Published: 10-Mar-2012
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Author's Profile
Some of the following events may contain graphic descriptions of sexual acts between men and MINOR boys Any resemblance to any particular boy, man, teenager, penis or other anatomical part is just your over-active imagination.
Some of the following story may depict unprotected sex. You are reality. Practice safe sex. I do not condone either incest or child abuse, however boy-love-sex as described in the following experiences are a matter of fact and I make no excuse for what happened to me in the past.
I do not recall much, in 1949, about Mrs. Dutton, my fourth grade teacher. She was more business-like and did not do anything that caused me to remember much about that year. She was a nice stout lady who seemed to follow the book and did not improvise much. I only have a glimmer of remembrance about her. It could have been, at that age, I was more interested in other things, than to remember the teacher.
At age nine, I was making a few close friends, something I had not done much before. Cousin Bob was in my class and he was buddies with Drew and Steve. I was often invited to associate with them through Cousin Bob. At first, it seemed I might be imposing on their friendship with Cousin Bob. It was not long before they came to associate with me independent of Cousin Bob. That meant I had friends of my own. In later years, we each came close in different ways.
My ninth birthday was much the same as my eighth, except having more friends to enjoy it with and it was not a surprise. Perhaps it was becoming a tradition for my family and the school to have birthday parties there. Other boys and girls had the same.
Soon came the yearly Thanksgiving/Christmas family holiday gathering of 1949. That made me the old age of nine and nearly at the age of changing into young manhood. As usual, family members gathered early and stayed over for the nights. Cousin Ronnie was fifteen then and quite a good-looking young man. He was one to tease the girls and talk about girl friends from a school across the city.
When it came time for bed, Ronnie was not around. I thought it a bit strange since he usually stayed up later than I would. I excused myself and went to my room. To my surprise, Ronnie was in my bedroom and not alone. Robbie, a distant cousin of his, was there with him. Robbie was about twelve at the time. They were both in bed under the covers and not sleeping. As I entered the room, I could tell they were very active under the bed covers. I did not know the kind of activity they were up to at that time.
Ronnie asked if I minded if Robbie and he stayed in my room for the night. There were a few more people that year than before, and it seemed a reasonable request. There was more room in my bed so I did not care. I recall Ronnie could have forced the issue if he wanted.
When I got undressed, I thought with Robbie there, I would not have anything to stay awake for. I went to the bathroom, came back and found Ronnie on top of Robbie. I did not think much of it as boys do play around. However, when I pulled the covers down to get into bed, I could see that Ronnie was not just playing with Robbie. Ronnie was poking his penis into the rear of Robbie and they both seemed to be enjoying it. You would think I might have interrupted things, but they continued for some time.
I was excited about that turn of events. What a thing to see. A boy doing that to another boy. My body shivered with excitement as I continued to quietly watch in amazement. That was quite an experience for a boy of my age to see.
When Ronnie finished, he rubbed my erection, put on his undershorts and went to the bathroom. Robbie looked at me for a minute before speaking, "What are you thinking?"
I told him, "I 'm not sure".
He asked, "Would you like to try it".
I asked, "What do you mean?"
He asked, "Would like to try taking me in your rear?"
I thought a few seconds before I asked, "Would it hurt?"
He assured me, "It might, a little bit, at first, but it will be worth it."
Being younger than Ronnie, he had a smaller penis. I gave it some thought about the thrill of the experience and said, "I will be willing to try it if it doesn't hurt."
Ronnie came back and asked, "How are you doing with all the excitement?"
I told him, "I am excited". He noticed I was excited with my little erection showing through my undershorts. I told him, "I do not seem to be able to control it."
Robbie explained the conversation he and I had while Ronnie was out of the room. Ronnie agreed, "You should try it for yourself to know how it feels. You can do the same to me to see how it feels. I would be willing to do it to you if you feel strange toward Robbie doing it to you".
I thought it might be easier to do it with Robbie since his was penis smaller than Ronnie. Ronnie agreed with my thinking.
Robbie began to lubricate his stiff penis with something, while Ronnie slid off my undershorts and laid me face down on the bed. Ronnie adjusted a couple of pillows under my midsection and moved me to the edge of the bed, so my legs were down toward the floor, and so that Robbie's penis could comfortably reach my rectum.
Robbie took his finger with some lubricant and put it slightly into my rectum. It felt cold to the touch. He placed his hand on my right hip as he came to touch my rectum with his hard, hot penis and guided it with his left hand. He pressed closer into me and I could feel his penis penetrable my rectum. I felt a little pressure, like a large bowel movement at first until he slipped it in farther. He slowly pushed in, further and further, until he was able to back out some, and then move in and out. He continued in and out until he suddenly pushed in and sighed, "Okay" and caused a warm feeling in my rectum as he climaxed.
Robbie pulled out and went to the bathroom to clean up; Ronnie turned me over and sucked me. Robbie coming in seeing the activity, promptly placed his penis near Ronnie so as to distract him. After I had my thrill, Ronnie finished with me and we went to bed enjoying the closeness of our naked bodies until we feel asleep.
Ralph looked in on us later. When he touched me, I assumed it was one of the boys, until I see Ralph in the hallway light. He kissed us good night and left closing the door behind him. It made me feel good knowing that Ralph was able to heal me from the loss of Father without trying to replace him.
Early in February 1950, Joe Burns came over for a meeting with Ralph, as he often did. That particular time their meeting ran into the evening and with a bad winter storm, Ralph asked Joe to stay over until the roads would be better in the morning. Mother was familiar enough with Joe that she allowed his stay.
Ralph asked if I would be willing to show Joe around upstairs on the third floor. After dinner and socializing for a time, Joe and I went up to the spare room where he was to sleep down the hall from my room. I then showed him to the bathroom and washing facilities.
I proceeded to my room and left him at his room and changed for bed. After changing, I used the bathroom and as a rule did not lock the door. As I finished washing up, Joe entered to use the shower. He took his time and used the toilet first. We visited a few minutes before I left to go back to my room.
In a few minutes, I heard the shower water running and thought I heard the door at the bottom of the stairs close. It seemed a little strange that Joe would go downstairs and leave the shower water on. Presently I heard the bathroom door close as if someone else had gone in there. For the next many minutes, I laid on the edge of my bed and read until I dozed off a little.
I was awoken by a conversation coming from hall, and then I heard footsteps on the stairs and the closing of the door at the foot of the stairs. It seemed that Joe had gone downstairs until I heard him in the room next to mine. I then suspected that Ralph had visited with Joe and had just left.
As I got up to shut off the light and get into to bed, I heard Joe knock at the door. He said, "Hello. You still awake?"
I said, "Come in, Joe."
Joe entered my room dressed in his trousers and socks. His chest was as I had seen it before. There was a small amount of fine hair between his breasts with two small pink nipples. His hair seemed a little thicker than before, but still a light blonde.
Joe smiled at me and asked, "Were you in bed?"
I told him, "I was just about to shut off the light and get into the bed."
He said, "Good. I was about to do the same and wanted to know if you would like to keep me company for the night".
I had given it much hopeful thought until then. He smiled at me with his beaming face and radiant blue green eyes. It was difficult for me to say no so I jumped at the opportunity to keep him company.
Because of the cold temperatures, snow and wind the house was a little cool, I wore my complete set underwear. I followed Joe next door to his room. He closed the door, sat on the edge of the bed and removed his socks. We chatted a couple of minutes before he stood up, said, "I am ready for bed," and removed his trousers.
To my pleasant surprise, Joe wore nothing under his trousers. He stood there with his cut nearly soft penis hanging down against his pair of yellow blonde haired testicles. There was also plentiful delicate blonde hair in his crotch.
Without hesitation, he slipped under the covers and patted the other side of the bed to indicate I should do the same. I climbed into the bed next to Joe and tingled with excitement. Joe put his arm under my neck and shoulders and drew me close to him. With his other arm, he reached over to the lamp and turned it off.
My leg rubbed against his hairy crotch and its contents as he rolled over toward me. I was not long before I felt his penis start to erect. The feeling caused me to get excited within my crotch. With his free arm, Joe embraced me and rubbed his hand up and down my sparsely clothed body.
When his hand tugging at my underwear I got the hint, removed my undershirt and undershorts. His warm tender rubbing got me very excited and it was not long before Joe pulled the bed covers off us. He kissed his way down my body until he reached my crotch and erection. He licked my penis head and drove me to twitching and turning with thrills all over my body.
Joe slowly moved his lips and moist tongue up and down my crotch and around my genitals. My early sexuality seemed to cause me to ejaculate somewhat regularly and easily. I think Joe sensed that and sucked my penis in and out of his mouth in order to savor all my youthful clear juices. It was not long before he had me humping up and down. As soon as I started, Joe stopped all action. His sudden stop confused me.
Joe turned on the light, looked at me a moment before he changed positions so as to place his six inch penis in my face and still be able to suck me. I was not thrilled with sucking anyone and not very excited about trying it again.
Joe asked, "Would you like to take me into your mouth like I did for you?"
I explained, "I would like to but the stuff that comes out make me sick."
He said, "I understand. You will not have to take my cum. I will pull out before. Okay?"
I replied, "Okay. I can try it."
When I licked Joe, he humped back a little. He said it felt very good and instructed me as to slowly put the head into my mouth and suck it in until I had his whole shaft. I could not imagine taking the whole thing into my small mouth. As I got most of him into my mouth, he told me I was to swallow and keep swallowing until he was pulled all the way into my mouth.
As Joe's shaft pressed further into my mouth, I felt it press against the back of my throat. For a few seconds I panicked for lack to air and gagged a lot. Joe pulled out and told me to continue to swallow as he pushed in. I started to swallow rapidly as I could feel his penis slip further down my throat and make me gag. He pulled out just enough to allow me to breathe freely. Within a moment, he pressed his penis into my throat as far as it could go as I rapidly swallowed. He praised me as he pressed in and out of my mouth with his harder and harder penis.
Gently Joe increased the speed as he pumped in and out of me. As he pumped, he also sucked on me, slowly enough to keep me interested, but not enough for me to ejaculate. He seemed to be waiting until he was ready. As he humped faster, he sucked me harder until he gave out a loud moan and sucked me so hard I thought he was going to pull my penis out of its place. While he held pressure on my hard little penis, he pressed in so as to cut off my breath.
He spit me out of his mouth long enough to tell me to swallow fast and hard. At that point, I felt a hot substance shoot into my throat. I thought I was going to choke to death. Joe did not let up. He kept pushing and ejecting. I keep sucking and swallowing until finally, Joe was spent.
As Joe spent himself, he sucked my penis back into his mouth harder and harder until I let go of my sweet young juices. Joe ran his tongue around the head of my penis to collect all of the available juices before he sucked me loose and pulled himself out of my mouth. As he pulled out of my mouth, I could taste the residue of his juices. I swallowed one more time and they were gone.
We were both spent out and laid there for a few minutes until we were able to speak. Joe asked, "Did you enjoy what we did?"
I told him, "I was not very pleased with you cumming in my mouth."
He asked, "Was your first time to receiving a guy's juices?"
I told him, "It was."
He asked, "Did you like it until I came?"
I told him, "I am not sure".
He asked, "Would do it again?"
I told him, "Probably not."
He shut off the light and we hugged and rubbed each other until we both fell asleep. That was my experience receiving Joe's man juice. I thought as I lay there, that I could easily get excited again with little effort. Early the next morning Joe woke me to take a quick shower with him before anyone got up. After the shower, I went to my room to rest before breakfast.
That was a very dramatic experience that I never forgot. To this day, it has influenced many of my sexual preferences for my life.
The family summer gathering of 1950 finally came. As a nine year old, I looked forward to see all the children my age and the fun we would have together. The first day, the older people gathered together, to talk about the happenings of the past and plan the next year's gathering.
It was my school break for about two weeks with no homework or going to bed early. After the first day of mostly older people, more of the younger people began to arrive. The day consisted of greeting guests, eating, drinking and playing. By the time evening came, I was running a little low on energy.
When I had completed my evening meal, I felt like taking a short nap. Cousin Ronnie, then sixteen, was there and noticed me as I slipped away for a nap in my room. Being concerned perhaps, he came up stairs to my room and asked me, "Are you okay?" I told him my situation and he asked, "Would it be okay if I lay down with you?"
I told him, "I don't see why not".
For about half an hour I lay there in my room with Cousin Ronnie dressed in my summer shorts and T-shirt. Ronnie was dressed with trousers, a shirt and shoes that he had kicked off when he laid down, so not to get the bedclothes dirty. My room, located on the third floor was totally separate from the rest of the house once the down stairs door was closed. There were so many young people around that no one really missed me or Cousin Ronnie. I told Mother I was going up stairs to rest and she said no one should bother me.
The fact was, Cousin Ronnie and I were completely alone. I do not know about him, but I dozed off a bit while I rested that short time. When I woke, I felt the need to use the bathroom and quietly got up to do so. About the time I sat down on the toilet, Ronnie came into the bathroom. He informed me he was going to take a shower if it was okay. I told him I did not care one way or the other.
Ronnie pulled off his shirt, parked it on the sink counter, unbuttoned his jeans and let them fall to the floor. He had on no underwear. I could see that Ronnie had an enlarged penis and nearly erect. He noticed that I noticed his nakedness and he rubbed his genitals in his hand as to invite me into the shower with him.
Ronnie quietly said, "It is for you if you are in the mood."
I found myself quickly responding with, "Okay."
He moved his strong body in the direction of the shower tub and I finished using the toilet. By the time he had the water warm, I was ready to join him. He held the door open while I removed the rest of my clothing and bounded into the tub. Ronnie rinsed in the shower water first and then turned to me with a washcloth in hand.
It felt thrilling as Ronnie washed my back and buttocks, but when he got between my legs with the cloth, I thought my little erection was going to poke the head off my penis. My testicles seemed to ache in anticipation of ejaculation. Some months before, I had begun to eject small amounts of clear semen each time I ejaculated, and a few times, I awoke to find my crotch wet with a moist sticky substance.
I recall I was just beginning to get peach fuzz over my testicles, around my penis, crotch and under arms. My body hair on my arms and legs had grown a little at that time. Ronnie was still soft to the touch, but was in full pubic array. His pubic hair was getting dark and course under his arms and between his legs. Fuzz crept up his abdomen, around to his buttocks and down his inner legs.
I knew him well enough and felt I needed to touch him. I turned facing him, reached out and put my hand under his wet soft hairy testicles. He pushed his crotch closer to me as I reached out for him. When I touched him, his penis bobbed up and down as to say it loved my touch.
Ronnie exclaimed how good my touch felt to him. I rubbed my hand under his crotch and felt his soft hairy parts. He hugged me close to him and turned me around so to let the water stream down my back.
Cousin Ronnie asked, "You want to take me in the rear?"
With my emotions high, I felt I could try anything and agreed to his request. He shut off the water, soaped up his crotch and penis before asking me to bend over in front of him and hold onto the faucets.
Ronnie used his fingers to knead my buttocks. He separated my tight checks and ran his thumbs up and down my crack several times. He wiped the tip of his finger around my anal opening before he gently began to ease it through. His finger slowly and steadily sank into me.
The sensation caused me to shake and squirm involuntarily, as he moved around inside me. There was some discomfort but more pleasure. The pleasant feeling was fantastic. It nearly caused an instant orgasm.
He pulled out his finger, squeezed my cheeks apart, and carefully aimed his rock hard penis into my anal passageway. At first, it was painful pressure until his penis head slid past the tight outer anal muscles.
"How's that feel?" he asked.
"Better than I thought it would be," I explained, hoping that the pain would quiet.
Very gently, Ronnie began to push his hard shaft further into me. To my surprise the pain seemed to fade a bit as a very exciting feeling went through me. It is difficult to explain the physical and emotional experience as it was happening to me.
Slowly, he began to ease in and out of my tight anal canal. The pain had faded for the most part and I enjoyed the feel of Ronnie inside me. I began to feel my own erection getting harder and my testicles aching for release. I stood bent over in the shower tub holding on as Ronnie increased his motion in and out of me.
Pleasure was now so intense, that I was not at first aware of my own motion keeping up with Ronnie. The next thing I remember was Ronnie's hot semen beginning to shoot up into my bowels. The feeling was so powerful, I did not know if I could hold the whole load.
Ronnie quickly wrapped his arms around me and held me until I was able to stand straighten up. As I stood up, he slowly pulled his less than hard penis from me. He loosened his grip on me and turned me around. Seeing my extended state, he immediately went down on his knees for a taste of me.
He ran his tongue up my fuzzy crotch and sucked in my hard throbbing penis in through his moist hot lips. The feeling made me shudder with great excitement. I gave out a loud, joyful noise and Ronnie moaned as he continued to suck on me.
I found myself holding onto Ronnie's head and pushing my crotch into his mouth with as much force as I could muster. Without hesitation, my erect muscle sent forth its little flow of semen giving me a thrill in my young life.
And then it was over. Ronnie let my relaxing penis slip from his mouth as he swallowed down my sweat juices. The experience left me weak and difficult to stand. I turned and held onto the side of the tub as Ronnie prepared the shower for us to rinse off.
"Are you okay?" Ronnie asked me.
I sighed and said, "Never better, just a little weak." He smiled and rubbed me down with the washcloth before he helped me out of the shower tub to dry off. We both dried, wrapped a towel around ourselves and went back to my bedroom to dress before going back down stairs to the activities.
The fifth grade teacher, I had starting in the Fall of 1950, was the only male teacher I ever had at that school. I remember very well the social studies course when we studied about the Mayan and Inca civilizations. Another classmate, Drew, and I painted a mural of an ancient temple in water color on paper attached to a wall near the class room door. Another project was done in papier mache of another ancient building. I cannot explain it, but I came to have a special feeling for those ancient people, as if I knew of them. Participation in class projects made a difference for me.
Mr. Kenyon had appointments with Ralph for some book business he owned. He was single at that time and visited our home on business and socially. He married the following year to a college classmate. I kept in touch with Mr. Kenyon and his wife over the years until her death from cancer and his death from loneliness and a broken heart. It was sad to see them go.
With the girls and Mother taking up the bathroom space, Ralph and I shared the use of the third floor bathroom. On one occasion in the Fall of 1950, I was in sudden need of the bathroom and I did not recall hearing Ralph taking a shower. I quickly entered the unlocked bathroom and sat down to relieve myself. I realized it was too late to get up and leave Ralph alone.
When he shut off the water, my stepfather stepped out and revealed himself from behind the shower door with nothing on but drops of water. I never before had the experience of seeing Ralph's full nude stature. He did not seem startled or even concerned that I was there. He did not attempt to hide himself in any way. We exchanged a brief conversation as he dried off and prepared to leave the room.
When Ralph moved, his penis and testicles swung freely. I recall a small amount of body hair but lots of dark brown public hair around his genitals and under his arms. Maybe that interested me most because I was beginning to grow fuzz where he had hair. I managed to hide my private parts under my shorts until he had left the room. I found myself admiring his body and I now think he knew it.
The experience stimulated me to masturbation, as I started to do more often. For some time I had felt a greater physical feeling when doing so. When I did it, I had a little bit of creamy substance come out just as I had seen from other older boys when they climax.
Perhaps I had not noticed that happening much before then. Most of the time it was under the bed covers in my own room when I masturbated. I felt I was starting to become a man.
On 13 November 1950, another girl, Julie, was born to Ralph and Mother. Julie had some difficult time at first and had to stay in the hospital with Mother for a few extra days. I did not understand all that was going on at the time and probably never really will. Ralph was very patient with us kids and my eldest sister was helpful as Mother had trained her to be.
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