The Institution
Chapters 9-12
Chapter 9 Play
Everybody in our group except the two very heterosexual guys seemed to want to go to bed early. I noticed Chris was very quickly turned away from them when he tried to start a conversation. They weren't keen on chatting to a naked boy of 13, at their age. The three of us went to our room. I plucked up my courage, and as soon as the door was shut I went up to Colin and just put my arms round him, and kissed him on the lips. I'd never done that to any boy before. Funny – you don't at a normal school. I was pleased that, once he had recovered, he was responsive. Although it was meant as a thank you, my nakedness was touching the cloth of his shorts, and the inevitable swelling resulted. I released him.
"What was that for?"
3; thank you. And thank you, too."
I reached down to Jimmy and did the same to him. He wasn't so responsive, but I didn't want him to feel left out. All he did afterwards was to wipe his lips with the back of his hand and look at my growing erection with a grin.
"What happens now?" he asked. Colin looked at him.
"Grubby little sod!"
"Well? We can do what we like, can't we?"
"Right then. Come here
3;" And he pulled the giggling boy towards him, with a struggle put him over his knee and held him there as best he could with his arms and legs make ineffectual swimming movements as he pretended to try and escape.
"Pull his trousers down, Paul."
Avoiding the flailing limbs I went to the side and did so.
"Right. I'm going to smack you for being a nasty, dirty little boy."
At that the flailing stopped and an alarmed voice said: "But I thought we were going to play! I was only being funny."
"Oh, did you
3;" He took his hands from the narrow waist, put one on the small of his back and the other one on his bottom in the traditional smacking position, then lifted it off
3; and shifted both hands to under the arms where they pressed inwards quite hard. Jimmy gave a wriggle and tried to laugh at the same time at the sudden tickly sensation. I laughed too, half in relief. I should have known Colin better. Jimmy squirmed down onto the floor with Colin's hands still tormenting him, so I thought I'd join in, too. With Colin standing over the boys belly, all I could reach was the feet, so I tickled there and was nearly kicked in the nose. I seized a foot and held it steady with one hand, tickling with the other. At length Jimmy shouted for mercy, and we both let go, breathing hard. Funnily, my erection had gone, and Colin hadn't started one, but Jimmy's was doing the very best it could. He sat on the floor, grinning hugely, panting, with still the look of battle in his eyes. Colin was nearest. Jimmy sat up casually and brought on arm round off the floor, making as to scratch his elbow. Suddenly he shot it upwards, right up the leg of Colin's shorts, and grabbed for what he could find. He had obviously been looking at points, for he chose the side the Colin 'dressed himself'. The next moment he was pulling his catch clear into the light. Its owner collapsed onto his knees – in a remarkably controlled way, I'm glad to say, otherwise there may have been damage. Jimmy held on. His victim could hardly pull away, and every move he made caused the organ to be squeezed.
"Help me, Paul!" he begged. So I just pulled down the front of Jimmy's shorts as well, and grabbed at him only to find my hand trapped between his legs as he pulled them together. I forgot he had another free hand, and before I could dodge the boy had my penis in his grip as well. At this, seeing there was no way out of it without being squeezed painfully we two relaxed, hoping he'd get tired. Our penises were subject to different rules though, and all that happened was that Jimmy had more and more to get his hands around. He gently pulled, shifted his hands carefully, and maneuvered so that our penises touched. A spark like electricity shot through me as I watched and felt Colin's against mine. Then the small mouth opened and a wet tongue licked the tip of each of us together. That evening we played for a long time, mostly on the floor. All the things we had been taught, had enjoyed doing and having done to us, we did. We ended up lying in a sort of triangle. Colin was massaging Jimmy, who was working on me. I was really the luckiest, because Colin was really aroused, and wet, and I'd had the extra lessons with Billy and knew what made me really want to come. We none of us were trying to produce an orgasm, it was just nice to handle and take in the mouth a part of the body that we never would have done before this week, with nobody watching, knowing that the subject was enjoying it, and being a friend of that person, too. We were startled by the lights flashing off and on again. Twenty minutes to lights out! Colin groaned.
"Not yet
3; not yet. I must come
3;" I changed my tactics, and held my mouth over his glans, massaged his scrotum with one hand and started the familiar routine with the other. Jimmy noticed my movements and did his best to do the same. I don't think it would have mattered what he'd done by that time because almost before another minute was up it all started for me. I held it until I had to give way but succeeded in making it worse for poor Jimmy as he had his mouth well over me. As Billy had done with me, I shot gobbet after gobbet of semen into the boy's mouth. He couldn't get clear in time. At the sight of this Colin started to come, too. I rather wanted him inside my mouth, so I made sure I was bearing down on him so he couldn't pull away. That wonderful, warm feeling at the back of the throat as the fruit of my loving him came into me. I continued stroking at him until he started to become flaccid. Jimmy had stopped on me rather too soon in his hurry to get away.
"I'z i 'y 'outh," he explained, unwilling to close it. I had just about recovered.
"Jimmy, it won't do you any harm. It's only like my blood, or seminal fluid which you're used to by now. It's the part of me that
3;" I thought quickly
3; "shows what a friend I am to you."
He looked at me and paused. The mouth closed, he shut his eyes and swallowed hard. I could tell he wasn't happy about it.
"You're the only one of us who hasn't come," I said, as Colin was still recovering.
"Do you want to get on the bed? It'll be more comfortable. If you don't want me to use my mouth, I won't."
"I don't know
3; Do you think I should?"
"You know
3; come."
"You have before, when you didn't mean to. It doesn't do any harm. And didn't you enjoy it?"
"Yes, but
3; Well if it doesn't do any harm
3;" He swiftly lay on the bed. I sat astride him and gently massaged him. He grew hard quickly, and I just used my hand on him gently.
"Aren't you going to used your mouth like you did on Colin? Like he did on me?"
"If you want me to."
So I repeated the performance. On the one hand I had just come, so I wasn't all that keen, but on the other hand Jimmy wasn't going to shoot like we had. I used my tongue on the boy wherever it would reach. I pushed his legs apart and managed to lick under the swelling that would one day hold two testicles, and up over the top to his penis and all round there. Then with a mixture of hand and mouth I worked on him until there were a series of jerks, some gasping, and a very adult, if treble, moan. He lay quiet, eyes all but shut, looking incredibly beautiful and at peace, just like those over-sweet pictures of baby deer you see sometimes. It came naturally to me to kiss him, and Colin who had been watching and was similarly affected, did the same. We lay on our elbows, one each side of him, just watching him as he recovered. When he opened his eyes again he saw us looking at him and grinned in a rather embarrassed way.
"What for?" asked Colin.
3; You know
3; doing it."
"But it was lovely
3; wasn't it?"
"Yes, but
3; it just felt as if I shouldn't be doing it here."
3; I don't know."
"But we have, and we're older. And it's messier."
"Yes, I know, but
3; I guess I'm not used to it."
I wondered whether it was all getting too much for him. After all, apart from one effort at sexual exploration which had led him here he hadn't exactly been a ram in real life.
"Jimmy, neither Colin nor I will make you do anything you don't want to do. You only have to say no, and that'll be it. We shan't think any the worse of you if you do, shall we Colin?"
"No. You're right. Whatever this place may tell you to do, when it's just the three of us we shan't get you to anything you don't want."
"But I don't want to be left out of anything."
"It's up to you to decide at the time. OK?" He nodded, turned over on the side of the bed where he lay and settled down to sleep. I looked at Colin, and stood up.
"That was pretty good, Paul. I think Billy's lessons must have taught you a lot!"
"I wanted to do it, to take you in as far as I could and make it as good for you as possible. I like it when Billy does it to me like that."
He just smiled.
"It looks like we're going to have to be on the same side as each other tonight. Jim's taken that side of the bed."
I smiled back at him, and as I watched, he started to blossom forth again. I knew mine was doing the same.
"Come on, we're both tired. Bed."
We suited the action to the word and soon I could hear Jimmy's quick, young breathing from one side and Colin's more measured, adult rhythm from my left. I was wakeful to start with, and although I wasn't physically aroused, mentally I was in seventh heaven. I had just been very, very intimate with two people I liked a lot – loved even. And now I was lying naked in bed with them! I might have the most severe reservations imaginable about The Institution, and particularly about its staff, but at the moment I felt as secure as was possible in a transient way, and very much as though I was emanating good feelings and love to both these wonderful people I was with. Were they mine to do with as I wanted? My state of mind was such that, for the first time ever, I was producing seminal fluid from a non-erect penis in quantity. I settled down and must have slept for a time for the next I remember was turning over towards Colin, breathing deeply beside me. I looked at him for a long time, and eventually couldn't resist kissing his forehead, then his lips
3; and surely it wouldn't matter if I reminded myself what he felt like further down
3; To my surprise I found him aroused. Thinking he was awake I pulled my hand away and muttered some sort of apology, but he just kept on breathing in the same measured way. I felt again, thinking I had dreamed it, but no; he was as stiff as a board. Very gently I fondled him, really exploring every part of him there slowly, at my leisure. Would it matter if I kissed him there? I buried my head under the bedclothes, such as they were, and carefully found where he was. He smelt musty
3; exciting
3; warm. My own arousal has always made me clumsy, and somehow I hit his erection with my hand. There was a sound between a grunt and a wince from above, and he sat up in bed in a hurry, looking bleary-eyed at me as I jerked my head away from his crotch.
"What's happening?" he asked in a loud voice."
"Shhhh. Sorry. Oh, I'm sorry. Oh damn
3;" and I turned away, turning towards Jimmy, lying on my side.
"OK. What's happening?" he asked in a quieter voice. I shook my head.
"Come on," he said; a quieter, kinder tone.
"What's up?" I shook my head again. I knew that I'd just ruined a friendship, that he's tell everybody in the place that I tried to rape him, that I'd be 'punished', that I'd have nobody to look after me. The misery swept over me and I gave a convulsive sob. Instantly I felt his body curl up to touch mine from the back of my head to my toes, and his arm came round me.
"What's the matter?" I was unable to say a word. Quite apart from the trigger of what had just happened, the strain and self-disgust of the events prior to the trial, and the trial itself, had caught up with me. I realised at last that I was in a place where they taught you to things to other people which in normal life would result in a prison sentence, and my young brain couldn't hold the thought of what I had done alongside what was happening to me now as a punishment. I missed my parents more than I could tell. I was in a worse state than I had been ever since I was arrested. For ages Colin just held me while I sobbed and cried my heart out. Al the excitement of the last few days had gone. I felt used, abused and so very, very vulnerable. It was a long time until I cried myself to a standstill, and I was just glad it was Colin at the receiving end and not poor little Jimmy, whose time for breaking down would come soon, I was sure. When it was over I felt empty of all emotion, of all care about what anyone thought. I was just anxious to unburden myself of my sin against Colin, and did so, quietly, ashamedly.
"Is that all?" he asked after a long pause when I had finished. I just looked at him.
"Is that what all that was about?" I nodded.
"But I'm your friend. More
3; If you want to do that you can. But
3; Wait 'til I'm awake and can enjoy it? Please?" I was speechless. I just looked at him, the relief uncoiling inside me like a spring. I suddenly started laughing, quietly at first then, louder and more uncontrollably. I hid my head against his chest to stifle the noise, lest Jimmy should wake. As I had shook with misery and tears a few minutes previously I now shook with laughter. To control me, Colin gripped the cheeks of my bum, quite hard. That brought back unfortunate memories and my fit died as quickly as it arrived. We lay quietly for some minutes in each others' arms, then, inevitably, slipped back into sleep.
I was woken next morning by Jimmy who, unperturbed by any problems with our surroundings, took it into his head to lie fully on top of me, his mouth roughly at my neck, his legs finishing by my ankles, and his penis alongside mine. Once I had mastered breathing again with this weight on top of me I looked down to find a cheeky grin a few inches from me. Despite the suddenness of the arousal, how could I be annoyed with him just being
3; boyish? Once he saw he had my attention he wriggled his middle about, pushing my penis about like a loose stick. Which, as usual, it was rapidly becoming. From being rather overcome the previous evening he was as mischievous as anyone could wish for, and seemed intent on ensuring that I was as intimate with him as I knew how. I responded, of course, I couldn't help myself, and we soon woke Colin whose first sight must have been of Jimmy kneeling by my head, trying to force his stiff little penis through my teeth which I was holding shut just to aggravate. Colin laughed, and stretched, and the next thing I knew he had shoved the pillow out of the way, had taken its place, and was kneeling so as to make his bum hover over my head. He took his penis in his hand and joined Jimmy in trying to make me eat it.
To have a worms-eye view of a pair of well-formed, swinging testicles just two inches [5 cm] away from your face is quite an experience. I had not so far really noticed beyond the obvious attributes of the male body, but was now being forced to do so in some detail. There is the sensitive plateau behind the scrotum on which I had used my tongue to stimulate the owner, as taught by Billy. Then there was the beginning of the cleft, and the two cheeks either side which rose from it to form the bottom. I had never really thought much about it, much less touched anyone else's', and suddenly wondered why they made new boys separate their cheeks to show the depths of them to the assembled crowd.
Competition against my teeth for the entry of a penis had Jimmy at a disadvantage of size of some four inches [10 cm], and soon he was crawling away. I could feel his breath against my quite sensitive pubic hair, and then his head lay on my belly, watching the erection as it throbbed with the idea that I would give in to Colin very soon. But suddenly he was gone, too, and I could feel a large hand enclose my testicles. Jimmy appeared again, this time kneeling on my shoulders and holding himself over my face. I was powerless. In fact I didn't want to move. The sensations travelling along my nerves from my groin were intense. Over my head I had as pretty a young cluster as you would wish to see, and as I waited, my mouth now open slightly in anticipation, I saw the slow erection start to blossom as Jimmy started to react to what he was doing. He lowered himself towards me and I eagerly put out my tongue to speed the contact with him. My scrotum was being stroked and massaged and gently pulled by Colin, whose fingers were finding their way to the sensitive area behind it, too, that I had examined so closely on him earlier. My tongue was being teased by Jimmy's penis, now at its full three inches [7½ cm], and the only two things that could improve were to be able to take him into my mouth and for Colin to start work on me with his other hand, too.
You may wonder how it was that, in the middle of this Institution whose sole purpose seemed to be to teach us how to engage in homosexual acts, I could find such friendship, enjoyment and – yes – love. I don't know. I know it happened, though, and I know it was the one aspect of the whole horrendous episode in my life that kept me from becoming a gibbering wreck. As it was, both the things I wanted to happen at that moment, did; and inevitably there was soon a sticky mess over Colin and I wasn't so sure I wanted Jimmy in my mouth any more for a while.
While my breathing settled down I just lay there, feeling Colin's tongue licking at parts of my body and his. He called Jimmy, who quite eagerly joined his tongue in the cleaning-up operation on the bits of Colin he couldn't reach. Quite a change from the reluctance of the previous night, although I suppose he must have been tired then. They left me, damp and still sweaty, to recover. As I stared at the ceiling in a state of euphoria I heard giggling and some outright laughing from further down the bed. Once I was in a state to do so I hoisted myself onto my elbows to watch. Jimmy was lying on his stomach with Colin astride his legs, leaning forward slightly so his erect penis laid lightly in the boy's cleft. He was rocking to and fro, and the tickling sensation on the tightly clenched cheeks was causing the laughter. Colin saw me watching and grinned. Once again I felt so warm and assured – a wonderful contrast to the horrors of walking round the school nude. Colin lent further over, still oscillating, and I thought he was crushing Jimmy, but all he did was to say quietly "try relaxing your bum muscles."
Jimmy looked over his shoulder at him in surprise, but gradually relaxed. As the cleft became wider the organ was allowed more skin contact, and the foreskin started to be pulled back and forth
3; But Jimmy wanted to play too. With a determined wriggle he turned over, nearly causing Colin quite a lot of grief, and his own little erection sprung up to meet the older boy's. Jimmy used his hands on Colin, massaging where he could, and then carefully held the tips of the two penises together, and started to work on them. Although the stroke which was long enough for him was nowhere near adequate for Colin, the latter had a head start, and anyway the closeness and intimacy of the proceedings were enough to make him come quite quickly. From where the two penises were pointing I could see that Jimmy was due to receive a faceful, so I carefully insinuated myself head first down beside them and bent my head so I could put it in the way once Colin stared pumping.
"I want some on mine," Jimmy warned.
"If I can't make any I'll have someone else's."
At this Colin gave a gasp; before I had a chance to insert my head between their two bodies to receive the brunt of it, he had shot the first of the salvo straight up at Jimmy's face. Further jerks brought less force, so there were small pools of his semen all down the boy's chest until the last dropped into his belly button. A dribble came out right at the end as his muscles relaxed and his breathing deepened, and Jimmy squeezed it out onto the tip of his own organ, which he proceeded to continue working on, a smile on his face due to its presence and the extra lubrication it gave him. Before long he, in turn, gave a gasp, the muscles bunched, and he jerked quite a few times, but of course with no other visible result. Starting at his face, I licked him clean as he and Colin had done for me. He was wet on his chin, between his nipples, above and in the depression of his navel, and around his now sinking shaft. Despite only just having had an orgasm myself I was anxious to taste Colin again – it seemed to set a seal on our friendship. We lay on the bed for quite a while, just recovering, and enjoying the nearness of each other. It was a very happy period, one that was to be repeated infrequently as our time there, and our growing duties, progressed.
Chapter 10 Experiments
We had to get up eventually. There is a limit to the amount of time the male body can go without a lavatory, and we none of us wanted to go alone. As it was Saturday my colleagues chanced it and we all went naked, and never met anybody until we reached the showers, where we had decided on going after the toilets. We met a subdued Chris there: so subdued was he that we asked him what the problem was.
"Billy never came back until about 3 o'clock this morning," he said.
"When he came in he was walking
3; awkwardly, and just lay on the bed saying nothing. I tried talking to him but he wouldn't speak. Then he came right up to me and
3;" He paused, and shook his head.
"What did he do to you, Chris?" I asked, dreading what I thought I was about to hear.
"No, no. He didn't do anything. He just cried."
We all three looked at him, flabbergasted. The idea of a 17 year old in tears was shocking, and we were all scared about what had happened to him to cause it. I don't think Chris meant to say so much. He thought he must have betrayed an unspoken confidence, because he mumbled something about having a shower and getting back for when Billy woke up, and took himself off before I could suggest he share one of the four-showerhead cubicles with us. Rather dampened by our thoughts we soaped and rinsed ourselves without incident, and wondered what we were meant to be doing next. The problem was solved for us by a buzzer sounding, so we dried, hurried back to the room, the other two dressed, and once again with me feeling as if in a bad dream, I walked naked between them to the canteen. We found a number of kids there, but noticeably none of the older ones who had been there longer than us, or any who had been at The Institution for nearly their complete sentence. We were chatting generally after breakfast when the buzzer sounded twice, the signal for an immediate assembly, despite our having been told that there wouldn't be one today. Once we were together we found none of the monitors around – much to our delight – and only the teachers there in force. It seemed most of them lived on site. The Principal addressed us, as usual, and he sounded less confident than usual.
"I've called you here today to forestall the need for rumors to circulate once the person involved has woken," he started.
"You do not know it yet, but those of you who are fuller trained, or near the end of their time here, go to the local town where it is possible for them to earn money. We shall be telling you more about this on Monday, because even at your stage there are some things you can do which people will pay for.
"Unhappily, one of the assignments last night turned sour on the lad from here. The person who he was with – his client – tuned out to have a conviction for a serious offence. He decided that, before the police moved in on him he would have a 'fling', one in a string of offences against theoretically sexually inexperienced boys.
"Had it been one of you real youngsters, you would by now be in hospital, undergoing surgery. Because it was one of our older and more experienced lads he is in discomfort, but no danger. The pain he is currently experiencing will subside quite quickly
3;" There was a murmuring at this.
3; and he will soon be up and about again. In the meantime, please be considerate to Billy, and gentle with him too, both physically and in what you say to him. There is no room for joking, and if there is any deliberate taunting or any attempt at bullying then the perpetrator will receive a very severe punishment which will involve the monitors in some detail."
If that wasn't enough for everybody else, it was for me.
"We are taking steps to ensure this doesn't happen again. It's the first time it has, and it'll be the last. That's all. Today you may use the pool, games rooms, or your own rooms. The reading room will be open, too. You may go."
We didn't feel much like games, either physical, mental or sexual after all that. Poor old Billy. I was so inexperienced and naïve that I had no idea of the mechanics of his ordeal, nor had Jimmy, and at the time Colin wasn't letting on despite guessing. I thought he was quiet. I just thought someone must have hit Billy, or used a whip on him or something. Ahh, such innocence!
There was about two hours of morning left, so we went to the pool, the only place where we could all three legitimately be naked, and where nudity was comfortable anyway. We sunbathed and swam and chatted and wondered, and neither of us noticed how quiet Colin was or how he would carefully skirt round questions about Billy. As is usual with youngsters, the conversation soon turned away from the unpleasantness; it was one of those uncomfortable topics that gets swept under the capacious carpet that is the innocent mind. Lunchtime brought the full heat of the day, and really we did very little until the early evening, when the pool seemed a very attractive option. You our surprise and relief Billy was there, swimming slowly up and down, but in his shorts. To see anyone wearing anything in the water was unheard of, so we stopped short and stared. He gave us a half smile, came to the edge and dangled in the water with folded arms on the concrete.
"You've heard, then."
Colin, apparently, shook his head and frowned. Jimmy was all agog.
"Not really," I said.
"They said you were attacked by a 'client', but no details."
"Probably just as well. It wasn't very nice. But no harm done. Not permanent harm, anyway."
"Does this happen a lot?" came Colin's quiet growl.
"Never happened before, but with what we do for money I suppose it's always on the cards. It all happened in the same place as usual, but when it started to go pear shaped, I pushed the alarm and it didn't work."
So there was a special place, was there, fitted with an alarm? What went on there? "When do we start on all this?" asked Colin, apparently inconsequentially.
"Oh, they train you not to mind. Takes a month or two from the beginning. Once you're used to it it's really not too bad – quite enjoyable usually, unless he's built like a horse."
I was still thinking along the lines of blows with the hand or the whip, and I couldn't see how you could ever get used to that, let alone start to enjoy it. My heart was in my mouth by this time, and my skin was creeping with the horror of what was potentially before me. I still don't know what Jimmy was feeling at this stage.
"But how can you enjoy it if it hurts?" I blurted out.
"You get trained to it. By the time you get to the real thing it doesn't."
"I can't see that. Does it help that you're older?"
"I suppose it does. You're bigger, so it goes in easier."
I didn't follow this at all, so kept silence, every child's defense against being thought ignorant. Colin fairly swiftly changed the subject, asking after Chris.
"He's gone for a walk by himself. He said he wanted time to think."
"I'd have thought he'd have wanted to be with you."
"Said he wanted to think it all through. He seemed very upset."
"Aren't you?"
"I knew what I was about and, as I said, we get trained up to what normally happens. But not to this. Chris didn't even know what we did down in the town."
"We don't either," said Colin.
"Not really."
"Trouble is, we're told we shouldn't tell any of you new ones. The teachers have to prepare the ground first. If I do, and they get to know somebody's talked, the have ways of getting the name from you – ways that involve monitors. And once they know who it was, the punishment on the talker also involves monitors. More specifically it involves spending a night with the monitors, and that's something I won't risk for anyone. The time when you're told all about it will come soon enough, don't worry."
Colin was guessing quite accurately by this time, and looked worried. Jimmy and I had no clue, and were looking at Billy rather than Colin so didn't catch his mood. He was very quiet indeed for the rest of the morning. We really did very little for the rest of the day, and it wasn't until we were once again in our room that Jimmy raised the question of Billy's attack again.
"Colin, what do you think really happened to Billy?" He said nothing for some time, just looked worried. Afterwards he described his feelings. On the one hand he didn't want to worry us about what probably lay ahead of us before we needed to be worried, but he had a need to bring his fears out into the open, to talk about them to somebody. This need proved the stronger, eventually.
"You know on that first day, when we each had to get on the platform, alone, and take off our clothes?" We nodded.
"You remember what they got us to do?" Again we nodded. The memory of having to expose my most hidden parts to a crowd of strangers would stay with me for ever.
"Apart from rolling back our foreskins, they also got us to show our bums, spread our legs, and really separate our cheeks. Remember? Well, one of the things that some people like is having their bum played with. I've never done it to anyone, and nobody's done it to me, but I know it happens."
"What, and that's what happened to Billy?" asked Jimmy.
"Sort of. But it just went too far."
This was news to me. I wondered what it was like to be played with like that. It sounded very unhealthy – after all, we all knew what came out of the bum. I said so.
"Yes, but if you've just been to the toilet and really cleaned up afterwards I think it's safe enough," he said.
"I've heard of it being done, and it happens quite a lot."
Jimmy didn't know what to think. Natural curiosity was telling him that if some people liked it, he might, but the thought of poking about in somebody else's really was a turn off. We all thought, trying to digest all this.
"Do it to me."
Colin's and my head swiveled round to look at him.
"It's going to happen sooner or later, and I want you to do it, not somebody I don't know."
"You're not serious."
"Shouldn't we get someone to tell us what to do?" I asked.
"It's easy enough," said Jimmy.
"You just poke your prick in my bum."
"I'm not sure that's all," said Colin.
"But it'd be a start, I suppose. It might help us get used to the idea."
After a lot more discussion we decided to give it a try. Jimmy was still insistent he wanted it done to him first, and dropped his shorts without a qualm.
"What do I do now?" he asked.
"I'm not sure," Colin puzzled.
"What happened on the stage? Oh yes, we had to bend over a table."
"I'll bend over the bed," said Jimmy, and did so. He separated his legs, exposing a sort of dark red patch deep between his cheeks which had a puckered appearance.
"Hurry up, it's cold!" Colin looked at me.
"You or me?" he asked.
"I don't know what I'm meant to do."
"Nor do I, really. Or at least I don't know that either he or I would want anything approaching what happened to Billy. Oh well, here goes."
He dropped his own shorts, and stepped out of them, then knelt behind Jimmy's round little bum. I suppose because of his uncertainty he had not become aroused, and it was one of the few times since I had met him that I could look at his genitals in their normal state. I have to say that he was still impressive, with his sharply defined triangle of dense, dark hair, penis springing from under it and dropping to the end of his well formed testicles. He certainly affected me, and my body had no hesitation in becoming aroused. He knelt closer to his objective, and leant forward so the limp organ just hung in the cleft, but pushed up against its base.
"That's warmer," said Jimmy.
"It's quite comfortable, really. As it's you, I think I could enjoy it."
"I don't think that's what's meant to happen, Jim," said Colin.
"I haven't got an erection yet. That'll make a difference."
"It might go right into me!" Jimmy giggled. Like a flash of lightning his words made me realise just what had happened to Billy, and I had an inkling why he was in so much pain, and as a result I realized what they were going to train us up to do. I gasped. It seemed that the flesh around my genital area crawled, and I got a sort of sick feeling in my testicles, if that's possible. My erection withered. I couldn't believe that they would stoop so low. Colin looked round at me and saw how white I'd gone.
"What's the matter?"
"I think I know what happened to Billy," I quavered.
"But they wouldn't make us do that, would they?"
"I think it's likely."
"But I don't want
3; I mean
3;" I was getting very sniffy. Jimmy looked round, concerned.
"What d'you mean?"
"It looks as if they're going to make us push them in, like you said," Colin said, gently. There was a pause while he registered that.
"Does it hurt?"
"It shouldn't unless your bum hole's stretched too far. I think that's what happened to Billy.
"But that's horrible," he said.
"Would it hurt if you did it to me?"
"What about Paul? He's got a smaller willy."
Thanks, Jimmy, I thought.
"It might not. But I don't think it's be a good idea to find out, do you?"
"I want to know. Paul, get yourself on the horn and try."
I don't know why I automatically started to do as he asked. My mind was once again more or less numb with the shock of the discovery and the hateful anticipation of what I saw as the ultimate in degrading treatment. For a long time I fumbled with myself, but no erection would come. It took Colin's arms round me, and his gentle touch to still my worries partially, temporarily, and to get me aroused again. Slowly I approached the bed where poor Jimmy was still kneeling, spread-eagled. I had to admit to my bruised mind that he looked very sweet, and vulnerable, and trusting like that. I knelt behind him and shuffled forward until my tip was almost between his cheeks. Then I grasped the middle of it to steady it, and leant forward until it was resting right against the puckered entrance. I leant forward some more, but all that happened was that Jimmy went forward too. It was like pushing against skin, not the hole which was obviously there.
"It doesn't work," I said.
"Jimmy needs to relax, I think, and you need to push harder."
"How do I relax there?"
"I don't know. How do you make it bigger when you shit? "It just does it."
"Well, try doing it now."
We both watched. There was a small movement, but not much.
"Relax more!"
"I can't. I'll shit myself."
"Well get up, go to the toilet, clean yourself well and we'll try again if that's what you want."
While he was out Colin said to me "How about you? Do you want to try? See what it's like before they make us?" It was the last thing I wanted to do. A corner of my brain – probably the corner that was aroused – suggested it might be nice if Colin did it. And shouldn't I try it, like Jimmy, so it wasn't too much of a shock when I was forced
3; My skin still crept and I felt sick at the thought, yet now there was the shade of another motion there, too, one that was saying that it might be all right if it was done by my friends
3; Can the human brain really get used to anything, under duress and given time? Suddenly I was at the end of the bed, leaning over it, bum in the air.
"Come on, then. I'll tell you when it starts hurting."
There was the pause while he carried out a few strokes to make himself erect. There was the sound of him kneeling behind me and positioning himself. There was a pause. There was a warmth on the sensitive, cold area right in the centre of my body. There was pressure. I tensed.
"You need to relax, Paul. It's only me – my penis. You've been near it many times before."
I knew that. It was just so foreign to me. I reached far inside my brain and summoned up every ounce of trust I could muster, relaxed my bum and stomach muscles as if I was about to drop one, and just knelt there, feeling totally flaccid everywhere. The warmth came again. Instinctively I tensed, then made myself relax again. I felt a push, and the warmth increased. I felt as if I was in the middle of sitting on the toilet. Another push, and it felt as if I was getting relief from being constipated, sitting on the toilet. I tensed again, and just had to hold it. I thought I would really disgrace myself if I didn't.
"Ow," said Colin.
"That's as far as I can get it. It pushes your foreskin back, and once that's as far as it'll go you can't get any more in."
He pulled back, and tried to push in again, but I didn't dare open up again. It was still just too foreign. Jimmy found us with me sitting on the bed and Colin sitting beside me with an erection.
"What've you been doing without me?" he demanded.
"I got Colin to try it on me," I said.
"I thought I'd better know what was going to happen, too."
"Were you
3; you know
3; dirty?"
"I'd just been before we came in here."
"Oh. I had a good one, and really cleaned up. I even managed to get my finger in, a bit."
He's amazing, I thought. That would never have occurred to me to do. He's only eleven.
"Come on, Paul. Get a stiff one. I want to try this."
By this time his cheerful attitude had infected me to some extent, so I was at last able to oblige although rather more hesitantly than usual. He and I assumed the same position as before, and I took aim.
"Just a minute," said Colin, "if I couldn't get into Paul because the foreskin wouldn't slide in, how about putting some spit on your cock, Paul, to oil it?"
"So it slips in easier? I suppose so. It might make it less painful for my foreskin, too."
I made a lot of spit in my mouth and dribbled it on my fingers which I wiped round my glans and as far down the shaft as it would reach. Once again I rested the tip against the darker pink puckered aperture.
"All right, Jimmy? Can you relax now?"
"Mmm. Much better."
I felt a movement before the lips that my foreskin formed. Very slowly I eased forward. Back stretched my foreskin as the wet, swollen glans pushed aside the muscle of his sphincter. About half an inch, then he clamped the muscle. I nearly shot backwards.
"Sorry. I couldn't help it. Try again."
I repeated the performance, slower. This time I could feel how hard he was trying to control a muscle that was not used to being controlled. As I penetrated he was stiffening, releasing, stiffening, releasing
3; until my wretched foreskin suddenly popped back over the bulge and sent a stab of pain through me. To my credit my mind worked fast for once, and I thought that if Jimmy could control his body and ignore the strangeness of what was going on, I could put up with a bit of pain. Once the sudden movement came he instinctively tightened on me, but the bulge was beyond the muscle now and it couldn't force me out. He was just tightening on my shaft. For him, as I discovered later, this felt totally wrong, as if he was dealing with something being expelled from his anus that he couldn't control. He gave a low wail, and tried to pull forward. This, of course, pulled me, too, and when the end of the bed stopped any further progress the impetus pushed me another inch or two into him. This time the pull on my foreskin was so painful that I cried out, too, and tried to pull back. But I was off balance to such an extent my stomach muscles, never very strong, couldn't steady me. Instead I fell forward again. To my surprise, this time it wasn't such a shock. Uncomfortable, yes, but once it had happened I found the second push easier. Jimmy, too, although in distress, wasn't so hurt as the previous time.
"Sorry," I said.
"Does it hurt?"
"Yes, but I can manage. Is that it?"
"I think you have to push it to and fro," Said Colin.
"It's a bit like fucking a girl."
"If girls have to put up with this, I'm glad I'm not one," said Jimmy the irrepressible.
"Go on, Paul. Fuck me."
Very gently I tried pushing and pulling. It was surprising when I did it deliberately like this that it was quite effective, and like a really good hand job with someone who really knew what to do but who could also massage all round the shaft, under the bulb, whilst keeping it warm and moist at the same time. Jimmy, though, was making little moans of discomfort, and quite soon said "Stop! Stop!" I obeyed instantly.
"What's the matter?"
"That really hurts. It's not going in and out, it's just pulling my arse about. Stop it, please."
I pulled back, slowly. After an initial squeak a lubricated part of me found its way to his now very tight sphincter and made it easier. As my foreskin arrived there it was my turn to squeak.
"Jimmy! Relax, just for a minute and I'll be out."
There was a pause while he steeled himself, then slowly I felt the pressure release, and eased myself back once more. Once the ridge of my glans was past his muscle it contracted sharply again, and I found myself being forcibly ejected, something quite painful to an organ that was unused to being touched by anything except a foreskin. I examined myself.
"Before you push it back, go and wash," advised Colin.
"You all right?" I asked Jimmy, who was standing up, rubbing his bum.
"Just putting it all back. That was funny."
"What d'you mean, funny?"
"Odd. Peculiar."
"Hmm," said Colin.
"I'm not sure I'd want to have that done to me."
"Oh, come on, Col. While Paul's washing let me try with you. I'm not going to be able to hurt you, am I?"
"If Paul couldn't get enough slipperiness, I shouldn't think you can."
"Yes I can, but I'm smaller and you're bigger."
"I don't think it's right."
"No, but at least you'll know what to expect."
"Come on, Colin," I added.
"We went through it."
"If I'm going to, I need a crap. I'll come with you, Paul."
"I'm coming, too."
So we all three visited the toilets, me to wash and the others to do what they had to. I returned first, and waited for the other two, hardly able to believe what we were all doing, and voluntarily, too. Jimmy wasted no time, but grabbed himself and started pumping as soon as he entered the room. When Colin arrived he was already stiff, and he grinned when he saw the small boy's best efforts.
"You'll not be able to reach," he said.
"Just kneel down."
As I had done he liberally wetted his hands with spit and smeared his little organ with it. The sight of him getting ready to penetrate Colin's adult-sized sphincter brought a rush of affection to me and I wanted to rush over and help him, or stop him; I couldn't be sure which. Colin bent; Jimmy knelt, and leant
3; but I was right. He just wasn't big enough to get any more than resting on the aperture.
"How else can we do it?" he asked, disappointed. Colin thought.
"Let me get my legs further forward
3; oh no, that's no good."
The strain of having legs apart and underneath was more than his balance could cope with, "How about lying on your back, on the bed, but near the end," I suggested.
"That way you can get your legs right back over your head, and as far apart as you want."
He tried it, and immediately we could all see I was right. The position bent him so that the padding of his bum was stretched, exposing the sphincter quite well. Jimmy pumped away at himself again, wetted his shaft and stood at the end of the bed.
"Just a minute
3; all right."
He pushed. Nothing happened. He pushed harder.
"Colin, relax? Please?"
"I am."
"Well, it's not opening. Try sort of pushing."
I could see past Jimmy's anxious, shining penis. The darker pink patch darkened a little more as Colin really tried hard to relax and then to reverse the instinctive action of the muscle. Jimmy tried again, and this time I saw his foreskin wrinkle as it was pushed back over his slender, half formed glans as he slowly entered the darkness. Now he had mastered what he was trying to get his muscles to do, Colin was steadier than I had been, fortunately for Jimmy's sensitive organ. He was able to push until the full three inches had disappeared from sight, and his thighs pressed hard up against Colin's cheeks. Slowly he drew back, remembering how painful it had been when I had tried to do this. Colin gave no sign he was in pain. I looked at his face. It wore an expression of wonder, of surprise, of pleasure. Jimmy was gently pulling and pushing, and I suppose because of the size difference less lubrication was necessary, because he was slipping in and out without difficulty. They went on like this for about two minutes: I was watching the point of contact rather than Colin's face and so missed the change of expression on it as the lubrication dried up and it got more and more uncomfortable.
"Stop, Jimmy, it hurts!" he finally had to call. Jimmy was in a world of his own and didn't want to, but Colin lowered his legs onto the boy's shoulders, so pushing his buttocks forward and ejecting him, not without some stinging pain to himself.
"Ow!" he said, rubbing his bottom as Jimmy had done earlier. Jimmy said nothing, but got up, holding his still-erect penis, and sat on the end of the bed, watching Colin's body like a hawk. His hand started to move on his shaft, and he masturbated himself to orgasm in front of us, watching Colin all the while. When his four or five dry spasms were over he flopped on the bed. Colin and I looked at each other, eyebrows raised. We lay next to him, and waited until he had recovered.
"Wow!" he said, dreamily.
"What's with you?" I asked.
"That was the best yet! It got me just right. I had to finish off, I just had to."
"It bloody hurt me!" said Colin.
"You're too rough. It's very delicate. Didn't it hurt you?"
"Mmm? No. Well, not hurt. I could feel it, but that was the good part of it. It's just
3; right."
"It didn't feel right to me. Next time, use some oil, or something, so it goes in and out."
"I wonder if they've got any 3-in-1 here?"
"You know, the stuff you oil your bike chain with."
He giggled.
"It's got a spout the right shape!"
"Disgusting little brute," said Colin, laughing despite himself.
"Get anything like that anywhere near my arse and I'll oil you down inside this."
He tweaked the boy's limp penis.
"I forgot. Off we go, you and me, to wash it. It's been inside me, and I've just touched it. Come on."
"I'm still tired."
"Not that tired, you're not. Come on."
He jumped up and pulled the reluctant Jimmy to his feet. They clattered off down the passageway, naked and unembarrassed. Well , I thought, at least Jimmy's going to sleep well tonight.
Chapter 11 Love
We put him to bed once they had returned, and we two read for about half an hour. By that time the regular breathing told us that our young charge – for that's how we regarded him – was as deeply asleep as young children get. I stopped reading and looked at Colin, who was lying next to me, facing me. To my surprise he was watching me, a very gentle expression on his face. I smiled back. To my surprise he turned over onto his back with a sort of groan, and his arm came up to cover his eyes.
"What's the matter," I asked.
"It's all so complicated. Here I am, being taught to do things that I didn't know I wanted to do, only to find that
3; well, they're exciting, or give new possibilities to the dreams I'd always had about being with someone I really fancied. It started off by being quite mechanical, although exciting. And then along you come, and I find that amongst all the degradation – and excitement – there's someone I really want to be with, and find my way around what he wants to do, too. As if that wasn't enough, there's a boy in the equation too, a good looker, much too young, but as inquisitive and fearless at experiment as anyone could be, who wants to play with me but who I've got to look after too, because he could so easily get hurt."
I tried to digest all this, but didn't know how to respond. You don't at fourteen. I just looked at him and moved closer, so I could rest my head on his chest, looking up at his face.
"I like being with you," was all I could manage. He smiled at that, so it must have been the right thing to say, and his hand came round my shoulders and rested as if carelessly on my left nipple. He tickled it, and I could have sworn that it got a bit bigger. I looked down, and it was standing higher than the right one. Before I could say anything he brought his other hand to the other side and did the same. I felt my body becoming aroused again, and thought I'd better do something for him. When he paused with his tickling, I stretched out my right hand to start fondling his genitals, to get him aroused, but was surprised to find that he already was.
After so long at watching him there, as I did what I'd been taught to do in our classroom exercises it was strange to work on feel alone. But it was wonderful to watch the dreamy expression come over his face as I gently fondled and massaged him on that most sensitive and sought after part of his body. Now we had plenty of time and there was nobody watching us we just did what each of us wanted. Colin's hand slid slowly down from my nipples, over my belly-button to play with my sparse, downy pubic hair. Prompted, I brought my hand up to brush through his thick forest, and to draw patterns on the flat belly above. He reached down to the inside of my thighs and stroked each in turn in an ovaloid pattern – surprisingly very erotic. I couldn't reach to do the same, so concentrated on his extensive sac of testicles and the hard organ that sprouted from the top. More and more as the minutes passed I wanted to look at the results of what I was doing and to fill my mouth with him. His face was so relaxed and full of pleasure that I hardly had the heart to disturb him.
Eventually I decided that I must. I shifted very gently, pushing my head and body backwards and bringing my body up to his face. As I moved I could feel the coolness on the tip of my penis which told that I was making seminal fluid in quantity. I felt his hands encircle my testicles, about all I had to offer, I supposed, as my penis was still quite short and the hair was just fluff. As my face travelled slowly down his stomach I paused to lick each of his nipples in turn, and tried my lips round the left one. It felt good, and there was a sound from him that told me that he was enjoying it too. So I concentrated on them for a while, feeling with my tongue how hard they had become, and being encouraged by the little sounds he was making. I pushed myself further and found the depression of his navel. It tasted soapy, but nice
3; I moved on and found that I was at the edge of the short, black hair that started suddenly about two inches [5 cm] above his penis. My head laid on his belly, and I pushed my tongue around the line of it as far as I could, half on the skin and half on the hair. The sensations were shouting to me their wondrous message: here is a real male, young, mature and vibrant, who wants you to do this, who wants to do it – who is doing it – to you.
I was completely lost in the comfortable cotton wool of emotion. If Jimmy had woken or if someone had entered the room I wouldn't have noticed. To trace my tongue up his penis needed me to lift my head off his belly. As I reached the bulb at its end I found it salty and slippery. He was making more than me, if that was possible. At the tip I brought my head round so it was above, then with my tongue I pushed into the parting foreskin to lick up everything I could. I wormed downwards between foreskin and glans, at the top where it isn't joined, and heard the gasp from above. It skinned back a little, but my tongue wasn't strong enough to push it all the way. Shielding my teeth with my lips, I grasped it between them and carefully, slowly, pushed back until I felt the skin escape from my lips and settle back into its groove. I didn't stop. Before, I'd just used my mouth on other boys to make them produce fluid on demand, and once I'd used it on Billy to make him come. But now
3; no hurry, no rules. I let my mouth travel slowly down the shaft of his penis, keeping a gentle pressure on it with my mouth. I don't know what told me to do this, it just seemed the right thing to do to keep as much contact on it as possible.
Eventually I ran out of mouth. There was still another two inches [5 cm] of shaft to go, though. I wondered what to do. Push it to the back of my throat? I did that, and its owner moaned softly again. I wondered what it would be like to swallow it
3; should I try? I took a deep breath, as if I was about to swallow a big mouthful of mashed potato, and my throat made the muscular swallowing movement. Just as with too big a mouthful of a dense food, the fact that it wouldn't all go down made me desperately keep swallowing, and swallowing, and swallowing
3; Now anything at the back of the throat for a long time make you want to retch, or cough, and I was just as desperately trying not to do that. Rather than expel him violently when I could no longer stop myself I pulled my head back clear of him, and breathed heavily. He moaned again.
Then "Paul, Paul
3; For God's sake make me come
3;" All through this he had managed to keep his hand massaging my scrotum, and I was getting even harder than usual. Now I felt him take it into his mouth, and suck gently at first, then harder, whilst all the while lashing the testicles with his tongue. The sensation is indescribable, when your testicles are young and just dropped and oh, so sensitive in their newly elongated scrotum. It was even better than having him work on my penis with his mouth, although I hoped he would do that, too. Once again I took him in my mouth, and repeated the performance. Knowing what would happen I was able to keep swallowing for longer this time, and was rewarded by such sound of passion from above that I vowed to keep doing it until he had his orgasm. His moan was made while my testicles were still in his mouth, and I could feel them vibrate with his vocal cords. Strange. Whilst I waited for my breath to return to normal his hand found my penis. He released my scrotum for long enough to say in a husky voice: "shout if I hurt you."
I wondered what he was going to do, but he took my two testicles back in his mouth again and continued the treatment. His other hand started slowly working at my foreskin; back and forth, back and forth
3; I returned to his penis, and this time took hold of his testicles in my hand, massaging them while I repeated the swallowing of his glans. Three repetitions of swallow, release, breathe, and there was an urgent moan from above me. I pulled back from my swallowing, just in time to have stream after stream of warm fluid propelled forcefully at the back of my throat. How many spasms he had I don't know, I lost count. But it was certainly more than I'd ever seen him make before when we played or 'exercised.' On and on he went, until I began to wonder if my mouth was going to be big enough to take all that semen. At the time I had no idea of the quantity you produce in one orgasm. I imagined it was half a pint [¼ liter]! It certainly felt as if it should be. To produce such an effect in someone you love – there: I felt the word at the time and I use it deliberately now – is itself a very erotic thing, and no sooner had he started to die down than I started. He was enough on autopilot between by legs to be able to continue, and for the first time I realised that he was pulling my foreskin right over the end of the glans and back. I felt it should hurt, and when I began to think about it, it did. I made a distressed sound, and immediately he pulled less far as I began to squirt semen up my chest. Because of the constriction at the tip I always shot a long way, so I wasn't surprised to feel some land on my chin. It also landed on his mat of hair. I wanted him to put his mouth on me to swallow some, but he was in no condition to think that fast. Like him, I made a lot more jerks, and a lot more mess, than usual, but the sensations, the satisfaction, the sex were out of this world. We lay for a long time, gazing wetly at each others' genitals. I dropped off to sleep soon after, but was woken by Colin's movement before I was really sleeping deeply.
"Wake up!" he whispered.
"Paul, wake up!" He shook me. The first thing I saw as I opened my eyes was his dark forest and still-wet penis. I smiled to myself, happily, and was about to close my eyes again when he shook me again.
"Wake up!"
"You can't go to bed like that. You've got to have a shower. So have I. We're disgusting like this."
I didn't know, couldn't see what was disgusting, but if he said we must, I supposed he was right. Although I was technically awake, my brain wasn't certain of the fact. Colin had to support me most of the way down the passageway, and it was nice to feel his strong arm around me. Whilst the water ran he propped me up against the wall, and under the warm shower I nearly collapsed, but this time managed to wake up enough to stand upright. I was in the bemused state where I knew where I was but not why I was there or what I had to do. So I meekly stood still and let him wash me however and wherever he wanted. When he reached my waist he very carefully pulled back the foreskin, and the sting as the soap touched my delicate glans right over the bump where the skin lay brought me back to the surface with a bump.
"Sorry. But it's got to be done. If you'd been doing that all these years it wouldn't be so tender."
"Yes, dad."
That sobered the pair of us up. We suddenly remembered where we were and that we hadn't seen our parents for ages. He carried on washing my genitals, now having replaced the foreskin. He made a good job of it
3; Even my bum wasn't spared. He soaped me right into the crack, holding me open to make sure it was all rinsed out, then knelt to clean my legs and feet. He obviously couldn't resist taking my penis into his mouth for a moment, and it, just as obviously, rose to meet him. I'm afraid my efforts at washing him were clumsy, and really just started with my skinning his penis as he had done mine, and washing deep inside his buttocks. The rest of it, and the walk back to the room, is just a supposition. I do remember being held in his arms and kissed, and lying with our two penises touching, though.
Chapter 12 Learning to Earn
The next morning found me inexplicably happy. Inexplicably until I remembered the events of the previous night. I found it odd in the extreme that, after spending three years of my life knowing that I was afflicted with homosexuality and denying it, I was now so obviously in love with another boy, and wonder of wonders, he with me, that I hadn't even bothered to admit it to myself or feel ashamed about it. I looked at the object of my affection and moved closer again to kiss him on the lips. At the touch he mumbled something and smiled. I kissed him again. The smile remained.
"What about me? Don't I get one?" Poor little Jimmy. In my euphoria I'd forgotten all about him. What could he know? Reluctantly I tore myself away from Colin and rolled over. I had forgotten Jimmy, and the fact that we were all in this together. I grinned – was that the difference? A smile for Colin, but a grin for Jimmy? And was there a visible difference between the two actions? It felt as though there should be. The trouble was, I loved them both. Colin I loved as a friend, a wonderfully attractive face and body, and as somebody who I could share pleasure with. Jimmy I loved as a kid, an engaging personality, an enquiring, exploratory mind, someone who enjoyed playing, experimenting with the previously forbidden fruits of his own and others' bodies, but someone who, I knew, would be a staunch ally in a crisis. So would Colin. I kissed him, as requested. He seemed a bit straight faced this morning, and put his arms round me as I released him. Catching his mood I hugged him for a while, conscious all the time that I was becoming aroused at the feel of his little body on mine. He wriggled until he was lying on top of me, laughed as my erection found its way between his legs and touched him between the cheeks. I don't know what would have happened if the buzzer hadn't sounded.
Even after a week, and a very horny weekend where none of us were clothed as a matter of course as we were mainly to be found around the pool, going out of our room accompanied by two clothed people, knowing that everybody else apart form me would be clothed, made me shrivel inside. It was something I just couldn't get used to at all. However, as I walked along with my companions and saw how, as usual, nobody took any real notice, I began to feel better. Boys looked at me, to be sure. But if you went to a normal school naked – like in those nightmares where you suddenly found you've forgotten to wear your trousers – you would be the object of more than ridicule. Just like I had been at my own school as I waited outside the headmaster's office with the policeman
3; Here they looked, they noticed, they appraised, they continued. That's all. There were, as usual, one or two sympathetic smiles from the older ones, and had I not been so obviously already 'with' someone I wouldn't have been long before I got an offer of accommodation. Funny, the thought of being approached by a homosexual didn't bother me any more. It would if an adult did so; the thought of one of the monitors propositioning me filled me with disgust. Breakfast over, we trooped off to the assembly hall. Before I had a chance to file in with the others I was called by Mr French. Instantly embarrassed as I was being singled out and noticeable, I blushed as I followed him to a door at the other end of the corridor which I recognized with horror as being the entry to my degradation of the first day.
"What have I done, sir?" I managed.
"Nothing. This is not a punishment. You are going to be given your clothes."
The relief was tangible. I felt almost light-headed. The signal was given, and I suddenly realized that I had once again to march out onto the platform naked in front of the whole, clothed, school. My gratitude and happiness evaporated in an instant, and I cursed myself for not anticipating the torment. Nevertheless, I followed the teacher onto the stage, hiding behind anything and everybody I could find. During the preamble, which once again went over my head in my agitation, I kept the important parts of myself hidden from most people – I'd forgotten about the monitors who lined the wall of the stage. Then the Principal started talking.
"Barton, go to your room."
Chris, jolted into guilty action, looked panic stricken. Billy, standing nearby, whispered something to him which seemed to make him happier, and he turned and left the hall, the only one apart from me with no clothes. Now I had no common ground.
I started. "Sir?"
Oh, god, no. Once again wishing the earth would open up for me I made my way, penis swinging, to stand behind him.
"In front of me, boy."
Reluctantly I complied, back to the 'audience.' "Gaston, you have been here a week. During that time you have had a punishment, and I see you are still reluctant to show yourself to everybody as a natural boy. I'm also told that you were meant to spend an extra day before being given clothes, but there are practical reasons against that.
"However, after Wednesday you will come up on the platform one morning each week for the next month and remove your clothes in front of everybody, turn round, then pull them on again. Oh, and I expect to see your foreskin pulled back when you do so as part of your regime of loosening it and toughening up your penis.
"As you are not skinned now, you will do as you did on your first day. Skin it now."
I had by this time just about got used to standing there. Nothing was happening to me. Why Wednesday? I wondered. The thought of having to do this every day was not quite so daunting. Obediently I pulled my foreskin back.
"Face the wall and bend to the floor. Touch it with the palms of your hands."
Why my bum? "Very well. Stand up. Here are your shorts and T-shirt. That's all you need. When you are undertaking exercise in class, or are given leave to take private exercise with other boys you will remove the clothes or wash them yourself afterwards. Every fourth week you will hand them in to be laundered and you will be naked until they are returned to you. Understood?"
"Yes, sir."
Let me get them on! Now! "Take them with you. You may wear them after assembly."
Blast. He told us that the morning would once again be practical, and I wondered why they bothered to give me clothes until the afternoon.
"All the newcomers wait here, in the hall. Mr. Green, will you fetch Barton back, please? The rest of you may go."
Back with Jimmy and Colin, I accused them of not telling me what I was in for.
"There were so many of us they didn't bother, explained Colin.
"I suppose Chris was sent out so he didn't get any warning for Wednesday when he goes through it."
Wednesday! That's the significance! I pulled on my clothes, being very careful with my sensitive end. One or two came up to congratulate me. Blondie said that he hardly recognized me now. The Principal returned, and a naked Chris followed him into the room. It was quite an education being on the other side. It didn't actually matter that he was naked, you just looked at him as it was entirely normal to be unclothed.
"Right boys. Listen and concentrate. I'm going to tell you a lot of things which are important and which can make a very marked difference to how you live, how comfortably you live, when you come out of here.
"When you arrived, you were each told that, while you are here, your bodies are not your own. Because of your convictions, you are deemed to be unemployable in most jobs. There are some, however, where your natural propensities would fit you in well.
"We here need to pay for this place, for the staff, monitors, food and so on. We receive a certain amount from the British government for each of you, but it is not intended to cover our running costs completely. The shortfall is to be met by the work you do, by what we can sell that you produce, or in whatever way we can use you in money-making schemes. We have an equitable arrangement whereby the Institution provides the work or the opportunities for profit and receives the payments. We then credit an account in the name of each individual with three-quarters of what you earn. The remainder goes to our own running costs. So, you profit directly by what you do."
This all sounded quite fair to me, until I remembered Billy's escapade when in the town.. I was sure he wasn't there for his own pleasure, for if he had been there is no way he would have returned here voluntarily. I wondered what 'products' and 'work' they meant. A nagging anxiety hit the back of my mind.
"There are many ways in which you can earn money. Some of these we only allow you to do after you have undergone quite a lot of training. Others, you can do now. We demand a certain level of involvement from everyone after their first week, for there is something that everyone except a few can do which is very saleable. We expect each of you to try every opportunity at least once, as time progresses. If you miss too many chances then there is a degree of compulsion we use which is saleable in itself. But I am sure it will not come to that with any of you."
I didn't have a clue what he was on about.
"One of the products we find sells extremely well is a mounted photograph of an individual, in a certain pose, and underneath it is a little plastic phial. It is filled with the individual's semen. Some people pay £20 [$40/€25] for something like that, and the production cost is quite small. Our boys always enjoy providing the raw materials."
He paused. There was no sound.
"If you think that each of you is capable of providing enough for one of these phials in half a day – we find it takes two shots – you can see that there is a very good earning capacity. As you reach the age of seventeen your capacity grows to its maximum, and people have been known to make £100 [$200/€125] a day in this way alone. The profit is about £18 [$36/€22] each phial, so if you equal that you would be credited with £67.50 [$135/€84] for yourself. Each day. That's £472.50 [$930/€590] a week. If you are each here for a year, that's over £24,000 [$48,000/€30,000] each. Think about it. You will be allowed to start on this today, if you want, but we shall expect you to start by next Monday at the latest.
"We also offer you as medical 'dummies', as examples to be used in medical schools who are training doctors and nurses. That's not to say you are operated on, or anything life-changing like that, but just to point out the various parts of the body. Similarly we provide models for art classes and photographic classes and clubs. One of our main incomes is from film makers, but who we make available for this depends on the type of film it is. Sometimes they just want nudity, which each of you can provide at the drop of a hat" (my mind put up a silent exclamation mark here) "whilst others need rather more action, the sort of thing you are not trained up to. In fact we have a group from a film company coming later today who will want to look at you as you are new here, whilst tomorrow morning we have the usual inspection from one of the local clubs.
"These clubs are very special, and cater for a very special type of person. The town near here quietly brings in this sort of person from all over Europe, and sometimes further afield. They are those who like to look at the male body, passive and in action, and ideally to touch it."
He paused again. I don't know what my mind was doing. The sensible, everyday part of me was telling me that this was anathema to me, that I should run from it, call it perverted, disgusting, and so on. Because of where I was, what we had all done so far, how this was really some sort of sex farm where we had no privacy for any action if they chose, how any physical contact of the most intimate nature was the norm and applauded
3; well, my mind seemed at that moment to accept it, and I felt a sort of horrified fascination with the idea of selling myself in this way. I immediately told myself that was wrong and that, if I did put my name down to do it, I would be too scared to carry it through.
"Because the clubs operate on Friday and Saturday nights, and need quite a lot of you for serving drinks and entertaining, there is a compulsion that each of you attends one night a week."
WHAT? There was hubbub at this, and although he waited it didn't die down.
"Enough!" I don't know what there was in that tone, or how he knew how to produce it. But my brain flashed back to the book I'd illicitly read about German concentration camps in World War II, and the way I'd always imagined the commandants had spoken to prisoners. It matched that exactly. The result was instant silence.
"There will be no more reaction like that here, ever. Is that clear?" Mumble, mumble.
"If there is, I shall ensure that each of you is punished either on stage here or as a part of the saleable compulsion I mentioned earlier.
"Very well. Later this week you will be told where to report for instruction. We start you off on easy duties, and you will be wearing something, so there is no need to worry.
"Off you go. Remember that how wealthy you are when you leave here is the result of what you earn, and that what you earn is up to you. And NO talking in the corridors. You may discuss what I have said only in your rooms or in the canteen."
I think my brain was overflowing by this stage, so that even if we could have talked I wouldn't have known where to start. In the classroom we found Mr French with a box of strange equipment which he was in the process of laying out. We sat quietly on the couches, as normal, itching to talk and discuss what had just been said.
"These are for you to use to make money," he said when he had finished. We craned forward to see. It looked like a jumble of plastic tubing of various sizes.
"I'll work from your penis," he continued.
"This part here, like a condom – which is what we call it – is very flexible, very thin but quite tough. These are available to you as they break or wear thin, and the cost is deducted from your account. It needs to be of the right size for you to be able to seal in your penis when it is fairly, but not completely soft, and to expand with it until it is very fully erect. In a minute you will be able to try them. Note which is your size. And no bragging; that doesn't come into it here and it needn't anywhere. It'll be too painful if it's too small and leaky if it's too big. Leaks cost you profit.
"From it, there is a short tube. This takes the result of your ejaculations from the air space at the top of the condom through to this cunning device. This fits in the top of the phial, and the tube from your penis goes right down to the bottom of it, leaving the semen just where you want it. The other tube starts at the top of the phial, and takes the air which is displaced from the phial when you ejaculate into it. It goes into the last bit here, which widens out to catch any overflow.
"Are you all clear?" Nobody spoke.
"I'll take that as a yes. I suggest that, unless you are using this in any position other than sitting – I know that some will want to use
it with friends – you keep the file trapped under your thigh so it doesn't jiggle about. The whole thing is plastic, so it won't break unless you deliberately damage it, in which case you will be debited for it.
"Points to note. One: when you use it, make sure the air tube is clear at the end and that none of the tubing is squashed. If air can't escape, you will either blow the condom off your penis and lose it all, or do yourself some severe physical damage. Two: after you have come, squeeze your penis to clear as much semen from it as possible. Blow down the condom, or the tube if you prefer, to clear all the liquid into the phial. Seal the phial. There is a bung supplied with each one. Three: keep it all clean. This avoids infection to you or anybody else who uses it. Four: on no account at all are you to fill the phial with anything else at all but semen and seminal fluid, and then only the seminal fluid that is produced naturally in the course of masturbation. No water, so all the equipment must be dry before you start; no urine, no other chemicals, nothing. We check batches and are experienced in picking up hoaxes. Anyone who does try to doctor his natural emissions to provide more receives a punishment from one of our own lovely monitors, which is administered in front of all his colleagues to the guilty one alone, in the monitors' quarters, where the guilty one then spends the weekend. Is that clear? It was abundantly clear.
"Who shall we start with? Ah, you."
To my horror he was looking straight at me. I had to drop my shorts and take off my T-shirt, and once again stand in front of the nine of them and the teacher. He looked at my penis.
"I'd roll it back up again if I were you, at least until it's not so sensitive."
I knew what to do now. I wetted my fingers, made the glans wet, wincing as I did so, and covered it up quite efficiently. He had selected a condom for me which he handed to me without a comment. I looked at it, and offered it up to my deflated organ.
"You have to start an erection happening, boy, otherwise it won't go on."
I tickled myself without effect, then in desperation grabbed it and started pumping. That did it, albeit a lot slower than I was used to.
"Slip it over the top now," he said when I was still some way from being fully hard. I worked it down over the end, and found that it was slippery inside so as to slide fully down easily.
"Now get yourself fully erect," he ordered. The fact that I was using equipment kept me from feeling the odd one out, although there I was, wanking off in front of ten others! I got to my usual state and paused.
"Right. The tube fits on there, the insert goes into the phial there, and that leaves the air tube to hang free. Right. It's all yours. Use it."
And he stopped, looking at me.
"Sir, I can't just
3; you know
"Why not? Forgotten how to use your hand? How about some help from a monitor?" I shot him one terrified glance, dropped my hand to my penis and started work. The other hand joined it, fondling at my testicles. It took a long time, a very long time. If I had to do it now there is no way I could bring it on, in front of strangers. But being young, things are that much more automatic once the first time is over, and I managed. The first shot of my passion hit the cone-shaped end of the condom and stayed there. The second momentarily inflated the end of it and I could see, to my relief, whit fluid start to travel down the tube. The third shot did the same; the fourth and fifth added to it, and by the time I had stopped jerking the apparatus was full and there was a small pool in the bottom of the phial. I stopped, swaying on my feet, looking foolish and not knowing what to do next. Nobody moved. I looked around, and then down at my gradually subsiding penis. Remembering again, I squeezed myself from base to tip quite a few times until I thought I had got all the liquid out. Then I carefully eased the condom from myself, brought it to my lips and blew gently at the end. The semen in the tube ran down into the phial, and I saw it was about half full. Suddenly I was full of pride. Another one of those and I'd earned £20 [$40/€25]! I looked triumphantly at Mr French.
"Good for you. Now, I doubt if you can effectively start again in the next hour, but you know better than I do. If not, wash the whole thing out, and get from the box another few phials and a jar of the cream which you'll find there and which you use to lubricate the condom and anything else that needs it. Now, who's next?"
There were no volunteers, so he chose someone – one of the heterosexuals. He looked really put off by the whole affair, and removed his clothes very reluctantly. To our surprise he was already quite hard when he finally revealed his genitals, completed the erection with alacrity and set to work with a will. His friend was heard to snort in the background. Mr French looked up at him, but said nothing. I was still unclothed. I was so used to having nothing to wear that I forgot that I could cover myself up.
Suddenly I found that the boy in front of me working at himself was watching me intently and the half-full phial in my hand. I was quite taken aback – he was meant to be straight! I remembered that I had made him come before when he couldn't on his own, and wondered if he really was. Being watched like that, so intently, with frequent glances shot at my face and penis made me think that I was being special to him, or at least of use to him. I wondered what would happen if I gave him some encouragement
3; I smiled, and the next time he looked at my face I could see his eyes stay there for longer before being torn away back to my genital area. Would it be over the top to purse my lips at him
3; yes, it would. Next time he looked up I smiled, and nodded. His tongue came a little way out of his mouth as he looked at me. Somehow this was erotic, and even in my recently emptied state I felt myself starting to arouse again. This he saw, too, and I could hear his breathing getting deeper. This roused me further, and my body was once again pointing toward the ceiling. That was enough for him.
With a great gasp he bent his knees and I noticed that his condom was already wet with clear seminal fluid, more than I could make after such a short 'exercise'. As his ejaculations started the condom filled, and bulged, as the amount he produced was too much for the tube to accept at once. He shot so many times that I wondered when he had last had an orgasm. The condom and tube were both full, and the last two or three jerks shot his semen with force into the bottom of the phial. Still his hand continued working, and his eyes never left me. At length it was over, and he sank, exhausted, to a kneeling position. I would have rushed to help, normally, but I felt that it would be disloyal to Jimmy and Colin. Mr French motioned to his friend, who quite reluctantly held onto one shoulder, keeping as far away from the phial as he could. As he felt his shoulder gripped he looked round, saw me in the background and a look of disappointment crossed his face. When he had recovered enough to strip out all the semen from his penis, the condom and the tube he found that he had all but filled the phial. Even Mr French was impressed.
"I've never seen that done before. That's good. When you label the phials – oh, yes, everybody must put their name on the phial so we can be sure we know whose it is – put a mark on it if you've filled it in one, like that. Although I doubt if you'll be able to do that very often. And by the way, we'll check on the video that you have. If you lie, we'll know, and we won't credit you with the result at all."
One by one we were individually put through our paces. Some came quickly, some took ages. Some produced a lot, some – the young ones – very little. The boy who took the longest was the other heterosexual one, who worked on himself for ages with his eyes firmly closed. Boys younger than him made more semen, anyway. I watched Colin with interest when it was his turn. Like the second boy, his eyes were fixed firmly on me, but unlike the erotic, animal look the former had given me what I read in Colin's face was care, and happiness, and love. Inexplicably I found my eyes filling, and I longed to rush to him, to hug him, to caress him until it was over. He came, solidly but with an unspectacular quantity, when it was all in the phial. He was second to last. Eventually I could see Mr French looking round for the last one. I wondered for a minute who it was, and then it struck me
3; Jimmy! But Jimmy couldn't make any semen, he was too young, and he wasn't in the room. Colin, protector of both of us, was still rather out of it.
"Sir, isn't Jimmy too young yet?" I wondered at my courage.
"What? Oh, that's the young one, is it? And he's last
3; Ah yes, I see what you mean."
To give the others their due, nobody sniggered, which would have happened in a comparable situation – if there could be one – in an ordinary school.
"I think he's gone to the toilet, sir," I lied.
"All right. It strikes me he's been gone a long time. Gaston, go and see if he's all right, will you? And tell him he's not going to be asked to do anything he can't do. And Gaston
"Yes, sir?"
"I wasn't born yesterday."
Apart from his reaction to my refusal to hurt Blondie after he's hurt me, it was the only informal behaviour I'd noticed him use. It wasn't until I was outside the door that I remembered I now had clothes. Well, I'd done without for a week and nobody had cared, so what was a few more minutes. As I passed our room a thought struck me. It was locked. Strange, I'd noticed no key or bolt. Still, I went down to the toilets and looked, and called, and announced to the air that Jimmy wasn't in trouble and wasn't going to be asked to make semen. Nothing. No sound. I returned to the bedroom and paused again. Was that a sound? I waited. It sounded like something. I knocked.
"Jimmy," I said in a low voice.
"Jimmy, it's me, Paul. Is that you?" Silence "Jimmy, let me in. It's all right. Really."
Silence. But I knew I'd heard something.
"Jimmy, he's not going to ask you to do it
3;" I was taking a stab in the dark.
"He said so. I told him you'd gone to have a piss. Nobody's angry with you, you're not going to be punished or anything."
I thought of my own state of mind when something had gone embarrassingly wrong at school.
"Nobody's laughing at you
3; oh, Jimmy, open the door. Please. I've got nothing on."
Whether it was that which did it I don't know, but there was a shuffling, and a clunk, and the door opened a fraction. He looked past me, both ways, red eyed. The he pushed the door away and retreated into the room.
"What's it all about, Jimmy? You didn't think I'd try and trick you, did you? He looked at me, then very guiltily nodded. I sat beside him on the bed.
"Jimmy, I'd never do that. I'd undergo a punishment first." Silence.
"Were you scared about being told to wank in front of everybody, when you know you can't get spunk out yet?" He nodded.
"Well, I know that, and so does Mr French. He was never going to ask you in the first place."
"How am I going to make money?"
"There'll be other ways. Anyway, Colin and I are going to make so much between us that you won't need to make any that way. When we leave here we'll be looking after you."
"I want to go home to my parents."
So do I, I thought. God, so do I. Despite all the physical pleasure to be had here, so do I. I told him so.
"I mean when I get let out. I want you near as friends, but I want mum and dad."
I comforted him as best I could, suddenly aware that he'd be 12, rising 13 when we were all released, still young. The chances of our keeping him to look after were nil. But that didn't change things for the moment. I just hugged him. He recovered eventually, and soberly I escorted him back to the classroom. Outside the door he stopped me.
"You're sure?"
"Yes. That's what the man said."
We went in. There was nobody there apart from Mr French.
"I've dismissed them all to their rooms. I felt it better if you and I had a talk. Sit down."
We both sat down.
"You're the youngest we've had here, and to be frank I don't approve of your being sent here at all, or the one who's about a year older. He's physically advanced for his years and can make semen. You're normal, and quite normally, you can't yet. Financially it puts you at a disadvantage, but in that you won't need to support yourself when you leave here, that really doesn't matter. There will be other ways in which you can earn. Nude photographs will be one, possibly we might be able to sell your urine under a photo, instead of semen. Yes, a photograph of you aiming urine into a bottle, from a distance, with some suitable caption. You can do that, I'm sure."
He just nodded.
"Speak, boy!"
"Yes, sir!"
"You have a real friend here. He supported you. Look after him like he looks after you. Now go. He and his colleague have some experiments to perform."
Did we?