The naked boy stood by my chair in front of the computer. His hands and elbows were bound behind him tightly and he had clothespins on his small nipples, which must have been uncomfortable. There had been tears at his large, innocent eyes when I put them on an hour ago but he must have got used to them a little by now because he wasn't sobbing or sniffing like he was.
His small nipples would be numb, no doubt, but they would hurt a lot when I pulled them off soon and the blood would surge back. I smiled at the thought and my cock hardened a little as it always does at such thoughts - and actions.
I looked at him, standing by me. He was engagingly pretty, the way small boys can be. Balls achingly sexy, as my friend says.
I didn't know this boy's name, or even his age. He looked about twelve - perhaps thirteen - with a mop of brown hair and freckles over his pretty nose. I could ask him his name but I couldn't be bothered. More than that however, it made all this impersonal. After all, he might have a name I like. Or even shared. So I called him Angela because it pleased me to humiliate him.
He had learned to respond to that name and also - as all child slaves do - to keep his mouth shut unless either I wanted it open or required him to say something.
Normally, I prefer to gag them whenever I can but there's equally something nice about them being quiet without being gagged, though sometimes I like to hang a ball gag round their neck as a sexy necklace to remind them to stay quiet or the gag will be used.
And they always know that the gag stretched their jaw and will hurt, particularly if I leave it in for hours. Like I say, they learn quickly.
But he did look angelic. I'll give him that.
Angela was watching me download porn. Not kiddy porn - I'm not that stupid. Just the usual healthy, everyday stuff of a woman being fucked up the ass or taking a face load of jism while she is being hurt. I especially like the ones of women bound and being used.
This one finished and I switched to another site that promised more basic brutality.
Within a minute I was downloading a movie of a woman being tortured and it was coming through in small sections. I played a couple as the boy stood watching and I asked the kid what he thought of the film.
He regarded the images in another clip, watching the stretched out female writhe under an assault from a whip, and then said quietly: 'Does it hurt her?'
'Of course. She's being tortured. Torture is meant to hurt.' I paused. 'Understand?'
Angela nodded slightly.
'Are you going to torture me?' he asked after a few moments watching another clip, where the woman was being burnt with cigarette ends.
'No,' I lied. 'Torture like that is only for women. Torturing cunts. You heard that word?'
The boy took a little breath. 'Yes,' he said as if he shouldn't. He dropped his voice slightly as if anyone would overhear, though we were alone. Apart from his mother upstairs of course. 'My friend Simon says all women have cunts,' he whispered.
I laughed, pleased by his naivety. 'Simon's right, Angela. Even your mommy.'
The boy looked a little startled by the idea but nodded. Then he asked: 'Are you going to torture my mommy like that?'
I didn't have to lie this time. 'Of course I am. She deserves it.' I thought of the sweet boy's mother, lying upstairs bound to the hard bed. The boy had seen her tied and gagged (and blindfolded) and knew she was helpless. Mine to punish whenever I wanted. 'Are you sad I am going to torture your mom?'
The boy looked confused. Eventually he said, 'I don't know.'
I laughed and put my hand up to stroke his cute ass cheeks. 'Well, you should know. Go on, be honest little one.'
He considered for a few moments, his face a mass of confused feelings. After a while he said quietly, 'I don't know if it's wrong but I kinda like the idea of mommy punished.'
'It isn't wrong if it gives you pleasure. You know what that is, for men?'
Angela looked thoroughly confused now. Pleasure to him was probably popcorn at the movies, or extra ice cream or some new toy. I grinned at the thought for he had a new toy now - his mom waiting to be punished upstairs.
I wasn't watching the movie on screen now but I could hear the cunt's screams. I was looking at Angela. I ran my hand up from his little ass over his wrist and arm ropes, fondling them. 'These hurt?'
'No,' the boy blurted, a little too quickly. They would be hurting him, I knew, but he was anxious to make me think he could take it. How long had he been bound like this? Two hours? I turned him round and looked at his hands. They were blue but he could endure it a while longer. I slapped his ass playfully, making him whimper at the shock and turned him round.
'You're supposed to remain quiet, whatever I do.' My voice was stern.
'I'm sorry. It was just... um, I wasn't expecting it.' His eyes were lowered and he looked tearful again, no doubt contemplating a spanking. Or the gag. Or maybe both.
On the screen the woman being tortured was begging for mercy. She wouldn't get it. I saw Angela's eyes flicker up to the screen and widen. He looked both horrified and flushed with excitement. It can be quite a shock for a young male when he realizes he actually likes a woman being beaten or abused. Usually they deny it at first but at least Angela had been honest.
'You must always expect the unexpected when you are a slave,' I said. 'Go on, tell me.'
He was a dream: he understood perfectly what I meant. 'I must always expect the unexpected,' he repeated.
More confusion on his face. He tried to stammer something but hadn't a clue.
'Why must you expect the unexpected?' I said, adding a note of irritation to my voice as if he should know why.
'I, um...' he began and then he got it. 'Because I'm a slave,' he said brightly, like it was some privilege.
'Good fucktoy,' I laughed. He was used to being called Angela but this name made him look worried as he tried to work out whether this was good or bad.
He'd find out it was both.
On the screen the movie continued. A young woman, tied to a chair, was having her neck squeezed. Not being killed or hung, just that someone had put a rope round her neck and was drawing it tight. She was going purple in the face, struggling in her bonds. It was woman who'd had her tits whipped earlier, on another clip. her heavy tits were bright red from their abuse.
But she wouldn't die - I don't go in for snuff movies - but she would suffer.
Now that I do go in for. Women and girls and boys.
I was aware Angela was watching it round-eyed. I could see his little cock had stiffened at what he was seeing. That was when he real surprised me.
'She's being garroted,' said the boy, almost breathlessly.
'Garroted? You know that word?' I was intrigued.
'They did it in the Spanish Inquisition. It's history,' he said, his face more flushed than I'd seen it before. I reached out and touched his hard dick.
'You know about torture in history?' I wasn't watching the screen. But he was, transfixed. He nodded.
'I got this book,' he said. 'Tortures in olden days. There are pictures. I look at them a lot.'
'Ah,' I said, with a grin. I rubbed his hard cock. He moaned.
'Well, kid, no more pictures in old books. Only movies and really doing it.'
He gulped, loudly. His cock was like a small bone.
'Lots of tortures on women.' I laughed, caressing his small balls. 'Especially that big-titted mom of yours upstairs.'
'And just think that woman on the screen being garotted... Hey, it could be your mom tied up there.'
The boy gave a small strangled cry and trembled in his ropes.
'Hush,' I said as I went back to toying with his dick, but at a slower my pace. He wriggled in frustration so I stepped up my stroke again.
'P-please, sir, I have to... um...'
'To what?'
'Uh... I have to cum. Please.'
'I know,' I whispered softly. 'Then you suck my cock. Because I have to cum and you have to drink it down, got it?'
'Oh- oh yes sir,' he gasped. I was rubbing harder, faster. His cocklet trembled and suddenly spurted, his cum splattering over the computer monitor - quite a distance for him to shoot. I was impressed.
On the screen, visible between the blobs and slowly forming rivulets of cum was a teenage girl, being whipped on her cunt.
'Good boy,' I said. 'I will punish you later for leaving a mess on my computer, though you could lick it off now and I might not be so angry later.'
'Yes sir.' The boy ducked his head to the screen and began licking up his semen, before it dripped off the bottom edge. I don't know if he'd done this before but he hardly balked at all.
I put my hand on his sore ass, from where I'd beaten it earlier. I worked my forefinger up into his small ass. He gurgled something as he licked.
On the screen, the poor bitch was still being thrashed between her legs, but I really only could see Angela licking away at his salty deposit.
I had an idea, and smiled. And continued to smile while he got his head and wet mouth down on to my hard cock for his second taste of cum.
Angela's mother, who I call Slut just for fun - I never have learned her name and she has never offered, but she seems okay with that, hurried to fetch me the ropes I will tie the boy with.
Secretly I have to say I'm pleased with both her and her son. When I kidnapped them I never thought that things would turn out as well as they did. Though I had hoped I could educate one of them to doing what I wanted.
As it turned out I got two.
Six months ago, when I grabbed the woman and her son, I was hoping for maybe one of them to go along with what I wanted. I figured it to be the mother, desperate to protect her brat.
Well, praise the Lord, I got two willing to please me. The boy because I had allowed him to watch torture and bondage movies and he could finally open up to what he wanted all along. Which was to torture and tie up females.
The mother, the dear helpful slut, was turned on by her son fucking her. She also kind of got excited by me whipping her while her son ate her out, especially when he was sucking my cum out of her cunt or asshole.
But if she needed any convincing it was playing those cum-sharing games with her own son, him giving her my load from his mouth, her giving it back. First one to swallow gets a whipping.
Weird how they tried to make the other one swallow first. I don't keep a tally of these things but if pushed I'd say I had probably whipped the boy a little more than the woman. I guess she enjoyed seeing that more than being thrashed.
Anyway, there we were six months down the line. Angela, my pet slave boy, gets tied up and fucked a lot. But then so does his momma. Funny to have them both begging to be fucked first, on their knees in front of me. Hell, some days it's almost hard to choose who gets my cock and who gets tied up tight.
So Slut had brought me the ropes. I motioned for her to wait while her son, who I think may have had a birthday since I took him and enslaved him, had finished sucking me off. I was watching a movie of some small boys being whipped, and I sensed Slut wanted to finger herself while she watched either the screen or her son. Or both, maybe.
'Don't you dare,' I said casually. She stopped as she didn't dare, and waits.
I pulled the boy's head away from me and creamed all over his cute features. I heard Slut chuckle, though I'm not sure why. She'd had it done to her enough and used to get it all in her hair until I had it shaved off.
'Lick him clean, whore,' I said. I sometimes called her whore, just for fun. 'And swallow.'
The mother lovingly licked her son's face all over, swallowing it greedily as instructed. Then she presented the ropes for her son's bondage for the evening.
She knew, and the boy did too, this was a special evening. I had been training Angela as my apprentice - but I don't say "You're fired." I say, "You're fucked," if he hasn't learned. But he's learned quickly.
I had him suck me off without being tied up. Unusual, sure, but his mother and I were going out on a run. I needed to see if we could capture a young girl and I thought the woman would help.
Slut tied her son up. She's good - not as good as me and still didn't make him cry enough when she secured his elbows behind him - but she had time to learn.
Angela was bound over a chair, ass up. I told Slut to fetch a paddle and warm his butt up and she did so. As she whacked him I kissed the boy's tears, and his lips. I was glad his mom has done such a good job licking him clean. I reassured him as I kissed his face he wouldn't be there longer than three or four hours. Then he can have a friend to punish.
Angela sniffed and tried to smile. I gagged him - the usual heavy-duty ball gag - and told Slut to get her wig on. Since I shaved her she'd hardly been out without it. Especially to her new job at the convenience store. She told them she's had some chemotherapy so the wig covers up her baldness.
Good job she hadn't shown anyone her ringed nipples or her well-thrashed ass. But she would if I told her to, especially if she could make a lesbian friend. Shit, it felt good to toy with people's lives like this.
In her plain clothes and mouse-like wig she passed for normal. We headed out to the mall strip and cruised around. After a while I saw a girl with a friend. She looked promising. Fourteen maybe. I could see she had pleasantly shaped tits under her top.
'Know what to do, whore?' I asked, as I watched the two girls in front of a poorly lit store window. A clothes store. Funny, if I got my way she won't need clothes for ages.
Slut nodded. 'Yes sir. I am to get that blonde girl into the car.'
'I don't want you to fuck up,' I said. 'Understand what I'm saying?'
She did. Whenever she fucked up before she was heavily whipped while hanging from her wrists. With me as a teacher, they sure learnt real quick.
Slut winked at me. 'I won't let you down, sir. I want that child too.'
'Get two of them, her and that red-haired girl with her, and you can have Angela up your ass.'
The woman looked flushed. It's been a while since I permitted that pleasure. She licked her lips. 'And you at the same time,' she asked, 'in my mouth too?'
'Fuck, slut. You have to earn that.'
Slut grinned, got out, straightened herself and crossed to the two girls. She had her dark glasses on an walked with a limp. For a moment I think it must be something I'd done to her but I realized it was part of her strategy, not to look threatening. I watched as she engaged them in conversation.
I noticed the red-haired girl had small boobs, but a shorter skirt. Good, she might be easy. Slut was clearly asking for directions. She seemed to be explaining her knee hurts, that she needed some attention. I could tell the two girls look concerned.
Slut turned away. 'Fuck,' I growled. But it was part of her plan. She stumbled and fell. The two girls rushed to help her up. I could see her thanking them, pointing out that the car is just over there. The blonde girl and the red-head kid started to help Slut across to the vehicle.
I wound the window down. Concerned. 'You okay, honey?'
'Just a little fall. These two kind girls say they can show us the hospital.'
'Why, that's mighty kind of you two good citizens.' I smiled, and the girls smiled back. Not something they'll be doing for a while I imagined.
They helped Slut in, who gasped in pain. Hell, I hadn't heard that since yesterday when I whipped the inside of her legs.
The two girls got into the car, helping Slut to get comfortable. They assured me that the hospital was only a few blocks away.
We pulled forward, turning into a darkened street. One I scouted earlier: it was deserted as usual. The girls together explained I'd made a wrong turn.
The gun in my hand showed them I wasn't so sure it was wrong.
Slut worked quickly, and I was impressed. She had them gagged with transparent but very strong tape (the kind I used way back on her and her son) and had them tied, hands behind them with wire, knees wired together. She remembered what I taught her about the hands, about the importance of wire round their thumbs.
As any kidnapper tells you, tying someone's hands behind them takes some of the fight away. Tie their thumbs and they usually give right up. If they don't, you have to revert to the wire around the big toes. That always does the trick.
You have to save the wire round the throat for when you are really, really pressed.
But blondie and her friend were pretty submissive by that point. They slumped in their seat, glaring at me and trying to cry.
I drove on, Slut securing them with more wire from her stash in the back, taping up their mouths more.
Once clear of the urban area, she hooded them, forcing their heads down and wiring their necks to their knees. I imagined Slut was disappointed she couldn't get to feel their tits but that would have to wait.
She sat back and I could see in the rear view Slut was grinning.
I smiled. 'Okay, whore. Angela can fuck your ass for a whole ten minutes for that.'
Slut grinned wider.
I named the blonde one Cunny and the red haired one Pussy. It doesn't matter yet what they're called as no one speaks to them much and they won't be speaking for a while.
Slut has been busy with the two newbies, tying them, punishing them, teaching them to obey. Better, so too has Angela.
He was learning real well. But that was what you wanted in an Apprentice. Someone to learn the ropes.
Now the two girls were on the wall of the bedroom, stretched out in two frames, facing the wall. Naked, and an equally naked - but bald - Slut was whipping them, the children's backs a mass of red stripes. The girls were stretched out, heads hanging down. Tears falling silently, thanks to their gags.
They had been routinely whipped since their arrival two weeks ago. They hardly pissed themselves anymore at this daily abuse, hardly complained when they were gagged and bound.
But that was how it should be, I reflected as I lay in the large bed, cuddling Angela, watching was happening in front of me.
The boy had his arms bound behind him and I was playing with his nipples, feeling his small but very hard cock against my leg. I had just fucked him in the ass and he was dozing gently. Content.
But I made him get out bed, untied his arms and sent him to get a whip to flog his mother's back while Slut whipped the two girls.
He set to with gusto, slashing at the whore's back as she whipped the two helpless teenage girls. Fortunately Slut was gagged and all there was to be heard was the crack of whip and snap of leather on flesh, mingled with muffled gasps and cries.
'Ah, the perfect apprentice,' I whispered. 'For the perfect Master.'
My wife, lying next to me in bed, smiled. 'Now you have one, perhaps I can have one of those two girls as my apprentice,' she said with a slow smile.
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