Published: 12-Mar-2012
Word Count:
It was a warm summer's evening and I was enjoying some light gardening; just pottering about dead-heading the roses. One of the great joys of having remained single was that I could spend my time doing pretty much as I liked. A spot of gardening and then a dip in the pool; perfect! Suddenly I heard a faint sound, like a shrill childlike squeal. A tingle ran down my spine. That cute little girl who had just moved next door was getting another spanking.
The girl and her Mother had only moved in two weeks ago. I had caught sight of them arriving. The Mum was a neat looking professional woman; good looking but with a stern face and very few smiles. However, my interest was focussed on the girl. She was perhaps about twelve years old and was dressed in a small pair of tight white shorts and halter top. So very cute, she had shoulder length blond hair and her little bum stuck out nicely. I could see little forming breasts with their poking out nipples under her top. I couldn't help imagining her little bottom under her shorts being red and heavily marked. Just a pipe dream at the time, I thought. But over the next two weeks I began to realise my little dream was nearer to fact than fiction.
I got as close as possible to next door so that I could hear the spanking. Although it was muffled I could distinctly hear the cracks of maybe a hairbrush or paddle accompanied by the squeals and cries of the little girl. I could just imagine the girl bent over her Mother's knee with her panties down, maybe even naked. I could feel my cock start to harden. If only I could actually see what was happening or even just hear more clearly. From the sound of it her Mum must be really giving it to her hard. My new neighbours had only been in the house for two weeks but this was already the third time I had heard tell-tale spanking sounds. The woman was obviously a very strict Mum. After about four or five minutes the spanking stopped. I could just imagine the girl jumping about with a red swollen bottom. My cock was very hard and I needed to go inside and have a long hard wanking session to take care of it.
As I headed in I saw the woman emerge from next door. She was wearing a pair of gardening gloves and carrying some clippers and looked like she was going to do some pruning. She turned and saw me, then waved.
"Oh hello, my name's Angela. I'm your new neighbour." she said.
"Hi, I'm Alan." I said, approaching her with my hand outstretched for her to shake.
I was very aware that I still had an erect penis and just hoped she didn't notice. She took my hand and shook it.
"Sounds like you were having a little trouble!" I ventured.
"I beg your pardon?" she replied.
I wasn't so sure of my ground.
"Well, I just heard some sounds and, well, it just sounded like someone had been a bit naughty!" I said.
Angela laughed.
"Oh yes." she said, "That was Sarah. I adopted her a few years ago. Didn't do very well in school this week so I had to sit down and have a little 'chat' with her."
"Sounded like it was her bottom that was doing the listening!" I wondered aloud.
Angela looked me up and down, appraising me.
"What's your view on such things?" she asked.
"Well, to be honest," I said, "I'm a great believer in very firm discipline for children. I think nothing works better for a naughty child than a dose of severe bottom medicine."
"Mmmm." she smiled in agreement, "I can see you're a man after my own heart. You don't think a paddle spanking on the bare is too much for getting a C in school then?"
"Not at all!" I answered, "I'm sure she'll concentrate much harder next time."
"You see," she said, "that's the problem. I gave her the paddle last week for getting a C and she's just gone and done the same thing again."
"Perhaps something more severe is called for?" I suggested.
"Just what I thought! That's why I came out to cut a switch for her." she said smiling, holding up the clippers to illustrate the point. "The problem is I don't seem to have a good tree in my garden. I can see you have a nice willow over there. Is there any chance I could pop round and collect a switch for my naughty daughter?"
"Of course." I replied.
Angela was soon in my back garden selecting a suitable thin whippy stick from my willow tree. She eventually found one to her liking. It was three feet long, green and flexible and covered with buds. Without turning around Angela spoke to me.
"If you turn round and look, I bet we have an audience!"
I turned round and looked up at the window I had heard the noises coming from. Sure enough there was a cute tear stained little face looking out. As soon as she saw me looking little Sarah ducked down.
"Did you see her?" asked her Mum.
"Yes, she was looking." I confirmed.
"She'll get some more for that. I told her to stay face in the corner." Angela said grimly.
Angela and I wondered back to the house making small talk. Then she saw my swimming pool tucked around the side of the house.
"Oh a pool, how lovely!" she said "So nice in the summer, especially on hot days like these!"
"Yes, there's nothing like a nice swim." I agreed "You must come round and use it when you want."
"That would be so nice." she said gratefully "Actually, I wonder if I could bring Sarah round to use your pool tomorrow afternoon?"
"But of course." I agreed "I'd love to see you both."
"Till tomorrow then." she said and left.
I said goodbye to her and then took up position again to catch what sounds I could. A few moments later I heard clattering sound and the window to the bedroom was opened wide. I saw Angela's arm disappear back in. My cock throbbed, I was going to hear everything!
"You naughty girl! I told you to stay in the corner!" I heard Angela berating her daughter "I told you what would happen if you didn't get a B this week! I told you!"
"Mommy! Please Mommy! No Mommy! Don't! Please!" I heard Sarah pleading.
There was a moment's silence and then the switching started.
"Yeeeowww! Mommyeeee!" Sarah squealed.
"Waaaaaaah! It hurts!"
Then the switching seemed to become much more vigorous.
Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack!
"Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Waaaaaaaaaaah! Stop! Please! Mommyeeeeee!
Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack!
"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! You're hurting me! I'm sorryeeeeeeeee!"
Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack!
"Waaaaaaaaaaaaaah! I'll do better next week! I promise! Pleeeeeeeease!
Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack!
"Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Pleeeeeeeeease! Pleeeease! Stop! Mommyeeeeee! Don't!"
I couldn't stand the strain on my cock any longer. I pulled it out and started to stroke it as I listened to the hard switching of a naughty bare bottom and the pitiful wails of a well punished little girl. I came some time before the slashing switch finished cracking against the defenceless cheeks of its little victim. The howling and wailing of a well punished little girl carried on decorating the still evening air for some time to come.
The next day I couldn't wait for the afternoon. Would the punishment be mentioned or would Angela spare her little girl some blushes? Somehow I doubted the latter. I made all the preparations; cleaning the pool, laying out the sun-chairs and generally tidying up. An hour or so after lunch Angela brought Sarah round to use the pool. I could barely believe my eyes when I saw Sarah. She was dressed in a bright yellow micro bikini and her face was beet red with embarrassment as her mother paraded her in front of me. The bikini covered virtually nothing. The top consisted of small nipple sized bits of material that left Sarah's pubescent swollen little cones exposed. The bottoms were a thin g-string. The front just covered her slit but left the rest of her little swelling pussy showing and the back was a string that passed between her buttocks and was lost from view. The sight of this little pre-teen so temptingly dressed made my cock start to stiffen.
"Wow!" was all I could say.
"You like what you see?" asked Angela. "I bought it specially this morning because I thought you'd like it."
Angela shooed Sarah away.
"Sarah, go off and have a swim, dear. Leave your Uncle Alan and me to talk."
Angela and I took our seats under the sun shade. I had prepared some long cocktails for us and Angela gratefully accepted.
"You know," she said, "I saw you with your cock out last night while I was punishing Sarah!"
I almost choked on my drink.
"I'm terribly sorry! I don't know what came over me....." I started to bluster.
But Angela shushed me.
"No! Please! I completely understand. My fingers were up my own pussy at the time." she said.
I was stunned into momentary silence.
"Yes, I think you and I are a lot alike." she continued, "Nothing makes me feel hotter than hurting her little bum good and hard and listening to how she squeals and pleads. You should see the way she wriggles those wobbly little cheeks of hers when she's getting thrashed. It's completely obscene the way she shows herself off. You know, that's why I chose her when adopting. The orphanage did a line-up of ten year olds for me and Sarah here had the roundest, softest, fullest little bottom of the lot; just right for taking the kind of long hard bare bottom punishments that I like to give her."
Angela noticed that my shorts had become a tent as I listened to her.
"Gosh!" she giggled, "So you do like hurting little girls' bottoms?"
"Yes, very severely." I answered.
"Ooooo! Trust me," she said, "when I punish it's always severely. If Sarah's bum isn't swollen and nicely marked by the time I've finished then it's not been a proper punishment. You know I've got all sorts of things I use on her; paddles, canes, straps, brushes, you name it. You should hear her squealing when her bottom starts to blister. When she squeals like that it goes straight to my pussy. I'll tell you what! You've listened to me very patiently. Let me give you a treat."
Before I could say a thing she shouted out. "Sarah! Sarah! Come here girl!"
The red faced little girl reluctantly came to us.
"Now then, Sarah!" Angela said, "Your Uncle Alan wants to look at your bottom to see if the marks from your switching have gone yet. So I want you to turn round and touch your toes so he can see your bum."
Sarah's face went redder still and a little tear escaped from her eye. She was clearly very sensitive and this was just so humiliating for her. She turned her back to us and bent over. She was very flexible and bent double to touch her toes with no problem. Her little bum was lovely; firm full cheeks but still fleshy with puppy fat. I could see how Angela loved to keep punishing it. The bottom was a pale white with a hint of red behind it. I guessed it must colour up vividly during a thrashing. Looking at this little pre-teen bottom stuck out at me made my cock throb angrily.
"Can you see?" said Angela tracing a faint red line across Sarah's bottom, "That's all that's left of the switching. But when I'd finished yesterday her bum was so red you'd swear it had been roasted."
"Hmmm, you know," said Angela musingly, "I'm not sure these bikini bottoms fit properly. They seem a little tight."
Angela slipped her finger into the g-string running between Sarah's bottom cheeks and pulled it away to one side, exposing her daughter's little anal hole to me. Then she put both her thumbs into Sarah's bottom crease and spread the cheeks apart, opening up the little hole. It looked so cute, with the darker puckered skin around the outside and the pink of the hole inside. I could hear Sarah softly crying with the shame.
"Yes, it does look a little sore." said Angela, "We better have these right off!" and so saying she pulled the bikini bottoms right down her daughter's legs.
Now I could see the puffy little pubescent pussy bulging out between Sarah's legs. There was the odd stray wisp of hair but otherwise it was smooth and bare. The pink little lips were visible; just exposed like a delicate orchid.
"Boo hoo! Ooooo Mommy! Please don't! Don't let him see!" wept Sarah.
"Be quiet child!" Angela instructed, "Can't you hear? Adults are talking!"
Angela spread her daughter's darling little pussy hole for me. The tight coral inside was opened up so I could see inside her.
"You know, Sarah can get quite dry here!" said Angela, "I have to give her little front hole a good creaming session several times a week. But she's very naughty when I do it. Aren't you darling?"
"Boo hoo! Don't tell! Please Mommy! Don't tell him!" Sarah begged.
"Yes, she gets all excited, don't you darling? 'Oh Mommy, don't stop! Oh Mommy, rub it more! Oh, I'm getting that feeling! Rub faster!' You dirty little girl!" spat Angela, "And what happens then darling, after that nice feeling has all gone?"
"Boo hoo! Boo hoo! You whip my bottom!" Sarah sobbed bitterly.
"That's right darling! This naughty little bare bottom of yours' pays the price for your dirty dirty behaviour!" chided Angela.
"Stand up! Turn around! Hands on head!" instructed Angela.
Sarah did as she was told. I could see her cute body from the front now; her sweet bright red tearstained little face and her cute pussy nestling between her thighs. Angela grabbed hold of the bikini top.
"Let's take this off and show you to Uncle Alan naked!" she said, roughly pulling the top off.
"Boo hoo! Boo hoo! Boo hoo!" sobbed Sarah, thoroughly humiliated by her Mother.
"Look at these little girl breasts!" said Angela to me, pinching one of the little cones between her thumb and index finger. "She thinks she's growing up but she's such a child."
"Owww! Mommy! It hurts!" cried Sarah as her sensitive little nipple was squeezed.
"Sarah, go away and play now so that Uncle Alan and I can talk. Shoo! Buzz off!" Angela said, dismissing her miserably blubbering daughter.
The naked Sarah ran off to the other end of the pool and climbed into the water. Anything to hide her little body from our humiliating stares.
"Did you enjoy that?" Angela asked mischievously.
She slipped her hand down the front of my shorts and firmly grasped my rock hard cock.
"Mmmm, I can see you did!" she said.
I felt it was time to broach a sensitive subject.
"So tell me Angela, what's your view on sex punishments?" I asked.
"Hmmm! Depends what you mean?" she enquired.
"Well, what I had in mind was punishing Sarah sexually! You know, stretching her little holes with things! Making her take my cock!" I explained.
"Oooo Alan! Gosh! That sounds lovely!" Angela exclaimed, "If you could help me by punishing her with your cock I'd be so grateful! I do give her some big enemas and stretch her pussy with my fingers, but it's just not the same as a man like you sticking his big hard cock up her. I'll teach her to take your cock down her throat as well. I know you'll like that! My Daddy certainly did!"
"You had to make your Daddy happy then?" I enquired.
"Well Alan, it's like you say. It was all part of the punishment. When I was due to get my bottom thrashed Mum and Dad would take me up to my room. Mum would strip me naked and show me off to Dad to get him in the mood, just like I did for you with Sarah. Then she'd paddle and strap and cane my little bum until I didn't know my own name. And when I'd look over at Dad he'd have his trousers off and his big hard cock ready and waiting for me. When my Mum had finished with my bum then Dad would take over for part two of my punishment. That nasty big thing of his would go in all my holes. God, it hurt! When he stretched my little ass with it I used to cry like there was no tomorrow. Oh Alan, it's such a wonderful punishment for a little girl! I'm so wet thinking about it! You know, I have a sixth sense and I can just tell that any minute Sarah's going to do something silly and give us all the excuse we need."
Angela and I fixed Sarah with expectant stares.
We didn't have to wait long. A stream of cloudy blue appeared between Sarah's legs in the pool.
"It's a special dye." I explained to Angela, "It shows when someone urinates in the pool."
Sarah looked in horrified disbelief as the blue water spread all around her.
"Difficult to stop once you've started!" Angela wryly observed as she got up.
Sarah started to cry fearfully as both Angela and I walked down the side of the pool towards her.
"You dirty girl!" Angela started on her, "Weeing in Uncle Alan's pool! How dare you! He's going to have to clean it now! I'm going to let him see your punishment! All of it! And it's going to be a big one! Get out! Get out now!"
Sobbing and dripping with water Sarah climbed out of the pool. Angela grabbed Sarah's arm and started spanking her wet bum. The smacks were good and hard and made those lovely cheeks jiggle.
"How dare you wee like that! In front of everyone!" Angela scolded.
"Owww! Owww! Mommy! Nooooo!" cried Sarah as she danced around.
"Be quite girl! This is just a taster! Just wait until I get you inside!" Angela threatened.
"Yeeeowww! Owwwwuch! Pleeeeeease! I'm sorryeeeeee!" Sarah wailed.
"Get inside! Get inside now! I'm going to hurt your bottom! I'm going to hurt it so bad!" Angela promised.
"Waaaaaah! Boo hoo! Boo hoo! I'm sorreeey Mommy! Pleeeease don't whip me! Pleeeease! I'm sorryeeeeee!" Sarah sobbed and pleaded as Angela marched her daughter back to the awful fate that awaited her young bottom.
I watched the wobbling little cheeks covered with bright red handprints bouncing about as their young owner was dragged along by her Mum.
When we got inside Angela led the way up the stairs to Sarah's room. When we arrived Angela closed the curtains and sat on the edge of the bed.
"Sarah! Go and fetch your paddle!" she instructed.
Sobbing mournfully Sarah went to the chest of drawers and opened the top drawer. She reached in and withdrew her hand holding a heavy oval plywood paddle about the size of one of her bottom cheeks.
"Bring it here, darling." encouraged Angela.
Sarah walking hesitantly across to her Mum and with tears flooding down her face she handed the paddle over.
"Over my knee!" Angela said.
Sarah climbed over her Mum's knees so her body and legs were supported on the bed. Her bum was raised well up by her Mum's legs underneath her midriff. Angela took Sarah's hands in a vice like grip with her left hand. In her right hand she grasped the paddle. Sarah sensed her Mum was ready.
"Pleeease Mommyeee! Don't hurt me! I love you! I'll be good! I promise! Pleeeease! Not hard! Don't do it hard! I'm sorryeeeeeee!" Sarah whined through her tears.
"You dirty girl! Weeing in Uncle Alan's pool! I'll teach you a lesson you won't forget!" Angela told her.
Angela spanked Sarah's young bottom at full force with the paddle. The paddle smacks reverberated around the room like gun shots.
Sarah's wriggling bottom had already gone a deep red and Angela had started to work on her daughter's thighs.
Sarah's legs kicked wildly in all directions and I admired the view of her little holes as her Mum paddled her bottom and thighs.
"You deserve this, Sarah! You've brought it on yourself!" Angela lectured, "You're a dirty weeing little girl who needs her bare bottom to be whipped severely.
"No I won't! You've earned this, Sarah! I've not even begun yet! I'm going to really hurt you this time!"
Angela carried on spanking until Sarah's bum and thighs had received well over a hundred smacks with the paddle. The little girl's squeals and howls blotted out all other sound apart from the remorseless cracking of the paddle on unprotected bottom skin. Angela put the paddle down and released Sarah from her grasp. The moment she was released Sarah jumped up fanning her burning bum cheeks with her hands and then taking big handfuls and squeezing hard so the bottom squidged out between her open fingers. She pranced around the room wailing pitifully giving us a nice nude little girl dance to admire.
Angela guided Sarah over to a corner and stood her facing the corner with her hands on her head. Deprived of the privilege of bottom rubbing all Sarah could do was wave her stinging cheeks madly at us. It was so hot watching her! My cock was hard and leaking pre-cum. Angela came and stood next to me and slipped her hand into my pants taking hold of my cock. She wanked it slowly.
"What should I do with her next?" she asked breathlessly.
"Hmmm! Well, I think perhaps the cane. But her bum really needs to recover a bit first for the cane to hurt properly. Maybe an enema while we wait!" I suggested.
"Ooooo yes! An enema and then the cane! That sounds good!" exclaimed Angela.
She turned to Sarah and spoke to her.
"Sarah, your Uncle Alan noticed how dirty your bottom hole was when I showed to him earlier. He said it smelt! I'm going to give you a good hot enema now to clean it up. Get to the bathroom!"
All the way, as we followed her to the bathroom, Sarah cried and pleaded with her Mum.
"Boo hoo! Don't Mum! Oh, please don't! Boo hoo! Don't do that to me in front of him! Please! I'll be so good! Boo hoo! I'll get A's in all my tests! I'll do whatever you want! Boo hoo! Don't let him see! Don't let him watch! Pleeeeease! Boo hoo!"
When we reached the bathroom Angela started to make the preparations. The enema bag was filled with good hot water and hung up. Then Angela took out the nozzle. Sarah started to shake and weep when she saw it. The bulbous tip was shaped like the end of a penis with a hole for the water to pass through and was a good inch and a half in diameter. Angela took a tube of lubricating gel and began to spread it liberally over the scary big nozzle. When she was done she connected up the hose to the nozzle. Then she turned to Sarah.
"Kneel down and hold onto the side of the bath! You know what to do! Make sure you keep that bottom up for Mommy!" Angela said.
Sobbing miserably Sarah did as she was told. Her back dipped and her cute little swollen red bum pushed itself up at us presenting the little anus for her Mother's attention.
Angela stooped over her daughter and rested the big penis shaped nozzle against the tight little rosebud.
"Hold onto the bath darling," Angela said gleefully, "Mommy's going to start pushing now!"
I watched as the nozzle pushed into the soft puckered skin surrounding the bottom hole. At first it seemed as though the hole would never accommodate such a large intruder. Angela pushed harder still until it seemed the skin could stretch no further. Then Angela gave the nozzle a cruel little twist. The bottom hole opened up like a little mouth around the first inch of the nozzle.
"Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Take it out! Pleeeeeeeeeease!" wailed Sarah.
Angela pushed the remainder of the nozzle up her little daughter's bottom. As the bulbous end of the nozzle passed into the hole the muscle closed the hole up around it like the little mouth sucking on a lollipop.
"Boo hoo! Boo hoo! It's too big! It hurts! Take it out! Pleeeeeeeease! Mommyeeeeeeee!" Sarah cried.
"Sarah, stand up and put your hands on your head!" Angela instructed.
Shakily Sarah got up, the enema tube snaking out from between her bottom cheeks. She looked so cute standing there with her paddled red bottom, naked and crying, waiting for her enema to begin. Angela opened the valve.
"Owwwwww! It's hot! Mommyeeeeeeeee! Stop! It's burning me! Owwwwwwwww!" Sarah sobbed.
"Be quiet darling! Naughty little girls get hot enemas to teach them to behave!" Angela smiled.
"Pleeeeeeeease! Mommyeeeeeeeee! It's too hot! Stop it! Pleeeeeeeeeease! No more! I'll be good now!" Sarah pleaded as she wriggled and danced while the hot water filled her bottom.
"Sarah, you're going to take it all and that's an end to it! Be quiet or you'll regret it!" Angela threatened.
Wriggling and sobbing with tears dripping down her face Sarah's bottom accepted the large hot enema. Angela closed the valve and rubbed her daughter's large distended tummy. She turned and looked up me smiling.
Sarah started to wriggle and bend.
"Mommy! Please! Let me go! I have to go! My tummy hurts! Please!" she begged.
"This is part of the punishment!" Angela reminded, "You have to keep it in so you can learn a proper lesson! If you think you're dry between your legs I'll put some cream on for you! I know that helps with the cramping! Do you want me to do that? But you have to promise to be good and not get excited!"
"Ooooo Mommy! Does he have to see? Don't let him see!" Sarah pleaded.
"It was Uncle Alan's pool you wee'd in! Remember? So he gets to see everything. Do you want to be creamed? Stop those nasty cramps?" Angela tempted her daughter.
"Yes please Mommy!" Sarah said blushing and looking away from me.
"Promise you won't get excited?" asked Angela.
"I promise Mommy! I'll be good!" whispered Sarah.
Angela fetched the tube of lubrication gel and squeezed a good quantity into her right hand. Sarah watched her Mum preparing and I saw her little nipples go hard. However much she had promised not to get excited, her little body was already starting to arouse in anticipation of the pleasure to come at the end of her Mother's fingers.
Angela slipped her hand between Sarah's legs and began to massage the little girl's pussy. Sarah's little tongue peeped out of her mouth and she began to sway in time with her Mum's busy hand. The fingers hovered around the erect little clit and sensitive opening to the vagina. Sarah had started panting.
"Shall I cream up inside you?" whispered Angela.
"Oh yes Mommy! Yes please!" gasped Sarah breathlessly.
"Promise me you're not getting excited!" demanded Angela, "You know what will happen if you do!"
"I promise Mommy! I'm not! Really!" lied Sarah.
Angela's fingers started to slip up Sarah's little pussy hole and the flat of the thumb started to graze across the clit. Sarah was well and truly hooked on her Mother's fingers now.
"I think it's time I stopped now! You've had enough cream!" Angela teased and started to move her hand away.
"No! Please Mommy! Keep rubbing! Please!" gasped Sarah.
Angela whispered softly to her daughter, "You're a dirty girl, Sarah! I told you not to get excited! I'm going to cane you so hard for this! Really hard!"
Angela's fingers kept on wanking her little daughter's pussy.
"Ooooo, the feeling! The feeling's coming Mommy! Rub faster! Please! Rub it faster!" begged Sarah.
Angela's fingers became a blur and the slick squelchy sounds of a super-excited little pussy being vigorously masturbated filled the room.
"Ahh! Ahh! The feeling's here!" blurted Sarah.
Her young body stiffened and shook as a first class little girl orgasm ripped through her. As Sarah came off her high Angela moved her to the toilet and removed the nozzle. Sarah evacuated as her Mum flushed the toilet and cleaned her up.
"Sarah, bend over and show Uncle Alan your bottom!" Angela said.
Keen to demonstrate how good she was going to be Sarah bent over with her hands on her knees and stuck her bottom right out. Angela pulled the cheeks apart and showed me clean little anus gaping open.
"That's going to feel so nice for you later!" Angela breathlessly whispered to me; then she took Sarah by the ear.
"Time for the cane now, Sarah!" she said and began to drag the weeping girl back to the bedroom.
Back in the bedroom Sarah was weeping with fear at her impending whipping.
"Go and fetch the cane!" Angela instructed.
Sarah went to the drawer and took out a two and a half foot cane. It was made of yellow bamboo and looked cruel and whippy.
"Not that one!" laughed Angela, "That's for babies! You're too old for that now! Bring me your new one!"
Sobbing bitterly Sarah put the cane back in the drawer and took out another. It was a monster! Three and a half foot long, very thin, made of hard dark flexible wood, it looked a fearsome weapon.
"Bring it to me!" instructed Angela.
Sarah slowly trooped the cane to her waiting Mum.
"Bend over and touch your toes!" Angela said.
Sarah did as she was told. She presented her bum perfectly stuck out and tight with the holes nicely spread, all ready for the cane. It was a lovely sight. Angela lined up the first stroke but before she started she turned and smiled at me.
"Why don't you slip your trousers and pants off while I do this?" she said, "That way you can be ready for when I've finished."
The first stroke, right across the meatiest part of the little bum!
"Don't be silly Sarah! It's not cutting you! It just stings a lot more!" Angela said but her words were drowned out by Sarah's squealing.
Sarah's hands came up to cover and rub her bum. Clasping the cheeks she stamped her legs up and down.
"Get those hands away, Sarah!" Angela ordered, "I'll start at the beginning if you don't! You're half way through now! Another ten to go!"
"NO! NO MORE! PLEASE! MOMMYEEEEEEEEEEE! DON'T HURT ME ANYMORE!" Sarah said her hands reluctantly moving away to uncover her bum.
Her red welted bum wriggled madly in front of me showing off her little holes like the best sex show in town. My cock bobbed up and down as I watched. Pre-cum dripped from the end.
Sarah took off like a rocket. Her hands clutched to her bum as she ran round the room shrieking at the top of her voice. Spilling out between her hands her bottom was dark red, swollen and covered with an excruciating mass of crisscrossing cane marks. Angela had taken off her skirt. She was wearing no panties and her pussy was shaved. Her hands were between her legs wanking herself as she watched her daughter cavorting around the room.
Angela came and stood next to me and put her mouth next to her ear so that I could hear her over the howls of her daughter.
"Darling," she said, "Before you start on her I need to ask you a big favour."
"Of course! What do you need?" I encouraged.
"Well, you see, it's this new job I've got." Angela explained, "I need to go on business trips, sometimes several weeks at a time. And I need someone to look after Sarah when I'm gone. Someone who knows how I want her looked after. Someone who would appreciate the special privileges I would offer them. Punishment and sex privileges, darling! All for you! As much as you want! Will you look after her for me? Please!"
"I'll look after her just the way you would want me to!" I answered.
"Oh thank you, Alan. I think Sarah's ready for part two of her punishment now!" said Angela, offering her daughter to me.
"Sarah, bend over and stick your bum out!" I said, "I'm going to put my willy into your wee hole and your bottom hole.
"Oooo, Uncle Alan! Don't! It'll hurt!" sobbed Sarah.
"Of course it'll hurt, you silly! It's part of the punishment!" I explained, "You are going to be good and do as I say, aren't you? You don't want any more cane, do you?"
"No Uncle! Please! I'll be good! Look, I've bent over for you so you can put your willy in me now!" Sarah blubbered.
I bent my legs, took my rock hard cock in my hand and guided it into her pussy. It was tight but I squeezed three inches up her.
"Yeow! Boo hoo! Boo hoo! It hurts! It's too big! Take it out!" she sobbed.
I started to push my cock in and out of her.
I pulled my cock out and put the end up against her pre-stretched ass hole.
"Don't! Not there! Pleeeeease Uncle! Boo hoo! Your willy's too big! It won't fit! Pleeeeeease! Don't" Sarah pleaded desperately.
I pushed my cock hard against her anus and felt the tight muscular hole yielding. As the hole opened I drove my cock hard up the little bottom. It felt so hot and tight, the muscle spasms milking me as I pushed in.
I began to pound my cock up her ass, her little cheeks slapping against my tummy. Angela was wanking her pussy furiously.
"That's it, Sarah!" she shouted, "You're being properly punished now! Uncle Alan's big willy up your bum! I'm going to teach you how to take his big willy down your throat! Teach you to kiss his bottom hole! Make you learn how sex punishments hurt!"
I could feel my orgasm starting, right at the base of my penis, in the prostate and then the whole of my body surging as I pumped squirt after squirt of sperm up the little girl's bum. After my climax had passed I pulled out of the sobbing twelve year old. There was a plop as my cock exited and I watched the anal hole closing up. Angela came and stood next to me.
"I'm off to Asia in a week's time. Is it OK for you to take Sarah for a week?" she asked.
"Sure!" I said, "Can't wait!"
I stood at my front door with Sarah as we watched her Mum get into the taxi. Sarah was wearing the cute little halter top I had first seen her in and a pair of tight fitting jeans. I slipped my hand down the back of her jeans and inside her panties. My hand started to fondle her bum cheeks and my middle finger slipped between them to stroke her anus. She wriggled uncomfortably as she waved goodbye to her Mum. As the taxi disappeared from sight I closed the front door. Just inside the door was a small suitcase containing Sarah's clothes for the week and cardboard box with its flaps closed. Inside were the contents of the Sarah's top drawer and some specially selected items from the bathroom. I watched Sarah turn and look at the box. It was like her eyes were drawn there by magnets. Her head fell; she knew now it was just her alone with me and every single one of her punishment implements. She turned and looked up at me; those lovely eyes watery with tears.
"Please don't hurt me, Uncle Alan." she said.
"Your Mummy said I was to punish you hard every day!" I reminded her.
"Oh please Uncle! I'll be so good! Couldn't you at least let me off some of my punishments?" she begged.
"How good will you be?" I asked.
"I'll be really good, Uncle! I promise I will! I could, well, you know, do the things you like, make you feel nice!" she made the offer her pretty little eyes searching mine for a positive response.
"Tell me what I like, Sarah!" I demanded.
Sarah gulped and the tears started to trickle.
"Boo hoo! You like hard sex with little girls, Uncle. Punishment sex that hurts and makes them cry." she said.
"You don't want me to open the box, do you Sarah?" I asked.
"Boo hoo! No Uncle! Boo hoo! I'll be good whilst you do punishment sex on me! Boo hoo! I promise!" she sobbed.
"Take all your clothes off now, Sarah!" I instructed.
Sobbing miserably Sarah first took off her top so I could admire her budding breasts, then her jeans and socks and finally her panties. The pretty little girl stood naked in front of me. My cock was very hard and keen to make this compliant young girl serve it.
"Sarah," I said "I'll let you off your punishment tonight if you can get my willy down your throat and make it squirt its stuff down there."
"Yes Uncle! I'll do what you say! I'll make your willy squirt really nicely!" she promised, "Please Uncle, would it be OK if I had a bucket? Only when Mum's been teaching me this week I've been sick sometimes when she's put the plastic willy too far down!"
I took Sarah up to the bathroom. If things were going to get messy it was the best room to be in. I stripped off, closed the toilet lid, put a towel on the toilet, put a bucket under the front of the toilet and sat down. Sarah went down on her knees in front of me.
"Please Uncle! You won't cane me tonight if I make you squirt, will you?" she asked softly.
"That's down to how well you perform, young lady!" I replied.
She took the base of my cock in her right hand and guided it into her mouth. It looked so good, my cock disappearing into that shy young girl's face. The tears flowed as she started to push my cock deep into her mouth until it started to hit the back of her throat. Then my fun really began. Ten minutes later my cock and balls were soaked with the sticky drool coming out of Sarah's mouth. It dripped in long strands off my balls into the bucket. Sarah hadn't been sick but she was gagging on my cock badly. Her eyes bulged and tears dripped out as she tried once again to force my cock down her throat.
"Guuuurak! Gak! Cuuurph! Gak!" the noises came from her throat as her sweet mouth issued more drool over my balls.
She withdrew the cock a little and began to bob her head up and down vigorously letting my sensitive bell end enter her throat.
"Gak! Slurrrp! Gak! Sloooo! Gak! Slurp! Slurp! Gak! Gaaaaaaaak! Gak!" she sang to me.
Then another long desperate go to get all my cock down her throat. I was near to coming now. It felt so damn good and looked and sounded so hot! She was rubbing the skin up and down on the base of my cock now; wanking me into her mouth as her head nodded up and down.
"Sarah, I'm going to squirt now. Don't stop or I'll give you the worst caning you've ever had!" I told her.
Then I came explosively; squirt after squirt of thick cum into her mouth. Her head still moving but unable to swallow it all it started to bubble out round her mouth and I was still coming. Slowly I relaxed. Still crying Sarah sat back from her long job. Her face and hair were quite a mess. I got in the shower with her and washed her off before sending her to bed. There was a whole week of the most enjoyable practices left for me.
Throughout the week I had Sarah keep a little diary of her punishments. I wanted a record for her Mum and a little memento of the visit for me. We had arranged that at eight 'o' clock on Friday night Angela would ring to check on progress and see if she needed to return that week. I had Sarah stripped naked and standing with her diary ready to brief her Mum on the week's activities. I had set the phone to speaker so that we could all hear each other. Bang on time Angela rang. I touched a button and Angela's voice came over the speaker.
"Hi, how are you both?" she asked.
"Yes, doing fine." I answered.
"And how's my little girl doing?" Angela enquired.
"I'm OK Mummy, but Uncle Alan hurts me! He....." Sarah couldn't finish because Angela cut in.
"I wasn't talking to you child! I was asking your Uncle Alan if you're being good and keeping his willy happy?"
Sarah began to cry.
"Well, I'm certainly giving her a fair mix of bottom and sex punishments!" I said, "But she still needs a lot of practice!"
"If she doesn't perform well during sex then whip her bottom good and hard! She'll soon learn to improve!" suggested Angela.
"What a good idea!" I agreed, "I've had Sarah keep a little diary of this week. I just want her to read through it for you so you can check I'm looking after her properly. Sarah, you may start reading."
I slipped my hand between Sarah's legs and started to play with her pussy. With a shaky voice and the tears slipping down her red blushing face Sarah began to read.
"Sunday night: I put Uncle Alan's willy into my throat and made him squirt down there. I didn't swallow all his stuff.
Monday morning: Uncle Alan spanked me with the paddle for not swallowing all his stuff. It was the big paddle with holes and I got blisters.
Monday night: Uncle Alan stretched open my bottom hole with his willy. He pushed it in and out for ages. I cried all night.
Tuesday afternoon: Uncle Alan said I had been naughty and had to be punished hard. He spanked me with the strap and then caned me really hard. I cried and screamed 'cause it hurt so much.
Tuesday night: Uncle Alan got into bed with me and said he wanted a sexy time. I had to lie facing him so he could push his whole willy up my front hole. He kept pushing it into me really hard whilst I cried.
Wednesday evening: Uncle Alan spanked me with the paddle and strap. Then I had to put his willy in my throat until he squirted. This time I swallowed all his stuff.
Thursday morning: Uncle Alan spanked me with the hairbrush. Then I had to put his willy in my throat again and swallow more of his stuff.
Thursday night: Uncle Alan strapped me hard and then gave me a nasty enema. I was really good for him whilst he stretched my bottom hole with his willy. I really stuck my bottom nicely out for it so he could push it in harder.
Sarah hesitated, my finger circled her clit.
"Tell Mummy what's happening." I instructed.
"Ooooo Mommy! I don't have any clothes on and Uncle Alan's touching me between the legs like you do when you cream me!"
"You're not getting excited, are you?" Angela asked.
"Please Mommy! I can't help it! I just can't!" sobbed Sarah.
"Tell Mummy when you start to get the feeling." Angela said.
For the next minute Angela stayed quiet whilst she listened to the gasps and stifled moans of her naughty daughter whose little pussy wriggled on the end of my finger.
"Oooooooooo Mommyeeeeeeeee!" she cried, "The feeling's almost here! Uncle, rub it faster! Rub faster! Pleeeeeeeease!"
I obliged, my fingers becoming a blur. She grabbed my arm keeping it in place in case I pulled away at the crucial moment.
"Ahhh! Ahhh! The feeling! Mommy! Ahhh! The feeling's here! Ahhh!"
I slowly removed my finger. For a moment there was silence apart from Sarah's panting.
Then I spoke, "So Angela, how do you think I should punish Sarah tonight?"
Angela responded in clipped tones, "I'm glad you asked me that. Her teacher emailed me today. Her performance at school was bad again. She needs a really big punishment. I recommend the bath brush, sex punishment in her mouth, the cane and sex punishment in her bottom."
"OK!" I responded, "I'll see to it she gets that."
"Excellent." Angela replied, "I can see my little girl is in good hands. I can stay here for another week safe in the knowledge she is being properly cared for."
"That's great! I'll talk to you next week." I said.
"OK, bye then." she said and the line went dead.
I turned and looked at Sarah. She was crying and shaking, her little hands clutched to her bottom protectively. She knew her soft sensitive rear cheeks were really going to be hurt tonight.
I led the sobbing naked girl up to my bedroom. This was going to be a hard intimate punishment session.
"Sarah, fetch the bath brush and the 'big girl' cane!" I said.
Snivelling, Sarah went to the box and took out the bath brush. Its long handle and big smooth back made it a fearsome implement. Sarah sobbed fitfully as she held it up for me to see.
"Yes, that's right!" I said, "And the cane as well. Your new 'big girl' cane! I'm going to really hurt that little bottom of yours tonight. I bet you cry all night after I've finished with you!"
"Boo hoo! Boo hoo! Oh Uncle, don't! Please don't hurt me so much! I'll be good for you whilst you give me sex punishments! I promise! Pleeeeease! I'll do the sex things you really like! Don't whip me hard! Pleeeeeeeeease!" Sarah begged.
"Come on Sarah! Bring the cane and bath brush to me!" I said, "Then we can have a little chat about how hard I'm going to punish you."
Sobbing mournfully Sarah brought the dreaded instruments to me. She stood naked in front of me holding out the cane and bath brush for me to take. I admired her little pubescent body. She saw me looking and shuffled her feet apart and pushed her hips forward to give me a better view of her pussy.
"You can touch if you want!" she offered.
"Maybe later!" I smiled, "Get over my knee now. Let's see how many blisters this bath brush can raise!"
"Don't blister me! Please! Oh Uncle Alan! No blisters! Pleeeeeeeeease!" she wailed as she crawled over my lap.
She lay down, her body weight pushing softly against my erect cock. She pushed up her cute little ass to make the perfect spanking target. Her cheeks bulged out, splitting so that I could see her little holes.
"I'll be a good girl! I'll keep my bum up and take my spanking! You don't have to do it so hard then! Pleeeeeeeeease! Boo hoo! I'll be good! I promise!" Sarah pleaded miserably.
I grasped the bath brush about two thirds of its length away from the head. To use the full length I would have to stand up and away from her and I wanted her over my knee for this. Sarah's cute little bum waggled delectably under my nose.
Loud meaty smacks on her bottom cheeks. The long handle of the brush meant this was the hardest spanking her bottom got. Big red spank spots appeared every time the brush landed. The darling little girl made my cock tingle with her squeals and cries.
That cheeky wriggly bum getting was getting redder and redder as its little owner shrieked more and more.
She wriggled and writhed over my lap. Her bum cheeks were nicely red now and her legs kicked wildly as I spanked away.
The length of the brush handle meant the spanks were laid on with real force. The little bum was dark red now. Any moment now the sensitive skin would reward the screaming little girl with her first blister.
I saw the first blister, a small white dot just below the crown of her right buttock. I stopped and let her scramble off my lap. She grabbed her scalded cheeks and danced around the room.
As I watched her cock tingling performance I stripped off my trousers and pants. Sarah knew only too well what her Mum had suggested next; sex punishment in the mouth. My quivering cock couldn't wait.
As Sarah's howls quietened I spoke to her.
"Get on your knees in front to me!" I said.
"Boo hoo! Yes Uncle!" she responded and knelt down trying to reach for my cock to put it in her mouth.
"No Sarah!" I said, "I want you to sit back, look right up at the ceiling and open your mouth wide!"
"OK, Uncle!" came a small frightened voice.
Sarah didn't know what I was doing but she had guessed it wasn't going to be nice. I stood above Sarah, angled my cock down and fed it down her throat.
"Gluuuuuuurk! Gak-k-k-k!" the noises started.
I straightened my knees and lifted my cock out.
"Cuuurph! Cough! Please Uncle! Not like that! I can't take it! Please!"
I bent my knees and my cock descended down her gullet again.
I lifted it out. Sarah gasped for breath. I lowered again, this time right down. For the first time the whole of my length was in her mouth.
"Garrrrack! Cough! Splutter!" she spat, "Boo hoo! Uncle Alan, please! Not like this! Don't do it like this! Boo hoo! Let me do it! I'll take it all down for you! Boo hoo! I promose!"
I lowered myself all the way in again. Her crying frightened eyes looked up at me. This was a proper punishment! For the next five minutes my cock slid up and down Sarah's throat, teaching her how to please my whole length. When I withdrew for the final time Sarah wept despairingly. She could see my cock jerking as I picked up the cane. "Please don't cane me!" she sobbed.
"Sarah, you better be good or it's going to be much harder!" I threatened, "Now, stand up, touch your toes and stick that bum out!"
"Boo hoo! Yes Uncle! Please don't do it hard! Pleeeeeeeeeease!" she begged.
Sarah's shaking little body stood up and she bent double. She moved her feet apart and pushed her tummy in so that her bum cheeks splayed apart showing off her holes.
"Please Uncle! Is this OK? Is this how you want me bent?" she sobbed.
"Oh yes, Sarah! That will do nicely!" I grinned as I lined up the first stroke.
A cruel thin vivid red line appeared across the already dark red bottom cheeks.
Her little feet stamped and she tried desperately not to rub the excruciating lines.
"YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! AHHHHHHH! IT HURTS!" she cried at the top of her voice.
The little hands came up, unable to resist any longer, rubbing and squeezing at the pain, opening and closing the little holes for me.
"Hands!" I said sharply.
"BOO HOO! BOO HOO!" she cried, moving her hands away, "IT STINGS! IT HURTS! BOO HOO!"
Her hands came up again grabbing and dragging apart the cheeks as she waved her bum, pussy and anus at me. My cock dripped a thin clear line of pre-cum. Soon I would need to give Sarah the final punishment her Mum had handed down.
"Get those hands down, Sarah! I'll start again from the beginning if you don't!" I promised.
The hands reluctantly withdrew and Sarah stuck her little bum out to make me happy again.
"You can rub now!" I said.
As Sarah treated me to the howling hole showing dance I had grown to love I took the tube of lubricating gel from the bedside table. I squeezed a line down the length of my cock and smoothed it over, making sure there was plenty covering the tip. I sat down on the edge of the bed.
"Sarah, come her and sit in my lap!" I instructed her.
"Boo hoo! Uncle! It's going to hurt!" she cried, eyeing my huge erection.
"Do you want me to try your mouth again?" I asked.
Tears dripping from her face she shook her head and slowly walked to where I sat. I spread my legs and she turned her back to me, moving back so her punished bottom rested against my chest.
"Sit down now!" I told her.
"Boo hoo! Boo hoo!" she wailed, as she slid her bum down my chest and tummy towards her painful anal fate.
I grasped my cock and moved it until the tip was resting against her anus.
"Sit on it! I want it all in!" I said sternly.
I felt her weight starting bear down on me as she impaled her tight little hole on my hard cock.
"Boo hoo! Boo hoo! It hurt! It's too big!" she whined.
I could feel the sphincter giving way, any moment now! Then the whole of my cock head and the first couple of inches were in.
"Waaaaaaaaaah! I'm sorryeeeeeeeee! I'll be good now! Take it out! Pleeeeeeeeeease!" she begged.
I pushed her feet out from under her and suddenly the whole of my length was in her.
"Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" she howled.
I started to bounce her up and down in my lap pumping my cock in and out of her.
"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Noooooo! Stop it! Uncle! Pleeeeeeeeease! Stop it!" she pleaded.
Her body moved up and down as I bounced her, a good three inches of my cock was exposed every time she went up. My orgasm was so close I could taste the tingling in my mouth. My cock bulged with the extreme hardness that foretells the first sign and then my whole body was rigid as I filled her bottom with powerful orgasmic jets of cum.
When I had finished cumming I sat spent with her still in my lap and my cock up her bum.
"Please Uncle, can I get off now?" she asked.
I stroked her body gently.
"Not yet darling." I said, "That was for your poor performance at school. We still have to talk about you being a dirty little girl when your Mummy was on the phone!"
Sarah felt my cock jerk in her rectum and start to stiffen again. She began to sob loudly.
Dark Dad
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