The Special One

[ M/g, spank, reluc, rom, oral ]

by CC

Published: 12-Mar-2012

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

"You stupid-head! You-you-you're just...dumb, you're just so dumb! Can't you do anything right?!" Leah was nearly red in the face, flustered, frustrated, shouting at Katie, her companion. Katie was kneeling on the ground where she had been working on the project they were assigned to do together, now shrinking back, astonished at the outburst from her usually sunny and outgoing friend. She realized that she had inadvertently 'screwed up' a piece of the work, which would require some extra effort to repair, but Leah's reaction seemed...extreme.

They were little preteen slavegirls at the Foundation, an important institution in the city-state of ******** on the planet ********, one of the most prominent worlds of the Imperium. Slavegirls at the Foundation were well-treated, their education held to be of the highest importance, and they were encouraged to participate in various aspects of the Foundation's work as part of their training; the project the girls were working on was a small part of this.

While they were well-fed, well-clothed, and well-educated, they were also subject to strict discipline. The Monitors patrolled everywhere, and were authorized to employ corporal punishment for nearly any offense. It was a common custom in the society of the planet for such punishment to also be sexual in nature; therefore many a preteen slavegirl would find herself stripped, bound, spanked, and whipped in a most lascivious manner at irregular but frequent intervals. Yet in a very real sense such discipline was not overly cruel: the Monitors took pride in being stern yet gentle. The punishments never left any more marks than a redness that quickly faded. They also employed direct sexual stimulation during discipline sessions which both ameliorated the punishment, insofar as a slavegirl was pleasured, and added to the disciplinary impact, from embarrassment.

At some point in her life a slavegirl was likely to be given or sold in some way to a particular man or household. Until then the Foundation preserved the chastity of each girl's maidenhead and anus. However the girls were subject to being used orally during a discipline session.

Now Leah knew all this, but she had been immune from such treatment for as long as she could remember. She was a 'special one'; she belonged to Master Carl, one of the leading members of the Foundation, and she knew that, if a Monitor was aware of her status, he would not touch her. But there was no outward mark or apparel that marked her in that way, and the Foundation was large, with tens of thousands of people in attendance; it was nearly a small city in and of itself. So far in her short life Leah had not drawn the attention of a Monitor; her behavior was generally exemplary. But she had been out of sorts all day; it seemed like nothing had gone right. And she had so wanted to do well on this project to please her beloved Master Carl, who treated her like his daughter, and his beloved child-wife, more than as a slavegirl.

He had taken her in when she was no more than five. She couldn't remember life before him, really. He always treated her well, although he also disciplined her much as the Monitors did the other girls, but always in private, and so lovingly and tenderly, always making sure that she achieved a satisfying 'punishment-'gasm', such that she almost looked forward to receiving discipline from him.

So now she lashed out, unthinkingly, uncaringly, at her little friend who really looked up to her in many ways, knowing her to be more clever, and indeed a bit prettier as well, although Katie was cute enough herself, a slender, dark-eyed brunette. But Leah was a stunner of a preteen, with long, silky blonde hair, pouty lips, and mesmerizingly grey eyes.

Almost as soon as the storm of words had passed her lips Leah was struck with what she had done. She saw her friend looking up at her with such hurt on her little face, tears welling in her eyes. To the side she saw a Monitor look up, then approach with a stern expression. So many thoughts, feelings, impressions swirled within her: fear of the Monitor, although she knew she could stop him with a word; fear of her Master's reaction to the failed work, and her own behavior, though she knew he was always gentle with her; and overall, such regret at how she had treated her friend. Even as she sunk to her knees, sobs catching her own breath, saying to Katie, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," over and over, the Monitor was there, pulling her gently but firmly to her feet.

"Now we'll have none of that sort of thing, will we, little one? That was most unkind, and I think you'll need a good whipping for it, hmm?" Without waiting for a response he pulled her along with him towards a White Pillar, one of many that stood throughout the Foundation, and most such buildings and homes on that world. Leah was deeply conflicted. On the tip of her tongue were the words that would stop the entire proceedings, bring her beloved Master to the scene to her rescue. But...

Leah was so ashamed at how she had treated Katie, now watching from the side with an almost stunned expression. She had never seen Leah misbehave, and had certainly never seen her punished before! Katie was a generous soul, and even before Leah had apologized she had felt no desire to see her suffer. And now her heart went out to her friend, who seemed so distressed. Katie had been to the White Pillar more than once; her memories of it were sharply balanced between the sting and the embarrassment, and the burning pleasure the Monitor had given her.

As the Monitor nearly dragged her towards the White Pillar, a part of Leah was almost grimly determined to let her punishment proceed, to experience the sting, and the embarrassment, and...whatever the Monitor dealt out. She deserved it for how she had treated her friend. But another part of her was nearly wild with distress. She had never been punished by anyone but her Master. No other man had ever seen her naked. She couldn't bear the thought of it. Her knees gave way and she would have fallen, but the alert Monitor caught her, and scooped her up gently in his arms, almost as a father would with his child, and carried her in the crook of his elbow, her face buried in his shoulder, her tears soaking his tunic as she sobbed. The Monitor tenderly patted her back and whispered in her ear, "There, there, little one, I can see you're sorry. Don't worry, it won't be too bad! Why, anyone would think you'd never been to the White Pillar before!"

Now he was setting her down at the Pillar, two other Monitors joining him, a few other people standing around to watch; she was very pretty, and after all, what man didn't enjoy the sight of a cute, naked little girl, getting a gentle, sexualized whipping? Leah's head was in a whirl. She wanted to be, she needed to be punished; Katie's sad little face swam before her eyes. She was wildly distraught, deeply embarrassed at the thought of being stripped by strange men, whipped...everywhere, maybe even made to-to-to service them!

"Take your clothes off," the Monitor commanded, and waited a moment. Leah trembled, trying to work up the nerve to obey him, nearly screaming in her mind, 'Master - Master - Master!' Finally, with a sigh that somehow expressed both patience and impatience at the same time, the Monitor reached to undress her himself.

Leah broke. "I am Master Carl's Special One!" she nearly screamed, then buried her face in her hands, weeping.

Everyone froze. The two other Monitors discreetly withdrew. The Monitor who was reaching for her drew back somewhat and bowed slightly, clearly taken aback. Why had she not told them before? "I'm terribly sorry, little miss," he replied [unattached slavegirls were called 'little one'; but a 'Special One' was addressed as 'little miss' by all except her own Master]. "Shall I summon him?"

Leah was nearly wracked with sobs; she nodded vigorously, saying, "I'm sorry (gulp) I'm sorry (gulp) I'm sorry!"

Master Carl usually made sure he was in the same building or very near the one Leah was going to be in every day. The Foundation was a very safe place, and Monitors were everywhere, but still...she was like a daughter to him, and was legally his wife; he had arranged for them to be married shortly after he had taken her as his Special One. So it was only a few minutes afterwards that he was on the scene, kneeling tenderly beside his sobbing little girl, cradling her in his arms, gathering as best as he could between her gasps the details of what happened. A quick comment from the Monitor completed his assessment.

"I was gonna (sob) let the Monitor (sob) punish me (sob) 'cuz I was so mean (sob) to Katie (sob) and I'm so sorry (sob) and I tried to let him (sob) but I got so scaaared..." at this she broke down sobbing more, nearly collapsing into his arms. He picked her up and held her, rocking her back and forth, stroking her back and hair, humming her favorite song to her. Soon she had quieted down to the occasional sniffle.

He set her back down and knelt in front of her on one knee. "Now what should we do, little one?" he asked, and waited.

"I-I should still get punished," Leah finally replied, despondently, but with a determined air.

"And...?" Master Carl waited. Nearby the Monitor and Katie looked on, wondering.

"And-and-and I should be punished here, in front of them, and-and-and...oh, Master Carl, won't you do it, please, please?!" and she fell again into his arms, sobbing.

Master Carl held her for a few more moments, rocking her, and then said, "It's all right, little one, it's all right, I'll do it. But we will do it here. And afterwards...well, then we'll see."

"So..." Master Carl picked her up and carried her over to the White Pillar, then set her down. "Take off your clothes, little one, right now!" Still sniffling, Leah shrugged the straps of her shift off her shoulders and let the top fall to her waist. Being only ten, she wore nothing underneath it, so her chest was now bare, her breasts visible, only buds topped by nipples now erect with anxiety and anticipation. She shimmied her garment off her hips and slid it to the floor, then hooked her thumbs in her panties and slowly slid them down, and stepped out of them. Now she was naked except for her sandals, a heart-breakingly slender preteen girl, with hips only beginning to think about flaring, slim thighs framing the puffy lips of her unfledged girlcleft, clitoris visibly poking out beyond her vulva. She blushed and trembled with embarrassment.

Her Master fastened her facing the Pillar, arms spread around it and held in place with soft but sturdy straps, ankles buckled to a spreader at the base. "If you would be so kind," he said to the Monitor, holding out his hand.

"Of course, Sir," the Monitor replied, handing him the supple tawse which, like all the Monitors, he carried on his belt.

[SWAP-SWAP-SWAP!] Master Carl swung the tawse sharply, but not too hard, back and forth, smacking the little girl's buttocks, and the backs of her thighs, again and again, reddening them faintly as her bottom jiggled prettily. "Ah! Ah! Ah!" she cried out, more from embarrassment and general distress than from pain; really it caused no more than a sting.

He paused, tucked the tawse in his belt, and leaned in to his little girlslave. He slid one hand down her back, cupping her tender, reddened bottom. With the other he caressed her nipples and breastbuds, then kneaded and worked them as she gasped and moaned. After a bit of such diversions he tenderly caressed her cheeks as she leaned her face against his hand. He smoothed the hair off her forehead and kissed her on her ear. "Are you all right?" he whispered.

"M-hmm," she murmured.

"We'll be done soon, little one, and then you'll feel much better, and you and Katie will be even better friends than before," he said, and kissed her forehead.

Then her loosed her gently, only to refasten her, now facing away from the Pillar, her front now fully exposed for discipline. He whipped her nipples and breastbuds gently but repeatedly [WHAP-WHAP-WHAP!] as she cried out loud, "AAH! OH, MASTER PLEASE! AAAH!" Soon her top was fetchingly reddened. He reached out and tweaked each nipple, making her squeak.

Then he swung the tawse down onto the tops of her thighs, bringing the faint flush to her tender girlflesh as she yelped. He whipped her full upon her mons, cleftlips, and clitoris [SMAK-SMAK-SMAK!] as she nearly wailed, "AAAAA-AAAAA-AAAAA!" He tossed the tawse aside and seized her buttocks with one hand and her cleft with the other, massaging and molesting, probing and pressing, interspersing the punishing and pleasuring stimulation with sharp hand-spanks full upon her little girlhood. Her hips were rocking, her cries becoming hoarser and hoarser, until finally she came in his hands. The small crowd that had gathered to watch such a gorgeous girl receive her discipline applauded appreciatively as Leah blushed. Her Master released her from her bonds and she buried her face in his tunic, her shoulders shaking as she sobbed out the last of her punishment-'gasm.

Katie still stood nearby. She had been on the 'business end' of such discipline more than once, and knew enough to be able to empathize deeply with Leah: she knew the sting that was not really a pain, the embarrassment, the pleasure that was somehow a punishment at the same time. She was sorry that her own error had caused her friend to get mad, which in turn led to her discipline. She felt a little, but only a little, glad to see Leah punished for being mean to her. She felt strangely warm and moist between her legs...

The Monitor watched as well. He was more than satisfied that Master Carl had taken over the discipline; he could tell that Leah had all ready punished herself more severely than any whipping he or Master Carl would have been willing to give her, and he could tell that the discipline she had received, culminating in the fetching display of her punishment-'gasm, would serve as a most salutary cathartic for both Leah and Katie.

And it was a most enjoyable spectacle for him also. The Monitors, like most men on that planet, wore a garment that clothed, but did not really hide, their male members. The manhood was covered by a stretchy piece of fabric not unlike an Elizabethan codpiece. It served to emphasize rather than conceal, and erections were glaringly obvious. And of course, after witnessing such a fetching display, the Monitor was rampant. Katie had crept near to his side during Leah's discipline, and she found her eyes drawn to the sight of his bulge...

Master Carl kissed Leah's forehead, her glabella, the tip of her nose, gentle and sweet on her lips. Then he cupped her face in his hands and said, "Now, little one, there's one more thing. Look over at the Monitor, what do you see?"

Leah looked, then turned back to her Master, looking at the floor, twisting her hands and fidgeting. "His...his thing is hard," she whispered.

"And why is it hard?"

"Because of me."

"Does it mean he doesn't like you, or thinks you're ugly, or didn't like what he saw just now?"

"It means he-he-he thinks I'm pretty, and-and-and sexy, and he liked seeing me get punished," she whispered, at once both embarrassed, and strangely...proud at the realization.

"And what do you think should be done about this?" her Master asked.

"...I...I...I should...s-service him," she replied in a small voice.

Her Master kissed her on her forehead, then sweetly on her lips. "That's right, little one, you should. So go on over there," he commanded, sending her on her way with a SMACK! to her bare bottom, making her yelp and scurry.

She shuffled over to the Monitor who knelt gently down on one knee, bringing his face nearly level with hers. 'M-Monitor, I-I'm sorry I was naughty, and-and-and Katie, I'm so so sorry!" Here she turned to her friend, obvious distress on her face.

Katie jumped up and hugged her, saying, "That's all right, Leah, I'm sorry I messed our work up," and similar apologies. Both girls were talking over each other, each trying to apologize to the other; the upshot was both smiling at each other through tears, saying "BFF!" and giving each other their 'secret' handshake.

Then Leah turned back to the Monitor, trembling, and said, "M-may I s-service you, Monitor?"

The Monitor had looked on, smiling, as the girls 'made up'. Now he gently caressed Leah's cheek, saying, "Thank you, little miss, but I think you should attend to your Master." Indeed, Master Carl was also obviously displaying the 'gallant reflex'.

Leah looked back to him, then back to the Monitor, unsure of what she should do. Katie came to her friend's aid. "Monitor, it was cuz of me that Leah got mad cuz I screwed up our work. W-would you s-spank me and stuff, and then I c'n s-service you?" She looked up at him, sweet-faced, with a shy yet somehow almost...dreamy expression.

The Monitor slowly rose, picking little Katie up with him, holding her out for a moment under her arms, gazing at her with a tender expression. "That would make me very happy, little one," and he pulled her to his chest, hugging and rocking her for a few moments while she snuggled into him.

Leah looked up with her mouth open, not sure whether to be relieved or...disappointed. She wandered back to her Master, who gathered her into his arms.

The Monitor walked, carrying Katie, to a nearby bench. He sat down and arranged her over his lap, sliding the hem of her short shift up, pulling her cotton panties down, exposing her smooth, soft, 'bubble' bottom. He tenderly caressed her for a few moments, then delivered a brisk (but not too hard), business-like spanking, WAP-WAP-WAP-WAP!, bringing a faint flush to her jiggling buttocks, and little yips and yelps to Katie's lips. Then he turned her over on his lap, exposing her front, her clitoris prominently framed between her unfledged cleftlips. He raised his hand as Katie's eyes widened, then SMACK-SMACK-SMACK!, he spanked her full upon her vulva as she cried out loud, wriggling and writhing, her little sex stinging, a warmth building between her legs. He slowed the pace of the spanking, interspersing insistent caresses, pressing her clitoris excruciatingly against her pubic bone in between spanks, her hips rocking and bucking, until she finally came in his hands, moani ng and sobbing. He gathered her up in his arms, rocking and soothing her, her tears staining his tunic as she clung to him, shivering.

After a minute or so she pushed away a bit. He let her move back. She looked up at him with a shy smile, then slid down his lap until she was on her knees between his legs. She uncovered him, his manhood standing fully erect, a drop glistening at the top. She took him into her mouth as far as she could, her lips stretching to accommodate his adult member. She bobbed up and down, caressing his shaft and scrotum with her little hands. Soon he was groaning out a top-notch orgasm, emptying himself in her mouth, his seed spilling out and running down the little preteen girl's chin.

Meanwhile Leah's Master had not been idle. After watching the fetching spectacle of little Katie's discipline for a while, during which he caressed and fondled Leah's nakedness, bringing a fresh moisture to her cleftlips, her little hips rocking of their own accord, he put her on her knees before him and entered her mouth, thrusting in and out vigorously, but not too far. Even as the Monitor spent himself in Katie, Master Carl came in his own preteen slavegirl's mouth, his seed also spilling out, dripping fetchingly down her chin and onto her nipples and belly.

Afterwards both Monitor and Master swept the little slavegirls into their arms for a long, sweet embrace, rocking them back and forth, soothing and quieting them. After a bit the Monitor held Katie out a bit, and she looked trustingly up into his eyes. "Would you like to be my Special One?" he asked, and she nodded enthusiastically, eyes shining, a shy smile on her lips.

And they all Lived Happily Ever After.

The end.


All comments deliriously welcomed!

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


Nice concept to your punishment-gasm stories. Good job.

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