PZA Boy Stories

Bill aka Storyguy

Grand Tour, 1928

Chapters 4-6

Chapter 4

"Meine Damen und Herren! Ladies and gentlemen!" said the MC, a smooth-talking and very androgynous-looking 16-year-old boy. "Willkommen zur Kabarett der Jungen. Welcome to the Cabaret of the Boys."

William and Monty sat in a prime location of the discrete Berlin nightclub. The curved high-backed banquette seating provided a perfect close-up view of the stage, but other patrons were invisible to them, and vice versa. A round table held their champagne glasses; two bottles sat in ice buckets on metal stands. On the men's laps were their personal waiters, Kurt and Lukas – nearly-naked boys, whose sole job was to pour champagne and serve as compliant sexual playthings.

As the MC described the entertainment that was to appear on stage that night, it was clear a substantial part of every evening's audience that was English-speaking, in addition to the majority who were Germans 3; the MC repeated everything he said in both languages. He told some jokes, alluded to the possibility of some 'audience participation' fun, and gave a plug for tipping the waiters. "A Reichsmark tucked into your waiter's garter will have the most wonderful effect!" he said in both German and English.

While the MC was talking, the naked 10-year-old who was playing the role of his dog – wearing a collar, floppy cloth ears, and a tail attached to a butt plug – was trying his best to upstage his 'master'. He mugged shamelessly for the audience, waving his butt to make the tail wag, panting with his tongue out, pulling against the leash as if trying to get into the seating area of the club, scratching imaginary fleas, and giving out an occasional bark. He definitely attracted attention and laughter when he sat back on his hip and tried to lick his crotch, straining his body and extending his tongue out. But try as he might, his mouth got no closer than a few inches from his goal. He gave out a mournful puppy-whine.

"I suppose you have noticed my new puppy," said the MC at last. I am teaching him tricks. Watch now 3;. Sit up puppy!" The boy rose up straight, still kneeling on the stage at the MC's feet. His beautiful pre-pubescent penis and small round ball-sack drew the attention of every man (and the handful of women) in the audience. "Roll over." The boy returned to all-fours and rolled.

"You saw that the poor little thing, he cannot lick his Schwanz. But watch his trick now. Alright, puppy 3; use your paw to make the little cock stand up."

With a happy bark, the boy got back in the 'sitting up' position, with a big grin on his face, and masturbated his penis to a lovely boy-boner, 3 inches in length.

"Isn't he a smart puppy?" asked the MC, to laughter and applause from the audience. "Can you now make the orgasm, my puppy?"

The boy shook his head up and down happily and began masturbating with two fingers and his thumb, pleasure washing over his face as he panted with his tongue hanging out. It was utterly erotic to watch the young boy jacking himself there on stage, under a spot light. William's hand slid up Kurt's silky thigh and began fondling the 12-year-old waiter's nearly-pubescent penis, while he continued to watch the sexual display on stage.

The kneeling 'puppy' was jacking his reddened boy-cock faster, and vocalizing a canine version of the sweet sounds that precede a young boy's dry orgasm. Suddenly he arched his body back and pushed his crotch forward, as his whole body shook in sexual climax 3; or else a very authentic simulation. He raised his face to the ceiling and gave a howl of satisfaction, then returned to hands-and-knees, wagging his tail vigorously. The puppy rubbed his face affectionately against the MC's leg, and the youth reached down to stroke the boy 3; fondling his butt while giving a knowing wink to the audience.

As the MC began to introduce the first entertainer, the boy lifted his leg to the side and pretended to pee on the teenager's high-heeled boots, to the merriment of the crowd. "Bad doggy! Bad!" he said in mock outrage. "I must now whip you for your behavior."

The riding crop in the teenager's hand whistled through the air toward the boy's rump. The leather loop at the end of it snapped sharply as it made contact, but the stiff part of the whip whooshed past the boy's tender butt. The sound was loud, but the impact was relatively mild. Nonetheless, the boy yelped just like a dog and cowered pitifully as he emitted heart-rending whimpers. The audience laughed, but also called out "ohhh 3; poor doggy" in multiple languages.

"So you think that I should not punish the dog who makes the tinkle on my boot?" said the MC melodramatically, as always in both languages. "Perhaps one of you will take the spanking for him. Maybe there is an Englischer schoolboy among you who will get pleasure from a few strokes of the whip?" That got another laugh, as this form of erotic masochism was known in several European languages as "the English vice" 3; stereotypically the fetish of Englishmen who had grown up eroticizing the whippings they received in boarding school during their formative years.

"Come now. Is there a volunteer from the audience?" he repeated.

"Go on Monty!" urged William. "Save the puppy from his beating, and get your jollies as well."

"Ja! Tun Sie es!" (Yes; do it!) said Lukas, Monty's waiter, hopping off his lap and pulling playfully at his arm.

"Alright, then!" laughed the Brit, as he stood up, took off his tuxedo jacket and handed it to Lukas. The MC motioned him onto the stage, amidst applause and chuckles from the audience.

"You are English; yes?" asked the MC. Monty grinned and nodded. "Perfect!" said the youth. "To be the substitute dog, mein Herr, you need the special costume." He gave a little whistle, and from behind the curtain at the rear of the stage came a young waiter, dressed in the same revealing attire as Kurt and Lukas, and carrying on his tray a leather dog collar. The MC put it around Monty's neck, and then whistled again. Another waiter came out, and on his tray was another pair of the faux dog-ears. Monty put them on himself, laughing along with the audience. A third whistle brought another boy, and on his tray was an enormous dildo – far larger in length and girth than a human penis could ever reach – with a tail attached. The puppy-boy, on hands and knees next to Monty, wiggled his buttocks at the audience to make his own butt-plug-tail wag. Monty laughed as much as the audience members and stroked the 3-inch-wide dildo briefly before returning it to the tray.

The MC turned Monty so that his back was to the audience. Two of the waiters, having put down their trays, knelt in front of the young British aristocrat and unbuttoned his tuxedo pants, lowered them to mid-thigh, and began a double-team licking and sucking of his penis, their ministrations obvious to all in the room, but hidden from actual view by their heads and Monty's body. The third waiter stood to one side and raised the back of Monty's shirt, just as the MC's riding crop came whistling to deliver a loud (but rather mild) slap. The puppy immediately bounced up and eagerly licked the spot where the tip of the whip had landed. He bounced away just in time for the riding crop to come down again, and again returned to kiss and lick the reddening spot. With a third spank, the MC was done.

"May we have your applause for the gallant gentleman who saved the puppy!"

The three waiters, working together, secured Monty's trousers, tucked in his shirt, and retrieved the dog collar and ears before escorting Monty, grinning and blushing slightly, back to his table.

"Bravo, Monty!" said William, shaking his friend's hand. "But tell me 3; those boys weren't really giving you a cock-suck right there on stage, were they?"

"They most certainly were!" said Monty as he sat down. "Quite proficient at it too. I trust that Lukas here does it equally well." The waiter, hearing his name but not understanding the other words, snuggled close to Monty on the curved leather bench, rubbing his hand lightly over the bulge in the man's crotch before sliding onto his lap.

The MC's voice brought their attention back to the stage. "And now, for your entertainment, the Cabaret of Boys brings you the star of the stage, the diva of the recordings, and the international sensation of the cinema 3; Marlene Dietrich!"

A boy of 14 came out in very convincing drag. His clothing, hair, and make-up effectively evoked the 27-year-old movie actress and singer. His mini-dress was the style worn by the most brazen 'flappers' frequenting speakeasies back in America, decorated with beads and sequins, with arms and shoulders bare except for narrow 'spaghetti straps'. It was so short that his lack of underwear was noticeable as he moved, displaying his nicely dangling balls and a handsome youthful penis with a protruding nozzle of foreskin. When he opened his mouth and began singing Wenn die Beste Freundin, it was an impressive impersonation of the smokey voice and world-weary phrasing of the woman whose records were played on victrolas throughout Europe and America.

Kurt, sitting on William's lap, wrapped his arms lightly around the man's neck and looked at him with doe-eyes. "The romantic songs, they are pleasing to you? Does the listening have you wanting to give me a kiss?" He brought his face closer, rubbing his cute nose lightly against William's, their lips an inch apart.

"Mmmm 3; yes!" said the man, drawing the boy even closer and fondling him more intimately, inhaling the dab of perfume behind his ear. William kissed the boy's neck, then his cheek 3; finally arriving at Kurt's beautiful full lips. But as they kissed, the boy seemed reticent, like an innocent girl being kissed for the first time. He backed away slightly when William's tongue sought entrance to the boy's mouth.

The man was puzzled and impatient at this uncharacteristic display of coyness, but then it dawned on him. He remembered Monty's instructions about protocol, which had also been mentioned as well by both the MC and the maître d'. William reached into his pocket, pulling out a crisp one-Reichsmark bill [worth 25 cents in 1928; the equivalent of $4 today]. He folded it lengthwise and then tucked it half-inside the elastic garter securing a black-tinted stocking at mid-thigh on Kurt's left leg. The boy responded instantly, purring with new-found passion, hugging and french-kissing so aggressively that he was literally sucking William's tongue into his mouth.

After a minute, when William came up for air, he studied the radiant face of the boy on his lap. 'Damn; he's so gorgeous!' the man thought to himself, as one hand toyed with Kurt's perfect erection and the other hand felt the boy's smooth slender butt.

"You are beautiful, Kurt 3;. I'm sure every man tells you that."

"On this night you are the only man, Billy," said Kurt tactfully, as he nuzzled his soft cheek against the man's. "Is it good that I call you 'Billy', as your friend names you?" William smiled and nodded his permission. The boy hugged William around the neck and whispered "I am so glad that you choose me, Billy," as he nibbled at the man's ear. "I do everything to make you happy. You will make me happy also; yes?"

"Yes 3; I want to make you happy too," sighed William dreamily, as another Reichsmark slid into the garter on Kurt's right leg. The boy's tongue teased the inside of William's ear, and his fingers began unbuttoning the man's trousers, feeling his cock. William glanced over at Monty and smiled to see that the Brit's trousers and underwear had been removed completely, and his boy knelt astride his lap, rubbing against the man as they kissed.

"Shall we do like they are?" he asked Kurt.

"Ja! That is good for making the pleasure to both of us!" The pretty youngster slid off of the man's lap, knelt on the floor, and pulled off the tuxedo pants and underwear overtop William's patent-leather shoes. Kurt filled the champagne glass and then scrambled back onto the man's lap, a knee on either side of William's hips. The boy reached down between them and stroked the American's cock briefly, then brought his own rigid boy-boner alongside it, stroking both at once as he leaned in to kiss the man lasciviously with his tongue. William's hands were drawn, as if by a powerful magnet, to the boy's soft, slender butt that was so convenient to his reach 3; then wandered up the boy's back. 'Marlene Dietrich' was now belting out a saucy up-tempo number titled Sex Appeal, with lyrics in both English and German, but William was barely paying attention. He was holding a beautiful 12-year-old in his arms, their erections grinding together wonderfully, and he was kissing the boy's sweet luscious mouth with fevered lust.

William had the fleeting realization that he was experiencing what his fraternity buddies back at college had described when they returned from a date with a 'loose' girl 3; necking in the back seat of a Model-A Ford parked on Lover's Lane, or on a sofa in the darkened 'make-out den' at the fraternity house, as music filtered in from the party in the next room. (William had occasionally dated girls in order deflect suspicion about his true desires, choosing prim intellectual virgins 3; the kind who would have indignantly refused to give the kinds of things that he had no interest in getting from a girl.)

Minutes passed in a haze of pleasure, and William wasn't even aware that one song ended and another began – the popular tune Ich Bin Die Fesche Lola. Kurt was cooing with pleasure in his ear, breathing heavily, telling him how good it felt, and humping against him with increasing urgency. William reached down and took the boy's delightful erection in his fingers, and the youngster literally fucked the man's hand. With rapidly building excitement, Kurt hugged William ever more fervently and buried his face against the man's neck. Then his body stiffened as William held him tightly. The boy emitted a muffled high-pitched squeal that signaled the climax of his dry orgasm, and he collapsed in William's arms.

"You are the most wonderful lover of all my life!" he whispered, as his kisses covered the man's neck. (The possibility that he said this to every customer didn't bother William a bit.)

The MC came out, minus his 'dog', to introduce the next act: a pair of acrobats.

"These two amazing brothers come from the exotic land of India, serving for years in the palace of the Maharajah of Jaipur." Out came fraternal-twin brothers, 13 years old and very similar in appearance, dressed in the clothing of a 'swami' - fat turbans on their heads and a length of saffron-colored cloth wrapped several times around their loins. They looked sufficiently exotic to actually be Indian, with dusky skin and coal-black hair, but were in fact Hungarian gypsies, trained since they were toddlers to be performers in small circuses traveling throughout Europe. As the band played an approximation of Indian music, the boys danced sensuously for several minutes, and then began removing their meager clothing. First, they unwound the turbans as they danced, leaving a trail of cloth as they moved about the stage. And then they took turns in slowly unraveling each other's loin garment 3; one brother holding the end while the other twirled around, raising his legs up high as needed to free himself from the intricately-wrapped strip of cloth.

Soon the two were totally naked, their pubescent genitals and cute bottoms on full display as they danced. It was like the erotic statuary of India come to life, with their lips and tongues brushed together as they masturbated each other's penises to 4-inch [10 cm] erections 3; all the while moving sensuously to the music.

Then they began their routine of acrobatics and contortion. The boys were quite good at their art and performed both individually and in tandem, pushing their slender bodies gracefully up into handstands, bending themselves into seemingly impossible shapes, and lifting each other into the air in a show of remarkable balance and strength. But in addition to their gymnastics, they were also quite adept as erotic performers 3; taking every opportunity to stroke each other's cocks and asses with fingers and tongues 3; rubbing their dark-tan bodies together as they did their acrobatic tricks.

William and Monty were paying rapt attention to the action on stage, and rather less to the boys in their laps, when the slender acrobats floated smoothly into a position best described as a 'standing 69'. One brother was standing, holding the other upside down 3; their mouths and youthful erections perfectly aligned as they began sucking each other 3; each taking his brother's cock to the hilt. And after a minute, they slowly inverted themselves, so that the other brother was now the one standing 3; without removing their mouths from each other's stiff boners or their arms from around each other's waists. The audience sighed with pleasure and applauded with amazed admiration. And then the boys inverted again 3; and again 3; as they continued to suck each other.

Another Reichsmark slid into Kurt's garter. "Suck my cock," murmured William in the boy's ear, as he reached for his champagne glass and continued to watch the stage show. Kurt immediately slid to his knees on the floor, his mouth seeking William's stiff penis. And the boy was very good 3; well trained and experienced at giving oral pleasure to men. William groaned as his cock-head glided smoothly into Kurt's tight warm throat. His fingers slid through the boy's soft hair, feeling with his hands the cadence of the supremely pleasurable blow-job, as the boy's mouth slid up and down his rigid phallus. And while he deep-throated William's cock effortlessly, Kurt also fondled the man's balls, alternating feathery strokes of fingertips with a firm grasp that approached the line between pleasure and pain.

While William occasionally glanced down at Kurt's bobbing head, his eyes focused mainly on the highly eroticized acrobatics on stage 3; a pornographic display that provided the perfect visual accompaniment to the exquisite cock-sucking by his boy. For the gypsy contortionists' finale, they did what many in the audience had been speculating about from the beginning – performing an elegant choreography of self-fellatio, moving in unison as each boy sucked his own young-adolescent boner. They started while standing, each boy bending at the waist to suck in all of his erection. They turned their bodies to various angles as they sucked, giving multiple viewpoints to each member of the audience. And then they lay on their backs, facing in opposite directions and in profile to the audience, and brought their crotches down to their mouths. Their stiff cocks slid back and forth through their sucking lips. Their hips, controlled by taut stomach muscles, moved only slightly as the penises fucked the mouths of their owners. Several times, they bent their bodies even farther to lick and suck at their ball-sacks. So flexible were they that, with the help of their hands pulling at their legs, they were briefly able to rim their own assholes 3; each boy flexing his anal muscle open as his own tongue probed inside. But then they returned to their cocks 3; slurping and moaning erotically as they sucked themselves deeply.

"Oh, Kurt! I'm getting close! Keep going!" pleaded William, feeling the up-welling pressure in his loins and struggling to keep his voice low despite the excitement. The boy responded with a surge of cocksucking energy and skill that exceeded anything William had ever felt. The man's hips began to thrust upward, and the boy responded by letting the erection fuck swift and deep in his throat, his lips releasing only an inch or two of the 6-inch [15 cm] cock's lower shaft before it slammed to the hilt, time after time 3;. all the while twisting his mouth from side to side, and making rapid swallowing movements with his throat muscles surrounding the man's engorged cock-head.

The boys on stage drove their youthful cocks like little pistons in their mouths, faster and faster. Then, as if by magic (or at least by telepathic communication), they released their erections at the same moment 3; poised a few inches from their mouths 3; and simultaneously sprayed their own faces with spurting semen. William's wave of orgasm rushed through his body almost immediately after. As the bodies of 13-year-olds gypsies trembled, and the last of the ejaculations dripped into their open mouths, William's cock exploded, pulsing cum directly into Kurt's gullet, as the boy swallowed it all.

Only then did Kurt slide his mouth back up to the crown of the man's erection, taking a deep breath through his nose and tasting the semen with his tongue. And then he again took the cock deep, recapturing the glans and making his throat vibrate with a low hum that drove William to ejaculate again in a secondary orgasm that sent him into sexual oblivion.

As the gypsies made their bows and scampered off-stage, William was gently caressing Kurt's hair as the boy gave only the very lightest stimulation to the man's spent cock. Then William drew the boy onto his feet, had him fill the glass of champagne, and drew him back up onto his lap.

The MC came out to introduce another boy singer in provocative drag 3; a 15-year-old dressed in a red lace-covered French corset, matching stockings, and high heels. An edgy alto voice, singing Ich Bin Ein Vamp, was a perfect complement to his 'femme fatale' appearance.

William offered Kurt some champagne, and the boy drank freely, reaching to fill the glass again without leaving the man's lap.

"Look at the fun of your friend," whispered Kurt, motioning with a slight turn of his face.

Monty, still naked from the waist down, was slouched in his seat and had his legs pulled back. Lukas was on his knees, rimming the man's asshole with a slow and easy lapping and probing of his tongue. The garters at the boy's thighs were decorated with several banknotes. Monty noticed William's and Kurt's attention and raised his glass in a toast. "Isn't life grand?" he said with a smile.

"That it is!" agreed the American.

"I do the arse-lick for you too, if it pleases," said Kurt. "I give to you good pleasure every way you like, for all of the evening." A sloppy tongue-kiss to William's mouth emphasized the point.

"No; not now. Let's watch the show for a bit as I rest up from your suck." He reached down to fondle the beautiful 4-inch [10 cm] boner, which had remained consistently erect throughout the evening.

"So Monty," said William to his friend. "What do you think of boys dressing as girls? Is that sexy for you?"

"Depends what they look like, old chap. This one on stage rather appeals to me. Pretty face, and with an edge to his attitude. I must admit I fancy the idea of being fucked by a teenage girl with a big cock." He laughed and used his hand to pull Lukas's mouth more firmly against his ass. "How about you, Billy? Do you fancy a sissy-boy?"

"I think I prefer boys who are boys, like Kurt here." He gave his boy a quick kiss. "And speaking of boys, look there on the stage. Isn't that the darling puppy-boy from earlier?"

The singer had begun a song from the play Die Dreigroschenoper (The Threepenny Opera), which had debuted to acclaim in Berlin earlier that year. He was joined on stage by the 10-year-old, his 'dog nose' scrubbed off, and now dressed in the ragged cloak of a poor beggar-boy (a reference to the plot of the play). The singer motioned the boy over as he sang, pantomimed giving him a coin, and removed the boy's cloak. The cute youngster was completely naked underneath, and William's eyes focused, as they had when the lad was on-stage previously, on the perfectly exquisite immature penis and boyishly round scrotum. The singer reached down and fondled the boy's dick to erection, and then, still singing, pushed the lad's shoulders so he was kneeling at the older boy's feet.

The teenager reached to his crotch and undid snap fasteners at the bottom of the lacy corset, releasing a nicely-developed cock and low-hanging balls, both shaved of hair. Positioned in profile to the audience, the lad sucked the plump cock into his mouth, swiftly producing a fat 7-inch [17.5 cm] boner. He took the organ all the way into his throat 3; as expert a cock-sucker as the other boys in the cabaret's employ. Still singing, the teenager punctuated the lyrics (which neither William nor Monty understood) with firm trusts of his crotch, in time to the music.

"Now that's what I like to see!" said William in a soft aside to Monty.

Just then, as the song ended, the teenager tore away the entire corset, its seams held by snaps as well, and cast it aside. He was now naked, except for stockings and high-heeled shoes. The band began playing a new number, in the Argentine style. The teenager was no longer singing, but was now purely an erotic dancer, looking utterly androgynous, with feminine make-up and coiffed hair in contrast to his man-size cock. He pulled the boy off the floor and up into his arms, with the naked youngster's legs wrapped around his older partner's waist and arms around his neck. The youth's big stiff erection swayed as he began dancing. With elements of the Parisian 'apache dance', the older youth grabbed the lad's hair and pulled it back, kissing the youngster's neck lustfully, as his hands roughly fondled and spanked the boy's buttocks.

"I'm liking this act more all the time!" said William. "I do hope he'll fuck the boy," he added excitedly.

As if in response to William's hopes, the teenager positioned his cock at the boy's anus. As the boy lowered himself onto the phallus, the teenager thrust forward, his cock sinking to the hilt in a single plunge 3; a feat aided by the boy having held the buttplug-tail in his lubed rectum until shortly before coming back on-stage. William joined in the applause that could be heard in rest of the room (though he could see none of the other patrons but Monty). And in a remarkable show of sexual choreography, the handsome 15-year-old and adorable 10-year-old began an extended standing-fuck as they danced to the band's tango music.

"I want to fuck you, Kurt," said William breathlessly to his boy. "I need to shoot my cum inside your ass!"

"Yes, of course, Billy! How shall we make the position?"

William had little actual experience with sex, having until a few days ago lived a completely celibate life for the past eight years, enlivened only by vivid fantasies of taboo boy-sex. "Tell me how you'd like it," he asked the boy.

"I like to take the fucking in all ways!" Kurt said with a big grin, as he gently stroked the man's erection. "If I sit on your lap with our faces looking, we can kiss as you fuck me. If I face away, you can stroke my little cock 3; and it will feel so nice for you to be inside my hole when my body makes the orgasm! If it pleases you, I will lay on the table here 3; on my back or the belly."

"They all sound totally wonderful!" said William. "How about I stay seated, and you mount me while facing away."

"Jawohl!" (Yes, sir!) said the boy enthusiastically. From out of a hidden pocket in his cummerbund, he pulled a small tin, the diameter of a half-dollar coin and about twice as thick. Taking off the top, he scooped its contents of vaseline onto two fingers and then bent over a bit and slid them quickly into his asshole.

"Would it please you for me to take of the shirt and belt?" he asked, referring to the faux tuxedo shirt that covered little more than a bib would, and the pleated cummerbund around his waist.

"Yes; a good idea!" said William, thinking how much he wanted to caress the boy's entire body as they fucked.

Kurt undid a hook behind his neck and one at his lower back, and the 'shirt' and cummerbund (which were attached) came free. He put the skimpy garment aside and then posed like a pin-up model 3; one hand behind his head, the other at his waist 3; so William could admire his nudity.

"My god; you are so gorgeous!" the man murmured as he held out his arms to the boy. Kurt kicked off his high-heeled shoes, leaving the stockings as his only clothing, and straddled William's lap, facing away. With his feet planted on the seat, on either side of William's knees, and holding the man's rigid cock in his hand, Kurt lowered his slender ass down. He flexed open his anal muscle as soon as the cock-head made contact, and held his breath as the glans penetrated the tight entrance. He exhaled and felt the warm glow of pleasure as he eased farther down the 6-inch [15 cm] erection.

When he had been initiated into sexuality, several years before by his favorite older cousin, Kurt could barely tolerate the feeling of being fucked by a mature cock. But he quickly came to love the erotic feeling of his lubed rectum being filled by the firm, masculine warmth 3; the delicious pleasure of a smooth erection sliding back and forth along his anal nerves and that special place a few centimeters inside.

William's body strained with excited anticipation as the boy impaled himself on the man's throbbing cock. 'Oh, god! Yes! He's so tight 3; it's so incredibly good!' he thought to himself as he groaned out loud. William's arms wrapped around Kurt's body as boy completed the smooth entry 3; sitting firmly on the man's lap, holding the entire length of the cock snugly inside his tight ass.

The boy flexed his thigh muscles, balancing his body with his hands on the man's knees, and William's erection slid almost all the way along the tight slippery tunnel. And then the boy's body eased down again.

William's right hand reached for the lad's stiff 4-inch [10 cm] erection and fondled it. His left caressed Kurt's body, from his soft thighs to his boyish chest, teasing the boy's small nipples into tiny stiff points. Then his fingers went to the boy's mouth, in imitation of what he had seen the bell-hop do to Monty back at the hotel. Kurt's mouth instantly sucked in William's index finger, briefly fellating it as if it were a little boy's penis, sucking and licking as his lips moved up and down. The unexpectedly intensity sent a spasm through William's body.

He nuzzled the boy's neck, inhaling his delicious scent. As Kurt's ass rose and fell in a steady cadence, they both groaned with raw lust and sighed with sublime pleasure.

"Oh, Billy! I love you so much!" (That always went over well with customers 3; and he DID like this handsome American.)

"I love you too Kurt!" (Well, in any case, he loved the way the darling boy made him feel.) "I wish I could fuck you forever."

They both kept an eye to the action on stage, looking on admiringly as the two performers smoothly maneuvered so that the 10-year-old was now facing the other direction, and the teenager held him up with hands beneath his thighs 3; all without disengaging from the vigorous fucking. Instead of the boy doing the work 3; raising his ass up and letting himself down on the older youth's cock 3; now it was the teenager doing the thrusting as he held the boy in place. No longer dancing, the 15-year-old stood in one place on the stage, making a quarter-turn every 15 seconds or so, so that audience had constantly-shifting views of the lewd performance.

As the teenager fucked his boy faster, flexing his thighs and buttocks athletically, so also did Kurt increase the pace of his up and down plunges on William's lap. The man, in turn, jacked the boy's slender penis at a faster pace 3; his other hand now fondling the half-size balls in the boy's silky scrotum.

The action on-stage played out in tandem with that on the curved leather banquette in which the young American and young Brit were playing. Monty and Lukas, who had been fucking face-to-face in the seated position, got up from the seat and Lukas was now laying face-up on the narrow round table. Monty was on his knees, sucking Lukas enthusiastically, with the boy's legs resting on the man's shoulders.

William had an overabundance of visual stimulation to accompany the physical pleasure he was experiencing. Kurt's smooth shoulders and back 3; his face in profile when he looked back over his shoulder and smiled 3; Monty's oral assault on his own boy, moving his mouth from cock to balls to anus, and back again 3; and the two boys on-stage, now face-to-face again in their standing fuck, but with the younger one leaning back, hands locked on each other's forearms, the boy's legs around the teenager's waist.

Perhaps it was serendipity; maybe just the power of suggestion; but the orgasms began erupting in rapid succession. The first was on stage, as the teenager's big cock pulled out just in time to splatter all over the chest and face of the 10-year-old he held in front of him. Then Kurt 3; his body trembling in dry orgasm and his anal muscles contracting spasmodically around William's cock as the boy continued to move his ass up and down. Then Lukas 3; shooting strings of cum onto his belly, as Monty jacked the boy's 5-inch [12½ cm] penis, fondled the boy's hairless balls, and reamed his tongue into the boy's freshly-fucked asshole. And finally William 3; thrusting his hips up, driving his cock into Kurt's ass, hugging the boy desperately, and finally achieving glorious release as his tumescent penis unloaded spurt after spurt of cum inside the boy's tight rectum.

The performers took their bows, but William was too spent to applaud. Kurt was now still on his lap and William's arms were wrapped around him, fondling him tenderly. The boy turned his head, and they kissed. And when the man's softening cock slipped out, Kurt turned sideways on William's lap, and they embraced in a long, passionate kiss. Then he hopped down and dutifully got William another glass of champagne. The man drained it and held it out to be refilled.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" said the MC; "now for your amusement we have Ernst and Horst, loyal members of the Deutsches Jungvolk."

There was laughter from the audience as two boy, one 14 and the other 13, came out dressed in identical uniforms – tan shirt, brown neckerchief, short black leather lederhosen, thick white knee socks and sturdy hiking boots. Standing at attention, side-by-side, they began to sing in beautiful, earnest voices.

"They're Boy Scouts?" William asked Monty.

"I suppose," replied his friend.

Kurt volunteered an explanation. "Deutsches Jungvolk; not Boy Scouts. It is the younger-boys' part of Hitler-Jugend. You know the crazy little man with the funny mustache? Many boys are joining this group now."

"Ah, yes; Hitler," said Monty. "I've read about him. He runs one of those nationalist political parties, and I hear he has his own rather substantial private militia 3; a quite large boys' group too – the Hitler Youth. Those German youth groups have always been notorious for rampant sex-play among boys, and between the boys and their lucky adult leaders."

William had never heard of Hitler, who wouldn't become known in America until 1932. All he knew was that the boys were singing in German and taking off articles of clothing after each short verse, beginning with shoes and socks.

"What are they singing about, Kurt?"

"It is the old folk song. The Hitler-Jugend uses the music and makes new words. These boys, they are making the jokes of the Hitler-Jugend words. It is hard to make it into English, but they sing about going on the hiking trip and take off all the clothing in meadows." He paused for a moment as the boys took off another item of clothing, this time their shirts. " 3; we are naked as we do climbing mountains." The boys remove their undershirts. " 3; we suck our friend's cock at the campfire." The lederhosen pants came off, and the boys were wearing only snug white undershorts. " 3; adult leader come to tent and lick our arse-hole and gives us the fuck." Off came the underpants, and the boys were totally naked.

The older one seemed nicely into puberty, the younger one on the cusp; both were hairless. They were making jokes in German that had most of the audience laughing, as they fondled each other's penises to erection and stood back to admire their work. William didn't bother asking for the translation, and instead his eyes just feasted on the two examples of beautiful, sexual boyhood.

"Wir spielen das Seilspiel!" (Let's play the rope game!) said the older one, and the MC appeared from behind the curtain holding several lengths of clothesline.

The boys jabbered away, again to the amusement of the Germans and German-speakers in the audience. (The rapid talk and extensive use of slang were beyond Monty's limited abilities in the language.) The younger boy began tying up his older friend.

"The boys play the much-loved rope game," said the MC in English, "in which the boy who is tied attempts to escape. If he succeeds, the other boy must give him the choice of sexual favors. If he fails, the other boy can have his way while the first is tied. Watch now."

The older boy was on his knees, and the younger one tied his ankles together, then his hands behind his back, and then secured his hands to his ankles. When he stood back, the 14-year-old struggled to escape, but could not. The other boy, in triumph, jacked his cock hard again, positioned himself in front of the boy on his knees, and pushed his cock into the helpless boy's mouth. The tied-up boy dutifully sucked it, as the winner thrust his crotch in a mouth-fucking motion. After younger boy made a show of orgasming (probably too quickly to have been authentic), he untied his victim and extended a hand to help him to his feet. Instead of roles being reversed, however, the two boys looked over at the MC, who began to speak.

"Would anyone in the audience like to try the game?" he said in both languages. "You must be completely naked to play, and it will all be in good fun 3; even if you lose the game!"

The MC pointed to someone in the audience. "Ah, the first volunteer! Yes, mein Herr; please come forward," he said. "I see that you are already naked and ready for fun!" A young man stepped forward to the stage, proudly flaunting a good-sized boner, rising up from his handsome body.

"I know that chap!" whispered Monty with a chuckle. "Charlie Kensington 3; a year ahead of me at Oxford 3; and even more of a voracious boylover and exhibitionist than I!"

"And another player joins," said the MC. "Very good, mein Herr; finish removing your clothing and come forward." The second naked man came from the audience onto the stage 3; in his 40s with a large flaccid cock and a reasonably fit body. "We have additional boys ready to play. Let us have more volunteers from the audience." And right on cue, two more naked boys, holding ropes, came out from behind the curtain. "Don't be shy. Drink more champagne for your courage!"

"You will play too; yes?" prompted Kurt, handing William his glass.

"Well 3;" said William tentatively. He downed the champagne in one gulp. "Alright!" He stood up, a little tipsy, and Kurt quickly removed his tie and shirt. He kicked off his shoes, peeled down the socks, and walked the short distance to the stage 3; his inhibitions receding with each step. The audience applauded politely.

The MC positioned him next to a beautiful naked 11-year-old, who held two lengths of clothesline. The MC tried to lure more participants, but settled for just the three.

William looked briefly out into the audience, seeing in the dim light perhaps 30 customers, each with a boy. Many were in some state of undress 3; some being sucked off by their waiter 3; some men doing the sucking 3; others just holding their boy and fondling him. Of the several women that he noticed in his quick scan, the one that drew his eye was a middle-aged matron holding a naked 10-year-old face-up on her ample lap. The boy was sucking like a baby at her plump breast, exposed beneath her raised blouse, while she eagerly masturbated his 3-inch [7.5 cm] erection.

"You may choose either part of the game," the MC told the participants; "to tie up your boy, or to have him tie you."

William chose to be tied, as did each of the others. He was living out a fantasy that had its origins in an episode when he was 13 and at summer camp 3; when he and a tent-mate took turns tying each other up 3; and using the period of helplessness to fondle each other's stiff penises. His mind had given the event an honored place in his repertoire of sexual fantasies, to be pulled forward and embellished during masturbation.

The boy knew very little English, but guided William into a sitting position on the floor, with his legs spread and bent, facing the audience. William's penis was on full display, and he watched as it rose up into erection. The boy placed William's hands palms-down along the insides of his ankles, and started looping the rope with practiced precision. In a flurry of activity that lasted only about two minutes, the boy finished his work. William's forearms were securely tied to his calves on each side, and tight coils of rope firmly bound William's hands, from wrist to fingertips, against his ankles. The man could tell right away that there would be no chance of escaping in any reasonable time.

The other two men were tied up with equal speed 3; in different positions, but just as securely. When the MC gave the signal to start, all three men struggled vainly against the ropes, to the amusement of the audience. After only a minute the struggling waned, and the MC stepped in.

"So now, meine Herren, you must be the sex slaves in bondage for your little masters until I announce the conclusion," said the 16-year-old MC in an amused voice. "Fahren Sie fort, Jungen." (Get going, boys!)

William's young 'master' was a pre-pubescent beauty who went about the task with mischievous glee. First he pulled the man onto his back, so that his wide-open legs were sticking into the air, and his asshole and genitals were on display to all. The boy knelt down and briefly fondled William's rigid erection, played with his balls, and lightly ran his fingertips back and forth across the tender anal flesh that was completely exposed.

The American's mind was surging with inhibition-free excitement, nearly oblivious to the audience 3; in a daze of partial intoxication, sexual stimulation, and kinky decadence. He was quite unaware of anything happening with the other men on stage, even though the audience was being treated to an intensely erotic three-ring circus of sexual domination of men by young boys.

"Ohhhh 3; yes, boy!" he murmured and his asshole was blissfully tormented by tickling fingers. "Yes, master; I'm your sex slave!"

The lad may have understood him 3; or may have just been following a script. He stood up and spun William's body a quarter-turn, so that the man was in profile to the audience. Kneeling behind the helpless adult, the boy rubbed and patted William's exposed buttocks and called out to the audience.

"Soll ich ihn verprügeln?" (Should I spank him?) "To spank?" he added in his limited English.

"Ja!" "Yes!" came a chorus of jovial replies, Monty's voice loudest of all.

The boy gave the man's butt five brisk spanks, rubbing between each one. Then he played some more with William's genitals 3; squeezing the man's full ball-sack 3; pulling back on his erection and letting it slap forward on his belly.

"You will suck the penis, ja?" said the boy in soft voice, ready to change course if the man objected. William smiled and nodded his head in reply. The lad positioned himself straddling William's face. He leaned forward, rubbing his young-boy dick across the man's chin, and then held it just above his open mouth.

Trussed up like an animal, completely naked, and on display to dozens of on-lookers 3; William should have felt humiliated. Instead he felt only pure lust, as he arched his neck up and captured the 11-year-old's little wiener, sucking it into his mouth. His tongue circled the foreskin-covered glans, pleasuring it vigorously. The boy pressed his crotch forward, and the hood of sex-flesh skinned back between the man's lips to uncover the acorn-shaped cock-head. The boyish penis fully erected as the man sucked, lengthening and plumping, with William's mind and efforts focused solely on the utter eroticism of fellating this slender boy-sexy boner. But it didn't last long.

The lad pulled his stiffy from William's mouth with a 'pop' and turned his body around, facing the other direction. Now it was his smooth round butt that was in William's face.

"Leck mich am Arsch!" (Lick my ass) said the boy in a loud voice. "Lick!" he added.

The boy's well-scrubbed light-pink asshole hovered above William's mouth, and he didn't hesitate. He strained to lift his head and extended his tongue. Rimming a boy's ass would have been unthinkable to him only a week before, but now it was one of the many pleasures to which he had become totally addicted. William's entire body trembled with lust as the boy eased his shapely butt lower and flexed open the anal muscle, allowing the man's tongue to probe into the musky interior.

As William was blissfully licking, the boy was making an ostentatious show of spitting on his fingers and letting the audience know that he was about to probe the man's own asshole. He leaned forward between William's spread-apart and up-raised legs, and ran two slippery fingers around the nerve-laden anal entrance. Feeling the muscle open slightly he slid the middle finger further, slowly twisting and pushing in 3; gradually finger-fucking more aggressively. He heard the man's muffled groans, and took it to the next level. The boy felt for the prostate and massaged it expertly. His other hand began a smooth, quick masturbation of William's dripping and totally- erect cock.

The combination of stimuli blasted the man into a powerful orgasm as he groaned out loud and his body shook uncontrollably, there on stage for everyone to see.

The boy hopped off and quickly untied the ropes. The other 'masters' were just finishing up too, having been well-trained to coordinate the timing of their activities. The entire segment, from the three audience members coming up on stage to their being untied and escorted back to their seats, took about 15 minutes.

"Did you like the fun, Billy?" Kurt asked, as he snuggled back onto William's lap.

The man only smiled and kissed the boy. He rubbed his wrists for a few moments, and then wrapped his arms around Kurt to draw him closer.

"Have more champagne," said the boy, holding the glass to William's lips, as the MC began introducing the next act.

Later that night, a little before 1:00 a.m 3;.

Monty and William strolled back to their hotel, weaving a bit, but looking quite spiffy in their tuxedos. Their boys' last duty had been as valets in re-dressing their customers. Their long good-byes and sexy kissing and fondling, with the boys sitting on the men's laps, had continued after the cabaret show was over. Both Kurt and Lukas had finished the night with their garters festooned with Reichsmarks 3; more than usual, and considerably more than the boys' fathers brought home from their jobs, with wages severely depressed by Germany's ongoing economic troubles.

The doorman at the hotel touched the brim of his hat as he held the door open, and they went directly to the front desk.

"Gute Nacht, meine Herren," said the clerk politely.

"Good evening," said Monty. "The key to 823, please."

"Of course, sir 3;. Oh; and you are having two young companions in the room tonight; yes? They are waiting downstairs. Shall they be brought up now, or should there be delay?"

"Send them up now, if you would. I see that the concierge is still here, and I wish to speak to him for a while. It would be delightful if the boys were waiting for us when we get to the suite." Monty discretely slipped two folded Reichsmark banknotes to the man and took the key. Then he added: "Have them be completely naked and under the bedclothes when we arrive. The older lad in the bedroom on the left; the younger in the bedroom on the right. We'll have a quick nightcap in the bar to give some time." Then Monty and William walked toward the desk in front of the elevators.

"I say, Max! Are you still working at this hour of the night?"

"Ah, Herr Montgomery! You are back," said the concierge. "I work until midnight each day, and it is not now so much later." The man's voice lowered and he continued, with a conspiratorial gleam in his eye: "I mostly stay to make sure my favorite customer is safely tucked in with his cute young 'bed warmer'. You have arranged with the desk-clerk for the boys to be sent up to the room; yes?"

"All taken care of," said Monty. "If you would be so kind, Max, Billy and I would like an afternoon visit tomorrow to that posh brothel just off the Potsdamer Platz 3; you know the one?"

"Yes; quite posh. Der Palast der Sultane 3; The Sultan's Palace. Still the best in the city, I think 3; so pretty and young the boys are 3; and so many of exotic foreign birth. They are specializing now in having two, three, four, or even more boys together serving the customer 3; a little harem of boys; yes? Shall I enquire of availability for you to reserve? Perhaps at 3:00 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, with three boys for each of you? The reservation should be easy at the early hour."

"Excellent! Your suggestion is spot-on, as always, Max!" said the smiling Brit.

"I know the kind of boy who is pleasing to you, Herr Montgomery. But Herr Taylor 3; what should I request for you in making the reservation? Perhaps some of their youngest? Of 9, 10, 11 years? And the exotic boys 3; Russians? Arabs? Black-skinned ones from my country's former African colonies? Or an Asian beauty from the French Indochina colony, or the Dutch island of Java?"

"Well, Max; it sounds as though you know me quite well too!" Indeed, William was flabbergasted at how expertly the concierge had read his sexual desires. "I will have the foreign boys; young ones. No older than 12. They have 9-year-olds, you say?"

Chapter 5

Monty and William entered their suite at 1:00 a.m., a bit tipsy after a wildly debauched night at the Kabarett der Jungen. A few lamps had been turned on in the sitting room, casting a soft glow, and the radio console was playing soothing big-band music. The bedroom doors 3; Monty's on the left side, William's on the right 3; were closed, and no light shown beneath them. The men were fully aware that there was a boy in each bedroom, chosen by the men the previous afternoon from a catalogue of enticing young rent-boys provided by the concierge of this posh Berlin hotel.

"You know, Monty," said the 22-year-old American; "I think I may be too exhausted to do justice to another sexy boy right now. I shot my cum three times at the cabaret; I sucked off three different boys; and drank nearly all of that bottle of champagne. I'm afraid I might just conk out beside him on the bed!"

"Billy, old chap," said the 24-year-old English aristocrat. "As I've said, these lads we have tonight are just 'bed-warmers'. The perfect tonic after a night of tom-catting around town is sometimes just having a sexy body to snuggle with as you drift off to sleep. And then he will be at your disposal the next morning to get the day started right. In Berlin these days, there are no rules when it comes to sex. If you are paying for the boy, you do whatever you want with him 3; even that means doing nothing with him at all."

"I like your attitude, my friend. Well, goodnight. I'm so much looking forward to our appointment at that brothel tomorrow afternoon!"

"As am I, Billy! The thought of having my own private harem of exotic young boys sounds absolutely brilliant."

"At a brothel called the Sultan's Palace, no less!" added the American.

"Righto. Couldn't be more perfect!" Monty said with a laugh. "Pleasant dreams, then." And he leaned close to give William a brief kiss on the mouth, which the American returned warmly.

After slipping off his tuxedo jacket and undoing his bow tie, William opened the bedroom door. As his eyes slowly adjusted to the dark, he tried to remember the name of the boy he had chosen. In the dimness, he saw a form move on the bed, beneath the sheet.

"Hello, sir," said a cheerful boyish voice, softly.

William clicked the light switch on the wall, turning on a soft bedside lamp, and saw the smiling 12-year-old in his bed, lying on his side, with only his head and bare shoulders visible above the bed sheet.

"My name is Johann, but I like to be called Johnnie. How would you prefer for me to address you, sir?"

"Hello Johnnie," said the man, impressed with the boy's apparent command of the English language. Except for his German accent, he spoke like a polite, well-bred young schoolboy in England or America. "Why don't you call me Billy." The man hadn't gone by that nickname since he was a boy 3; until he'd met Monty, less than a week ago. The Englishman called him 'Billy' unfailingly.

The man gazed at Johnnie, momentarily mesmerized by his exceedingly attractive young face 3; brown hair, green eyes, long dark eyelashes, a sensuous mouth with full lips. The boy did not seem at all uncomfortable with being stared at, as he continued to smile and wait for instructions.

When instructions were not forthcoming, the boy broke the silence. "Will it be pleasing if I am to pull down the sheet?" he asked, as he glanced down at his covered body.

"Yes! I would like that very much!" said William, as he closed the door behind him and came over to the foot of the bed.

Johnnie pushed the covers down in teasing stages, guessing that the man would enjoy it that way. His hands pushed the sheet down to uncover the nipples on his smooth chest 3; dime-sized brown discs with tiny stiff nubs at their center. The sheet was pushed down farther, to the hairless pubic area, and he paused again. He had sturdy shoulders, but no adolescent muscle development. His torso had the graceful slimness and abdominal definition of an active and healthy boy on the verge of puberty 3; not an ounce of baby-fat, but clearly not undernourished. Johnnie counted to three in his head and then pushed the sheet down to his hips, kicking it off the rest of the way. He shifted his body sensuously, moving with the languid fluidity of a cat. Laying on his back and then his side, subtly shifting to give his customer different poses, moving his hands over his smooth body, Johnnie was the incarnation of a boylover's most powerful fantasy.

William stopped breathing for several long moments. He found the boy's body to be as exquisite as his face. Johnnie was small of stature 3; a bit under 5 feet [1.50 m], not yet having experienced a growth spurt. His slender thighs and hips begged to be gently caressed. His silken skin glowed with an all-over tan, hinting that he was among the naturist Berliners who sunbathed nude at the Tiergarten Park. And his genitals 3; what an incredible erotic sight! The man couldn't pull his gaze away. 'Absolute perfection' thought William to himself. A soft penis of almost 3 inches [7.5 cm] lay across the smooth skin of his inner thigh. Its color was a few shades darker than the adjacent tan skin. The elegant glans was slightly-flared 3; and, being devoid of foreskin, it was on prominent display. His scrotum was the perfect mate to the gorgeous boy-penis 3; looser than a younger lad's round pouch, but shorter and smaller than an adolescent's dangling sack. It was just right for showing the shape of Johnnie's plumpening balls, and giving evidence of his budding sexuality.

The boy watched William's expression, and he could tell the man liked what he saw. Some customers found Johnnie's circumcised penis unattractive. He could sense it even if they said nothing. But when William unconsciously licked his lips and sighed, with a wistful look on his face, the boy relaxed completely. He knew that this would be a pleasant night with the handsome young customer 3; the kind that made sex-work enjoyable and compensated for the occasionally-obnoxious and often-unattractive men who were an unavoidable part of this job.

After what he considered an appropriate interval, Johnnie shifted his body to show off his slender rounded butt, swinging his left leg across, bringing it up toward his chest as the right one stayed straight. His hand slid slowly along his side, moving down his thigh and back up to his left butt-cheek, parting the cleft. William, to his surprise, found himself captivated by the beauty of the boy's anus, which was distinctive for being so small 3; with the smooth lightly-tanned skin of his buttocks coming almost to the hole, with only a small area of wrinkled anal flesh around it.

"Perfection!" murmured William softly.

"May I undress you, Billy?" asked the boy, in a voice that sounded genuinely sweet and sincere.

"Yes 3; do that," said the man, thinking whimsically that his previous boy had also served as a valet quite recently 3; in getting his clothes back on after the wild sexual abandon at the nightclub.

"Come sit on the bed," said the boy as he stood up. The man happily complied.

Standing between William's parted knees, Johnnie leaned forward and began undoing buttons and removing the cuff-links and studs from the tuxedo shirt. While the boy worked, the man's hands roamed freely over the lithe naked body. Of all the boys he had fondled over these past several days (and each was burned into his memory), this one was perhaps the most erotic 3; the most breath-takingly exciting to touch. 'How long can this go on?' he thought; 'with each successive boy more sexy than the last?' His fingers were drawn to the circumcised penis and quickly massaged it to full erection. William sighed as his eyes drank in what his hand caressed. The boyish erection was nearly 4 inches [10 cm] in length, the girth of the man's thumb, pointing straight up. He was just about to bring his mouth down to it when the boy playfully pushed him onto his back with a gentle nudge and began removing the remaining clothing.

"Your penis is like mine, having the circumcision," said Johnnie with a delighted smile as he pulled the man's undershorts down. "It is very handsome and sexy!" But the boy did not presume to touch William's soft penis. Whenever he served a late-night customer like this, he was careful not to presume too much until he better understood the man's wishes.

The man smiled and took the boy's hand, guiding him down onto the bed, pulling the soft sheet over them and enfolding the boy in an embrace 3; feeling Johnnie's shoulders, his back, his buttocks. "Hold my cock in your hand," he said, drawing the boy's hand to his penis. "Stroke it gently 3; not to make me cum, but just to feel good. Understand?"

The boy just smiled, with a slight nod of his head. His small hand began fondling the man's penis with a soft touch that wonderfully combined sexual arousal with sublime relaxation.

"You are an American," Johnnie said softly.

"Uh-huh," he replied, looking into the boy's radiant green eyes.

"I thinked it from the way that you speak, and then I know it from the looking at your beautiful penis." From his intimate experience with men's cocks, in almost a year of working as a boy prostitute, the American tourists were almost always circumcised. Occasionally a Brit, but almost never men of other nationalities. That is, except for the rare German or Dutch or Polish customer who, like Johnnie, was of Jewish heritage.

Johnnie suppressed the temptation to launch into an monologue about his obsession with everything American. He loved to excitedly talk about his plan to emigrate to the USA when he turned 18, and of his voracious reading of American books and magazines at the library. Instead, he snuggled closer to the man and continued to lightly fondle the almost-erect cock.

"I like Americans," said the boy, almost in a whisper 3; almost to himself. "And also I like beautiful American cocks."

Johnnie's thumb brushed lightly across the ridge of the glans, and he gave the man a sensuous, languid kiss. William returned the kiss with equal softness, even as sleep was overtaking him. The gentle touching of their lips and tongues was like the afterglow following a vigorous session of sex. And that was how it felt to William, as he floated away on a cloud of utter contentment.

"If you wish for pleasure during the night," the boy murmured, squeezing the many's cock gently, "I will love to play with you."

The man didn't answer. He was completely asleep. Johnnie released the man's erection and draped his arm around the man's back, snuggling even closer, breathing the man's masculine scent. Then Johnnie kissed him gently on the cheek and closed his own eyes.

Meanwhile, in the suite's other bedroom 3;.

Rudi, a sturdily-built 14-year-old, was moving his hips in piston strokes, slamming his thick young-adolescent cock hard and deep into the Englishman's ass, just as the customer had directed. Monty was on his back, his hands grasping tightly to the spindles of the bed's fancy wooden headboard. His legs were spread wide, and his hips were propped up by two pillows. But the pillows didn't support all of his weight, because Rudi had a firm grip on the man's scrotum, lifting Monty up by his balls. The boy had grasped the loose skin of the ball-sack at its base, and the two testicles strained painfully against their scrotal skin just above the clenched fist. Rudi's other hand, slippery with lubricant, was rhythmically masturbating Monty's boyish erection (which was smaller and thinner than Rudi's, and shaved of public hair).

"Oh, yes! Punish my balls! Fuck me harder! Yes! Jack me!" babbled the man. He had a high threshold for pain, and at this level it served only to stoke the flames of his boundless lust.

His fire had already been kindled by the sound spanking that began their session. Monty's buttocks were glowing a deep red, radiating heat, and cris-crossed with welts produced by uncounted impacts of Monty's own belt, wielded at full-strength by the obliging young hustler.

Unlike some rent-boys, Rudi didn't have enough experience to delay his climax for an extended period of brisk fucking. So when he felt the sensations of orgasm rising up in his groin, he increased the speed and firmness of the masturbation strokes, hoping that the customer's ejaculation would precede his own. And sure enough, Monty's penis produced it's fifth load of cum for the day, dribbling a modest amount of semen onto his belly and Rudi's hand 3; just before the boy's 5½-inch [14 cm] cock erupted with a much bigger load, deep in Monty's bowels.

"My god, but that was good!" exclaimed the man, exhaustedly, as the boy disengaged from him. "Quite the stimulant to be held by one's balls in that manner!" Monty was basically talking to himself, because the boy understood only a smattering of English. "Das ist gut!" (That is good!) he said for the boy's benefit, and added in awkward grammar: "Morgens spielen wir mehr." (Roughly: In the morning we will play some more.)

"Jawohl!" said the boy, smiling and bobbing his head up and down in understanding and agreement.

The next morning, about 8:30 3;.

William was in a wonderland of fantastic boy-sex, at the center of an orgy. A constantly-shifting harem of boys were pleasuring him with every conceivable sexual technique, in every position. His cousin was there, still a 12-year-old 3; and the boys with whom he had first played sex-games when he went off to summer camp 3; and boys that had been the objects of secret boyhood crushes, at school and in the neighborhood. Also boys from the streets and brothels of London and Berlin 3; and a swirl of others besides. And they were all serving him 3; using their mouths and fingers, and even their delicate feet, on every part of his body 3; offering their cute little butts to be fondled or fucked 3; prodding boyish cocks into his mouth and his anus.

His senses were awash with sexuality 3; almost dizzying, as if he were on a carousel that was going too fast 3; as multiple boys climbed all over him, licking and sucking, stroking and caressing. And then 3;.

William's eyes popped open, and he instantly understood that it had been a dream. His mind tried to cling to the images and sensations, even as they quickly retreated from his consciousness. But reality was still providing an element that seemed to have been plucked from the dream – Johnnie lying between the man's spread legs, his head bobbing gracefully above the man's crotch, skillfully sucking William's gloriously-stiff cock and massaging his balls.

"Yes, boy 3; that's so nice!" said William, running his fingers through the boy's soft brown hair.

Johnnie let the man's cock slip from his mouth and looked up. "Billy! You are awake now! You were having a good dream; yes? Your voice made pleasure sounds and you were feeling my body, even as you sleep. And you push my head down to give you a suck. I try to make your dream even better!"

The boy's radiant smile was irresistible, and William drew the lad up beside him for a hug and a long, warm kiss.

"Why would I need a dream when you are here in reality?" said William warmly. The man caressed and fondled the boy's body intimately as they resumed kissing, and his previous night's deep infatuation returned instantly. He rolled Johnnie up on top of him, so that both his hands could caress and explore the boy's perfect butt – slender and round, flawlessly smooth and soft. His fingers slid along the ass cleft, separated the cheeks, and stroked the tender flesh at the entrance of the hole.

"Oh, Billy!" sighed the boy. "I have been hoping that you will put your beautiful cock inside me. You will fuck me 3; please?"

"Yes! Yes, my angel," said the man, totally smitten. He rolled their bodies again so that he was now on top of Johnnie, lying between the boy's spread legs, their cocks rubbing together. After a long wet kiss, William moved his mouth down the boy's body 3; kissing his neck and shoulders; licking his hairless under-arms and inhaling their subtle scent; sucking his small nipples and flicking the tiny nubs with his tongue; running his cheek downward across the soft warm skin of the boy's taut belly; and then pausing, with his face only inches from the most beautiful pre-pubescent erection imaginable. The tan 4-inch [10 cm] boner begged to sucked. Its glans, glowing a rich shade of red, flared out just slightly wider than the shaft, and William could almost taste it already on his tongue.

The man's eyes memorized the wonderful sight. He intended to envision it in his mind every time he masturbated, for the rest of his life! His tongue circled his lips to moisten them, and then his mouth slid down onto cock-head, as if in slow-motion. William's body trembled as his tongue circled around the glans, and his mouth advanced slowly down the shaft. He felt utterly ecstatic to be sucking this perfect-sized boy-boner. It was so smooth and warm, throbbing between his lips, totally erect and rigid. The almost subliminal taste and scent of its boy-musk inflamed his senses.

The soft grunting moans from William's throat mixed with Johnnie's sighs of pleasure, as the man's lips and tongue worshiped the icon of the boyhood eroticism. Up and down the small shaft he sucked and slurped, one hand caressing Johnnie's ass while the other fondled the plump little balls inside their compact satin bag.

As William sucked ecstatically, Johnnie's body began to tense and tremble, his back arching, his hands clutching at the bed sheet.

"Oh, Billy! Yes! Oh, YES!" he cried. The words served only to intensify the man's desire to bring the lovely boy to the height of pleasure, sucking and licking with a technique guided far more by instinct than experience.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! 3;." The boy's lovely treble voice sounded like the cooing of a dove, and its volume increased as the impending orgasm grew within him. Suddenly he cried out, with uncontrolled passion, as his hips arched up and his rigid body trembled as if possessed.

William pressed his lips around the base of the boy's erection, savoring the sensations of the twitching, vibrating boner on his tongue. His hands clasped around the boy's firm butt, feeling the trembling, tense muscles beneath the soft flesh. Gradually, Johnnie's body relaxed from the electric surges of pre-pubescent orgasm, and he smiled down at the man with a look of total contentment. William's eyes held the boy's gaze, even as he kept the still-erect penis in his mouth, savoring its rich eroticism.

William almost moved up to kiss the boy, but decided instead to move down. His mouth released the stiff penis, and he sucked in the balls 3; one at a time, and then both 3; licking them as the boy moaned quietly and stroked the man's hair. He shifted his body down farther still, kissing Johnnie's tender inner thighs and nuzzling the slender peach-fuzzed calves. Then he came to the boy's feet 3; petite and almost feminine 3; smooth and perfectly clean from his bath the night before. William licked at them, and Johnnie giggled and arched his toes forward. The man licked at the toes, and then sucked 3; each a little penis to be fellated with lips and tongue.

"Oh, Billy! This is such good-feeling for me!" sighed the boy, as he spread his toes wide to be pleasured.

After satisfying himself with both feet, William moved back up Johnnie's legs. As his face nuzzled the penis and balls, the man pushed up on the boy's thighs, raising his ass, and exposing his remarkably beautiful little hole. His gaze only lingered a few seconds before his mouth descended, licking at the nerve-laden flesh, and pushing his tongue at the clenched muscle. The boy's loud sighs, in his sweet high voice, drove William's lust. His tongue-tip pushed harder, as if demanding entrance. And the boy relaxed the muscle to allow it. Without thinking for even a moment about the taboo nature of his actions, William was aggressively probing the boy's anus, tasting his earthy musk, and driving Johnnie wild with pleasure.

When his tongue tired of the wanton rimming, William rose up on his knees, still holding the boy's thighs. The man's penis throbbed with lust, and it leaked a steady stream of slippery fluid from its tip.

"Fuck me, Billy!" the boy pleaded.

"Just what I was thinking!" said the man, as he positioned his cock-head at the spit-slick hole and pushed forward, feeling a surge of adrenaline-spiked lust as his rigid penis entered the narrow circle of muscle. In his excitement, he thrust hard into the warm, tight tunnel 3; then pulled back and thrust again 3; and again 3; and again.

Johnnie winced at the sudden penetration, but he didn't object. Indeed, his breathless words of encouragement and his groans of lust encouraged man's aggressive fuck-thrusts.

William's hands released the boy's legs, and he leaned forward to enfold the boy in his arms. Johnnie wrapped his legs around the man's thighs and pulled his ass into each piston-stroke.

The man was clearly not interested in slow, gentle love-making. He wanted to cum in the boy's ass 3; quick and hard 3; working his cock in urgent churning thrusts. This was raw, primitive sex 3; mindless, wanton, relentless. He felt totally exhilarated, even as the sweat from his physical exertion began to drip onto Johnnie's chest.

The boy loved this part of his job 3; laying back and letting the customer do the work 3; especially when the customer was the right kind of man. Johnnie had long-ago come to relish the intense erotic satisfaction of being fucked, having a man's cock filling him completely, setting off the array of pleasure nerves in his asshole and at that special spot inside. It was all the better when the customer was slender and strong, with a cock that was not too long and thick, but not too small either. With a handsome young man like Billy fucking him, he could just give himself over to the pleasure 3; maybe even working up to an orgasm without his penis even being touched. He didn't achieve an anal orgasm very often, but when he did it was fantastic 3; and he felt one building up now! He closed his eyes, focusing on the intense sensations, concentrating on the rigid 6-inch [15 cm] cock sliding back and forth inside him. Yes! The orgasm was coming!

The sounds of rutting sex echoed inside the bedroom 3; cries and grunts and moans 3; as the man and boy worked toward their similar goals. And the gods of lust showed them favor, as they climaxed almost simultaneously. Johnnie's orgasm rushed through his body, his asshole spasming around the thrusting cock 3; just as the man's sperm erupted in fierce pulses inside the boy's tight, warm ass.

Then they lay still; breathless, sighing, clinging to each other. William's face pressed against the boy's hair. His body trembled slightly each time Johnnie's anus squeezed around his spent cock.

"Fucking is a fine way to start the day," said William at last.

"Natürlich! 3; Of course!" said the boy with a giggle.

"But right now I need to pee something awful," said the man. "I'll explode if I don't get to the bathroom soon!"

"Shall I go with you, Billy? You can do the piss games with me. I like to play this kind of fun!"

"Piss games?" asked the man.

"Many men like to make their piss on me as kneel down or lay on my back. Also I will open my mouth for it and drink." He gave the man a sly smile and said: "For some men, it is pleasing to have me make my piss on them!"

William grinned back. He would do it, adding this to the growing list of decadent sexual adventures that was becoming the hallmark of his Grand Tour of Europe. "Let's give it a try!" he said. "First I'll pee on you, then you on me!"

They hopped out of bed and practically ran to the adjacent bathroom. It was large and ornate, having a generously-sized shower stall with a gymnasium-style showerhead, in addition to the standard free-standing clawfoot bathtub.

"You can make your piss all over me!" said Johnnie as he entered the shower stall and sank to his knees. "I like especially in feeling your piss coming onto my penis, and in my mouth."

'This is so incredible!' thought the man to himself, as the pressure of his full bladder combined with the excitement of venturing into yet another previously-unimaginable act.

The boy closed his eyes and opened his mouth expectantly. The man held his penis with two fingers and his thumb and released the flow. A heavy stream of urine shot onto Johnnie's chest, and William waved his organ from side to side, and then directed it upward. The boy giggled as William over-shot his goal, and piss splashed into the boy's hair. Then he zeroed in on the boy's open mouth, filling it with warm pee until a cascade flowed back out over Johnnie's bottom lip. The boy closed his mouth to swallow and grinned happily as the man's fingers redirected his dick downward again, spraying the boy's shoulders and chest and belly with a stream of yellow fluid.

Johnnie quickly shifted his body, even as the man was peeing on him, so that he was sitting on the shower-stall's floor, leaning back with his legs spread. William aimed right at the boy's genitals, just as the boy intended.

"Yes, Billy! All over the cock and balls!"

Then he lifted his legs and leaned back further, and William expended the remainder of his bladder's contents in hosing down the boy's reddened, well-fucked asshole.

"That was such nice!" said the boy. "Do you like it too?"

"The cat's pajamas!" said the man, using the latest slang, as he shook the last drop of pee from his flaccid penis.

"The bee's knees!" answered the boy, demonstrating his own knowledge of American vernacular, as he stood up.

"Now you do it to me," said William; "just the same way."

"Kneel down to me, then. Are you ready?"

"Fire away!"

The narrow stream from boy's small penis came out with surprising velocity, drilling into the man's chest and shoulders. It was such an amazing, peculiar feeling! Then it happened 3; right into William's open mouth. The man swallowed, re-opened his mouth, and swallowed again. The urine was warm and salty, slightly metallic, but mild and not at all unpleasant. The flow shifted back down his body, literally covering him in boy-pee. And when it splattered on his penis the man felt a combination of psychic and physical excitement that he couldn't begin to analyze. Instead of leaning back to expose his anus, as the boy had, William turned quickly onto his elbows and knees, with his ass raised up. The boy's urine covered the globes of the man's butt and found the bull's-eye of his hole. The sensation made him shiver with pleasure as the boy's stream of pee tailed off.

"We will take the shower now and make us clean!" said Johnnie, twisting the faucets below the showerhead.

The man and boy played happily beneath the warm water 3; soaping each other up, rubbing their slippery bodies together 3; acting as if both of them were uninhibited 12-year-olds, instead of just one. When they finished, the man put on a soft thick robe, while Johnnie remained naked after drying off.

"Do you like for us to have more sex-fun together, Billy?"

"No; you've worn me out, and I am hungry for breakfast. I will call for room service, and you must join me in eating. Go on and get dressed."

The boy bounced back into the bedroom and dressed in the clothes he had brought – short leather lederhosen pants, a long-sleeve shirt, knee-socks, and well-worn shoes.

"You deserve a good tip," said William, as he located his wallet and handed the boy 10 Reichsmarks [equivalent to $30 in today's money].

Johnnie's eyes lit up. "Thank you sir! That is most generous!" Indeed, it was considerably more than he would be paid by the hotel's concierge for this job.

As they went out into the sitting area for William to make his room-service call, they encountered Monty and Rudi lounging comfortably. The man wore a silk dressing-gown, and the boy was completely naked, idly toying with his erect penis.

"We were wondering when you two would come out," said Monty with a wink. "Heard you going at it earlier, and I almost barged in on you to join the fun! But Rudi here kept me busy last night and this morning. I've never seen a 14-year-old who was so virile 3; able to get hard and shoot his cum an amazing number of times in succession!" The man's hand caressed the boy's ass tenderly. "I've an idea 3; unless your adorable boy needs to depart, what say we trade lads for one more go-round before breakfast? Rudi doesn't speak much English, but he's remarkably versatile, and incredibly sexy!"

William looked over at Johnnie who nodded his head to indicate his willingness. Then he looked over at the handsome naked boy standing next to Monty. "Sure! Why not?"

"Brilliant! Come on then, lad 3; back to my bedroom we go. Call me Monty 3; and what might your name be?"

William motioned with his head toward his own bedroom, wordlessly telling the boy to come with him. The lad was rather different from Johnnie, and not just because he was older, bigger, and more sexually mature. His attitude was coolly self-confident, bordering on arrogance. This was just the kind of boy that Monty adored, and William was certainly willing to give it a try.

As he closed the door, the man shucked off his robe. The two of them stood a few feet apart, looking at each other's naked bodies as Rudi continued to casually fondle his penis to keep it erect.

"So 3;." asked William, searching for something to say, but failing. He blushed, realizing that he found the boy somewhat intimidating 3; with an air of danger like some of the rent-boys he saw when Monty took him through that alley in central London. What was the word Monty had used? Something like 'rough trade'.

"Soll ich sie mit einem Riemen peitschen?" (Shall I spank you with the belt?) The boy grinned, in a rather sinister way.

William didn't understand a word and tried to remember how to say so. "Nicht spreche," was the best he could come up with.

The boy nodded. "Belt 3; spank," he said, pantomiming a whipping motion with his arm. "Monty like this 3;. You like also?"

William grinned. His English friend clearly loved getting a sound spanking on his bare butt, claiming it was a perfect prelude to more explicitly-sexual activity. William had resisted Monty's suggestions that he give it a try 3; but he had been tempted. For one thing, he had fantasized about being spanked for many years, even as a pre-pubescent boy, without ever having experienced it. His parents had never given him a spanking, so far as he remembered. But now was the perfect time to try it, with the perfect boy for the job. Why not go all the way in playing out a sexually submissive fantasy?

"Yes; spank," said the man, feeling a little shiver of excitement. "Then I suck you 3; give you blasen; yes? Then you fuck me 3; arschficken. Understand?" At least he had remembered a few terms from Monty's brief German language lesson.

"Ja! Das ist gut! I spank mit belt; you suck cock; I give fuck."

"Yes; das ist gut!" William repeated with a smile. He went to his steamer trunk and got out a slender leather belt 3; about an inch wide and thin. His hand was trembling slightly as he handed it to the boy.

"Bed! On knees! Arse up!" ordered the youth, in a voice that had not yet finished its transition to tenor.

The man knelt on the edge of the bed, leaning on his forearms, with his head down and his butt sticking up. He closed his eyes and let his mind pull up one of several fantasies that lurked at the ready. He imagined himself in his boyhood bedroom, wearing only his underpants, waiting for his father to come in and punish him for some misdeed. His mind envisioned having his father reach out and pull down the underwear, exposing his buttocks and genitals, while he trembled in fear 3; and then seeing his father pull the belt from his trousers.

The man's penis was becoming as stiff in reality as it was in his imagined vision of himself. And then 3;

"WACK!" Fantasy met reality, as Rudi brought the belt slapping across his butt. WACK! 3; WACK! 3; WACK! 3; WACK! 3; WACK!

The blows came 5 seconds apart. Owing to the thinness of the belt, they weren't severe, but they were delivered briskly and definitely stung. William's suddenly mind spun into a different fantasy, in which he was a captured cabin boy in the palace of a North African ruler in the 1700's. (Ever since reading a history of the Barbary Pirates as a 10-year-old, he had fantasized being one of the white slaves or the dusky-skinned North Africans.) Now the lashes were being delivered before a crowd of mocking courtiers, on a nude slave boy who wore only a collar around his neck.

When he opened his eyes, the fantasy vanished 3; but the reality was just as arousing. Looking back over his shoulder at Rudi, he saw that the boy's left hand was stroking his rigid erection even as his right wielded the belt. From the expression on his face, it was clear that he was thoroughly enjoying both activities.

WACK! 3; WACK! 3; WACK! 3; WACK! 3; WACK!

William cringed and his body shuddered as each blow landed. His buttocks were burning, and he felt tears welling up in his eyes.

"Stop. That's enough," he said softly. The spanking ceased instantly.

As Monty rubbed his tender butt, he slid off the bed and got on his knees in front of the boy, his face only a few inches from Rudi's crotch. The cock was a vision of young-adolescent virility – a sturdy 5½-inch [14 cm] erection, with a broad glans and plump balls in a drawn-up sack. He was still completely bald of pubic hair.

The boy's hand came behind William's head and pulled it toward him. "Suck!" the boy ordered.

The man's fingers wrapped around the warm, throbbing phallus. The look, the feel, scent 3; all had a powerful impact on him. His mind flashed back to high school days 3; to the boys on whom he'd had secret crushes 3; 9th graders whose penises he had discretely spied in the athletic locker rooms and showers 3; this is what they'd have looked like erect. How many times during his countless masturbation sessions had he fantasized about sucking 14-year-old boners that were just like Rudi's? His mouth watered, and his own erection twitched. Feeling light-headed with arousal, he brought his mouth down, surrounding the fat cock-head with his lips, tasting it with his tongue, and letting the cock slide in further. Much as he had loved the innocent beauty of Johnnie's immature erection, he was now overwhelmed by the masculine virility of Rudi's larger, thicker cock.

A long, low moan of satisfied pleasure rumbled in William's throat as his mouth worked up and down the shaft, saliva flowing as he vigorously sucked. The only other sound was the slurping of his mouth, satisfying its hunger for cock.

Rudi's hands pulled the man's head in firmly, and the boy's cock pushed at the entrance of William's throat. The man gagged, but the boy was persistent, forcing his head down. And William wanted to do it 3; wanted his throat fucked 3; and he willed himself to take it all the way. He finally did it! The boy's cock-head slid into his tight throat! His lips began riding the entire length of the boy's erection, from the piss-slit to the hairless base, again and again. And then Rudi's hips began to tremble, and bucked in cadence with William's mouth, quickly supplanting the movement of the man's head with face-fuck thrusts of the boy's rigid cock.

"Ja! Ja! Es ist so gut!" The boy fucked faster, thrusting into William's throat, feelings of impending orgasm rising up inside him. "Ach! Ja! I cum!"

A string of hot boy-cum erupted into the man's mouth, quickly followed another spurt from the spasming penis, and another. William gulped the warm semen as he continued to suck, euphoric at tasting and drinking the load of sweet boy-cum.

No sooner had William slurped the last bit of seeping white honey from Rudi's piss-slit, when the boy pulled him to his feet.

"Now fucking," he said.

The man saw that his cock was still ¾ hard 3; could he really fuck right after cumming? Well 3; Monty had claimed as much.

The boy motioned William onto his knees on the bed, the same position as for the spanking, and he clutched a pillow to his chest. Rudi put his hand in front of William's mouth.

"Hier spucken 3; spit," he instructed.

William loaded the boy's fingers with saliva and some unswallowed semen. As soon as the hand moved away, he felt it at his ass, slathering the outer hole and pushing inside. Then he heard the boy spit and the slapping sound of Rudi jacking his slippery cock.

"I fuck now; yes?"

"Yeah; fuck me! Put your cock in and give it to me!"

The cock-head rubbed against his anus, and then pressed forward. William remembered to push the muscle open, and the plump glans slid inside. He moaned softly as the teenage cock entered him, in slow, steady increments. "Yes 3;. Fuck me!" murmured the man.

Meanwhile 3; in the other bedroom 3;.

"What a pretty young thing you are!" said Monty, sitting in a straight-back chair while Johnnie stood beside his right knee. "So much like the first-year boy who fagged for me at Eton in my senior year." His robe was open, hanging to the sides of the chair, exposing his soft penis and shaved pubes. His crotch looked like a 13-year-old's, and that was the way he liked it. He reached over and ran his hand across the smooth black leather seat of Johnnie's lederhosen. "You need to be punished, boy."

Johnnie knew what was coming, but not the specifics. "Yes, sir," he said, tactfully. It wouldn't be so bad, he told himself. The men who spanked him for their pleasure were almost always good tippers.

Monty's hand swatted Johnnie's butt, hard. The leather trousers made a satisfyingly loud sound. He swatted again.

"Take off your trousers, boy; and pull up your shirt." Johnnie did as instructed. "Hands on your head." The boy again obeyed. Monty's fingers slid under the elastic waistband of the boy's white undershorts. He slowly eased them down the boy's thighs, exposing the immature penis and balls. The man's fingertips fondled the genitals, making a stiff boner with his caresses. Then he pulled Johnnie face-down over his lap.

"You're lucky this time, boy. I'll give them to you bare-handed, instead of with the slipper." His hand gently massaged the boy's buttocks, as he felt his own erection growing. He shifted the boy slightly so that the two stiff penises rubbed together. "You're getting 25 of my best. Count them out as you get them."


"One!" said the boy, flinching at the hard slap.

At 4:00 p.m. that afternoon 3;

The taxi ride was short, as their destination was only a mile away from the hotel. It was situated in a block of upscale shops, offices, and apartments. The entrance was a rather fancy door, numbered but otherwise unmarked, between a clothing store and a tobacconist. Monty and William entered and walked up the staircase. The doorway at the top had a shiny brass plaque with the words "Der Palast der Sultane". It opened to a rather conventional reception area that one would find on entering a small business. But rather than having a young female receptionist at the desk, there was a middle-aged man wearing a red fez 3; the traditional cone-shaped hat of the Turks, with a black tassel hanging down the side. The man didn't otherwise look like a Turk; in fact he looked stereotypically German.

"Guten Tag!" he said cheerfully. "Good afternoon!" he added.

"Hello," said Monty. "We are Messrs Montgomery and Taylor. I believe arrangements have been made."

"Ah, yes! Quite so," said the man. "Welcome to the Sultan's Palace. I understand you wish each to have a harem of three boys. This is an excellent choice for you, and we have now an assortment of boys for your pleasure this afternoon. The cost is 60 Reichsmarks for two hours. There will be a bar of liquors in your room, and some fine hashish if you wish to make the exotic experience. Please do not give extra money to the boys; they are prohibited from receiving tips. Be assured, however, that your harem-boys will gladly and expertly do you everything that you can imagine to ask of them."

Monty and William glanced at each other and smiled.

"I have received a description of your preferences, and we can take you now to your rooms and have the best three boys for your desires sent to you immediately. But since it is early in the day and we are not busy, if you prefer, you may select for yourself from a group."

"You've done a fine job of selecting on my previous visits," said Monty. "I fully trust your choices."

"Very good, sir."

"I think I would prefer to choose," said William, thinking about the excitement he felt the two previous times he had been able to make selection from a group of boys.

"Excellent!" said the man. He pushed a buzzer on the desk, and in less than a minute a young adolescent entered from an inner door and bowed. He was dressed as a harem-boy, with loose pants of translucent silk fabric, thin enough that one could make out the shape of the boy's genitals. On top he wore an elegant short vest that was open in front to show his smooth bare chest.

"Show this gentleman to Room 3," he said in English. "And then send to him Vladamir, Carlos, and Abdul."

Monty started to follow the boy out. Before he left, he said "Watch out for that hashish, Billy. Just a couple puffs at first if you aren't accustomed to it, or you'll be totally plastered! Enjoy your adventure!"

"And now, Mr. Taylor," said the man in the fez; "if you will come with me this way, I show to you some of the boys we have now available. The concierge of your hotel reports that you wish young boys, and exotically foreign. That is correct? We have now, I think, eight boys who fit that description. If you do not see three among them who sufficiently please you, there are more boys still. But I am confident that when they pull down their pants to show you their charms, you will desire every one of these harem-boys."

William felt his heart starting to thump in his chest. This would really be something! Being treated like an Ottoman sultan 3; and smoking hashish too. He had read about the ancient drug, but of course had never had the opportunity to actually try it. And to have three young and exotic boys serving him at once! It was like a dream! He licked his lips and adjusted the stiffening penis in his trousers.

Chapter 6

William entered a room containing two pieces of furniture – an arm-chair in the middle of the room, and a small table against the wall holding crystal decanters, an ice bucket, and glasses. On the walls were oil paintings of highly-erotic scenes from the royal palace of the Ottoman Empire. Only 10 years previously, the country that was now called Turkey had been the core of an empire ruled for centuries by a long line of powerful sultans. In addition to their notorious harems of women and girls, many of the Ottoman sultans also kept beautiful slave-boys, by the scores and even hundreds, for their sexual pleasure. William's attention was captured by a large painting that dominated the wall he was facing. It showed a middle-aged sultan lying on a mound of cushions, wearing a turban and a colorful robe that was open in front. He was being attended by six harem-boys of various ages, various skin colors, and various degrees of undress. The boys were caressing the man with their hands and mouths, and were likewise being fondled and sucked by him.

The theme of these erotic pictures was certainly appropriate, because this establishment – one of many up-scale boy-brothels that did business in the decadent world that was Berlin in the 1920s – was named the Palast der Sultane 3; the Sultan's Palace.

The proprietor handed William a glass of excellent scotch whiskey with two cubes of ice, and settled him into the soft armchair. He placed a record on the phonograph, and exotic middle-eastern music began playing softly. Disappearing through a side door, the man soon returned, leading a line of eight boys, all dressed in clothing that imitated the harem-boys in the pictures. Like the boy he had seen a few minutes earlier in the reception room, they wore diaphanous silk pants, short vests of various colors and designs that were open to display their bare chests, and soft slippers on their feet. The flowing material of the pants allowed a teasing hint of what was beneath, being sufficiently thin and translucent to show the silhouettes of their slender legs and the form of their genitals.

William had specified two criteria when the arrangements had been made for him and Monty to patronize the brothel – that the boys be young, and that they be exotic foreigners. The Palast der Sultane specialized in providing boys from around the globe, typically with two or more serving the customer at once. The eight delightfully-young boys were indeed a fascinating mix, with skin tones that ranged from pale white to the color of chocolate, and various shades between. William's eyes flitted from one to the other, reveling in their beauty.

The boys also were eying William as they entered, exchanging raised eyebrows and subtle grins among themselves. Typically, the only customers during the late afternoon were fat old businessmen who had left their nearby offices a bit early, intent on enjoying some hot boy-sex before going home to their wives. Each of the eight boys was now thinking the same thing: that a slender, handsome young man like this one would be a pleasure to serve. As they lined up along the wall facing William, their faces all took on looks of overt seduction, imitating the sexy 'vamps' of the silent movies 3; with smoldering eyes, sly winks, knowing smiles, and tongues licking across pouting lips.

"I trust you will find that these boys meet your wishes," said the proprietor. "Allow me to introduce them individually, that you may choose from them the three that you find most pleasing." He motioned with his hand to the first boy in line, saying: "ein Schritt vorwärts, bitte." [Step forward, please.]

The boy was petite in size, with richly-tanned skin, dark straight hair, and beautiful dark eyes. He stepped forward and smiled charmingly at William. "Kuwat is from the island of Java, in the Dutch East Indies [now Indonesia]. He is 10 years in age." The boy was sexy, and he knew it. He focused his steamiest gaze at the customer, running his fingertips over his bare chest and teasing his small dark nipples to tiny nubs, and then brushed his hand sensuously across the crotch of his loose silk pants.

"Ziehst deine Hosen herunter," [pull down your pants] said the proprietor. The Asian boy slid his fingers beneath the elastic waistband and slowly drew the harem-pants down his thighs, displaying an immature penis (circumcised because of the Muslin heritage of the Javanese) and a soft little scrotum holding immature balls. The boy turned around slowly to show his beautifully-rounded buttocks that were the same light-brown color as the rest of his body. Then he raised the pants back up and stepped back against the wall.

The next in line was a young Greek boy who could have been a Renaissance artist's model for cherub, having classic Mediterranean beauty, a halo of soft wavy dark-brown hair, and a face and body that showed a hint of baby-fat. "Eros is 9 years in age," said the proprietor; "and he has such a wonderful name, don't you think?" When the boy pulled down his pants, he happily displayed a penis with a nozzle of foreskin extending over it. He pulled back the foreskin to show the rosy-red acorn beneath. When he turned around to show his baby-smooth little buttocks, the man felt the urge to pull the boy onto his lap, as he had with his young waiter the previous evening at the nightclub, to pet and caress intimately.

"And now Badru." A slender African boy with high cheek-bones came forward two steps. He was taller than the others 3; perhaps 5'2" 3; and his head was shaved bald. His skin was an amazingly rich and complex shade of dark-brown, and he had the serene and confident bearing of a young tribal prince in a color photo on the pages of National Geographic. "Badru comes from the colony of Deutsch-Ostafrika [now Tanzania, in East Africa], which the English took from us after the Great War. He is only 11 years, but I think you are to be nicely surprised when he lowers his pants." The proprietor motioned to the boy to pull them down, exposing a soft penis that hung down more than 4 inches. He had a boyishly immature ball-sack, suggesting that his penis would be getting quite a bit bigger as he entered puberty. To William's delight, this boy too was circumcised, and his delicate cock-head was on erotic display. The boy gently fondled his precocious sexual organ, bringing it to an elegantly slender 5-inch erection. And for a boy who was otherwise rather thin, Badru showed surprisingly round buttocks when he turned around to show his rear.

Then Yuri, a swaggering 12-year-old of Russian aristocratic birth, clearly proud of his handsome looks and his sturdy body. He was equally proud of his developing penis 3; 3 inches while soft, with a naturally-short foreskin that revealed almost half of the glans. And when he jacked his penis to an erection of nearly 5 inches, the invitingly suckable cock-head was on full display. As he turned around to show his smooth pale butt, he pulled aside one cheek with his hand and leaned forward slightly to offer the customer a peek at his pink anus.

A 10-year-old Mexican boy named Hector was introduced next, and he eagerly strove to earn a place as one of the three boys who would serve the handsome American. A gregarious smile warmed his face, showing his swarthy-skinned Native-American features to best effect. He ran his hands over his body, fondling his immature brown penis to a cute 3-inch erection, and giving his ass a playful spank when he turned around to show it. As he got back in line, he gave William a cheerful wink.

"Nizar is our next boy," said the proprietor. "He is a Moroccan of 11 years." The boy's skin was as dark a tan as the Mexican's, but his features were more like those of the Greek boy, and his dark hair was tightly curled. His penis, circumcised like the other boys of Muslim heritage, hung straight down in front of dangling balls, and it rose up to a mouth-watering erection of 4 inches.

"Minh is from French Indochina [Vietnam], and is 9 years in age." The small boy moved with the grace of a dancer, and the delicate features of his East-Asian face displayed a knowing half-smile that William found entrancing. In a slow fluid motion, Minh's fingertips traced the curve of his ears, trailed down his neck and chest, across his belly, and slid into the waist-band his harem-pants. As he slowly lowered them, the boy teasingly revealed a glimpse of his genitals and then hid them again 3; then lowered the pants completely to display his beautiful small penis and soft little scrotum. His smooth, deeply-tan buttocks were quite slender, but with a graceful and erotic curve.

Finally, there was an exquisite boy whose features combined European and Middle-Eastern traits. His handsome face was lightly tanned, his hair was a surprisingly-light shade of brown, and his hazel eyes gleamed with inner passion. "Tabor is 12 years in age and comes from Persia [Iran]." The man grinned and added: "They say that Alexander the Great chose a Persian boy for his lover." Tabor lowered his pants to reveal an exquisite circumcised penis and maturing balls in a dangling sack, then turned around to display his sexy round butt. William thought that Alexander the Great would definitely have been tempted by this one too.

"Have you chosen your three favorites, sir?" asked the man. The show was over, having lasted little more than 5 minutes.

"You were absolutely right when you said that I would desire all of them!" said William. "Let's see 3; I'll choose 3; Oh, gosh, this is tough!" He looked almost anguished about the decision. "Hmmm 3; I want him [pointing to Badru, the 11-year-old African], and him [Tabor, the 12-year-old Persian] 3; and 3; uhhh 3; him [Minh, the 9-year-old from Vietnam]." He aimed for as much exciting diversity as he could, but it pained him to have to miss out on so many equally-sexy boys.

"If you wish, sir," said the astute proprietor; "you can have more boys in your harem. You have paid already for three, but may add more boys at the cost of 20 Reichsmarks each."

William thought about it for a moment. Monty, who was clearly quite wealthy, had paid the cost of the boys he'd had in London, but had not mentioned picking up the tab since they came to Berlin. And between the nightclub, this brothel, and half of the hotel bill, William was running too quickly through the money his father had given him for his trip. Still, the thought of having more of these exotic boys in his bed was so tempting! He might never have a chance like this again. "I'll take one more," he said impulsively. His mind quickly narrowed the decision to the 9-year-old the Greek boy Eros, and 10-year-old Kuwat from the Indonesian island of Java.

William's eyes went back and forth between the two. They were both so cute! He almost chose both.

"It will be 3;. Kuwat."

"Very good, sir," said the proprietor, as he pocketed the extra Reichsmarks. "Badru 3; your group will serve the gentleman in Room 1," he said, addressing the 11-year-old in English. "Enjoy your adventure!" he told William. "You will find that all of the boys speak a little of the English. Badru is the most skilled of them in understanding and speaking it."

"We are honored to serve you, my sultan," said the African boy, bowing low. He was already playing the role of a Nubian slave in the Ottoman court, straight out of one of the room's paintings.

After walking up a flight of stairs, the group entered the room. It was larger than William had expected, and its decor was patterned upon the opulence of the fabled harem in Istanbul. Oriental carpets covered the floor, and tapestries hung on the walls. Electric lights were disguised in old lanterns. An assortment of cushions in one corner, several layers deep, provided a venue for sex-play. A large round bed, covered with a satin sheet and holding more cushions, provided another. (William had never even heard of a round bed, let alone seen one.)

"The bath is in here, master," said Badru, motioning the man to a doorway. Instead of a conventional bathroom, William was amazed to find a square bathing pool measuring 8 feet on each side and constructed of richly-colored smooth tiles. The rest of the room was likewise tiled, and subtle lighting created a soothing mood.

Returning to the bedroom, the boys crowded around William and began to undress him 3; Badru undoing his tie, Kuwat unbuttoning his shirt, Minh kneeling down to remove his shoes and unbutton his trousers, while Tabor retrieved the silk robe that lay across the bed and held it at the ready.

When William was standing in only his undershorts, Kuwat joined the Vietnamese youngster on his knees in front of the man, while Badru knelt behind, and the three pairs of hands slowly pulled down the last garment while sensuously stroking William's legs and flanks. When they saw that William was circumcised, the three boys who were likewise cut exchanged smiling glances. As rare as the procedure was in Germany, only Minh, among the five people in the room, had an unaltered penis.

As Tabor slipped the robe onto the man, the others rose to their feet. The four of them stood before him and bowed at the waist.

"Master," they all said in near-unison.

"We are ready to serve you in every way" said Badru, reaching out to run his fingers over the soft hairs at the center of William's chest. "What is your desire?"

"Slave-boys get naked for Sultan?" asked Kuwat, moving in to lightly tease the man's half-hard penis.

"Take bath 3; all together?" asked Tabor, as he took William's hand in his own and began kissing it and then lightly sucking one of the fingers.

"Sultan smoke the hashish!" said 9-year-old Minh with a devilish grin.

"Yes; all of that sounds great!" said the man, his mind brimming with possibilities. "I shall try the hashish, and you will all be naked in the tub with me!" He thought for a moment and said "But first I wish to take down your pants, one-by-one. Do you understand?"

Badru nodded his head and quickly translated it into German for the others. They all grinned and nodded as well.

At William's direction, each boy pulled off his vest and slippers, leaving only his silk harem-pants. He had them lie on their backs on the bed, legs bent at the knee and hanging over the edge. They were arrayed around one side of the round bed like petals of a daisy, ready to be plucked, thought the man to himself. He knelt down on the edge the bed between Minh and Kuwat, running his hands over both Asian boys' chests. Then each hand trailed down along the soft dark-tan skin of their flat bellies and over the tented silk cloth at their crotches. Both boys were grinning in anticipation of what came next. 'Eeney, meeney, miney, moe' he said to himself 3; and chose Minh to be the first.

Standing up again, William positioned himself between the boy's spread legs. His fingers looped inside the elastic waistband, and he gently tugged. The boy lifted his butt an inch off the bed, and the silk pants slid down his slender thighs. Then he raised his legs, and William pulled the pants off completely. Minh's penis pointed up vertically as he lay on his back. Boyish testicles raised small oval lumps in the tender skin of his small soft sack. His foreskin came to a blunt point, just slightly beyond his piss-slit, and William's fingers skinned it back, revealing the delicate little cock-head.

"Mmmm 3;. That ist gut, master!" purred the boy, combining the two languages. He arched his body, lifting up his crotch up into William's hand. The man responded by stroking the foreskin back and forth several times, feeling the immature penis stiffen to a slender two-inch spike of rigid sex-flesh. The man leaned down and captured it in his mouth, feeling his heart thumping in his chest as his lips and tongue memorized the shape of the precious little morsel. He had never sucked the cock of a boy so young, and the sensation exhilarated him.

But the sucking only lasted 15 seconds, and then he rose up and moved over to the Javanese boy. The outline of Kuwat's youthful erection could be seen through the silk. "My cock is so stiff for your touching!" he murmured in heavily-accented English. When the man slid the pants down, the 3-inch boner was pulled upright, and then sprang back, parallel to his belly. Looking at the slightly-plump circumcised penis made William's mouth water, quite literally, and he dipped his head down to suck. A low moan rumbled in his throat as tasted the 10-year-old's perfect cock and fondled his boy-sized balls.

Again he rose up. This would be just a sampling 3; an appetizer platter of tasty boy-boners.

Tabor was next. The handsome 12-year-old was lifting his hips up even before William positioned himself between the boy's legs. With his pants quickly stripped off, the boy moved his hands erotically over his torso and thighs coming close to touching his barely-pubescent genitals, but leaving that privilege to the customer. William gazed for a few moments at the half-hard, circumcised cock 3; and then swooped down on it 3; taking the entire penis into his mouth, swirling his tongue all across it, and fellating it up and down as it instantly erected to a beautiful 4-inch erection.

And then he reached Badru. His skin was the color of dark chocolate, and it literally glowed in soft light. His smile showed large, perfect, bright-white teeth. His pants came down to show the impressively-long boner that had been displayed before 3; a slender 5-inch erection rising from a compact scrotum. William fondled the treasure briefly, and then bent the erection upward a little and slid his lips around it. He was utterly entranced by the 11-year-old's penis – its surprising length for a pre-pubescent cock; its very dark color; its intriguing taste and scent; and the ease with which he was taking the slender circumcised rod into the entrance of his throat. But as much as he enjoyed his greedy cock-sucking, the man again stopped after just a taste.

"Stand up and let me admire you all as a group," he instructed.

Again Badru translated for the rest, and the four naked boys sprang off the bed. They stood close together, rubbing their bodies together, fondling each other's butts and stiff little penises. William stood a few feet away, taking in the erotic assemblage – four beautiful boys, each with a fully erect cock, and each with a look on his face of lust and eager anticipation.

"Let me try this hashish I've been hearing about, and then you can show me how harem-boys entertain a sultan," said William.

Badru retrieved a small hookah pipe from a shelf, while the other boys led William to the sloping mound of cushions in the corner and snuggled around him as he settled back into them. As one boy held the water-pipe, another struck a large wooden match and held it above the crumbled brown cannabis resin in the ceramic bowl at its top. The man cautiously sucked a little air through the wooden mouthpiece at the end of a slender 3-foot hose, causing a brief bubbling sound. William tasted nothing in this tentative first puff. The four boys, watching eagerly, encouraged him to inhale more deeply. Taking a much stronger inhalation, he filled his lungs with smoke and immediately began coughing it out. The boys giggled and encouraged another puff.

"Kleiner! 3; More small!" said Minh. He pursed his lips to demonstrate, held his thumb to them as if it were the hookah's mouthpiece, and drew his breath in briefly. Then he took his thumb away and drew more air in his lungs, held it for 10 seconds, and exhaled.

"So geht es," [like that] he said. This time, William took in just the right amount and then pulled it deep into his lungs.

"Again," said Badru with a grin.

William took another deep inhalation, but couldn't really feel anything yet, so he immediately took a third, holding it for half a minute before exhaling.

"Enough for now," Badru cautioned, and the pipe was put aside.

The effects of the three hits of high-quality hashish were rapid, but not overwhelming. The euphoric unreality that wrapped itself around William's consciousness was the perfect accompaniment to his role-playing as the Sultan. And his harem-boys certainly knew how to enhance the sensory effects as they went to work on him. His mind and body were fully open to whatever new thrills might come his way, as he began to experience sexual possibilities that had previously existed only in his most elaborate fantasies and wildest erotic dreams.

The two younger boys – Minh and Kuwat – snuggled against his upper body from each side. Their mouths planted gentle kisses on his chest, his neck, his face and ears 3; as their fingertips traced feather-touches wherever their mouths weren't occupied. William's arms wrapped around both of the small boys, hugging them close, and his hands caressed their smooth backs and soft tight round butts. He turned his head one way to kiss the Vietnamese boy, sliding his tongue into the lad's mouth. Turning his head the other way offered him the Javanese boy's equally- sensuous lips and tongue. The lower half of William's body was the older boys' workplace. Tabor and Badru each lay astride one of the man's legs, their hands stroking along his thighs, their mouths busy at his crotch. They took turns licking and kissing up and down the shaft of his penis, making it fully erect again, and gently nibbled his balls. Both young bodies were positioned such that their genitals brushed against William's ankles. With a slight bending of his knees, the man was playfully tickling each boy's penis and scrotum with his toes.

Floating in dreamy pleasure, William drew Kuwat's and Minh's heads together in front of his own, so that all three tongues could kiss at once 3; each one eagerly flicking the other two.

Noticing this, Badru and Tabor both began to work their mouths more aggressively on the man's stiff cock. Two tongues lapped at the man's cock-head simultaneously, and the boys' eyes glimmered with pleasure as both tongues touched frequently as they worked. Then Badru took the erect shaft in his fingers and plunged his mouth smoothly down onto it. Tabor moved to the man's balls, taking a plump testicle into his mouth and sucking, while slathering his tongue all around it.

William drew his legs back, giving the two older boys better access as they double-teamed him. And when the Persian boy nudged Badru off of the man's cock and began his own expert blow-job, the African shifted his attention down farther 3; to the man's asshole, where Badru's tongue went to work performing an aggressive rim-job.

Minh and Kuwat began trading off too 3; one driving his tongue deep into the man's mouth, and sucking the man's tongue greedily whenever it pushed back 3; the other licking all around the man's ear and tickling inside it. Then they'd trade off again 3; one tongue-wresting the man while the other sucked at his nipples, biting them gently.

As this continued 3; 5 minutes 3; 10 3; 15 3; William's nervous system was on fire with hyper-stimulation. If not for the effect of the hashish, he would have been spurting a load of cum into Tabor's mouth by now. But the drug suppressed his ejaculation, without in any way reducing the sexual sensations. Indeed, the surges of raw rutting pleasure flooding through his body surpassed anything he had ever before experienced. His body arched violently from the extreme tension of his muscles, but he felt only ecstatic joy. William was experiencing the sensations that he ordinarily felt in the short seconds just before an ejaculation, but they were actually lasting for minutes 3; and seemed to be lasting forever! His drugged brain tuned out everything except his pleasure. His only awareness was of the two young boys in his arms 3; and the mouths on his cock and asshole that were producing a raging sexual tornado inside his body and brain.

The boys were superbly-trained in their art 3; as skilled in working as a team as they were in providing individual pleasure. Their goal was to entertain their customer the full two hours for which he had paid, and it would be counter-productive to make him cum too soon. So Tabor slowed his sucking, and Badru decreased the tongue-flicking into William's asshole. They didn't abruptly stop the pleasure-giving efforts, however 3; just lessened the intensity. The sexual storm that had raged through the man faded gradually, like the lessening thunder cracks of a retreating summer storm.

Tabor, being the oldest, directed the next set-piece of pleasure. Without a word 3; just gestures and the facial expression 3; he positioned the other three boys. Moving with smooth proficiency, and without talk, they re-arranged themselves as William lay back passively.

Tabor brought the hookah and held the match while the man took two more deep inhalations that sent him even deeper into blissful intoxication.

Badru got a dish of scented oil that had been warming over a low candle flame, and soothed it over the man's erection, his balls, and all around his ass 3; sliding a slender oiled finger into the hole and twisting it around. Then the African slathered warm oil onto his own cock 3; and handed the dish to Kuwat. The Javanese boy oiled his small circumcised penis and slid two fingers into his butt-hold, sighing at the familiar pleasure-feelings of anal stimulation.

Kuwat straddled William's hips. He reached behind him and took the man's cock in his hand, positioning his ass so that the slippery cock made contact with his equally-slippery asshole. "You no need move," said the Asian boy in a cheerful high-pitched voice. "I do all work." Flexing open his anal muscle, he lowered himself onto the erection with ease, not stopping until William's fat 6-inch cock was all the way inside.

Badru was kneeling right behind the little Javanese, and he lifted William's legs up and pushed them forward. Kuwat looped an arm around each of the man's legs, drawing them up even more, and exposing William's ass to the next part of the boys' sexual production. The black-skinned lad gave his slender erection a few stokes with his hand and then rubbed it against the man's oiled hole. Then he gently pushed forward 3; just as Kuwat was flexing his legs to slowly rise up from William's cock and just as gently easing himself back down on it. In less than a minute, the two were in synch 3; Badru's hips thrusting his stiff penis into the man's ass at the same moment that Kuwat impaled himself with a downward motion of his hips.

The two remaining boys – Tabor and Minh – were kneeling on either side of William's shoulders, and they pushed their crotches forward, offering their stiff boy-cocks for the man's oral pleasure. At the same time, their fingers reached down to the man's chest tweak his nipples.

William moaned with bleary ecstacy as his cock and anus were again subjected to a simultaneous pleasure-attack. The man reached out to fondle Kuwat's slippery 3-inch erection as the Javanese boy effortlessly rode the American's rigid penis. William turned his head to the right, and Minh's little-boy erection was only a few inches from his mouth. The Vietnamese lad leaned even closer, and William's mouth captured the delicious morsel, sucking it for a minute. Then he turned his face to the left, and Tabor's plump 4-inch boner was ready to slip between his lips. "Oh, yes!" he murmured, just before his lips captured the boy's barely-adolescent cock and the shaft nudged forward into his mouth.

Even more than the first time the boys worked on him, this total assault on the American's senses was like a dream of never-ending pleasure. The longer it went on, the further William slipped from any sort of familiar sexuality into a world of the most incredible erotic bliss 3; fucking, being fucked, alternating the sucking of a small and a larger boy-cock, having his nipples pinched and his balls squeezed. And again, the hashish intoxication gave him the stamina to receive unprecedented stimulation without succumbing to the release of orgasm. And the feelings kept increasing 3; ever more intensely.

This time the boys weren't going to stop prior to his climax. Instead, they just kept kicking up the pace and intensity, as sweat dripped down them from their athletic exertions. The man's body was being wracked by jolts of intense pleasure that stretched his muscles as tight as piano strings. Kuwat's tight ass was slamming down on William's cock, and Badru's cock was fucking the man's hole like the piston on a fast-moving locomotive. William's hands were all over the three boys within his reach, like a glutton with a table of food 3; fondling their genitals 3; feeling their butts and thighs and chests 3; sucking the two cocks that were right next to his face.

And then it happened, after building up inside him for what had seemed an eternity, driving rational thought from his brain. He uttered an animal growl that would have sounded to anyone hearing it as a cry of pain. His back remained arched with incredible tension, as if he were holding a live electric wire, and fireworks went off behind his closed eyelids in mental explosions. And then the physical explosion occurred, as semen finally gushed out of his cock. It came in volumes that he had never before experienced; pulse after pulse from his throbbing penis, seeping down the shaft as the boy kept riding him. The man's anus clenched at the slender cock that was slamming into it in hard fuck-strokes.

Only then did the boys relent. Minh and Tabor ceased tormenting his nipples and lay down to kiss and caress the man. Kuwat released William's legs and lay down onto his chest, the boy's anus rhythmically squeezing the man's softening cock. Badru left his cock fully imbedded, flexing the muscle that caused it to twitch inside William's rectum.

The man was spent 3; exhausted from the sexual session and his head swimming from the effects of hashish 3; but he had never felt a more joyous ecstacy in his life. When the boys finally helped him to his feet, they led him to the bath, and he slipped into a pool of warm water that came up to his shoulders. The boys slid into the pool around him, cuddling against his body, with their erections rubbing against him underwater. Moving in practiced synchronization, the harem-boys massaging him from shoulders to feet, caressing him with their fingers and tongues and lips, as he lay back with his eyes closed.

Minh ducked his head under the water, and William felt the boy's mouth on his cock 3; nibbling and then sucking. The youngster came to the surface after nearly a minute, and Tabor immediately submerged to take his place. Then, even before the Persian boy was done sucking underwater, Badru dove down ready to take his place 3; then Kuwat followed 3; and then Minh again. As each boy submerged to tease William's cock with their mouths, the others continued to gently pleasure him on the surface, The boys fully re-ignited the man's lust, even as the warm water relaxed him, and William thought to himself that this was truly an experience fit for a sultan. (Or for a Roman emperor, as this barrage of underwater sucking was copied from the Emperor Tiberius's orgies with his boy-concubines on the Isle of Capri.)

"Shall we entertain you on the bed now, my sultan?" asked Badru after a time. "Perhaps you would enjoy watching as some of us put on a sexual show on the bed at your feet, while you relax with the remaining boys." Badru's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as he spoke. "Would it please our master to observe two of us sucking and fucking each other while the other two pleasure you? Or three of us serving you as one slowly masturbates for your viewing? Or maybe three performing together, while you hold one in your arms?"

"Yes. Yes!! What an excellent idea!" said the American. "In fact, I wish to see you and Tabor having sex with each other, while Minh and Kuwat pleasure me."

"Of course, master," said the African boy. "And naturally you may change the combination at your whim."

"Perfect!" said William, as he imagined all the combinations.

As the boys dried his body with soft towels, William felt that he would be content to never leave this place. His thoughts drifted off on a cannabis-fueled mental tangent 3; thinking about other amazing places his Grand Tour would take him in the coming weeks 3; perhaps Vienna next; maybe Venice 3; and Morocco was reputed to be the rival of Berlin in catering to a connoisseur of boy-sex. But his euphoria dimmed when he envisioned returning home to America to begin his job at the Philadelphia brokerage where his father was a senior partner. At least he would make lots of money, he mused; the stock market seemed certain to keep spiraling upward forever. His mind flashed quickly through an imagined future, as images of his socially-acceptable life stretched out ahead of him 3; a sham marriage to some unfortunate woman for whom he could never feel passion 3; friends with whom he could never discuss, or even hint about, his true sexual desires.

"By god, I intend to grab as much pleasure with boys as I can, every day until I board the ship for home!" He said it out loud, without meaning to, and blushed when he realized that the boys had stopped drying him, and were looking at him expectantly.

Then Badru gave him a big grin. "Jawohl!" said the African boy. The others nodded their heads in agreement.

William relaxed. "Let's get on with it, then!"

The End

(But maybe I'll come back to it someday)