Published: 9-Mar-2012
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Author's Profile
Some of the following events may contain graphic descriptions of sexual acts between men and MINOR boys Any resemblance to any particular boy, man, teenager, penis or other anatomical part is just your over-active imagination.
Some of the following story may depict unprotected sex. You are reality. Practice safe sex. I do not condone either incest or child abuse, however boy-love-sex as described in the following experiences are a matter of fact and I make no excuse for what happened to me in the past.
For my eighth birthday, my family decorated the school cafeteria during class time. When school was nearly out, the teacher led us to the cafeteria supposedly for an assembly. Before we got to the door to the cafeteria my teacher took me aside to ask me something, I do not remember, to keep me back long enough for my classmates to get into their places for the surprise party.
The party was a complete surprise to me. Everyone was so excited about the party and I nearly cried. There were many gifts. The one I remember most was from, Grace, a girl who seemed to be fond of me, at that time. She gave me a scarf, packed into a small box inside a larger box inside an even larger box until it was finally in a very large box. I had to open box after box until I got to the scarf in the last little box. It was a funny thing I have remembered to this day.
The other parents were informed that we would be a little late leaving school that day. Some of the parents came at the usual time and helped clean up after the party. With a new baby and all the party mess, it was easier for Mother to have my party at school and it allowed all my classmates to attend.
Early in December 1948, once again, Ralph's family had its wonderful tradition of gathering between Thanksgiving and Christmas, so each family could celebrate separately during the holidays. A weekend was picked the year before to celebrate a very large Thanksgiving/Christmas holiday. This year was very important to Ralph because of his new baby girl. He enjoyed the women showing her off. However, our stepfather never seemed to forget us other children. Barb and I were included in as many activities as possible. That probably helped me get over us having a new baby and all the changes taking place.
Ralph's old family home was quite large and had plenty of room for guests. Arrangements were made for family members to come early to help get ready or stay late to clean up and visit longer.
On that, my second occasion, there were more people than spare room to accommodate. I was asked if I would mind a nephew of Ralph slept with me. I remember my bed was large and more room than I needed at the small age of eight. It sounded like fun having company in my room from the night.
After things died down in the late evening, I asked if I could get ready and go to bed. The day's activities had tired me. My parents and others exchanged the usual good night with me, after which Ralph would look in on me.
I was about to drift off into a deep sleep, when Cousin Ronnie, came into my room. Not being used to anyone sharing my bedroom, I was awoken by his presence. He knew I must be sleeping, so he quietly undressed, as a boy of fourteen could do, and slipped into bed next to me. He was clothed only in a pair of light shorts, from what I saw in my night light.
In a short time, Ronnie, brought his knee across the middle of my body and slowly moved it up and down my midsection. That tended to wake me more. It was not long before I felt myself aroused and stimulated.
He began to rub me with his hand in such a way as to promote more excitement in me. Ronnie very carefully and gently slid his hand inside my undershorts, lowering them some at the same time. He lowered them enough to expose my erect penis. He stroked me a bit more, began to press his lips into my flesh in that same area and licked my genitals with his hot, moist tongue.
Without undue delay, he sucked my penis into his mouth. He rubbed his tongue softly against its head. It felt as if I was going to explode. I had such a feeling all over my body, I could not fully explain. It was like some great excitement all over my body and limbs.
After a while, the excitement seemed to come to a peak and diminish. Soon, Cousin Ronnie gently pulled up my undershorts and stroked my body a little more before he got up and left the room. A few minutes later, I heard him return from the bathroom, felt him get into bed, fondle me some and roll over to sleep. When we awoke in the morning, we did not speak of the night's event. I do not know what I could have said about it.
I was awoken the next night as Ronnie repeated the same very pleasant experience he had treated me to the night before. That time he seemed to get a more involved as he warmed up to me.
I remember at the young age of eight the experience was not the same as if I had been emotionally aware of what was happening to me or more physically developed. I laid there in an awesome daze and did not participate much in the activity. It was something I will fondly remember for years to come and always wish I could recapture. I did not know why I had experienced such feelings. It seemed so very natural to me in my state of innocence.
The next time for such an experience was early the next year.
Thinking back now, I remember that sometimes when I went over to help at Frank's restaurant, where my stepfather, Ralph and I frequented, there was a young girl by the name of Kate.
One day, early in the spring of 1949, Kate and I were alone, helping Big Frank with his spring-cleaning. We started in the dining area by washing windows and dusting around them. We followed that by wiping down all the tables and chairs with a damp cloth in a tub of warm soap water.
It must have taken up most of the morning before we moved into the kitchen to clean. I thought it was a real mess when we began to look at all the things to clean. There were the vents first, then the grill and ovens. It was not until after a short lunch period that we finished most of the greasy work.
Before we were finished, Frank asked Kate to start with the apartment-cleaning, while he and I finished in the kitchen. He took the preteen upstairs to show her what he needed done. He was gone for quite some time before I ventured up to ask about something I was doing in the kitchen.
When I got up there and opened the door, I heard a radio playing rather loud from the bedroom. I know I made enough noise to be heard but got no response from either of them. I quickly went over to the bedroom door, which was opened very slightly. Without knocking, I slid my hand in the crack of the door and let it open a bit more, so as to see inside.
Kate, who had been dressed in a thin spring one-piece dress, was laid out across the foot of the bed. Her knees were bent upwards and opened, exposing her crotch and her slit to my view. She was not able to see me from the position she was laying. That was the first time I recall ever seeing a big girl in such a nude position.
Big Frank was on his knees on the floor at the edge of the bed, leaning in toward her. I stood there very quietly and motionless as I watched him pointing his big index finger toward her crotch while resting his other big hand on her inner upper leg. I was so intrigued, and was not about to interrupt the show.
He moved his finger gently up and down young Kate's slit, burying it deeper and deeper into her flesh. She wiggled and giggled as he tickled her slit. He removed his finger a couple of times and sucked it in his mouth, before pushing it deep within her, until his hand was tight against her crotch.
Although it was very exciting for my eight-year-old mind to see that activity, I was a little disappointed that I was not getting the affection in her place. I did not think badly of Kate, as she seemed to enjoy his affectionate finger inside her. To that point in my young life that was the closest I had been, to an experience with a girl.
Kate was nearly twelve then, and was showing a little pubic hair around her open slit. Thinking back, I assume she was about the age of her puberty. Big Frank moved his finger around inside her as she squirmed around on the bed, making loud moaning sounds of excitement. I was getting so very excited watching the activity, that I got a very hard erection in no time at all.
Frank's back was toward me and not able to see me peeking in the opening of the door. He removed his finger again and stuck it in his mouth. His face had been close to little Kate's crotch, but not enough to block my view of her. He took his big hands, slid them under the girl's buttocks, and pulled her to his face. He buried his face into her crotch and made slurping, sucking noises while he moved his head up and down her slit. I was not sure what he was doing to her, but I assumed he was using his tongue on her as he had done to me.
Slowly I stepped back, removed myself from the apartment and went down the stairs to the kitchen. Not long after, he came down to check on me and to see if I was able to do as he had assigned.
From that point on, I had a very different view of Big Frank and did not feel as excited about visiting him.
It was last winter holiday since I had any close contact with Cousin Ronnie, although he lived across the city and we would see each other once in awhile. Ronnie's parents planned with his Uncle Ralph, my stepfather, to stay over while they went on a trip (I do not remember where or why).
I recall that my mother had picked some early bulb flowers from the back of the house, so it had to be early spring of the year 1949. The yellow and white flowers (don't ask ME what kind they were) were displayed on the dining room table as we sat around and had our evening meal while Cousin Ronnie was there.
My room was on the private third floor of the house; there was even a door at the foot of the stairs, which could be shut. When my mother and sister were taking up the use of the main bathroom and my stepfather, Ralph, had needed to take a shower, he would use my bathroom. He was the only other person to use the third floor bathroom unless we had company.
That night we had company. Cousin Ronnie was assigned the spare room next to mine, and closer to the bathroom. I rather liked the room closest to the stairs, since I traveled up and down the stairs more than I used the bathroom. Anyway, it made sense to me at the time.
Being still an eight year old, I was expected to go to bed somewhat early, so up to bed I went, leaving fourteen-year-old Cousin Ronnie downstairs to continue visiting with my mother and Ralph. My older sister had gone to her room before that. She always seemed to take hours getting ready for bed.
There was no rush for me to go to sleep, so after I was cleaned up and changed or shall I say undressed for bed, I laid around my room just looking at some of my latest comic books. It was about 9:30 when I decided that I best get into bed before I fell asleep.
Each night, one of my parents would come up to my private part of the house to say good night and see that I was in bed for the night. Usually, my mother would let Ralph come upstairs for that task, if there was company up there. Maybe it was because she felt too modest about invading the space with company, but nevertheless, she would not appear those times with company.
As a busy eight year old, I was soon tired and dozing off with my comic book in hand. I hazily came to as Ralph was pulling away the comic from my hands. As usual, he would gently rub my chest and belly before he pulled the covers over my upper body and tucked me in for the night; and there was the slight pull of the ear lobe and a peck on the forehead. He whispered 'good night' and walked away, turning off the light at the door as he left.
In my state of mind, I nearly forgot about our guest for the night until I faintly heard the toilet flush and the bathroom door open. Then I remembered Cousin Ronnie. The door to the bedroom next door closed and I knew that he was also bedding down for the night.
A few minutes later, there was an opening of my bedroom door and a quiet voice asking if he could come in. I said, "Sure, c'mon in." Cousin Ronnie came in and said he wanted to be with me for the night, if I did not mind. I told him, not to be silly; he was always welcome to be with me for the night.
During my previous encounter with him, Ronnie did not expose himself to me but kept his undershorts on. This time he undressed completely. He stood at my bed exposing a five-inch plus erection with pubic hair around it and a fuzzy haired pair of firm testicles hanging between his legs. Ronnie sat down on the edge of my bed, reached under the covers and gently stroked my crotch through my undershorts. He then took my hand and placed it upon his hot, hard erection. His erect penis seemed to pulse. I carefully moved my hand down to feel his pubic hair and back up to the penis. I felt a moist substance at the top of the penis head. I stood up to see better. He took my hand, licked off the juices, and then kissed and rubbed my body as never before.
When he got to my undershorts, he quickly but gently removed them completely, and then let them drop to the floor. It was so exciting that I shivered as I tried to help. I stepped out of my shorts, paying no attention to them as they dropped on the floor.
Ronnie slid me down onto the bed in a way that allowed us to face each other's crotch. He pressed his lips to my penis and then sucked it vigorously. He also sucked my small testicles some of the time.
It seemed he expected me to do the same for him. He hinted as he pushed his penis into my face several times. This was a new exciting experience for me and I was not aware of what to do, but I followed his example and allowed his throbbing penis to touch my lips. The pre-juices of his excitement set me back for a few seconds. The taste was not unpleasant, so I continued to press closer to him, until I had his penis-head and its juices in my mouth. I could feel the head with my tongue, as I sucked the pre-juices into my mouth.
Suddenly without warning, Ronnie became even more excited and hard, thrusting in and out of my mouth with frenzy. I felt a warm gush of creamy substance in my mouth. Being my first time, I did not realize he was going to let go with a load of his semen so soon or in my mouth. I thought I was going to choke. I swallowed and gagged several times before it was gone. My cousin gave out a faint sigh and rested for a minute before he continued sucking and rubbing on me.
I experienced a thrill go through my body and I quivered some, as he sucked me. I was not sure what had happened to me, but Ronnie knew. In a minute, he stopped, got up, went to the bathroom, returned and went to sleep, as if nothing had happened.
I laid there thinking, before going back to sleep. I wondered about this experience and the feelings that came over me. It seemed so very exciting and natural to me. I do not remember paying much attention to my sexuality before that night with Cousin Ronnie. I remember after that, when the mood came to me, I would fondle myself until I a thrill feeling encompassed my body.
My stepfather, Ralph, again hosted his family's summer gathering, in July of 1949. It was a memorable experience for me. School continued all year and always had a short summer break at that time of year. There were several classmates that I was closer to than others. One was Ralph's sister's son, Cousin Bob. The other close classmates were Drew and Steve. Each one unknowingly provided me with some lasting experience.
As before, there would be many boys staying at the house who needed space to sleep for the night. Cousin Bob had decided to sleep with me. Because of previous experiences, I looked forward to a nighttime adventure. Not being sure of Cousin Bob, I needed to be very careful in my investigation of him at night. I had learned from others, there were ways to carefully probe around without being suspicious.
The first night, I went to bed early to prepare the plan, that I would be asleep when my young cousin arrived to my room for sleep. Bob was the only boy assigned to my room for that night, because the others had not arrived by then.
About an hour after I slipped away to bed, he quietly came into my room. I could see from the night light, as he got undressed. It was warm in my room so he undressed down to his underwear and climbed into bed next to me. I rolled over to the other side of the bed to make more room for him, pretending I was sleeping.
I must have waited about half an hour before I rolled back over toward him, and placed my arm over his chest. There was no response, so I waited another few minutes before I slid my arm down his chest to his waist; still no response from him.
Without much delay, I continued to move my arm down his body until my hand was directly over his crotch. Then I waited to see what his response might be. Slowly and gently, I pressed my hand into his crotch and waited for a response. To my pleasant surprise, his response was an erection. I gently rubbed it a few times before he grabbed my hand and pressed it into himself, as he lifted his buttocks to meet me. No doubt, he was excited.
I relaxed as if I was not knowingly doing anything. Slowly he continued to hump up and down with his buttocks, until his erection swelled in his undershorts. Cousin Bob moved my hand above to his abdomen, took his hands, lowered his undershorts and moved my hand back down and resting it upon his erection.
I tried to play it cool, but I was so excited, it was difficult not to continue the passive foreplay. Presently, I moved my hand and gently squeezed his erection. In response to me, he reached over to feel my crotch and erection. I lowered my undershorts and together we fondled each other.
At that age and with past experiences, I was somewhat actively masturbating and was at the point, in development that I always got a thrill from doing it. Sometimes I discovered a sticky substance came out of my penis. I knew from other boys it was the start of a semen flow.
That night I got so excited, that I let go with a flow of clear semen greater than before. Cousin Bob was leaking a little himself. I may have been a little more developed than him, due to my previous experiences with other boys.
Soon we feel asleep and I found my undershorts pulled up into place in the morning. We never spoke of the incident that next day. It was as if it had been a dream. I was not sure there would have been a need to speak about it. The next nights were filled with other boys in my room and not private. I had to wait to play with myself in the bathroom alone.
Late in July of 1949, my stepfather, Ralph, had me and some neighborhood boys work rather hard in the back yard and garden. After a little lunch break, we worked off the meal and felt rather hot and dirty. Paul, one of the younger boys suggested to Ralph that he and I go for a swim to cool off and clean up. Ralph agreed with Paul's idea and warned us to be careful.
We walked up the bypass near home for about half a mile. We walked off the road into an old gravel pit for about another quarter of a mile until we came to a sandy pool of water. Over the years, the area had filled in with many small trees and bushes. It was not possible to see the old dirt road once used to haul out the gravel for the building of the bypass.
Spring waters had taken the place of the lower areas dug out for the gravel. The sand and gravel heated by the sun made the water feel warm and inviting. The one pool of water large enough to swim in was about fifty feet long, very shallow at both ends and about three feet deep in the center. The whole length was no wider than a couple of passes of a bucket loader or maybe twenty feet.
It seemed in the rush to get there, Paul failed to bring any swimming gear. When we got there, he suggested that we just swim in our birthday suits. Not giving it another thought, I undressed and went into the warm, fresh water.
Paul was about twelve at the time. I remember he was not as large as some twelve-year-old boys could be. He had dark complexion, hair and skin. One thing I did notice was that he had begun to grow pubic hair, just very little dark hairs just above and around his penis and a bit in his armpits. His arms and legs were covered lightly with dark hair. When he moved his fuzzy haired testicles bounced around and his soft three inches of penis swayed back and forth between his legs.
It was not long before we were fooling around in the water. He began patting and rubbing my buttocks. I did the same to him without any further intentions. The pats became strokes, much like the strokes from Cousin Ronnie.
I noticed that Paul's penis had gotten a very erection. He stroked my backside and pushed his erection into my buttock cheeks as if to penetrate me. He held me and pumped his penis between my legs from behind and fondled my genitals. Perhaps he knew that I might be receptive.
He turned me around and promptly fondled my hard little penis. He took me out of the water, laid me down on the grass, straddling me and pumped his penis over me until a white substance came shooting from the end of it. He rubbed the white substance about my midsection and then dove into the water. I rinsed off in the water; we got dressed and left for home. We walked back home as if nothing unusual had happened.
In a few weeks, Paul invited me to swim again. Ralph thought he might go with us, but he received a business call and needed to stay at home. He sent us on our way and told us when to return for mealtime.
Once again, Paul did not bring any swimming clothes, so we undressed as before and walked into the water. We played in the water for a short time before Paul rubbed my buttock. I responded with the same. Paul led me to the edge of the water, had me lay on the grass and placed his knees on the grass either side of my head.
He took his hard penis and directed it over my face as he stroked it. He rubbed my lips with it and pressed it into my mouth. He thrust it in and out of my mouth with great excitement until he emitted a creamy substance. I quickly gagged and tried to swallow the nasty stuff. Then Paul pulled his penis out of my mouth and finished off on my chest. To my delight, he got down on me and sucked me until I had a great thrill and went soft.
That situation seemed to become a pleasant summer activity. Paul and I visited at the favorite swimming hole several times more that summer. Each time he would suck me and try to get me to do the same for him. I reluctantly did only because of his pressure forced upon me. If I had not liked him doing things for me I would not have gone with him.
I remember once that summer of 1949, Paul brought along a black boy to our swimming place, who was about eleven at that time. He was about the same build as Paul, except his conspicuously bigger penis. I was surprised. It must have had about four inches, soft. I noticed a little bit of curly pubic hair barely visible on his dark skin. I thought he was a beautiful boy and I kept watching him.
We played around in the water a lot that day. He and Paul grabbed at each other and the next thing I knew they were holding onto each other's penis. The black boy stood at the edge of the water as Paul knelt down and put all of five inches of dark penis into his mouth. It seemed to take my breath away to see such a bold thing. Paul made loud sucking noises; the black boy closed his eyes, smiled, held onto Paul's head, and made pleasant sounds.
Finally, he held Paul's head into himself, called out, "Okay!" dropped his hands and stood there motionless.
Paul sucked a bit more before he stopped, looked up at his friend and asked, "How was it?"
The boy nodded his head and said in a dreamy tone, "Really wonderful."
He sucked Paul.
Paul in turn did the same for me, before we dressed and left for home.
I did not see the black boy again or recall his name. Very unfortunately, before I got to know him, he moved away before school began in the Fall of 1949.
The reviewing period for this story has ended. |