without boys, scanned their cards across Chris's and Sander's collars, then fucked them. One had first wanted Hop Sing, but was rejected when he tried to scan Hop Sing's gold collar. "This boy is not available," his collar had chirped, and in a malicious tone. "Touch him, and security will kill you!" That client took Sander instead, looking very rattled despite his excitement. Sander looked as if he wanted to just disappear. But there was nothing that Hop Sing could do for his friend. He was a slave, and he'd been bought. As the guest bent Sander over and entered him, Sander's eyes filled with tears. Hop Sing watched in horror as his friend just took it, helpless 3; and miserable.

Yet Hop Sing's dick was hard – harder than it had ever been. He was ashamed of it, thinking that he'd run and hide. All around him, a full scale orgy was breaking out. It terrified him. Never before had he seen such goings-on. He saw his friends, all of them now being used by guests. He wanted to run away. And ran he did.

Right into a security guard, who was watching it all and looking bored.

"Hey!" The guard yelped in surprise. Then he spotted the gold collar. "C'mon, you don't need to see this, yet," he said, leading Hop Sing away.

They met up with Dr. Knox, who was also looking bored as he sat on a bench outside the arena. Hop Sing spotted him and ran to him, throwing himself onto the doctor. Stunned beyond speech, he just clung to him. "Oh, boy," Knox sighed, reaching into his medical bag. "Gets 'em every time!"

"P-p-pee-peeeenis!" Hop Sing managed.

"They cut Peter's off, didn't they?" Knox asked him gently, nodding, trying to reassure him.

"Mine!" The boy squeaked, pointing down at his throbbing little erection. "Hurts!"

Something clicked over in Knox's mind, and then he realized that Hop Sing didn't understand his own sexual arousal. "Let me make it better," the doctor suggested, as he filled a small syringe and injected the base of the boy's penis. His erection wilted, and his entire groin went numb. He also peed involuntarily. That seemed to calm him down.

"Hop, you told me you never masturbated to climax, right?" Knox asked.

"No! T-Timmy wanted me to, and 3; and Chris, but I said no!"

"You DON'T want to? You don't want before they cut it off? Like Peter's? Are you sure?" The doctor pressed him.

"You said not to do it! You said not to touch it! It 3; it feels weird! I don't like it! It's always hard and I wanna touch it, but Timmy said it'd feel so good, and 3; and 3;," Hop Sing was almost in tears again. "If I do, and it does, what happens when they cut it off? I'll wanna do it, and I won't be able to!"

"But you don't do it?" Knox repeted.


Why's it so hard for him to understand? Hop Sing wondered.

"OK," Knox sighed, perplexed, "I can't believe you actually obeyed that order, none of the trainees do, but I have something that you might like then. That's IF, and only IF, you're sure you don't wanna know what it's like to have your little penis pleasured, like men do?"

"I'm NOT a man yet!" Hop Sing declared, "No! I don't want to! I'm scared!"

Knox nodded, and pulled something else out of his bag. It was a clear device shaped like a set of small genitals. "This is the chastity cage I mentioned," the doctor told him. "If I put this on you, it will lock. It won't come off unless I unlock it, and it has a minimum electronic lockout of thirty days. That's a month," he explained carefully. "Once it's locked onto you, you can't touch your genitals. You can't get hard, because there'll be no room for it to grow. It'll also trap your balls, and protect them, too. The only bad thing is that you'll have to sit down to pee, because it'll hold your penis downwards. Do you want me to put this on you?" Knox asked, knowing full well that the boy would probably be the one in the arena – being nullified – before the thirty days were up.

"Yes!" Hop Sing jumped at the chance, "Yes! Put it on me now! Please!"

Knox agreed, and swabbed the boy's genitals in a very cold disinfectant. Numb as they were, he didn't feel a thing. His genitals shrank back at the cold touch. Knox then slid the lower part over his balls, and it tightened down automatically. When the sensors told it that it had gone far enough, and that the boy's balls couldn't escape back through it, it stopped. Knox then applied the upper part, which fit over Hop Sing's limp penis like a tube. It was thick, making his penis look larger than it really was. It clipped into place, then the device beeped. Hop Sing looked delighted as he tugged at it, but it wouldn't come off. It was a very snug fit.

"Thank you!" He breathed in relief, happy that he wouldn't have an erection sticking out all the time now. His friends made him pee sitting down already, anyway, so that was no big deal. He tended to splash. But he had to admit, he would miss peeing standing up when he was outside.

"Guard," Knox called, "Please take Hop back to his room, 10th floor. Put him to bed?"

"Sir!" The guard barked at him, taking Hop Sing by the hand. The boy sensed trust in him, and now over his shock and more relieved that his penis wasn't a problem for him, he began to chatter. It was as if he HAD to tell someone about it. By the time Hop Sing was in bed, the guard had to sit down in the lobby and rest. His ears were literally tired!

Hop Sing fell asleep that night listening to his collar telling him what a good boy he'd been for what he'd done in running away and doing something about his penis.


The next morning, everyone slept in. The computer informed them that breakfast and lunch were being combined into one meal, a brunch, since no one was up for breakfast anyway. The previous night's festivities, it seemed, had taken a toll on guests and slaves alike. The island was very quiet that morning as Hop Sing sat out on the balcony, sipping at some water and nibbling on some pineapple from their fridge.

"Oh, my achin' ass!" He heard Chris moan, followed by Timmy.

"What a night," Timmy groaned.

Sander, however, still seemed to be asleep.

"Hey, where'd you run off to last night?" Chris asked Hop Sing, who was sitting with his legs crossed. "Don't that hurt your balls to do that?"

"No, and I came back here and went to bed," Hop Sing answered. "I had my shower already," he added, rubbing his now-smooth head. On impulse, and out of some desire that he didn't understand, Hop Sing had used the red soap on his head and left it on until it hurt. He knew that it made hair fall out, as he'd noticed the pale fuzz on his arms and shins was gone. He'd even given himself an enema, so much that it had hurt, but without the nozzle. He didn't tell his friends though. He didn't understand it himself, but he did know that he now felt much better about himself.

He felt clean.

"Yeah, not much fun for a yellow-boy, if'n ya can't get fucked!" Timmy laughed, as he stuck his nose in the fridge. He produced a colored box in foil wrap that had a card on it. "SEE! See? I told ya so! Get up Sander, you asshole!" Timmy shouted, "Mr. Smith DID send me a present! Look! Here's the card!"

Dear Timmy:

Please accept my thanks for the best time of my life!

I'm sorry I scared you with my nervous attack, so please think of me when you eat this.

There's plenty more where this came from,

and I'm sending your Master Ben a proposal for when your contract is up.

I DO want you to come to Switzerland and live with me,

where you can be my own little boy until you grow up.

You can work for me in MY candy factory then, testing, designing, etc.

I know you won't need the money, so if you don't want to come,

that's fine, too.

I have some friends who are amazed at the photos of you and me,

and they have such grand plans for you – even when you're grown up!

How would you like to be a Swiss Bear's toyboy for life?

Think about it.

Email me.


Mr. Gunter Schmidt

"I am just gonna puke," Sander complained, hauling himself out of bed and making for the showers, where he began to scrub violently with the water so hot that he turned pink. "He doesn't LOVE you, dumbass!" Sander shouted.

"Wash that ass of yours out good," Chris called, "I bet there's a gallon of semen up in there!"

"I bet at least a million CR changed hands last night, with all the fucking goin' on!" Timmy laughed, as he headed into the shower to clean up – and out. All three of the nullo's made use of the enema kits until it was time for brunch. Sander used a lot of soap. Hop Sing just sat and watched, but he did have a piece of Timmy's candy. Having not had any chocolate in so long, as sweets were usually a reward only, it made him dizzy and feel silly, it was that good. When he got up to head to brunch, though, his friends all dropped their towels and stared at him in shock.

"What the hell is THAT?" Timmy pointed.

Sander looked away.

"It's a chastity cage!" Chris breathed, looking at Hop Sing in amazement. "Hop? Why? Did you fuck somebody?!" He joked.

"No, Dr. Knox gave it to me. It won't let me get hard, and now I can't touch it. It won't come off for a month, either!"

"You'll be a nullo before that," Sander commented icily, "They'll CUT it off!"

"Good!" Hop Sing retorted, "Then I won't miss it when it's gone!"

"Makes sense," Timmy shrugged, "But boy, sometimes I wish 3;," but he didn't finish the sentence as they headed out to eat.

"You got bald-bald!" Chris noticed in the elevator, "Man, that's smooth!"

"Lemme feel!" Timmy piped up, but Sander only sighed again.

"The red soap can leave you bald for life, if you use it more than three times," he warned Hop Sing, "None of us will ever have body hair. Never! So be careful!"

"I will," Hop Sing assured him, and Sander finally felt his head. Hop Sing smiled at the touch that felt different than the others.

A lot of the slave boys were walking oddly that morning, and the cafeteria chatter was more subdued. Most of the slaves looked tired, or hung over! The boys were just finishing their meal when the intercom went off:

"Hop Sing, report to Mr. Toeber's office at ONCE! Alone, please!"

"I bet he gets his trainer today," Chris commented, as they tried to make their way around the pool without attracting attention. They decided to go and hide out at the beach, since they figured most of the guests would be too tired and sated to bother them. After all, the three of them were very sore.

"I wanna go sailing," Sander sighed, "I like the water," he added, his eyes blank. "I don't wanna get fucked today. I just wanna have some fun."

"Hop Sing's gonna have fun," Timmy laughed, as they ducked behind a tree to avoid a guest.

"I don't think he will," Sander said dismally.

Hop Sing arrived in Ben's office to find him seated at his desk, chatting with a young man of about sixteen or seventeen, Hop Sing guessed. He had dark blond hair and a red collar, which indicated that he was either free, or an underaged guest. He was also naked and hairless as a slave boy, and to Hop Sing's surprise, intact. He was also erect – and large. Ben was shirtless, probably nude as well, and he was cuddling Lewie – the new Chinese boy – on his lap. Lewie was giggling at being tickled. He was also wearing a gold collar.

"Ahhh! Hop! Glad you could come!" (As if the boy had a choice!) "I want you to meet Matti, he'll be your new trainer from today, until he decides that you're ready to go to work like your friends! Won't that be nice?" Ben asked.

"No, sir," Hop Sing answered truthfully, which made Matti look at him.

"Jesus, Ben! He's got a cock-lock on! Why?" Matti exclaimed.

"Hop Sing, according to Ronnie, hates his penis. He doesn't want to touch it, and it's hard all the time. This solves his problem, AND – AND – it should make him easier to train! If he can't jerk off or be sucked, then a good fucking is all he's got going for him," Ben explained. "Why, I bet you can have him acting just like Timmy in two weeks!"

"I hope not, sir," Hop Sing said, as Ben looked to him for a response. Honesty had been drilled into him, and he gave it.

"When I get fuck?" Lewie asked anxiously, which only made Hop Sing wonder about him more.

Ben put Lewie down. "Run along and go swim in the pool, son," he told the little boy, giving him a playful slap to his bottom. Lewie laughed and ran outside. Then Ben glared at Hop Sing. Then his face softened a bit. "Come here!"

"Honesty is one of the boy's virtues," Hop Sing's collar spoke up, when Ben checked it while Matti looked on. Hop Sing thought that he looked scared of him.

"I'm assigning you to Matti, now," Ben explained, tapping some keys, "From now on, until you're trained, you'll live with him in his suite. You'll do as he says, without question. He's not allowed to hurt you, but know this – it's his JOB to fuck you. He has to train you, and he's the best I've ever had in trainers! He'll teach you all about keeping clean, how to do oral sex – suck a cock, that is – and especially how to use your ass to give pleasure to a man. And he'll also teach you how to orgasm – cum – when you're getting fucked, so you can feel good, too. Once he declares you ready, you'll be cut in the arena just like Peter was last night. Then you'll get a green collar, two weeks off to heal up, and then you can go back to your friends. By then, you'll be a little nullo slut just like they are! Questions?" Ben asked, "Speak freely!"

"Being fucked WILL hurt me," Hop Sing said plainly, stepping away from Matti, "I don't wanna be fucked. I think I can learn the rest, I watched my friends good, but I hate it when something is up my butt! It hurts, and I don't like it!"

"You don't have a choice, Hop," Matti told him. "I have to train you, and that's that. It's my JOB to make you LIKE it. And I will. I'll be good to you, pleasure you, and love you. I love all my boys, just like Ben loves you."

"You'll love me?" Hop Sing asked, and Matti nodded.

"Love is the key. You have to love your trainee, make him feel needed. While I train you, I can't fuck any other boy. Only you. And I hope you'll love me back?" Matti asked sweetly.

"You the best?" Hop Sing asked, seeing right through it.

"He is?" Ben agreed warily.

"Then why'd he mess Sander up so bad?" Hop Sing asked turned on Matti, "Do you STILL love him? Did you EVER love him?"

Ben and Matti both sank back in their chairs in shock.

"He talked," Matti growled, "Damn Sander! If he wasn't a nullo already, I'd cut his dick off!"

"You hurt Sander, bad," Hop Sing went on, pointing at Matti with a gleam in his eyes. "He loves you! He cries for you every night!"

"When I'm not a trainer, I told Sander, we'd work it out," Matti retorted, "He understood!"

"He did NOT!" The boy snapped at him, forgetting his manners. He was simply too angry, too tired of seeing the hurt in his friend's eyes. He was almost sick with guilt at not being able to make Sander understand that HE loved him like a brother, and that that meant so much to him.

And Hop Sing knew that Sander was to be sold if he didn't start working better. His collar had told him all about it, among other things.

He couldn't bear the thought of Sander being gone, gone to somewhere worse, where he'd suffer more.

Where he'd surely die.

"Hop," Ben warned him, shaking a finger at him.

"Talk freely, you said," the boy reminded him, and Ben looked abashed, "Well I am! Sander fell in love with Matti, he told me! And when Matti got him trained, he got a new boy and couldn't be with him anymore! It just killed him, inside, and YOU didn't notice! You didn't care!" Hop Sing was almost crying again, but they were tears of anger.

"I was the one who sent Matti to Sander, and delayed Peter's cutting," Ben informed him, "You'd have been trained a long time ago, if Matti hadn't been busy trying to balance Sander and Peter, and keep Sander's head even! Did he tell you THAT, Mr. Do-gooder? Did he?" Ben demanded. "Did you ever wonder where Sander was when he wasn't with you? God knows he wasn't working. The last few clients he had didn't want him again."

Hop Sing sat down.

"But he's hurt, inside," the boy repeated softly, "Sir," he used the title, "I can't stand it! I love him like my brothers, and I can't make him see it! You both did it to him – you messed up his head! I don't think Sander can love anyone else!"

"I don't get this, Ben," Matti admitted, "Why's a new slave boy so attached to a nutcase like Sander?"

"He's not! And YOU made him that way!" Hop Sing shouted at him.

"This boy is a rare breed," Ben told Matti, "He's only here out of duty and honor, to literally save a life. I think he's going to make a career out of it. If I'm not mistaken, he knows Sander can be sold, and that that would be bad. Few places in the world would be as kind to a boy like Sander, and Hop can't bear that. It's his nature. I also think he likes Sander, too." Hop Sing blushed at the insinuation. Like him or not, there wasn't much they could do but cuddle. And that was enough. Hop Sing didn't want to lose that.

"Oh," Matti conceded. "But Ben, it's like Peter, I mean, I can't handle this kid AND Sander! If they're so close, it just won't work! Sander will go nuts 3; . moreso than he is now 3; . if he finds out I have to train his little buddy! I couldn't fuck Sander like he wanted when I had Peter, and I can't now! I can't stall him off forever, Ben."

"He'll have to deal with it, or I'll sell him," Ben admitted.

"NO!" Hop Sing cried, "No! Please, sir, I'll do anything! Don't sell him! I can help him! I can!"

"You won't be seeing him until you're trained," Matti informed him. "You live with me until I release you."

Hop Sing gasped in shock. He couldn't be with his friends until he was trained? Until he liked 3; until he could 3; do THAT with men?!

"Computer," Ben then said, "Where is Sander, and what is his condition?"

"Sander is available for work, at the beach, sailing," The computer replied. "No guests in proximity, lifeguards on duty. Sander's mood is 73.8% of recorded norms when compared to values assessed when he was in peak condition."

"Sensors in your collars track your vitals, like a lie detector, did you know that?" Ben told Hop Sing, "They can tie in and dump data into Dr. Knox's computer, too. Besides keeping track of you and serving as a work signal, they record a lot of things!"

Hop Sing's eyes went wide. He touched his collar, but didn't mention that his talked to him.

"Yellow slave, Hop Sing, age 11, assigned to Trainer Matti, red," the boy's collar offered. "Hop Sing is now in training. Pulse rate, 124, temperature, 98.9 degrees Fahrenheit [37.2°C] 3;"

"Enough," Ben interrupted it, "See?"

"Hop, look," Matti offered, "I know I hurt Sander. But my job – you have to understand – I can't do two boys at once. I have to focus all my attention on one, and besides, if all Sander wants is me, he's useless to Ben. He won't be good to clients, and he won't make money. He can't just live here for free, he has to work. We all do. Can you understand that?"

Hop Sing nodded, thinking about his father. He worked a lot, and still, it was the money problem with the bad men that had put him there on the island. As he thought about the conundrum of Sander, he exhaled hard.

The time had come.

He had a trainer.

He was going to get fucked.

Probably that day.

And he knew he'd hate it.

The idea of it almost drove him crazy.

But he knew he had to do it. He had to get on with it, get good at it, make the men like him. He had to do it for Sander.

Because he couldn't see him again until he was trained.

In a flat tone, he said to Matti, "Don't bother with your love tricks on me, sir! I know what love is. I AM loved. My family loves me, and I love them. I love my friends, and if it's the last thing I ever do, I'll make sure Sander knows I love him, that he's MY brother!" Hop Sing took a breath, knowing that what he was about to say would probably get him punished. He didn't know what the punishment would be, but he was willing to accept it. He had to have his trainer be absolutely clear on how he himself felt.

Matti pulled back.

"I won't ever love you," the boy continued. "I can't. So don't try it! I know what kind of person you are! You can fuck me, make me suck you, you can hit me, call me names, use me, TRAIN ME, but you won't BREAK ME like you broke Sander!"

"How DARE you?" Matti snapped at him, as Ben looked on in sheer surprise. He'd seen fits before, but never one so eloquent.

Hoooooo, boy, Matti, are YOU in for a rough ride! Ben thought.

Matti got up and faced Ben. "You should punish him, sir," he advised.

"Like ol' Lester DelRay punished you?" Ben asked, grinning, "No, Matti. Hop is under ORDERS to speak his mind in this office." Ben winked at the boy, who gasped, "And I won't punish him for that. It sounds to me like he's got YOU dead to rights! Boy after my own heart," Ben added ominously.

"Fine, c'mon, boy," Matti snapped at Hop Sing, "It's high time you were trained!"

"I hate you!" Hop Sing growled at him.

"Good, then I can just dislike you and still love my job, though," Matti retorted. Ben hadn't had such a show in years!

Matti grabbed Hop Sing by the hand, and didn't even see it coming.

"Yahhh!" The bald boy shouted, landing a firm kick to Matti's crotch! The trainer went down in tears, holding his wounded genitals and choking. Then he retched. Ben literally fell out of his chair.

"Now, THAT – I WILL have to punish you for, Hop Sing," Ben told him, pulling open a drawer and producing a large paddle made of pressed black rubbed. "Bend over, grab your ankles. And believe me, Hop Sing, this will hurt me just as much as it does you! I am NOT DelRay," he added, as he paused to summon Dr. Knox.

"Yes, sir," Hop Sing replied nervously, bending over as he was told. He knew he deserved it. He'd hit Matti, and regardless, it was not acceptable behavior. He'd been taught that by his father.

"The boy deserves a spanking for that," his collar agreed, but Ben took no notice.

He swung the paddle, which hit the boy's bare buttocks with a loud POP!

Hop Sing cried out in pain, but it was no worse than the spankings he'd had at home.

No worse, until the fifth hit 3;

Chapter 7
In Training

Hop Sing was dismayed to find that trainers had suites in a separate building from the converted hotel dormitories that the slave boys all shared. As they entered Matti's rooms, which were larger than his own, Hop Sing looked around and obediently stood at the door – waiting. He wasn't sure how long it would take to train him, and the thought of being away from his friends the whole time was crushing.

Matti, who was limping and sore despite his pain shot from Dr. Knox, lay down on his queen sized bed. He patted the spot next to him. Determined to get this ordeal over with, the boy obeyed and lay down next to him. But he didn't move.

"Lesson number one, sometimes YOU have to take the initiative," Matti told him brusquely. "When you get into a client's bed, or whatever, you can't just lay there like a corpse."


"Now, let's get something clear, Hop," Matti pointed his finger in the boy's face, "As a rule, I don't fuck a boy on the first day of training. I ease into it. We start with conversation and cuddling. That's VERY important – to make the guest feel loved, wanted, that you're glad to be with him. But if I could feel my genitals, which I WILL in a few hours, and IF they're not sore by then, trust me, I'm gonna fuck you like a horny guest would! Call it payback!"

Hop Sing sniffled once. But that was all he did.

"And get this – if you EVER hit me again, I DO have the right to punish you! You have NO clue what punished is, kid! My old master used to whip the shit off of me, I'll tell ya! I made a vow when I was free of him that I'd never, ever, do that to a boy – but you're pushing it!"

"Yes, sir," Hop Sing said.

"So, what do you know how to do, Hop?" Matti asked, rubbing his semi-numb groin.

"I can give myself a enema," Hop Sing offered, "But I hate the plug."

"Roll over so I can check you, then," Matti ordered him. To his surprise, the boy did it. "Your report said that the doctor gave you a prostate check, and made you orgasm the first time. That's good, seeing as how you opted for a cock-lock, and you'll be nullified before the timer on it releases. It also said you never jerked off?"

"I 3; I play with it, but not 3; not 3; like the feeling the doctor gave me," Hop Sing told him. "I hated it."

"You have to learn to love it, boy," Matti told him, but gentler this time, "It's all you got now. Me, I can't do it. I can't cum by being fucked, or examined. NO matter what. But," he sighed, "I tell all my boys – you're the lucky one. No puberty, drugs, and you'll be nullo'd. I wanted to be nullo'd so bad, but they didn't do me."

"Why?" Hop Sing asked in wonder. He was still unsure of it he'd like being a nullo or not. He had to admit, the thought of having no more pain in the balls from injury was good, but the fact that he'd never marry and have sons weighed heavily upon him. And as he'd told them all, since he'd never jacked off, he'd never miss penile orgasms. But he thought he'd miss playing with it.

"I didn't wanna be male," Matti explained. "I never thought I was. I was so happy to come here and see all the little nullo's. I couldn't WAIT to be one. Then they shafted me out of it. Then puberty came 3;," he trailed off.

"I'm sorry," Hop Sing offered, as Matti checked his ass over. Hop Sing winced when he felt Matti's finger probing at it.

"Tight," Matti observed. "Really tight. We're gonna have to loosen that up, or I'll tear you and you'll have to get rectal stitches. Trust me, rectal stitches suck. So does bleeding. It scares the guests."


"I got a small plug, smaller than the enema nozzle, that I'll put in you. It's a soft jelly type, and I'll use the numbing gel to lube it. You don't deserve it, but I will. I don't wanna hurt you, you know. I really don't. It's no fun to hurt a boy. Hop Sing," he said seriously, "I want you to like it. You have to like it, or you'll go mad."

"Like Sander?"

Matti didn't reply. Instead, he got the plug out of a drawer in the nightstand and lubed it. "Relax, push out like you're gonna take a shit," he advised, smearing the lube all around and in the boy's hole. It went numb at once. Hop Sing could feel the pressure, but no pain. The small plug went in with a gentle push. Once it was in, though, it began rubbing at Hop Sing's prostate, which was inflamed and swollen by the extra shot that Matti had told Knox to give him. It made him feel funny, as the exam had. Hop Sing gasped, his eyes wide.

"And if you have trouble peeing," Matti told him, "Which you will because of the treatment, tell me. Before bed, I'll run what called a Robinson catheter up your cock and drain your bladder. Do you pee the bed?"

"No, sir," the boy mumbled, feeling ashamed of himself.

As he moved, the plug moved inside of him. It rubbed at him, constantly reminding him that it was there. There was no position he could get in to escape it, and the shape of it held it inside of him.

"It has a valve, too, so I can pump air into it, like a basketball," Matti told him. "Here in an hour or so, I'll pump it some. Not much. You had an enema today?"

"A big one, til it hurt, when I got up," the boy offered.

"Good, then you can wear the plug all night, then," Matti told him. Hop Sing shook his head.

"Next lesson – never argue! What the guest says goes! He wants to fuck, you fuck. He wants to blow, you blow. Got it?" Matti asked.

"Yes, sir."

"Good. So for now, why don't you tell me all about yourself?" Matti asked, laying back down and putting a hand on the boy's tummy. "I hear you're a real chatterbox sometimes?"

Even though he really didn't want to talk to Matti, much less be with him, Hop Sing began to talk. He talked until almost dinnertime, as his nerves got the better of him. He only paused when Matti rolled him over to inflate his butt plug. While it was soft and did not hurt, it still made him feel funny and he didn't like it.

"But they'll be ashamed of me," Hop Sing was saying, as Matti yawned, "When I go home. I am a son. I am not the first son, but a son! It is my duty to have sons for my father. What good is a son who cannot marry and have sons?" Hop Sing said, so softly that Matti almost didn't catch it. "What good is a eunuch where I come from?"

It was Matti's turn to be surprised, and suddenly, he realized that he was feeling the same way that Hop Sing had felt in Ben's office. He didn't want to pity the boy, just as the boy didn't want to love him – or BE loved BY him – and it made him wonder.

"Hop Sing, tell me," Matti asked, "Please? I have to know. Do you like 3; girls?"

Hop Sing literally turned pink in the face. He nodded slowly. "I kissed a girl at school once. It was 3; nice," he managed.

"Oh, boy, the straight boys are always a son-of-a-bitch to train," Matti groaned. "Look, forget her. Forget them all. Besides, it's gross! How could you kiss a GIRL?!" Matti asked, hoping the boy would find it funny. He didn't.

"Because then you get married and have children," Hop Sing replied, as if this should be obvious.

Matti patted his head, warily. "Let's order food, room service," he suggested, scanning the boy's collar. "Wow! You can eat anything! Let's get a pizza!"

"OK," Hop Sing agreed, finding that he actually was hungry.

When they were done eating, Matti suggested a shower together. They then retired to the balcony, on a small divan, to watch the sun go down. Matti sat the boy on his lap, with his erection poking up between the boy's legs. "Masturbation is a good place to start," Matti told him, advising him all the way. To Hop Sing, it looked as if he now had a huge cock! He tentatively took it in his hand as Matti coached him. Due to the pain shot, it took Matti a long time to feel anything as the boy explored his genitals with his small hands. His palms were soft, and Matti knew what he wanted.

"It is very big," Hop Sing commented, more out of curiosity than enjoyment. After all, his penis was locked up tight.

"You know about ejaculation, cum, and the mess, right?" Matti asked.


Just about then, Matti gasped. "Here it comes," he warned the boy, who soon wound up splattered! It WAS a mess, and it smelled.


"Never say 'ewww!' to a client," Matti advised, "Just do it. Now, the hard part. You're expected to clean off the guest."

Hop Sing started to grab for a towel.

"With your tongue," Matti stopped him, "You have to lick it off."

Hop Sing was stunned. He shook his bald head. "No!"

"You can't say 'no'," Matti reminded him, still shivering a bit in pleasure. Hop Sing still a hold of his cock. "C'mon, just try it. You'll get used to the taste. It's salty and sweet, but not too sweet. If it is, then the guest better see the doctor!"

Hop Sing, shaking in fear, did as he was told. Slowly, he stuck out his tongue and licked the end of Matti's cock. It made him feel so ashamed, even though he'd seen his friends do it numerous times. The taste almost gagged him. Matti offered him a hard candy. "That's for training only, makes it easier, hides the taste," he said. Hop Sing sucked at the candy. While it hid the taste of Matti's cum, it did nothing for the shame he felt. It took a few minutes for him to get Matti clean.

"Now, what about YOUR pleasure?" Matti asked him, as he began touching the boy all over.

"That's OK," Hop Sing shook his head. "I don't need any."

"Never say that to a guest," Matti told him. "MOST of them, in fact, almost all of them, want YOU to have pleasure too. You have to create the illusion of it, even if you don't want it. Some boys don't, and that's OK. But they're the miserable ones. There's no reason for you to be miserable."

"Being fucked will make me that," Hop Sing said, as Matti caressed the boy's nipples. Hop Sing had to admit that it felt good. He liked being touched, he really did, and he knew he could cuddle if the client was nice. But if he was mean 3;

So Hop Sing cuddled with Matti, trying to ignore the plug that was rubbing at his insides. He felt like he had to pee, and he trembled.

"You gonna cum, over cuddling?" Matti asked in wonder. Then he thought. "You know, I had a boy who would cum if you sucked his ears," Matti offered. Hop Sing made a face. Matti licked his ear. The shiver grew stronger. Matti then kissed his nipples. Cold chills raced over the boy's body, and his penis struggled against its confines. Matti then put a hand down to his ass, gently bumping the stopper of the plug. He worked it a bit, back and forth, slowly rocking the shivering boy on his lap. Hop Sing closed his eyes and breathed heavily.

"That's it, you can do it," Matti encouraged him, "It's OK. There's no shame in feeling good. And this is good, trust me," he said softly, as Hop Sing shook his head again.

"Please don't make me!" He cried, "I don't want to feel that! I don't like it!"

"Really?" Matti asked, stopping what he was doing. "But you can't stop a client. You have to think of me as the client, Hop. If you don't, you'll never be properly trained."

Hop Sing was crying.

"I wanna go home!" He choked, "I wanna go back to my room! Please take me back to my friends!"

"No," Matti said firmly, "Not until you're trained." He then resumed working the inflated plug, scooping the boy up and carrying him inside to the bed. He then deflated the plug and produced a small vibrator. "This should feel really good," he offered, "And it'll get you more opened up. Like it or not, boy, you're a slave. I'm the trainer. You're feeling good – hell – you CAN feel good! It's my job to make you cum by being fucked in the ass, so here we go. Practice!" He then turned the vibrator on and pressed it against Hop Sing's distended, and now fully sensitive, hole.

"AAAIIIGGGHHH!" The boy uttered in a long groan, as the vibrator entered him. Matti knew just where to press it firmly, where to rub it back and forth, and he did.

Hop Sing began to convulse and beg him to stop, but Matti did not.

In and out, in and out 3; the world seemed to drift away into a fog for Hop Sing. His head became light, his vision blurry. His hole was hot, and he felt it relaxing with every stroke. The need to pee got worse and worse, and the burning inside of him hotter and hotter. Still, Matti did not stop. He just kept encouraging him and telling him what a beautiful, what a good boy, he was.

"Cum for me," he whispered, kissing the back of Hop Sing's bald head and rubbing his cheek against the boy's own. All the while, he moved the vibrator in and out, in and out 3; pressing it, holding it 3;

3; until Hop Sing orgasmed.

With a cry of pleasure mixed with humiliation, the boy's body spasmed and jerked. He arched his back, fell, arched again 3; all the while, trying to drive his imprisoned genitals into the mattress. Matti kept fucking him with the vibrator, though, never missing a stroke.

"Ahhh, ahhh, ahhh," was all the shocked boy could manage. It felt good – he had to confess it to himself – but it was also shameful. In a way, it hurt. But the hurt was more in his head, and the pleasure he felt washed it away. He began to move in time with Matti's strokes, involuntarily, but he didn't stop.

Finally, he collapsed onto his tummy, breathing hard, as Matti replaced the plug and inflated it. He inflated it larger than before, but Hop Sing didn't notice it.

"That was fucking awesome!" Matti told him. "Man, if that felt as good as it looked, damn, I wish I was you!" He declared.

Slowly, Hop Sing raised his sweaty head to face Matti. The look on his face was a devastated one, and Matti took him in his arms. The boy was too tired to resist. He was openly crying again.

"I hate you," he managed in a weak voice.

"That's OK, because even though you don't want me to, I LIKE you," Matti conceded.

But as Matti rocked him and caressed him, the only person Hop Sing could think of was Sander.

HE deserves to be here, not me, Hop Sing chided himself. HE loves Matti! I don't! It's not fair!

Chapter 8


There was no other word for it.

It was what Hop Sing had felt every time he had looked at Matti.

It was what he had felt every time he thought of Sander, once he'd been assigned to Matti.

It was what he STILL felt every time that Matti fucked him.

No, not just 'fucked him'.

Raped him.

That was how Hop Sing felt about it.

And now, shame was what he felt every time that he looked in the mirror.

Gone was the smiling round face that he had always seen. The sparkle in the eyes had gone out. The smile was gone. Now, there was only a reversed image of someone that Hop Sing didn't know. Someone they kept saying was beautiful. Yet every morning during his training, since the first day after his fucking, in fact, he'd faced that strange boy in the mirror and said the same thing: "For my family." It was the only way he could face it.

And yet that was what pained him the most. He wouldn't see them again for two years. When he did, Guo Jian would be almost 16 and well on the way to manhood. Jie Kang would be 6, almost 7, and Hop Sing wondered if his little brother would even remember him.

And he himself would be almost 14 – and a eunuch.

Not a man.

Not ever.

Will they even want me back? He wondered, several times a day in fact.

Hop Sing had been wondering that even more as the week of training progressed. But the day at the beach had done him far more harm than good, just the opposite of what Matti had expected. It had been fun playing with little Lewie in the ocean, and since Hop Sing was older, it was almost as if he were back home again and on vacation with his little brother Jie Kang.

And then Matti had called to him.

And then he'd fucked him.

Right there on the beach.

Right in front of Ben and Lewie.

And he'd made him orgasm, shaming him in front of them. Hop Sing had no doubt that he'd looked like he was enjoying it. Even though he'd sobbed with the shame of it afterwards, Ben's words still burned in his mind: "Sure looked like one hell of a climax to me! No one can look that silly on purpose, and still be miserable too!"

And Lewie had laughed.

If Hop Sing hadn't already puked his guts up before, he would have again. But there was nothing to come up. He could only imagine what he looked like, laying there in the sand with the water lapping at him, as lubricant and Matti's cum leaked out of his distended hole. He'd lain there, hoping that the tide would drag him out to sea. He'd drown. Then he'd be gone. Surely there was life insurance in his contract. Hop Sing knew about insurance 3;

3; and he now knew why Sander was so miserable.

What Sander craved – the only thing that could sustain him – was being forced upon Hop Sing.

And he didn't want it.

He hated it.

And it shamed him.

He thought of Sander as a brother, and while he was lying there in the sand, hoping for a tsunami to take him away, he realized that he loved him.

But with the chaste love of a brother.

The fact that Hop Sing didn't think Sander could ever understand his love for him tore at him as well.

It was shameful, how he was suffering through what Sander so needed.

So shameful, that all he could do was lay there and cry.

Others had seen them as well. Hop Sing wasn't the only boy in training at that time, and the beach was popular for late week trainees. Hop Sing knew that there were at least two other trainers and boys who'd seen his shame.

The last thing he remembered hearing was Ben stalking off and muttering about losing money and Matti having failed two of the last three times.

Yet he didn't understand it. Ben was always so kind to all of the boys.

"You're going to drown when the tide comes in," Matti was saying.

"I hate you," was all the boy could manage. It was some time before Matti spoke again.

"You know, you'll probably get me fired, or at least docked in pay," Matti mused, sounding disgusted. "Not that I have bills, and I do have that trust fund from when Ben bought and sold me, but that's not the point."

"All you want is to fuck," Hop Sing declared, finally lifting his head out of the damp sand. "You destroyed Sander, and now you wish to destroy me! You live by destroying boys with your lusts! But I won't! I won't be killed inside by you!"

"Because your little brothers need you, la la la," Matti shook his head. "Tell me another story. And you've got ME all wrong, kid."

And that was what triggered the adrenaline rush that Hop Sing's body needed. He got to his feet, oriented himself, and with a move that belied his exhausted state, rammed the palm of his hand into Matti's chin. The trainer flipped over backwards and did not get back up. Hop Sing tapped his collar. "Medical emergency, trainers' beach area." He told it.

"The asshole deserved that one, Q.," the collar replied, and Hop Sing gasped in shock. There it was again – his nickname!

"Father?" He asked, finally making the connection. No one but his father ever called him "Q".

"A part of him, my son," the collar replied.

"I 3; I hit him again, father!" Hop Sing wailed, "I couldn't help it! They'll beat me!"

"Lie to them," the collar said, "I give you permission. Say he fell down. If there is video, I will find it. I will edit it. Tell no one, Q! NO ONE!" The collar ordered him in that tone that his father ALWAYS used when he was NOT to be second guessed.

And Hop Sing did.

Matti didn't even remember what had hit him, but the shock that his own discharged red collar had given him might have had something to do with it when the main computer shorted it, sending a power surge right into his neck. It was written off as a defective red collar, and replaced that day. Matti just figured that Hop Sing had hit him again.

Later, in the hospital, Hop Sing had come to visit Matti and promised to do better. He'd then been summoned to Ben's office for a serious talk, where he'd promised to do better as well. He still had a few days to train, and he swore he'd learn. He'd even offered to service Ben to prove it, but Ben had declined, stating that he didn't want to be beaten up either. Hop Sing didn't get the joke.

"Let me make this clear," Ben informed him, "If you screw up half as bad as Sander, I'll revoke your trust fund in a heartbeat! I can't get back my money from your father, I'm sure that's gone by now. But I can make you sign your part back over, boy. And I will! It's bad business lately, bad examples, you and Sander, and I won't have it. If you mess up, you'll leave this island a nullified eunuch with no money and probably no future. I know your culture, Hop Sing. I know what an impotent, sonless son will face. You'll be an outcast. In fact, I still harbor some hopes of getting that cute little brother of yours!"

Hop Sing almost hit him.

He stood there trembling at the words, at the threat. No way would he let Ben Toeber get his hands on Jie Kang and bring him to this terrible place. He would give up his life first! And he said so.

"So," Ben then smiled at him, opening his arms to him and his expression changing completely, "Why give up your life? Give up your pride, and your ass, and live. Fuck for two years, have fun, have vacation time, and get rich. Why die in the process?"

"Dying no fun," Lewie agreed. "Fucking's fun!"

Hop Sing was stunned. He hadn't even known Lewie was there. He'd been under the desk.

"Hop, the only reason I know your little brother's name is because it's public record. I only said that to try and light a fire under you, you know, stir you up and get you to thinking? I think, from the shade of red of your face, that I succeeded?" Ben explained. "And you know what? It won't be long until you're allowed a family visit. YOU can't leave the island, but your father – even a brother – could come here. I could make sure the boys didn't see the more interesting side of our life here, and you could even have clothes to hide your 3; uhhhm 3; neutered condition?" Ben proposed.

"Sir," Hop Sing whispered, "Talk freely?" He reminded Ben of his own words. "I don't believe you!"

"So, then it follows," Ben countered, "That you think that I, or some other bad men, CAN indeed get your brothers? If you believe that, then you'll still work hard and not die on me? They used to call that a 'Catch-22', I think!"

"Sir," Hop Sing then asked, bowing his head. "I promise to work for you. I agreed to. For my family. I cannot betray them, and so I cannot betray you because of the contract. But sir, I need to know," the boy paused, his eyes fixed upon Lewie's small form for some reason, "WHEN will I be cut?"

"In a few days, when Matti releases you from training," Ben assured him. "You'll be nullified, Hop. Penis and testicles, all of it, all at once. When Ronnie 3; Doctor Knox 3; fixes you up afterwards, you'll a smooth, beautiful nullo just like all your friends."

"Me too?" Lewie piped up, and Ben patted his head and nodded.

"Thank you, sir," Hop Sing bowed slightly, as he headed out to go back to meet Matti in the hospital.

"Well done," his collar congratulated him. "You honor us with your sacrifice. By all means, my son, live!"


On the other end of the secret connection, sustained by the microchip implanted in Hop Sing's neck, Mr. Tsu hung his head in a shame of his own. He hadn't gone home since returning from San Carlos Island. He could not face his family. He had lied and told them that Hop Sing was now apprenticed to a businessman on a faraway tropical resort island. He hadn't really lied. He'd just not told them that he'd literally sold his son – more like rented him out – for two years to be a sex slave to men.

And that the boy would come back in two years as a eunuch.

He would no longer be a boy.

Not male.

He would be a eunuch.

And he would never have sons.

THAT shame would be impossible to hide, Tsu knew. Eunuchs had physical features that could be spotted.

But that would be in two years.

For that moment, Tsu busied himself with the plan to use Hop Sing's collar to take down the security system. Of course he knew that the system would fail at a given time, there was a bug in the code that Wong insisted that he write. It was intentional, Tsu knew, but he didn't know why. And he didn't dare ask.

The boy would be neutered in a few days. He would need at least a week to heal, maybe two. The thought of it sickened him, but with or without his manhood, Hop Sing was still his boy. His favorite son.

He would still love him.

Nothing could stop him from loving him.

Castration or not.

Tsu got down to work. Using the collar connection, he moved some money out of Matti's account into the Sander-boy's one for revenge. Hop Sing had told him, rather, thought he was just telling the computer, about how he loved his new brother and felt so bad for him. Tsu didn't mind it at all – Matti was well off. Ben had paid him over time, and the boy had nothing to spend it on. His red collar made him just as much a prisoner of the island as if it were green, and the island took care of Matti. Tsu congratulated himself on the overload idea, though. After all, this Matti was fucking his son, making him miserable. It was a small comfort. He then moved half of Sander's funds into an independent trust fund account in a Swiss bank. He moved Hop Sing's as well, eliminating Ben Toeber's name from them. He set up the 'pay upon death' clause as a loop between the boys. Once that was done, he put a 'liar' subroutine in place for Ben, in case of audits. On impulse, he then pulled up a security video of this Sander-person. If Hop Sing cared about him that much, Tsu wanted to at least know what he looked like.

He was stunned.

Sander was the most beautiful boy he'd ever seen. Beautiful eunuch, he corrected himself, as he stared at the smoothness and nonsexual appearance of the boy before him. That's what they'll do my son, he thought, as the reality of it hit him. He sat there for quite a while, suddenly understanding his son's affection for this boy. Just the sight of him was enough to make Tsu want to take him home and keep him, too. He looked so helpless, so vulnerable 3; and there was just something about him that gave Tsu chills. Watch him, Tsu thought, perhaps with some glimmer of foresight or psychic warning, That boy needs watched over! And so he programmed that, too.

He then began doctoring island security records to show that Hop Sing was doing well. Somehow – he just wasn't sure how – he'd also falsify the boy's client ratings when they began to come in. No way was Ben Toeber selling off HIS son to some other pervert 3; like John Wong.

It was bad enough that Wong was going to be back on San Carlos soon, to implement the free upgrade of their security system. Tsu just prayed that Wong wouldn't be allowed to see Hop Sing. He was just going there to 'work'; it was all business. Sure it is, Tsu told himself, laughing, There's surely a way I can use this. Expose Wong for what he is – someone who likes little boys – neutered little boys – and someone who arranged to take my son's manhood! Someone who abused my family's trust and sneaked nude images of my boy to these people! Security upgrade indeed! More like security breach!

And that was when it all hit him: Upgrade to the system at San Carlos, where neutered boys could be used, bought and sold – John Wong, who had all along been using his relationship to stalk Hop Sing and get it set up to where Hop Sing would have to go to San Carlos – John Wong delivering the upgrade to Ben Toeber, when the software had a glaring, obvious bug in it – John Wong on the island with his son – and with a 'rickety' security software watching over the boys! Again his eyes drifted to the Sander pictures as Tsu truly realized what was going to happen – what had to happen. The evidence was staring him in the face.

Tsu knew.

Ben Toeber had no clue what was about to happen on his island.

But then again, Tsu knew, Ben Toeber also thought that he was going to keep Hop Sing for two more years.

Tsu smiled as the chip in Hop Sing's neck reported back to him. He would fix all that. After all, it was HIS code. Then his smile faded.

That damnable Matti was going to fuck his son again!


It wasn't that Hop Sing didn't try.

He really did.

He just couldn't handle the shame that Matti heaped upon him day after day.

He even explained it as best he could. He talked of Sander, his own guilt, and his honor. By the end of the week, even though he was now orgasming every single time he was fucked, and he was getting good at it, Matti was done with him. Normally, he liked to take more time, but Hop Sing was making him crazy. And scared.

"He's got the basics of it, the physical part, both oral and anal," Matti put in his report. "But the hatefulness, which Hop Sing claims is all aimed at me, is going to be a problem. Why no one believes my reports of abuse, I don't know. I'm tired of this little shit beating the hell out of me! I certify him trained in the art of pleasuring clients, but I must add a warning to anyone who tries to fuck him! I would also claim that the boy is emotionally damaged, and will likely be a liability to the Island. While he CAN please men, and knows the mechanics, he does NOT enjoy it."

And so it was, at the end of his seventh day of training, Hop Sing was certified as an official San Carlos Island Pleasure Slave and discharged from his training with Matti.

All that remained was his nullification.


Damn, Ben thought. He knew at the time it was a mistake to buy the boy. He must have known. Otherwise he would have told him about the sex. Somehow, Ben had overlooked that at the time. He'd told Hop Sing that he was likely to be neutered, and the boy had still signed the contract. But he had neglected to tell him he was going to be fucked, likely several times a day for the next two years. Just a slight oversight, that. But WHY hadn't anyone else told the kid?! Hell, nine of ten of his newbies at least ASSUMED that there was sex involved! Gods, was this kid naive!

But he had wanted the kid. He had so few Chinese nullos and none as beautiful as Hop Sing. Also, each year brought more and more Chinese clients. China was the richest nation in the world. Many of its citizens were billionaires and were already clients of San Carlos Island, and they had friends. Ben hadn't been able to supply Chinese nullos to all those that had asked for them, but at least, he HAD been able to make some new supply connections from his clients. That was where Lewie had come from.

And he had already decided to recruit more Chinese boys for the island when Tsu had arrived with Hop Sing.

Damn it. He had told the boy he would be nullified. Wouldn't you think that would concern the boy more than the sex? But it had turned out that sex was the big hang up. The kid didn't like it, even though he had Matti for a trainer.

Matti was the best trainer Ben had. Everyone one of his trainees fell in love with him, coming to enjoy sex, because they loved being fucked by Matti, wanting to please him. For most, it wasn't hard to transition to having sex with clients. Matti had taught them that having sex – being fucked – was pleasurable. Without fail, he had taught his trainees to orgasm and that orgasms felt good. After Matti had moved on to another trainee, the only way the boy could orgasm was with a client.

Even if they formed a relationship with another slave, that slave didn't have a penis – or if he had a penis, he didn't have testicles and couldn't get an erection. He couldn't get the other boy off. Matti had trained the boys well. Only a cock up their ass could bring them to orgasm – and the boys were no longer sex toys in their dorm rooms.

Of course there were failures. Sander had been one. Ben hadn't decided what he'd do with the boy yet. He could sell him to a brothel, but that wouldn't even bring more than 100,000 CR, a tenth of what he'd paid for the kid. The problem with him, though, wasn't that he'd failed to fall in love with Matti, but that he'd loved him too much. That and his own father had been his first client. That had definitely been a mistake. Ben had misjudged the boy there.

He had thought the boy wanted to fuck his father. Sander had displayed all the signs of jealousy that first night, when his father had fucked Chris, Sander's best friend. Ben had been certain that Sander wished it had been him instead, but apparently all the boy had wanted was to be loved by his father – as a father, not as a lover.

That and losing Matti, after he moved on to another trainee, had broken Sander's spirit. He went through the motions when assigned to a client, but clients paid for more than that. Most were looking for love – or the illusion of love. They wanted to believe that the boy loved them. Sander provided none of them with that illusion.

Now he had another kid that was likely to be as much – or more – trouble as Sander. At least Sander had fallen in love with Matti – too much in love with him, actually. Hop Sing hadn't. He hated Matti, not that it was Matti's fault. Hop Sing would have hated any trainer. He hated sex. He didn't like being fucked. The boy was apparently a diehard heterosexual; he'd even mentioned kissing a girl. He didn't like having another boy's cock up his ass, not even Matti's. But there was also the love factor. Hop Sing came from a loving home, and that had been all torn away from him. Sander hadn't been loved, not really. Sander was also hopelessly in love with Matti, and Hop Sing hated Matti. But Hop Sing also loved Sander, so Ben had found out. And now Matti was training Hop Sing 3;

It was a very twisted lovers' triangle, but it made Ben think.

He could rescind Hop Sing's contract, but what good would that do? He had paid out a million credits to Hop Sing's father. Even if he sued, he wasn't likely to recoup that. From what Tsu had said that day in the office, he owed that money to others, likely gangsters from what Tsu had said to Hop Sing that day. More than likely, the money was already gone.

Of course Ben could have absorbed the losses. A billionaire several times over, a million credits was nothing to him. But one didn't get to be a billionaire by blowing off a million credits here and a million credits there. It would have gone against Ben's most basic principals. Had it been ten credits, not a million, Ben would have still been reluctant to blow it off. He was a businessman. He expected to make money on every transaction.

There had been other boys before Sander, ones that couldn't adjust to becoming love slaves. Sometimes Ben had been forced to absorb the loss, either selling the boy to a brothel at a loss, or releasing him from his contract, before or after nullifying him.

Yes. At one time, Ben actually let a boy out of his contract if he refused to be nullified, but no longer. If the boy signed, he WAS going to be nullified, whether Ben ever recouped full value from the kid or not. Ben liked nullifying boys. That's how he got into the business in the first place. He liked cutting off a boy's penis and testicles, denying him forever a wet orgasm.

They might enjoy sex. It was his business to see that they did. But they would enjoy it like a woman enjoys sex, not like a man. By the nature of being a nullo, the boy would necessarily be submissive, the fuckee, not the fucker – forever dependent on his partner for pleasure.

Hop Sing was going to lose his cock and balls that night in the arena. The only question was whether Ben would do it himself or let Matti do it.

Ben laughed to himself, remembering the first time Matti had neutered a boy. What was his name? Randall. That was it. Matti had said he hated doing it, refusing to ever neuter another boy, but after neutering Sander, he had come to love it. He insisted on neutering each of his trainees.

Usually Ben let him, perversely satisfied that the person the boy loved most – Matti – was taking from him what made him a boy, his cock and balls.

Hell, the world was over populated as it was. By removing a few boys from the gene pool, Ben was doing the world a favor.

Yeah, Hop Sing would lose his cock and balls that night in the arena, whether Ben ever made a credit off the boy or not.

There was a way, though. Some men weren't looking for boys to love them. Inflicting pain and humiliation on a boy got them off, not love. Until now, Ben had refused to allow such men on the island or had kicked them off once he'd found out what kind of men they were. Now he was considering allowing them on. They wouldn't be looking for love. If anything, boys like Hop Sing and Sander would be especially desired by such men. And what about the weird fetish market? Hadn't that one client fucked Sander in the hospital? "I always wanted to fuck a sick boy?" Hadn't he said? True, Ben had a wardrobe department. He'd seen Chris dressed up as a ridiculous early 20th century golf caddy 3; but still? Was he missing something there?

Ben could probably double his business, and he wasn't even using half the island's real estate now. He had plenty of room to expand. Perhaps half the island would be for one type of client and the other half for another. It was worth thinking about, anyway. Think of the problems it would solve.

Now, he could only accept one of every five boys offered him, realizing that most would never make good sex slaves. If he had both kinds of clients, the only criteria a boy would have to meet would be that he was beautiful. That would greatly reduce Ben's expenses. Hell, he might even reduce the price he paid for boys.

OK, so he made about eight million credits off a boy during the life of a two year contract, but still, if he could get him for a couple of hundred thousand credits instead of a million, that would be just that much more money in Ben's pocket.

Besides: If they cost less, just think how many more boys he could neuter each year, maybe hundreds, not the fifty or sixty he did now. It was much like high school graduation every year, too – as the boys came of age, they had to move on. The older and bigger and they got, the less desirable they were. And they had to be replaced. And that cost. And he also couldn't rely on miraculous finds like Lewie, who had cost him almost nothing but the jet fuel to go and fetch him, and a coupon for a free visit to the island for the connection who found him. But still, he couldn't rely on that. What if they found real buyers, or bid him up too high?

Perhaps he would have long ago allowed such clients onto the island, had it not been for Lester DelRay. At one time, Ben would have thought nothing of a client giving a boy a good spanking, but DelRay had almost killed Matti, after Ben had made the mistake of selling the boy to him. Ben had sworn at the time that he'd never again allow DelRay to have one of his boys. That's why he wouldn't let men like Lester DelRay – men who liked to hurt boys – on his island.

Not all the others – even those that liked to inflict pain – were like DelRay. After all, he was being a hypocrite not allowing them onto the island. Ben, himself, liked to inflict pain, didn't he? Wasn't cutting off a boy's cock and balls without the benefit of anesthetic, inflicting pain? And of course, that's how he did it. That's how all the boys were neutered, without anesthetic. The clients wanted to hear them scream when their cock and balls were cut off.

Of course he never let them hurt for long. Immediately after the boy was neutered, his groin was bathed in a liquid that stopped the pain and the bleeding. Then Doctor Knox, himself an old island boy, would fix them up so wonderfully and do a little more corrective surgery with nerves, stem cells, enhancements to their 'nullo-place' as the boys all called it. Knox, Ben knew, was a medical genius. Since he'd replaced that Amy person – one of the few women ever allowed to be on the island – it had seemed that the boys that he worked on all experienced heightened feelings of pleasure and were even hornier. Profits had gone up since Ronnie Knox had come back to be the doctor.

DelRay, he thought again. Now that would be a solution for the Sander problem. DelRay would pay – had offered – several times what Ben had paid for Sander, and DelRay wouldn't care that Sander was 'ruined.' That was what he wanted him for anyway – to 'ruin' him. As unhappy as the boy was now, he didn't know what unhappiness was. Only DelRay could teach him that.

Yeah, Ben could sell Sander – Hop Sing for that matter – to DelRay. But he wouldn't. Ben hated DelRay. After Matti, he'd told him he'd never sell him another boy; and he wouldn't. If nothing else, Ben was a man of his word. He had his honor. And he also realized that Hop Sing, rare boy that he was, had it too.

Well, whether Hop Sing would make a good San Carlos Island slave boy or not, he was getting cut that night in the arena. There would be a double ceremony, the cutting of two Chinese boys, Hop Sing and Lǚ Dòngbīn – Lewie. Ben would cut Lewie while – at the same time – Matti cut Hop Sing. It should make for quite a show, the cutting of one boy that wanted it and one boy that only wanted to remain a boy. In a way, Ben wished he were the one emasculating Hop Sing. It would serve the contrary little cocksucker right, honor or not!

It could still all work out. Neutering the boy might put the kid's head on straight. Sometimes it did. Once a boy was neutered, realizing there was no going back, that he'd never again be a boy, he sometimes resigned himself to his fate, especially if he had been properly trained to enjoy orgasms.  Once his genitals had been cut off, he had no other way to achieve an orgasm, other than to be fucked.

Of course the drugs helped. They made the little fuckers horny, even though they'd never reached puberty. Without the drugs, Ben's job would have been much more difficult.

But then – did Hop Sing enjoy orgasms? He had them, even fainting from them often, but Matti had reported that he said afterward that he hated them. Perhaps he'd have Ronnie give Hop a double dose. Then, the boy would be begging someone to stick a cock up his ass, like Timmy! But then again, Timmy was a slut. Ben didn't think HE needed any drugs.

It hadn't worked on Sander, though. At least it hadn't worked as Ben had hoped. Oh, the kid fucked readily enough, usually climaxing when he was fucked, but the clients complained that he never put his heart into it. "He just lays there with his legs up," was the report Ben often heard. "If he wasn't warm, I'd swear he was a corpse!" And it was only a matter of time before the other boys – even the sluts like Timmy – would get tired of being 'the refund boy', especially when they didn't get paid their percentage of each sale.

That might work in a brothel, when a boy didn't enjoy it, but not on San Carlos Island. Although it was becoming easier to advertise, the use of slave boys for sex growing more common and readily accepted, Ben still relied on repeat customers and 'word of mouth.' It wouldn't do to have disgruntled customers, and many of Sander's recent clients had been disgruntled, so much so that Ben no longer profited from the boy. "Well, when you get to San Carlos, just don't rent Sander – he's a real dud!" Ben couldn't have that.


Hop Sing was back in his dorm room, waiting. He had four hours left to be a boy. Then, he would be nullified in the arena, just as Peter had been, watched by hundreds: clients, staff, and slaves, most aroused to orgasm by his nullification. The clients would experience something he never had – and now never would – a penile orgasm. He still wore his chastity cage. It kept his penis from even becoming hard. But even if he'd had a penile orgasm anyway, it wouldn't have been a wet one. He was too young to shoot like his older brother did. Now, that was something he'd never be able to do.

There were other things, too. He would never have children. He would never be able to pleasure a woman.

Normally, that wouldn't have been his concern. Now, that he realized what they were taking from him, it did. Before, he'd just assumed that he'd one day have a family like his own. No longer, though. Not after tonight. It depressed him so badly that even the thought of being freed from Matti didn't cheer him up.

Chris and Timmy came into the room. "Hop," said Chris, "so tonight's the big night! Are you excited?"

Excited? Excited at having his dick and balls cut off? But Chris liked being a nullo.  So did Timmy. Both of them were glad they'd been nullified. Chris, especially, had told Hop Sing that. In fact, Chris loved his new life so much that he was talking about signing another contract!

"Where's Sander?" Hop Sing asked. It had been Sander he'd come to see, not Chris and Timmy. He liked Chris and Timmy – maybe even loved them like brothers - but there was a gulf between them and him, that didn't exist between him and Sander. They liked being nullos, and they liked being fucked. Neither he nor Sander did.

Oh, Sander like being fucked by Matti – or at least he once did – but he didn't like being fucked by clients.

Hop Sing didn't even like being fucked by Matti. He was certain not to like being fucked by hairy, fat, old men, like many of the clients were. Matti was at least beautiful. Hop Sing, however, no longer saw beauty when he looked at Matti. He only saw the boy that raped him, forcing on him climaxes that he didn't want, climaxes that – although they felt good – humiliated him.

"Not sure," Timmy replied, "But who cares? I just had to cover his dumb ass, or more like, dead ass with a client! The guy was all pissed off because Sander didn't even talk to him when he fucked him! Can you imagine?!" Timmy exclaimed, waving his hands about.

"So what? You're a slut," Chris reminded him. "You had ONE job this morning. ONE! Tell me that was enough?"

"That's not the point!" Timmy yelled, "We can't keep cleaning up after Sander! Every time we make up for him, we don't get paid!"

"Is the money all it is?" Hop Sing sighed. "What about Sander's feelings?"

"Look, Hop," Chris told him, coming to sit next to him. "Sander and me used to be tight. We were best buddies! I showed him the ropes, but then he turned on me. Hell, it's not MY fault they booked Sander's dad with me and pissed him off! You think Sander didn't hurt ME? He was my friend! Now he hates me."

"You 3; you had Sander's father?" Hop Sing gasped, "And he knew?!"

"He saw it," Chris nodded. "And boy, did they think he was jealous! So then his dad fucked him, too."

Hop Sing was shocked. How could a father fuck his own son?! It was wrong! How could they have allowed it? It then clicked over in the boy's mind that that was probably what had started Sander on his downward spiral. But how did one fix that kind of damage? Hop Sing was thinking about it when the announcement came over all the systems on the island:

"Attention everyone! For your entertainment tonight, San Carlos Island is pleased to present a rare spectacle! Tonight, we have a double-nullification ceremony in the arena! Two Chinese boys are to be nullified at once! And in addition, we will be presenting Peter – still a bit pink from his healing. You'll recall that Peter was nullified only last week, but thanks to our fabulous doctor, he's all healed up and ready for his first – YES, FIRST – customer! Peter can be previewed at the main pool, where's he's working on evening up his tan over all that new skin where his boyhood USED to be! Right before the ceremony, he'll be auctioned off for a 24-hour period to the highest bidder. So everyone come out tonight and have a good time! The boys will all be ready for you!"

"Hot damn!" Timmy breathed in wonder. Chris laughed at him.

Hop Sing just laid down on his bed and waited for the inevitable, wishing that he knew where Sander was. Chris and Timmy both tried to make him feel better, talking, assuring him. Timmy even rubbed his back, which did feel good.

"Hop, I gotta tell ya somethin'," Chris finally said. "Your collar will tell you where Sander is if you ask it, but 3; but I'm not sure you wanna see him. He's, well, hell, I should know! He's mad at you. I mean really mad!"

Hop Sing jerked and almost toppled Timmy off of him. "But why?" Hop Sing begged, his face stricken, "What did I do to him?"

"You were with Matti for a week," Timmy said.

"But Matti was my trainer! They stuck me with him! I hate him!" Hop Sing explained. "He wouldn't LET me talk to Sander! He wouldn't let me SEE you guys!" Hop Sing's eyes filled with tears. "I have to tell him! We have to find him!"

"He won't listen, trust me," Chris sighed, shaking his head. "I couldn't even believe it when they stuck him in here with us. Hell, I even asked my collar to make sure he never got within arm's reach of me!"

"But he's nice when Hop's around," Timmy offered.

"I thought he was getting better, back to the old Sander, but I was wrong," Chris conceded. "There's no helping him. He's ruined. He's just lost too much too fast."

"Then we have to give him something back," Hop Sing declared, "Computer! Where's Sander?"

"Sander is on his way back to his room now. He has just finished with a client. Sander is to attend the nullification ceremony this evening and do his job," the collar replied, but not in the tone that Hop Sing thought was his father's.

"Speak of the devil!" Timmy laughed, as Sander came in. He was walking oddly.

"Dammit, that guy had a twelve inch [30 cm] cock, I swear," Sander complained. "I hate those!"

Timmy looked mightily put off. "You could have traded me," he complained.

"I had to work it," Sander replied, heading for the shower without even looking at Hop Sing. "I have to work or I get sold!"

"Sander?" Hop Sing asked tentatively, "I 3; I missed you. All of you."

"Did you?" Sander snapped at him, which came as no surprise given what Matti had already told Hop Sing. "Did you think of me when Matti was fucking you? Did he tell you that he wished it was me? Did he even offer to come and get me this week? He saw me when he had Peter in training!" Sander raged, "So do you love him, Hop? All the trainees do! I know I did!"

"I hate him!" Hop Sing mumbled, so hurt by his friend's words that he couldn't help but to start crying again. He'd done a lot of that lately, and he was ashamed of that too. "I hit him – a lot. I hurt him bad, twice. He said horrible things to me – things about my family, being sold, and about you! I stood up for YOU!" Hop Sing yelled at him. "I cried at night because I missed you, all of you! I begged him to let me at least call you, and he said NO! That's your great Matti for you, Sander! He raped me for seven days, Sander! I hated it, and I hate him!"

"Liar," Sander smiled at him, with a look so evil that even Chris and Timmy backed off. "Matti DID come and talk to me today. Ben talked to me too. They said you were trained, and in only a week! What an ass you must have!"

"I 3; I tried to tell him," Hop Sing whimpered, burying his face in the pillow, "I tried to tell him YOU loved him, that you were sick without him. I begged him to come see you!"

"You fucked him all week," Sander repeated, knowing full that his words were worse than bullets to Hop Sing. He was hurting the boy who had befriended him, who'd been so tolerant of him when everyone else was done with him, and he enjoyed it. Some small part of him screamed that he was wrong, but Sander ignored it. All he wanted to do was to make Hop Sing hurt – make him hurt like HE did.

"Less than two hours," Sander grinned at him, running a hand over his smooth crotch. "Then you'll be just like us – neutered and sexually helpless! But at least Matti won't touch YOU again!" He then turned and went into the bathroom, slamming the door.

It was all that Chris could stand.

Having been in Hop Sing's place before, he knew full well Sander's power to hurt.

So, with less than two hours until the sobbing wreck that was Hop Sing was to be neutered, Chris strolled into the bathroom and promptly beat the shit out of his old friend.

"Medical emergency in slave boy's dorm 10-R2!" Timmy called out, when he saw what Chris had done to Sander.


It was time.

In contrast to Lewie, who strode to the castration tables set up in the center of the arena, waving to the cheering crowd, Hop Sing had to be led there by a security guard. Although he didn't try to pull away, the security guard held his arm in a firm grip.

Lewie climbed onto his table. A guard strapped him down. The guard holding onto Hop Sing's arm picked him up, strapping him down onto his table. The two guards stepped back, standing at parade rest.

A spot light snapped on, illuminating the entrance to the arena. Three people stood there, a man, a youth, and a boy. All three were naked. The man's cock and the youth's cock were erect. The boy had none. He was a nullo, Peter, the boy nullified but a week before. The man, Ben Toeber, and the youth, Matti, were there to nullify the two boys on the tables. Ben would do the boy he'd trained, Lǚ Dòngbīn – Lewie – and Matti would nullify the boy he'd trained, Hop Sing.

It was a big night: two boys would soon no longer be boys; a nullo would be sold to his first client, auctioned off to the highest bidder – not sold permanently, of course, but just for twenty-four hours. Although trained to please a man by his trainer, Matti, this would be Peter's first sexual experience as a nullo. No one – not even Matti – had touched him since he'd been neutered.

The skin covering Peter's groin, fully healed, was still pink, a shadow where his cock and balls had been, the cock and balls Matti had cut off that night a week before.


From where he lay on the table, Hop Sing saw Matti, Ben, and Peter walk onto the stage. Matti looked over at him, smiling, as if to say, "It's your turn, Boy. You hurt my balls. Now, I'll hurt yours."

Tonight 3; he would repay Hop Sing for kicking him in the balls by taking Hop Sing's balls – his dick, too, of course. Hop Sing had only minutes left as a boy. Soon he would be something else, a nullo, sexless forever.

Hop Sing only half listened to the auction. He didn't find out until later that the first night with Peter as a nullo had gone for a bid of 200,000 credits, a fifth of what Ben had paid for the boy's two year contract. At 50,000 CR a day for Peter's service, Ben would quickly recoup what he'd paid for him.

When the auction was over and Peter had been led away by his first client, Hop Sing heard Ben say, "Now, for what you've all come here for, the nullification of not one, but two boys."

He stepped over to the table holding Lewie, "Do you want to become a nullo?" he asked him.

"Yes, Sir," he said, "please cut off my dick and balls. I want to be a slave."

"Tonight, you become a nullo," said Ben, repeating the same speech Matti had made when he'd cut Peter. "I'm about to cut off your boy parts. You'll be a nullo for the rest of your life. They can't be reattached. You will be smooth and beautiful, the object of desire of men, the envy of intact boys still burdened with a penis and testicles. Do you want me to do it."

"Yes," said Lewie.

"Then ask me for it," said Ben. "Beg me to do it."

"Do it," said Lewie. "Cut them off. Make me a nullo."

Hop Sing knew Lewie would say that. He had rehearsed the same speech. When Matti asked him the same question, he was supposed to beg to be neutered.

But he wouldn't. Matti might cut off his genitals, but Hop Sing wouldn't ask for it. What could they do if he didn't?  Matti was going to cut off his boy parts. What more could he do to him? What worse could he do to him?

Ben gathered up Lewie's pitiful cock and balls in his hand, placing the cutting knife below his balls, pulling the boy's genitals out from his body with the other hand.

With a quick flick of Ben's wrist, Lewie's cock and balls came free from Lewie's groin. Blood poured from where they'd been. Lewie screamed.

Ben held up Lewie's genitals showing them to the crowd, viewing them on the holoscreens. The crowd cheered. Some already had their slaves on their laps, pumping their cocks into the boys' holes.

One of the attending guards splashed some liquid on Lewie's crotch. His screams stopped, as did the flow of blood.

Lewie looked down at his crotch, as if amazed that what had hurt so, only a moment before, no longer hurt. He smiled. Hop Sing heard Ben tell him, "You'll make a great slave."

Then it was Hop Sing's turn.

Matti stepped over to his table. Instead of the speech he'd made when he'd cut Peter, the speech Ben had just made, he said, "I'm going to enjoy cutting you. It's going to hurt you a lot more than it will me."

He didn't even ask Hop Sing if he wanted to be cut. Both Ben and Matti knew the boy didn't.

That's not what the crowd heard, however. They heard a speech almost identical to the one Ben had just made. They also heard Hop Sing beg to be cut – heard him say that he wanted to be a nullo – the speech that Hop Sing had been forced to rehearse. It was simple to feed that to the holoscreens.

The scream was real, though. Hop Sing's scream was real. It needed no amplification to be heard throughout the arena.  Matti held the knife to the base of his balls, extending Hop Sing's balls and erect cock from his body with his other hand. Hop Sing's cock was hard, not because he was aroused by the prospect of being nullified, but because of the drugs they fed him. They kept him hard and horny most of the time.

It was over in a moment. With a quick upward pull of the knife, Hop Sing's genitals came loose in Matti's hand. That's when Hop Sing screamed. He hadn't meant to. He hadn't wanted to give Matti the satisfaction of hearing him scream, but it had hurt too much. Hop Sing hadn't realized that it would hurt so much.

When the guard started to splash the liquid on Hop Sing's groin, Matti held up his hand, "I'll do it," he said.

But it seemed to take him forever before he did. Hop Sing was about to faint from the pain before Matti splashed the liquid on his groin.

Then it was gone. The pain was gone, only a memory now. He no longer hurt at all. It was like waking from a nightmare. One moment he hurt and bled. The next moment he did neither.

BUT – even though he no longer hurt, he was still a nullo. Matti still held his dick and balls in his hand. As Ben had said, they could not – at least would not – ever be reattached. He would never have children of his own. He would no longer be a boy.