Published: 10-Mar-2012
Word Count:
Part one was posted over a month ago, so I'm going to include a synopsis here for those who might not remember that story. Of course, you can go back and read it again.
Dana brings her nine year old, very reluctant, cute, blond daughter to meet Dr. Vicky, who is conducting a multi-year longitudinal, developmental, sexual growth study. Dr. Vicky is wearing a white lab coat and has a stethoscope around her neck, and a nametag with an official-looking University Hospital nametag. She has Dana sign papers agreeing to the examinations and interviews. The importance of confidentiality is reiterated to both Lilly and her Mother.
Dr. Vicky explains that the next month, Lilly will be getting examined along with another girl, and then the three of them will go swimming in the motel pool and mini-waterpark. She tells Dana and Lilly about the occasional "research parties" when some of the other researchers will be in that part of the country to verify her research findings. Dana is especially open to that possibility for her daughter after learning that she will get a double payment for the parties and other "special sessions."
After her Mommy leaves, Lilly's reluctance subsides, although she is still embarrassed to let Dr. Vicky examine her small breasts and bald pussy, but she knows she has to let the Doctor examine her. Dr. Vicky, who is not really a doctor but a website producer, keeps reassuring the little girl that she is pretty and limber and getting "so grown up and sexy," as they continue with the examination in front of video cameras. Lilly was smiling at the cameras as she rotated her hips while dancing; getting lots of compliments from Dr. Vicky about what a good and limber dancer she was - which made her show off even more - although she was blushing the whole time.
Lilly does like dancing and walking in high heels, especially after Dr. Vicky assures her that nobody will see the videos except for a very few other "trusted researchers." So, Lilly continues to cooperate like her Mommy told her, not knowing there are thousands of members - all called "trusted researchers," on Vicky's websites, who each pay a hefty fee to become one of those researchers. In her interviews, Lilly eventually shares that she has been playing doctor with her friend, Tina, for a few years and that they have fingered each other, but only in front. She shows the curious doctor how she sometimes rubs herself between her legs at night. Dr. Vicky leads Lilly to her first-ever, full-blown orgasm while tickling the girl's clitty with a vibrator and fingering her well-lubricated anus at the same time. Lilly says she loved that feeling and that she wants to keep coming back every month since Dr. Vicky promised to help her have that feeling at least once during every visit.
"Hi, Dana and Lilly. I'm glad you're a little early today." Dr. Vicky greeted them as she unlocked and opened the door to her motel suite, which was also her 'research center,' when she was in town. "I was just helping today's other little research girl put on her make-up so we can get started." The three of them walked over to meet Tanya who was sitting in a chair in front of a big mirror in the bedroom. Tanya was only wearing a white, silky training bra and pink, lacy, semi-sheer panties. She had on bright red lipstick and eye shadow with a little rouge on her cheeks. Lilly thought she was beautiful - straight, dark hair with a white ribbon on one side, and a pretty face.
"This is Tanya. She's eleven and will be working with us today, Lilly. She's been in my research program for almost two years. I'm only assigned a few new girls each year, and our total research project gets maybe a hundred new girls each year, spread over ten different states. We're very selective. You really like being in the research program, don't you, Tanya?"
"You're pretty, Lilly, just like Dr. Vicky said. And yes, its fun being in the research program. I like every session, but I especially like it when there is another girl and especially four or five times a year when we have a party with the researchers, because there are other girls there, like four or five and one time there were seven of us girls at the party, and we all get dressed up and wear fancy clothes and lacy panties. And we play games, like Twister, or doctor, or other fun games. I mean there are other doctors there, too, besides Dr. Vicky, and we have to do some research, but it's mostly fun, like playing games with the other girls, like if one of the girls pretends to be a boy, even wearing a hat, and then kisses us and tries to feel us and undress us, and we have to pretend to resist at first before we let her. It's really funny, because we keep saying 'no' and trying to push her hand away, and then we let her and then we say 'no' to the next thing she tries until finally she gets us completely undressed and then we let her kiss us all over and finger us, while she keeps pretending to be a boy. Kind of like an acting lesson. You'll get a turn to be the boy, too, and then you'll have to keep on kissing the girl and trying to touch her and take off her clothes, and she will let you after she says 'no' and pushes your hand away a few times. We all take turns. Fun things like that. And the food is good."
Dr. Vicky interrupted her, "Tanya really likes the parties and there is one next month. It pays double since you'll be gone longer than for just a plain research session. If it's OK with your Mommy, do you think you would like to attend, Lilly? The girls get to play lots of fun games, and they only have to do a little research with each of the doctors. And of course, the doctors always wash their hands between girls."
"Yes, um I guess so. But like would there be men doctors there?"
Dana said, "Lilly! Don't ask questions like that. It would only be doctors. Dr. Vicky already explained that."
Dr. Vicky said, "Yes, Lilly, usually there are men doctors at those special sessions. And of course, they will all have on white, lab coats, and carry medical instruments while they examine you. But there aren't any here today!" She laughed, trying to calm the young girl's nerves. "Today it's just the three of us; me and the two of you girls. And as you remember, I will be stimulating each of you and getting measurements and interviewing both of you about what kinds of things feel best to you. Will you help me get Tanya lubricated for her stimulation? Remember, last month you promised me that you would help me." Dr. Vicky looked at Dana, "as part of the anal stimulation that is concurrent with genital stimulation, I was going to let Lilly help me get Tanya's anus well lubricated. It's our policy to make sure a girl has lots of lubricant so there is no painful friction that would distract from the other masturbation techniques. Lilly agreed to help me lubricate her." She nodded towards Tanya.
Dana said, "Oh, I see. Well, yes, lubrication would certainly help. Lilly, if you offered to help, then you should help out. I'm sure Dr. Vicky is counting on you."
"Well, yes, like for that. I'll do that, but I don't know about men doctors, you know, like touching me there."
Again, Dana said, "Lilly, this is medical research. And the doctors are all grown-ups. It's medical. Let them examine you or whatever they need to do. You promised me you would continue with the program. You promised you would do everything she said."
Lilly stammered, "Well, I'll do those things, Mommy, but I mean, like I don't want men doctors to do those things to me. That would be so embarrassing."
"Yes, you'll have to let men doctors do those things for your whole life! All women have to. This will help you get used to it. It's just part of the medical research. I want you to do everything Dr. Vicky tells you today." Dana looked at Tanya, "You've been doing this for a couple years, Tanya?"
"Yes, and the parties are lots of fun. Only a little bit of research at the parties. It's fun. The men doctors are nice. They are always polite, and they never hurt you or anything like that, and like they never put a finger in you until you are real slippery, in front or in back."
"But not men!" Lilly said. "I don't want to let them do those things. Not put fingers in me, or see me there."
Dr. Vicky said, "It's OK, Dana. Today could be her last day in our program. She doesn't need to continue. All the other girls who stay enjoy the research parties as well as the monthly research sessions. Each year we have a few girls drop out because they are too shy. So she doesn't need to continue. Let me take out most of the money from you envelope, and you could take her home with you right now." She looked at Lilly, "So thank you for participating last month, at least. It was nice to know you, and the other researchers liked watching the videos of me putting a finger in your vagina and in your anus. They could tell you enjoyed it each time my finger went in, but you can go home now." Dr. Vicky turned back to Tanya, "I guess it will just me you and me for the research today, Tanya."
"No, wait." Said Lilly. "I'll do it. It just sounds embarrassing, that's all."
"No, that's alright, Lilly. There are many other girls who are alternates who would like to take your place. We really can't use girls who are too shy. You can go now." She turned back to Tanya.
Lilly looked scared, and looked up at her Mommy. "I'm sorry, Mommy." She looked at Dr. Vicky, "I'll do the research. I'll do whatever you say, Dr. Vicky. I promise. Even if it is embarrassing."
Dana looked worried, too. "She will do it, Dr. Vicky. She will do everything. And it would be fine to keep her longer for the party, and today for swimming or other things, like we talked about, Dr. Vicky. That would be OK with us. I thought about what you said."
Dr. Vicky looked serious as she looked down at Lilly. The girl had tears forming in her eyes. "Are you sure you want to do this, Lilly. You know you don't have to."
"I'm sure I want to, Dr. Vicky, and I'll let the men doctors do those things."
"Good." Said Dr. Vicky. "And Dana, you know this developmental research is also measuring Lilly's sexual development besides just her growth and other physical development."
"Yes, I understand. It's a total picture, including sexual development, like you told me."
"Even though you can't talk about the project with anyone else, including each other, you do know we will do various kinds of stimulation so we can measure her reactions as she continues to grow? I masturbate her at least once during each session, and the other doctors will be doing that, too."
"Yes, I know. That's what I thought you meant when we talked on the phone a couple months ago and you said you would be taking off her panties to check certain things. So it's OK. It's just normal growth and development. I took a class in high school about growth and development in different animals and people. She will do everything that you or the other research doctors tell her to do. And I'm relieved that you promised me she would remain a virgin during your program."
"Yes, during our program, nothing goes in a girl's vagina or anus that is any larger than a man's finger. I can promise you that."
"Well that would be fine. Just a natural part of the examinations." She smiled down at her curly-headed daughter who was blushing brightly.
"Yes, and also as part of the stimulation to gauge the girl's responses and then have her talk about whether it felt good to her. Just normal research. And she was cooperative last month, even though she seemed shy about letting me touch her and get pictures and video of her private parts."
"She will cooperate." She looked down at her daughter again. "Won't you, Lilly?"
"Yes, I'll do everything she says."
"Good. I just wanted to double check so you'll know that I will be stimulating your daughter to measure her reactions and get her comments. Most of the girls just love getting researched like that."
Tanya was listening, and said, "I like all the things we do. And you're lucky, Lilly. You don't have to get waxed yet. It kind of hurts, especially the first time, but like it's only twice a year, and it really doesn't hurt that bad. And then you may get to do other things. Perhaps additional private sessions with our researchers."
"What does 'waxed' mean?" Lilly asked.
Dr. Vicky took Lilly's hand and led Dana and her daughter back towards the door. She said, "You don't have to worry about that, probably for another six months or so, Lilly. When one of our subjects starts to get noticeable pubic hair, we have the girls get a Brazilian wax treatment, so that everything is more visible during the measurements and in the videos of the girl's stimulation. And it counts as another research session. It doesn't hurt too bad, and only lasts a little while. We consider it a double session since we do some research before and after the wax treatment. Usually there are a couple other girls present to help with the research, and to encourage the girl who is getting waxed for the first time. They can look closely at each other, so she will see how smooth it will be after the session. It makes it much easier for our cameras to capture the details as she is stimulated. The cameras need to zoom in while the girl keeps her legs spread open. All our girls over ten get waxed. It can save a lifetime of shaving."
"I didn't know about that." Dana said. "Do you think the other girls at the pool might notice and start asking questions?"
"No, probably not, at least not until her mid teens, and by then most of the girls are shaving all or part of their pubic area, or else they get waxed; at least bikini waxed if not full Brazilians. The sooner a little girl starts the better after about nine or ten." Dr. Vicky looked down at Lilly. "Go back and talk with Tanya while you take off your shorts and shoes and socks. Stand next to Lilly in front of the cameras while you partially undress. Remember to look into the big camera on the tripod like you did last month the first time you undressed. But leave on your new panties for now. I want to see your new panties. I'll come over in a minute to do your make-up for today."
After Lilly walked over to Tanya, Dr. Vicky addressed Dana in a lower voice. "I didn't say anything earlier about the waxing, because I thought she might be too shy to continue in our research, but she worked out fine last month. Also, something else I didn't tell you last month is that after a few months, I refer some of my new girls to a modeling agency, and they might want to arrange a photo shoot for Lilly. I could show them a few of her pictures to see if they would be interested. It's not related to our research study, but it is also very private, and the modeling pay is even higher than what we are able to offer on our research budget. They do photography for overseas lingerie catalogs and specialty outfits. Oh, by the way, was the cash amount alright with you last month?"
"Yes, the nine hundred dollars was such a big help. It's hard to get by on my welfare check and food stamps, and I really appreciated your offer of cash so it wouldn't disqualify us. I'm still looking for a better job, like the one I had last year. Do you think the modeling agency would like to use Lilly? And when would that start?"
"I'm pretty sure they would. Would you like me to show them some pictures of Lilly? When Tanya mentioned her wax treatments it reminded me that I was going to say something to you about the possibility of her modeling. It would probably be only one session every three or four months, but it would be a big help to you. She would be gone about four or five hours, and they would provide transportation. It would also be paid in cash, but Lilly doesn't need to know about any of our monetary arrangements."
"Well, go ahead and show them some of her pictures. But, umm, well..."
"What, Dana? You can ask me anything."
"I was wondering... well, if some of the pictures you send them... well, umm, would they be nude?"
"Yes, of course. They have to be sure she is at least beginning to develop and that she doesn't have a lot of pubic hair. The modeling agency knows that all our girls start getting wax treatments at around ten years old, and that's important since some of their fashions are sheer or semi-sheer. And they know that our girls are used to getting into different positions in front of our cameras without panties, so of course they know our girls would pose like that with panties on while they take pictures. And they know our girls are used to playing with other girls in front of our cameras, kissing and so on, so they can model clothes and lingerie and other things with other young models in front of their cameras. But, Dana, please don't mention the modeling referral to the university if they contact you, or I could get in trouble. We're only supposed to do the research, but I know Lilly was brave enough to follow my directions and undress in front of cameras since this is private, and she is so cute and because you could use the money, so I thought I would mention it to you. It's our secret, OK? And don't say anything to Lilly yet. I will have to wait until they see her photos; to see if they would like to use her."
"Does Tanya do modeling for them?"
"I shouldn't talk about any other girls, but yes, she does. I trust you, Dana. Just don't say anything about this to anyone. Tanya has modeled for them several times over the last year. She loves modeling especially with other young models, and her Mommy loves the extra money."
"I won't say anything, and thank you."
"We can help each other. I will keep Lilly here for a little overtime each month, so you will get slightly bigger cash amounts. You keep our secret, and then I'll use Lilly more each time, and I'll try to get her lined up with that modeling company. Maybe I could arrange an extra research session every once in a while, too, if another researcher will be over in this part of the country. The other researchers like to do some of the research themselves rather than just relying on video and my comments about how she reacts to certain kinds of stimulation. Would it be OK with you if I schedule an occasional special session for Lilly?"
"Yes, that would be fine."
"And you can trust my friends at the modeling agency. I think a few months ago, Tanya's Mom got two thousand dollars in cash in one month - some of the money from our research project and most of it for a long session she did at the modeling agency with a few other models about her age."
"What are the lingerie catalogs you talked about? Where would her pictures be seen? I wouldn't want anyone in our town to see them."
"You can only get those catalogs in other countries. Europe or Japan, for example, or in countries that do business with Europe or Japan."
"OK. I just want her to still be a little lady around here, and I don't want anybody around here to find out about the modeling she will be doing, especially since you said some of the fashion lingerie would be ultra sheer."
"Good. There would be some video, too, with maybe Lilly demonstrating how easy it is to take off and put on certain exotic fashions. Some of the catalogs are on DVDs and they aren't allowed to be sold in the US, especially if a couple of the little girls are demonstrating how to use one of their mini-vibrators or other specialty equipment or lubricating lotions. The advertisers think it's cute to have two little girls playing with the equipment and demonstrating on each other, usually with panties on, but not always. And the little girls would be playing doctor; using one of the perfumed lubricants; and so on. Occasionally they will have two young models take a bath together; wash and kiss each other; and then get out and try on different specialty lingerie. Just normal things that little girls like to do. That's another reason they don't want their models to have pubic hair." Dr. Vicky smiled, knowing she would get a nice referral fee once Lilly started modeling for her friend. She raised her voice and called over to Lilly, "I'll do your make-up in a little bit, Lilly. Did you bring your swimming suit today?"
"Yes, it's in my bag." She called back and held up a plastic bag from a discount store that contained her swimming suit.
As Dana took the envelope from Dr. Vicky, she said, "Thank you. I could tell that Lilly has been looking forward to this, even though she was a little nervous about meeting a new girl. We didn't talk about it. I'll remind her to do everything the research doctors ask her to do at the research party next month, but we won't talk about specifics, of course. I won't mention the possibility of modeling. And it's not just that she's looking forward to the swimming, but helping you with the research, too. I know she is glad to be part of your study." She laughed. "And of course, the swimming will be fun, too. I'm so glad she is going to continue in your program. About what time will you bring her home?"
"It won't be for at least a few hours. I'll get extra pictures and video today, after I do her make-up so she will be even prettier, to share with my friend at the modeling agency. I'll try to get some video clips of the girls taking turns fingering each other today, so my friend will know that she isn't too shy to do those things. Is that OK with you; to show those video clips to my friend at the agency?"
"Yes. That's OK. All little girls do that. You can show the pictures and video to your friend. Are you sure nobody around here will see those pictures and videos? I mean especially since there will be nudity and fingering and playing with little vibrators."
"I'm positive. They are very discreet. They have to be, since those kinds of pictures and videos are illegal in some countries besides just the US. I don't know why censorship is so extreme in our country, as if denying the sexuality of young girls, even though thousands of girls under fourteen get pregnant every year. It doesn't make sense that only girls eighteen or older can show the world their pretty, young, limber bodies. I think there is something magical about a pre-teen's hairless, plump, firm pussy. Don't you?"
"Well, yes, I agree. Censorship has gone way too far in telling other people what they can see or do or say."
Dr. Vicky looked at Dana. "I wasn't going to say anything, but maybe someday, while Lilly is at a photo shoot, or in one of our research sessions, I was wondering if you would be willing to help with another little girl? You would undress her and touch her and finger her - stimulating her and following our one page of written directions, and then record her answers to some of our questions, while you finger her and do other things with her. This would only be with girls who have been in the program for a year or more, and it helps get them used to working with other people. Basically you would be stimulating them and then masturbate the girl to orgasm once you have her undressed. Maybe practice kissing with her. Would you consider helping us like that?"
"Well, umm, it sounds interesting, and I would like to help you."
"You would be paid a small stipend, on top of what you would get for Lilly's official research or modeling session for that day."
"Umm, yes, I'm interested, but I wouldn't want Lilly to know about it."
"No, she won't know. We won't deliver a girl to you for training until after Lilly leaves for her session."
"You said I would be fingering the girl, but do you mean in front or in back?"
"Both. One at a time, but we like our girls to get used to anal fingering, too. Our little girls usually love it, especially if they know that the woman will be vibrating her clitty at the same time your finger slides in. Be sure to use lots of lubricant."
"Oh, I will. I would want her to be very slippery back there. What other kinds of things will I be doing with her?"
"If you don't mind... and for a little extra money for you, would you lick her pussy for at least a few minutes? We've found that the girls learn to really enjoy that from a variety of people."
"And I would get extra money? Just for doing that?"
Dr. Vicky nodded, already knowing that Dana was interested.
"Then, OK, I'll do it. When would we start? Should I have dinner ready for the girl? And would it start next month when Lilly is gone for the research party or the modeling sessions?"
"Thanks for agreeing to help us. I'll see what I can set up. To help the little girl climax, we suggest two concurrent types of stimulation - such as vibrator on her clitty while fingering her anus, or licking and sucking on her clitty while fingering her anus. And get her ready with lots of mouth kissing and breast pinching and nibbling. You could do a little of each and then let the little girl decide which combination she would prefer. Usually by the time you ask her she would be almost ready to cum anyway. I bet you'll be able to tell when she's about ready. Our girls get so wet! Whoever Nurse Elise brings over to you for your first session will probably already be wet by the time they get you your apartment. Since the girl will be a little older than your daughter, you could help her cum more than once."
"Is that for another bonus? I mean if I help her have multiple orgasms?"
"No, it just helps us decide how good of a job you're doing, to see if we could continue to use you. It's only a once in a while kind of opportunity, maybe four or five times a year, and so we prefer to use the women to help us with our training program, who can get the little girl to cum three or more times during the two hour session. It helps our research to see how the girls respond to a variety of different women. Let Nurse Elise get a picture of the two of you before you start stimulating and undressing the lucky, little girl. It's for our records only, so we can keep track of which girls you've seen, and also to tell how many different adults have stimulated each of our research girls."
"I see. Well, I promise to do my best. Who would my first girl be? I mean, Tanya seems very attractive."
Dr. Vicky smiled. "I'm not sure, but all of our girls are attractive, like your daughter. You will enjoy whomever we bring you. And although the girl will probably be wet, she will be fresh and clean after a perfumed bubble bath, just like you do with Lilly. Lilly hasn't been kissed there by an adult or a child yet, but I'm hoping that she will let Tanya kiss her there today. Don't say anything to her. I want her to think you don't know about those kinds of things except for playing doctor. She wouldn't start the sessions with other adult females, one on one, during her first year. She has to get used to playing with other little girls first. And, the girls we bring you will know what you're going to do and they will be looking forward to it. The little girl will be wearing a skirt, and either Nurse Elise or I check the girl's panties before getting out of the car to take her in for a treatment, and there is always a wet spot beginning to form on the girl's panties. That helps us verify that the little girl is looking forward to the private session. But you have to set the pace to keep them slowed down. You have to undress them. Give each girl lots of compliments: how pretty she is, such a good kisser, pretty, pink nipples, firm pussy lips, tight, little asshole, and even more compliments. They aren't supposed to undress themselves. Stimulate them a little more every step of the way, but you have to make them wait. Keep them right on the edge until her hips start moving, and then you'll know she is really wet and ready. OK?"
"OK. Yes. I'll help."
"Good. I'll have Nurse Elisa show you how to operate the camera when she delivers a girl to you. Get some still photos and video clips as you go. When I pick up Lilly next month, I'll leave pictures of three or four little girls in your cash envelope. Just circle the little girl you want to start with, and give the pictures back to me when I drop Lilly off. If possible, then you could start with the little girl you circle. Just in case I can't get your first choice, also indicate your second choice. There will be several pictures of each of the little girls you can choose from, from fully dressed to totally nude and spread open - front and back. Now, do you need Lilly back home today by a certain time?"
"No. Anytime is fine, but please call me if it will be after six. We usually have dinner around six. And I had her take a perfumed bubble bath this morning so she would be clean and fresh for you."
"Thanks, Dana. I'll call when we leave. Since Tanya can stay longer today, too, we might get dinner after we change clothes after our swim, before we take the girls home. And I might masturbate them again before we get dressed after swimming. It probably won't take long since the little girls get so charged up during the research. So it will probably be around seven o'clock, but the girls will already have eaten." Dr. Vicky smiled at another of her private jokes, hoping she would be able to get Lilly to eat Tanya later. She knew that Tanya wanted to eat Lilly, but didn't want to scare the new girl. She would have to work up to it. And she knew that a video clip like that would guarantee Lilly's acceptance to become a model for that modeling agency she was telling Dana about. "Are you sure you're willing to help me with the other little girls? You know that will involve undressing her and kissing and licking her between her legs. Are you sure you'll do that for us?"
"Yes. I'll be glad to help. You're helping us."
"Good. And the little girls I bring you will all have a perfumed, bubble bath from their Mommies before Nurse Elise or I bring one of them over to work with you. And I hope that when Lilly gets to that phase, that you'll give her a perfumed bubble bath too, before she leaves with me or Nurse Elisa, my assistant."
"Yes, of course I will. I want her to smell clean and fresh all over for the research."
"Very good. I'll put some pictures in the envelope for you next month when I pick her up for the research party. Oh, and I'll bring another envelope with me when I drop her off today as kind of a tip for you if Lilly is especially cooperative again today."
"OK. Thank you. And seven o'clock would be fine. Lilly is kind of a picky eater."
Dana left with the envelope - eager to get back to her car and open it. Dana liked the idea of letting Lilly model, especially since the pictures would be going to other countries. She knew her daughter wasn't as shy as she pretended to be.
"Let me get your shirt off, Lilly, so I can do your make-up while you stimulate your breasts. And I want to see your new panties. Did you take a perfumed bubble bath today?"
"Yes. Mommy wanted me all clean for you." Lilly answered while still looking at Tanya. Both girls were smiling. Lilly saw that Tanya was massaging her own breasts through her training bra, so she started following the example of the older girl; massaging her own breasts, although Lilly was still wearing her T-shirt.
Lilly and Tanya hadn't taken their eyes off each other. Tanya said, "I told Lilly that you told me she was cute, but she is even prettier than I expected! So cute and sexy, just like you said, Dr. Vicky. Today will be fun. And she's not as shy as you said because she took her shorts off when you told her to. Her panties are really cute. I hope she'll let me try them on in a little while." She looked at Lilly. "Sometimes while we're walking around and getting ready to get measured and things, if there are two girls here, Dr. Vicky has us trade panties with each other. Would you like to try on my panties?"
"Yes, those are pretty." Lilly smiled at the girl's compliments and seemed even happier to be there. She said, "I got these new panties today. Mommy wouldn't let me put them on until after I took a long, perfumed bubble bath to get myself all clean there. Mommy told me to wash between my legs extra good so I would be super clean for you. You know, down there." She pointed to her lap.
Tanya reached back and unsnapped her training bra - revealing two, pale, half-lemon sized breasts, with puffy pink nipples. She said, "It's OK, Lilly. It's just us girls here now. It's easier to massage them without a bra or shirt on." She pinched her puffy nipples and showed her pale breasts to Lilly. "Do you like mine?"
"Yes. Yours are so pretty. They are bigger than mine."
"It's OK, Lilly. I bet they will grow over the next year. When I was your age I was still completely flat. Remember, Dr. Vicky?"
"Yes, I remember, and I have pictures. Yours are developing nicely, Tanya, and so are yours Lilly. While I finish your make-up, you girls can keep pinching and pulling on your nipples, so they will stand out real nice when you start walking and dancing in high heels. Take your shirt off, Lilly, so I can do your make-up."
"Oh, goody!" Said Tanya. "I especially like dancing in high heels, because that gets us ready for the buzzing, and that feels so good, doesn't it, Lilly?"
Lilly blushed, and then said, "Yes, gee. The buzzing. Is that what 'masserbution' is?"
"Yes, Honey." Dr. Vicky said, "Masturbation is whatever we do to help you get those big tingles in your pussy - and there are lots of different ways to make it feel wonderful, including the buzzers and fingering. It felt good last month when I fingered your anus and tickled you clitty with a vibrator, didn't it?"
"Yes, it felt really good. Gee." She kept blushing, and tingling - knowing that Dr. Vicky wanted her to put her finger in Tanya's bottom later to get the older girl lubricated so Dr. Vicky could put her finger in her bottom while she buzzed her. Lilly wanted to watch her do that! And she wanted to get those good feelings herself again, too.
Dr. Vicky said, "We probably won't get to lubricating each other for about an hour, Tanya." Dr. Vicky laughed. "We have lots of research to do first. And I want you to two to do some tickling, wrestling, butt spanking, pussy spanking, toe-sucking, and other games first, but we'll see. Maybe we'll wait and do those things later. And I want to watch you two girls dance for a little bit. But don't worry, I've got a little buzzer for each of you, and I'm expecting both of you to help me get the other girl ready You each promised me you would help get the other girl lubricated today. You will won't you, Tanya?"
"Yes, I want to."
"And you'll help me get Tanya's bottom lubricated, won't you, Lilly?"
She was blushing even brighter now - which was very obvious with her blond hair and pale complexion. "Yes. I'll help you get her ready."
"Good. Let me do Lilly's make up now. You can practice walking in high heels while I get her ready. I'll get you both dressed up in a few minutes."
Five minutes later both girls had their subtle make-up on, panties, and high heels with lacy, ankle socks - walking (and giggling) to fifteen feet away from the camera and back. At five feet, two inches, Tanya was three inches taller than Lilly.
She turned on some slow rock music and had the two girls dance and turn for the cameras. While mostly dancing, she had the girls hug and rub the front of their panties together. Tanya showed Lilly how to grind their pussies together, which Lilly thought was funny, but she kept doing it. They were holding each other on the back of her panties so they could grind harder and lean back while grinding their panties together. Both cameras were aimed at the two girls.
"Tanya will teach you more about 'pussy grinding' in a little while, Lilly, once you have your panties off, and after the mouth kissing, but come over here now. I want you to see some very pretty pictures." Dr. Vicky laid out a dozen pictures on the desk in her motel suite. The pictures were close-ups of a girl's pussy with her legs together, standing still. She had Tanya and Lilly each stand over one of her knees, so that her knees were between their legs. She put her hands on their hips, on the waistband of the girl's panties. "Look at these pictures of these girls. Each girl is nine to twelve years old. The older girls have been waxed. In these close-ups you can't tell how old the girl is, but look closely and we can talk about the differences you notice. Do you think they are pretty?"
Lilly said, "Gee, every one of them is pretty. Some have plump lips, like the way you said mine looked, and some have more skinny lips so you can see part of her clitty."
"Very good, Lilly. Can you tell which pussy is yours?"
"And you, Tanya, do you think each of these girls has pretty lips? Pretty and kissable?"
"Yes. They are all pretty. I would like to kiss every one of them. That one looks kind of familiar, the one with the big clitty sticking out from between her thin lips."
"You're right. I wondered if you would recognize Charlotte. She has such a big, fat clitty. You said it was sort of like licking and chewing on a one inch cock. Remember?" Dr. Vicky put her hand out over the pictures of pussies. "Charlotte has a big clitty, as you can see in the picture, and it's like sucking on the tip of my finger, almost one third way down my finger. Tanya sucked on it. Remember, Tanya?"
"Yes, it was before one of the parties, and she said she liked how I sucked and licked it."
"Correct, and do you remember what happened?"
"Well, there were a few doctors and a camera watching me do that to Charlotte. She was dressed for the party, but somebody had taken off her panties. And then she was lying on her back on the couch, and you had me finger her bottom at the same time while I sucked on her clitty, and she had a big, noisy orgasm, and some of the doctors even clapped for us because I did such a good job kissing and fingering her at the same time. They told her to leave her panties off during the rest of the party so that the doctors could each give her quick examinations."
"Everyone loved watching you do that, Tanya, and she liked it, too, or course!" Dr. Vicky laughed, "I thought you might remember that one. And you have already kissed a couple of these other girls, too, and will get to kiss another pretty pussy in this little collection later on today, but there is one pussy you couldn't possibly kiss: your own."
"Really, like is one of these a picture of mine?" Tanya asked.
"Yes, both of you are in this line up on the desk. And part of what you need to do today is try to find the picture of your own, and the picture of each other's. It will be easier to identify after you study each other's bare pussy and kiss it."
"Kiss?" Lilly asked.
"Yes. You will each get to kiss each other on the lips. The lips on your mouth, and the lips on your pussy. That's why they call them lips. It feels good to kiss another girl there, and it feels good to get kissed there, too, doesn't it, Tanya?"
"Yes, really good. I want to kiss yours, Lilly."
"But that sounds so gross. And umm... well, I've heard of that, but I thought it was just lesbians. I don't want to be a lesbian. I mean, I guess it would be OK to practice kissing on the mouth, like to practice what we'll do with boys someday, but not, down... you know." Lilly pointed to her panties. "And I did hear girls in the locker room at the pool talk about their boyfriends doing that."
"Lilly, I'm so glad you're being honest and straightforward with me. One of the goals of our study is to learn about attitudes and beliefs. Some women do believe that - that only a lesbian would kiss another girl there. However, that's not true. When you play doctor with your friend, Tina, don't you put your fingers in each other?"
"And don't you lie back with your legs apart to let each other get a close look at your pussy, or you look at her pussy; looking at and touching each other?"
"Well, that's a very natural thing that girls do. It doesn't mean you're a lesbian. It means you're curious, and that you're growing into a woman. And you've heard older girls talking about boys kissing and licking them there."
"I think so, like at the pool, and they are laughing and joking about which boys give the best 'head.' That's what they say, and I think that's what they mean, like when the boy licks the girl, or if the girl sucks on the boy until his sticky stuff squirts out. I've heard the older girls talking about those things. They think it's funny when the boy's stuff squirts all over."
"Did you ever see a boy's cock, or a man's, Lilly?"
"No. You asked me that last month, and I've never seen a real one. Just like pictures and a couple videos. And the videos did show the white stuff squirting out of his thing, and it got all over the girl's face."
"I've..." Tanya started to talk, but Dr. Vicky held out her hand, palm up, to tell her to stop talking.
Dr. Vicky said, "Watching videos, listening to other girls talk, playing doctor with other girls - well, those are natural things. And it's also important to keep an open mind about the things we do here for our research. We need to know what feels good to you. So just try it today. Kiss Tanya's pussy and if you don't like it, then you won't have to do it again. Just kiss it for a few minutes. I'll have her kiss yours first, OK? So you can see how good it feels."
"Well, OK. I'll try it, I mean since Mommy wants me to follow your directions." She chewed on her bottom lip, telling Dr. Vicky that she was both nervous and curious about it.
Tanya said, "I used to think that, too. And I really like boys, even though the boys my age mostly act stupid and joke around. Everything is a joke with them, even when they talk dirty. They don't say things in a loving way. But I've learned from Dr. Vicky, in this research program, that it really is fun and it feels good, to kiss the other girl and to get kissed there by another girl, too, or by a man or woman. It doesn't mean we're lesbians, or I wouldn't be doing it. But I want to kiss you there. Dr. Vicky told me that yours is really pretty. Will you let me?"
"Well, I guess we can try it. But, umm..."
"What?" Tanya asked.
"Um, it's kind of wet. Like it got wet on the way over here, and like just thinking about the stuff I thought we might have to do. I could wipe it off for you."
"No, don't wipe it off. That gives it more flavor and I want to taste you. I'll put my tongue in you as far as I can to get more of your flavor."
Dr. Vicky noticed that Lilly's hips squirmed. "Ohh, gee. Well, OK, then. You can kiss me there, I mean if you don't mind it being all wet."
Dr. Vicky said, "Good, Lilly. Just let her kiss you there and then you try it on her. And then decide if you would be open to trying it with some of our other little girls. It's very private here, and nobody else will know. I bet they would all like to lick yours, Lilly. I know they would! I even showed a picture of yours to several other girls and they all said they would like to kiss you there. I told them that you get wet, and then they really wanted to kiss you there."
"Yes." Dr. Vicky didn't mention that lots of men and women members of her website would love to kiss her there, too. Many had even agreed to the exorbitant 'party fee' and agreed to wear a smock and stay in character as a researcher just to examine her.
"They want to kiss me?"
"Yes. And..." Dr. Vicky placed both of her hands on the girl's hips and twisted her around to face her. She smiled at Lilly. "And, I showed some of the other girls pictures of your face, and they all want to kiss you on your mouth, too. They said you were cute. I didn't show them the pictures of your face and pussy at the same time, so they didn't know which one was yours. A couple of those girls will be at the research party next month, you know, the little party we have with some of the research doctors, after they are done examining and interviewing you. I bet you'll get to kiss those girls at the party. There will be dancing, games, and special party clothes. It's important to let the other researchers watch you do things with the other girls so they can gauge your reactions. It's fun. All the other girls enjoy it."
"Gee. Like even men doctors watching me do that?"
"Yes, of course. Silly. It's part of the research. They are doctors, and you need to follow directions like your Mommy said."
"I know. But, gee."
"I really like the parties; the food, the nice doctors, the other girls, and the dancing and fancy clothes, too." Tanya said. "All of us girls get to kiss and play with each of the other little girls at the party. It's really fun."
Dr. Vicky had cautioned Tanya not to say too much to Lilly, but worried about her enthusiasm. She said, "So today, I want you and Tanya to practice kissing each other - just on the mouth at first. Let me have you girls walk and undress for my camera right now, before we get to all that. A little later, I'll want you to feel each other all over, and then I want Tanya to kiss you on your pussy lips so you will see that it feels good, and then you can kiss her. You won't have to do it again after today if you don't like it. I want you to know that it does not mean you're a lesbian when you're just experimenting and following directions. So, you will at least let Tanya kiss you here?" Dr. Vicky slid her hand forward and started squeezing Lilly's plump mound through her panties. "Now, keep looking at the pictures another minute while I stimulate both of you. See if you can pick out your own and each other's."
While the girls kept looking at the pictures, Dr. Vicky talked while stimulating them with the hand that we between the girl's legs to rub her pussy through her panties. "You'll notice, if you look closely, that every one is slightly different from all the other ones. Later, probably much later, and before you lubricate each other's anus, you'll be getting close looks at each other, and then you can pick again. I'll leave these pictures on the desk. Now, each of you take the colored pencil in front of you and write your guess. Put your name on two cards, and then write 'me' on one and 'Tanya' or 'Lilly' on the other card. This is your first guess, and of course you'll get extra points for each card you get right and it doesn't matter if it's on your first guess or second guess. Go ahead. I'm not squeezing your pussy too hard, am I, Lilly?"
"No, but it makes me wiggle so I can't concentrate."
"Do you like looking at the other pussies?"
"Yes, they are all so pretty." Lilly said.
"Would you like to feel them sometime, and look at them up close, even if you don't want to kiss them?"
"Yes, I mean, I would like to look at them and touch them."
"Good, and would you let them touch yours and look at it? You would be helping me with my research."
"Yes. Mommy wants me to help you however I can."
"Good. You can see how things go with Tanya today, so you'll know what kinds of things you could do with the other girls, while the other researchers are watching closely and taking notes and pictures. It doesn't mean you have to kiss the other girl between her legs if you don't want to, but try to do everything I say today, and then you can decide for yourself at the party next month. OK?"
"Yes. OK. And they would watch me do that?"
"Yes. Now, let's get started." After the two girls both put their two "pussy guess #1" cards over the pussy pictures on the table, Dr. Vicky led them back over to her 'stage area.' They were standing next to each other in panties and high heels. "Lilly, reach your left hand over and slip your hand inside Tanya's panties. Tanya, you do the same thing. Keep your feet fairly close together, just like you are, and then introduce yourselves again while you're feeling each other's pussy. Good. You go first, Lilly. Let your fingers slip between Tanya's pussy lips. It might help you pick out which pussy picture is hers later, when you'll get to guess again."
"I'm Lilly, and I'm nine years old. Oh! She flicked me. You know, on my clitty. Anyway, when school starts, I'll be in the fourth grade." She looked at Tanya, "That's getting me all tingly, Tanya, rubbing me like that. It kind of tickles. It's hard to concentrate on what I'm supposed to say while I'm rubbing you and you're rubbing me."
Dr. Vicky said, "You said you would help me, Lilly, and this is helping me; getting her stimulated. I want you two girls to stimulate each other. It's part of our research. OK, Lilly?"
"Yes, OK. It just makes it tingle down there."
"Well that's good. Does Tanya feel damp between her lips? Is she starting to get more slippery? Is her clitty getting stiffer?"
"Um, yes, I think so. My finger feels wet and it slides pretty easy, like slippery."
"Good. That means..."
Tanya said, "Oh, that feels good, Lilly. I've been wanting to touch you ever since Dr. Vicky showed me your pictures and videos. I can't wait to taste you. Right here, where I'm wiggling my finger. I want to kiss you here. Your lips are so firm and plump! I can't wait."
Dr. Vicky said, "Introduce yourself, Tanya, and then we can get started with the other parts of our research today. We have other things to do before I'll let you kiss her there; other outfits to wear; other places to kiss and touch each other. Then you can do what you've been wanting to do. And after that, you will lubricate each other to get ready for your treatment. Lilly, do you remember your treatment after I lubricated you?"
"Yes. Unn."
"Have you been looking forward to your treatment today?"
"Yes. I thought about it every day, even at the swimming pool."
"Did it give you tingles to think about it; what I'm going to do again today?"
"Yes. You said it would be even bigger tingles today, and maybe even more than one."
"Yes, I know you'll love it. But we have things to do first. Things to wear, and like I just told Tanya, places to kiss and feel each other, and then you can lubricate her and then you can help me give her a treatment. OK?"
"Before we go get you two dolls dressed up so you can undress while you dance for the cameras, I want you both to take your hand out of each other's panties and smell your fingers. That's it. Now suck on your fingers. Good. Could you smell each other's excitement?"
"Yes. She smells good." Said Tanya.
"My fingers are gooey wet, and I can smell her. She smells good, too." Said Lilly, almost copying Tanya's reply.
"Kiss each other on the mouth."
Tanya bent her head down to start kissing. Lilly tilted her head back to receive the kisses of the taller and older girl.
Dr. Vicky let them kiss each other for over a minute before suggesting that they feel each other's breasts. Again, Tanya started immediately, and then Lilly followed suit. "I like feeling her." Tanya said.
"I like feeling Tanya, too." Lilly added.
After several minutes of intense kissing and feeling in front of the cameras, Dr. Vicky had the two sexually excited girls put on short dresses and short, spaghetti-strap, T-shirts and walk to and from the camera, and then dance to a slow rock tune. The girls were holding hands and frequently looking at each other as they walked and danced.
Dr. Vicky had them dance and kiss and dance some more. They continued while undressing. When they got down to just their panties again, she had them grind their panties together, and then trade panties. She noticed both of the girls checking out each other's pussy before she put the other girl's panties on.
"Would you girls like to kiss some more?"
"Yes." They both said at once, which started a nervous, giggle fit.
"Then help me bring the cameras and things into the bedroom, and we can do some other things before I get each of you ready to cum for the first time today. Maybe you could both enjoy several orgasms today."
She had the two girls get dressed again while she set up the cameras in the bedroom. Once everything was ready, she had the two girls walk into the bedroom and take off their shoes. They laid on the bed and started kissing each other again, and shortly thereafter they began feeling and undressing each other. She had Lilly demonstrate the things she did with her friend when she played doctor.
"OK. Now, Tanya, leave your panties on. I think Lilly's panties look nice on you. Did they feel wet when you put them on?"
"Yes, they were pretty wet, but so were mine. It's OK."
"Take this little vibrator and show Lilly how you rub it on your pussy, pressing it against her panties, and then let her try it. Try to ignore the cameras, Lilly, just like you'll have to ignore the cameras and the doctors who are watching you next month, and just imagine you're two friends enjoying a sleep over in complete privacy."
Tanya demonstrated with the vibrator - sitting on a pillow and leaning back against the head of the bed with her knees up and wide apart as she pressed the vibrator into her crotch. Lilly watched closely, unable to hold still. Then Lilly tried it and loved it; opening her legs wide for the cameras while she pressed and moved the little, pink vibrator back and forth across the crotch of her panties, sometimes grinding it against her clitty through the silky material. The pink panties showed a growing wet spot in the center, between her thighs, where she was rubbing the vibrator.
Dr. Vicky only let them play with it for a few minutes total while she worked the cameras, getting close-ups of their hands and panties, and their faces as they rubbed it on themselves. She had Tanya explain masturbation to Lilly while she was rubbing herself. "And remember, Lilly, talking about what you enjoy sexually is part of our research, so just let yourself talk about things."
Tanya said, "This is my favorite way to masturbate, Lilly, rubbing a little vibrator against my panties and then taking off my panties. I like the little vibrators because you can put them up your vagina if you want to, but mostly I rub it on my clitty. Do you ever rub your clitty at night?"
"Yes, especially during the last month, since Dr. Vicky gave me those good feelings. Like I have to rub it for a while before going to sleep and dreaming about coming back here to get... umm... well, rubbed by Dr. Vicky. That feels so good the way she does it."
"How did she make you cum the first time she did it to you, Lilly?"
"Well she played with me a lot first, and undressed me, and then she put slippery stuff in my bottom, and kept telling me to open wide for the cameras so the researchers would be able to see in me, and she put lots of slippery stuff in my bottom and kept putting her finger all the way; in and out, in and out, and then she rubbed the vibrator on my clitty at the same time that she pushed her finger in me, and then it felt like I exploded with good feelings and it kept squeezing and squeezing and it felt so wonderful. Gee."
"I know. She does it to me the same way, and I love it. It's partly why I like coming back here every month, and especially with another girl. You're fun, Lilly. I like playing with you. You're so cute, too."
"Thanks. Rub it around like this?" Lilly was taking her turn with the vibrator, still conscious of opening herself toward the camera.
Dr. Vicky said, "Before you practice your bare-pussy tribidism for the camera, why don't you girls kiss each other on the panties for a little bit, just to get used to some of the positions, especially since you've never done it before, Lilly, so you'll cooperate with your partner and with the cameras. And after all, Tanya is still wearing your panties, so you'll only be kissing your own clothes. Tanya, you get in different positions and let her kiss you on the panties for a little bit. Lilly, just kiss her on her clitty and try to suck through the panties. Chew on her gently. Really press your lips against her pussy through the panties. Let me get some good camera shots. Keep going. I'm sure the other researchers will like watching you do this with some of the other little girls next month, Lilly. Even if you don't want to kiss the other girls on their bare clitty, you can at least kiss them on their panties, can't you?"
"Well, sure. I'll do that."
"And you'll undress another girl and feel her all over?"
"Yes, but you mean in front of the men doctors and the cameras?"
Dr. Vicky laughed. "It's not only men research doctors, Lilly. I know that nurse Elise, one of my best assistants, will be at the party, too. She might be the one to get you lubricated for the doctors who will come into the bedroom to examine you one at a time. You'll like working with Elisa, too. Usually with a new girl, before the actual party starts, after make-up and clothes, except for panties, we put the new girl in a private bedroom. The girls who have been to other parties get examined out in the main room, and you'll get to watch some of them being examined. Then all the girls get their bottoms wiped off real clean to get off all the excess lubricant, and then they get panties to wear for the next part of the party; the games and food. You'll get to try on lots of pretty panties that night. The researchers will change your panties for you."
"Nurse Elisa will be there?" Tanya asked. "Oh, good. I really like her, too. At the last party she practiced kissing with me before the men doctors got there. It was funny because I was still naked just before she was going to put the lipstick on me. She was pinching my nipples at the same time, and even let me massage her breasts while we practiced. It felt funny to be squeezing her breasts like that - a grown-up's." Tanya looked over at Lilly. "She does good getting you lubricated, and she makes sure the Doctor's finger is all lubricated, too. She'll let you watch her get his finger all slippery before he puts it in your bottom. It's especially important since men have bigger fingers. But it feels really good. She reminds them to go slow at first. And she reminds him not to get in front of the camera except for his hand, because the grown-ups aren't supposed to be in the videos." She stopped talking a minute, and then said, "Oh, and Nurse Elisa is the one who taught me about front spankings. I didn't like the idea at first, but then it started feeling really good, and the little audience of men doctors really liked watching her do that to me. It was funny because I flinched each time she spanked me there, even though she wasn't spanking hard. I could tell they liked watching, and it felt good, too."
"Front spankings?" Lilly asked, looking concerned. "And how could you tell they liked watching that? Did it hurt you?"
"No, it feels really good. It's more like taps - like tapping and tapping on you there with a little wooden paddle. And I could tell the men liked watching her do that because..."
"OK, that's enough, Tanya. We'd better get back to our own research now. Don't tell her too much about the parties. It's kind of fun wondering what is going to happen. All the girls really like the parties, Lilly, and you will, too. They have some surprise games every time. I know Tanya likes kissing practice with the men and with the other girls, too. And she likes letting the other doctors pull down her panties. Don't you, Tanya?"
Dr. Vicky laughed. "OK, enough talking, Girls. Tanya, it's time to get into different positions to let Lilly kiss your panties, I mean so Lilly can kiss her own panties which you are wearing. Remember to get in 'open positions,' so she can kiss you in your tingle place."
Tanya got in a series of erotic poses. Lilly playfully kissed her panties, thinking it was funny at first, but then she got more into it each time Tanya changed positions - on her back with legs straight, and then with knees bent and laid out, and on her hands and knees, and on her side with one leg up, and the standing on the floor, with her elbows on the bed so Lilly could kneel behind her on the floor and reach her head up to kiss the panties between Tanya's legs.
"You're doing great, Lilly. Now, Tanya, lie on your side and lift one leg. Lilly, this is called 'tribidism,' when you rub your pussies together. Most girls like it. It rubs your excitement together and stimulates your clitties. It's a good way to get warmed up before you kiss each other there. Tanya will show you what to do, so just go along with her."
Dr. Vicky got great video as the two girls got in several tribidism positions on the bed and rocked their pussies together. Off came the panties and they kept rubbing their pussies together, letting Dr. Vicky move the small camera around to different angles. About ten minutes later, she had Lilly lie back on the bed with her legs together so that Tanya could kiss her chest and mouth, and then work her way down to Lilly's belly button, and then they switched places.
To Dr. Vicky's delight, Lilly spent time sucking and kissing Tanya's small breasts; obviously enjoying it. Dr. Vicky zoomed her smaller camera in on the action as the girls talked - with Tanya telling her that it felt great, and Lilly sharing that she liked doing that with her friend, Tina, whenever they stayed at each other's house. At the end of that scene, Lilly said, "When we play house or doctor with each other like I'll suck on her titties and feel her between her legs at the same time, like this. And then she does it to me. Her titties are as little as mine, but it's still fun to suck on them and like pinch them a little bit. Yours are bigger and so pretty. I like doing this. It's fun doing this research with you."
Dr. Vicky smiled as the girls talked, while Lilly was feeling up Tanya.
Then, after a few minutes of kissing and sucking on each other's breasts, and even though it was ahead of schedule, Dr. Vicky let Tanya begin kissing Lilly's pussy - first while Lilly had her legs together. They soon opened wide without any further instruction from Dr. Vicky and Tanya began kissing and licking Lilly's wet pussy. She fingered it several times. Lilly was beginning to moan. Since Dr. Vicky didn't want the younger girl to cum just yet, she had them trade places.
Lilly looked at Tanya's open pussy, smelling it at the same time from just inches away. After a few tentative kisses, she began licking and sucking on Tanya's clitty.
"Ohhhh, yes, just like that. You're so good, Lilly. This feels unnnn... wonderful. I love how you're kissing me there. Unnnn."
Dr. Vicky moved one of the cameras for a better close-up of Lilly's face and tongue as she kissed and licked Tanya's pussy. She watched a minute while Lilly got into it, and then said, "See? That's not so bad, is it, Lilly?"
"Unnn, no."
"Most girls enjoy doing that to another girl, almost as much as getting it. Do you find it exciting?"
"Do you think you would like to kiss the pussies oft a few other girls before you decide whether to keep doing it or not?"
"Yes, I'll try it. Unnn."
"Good, because the other girls want to do it with you. Just like Tanya told me, they all said you had such a pretty pussy, and a pretty face, they want to kiss you all over!"
"Do you like how Tanya tastes?"
"Unn, yes."
Pull your head back a few inches, Lilly, just for a little bit, and then I'll let you taste her again. Now put your thumbs on either side of her clitty. Good. Now push her lips wider apart and push both thumbs up towards her belly button. Good. See her little, pink pearl? Gently lick her right there; right on her pearl."
"Ohhh, unnn, God, that feels good, Lilly. Unnnn." Tanya moaned.
"You're doing great, Lilly. You can tell that she likes it. Are you sure you never did that before?"
"Unn, no. I never did."
"Well, you're so good at it. I'm sure all the girls will like being a research partner with you. Do you want to stop now, or would you like to kiss her pussy for another minute for more practice?"
"Unn, another minute."
"Try sucking on it and flick your tongue back and forth across her clitty. The little, pink pearl is her clitty button; the most sensitive spot on a woman's body. Can you feel the stiffness with your tongue?"
"Yes." Lilly said.
Dr. Vicky had Lilly scoop out as much wet excitement with her tongue from Tanya's pussy and then hold the thick, white excitement on her tongue and slide up to kiss Tanya on the mouth. "Put some of her excitement in her mouth when you girls kiss. You can both taste Tanya's pussy excitement at the same time." She let the girls kiss for a full minute.
"OK, your turn, Lilly. Lie back and open your legs. Lift your knees. Tanya, while you get in position to lick her, let me get a close up of Lilly's wet pussy. Good. I can see that this is exciting to you, Lilly. And next month you'll get to do this with each of the other little girls. The researchers will want to watch you do this. So do it as if you really enjoy doing it. It doesn't mean you're a lesbian. Just show the researchers and the other girls how good you can do it. They want to make sure you enjoy doing this research for our medical project. They want to be sure that the things you do really feel good to you. It shows them how little girls grow up sexually and learn to enjoy new sensations."
Dr. Vicky was talking softly and continuously, knowing that Lilly wasn't paying close attention as Tanya started to lick and suck on her pussy. Lilly was softly moaning as Dr. Vicky kept talking. "The researchers will be watching closely as the other girls do this to you, too. While another girl is doing this to you, either Nurse Elisa or I will ask the other girl to stop for a few seconds so you can show the researcher how stiff and swollen your clitty is. If Nurse Elisa or I say, 'Show him your clitty,' then the girl will stop kissing and sucking on your clitty for a few seconds and back her head away. Then you reach down with both hands and pull your pussy lips wide apart and up towards your belly button to show him how big and stiff your clitty is."
Lilly didn't say anything, but kept moaning as Tanya licked her pussy.
Dr. Vicky said, "Show them your clitty." Tanya backed off and Lilly reached down with both hands and pulled her pussy lips apart and up, making her clitty stick out. Her stiff, little, pink button was fully erect and exposed, and even larger than Tanya's.
Lilly held herself open for the close-ups, anxious for Tanya to continue her attention on her clitty. Dr. Vicky said, "You're doing great, Lilly. Do you enjoy helping with my research project?"
"Unn, yes."
"I think you're getting used to cameras and letting a new girl, and me, one of the researchers, help you have an orgasm. You like having orgasms, don't you, Lilly?"
"Yes. Really." Her hips were moving and her chest was flushed.
"You'll get to have your first one in just a minute. Lie on your back and lift you legs up and hold your ankles. Tanya will start kissing and licking your pussy again. And, Tanya, go ahead and get her anus lubricated. Maybe you can lick her pussy and finger her anus at the same time. Would you like that, Lilly?"
"Unnnn, yes." She continued moaning while Tanya lubricated her anus. Lilly was holding her ankles, keeping her straight legs wide apart.
Tanya started licking Lilly's pussy again while fingering her anus.
Lilly was close to cumming when Dr. Vicky said, "You can cum now, Lilly. Enjoy it. We'll help you cum again later today, too. And next month the other research doctors and the other girls will help you have lots of orgasms - in front of cameras and with people watching you - won't that be fun?"
"Unnn, yes."
"You'll kiss the other girls - mouths and pussies - while the other doctors get video and pictures, won't you, Lilly?"
"Unnnn, yes."
As Lilly started cumming, Dr. Vicky said, "Good, and you'll let the men doctors finger your vagina and you anus, won't you, Lilly?"
"Unnnnnnn, ohhhhh, yesssss."
After a brief rest, the girls did a little modeling before getting ready for Tanya's turn to cum. Dr. Vicky could tell that Lilly was getting charged up again. She had the girls do a little more tribidism, lifting their short dresses and then taking off their panties. She had them take turns sucking on each other's toes. She got video of each naked girl peeing with their knees wide apart and leaning back on the toilet. Dr. Vicky and Tanya mentioned several times that cameras and having people watch made the sensations more acute; the sexual excitement even stronger. She had the girls spank each other again, after Tanya' had her orgasm while Lilly licked and sucked on her clitty with a finger in Tanya's ass.
Dr. Vicky could tell that Lilly wanted another turn to be 'it,' - the star in front of the camera so she could have another orgasm, but Dr. Vicky took them swimming first. Surprisingly the indoor pool wasn't very crowded because it was a warm sunny weekend, and most kids were at neighborhood pools, and it was after check-out time, and before the usual check-in time at the big motel. One of Dr. Vicky's male friends was waiting at the pool, and after introductions - as if it was an accident that he was there - "I'm in town for a conference." He said. He enjoyed fondling both little girls as they splashed in the pool, and the girls enjoyed it, too, after Dr. Vicky said they needed to get used to letting other 'approved people' touch them.
The girls went back to the room with Dr. Vicky and they all got dressed. Then Dr. Vicky and the nice man took the girls out for dinner. Dr. Vicky drove Lilly home, leaving Tanya and the nice man stay in her motel suite until she got back. Lilly kissed Tanya and the nice man goodbye.
Back at Lilly's apartment, Dr. Vicky told Dana that Lilly was being cooperative, and that she was invited to the researchers' party the following month, and that she would call her about other things. Dana knew she was referring to the possibility of Lilly doing some lingerie modeling, and the possibility of Dana helping to train one of the other little girls. "I hope things work out."
"I'm sure they will." Dr. Vicky said, "Although I'm not sure of the timing. Let's plan for sure on a long day, double session, at the researchers' party next month, and then we'll go from there."
Dana turned to Lilly, "Did you have fun today, Honey?"
"Yes, it was fun. I want to go to the party."
End of Part Two
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