Rin and Her Sensei

[ M/g, reluc, rom, spank, anime ]

by CC


Published: 9-Mar-2012

Word Count:

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Author's note: Rin is a character in an 'anime' series called 'Kodomo no Jikan'. This story was written for a correspondent who likes Rin, but clearly considers her a 'brat' who needs a good spanking! While I have made a minimal effort to use characters from the series, I make no claims to being a 'fan' of it. Don't be surprised if, in various and sundry ways, this story does not 'fit' with the series.


Rin's head hurt. She couldn't remember why. And something smelled...funny, and bad. Something was very bad, she knew, but she just couldn't remember what it was. And she felt so tired...


Where was Reiji? Oh, there he was, next to her. Something about him didn't look...right. And why did her head hurt, and what was dripping, and smelling...not good? And where was Mimi?


It was too hard to figure out, so she slipped away again, remembering what she could remember, remembering before...


"Rin Kokonoe! You naughty, naughty girl!" Aoki Sensei was furious. Rin was a nine-year-old girl in the class he taught. She was cute, and smart, and funny, but she was also exasperating. Mischievous even on a good day, she had developed a crush on him (not wholly unrequited, as Aoki would admit to himself at times), which she expressed mostly by doing her best to make his life miserable. Pranks and backtalk were bad enough, but lately she had begun to act out her feelings more outwardly, pressing her slender little body against him alarmingly, then accusing him of trying to molest her (thankfully when no one else was around!).

But this was absolutely too far. She had texted him photos of herself before, some of them 'accidentally' displaying more of her preteen charms than was proper; but this time she had blatantly 'sexted' him, sending him a nude picture of herself that he found terrifyingly attractive, with her nipples sitting atop only mere buds that barely broke the plane of her chest, and her unfledged girlcleft clearly seen between her slender thighs, displaying the prominent clitoris so typical of a preteen girl.

It was after school. Everyone else had gone for the day except Rin, Aoki Sensei, and Rin's friend Mimi Usa, who was waiting with her for their ride, Rin's first cousin once removed, Reiji. Aoki was so upset, he acted almost without thinking. He towed Rin over to a chair by her arm, her mouth agape in near-shock. He sat down, and pulled her over his lap. He tossed her skirt up and pulled her panties down, her little hands fluttering in protest until he seized them behind her back and held her down. With the other hand he delivered spank after open-handed spank, directly on her bare bottom, [SMACK-SMACK-SMACK!] as Mimi looked on in astonishment.

"Aaah! Aaah! Aaah!" Little Rin cried out as he disciplined her, although if the truth were known, she was not as distressed as she might have been. For one thing, Aoki Sensei was not spanking her very hard. It really didn't hurt any more than the sting in one's hands after clapping loud and long at a concert. For another thing, Rin had fantasized about this very thing often, wondering what it would feel like if Aoki Sensei were to spank her on her bare bottom, imagining her pressing her little unfledged quim against his strong thighs...

And now it was a reality. And she did press her sex against him, and rocked her hips, and cried out loud from the sting of each spank, and from the burning sensation in her little loins. After twenty or so spanks Aoki 'came to himself' almost with a start, and ceased her discipline. Concern for her flooded through him, all though he knew he hadn't spanked her very hard, and he could see that her buttocks were only mildly reddened. But he couldn't help sliding his hand onto them, caressing and soothing her, brushing the hair off her forehead with his other hand, whispering to her words of care and even affection. Meanwhile he tried mentally to make his hardening rod settle down, as it poked into her soft belly...

He pulled her panties up and slid her off his lap. She astonished him by throwing her little arms around his neck in a tight squeeze, then grabbing Mimi by the hand and skipping off to the parking lot, where Reiji had just arrived.


"Aoki Sensei! Aoki Sensei! Help, help, please Aoki Sensei!" Little Mimi was pelting up the drive of the school. She and Rin had just left a few minutes before with Reiji. Aoki ran out to see what the matter was. "There's been an accident! Reiji isn't moving, and I couldn't wake Rin up! Please come quickly, Aoki Sensei!"

Aoki wasted no time, picking up Mimi and carrying her with him to his car, dialing the emergency number on his cell phone as he headed out of the parking lot. In no time he was at the scene. No one else had arrived yet. The car had gone off the road, and hit a tree. Gas was dripping out of the ruptured tank; Aoki could see and smell it. He could see the opened back door where Mimi had been able to get out; Rin and Reiji were still buckled in the front. For some reason the air bags had not deployed. A small flicker of flame was just forming under the car.

Aoki knew he had to move fast. Any moment the gas might ignite. He hoped neither victim had a serious neck injury as he wrestled them both out and carried them some distance away. Then the emergency vehicles were arriving, and they were able to properly assess and care for them, and take them to the hospital, Aoki and Mimi following behind. At least they had seen Reiji breathing, and moving a bit, and Rin had awoken briefly, and even smiled at Aoki, before closing her eyes again.

At the hospital they waited anxiously, but were relieved at the news: both would be all right eventually. Rin had suffered only a few scrapes and bruises, and appeared to have had a concussion, but was improving rapidly. Reiji had more serious injuries, including multiple fractures, but all were expected to heal without complication. He would be able to go home in a day or so.

Rin begged and pleaded, and Aoki was willing, and Reiji had no other options and no one else to turn to, so Rin went home with her Sensei. Mimi's parents were quite permissive, and let her do whatever she wanted to almost, and what she wanted to do was stay at the hospital with her friend's guardian, for whom she had a secret crush. So Reiji was well taken care of.

Back at Aoki Sensei's home, Rin was naturally somewhat subdued. He made up a little bed for her and she fell asleep almost immediately after relieving herself and getting a small bite to eat.

The next day was not a school day, so they both were able to rest a bit more. Before they headed back to the hospital Aoki made them both some breakfast. He sat on the couch for a minute, and Rin almost immediately crawled up onto his lap. He was surprised, but he couldn't help feeling a burst of affection for her, and as her little arms went around his neck, he put his around her, reveling in the feel of her slenderness. "Aoki Sensei?" asked Rin.

"Yes, Rin," he replied.

"...I...I'm glad I'm here with you. 'Cuz I love you. And-and-and I really liked it when you spanked me!" There. She had said it. She buried her face in his shirt, her cheeks burning with embarrassment.

Aoki gaped in astonishment. He couldn't believe his ears, yet at the same time he knew, even if he only recognized it subconsciously at the time, that she had not minded being spanked by him, that she had even enjoyed it somehow. Feelings and emotions were flooding within him: tenderness towards this little girl, who had been through so much in her short life, and had just been in a terrifying accident, though thankfully she had escaped without serious injury; a hot wave of desire, his rod stiffening alarmingly in his pants, so that he shifted uncomfortably, trying to keep it from pressing into the little girl on his lap; and a flood of...joy, joy at the knowledge that this precious little girl cared for and about him, that she didn't resent him for spanking her, that she had even enjoyed it. Visions sprang into his mind of more spankings, she now naked across his lap, his hand spanking her bottom, her thighs, trailing up between her legs...

He couldn't resist. "You know you've been a naughty little girl very often and for a very long time. Perhaps I should spank you again, hmm?" he whispered in her ear, and waited almost breathlessly.

In reply she planted a big kiss on his cheek, then plopped happily down across his lap, wiggling her bottom lasciviously at him. He obliged her, tossing her skirt up and pulling her panties down, pausing to admire and caress her soft little bubble-bottom as she cooed and sighed, then smacking her bottom [WHAP-WHAP-WHAP], just hard enough to make her jump and yelp a bit with each one. "Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh, Sensei," she cried out, almost dreamily.

He paused, and slid her off his lap and onto her feet. "Little girls that send naked pictures should be spanked naked, don't you think?" he inquired rhetorically, as he pulled her little dress up and off her. Now she was nude before him, a naked nine-year-old girl with a grown man. He couldn't resist: his hands reached out almost of their own accord and began to caress her, first her cheek as she nestled her face against his warm fingers, then trailing down her slender shoulders, her chest, cupping and tickling first one nipple and breastbud, then the other. Then on across her flat tummy, poking her in her navel as she giggled. One hand slid down her back, and cupped and squeezed her buttocks as she wiggled her hips a bit in response. The other hand finally was there, cupping and massaging her gloriously unfledged sex as he reveled in the feel of her puffy cleftlips, tracing up and down her vulva, gently pinching and twisting her clitoris as she softly moaned.

Then he began to front-spank her, [SMACK-SMACK-SMACK!], his palm and fingers leaving faint red prints on her mons and cleftlips as she cried out almost wildly, "AAA! OHSENSEIPLEASEPLEASEPLEASE!" He began to intersperse firm massaging of her clitoris, pressing it excruciatingly against her pubic bone, then resuming spanking her cleft again, back and forth, her hips rocking and rocking harder and harder, until finally he was treated to the sight, sound, and feel of this precious preteen girl whom he loved climaxing in his hands as he disciplined her intimately.

Reiki awoke in his hospital bed. Where am I? he thought, then remembered: the accident, waking up in the emergency room, his fractures treated. He suddenly became aware of a very...pleasurable sensation! He lifted his head and looked down: there was little Mimi, sitting next to his bed, her head resting against his thigh, with one little hand stroking his now-erect member through the sheet! "Mimi!" he exclaimed, somewhere between a whisper and a shout, "Wh-what are you doing?"

She lifted her head and looked at him with a small smile. "I'm just trying to make you feel better, Reiki-san; don't you like it?" she replied.

"It's-I-um-yes, it feels good, but maybe you shouldn't..." Reiki's willpower was weakened: he was injured, he still had narcotics in his system for his pain, his head was swimming...and he couldn't deny how good the little girl's hand caressing him felt. Subconsciously he remembered that he had been aware for some time that little Mimi had a crush on him. He had noticed that she had begun teasing him, much like Rin teased Aoki Sensei, even sometimes sitting across from him and deliberately spreading her legs and showing her panties to him. Once she had even pulled some minor prank or other on him, then said, "Now you should spank me, Reiki-san!", bending over and flipping her skirt up. She had seemed almost...disappointed when he had confusedly declined.

Mimi continued to caress him, saying, "Is it naughty of me to do this, Reiki-san? Maybe you should spank me!" Mimi had been captivated by the sight of Aoki Sensei spanking Rin; it had immediately made her think of Reiki pulling her own panties down and smacking her bottom. Now she carefully crawled up over his lap, staying well away from the cast on his right lower leg, and laid herself down, pressing her hips against his swollen manhood. "Please, Reiki-san, I've been such a naughty girl, please spank me!"

To Reiki it almost seemed as if he was watching himself on TV; his hand moved of its own accord, pulling her skirt up, grasping the hem of her panties, sliding them down, then caressing her smooth, soft little bottom. Then [SMACK-SMACK-SMACK!] giving her a brisk, business-like spanking, sharp but not too hard, as her buttocks jiggled prettily, and she cried out softly, "Ah! Ah! Ah! Oh, Reiki-san!"

After ten or so spanks he stopped, caressing her lightly-reddened bottom as she whimpered and cooed. Then she shimmied up to his chest, flattening herself onto him, burying her face in his neck, whispering, "I love you, Reiki-san. Thank you for spanking me." Then she gave him a little 'butterfly kiss', and slid off him, pulling her panties down, resuming her seat next to his bed. Reiki drifted off to sleep, unsure if he had only dreamed the whole thing...

In a day or so he was released from the hospital. As soon as Aoki Sensei could, he sat down with Reiki. Up until then, Reiki had not been very friendly to Aoki; he had been somewhat jealous and concerned about Rin's near-obsession with her teacher. But now he looked at Aoki in a new light. After all, Aoki had risked his life to save him, and Rin, too. Also, in the last few days Rin had been pestering Reiki nearly to death, begging to be allowed to stay with her Sensei, telling Reiki that she loved Aoki, that she wanted to marry him. In some cultures perhaps this would have seemed preposterous. Even in Japan it was technically illegal, but many Japanese men openly admired very young girls sexually, and Reiki had to admit that he himself had had something of those feelings for Rin. But now he found himself more and more thinking of her quiet, bespectacled friend, Mimi...

So it was with a new attitude that he and Aoki Sensei talked. And, with Aoki's help, he spoke with Mimi's parents. The outcome of all this was that it was agreed: Aoki and Reiki would take Mimi and Rin to ***** ****** where, with the help of a local lawyer whom Aoki located with a little online research, Aoki would marry Rin, and Reiki would marry Mimi. So it was done. Then they returned to Japan, where they wisely kept quiet about the details, but Mimi moved in with Reiki-san, and Rin with her Sensei.

Aoki Sensei had made it clear to Rin that the routine of their domestic life would include domestic discipline. Rin was conflicted, of course: part of her was embarrassed at the thought of being stripped naked in front of him, and being spanked, or whipped. But part of her longed to feel his hand on her bottom and...other places.

Very soon after they had returned to his house, Aoki called Rin to him. "You've been a very naughty girl for a very long time, haven't you, Rin-chan?" he asked, rhetorically.

Rin hung her head, but peeped up at him through her lashes. "Yes, Sensei," she replied softly.

"Then I think you're due for some strict discipline!" he announced, but with a twinkle in his eyes, and love in his voice.

He unbuttoned her blouse and slid it off her shoulders, exposing her chest as she blushed. Then he unsnapped her skirt and let it fall to her feet, and pulled her panties down after them. She stepped out of them and stood before him, a beautiful, a slender, preteen Japanese princess, with the face of an angel in despair as she awaited her discipline, breasts that were mere buds topped by nipples, slim hips, and an unfledged girlcleft with puffy lips and prominent clitoris, framed by her gleaming thighs.

Aoki sat down on a chair and pulled her across his lap. [SMACK-SMACK-SMACK!] went his hand on her bottom, her buttock cheeks jiggling, little moans coming to her lips, as she wriggled on his lap, causing his rod to begin to swell.

Aoki had obtained a few other disciplinary items for use on little Rin. Now he slid her off his lap and stood her back up before him, taking up a leather strap and swinging it across her bottom, [SMAK-WHAK!]. "AAAA-AAAA!" she yelped, and "Oh, Sensei, please!" as he continued to discipline her with stroke after stroke, reddening her round little bottom as she danced in place. He also strapped the backs of her thighs, leaving faint red streaks that faded slowly as she yelped. He moved around and began strapping the fronts of her thighs. Her cries became a bit more...impassioned as her discipline verged on the sexual.

Now Aoki shifted his aim, bringing the strap across her little breastbuds and nipples as she gasped and cried out wildly. Once he had reddened them fetchingly he strapped her full upon her mons, cleftlips, and clitoris, again and again, reddening her little underdeveloped sex. She nearly screamed, rocking her pelvis back and forth as he disciplined her so sternly and intimately.

Finally he tossed the strap aside and swept her up in his arms, kissing her hair, her forehead, her cheeks, her lips. She kissed him back through her tears, clinging tightly to him, her slender legs wrapped around his torso, her pelvis pressed firmly against his waist. He sat down on the chair and rocked her back and forth as she shuddered and sobbed, her face buried in his shirt, staining it with her tears. He began to caress her, soothing her, rubbing her reddened bottom, the faint red streaks on her thighs, then sliding up to gently massage her nipples and breastbuds as she tipped her chest out, inviting his hand to continue. Soon she was moaning softly. He let his hand drift down, down...soon he was there, gently and then more insistently rubbing her puffy cleftlips and clitoris, pressing the nub against her pubic bone, squeezing, pinching, twisting, punctuating the molestation of her preteen sex with sharp spanks that made her jerk and cry out. Her hips were rocking farther and farther, her back arched, and finally she was coming in his hand, a precious preteen's orgasm, crying out, "AAAAH! AAAAAH! AAAAAAH!" She collapsed into his arms, sobbing out the last of her climax, then drifted off to sleep.

At Reiki's house he and Mimi were settling in for their first night together. Reiki had just gotten himself ready for bed, a somewhat strenuous task because of his injuries, and was now sitting up against his pillow. Mimi had gone into the bathroom some minutes before.

He looked as the door to the bathroom opened. Mimi came out...fully nude! Reiki gaped as the pretty little preteen, wearing only her glasses and a shy yet wanton look, padded over to his bed. She clambered over him and knelt on the bed next to him, her bottom resting on her heels, her thighs apart, giving him an enticing view of her unfledged cleft. Her nipples were erect, her breast development no more advanced than that of her little friend's. "Are we going to make love now?" she brightly inquired, "Or maybe I should get a spanking first!" Answering her own question, she plopped herself down over his lap, wiggling her bottom lasciviously at him.

Reiki had hung his pants on the chair next to the bed. Mimi was able to reach out and snag his belt off the arm of the chair, and she reached it back to him. "Hear, Reiki-san, use this," she told him.

"But Mimi-chan, I don't want to..." Reiki began to object. Mimi could hear the love and concern in his voice.

"It's OK, Reiki-san, I know you don't want to hurt me. I know you won't do it too hard. It's just for fun, and I-I like it! And I know you like it too! If it's too much I'll tell you, OK?" Mimi replied.

In the face of this Reiki could only nod in amazement that was...joyful. Then he took up the belt, wrapping it around his fist so that six inches or so dangled, and brought it down across her soft, smooth little bottom, [WHACK-WHACK-WHACK!]. "AAA! AAA! AAA! Oh, Reiki-san, please!" little Mimi cried out as he disciplined her. Soon her buttocks were criss-crossed with faint red stripes as she wriggled and moaned.

He stopped after ten or so strokes, tossing the belt aside and caressing her, soothing her bottom, letting his fingers dip between the cheeks of her buttocks to toy with her anus and the lips of her cleft as she parted her thighs and pushed herself against his hand.

"Reiki-san, I gave myself enemas and put lubrication in m...." Mimi whispered. Reiki continued to be amazed. He had known that Mimi had a level of mental maturity, including regarding sexual matters, that was beyond her years, but...!

He could not resist. He pierced, penetrated, and probed her anus with first one, then two, and finally three fingers as she moaned and cried out. He slipped his other hand underneath her and seized her cleft and clitoris, pinching and twisting, caressing and stroking, her little hips rocking farther and farther, until she came in his hands, crying out hoarsely, her slender frame going rigid, then collapsing over his lap as she sobbed out the last of her precious preteen orgasm. Reiki gave her a gentle back rub as she slowly subsided.

After a few minutes she popped her head up and grinned at him. "Now it's your turn, Reiki-san!" she announced brightly, clambering off him and pulling the covers down, exposing his midsection, his manhood clearly pointing skyward through his thin pajama bottoms. She unbuttoned him as he just gaped, and proceeded to 'go down' on him in a manner surprisingly skillful for a preteen girl. Reiki groaned softly, marveling in the sensation of his member inside her mouth, her lips stretching to accommodate him.

But she did not 'bring him off'. Instead once he was as hard as he had ever been in his life, and well-moistened by her spit, she turned around and brought her bottom down, impaling herself on his flag-pole of a rod, yipping a bit as she pressed herself onto him, moaning at the feel of his adult manhood invading and violating her preteen anus and rectum. She began to move up and down on him, and he could not resist: he moved his hips as well, and soon his motion was forceful and rhythmic, driving deep within her, until he boiled over, emptying himself deep inside her as he groaned aloud, falling back on his pillow, spent, amazed, overwhelmed.

After a moment he pulled her back against him, enveloping her in a long, loving hug, kissing and caressing her, whispering of his love for her as she giggled and snuggled closer, deeply content.

Aoki-Sensei and Rin did not, perhaps, move quite that quickly. He did 'punish' her regularly. He gave her a good, bare-bottomed whipping, with strap or belt, every Friday night, as her 'maintenance discipline'. She was always naked for these. At other times he would discipline her for any minor infraction, carelessness, backtalk, etc. For these he would usually bend her under his arm, toss up the hem of her dress, and give her a brisk, business-like spanking as she moaned and danced.

At other times he would simply seize her and discipline her at will, so that she would understand that she was to be submissive to him at all times. These sessions would take many forms, often evolving into extended sexual discipline. For instance, he might order her to sit on the edge of the bed. Then he would take the shoulders of her dress down, exposing her little breastbuds and nipples as she shivered. He would seize them, kneading and working them, pinching and twisting her nipples as she gasped and moaned. Then he would swing a strap across them, [SNAP-SNAP!]. "AAAH- AAAH!" she would cry out as he reddened her top. The he would strip her completely, running his hands lasciviously up and down her slender naked preteen body. Often he would skip spanking or whipping her bottom, and go straight to a front-spanking, seizing and massaging her buttocks while he smacked her sternly on her mons, cleftlips, and clitoris, [WHAP-WHAP-WHAP!]. "OOO-OOO-OOOH Oh, Aoki-Sensei please!!" she would cry out wildly, frantic at being so sternly disciplined on such a private place. Soon her little hips would be rocking as her sex was reddened, and he interspersed pressing her clitoris excruciatingly against her pubis between spanks. Finally she would come in his hands, writhing and bucking, yipping and yelping as pleasure mixed with embarrassing discipline.

Within their first two weeks together, however, his frustration had built to the point that he had to have relief somehow. After punishing her to orgasm one evening he told her he wanted her to learn how to service him with her mouth. He had her kneel in front of him on a soft rug and told her to open his trousers. She shyly undid his fly and his rod sprang out, pointing skyward. She looked down, trembling. He tipped her chin up with his fingers, saying, "Put it in your mouth and suck on it, Rin-chan. Something will come out when I'm done and I want you to swallow it. Don't worry, it's not pee," he said, to her evident relief. She timidly took his manhood between her lips, her eyes closed in embarrassment.

The feel of the soft lips and warm, moist mouth of his little preteen child-wife on his member was one of the most pleasurable sensations Aoki had ever felt. He held her head and gently worked in and out as she sucked, and in no time he was groaning and emptying himself in her mouth. She spluttered a bit, but tried to swallow the unexpected rush of hot liquid. Some spilled out of her mouth and dribbled down onto her chest. After he slipped out of her mouth with a contented sigh, he took up a soft cloth and tenderly wiped her, then kissed her long and sweetly.

On a day not long after that, he lay on the bed with her after a sweet discipline session. She had lain shivering in his arms, sighing and sobbing out the last of her precious preteen orgasm, then had 'serviced' him, his rod in her mouth, bobbing up and down until he emptied himself with a groan as she convulsively swallowed. They had both napped briefly, and now he was caressing her sweet, slender body, loving the feel of her nipples, her slim hips, her soft bottom, her puffy cleftlips in his fingers as she moaned softly. His manhood was hardening again.

He was startled to feel her little hand slipping unbidden down to his trousers, releasing his rod. She climbed up and straddled him, putting his member between her legs, looking at him steadily, waiting, an almost mischievous look on her face. Aoki could hardly speak. "Go ahead, Rin-chan, if you're willing," he managed to croak out.

Rin guided his manhood between the lips of her unfledged cleft and pushed down as hard as she could. As she gave her maidenhead up to him she screamed once, shortly, arching her back, spasming, then collapsed on his chest, sobbing. He hugged her and rocked her, kissing the top of her head, stroking her hair, her shoulders, her back, whispering to her how much he loved her. All the time he was acutely conscious of the sensation of his rampant rod buried deep within her little preteen girlhood, so tight, so warm, so soft. After a while her distress died down to the occasional sob and sniff. He held her hips and began to move her up and down on his chest, thrusting into her again and again, penetrating her as far as her small size would allow his manhood to go as she moaned and writhed in his arms.

Having spent himself so often in her mouth, he was able to continue to ravish her for some minutes, reveling in the exquisite feeling of taking her and taking her, finally letting himself go, emptying himself at her cervix with a groan.

And Rin and her Sensei, and Mimi and Reiki-san, lived happily ever after!

The End


All comments wildly welcomed!

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


Not familiar with the series this story is based on but it was still a good read.

Anime Junkie69

I love Kodomo no Jikan it is by far one of my favorite animes. So your story made me extreamly happy. lol. Thanks you. Hopefully you might keep writing about the four of them and their sexual adventures. I know I'd like to see it.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.