Good Contacts

[ Mf(14), blackmail, cons, inter ]

by UKSnowy

Published: 15-Mar-2012

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

The screen flickered brightly in the corner of the palatial bedroom, showing the statuesque twenty year old apply a condom with her mouth. Expertly held in her painted lips, she centred over the muscular man's knob and rolled the thin sheath down over his throbbing shaft.

Jim Harrow glanced at his own groin, his sixty four year old dick held tightly by the small delicate fist as he urged the girl to roll her hand up and down his silver cock ringed genitals.

"You see my sweet, that is what you will learn to do one day. Men love that technique and you will be able to do it as well as your sister and her friends," he told the olive skinned beauty. His partner smiled primly but nodded enthusiastically as she watched the screen with Jim, seeing the firm bodied girl kneel on a bed and the professional footballer lick and suck her upraised butt before aligning his cock with her arsehole and thrusting sharply into her anus.

"Is that her bottom he is doing?" enquired Cristabel.

"Yes my dear. She likes it, look at her face and look here comes Catherine," he murmured.

A highly toned blonde girl appeared, her huge silicone breasts wobbling slightly as she stepped behind Dwayne Ridge from the expensively assembled London premier team.

"That looks funny," giggled Cristabel. 'What is she wearing?"

"It's a strap-on cock. My cock is real isn't it? Oh that's very good darling, squeeze it just there, but girls have to wear a strap-on if they want to fuck someone, especially if it's a man," Jim advised the twelve year old.

"When Meg got fucked by that man earlier, she put a rubber on him. Why do they wear them?"

"Because it's wise when a man fucks your bottom Cristy. Prevents infections. You know from your poo," he chuckled, sufficing that a simple explanation would do for now and smoothing his fingers over Cristabel's smooth, peachy pussy and up over her arsehole.

The child nodded and sighed happily, watching Catherine stuff the strap-on into Ridges butt and proceed to fuck him as he in turn fucked Megan's bum. Another girl slid under Megan's face, inducing the large framed, but perfectly toned girl to suck on an obviously wet and large lipped cunt.

"There's Chloe," squeaked Cristabel, clutching Jim's dick with excitement.

"Your big sisters all together now," he chuckled.

Jim viewed an imaginary calculator and watched how another two grand expanded his bank balance, musing on his happy lot and how it all started.

A very prominent county councillor, member of parliament, justice of the peace, charity patron and public figure had committed suicide piloting his plane into a mountain, leaving his family penniless due to his financial wheeling and dealing. In the investigation of his affairs, the authorities had uncovered three mistresses in various parts of Europe, vast debts and accounts in their names, three illegitimate children and untold financial criminal acts by his minions at his behest.

The crash of the Rhodes empire decimated the family and his wife had disappeared back to Portugal with her son, to live with a former boyfriend. All assets were seized and three of the four daughters had to fend for them selves. Chloe left university and roamed with ne'er-do-wells, Catherine hit the bottle and drugs and Megan was soon into unsavoury friends and doing drugs. Little Cristabel was taken into care.

The crack cocaine all the girls now depended on was easily available, Jim already supplying Meg at the time of the death, via his friend Bob Bedale's lucrative empire. Bob and his wife also fostered Cristabel making things very convenient for their evil intent and Jim's careful bachelor nurturing of young attractive talent to add to their extremely expensive and secretive stable of the Rhodes girls.

The three pals - (Geoff had since died), with incredibly good contacts at the golf club and other inner circles, now had a happy and very secretive list of top drawer clients for the girl's services, either singly or collectively and soon Cristabel would be one, if not their top earner considering her youth.

It was an odd beginning.......

"Geoff...there's someone at the front door. I'll call you back mate," said Jim testily into the phone, which he put down, closing the line.

He grabbed a towel quickly from the rail in his bathroom and wrapped it around his waist.

Thoughtfully he turned the shower off before going downstairs in his Victorian detached house. It was autumn, mid evening, a clear calm and warm night, the evening paper still on the door mat, his golf bag leaning against the lounge wall where he left it thirty minutes before.

The door bell chimed again, the third time in the last few minutes, disturbing his phone call. It seemed insistent, almost urgent.

He opened the door and was immediately bundled inside by an influx of bodies without any introduction. Jim saw a flurry of young fierce faces, oddly all female as he was manhandled to the lounge floor. Before he fell, after hearing the front door slam shut, one fist hit him square on the cheek and it hurt. His tongue roamed his mouth tasting blood, soon forgetting that, as both his bare arms were pinned to the exposed timber floor by trainer clad feet. Someone was kneeling on his feet.

"Where's your cash you old git?" snarled a young girl's voice. 'C'mon, we know you've got plenty. Big car, nice house, all the trimmings."

"BBbbb...but I haven't a..." he tried to reply.

A black, heavily ringed hand smashed across Jim's face and he feared for his expensively capped teeth, knowing blood was seeping through his mouth and sensing a flesh wound on his face judging by the warm trickling feeling near his chin. Jim blinked and tried to focus on the faces peering menacingly down on him.

He saw two white and two black faces, one of the black being Asian, the other of distinct Caribbean stock. They were all clad in black all enveloping jackets, the Asian with her hood over her head. One of the white girls had a scarf partly over her mouth, her eyes glinting nastily from behind delicate narrow spectacles. Curls of damp blonde hair hung from under the Nike baseball cap tight on her head.

"Where's your fucking money Granddad?" menaced the blonde.

Jim felt the pressure on his hands increase and glanced up at the girl standing on them. With the strange perspective from floor level to her face, he could still see that she was a big girl or woman indeed, hence the weight on his fifty eight year old hands. Her brutal looking face peered down on him, mostly hidden by the bulk of her breasts heaving within her jacket and then he caught sight of her bare legs.

Jim Harrow was not one of the bunch of golf addicts labelled the 'dirty old men' for nothing. It was an affectionate title for Jim, Bob Bedales, Harry Eton and Geoff Winchester. Known within the Brownhills Golf Club as such, they were notorious for their choice in golf partners for the mixed foursomes etc, but also the success they had in nurturing young female golf talent within the junior members. Unbeknown to the rest of the membership however, was the four's secret society of porn obsessives and their collection of videos, gathered via secret cameras in the golf club dressing rooms and showers and in two cases, Harry and Bob's own private residences.

Harry and his wife Janet, ran a female only, business woman's guest house with six rooms all en-suite. Bob's wife Cecilia, ran a massage/beauty business from their house. The Eton and Bedales constant feed of young women into their private viewing rooms was a massive boon to the four men, facilitated by Jim and Geoff's joint business ownership of an electrical trade warehouse, specialising in CCTV systems, known as Contacts Surveillance Plc.

Now - Jim's view of a sturdy pair of legs, naked from her ankles, past lumpy calves, bulbous knees and onto the shaded thickness of massive thighs before they disappeared into the dark under the girl's tight mini skirt stirred his voyeuristic thoughts even considering his predicament. As he felt his cock tighten under his towel, his mind confidently slid to the security camera mounted within the small hallway beyond him and the other mounted within the TV across the room he was pinned in.

"Ere! You'll never guess. Fuckin ell!" exclaimed a gleeful voice near his feet.

"What the fuck Helen!" exclaimed another. "We're trying to get his cash...what you looking at?"

"No names eh girls...remember," growled the one on Jim's feet.

"Nah. 'Ee as noffink on under this towel. I can see 'is willy," shrieked Helen.

"Forget her," twittered the Asian girl in a squeaky weak voice. "Just let's get his cash."

"Yeah. Now then old man. Your last chance. You must have got cash in here. We want it and now," snarled the black girl, raising her fist.

"I don't carry a lot in the house," explained Jim. "There is about twenty left in my wallet you can have. It's on the table there. I have just been out and spending a bit."

"Twenty!" exploded the one over his face. "That's no fucking good."

Jim glanced up again, her voice was indeed nasty and he feared the worse for his dexterous fingers. She increased the pressure and he winced, but he also saw a widening stance and the flash of white panties. He couldn't react more than tense his dick.

"Ees at it again. 'Is willy is flippin. Like 'ee's gettin 'ard," giggled Helen. "Let's 'ave a good look."

Suddenly Jim's towel was whisked open and the four girls gaped at his naked wiry body. He was strong and trim, bit of a beer paunch, but Jim's body had been trained for years as a site electrician for the utility on countless site locations, scaling trees and posts for snagged cables, installing complex electrical systems, up and down ladders and climbing millions of stair. Plus - his golf and his twice weekly eight mile jogs, helped him maintain a healthy frame. His cock lay heavily across his thigh, soft yet not remotely flaccid, his knob concealed behind it's hood.

"Never mind that..... but ........" murmured the one on his feet. "I've got an idea. You going to tell us where your cash is old man?"

"I've told you," Jim replied meekly and truthfully as it happened.

Suddenly his hands were released and a bustle of bodies took place, until she leaned over him, face to face, her breath foul with tobacco. He saw her snub nose, the spots round her chin and a scar over her left eyebrow. Her brown hair was pulled tightly back off her pugnacious face. As she spoke Jim felt a hand on his balls, in fact round his balls and his cock. It tightened. "You ain't gonna like this 'cos I know it hurts, but it'll make you tell us," she snarled.

"Meg!" quivered the Asian in worried tones.

"Fuck you, you stupid cow. No names. He'll talk," the gripper grunted.

Jim smirked inwardly, slightly worried for his genitals, thinking about the minutes ahead rather then the seconds. During the immediate moments, the sensations of a hand round his collection was quite nice and he reckoned she knew little about the male organs, spotting her immaturity when she faced up to him. She was spotty and young and quite well spoken considering the others especially the squeaky Helen. Maybe she would spot the flaw in her imagined power over him in a few minutes, but for now Jim was quite happy for her to apply the sort of pressure his very own cock ring applied when he tightened it himself.

"Fuckin 'ell," squealed Helen. "Ee's getting a real 'ard on now....look."

"Ooer!" murmured the Asian.

"Shit!" exclaimed the black girl. "It's enormous."

"Yeah! But it's hurting him," said the gripper coldly. "He'll cough up any minute, you watch."

Jim feigned hurt, pain and groaned and squirmed and tensed his groin, helping his cock grow to it's full seven and a half proud, especially considering the black girl's comment, white inches. He yelped and pleaded, glancing at his torturer's face which had started to register puzzlement, as she glanced at the considerable display of verdant manhood in her fist.

Suddenly she let go, stood up and kicked him viciously in his side. That really hurt him and he groaned.

"Fuck this. Grab the cash in his wallet, it's on the table. Get that clock, that statue and let's go," the gripper snarled.

"Twenty is no good. Lennie wants fifty you know that," said the black girl quietly.

"Fuck Lennie, he'll have to wait. We can't hang round this dirty old bastard for ever. It's taken too long already," said the obvious gang leader.

She glared down at Jim, her eyes staring into his until they roamed back to his groin. She smirked, kicked him again and bustled the others out the door. He crawled after them and slammed the door shut and pondered his next move. The local police were lethargic in their actions and calls for help. Jim rubbed his side and examined it, the bruise already blackening, but he knew nothing was broken. He had got away lightly. The carriage clock was of little other than sentimental value. The alabaster statuette pretty, collectable to a value of maybe fifty pounds, an old Christmas present from a girl friend since dead.

Outside the girls huddled together after they ran down the road and into the shadows of an underpass.

'That's no good Meg," whined Helen. "Twenty, a clock and an old statue. We need cash."

"I know that you silly moo. It's our first job ain't it?" snarled the big girl, pulling the hem of her tiny black skirt down. "We haven't done this before have we?"

"We might get thirty for these," suggested the Asian, examining the small gold looking carriage clock and a six inch high, white dancing lady.

"Yeah! But where Sami?" asked the black girl.

"Doesn't your uncle run a second hand shop Charmaine?" asked Meg.

The black girl frowned and nodded, biting her big bottom lip.

"Yeah, but I can't take these in. What am I going to say?" answered Charmaine.

They argued more as they wandered into town.

Jim called Geoff back on the phone, but didn't tell him of the incident. Poor Geoff was recovering from a minor heart attack and being the worrier of the business and also very wary of their secret camera antics, if police had been told, would get agitated if Jim had described the incident.

Taking a look at the internal cameras, Jim established some pretty good shots of the four assailants, especially taking note of the brutish, large one who had first squeezed his genitals and then kicked him hard.

A week passed and Jim had to contact a town councillor about some documents the councillor was witnessing for him. The signature on the forms was important to Jim to further his cause and he was sure the police, seeing Councillor Rhodes name as his chief witness, would look kindly on Jim's application for a licence to purchase and use a shotgun on some private game shooting land Jim had recently acquired. William Rhodes was leader of the town council, chairman of the planning committee and campaigning for stronger drug laws at county and national levels. He was also aiming to be the mayor.

"When do you need it Jim?" asked William Rhodes over the phone.

"Tonight at the latest, sorry William," replied Jim. "Been trying to reach you for a couple of days and you promised."

"Yeah, no problem, I know - rushed off my feet trying to sort things. It's just that I'm off on holiday tomorrow morning, leaving at eight. Look can you get here, to my house. I'm in all night. Afraid I won't get out to you in the sticks Hahahah!" chuckled William.

'I'm only two miles out of town, on a major bus route and a mile off the motorway mate," chuckled Jim. "Time you got to know your parish."

"Yeah, yeah!" responded William in a good natured banter. "Can you get in here?"

"OK. Give me your address.....OK I'll be there at seven."

Jim breathed easily and looked forward to the days he could charge huge fees for the game shooting. It would augment his company earnings, his two holiday cottages in the Welsh mountains, the apartment in Ibiza and the charter yacht in Cannes. He poured himself a large gin and tonic and sat in his garden enjoying the late afternoon sunshine, the birds feeding on his constant supply of seeds, the windblown rumble of the motorway and the sound of car doors slamming as neighbours arrived home from work.

He liked Fridays. The company closed early in the afternoon, Geoff had taken the day off to visit his daughter in law Eve and Jim recalled the pleasant time he had recently spent with her. Geoff's son Gareth had bitterly divorced her and virtually cut himself off from Geoff, not agreeing to Contact Surveillance continued use of her accountancy skills. As a partner in the city firm of Cope, Browning and Zillman, Eve, aged thirty five - was a high flyer and didn't want children. Gareth did. For that and several other incompatible reasons they fell out and separated. He went to South Africa.

Jim sat back in his garden chair and thought of Eve's slim legs, her trim body, long flowing golden hair, tiny pert tits, slender waist, tight arse and totally shorn pussy. Her spectacles tipped on the end of her nose gave her a school-girlish look, but in bed, Jim had found her to be all woman. Eve dealt with all his financial affairs where professional advise was needed. She was tiny in stature, only about five feet tall, but she was worldly wise in sexual matters and played off a five handicap. She was one of the 'dirty old men's' protégés.

She had come on strong to Jim when slightly tipsy one evening, after a business function, not long after Gareth's defection. Jim - as her client was unattached, handsome and fit, something she knew of being in the same health club and golf club as him. The fact that he was considerably older then her, was of no consequence to Eve and he recognised she was just hungry for a fuck.

Eve had been a tiger in bed, exhausting Jim which took some doing and indulging his fantasy of being a little school girl needing chastisement. His spanking and her little cries of pain had spiced their night together and her introduction of a cock ring in the form of a shoe lace had delighted Jim. He had never known such an erection and was sold on the idea from then on, either as an aid to masturbation or when engaged in bed with one of his several girlfriends. His purchases of various types had led to quite a collection.

Jim's mobile phone disturbed his garden reveries, but he pushed his hand down the front of his shorts and fondled his cock and balls as he spoke into the Nokia. He finished his call, checked his watch and went indoors to shower and prepare to go out.

Jim arrived at the Rhodes household bang on time, leaving his Jaguar X type in the road and as he approached the porched front door a security lamp illuminated his path across the crunchy gravel. He smiled, spotting a camera - recognising one of his company's installations. Nice location for a residence, Jim mused, the councillor was doing alright for himself. Two big cars in the drive way, one Merc, one Lexus.

He realised on driving to the location, that he would pass Eve's riverside apartment and again recalled the one and only time he had fucked her. It had been in her splendid pad. Her love of anal sex had thrilled him, something he had grown to like after meeting a Ugandan Sport delegation in 1994. He knew they were looking for sponsors, cheap goods and all sorts of development funds and he had the contacts and influence to provide some of these things. He made it clear to the delegation particularly to the two women amongst twelve men, all black as the ace of spades, who were very attractive to Jim and he hadn't had to work too hard to seduce one of them.

To add to his success there was a bonus in that chubby Miriam, the twenty eight year old one he targeted was aiming to be a virgin, but allowed him anal sex unlimited. Her billowing buttocks surrounding such an accommodating orifice, overflowing bosoms with enormous black teats and huge mouth were all perfect receptacles for his jism although he took much pleasure in tongueing her fat hairy pussy in all it's pink glossiness. For three of the five nights the delegation were present, he had fucked her lights out, finding the switch deep inside her rectum.

The slight worry over HIV was unfounded after he took discreet tests.

William Rhodes opened the door to Jim and shook his hand welcoming him into the house. He was ushered along the hallway, ostensibly to meet William's very attractive wife who stood smiling in the kitchen door, but as the two men reached the bottom of the stairs, they were brushed aside by a fast moving large bodied girl, dressed in a tiny black tight mini skirt and black tee-shirt who ran down stairs. Jim's eyes immediately homed in on her small but exceedingly lively tits bouncing wildly and obviously braless beneath the shirt. The heavy footsteps stopped precisely at the time Jim reached the stair and he stared at her as she did him. Spots, a scar and tightly pulled back hair seared his memory.

Stock still - they both gaped until she bustled past, shouted some goodbyes and slammed the door behind her. Jim's last view of her was a stout bum encased in the skirt which was perilously close to flashing the bottom of her buttocks - so short was it. Her legs were not slim and very white. It was an image he found difficult to forget.

"Daughters eh? All the same," laughed William, grabbing Jim's arm and prodding him towards his wife. "This is Maria my wife."

"Yeah. Suppose you're right," murmured Jim. "Don't have any daughters myself."

"That's Megan, second youngest of four girls," said Maria Rhodes as she stepped forward offering a heavily ringed hand to Jim, which he shook. "Always on the move and fast with it."

"Hmm!" muttered William with a concerned frown towards the door.

"Hmm!" exclaimed Jim. "Four daughters? Wow! Sorry - anyway pleased to meet you Maria."

Jim was very pleased to meet her as he studied her. She made coffee as the men chatted easily in the bright roomy kitchen. He had never met her in the flesh before, but had seen countless unflattering photographs of her in the press at William's side at functions. They certainly did her exotic looks no favours. His eyes slid to Maria's busy and busty body as often as they could considering William's conversation. The best distraction came when Jim produced his papers and the councillor deciding it needed a proper pen to sign with, not with Jim's proffered ballpoint. William left the room and Jim and Maria chatted comfortably as she leaned against a worktop waiting for the coffee to filter.

He took in her sultry, olive skinned looks. Coal black hair, thick and lush, clung close to what he guessed were Mediterranean features. A generous, large lipped, smiling mouth, cute nose and huge, dark smouldering eyes bewitched him. A great heaving bank of bosom dominated her chest, all captured within a close fitting, white, embroidered blouse buttoned high towards her neck, round which hung a gold chain and cross. Maria wore tight jeans and Jim noticed her neat waist and seemingly slender legs. She turned to pour the coffee as her husband returned, muttering about his fountain pen being dry of ink and apologising for the delay. Jim observed her rounded butt and small, red, two inch high heeled, peep toe sandals before he signed the documents and slid them across to William. The councillor signed with a flourish.

"So four daughters, no sons?" asked Jim.

"I have a son Josef aged ten," answered Maria pleasantly, sipping her coffee across the kitchen. "William has the three girls. Megan fourteen, Catherine sixteen and Chloe eighteen. And then Cristabel the youngest at six is all ours isn't she William?"

"Ah! I see. Sorry - didn't mean to pry," said Jim, pondering the array of females in the house and noticing Rhodes proud grin and nod..

"It's OK. Maria is my second wife. She is Portugese Polish mix. Lovely eh?"

Jim nodded as William continued.

" My first wife June died six years ago. Maria was our housekeeper and we sort of drifted together didn't we darling?" said William stepping to her side and giving Maria an affectionate cuddle and peck on her cheek. 'The children seemed to approve. So we have five children.

Chloe is at university in Newcastle, the others live here - they're at local school of course."

"Hmm! Look thanks for these William. Grateful. If I can return the compliment in any way let me know. Maybe some free shooting when it's set up," suggested Jim, filing the papers into a folder.

William grinned. Maria grimaced.

"Maybe - we'll see," said William with a wink.

"I'll get out of your way seeing as you're probably packing. Thanks again and thanks for the coffee Maria," said Jim stepping towards the door.

"Any time," she called. "Bye."

"All of you going away?" Jim asked on the front step.

"No just Maria and I. Get away from it all, second honeymoon sort of. Cristy is staying with friends. The older girls can look after themselves and Josef has gone to his father for the week." responded William.

"You've got some good security anyway. I did notice," Jim chuckled. "Maybe talk about an update externally and internally, when you're back and have some time. Have a good holiday."

"Yeah! Let's do that," said a smiling William. "Bye and thanks."

On reaching home,Jim again checked the tapes during the assault at his home and confirmed the identity he suspected. He couldn't hardly wait until Sunday dawned. He had a golf match in the morning and lost, much to several members surprise, but his mind was on other things. At home he showered, slung some shorts on and went online to check some finance details and then sat in the garden with a drink. After some careful thought, he dialled a number on his mobile and a girl's voice answered.

"That doesn't sound like Maria," he stated.

"It's Catherine. Who is this?"

"Oh sorry it's Jim Harrow. I was round your house on Friday evening and wondered if any one found a pen. It's quite a valuable one and your Dad and I were signing papers, but I can't find it. Wondered if I'd left it there," he lied.

'Don't know. Was out - hang on..."

There was a pause. Not a silent pause as Jim could hear shouting, then a voice murmured over the phone.

"Who is this?"

"Who am I speaking to now? That's not Catherine. It's about my pen."

"What pen?"

"Is that Megan by any chance?" he asked slowly.

"What if it is?" came the sullen response.

"If it is and I guess it is. You know who I am. I would like to talk to you, not over the phone," he said quietly and firmly.

"Fuck off," was the snarl.

"I like your Dad by the way. Nice guy and a big name in the town isn't he?" added Jim.

There was a long pause, during which he could hear breathing, some tapping, a muffled retort, he guessed to Catherine and then she responded almost whispering.

"What do you want?"

"Come to my house this afternoon. You can catch the 48 at the end of your road. It runs on the hour on Sundays. I don't mind which one you catch, but get off at Lightwater Avenue and come up that road. Take you five minutes walk. Don't know why I am telling you this - you know where I live don't you?" Jim suggested. "It's number six anyway. Just ring the doorbell."

He closed the mobile and took a long swig of his drink, emptying the crystal goblet. He poured another and pondered his plan. It was risky, daring and a little fool hardy he reckoned, but he had a good lever to make it work. He tried to read the Sunday newspapers but his mind wasn't tuned into them. He looked at his watch every two minutes and chastised himself for being so stupid as to risk the meeting with a juvenile and also for being so nervous. Two hours passed and Jim had resigned himself to the fact that she would call his bluff and not show. After all she seemed a mean bitch and big with it.

Another hour passed and he had fallen asleep, suddenly alert when the bell chimed. He tidied his clothes, a pair of shorts and a tee-shirt and went into the house. He took a peek through a side window and saw that Megan was indeed waiting on the step - alone. He had thought she might bring one of her gang along. Jim opened up and she glared at him, her eyes swivelling to his crotch and back up to his smiling face.

"Come in Megan. I'll get you a coke or something. You look hot," he suggested.

"I'm OK. What do you want?" she asked, staying put on the step.

"Just a talk. You know...."

"Go on then - talk."

"Better inside or in the garden."

She almost snarled and he saw her face turn ugly as her lips curled and her beady eyes narrowed. Even more spots sprinkled her chin and forehead since the last time he had seen her. Her hands were tightly gripping the hem of a denim jacket and Jim knew she was as nervous as he was. Suddenly she lurched towards him taking him by surprise. Jim wheeled back out of the way, almost expecting an assault as the last time she had visited his abode, but Megan walked into the hall and glared at him until he closed the door. Jim lead the way through the house, pausing in the first room and mentioning that she would recognise the place, getting a smirk from her. He went through into the enclosed lawn with the shed, the bird bath, several statues, a fountain and his chair and table. He got her a chair from the shed but she stayed upright.

"Coke or something?" he asked, showing her his glass half full of gin and tonic.

She gave an almost imperceptible nod and thrust her hands deep into her jacket pockets. As he went into the kitchen and poured, Jim watched her glance round the garden, her feet firmly planted in one spot, her bulky body twisting to take in the details. Jim took in her details. The regulation black tight mini skirt just about reached her white upper thighs which splayed fleshily wide down to dumpy knees. It did nothing for her dumpy, overweight body. Below - a pair of black, lace up boots encased her lower limbs. Beneath her jacket, Megan wore a purple tee-shirt with some sort of emblem in black which he couldn't make out.

"There you go. Plenty of ice?" Jim asked handing Megan the glass. "Mum and Dad get away alright?"

"What do you want?" she asked defiantly.

"OK. Why me?" he asked.

"We needed the money," she answered simply, sipping her drink.

"But you must have pocket money from your Dad," Megan scoffed.

"Pocket money won't do what we want," she snarled.

"And what's that?" he persisted patiently.

"Nothing you need to know."

"I think it is. You Dad would be interested too. You hurt me when you kicked me you know."

Megan winced slightly and frowned.

"Sorry. That OK?" she stated blankly, without feeling.

"So it was a fluke you hitting on me?" Jim asked.

"Course it was. Wouldn't come here if I knew you would I?"

"But you didn't."

"No - that's what I mean."

"Well you know me and I know you. Now what?" Jim said quietly.

"You going to tell on me?"

"Depends on what you tell me."


"Why did you do it and have you done it again? More coke?"

Megan shook her head and gazed round the peaceful garden. Her mouth cruelly twisted as she bit her lips. Jim expected to see blood and thought about the time she or her colleagues had smashed a fist into his mouth that day. Her hands wrung at her jacket, twisting the denim viciously and he wondered about all her pent up anger at something. He took her glass and sat down studying the ill at ease teenager in his gracious garden. Suddenly the words spilled from her

"Charmaine got into debt about some drugs and we decided to get cash That's all," Megan told him a hurried slur of words.

"You decided to steal it? Jesus wept!" exclaimed Jim shaking his head. "Stupid girls."

"Tell me another way."

"Earn it, borrow it, negotiate it down," he suggested with a wave of his hands.

"Lennie Foster doesn't negotiate," she spat.

"I see. Did you get fifty... It was fifty wasn't it?"

"Yes. Char stole it from her brother. It's sorted now," Megan retorted.

"More stealing phew!"

"So are you going to tell my Dad?"

"What happened to my clock and statue?"

"We chucked it in a skip. Crap stuff," she sneered.

"Shows what you know Megan," Jim said quietly.

"No one calls me Megan, It's Meg," she retorted loudly.

"Your Mum does."

"She's not my Mum alright?" came the grunt.

"You know what I mean," he told her. "And she never told you about sex obviously."

Megan suddenly widened her eyes and then frowned. She altered her stance from the steady planted defiant stance- one foot retreating.

"You hurt me Meg," Jim murmured, rubbing his side and then insinuating his hand down his groin over his shorts.

She stared at his movements, biting her lips, her eyes almost closed with the frown. Meg pulled her jacket close over her chest.

"You seemed to like it," she sniggered, the tiniest, slightest hint of a smile played across her thin lips. "Dirty git!"

"You panicked didn't you. Took the cash and ran, just because you got me hard and didn't know what to do," he scoffed, ignoring her retort. "If you're going to hurt a fella, it's just his balls you squeeze, not the whole lot you silly girl. What you did was the best thing for a fella. We love that."


"So, if you and your friends had all done it to me, just held me like you did - I would have written you a cheque for one hundred and gladly given you it," Jim mocked, gripping his genitals. "Whatever you want it for. I couldn't give a toss."

"You whaaaatt?" she screeched. "You're fucking dirty, you old perv."

"One hundred Meg. Did you hear me? One hundred pounds," he rolled his balls suggestively.

"You're in deep shit if I tell anyone what you said," Meg snarled, suddenly cocky.

"And you're in even deeper shit and so is your dad if what you did gets out in the town, I have excellent contacts you know," Jim reminded her. "It will really hurt your dad and all of your family - Chloe, Cristabel, Catherine, Josef you know. No one will believe you about what I've just said."

She took a step back and surveyed Jim intently as if weighing him up, her eyes roaming over his whole being, from his head to his feet. Again her lips were cruelly treated and they became an angry red as her chin rolled manipulating her jaws in their biting action.

"Do you do drugs Meg?" he broke the icy silence.

"What if I do?........Yes, of course," she blurted with a hint of impatience, in answer to his raised eyebrows. "Everyone does."

"I don't," he challenged, getting up and walking towards her. "So you need cash for them obviously. I could help you."

Meg frowned questioning his casual remark as he stood about a foot away from her. Jim smiled and let his eyes drop to her chest. She looked puzzled and shook her head as if answering an internal question. Then she raised her eyebrows and looked down at her chest and back to his face. Jim nodded with a wry smile.

"You want to see my tits? That it?" she muttered.

"Yes....and..." he murmured leaning back and twisting to glance further down her body.

"You don't mean....see down there? Fuck! you do, don't you?" she almost chuckled.

"And....." he suggested further with a sly wink. "A hundred would buy you lot's of stuff and I would get what I want."

"Christ! Yeah. What exactly do you want? A blow job I suppose," said Meg with a smirk, her enthusiasm over the amount changing to a gaze of distaste.

"And the rest - for a hundred for Christ's sake," Jim retorted firmly.

There was a long incredulous pause.

"A fuck?" she exploded with a grin of incredulity. "Christ! You're something else mate. I'm only fourteen you know."

"And you fuck yeah?" Jim ventured.

Meg shook her head in amazement, puffed out her cheeks and gazed round the garden as if seeking confirmation about the conversation. She opened her jacket and placed her hands on her bulky hips. Jim saw her as a challenge rather than a girl he would be attracted to as he saw the cups of her brassiere hoisting her little paps high. She almost swaggered as she walked from him to look at a stone statue of a classical nude maiden carrying a water pitcher on her shoulder, although Meg didn't really look at it closely. She was deep in thought about the old man making an indecent proposal, but offering a lot of money too. He watched her buttocks roll and her wide white thighs rub together as she turned and walked back.

"You want to fuck me right? For a hundred quid?" she asked slowly, as if spelling the words out to the mature male leaning against the shed.

Jim nodded and grinned.

"Like now? Meg asked.

He nodded again.

"You got the time?" he asked.

"If you've got the money, you're on," Meg replied cleverly.

He led her inside and up to his bedroom. He threw a switch at the side of the bed as she wandered round the airy room.

"I don't do this all the time," she told him, letting him peel off her jacket.

Jim hung it neatly over the back of a chair, then pulled the heavy drapes partly over the windows. It was too bright for his needs.

"I hope not at your age Meg," he replied. "I have the cash by the way."

"Cool," she replied, as Jim stepped to her side and carefully turned her through ninety degrees. He took hold of her tee-shirt and started to draw it upwards, finding slight reluctance with her arms tight down her sides until with an extra sharp tug, Meg got the message and he pulled it over her head. Her black brassiere was small and lacy and pushed her tits upwards but she had no cleavage. Jim placed her shirt on her jacket and walked behind her. Expertly he unclipped the under garment and let it drop from her back. Meg's arms trapped it again, so he reached round her and drew it down, making her give way. Over her shoulders he saw her pert breasts wobble slightly while he hung her bra on the chair. From behind he cupped her small, teenage breasts, pushing them together from the extreme edges of her chest, although they wouldn't meet. Meg breathed heavily as he fondled the soft warmth of her tits. Her nipples were pure pink buds in almost imperceptible areolae.

"You take your time don't you?" she challenged.

"It's the best way Meg," he replied. "Don't want to rush something as nice and expensive as this. I suppose all your boyfriends just shag you without much thought for you?"

"Hey. I don't shag around all the time you know," Meg protested as he fumbled with her skirt. "But yeah! Suppose they do."

Her baby fat belly rippled over the black skirt, complemented by love handles at her sides and he took in the deep groove up her spine and the red wheals of her bra marks. The skirt loosened finally after she had breathed in to lessen the load on the fastener and he stooped to haul it down. It was very tight but of a stretch material and Jim pulled it slowly floorwards as her briefs came into view. Again black and lacy and not a thong as he guessed she might wear, they managed to partly roll down with her skirt. Maybe Maria didn't approve of thongs Jim pondered - if she had any say in this rebellious teens clothing. The skirt got snagged on her boots until Meg stepped out of the ring of material at her feet. Her boots took some time in getting off.

Automatically she reached for her knickers and pulled them up straight and her big buttocks curved over the panty line as Jim tidily placed her skirt with her other clothes. He circled her, gazing without touching. Meg fidgeted, not knowing what to do with her hands, finally resorting to biting her nails, as Jim admired her sturdy body.

"You gonna fuck me or not?" she blustered, embarrassed.

"Oh yes, young lady I'm going to fuck you alright. Like you've never been fucked before. I'll bet it will be the best fuck you've ever had." Jim murmured and pointed. "Get on the bed and open your legs."

Meg frowned at his orderly manner, but did as she was told. He drew off his shirt and shorts and heard the grunt, he hoped an appreciative grunt as his donger swung into her view. Half hard already, he made sure his position was correct as was hers making full use of the space at the bedside.

"Now Meg," Jim told her, stepping close to the bed. "That's a mature cock for you to handle properly and I'm going to teach you how to do that. Get hold of it."

"Don't want to," she whimpered as he half knelt on the bed making his knob end float about a foot away from her face. "Can't you just fuck me and pay me?"

"It's a lot of money Meg. I'm going to get my money's worth, but don't worry I won't hurt you or do anything nasty," he responded. "Now hold it."

Jim reached for her groin and placed the flat of his hand on her pubic mound. She flinched as his fingers started to roam over the cotton panties. Meg gasped and then gathered his dick in her hands but didn't do anything. Jim tensed it and saw her eyes widen, so he repeated it, getting the same reaction..

"See - it will get hard if you squeeze it properly and play with it. Go on it's nice and cuddly isn't it?" he prompted with a smile. "If you want, do what you did the first time."

Meg gave a little nod and grasped his genital collection firmly round the base of his sac. His cock bloomed outwards over her fist and he tensed it making it leap in her grip. His fingers crept under the elasticated sides of her briefs and he felt the soft wisps of her pubes as Meg plucked up courage and rolled her hand up over Jim's thickening shaft whilst keeping up the grip round the lot.

"That's it Meg, that's wonderful. See how it grows? You're good at that, even when you want to steal money," he chuckled.

Meg frowned as if not wanting the reminder, but she started to investigate his blossoming knob as she rolled his foreskin back and forth over the gradually expanding glans.

"You have periods - at fourteen?"

"Yeah! - course."

"OK. You'll be safe. I'll use a rubber."

"You'd better."

"Do you know how to put one on?"

"Yeah! - course."

"With your mouth?"


"Put a rubber on using your mouth. It's the best way."

"You're taking the piss."

"Never mind, do it your way. Look what you've done Meg," Jim said softly. "Clever girl."

His cock stuck sturdily upwards, rampant, heavy and weeping. Meg sniggered and pulled a girlie sort of face with a shrug of excitement. Jim was pleased. He moved away from her grasp and she watched him go to the foot of the bed. He leaned and grasped her panties, but didn't pull them. Instead - he dipped his face into the outstretched vee of her legs and sucked at the gathered material disappearing between her chunky thighs. Meg cried out as his lips and tongue pressurised her crotch.

Minutes later Jim ripped down her panties and for a moment gazed lustily at the soft downed crack of her fourteen year old pussy, before lowering over her. He found a condom in a bedside drawer and waited patiently while she rolled it onto his erection, proud of his continued hardness at fifty eight years. He slid slowly back, sucking and kissing her nakedness until he reached her mound. His nose roamed her soft downy, sparse pubic hair, drinking in the strong scent of her youthful sex until his tongue flicked out and sought her clitoris. Meg gasped as he unearthed it, but he was not going to linger at this point.

Jim sought her crack and found to his delight that she was moist. He glanced at the gathered folds of slender outer labia, then reared back to aim his cock at it. His knob nestled against her snatch, Meg glaring almost fiercely and panting heavily. He guessed she had never been wound up so tightly and she would orgasm quickly. He prodded his knob at her slit and the soft lips opened. His hands sunk into the bed as he lowered and then thrust sharply. She was not a virgin and would feel no pain and he was not mightily built.

However Meg let go a long loud cry of delight during the insertion, until he stopped after thrusting in six inches.

"Have you finished?" she gasped.

"Of course not," Jim puffed. "Oh - do most boys finish that quickly?"

Meg nodded sheepishly and then her head jolted as he lurched at her groin again, penetrating fully, up to his balls, not surprised to hear her confirmation of the short lived sex of the youth of today. He tensed inside her and noticed her recoil, as his stiffness made contact with inner muscles and nerves.

The motion started, his cock rasping at her used but uneducated snatch, in ways she had never known before. With each powerful thrust, Meg's little paps jiggled on her chest and Jim occasionally dipped to suckle on her tiny buds. At one time she even showed some tenderness and appreciation, almost clutching his head to her breast in a motherly way, but generally she was emotionless and log like.

He expected this from such a tough cookie and determined he would break down this veneer of hardness with patient expertise, as against spending his hundred on one good fuck. He fucked her hard, using all his experience, finding her responses came in gasps, nods and cursory grins, rather than soft touches and gestures.

Meg's climax was irrelevant to Jim at this stage. He wanted to spend into her, albeit the rubber saving her fertility, it was the first time he had been inside such a young growth at fourteen and the consequences of the occasion coursed through him briefly until he dismissed them.

His jism rose and spouted into the sheath, during a flurry of shunts at her juvenile pussy and finally he stopped the one way shag, satisfied if disappointed at her attitude. Meg's whole demeanour shouted lack of attention, thought and most of all knowledge of the finer points of sex and Jim had to seriously remind himself of her tender years compared to the untold number of fucks he had experienced.

He fell onto her panting body and she lay still without a caress on her behalf.

"That's it then," she told him bluntly.

"Wait Meg. Just wait for fucks sake," he retaliated. "Didn't it mean anything to you."

"Yeah! A hundred quid. Hope it's worth it," she sniggered. "Suppose you can go for an old git though."

Jim raised his head and peered at her and then smiled, seeing her wry grin.

"You're taking the piss Meg," he chuckled.

"Well the money is right, but I've never been fucked like that before. It was good," she added.

"Most of the fellas are done by the time I've got my knickers down. Makes a right mess too."

"There you go then," Jim breathed as he pulled out of her, carefully checking the condom was still intact. "Age can do things better in many ways. Can I say something?"

Meg nodded slightly and made to get up, but he restrained her by pressing her shoulder back down.

"Have you ever climaxed?

"Don't know."

"You would know Meg - if you had."

"Suppose so, so I haven't then."

"You know about it though?"

"Yeah, read in magazines and things."

"Would you like to try and experience it?"

"Yeah one day."

"One thing you're going to have to learn is to relax, enjoy and learn even from old gits like me. It's much easier than fumbling along, sometimes with pain and tears before you really appreciate all the cool things about fucking - and there are lots."

"Like what?"

"Well fast track and learn with an experienced fucker like me, or get fucked fast with no experience out on the street. That's the start point. But you know it's illegal for you to fuck anyway."

"Yeah! I know. But I've got to most times."

"No you haven't. What you have down here......" said Jim softly as he placed his hand on her cunt, making her recoil, his hand slipping away until he replaced it. "What you have is yours and no one else's Meg."

"You try getting stuff with no money..." she retorted angrily, rolling away from him and getting off the bed.

"Ah! You mean that stuff. You fuck for it yeah?" he asked, watching her reach for her panties. Meg's belly rippled as she bent and pulled them over her feet. She heaved them up and then glared at him.

"What do you think?"

"So a hundred quid will see you through without fucking for it?"

"Obviously. Never been paid for it though. Exchange for stuff, that's all. That's why I did it."

"I know that Meg," said Jim gently, getting up and holding her bra up on the tip of his finger.

"But what you've just done is pure prostitution."

She glowered at him and bit her lip as she clipped her bra on front to back and swivelled it round, distorting her skin until she covered her breasts with it.

"And you're not to blame I suppose?" she protested, grabbing her skirt.

"I paid for the goods, you're not hurt, no one knows, no blame attached," he added, getting his wallet from a drawer at the bed head. He drew off the condom and dropped it onto the table.

Meg's eyes watched beadily as he extracted five notes and offered them to her. She lumbered round to him, carrying her skirt, the greed evident in her eyes. She reached for the cash, but Jim withdrew it from her grasp and put his hand behind her back, at the same time grabbing her round the waist and pulling her tight to him. Face to face, the stand off was immediate.

Meg arched her back sharply away, her eyes buried in frowns of distaste, her breath short, her lips curled in disdain. Jim smiled gently down at her, his flaccid cock rubbing against her naked thigh. He moved slightly making his wet dick make it's mark on her cold skin.

"Want to do it again Meg?" he murmured.

"I'm no fucking prossy," she blustered, pulling her face away as he leaned into her.

"Yeah but you want.... in fact - need drugs don't you?"

"Yeah! I fucking told you," she cried. "Just give me the money."

"More fucks, more money, more drugs, easy isn't it?"

She stared at him for minutes, her eyes seeking something from Jim's serious but friendly expression, his lips ready to curl into a smile. Finally with a sigh, her face crumpled, her eyes filled and soon she was sobbing bitter tears onto his chest.

"I don't know what to do, it's the only wayyyy," she moaned between great body wracking sobs.

Jim pulled her close and her body language changed to accept his strong comforting arms. He sat her on the bed edge and cuddled her letting her tears flow without words, her bulky frame suddenly reduced to child like proportions by the grief she was expressing. Jim patiently waited for her tears to subside as he stroked her. Her flesh had gone somewhat cold, but she got goose bumps as his fingers traced round the back of her bra, down her spine and along the top of her panties. His other arm roamed over her hefty shoulders and down her upper chest, lightly fringing the top of her bra cups.

"You OK now?" he whispered. "Meg it's alright. Don't worry. I'll sort it - we'll sort it. Cup of tea or something?

She snuffled and nodded into him and he gave her a pristine linen handkerchief from his drawers. He got up and found a silk dressing gown and draped it over her, before going to the door.

"The bathroom is in there Meg," he pointed waiting for her to look up and gesture towards the en-suite.

She nodded and smiled grimly as he left. Downstairs, Jim popped into his study and switched on a TV and set some switches. He dashed to the kitchen across the hall and put the kettle on and returned to his study, just in time to see Meg's rump lowering over the toilet seat, almost as if over the camera, before settling on it. He flung another switch and watched her gaze round the room as she pissed. Her wipe, cursory look down between her legs and her panties hauled up were also watched with equal satisfaction until the kettle boiled and made the tea. As he poured, Jim wondered if she was dressing.

On returning with two mugs of tea and some biscuits, he could hear her in the bathroom, but she soon entered, still - to his delight, in the gown with her thighs showing through the gap. He sat her at a window table and joined her on a bench seat, gazing onto the evening sunlit garden.

"Not so tough are you Meg?" he urged.

"Not really," she whimpered. "But you've got to be these days, if you want stuff."

"I can help you with that too," he suggested.

Meg sipped her tea with curiosity writ large on her face as Jim continued.

"I know people. I've got contacts, good contacts in just about everything and for what you want there is no better man than a friend of mine. He's clean, the stuff is clean and the cost will be nothing like what you pay that...that er? Lennie...Lennie Foster that him?"

Meg nodded with a frown and sipped, still her usual inarticulate self.

"Sound good?" he prompted, placing his hand on her thigh and squeezing it gently.

"Yeah! Yeah it does," she replied staring at his hand, which was now stroking to her knee and back up against her belly.

"Now there is a price, but it's an easy one for you to pay Meg," he whispered in her ear, taking her mug and putting it aside.

As she looked with puzzlement at him, Jim persuaded her to rise and guided Megan to the bed, gently pressurising her back down on the bed, his hands roaming inside the gown, softly stroking her flesh, over her bra, over her knickers, into her bra and into her knickers finding little opposition until his fingers homed in on her young twat and finally on her clitoris. Meg gave a little start and tried to sit up. He leaned against her.

"Hey! You've had your fuck..... Oohh!" she whimpered as Jim's finger persisted on her cunt lips.

"OOOooughhhhooo! Shit that's good."

"That's better Meg, enjoy it. Let me do things you've never heard of. You're still a school girl and I've been around the block a few times," he chuckled, keeping his finger working on her clitty.

"You're older than my Dad," she protested gently, her voice flutteringly uncertain.

"I know. So what. It's good eh and he can't do this to you," Jim murmured, kissing her neck and ears. "I want to fuck you lots of time and you want good stuff. We can do a nice deal Meg. Think of it," he murmured.

Silence except the gentle sluicing sound of a finger churning up her juices as occasionally he dipped into her gash and back to her clit. Meg moaned and groaned with very obvious pleasure now and for the first time, Jim thought he had her full unbridled attention.

"What time is it?" she suddenly asked, raising her head.

"Twenty past seven. Got a problem?" Jim responded.

"Can I make a phone call?" she asked.

"On your mobile certainly, not on my landline."

"Oh yeah! Course," Meg muttered.

Jim let her rise and find her jacket. Swiftly - as with all the youth with a mobile in their fist, she had dialled the number and was muttering into it. He heard the words friend, late, bus, yeah OK as he lay back on the bed, gently fondling his cock and balls. Meg returned to the bed and grinned down at him, thrilling him with the sudden show of disarmed hostility she had been bristling with since arrival.

"Better take these off then," she suggested, unclipping her bra and slipping it off with the gown.

He reached and she allowed him to draw down her panties and pull her close. Her feet ruffled the carpet as she stepped out of the tiny garment as he breathed in her body scent before pillowing his head in her warm rotund belly. He licked her navel as his hands spread upwards like tentacles, seeking her small breasts and stroking them gently. He heard a gratifying gasp from above as he tweaked the buds of her nipples and then surprised Meg by pushing his hands into her damp armpits and stroking her. Then his hands roamed down her sides and back to her fleshy buttocks and he grabbed each one and pulled them wide open. Meg squeaked with indignation and cried a 'don't', but Jim ignored her and moulded the flab of her teen butt roughly.

What a prize he mused to himself as Meg softened to his exploring ways. Fourteen years old, no virgin but inexperienced, seemingly willing to learn, hooked on drugs, no oil painting but could be formed into quite a handsome girl with patience, time and money and now she was all his. He had the time, the money and the perverted desire to possess this child and make her do his bidding in any way he saw fit.

The next hour passed in a wave of tender searching touches by both parties, Meg quickly picking up nuances of sex she had never dreamed of. The way a man likes to be handled, was Jim's first lesson and then he told her to explore his body, finding where his erogenous zones were. He surprised her by turning onto his belly and splaying his legs wide apart and telling her to look and feel his rear groin, to touch his arsehole and the back hang of his sac.

Meg was reluctant and refused. He didn't push the point - he had all the time in the world and so much bargaining power he knew she would do it eventually. Jim fucked her once more, with Meg on top to let her feel the control she would have as she rose and fell on his dick. She was amazed at how she could vary the pace and speed and he enjoyed the sight of her bulky body rippling above him, her little paps bubbling all over her chest. Again her lack of climax was immaterial to Jim. She would have many in her own time.

When he pulled her down to lay on him after his cumming, they panted together and he told her about the future.

"I want to buy you all sorts of things, like clothes, shoes, perfume, underwear but for the time being they will all be kept here. You can come here anytime, but I must always be here and know when you are coming. You must not visit here without my knowing. I will get you a part time job so that your Mum and Dad are not suspicious of your sudden new wealth as some of the things you buy, you will want to wear at home or going out with your friends," he told her. Meg's eyes glowed with pleasure and not a small amount of greed.

"What will you get me first Jim?" she asked eagerly, as she dressed.

"I don't know yet Meg but I hate those boots," he chuckled. "Maybe some new boots. I do like fashionable ones."

She grunted as she finished lacing them up.

"Definitely some new briefs and brassieres. You must go to a proper lingerie shop, I could go with you as your Dad, not in this town though. We will drive somewhere maybe."

"Yeah! Yeah! That would be cool," she enthused, heaving her jacket on. "Like my dad hee hee."

"No that's too silly. I might know someone to take you. A girl I know. I could tell her you're my niece or something. We'll work it out. Or maybe we buy from the internet catalogues... Yeah that's it of course. No personal contact, no give away," he laughed slapping his head at his stupidity. "There must be hundreds of sites on the web we can choose from. That will be fun."

"Yeah," murmured Meg. "Can I do it with you?"

"Of course Meg. You'll want to see the range. Sexy stuff and good quality, none of this cheap slaggy Ann Summers gear," Jim enthused.

"And you can supply my stuff eh?" she grunted, uninterested in the high street name of sex shops as he pushed her back and turned her over to lie face down on the bed. "Here - what you doing?"

He fondled her buttocks as she lay half dressed, her jacket exposing her lower torso, her boots masking her feet. Her thighs thick and white flattened on the bed as he gently massaged her butt. Occasionally, Jim parted her butt crack just that bit further to peer into the dimple where her hole nestled.

"Does my arsehole interest you then?" she muttered. "It's not sexy is it?"

"Of course it is Megan, all part of your genitals. It's lovely and a big turn on to lots of men," Jim assured her, flattening her buttocks crudely and stopping to lick at her orifice, making her squeal in protest.

He figured as she raised the subject he might as well open the conversation if not the actual entrance to her fundament. She wriggled as he blatantly persisted in exposing her bottom, chuckling at her protests, but finally letting her roll over and glower at him. Jim had seen enough of the wrinkled little pucker of tight muscles and liked what he saw.

"You could make a hell of a lot of money from that little hole alone Megan. Never mind your pussy. There are guys out there who worship bums and not bothered about pussies," he told her.

Megan's eyes stared in disbelief.

"You mean they fuck them....No!" she gasped, as his face nodded gravely. "Uurrghhh! That's dirty."

"It's true, honest," Jim added as he sat beside her. "It's OK to do it in there. There are ways of cleaning it, if that's what you're worried about."

"I do wash it," she declared fiercely.

"Yes I know you do my sweet," Jim reassured her. "Inside I mean. It all depends on when and what you've eaten. Anyway, let's not worry about that for the time being. How about giving me a blow job?"

Megan was at least reasonably proficient at gobbling Jim and he happily relaxed and let her do her stuff. It wasn't a momentous cum for him in terms of jism, but the effort for the fifty eight year old was well worth it and he hit a very high spot of ecstasy at the ultimate point. Megan actually expressed some concern over his panting and blowing, but he assured her he was alright.

She quizzed him again about anal sex and he explained that there were many areas and points on the body that could trigger superb sexual feelings and sensations. She listened intently, maybe because her hadn't handed over the cash as yet, but Jim noticed a growing interest and she let him illustrate his points about feet, ears and the neck. The youngster was blown out with the brief exhibition on her own body and quite enthusiastic in continuing the lessons.

Of course they did over weeks to come, but Jim's first task when she finally left his house was to run the video of her initiation. Every detail showed up from the camera he had so expertly set up. That would be his prized personal possession, together with continuing sessions as she learned his ways.

And so it developed. Jim had the pleasure of shaping the teenager to his mould and teaching her the finer things in sex and life. With Bob's careful monitoring of her supply at a drastically reduced scale of charge to Jim in exchange for a regular teeny fuck and blowjob, Megan was soon ensnared in Jim's trap.

The family disaster created massive problems for him, Megan and Bob as she and her sisters went off the rails, but their drug fuelled lifestyle was easily provided for and the Rhodes girls were gradually extracted from a life of poor, starving, degradation into one of high living. quality degradation. The dust finally settling, it didn't take long for little Cristabel to be initiated by her own sisters into the secret and highly lucrative life, sheltered by the so called safe house of Bob Bedale.

Soon the videos of them fucking with their clients were bringing in huge amounts of money from the particular clients themselves, eager to have a record of their sexual indulgences. All of the clients were persuaded to wear subtle expensive masks and escape identification, which allowed Jim and Bob to sell the videos to a select list of contacts.

As Jim knew from years back - it was all down to good contacts.

The end

The reviewing period for this story has ended.