Age Six

[ m/m, M/m, mast ]


Published: 4-Mar-2012

Word Count:

Author's Profile

Story Summary
WARNING: If you are offended by sex between men, sex between a boy and a man, sex between boys, sex between teenaged boys, sex between a man and a teenager or any combination thereof--where some of them may be related by blood, marriage or just plain lust-- you definitely should not be reading this story. If this type of sex is illegal or immoral in your particular state, province or country, stop reading now and go away. If, according to your local laws, you're under age, no fair peeking below.

Some of the following events may contain graphic descriptions of sexual acts between men and MINOR boys. Any resemblance to any particular boy, man, teenager, penis or other anatomical part is just your over-active imagination.

Through Age Six 1940 My Birth

I was born in November of 1940 in Midwestern United States of America. My family already had one child, a girl four years of age. My parents were very excited about having a boy as they had been trying for me ever since my sister was born.

My sister, Barb, was very excited about having a new baby in our family. She liked being around me, watching mother attend to me. Mother allowed her to play with me once I had grown enough to be safely handled.

As we grew older, we remained close to each other year after year. Naturally, as Barb got older she realized I was not her baby and let me have more space. She never gave up watching me from a distance, and still today, I remain her 'baby brother'.

1944: My 4th Birthday, With Father

Having been so very young at the time, I do not remember much of anything about Father. He was often gone on an assignment somewhere in the world for the U.S. Army. I do not remember Mother talking about my father or his assignments while he was away or when he was home.

The only time I recall my father, was in October of 1944, when he came home early for my birthday celebration. In my memory, he seemed very tall and slim. His voice was deep, but pleasant. Most of the day and evening he spent with Barb and me, talking to us, holding us on his lap and hugging us. Possibly, he felt he might not return from his next assignment and wanted to spend all the time he could with us.

Barb, of course, remembers much more than I can. She told me in later years that Father was a tall slim man with rough features, who always worked hard and tried to enjoy being around us children as much as his time would allow. Most of the time he was gone on some assignment at some distance place, usually in a disturbed area of the world.

My sister told me that on Father's last visit he was early for my birthday and wanted to celebrate it before he left. She mentioned that he helped to blow out the candles on my cake; he played outside that day with the both of us until dark and kept us up late until we dropped asleep. The next morning when we got up Father had left for his assignment, never to be seen by us again.

1945: Father Dead!

14 April 1945, Mother received word that Father was killed in the line of duty outside a small village in western Germany. He was with the military and also a news correspondent with a local city news service. As the facts seem, he was driving a motor cycle on some assignment near the end of the war. While driving he was shot by sniper fire and killed. No other details are known to me. We do not know if he was alone or with someone at the time of his death. He had been with the military most of my young life and I did not really know him.

Mother never talked about Father after his death. What I found out was from Mother's mother and she never explained why Mother would not talk about Father at all. I found out from Grandmother that Father was a first generation American of an Irish family in New England. She told me that he was a tall man and good looking. For all I know, she could have been told to me that to make me feel good. I have never seen a picture of him to know.

Grandmother said that, after his death, his hometown gave a parade in his honor. He must have been well known and well liked there. After the memorial services and parade she said, Mother was invited to the state governor's mansion to receive his Medal of Honor. That was all I really found out about Father. I asked Mother, but she would not hear of any discussion about him.

Soon Mother changed her routine, spending less time at home and working longer hours. She worked during the war for a local office of an attorney. It seems the other staff people were recruited for military support in factory offices. A number of war factories came into existence in our area during that time. Later, as work slowed, she did the same sort of work for an accounting firm in the same building after they combined offices to cut costs and she remained there until she remarried and moved away. I was told she did not support the war in any way. I do not wonder why.


For several weeks in the summer of 1945, I stayed with Mother's parents. I remember they were not well off but had plenty of love and good times to go around. My grandfather was a bit of a joker. He teased my grandmother a lot of the time and told me story after story. He was a short stout man and grandmother was a taller and larger stout woman. They lived in a country home and there was always something interesting for a young boy to do or chores to be done. They lived near farms and I got the opportunity to visit and watch. I tried to help with haying, but could not begin to lift a bundle of hay at age four and a half.

Grandfather worked away from home at a factory in a nearby city. I helped Grandmother put up his lunch each evening before bed and got up early to see him off to work. He would come home tired, dirty and not his happy self. It usually took an hour or so, a hot shower and dinner before he was back to the grandfather I loved to be around.

In the daytime, I tried to help Grandmother around the house. I got the impression later that I did a good job of getting in the way. She appreciated me trying and encouraged good work. By afternoon, the both of us took a nap and got up before Grandfather came home for a shower and dinner.

1945: Age 5

For my birthday in 1945, it was a tremendous let down for Mother especially, not because of me, but our great family loss. She celebrated my birthday sadly that year, without Father. Mother and Father's parents were at our home for a brief birthday party. Barb told me Mother spent most of the time in her room alone after the guests left for the evening.

1946: Age 6; Visit Mother's Parents Uncle Roland And Uncle Carl

In the summer of 1946, I visited my mother's parents, but only for a short time. Father's parents took me for the rest of the summer. They lived in the country on a small family farm with other family members. My Uncle Roland and Aunt Maggie lived there with their parents. They seemed old to me at the time, but they must have been in their late teens. Maggie was older than Roland was and they did not seem to get alone very well when I was there.

I slept in a small room of the third floor with Roland. We both used the same small bed. It was a good thing I was small at the time. Roland, I recall, took so much of the bed that, I was against the wall most of the time. He moved around most of the night putting his arms and legs on me. Many times, he would lay over on me and as he did his genitals would fall out of his underwear. It was a constant battle to get him to move over or take his limbs off me. Fortunately, I was able to nap each afternoon after lunch.

I remember a very funny thing that happened to Roland early one morning. As he laid asleep at the edge of the bed, one of his visiting brothers came into the room to get me up to have breakfast and help with the chores. Seeing his youngest brother laying there with his genitals hanging out under the covers, he had an idea to get his attention. He went downstairs to his mother's sewing room and came back up with a piece of ribbon. Gently and careful not to wake him, Uncle Carl put the ribbon around Uncle Roland's penis and made a bow of it. I do not recall Roland's reaction to the affair, but I felt a little revenge for all my sleepless nights with him. I was not, that I recall, aroused by the event.

The farm had a barn with animals. There were six or eight cows for the milk, dozens of chickens for eggs, cats for the barn mice, two horses for working and a dog for playing with. I helped with the chores that I was able to do, such as pass hay to the cows, give oats to the horses or put out food for the cats and dog. It seems grandparents can do a lot to encourage work in young people. It gave me a good work experience at an early age.


In the Fall of 1946, I went public, public school that is. Most of my young life I had been around older people, my sister, parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles. Most kids acted so young and of course, they were young. My experiences were more adult and hardened. It was not that I did not have fun. The fun I had was around adults for the most part. Being around youngsters my age was a challenge for me.

My first grade public school teacher was an elderly little lady named Miss Flagg. Miss Flagg was really stern and strict and sometimes even mean. She had the habit of pressing her thumbnail into my chin and shaking my head, if I misbehaved. Many times, I ended the day with a sore chin. I was not used to so much strictness and the dumb kids. Now, I am able to say it was a good start for me to get some discipline. Never did I return to the school I once attended my first school year of 1946-1947.


I understood Ralph was a close friend of my father and mother over the previous years and remained so until Father's death. It seemed Ralph continued to check on Mother from time to time and visit when he could, to see if we needed anything. He would always offer to do things and Mother would refuse until one day when he called, she broke down and wept. He let her get it all out before he told her he was not going to take 'no' for an answer to help her and us children.

Ralph came to visit more regularly and stayed with a friend or family rather than imposing upon Mother. I was told it was not the proper thing to do to a widow in those days. He made sure certain things were done around the house and expenses were taken care of. This he felt was the only thing he could do for his best friend's family and knew Father would have done the same for him.


Most of my days and early evenings were spent with Mother's parents at their modest home a short distance from our home. Barb arrived there after school and stayed with us until Mother came to pick us up. Usually, if Mother came early for us, we would all eat together before we left for home and bed. The schedule stayed much the same except weekends, when we and Mother often visited with her parents.

1946: Age 6 Birthday

For my birthday in November 1946, I was able to invite a few schoolmates to our humble home for some simple refreshments. We had a party one evening for my schoolmates and me and another time for the family. As usual, grandparents from both sides of the family came over. They provided a few much-needed gifts of clothing and such.

At six, I do not remember a lot about that birthday. I do remember Ralph came by to visit us for a few minutes during our family party and returned later the next day to spend time talking with Mother. I was not, then, aware of his feeling for her or what they might have discussed. I do know things were tight, financially.

Before Ralph left, he asked me if I had ever been fishing. I told him I did not remember. He mentioned that he and Father use to fish as boys and young men and he promised to take me some day, if I wanted him to.

1947: Age 6; A New Beginning Mother Marries

In January of 1947, Ralph asked, "Could we have a permanent arrangement?"

And Mother asked, "What do you mean, a permanent arrangement?"

He said, "I wish to marry you, if you will have me."

She said, "This is so sudden. I will have to think about it."

After waiting a month or so and being asked a number of times more, Mother agreed she would marry Ralph after the second anniversary of her husband's death.

On 28 May 1947, Mother remarried. I do not remember a lot about the wedding, being that I was only six and a half at that time, but it was a very simple and private event at Ralph's family home in a city some distance away. There were only a few family members and close friends invited.

After the wedding, we all went for a short ride to a local hall for a large reception for the rest of the family and friends. Barb was old enough to remember most of what went on. She told me, her and I were taken care of by our grandparents on Mother's side for weeks while they went away on a trip together. I do recall staying in the large house where the wedding had taken place and not returning to our old home again until I was much older.

I did not know about it, but my personal things came to us there a few days after Ralph and Mother returned from their trip. I did not realize we had moved until then. It was a bit of a letdown for me to leave my old neighborhood, friends, family and school, but the new adventure soon took its place.

Age 6: Uncle Roland

Shortly after their marriage, in May 1947, Mother and Ralph returned home, and sent me on vacation to my grandparents. First, I went to Mother's parents for a few weeks before I went to visit Father's parents on the farm. Except for being older (six), things were much the same as always. I helped with chores and put up with trying to sleep with Uncle Roland. Uncle Roland had a car by then and was gone out to work and cruising most of the time. He came in late at night, allowing me more sleep, until he woke me getting into bed.

Sometimes, in his pretend sleep, Uncle Roland rubbed my body. I enjoyed the feeling of his hands caressing me. My little nipples would stand out and a few times my penis became erect under my shorts. I remember he fondled my crotch and got me really excited. After that, he would get up, go down to in the bathroom for a while and return to sleep.

Late Summer 1947: Age 6; Private Lesson; First Touch With Another Kid

Summer passed quickly and it was soon time for school. Ralph and Mother enrolled me in a local private school near our home and his office. It was a little strange at first to be in a small school environment, but it did offer more attention from the teacher. I had met so many new people by then; it was not very upsetting to meet more at school. At that time, school would go most of the year, summer as well.

The first teacher at my new school, beginning in the late summer of 1947, was Mrs. Morris for second grade. She was tall and slim, as I remember, good-natured and concerned about each student. There were times she was called upon to be stern or strict and she was able to meet that demand.

Mrs. Morris came to our home a few times to meet with the family and share things with them about me A few times we visited her at her home. She lived in a large old house near the center of the city on a residential street with her husband and two sons who were a little older than I was.


Everything was new for me at the private school I had just been enrolled in. It would have been my second year at public school that Fall. That school started its sessions earlier than the public school would have.

As boys sometimes do, I occasionally needed to drain my bladder. The boys' room was just down the hallway from my classroom and I was allowed to go there on my own.

An older boy entered the boys' room as I was draining myself at the urinal. I would not have paid any mind to him, but as I was walking by the stall, I could see him in motion in there.

It drew my attention, so I stopped and looked in, thinking that I would take a quick glance and then run out of there. To my surprise, that older boy was pulling back and forth on his penis and smiling out at me. I seemed to be fastened there and was not able to move a muscle.

Instinctively, I placed my left hand upon my crotch to feel my own muscle swelling as I watched his movement. When I had just gotten aware of my situation, the boy motioned me into the stall. I thought I was really in trouble and turned to leave, when he called to me. For some reason, I stopped in my tracks to listen to his voice.

He asked if I had liked what I saw. Not knowing what to answer, I asked what he was talking about. He again asked if I liked seeing him pull his meat. I told him that I was not sure. Before I could answer, he opened the stall door wide. There he was standing there with his hard MEAT bouncing around in the air.

He must have been about nine or ten and he had a nice hard penis of about four inches at most. It was intriguing for me to see him. I only had a sister around me and had no opportunity to see boys undressed like that right in front of me.

All I could do was stand there and look embarrassed at his MEAT. He motioned to me and said it would be okay. My feet felt like they were attached to the floor. My body was shaking terribly and all I could think of was running out of there.

I just stood there for the longest time and was not able to move. The boy moved toward me, took my hand and led me into the stall with him Then he placed my hand upon his {I recall hot} MEAT. He nearly had to pull me into the stall so that he could lock the door behind me. I was his sex slave for those few moments.

He had me put my hand around his fat muscle and hold it tight. The thrill of his muscle in my hand got me hard and straining in my undershorts. I recall the head of my muscle pressing against the clothing.

Soon he removed my hand and pumped his MEAT faster and faster until I saw that he had gone into some sort of trance {known later as a dry climax}. It was as if he had left the room in his mind. He looked so dreamy and I wondered how he could get that way.

Once he was over the trance he was in, the boy reached out to me and pulled me by the belt of my pants until I was up close to him. I could look directly down in front of me and see his red beaten penis. Before I knew what was happening to me, the boy had unfastened my pants and had them along with my undershorts down around my ankles.

He pulled me in close to his body and stood up just enough so that his hot penis met my cooler one. After rubbing each of our tools together for a few minutes, he decided to sit back down on the toilet without letting me go. With a hand on each hip, he moved his nose into my abdomen and wiggled it around. Then he slipped his hot lips over the head of my hard little two and a half inches of inexperienced penis. I thought he was just kissing me until I felt the moistness of his mouth come in contact with the foreskin rolled up just below the mushroom head.

The sensation startled me a bit and I bucked back just a bit, but I could not get free from my young master who held onto my hips tightly. He was sucking me for my very first time and I did not come to realize what he had done, until much later. After a few minutes, he pulled back from me and fondled my crotch to his delight.

In a few minutes, he helped pull up my pants and undershorts, opened the stall door and told me to get out and never say anything to anyone or he would fix me. Since he was older and bigger, I knew he meant it. I nodded my head and left the boys' room in somewhat of a daze.

With that experience, I was on my way to playing with myself. From that point on, I kept playing with my own muscle to see if I could get that dreamy feeling, that boy must have had.

Age 6: Touching Experience With Ralph

My stepfather, Ralph had a good income from his own business and family estate. His financial freedom allowed him time with his new family. He enjoyed spending time with us children, together or separately and with Mother. Often he would appear at school for functions or just came by to visit. I supposed he was there to look in on me, not realizing then that the school was one of his accounting clients.

Ralph was a very affectionate guy and he was not afraid to express it. He seemed to really love his new family. He enjoyed taking us children out to show us off to his friends, family and neighbors. He also enjoyed taking Mother out at least once a week on a date night.

When Mother and Barb were wanting to be home to do things around the house without us guys around, Ralph and I went down the road for a walk to a brook, as he called it, to drown worms. He showed me how to hold the fishing pole, cast out the line, feel for a fish and reel it in. There were only a few times we were able to go that summer; yet they seemed eventful to me as a boy of six and a half.

I became close to Ralph. He partly filled an emptiness I often felt without my own father and Mother's distance from me. Ralph was open with me and shared many things. One thing I remember about our little fishing trips was that each time Ralph needed to urinate; he went to the side and did not hide himself. He pulled out his penis without making a deal of it and let go of the fluid. I tried not to see him but I could not help it. When I needed to relieve myself, I did the same. I know he noticed me, as I know he knew I noticed him.

Sometime in October of 1947, Ralph was home alone with us children while Mother attended some civic meeting with friends. It was evening and time for us children to be in bed. I was pleased to have been given my own private room in the upper most part of the house. It was like having a castle view of the neighborhood three stories up. In addition, it was quiet without my sister.

Ralph usually came up to my room to say good night. It was usual for him to rub me as he told me a personal story or read from one of my books. Mother rarely came up to my room, except to clean in the daytime. She may have felt I was too old to be tucked in by my mother.

What was unusual that time was after some time he came back to my room. He did not put on my room light, but left the hall door open to shed a stream of light on my bed.

Upon entering my bedroom, he was very quiet and said nothing. He made some usual rubbing of me with his gentle hands. His favorite thing was to rub my ear lobe between his fingers. He continued to stroke my bare body more and more until he had stroked most of me. From my ear, he stroked the side of my face and neck, around my chest and shoulders. It was stimulating when he rubbed my little nipples for a time before he moved his hand down my chest to my abdomen. He seemed to concentrate upon my lower body, below my waistline. I did not mind Ralph's soothing hands. It was very relaxing and I was not totally awake.

Being a warm room, I was dressed only in my undershorts. His stroking was very pleasant to me and I accepted it as a natural thing. He continued for some time to stroke my midsection and directly in front of my undershorts. He rubbed from one upper leg to the other and in between them. I did not realize it then, but Ralph was stroking my genitals. As I awoke more, I came to realize I had a very pleasant erection.

It seemed as if it came as a surprise or an embarrassment to Ralph. He promptly lifted the sheet at my feet and covered me up to my chest. Tenderly, he rubbed my ear lobe again, got up from the edge of my bed, kissed me on the forehead and left.

After he closed the door, I was left to wonder what had just happened, so very pleasant to me. Never had I been affected by someone in such a way. Soon I fell back to sleep and forgot about the whole incident for the time.


Thanks for reading thus far. I welcome and appreciate suggestions, constructive comments or corrections to my writings, but most of all I very much enjoy your understanding.

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