Antonio Green:
[ profile ]
Antonio Green's profile
Professional writer of nonfiction trying his hand at boy erotica of all types. Please note the NEW email address.
Taking Timmy's Tookus, Part 4 [ bb, tb, ws, scat, oral, anal, lac (incidental), inc ] Reviews
Der Voyeur [ M, gggg, spank, bond, voy ] Reviews
[ profile ]
CC's profile
Ol' cc has been writing underage M/g 'spanking and sex' stories and posting them at for over 10 years. He specializes in surprisingly gentle and romantic fare, hard to find in the underage BDSM category. He loves communication, so by all means write! ;-) p.s.: Ol' cc uses the word 'rape' in a nonstandard way, basically meaning 'forceful' or 'masterful', not necessarily nonconsensual or violent.
Tiger Tiger [ M/g, non-anthro, reluc, rom ] Reviews
Dark Fate:
A Wet Christmas [ F/g, pedo, tod, diapers, ws ] Reviews
Horny Mommy:
[ profile ]
Horny Mommy's profile
I'm new here and this is the first story I post. You can see my interestes from my writing: incest, little girls, daddy/daughter relationship mostly, but not exclusively, with mother's consent. Of course my interest are not limited to these, but these are the strongest ones. I'm available for chat and emails.
Forming a Family, Part 3 [ MFg, pedo, inc ] Reviews
The Neighbour [ Fm, femdom, anal, oral, rp, drug, demon ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Quiller's profile
Just a writer with exciting thoughts.
Restrictions: Three Times One Thousand [ MFfgg, bdsm, tort, spnk, oral, inc, humil ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Renpet's profile
Suspend belief. Let imagination take flight. Let words beguile and delight.
The Storm That Was Kara [ Mg7-14, cons, 1st ] Reviews
[ profile ]
RiskyBizAR's profile
Just a guy with an interest in fiction, and an appreciation of young women.
David's Story, Part 1 [ Mf, voy, photo ]
[ profile ]
Smallguy's profile
Hi, Smallguy here! I'm a writer and reader of lolita fiction, and I really enjoy way out fantasies and bondage. A lot of my stories have both, and some almost-snuff. No snuff, I don't like killing D: I have two storylines going right now, and a few one shots waiting to be written. Recommendations, comments, insults, anything is welcome.
Eros Diaries, Part 4 Reviews
[ profile ]
Vincent4fun's profile
Im a creative kinky writer, who of course loves porn. It is very inspirational. Im always happy to talk with people who can help me push the limits.
Turning to Darkness, Part 1 [ M/f, 1st, inc, rape, vamp ] Reviews
Bea Und Das 'Fräulein' [ F, f, spank, les ]
Bondage Boy:
[ profile ]
Bondage Boy's profile
Having failed to find a particular kind bondage story i have decided to write one myself i hope you enjoy.
Tied Up Love, Part 1 [ ff/fm, bd, cbt, fdom, humil, teen ] Reviews
Tied Up Love, Part 2 [ ff/mf, bd, cbt, Fdom, teen, tort ]
Tied Up Love, Part 3 [ m/f, cons, bd, Mdom, rom, teen ]
Tied Up Love, Part 4 [ m/ff, bd, cons, teen ] Reviews
[ profile ]
CC's profile
Ol' cc has been writing underage M/g 'spanking and sex' stories and posting them at for over 10 years. He specializes in surprisingly gentle and romantic fare, hard to find in the underage BDSM category. He loves communication, so by all means write! ;-) p.s.: Ol' cc uses the word 'rape' in a nonstandard way, basically meaning 'forceful' or 'masterful', not necessarily nonconsensual or violent.
The Elfgirl and the Ranger [ M/g, fant, rom, reluc, spank ]
Joe the Bow:
Sally's Photo Session [ fist, anal, bottle, reluc, teen ] Reviews
Kairra S.:
Touching Little Girls, Part 1 [ inc, fath/daugh ] Reviews
Touching Little Girls, Part 2 [ inc, fath/daugh ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Panero's profile
Dutch stories about girls aged 5-12
De Huid, Deel 1 [ Mggg, pedo, nc ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Quiller's profile
Just a writer with exciting thoughts.
Friday To Sunday [ Fgf, bdsm, whip, humil ]
[ profile ]
RiskyBizAR's profile
Just a guy with an interest in fiction, and an appreciation of young women.
David's Story, Part 2 [ Mf, voy, photo, mast, oral ] Reviews
The Erratic Erotic:
[ profile ]
The Erratic Erotic's profile
I enjoy reading the stories... thought I'd try my hand at writing. Never written anything in my life.
Uncle Jack [ mg, cons, anal ]
[ profile ]
Vincent4fun's profile
Im a creative kinky writer, who of course loves porn. It is very inspirational. Im always happy to talk with people who can help me push the limits.
Turning to Darkness, Part 2 [ f/M/F inc, rape ] Reviews
Lisa's Chronicles [ F/g, M/g, M+/g, best rp, best, tort, scat ] Reviews
The Young Exhibitionist [ inc, fath/daugh, pedo, spank ] Reviews
Katharina [ M, g, inc, anal, oral, bd, spank ]
Bondage Boy:
[ profile ]
Bondage Boy's profile
Having failed to find a particular kind bondage story i have decided to write one myself i hope you enjoy.
French Bondage [ m/f, bd, ds, Fdom, rom, teen ]
[ profile ]
Daywalker's profile
Love girls young, younger and early teens...
Unexpected Encounters [ Mg, ped, loli, inc ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Doktorwu's profile
Doktorwu used to write stories for asstr, then stopped, but was inspired by Loliwood to give back a little. He likes 12 year olds because they have that new car smell.
12-Year-Old Sandwich, Part 2 [ Mff(12), cons, drugs, oral, anal ] Reviews
After All, It Is My Birthday [ m/f, inc, rape, drug ]
M. Quayle:
Schoolhouse Stretch, Part 1 Reviews
Schoolhouse Stretch, Part 2
Schoolhouse Stretch, Part 3
Schoolhouse Stretch, Part 4
Mars Bonfire:
[ profile ]
Mars Bonfire's profile
Long time pervert, first time author.
Cherish Is A Word, Part 2 [ Mg, pedo, oral, anal, drugs ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Quiller's profile
Just a writer with exciting thoughts.
Angel Doll [ Fg, bdsm, lesb, inc, rubber ]
[ profile ]
Smallguy's profile
Hi, Smallguy here! I'm a writer and reader of lolita fiction, and I really enjoy way out fantasies and bondage. A lot of my stories have both, and some almost-snuff. No snuff, I don't like killing D: I have two storylines going right now, and a few one shots waiting to be written. Recommendations, comments, insults, anything is welcome.
Isle of Girls, Extra Reviews
[ profile ]
VicRuthless's profile
Those readers who have been following my stories already know something about me. Those who have not, may wish to know that I am an adult male of advanced age, I have always had a penchant for writing stories involving preteen girls. I have believe it or not, written my first story, if you can call it that, on a piece of yellow note pad, and let one of the girls in my junior high school class read it. But that was ancient history, I actually began submitting my work for publishing only a short few months ago, and have been pleasantly surprised by the overwhelming acceptance of my efforts.
Consequences, Part 2 [ multi ggg, spank, rough, tort, rape, anal ] Reviews
[ profile ]
moviebuffvaliant's profile
I love kids from four to seventeen, from boys to girls. I also love movies.
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe [ g, furry, 1st, nc, rape, beast ] Reviews
Antonio Green:
[ profile ]
Antonio Green's profile
Professional writer of nonfiction trying his hand at boy erotica of all types. Please note the NEW email address.
Taking Timmy's Tookus, Part 5 [ bb, tb ws, scat, oral, anal, lac (incidental), inc ] Reviews
Bondage Boy:
[ profile ]
Bondage Boy's profile
Having failed to find a particular kind bondage story i have decided to write one myself i hope you enjoy.
Evacuee [ m/f, anal, cons, bd, rom ] Reviews
Gary X. Alexander:
Josh and Missy, Part 2 [ mff, 1st, inc, cous, voy, solo ] Reviews
What Happened To My Dad? [ Mg, rape, pedo, inc ] Reviews
Horny Mommy:
[ profile ]
Horny Mommy's profile
I'm new here and this is the first story I post. You can see my interestes from my writing: incest, little girls, daddy/daughter relationship mostly, but not exclusively, with mother's consent. Of course my interest are not limited to these, but these are the strongest ones. I'm available for chat and emails.
Forming a Family, Part 4 [ MFg, inc, pedo, nc, oral, bond ] Reviews
Lil' Lee:
[ profile ]
Lil' Lee's profile
A School Boys Dream [ Fm, pedo ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Menschenkinderfreund's profile
I write storys about nice small girls in German.
Felchen [ pedo ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Quiller's profile
Just a writer with exciting thoughts.
Happy Home [ FMfm, bdsm, clothes ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Sterling's profile
Me? I write erotic fiction. I have a 'standard' ASSTR account under the name of 'Sterling' but thought this audience might like some of my stories a lot.
Enlightened Sluttery [ MF, Mf, Mg, pedo, cons, non-con, reluc, rape, coer, het, 1st ] Reviews
[ profile ]
UKSnowy's profile
Retired perv and voyeur
Found in a Copse [ Mgg(6,10), rape ] Reviews
[ profile ]
VicRuthless's profile
Those readers who have been following my stories already know something about me. Those who have not, may wish to know that I am an adult male of advanced age, I have always had a penchant for writing stories involving preteen girls. I have believe it or not, written my first story, if you can call it that, on a piece of yellow note pad, and let one of the girls in my junior high school class read it. But that was ancient history, I actually began submitting my work for publishing only a short few months ago, and have been pleasantly surprised by the overwhelming acceptance of my efforts.
The Initiation Of Jill [ MMMMfg, tort, rape ] Reviews
Torbens Mamma, Teil 4 [ Fb, inc, bg, ped, beast ] Reviews
mandy's dad:
[ profile ]
mandy's dad's profile
I'm a writer and fan of erotic fiction, especially fiction involving underage girls, and even more so of fiction of father daughter incest.
The Young Woman And The Little Girl [ Mg, gg, slow, rom, 1st, cons, pedo, inc, fath, dau, oral ] Reviews
[ profile ]
moviebuffvaliant's profile
I love kids from four to seventeen, from boys to girls. I also love movies.
Eragon [ Mm, fant, 1st, cons, mag, gay, oral, anal, solo, pett, size ]
Lauren And Brittany: The Kidnapping [ Mf, anal, bd, ds, oral, teen, toys ]
Lauren And Brittany: Fun With David [ m, f, bd, cbt, fdom, humil, oral, sadism, teen ]
[ profile ]
CC's profile
Ol' cc has been writing underage M/g 'spanking and sex' stories and posting them at for over 10 years. He specializes in surprisingly gentle and romantic fare, hard to find in the underage BDSM category. He loves communication, so by all means write! ;-) p.s.: Ol' cc uses the word 'rape' in a nonstandard way, basically meaning 'forceful' or 'masterful', not necessarily nonconsensual or violent.
Gangraped [ MMMM/g, spank, reluc, rom ]
A Sister Betrayed [ m/f, inc, rape, drug ] Reviews
Mary Stevens:
[ profile ]
Mary Stevens's profile
I love writing stories about adult females being humiliated by young girls ages 5 to 16.
Tasheka, Part 1 [ racial, humil, nosex ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Quiller's profile
Just a writer with exciting thoughts.
Prisoners Of War [ FFggMb, bdsm ]
[ profile ]
RiskyBizAR's profile
Just a guy with an interest in fiction, and an appreciation of young women.
David's Story, Part 3 [ M/F/g ] Reviews
mandy's dad:
[ profile ]
mandy's dad's profile
I'm a writer and fan of erotic fiction, especially fiction involving underage girls, and even more so of fiction of father daughter incest.
Little Working Girl, Part 1 [ Mg, slow, cons, pedo, prost ] Reviews
Erste Dienlichkeiten Eines Elfjährigen [ b, M, exhib, ds, voy, ws ] Reviews
[ profile ]
CC's profile
Ol' cc has been writing underage M/g 'spanking and sex' stories and posting them at for over 10 years. He specializes in surprisingly gentle and romantic fare, hard to find in the underage BDSM category. He loves communication, so by all means write! ;-) p.s.: Ol' cc uses the word 'rape' in a nonstandard way, basically meaning 'forceful' or 'masterful', not necessarily nonconsensual or violent.
The Pirate and the Whipping Girl [ M/g, reluc, spank, rom, historical ] Reviews
Cabin Girl [ M/g, spank, reluc, rom, historical ] Reviews
Doc Chuk:
Age Seven [ M/b, mast, oral ]
[ profile ]
Doktorwu's profile
Doktorwu used to write stories for asstr, then stopped, but was inspired by Loliwood to give back a little. He likes 12 year olds because they have that new car smell.
12-Year-Old Sandwich, Part 3 [ M/ff(12), con, drug, oral, anal ] Reviews
[ profile ]
InfamousI's profile
I am but a man with a sometimes dark and disturbing mind, and though I love, respect, even adore and worship women of all ages, my fantasies often turn to women of the younger variety and/or rape and sometimes even beyond. And though it can often be hard for me to write these fantasies down, those I manage to, I'll share with those of you who may enjoy them.
My Dark Desires, Part 1 [ Mg, 1st, anal, ws, pedo, rape, viol, rough, bond, sad ] Reviews
Lil' Lee:
[ profile ]
Lil' Lee's profile
Testing A Plan [ MFg, reluc ] Reviews
New Lover [ Mg, MF, anal ] Reviews
Patience Bryce:
A Fantasy Reviews
Pied Piper:
[ profile ]
Pied Piper's profile
Love fantasie stories involving very young girls.
Yummy Mummy, Part 2 [ Fgg, nepi, toddler, pedo, lac, rom ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Smallguy's profile
Hi, Smallguy here! I'm a writer and reader of lolita fiction, and I really enjoy way out fantasies and bondage. A lot of my stories have both, and some almost-snuff. No snuff, I don't like killing D: I have two storylines going right now, and a few one shots waiting to be written. Recommendations, comments, insults, anything is welcome.
Eros Diaries, Part 5 Reviews
Steel Legend, Part 1 Reviews
Steel Legend, Part 2
Steel Legend, Part 3
Steel Legend, Part 4 Reviews
[ profile ]
amk2's profile
Trying for first time
Family Saga, Part 1 [ inc ,Mf, Fm, group, pedo ] Reviews
mandy's dad:
[ profile ]
mandy's dad's profile
I'm a writer and fan of erotic fiction, especially fiction involving underage girls, and even more so of fiction of father daughter incest.
Little Working Girl, Part 2 [ Mg, cons, pedo, oral, prost ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Brudergrimm's profile
Es würde mich sehr freuen wenn sie mir ihre Meinung zu meinen Geschichten ganz offen mitteilen! Auch für neue Ideen oder Gestaltungsvorschläge der laufenden Stories bin ich jederzeit offen und dankbar!
Jugenderlebnisse [ Mb, oral, voy ] Reviews
[ profile ]
CC's profile
Ol' cc has been writing underage M/g 'spanking and sex' stories and posting them at for over 10 years. He specializes in surprisingly gentle and romantic fare, hard to find in the underage BDSM category. He loves communication, so by all means write! ;-) p.s.: Ol' cc uses the word 'rape' in a nonstandard way, basically meaning 'forceful' or 'masterful', not necessarily nonconsensual or violent.
Rin and Her Sensei [ M/g, reluc, rom, spank, anime ] Reviews
Doc Chuk:
Age Eight [ M/f, m/m, oral, mast, IR ]
Dominic King:
My 9 Year Old Girlfriend [ M/g-9, pedo, oral, anal, ws ] Reviews
Granddad's Little Angel [ Mg, pedo, inc, grand, pett, solo ] Reviews
Henry Oldman:
[ profile ]
Henry Oldman's profile
I really enjoy reading this type of fiction and hope you enjoy my attempts to write it.
To Catch A Thief [ Mg, reluc ] Reviews
A Dream Cum True? [ mf, inc, bro/sis ] Reviews
Naked City:
[ profile ]
Naked City's profile
I love to write about public nudity. Most of my stories involve children either being naked in public or having sexual intercourse.
Rick Dennison, Talent Agent, Part 3 [ mg, gg, cons, exhib ]
Naughty Females [ Mg, MF ]
[ profile ]
Quiller's profile
Just a writer with exciting thoughts.
Love Story [ Fg, bdsm ]
[ profile ]
RiskyBizAR's profile
Just a guy with an interest in fiction, and an appreciation of young women.
Shelter From the Storm [ M/g ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Smallguy's profile
Hi, Smallguy here! I'm a writer and reader of lolita fiction, and I really enjoy way out fantasies and bondage. A lot of my stories have both, and some almost-snuff. No snuff, I don't like killing D: I have two storylines going right now, and a few one shots waiting to be written. Recommendations, comments, insults, anything is welcome.
Eros Diaries, Part 6 Reviews
[ profile ]
Ub3rwriter's profile
I sometimes fantasize about girls that I would never actually do anything with but live them out in my writing instead. I love writing because you can make happen whatever it is you want to have happen exactly the way you want it to. The imagination is a great thing. I think porn of the mind is the most erotic form of fantasy.
Party Time with Dad [ teen, Mf, cons, nc, lolita, coer, fath, dau, preg ] Reviews
My Wife and Neice Planned It All Along [ neice, f, teen, cons, lolita, cheat, oral, anal, preg ] Reviews
A Close Friend's Horny Daughter, Part 1 [ teen, lolita, oral, Mf ] Reviews
[ profile ]
UncleWillie's profile
I'm a 38yo male who has always had an affinity for girls between the ages of 8 and 11. I enjoy watching them and thinking about what kind of sexual mischief they could be getting into. Let me know what you think.
Swim Lessons, Part 1 [ Mggg, pedo, cons, oral ] Reviews
The First [ Mg, bond ] Reviews
mandy's dad:
[ profile ]
mandy's dad's profile
I'm a writer and fan of erotic fiction, especially fiction involving underage girls, and even more so of fiction of father daughter incest.
Little Working Girl, Part 3 [ Mgg, oral, inc, prost ] Reviews
サマーショック! [ Mg, pedo ]
The Taming Of The Two, Part 1 [ Mgg/bd, sm ]
The Taming Of The Two, Part 2 [ Mgg/bd, ds, nc, sm, spank, viol, nosex ]
The Taming Of The Two, Part 3 [ mgg/bd, ds, nc, sm, tort, nosex ]
[ profile ]
Brudergrimm's profile
Es würde mich sehr freuen wenn sie mir ihre Meinung zu meinen Geschichten ganz offen mitteilen! Auch für neue Ideen oder Gestaltungsvorschläge der laufenden Stories bin ich jederzeit offen und dankbar!
Der Keller [ Mg, humil ] Reviews
[ profile ]
CC's profile
Ol' cc has been writing underage M/g 'spanking and sex' stories and posting them at for over 10 years. He specializes in surprisingly gentle and romantic fare, hard to find in the underage BDSM category. He loves communication, so by all means write! ;-) p.s.: Ol' cc uses the word 'rape' in a nonstandard way, basically meaning 'forceful' or 'masterful', not necessarily nonconsensual or violent.
Before the Party [ MMM/g, spank, reluc, rom, bond ] Reviews
Fun With Uncle Bob Reviews
[ profile ]
Corn53's profile
Dear Reader, Thank you for enjoying a vicarious adventure with me. If you enjoyed the story, please send me a note. Also, please share any fantasies, memories, suggestions, etc. It's how I get material for new stories. And of course, there is no way for me to verify if something actually happened or if it is pure fantasy. I'm not seeking any themes that involve violence, although mild coercion may be OK, as the naive, curious, protagonist progresses through her adventure. I'm not advocating doing any of these things with minors, although role play with consenting adults could be fun. The reason that many of my fantasy stories involve younger characters is that they are so curious about their own, budding sexuality, and they are easily seduced with compliments or 'stuff,' that is promised to them. The character is led through little steps and soon gets into very compromising situations.
Lilly In The Research Project, Part 2 [ F/gg, anal, feet, spank, mast, toys, kiss ] Reviews
Doc Chuk:
Age Nine [ mmm, M/m, anal, oral ] Reviews
Amy, the Christmas Slut [ M/g, M/F, inc, cons ] Reviews
The Erratic Erotic:
[ profile ]
The Erratic Erotic's profile
I enjoy reading the stories... thought I'd try my hand at writing. Never written anything in my life.
You've Got Mail [ MMMMMg, oral, anal, gang ] Reviews
[ profile ]
UKSnowy's profile
Retired perv and voyeur
Airstrip [ Mg(7), F, inter, nc, pedo, reluc ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Ub3rwriter's profile
I sometimes fantasize about girls that I would never actually do anything with but live them out in my writing instead. I love writing because you can make happen whatever it is you want to have happen exactly the way you want it to. The imagination is a great thing. I think porn of the mind is the most erotic form of fantasy.
A Close Friend's Horny Daughter, Part 2 [ lolita, MMf, oral, teen ] Reviews
10 + 15 =
74;ь! [ mg, inc, 1st ]
[ profile ]
Vincent4fun's profile
Im a creative kinky writer, who of course loves porn. It is very inspirational. Im always happy to talk with people who can help me push the limits.
Turning to Darkness, Part 4 [ g/m, lolita, g/f, les, cons ]
[ profile ]
dyfo's profile
Mag Mädchen ab 5-11, kein erzwungenen Sex, sie muss es freiwillig machen, Trinke gerne Natursekt
Iveta, Teil 1 [ m, g, public, anal, cous, fant ] Reviews
Familienbande [ MFmf, inc ] Reviews
Bad Bad Dad:
After The Dance [ inc, fath/daug, anal ] Reviews
Uncle [ Mggg/bd, ped, cons, spank ] Reviews
[ profile ]
CC's profile
Ol' cc has been writing underage M/g 'spanking and sex' stories and posting them at for over 10 years. He specializes in surprisingly gentle and romantic fare, hard to find in the underage BDSM category. He loves communication, so by all means write! ;-) p.s.: Ol' cc uses the word 'rape' in a nonstandard way, basically meaning 'forceful' or 'masterful', not necessarily nonconsensual or violent.
Sarah the Roman Slavegirl [ M/g, spank, reluc, rom ]
London W Kasku:
[ profile ]
London W Kasku's profile
A new girl writing in Polish.
Aga i Domi [ g, f, nosex ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Quiller's profile
Just a writer with exciting thoughts.
The Treehouse Of Augusta Moon [ FFgg, bd, spank, inc ]
Hart Bestraft [ MMgg, spank ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Smallguy's profile
Hi, Smallguy here! I'm a writer and reader of lolita fiction, and I really enjoy way out fantasies and bondage. A lot of my stories have both, and some almost-snuff. No snuff, I don't like killing D: I have two storylines going right now, and a few one shots waiting to be written. Recommendations, comments, insults, anything is welcome.
Eros Diaries, Part 7 Reviews
Steel Legend, Part 5 Reviews
One Shot: My Slave Reviews
[ profile ]
TheDarkKnight's profile
Just another dirty old man with a lot of time on his hands and a head full of erotic fantasies.
Play Dirty With Me, Part 1 [ MF, Mf, Mff, 1st, cons, lolita, inc ] Reviews
mandy's dad:
[ profile ]
mandy's dad's profile
I'm a writer and fan of erotic fiction, especially fiction involving underage girls, and even more so of fiction of father daughter incest.
Little Working Girl, Part 4 [ ff, oral, cons ] Reviews
A Ferry Good Night [ M/ff, force, oral, anal, fist, menst ] Reviews
Antonio Green:
[ profile ]
Antonio Green's profile
Professional writer of nonfiction trying his hand at boy erotica of all types. Please note the NEW email address.
Taking Timmy's Tookus, Part 6 [ bb, tb, ws, scat, oral, anal, lac (incidental), incest, nc ] Reviews
Renaissance, Chapitre 1 [ Fg ]
Renaissance, Chapitre 2 [ Fg, voy ]
Renaissance, Chapitre 3 [ Fg ]
Renaissance, Chapitre 4 [ Fg, piss ]
Schnuffi [ Mgg, nc, spank, les, oral, anal ] Reviews
Melissa Loves Her Mommy Reviews
Slave Sister [ bd, inc, humil, ds ]
Boys Will Be Boys [ mf, bd, inc, nc, humil ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Brudergrimm's profile
Es würde mich sehr freuen wenn sie mir ihre Meinung zu meinen Geschichten ganz offen mitteilen! Auch für neue Ideen oder Gestaltungsvorschläge der laufenden Stories bin ich jederzeit offen und dankbar!
Die Villa [ MFg, exhib ] Reviews
[ profile ]
CC's profile
Ol' cc has been writing underage M/g 'spanking and sex' stories and posting them at for over 10 years. He specializes in surprisingly gentle and romantic fare, hard to find in the underage BDSM category. He loves communication, so by all means write! ;-) p.s.: Ol' cc uses the word 'rape' in a nonstandard way, basically meaning 'forceful' or 'masterful', not necessarily nonconsensual or violent.
The Special One [ M/g, spank, reluc, rom, oral ] Reviews
Little Girl Discipline:
[ profile ]
Little Girl Discipline's profile
Welcome to the world of Little Girl Discipline; a world where adults enjoy strictly disciplining little girls' bare bottoms (and other places). I do hope you enjoy this story. I am always looking for inspiration, so please email me and share your experiences / thoughts.
New Neighbour [ MF/g, nc, spanking, ped, oral, anal ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Panero's profile
Dutch stories about girls aged 5-12
De Huid, Deel 2 [ Mg, pedo, nc ] Reviews
Meine Toochter [ Mf, inc, fath dau, spank, anal ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Sterling's profile
Me? I write erotic fiction. I have a 'standard' ASSTR account under the name of 'Sterling' but thought this audience might like some of my stories a lot.
Sharing Happiness [ ScFi, Mf, 1st, cons, het, mag ] Reviews
Model Student [ M/g, fart, scat ] Reviews
mandy's dad:
[ profile ]
mandy's dad's profile
I'm a writer and fan of erotic fiction, especially fiction involving underage girls, and even more so of fiction of father daughter incest.
Little Working Girl, Part 5 [ Mg, 1st, cons, nc, pedo, inc, fath, dau, rough, oral ] Reviews
Cum Lover [ gangbang, orgy, cum ]
[ profile ]
CC's profile
Ol' cc has been writing underage M/g 'spanking and sex' stories and posting them at for over 10 years. He specializes in surprisingly gentle and romantic fare, hard to find in the underage BDSM category. He loves communication, so by all means write! ;-) p.s.: Ol' cc uses the word 'rape' in a nonstandard way, basically meaning 'forceful' or 'masterful', not necessarily nonconsensual or violent.
Vixie [ MM/g, M/f, bond, reluc, spank, roman ] Reviews
Cuckold Wimp John:
Cuckolds and Perverts [ inc, pedo, ir, sw, hum ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Otakuman's profile
Some stories may possibly contain some sci-fi or fantasy elements, although that isn't guaranteed. I have written a couple of furry stories, but most of my stories will involve humans only.
Most of my works are written to be a good story first (hopefully), and an erotic story second, as opposed to a couple of paragraphs designed for a quick wank.
NOTE: My stories only have 'consensual sex', inasmuch as a fictional minor can give consent. The sex usually includes elements of love, instead of just cheap thrills with strangers.
SWG (Single White Ghost) Seeks Housemate, Part 1 [ Mg, cons, oral, ped, supernat ]
SWG (Single White Ghost) Seeks Housemate, Part 2 [ Mg, cons, oral, ped, supernat, pee, 1st ] Reviews
Peter Rast:
Annette's Abenteuer [ Mg, mg, mmg, MMg, oral, anal ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Renpet's profile
Suspend belief. Let imagination take flight. Let words beguile and delight.
A Tale of Seduction [ MF, Ff13, Mf13, mother/daut, father/daut, inc, cons ] Reviews
[ profile ]
TheDarkKnight's profile
Just another dirty old man with a lot of time on his hands and a head full of erotic fantasies.
Play Dirty With Me, Part 2 [ MF, MFf, 1st, cons, lolita ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Ub3rwriter's profile
I sometimes fantasize about girls that I would never actually do anything with but live them out in my writing instead. I love writing because you can make happen whatever it is you want to have happen exactly the way you want it to. The imagination is a great thing. I think porn of the mind is the most erotic form of fantasy.
A Lust For Riley, Part 1 [ f, teen, M, lolita ] Reviews
A Lust For Riley, Part 2 [ lolita, f, M, Ff, fantasy, dau, fath ] Reviews
[ profile ]
UncleWillie's profile
I'm a 38yo male who has always had an affinity for girls between the ages of 8 and 11. I enjoy watching them and thinking about what kind of sexual mischief they could be getting into. Let me know what you think.
Swim Lessons, Part 2 [ Mg, pedo, cons, oral ] Reviews
Horny Nieces Amy and Cindy [ bi, inc, pedo, gg, Mmgg, mm, MM, MMmmgg ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Boris's profile
I love girly bottoms/buttocks. To spank, fondle or massage them. All in a nice way. Not with the intention to harm a girl. I also love the idea, fantasy, movie where a young girl get's scolded and spanked because she has been naughty for example.
A Dream Finally Comes True [ F/g, M/g, g/g, M/gg, spank, nude, undress, nosex ] Reviews
Gareth [ M, b, cons, cbt, anal, oral, spank ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Brudergrimm's profile
Es würde mich sehr freuen wenn sie mir ihre Meinung zu meinen Geschichten ganz offen mitteilen! Auch für neue Ideen oder Gestaltungsvorschläge der laufenden Stories bin ich jederzeit offen und dankbar!
Als Ich Noch Klein War... [ MFg, ws, voy ] Reviews
Darles Chickens:
[ profile ]
Darles Chickens's profile
Mainly consensual paedo (with the exception of Candi Barr) 4-13 yo boys & girls (mainly girls though). Read my stories and you'll soon get the drift.
Comments, requests, suggestions, fantasies always welcomed. Please remember that a VALID email address is required if you would like a reply - I ALWAYS reply to genuine emails - and ALWAYS ignore flames!
The Rape Of Candi Barr, Part 1 [ M/g, g8, g11, pedo, rape, ws, extreme ] Reviews
Learning the Ropes [ Mg, MF, Mgg, MFg, anal, inter, rp, pedo, dream ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Quiller's profile
Just a writer with exciting thoughts.
The Apprentice [ MmFff, bdsm ]
Once Upon A Time Was Never Like This... [ poem ]
[ profile ]
Ub3rwriter's profile
I sometimes fantasize about girls that I would never actually do anything with but live them out in my writing instead. I love writing because you can make happen whatever it is you want to have happen exactly the way you want it to. The imagination is a great thing. I think porn of the mind is the most erotic form of fantasy.
A Lust For Riley, Part 3 [ lolita, MF, f ] Reviews
A Lust For Riley, Part 4 [ lolita, Mf, cons ] Reviews
[ profile ]
CC's profile
Ol' cc has been writing underage M/g 'spanking and sex' stories and posting them at for over 10 years. He specializes in surprisingly gentle and romantic fare, hard to find in the underage BDSM category. He loves communication, so by all means write! ;-) p.s.: Ol' cc uses the word 'rape' in a nonstandard way, basically meaning 'forceful' or 'masterful', not necessarily nonconsensual or violent.
Impaled Alive [ M/g, reluc, spank, rom, anal ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Charmbrights's profile
Elderly novelist - see
Tamsin's Delights [ Mf, fant, harem, 1st, cons, interr, teen, pedo, het, Mdom, spank, oral, anal ]
Darles Chickens:
[ profile ]
Darles Chickens's profile
Mainly consensual paedo (with the exception of Candi Barr) 4-13 yo boys & girls (mainly girls though). Read my stories and you'll soon get the drift.
Comments, requests, suggestions, fantasies always welcomed. Please remember that a VALID email address is required if you would like a reply - I ALWAYS reply to genuine emails - and ALWAYS ignore flames!
The Rape Of Candi Barr, Part 2 [ M/g/g, g/g, g8, g11, pedo, rape, ws, extreme, pee ] Reviews
[ profile ]
InfamousI's profile
I am but a man with a sometimes dark and disturbing mind, and though I love, respect, even adore and worship women of all ages, my fantasies often turn to women of the younger variety and/or rape and sometimes even beyond. And though it can often be hard for me to write these fantasies down, those I manage to, I'll share with those of you who may enjoy them.
Michelle's 7th Birthday Party [ MMFFg, 1st, cons, pedo, inc, mom, fath, dau, spank, rough, orgy, oral, anal, toys, lac, creampie ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Marsha's profile
I am a writer. I live in Washington, D.C. All my stories are fiction.
'Shhhhhh...' Says Fireman Sam, Part 1 [ F, g, inc, cons, ped, oral, anal ] Reviews
'Shhhhhh...' Says Fireman Sam, Part 2 [ F, g, inc, cons, ped, oral, anal ]
[ profile ]
UKSnowy's profile
Retired perv and voyeur
Henry's Security Measures [ Mg(12), rape, FF, inter ]
Good Contacts [ Mf(14), blackmail, cons, inter ]
[ profile ]
Ub3rwriter's profile
I sometimes fantasize about girls that I would never actually do anything with but live them out in my writing instead. I love writing because you can make happen whatever it is you want to have happen exactly the way you want it to. The imagination is a great thing. I think porn of the mind is the most erotic form of fantasy.
My Girlfriend Caught Me On Camera [ lolita, Mf, cons ]
My Daughter's Pussy Made Her Do It Reviews
Träume Werden Wahr, Teil 2 [ Mg, pedo, oral, anal ]
Knot Alone [ M/b, pedo, con, bond ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Brudergrimm's profile
Es würde mich sehr freuen wenn sie mir ihre Meinung zu meinen Geschichten ganz offen mitteilen! Auch für neue Ideen oder Gestaltungsvorschläge der laufenden Stories bin ich jederzeit offen und dankbar!
Die Kleine [ Mg ] Reviews
[ profile ]
CC's profile
Ol' cc has been writing underage M/g 'spanking and sex' stories and posting them at for over 10 years. He specializes in surprisingly gentle and romantic fare, hard to find in the underage BDSM category. He loves communication, so by all means write! ;-) p.s.: Ol' cc uses the word 'rape' in a nonstandard way, basically meaning 'forceful' or 'masterful', not necessarily nonconsensual or violent.
The Kindly Dr. Nostra [ M/g, ped, spank, rom, reluc ] Reviews
Mary Stevens:
[ profile ]
Mary Stevens's profile
I love writing stories about adult females being humiliated by young girls ages 5 to 16.
Humiliation Presentation, Part 1 [ Fg, humil ] Reviews
A Helpful Family [ M/f-teen, ped, inc, voy ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Quiller's profile
Just a writer with exciting thoughts.
The Mother With One Earing [ FFbb, bdsm, inc, les, femdom ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Renpet's profile
Suspend belief. Let imagination take flight. Let words beguile and delight.
A Precious Gift [ MF, Mg12, g10, g7, cons, fantasy ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Smallguy's profile
Hi, Smallguy here! I'm a writer and reader of lolita fiction, and I really enjoy way out fantasies and bondage. A lot of my stories have both, and some almost-snuff. No snuff, I don't like killing D: I have two storylines going right now, and a few one shots waiting to be written. Recommendations, comments, insults, anything is welcome.
Eros Diaries, Part 8 Reviews
[ profile ]
UKSnowy's profile
Retired perv and voyeur
Being the Boss [ Mg(5), F, inter, cuck, cons ] Reviews
Video Adventures, Part 1 [ M/f, teen, con ] Reviews
Vidoe Adventures, Part 2 [ M/f, f/f, m/f, teen, pedo, inc, con ] Reviews